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A54045 Observations on some passages of Lodowick Muggleton, in his interpretation of the 11th chapter of the Revelations as also on some passages in that book of his stiled, The neck of the Quakers broken, and in his letter to Thomas Taylor : whereby it may appear what spirit he is of, and what god his commission is from : whereunto is added A brief account of my souls travel towards the Holy Land, with a few words concerning the way of knowing and receiving the truth / written ... by Isaac Pennington. Penington, Isaac, 1616-1679. 1668 (1668) Wing P1181; ESTC R23187 23,070 30

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Building Isa 4. 5. In p. 66. he saith The Apostles should be equal in the Kingdom of Glory as they were equal here in the Kingdom of Grace And again p. 67. As there should be no preheminence with the Apostles here in the Kingdom of Grace neither should there be any preheminence in the Kingdom of Glory Yet p. 102. he saith Peter was the head of the Apostles Observ Hath the Head no preheminence in the Body Are the rest of the Members equal with the Head is not this an absolute contradiction In p 78. he saith The Commission of the Apostles was not the Commission of the Spirit Observ Paul saith they were made able Ministers of the new Testament not of the Letter but of the Spirit 2 Cor. 3. 6. What is to be desired more then the new Covenant wherein Life Spirit and Power is received Now the Apostles were made by God able Ministers thereof and the glory of this Covenant and Ministration remaineth verse 11. In p. 93. he saith Death being the First-born of the Law it went forth as a Conqueror of all Life both in God and man Observ The Law is holy just and good and bringeth forth only that which is holy Sin is not of the Law but against the Law and the wages of sin is death Yet neither sin nor death could ever conquer the Life of God but the unconquerable Life and Power have ever reigned over them Gods Kingdom is an everlasting Kingdom and his Dominion endureth throughout all Ages which Sin nor Death nor Hell could ever conquer That life which Christ did give up none took from him as a Conqueror but he laid it down freely at the requiring of the Father knowing his glorious Power was able to restore and raise it up again In p. 105. he saith The body of man is that Tophet that was ordained of old and the spirit of Reason is that King which must abide in this Tophet Observ The body of man was Gods Temple before it was defiled with sin and is Gods Temple again when it is purified and purged from sin Now him that defileth this Temple of God him will God destroy And Christ said Fear him who after he hath killed hath power to cast into Hell Luk. 12. 5. What is he able to cast into Hell why both body and soul Mat. 10. 28. Then the body of man is not the Tophet or Hell but Tophet is that whereinto the souls and bodies of the wicked are to be cast In p. 116. he saith Eternity did become Time and Time shall become Eternity again Observ Eternity did never become time but is unchangable in its Nature Spirit Life and Beeing for evermore but it brought forth natural and changable things in time which time shall have an end Observations on some Passages in a Book of Lodowick Muggleton 's stiled by him The Neck of the Quakers Broken IN p. 14. he affirmeth That Adam had no part in the begetting of Cain Observ The Scripture saith Adam knew Eve his wife and she conceived and bare Cain and said I have gotten a man from the Lord Gen. 4. 1. Here the holy Spirit of God attributeth the begetting of Cain to Adam's knowing his wife Eve but L. M. saith otherwise In p. 15. he saith Whoever is partaker of the seed of Adam may be said to have the Spirit of Christ in them and their spirits to be in him that is Christ dwells in their hearts by Faith Observ The Scriptures distinguish between the first and second Adam None have the Spirit of Christ from or in the first Adam but only from and in the second And the old Adam's seed spirit and nature is to be put off by him that puts on the new and he must be born again of the immortal Seed of Life who receives the Spirit of Life In p. 17. He calls Reason the Devil and p. 29. saith This Devil so much spoken of in Scripture is no other but the spirit of Reason Observ Indeed corrupted reason is of the Devil but pure Reason is of God Man by his fall had his reason corrupted and so became bruitish and unreasonable but by Faith in the redeeming Power he is brought out of the Fall raised from Death to Life and in the new Life hath the true holy righteous Reason restored to him again 2 Thes 3. 2. which Reason is neither the Devil nor of the Devil In p. 22. he saith If God be a person in the form of a man as I am sure he is for I do acknowledge no other God but the man Christ Jesus who is a distinct body of flesh and bone of his own how then can he fill Heaven and Earth with his presence and get in-the Quakers bodies c. Observ Solomon said in prayer to God 2 Chron. 