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kingdom_n glory_n grace_n lord_n 4,464 5 3.7966 3 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A16925 Certaine briefe questions and answers, concerning chiefe poynts of Christian religion Gathered for the vse of the young people of the parish of S. Andrewes in Eastcheape: and may serue generally for all places. By N.A. Allsopp, Nicholas. 1620 (1620) STC 382.5; ESTC S116751 14,204 42

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charitie Thus beeing furnished wee shall come as Christians to receiue fully Christes benefites GOD which graunt we may FINIS ¶ A Prayer wherein is conteyned the substance of all the Catechisme O Most mightie God mercifull and louing Father who hast giuen vs our life in this world for this purpose that our greatest care aboue all other thinges might be that our most pretious soules might be saued for euer in the day of Iudgement and for the same end hast appointed the ministrie and preaching of the word as the onely powerfull meanes to bring vs to thy euerlasting kingdome of glory we beseech thée for thine owne name sake and for Iesus Christ thy déere Sonnes sake giue vs grace with humble carefull hearts to learne and knowe so much out of thy blessed and holy word as may be for the saluation of our soules from hell and condemnation and to bring vs to the ioy of thy kingdome Graunt that now in time we may from the true vnderstanding of thy blessed Lawe both sée féele the greatnesse of all our sinnes and of that punishment which we haue deserued therefore that wée being loden with the heauie burden of our sinnes may with broken and sad hearts seeke for ease and helpe now in this time of our life while ease and helpe may be obteined for after this life there is no mercy but iudgement and vengeance to be looked for And when as by thy spirit thou hast cast vs downe with vnfaigned repentance and hartie sorrow for all our sinnes past either knowne or vnknown vnto vs then wee pray thee comfort and lift vp our poore distressed consciences with the strength of a liuely faith grounded vpon thy promise made vnto vs in the Gospell which may in Christ his death perswade our heartes of the full pardon of all our sinnes and of euery part of that punishment which we haue deserued with good assurance in his perfect obedience wrought in our nature in his owne persō for vs to come to the inheritance of euerlasting life in thy most blessed kingdome And wee hartely beseech thee that this faith of ours may be fruitfull in euery part of our inward and outward behauiour to our owne comfort and the good example of all other among whome we shall haue our conuersation Graunt further that this faith may dayly be vnderpropped and vpholden against all the violent assaultes of Sathan and doubting weakenes of our corrupt nature by those plaine pledges and loue tokens I meane the Sacraments which thou hast mercifully prouided to put vs out of doubt of thine euerlasting loue toward vs in Iesus Christ Lastly that we may from time to time from day to day and from houre in houre haue good experience and true triall of thy good will giue vs grace with vpright harts to call vpon thée in the name of thy Sonne our aloone Sauiour for all good graces and blessings needfull for our soules and bodies for this life present and for the life to come both for our selues and for all the Church and children that thus wée may glorifie thée so long as wee shall liue heere vpon the face of the earth and may heereafter be made pertakers of euerlasting glory in thy kingdome through Iesus Christ our Lord Amen ❧ Grace before meat MOst gratious Father who féedest all creatures which depend vpon thy diuine prouidence wee beseech thée sanctifie these creatures which thou hast ordained to vs giue them vertue to nourish our bodies in life and health giue vs grace to receiue them soberly and thankefully as from thy handes that soe in the strength of these and other thy blessings we may walke in the vprightnes of our hearts before thy face this day and all the dayes of our liues through Iesus Christ our Lord and only Sauiour Or thus Most gratious God mercifull Father we beseech thée sanctifie thy creatures to our vse make them healthfull for our nurrishment and vs thankefull for all thy blessings through Christ our Lord and onely Sauiour Amen Grace after meate Blessed be thy holy name O Lord our God for these thy good benefits wherewith thou hast soe plentifully at this time refreshed our bodies O Lord vouchsafe likewise to féede our soules with the spirituall foode of thy holy word and spirit vnto life euerlasting O Lord defend