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A81095 Jesus, Maria, Joseph, or, The devout pilgrim of the ever blessed Virgin Mary, in His holy exercises, affections, and elevations. Upon the sacred mysteries of Jesus, Maria, Joseph. Published for the benefit of the pious rosarists, by A.C. and T.V. religious monks of the holy order of S. Bennet. A. C. (Arthur Crowther), 1588-1666.; T. V. (Thomas Vincent), 1604-1681. 1657 (1657) Wing C7410; ESTC R231710 215,690 742

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name of JESUS 6. He nourish'd fed and maintain'd Him with the sweat of his brows and labour of his hands who affords food and sustenance to all living Creatures And cloathed him who furnished the Lillyes Roses and flowers of the Field with all their beautifull Robes and Ornaments 7. He was in some sort the saver of his Saviour by sheltring little Jesus from Herods rage and crueltie and stepping aside with him into Egypt whilst the Innocents bought the palm of Martyrdom with the price of their blood 8. He commanded him who commands all earthly Princes and Monarchs and had him obedient to the beck of his hand to the nod of his head to the twinkle of his eye and to the sound of his voyce before whom the Powers of Heaven fall down and tremble O the admirable power of S. Joseph O the adorable subjection of Jesus O the sublim●tie of Joseph to command Jesus O the Humility of Jesus to obey Joseph 9. He possessed and practis'd all vertues in their perfection especially Humility as being to passe the remainder of his days in her company who being the greatest was the most humble of all pure creatures And in his companie who being the Son of the most high made himself the least and lowest amongst the Sons of men Nor can S. Josephs vertues perfections and Greatnesses be comprehended and measur'd by any better means than by the greatnesses of Jesus and Mary to whom he was so strictly allied For he w●… Mary's true Husband and consequently the true and legall though not the carnall and naturall Father o● Jesus O what Communications o● affections what extasies of spirit what unions of hearts was there amongst these Three JESUS MARIA JOSEPH Now since God give grace proportionable to each one place vocation and office surely a S. Joseph's Office was exceeding great so was his grace vertu and perfection great excellent and heroique 10. He was as the Fathers pioufly and probably believe elevated to Heaven both in Body and Soul upon the day of his glorious Sons triumphan● Ascension and remains there inthron'd next to the Humanity of Jesus and the Virgin Mary in the Celestiall Kingdom as he was neerest and dearest unto them during the time o● their earthly Pilgrimage 11. He is the faithfull powerfull and charitable Protector and Advocate of his devout children and clients in the Court of Heaven as having so great credit with his Son King Jesus and his Spouse Queen Mary that his demands may seem in some sort to be commands and his Petitions being presented to the Throne of Mercy with a Fathers confidence and authority will not easily be rejected by Jesus in Heaven who was so obedient to Joseph upon Earth 12. He is the chief Patron of all Contemplatives and the Great Master Guide and Director of the Interiour hidden and Spirituall life S. Teresa happily experienc'd this verity and frequently expressed it saying They that cannot meet with a Master to instruct them in the manner of their Prayer Let them take the Glorious Saint Joseph for their Teacher and Tutor and they shall infallibly find the safe and secure way to solid Sanctity and perfection A SHORT ROSARY IN THE HONOR OF S. JOSEPH CONTAINING The principall Mysteries of his Life drawn out of the precedent Excellencies and distinguished into Five Tens or Decades Begin also this Rosary with the sign of the Cross and the Creed The first Decade Of his Election SAint JOSEPH was chosen in the Councill of Gods Eternall Wisdom and Providence to be the worthy Bridegroom of Mary and the ●…puted Father of JESUS Our Father c. 1. He was the highest and holiest of the Patriarchs Hail Mary 2. He descended from the Royall Progenie of David Hail Mary 3. He was particuarly prefigur'd by Joseph the deliverer of Egypt Hail Mary 4. He was sanctifi'd in his Mothers ●omb Hail Mary 5. He was confirm'd in Grace and Vertu Hail Mary 6. He was a Just man by the testimony of the Holy Gospell Hail Mary 7. He was instructed from Heaven in the Mystery of Incarnation Hail Mary 8. He was indu'd with the plenty of all spirituall blessings Hail Mary 9. He was enriched with gifts and qualities both naturall and supernaturall sutable to the sacred charge for which he was design'd Hail Mary 10. He was the first after the Virgin-Mother who by Vow consecrated his Virginity to the Divin Majesty Hail Mary Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the holy Ghost c. These Prayers Angelicall c. As in the Great Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary The Second Decade Of his place office and dignity SAint Joseph was appointed the Head Governour and Steward of Gods Family upon Earth Our Father c. 1. He was espoused to the sacred Virgin Mary Hail Mary 2. He was the