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A30810 The scornfull Quakers answered and their railing reply refuted by the meanest of the Lord's servants Magnus Byne. Byne, Magnus. 1656 (1656) Wing B6402; ESTC R30264 132,489 135

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the false Prophets shut out of the Kingdom of God because they love not the great chain in the hand of the Angel but to leave thee where I finde thee the chain I love and own as that which keeps me from the paths of the destroyer neither am I telling as thou sayest of Satans binding without me for this is not mine interest but the inward binding and yet when I see Satan bound in any measure without me that I can look upon with joy too well knowing that there is joy in heaven at the conversion of one sinner but I must not cast pearl before Swine lest thou turn again and rent me for the angry brood love not the Pearle Answ Further Satans binding is in the life onely learned not in the imagination Repl. And yet it may be too but in the imagination though it seemingly appear in the life as we see in a Nun Monk Hermit Pharisee and the like here 's a seeming binding of Satan in the life and yet but an imagination therefore take heed God looks most upon the heart yet upon the tongue too and when Satans binding is better manifested in thy carriage tongue then I may have better hope to say thou believest with the heart Answ Further John saw Satan bound a thousand years since which thou art still querying about Repl. John I know had a Vision of Satans binding in himself and a Vision of all the binding and loosing that was to be in ages to come and therefore the Revelation of Jesus in him was to shew unto his servants things which must shortly come to passe now I know about this binding and loosing of Satan and the living and reigning with Christ a thousand years called the first resurrection there is a great variety of opinions and judgements amongst the Saints and in the world and all the opinions almost look unto things without unto some intable observation to the outward eye abroad making this and that the beginning of the thousand years and the first resurrection so making the spiritual Kingdom to spring up with some great outward glory and to begin with some observation visible to the outward man all which methinks suits not with the nature of a spirituall King and Kingdom and so seeing men feel after that without which was to be fulfilled within and hearing of the great talk of the Quakers knowledge therefore I sent to thee to know and see thine experience of this resurrection and of this binding Satan and reigning with Christ and behold I see nothing in all thine answers but vanity pride and deep darknesse so much to that answer to which I 'le adde Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection that hath Christ to be his resurrection and life by whom he 's fetched out of the grave and passed from death into life by a strong hand this man as he has bowed and given himself to Christ so Christ is come down as it were to him to set him upon the Throne of his glory and here he sees judgement executed upon the beast and Dragon and Satan bound in him all the dayes of his life and Christ living and reigning in him for evermore this is the first resurrection over which the second death hath no power and this is that I commend to all as the better part which the Saints in their measure all injoy and without which the last resurrection will be but a sad hour of sorrow and woe unto the world and so though the last resurrection I own and the day of judgement yet the first resurrection of Christ raising us up from the death of sin and darknesse to live with him to God in newnesse of life is that which every man and woman ought to look earnestly after in this world And now some may imagine that this spiritual resurrection is not the thing meant in this 20 Chap. of the Revelations because 't is said to be a thousand years and then to be finished and Satan to be loosed out of his prison again to whom I answer that the thousand years has respect to the reign of Christ in the Saints in all ages during the time of every dispensation of God towards his people in the world and so the first resurrection has still been passed through and is to be passed through by all the people of God here and finished at their departure hence in the Lord and as this resurrection was more glorious in John's time and the first ages of the Church after Christ than before under the Law so it shall be more glorious yet than ever before called therefore the new Jerusalem wherein God shall come down and dwell with men to wit more in the fulnesse and glory of his spirit than in all the dispensations that have gone before and the more glorious the resurrection is the more the evil shall be bound and the appearing of this in all ages has been the binding of Satan and is that which limits and puts a stop to this Kingdom and so a torment to him before his time and the more this grows the more he shall bound so the great binding of Satan shall be not by a personal reign of Christ in a body but by the personal or more eminent reign of Christ yet in the fulnesse of the spirit this is that which every Saint is to look at in himself and not to put off the resurrection from himself to some other men or some other time but to look at his own resurrection and the binding of Satan in his own soul as well as without in others that he may reign with Christ here and hereafter in the 12. of the Rev. 8. 