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A19468 Fruitfull lessons, vpon the passion, buriall, resurrection, ascension, and of the sending of the holy Ghost Gathered out of the foure Euangelists: with a plaine exposition of the same. By Miles Couerdall. Coverdale, Miles, 1488-1568. 1593 (1593) STC 5891; ESTC S122132 168,229 312

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the worlde also hath not knowen thee but I haue knowen thee these haue knowen that thou hast sent me And I haue declared vnto them thy name and will declare it that the loue wherewith thou hast loued me may be in them and I in them Doctrine and fruite AFter that Christ had committed his vnto the father that he will care for them defend keepe them while they liue in the world he desireth now that it will please him finally also to saue them and to take them to himself into his kingdome With the which praier he giueth a great consolation to his disciples and all faithfull beleeuers that we might be the more cheerefull to serue him considering the high reward that is prepared for vs that for his sake we should ioyfully and stoutly beare all aduersitie seeing he will make vs yea hath made vs alredy partakers of his glory and of his kingdome Oh the great grace and incomprehensible loue of God towards vs who through his mercie and great loue whereas wee were children of wrath and damnation hath made vs his own children elect and beloued and when wee were dead in sinne hath with his son raised vs vp from death reuiued vs made vs sit with him among those of heauen in Christ Iesu to declare vnto the ages to come the riches of his grace in kindnes and loue to vs ward through Iesus Christ Forasmuch nowe as God hath caused the lyght of his glorie euen Christ to shine into our harts and through the light of faith hath kindled and purified our hearts it is meete that in this time we liue as children of light to the intent that men may see the brightnes of those good workes which proceede of faith to the praise of our heauenly father And thogh we be not as yet bodily with Christ yet our heartes and mindes are alwaies aboue there as Christ sitteth at the right hand of God our conuersation and being is in heauen albeit wee are yet in corporall miserie with heart we desire to die and to be with Christ Wee are sure if this earthly house were fallen and broken downe that we haue one euerlasting in heauen Wee are dead but our life is reserued with Christ in GOD. It is not euident yet what wee be but when Christ our lyfe shall shewe himselfe then shall wee also appeare with him in glorie euen when wee shall rise vp and bee taken vp in the ayre and bee with him for euer and see his honour and glorie which the Angelles delight to see and beholde Oh how great pleasure and ioy is it to beholde the eternall light that neuer quencheth in the which no darknesse hath place from the which shall bee expelled and cast out all they that woulde not receiue and know the light which God hath sent into the world to illuminate them but are blinded by the Prince of this world least the the light of the Gospel should shine vpon them No wrong doth the righteous father vnto them when hee plagueth them and taketh the light from them A righteous and iust iudgement is it seeing the gracious Father so mercifully sent them the light of the truth and they yet so maliciously and stubbornly haue despised and refused it yea reason it is that they perish in vntruth in lies in euerlasting blindnes for asmuch as they wold receiue darknes rather than the light lies rather than the truth And considering that they haue forsaken the brightnes of the truth and of the son of God they must needes be cast into vtter darkenes and neuer enioy the light O gracious Father graunt vnto vs which thorow thy sonne haue known thy name that in such knowledge and light of the truth wee may increase more and more that the loue wherewith thou louest thy deare sonne may bee and remaine in vs and that thy onely begotten sonne Iesus Christ our head may in vs his members continue still worke liue and bring forth fruit acceptable vnto thee AND when Iesus had spoken these words he went out with his Disciples as hee was woont ouer the brooke Cedron vnto mount Oliuet into a village called Gethsemani wheras was a garden into the which Iesus went with his disciples Iudas nowe who betrayed him knewe also the place for Iesus vsed oft to come thether with his disciples Iesus sayd vnto his Disciples Sit ye heere till I go yonder and pray And he tooke vnto him Peter and the two sonnes of Zebede and began to be heauy and sony And a feare and terrour came vppon him Thus said he vnto them my soule is heauie vnto the death tarrie ye heere and watch with me And hee went from them as farre as a stones cast Then fell he downe vppon his