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A17130 Seaven sparkes of the enkindled soule With foure lamentations, which composed in the hard times of Queene Elizabeth, may be vsed at all times, when the Church hapneth to be extreamely persecuted. Drawne out of the holy Scriptures, after the forme of Psalmes. By R.B.P. Buckland, Ralph, 1564-1611. 1604-1605 (1605) STC 4008; ESTC S117366 36,700 158

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sanctifieth thee Rejoyce in thy Lord thy God rejoyce in thy King and Captayne He hath delighted in thee and loued thee and exalted thee to saluation Lifted vp thy head and awaked thee from sleepe of death Broaken thy bondes asunder and set thee at liberty that thou shouldst liue acceptably before him in the land of the liuing VVhilst thou walkedst peruerse paths he regarding thy misery determined better of thee then thou didst deserue From thee not ceassing to offend him daylie hee turned avvay his anger and kindled not all his wrath His eye of pitie hee fixed vpon thee when thou wert vtterly vnmindfull of him By secreet and sundry meanes he drewe thee to his seruice Cleane he hath wiped thee from al filth placed thee in a faire way and bid thee walke therein As the potter frameth his vessell or the jueller polisheth his pretious stone so laboured he thee to his holy purpose By open examples by priuie inspirations By threats and allurements by prosperity and aduersity he ceassed not to call thee Aproach therefore O yee which feare our Lord herken what great mercy hee hath performed in my soule I will sing vnto him for his abundant clemency I vvill prayse the name of the Highest He who from a-loft watreth the hilles with sweete showres that the earth may bring forth her encrease Hath refreshed my barraine soule with heauenly dewes of grace that it may waxe fruitfull to righteousnesse Hee who prouideth wherewith the beastes of the desert may quench their thirst Hath not suffered my soule to perish in a desolate lande He which neasteth the birdes in trees and fowles in the rockes hath placed me in the tree of his owne planting and in the rocke of his owne foundation Thou gauest me knowledge O my God to seeke remission of sins and inckling to flie from the wrath to come As the day-starre arising from the East thou shalt chase darknes from my hart I heard thy voyce as a whispering in mine eare and trembled thereat I felt thy knocking as of one desirous to be let in So had I often donne before but still was obstinate exasperating too too much thy long patience Pardon me O Lord that I was so dull to heare thee pardon me and I will redeeme those dayes with great diligence Pardon me for thou knowest we are flesh and bloud prone to euill and slowe to piety At last thou calledst me with an effectuall voice and I answered I am ready For why thou knewest what was fittest to mooue me and gauest me thy hand to helpe me vp I cast off my former damnable sloath and set forward my feete to the pathes of peace I saide to my selfe hie thee O wreatch into the house of God into the lappe of his holy Spouse I resolued to take no repast nor enter into the bed of my repose vntill my soule were made the Temple of the Holy ghost Vntill shee had made her peace with the Almighty and were purged of her iniquities Wherby endued with grace I might securely go to rest sleep in saluatiō I bowed my knees and lifting vp my handes humbly besought thee Author of all goodnesse Happily to accomplish the worke which thou hadst begone in me and to set me in state of grace Thou heardst my prayer and I atchieued the just desire of my hart I sought earnestly to finde one of thine anointed for discharge of my conscience One of those vvhome thou hast chosen and sent to guide people to thy Kingdome To whome Christ bequeathed the exercise of his function as he before had receiued it of his Father To vvhome hee gaue the Holy Ghost promising that in forgiuing or loosing sinners their judgement he would ratifie In vvhome hee hath placed the word of reconciliation and the administration of his holy Testament Sending them as Embassadors to declare his will and commaunding to receiue them as representers of his owne person Hard was it for me to finde such one of thy seruants for the dayes of Elias are returned when the Prophets were hidden in caues Yet thou gauest me fauour in the sight of thy Sunamite I was admitted to speech of the heauenly Physician Embracing his spirituall exhortatiō in solitarynes I began to prepare I sate downe streightly examined my soule as he which is to render account of most weighty matters Our aduersary the Diuel stood on my left side and said wilt thou confesse thy secrets to a sinnefull man I answered auant Satan who hauing made me impudent to sinne suggestest shame of repentance He wished me to differ till a fitter time and said there was no hast But considering howe long I had prouoked thy patience I feared by sodain summos of death to be taught vnprouided He proposed danger of the lawe I replied that God was to be obeyed before Princes He objected that the Lord only forgiueth sinnes I answered that from him only I expected remission but by ministery of man As likewise in thy name O mighty of mightiest