9. we read of a war in Heaven and of a great fight between the Dragon and Michael but the Dragon and his Angels prevail'd not but are cast out and their place is found no more in Heaven this is that we are to look at in our selves for the Church of God is the Kingdom of God on earth and where this Kingdom is set up there Satans Kingdom is pulled down and his time finished I say where Christ is set up in power 't is so not where he 's onely set up in shew for where things are but in shew there the unclean spirit is said to go out not to be driven away by the sun of God but to feign a going away and so to return again and bring 7 other spirits that is more power along with him and finding the house swept and garnished to enter in again and dwell there and so to make the last state worse than the first but when he 's castout by the finger of God then we have the true Champion on our side and now the evil one must leave the house for ever and further though the Scriptures speak of a finishing the thousand years yet that is meant in reference unto every dispensation of God to his people here and their abode
or liquor to be drunk in this Kingdom but spiritual liquor onely poured out of a spiritual cup into a spiritual body Quest What is the flesh and bloud of Christ which except a man eat and drink he hath no life in him which eating and drinking he that doth it knows he dwels in Christ and Christ in him Whether this be outward bread and wine yea or nay And whether his flesh and bloud can be carried about in baskets and bottles yea or nay seeing at Christs preaching of this the Jewes which had the letter strove about that saying And many of the Disciples murmured and said it was an hard saying who could heare it and turned away and walked no more with Jesus Answ That flesh and bloud of Christ which gives life to Saints must needs be spiritual this is that which quickens when the outward Sacramentall profits little this spiritual flesh and bloud of Christ is his pure nature and vertue which creates life quickens nourishes and feeds the soul of the Christian up in his spiritual life and union with the Father And when this spiritual nature vertue or body of Christ in spirit is given into the soul then the soul can say in truth I know the Son of God is come and hath given me an understanding to know him that is true and I am in him that is true even in his Son Jesus Christ And this Iesus Christ is the true God unto the Saint and the eternall life of the Saint and in this day the Christian knows that Christ is his by being in him and he is Christs by dwelling in him and he who knows not this hath no true Christ nor life This the Jews of old and the Jews in spirit still looke upon as an hard saying that the very body and bloud of Christ must thus be eaten in spirit otherwise no eternal life give them the flesh that they may be sensible of as for this Jesus in spirit they cannot receive him because they see him not neither know him Quest The cup of blessing which Paul spake of to the Corinthians who were the Temples of the holy Ghost which they blessed which was the Communion of the bloud of Christ and the bread which they brake which was the ●ommunion of the body of Christ whether was this an outward cup and outward bread yea or nay Was that o●● bread which they were all partakers of outward yea or nay The Cup of the Lord and the Table of the Lord which Paul spake of to the Corinthians was they an outward Cup and Table yea or nay The Cup of Devils and the Table of Devils was they an outward Cup and Table yea or nay Answ I answer in brief they are all to be understood of inward and spiritual things though the outward figures and things are not to be contemned so long as the Lord makes them a Table for his weak children to sit with him at to give them out refreshing and comforts in their weaknesse But when the Lord is clearly gone out of an administration then that becomes through Satans getting into it a Table of the Devil which he sets his dark children at to cozen them with a shew and shadow when the truth and life and substance is gone Quest What is the beast which Iohn saw was like unto a Leopard Answ The beast is the wisdom and understanding of the flesh or spirit of man which in the various turnings windings appearances and comings of it forth according to the reason and wisdom and apprehensions of men in the dark world of flesh and bloud is like unto a party coloured or spotted beast such as the Leopard is Hence it 's written can the Leopard change his spots Can the wisdom of the flesh and the bestial man change his fowl and beastly abominations of all sorts which stick and grow up in his nature Besides I have read of the Leopard that it is an exceeding wilde beast that cannot be tamed very furious and malicious against the very image of a man and very cunning and crafty in catching of his prey Such is the nature of fleshly wisdom and fleshly men they cannot be tamed but are still full of fury against the image or true appearances of God in man and very cunning to prey upon the righteous seed seeking to devour the man-childe as soon as ever he appears to be born in the vvorld This is the beast which is like unto a Leopard Quest What is the beast all the vvorld wonders after Answ Some make him the Pope but I never yet found all the vvorld wondring after him though he be the beast in an outward eminent figure and have many vvorshippers and followers in the vvorld But the beast is the fleshly wisdom or spirit of man which is alwayes setting up a false Christ or anointed one in the place and office of Christ unto us either our own righteousnesse or our own wit and carnal reason which teacheth us to depart from God and to subsist of our selves live of our selves be wise of our selves vvorship of our selves So that flesh with all the wisdom and power of