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A93694 An answer to one part of the Lord Protector's speech: or, A vindication of the fifth monarchy-men, in reference to an accusation of evil charged upon them in his speech to the Parliament in the Painted Chamber, the 4 of September, 1654. / Published by John Spittlehouse, to the end all men may see the strong endeavours that have been used to obstruct the kingly interest of Jehovah the Lord Christ in the world, by blowing the bellows of a persecution against those that desire he should reign over all nations of the earth, by his holy, just, and perfect laws and ordinances recorded in the sacred Scriptures to that very end and purpose. Spittlehouse, John. 1654 (1654) Wing S5003; Thomason E813_19; ESTC R211046 21,496 28

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that they would not permit the same in any they could most confide in or could have most personal assurance of Could not Jesus Christ I say have reigned WITHIN VS in the hearts of his people in this Commonwealth if the late King had yet kept his Crown and Head upon his shoulders Is it possible that any mortal man should hinder such a reign And if not why was Caesar destroyed without to let in Christ within Could his persecuting the people of God have done it Surely no experience hath taught that the blood of the Martyrs hath been the seed or increase of the Church And doubtless the Scots knew as well as himself and the Army That there was no king but Jesus as to A SPIRITVAL ACCOVNT or GOVERNMENT WITHIN VS and therefore doubtless did not contest against such a Government Nay is it not clear from their fore-mentioned exceptions that their Quarrel or rather the Quarrel of the Lord Jesus as they at least pretended was for the subversion of whatsoever was Antichristian in point of External Ordinances and for the establishment of the Ordinances of Jesus Christ ACCORDING TO HIS WORD 3. Had not himself and the Army been really convinced that MONARCHY IT SELF as it hath reference to Dan. 2. 34 35 44. and 7. 18 22 26 27. was at its period what ground had they to fight against MONARCHY IT SELF or to revenge the BLOOD OF THE SAINTS upon the KINGS OF THE EARTH either from Scripture or primitive practio● of Saints whose usual custom was in such cases aut fugere aut pati to flee or suffer and not to oppose wicked Princes upon such an account knowing that the Lord had permitted them for a time to exercise such wickedness Revel 17. 21 13. But contrariwise that they were convinced of the truth thereof or at least plaid the part of the greatest hypocrites that ever were upon the face of the earth witnessing their stiling themselves The Army of the Lamb as also their aforesaid expressions witness also their notorious Appeal at Dunbar where they owned no king but Jesus and the Scots a Personal interest of man as also the glorious decision of that controversie on the No king but Jesus his side and that to the admiration of all men witness also his own expression in his Speech made to the short-liv'd Parliament July 4. 1653. p. 24 25. where he saith We know who they are that shall war with the Lamb against his enemies they shall be a people called chosen and faithful and hath in the Military way c. I believe you know it he hath acted with them and for them c. Indeed I think there is something at the door * I wish we could once see it within-door we are at the threshold And therefore it becomes us to lift up our heads and to encourage our selves in the Lord c. And we have some of us thought it our duty to endeavour this way not vainly looking on that prophecie of Daniel Chap. 1. 44. and that Scripture may be fulfilled now to us 4. But to stoop a little to his sense of the mistaken notion as he is now pleased to term it by way of derision now he hath compassed his own ends by it Did this Notion lead him forth to destroy kings for their lusts and corruptions and the same lusts and corruptions yet ●eigning in the world and particularly in Certainly we are little bettered by the expence of so much blood and treasure that hath been shed and spent since the Wars began The Lord be merciful to such persons and give them grace to repent if it be his will or otherwise as shall most conduce for his glory and the good of his people Speech But for men to intitle themselves upon this principle that they are the onely men to rule Kingdoms govern Nations and give Laws to people to determine of property and liberty and every thing else upon such a pretence as this truely they had need to give clear manifestations of Gods presence with them before wise men will receive or submit to their conclusions Resp 1. The time was that some c. were as little thought upon to be so exercised as we Besides this charge against us is at the very best erroneous we might say For our principle doth not lead us forth to intitle our selves to such Offices it being the Word of God that inrights us thèreunto a donation from God himself and not from a few favourites for carnal ends and interests And that we are so vide one of his Doctors opinions viz. Mr. Tho. Goodwin in his Sermon preached in Crooked-la●e London upon Rev. 5. 