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A14854 The bride royall, or The spirituall marriage betweene Christ and his Church Deliuered by way of congratulation vpon the happy and hopefull marriage betweene the two incomparable princes, the Palsegraue, and the Ladie Elizabeth. In a sermon preached vpon the 14. day of Februarie last past, the day of that royall marriage triumphant solemnization. At Steeple Ashton in Wiltshire by G.W. Master of Arts, and pastor there. Webbe, George, 1581-1642. 1613 (1613) STC 25157; ESTC S119574 28,181 98

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Cor. 6.14 or what concord hath Christ with Belial Againe euery man should bee answerable to the qualitie and condition of the Church whereof he doeth professe himselfe a member now the Church is said to be without spot or wrinkle Ephe. 5.27 therefore euery one professing himself a member of the Church must endeauor to be sincere and blamelesse in the Church The wise Virgins that were inuited to the weding of the Lambe tooke Oyle in their vessels with their Lampes and attended the Bridegromes comming but they are foolish Virgins and shall not be admitted to the Bride-chamber who haue no oyle in their Lampes that is no holynesse in their liues Mat. 25. Lastly these pure Virgines who are this royal Brides guests They must promote and proture the good of the Church as they are companions of the Church and as they are admitted into her society so they must follow her and to the vtmost of their power seeke to promote and procure the good of her Pray for the peace of Iernsalem Psalme 122.6 let them prosper that loue thee peace be within thy Walles and prosperitie within thy Pallaces Verse 7.8.9 for my Brethren and companions sake I will now say peace bee within thee because of the house of the Lord our God I will seeke to doe thee good Psal Reason 122. Where the Psalmist setteth downe a threefold reason why euery member of the Church should doe seruice to the Church and seeke the good of it First in regard of their owne prosperitie in the prosperitie of it They shall prosper that loue thee Secondly in regard of others who are their fellowe members in it For my brethren my neighbors sake I wil now say peace be within thee Thirdly because it is the house of God Because of the house of the Lord our God I will seeke to doe thee good Thus in briefe we haue seene this point of Doctrine proued that none can bee brought to saluation but by Christ none can bee brought to Christ but in the Church none are in the Church but such as endeauour to haue pure Virgins soules none can haue this but they must doe their best seruice for the Churches good The vse of this Doctrine may serue Vse 1 For the reproofe of those who are out of the Church First to discouer the miserable estate of those which either yet are not brought within the Pale of the Church as Infidels Turkes and Ethnickes or who wilfully leape ouer this Pale and separate themselues from the Church as Papistes Familistes Brownists and Anabaptists The Papist of Pride the Familist of Hypocrisie the Brownist of Singularitie haue singled themselues from the Churches company 2. Tim. 2.17 as Hymenaeus did If they separate themselues as stones from the building and as members from the body what hope is there of them what a fearefull doome is that which S. Iohn doth giue concerning them They went out from vs they were not of vs for if they had been of vs they would haue remained with vs 1. Ioh. 2.19 Secondly Vse 2 this may serue for the terror of those Against the prophaneliues of those who liue in the Church who liuing in the Church and professing themselues members of the Church doe by their prophane and vngodly course of liuing bewray themselues not to belong vnto the Church To the wicked saith God what hast thou to doe to declare my statutes or that thou shouldest take my Couenant in thy mouth seeing thou hatest instruction and castest my words behind thee Psal 50.16.17 Will ye steale murther and commit adulterie and sweare falsely and then come and stand before mee and say wee are deliuered notwithstanding all these abominations Ier. 7.9.10 Gods house will not be a denne for theeues the members of the Church must liue by faith If any draw backe my soule shall haue no pleasure in him Hebr. 10.38 The Brides followers must exhibite themselues Chast Virgins vnto Christ 2. Cor. 11.2 They must approue themselues as Virgins redeemed from amongst men being the first fruits to God and to the Lambe Reuel 14.5 Otherwise they shall bee reiected like those foolish Virgins with a Non nout vos Verily I say vnto you I know you not Matth. 