and saue thy whole Church our gratious King and Quéene our noble Prince the Duke of Yoarke and Lady Elizabeth forgiue vs our sinnes and vnthankefullnes passe by our manifold infermities make vs all mindefull of our liues ends and of the reckonings we are to mke to thée therein and in the meane time graunt vnto vs health peace and truth in Iesus Christ our Lord onely Sauiour Amen Or thus Blessed be thy holy name O Lord for these thy good benefits wherewith thou hast refreshed vs at this time Lord forgiue vs all our sinnes and frailetyes saue thy Church King and Quéene and royall prosterity and graunt vs health peace and truth in Christ our onely Sauiour Amen Before meate Sanctifie vnto vs O Lord the vse of these thy creatures of which by our sinnes we haue made our selues vnworthy make vs sober and thankefull receiuers of them graunt that the end of our eatings and drinkings may be to be better inabled to serue thée in our seuerall places through Iesus Christ Amen Another Take from vs O gratious Father all glotony and excesse all carnall féeding without feare all minding of none but earthly things all seruing our bellies without prouiding for our soules make vs mindefull of thy presence and carefull for to behaue our selues in receiuing these creatures set before vs that all that wee doe may be to thy glory and to the comfort of our soules through Iesus Christ our Lord Amen Another grace Humble our soules before thée O Lord and cause vs to see the smalnes of our desert euen in respect of the least of thy mercies make vs to hunger after Christ by whom only the free vse of thy creatures is restored to vs giue vs so to enioy these blessings heare prouided for vs with that reuerence and sobriety as in thy presence that our bodyes being refreshed our soules may praise thee who art the giuer of all good and that in Iesus Christ the righteous Amen Another O Lord it is not bread that we liue by but by the word that proceeded from thy mouth lift vp our hearts to looke vnto thee for a blessing vppon our meates and vouchsafe vs the gratious assurance of thy loue in Christ that we may comfortably vse thy creatures as pledges of thy fauour be prouoked by them to giue vp our selues to thy glory to serue thee insinceryty all our daies through Iesus Christ our Sauiour Amen Another Grace before meate Teach vs to remember O mercifull God that it is thou which to vs and all thy Creatures giuest foode in due season that soe wée may take héede of all vnthankfull and brutish
wealth and to euery one of vs in our conscience we most humbly entreate thee good Lord. A Thankes giuing before dinner O Heauenly Father which art the fountaine and full treasure of all goodnes we beseech thee to shew thy mercies vpon vs thy Children and sanctifie these gifts which wee receiue of thy mercifull liberalitie graunting vs grace to vse them soberly and purely according to thy blessed will so that thereby we may acknowledge thee to bee the Authour and giuer of all good things and aboue all that wee may remember continually to seeke the spirituall foode of thy word wherewith our soules may be nourished euerlastingly through our Sauiour Christ who is the true bread of life which came downe from heauen of whom whosoeuer eateth shall liue for euer So be it Thankes after Dinner GLorie praise and honour be vnto thee most mercifull and omnipotent Father who of thine infinit goodnes hast created man to thine owne Image and similtude who also hast fed and dayly feedest of thy most bountifull hand all liuing creatures graunt vnto vs that as thou hast nourished these our mortall bodies with corporall foode so thou wouldest replenish our soules with the perfect knowledge of the liuely word of thy beloued sonne Iesus Christ to whom bee praise glory and honor for euer and euer Amen God saue the Church vniuersall GOD comfort them that be comfortlesse Lorde increase our faith O Lord for Christ thy sons sake be mercifull to all the Common wealthes where thy Gospell is truely preached and harbour graunted to the afflicted members of Christes body and illuminate according to thy good pleasure all nations with the brightnesse of thy word So be it Thankesgiuing after Supper ETernall and euerlasting God Father of our Lord Iesus Christ who of thy most singular loue which thou bearest to menkind hast appointed to his sustenance not only the fruites of the earth but also the Foules of the ayre and Beasts of the earth and Fishes of the Sea and hast commanded thy benefites to bee receiued as from thine hande with thankesgiuing assuring thy children by the mouth of thine Appostle that to the cleane all things are cleane