6. 18. which prayer God testified his acceptance of as being from his own Spirit chap. 7. 1 Behold Heaven and the Heaven of Heavens cannot contain thee how much less this House which I have built Again Thus saith the high and lofty one that inhabiteth Eternity what is Eternity whose Name is holy I dwell in the high and holy with him also that is of a contrite and humble spirit c. Isa 57. 15. Yet again it is said Ye are the Temple of the Living God as God hath said I will dwell in them and walk in them 2 Cor. 6. 16. Is it such a strange thing that God should be in Heaven and in Earth also Is not the Earth his Footstool and are not the feet present in the place on which they tread Was not Christ in Heaven while he was hear on Earth according to his own words No man saith he hath ascendded up to Heaven but he that came down from Heaven the Son of Man which is in Heaven John 3. 13. And cannot God be in Heaven and in Earth too and also by his Spirit in the hearts of his people In p. 23. he saith To say that Christ according to the Flesh was of Abraham is Blasphemy Observ The Apostle said concerning the Jews whom he calls his Brethren and Kinsmen according to the Flesh Rom. 9. 3. of whom as concerning the Flesh Christ came who is over all God blessed for ever Amen verse 5. Did Christ come of the Jews according to the Flesh and did he not come of Abraham according to the Flesh Now lest any should apprehend there may be some difference between according in verse 3 and concerning in verse 5 I shall add this they are both the same in the Greek It is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 in both In p. 24 25. he saith None can interpret Scriptures truely but himself Observ All that are children to them God giveth of his Spirit Gal. 4. 6. and they that have the Spirit have that which interprets Scriptures truly which they keeping to cannot be deceived about the interpretation of them But they that keep not to the Anointing within but receive interpretations from men
OBSERVATIONS On some Passages of Lodowick Muggleton In his Interpretation of the 11th Chapter of the Revelations As also on some Passages in that Book of his stiled The Neck of the Quakers Broken and in his Letter to Thomas Taylor Whereby it may appear what spirit he is of and what god his Commission is from Whereunto is added A brief Account of my Souls Travel towards the Holy Land with a few words concerning the Way of knowing and receiving the Truth Written in tender love to Souls in true sense and understanding received from the Lord and with reverence to his holy Spirit and Power By Isaac Pennington Printed in the Year 1668. The Preface to the Reader HAving bad a Book of Lodowick Muggleton's sent me to peruse and having been earnestly pressed thereunto by some who had let in his spirit and doctrines to their great hurt in the fear of the Lord and in the sense of his holy Spirit of Truth and in tender love to them who had requested this of me I cast my eye thereupon wherein I observed very many things contrary to the Spirit of 〈◊〉 Lord the Testimony of the holy Scriptures and the nature of Truth some whereof for the service of others are here communicated To which there arose somewhat in my heart to add concerning my self in reference to my wearisom seekings journeys and travels after the Lord. Indeed it came upon me very freshly and livingly and the Lord may please to make it usefull to others even to help to stay the minds and quicken the hopes of such that are fainting as I deeply was Now if so be any shall reap any benefit thereby let them give glory to the Lord alone who alone is worthy thereof For I seek not esteem of men but all my desire is that men might know the Lord and the Power of his Truth and by him be gathered into and preserved in that which is pure of him It is the day of the Gospel even of Gods Eternal Power which is risen in many hearts for indeed the Light of the Everlasting Day of God shines gloriously and doth conquer and shall conquer the darkness and corruption in mens minds daily more and more O that more might partake of its vertue and not stumble at that stumbling Stone which the Builders out of the Life and Power in every Age and Generation have first dispised and rejected O that men might seek after Christ the Wisdom of God aright not in that spirit and wisdom which shall never find him For it is easie to seek amiss but none can seek aright save only those that are led and taught of God so to do Observations on some passages of Lodowick Muggleton in his Interpretation of the 11th Chapter of the Revelations IN Page 9. he saith The Law is not written in the Seed of Faiths Nature at all but in the Seed of Reasons Nature only Reason or the Spirit of Reason he saith is the Devil p. 15. Observ The Sum of the Law is Love Even to love God above all and ones Neighbour as ones self And this Love which is the Sum of the Law and fulfils the Law God writeth in the hearts of his spiritual Seed In p. 15. he affirmeth That that saying of the Devil was true which he laid to Christ All the Kingdoms of the Earth are mine Observ The Earth is the Lords and the fulness thereof The Devil hath no right to it God never gave it him but God himself is Judge who throweth down one and setteth up another disposing of the Kingdoms of men according to his pleasure Psal 75. 