25.12 Without holines no man shall see God Heb. 12.14 And into the Church triumphant shall enter no vncleane thing as it is Reuel 21.27 Vse 3 Let this then prouoke vs all more and more to sanctitie and newnesse of life For our direction to all holy duties that wee may walke worthie of that calling whereunto we are called whatsoeuer things are honest Philip. 4.8 whatsoeuer things are iust whatsoeuer thinges are true whatsoeuer thinges are pure whatsoeuer things are louely whatsoeuer things are of a good report if there be any vertue if any praise let vs thinke vpon these things and doe them Let vs all set forward the good of the Church with all our power and bring such as belong vnto vs into the bosome of the Church that they and wee may haue fellowshippe with God and one with another so shall wee haue a ioyfull communion in the kingdome of grace and an happy entrance into the kingdome of glory which is the last circumstance to be noted in the text With gladnesse and reioycing shall they be brought they shall enter into the Kings Palace Circ 4 WE haue seene the Bride her glory The literall sense of the words the Brideguests and their dutie Now in the last place wee are to behold the marriage pompe and solemnitie THEY the Bride and her companions the Church and her members shal be brought by the preaching of the word and the working of the holy Spirit with ioy and gladnes with inward ioy and peace of conscience with outward comforts and encouragements They shall enter here by the kingdome of grace into the Kings Palace the kingdome of euerlasting glory Doctrine Behold we here in a word the glorious manner and Maiestie of the Churches marriage The manner and Maiestie of the Churches mariage The Churches marriage with Christ her Lord is to the ioy and gladnesse of her heart be gunne heere in this life but perfected and consummated to her endlesse glory in the life to come Here in this life it is begunne Heere in this life for so Isay 54.5 He that made thee i● thine husband the Lord of Hoasts is his name and thy Redeemer the Holy one of Israel and Isa 62.4.5 Thou shalt be called Hephzi-bah or my delight is in her thy land Beaulah or married for the Lord delighteth in thee and thy land shall be married as the Bridegroome reioyceth ouer the Bride so shall thy God reioyce ouer thee The mariagemaker The Author of this marriage or the marriage maker is God the Father who ioyneth his Sonne in marriage with the Church by his holy Spirit I will marrie thee vnto me for euer yea I will marry thee vnto me in
Spirituall marriage with Christ becommeth a mother of Kings and Princes whom shee bringeth forth and nurseth vp to Christ So that what once was spoken to the glory of Matild the Empresse that she was Regis filia Sponsa Nurus a Kings Daughter a Kings wife and a Kings mother may much more gloriously bee spoken of the Church she is Regis Filia Sponsa Nurus the Daughter of the King of Heauen who begate her the wife of the King of Glory who redeemed her the mother of many Christian Kings and Princes borne of her and nourished by her The Church of Christ is this Kings Daughter Doctrine The which title may serue to shew forth vnto vs the excellent dignitie and glorious excellency of the Church of Christ The Churches excellencie Glorious things are spoken of thee thou Citie of God saith Dauid speaking of the earthly Ierusalem Psalm 87.3 Psal 87.3 We may well apply it to this heauenly Ierusalem Glorious things are spoken of thee thou Church of Christ It is called the Beautie of the earth Psal 12 2. Psal 122. The light of the world Matth. 5.14 Matth. 5.14 The Standard of the Nations Isa Isai 49.22 49.22 The golden Citie Reuelat. Reuel 21.2 21.2 It is called the City of God Ephes 2.19 The House of God Ephes 2.19 1. Tim. 3.15 The Temple of God 1. Tim. 3.15 1. Co. 3.16 1. Cor. 3.16 The Body of Christ Rom. Rom. 12.5 12.5 The Fulnesse of Christ Ephes Ephes 1.23 1. Cor. 11 2. Reuel ●9 9 1.23 The Spouse of Christ 1. Cor. 11.2 The Lambes Bride Reuel 19.9 She is called A woman clothed with the Sunne Reuel 12.1 Reu. 12.1 The Fairest amongst women Cani 1.8 Cant. 4.10 Gal. 4.26 Can. 1.8 Christs Sister Cant. 4.10 The faithfuls Mother Gal. 4.26 The Prince his Daughter Cant. Cant 7.1 Psal 45.13 7.1 And heere in my text The Kings Daughter I omit the many and almost infinite similitudes comparisons by which this Church of Christ for the excellencie therof is described she is compared to the Vallies Gardens Numb 24.5 and Cedar trees Num. 24.5 To the Rose of the field Cant. 2.2 and the Lilly of the vallies Cant. 4.13 To