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A02915 A shorte declaration of the mistery of iniquity Helwys, Thomas, 1550?-1616? 1612 (1612) STC 13056; ESTC S4697 142,624 224

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are vnder the power of the first Beast are misledd but they cannot discerne their owne estates which are one and the same vnder the second Beast who is more deceiveable because of his two hornes like the lambe and therefore men had need more carefully to looke vnto thēselves least they be still deceived except men wil rest in security and perish to destruction which all must do that obey the power either of the first or second Beast as is withal evident plainnes shewed Revel where it is written If anie man worship the Beast and his jmage and receive his marke in his fore-head or in his hand and whosoever receiveth the print of his name he shall drinke saith the spirit of the lord of the wine of the wrath of God which is powred into the cup of his wrath and shal be tormented with fire brimstone they shall have no rest day no● night What will prevaile with men if neither the fore warning prophesies nor threatning iudgments of the lord will move them to consider and flee the feirce vengance that is already come Doth our Saviour Christ tell that the abhomination of desolation shal be set vp in the holy places and doth Thappostle Paule shew that the man of sinne exalts himselfe and sitts as God in the Temple of God and doth the prophesie of the Revel so duely set downe and declare the manner of the workeing of the misterie of iniquitie according to the severall degree thereof vntil it come to that hight of exaltation before spoken of by Christ by Th-appostle in the similitude of the first and second Beast who beares the names of blasphemy in takeing vpon them the names and attributes of God as is before shewed causing all that dwell vpon the earth to worship the Beast and his image and so sitts as God in the high places and in the Temple of God which is in the harts of men 1. Cor. 3.16 and 2. Cor. 6.19 and do wee see all these things fulfilled before our eies and will not he that readeth consider And doth our Saviour Christ showe the greatest iudgments of the lord to be vpon men in those days in so much as no flesh shal be saved and except those days should be shortned no flesh should ever be saved doth th-Appostle Paul shew that because men will not receive the love of the truth the lord shall send them strange delusiōs that they should beleeve lies that all might be damned which beleeve not the truth but have pleasure in vnrighteousnes And doth the spirit of God in the Reuel by Iohn say that all who worship the Beast or beare the least marke of the Beast and his jmage shall drincke even of the meer wine of Gods wrath out of the cup of his wrath And wil not all this move the hardned harts of men to looke about and carefully to search out the prophecies of scripture concerning these things compare them with these times and seeke and find out how they are fulfilled which through the grace of God every faith fuil hart seeking shall now easily discerne seeing the first Angell Revell 16. hath powred out his viall so that noysome grevious sores do appeare vpon the men which have the marke of the Beast and vpon them that worship his image yea Glory and honor and praise be given to our God the fifth Angell hath also powred out his viall vpon the throne of the Beast and his Kingdome doth already wax darke who doth not see this that lookes but with anie seeing eie after religion Doth not now more then ever the noysome botches of manye grosse absurdities appeare in the bewitched vnderstanding of those men that beare the marke and worship the Beast and his jmage and is not the palpable darknes of blind ignorance openly discovered vpon the throne of the Beast And doth not the bewty of his image fade Is not the baptizing by midwives quit vanished And doth not Bishoping of yong and old much decay Doth not the duely reading of Iniunctions and homilies growe to forgetfulnes and are not prophane perambulations well layd aside and do not holy evens and days and ember wekes almost passe out of mynd and is not the booke it selfe become much out of vse Hath not whole conformitie received a blowe and will not anie halting subscription serve the turne Oh that the spirituall Lords of this spirituall Kingdome could see that the smoake of the burning there of is already deeply begun and doth highly ascend that they themselves might helpe to heape coales vpon the throne thereof and flee from the burning therewith Let them not fore cast to preserve it nor seeke to deliver it out of the hand of the Almighty they may more easily pull the pray out of the lyons mouth or dravve out leviathan vvith an hooke then prevent the mighty one that hath iudged these things Revel 18. vvho is clothed vvith a garment dip● in