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kingdom_n glory_n jesus_n lord_n 4,924 5 3.3940 3 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A18040 The ruinous fal of prodigalitie with the notable examples of the best aprooued aucthours which hath bin written of the same. Newly set foorth by Iohn Carr. Carr, John, citezein of London. 1573 (1573) STC 4685; ESTC S111212 14,075 46

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prodigalitie but in the ende hee concludes that Pride and Prodigalitie is the destruction of all those that vseth it In deede I must and wyll commend clenlines and comlines of aparell vsed with a mediocritie for it is to be abhorred to haue too sumptuous apparell to flaunte it in brauerye and not hable to mainteine it neyther oughte it to bee too simple and poore but in a means modestie whiche is best conuenient for profite and honestie It is not meete to see a beggar weare a riche robe nor it is not decent for a maiestrate to weare a patched gowne but I woulde wishe that euerye man accordinge to his callinge woulde vse the garmentes most metest for him In deede comely garments importeth the maiestie of a mā and sumptuous garmentes not meete for his estate disgraceth his audacitie For what neede a rynge of golde in a swines snowte sure it is not comelye nor decent but contrary vnto wisdom Homer writeth of Vlisses that when his shippes almost al his men were after longe tossinge on the seas neare hande perished he was driuen on land where Alcinous raigned as kinge among the nations of Pheacas and this Alcinous harbored Vlisses and his men and gaue him good enterteinement for he was very bare without apparel and Nausicaa daughter to Alcinous sente a mantle to Vlisses whiche when that he had it on hee represented a wonderfull Audacitie and countenaunce of Maiestie whereby that Alcinous sayde I woulde that Vlisses woulde take my daughter Nausicaa to wife And in dede apparell mete for his state which weareth it it is a perfite and pure thing to set forth him selfe but if he weare garmentes and attire not mete for his habilitie it imbaceth his grace gesture therefore I saye let hym alwaies that thinketh to liue in the lawe of God and in the feare of him not to desire other apparell then with a mediocritie whiche is decente for him for in excesse of aparell ensueth muche inconuenience as I haue written before in this booke but nowe to conclude I doo passe ouer many worthy histories which hath ben tost in the braynes of sondry authours the whiche were excellente good to be treated of but I haue ben somwhat tediouse in this my simple woorke and therfore I thinke it mete now to make an ende therefore these thinges which I haue rehersed towchinge the fall of Prodigalitie ought of all estates to be had in memorie and perfitelye pondered and be vigilant that they fall not to the lyke vice for the enormitie of it I haue already resited Nowe all ye readers and hearers consider with your selues that Prodigalitie is abhorred of God and man and that wee ought not to vse it therefore of you let it be reiected and trode vnder your feete And all you parentes which desire to haue your children lyue in the feare of God kepe them so in youth that in age they may obeye you and soo shall you gayne the fauoure of God and man and be heires of the kingedome of Heauen where the Lorde Iesus dothe raigne in his celestiall glorie to whom be all honour and glorie for euer and euer Amen FINIS I. Carr. Horsemen are swifter then footemen These are the cōmon pactises of some at this daye Couetousnesse is of th'aucthor here reiected Good exercises are here alowed Herodotus a Greeke historiographer Marcus Huua was Dictator of Rome one of the highest offices there Do nomore then your habilitie is able to reache Iolas born in Athens a worthye example They dyd celebrate to Diana the Goddes of chastitie Take hede of this exaumple Bambes kinge of Nauers brother Xenophon Rebellion agaynst a prodigall kinge Exodus ▪ 4. Reg. 2. Maturiae a Romain writer dwellinge in Verona Iulius Caesar Marcus Brutus some say was Iulius Caesars sonne a bastarde borne Dionisius Perses Tarquine father to him that rauished Lucrece Genesis 4 Morton of Englande a righte good example A good answere to him Luke 15. Goddes displeasure is worst of al Vlisses in Homer is created at large Imprinted at London in Fletstreete by William How for Henry Kirckham at the signe of the blacke Boy at the litle North doore of Poules 1573.