Guardian and witness of her Virginity and allotted by Divin Providence to be her Counsellor Comforter and Companion upon all occations Hail Mary 3. He was her faithfull Assistant in her journey to Bethleem Hail Mary 4. He found out the Stable for her harbour when the Innes refused to entertain her Hail Mary 5. He was present at our Redeemer's happy Birth into the world Hail Mary 6. He help'd the holy Virgin-Mother to swath him cloath him and cradle him in the Ma●ger Hail Mary 7. He was the first who with the extasi'd Mother had the honour to adore the New-born Man-God Hail Mary 8. He concurr'd with the sacred Virgin to Christs Circumcision and together with her impos'd upon him the sweet Name of JESUS Hail Mary 9. He was reverenc'd by the Eastern Kings when they offer'd their Royall Presents to his reputed Son JESUS Hail Mary 10. He with his Virgin-Spouse presented JESUS to his Eternall Father in the Temple Hail Mary Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Ghost c. These Prayers Angelicall c. The third Decade Of his Flight into Egypt SAint JOSEPH took the yong Child and Mary his Mother and departed into Egypt so preserving Jesus from Herods cruelty who sought to oppress him in his Infancy Our Father c. 1. He readily resignedly and in the night season obey'd the Angells admonition Hail Mary 2. He cheerfully undertook a long tedious and troublesom journey into an unknown Countrey Hail Mary 3. He patiently endur'd with Jesus and Mary a seven years banishment Hail Mary 4. He provided food for him with the sweat of his brows and labour of his hands who affoards food to all living Creatures Hail Mary 5. He cloath'd him who cloathes the flowers of the field Hail Mary 6. He next to the sacred Virgin was the most ardent of all Jesus's lovers serving him in his Exile with more than Seraphicall affection Hail Mary 7. He lov'd the sacred Virgin with a naturall affection in respect of her eminent perfections with an acquired affection in respect of her reciprocall favours with a supernaturall affection in respect of her celestiall
have all at once but content to receive it as we need it and as the Divin Giver pleases to dispense it with a constant relying upon his continued providence which therefore feeds us with extemporarie provisions that being always needie we may always be begging and being daily supplyed we may be daily gratefull for the past joyfull for the present and confident for the future 2. We beg the Bread of sinners Contrition Tears Repentance 3. We beg the Bread of Children Love Devotion Obedience Resignation 4. We beg the Bread of Angells the nourishment of our souls Contemplation Communion Union The fifth Petition For give us our trepasses as we forgive them that trespass against us 1. Whereby we confess our selvs to be deeply indebted fearfull to be condemn'd carefull to be releas'd and therefore humbly sue for Mercy Compassion Remission 2. We here petition for a Pardon not only of our sins of frailty ignorance and sudden surprisall but those of deliberation of election of express malice 3. We petition for a Pardon not only of our Sins of Om ssion but of Commission not only of our Carnall sins but of our Spirituall not only of our known sins but of our secret ones not only of sins don directly against the divin Majesty but also against our Neighbour and our selvs not only of mortall sins but of veniall 4. Forgive us as we forgive By which condition we tacitly oblige our selvs to forgive all such as have any way injur'd and offended us even from our hearts not entertaining so much as a thought of Revenge but truly loving all them that have wrong'd us for so only and not otherwise we desire our Creators Pardon for our own committed crimes and impieties The sixth Petition And lead us not into Temptation 1. Where by we desire light that we fall not help that we fail nor strength that we saint not a guide that we erre not comfort that we perish not 2. St. Cyprian out of an old latin copie reads Suffer us not to be led into Temptation that is permit us not to be overcome by Temptation nor to give our assents to sinfull suggestions 3. Since our life upon Earth is a perpetuall warfare and no one can be Crown'd unless he couragiously resist the World the Flesh and the Devill his swo●n Enemies therefore we instantly implore the divin assistance against them that we may be able to resist the Devill chastise our Flesh despise the World and so finally obtain a Crown of Glory after our Victory 4. Finally we here acknowledge our own weakness frailty nothing and that all our sufficiencie is from our Creators grace mercy and bounty which we therefore beg and implore not to abandon us in our necessities afflictions temptation The seventh Petition But deliver us from Evill Whereby as weary of all things which hinder our desired union and conjunction with our beloved Lord and the only Spouse of our Souls and the finall End of our Life and Pilgrimage upon Earth we beg to be delivered First not only from all temporall and corporall Ev●lls as Famine Pestilence Wars 2. But also from all spirituall Evills as impatience pus●illanimity distrust of the divin succour in our tribulations sufferings persecutions 