blood and his name is called The. vvord of God And vvho hath vpon his garment and vpon his thigh a name written The King of Kinges and Lord of Lords Reuel 19.12.16 Thus have wee according as wee foretold of our selves set downe these thinges with great jnability but yet with all fidelity according to our consciences in the best measure of vnderstanding concerning the second Beast who hath caused to make the jmage of the first And wee disire the Godly wise that seeke salvation by the Lambe that they will compare the Beast which wee all agree to be the Romish Hyrarchy and his jmage which how can it be ymagined but the Hyrarchy of Arch. Bishops and lord B. must needs be compare them together in their spirituall Pomp spirituall names of blasphemy spirituall power and Cruelty and cast but a partly indifferent eie vpon their administrations in their Offices Officers Courts Canons and decrees and then let the word and spirit of God direct the to judg righteously of the Beast and his jmage to knowe them that thou mayst not submitt to the spirituall power of the Beast and his image neither receive his marke in thy forehead nor in thine hand or the least print of his name for if thou dost thy portion is to drinke of the Cup and vvine of Gods wrath and to be tormented with fire and brimstone before the holy Angells and in the sight of the Lambe The word of the lord hath spoken it and his word is true and not lieing BVt shall wee now thinke wee have fully discharged our selves to God and men in speaking generally vnto all and shall wee not in humility perticulerly call vpon those servants of the lord of whome he hath especially prophesied that they shall hate the whore and make hir desolate and naked shall eate hir flesh and burne hir with fire this shal be done saith the lord by the Kings of the earth Reuel 17.16 of whome wee could be content not once to speake for feare of
kingdome of Christ which is heavenly and endureth for ever the sword of whose kingdome is spirituall by the power of which sword onely Christs subiects are to be ruled and kept in obedience to him by the which sword our lord the K. must be kept in obedience himself if he be a disciple of Christ a subiect of Christs kingdome And this takes away with out gain-saying all the Kingly power authority of our Lord the K. in the kingdome of Christ for he cannot be both a King a subiect in one and the same kingdome the Kings vndestanding hart will easily deserne this Then let our lord the K. in all happines prosperity sitt in his owne Princely throne of that mighty Kingdome of Great Britanne Which God hath given to the King and to his posterity and the lord give the K. a most wise hart to rule iudg his people and the lord give all his people faithfull harts to love obey him and let all those the K. enimies that would not that he should reigne over them bestayne before him And let our lord Iesus-Christ in power and Maiesty sitt vpon Davids throne the throne of the Kingdome of Israell which his father hath given vnto him let Christ according to his owne wisedome iudg his people Israell and let our the K. be his subiect the which our lord the King yeilding himselfe to be the K. must needs grant that as he is an earthly King he can have no power to rule in this spiritual Kingdome of Christ nor can compell anie to be subiects thereof as a King whilst the K. is but a subiect him self for there may be but one King in Israel And let not our lord the King be now angry and his servants will speake but this once Will our lord the K. being him self but a subiect of Christs Kingdome take vpon him by his Kingly power to make Primats Metropolitans Arch. Bishops and lord Bishops to be lords in the Kingdome of Christ and over the heritage of God And will our lord the K. do this against the whole rule of Gods word wherein there is no one tittle to warrant our lord the K. thertoo Will not our lord the K. be supplicated by the humble petition of his servants to examine his power authority herein Farr is it from the harts of vs the Kings servants to move the King to depart from the least tittle of his right that belongs to his Royall Crowne dignity and farr be it from the King to take from Christ Iesus anie one part of that power honor which belongs to Christ in his Kingdome Let our lord the King pardon his servants for medling in this matter for wee professe our selves bound vpon the perill of our soules to be faithfull subiects both to Iesus Christ our K. to our lord K. there fore it stands vs vpon to know what belongs vnto Christ our heavenly K. and vnto our earthly K. and Christ our spirituall K. hath freely spoken vnto vs cōmaunded vs to give vnto our K. that which is our Ks. will not our lord the K. say as freely vnto vs give vnto God that which is Gods Wee doubt not but our lord the King will say so why then we appeale vnto our lord the K. that is our earthly K. lett the