7. Dan. 4. 25. In p. 19. he saith There never was no Enmity between the Person of the Serpent and the Person of the Woman but the Enmity which lay between them was in the two Seeds Observ Is not the Enmity as expessly placed by God between the Serpent and the Woman as between their Seeds I will put Enmity between thee and the Woman and between thy Seed and her Seed Gen. 3. 15. In p. 21. he saith So that now God himself is not capable to dissolve himself into Seed or Nature as he was before Observ Is God changable Is he one thing to day and another thing tomorrow and can he never be any more what he was yesterday His god may be so but the true God is not so I the Lord change not his Nature his Seed his Life his Spirit his Power is the same for ever Further in p. 21. he saith These two Seeds were those two spiritual bodies which are called by the revelation of Moses two Trees Yet they were in forms of men and was capable as they were spiritual bodies to dissolve into Seed or Nature and so become capable to suffer the paine of death Observ O the depth of imagination from that Spirit which giveth imaginations to them that will receive them He that is taught of God never learned thus but learneth much otherwise and in the feeling sense and experience knoweth the two Seeds and is born of the one and separated from the other from the very womb I mean from his birth of the Jerusalem which is above which is free from the spirit of deceit and all its imaginary knowledge which is the Mother of all that are born of the Spirit In p. 22. he saith Knowledge proceedeth from life that hath wisdom in it Observ Living knowledge doth But there is a knowledge which comes not from the true Wisdom nor doth convey Life but Death And such is the knowledge which he hath from his god and holdeth forth to others it poysons and corrup● the mind and leads out of the capacity of receiving and obeying the Truth as it is in Jesus In p. 27. he saith Reason can feed on nothing but what it can see with this visible eye Observ That is not Reasons food only which is seen with this visible eye but Reason is in the mind and feeds chiefly on thing which the mind gathers and comprehends inwardly In p. 29. he saith I declare by revelation from the holy Spirit that out of these two spiritual trees came forth these two Commissions namely the Commission of Moses and the Prophets and the Commission of Jesus and the Apostles Observ He had said before p. 11. One of these trees was the tree of knowledge of good and evil in the form of a man p. 14. that tempted Adam Was that which tempted Adam the tree out of which Moses his Commission came Doth not he call this tree the Serpent p. 30. Had Moses his Commission from the Serpent Surely every one that is of God will say no. In p. 30. he saith These two Olive-trees and Candlesticks here spoken of I declare are those two Commissions which came forth of these two spiritual trees Observ One of these trees he said was the very Person of God himself p. 10. That the other was the tree that tempted Adam whereas the Tree did not tempt Adam
without may easily be deceived In p. 25. he saith God hath made him the Judge of the Scriptures Observ Let him that readeth wait to feel the Spirit which is of God and the Light wherein God dwells and that will open Scriptures and the mysteries of the Kingdom to him he abiding in unity therewith through the pure subjection thereto and manifest to him who is the Judge in spiritual matters in Gods Israel Again p. 25. he saith further We the Witnesses of the Spirit do know more then Moses the Prophets and Apostles did things of more higher concernment Observ The Apostles were not the least in the Kingdom but in the glory of the day 1 Pet. 2. 5. in the Eternal Life in him that was true 1 John 5. 20. and they had the whole Counsel of God even a Ministry sufficient to perfect the Work of God in the Saints Ephes 4. 12. that so they might present men perfect in Christ Jesus Col. 1. 28. And happy is he that receiveth their testimony and cometh into and walketh in that Light which their message was concerning 1 John 1. 