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A66928 Monarchys unconquerable champion being undeniable, strong, and powerful collections, gathered out of the sacred word of God, intended for convincing of those sinful wretches, (hated by God himself, and all good men) who dares deny their duty and allegiance to their gracious soveraign, seeing we be all so expressly commanded and taught by the holy prophets and apostles, that excellent principle of loyalty and true obedience, (as also by our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ himself,) who not only commands us to give Cesar his due, but leaves us his blessed example, (least we should offend) to obey his voice-gerent, but our dread soveraign / dilgently collected and written by one or His Majesties loyal, dutiful, most humble, and obedient subjects, Geo. Wood ... Wood, George, Gent. 1685 (1685) Wing W3391; ESTC R20772 24,137 108

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Honour of Kings is to search out a matter 3. The for Heaven height and the Earth for depth and the heart of Kings is unsearchable 5. Take away the Wicked from before the King and his Throne shall be Established in Righteousness 6. Put not forth thy self in the presence of the King and stand not in the Place of great men 7. For better it is that it be said unto thee Come up hither than that thou shouldst be put lower in the presence of the Prince whom thine eyes have seen CHAP. 28. Ver. 2 FOr the Transgression of a Land many are the Princes thereof but by a man of Understanding and Knowledg the state thereof shall be prolonged CHAP. 29. V. 4. THe KING by Judgment establisheth the Land But he that receiveth Gifts overthroweth it 14. The KING that faithfully Judgeth the Poor his Throne shall be Established for ever ECCLESIASTES CHAP 2. Ver. 8. I Gathered me also Silver and Gold and the peculiar Treasure of Kings and of the Provinces I gat me Men-singers and Women-singers and the Delights of the Sons of Men as Musicall Instruments and that of all sorts CHAP. 5. V. 9. MOreover the profit of the Earth is for all The King himself is served by the Field CHAP. 8. V. 2. I Counsel thee to keep the KING's Commandement and that in regard of the Oath of GOD. 3. Be not hasty to go out of his sight Stand not in an evil thing for he doeth whatsoever pleaseth him 4. Where the word of a King is there is Power and who may say unto him What doest thou CHAP. 10. Ver. 16. VVo to thee O Land when thy King is a Child and thy Princes eat in the morning 17. Blessed art thou O Land when thy King is the Son of Nobles and thy Princes eat in due season for strength and not for Drunkenness 20. Curse not the King no not in thy Thought and curse not the Rich in thy Bed-Chamber For a Bird of the Air shall carry the Voice and that which hath Wings shall tell the Matter SONG of SOLOMON CHAP. 3. Ver. 9. KING Solomon made himself a Chariot of the Wood of Lebanon 10. He made the Pillars thereof of Silver the Bottom thereof of Gold the Covering of it of Purple the midst thereof being Paved with love for the Daughters of Jerusalem 11. Go forth O ye Daughters of Zion and behold King Solomon with the Crown wherewith his Mother Crowned him in the day of his Espousals and in the day of the gladness of his heart JEREMIAH CHAP. 17. 24. ANd it shall come to pass if ye diligently hearken unto me saith the LORD to bring in no burthen th●ough the Gates of this City on the Sabbarn-day but hallow the Sabbath-day to do no Work therein 25. Then shall there enter into the Gates of this City Kings and Princes sitting upon the Throne of David riding in Chariots and on Horses they and their Princes the men of Judah and the Inhabitants of Jerusalem and this City shall remain for ever DANIEL CHAP. 2. Ver. 37. THou O King art a King of Kings for the GOD of Heaven hath given thee a Kingdom Power Strength and Glory CHAP. 5. Ver. 18. O Thou King the most High GOD gave Nebuchadnezzar thy Father a Kingdom and Majesty and Glory and Honour 19. And for the Majesty that he gave him all the people Nations and Languages trembled and feared before him Whom he would he slew and whom he would he kept alive and whom he would he set up and whom he would he put down JONAH CHAP. 3. Ver. 6. FOr the Word came to the King of Nineveh and he arose from his Throne and laid his Robe from him and covered him with Sack-cloth and sate in Ashes 7. And he caused it to be Proclaimed and Published through Nineveh by the decree of the King and his Nobles saying Let neither Man nor Beast Heard nor Flock taste any thing let them not seed nor drink Water 8. But let Man and Beast be covered with Sack-cloth and Cry mightily unto GOD yea let every one of them turn from his evil Way and from the violence that is in their hands 9 Who can tell if God will turn and repent and turn a way from his fierce Anger that we perish not 10. And GOD saw their Works that they turned from their evil ways and GOD Repented of the evil way that he had said that he would do unto them and he did it not The END of the PROPHETS POWERFUL Scripture-Proofs FOR MONARCHY Gathered out of the New Testament OF OUR LORD and SAVIOUR JESUS CHRIST Beginning with the Holy Apostle St. MATTHEW LONDON Printed by H. Brugis for the Author 1685. POWERFUL Scripture-Proofs FOR MONARCHY Gathered out of the New Testament St. MATTHEW CHAP. 2. V. 1. NOw when Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the dayes of Herod the King behold there came Wise Men from the East to Jerusalem 2. Saying Where is he that is Born King of the Jews for we have seen his Star in the East and are come to worship him 3. When Herod the King had heard these sayings he was troubled and all Jerusalem with him CHAP. 17. Ve. 24. ANd when they were come to Capernaum they that received Tribute-mony came to Peter and said Doth not your Master pay Tribute 25. He saith Yes and when he was come into the house Jesus prevented him saying What thinkest thou Simon Of whom do the Kings of the Earth take Custome or Tribute from their own Children or strangers 26. Peter saith unto him Of Strangers Jesus Saith unto him Then are the Children free 27. Notwithstanding least we should offend them go thou to the Sea and cast an Hook and take up the first Fish that cometh up and when thou hast opened his mouth thou shalt find a piece of Mony that take and give unto them for me and thee CHAP. 22. V. 17. TEll us therefore what thinkest thou Is it Lawful to give Tribute unto Cesar or not 18. But Jesus perceived their Wickedness and said Why tempt ye me ye Hypocrites 19. Shew me the Tribute-mony And they brought unto him a penny 20. And he said unto them Whose is this Image and Superscription 21. They say unto him Cesars Then saith he unto them Render therefore unto Cesar the things which are Cesars and unto God the things that are Gods St. LUKE CHAP. 10. V. 23. ANd he turned him unto his Disciples and said privately Blessed are the Eyes which see the things that ye see 24. For I tell you that many Prophets and Kings have desired to see those things which ye see and have not seen them and to hear those things which ye hear and have not heard them CHAP. 14. V. 31. OR what King going to make War against another King sitteth not down first and consulteth whether he be able with Ten Thousand to meet him that cometh against him with Twenty Thousand 32. Or else while the other is a
the Priests and the Prophets and all the People both small and great and he read in their ears all the Words of the Book of the Covenant which was found in the House of the Lord. 3. And the King stood by a Pillar and made a Covenant before the Lord to Walk after the Lord and to keep his Commandements and his Testimonies and his Statutes with all their heart and all their soul to perform the Words of this Covenant that were Written in this Book And all the People stood to the Covenant I. CHRONICLES CHAP. 11. V. 1. THen all Israel gathered themselves to David unto Hebron saying Behold we are thy Bone and thy Flesh 2. And moreover in times past even when Saul was King thou wast he that leadest out and broughtest in Israel and the Lord thy God said unto thee Thou shalt feed my people Israel and thou shalt be Ruler over my people Israel 3. Therefore came all the Elders of Israel to the King to Hebron and David made a Covenant with them in Hebron before the Lord and they Anointed David King over Israel according to the Word of the Lord by Samuel CHAP. 14. V. 2. ANd David perceived that the Lord had confirmed him King over Israel for his Kingdom was lift up on high because of his people Israel 8. And when the Philistines heard that David was Anointed King over all Israel all the Philistines went up to seek David and David heard of it and went out against them 17. And the Fame of David went out into all Lands and the Lord brought the fear of him upon all Nations CHAP. 16. V. 22. TOuch not mine Anointed and do my Prophets no harm CHAP. 17. V. 1. ANd it came to pass as David sate in his House that David said to Nathan the Prophet Lo I dwell in an house of Cedar but the Ark of the Covenant of