3. From this World which allures us to sin and from these bodyes which imprison our Spirits 4 Finally from all that displeases the divin Majesty under whose sacred wings we desire to shelter our selvs from the violence of all our adversaries that so no Temptation may weaken our Faith discomfort our Hope distroy our Charity daunt our Courage alter our Resolutions hinder our Perseverance or overthrow our Glories An Exercise upon our Lords Prayer Dialated with Acts and Affections 1. Our Father which art in Heaven Adoration and Acknowledgement O Heavenly Father I no sooner had a Being but I see the Effects of your paternall Bountie inflowing upon me all things necessary for my preservation even to this present Instant in which I appear before your dread Majesty to adore you prayse you and to implore your Mercy I humbly acknowledg my own Ingratitude Rebellion Disobedience all which notwithstanding you have still continued the affection of a tender Father towards me in cherishing me comforting me correcting me pardoning me protecting me and treating me not as a Traytor a Prodigall a Slave but as one of your dearly beloved Children Wherefore I adore you as my Soveraign Lord God and I honour you as my heavenly Father and I prayse you as my powerfull Creator and I love you as my mercifull Preserver and I promise for the future to obey you more punctually to serve you more faithfully to prayse you more fervently and to procure the dilatation of your divin honour and glory more zealously upon all occasions with a syncere filiall and cordiall affection Hallowed be thy Name A desire of true Light O what a Father How full of pity patience compassion to have so long endured the undutifullness irreverence insolencie of an ●ll behaved uncivill unnaturall child who instead of procuring the sanctification of your sacred Name in all your creatures and the exaltation of your honour in all his actions hath still continued to dishonour your Majesty to disedify his Neighbour to misuse your gifts graces and mercyes and to defile his heart and soul with all sorts of sins and impieties Grant O Father of Light and Love that I may have a clear sight and lively apprehension of your affection and my obligation that truly considering you● mercy and my own misery I may rely confidently upon that and rise speedily out of this so recovering your favour and friendship and eternally sanctifying praysing and magnifying your sacred Name and Majesty 3. Thy Kingdom come Sorrow for our Sins and sighing for Heaven I freely confess O Father of Mercy an● King of Majesty that my own willful● blind●ess and disobedience hath mo●… justly de●riv'd me of a Childs title an● quality Permit me therefore to presen● my self before you as a poor Bond-slave or at least as the Prodigall Child with tears in my eyes sighs in my heart and this humble petition in my mouth Father I have offended against Heaven and before you I have dissipated all the graces you so lovingly and liberally gave me and forfeiting my whol freedom am become the absolute slave of sensuality vanity impietie which now over-rule me raign within me and render me a rebell against your divin Majesty Mercy O most compassionate Father Destroy this Kingdom of Sin and Satan and Establish yours in my soul Live Lord Jesu in my heart I will have no other King but him Deprive me not Dear Father of that happy inheritance which your Son my Saviour hath purchased for me with the price of his precious blood But mercifully grant that your glorious Kingdom may come to be my lot and portion at my departure out of this place of banishment that I may there contemplate praise and love you for
Citizens WHo can conceive say's S. Hierom how gloriously the world's Queen this day appeared with what affection the celestiall legions met her with what melodious Canticles she was conducted to her throne of glory with what an amiable and pleasing countenance her dear Son receiv'd her into his divin embraces and plac'd her above all other creatures c. Hail Mary 8. At her being exalted above all the Angelicall Orders and Hierarchies ACcording as the Church sings in her prayses You O sacred mother of God! are exalted above all the Quire● of Angells c. Hail Mary 9. At her being placed on her Sons right hand FOr as S. Hierom says we may piously believe that our Saviour seated her next to himself in the throne of his glorious Humanity How els had he accomplish'd what himself commanded Honour thy Father and Mother Hail Mary 10. At her being appointed the powerfull Advocatrix of mankind WE have Her to plead for us says S. Bernard who can suffer no repulse because she found grace with God Let us therefore seek Grace from the Fountain of Grace by the Finder of Grace and whatsoever we offer to the divin Majesty Let us commend it to Mary that so all may return to the Author of Grace by the same channell whereby it ran unto us Hail Mary Glory be to the Father and to the Son c. These prayers Angelicall c. Affections Elevations Petitions O Sacred Virgin-Mother your Deifi'd Soul is not forc'd out of your dying Body by the violence of pains but sweetly leaves it in an extasie of love O how welcom how amiable how desirable is