Physitions heale and thy Saintes worke miracles thou being the author of both I letted not therefore to disclose my sinnes to thy seruant that I might of him receiue absolution and counsaile I discouered euen my most secret sores as to a skilfull Chirurgion and obtayned with health holsome preseruatiues Recounting my sinnes in the bitternesse of my soule I accused my selfe with my owne lippes I sorrowed for all knowing that thou wilt not be serued by halues and that thou acceptest not him which renounceth not euery sinne I confessed all knowing that cursed is he who lieth to the holy ghost Abhominable is a dissembler in thy Sacraments his fruit as of him who layeth venime to his wound Or thinketh to be eased of his burden vvhen he foolishly addeth a mighty weight to his backe I ouercame shame and endured to blush that in the world to come I might not be confounded But oh howe soone did I receiue the reward of my labour vvho can expresse the sweetnesse that I found in my soule I tasted of thy dainties O Soueraigne sweetnesse vvhich thou hast reserued for them which feare thee The excellency whereof none can imagin but they only which proue it A droppe as it were I felt of the celestiall fountayne wherewith thou blessest thy Saints and Angels A testimony of thy inuisible grace a seale of the remission of my sinnes a pledge of eternall glory When shall the memory of that time be renewed by experiment of like joy Which while I tasted I could hunger nothing else then righteousnes nor thirst any thing but the Kingdome of heauen I said boldly come death nowe when thou wilt I haue vnburdned my soule and am ready Flie Satan I renounce thee for euer thou hast no part in me at all The bloud of our LORD hath washed me and the merit of his Passion hath made me hole Nowe finde I them lyers which slaundered our holy Mother terrifying me from her Paradise Sects haue a shadowe
SEAVEN SPARKES OF THE ENKINDLED SOVLE WITH FOVRE LAMENTATIONS WHICH COMPOSED in the hard times of Queene Elizabeth may be vsed at all times when the Church hapneth to be extreamely persecuted Drawne out of the holy Scriptures after the forme of Psalmes By R. B. P. In my meditation breaketh out fire Psal 38. Is any of you sadde let him pray Is he of a calme minde let him Psalme Iac. 5. v. 13. IHS Printed with licence TO THE VERY WORSHIPFVLL MY EVER-HONOVRED Mother B.B. encrease of all good in him who is the only good TO many wee owe much to sundry their certayne dueties to friends kindred clyents neighbours to instructors gouernors but vnto our parentes we owe all we owe our selues Of which eminent prerogatiue although Christians can not be ignorant through the frequent commendation thereof in the word of God as which beganne in the a Exod. 20 ten Commaundementes was by our b Math 15. Sauiours blessed mouth recommended by c Ephes 6. S. Paul noted to be the first Commaundement hauing a promise thereunto annexed so neither were the Heathens so destitute of natures light but that they alwayes held this as a high principle The great reuerence of d 3. Reg. 3. King Salomon towarde his mother is to be read in the booke of Kings and no lesse rare example had the Gentiles of e Plut. Cleobis Biton who submitted their owne shoulders to the drawing of their Mothers Chariot f 1. Tim. 5. And the Apostle expresly commaunded children to yeald requitall vnto their aged parents saying that it was acceptable commendable in the sight of God so to doe That same by way of Prouerbe drawne from the Storke committed they to an eternall care and memory gladly also at all times reciting that memorable nature of this bird which is Antipelargein that the younger fostreth againe the elder of whome before he was fed and bred vp Let this litle labour of mine be in some sort to play the Storke although in a contrary yet most equiualent sort of foode such surely as in this time of my long absence from you wil be as acceptable I doubt not to receiue as it was gratefull to minister it shal prooue as cordiall in the vse as it was paynefull in the composition Liue you to God who also preserue you Your Sonne with all loue and duty R. B. TO THE DEVOVTLY AFFECTED AND enduring Catholikes THANKES ought vve alvvayes to rēder vnto God for you DEARE BRETHREN as worthy and meete it is 2 The. 1.3 for that your faith highly encreaseth the charity of each of you towardes other aboundeth so that other nations glory in the Church of God for your patience and faith in all the persecutions and tribulations vvhich you sustayne to an example of GODS just judgment that yee may be accounted vvorthy of the Kingdome of GOD for which yee also suffer Persist yee that our joy may be full a Phil. 2.27 And be not in any thing terrified by the aduersaries what to them is cause of perdition is to you of saluation and this from God for asmuch as to you it is giuen for Christ that not only yee beleeue in him but that yee also suffer for his sake b Ephes 12. Yee were in times past without Christ alienated from the conuersatiō of Israel strangers to the testamēt hauing no hope of the promise without a God in this world But nowe are yee who earst were far off in Christ IESVS become neere in the bloud of Christ for he is our peace c Collos 2.13 Dead