face to the ground and praied that if it were possible that houre might depart from him And thus hee praied O father vnto thee are all thinges possible take this cuppe from mee howbeit not my will but thy will bee done Doctrine and fruite AFter that Iesus hath established his Disciples in faith and loue comforting and strengthening them against aduersitie and trouble to come in this world promising also vnto them the spirit loue defence and protection of his father hee goeth now to meet his traitour and enemies and beginneth the worke of our redemption Awake vp nowe O thou faithfull and deuout soule and go after thy redemer followe his foot-steps gather vp diligently the drops of his bloud and sprinckle them with a true faith in thine heart take vp the bundle of mirrhe and lay it at thy breast O thou noble bride and spouse of Christ his passion that he suffereth for thee write then in thy minde learne to die from all sinne from thy selfe and from the world that thou maiest bee crucified vnto the world and the world vnto thee Death is vgsome and very terrible vnto the flesh but ioyfull and welcome is it vnto all such as are instructed in the secrete science of God namely that death vnto faithfull beleeuers is an ende of all trouble an enteraunce into a better and eternall lyfe Christ in that he goeth forth to meete death declareth that he wil suffer not of compulsion but willingly whereby he comforteth vs. But whereas he is heauie and trembleth before his disciples and confesseth howe hee feareth death the same is done for our wealth to declare vnto vs the weaknesse and feeblenesse that our flesh receiueth at the sight of aduersitie for in all things sinne except it was his good pleasure to become lyke vnto vs his brethren hee would take vpon him a true man who felte our aduersitie in his owne flesh and so coulde haue compassion on vs. Besides this hee sheweth also to whom our weaknesse ought to resort for comfort and helpe in aduersitie namely to our father in heauen before whome wee must fall downe with deuout and feruent praier and vnto him disclose and open our anguish
gracious father who can right well order and dispose them how when he will as he thinketh best to further his glorie and to edifie his elect children Our care ought rather to bee how we may lead a godly life and beautifie the faith of Christ with good woorkes Wee must looke that wee bee neither vngodlie nor hypocrites but to liue vertuously and innocently in his sight and paciently at his hande to wayte for our deliuerance The kingdome of Christ that is published and offered through the Gospell is not a corporall but a spirituall kingdome neither consisteth it in outward things but in a pure and faithfull beleeuing heart and yet reacheth it throughout the whole worlde and amongst all nations In the hearts of all faithfull beleeuers doth Christ raigne through his spirite and there ouercommeth hee the deuill sinne and death And to the intent they shoulde well vnderstande this kingdome he commaundeth them to waite for the holy spirite whom he had promised them as if he would say Now goe I to my Father now enter I into my kingdome that I may mightily raigne vpon the earth this thing yee vnderstand not but when the spirite is giuen you yee shall perceyue it well All thinges in heauen and in earth are giuen into my power In those that are mine shall I raigne and make them righteous through fayth yea inuincible shall I make them against all enemies heereof shall yee beare witnesse when yee are baptized through the holie Ghost This my kingdome shall ye publish in all nations from one ende of the world to another Thus shall I raigne from sea to sea of the which my kingdome the Prophetes spake so much before Of this kingdome dooth Christ take possession through his ascending vp to the Father at whose right hande and in this kingdome hee sitteth raigning much more mightily in his Church and working more effectuously in those that be his than hee did before when he liued yet corporally with him Thus taking his leaue hee giueth them louing wordes comforteth them and admonisheth them of their office that they all may be diligent therin that they continually direct and lift vp their heartes into that kingdome and that they take in hand to bring all men to the same into the obedience of Christ His blessing hee giueth them saluting them wishing them good and praying hartily vnto his Father for them Thus was hee taken from them and carryed into heauen By the heuen we vnderstand the incomprehensible light in the which God dwelleth which no mortall man can attaine vnto From thence came Christ vnto vs and thither is hee gone againe euen into the inuisible glorie and clearenes of God For the eternall worde and power of GOD dwelling in Gods incomprehensible light from euerlasting