9 10. touching the very subject we contest for viz. The Fifth Monarchy where in p. 4. treating upon vers 10. Thou hast made us unto our God kings and priests and we shall REIGN ON EARTH he saith That the lowest interpretation that can be given of these words must be this We shall have a hand IN GVIDING THE AFFAIRS OF THE EARTH Again p. 15. I say There is an eminent kingdom for the Saints to have on the EARTH Thus much I say me thinks should be evident to every mans understanding P. 18. So that the plain Doctrine or Observation is but this That there is in the end a kingdom to come here for the Saints That after all the kingdoms of the world have had their time and their date by which the Saints have been all along opprest and injured there is even ON EARTH a kingdom to be given unto them When all Nations shall be converted unto God and the Saints in them to be the prevailing party in the world The Scripture seems to run much this way P. 26. And there is all the reason in the world for it besides what I have mentioned out of the Scripture For in that the Saints have been opprest here in this world it is a righteous thing with God to give that generation rest and that they should have their turn after all kingdoms are dissolved That what Adam lost should be restored to them again c. And that promise if you look in Is● 65. I am sure you will finde to be made to MEN ON EARTH for he saith plainly They shall build HOVSES and inhabit them and they shall plant vineyards and eat the fruit of them c. And this as an answer to all the prayers that have been put up as that Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven The whole Sermon will far more abundantly satisfie in this particular if our adversaries please to peruse it And therefore by the same rule that they pretended to be drawn forth to fight for this MONARCHY OF JESVS CHRIST we are drawn forth to promote those LAWS and ORDINANCES which are peculiar thereunto and which they fought for and from which they have now shamefully apostatized putting that day now afar off as in 2 Pet. 3. 3 4 5 c. which they then
learned to cry up Oliver in stead of Charles The time was * Vide p. 23 of his speech July 4. 1653. when he said It was not in his heart to speak for a Ministery † And what are the present Clergie of this nation other deriving it self through the Papacie and pretending to that which is so much insisted upon as succession It was also thought at that time a fit Querie by him to the old Parliament Whether the next Parliament they intended were Page 15. of that Speech not like to consist of all Presbyters or whether those qualifications then making by them would hinder them or * Note Presbyters and neuters joyned together Neuters c. they having deserted this cause and interest upon the kings account and upon that closure with them and the neighbour-nation And thereupon professed that they had as good have delivered up their Cause into the hands of any as into the hands of interested and * It seems they are not so now byassed men for it is one thing to live friendly and brotherly to bear with and love a person of another judgement in Religion another thing to have any so far set in the saddle upon that account as that it should be in them to have all the rest of their brethren at * I think they have little le● now mercy But this by the way I shall now apply my self wholly to the peculiar Charge against the Fifth Monarchy-men In which I shall take notice 1. What they are not 2. What they are 3. Their notion 1. He saith They are not such as have been catched with the former mistakes viz. those before mentioned by him in his Speech 2. As to what they are he also saith 1. that they are people of integrity 2. Such as have not apostatized from their holy profession 3. Not such as have been corrupt in their consciences having been forsaken by God 〈◊〉 to noysome Opinions 4. Honest people 5. Such whose 〈…〉 e sincere 6. Such as belong unto God And is there any 〈…〉 ese particulars but what he himself might very well entertain without any disparagement to his Greatness Again being such persons by his own confession they may the more justly reprove him or any other that walk contrary hereunto and that according to the Apostles fore-mentioned instance 3. Whereas he termeth their principle the MISTAKEN NOTION of the FIFTH MONARCHY I shall speak thereunto when I come to his Reasons for so saying Speech A thing pretending to more spirituality then any thing else a notion I hope we all HONOR WAIT and HOPE for That Jesus Christ will have a time to set up his reign in our hearts by subduing those corruptions and lusts and evils that are there which reign now more in the world then I hope in due time they shall do And when more fulness of the Spirit is poured forth to subdue iniquity and bring in everlasting righteousness then will the approach of that glo●y be Resp Reader in this expression thou mayst observe these particulars 1. That our notion pretends to more spirituality then any other And in this particular we think he is not very much mistaken witness our Declaration which Sa●● Richardson one of the Elima●'s Act. 13. 