an Orchard of Pomegranats a fountain of gardens Cant. 4.15 and a well of springing waters in the Song of Songs All which testimonies comparisons with many more which to this purpose I might alledge do plainly shew vnto vs that amongst all the Societies amongst all the daughters of the world there is none so excellent none so worthy none so amiable none so louely none so beautifull none so pretious as is the Church of God So that vnto her wee may apply that of Salomon Prou. 31.29 Prou. 31.29 Many daughters haue done vertuously but this surmounteth them all Reason 1 For whereas other States are but Filiae Terrae From the Churches descent Luk. 16.9 1. Sam. 2.12 Rom. 9.22 Iohn 8.44 Children of the Earth Luk. 16.9 Filij Belial Sonnes of Belial 1. Sam. 2.12 Filij irae Children of wrath Rom. 9.22 Filij Diaboli Children of the Diuell Ioh. 8.44 The Church of Christ euery member therof is of an heauenly race and of the blood Royall 1. Pet. 2.9 1. Pet. 2.9 Filij lucis Children of the light Ioh. 12.36 Filij promissionis Iohn 12.36 Rom. 9.8 Children of the promise Rom. 9.8 Filij regni Children of the kingdome Matth. 25.34 Matth. 25.34 Filij Filiae Rogis Sons and Daughters of the King of Heauē as here in my text Psal 45.13 God the Father doth vouchsafe to be called their Father Rom. 8.15 Rom. 8.15 Christ his onely Sonne by Nature doth not disdaine to be called their brother Hebr. Hebr. 2.11 2.11 The Holy Ghost is their inspirer and preseruer Ephes 1.14 Eph. 1.14 They are borne of God and haue his seed remaining in them 1. Iohn 3.9 1. Ioh. 3.9 Reges nati nati ad regnum Kings by birth borne to a kingdome Againe Reason 2 All other sorts of Societies amongst the children of men From the Churches priuiledge are but vassals and homagers vnto the Church Thus saith the Lord Isay 55.4 The labour of Egypt the Merchandize of Aethiopia and of the Sabeans shal come vnto thee and they shall be thine they shall fall downe before thee and say Surely God is in thee Isay 45.4 And in another place Isay 49.23 Kings shall bee thy nursing fathers and Queenes shall be thy nursing mothers they shall worshippe thee with their faces towards the earth and licke vp the dust of thy feete Isay 49.23 Lastly Reason 3 From her portion or dowrie Gen. 43.34 this Princely Daughter hath a Princely portion aboue all other as Beniamins messe was fiue times as much as his brethrens So the Churches portion is infinitely beyond the portion of the worldlings Luke 22.32 1. Pet. 1.4 Her Portion is a kingdome Luke 12.32 Her Ioynture is an inheritance 1. Pet. 1.4 Her Dowrie is an eternall waight of glorie 1. Peter 5.10 A Kingdome 1. Pet. 5.10 which cannot be shaken Hebr. 12.28 Hebr. 12.28 Titus 3.7 An inheritance which shall neuer faile thē Tit. 3.7 A waight of glory which is ineffable 1. Cor. 1. Cor. 2.9 2.9 Eye hath not seene nor eare heard neither hath it entered into the heart of man the things which God hath prepared for them that loue him Vse 1 Which excellencie of the Church may administer vnto vs many an excellent vse Of comfort to the faithfull in their meditations As first matter of comfort vnspeakeable to the Godly for seeing the dignitie and excellencie of the Church is so great and honorable therfore they must needs be blessed and most happie who are members of it 1. Iohn 3.1 Behold what loue the Father hath giuen vnto vs that we should be called the sonnes of God 1. Ioh. 3.1 God is become our Father The Sonne is become our Redeemer the Holy Ghost is become our Sanctifier the Angels are become our Attendants the Scriptures are become our Euidences the Sacraments are become our Seales the Creatures are become our Seruants 1. Co● All things are ours whether they bee things present or things to come all are ours and wee Christs and Christ Gods 1. Cor. Let this then comfort thee deare Christian against all ignominie and wrong by any limbe of Satan offered vnto thee Doth any childe of Belial depise thee or any way reproach thee Comfort thy selfe thou art right deare and pretious in the sight of God and in the account of Christ Comfort against contempt Thou art a Kings sonne or a Kings daughter thou art a darling of the King of heauen they are but peasants slaues villaines vassals in regard of thee Giue senselesse dogs leaue to barke against the Moone There is neuer a Baalamitish curre amongst them all Numb
