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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A66129 The declaration of His Highnes William Henry, by the grace of God Prince of Orange, &c. of the reasons inducing him, to appear in armes in the kingdome of England, for preserving of the Protestant religion, and for restoring the lawes and liberties of England, Scotland and Ireland Here unto are added the letters of the aforesaid his illustrious Highnesse to the sea and land forces of England, together with the prayer for the present expedition.; Declaration of his Highness William Henry, by the grace of God, Prince of Orange, &c. of the reasons inducing him to appear in arms for preserving of the Protestant religion and for restoring the laws and liberties of England, Scotland and Ireland. William III, King of England, 1650-1702.; William III, King of England, 1650-1702. Declaration of His Highness William Henry by the grace of God Prince of Orange, &c. of the reasons inducing him to appear in arms for preserving of the Protestant religion, and for restoring the laws and liberties of the ancient kingdom of Scotland. aut; Burnet, Gilbert, 1643-1715.; Fagel, Gaspar, 1634-1688, attributed name. 1688 (1688) Wing W2328C; ESTC R221019 18,386 19

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secret thoughts Besides a great many other Violences and Oppressions to which that poor Nation hath been exposed without any hope of having an end put to them or to have Relief from them And that the Arbitrary and Illegall proceedings of those Evill Councellours might be justified and supported such a Declaration hath been procured by them as strikes at the root of the Government and overturns the most sacred Rights of it in making all Parliaments unnecessary and taking away all defences of Religion Liberty and Property by an assumed and asserted Absolute Power to which Obedience is required without Reserve which every good Christian is perswaded to be due to God Almighty alone all whose Commandements are always Just and Good. These Evill Councellours have used their utmost endeavours to abolish Penall Laws excluding all who are not Protestants from publick Trust which give too great a check to their designes For the accomplishing of this a Liberty hath been granted to Dissenters but such a●one as that the continuance thereof is plainly insinuated to depend upon their hearty concurrence for Abolishing the abovementioned Penall Laws the only legall defence of their Religion Although the Dissenters have just cause of distrust when they call to mind how some hundreds of their Ministers were driven out of their Churches without either accusation or citation the filling of many of whose places with Ignorant and Scandalous persons hath been one great occasion of all those Miseries which that Countrey for a long time hath Groaned under And Dissenters have but small ground to rest on any present ease founded upon a Proclamation which may be recalled every hour and which in the first and second Editions of it gave no relief to them especially considering that not many monts before the greatest of the forementioned severities and barbarities had been exercised upon them But to crown all there are great and violent Presumptions inducing us to beleeve that those Evill Councellours in order to the carrying on of their ill designes and to the gaining to themselves the more time for the Effecting of them for the encouraging of their Complices and for the discouraging of all Good Subjects have published that the Queen hath brought forth a Son tho there have appeared both during the Queens pretended Bignes and in the manner in which the Birth was managed so many just and visible grounds of suspicion that not only Wee our selves but all the good Subjects of those Kingdomes doe vehemently suspect that the pretended Prince of Wales was not born by the Queen And it is notoriously known to all the world that many both doubted of the Queens Bignes and of the Birth of the Child and yet there was not any one thing done to satisfy them or to put an end to their Doubts And since our Dearest and most Entirely Beloved Consort the Princesse and likewise Wee our selves have so great an Interest in this Matter and such a Right as all the world knows to the succession of these Kingdomes which those Men have attempted to violate for preventing of all redress of miseries by the lawfull Successors of the Crown educated by the good providence of God in the true Profession of the Protestant Religion Wee cannot excuse our selves from espousing the true interest of these Nations in matters of such high Consequence and from contributing all that lies in us for the defence of the Laws and Liberties thereof the maintaining of the Protestant Religion in them and the securing of the People in the enjoyment of all their just Rights But that our Intentions may be so manifest that no person may doubt or pretend to doubt thereof to excuse themselves