2. verse 5 7. Yet again p. 25. he saith The Quakers have only the dead letter of other mens words whose light was but dark in comparison of the light that comes by this commission of the Spirit Observ Yes they have much more then the dead letter of other mens words for they witness the living Spirit and are taught thereby and subject thereto Blessed be the Lord who is become the Shepherd and Teacher of his people himself according to his Promise And as for the Apostles light being dark in comparison c. Observ We all with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord are changed into the same image from glory to glory even of the Lord the Spirit 2 Cor. 3. 18. Again God who commanded the light to shine out of darkness hath shined in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ chap. 4. 6. In that day the woman was clothed with the Sun for as many as are truly baptised into Christ have put on Christ Gal. 3. 27. had the Moon under her feet and was crowned with a Crown of twelve Stars and not only travelling to bring forth but brought forth the Man-child which was to rule all Nations They who are indeed in the Spirit know that the Light which is now broke forth is but the Light of the same Day which shined then very gloriously in them who were the glory of Christ 2 Cor. 8. 23. They had the Spirit of God plentifully poured upon them which opened to them the mysteries of the Kingdom and the deep things of God 1 Cor. 2. 9 10. And how highly soever he think or speak of himself yet this is known concerning him that he hath a very great journey to travel before he can come to that measure of Light that they were in or to receive that proportion of the true Spirit that they received For he is yet quite out of it In p. 29. he affirmeth That it was the very God-head Life that suffered death Observ If the God-head Life suffered death what power was left to raise it up again I am the Resurrection and the Life said Christ but he spake concerning that which raised Lazarus which was of an immortal nature and could not die not concerning the body but the Life and Power of the Father which dwelt in and was revealed through the body which died not with the body but remained alive to raise the body What kind of doctrine is this that the very God-head Life suffered death and so to make the Creator mortal like the Creature In p. 39. he saith God the King of Heaven is not in this World at all Observ Whether shall I go from thy Spirit or whether shall I flee from thy Presence said David who had the Spirit of God If I ascend up into Heaven thou art there if I make my bed in Hell thou art there c. Psal 139. 7 8. And do not I fill Heaven and Earth saith the Lord Jer. 23. 24. But L. M. hath affirmed contrary to these Testimonies that God is not in this World at all In p. 48. he saith I am the only and alone Judge what shall become of men and women after death neither shall those that are damned by me see any other God or Judge but me or that Sentence which I have passed upon them Observ Is he God is he Christ is he the only one is there not another God another Judge Yes we know there is another who judgeth otherwise then he hath judged who judgeth that to death which he judgeth to life and that to Life which he judgeth to death And in the Resurrection of the just and the unjust shall not both the just and unjust see him who is the Judge Read Matth. 25. 31 c. Again p. 48. he saith No man upon the Earth can or ought to judge of the Doctrine of a Prophet that hath a Commission from God Observ Cannot he judge who hath the Anointing Doth not he that is a Child of God receive his Spirit and is not the Spirit of God able to judge in them that receive it Judge not according to the appearance saith Christ but judge righteous judgment Joh. 7. 24. Did Christ absolutely forbid men from judging concerning him or his doctrine and miracles or did he not rather direct them how they might judge aright I speak as to wise men judge ye what I say 1 Cor. 10. 15. The Apostle had a Commission from God yet he did not barrmen from judging of his words but bid them judge and the same Apostle saith Let the Prophets speak two or three and let the others judge 1 Cor. 14. 29. Is the Spirit of God given to and received of the Believer and shall he not therewith judge concerning Spirits and Doctrines and Commissions which pretend to be of him and Apostles and Angels whether they be Angels of Light indeed or only such as would so appear Believe not every Spirit but try the Spirits whether they are of God 1 John 4. 1. And they which are of God love to come to the Light which tries and makes manifest but they that are not of God refuse to be tried by it Thou hast tried them that say they are Apostle and are not and hast found them Lyars Rev. 2. 2. God giveth that Light that Spirit that Anointing to his which hath in it ability to try and they ought to try therewith Doctrines Spirits Prophets Apostles and certainly find thereby that they are of him before they receive them or else they may easily be deceived Despise not prophesyings saith the Apostle 1 Thes 5. 20. but yet withal though a man may not despise them yet neither may he receive them without due trial therefore the Apostle in the next words adds Prove