when yee vvere in sinnes God reuiued you together with him imparting cōdonation of all your offences d Phil. 1.26 Walke yee therfore worthy of the gospel of Christ e Phil. 2 15. without reprehension in the middest of a wicked peruerse people among whome yee shine as lights in the world f 1. Thes 5.11 Be mutually comfortable and edifie one another as also yee doe g 1. Cor. 2.12 Yee haue not receiued the spirit of this world h 1. Thes 5.2.4 The day of our Lord shal come as a theefe in the night But yee BRETHREN are not in darknes whereby that day might as a theefe catch yee vnwarres for all yee are Sonnes of light Sonnes of God We are not of the night neither of darknes therefore let not vs sleep as doe others but let vs watch and be sober Be instant in prayer watchfull therein in thanksegiuing a Ephes ● 18. Be not inebriate with wine wherein is luxury but be filled with spirit speaking vnto your selues in Psalmes and Hymnes spiritual songs singing and Psalming in your hartes vnto our Lord yealding alwayes thankes for all thinges to God the Father in the name of our LORD IESVS CHRIST b Ioh. 14.13 15.16 16.23 Whatsoeuer is asked in his name it is obtayned Yet c Iac. 4.3 some receiue not because they euilly aske And commonly d Rom. 8.26 vve doe not knowe what we pray as behooueth vs. But e 1. Ioh. 5.14 this is the comfort which we haue to Godward in that whatsoeuer we shall request according to his will he heareth vs. Not the Author but sacred Authority AN INVOCATION OF GODS AIDE FOR CEASSING THE AFFLICTION OF his Church THE FIRST PSALME O MY LORD O my God how long wilt thou deferre the deliuery of thy people Arise and free vs O Lord arise O Lord and saue vs. Helpe vs thou in our tribulations for vaine is the aide of man Accomplish gratiously what thou mercifully seemest to beginne shewe forth the amiable light of thy countenance By the hand of thy great seruant IAMES shake off our yoake that we may finde him an honourable comforter Beautifie him with a name more pretious then his Crowne by the true name of a good King Deserue he the resemblance of thy owne Title Prince of peace Least they which vexe vs exalt their hartes for euer and magnifie themselues in their iniquities Thou hast tried vs as the Diamond is tried by hammers or gold in the fornace Thou hast chastised vs throughly for our offences nowe spare vs for thy mercy To thee lift we vp our eyes who dwellest in the heauens and sittest vpon the Cherubins As slaues in their Masters fury or handmaides at their Mistris feete Attend from thy heauenly throne vnto our cry for exceedingly haue we beene oppressed Howe many are the dayes of our afflictions when wilt thou doe vs fauour and bowe our Persecutors vnto pittie Thine we are thy children and thy seruants the scattered and oppressed sheepe of thy pasture Preserue vs for we haue embraced thy wayes and diligently searched thy commaundementes For which cause we sustayne the note of folly and madnes and are a daylie laughing stock to each wicked person Reputed also as vnworthy to liue and enemies to our deare country Our acquaintance haue vvithdrawne themselues from
the riuers of the valleys nor al the showres of heauen are able to wash away the stayne and shame No sope nor scowring can clense the crime no darknesse nor death it selfe can hide it No continuance of time nor the age of the world shall make it forgotten Other nations heare of it hardly beleeue it because such cruelty hath scarse seemed possible Posterity shall read of it and wonder all generations to come shall detest the fact Our Persecutors owne issue shall blush to heare the outragious actes of their auncestors Barbarous death of innocentes is much yet to misreporte the cause augmenteth the despite Refusall to commit an act against conscience call they rebellion not to deny the Catholike faith they tearme felony and treason Traytors indeed such as were thy chosen Apostles when forbidden to preach the truth Such as the Primitiue Christians when by Heathen statutes impugned was Religion Manifest is our guilt and great is our offence vvhen by going to Church all is pardoned All this we endure for thy sake O thou fountayne of grace not reuolting from thy beliefe We haue not forsaken thee least we should be forsaken of thee at the last howre Not denied thee before men least we should be denied of thee before thine Angels Turne therefore vnto vs thy gratious countenance wherewith thou cheerest the world Giue eare to our prayers consider of our complaint Heare the voyce of thy Martirs bloud or at least wise heare their supplication and intercession Whome spoyled of their garment of flesh thou hast clad with robes of immortality The fourth Lamentation THE garland of glory is fallen from our head the beauty of thy City is defaced O God the beholder of our combatte be mindfull of our abasement vnder the heauy hand of those which hate vs. We hope in thee because we haue knowne thee professed thy name Thou exaltest the humble and regardest a contrite hart Streatch out thy hand to our aide for thou art the buckler and defence of Israell Father of orphans Husband of widowes piller of the poore Teach men not to lift vp themselues vpon earth against thee and thy Saints Let not the