from concurringh with us in this just Design for the Universall good of the Nation Wee do Declare that the freeing that Kingdom from all hazard of Popery and Arbitrary power for the future and the delivering it from what at the present doth expose it to both the setling of it by Parliament upon such a solid Basis as to its Religions and Civill concerns as may most effectually redress all the above mentioned Grievances are the true reasons of our present undertaking as to that Nation And therefore Wee persuade our selves that our Endeavours to give the best assistance wee can for the Relief of so distressed a Kingdome shall not only not be misconstrued but shall also be accompanied with a chearfull and universall Concurrence of the whole Nation that even those who have been Instruments for the enslaving of it will now show their Dislike of what they have done by their timeous and reasonable Diligence for its Rescue and that if any shall not give us that Assistance which their Conscience to God and their Respect to their Countrey oblige them to they shall be justly charged with all the Evills that may be the effects of such a want of their duty And as wee our selves desire to trust to the Almighty God alone for the success of our Arms so wee expect of all good men that they will apply themselves most earnestly to Him for his Blessing upon our Endeavours that so they may rend to the Glory of his Great Name to the Establishment of the Reformed Churches and to the Peace and Happiness of that Kingdome Given under our hand and Seal at our Court in the Hague the tenth of October in the Year of our Lord 1688. WILLIAM HENRY PRINCE OF ORANGE By his Highnesses speciall command C HUYGENS. To all Commanders of Ships and all Seamen that are now imployed in the English Fleet. GENTLEMEN AND FRIENDS OUr Right Trusty and Well beloved Admirall Herbert is fully Instructed by Us And therefore Wee expect that you will give an Entire credit to every thing that he shall say to you in our Name Wee have prepared a Declaration containing the Reasons that induce Us to undertake the Present Expedition in which Wee have no other designe but the preservation of the Protestant Religion and the restoring of the Lawes and Liberties of England The totall ruine of your Religion being as much designed by the Papists in England as it is already accomplished in France and it will as certainly be effected if they are able to prevail at this time Wee can not beleeve but that you must be already sensible that you are only made use of as Instruments to bring both your selves and your Countrey under Popery and Slavery by the means both of the Irish and the Forreigners who are preparing to compleat your Destruction And therefore Wee hope that God will put it in your hearts at this time to Redeem your selves your Countrey and your Religion from all those Miseries This in all humane appearance can onely be done by your coming now to assist Us who are labouring for your Deliverance And Wee doe assure you that Wee will be ever mindfull of the services that youw shall now doe Us And Wee promise to you that Wee will place particular marks of our Favour on all
advantages might be given to them to bring about their Designes and that both in the Election of the Members of Parliament and afterwards in the Parliament it selfe For they see well that if all Protestants could enter into a mutuall Good Understanding one with another and concurre together in the Preserving of their Religion it would not be possible for them to compasse their wicked ends They have also required all Persons in the severall Counties of England that either were in any Imployment or were in any considerable Esteem to declare before hand that they would concurre in the Repeal of the Test and Penall Lawes and that they would give their voices in the Elections to Parliament only for such as would concurre in it Such as would not thus preingage themselves were turned out of all Imployments and others who entred into those engagements were put in their places many of them being Papists And contrary to the Charters and Priviledges of those Burroughs that have a right to send Burgesses to Parliament they have ordered such Regulations to be made as they thought fit and necessary for assuring themselves of all the Members that are to be chosen by those Corporations and by this means they hope to avoid that Punishment which they have deserved tho it is apparent that all Acts made by Popish Magistrates are null and void of themselves So that no Parliament can be Lawfull for which the Elections and Returns are made by Popish Sheriffs and Majors of Towns and therefore as long as the Authority and Magistracy is in such hands it is not possible to have any Lawfull Parliament And tho according to the Constitution of the English Government and Immemoriall Custome all Elections of Parliament men ought to be made with an entire Liberty without any sort of force or the requiring the Electors to choose