became man and had his conuersation vpon earth in all partes sinne excepte as a verie true man But when hee had fullie finished and throughly ended the worke that was giuen him in commission of his heauenly Father and had obeyed him euen vnto the death for as much as in all thinges hee had honoured and glorified his Father vppon earth it was conuenient that the Father also shoulde glorifie his Sonne And therefore raysed hee him from death and tooke him vp into heauen not after the Godhead for so was hee alwaies in heauen but after the manhoode For his true humane nature which hee tooke vppon him for our sakes is carryed and taken vp out of this world into the inuisible honour and glorie into the highest incomprehensible and into the perfect fruition of the Godhead In this honour and glorie Christ dwelleth and raigneth and yet amongst those that are his doth he finish and performe all things by his spirite hauing gouernance in the harts of the faithfull through beliefe through loue through patience and innocencie of life To the intent now that this kingdome might be erected in the hearts of men it was necessarie that he should giue his disciples commission to publish the same and to prepare mens minds thervnto through the preaching of the Gospell But first hee made the mindes of his disciples readie and apt to receiue the holy ghost whom he afterwards poured into others by them and therefore he commaunded them vntill the spirite appeare and open the worke to waite still at Hierusalem from the which place the kingdome of Christ was afterwardes planted in all the world Of the promise of the spirite reade Esay 44. Iere. 31. Ezech. 36. Ioel. 2. Iohn 19.16 Considering that the mysterie of Christs ascention is great and excellent and that there is notable power contained therein to those that be faithful beleeuers the Euangelists doe therefore describe verie perfectly the time the place the persons with all circumstances and assured testimonies thereof Hee ascendeth vp before his disciples that they might openly and euidently see it with theyr eyes there did appeare Angels as messengers and witnesses from heauen euen two of them that in the mouth of two all trueth might bee established The white apparrell signifieth the euident glorie into the which Christ is taken vp as a noble royall and mightie king and conquerour entring into his heauenlie kingdome Thus the high and glorious king cloathed with our nature is entred into our royall pallace as one that mindeth faithfully to dispatch our matters Hee is our owne mediatour and aduocate in the presence of the Father notwithstanding our sinnes committed wee haue a free entraunce vnto GOD by him Our flesh hath hee in himselfe carryed vp and exalted our nature vnto the right hande of GOD the Father Wherefore wee that are bones of his bones and flesh of his flesh doe iustly conceyue a comfortable and assured hope that our mortall bodyes also shall bee taken vp and haue immortall and eternall ioye The earnest pennie of his spirite hath hee giuen and left behinde him vnto vs and contrariwise hee hath of vs taken an earnest pennie and pledge namely our sinfull and wicked flesh which hee in himselfe hath carryed vp into the kingdome of heauen Nowe where the parcell is there shall also bee the whole summe By this wee that are flesh and bloud haue a comfortable and assured trust that in Christ wee shall haue the possession and inheritaunce of heauen Our sinnes in him are recompenced heauen in him is opened in him is the hope of immortall life sealed and made sure vnto vs Christ the victorious glorious conquerour is able to defend his church So that from henceforth no man shall haue power to condemne his elect and faithfull beleeuers Rom. 8. Heb. That his flesh is with-drawne from vs and taken into heauen it is our great profite to the intent that all our deuotion and Gods seruice may bee directed vpwardes in the spirite and that the mindes of faythfull beleeuers maye bee drawne from earthlie vnto heauenly thinges euen vnto the place where Christ sitteth on the right hande of GOD the Father When the Disciples