it is the beast that all the vvorld willingly wonders after insomuch that they are naturally constrained compelled and overcome to its obedience which is their wondering after the beast Quest What is the beast and what is the number of his name whose name is 666 Answ The number of the beast is the number of a man though to those who are deceived by him he appears as a God that cannot erre yet to the man that hath understanding or his eyes opened through the anointing of God he hath but the perfection and compleatnesse of a man who in the height of all his imaginary compleatnesse and fulnesse in himself and of himself is but a poor empty miserable shadow altogether lighter than vanity This is the number or summe of all the power and wisdom of the flesh It is but an imagination of compleatnesse and fulnesse it is not perfection and fulnesse it self and so it leaves a man where it findes him in a poor miserable imperfect and undone estate And therefore the number of the beast is but 666. it reaches not to the bringing of a man to the number seven or to a state of perfection rest and fulnesse but still leaves in the number 6. or in a state of weaknesse bondage miserie even like a poor wretched sinfull man Quest What is the woman which Iohn saw sit upon a Scarlet coloured beast full of names of blasphemy Answ The woman is the false Antichristian Cainish Church which rides in Pomp and Triumph upon the stately wisdom and power of the flesh and here cries out what wisdom is like unto mine What power able to make war with mine And in this state and Pomp she rides on crucifying to her utmost skill all the appearances of Christ in the glory and Kingdom of his father or all higher and lower discoveries of
deceitfull above all things and knoweth nothing by nature of the spirituall things of God If thou hadst the Lord the just Judge in the midst of thy spirit quickened he would have shaken thee out of thy earthly heaven and digged up that root of bitternesse out of thine heart which springs from the bottomlesse pit in thee which root hath been spared through thine own indulgence to thy self as that within thee beares thee witnesse Repl. Thou tellest me The crosse is foolishnesse to me Answ It is so to reason in me but to faith it 's the power of God and the wisdom of God to thee indeed it is foolishnesse who instead of beleeving in the crosse of Christ makest nothing of the bloud of Christ shed at Jerusalem and so art fondly prying into the mysterie before the foundation be laid Repl. Thou sayest When I am searched into I am found an Alien to the ground of truth and yet through the pride of mine heart I said to such as I had formerly bewitched through my lies in hypocrisie that the questions were low and simple things Answ Thou I say art not capable of discerning either the truth or an Alien from it who hast no other ballance but thine own weak reason and dream to weigh things with As for my bewitching any through my lies let them speak and shew me what errour or sin or mischief I ever perswaded them unto If they came to me they were welcome if they are nearer to God 't is well if further off that 's ill I never did much glory in their company since I found them carried about with winde and fables As for thy questions thou seest I make a sober answer without bitternesse or railing though some of them I found alike and some of them I know not what This I know will grieve thee to see thy glory stained and slighted never so little seeing thou art the Pharisee that gloryest in thy questions Repl. Thou sayest The least measure of the life of the kingdom is hid from me Answ The life of the kingdom begins in the crosse of Christ since this hath had it's power in me to my crucifying and slaying in any measure I have found the life of the kingdom springing up and in this kingdom I have some measure of righteousnesse peace and so it is not altogether hid from me But thou rebellious wretch where wilt thou begin to enter into the kingdom where life is who lookest upon the crosse of Christ as a foolish thing and makest his sufferings and crucifyings in the flesh no crosse no part of his crosse and so swine-like tramplest under thy feet the precious bloud of the Son of God and makest it veil to thee so knowest not where life begins though the crosse of Christ without in the flesh and history thou mayest read and learn exactly too and yet not begin the life of the kingdom without the vertue and power of it crucifie thy self and flesh and arm thee with the minde of Christ to empty thy self of all thy glory and to humble thee at the feet of God to death as Christ did Repl. But thou sayest I use my tongue and say the Lord sayth when I have nothing but the letter and harlot-like trim my self with it and sit in an high seat in my imaginations even above the seed which by the fowls of the aire is devoured Answ The letter of the Scriptures being a declaration of the minde and love of God to man I look upon as one of the choice vessels of the Lords sanctuary and the flesh body and sufferings of Christ to purchase and make peace for us I look upon as a vessel without which the Lords sanctuary cannot be furnished with the Oyle of life or the beginnings of salvation This letter concerning Christ especially together with all the rest of the Scriptures I look upon as a precious mercy and light unto the Sons of men And yet all this without the meaning and fulfilling of Scriptures in us and to us by the anointing of the spirit availes nothing unto our salvation and inward consolation so that letter and history joyned with the spirit of the Lord opening and sealing the meaning and substance to my spirit is the Word of the Lord to