K. speake according to the true iudgment of his hart will the K. say that it belongs to him to make spirituall Lords over the house of God And will the K. warrant his saying to be Good And if the King warrant it onely by his Princely prerogative may wee therepō give vnto the King this power in submitting our selves to such spirituall Lords and to their power were not this to take from our Spirituall Lord and King that which is even his owne name title and power and give it to another what greater evill can be comitted against Christ then to take his honor and power from him and give it to earthly mē who should feare tremble before him in giveing to him glory honor and not takeing from him Let not our lord the King be partaker in such great evill to suffer a power and name of blasphemy to be set vp so directly against the expresse comaundement of Christ who forbidds all Lordly titles and ruleing power one over another in his Kingdome we dare not but thinke it is done ignorantly both by our lord the K. who suffers this and by them that administer in this greatest evill wee the Kings servants say this greatest evill in that it is the abomination of desolation set vp in the high places which are the dayes of greatest tribulation that ever was or shal be the which dayes except they should be shortned no flesh should be saved And if it shall not yet appeare vnto our lord the that this Hyrarchy of Arch-Bishops and lord Bs. is this abhomination of desolation set in the high places then wee beseech the K. vpon our knees by his highest honor and renowne by his truest justice most righteous iudgmēt by his most Godly Princ-like care of the salvation of al his subiects and lastly above all by his cheifest love vnto God to his holy truth That our lord the King will with his Royall cōsent give way that this cause may come to an equall tryall but thus farr that the K. will but take hold his sword of iustice from this Hyrarchy that they may not smite the faith full true loyall subiects of the K. therewith neither to death nor to imprisoment nor to banishment for speaking or writing onely against their Kingdome And let our lord the King by the humble supplication of vs his servants be intreated to leave them to defend their spirituall power and names by the sword of the spirit which ought onely to be the weapon of their warefare if they be spirituall Lords as they pretend and then shall ●ur lord the K. see this cause truely decided to the Ks. honor and great comfort for the K. knowes that this Hyrarchy withall their learned dependancy if their cause be good they cannot lose it for want of learning in that they have wisedome learning if it be according to godlines sufficient to convince the whole earth and if they can with all that masse of learning mainteyne their Primacie and Prelacy Arch-Bishopry and spirituall Lordships then may our lord the King let them enioy it with comfort but if they cannot with all the spiritual weapons and armor they have vphold it then let it fall and go into the bottomles pitt from whence it is come Revel 9.2 and whether it must go though all the Kings on the earth should strive to vphold it Revel Let not our lord the K. therefore give the least support therevnto by the power of his sword The lord grant that wee may find fauour in the Kings eies in this so iust and equall a cause which
is that wee may but try the power of these called Spirituall Lords and that by earthly power they may not force men to yeild vnto their spirituall aucthority How can it but seeme equall in the Kings seight that spirituall lords should have no more spirituall authority then they can gett and mainteyne by spiritual power And if the Hyrarchy themselves thinke it vnequall that the doctrine of their power should be tryed be not most willing ready therevnto but shall by pollicie secret intimations shift it of then shall our lord the K. that is wise easily deserne that their deeds are evill and they hate the light neither cometh to the light least their deeds should be reproued Ioh. 3.20 But they that do truth come to the light that their deeds may be made manifest that they are wrought according to God Thus shal our lord the King all the world have a ful tryall of them whether their deeds are wrought according to God or no for if they will now come to the light of Gods word in the sight of all men and manifest their deeds to be wrought according to God then have they approved them selves but if they do not then hath our Saviour Christ here condemned thē with his owne mouth and let our lord the King also condemne them in his owne wisedome Shall wee need to be importunate with our lord the King in this cause of his poore people which concernes the condemnation of all their soules what need wee seeing our lord the King knowes that a King that iudgeth the cause of the poore rightly his throne shal be established for ever