sawe that theyr Schoolemaister was taken away from them into heauen they perceiued and considered the thing that they knewe not before although Christ had told it them Iohn 6. Namely that by the Ascension they should receyue vnderstanding Therefore they worshipped Iesus Christ and according vnto his commaundement they returned to Hierusalem where they kepte themselues vntill the time that the spirite came neyther were they idle but continued in the holie fellowshippe and godlie exercises with praier and deuotion preparing and making themselues readie vnto the comming of the spirite By occasion heereof all nicenesse curiositie and contentious questions all pride vaine-glorie and fonde affections and desires sette aparte wee ought with vpright mindes and with the eyes of faith to be alway taken vp into heauen and there to haue our dwelling where Christ our head sitteth at the right hand of God king and Lord of all thinges our faithfull aduocate and mediatour Then shall true godlynesse increase then shall vertue blessedlie grow and bring forth fruit in vs if wee with steadfast faith doe consider that our Lord Iesus Christ dyed for our sakes rose againe from death and is exalted at the right hand of God raigning mightily aboue all things in heauen and finishing our saluation if wee in spirite and in the truth worship and honour him as the eternal God confessing with a true faith that all power is giuen vnto him of God the father that he careth for vs and that for our healths sake hee ruleth and shall raigne vntill all things be brought vnder his feet In the meane time he dayly in his church purifieth al his members by his spirit cleansing them still more and more from all their sinnes And when hee shall haue rooted out all sinne in his elect ouercomming death the last enemie so that God shall be all in all then shall Christ also giue vp his kingdome vnto God the father namely the mediation for our sinnes the purging of the same defence against the deuill and deliueraunce from death For then shall there be no more sinne in the elect so that he shal not need to be mediator for them to purge from sinne to defend against the deuil or to deliuer from death Oh mercifull father graunt vs perfectly to know thy blessed and glorious kingdome of Christ thy sonne drawe vp our hearts in such sort that we with all obedience maye yeelde our selues into this kingdome seeing and regarding onely those thinges that are aboue and wholy applying our selues vnto this ende that the same heauenly kingdome may be farre spread abroad and knowne vnto all men To the intent that as for all worldly things wherin many foolish people set all their saluation but in vaine men may vtterly refuse them and hartily with bodie and soule and with their whole life may giue ouer themselues perfectly vnto the onely Lord Iesus Christ the true God For thy good pleasure it was O God that in him all perfectnes should dwell and that by him al things towards thee should be reconciled and pacified through his bloud whether they be in heauen or in earth Graunt vs O God vnitie and brotherly loue in thy holie Church kindle our harts to feruent and deuout prayer make vs diligently to watch circumspectly to waite for the comming of thy beloued sonne that we neither be drunken in excesse and bodilie lust nor intangled with the snares of this world but that we hauing alwayes the eyes of our heart open and praying with vpright mindes may chearefully meet our redeemer ioy with him for euer To him be eternall praise and honor Amen THE SENDING OF THE HOLY GHOST WHen the fiftie daies were come to an end they were all with one accord together in one place and sodainely there came a sound from heauen as it had beene the comming of a mightie winde and it filled all the house where they sate And there appeared vnto them clouen tongs like as they had bin of fire and it sate vpon each one of them and they were all filled with the holy Ghost and beganne to speake with other tongues euen as the same spirit gaue them vtterance Doctrine and fruite HEere the Euanglist Luke describeth how that after Christ entered into his glorie the Gospell euen the heauenly doctrine and grace was opened vnto the world downe from heauen by a glorious and great miracle For though the lawe which is the will of God and also the Gospell that is his grace hath from the beginning beene alwayes in the worlde namelie in the heartes of Gods elect children yet was each one of them at seuerall times gloriously vttered vnto the worlde by manifest and apparant myracle And like as the holie Ghost was in the heartes of the faythfull beleeuers for after the Resurrection hee gaue the spirite vnto the Disciples euen so heere hee giueth them the spirite with an open myracle and with a more perfect woorking and power For the spirite which Christ gaue them after his Resurrection when he breathed vpon them was euen this day with more perfection that is to say his operation and strength declared it selfe more euidently and more perfectly and shewed his presence by the visible miracle Thus is it heere described how the promise of Christ and of the Prophets made as concerning the holie Ghost were fulfilled and how the same holie Ghost who is the teacher of the trueth the earnest pennie of saluation the wedding ring of grace and ioye of the minde was giuen Nowe when it is saide that the holie Ghost is giuen vnto men the same may bee vnderstood of the giftes and operations of the holie Ghost for though GOD may bee comprehended of mans minde yet can he not bee included or shut therein Neuerthelesse his giftes according to his will and pleasure are poured and measured into our heartes vnto euerie one so much as maye ferue● 〈…〉 ●fite Who so is desirous to knowe 〈…〉 Ghost is promised vnto faithfull bele● 〈…〉 reade Ezech. 