me And friend this tongue of mine which thou sayest I use was given me to this end to use against all such as shall no lesse than commit fornication with the letter when it seems to favour their weak imaginations and formes but yet cannot endure to unite with the meaning and mystery couched or vayled under the letter And thus it is with the Quakers in their carnall tremblings Cattle of Tythes Priests the word Master Father the titles of thou you yea nay and the like In these things their souls are drunk with the letter and made they are against all interpretations and meanings put upon the letter though by the Lords spirit but in the great things of Christ and resurrection and judgement and heaven and hell after this life here the letter is prophanely trampled upon slighted abused contradicted and their fancie meanings and sensuall interpretations must be all the Scripture in such matters and so sometimes they are glorying in the letter but cannot endure the meaning and fulfilling at other times they are glorying in the mysterie and meaning but cannot endure the letter See here friends what a nose of wax as the Papists call it ye make of the Scriptures of truth and how they are wrested by you as by all other dark forms and professions onely to uphold your golden image that your own fingers have made This I cannot passe by in you with silence neither that high seat ye seek to creep into even the seat of God crying out lo here lo there I am Christ I am wise I am perfect without all spot All this is so manifest against both letter and meaning of Scriptures that though I should hold my peace the stones in the street would cry out against you And so thou who sayest I harlot-like trimme my self with the letter take heed how thou harlot-like trimmest thy self with Gods glory that others may ignorantly worship thee for God who art a poor broken idoll And take heed how by talking of a light within which I own in it's place thou prophanely despisest what is written in the letter seeing that also is a light that shines in a dark place and so to be owned of us too And take heed how in thy high-flowen lofty spirit thou be not found in that which thou condemnest in another viz. among the fowles of the ayre seeking to devour all the precious seed of God that is sown in any form or people besides thine own Repl. But I would deceive such thou sayest who are going right on their way Answ If by way thou understand a following of Christ in the way of life such I cannot deceive for no man can pluck such out of Christs
me out of the great City Sodom that he may live and reign in me for evermore But thou tellest me Repl. I have libertie to act unrighteousnesse thou art merry in the flesh thou canst laugh and jeer tender consciences and scorn such as are not in the same fleshly libertie which thee thou canst now oppresse an whole Parish and live by dishonest gain and make merry with Ranters feast drinke hunt card c. Answ There was and still is within me more and more that which hath and doth passe sentence upon these and the like unrighteous acts finde the faithfull and true witnesse judging and pleading in me against these cruell bloudy enemies and what I am guilty of in any of these particulars thou comest too late to be my judge there is one in the midst of my spirit whom thou knowest not he hath rebuked and saved me through his grace and so the lying spirit in thee is cozened of his prey as for my jeering tender consciences I know what it is to grieve and wound such and to offend one of the least of the little ones that believe in Christ I know liberty of conscience is the great interest of all the people of God in the Nation and a thing which I cannot but stand up and plead for according to my light in my generation Neither shall all the indignities and injuries that I meet with from any in the world ever make me to plead for bonds or fetters or burdens to be laid and put upon tender consciences and in this I speak the truth before the Lord I lye not Repl. But thou tellest me I am a Ranter Answ I know blasphemy against the holy Ghost shall never be forgiven unto men and that it is impossible for those who have tasted of the heavenly gift as many of the Ranters have if they fall away to be renewed again unto repentance and that I have abhorred the blasphemous filthy talk and practice of Ranters I can speak it with comfort to the praise of God my Father and that there are such amongst us I cannot remember it in secret without thinking what a sad judgement of God it is for men to be given up to such strong delusions to believe lies such as these are the shame of our Nation and the great abuse of our present liberty And yet let not the high-minded Quaker glory over these poor deluded Ranters seeing publicans and harlots shall enter into the kingdom of God before the lofty Pharisees Repl. Thou sayest further out of the old bottle I poure out scoffes and yet professe Christ in all A●sw Why hath Satan filled thine heart with nothing else but lying How many scoffes doest thou finde in my papers I sent thee Look see and how many times doest thou finde me scoffing and yet professing Christ in all What thou in the pure Religion in the strength of the light within and yet all along at Satans work remember that if for every idle word surely for every lye thou must give an account at the day of judgement Thou tellest me Repl. Christ is all among them who have put off the old man and his deeds and thou quotes a place Coll. 3. 4. 