Pro. 20.14 Then let our lord the King here the cause of the poore and the rather in that the Kings most noble Predecessor hath before iustly adiudged the same cause and freed his people so far of the bondage wherein they were King Henry the 8. that Prince of great renowne freed his people from the bondage of the first Beast especially in these two great and maine perticulers in causing the scriptures to be set over and printed for the people in their owne language that so they might heare the word with their owne eares and also that their worship should be in their owne tongue that they might speake to God with theyr owne tongue and not in a straing tongue as they did Let heaven and earth iudg and let our lord the K. iudg let all the Kings people iudg whether this was not the depth of all darknes when men might not knowe what God speake vnto them nor knowe in their publique worship what they speake vnto God Let our lord the K. iudg whether ever there was such spirituall cruelty vpon the earth when the poore people of God for whome Christ died were debarred from the presence of God in their publique worship might neither heare god nor speake to God with their owne outward cares tongues but as the Ministers of the mā of sinne appointed and in astraing tongue as they taught them Wee knowe our lord the K. doth see that heere the abomination of desolation was set vp in the high places as also that the Corpes of the two witnesses of God prophesed of Reuel 11.8 which are the word and spirit of God lay dead in the streets of that great Citie there being no true vse at all of them and the people being deprived of the life of them for the word was a dead letter vnto them and the spirit a dead spirit The Kings predecessor of famous renowme thus freed his people from that bondage of the first Beast but there is risen vp a second Beast which exerciseth the power of the first Beast and now our lord he Kings people cry vnto the King with the sighes and groanes of their spirits and would cry also with a lowd voyce but for feare of the Beast and humbly besech the King that he would put too his helping hand to free his people from the bondage of the second Beast that their soules may not perish to everlasting perdition which all must do which are vnder the bondage of the same and so continewe And now let the King heare with an eare of compassion and see with an eie of pittie the cruell spirituall bondage that his poore people are kept vnder by the second Beast in these perticulers The Kings people have the word in their owne language and may pray in their owne tongue But they must not vnderstand the word but as the Lord Bishops will have it vnderstood and they must not pray nor administer in the holy things but as they appoint Now let the King with a godly wise hart consider in what woefull Spirituall bondage Gods people and the Kings are kept by this Hyrarchy Now plainely would our lord the King see the cruell Spirituall tyrany hereof if the King would make it but his owne cause Would not the King thinke it a must cruell tyranny if the King should be by force compelled to vnderstand and beleeve the scriptures as the Hyrarchy of Rome would have him And to worship God and administer in the holy thinges as that Hyrarchy would appoint And if the King would not so do that then that Hyrarchy should have power to put the King in prison and if that would not serve the turne to procure or cause the Kings life to be taken from him or at least to banish the King from his Kingdome nation would not our lord the K. thinke this great tyrany cruell bondage Wee knowe the King would for which cause the K. and his predecessors have cast of this bondage Then let the King see that the Kings people are vnder this same bondage for if they will not vnderstand the scriptures and worship God as the Hyrarchy of Arch. Bs. and lord Bs. comaund appoint they straight send a pursivant apprehēd them by violence and force imprison them sometimes divers yeres manie times not suffering so much as their wives to come at them and if their lives cannot be gotten then procure their exile or banishment The lord give the King a hart to pittie his people herein the King is ignorant of these dealings and none dare tell the King thereof the Prelacy have bene so mighty and so cruell And will it please the King to veiwe the cause of his people being true and faithfull subiects yet further what doth it profitt the Kings people to have the word of God to heare and read it seeing they are debarred of the spirit of God to vnderstand it but according to private interpretation by the the lord B. as though they had the spirit and could not err Oh that our lord the King that is a man of excellent wisedome would but bēd his wisedome to behold how that herin wherein the whole power of the Beast consists this Hyrarchy of Arch-Bs lord Bs. doth nothing differ from the first Beast for the first Beast kepes both the word and spirit