36.39 Ioel. 2. Math. 3. Now 〈…〉 God the Father hath promised by his Mini● 〈…〉 same also doth Christ his sonne promise where● wee may see that the sonne hath like power with the father and that there is but one onely spirite of them both as wee may reade Luk. 12. Iohn But before wee come to the sending of the spirite wee will first substantially and well peruse the storie and looke what maye bee gathered thereof For heere is nothing written or sette downe in vaine The Euangelist doth heere make mention of the fift day vpon the which this great wonder was don In the which there lyeth hidde a notable mysterie The Iewes from the day that they offered the Easter Lambe told fiftie dayes and vpon the fiftith day was the feast of weekes In the which feast they kept holyday offering vnto GOD a willing sacrifice of the first fruites when they cutte them downe Wee beginne to number from the resurrection of Christ
euen so is it in the opinion of those that must beare the iudgement of God For as much now as the Apostle Peter according as the matter required did necessarily alledge testimony out of the Prophet concerning the holy Ghost who is giuen to the good children of God he thought also to specifie that which was written in the Prophet as touching the punishment of the wicked that despise the grace of God giuing a warning thereby vnto the Iewes to cease from theyr vnbeleefe and shamefull life declaring vnto them that if they proceed foorth in wickednes it should happen vnto them as it did before vnto theyr forefathers vnto whome Ioel opened the punishment of God Whereby wee must learne paciently to beare it and to take it in good part when our sinnes are rebuked our vices spoken against and we told that the punishment is at hande For this custome had the Apostles in their preaching and declaring of the Gospell that they not onely made mention of the grace of God offered vnto the world by Christ but therwithall likewise they threatned sore punishment to those that eyther despised such excellent grace or hauing knowledge of the truth did cleaue vnto vice which thing in the worde of Peter is yet more euident The Gospell also preacheth amendment of lyfe and not remission of sinnes onely through the bloud of Christ But nowe at this present time there bee many dainty Christians as certaine Princes and Senates in the countreys and citties whose opinion is that the grace of the Gospell is to bee preached yea and they permit Christ and his grace gently worthily to be spoken of but if the false Gods seruice as the honoring of Images and all that is crept in and erected vp in the Papistry agaynst Gods word be reprooued or if the preacher speake agaynst theyr tyranny vniust actes theyr malitious violence and wilfulnes whereby they oppresse poore widowes and fatherlesse children dooing right vnto no man or if the preacher touch them on the gald backs for their excessiue pompe and pride for their rioting whoredome adulterie gluttony drunkennes fighting and extortion if such vices I say wherein they still lead their liues be touched to the quicke then is all fauor gone then burne these preachers say they drowne them they be seditious fellowes they will set vs together by the eares and bring the common people in our necks But such men should consider that vnto this office of the preacher it belongeth to crye against vice least he bee called of God a blind watchman a dumbe dogge and least all the soules which perish through his silence be required at his handes their wilfulnes pride and vaine lyfe they should forsake and reforme themselues and so needed not the preacher to crye out agaynst them Now considering that the Prophets vsed as I said before to make mention of the kingdome of Iesu Christ and of the calling of the heathen to the grace and knowledge of God especially in their orations when they speak of captiuity and deliuerance from the same Ioel in his prophecie doth also keepe that order For seeing that the Iewes were euer still continually as stifnecked rebellious and vnbeleeuing people vnthankful to the grace of God the holy Ghost foresawe theyr reiection declaring it by the Prophets and that another people namely the heathen should bee receyued in their stead For in as much as they despised the grace of God which first was offered vnto them it was meet that the kingdome of God should bee taken from them and giuen to another nation Seeing they thought scorne to come to the marriage to the royall feast whereunto they were bidden it behooued others