yet some alive of that Congregation can testifie This was my state when I was smitten broken and distressed by the Lord confounded in my worship confounded in my knowledge stripped of all in one day which it is hard to utter and was matter of amazement to all that beheld me I lay open and naked to all that would enquire of me and strive to search out what might be the cause the Lord should deal so with me They would at first be jealous that I had sinned and provoked him so to do but when they had scanned things throughly and I had opened my heart nakedly to them I do not remember any one that ever retained that sence concerning me My Soul remembreth the Woomwood and Gall the exceeding bitterness of that state and is still humbled in me in the remembrance of it before the Lord. O how did I wish with Job that I might come before him and bowingly plead with him for indeed I had no sense of any guilt upon me but was sick of love towards him and as one violently rent from the bosom of his Beloved O how gladly would I have met with death for I was weary all the day long and afraid of the night and weary also of the night-season and afraid of the ensuing day I remember my grievous and bitter mournings to the Lord how often did I say O Lord why hast thou forsaken me why hast thou broken me to pieces I had no delight but thee no desire after any but thee My heart was bent wholly to serve thee and thou hadst even fitted me as appeared to my sense by many deep exercises and experiences for thy service why dost thou make me thus miserable Sometimes I would cast mine eye upon a Scripture and my heart would even mel● within me at other times I would desire to pray to my God as I had formerly done but I found I knew him not and I could not tell how to pray or in any wise to come neer him as I had formerly done In this condition I wandered up and down from mountain to hill from one sort to another with a cry in my spirit Can ye tell news of my Beloved where doth he dwell where doth he appear but their voices were still strange to me and I should retire sad and oppressed and bowed down in spirit from them Now surely all serious sober sensible people will be ready to enquire how I came satisfyingly to know the Lord at length or whether I do yet certainly know him and am yet truly satisfied Yes indeed I am satisfied at my very heart Truly my heart is united to him whom I longed after in an everlasting Covenant of pure Life and Peace Well then how came this about will some say Why thus The Lord opened my spirit the Lord gave me the certain and sensible feeling of the pure Seed which had been with me from the beginning the Lord caused his holy Power to fall upon me and gave me such an inward demonstration and feeling of the Seed of Life that I cried out in my spirit This is he This is he there is not another there never was another He was always near me though I knew him not not so sensibly not so distinctly as now he was revealed in me and to me by the Father O that I might now be joyned to him and he alone might live in me And so in the willingness which God had wrought in me in this day of his Power to my Soul I gave up to be instructed exercised and led by him in the waiting for and feeling of his holy Seed that all might be wrought out of me which could not live with the Seed but would be hindring the dwelling and reigning of the feed in me while it remained and had power And so I have gone through a fore travel and fight of afflictions and temptations of many kinds wherein the Lord hath been merciful to me in helping me and preserving the spark of Life in me in the midst of many things which have befallen me whose nature tended to quench and extinguish it Now thus having met with the true Way and walked with the Lord therein wherein daily-certainty yea and full assurance of Faith and of understanding is at length obtained I cannot be silent true Love and pure Life stirring in me and moving me but am necessitated to testifie of it to others and this is it To retire inwardly and wait to feel somewhat of the Lord somewhat of his holy Spirit and Power discovering and drawing from that which is contrary to him and into his holy Nature and Heavenly Image And then as that mind is joyned to this somewhat is received some true Life some true Light some true Discerning which the Creature not exceeding but abiding in the measure of is safe but it is easie erring from this but hard abiding with it and not going before its leadings But he that feels Life and begins in Life doth he not begin safely and he that waits and fears and goes on no further then his Captain goes before him doth he not proceed safely yea very safely even till he cometh to be so setled and established in the Vertue Demonstration and Power of Truth as nothing can prevail to make him Now blessed be the Lord there are many at this day who can truly and faithfully witness that they have been brought