a learned Christian King a Defender of the Christian faith one who hath been the glory of Schooles and vniter of Kingdomes Tanti Regis talis filia of so great a King so gratious a daughter yea the eldest daughter yea the onely daughter is this daies Bride This our Kings Daughter is all glorious within and not within onely but wholly admirable The God of Nature hath in her bodie made her a mirrour of Natures Beautie and in her soule a patterne of Graces pietie So that albeit in her outward shape to the sight of men she be exceeding glorious yet inwardly to the sight of her God she is most glorious so gratiously all holy graces in her being so compact together that it drawes the eies harts of al men to admiration to see so much pietie in such comely beautie so great humilitie in such a Maiestie Neither doe her glorious Bridall robes be they neuer so glittering with wrought gold or curiously embroydered by the art of man as no doubt this day for the solemnitie of it and the honour of her estate it is most glorious so much adorne her as the more then golden graces of Gods holy Spirit in her The Virgins companions she hath none being the only Iewel of this Northerne I le and the Non-parel of the reformed Christian world the Virgin-daughters that haue seene her haue blessed her forren Queenes and their Princely daughters that haue heard of her haue praised her the eare that hath heard her hath admired her and the eye that hath seene her hath giuen witnesse vnto her And therefore no doubt with ioy and gladnes both Court and Citie Pallace and Country doth this day triumph in her pray for her and say of her Blessed be he that made her happy is hee that begate her renowned is she that bare her but most happy renowned and rich is he that hath her How much are we the inhabitants of this whole Ile bound vnto our good God that hath lent vs such a Princesse in her hath renued reuiued the name and nature of our late deceased euer to bee remembred happie Queene Elizabeth a name in this Land euermore to bee beloued for as much as that now thrice vnder that name it hath beene blessed The first of that name to this Land so happy being the great Grand-mother to the father of our present Elizabeth happy in her marriage and by her marriage first vniting the two Houses of Lancaster and York whose dissentions did annoy this Kingdome with bloody ciuill warres and then by the fruit of her marriage vniting these two Kingdomes England and Scotland which before were at continuall warres The second of that sweete and happy name whose remembrance is like that of Iosias Eccles 49. like the perfume made by the art of the Apothecarie sweete as hony in all mens mouthes and as musick at a banquet of wine happy in her not marrying for being a Virgin-Queene whom no King or Emperour of this world was worthy of shee prepared her selfe a Spouse for Christ and hauing found the walles of this Realme of brasse turned it into marble finding Religion in the sands she did set it on the rocke finding this a Land ouerwhelmed with ignorance and superstition shee restored true Religion and left it throughly seasoned with the Gospell our selues our children and their childrens children when they heare her name shall call her Blessed Our present Elizabeth this dayes Royall Bride is of no lesse happy hopes her Loue vnto her Name-sakes memorie her imitation of her Vertues her hatred of Popery and Superstition her zeale to Gods glory and sincere profession of the Gospell her religious education from her infancie Her reuerent attention at the hearing of the word Her respect vnto the Ministers of the Gospell Her faith Her zeale Her charitie is admirable and to euery Christian heart most comfortable It was the desire and often wish of this Gracious Princesse if report of some of her neerest obseruants may bee credited that in her Marriage match shee might be linked to a Prince professing the same Religion in which shee her selfe had beene instructed Good Princesse the God of Heauen be blessed for it shee hath her wish No sonne of Antichrist No vassal to the Pope hath the first fruites of her Marriage bedde No superstitious Masse doth defile the celebration of her Nuptials or obscure the glorie of her Marriage but shee is matched with a Prince in Religion in education in yeeres in vertues fit and fit for none but for her selfe Had shee good Princesse bin linked in Mariage with one of a different Religion what an vnequall yoke had that beene How derogatorie from Gods glorie How preiudicious to our State How dangerous to her person How hurtfull to her Soule But blessed be God who hath prouided better things for vs for Her for his Churches good Herein our Gracious Soueraigne hath manifested vnto the World the sinceritie of his heart and the soundnesse of his profession in that no outward dignitie state or glorie could cause him to match his