to be called vnto the same Therfore is Peter earnest vpon this sentence Whosoeuer calleth vpon the name of the Lord shall be saued As if he would say O ye Iewes bragge not of circumcision of Abraham of the temple or of other ceremonies thinke not that ye onely are the people of God the time is now come that God wil bestow his grace vpon those whom ye esteeme to bee vncleane God is no accepter of persons but among all people who so calleth vpon him shall be saued Of this sentence dooth Peter now take occasion more manifestly to speak of the kingdom of Christ for much more pithily and with more euidence doth the Apostles describe the kingdome of Christ than do the Prophets Who so calleth vppon Gods name must knowe God Now can no man knowe God but by Christ Therefore in this little worde to call vpon the name of the Lorde is comprehended the whole summe of the Christian faith Like as oftentimes in the Prophets bee these to sweare by God is contained his whole religion But forasmuch as the Iewes knew not Christ by whome commeth the true knowledge of God therfore beginneth Peter and declareth with strong argumentes how the name of God is to be called vpon namely through true faith in Christ who is the true Messias the annointed king and sonne of God which was promised in the Prophets This doth Peter prooue by the ground of the resurrection of Christ from death by his ascension into heauen and by that he now sitteth at the right hand of God Lord king of al things First let vs heare the text YEe men of Israel heare these words Iesus of Nazareth a man approued of God among you with miracles wonders and signes which God did by him in the midst of you as ye your selues knowe him haue yee taken by the hands of vnrighteous persons after hee was deliuered by the determinate councell and foreknowledge of God haue crucified and slaine him whom God hath raysed vp loosed the sorrowes of death because it was vnpossible that he should be holden of it For Dauid speaketh of him aforehand I sawe God alwayes before mee for hee is on my right hand that I should not be mooued Therefore did my heart reioice and my toong was glad moreouer also my flesh shal re●t in hope because thou wilt not leaue my soule in hell neither wilt thou suffer thine holie one to see corruption Thou hast shewed me the waies of life thou shalt make mee full of ioy with thy countenance Doctrine and fruite TO the intent now that no man should bee offended at the death and crosse of Christ Peter sheweth first that in the councel of God it was concluded foreseene and determined that the son of God the true Messias should and must die and how that the same sacrifice was ordained from the beginning of the world to bee slaine and offered vp vpon the crosse for our sins And that no man should make any stoppe by reason of his death Peter therefore declareth that he was no misse-doer which had deserued his death by any transgression but that hee was sent vnto vs by GOD the father to dye for vs whereby we might perceiue the loue of our Father in heauen And if they now would
thinke well if it were so concluded in the councell of God then are not we guiltie of his death hee aunswereth vnto the same sayth Vnrighteous men broght him therto it is ye your selues that slew him crucified him As if he would say yea euen so behoued it to be that the righteousnes of God for the sinne of mankinde might be satisfied Christ must needs die to recompence and wash away with his bloud the sinne of all the world And yet yee Iewes which haue betrayed Christ and brought him to the crosse are not vniustly accused yee cannot through the fore ordinance of God discharge your selues that ye be without sin seeing ye haue slaine the sauiour of the worlde hee being guiltles By this now we learne that when we do wrong and euill wee may not excuse our selues with the free ordinaunce of God for it is not God but the deuill and our owne wickednes that prouoketh vs to sinne And heere we see that when the grace of GOD through the Gospell is offered vnto the worlde the sinne and vice also wherein the worlde is intangled must be spoken of and touched for no man can bee iustified and come to the helth of his soule through Christ which doth not first know confesse his sin wickednes How can he be made whole that will will not know his owne disease and sicknes Therefore doth Peter sette before their eyes their great sin which they had committed against the innocent sonne of God saying The innocent and righteous whom God had giuen vnto you haue ye slaine and crucified which is a great wickednes sinne Now go to on your behalfe it was euill done and greuously offended but on his behalfe it was so ordayned before Therefore at his death which in the sight of the world was so shamefull and vile yee ought not to bee offended that yee