10 11. I answer Answ Surely then Christ is not all with thee who hast not put off thine anger wrath malice blasphemy lying scoffing which every page if not line in thy vain paper makes abundantly manifest to thy face against thee all these proceeding from the old man in thee makes it plain that Christ is not all in thee and therefore art thou a stranger to the elect of God to the holy and beloved seed who are alwayes putting on bowels of mercies kindnesse humblenesse of minde meeknesse longsuffering forbearing and forgiving even as Christ hath forgiven them in love But to give thee thy due praise thou hast spoken one truth Christ is indeed the glory and fulnesse where he is manifested in power to cast out the strong man and his deeds when I finde it so in thee I shall yield thou hast had a fit of real true trembling But instead of looking home thou art found still at thine old trade and tellest me Repl. I have not put off the deeds of the old man when there was some tendernesse in mee and some desires to come out of pride oppression coveteousnesse all is gone and I am found among the flesh-pots of Egypt and had better never to have been born than to make ship-wrak of that tendernesse once known by me Answ This is but the old lesson over and over and over again like a Quakers Sermon and as heathens prayers full of vain repetitions And by this I know what he is to expect that reveales a secret to a scornfull Quaker Yet know I am so tender still as to abhorre pride oppression coveteousnesse neither do I persecute or deal unrighteously with any as many great pretenders have done with me and still doe at this day But God hath delivered and doth deliver and will deliver me from every snare and gin of unreasonable wicked men and he it is that keeps me from making shipwrak of tendernesse faith and conscience Repl. Further thou tellest me what is done in t●e wildernesse there is the way of holinesse known and walked in which the unclean walk not in but the redeemed in which is no erring Isa 35 8. Which way is a way of holinesse which I am not in c. Answ Here 's a good wildernesse indeed but thou hast lost thy way thither and art found erring and wandring in a wildernesse where no water is and so art not found drinking in holinesse from the Lord but feeding upon the weeds of thine own fleshly holinesse exalting thy self not with the redeemed in the Lord but with the imprisoned in a strange land in thine own observations And thou poor worm who sayest I eat upon swines flesh I feed upon the perishing I eat that which dies of it self all these speeches together with all thy paper savour too much of thy swines flesh and of thy feeding upon thy swines flesh which is thine own will and self and form and therefore art thou found in the way of the world clamourous bitter cruell implacable against all that wander not with thee in thy wildernesse of flesh and bloud and now and then thou makest use of a Scripture to cover and hide thy swines flesh which thy spirit too much feeds upon and so no wonder though there be no joy or gladnesse to be seen in thy countenance seeing thou hast no better flesh to feed upon than swines flesh which kils the spirit and so neither thine heart is merry nor thy countenance cheerfull Repl. Further thou tellest me I say in Canaan is no judging and so out of mine own mouth thou judgest me out of Canaan who in my Queries have again and again judged thee Answ In my Queries indeed I desire to see the strength and light thou walkest in neither do I
bee drowned in thee before thine entrance into Canaan or else thou must look to fall either in the wildernesse with the murmurers or to be drowned in the Sea with the Egyptians Repl. Further thou art telling me I am imagining what the beast is which John saw was like unto a Leopard saying that I have read of the Leopard that is an exceeding wild beast which cannot be tamed very cunning and crafty in tatching of his prey and furious and raging c. Answ For fear thou mightest finde this beast in thy self here thou art stopping and raging thus in thy wonted fury like a mad Pharisee that scorns to learn thou beginnest to teach and say Repl. Who in the light which never changes dwells which comes from God these see the beast where he is and what he is and all his spots discern Answ Here thou hast spoken truth though thou understand it not so as to apply it unto thy self which if thou didst great large spots of the beast would discover themselves in thee but being in the darknesse of thy Fathers minde thou canst not read thy self and therefore art thou seeking to discern the beast abroad in me and sayest in me is his denne And here thou thankest God thou art not as other men are stand by thy self I am holier than thou And so thou comest with much delight to see the beast in me and eatest and drinkest and gluttest thy self with a sight of the beast in me and nothing but the beast canst thou here see in his Denne thus art thou glorying over anothers spots and infirmities which thou thy self makest in thy fancy and then art glad to see in thy brother the beast is too cunning for thee he lies hid within thee and laughes to see thee his vassall and slave I say no more than what thou hast made manifest the beast in thee is in his Denne Thy pride and scoffing and railing against all others are spots and plain markes of the beast in thy fleshly heart dwelling for wer● thou in the light and overcome by it that would make thee poor in thine own eyes and to condemne thy self in those things which thou condemnest in another and would teach thee to own a God and Christ above thy self This light of the Lord ruling in thee would have kept thee in the fear of the Lord and taught thee to own the Crosse and sufferings of Christ as the price of thy redemption which thou like a vile wretch tramplest under thy feet This light would have taught thee to bewail