not if you might without danger or losse reforme your selves and as manie as you could according to that reformation you sue for your owne consciences can tel you you would If the King at first had made a law that al should have bene in subiection to the Bishops power and Goverment in the Church but he would have no man punished by imprisonment nor put out of their liveings that should refuse would you not al that make anie conscience off your waies have reformed If you would not then the reformation you plead for is not needful except the King wil approve of it and so have you striven al this while about needles things if the Kings comaundment may disanul the necessitie of them then are they needful if the King wil permit if not your reformatiō may be spared ād so ought you not to have gainsaied it as you have done And in this doth your iniquitie greatly abound in that you make so smale a matter off those thinges wherein you in iudgment differ from the Lord Bishops seeing the difference is no lesse then for the whole Goverment off Christ in his Church And the Lord give you and al his people Grace duely to consider off it how greatly you dishonor Christ and make a mock off him when you professe him to bee your King and yet say his Goverment is not of absolute necessitie so do you hold it of absolute necessitie to give him the name off a King but not to give him the power of a King what great impietie off high contempt is this What earthly King would endure this at his subiects hands Iff you should do so by our Lord the King off Great Brittanne acknowledg him to bee your Lord and King and call him by that name and title and bend and bow to him with words of al reverence but wholy submit your selves to bee Governed by the lawes and Officers off a forreyne power and that by Rebellious subiects who ought to bee obedient vnto the King and yet are set vp as Kings and take the Kings power from him were you not al worthy to bee accounted traytors and Rebels and would not the King cast you all out off his Kingdome or destroy you al in it would the king bee satisfied withall your words off flattery that you could vse in acknowledging him and calling him by the name off your King when he should see hee had no power to Governe you by his lawes and Officers but that you did submitt to bee ruled by the Lawes and Officers off his Rebellious subiects and enimies Would our Lord the King endure this Haveing power in his hand to avenge himselff off you would he not after his often proclamations made and his manie messingers sent vnto you to commaund you to come from vnder those Governors and that Goverment least ye bee destroyed with them and to submit your selves to him and he will bee your King and your defence if for al this you would not harken and obey would not the King come with his power according to his word and destroy you all together that would not suffer him to rule over you Certenly the King would do it in iustice and for his owne honor and haveing protested it with his word Evē so be you sure wil Christ Iesus your king do by you all if you stand stil in rebellion against him submitting your selves to that rebellious Hyrarchie of arch B. and lord B. who ought to be his subiects but are his enimies ād exalt thēselves above him governing you by aforteyne power and Goverment and not by Christs power and goverment and the kings proclamations are come vnto you comaunding you to Come out from among them and seperate your selves and be his Children and people And he will receive you and bee your God and Father 2. Cor. 6. And Go out of hir my people that ye bee not partakers of his sinnes that you receive not of hir plagues Revel 18. Thus doth Christ Iesus your King cal vnto you and if you will not yet harken to his voice but flatter with your tongues and say you acknowledg him to bee your King but submit not to bee governed by his power he wil certenly in his iustice for his honor haveing protested it by the word of his mouth come against you al and give you the Cup off the Wine of the feircnes of his wrath Revel 16.19 Oh people destitute of vnderstanding Oh Nation not worthy to be loved Can you thinke in your mynds that God hath given all earthly Kings power to make good lawes to rule and governe their people by and comaunded their subiects to be obedient thervnto And hath he not given Christ Iesus his beloved Sonne whome he hath set vpon Davids throne for ever and made King over his people Israell power to make true lawes and good ordinances to governe and rule his people by and hath he not comaunded al his subiects to be obediēt thervnto wil no king of power suffer his subiects to submit thēselves to be governed by the govermēt of anie other ād so to be deprived of that goverment which God hath given them over their subjects and can you bee so vnwise to thinke that Christ Iesus who is a King of greatest power will suffer it in his subiects Can you not see that a King is no King if his Goverment over his people bee taken away and can you thinke that Christ may bee a King without his goverment What vanitie doth possesse your minds whilst you make so smale a matter off Christs goverment saying you differ with the Bishops in no fundamental point but onely in matter of Goverment See if there bee anie sight in you if the Lord Bishops power of goverment were taken away where were their kingdome their names and titles would not support their kingdome and this they see and you find by their Can. 7. Anno 1603. which they have made for the firme establishing off their Goverment knowing it to bee fundamental without the which their kingdome would presently come to nought even in one houre even so have they brought Christs Kingdome to nought amongst you by takeing his goverment from him Who hath be witched you thus to say and teach and seduce the simple as though goverment were no fundamentall point knowe you not what Goverment is Can you devide Christs goverment as hee is a King from his power or his power from this goverment Will you make him a king without goverment Wherein then is he a King otherwise then in name If the Lord-Bishops should compel you to denie Christ off the name of a king in or over his Church would you not then say they overthrew a fundamentall point off faith And have you not vnderstanding to deferne that the power or Goverment of a King is off farr greater authoritie then the name of a king and were it not a much lesse matter for a king to bee deprived of the
robbing him of his honor iff by repencance You maae not your peace with him Now for the next name of blasphemy that is within our capasitie to speake of it is the title of Lords Grace and this is your houshold title we meane it is a title that may not bee omitted in al ordinary occasions doth not this attribute belong onely to the lord off grace ād wil you have this prerogative with him Now although this title be vsed in what sence wee knowe not in the stiles off some civill Magistrates where with wee meddle not yet wee knowe all your titles off degree you beare by a spiritual prerogative and therein consists the misterie of iniquitie and there fore are al your names of honor ād prerogative where by you challeng superioritie names of blasphemy ād directly against the expresse comaundment of Christ who by his comaundment that were worthy to bee obeyed charged his Disciples that they should in no wise seeke superioritie in his Kingdome neither in name nor power The Lords of the Gentiles beare rule one over an other are called gracious Lords or beare names off honor but it shall not be so among you he that wil bee greatest shal be least in my Kingdome that is he that wil be exalted in name or power by being a Disciple of my Kingdome he shal be the least Luk. 22.25.26 But the words of our Saviour Christ are not at al regarded herein the man of sinne will have a Kingdome where there shal be mightie power and authority one over anothers conscience appointing and cōpelling men how they shal worship their God and to imprison to banish and to cause to dye them that resist and the man of sinne wil have in his kingdome names of most high honor yea even the names titles and attributes off God and thus doth he sit as God both in name title and power And this prophesie is now fullfilled as he that hath an eie may see and hee that hath an eare may heare For let anie man but heare the prophesie of this booke of the Revel and he may see it fulfilled in the first ād second Beast as evidently as if Christ should send one from the dead and declare it vnto him and say this is the first Beast and this is the second and they that wil not beleeve him in his word neither would they beleeve him if hee should send one from the dead Luk. 16.31 And now al that do agree with vs in iudgment concerning the first Beast that it is plainly to bee seene in that Romish profession and that it is vnpossible that the mā of sinne should bee exalted in a higher measure of exaltation wee cal you al fu●th for witnesses before God and Men whether it bee not as plainly to bee seene that the second Beast that hath the two hornes like the Lambe pretending or makeing shewe of the word and power off the Lambe in humblenes and meekenes but speaking like the dragon and exercising the power of the first beast And making the ymage off the first Beast Wee call you all to witnes whether the second Beast be not as plainly to be seene in the Hyrarchy of ArchBishops and Lord-Bishops ād whether it be possible that there should bee made so lively an image of the first Beast as is in this Hyrarchy in al titles and names of blasphemy in al Pompe and in al power throughout begining at their Book-worship with all the conformity belonging to it and so going through all