the Lord remaineth under Curtains 2. Then Nathan said unto David do all that is in thine heart for God is with thee 11. And it shall come to pass when thy days be expired that thou must go to be with thy Fathers that I will raise up thy Seed after thee which shall be of thy Sons and I will establish his Kingdom 12. He shall build me an House and I will Establish his Throne for ever 13. I will be his Father and he shall be my Son and I will not take away my Mercy from him as I took it from him that was before him 14. But I will settle him in mine house and in my Kingdom for ever and his Throne shall be Established for evermore CHAP. 21. V. 2. ANd David said to Joab and to the Rulers of the people Go number Israel from Beer-sheba even to Dan and bring the number of them to me that I may know it 3. And Joab answered The Lord make his people an hundred times so many moe as they be But my Lord the King Are they not all my Lords Servants Why then doth my Lord require this thing 4. Nevertheless the Kings Word prevailed against Joab CHAP. 28. V. 4. HOw beit the Lord God of Israel chose me before all the house of my Father to be King over Israel for ever for he hath Chosen Judah to be Ruler and of the house of Judah the house of my Father and among the Sons of my Father he liked me to make me King over all Israel 5. And of all my Sons for the Lord hath given me many Sons he hath chosen Solomon my Son to sit upon the Throne of the Kingdom of the Lord over Israel 6. And he said unto me Solomon thy Son he shall build my house and my Courts for I have Chosen him to be my Son and and I will be his Father 7. Moreover I will Establish his Kingdom for ever if he be Constant to do my Commandments and my Judgments as at this day 9. And thou Solomon my Son know thou the God of thy Father and serve him with a perfect heart and with a willing mind for the Lord searcheth all hearts and understandeth all the imaginations of the thoughts if thou seek him he will be found of thee but if thou forsake him he will cast thee off for ever CHAP. 29. V. 23. THen Solomon sate on the Throne of the Lord as King instead of David his Father and prospered and all Israel obeyed him 24. And all the Princes and the Mighty Men and all the Sons likewise of King David submitted themselves unto Solomon the King 25. And the LORD Magnified Solomon exceedingly in the sight of all Israel and bestowed upon him such Royal Majesty as had not been on any King before him in Israel II. CHRONICLES CHAP. 1. V. 1. ANd Solomon the Son of David was strengthened in his Kingdom and the LORD his GOD was with him and magnified him exceedingly 8. And Solomon said unto GOD Thou hast shewed great Mercy unto David my Father and hast made me to Reign in his stead 9. Now O LORD GOD let thy Promise unto David my Father be established for thou hast made me KING over a People like the Dust of the Earth in Multitude 10. Give me now Wisdome and Knowledg that I may go out and come in before this People For who can Judge this thy People that is so great 11. And GOD said to Solomon Because this was in thine Heart and thou hast not asked Riches Wealth or Honour nor the life of thine Enemies neither yet hast asked long Life but hast asked Wisdom and Knowledg for thy self that thou mayest Judge my people over whom I have made thee KING 12. Wisdom and Knowledg is granted unto thee and I will give thee Riches and Wealth and Honour such as none of the Kings have had that have been before thee neither shall there any after thee have the like CHAP. 7. V. 17. ANd as for thee if thou wilt Walk before me as David thy Father Walked and do according to all that I have Commanded thee and shall observe my Statutes and my Judgments 18. Then will I establish the Throne of thy Kingdom according as I have Covenanted with David thy Father saying There shall not faile thee a man to be Ruler in Israel CHAP. 9. Ver. 3. ANd when the Queen of Sheba had seen the Wisdom of Solomon and the House that he had built 5. She said to the King It was a true Report which I heard in mine own Land of thine Acts and of thy Wisdom 7. Happy are thy men and happy are these thy servants which stand continually before thee and hear thy wisdom 8. Blessed be the LORD thy GOD which delighted in thee to set thee on his Throne to be KING for the LORD thy GOD Because thy GOD loved Israel to establish them for ever therefore made he thee KING over them to do Judgment and Justice CHAP. 23. Ver. 11. THen they brought out the King's Son and put upon him the Crown and gave him the Testimony and