thine own infirmities and have kept thee low in thine own eyes and have made thee own trembling indeed which thou doest in the letter and flesh but not in truth and spirit and so art given over to strong delusions to believe a lye Repl. Thou tellest me I am covetous Answ I am so indeed by nature but I see the world loves me not it flies away and the Lord teacheth me to be crucified to it and to presse towards himself as my riches fulnesse and highest treasure Repl. Thou tellest me further That which hath led me from the light hath led me from the Lord and the same hath let the world into mine heart where the Sea is flowing even the salt Sea thence the beast ariseth with seven heads Answ The light in which I live hath led me to see the light and in the light I see the Lord and he hath ravished mine heart and caught me up to himself as to mine exceeding joy and though the world were so confounded and divided as to leave me alone yet I am not alone the father is my friend and the son is my companion And I can return unto my Father and Saviour living with me who alwayes takes me in when the world casts me out And this quickens me to live more above where all my treasure is and lesse below or in the creature where I finde confusion and tribulation As for the flowing of the salt Sea whence the beast arises with seven heads this I have seen according to my measure dried up and the beast with seven heads withering for want of his native heat and moisture in me And friend I beseech thee read the meaning of this at home in thy self read the bitternesse in thy self the evil eye that envies because God is good the folly and haughtinesse of thine own heart Here is the salt Sea in which thou art drowned though thou see it not and out of this Sea comes that Monster with seven heads which destroyes some with flatteries others with violence and rage aiming at his own Kingdom and greatnesse whoever perish with him this beast lies covered under all thine Hypocrisie and thou seest him not Further thou sayest Repl. I arm my self with all the wisdom and subtlety of the beast against the truth and with many Horns am I pushing at the Lamb. Answ This I have done in the dayes of mine unbelief when I consulted with flesh and bloud But since the day of the Lord hath begun to dawn in my spirit truth hath been my companion I have ventured all for her and laid my self open to the violence of all sorts of men for the truths sake And that I have suffered no more than I have considering the malice of carnal men and formal men this I look upon as a notable passage of wisdom and providence in God Further know that this truth in me which hath in some measure acquainted me with the will and nature of God my Saviour this teacheth me to plead against the errours and evils and blasphemies and idols of all not against any truth I see in my meanest brethren Neither am I with my Horns pushing against the Lamb no the Lamb is my well-beloved he shall lye all night betwixt my breasts he is my fair one when he withdraws my Soul faints when he appears my Soul lives and is exceeding merry This is he whom I can own in all the Sons of God even in those who cannot own the Lamb in me In all this he is my witnesse though thou know it not But thou sayest Repl. In me is the earth set who am drove from God Gen. 3. 23 24. And upon the earth is the Leopards Denne and foure-footed beasts and creeping things Answ When I was in the earth that indeed drove me from God but God hath lifted me up into Heaven in some manifestation of light and grace and here he keeps me in his own fellowship and presence above the earth and so I can leave the Leopards Denne full of wilde beasts and filthy things for the inhabitans of the earth And friend if thine eye were open thou mightest see how sadly thou art driven out from God and what a fool thou art in all thy professing thy self to be wise and how this hath made thee change the truth of God into alye and led thee away to worship thy self and thine empty companions who are poor creatures more than
spirit of the Lord or from thine own private spirit doest thou in all this rule well and over thine own will What judging and condemning for thou knowest not what Where 's thy ruling well now what like the world observing and scraping up every thing which thine own fancie makes an abomination and then charging this upon the seed of God Surely thine heart is like a City broken down and without walls and therefore nothing almost comes from it but clamouring bitternesse and evil speaking and what 's thine end in all this but to make thy self righteous and another wicked thou sounding brasse that keepest a tinckling where 's thy charity in all this love covers a multitude of sins but thou makest a multitude of sins where they are covered by love and so thou condemnest thy self not to be the Elder that rules over thine own spirit and therefore fie upon all thy profession thou who pretendest to be a Lamb an holy man of God and yet still found in Ismaels generation Quest 5. What is that provision every one ought to make for his own family seeing he who provides not for them of his own house denies the faith and is worse than an infidel Answ That provision every one ought to make for his family is to fly idlenesse ranting and waiting the creatures of God upon his own lusts and not to live on the sweat of other mens brows which who denies denies the faith and is worse than an infidel Repl. Here the Quaker is seen and known and judged out of his own mouth as one who through his lightnesse denies the faith learning under a pretense of preaching to be like the wanton widdow idle wandring about from house to house and not onely so