Child with a contrarie Religion Doubtlesse the finger of God hath beene here This match is of his especiall chusing And indeede did we well consider of it what greater what more glorious match could wee wish for or desire for our great Masters onely Daughter These Kings and mightie Monarches who haue submitted their Crownes vnto the iurisdiction of the Pope of Rome are but vassals vnto the Pope not absolute Princes This our Germaine Bridegroome is a free Prince his state is in subiection vnto none Descended of most Noble and religious Progenitors euen from that House which first of all the Princes of Europe set it selfe against the Pope Acts and Monuments of the Church in defence of the Gospell and brought in the name of Protestanisme Himselfe of that name which to the Popes hath beene alwayes terrible and of that carriage Fridenrych in the Germaine tongue is as much as Salomon so Hartma●●us Sprunglius in Iob Ho. 1 that in the eyes of all that feare the Lord hath made him truely venerable An other Salomon for so doeth his Name in his Countrey language signifie A young Iosias who hath set his heart to feare the LORD Wherein euen in his Name wee may see Gods great mercie towards vs For whereas it pleased God of late because wee were vnworthy of him to take away from vs our hopefull Prince HENRY FREDERICK our Soueraignes Eldest Sonne whose memoriall is and euer shall be blessed our losse which was vnspeakable is heerein so much the lesse in that wee haue not wholly lost him for though HENRY bee gone yet FREDERICK is left behinde O happie day blessed Marriage happie Bridegroome glorious Bride This day is a day of good tydings who can hold his peace It is the day which the Lord hath made we haue great cause to reioyce and to bee glad in it This day is Peace ratified Religion established the Church beautified the Commōwealth strengthned the hearts of good Subiects cheared the friendship of confederate Nations confirmed Britanie and Germanie combined O Pray for the Peace and Prosperitie of this happie Bridall Let them prosper which wish well vnto it Let them bee confounded that maligne it Let them perish that enuie it And thou O great Iehouah A conclusion with a Prayer God Almightie King of Heauen and Earth who for the comfort of mankind hast ordained Marriage and made it Honourable and at this day more then Honourable in the Royall Marriage of these two great and hopefull Princes Blesse this thine owne ordinance to thine owne glory and their comfort Thou thrice glorious and euer blessed Trinitie Almightie Father Eternall Sonne Inspiring Holy Ghost vouchsafe thy presence at this their Marriage-meeting Let thine holy Angels pitch their Tents about them and let thy mightie hand graciously defend them from the malice of the enemie and from the mischiefe of the aduersarie and from all dangers that may beplotted against them Knit thou their hearts and minds together with true Loue with the bond of the Spirit in the feare of thy name Marrie them to thy selfe in righteousnesse in iudgement in louing kindnesse in mercies and faithfulnesse Let the Angels sing happinesse and the Heauens drop downe blessednesse vpon this their Mariage Sanctifie their Marriage bed and in thy good time make them fruitfull in procreation of Children that they may haue many Sons and Daughters whom they may make Princes in all Lands And make them and theirs euermore worthy nursing fathers and nursing mothers vnto thy Church Confirme O Lord the good things which thou hast begun in them and so assist them with thy grace that neither Satans subtiltie nor their youthes frailetie nor the worlds vanitie nor their peoples flatterie nor mans wisdomes policie may diuert them from the path of piety Adorne them more and more with thy graces cloath them with thy righteousnesse multiply vpon them all heroicall and spirituall graces that they may grow vp more and more in fauour with thee and with men Blesse them whilest they are here amongst vs and blesse them when they shall bee gone from vs blesse them in their bodies and in their soules in their Gouernment and in their Subiects blesse them at home and abroad by sea and by land in peace and in warre smite thorow the loines of those that rise vp against thē blesse those that blesse them and curse those that curse them keep and protect them as the apple of thine eye continue their loue their health their happines prolong their dayes for many generations that they may liue together a long time here in perfect loue and amity and after this life ended may feast with thee at the Lambes marriage with glory etetnally Amen FINIS