such Persons as shall be named to them and the Persons thus freely elected ought to give their Opinions freely upon all Matters that are brought before them having the good of the Nation ever before their eyes and following in all things the dictates of their Conscience yet now the People of England can not expect a remedy from a free Parliament Legally called and chosen but they may perhaps see one called in which all Elections will be carried by Fraud or Force and which will be composed of such Persons of whom those Evill Councellours hold themselves well assured in which all things will be carried on according to their Direction and Interest without any regard to the Good or Happines of the Nation Which may appear evidently from this that the same Persons tried the Members of the last Parliament to gain them to consent to the Repeal of the Test and Penal Lawes and procured that Parliament to be dissolved when they found that they could not neither by promises nor threatnings prevail with the Members to Comply with their wicked Designs But to crown all there are great and violent Presumptions inducing us to beleeve that those Evill Councellours in order to the carrying on of their ill designes and to the gaining to themselves the more time for the Effecting of them for the encouraging of their Complices and for the discouraging of all Good Subjects have published that the Queen hath brought forth a Son tho there have appeared both during the Queens pretended Bignes and in the manner in which the Birth was managed so many just and visible grounds of suspicion that not only Wee our selves but all the good Subjects of those Kingdomes doe vehemently suspect that the pretended Prince of Wales was not born by the Queen And it is notoriously known to all the world that many both doubted of the Queens Bignes and of the Birth of the Child and yet there was not any one thing done to satisfy them or to put an end to their Doubts And since our Dearest and most Entirely Beloved Consort the Princesse and likewise Wee our selves have so great an Interest in this Matter and such a Right as all the world knows to the Succession to the Crown since also the English did in the year 1672. when the States Generall of the United Provinces were Invaded in a most injust warre use their uttermost Endeavours to put an end to that Warre and that in opposition to those who were then in the Government and by their so doing they run the hasard of losing both the favour of the Court and their Imployments And since the English Nation has ever testified a most particular Affection and Esteem both to pur Dearest Consort the Princesse and to Our selves WEE cannot excuse our selves from espousing their Interests in a matter of such high Consequence and from contributing all that lies in us for the maintaining both of the Protestant Religion and of the Lawes and Liberties of those Kingdomes and for the Securing to them the continual Enjoyment of all their just Rights To the doing of which Wee are most earnestly solicited by a great many Lords both Spirituall and Temporall and by many Gentlemen and other subjects of all Ranks THEREFORE it is that Wee have thought fit to goe over to England and to carry over with us a force sufficient by the blessing of God to defend us from the violence of those Evill Councellours AND WEE being desirous that our Intentions in this may be rightly understood have for this end prepared this Declaration in which as wee have hitherto given a true Account of the Reasons inducing us to it So Wee now think fit to DECLARE that this our Expedition is intended for no other Designe but to have a free and lawfull Parliament assembled as soon as is possible and that in order to this all the late Charters by which the Elections of Burgesses are limited contrary to the ancient custome shall be considered as null and of no force and likewise all Magistrates who have been Injustly turned out shall forthwith resume their former Imployments as well as all the Borroughs of England shall return again to their ancient Prescriptions and Charters and more particularly that the ancient Charter of the Great and famous City of London shall again be in Force and that the Writts for the Members of Parliament shall be addressed to the Proper Officers according to Law and Custome That also none be suffered to choose or to be chosen Members of Parliament but such as are qualified by Law And that the Members of Parliament being thus lawfully chosen they shall meet and sit in Full Freedome That so the Two Houses may concurre in the preparing of such Lawes as they upon full and free debate shall Judge necessary and convenient both for the confirming and executing the Law concerning the Test and such other Lawes as are necessary for the security and Maintenance of the Protestant Religion as likewise for making such Lawes as may establish a good aggréement between the Church of England and all Protestant Dissenters as also for the covering