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kingdom_n glory_n grace_n lord_n 4,464 5 3.7966 3 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A08910 A generall free pardon or Charter of heuyn blys very necessary for all true christe[n] people, wherin standeth clene remission of all our synnes, to all penytent [and] faythfull hertes. Not gyuen by any popysh collusyon, but by Iesu Christ, son of the lyuyng God. Compyled in our old Englyssh tong, in the yere of our lorde God. M. iiii. C. nether addyng to nor dymynysshyng fro, saue only some old wordes, turned into our new maner and accostomed spekyng. God save the Kyng. 1542 (1542) STC 19187; ESTC S119987 4,960 16

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vnknytted from the bonde of flesshe If we han or haue lyued wel rightfully before god / anon the cōpany of angels shal com into our metynges / they shall bryng vs with worshyp to the very domysman If that we han lyued as I sayd / than peace shal be to vs sykernes in compas Than we shall not drede the fyry dartes of the deuyll / neither any other maner enemy that cometh to hurt our soules The flesshe shall no more be aduersary to the spirite / neither we shall drede any perels Than the holy ghost shal gyue to vs a dwellyng in heuenly thinges / we glad in ioyfull / shall abyde the daye of dome to com / in which the soules of al mē shall receyue meed for their deedes And than shal synners and vnpytefull men perysshe But in that day vayne men rauenours / gredy men proud men / auoutres wrathfull / coueteus / cursers and forsworne men shall wepe most bytterly / and they shal not get forgyuenes of their euels / which left not their sīnes with bytter sorow in their lyfe In most waylyng they shall be holden / which seruyden to vnlefull lustes of the flessh / and they shal be in mournynge and eueuerlastyng sorow which serueden to vyces / eyther vnreasonable desyres And as all these shal be worthy to be ordeyned / to the fyre of hell for theyr synnes / theyr great trespaces So if we please God here / whyle we ben in body we shal take euerlastyng reward with sayntes Therfore despyse we all thynges that be vayne fallyng / that we may get so great glory of Christ doyng mercy therfore bowe we awaye fro vyces / and go we to vertues and let not superflue wordes come out of our mouth For we shal yeld rekenyng in the day of dome of all ydel wordes Neyther make we our tong to haue custom to cursyng / which tonge is formed to bles and herrie or prayse God For all thynges what euer is vnmesured / maketh dyssolucyon of soule / neglygent agaynst the lordes hestes Neyther he may lyghtely clepe or call his trespasces to mynd / and so forgettynge him selfe / styreth not him selfe to penaūce / so by lytell lytell he passeth fro goodnes / he shall not haue true cōpunccyō of hert / where vnleful couetous dwelleth But sothly where teares shal be / there goostly fyre is kendled / which lyghteneth the preuyties of soule / and sheweth to it heuenly thynges Therfore vse thou the felowshyp of parfyt mē and turne thou not away thyne eares fro theyr wordes / for the wordes of men dredynge god / ben wordes of lyfe and holynes of soule to them that heere and perceyue them For as the son rysynge / dryueth away the myst / so the teachynge of holy men casteth away darcknesse of our hertes Therfore I besech you / eschew proude men / enuyous men / backbyters / lyers / forsworen men / and men despysyng theyr helth / which ben deed in vertues / and ioye in theyr owne lustes and want goddes goodes I say not only of them that ben in thyne house / but also where euer thou shalt heere such / eschew thē / comune not with such men / if thou mayst not agayn clepe or call them from theyr errour for why / oft by one scabbed sheep / all the flocke is defyled And a lytel part of gal turneth moch sweetnes into bytternes For though such a mā / seme to the clere in clothīg noble in bringing forth of swete wordes Neuertheles if he doth the cōtrary warkes / such faynyng of him noyeth more / thā fygure eyther shap pleaseth of wordes / euery warke that thou thynkest to do fyrst / thynke thou on god / examyne diligently / if that thing which thou thynkest / be of god / and if it is ryghtfull before God / perfourme it / els cut it away fro thy soule / and beware of ech wyckednes and syn / in word / dede and thought / in hādes / in fete / in sight in heryng / kepe we our body soule for Iesu Christ our lorde god / the son of god the father that came downe from heuen to erth / he steyd vpon the crosse / and dyed for vs synners to delyuer vs fro turmentynge of the deuyll / he suffred payne to delyuer vs fro euerlastynge payne / he suffred deth that we agayne ryse in body soule / in the last day of the great dome And therfore it is sayd of the fyrst church that one herte / one wyll / one soule / is to them in the lord For the charite and loue Christ had coupled them into one / and so must all Christen men / if they wylen be saued But flesshely men louers of this worlde ben departed agaynst them selfe / and ben vnioyned / mouynge sclaunders ech to other / stryues / wrathes / chidyngs dissencyons / manslaughters / forswerynges / theftes / rauenous / lecheries / dronkenesses / all thynges which the worlde loueth and the flessh Of whō the Apostle sayth He that soweth in the flessh / shall repe corruption In suche it is that the deuyl soweth his sedes / forsoth our flessh wold euer be mighty in malice / but in abstinence fastynges / wakynges prayers / good workes / it fayneth it selfe to be syck / but the flessh coueyteth sheweth euer euyll entysynge / the flesshe stereth venemous doyng / the flesh clepeth wrath the flesshe stereth mansleynge / the flesshe breketh matrymony / the flessh sytteth in dronkennesse / the flesshe beareth all the couetousnes of this world / and the flessh desyreth all the euyls O thou wretched flesshe / not only thou sleyest thy selfe but also thy soul thy owne losse suffyseth not to thy self / but that also thy soule be drenched or drouned into hel Wo to the soule which hath taken the flessh / contrary to the which nether entreth / nether suffreth the to entre into the kyngdome of god Wherfore as Christ sayth it behoueth to wake to pray Lord / make thou my soul to haue glorye in the / that vaynglory bost come not out of me / but that bytternes of syn be aswaged Also lorde / gyue me grace to hold rightwisnes in all thīges / gostly hardynes / temperans / make symplenes to be prudent in me / that I may lede a clenly blessed lyfe / prudently flye euel and that I maye vnderstand the trecherrouse and the desemblynge falsnes of the deuell / lest he begyle me vnder lyknes of goodnes Also make me to holde kepe these thinges mylde / wel wyllyng / peasyble / bonner / temperate / and to accorde to all goodnes Without faynyng / make me stedfast and stronge / in wakynge / in fasting / and in prayers And also lorde / geue thou to me / in myldnes to be mesured in worde / that I kepe sylens / that I speke that thing that besemeth me to speke / and that I hold styll that thinge that besemeth not to speke Geue me grace to kepe thy faith vndefyled without any errour in my workes / to be worthy of faith All these sentences saith saint Austen in his boke to the Earle HOC FAC ET VIVES ☞ Do this / and thou shalt lyue ☞ Imprynted at London in saynt Sepulchres paryssh / in the old Bayly by Rychard Lant / for Iohn̄ Gough / dwellyng at Smartes kay besyde byllynges gate Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum solū