but a tatler also and a busie body speaking things he ought not neither understanding whence his spirit comes nor whither it goes not labouring at all in the thing that good is but creeping into silly peoples affections with his shew of wisdom and humility and will worship clamouring against Magistrates Ministers Tythes Customes damning men for wearing Ribbons Cuffs Lace Rings Pins Bands Hoods Veyls Points c. and for using the civil expressions of humanity in pulling off the Hat shewing some respect love honour duty unto fathers mothers masters superious friends comers and goers about these and the like ceremonies and toyes they make a great noise and win here and there an Athiest a Ranter or some discontented people to feed upon their dregs and then to feed their hungry bodies this is their great businesse thus to add unto their fathers Kingdom by railings lyings flatterings and all that come in are cried up for Saints and Children of the Kingdom but such as receive not their Doctrine and vanities and put not into their mouths must be ipso facto excommunicated for Dogs Devils Beasts Swine Belly-Gods Bulls of Boshan Whores Antichrist Witches Sorcerers behold thy model and thy spirit friend and see thou thy self in this Looking-glasse of thine own making how wanton thou art waxed in the midst of all thy framed gravity refusing thy Saviour to be married unto a delusion in all which thou hast denied the faith and art worse than a Pagan and all that regard thy pride superstitions works of superarrogations instead of making provision make destruction for their own families forsaking usually Fathers Wives Children Families callings occupations and so cloath themselves with rags and ruine and woe But thou sayest robbery for provision the Lord hates and so say I all that use a deceitfull way to get provision by the Lord abhors but surely friends the Office of a Minister anointed and called of God is good for others they are thy forefathers strikers and railers I dare not plead their cause and the preaching of the Gospel by men sent of God is no idle imployment and maintenance from the people to whom we preach is no robbery for provision seeing it is a provision due to the Lord out of all mens substance and so no deceitfull way to provide for our families and yet the murmurer must still be wiser than God that made him Further thou sayest I run unsent to provide for my family aiming at lucre this is robbery to which I say he who sent me is the Lord by his will and power am I anointed to preach and that which he aimes at in me and by me is to catch men and to make his word a savour of life or death and what he has reserved and taken and kept for my use is no robbery to take though thou prate neither will the Lord lay this to my charge as dishonest gain as the accuser do's or tell me I sell his word for money which is not bread as thou who knowest not the word for the word is life and substance and though it take not such effect upon many as it ought they may thank thy father for it for he has stollen it away from their hearts all that I can do is to commend it to the conscience and he that has an ear to hear will hear Further thou sayest many infidels will labour painfully for their families but I live on the sweat of others mens brows and what do the Quakers then who run up and down without callings without labouring at all the thing that good is wandring up and down to foam out their own shame making it their work to sow discord among brethren living wholly upon the sweat and charge of other men deluding the people with their moderation in eating and drinking that they may the better insinuate their ceremonies and delusions and in all this they have denied the faith and are worse than infidels as for my part God has set me in my calling I act in commands me to keep in it to preach the Gospel to break his bread to the hungry and to give water to the thirsty and in this work of the Lord I finde abundance of recreation being never better satisfied than when I have occasion to preach the Gospel and this I shall do with cheerfulnesse still though many mad ignorant folk be offended at preaching and many offended at me that I live upon that allowance of Tythes which God has sanctified for my use and given me freedom to take with thanks-giving Quest 6. What is that Election and Reprobation the Scripture speaks of and whether they have relation to persons or things or both Answ That Election is Christ Jesus and all that receive him wherein the Election is in him are Elected and the rest abide under the power of darknesse where all are Reprobated who are out of the light in their own wills and know not Christ and to such persons they have Relation Repl. Christ indeed is the stone dis-allowed of men but chosen of God Elect and precious but Christ without his Church do's not comprehend all the Election the Scripture intimates but Christ together with his Church makes up the Election of God and so