their Offices and Officers Courts Canons and decrees if al these bee not the image of the first Beast conceived in his bowels and brought out off his bosome let Heaven and Earth witnes and let all the men vpon Earth deny iff they can and shewe anie other ymage of the first Beast And therefore all you whome this may most may most concerne either deny this prophesie of God and wipe it out which if you doe God wil deny you and wipe you out of the booke of life or eis confesse it to bee fulfilled in and among you and give glory to God and cast away your abhominations and take heed off hardnes harts that can not repent which heape vp as a treasure vnto themselves wrath against the day of wrath Oh why should you for the pleasure of vnrighteousnes for a verie few daies little doe you knowe how few vtterly destroy your owne soules and perish yea and destroy the soules of al that submitt vnto you in the least of these things except they repent And if you wil yet iustifie your selves in these things and make shewe of your selves to bee the servants off the Lambe and not the servants of the Beast then stand furth and defend your Kingdome and cause with the spiritual sword of the Lambe which is the word of God and convince your gain-saiers and stop their mouthes therewith and so shal you approve your selves Bishops in deed And if you can prove by Gods word that wee ought to say prayers as you comaund vs wee wil both sing and say as you bid vs and if you can prove your names of blasphemy and titles of degree your Pomp and al your cruell spiritual pouwer good by that warrant we wil yeild it you al and not diminish you of the least tittle there of What need you feare to bring it to trial You have learning enough you have partakers enowe iff you had but half a good cause which battle if you will feight we say vnto you as Michaiah said vnto Ahab when he would go vp to Ramoth Gilead Take it in hand go vp and prosper But wee wil tel you also with the same Prophet that if you stand in this cause The Lord hath determyned evil against you 2. Chro. 18.16.22 But in al this let vs perswade you in feare to God and shame to men to cast away all these courses wee shal now mention Do not when a poore soule by violence it brought before you to speake his couscience in the profession of his Religion to his God do not first impose the Oath Ex Officio Oh most wicked course and if hee wil not yeild to that then imprison him close Oh horrible severitie if he wil not bee forced by imprisonment then examine him vpon divers articles without oath to see iff he may bee intrapped anie way Ogrevious impietic and if anie peece of advantage either in word or writing or by witnes can bee gotten turne the Magistrats sword vpon him ād take his life Oh bloody cruelcie if no advātage cā be found get him banished out of his natural countrie and from his Fathers house let him live or sterve it matters not Oh vnnatural compassionatnes without pittie Let these courses bee far from you For there is no shewe off grace Religion nor humanitie in these courses this is to lye in wait for blood to lay snares secretly to take the simple to slay him And to conclude this point
wherein you are by great and marvelous signes and wonders as the spirit of God hath declared Revel 15. and 16. Chap. by the seaven Angels which powre out the seaven vialls of the wrath of God vpon the Earth But you must knowe that this is a spirituall Prophisie and al these are spiritual signes and wonders which the lord hath graciouslie promissed to shew vpon Babilon Egipt and Sodom spirituallie so called to the destruction and everlasting overthrowe of the Scarlet cullored Beast and the Woman that sits vpon him which woman is that great Citie Babilon and vpon all the people that come not furth at the call of his voice Revel 17.18 Chap. But take heed you bee not deceived by lookeing for their things with carnal eies as the Iewes did who looked for an earthlie King to deliver them so that whē their spiritual king came they knewe him not but hated him dispised him persecuted him killed him and cast him out and so remaine in transgression and vnder condemnatiō vnto this day by the iust iudgment of God Take heed least you do so in sueing after and seeking by earthlie meanes to be delivered out of your spiritual bondage and when the spirituall meanes and way is shewed you you contemne it dispise it hate it persecute it speake al manner of evil against it oppose it reiect it and condemne it and so remaine stil in your transgression and vnder the condemnatiō of the iust iudgment of God which the Lord hath pronounced against all those that come not furth of Babilon partaking thereby with hir in hir sinnes and so shal be made pertakers of hir plagues which plagues you cannot escape if you come not furth but beleeve those false Prophets that prophesie lyes vnto you Be not deceived by your good intents ād