as the creatures which bee sanctified by thy word and by prayer graunt vnto vs so moderately to vse these thy giftes present that the bodies being refreshed the soules may be more able to procéede in all good workes to the praise of thy holy name So be it Thankesgiuing after supper THe GOD of all power who hath called from death the great Pastor of the shéepe our Lord Iesus comfort and defend the flock which he hath redeemed by the bloud of the eternall Testament increase the number of true preachers represse the rage of obstinate tyrants mitigate and lighten the heartes of the ignorant relieue the paine of such as bée afflicted but especially of those that suffer for the testimonie of his trueth and finally confound Sathan by the power of our Lord Iesus Christ Amen ¶ A prayer before the hearing or reading of the word or any other exercise thereof BLessed Lord God most mercifull and heauenly Father for as much as thou hast very straightly charged vs in thy holy word before all other things in this world most chiefely and carefully to séeke thy kingdome and the righteousnes thereof where onely is true happines which will last for euer Graunt vs grace that the care and loue of this world whereto our earthly minds are too much wedded being set aside we may hencefoorth most diligently study how to liue for euer in thy blessed kingdome And because we haue learned from thine owne wisdome that the sincere preaching of thy word is the playne path and beaten hye way which leadeth to the ioy of thy kingdome we beseech thée giue vs grace at all times and vpon all occasions withall reuerence and readinesse of heart to heare reade muse and study thereon that our soules may dayly grow rich and wealthy in the increase of true repentance faith holines of life meekenes patience loue and euery other sweet fruit of thy holy spirit which may prepare vs to bee alwayes ready when it shall please thee to call vs out of this life to liue most blessedly with thee for euer in thine euerlasting Kingdome through Iesus Christ our Lord. ¶ A Thankesgiuing after any exercise of the Word of God VVE thanke thee most mercifull Fafather for all good blessings whatsoeuer confessing our selues altogether vnworthy of any one of them from the first vnto the last and from the greatest vnto the smallest most chiefly we thanke thee for the great blessing and pretious iewell of thy holy Word and for the sweete comfort thou bringest to our consciences by the continuall hearing reading study excercise thereof we pray the encrease our zeale and loue therevnto euery day more and more that the power thereof may fo worke in euery one of our soules that we may dayly prosper and thriue in all the wayes of Godlines to thy glory and our euerlasting comfort in thy kingdome by Iesus Christ our Lord and Sauiour ¶ A prayer for the Euening BLesse Lord God most mercifull and heauenly Father all we thy seruants whome thou hast ioyned together in this houshold do altogether confesse thy maruellous great mercy which thou hast shewed to euery one of vs all the dayes of our life and by name this day which now is at an end Wee all thanke thee from the very ground and bottome of our heartes that thou hast preserued vs from all the dangers of our bodies and from euery iudgement of our soules We thanke thée that euery way thou hast dealt so kindly and mercifully with vs shewing thy selfe a most tender father as well in the blessings of this present life as also in the most excellent graces of a farre better life Thou hast prouided for vs according to our calling whatsoeuer thou in wisedome knowest needfull for our bodely maintenance As for our soules thy loue hath appeared most wonderfull because thou hast not suffered vs to runne headlong to hell in blindnes ignorance with many thousands whom thou hast in thy fearefull yet most iust iudgement appointed vnto condemnation but hast by the blessed preaching of thy word which thou hast brought among'st vs shewed vs the way how to escape euerlasting vengeance and to liue for euer in thy kingdome To this purpose thou hast prolonged euery one of our liues vnto this present houre and this day blessed vs with health strength of our bodies to walke in our calling so that we haue with good successe happely ended the busines of this day and therefore now this night we may betake our selues to comfortable rest whereby we may with better courage and strength returne againe to our busines the next day following For these and all other mercies whatsoeuer we most humbly thanke thée praying thée most humbly to forgiue and forget the sinnes of this day and of all our life past howsoeuer we