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kingdom_n glory_n grace_n lord_n 4,464 5 3.7966 3 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A04369 Jehovah a free pardon, vvith many graces therein conteyned, graunted to all Christians by our most holy and reuerent father God almightie, the principal high priest and bishoppe in heauen and earth / first written in the Spanish tounge, and there published by a Spaniard vnknowen, (yet as it seemeth) the seruant of our sayde Holy Father ; and now translated into the mother English tounge, by Iohn Danyel of Clements Inne. Danyel, John. 1576 (1576) STC 14484.3; ESTC S2153 20,076 56

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because hee might liue in and by him and herein consisteth the charity and loue not that we haue loued God but that he hath loued vs and sente his sonne to make an attonement for our sinnes Item he doth commaund that repentaunce and remission of sinnes shoulde be preched in his name throughout the whole world Item S. Iohn Baptist doth point vnto hym wyth hys finger and sayth Ecce illi● hae illi behold ther the lambe of god which taketh awaye the sinnes of the world Item he that beléeueth in Iesus Christ the sonne of God shal haue life euerlastyng Item verily verily I say vnto you he that doth heare my word and beleue in him that sent me shal haue life euerlasting and shal not come into damnacion but is escaped from Death vnto lyfe Item as Moyses lifted vp the Serpent in the wildernesse Euen so shall the sonne of man be lifted vp because that all that beleeue in him should not perish but haue life euerlasting for god so loued the world that he gaue his onely begotten sonne that al which beleued in him should not perish but haue life euerlasting for God sent not hys sonne to condemne the world but that the world through him shoulde bee saued Item if any man sinne we haue an aduocate wyth our Father euen Iesus Christ the iust and righteous and hee it is that obtained grace for our sinns and not onely for ours but for the sins of all the world Item Sainct Iohn in his reuelation sayth that he did loue vs and dyd washe vs from our sinnes in hys bloud Item sainct Paule doth witnesse that Iesus Christ did make purgation for our sinnes and for the sinnes of all the world Item Sainct Peter sayth that it is Christ Iesus by whome wee haue remission of our sinnes and that by faith in him our hartes are purified made cleane from all kinde of wickednes Item the Augell Gabriell did pronounce vnto the holy virgin Mary that she shoulde conceaue and beare a sonne whose name shee shoulde call Iesus for that he shold saue his people from their sinnes and deliuer them from the condempnation the which they were in Item forasmuche as our eternall highe Priest is the onely wisdome of god and doth knowe the infinit vallew of these pardons and that we our selues cannot buye their for any thinge wee haue or can doe for that a thinge of such vallew infinit may not be bought the will of his Sacred Maiestie is to cōmunicate them most graciously and louingly vnto al sinners that féele their necessities and call to him for mercy without leuinge or takinge any mony for them for if that euerie one of vs were Lord of or ouer the whole world or such like if one would graunt his seigniory or Lordship for the least benefite contained in the same yet it could not be boughte for the valewe of the world may be known and the valewe thereof is vnspeakcable but for that he dothe knowe the greate pouertie and miserie in which wee liue yet by the greate and vnualuable riches of his mercy and for that he doth knowe our necessities better then we our selues and of his aboundant leue dothe commande for the health of our soules all his cōmissaries and officials the Prophetes Euangelistes and mynisters of peace that with great Instancie and earnesty they doe call to all people and cōmaund that they receyue this Iubily of grace without geuing for it any pēny of mony or other thing that perisheth By the Prophet Esay he doth publiquely cōmaūded in this maner all those that thirst let them come vnto the waters and those which haue no siluer let them make hast and come let thē buy and 〈◊〉 come and buy without siluer or any thinge this chaunge wyne for milke you spend and wast your mony but not in breade you spende your trauaile and receue no hire nor rewarde And because hee will that the immutabilitie of his truthe and the loue that hee hath towardes vs should be notorious he doth desire and cōmaunde that all the graces graunted in this Iubilie be for euer irreuecable with a priuilege sempiternall to as many as receiue the same and that it be not derogated by any other priuiledge or decree what so euer neither in death nor lyfe but that it haue alwayse full force effect and vertue to deliuer al them which receue the same from all euils presently and in the ende to deliuer them into the possessiō of the eternall and euerlasting riches of his heauenly kingdome But forasmuch as you Nom. my officials haue receued the grace of me by the gyfte of my holy Ghoste and haue geuen credit to my promisses and worde and haue receued my sonne Iesus Christ for your reconcilyatoure by the fayth that you haue in hym and his blondshedding which is the priuie signet and seale of my church the which I doe put to these presentes whereby I doe graunte vnto you all the graces pardons dispensations Indulgences priuiledges in this Iubily contayned In wittnesse whereof I haue cōmaunded these presentes to bee firmed with myne owne name and sealed with my seale as aforsayde and therefore for a signe that you haue receued the same you shall beare in your hartes the loue that you doe owe and that is due vnto your neighbours and shewe the same by your worckes Iehouah Item our most holy Father doth condempne all and as many as doe rebell and gainsaye any thing herein contained or that doeth the contrary and more ouer doth excommunicate them for euer from and out of his moste holy heauenly kingdome Here followeth the tenor of the excōmunication and cursse that the sprite of god which into say the holy Ghost doth pronounce against them their familliers fautors somnors and doers The holy ghost by the Prophet Dauid to all the enemies of the grace glorie of Christ that by any maner of meane or way what sooner doe defende stoppe and let the publicatiō of these pardons or the priuiledges therein contayned which are the onely fruites of the Gospell he doth cursse excōmmunicate and perpetually enclude the out of his kingdome in this maner O Lorde shed thy wrath vpon them and let the fury of thine Ire comprehende them there habitations be brought lowe and let no man dwell in theire tabernuckles let theire tables bee made a mare vnto themselues and let those thinges which shoulde haue bene for theire welth bee vnto them an occasion of fallynge let theire eyes be blinded that they see not and euer bowe thou downe theire backes let them fall from one wickednes to another and let them not enter into thy righteousnes let them be wipped out of the booke of the lyuinge and let them not be writtē in the booke of the righteoues constitute and set thou an euell Prince ouer them and let Sathan be still at