meanings and good desires whereof you are full Nor by your great affections of zeale wherewith you abound above al people that we knowe or have heard of that have anie knowledg of the Gospel wee speake not of the ignorant zealous Papists that go before you and all the earth that knowe the name of Iesus in these things which makes them thinke their estates most happie Take you heed least you bee also still hereby deceived Wee confesse these are excellent things if knowledg and faith go with them Furthermore your obedience vnto the second and great comaundement which is Love thy neighbour as thy self and al the particuler dueties thereof as Honor Parents do not comit adultery Kil steale beare false witnesse Covet nothinge that is thy neighbours In these excellent duties verie manie of you greatly abound and wee cannot but with great affections looke vpon you and love you for them yet knowe that manie Papists are nothinge behind you in these thinges Therefore let not these things deceive you as though you had all things because you have these You see it testified by our Saviour Christ that a man may have or do all these things and yet not follow Christ as is shewed in the example of that excellent Ruler whome Christ looked vpon and loved for those excellent things in him Mark 10.21 And therefore please not your selves so much in those things although wee acknowledg they are worthie of great comendations in you and our soules are much affected to you for them But iff you followe not Christ in the regeneration that is if you bee not borne againe of water of the Spirit so enter into the Kingdome off Heaven all is nothinge as you see by the example of this Ruler And Cornelius Act. 10. If he had not bene baptized with the holy ghost and with Water for all his praiers and almes he had not nor could not have entred into the Kingdome off Heaven Thus entered all the people off God of whose entrance the Scriptures give testimonie either by rule or example and therefore if there bee anie other entrance found out it is not nor cannot bee of God this onelie is the doore which Iesus Christ hath set open for all to enter in at that enter into his Kingdome Iohn 3.5 and the Lord sanctifie al your harts with grace that you may enter in thereby For no other way off salvation hath Christ appointed but that mē first beleeve and bee Baptized Mark 16.16 Thus have wee freely spoken the truth vnto you from our harts suspect vs not of the least contempt or dispite iff wee seene sharpe There are multitudes of you of that Puritane profession so called that knowe our love is most true and vnfained to you all and that wee cannot but love and reverence you and therefore wee cannot but the more seeke your reformation wish it and pray for it and wee will not give the Lord rest therein vntill hee heare vs that wee may see your salvation accomplished THe next false profession off Christ and false Prophets amongst you that wee will by Gods assistance speake of is that false profession and those false Prophets which are vsually called Brownists you are they that say you are Iewes but are none and have made your selves a name to bee the Seperation and are falsly so called but are not as through the helpe of our God we shal make it plaine by the Word of the Lord both to your owne consciences if you wil not alwaies resist the truth and also to the consciences of al others And this we will do by those grounds of truth which you acknowledg which you must be forced either to forsake or els be cōvinced by them And the first ground is this in your Booke called the Apologies the first part of your third position stands thus set downe A true visible Church is a Companie of people called and seperated from the world by the word of God and ioyned together by voluntary profession of the faith of Christ in the fellowship of the Gospel And by this meanes that is by the word of God and by thus doeing that is seperating themselves from the world and ioyning together say you they are become a true visible Church Now to come to a full discoverie off your false profession off Christ Let it be observed that you confesse you were off the World before you seperated Which when you were then were you Enimies vnto Christ for Christ testifieth the World hates him Iohn 7.7 Then were you none off Christs for those that are Christs or off Christ are not of the world Ioh. 17 1● and now to be come Christs you say you are called and seperated from the World by the word of God and ioined together by voluntarie profession of the faith of Christ in the fellowship of the Gospel This is your constitution wherein you have erred as may plainlie appeare for when you were called and as you say seperated you should have ioined to Christ and have entred into his Kingdome which seing you have not done you are not seperated from the world nor have no fellowship in the Gospel Wee confesse the