8. of this Commonwealth hath scandalized as a Libel notwithstanding those mens names prefixed to it with thousands that approve thereof where we demonstrate to all the world our desires that God the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ would cast down all those earthly carnal cruel and political combinations of men of all sorts that would not have him to reign over us but set up themselves and their corrupt interests in the room of that scepter of righteousness which he hath given into the hands of his dear Son and that he would give us Magistrates as at the first and Rulers as at the beginning viz. Ministers of the Vnction and Magistrates of the Vnction such as fear God and hate covetousness And we hope there is no evil in all or any of these requests 2. He saith it is such a notion as he himself both honoreth waiteth and hopeth for viz. the subduing of corruptions and lusts and iniquity and to bring in everlasting righteousness And what is it more that we desire If therefore there be evil in such desires he hath hereby declared himself as guilty thereof as we Speech The carnal divisions and cont●ntions among Christians so common are not the symptomes of that kingdom Resp 1. If carnal divisions be not signes of the approach of that kingdom or Monarchy of our Lord Jesus upon earth then why was it that we levied war against our brethre 〈…〉 Scotland so called and that upon the account of the kingly 〈◊〉 of Jesus Christ upon earth as in the Declaration of the Army to Scotland p. 36 37 38 39. where they affirm they were stirred up by the Lord to assist the Parliament against the King for this end to bring about the destruction of Antichrist and the deliverance of his * What were the Scots then in the Armies esteem true Church and People And that upon this simple account it was they engaged in the wars of the three nations against all opposers of this work of Jesus Christ having these things singly in their eye viz. the destruction of Antichrist and the advancement of the kingdom of Jesus Christ and deliverance and reformation of his Church and the establishment of CHRISTS ORDINANCES ACCORDING TO HIS WORD c. All which they declare with the loss of many precious Saints p. 38. as also that they engaged against the late king and HIS MONARCHY as As well against his Monarchy 〈◊〉 himself one of the ten horns of the Beast guilty of the blood of the Saints which act they say they are confident God will own against all kingdoms and nations that will oppose them and that will not suffer Jesus Christ to be king as also that the Lord had made them instrumental to vex all in his sore displeasure that take counsel against Christ whom the Lord hath anointed and decreed king and that they were not meerly the servants of men and that they had not onely PROCLAIMED Jesus Christ king of Saints to be OVR KING but that they would submit to him alone upon his OWN TERMS and admit him onely to the exercise of his ROYAL AVTHORITY As also in p. 40. where they beseech the Scots to LOOK ABOUT THEM for that our Lord Jesus was coming 2. If this kingdom of Jesus Christ they so cried up and proclaimed did onely extend to a spiritual notion of Government WITHIN VS what necessity was there for him and the Army to have been so instrumental as they have to pluck up Kingly Government by the roots in this Commonwealth as also against all arbitrary or absolute power in any single person whatsoever as tyrannical and vassalizing the Saints and people of God in this Commonwealth and
magnifie the laws of Heathens and Antichristians above them is to admiration But I hope it will not be so for the future And hence it was that godly David complaineth of such persons saying How long will ye judge unjustly and accept the persons of the wicked Selah Psal 82. 