truths of God 8. There 's the appetite and that 's the seat of desires lustings and longings after things whether good or evil Lastly there 's likewise the affections which are the movings of the Soul out into love joy gladnesse pleasure and the like all these lower parts of the Soul as more common and easily seen and perceived are usually called the Soul and the higher and more noble powers are usually taken for the spirit of the Soul now when the Lord comes all these are healed cured and made well according as the Lord is more or lesse manifested and this is the sanctifying of these which the Apostle speaks of the bringing of them all into the will and life of God and as the Lord is received into the Souls of men so all these scatterings and movings and workings of the Soul are all gathered up to give their attendance upon the presence of the great King Quest 18. What is the Heaven and Hell the salvation and damnation of believers and unbelievers which the Scriptures intimate Answ Heaven and Hell are what the Scriptures declare them to be which none can understand but who are in the light where the entrance is made Repl. Still thou art seen not to be in a state of perfection and so what Childish answers have we no account cnast thou give of Heaven and Hell they are what the Scripture declares them to be surely friend if thou hast been in Hell and gone from thence to Heaven thou might'st have said something more I know it 's sufficient what the Scriptures intimate but I know thou ownest no Heaven nor Hell but what is here within in thy wandring spirit no resurrection judgment or Hell afterwards but what we have here by the light and from the light within this is thy dream onely thou art loth to discover thy self and so hidest the thoughts of thine heart and sayest Heaven and Hell are what the Scripture makes them to be and so I leave thee in this thine imaginations to give an account unto God in that day when the secrets of all hearts shall be disclosed and Hell and Heaven begun here shall be perfected upon believers and unbelievers for evermore and what this Heaven and Hell is take my thoughts and use them at thy pleasure Heaven stands in a pure union and fellowship with the Father in love and Hell in a reall separation from this love of the Father in the Son and the enduring of the wrathfull vengeance of an angry God both these are begun here in grace or sin as in the root and both shall be perfected hereafter in the joy or misery which shall be everlasting as the Scripture speaks come yee blessed of my Father inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world and go yee cursed into everlasting fire prepared for the Devil and his Angels Matt. 25. 34 41. Quest 19. What is the first resurrection and the reigning with Christ a thousand years of that resurrection and the binding of Satan all that thousand years Answ The first resurrection is the resurrection of Christ wherewith he hath raised us from the death of sin to live with him to God in newnesse of life reigning over the lust of the world the flesh and the Devil Repl. All this I own as the comfort and joy of Saints in all generations for when the man-child is born who is called the new man the Lord from heaven then the first resurrection begins and that Soul reigns lives according to the measure of Christ in him with Christ a thousand years this Christ in us is the real substantial image of God that has the perfect nature of a man the first day he is born in the Soul as a Child has the nature of a man though not the wisdom and growth and strength of a man so it is in the Soul where Christ is risen and born that 's the true man-child and his growing up in the new holy life is the ground of the first resurrection and as he encreases in the Soul so the life is manifested and the resurrection more and more and so the Soul can say now I know that the life and the resurrection is come because the Son of God is come the precious seed of the promise he who breaks the head of the Serpent though the Serpent be still knibling and bruising his he'l● and if this were truely witnessed by yee surely I should not see so much darknesse and bitternesse still growing up and flourishing in yee neither could yee thus give your selves to revile mock vilifie and send others of the Children of God in your giddinesse unto the Devil and seek to deprive them of their credit and reputation in the world this is but the fruit of Thorns and Briars not of the vine and good Olive Tree this is but the Thistle that pricks but bears not the fruit of the first resurrection Further thou sayest Christ by his resurrection has bound Satan so say I for to this purpose was he manifested that he might destroy the works of the Devil and when he appeares then the evill one is put in prison and chaines Further thou sayest such unruly persons as I talke of Satans being bound a thousand years but resist and own not that Crosse and power which should bind him for a day Repl. The Crosse I own and the power I owne as that onely which has bound Satan in me though I must not tell thee so neither is Satan at liberty as in mine ignorance and unbeleef neither do's he prevail neither am I without a stronger than he to divide his spoils and yet I am to take heed and not be so bold as some who are without fear of any stirrings and temptations from him though Paul set him as a Thorn in the flesh yet they are secure and neglect their Armour and so are many times again entangled and overcome Further thou sayest the Angel and the key of the bottomlesse pit and the great chain in his hand I know not Rev. 20. 1. neither do I and him I serve love that chain Repl. The spirit of the Lord surely wrote all this to thy generation and none must peep into these mysteries without thy key for thou art he who opens and no man shuts and shuts and no man opens as Christ gave his keyes to Peter in his absence and Peter unto the Pope or the Pope to thee and now thy fathers the false Prophets may go to seek heaven for thee for thou hast the keyes and none must enter in without thy mark and so the kingdom of Heaven is shut up and the Angel and the key of the bottomlesse pit and the great chain in his hand none must know but thee and thy generation and yet what if I should tell thee I have seen the Angel and he by the light within has opened the bottomlesse pit and there I have seen the Quaker and the Pope and all