therefore would holde the lesse of him or not receiue and know him for a sauiour For if you looke vpon his former conuersation the same was innocent pure and holie therefore cannot yee doubt but hee was sent of God Besides this ye haue perceyued and seene God to be euerie where in his workes for the tokens and wonders which hee shewed and declared amongst you giue euident knowledge that God was in him wroght in him presently for no man had beene able to doe the tokens that he did vnlesse God had beene with him Which tokens also were spoken of before by the Prophets concerning Christ and by those tokens must ye know and confesse that he is euen the true Messias of whom the Prophets spake Wherefore considering that by his former doctrine godly power ye knowe that hee is the true Messias yee ought not to bee offended that hee as an euill dooer was crucified vpon the crosse for it was the speciall determination of God that Messias should be crucified according to the foresayings of the Prophets Consider yee also that the Prophets likewise spake of his resurrection from death by the which ye may well perceiue that he is the true Messias Thus earnest is Peter beating into them the resurrection from the dead and that out of the Scripture For Christs resurrection from death is a strong argument to proue his godhead as it is taught Rom. 1. Iohn 20. Yea he died saith Peter for our sinnes but nowe he is aliue and risen againe from death death hath no more power ouer him for he liueth for euer and his kingdome is euerlasting Yea vnpossible it was that the sonne of God should corrupt in the earth sepulchre namely he that is the firstling risen from the dead and that from his owne godly power Seeing that these wordes of Peter concerning the resurrection and life of Christ were little credited among the Iewes he alleadgeth the 15. psalm of Dauid who amongst them was in great reputation But now might the Iewes say or thinke Dauid speaketh these words of himselfe and not of Christ that weapon therefore dooth Peter take from them and proueth that the same words may in no wise be referred vnto Dauid but that Dauid as a Prophet hauing knowledge of things to come spake them of Christ in whom they be now fulfilled and thus hee saith YEe men and brethren let me freely speake vnto you of the Patriarch Dauid for he is both dead and buried and his sepulchre remaineth with vs vntill this day Therefore seeing he was a Prophet and knew that God had sworne vnto him with an oath that Christ as concerning the flesh should come of the fruites of his loynes and shoulde sitte on his seate he knowing this before spake of the resurrection of Christ that his soule should not bee left in hell neyther his flesh should see corruption This Iesus hath God raised vp whereof we all are witnesses Doctrine and fruit THe Prophet Dauid speaketh of one whose flesh should not corrupt now could not hee haue spoken this of himselfe for his flesh corrupted in the sepulchre which wee yet haue and his bones lie yet in the sepulchre by the which it may well bee perceiued that Dauid as a Prophet knowing of things to come spake of another which should bee borne out of his owne loynes and seede whom God with a solemne oath had promised to sitte vpon his seate and raigne after him not onely for a season but also that his gouernance kingdome and dominion should be perpetuall and endure for euer And this king is Christ the true Messias who as concerning the flesh was borne of the seede of Dauid and is his sonne If this sonne now of Dauid had after death remained still in death and not risen from death againe how could hee then raigne for euer It is euident therefore that Dauid out of the holy Ghost who had opened this vnto him prophecied it of the resurrection of Christ his sonne the eternall king For though hee as a verie man died indeede vppon the crosse and was then buried yet his soule or life remained not in death neither did his body resolue into corruption as other mens but on the third day he rose again from death to life This must we needs testifie for after his resurrection he appear dost vnto vs. We saw him we heard him we handled him we did eate and drinke with him Heere wee learne that the Saintes in the old Testament vnderstood knew by faith the resurrection and eternal kingdom of Christ seeing they prophecied of it so euidently Here is also proued that Christ died in very deed yet abode not still in death forasmuch as hee ouercame it Also that the power and vertue of his holie passion and death came not onely to the liuing vpon earth but vnto all those that died before him according as Saint Peter in his Epistle and the Article of our beleefe He descended into hel declareth Wherof in the Catechisme vpon the Creed there is made mention sufficient SIthens now that he by the