2 c. Again saith he They know not neither do they understand they walk in darkness Again Solomon speaking to the whole pack of those Magistrates that contaminate the Laws of God in chap. 6. of his book titled Wisdom saith Hear O Kings and understand learn ye that are Judges of the earth give ear ye that rule the people and glory in the mult●tude of nations for power is given you from the Lord and soveraignty from the Highest who shall try your works and search your counsels Because being ministers of his kingdom ye have not judged aright nor kept the law nor walked after the counsel of God horribly and speedily will he come upon you for a sharp judgement shall be to them in high places For mercy shall pardon the MEANEST but MIGHTY MEN shall be MIGHTILY TORMENTED For he that is Lord over all shall fear no mans person neither shall he stand in awe of any mans Greatness for he hath made the small and great and careth for all alike BUT A SORE TRYAL SHALL COME UPON THE MIGHTY Unto you therefore O Kings saith he do I speak that ye may learn wisdom and not fall away For they that keep holiness holily shall be judged holy and they that have learned such things shall learn what to answer Wherefore set your affections upon my words desire them and ye shall be instructed And doubtless the refusal of such Instructions will be the cause of that HORRIBLE DAY upon the Kings of the earth and the Great Men and the Rich Men and the Chief Captains and the Mighty Men Rev. 6. 15. where they are said to hide themselves in the dens and rocks of the mountains and to say to the Rocks and Mountains Fall on us and hide us from the face of him that sitteth upon the throne and from the face of the Lamb for the great day of his wrath is come and who shall be able to stand And me thinks there is very much reason for such a judgment to fall upon them For are they any more then the Ministers of God as aforesaid as also in Rom. 13. 4. And is it possible they should be Gods ministers as they pretend whilst they make and execute their own vain Traditions and Inventions Surely no. And therefore seeing the Judicial Law is that which they are bound in duty and service to administer as they account themselves Gods ministers in reference to Civil affairs why ought not all Kings and Laws Psal 7. 10. Zeph. 2. 11. bow to it as the onely Rule of right judgement For as Mr. Aspinwal upon Dan. 7. well observeth The Laws of men do binde us to be subject to Authority for conscience sake either actively in doing what they command according to Christ or else in suffering And their Law is satisfied if we suffer the penalty to preserve our consciences undefiled But it is not so with the Law of God If God command we may not say We will suffer the punishment for conscience sake for there can be no conscience or pretence of conscience against any Law of God And therefore all humane laws ought to be slighted and contemned as fancies in comparison of the foresaid Royal law of Jehovah the Lord Christ Speech Though now by some mis-applied Resp To this clause let Mr. Owen speak for us in his Sermon upon All the rest were Babylonish and Antichristian Ezek. 17. 24. page 20 c. where speaking of mis-applying of things by the Potentates of the world he saith That from the corruption of the hearts of men squaring the works of God to their fleshly reasonings corrupt interests and principles they are bold with the wisdom of God and conclude Thus and thus things ought to be ordering their thoughts for the most part according to their corrupt and carnal advantages c. And this saith he makes them frame a way for God to proceed in which when he doth not how are they surprised Men take up Principles they will adhere unto wise principles forsooth yea and very righteous too all things whatsoever must be squared according to their principle and if any thing be wrought con●rary even by God himself how disappointed are they The most tremendous judgement of God in this world is I wish some one be not now in Pharoahs then Condition the hardning the hearts of men this seals them up for the most part for destruction c. As for instance look on Pharaoh of whom it is most signally spoken that God hardned his heart How did the Lord accomplish this Pharaoh sets himself upon as righteous Principles as ever any of the sons of men could do one is That it belongs to the chief Ruler of a Nation to s●e the profit and glory of the Nation c. Hence he conclude That if it be incumbent on him to see that the Realm receive no detriment he must not let the people go God confirms his heart in this Principle which was good in it self but abominable * When done in opposition to the fifth Monarchy when taken up against the mind and will of God and whence he and his perished in their Principles acting against the appearance of God c. Thus it is with many they fix on Principles good in general and in their season Old bounds must not be broken up Order must not be * Our known Laws must not be spoken against let them be never so contrary to the Law of God and of Christ. disturbed let God appear never so eminently so mightily they will keep up their Principles What is this but judicial hardness And this I say is one reason why the actings of God in such a day as this are so unsuted with the expectations of men they square his work to their interests and principles which it will not answer Now Reader compare the present work of Christ in the world with the present state of affairs in this Nation and then judge whether the Fifth Monarchy-men or their Accuser be the misappliers he speaketh of Whether the known laws of Jehovah the Lord Christ or the known laws of England be fittest for the fifth Monarchy or Government of the kingdom of Christ which he himself hath so long contested for or at least pretended for as his Declarations and Remonstrances do clearly evidence Speech Especially where every stone is turned to bring in Confusion this will be worth every Magistrates consideration Resp It were good it were known by whom or how every stone is so turned If by the Fifth Monarchy-men let either himself or any for him shew in what that we may make our defence thereunto and let us not be accused and condemned