by the Lord to this state And thus have we learned of the Lord to wit not by the high striving aspiring mind but by lying low and being contented with a little If but a crum of Bread yet if bread if but a drop of Water yet if water we have been contented with it and also thankfull to the Lord for it Nor by thoughtfulness and wise searching and deep considering with our own wisdom and reason have we obtained but in the still meek and humble waiting have we found that brought into the death which is not to know the mysteries of Gods Kingdom and that which is to live made alive and increase in Life Therefore he that would truly know the Lord let him take heed of his own reason and understanding I tried this way very far for I considered most seriously and uprightly I prayed I read the Scriptures I earnestly desired to understand and find out whether that which this people called Quakers testified of was the only Way and Truth of God as they seemed to me but to pretend but for all this prejudices multiplied upon me and strong reasonings against them which appeared to me as unanswerable But when the Lord revealed his Seed in me and touched my heart therewith which administred true Life and Vertue to me I presently felt them there the children of the Most High and so grown up in his Life Power and holy Dominion as the inward eye being opened by the Lord sees as drew forth from me great reverence of heart and praises to the Lord who had so appeared among men in these latter dayes And as God draweth in any respect O give up in faithfulness to him Despise the Shame take up the Cross for indeed it is a Way which is very cross to man and which his wisdom will exceedingly be ashamed of but that must be denied and turned from the secret sensible drawings of Gods Spirit waited for and given up to Mind people He that will come into the new Covenant must come into the obedience of it The Light of Life which God hath hid in the Heart is the Covenant and from this Covenant God doth not give knowledg to satisfie the vast aspiring comprehending wisdom of man but living Knowledge to feed that which is quickned by him which Knowledge is given in the obedience and is very sweet and precious to the taste of him that knows how to feed upon it Yea truly this is a very excellent pure precious nature and a little of it weighs down that great vast knowledge in the comprehending part which the mans spirit and nature so much prizeth and presseth after And truly Friends I witness at this day a great difference between the sweetness of comprehending the knowledge of things as expressed in the Scriptures this I sed much on formerly and tasting the hidden Life the hidden Manna in the heart which is my food now blessed for ever be the Lord my God and Saviour O that others had a true certain and sensible taste of the Life Vertue and Goodness of the Lord as it is revealed there surely it could not but kindle the true hunger and enflame the true thirst which can never be satisfied but by the True Bread and by Water from the Living Fountain This the Lord in the tenderness of his Love and in the Riches of his Grace and Mercy hath brought us to and this we earnestly and uprightly desire and endeavour that others may be brought to also that they may rightly in the true silence of Flesh and in the pure stilness of Spirit wait for and in the Lords due time receive that which answers the desire of the awakened Mind and Soul and satisfies it with the true precious Substance for evermore Amen THE END
but the Serpent tempted Eve to eat of the Fruit of the Tree Again p. 30. he saith Moses acted as a God in the person of the Angel or Tree of knowledge of good and evil Observ Moses was faithfull in all his house as a Servant Nor did he act in the person of the Serpent for the Serpent was the Devil and was out of Truth long before Moses time and spake of his own but Moses spake and ministred from the pure holy Spirit of Life Was not the Devil defiled a corrupt tree an Angel fallen from his habitation before he tempted Eve and Adam to sin and fall And who can bring a clean thing out of an unclean or an holy Commission out of the Devil In p. 31. he saith The Law speaking of Moses Law which is just and good doth enlighten Reason to do as he is done unto not as he would be done unto Observ If Christ may be believed he saith otherwise for he saith All things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you do ye even so to them for this is the Law and the Prophets Matth. 7. 