memory of thy afflicted be laid aside forget not his patience for euer Cheere vp his just desire ease the mourning of his hart Chastise vs no longer in thy rage nor correct vs with indignation Heale vs for we are bruised haue mercy vpon vs for we are brought exceeding lowe In silence we expect thy long-desired consolation True it is that we deserue more of thy rodde then we feele and before thine anger we sinned If we sinne are our foes righteous if Iacob offend is Esau innocent If Hierusalem please thee not shall Babilon delight thee Wilt thou euermore be angry O Supreame Iudge or canst thou forget mercy Wilt thou serue this Realme as thou hast serued Afrike and Syria To let misbeliefe prepare the way to Infidelity suffering to enter an eternall Apostasie Let not the name of thy Christ Church be exiled let not a faithlesse generation roote vs out Not so O Lord for thy tender kindnesse and mercy pull vs violently out of cruell handes Rouse vp thy selfe like a Giant reuenge the bloud of thy Saints Let not the scourge of the vngodly be alwayes vpon the backs of the just Least they presume saying thou maintaynest their cause and that saluation is on their side Chastise vs with thine owne rod as children and not with the rodde of the vncircumcised Pull the speare out of the enemies rest knappe his launce in sunder and breake his sword Thou dwellest still vvhere thou didst thou art the same God and glory of Israell To thee our forefathers called oppressed by Heathen and thou redeemedst them To thee Catholikes made their moane vnder the yoke of Arrian heretikes and thou didst redresse their bondage So vtterly annihilating the aduerse sect that scant their name remayned vpon earth Euils innumerable compasse vs about howe long wilt thou turne away thy face Not for euer O Lord not for euer we beseech thee Shall so many ignorants yet zealous neuer haue thy light reuealed So many which for want of instruction perish shall they neuer haue true teachers Because diuers which liued in the flourish of thy Church haue set it at naught shall those neuer see it who if they sawe it would neuer forsake it Because many by yealding deserue such a yoke shall they which are constant be alwaies vnder it Shall the few sparkles which thou hast left in the lande be extinguished for lacke of cherishing What if the fathers did eate a soure grape shall the teeth of their children for euer be on edge The wicked wil not worship thee aright shall they therefore be alwayes vexed which worship thee in spirit and truth If thou haue decreed O wisdome incomprehensible concerning that generation which enjoyed the highest glory of thy sanctuary And forsaking their Pastors stood not stedfastly for their Religion in the time of contradiction That they shal pine away by fourty yeares trauaile in the desert neuer enter into the land of promise Nor see the glory of thy second Temple in all Royall magnificence If this be thy holy pleasure the secret counsaile of thy long delayes Or if the number of thy designed Martirs be not yet accomplished to whome by these times thou furnishest a Crowne Or if thou wilt needes haue the secrets of all harts to be opened and rippe vp all dissemblers by long probation That the vvhole vvorld vvorld may behold vvho serued thee from their hart and who followe thee with corrupt intention Or whatsoeuer else the depth of thy designments intendeth by this so long persecution Yet hasten the times for thy deare mercy sake O liuing Lord. Calme the tempest alay the raging wanes Saue vs vvho are daungerously tossed vnite vs who are dispersed and commaunded a-sunder That as one in hart so with one voice in free assemblies we may laude thy holy name extoll thy praises all the day long Giue vs in the meane space patience in our afflictions and ghostly profit by these our temptations Let them neither vvinne vs by vvordes nor vveary vs by cruell deedes O thou which art the saluation of thy people Aide vs O Sauiour glorifie thy selfe in our deliuerance Thou art the God of our forefathers thee only we will magnifie Thou art a zealous God we will not partake in thy dishonour Prepare the feete of thy forerunners let vs heare the noise of their steps approching Reueale the treasures of thy kingdome vvhich haue beene so long suppressed Graunt vs to reape at length with joy who haue a great space sowed in teares In expectation whereof our life vanisheth in griefe our yeares consume in sobs While we powre forth our soules before thee crauing at thy handes saluation Arise O Lord visit thy flocke raise vp the rased walles of Hierusalem Neglect not the vvasting of thy heritage Renewe thy truth vvhich hath beene so long a time without fruit let faith flourish againe like an oliue Then shall all nations feare thy name the Kings of the earth shall haue thy mercy in admiration We shall all vvith one harmony sing glory in thy Temple and sanctifie thy Altars with Sacrifice All generations to come shall prayse thee and make honourable mention of thy great goodnesse Thy Angels of heauen shall magnifie thee the Saints and blessed Spirits shall fall at thy feete and giue thankes Euery soule pray that this may soone come to passe and euery tongue say Amen Come O sweete IESV come FINIS