upon jealousies and surmises or we know not what through subtilty and cunning suggestions which the Lord will one day call to an account Thus Reader hast thou seen the whole body of his Charge against the Fifth Monarchy-men vanish into nothing which doubtless will be the event of every weapon that is formed against Jesus Christ or those that are faithful to his interest Speech Thi● I say will be worthy of the Magistrates consideration Resp It will be so indeed and therefore it was worthy of a double remembrance For it is certain that all the present powers of the earth are now at the stake and therefore such of them as are self-ended men covetous proud c. had need to look about them for doubtless the STONE cut out without hands is growing into such a Mountain as will fill the whole earth and that even to the breaking in pieces and consuming all their Kingdoms whether they be Iron Clay Brass Silver or Gold yea so to break them in pieces as to make them like unto the chaff of the summer threshing-floor yea the winde of the wrath of the Almighty shall so carry them away as that there shall no place be found for them Dan. 2. Again the rest of the Magistrates that are not such if there be any ought also doubtless to consider seriously hereof as also to compare the present Laws of the Nation with the Laws of God For as Mr. Aspinwal saith If the laws of God contained in the holy Scriptures be well weighed in the balance of the Sanctuary it will appear to be the most safe and wholesome Government in the world For what can be imagined to be more safe then to have Saints and such as walk with God and God with them to administer judgement and justice according to those perfect laws And if the Laws be perfect and such as administer them be Saints by calling and have a promise of divine assistance how can it but be more safe then to embrace imperfect and undurable Laws such as some make and others null at pleasure according to the fancies and humours of those in present Power and Authority as daily experience teacheth as also to have such to execute those Laws as have not the like promise of divine assistance Besides the Experiences of many Ages do shew that the want of the laws of God and faithful Administrators hath hitherto been the ruine of all the States and Governments in those four Monarchies and will shortly be their eternal desolation Dan. 2. 44. and 7. 26. Again that saying of Moses Deut. 4. 5. is also well worthy their serious contemplation where speaking to the then-peculiar people of God touching the excellencie of the Law of God their King which he had received to administer unto them saith Behold I have taught you statutes and judgements even as the Lord my God commanded me that ye should do so in the land whither ye go to possess it Keep therefore and do them for this is your w●●dom and your understanding in the sight of the Nations which shall hear those statutes and say Surely this great Nation is a wise and understanding people For what Nation is there so great that hath God so nigh unto them as the Lord our God is in all things that we call upon him for And what nation is there so great that hath statutes and judgements so righteous as all this Law which I set before you this day I shall now conclude with Mr. Owen's expressions in p. 39. of his Sermon upon H●b 12. 27. O that it were the will of God to put an end to all that pretended holiness hypocritical humiliation self-interested Religion that have been among us whereby we have slattered God with our lips whilst our hearts have been far from him O that it might suffice that we have had in our Parliament and among our Ministers so much of the form and so little of the power of Godliness that we have called world Christ and lust Christ and self Christ working indeed for them when we pretended all for Christ O that in you might appear the Reality of the kingdom of the Lord Jesus which hath been so long pretended by others that sound righteousness not a Pharisaical rigid superstitious affectation nor a careless belief and comportment the issue of novel fancies might be found upon your spirits that we may be thought meet to rejoyce with the Lord in his kingdom Psal 107. 43. Whoso is wise will ponder these things and they shall understand the loving kindness of the Lord. FINIS