12. So that the Law and the Prophets did teach and require this not only for a man to do as he is done unto but as he would be done to In p. 32. he saith The Law of Reason is called a law of sin and death it being given unto reason because reason is sin for there is nothing doth break the Law but Reason Observ Those that are delivered by the powerfull appearance of Christ from the law of sin and death knows it to be another Law then the Law of Reason even a law contrary not only to the Life of Christ but to the reason and understanding of a man bringing him below the state of Reason even into bruitish captivity and sensuality Doth Reason teach a man to mannage his body destructively and unreasonably as the corrupt and unreasonable law of sin and death teacheth many men Reason is not sin but a deviating from that from which Reason came is sin God did not create man in sin or make a sinful Creature but he gave him Reason and thereby made him reasonable In p. 34. he saith The Moon Rev. 12. did signifie the Law of Moses which must now be trod underfoot by the Sun-shine Light of the Gospel Observ No not so the Law is not trod underfoot by the Light and Power of Life when it appeareth but its righteousness is fulfilled in them that walk not after the Flesh but after the Spirit Rom. 8. 4. Christ did not teach men to tread Moses and his Law underfoot but brings forth that Life and bestows that Spirit which leads through and beyond the Law even to the righteousness of Faith which the Apostle Paul said they did not make the Law void by Rom. 3. 31. Therefore not trod underfoot through Faith in the Gospel In p. 37. he saith There was none of the Prophets that were commissionated to write Scripture Observ They spake and wrot as they were moved by the holy Spirit and is not that a sufficient Commission In his Book called The neck of the Quakers broken he had scoffingly cast away the Writings of Solomon from being Scripture and now he casts away the Writings of all the Prophets too as being written without Commission In p. 42. he argueth against Gods being an infinite incomprehensible Spirit saying Such a great vast Spirit doth not know it self neither can this vast Spirit tell where to find or see it self and if it cannot know or see it self how should his Creature be able to know or see his Maker when as he cannot know or see himself Then also that would be a vain thing which is spoken of in holy writ where it is said It is Life Eternal to know the true God Observ Here is dark imaginations indeed He that cannot read in the Spirit let him read that place Isa 40. 12. according to the plainness of the Letter and see if God can be less then infinite and incomprehensible He that knoweth the Nature and Spirit of God knoweth God though he be not able to measure or discern the utmost extent of his Beeing which who can For he is a Sea of Life a Sea of Love a Sea of Purity and Righteousness a Sea of Power and Wisdom c. but in a measure of the same Life received from him we know him so to be and worship him in the Spirit and Life which is of him not making likenesses of him in our minds but bowing to him and worshipping him in his own appearances In p. 77. he saith The holy Ghost sate upon none like as of fire but the Twelve Apostles neither could any other speak with tongues by inspiration but the Twelve Apostles Observ This is directly contrary to the Testimony held forth in Scripture For said Peter the holy Ghost fell on them as on in at the beginning Acts 11. 15. And they of the Circumcision which believed were astonished because that on the Gentiles also was poured out the gift of the holy Ghost For they heard them speak with tongues and magnifie God Chap. 10. 45 46. In p. 52. he saith Christ's Apostles could do no miracles neither could they cast out Devils until he was ascended Observ Did they not cast out Devils and do miracles while he was on Earth Did not he give them power so to do See Mat. 10. 8. In p. 59. and 60. he speaking of the wild Olive-tree and the good Olive-tree The wild Olive-tree he saith is the state of nature or reason the Devil which is wild by nature The good Olive-tree he saith was the very Person of Christ which the Gentiles were ingrafted into by Faith But the Commission of Mises and the Prophets proceeded from the Tree of Knowledge of good and evil he acting his part in that Seed c. which he afore said was the Serpent Observ Is the wild Olive-tree the Devil which is wild by nature one of Gods Witnesses or the head or root from whence any of the Commissions of Gods Spirit came Did the Law of God which was against Sin and the Devil come from the Devil Is not the Law holy just and good and did it come from an unholy root What was the Olive-tree the Jews were broken off from Read their state Rom. 9. 4 5. and 11. 16 17. Was this holy Root they were broken from a wild Olive-tree What interpretation of Scripture is here Surely from a Spirit quite contrary to that which wrot it In p. 63. he saith The great and high wall about the new Jerusalem was all that visible and external worship which was set up by Moses which did belong to that Tabernacle c. Observ Is this the defence about the glory of the new Jerusalem is this the Wall and Bulwark Nay nay the Power of Gods Salvation is the Wall and Bulwark Isa 26. 1. which is a sure defence upon all the glory of this