death to a Soul that is well setled in the fear of God and fully confirm'd in the divin love and favour And how easily is that thing quitted without any affliction which is possess'd without overmuch affection Thrice happy he who so prudently regulates the use of life as to be always prepar'd to yeild it up to Death Happy he who patiently cheerfully resignedly endures the inconveniences of this soon-passing Pilgrimage in hope of a never-ending felicity in the heavenly Paradise Happy he who willingly deprives himself of this worlds most pleasing contentments upon confidence of laying up therby more solid pleasures in the Magazin of Eternity O glorious Virgin who have left me so perfect a Pattern of living vertuously and of dying happily Assist me I beseech you both in the one and the other I humbly acknowledg to my own great shame and sorrow that my life hath been hitherto far wide from the Imitation of your holy example But O pious Mother passing by my former indignity and pittying my present necessity take my perishing cause into your maternall consideration strengthen my Resolution of living vertuously for the future and assist me in that dreadfull hour of my deaths agony O let your Prayers patronage and protection then fortifie my Faith in its apprehension of the approaching Eternity Encourage my Hope in its consideration of the severe Judgment then near at hand and inflame my Charity in its last tendency to the long desired object of my Soul I now contemplate you great Empress seated there above in a throne of Majesty and satiated with the fulness of glory and felicity And I also consider you the still compassionate Mother the powerfull Mediatrix the pious Advocatrix of poor Mankind Wherefore I humbly begg for the love of your holy Son JESUS and by all that is dear to you in Heaven and Earth leave me not in that last hour but cast then your Eyes of mercy and favour upon me so shall I not doubt to be translated from a temporall death to an Eternall life and to remain perpetually with you in the perfect enjoyment of that fountain of life and love to which you are happily assumpted The fifth Glorious Mysterie Is Crown'd THE Coronation of the Blessed Virgin in Heaven The blest Promotress of all Chast desires Is Crowned Queen of th'Celestiall Quires Our Father c. THE Blessed Virgin Mothers Soul was fill'd with inexplicable joy 1. At her being seated upon a Royall throne in the celestiall glory WHere says S. Hierom the Immaculat Virgin-Mother was triumphantly plac'd next to her glorious Son Jesus in the celestiall Palace A Throne of Kingly glory says S. Augustin is prepar'd for you O great Queen-Mother in the Court of the heavenly Kingdom Hail Mary 2. At her being cloathed with Royall Garments ACcording to that saying of the Psalmist The Queen stood on thy right hand in a vesture of gold wrought about with divers colours Whereupon Saint Bernard extasiedly exclaims Gods Mother the worlds Lady Heavens Queen is elevated to the Eternall Fathers Throne and seated next to the sacred Trinity Where she stands on the Kings right hand in a golden garment To wit a body most pure and unspotted encompassed with variety that is a Soul enamell'd with all sorts of vertues Hail Mary 3. At her being adorn'd with Royall Iewells Ear-rings and Bracelets TO wit the Plenitud of all Prudence Science and Intelligence in her Soul and of Clarity Subtility Impassibility in her Body Hail Mary 4. At her being honor'd with a Royall Ring TO wit In her Soul which was the singular Spouse of the Eternall King a singular Joy Glory and felicity And in her Body which was singularly Instrumentall in the Eternall Words Incarnation a singular beauty Hail Mary 5. At her being grac'd with a Royall Scepter TO wit in her Soul by a speciall Power which was given her in Heaven and Earth and in her Body by a speciall prerogative of glory Hail Mary 6 At her being deck'd with a royall crown TO wit first with a generall Crown which is the substantiall and essentiall reward of Eternall glory and Beatitude consisting in the clear vision the perpetuall Fruition and the perfect possession of the Divinity This Crown corresponds to the three-fold Theologicall vertues in the Soul To Faith succeeds vision To Charity Fruition To Hope Possession Now as the sacred Virgin excells here all others in these vertues so her Crown out-shines there all others in Glory Hail Mary 7. At her being crown'd with the silver Aureola of Virgins FOr she being the Immaculat Mother of God and the unspotted Queen of all Virgins having none like her in the first nor any to parallell her in the Second is adorn'd with a Crown as far surpassing the Aureola's of other virgins as the Suns brightness excells that of the lesser Starrs Hail Mary 8. At her being crown'd with the golden Aureola of Martyrs FOr as She endured more than all Martyrs when the sword of sorrow pierc'd her heart at the time of her Sons Passion so she deserv'd a Crown above all Martyrs correspondent to her sufferings Hail Mary 9. At her being crown'd with the Starrie Aureola of Doctors FOr they who instruct others to Justice says the Prophet Daniel shall shine as Stars in perpetuall Eternity Now the sacred Virgin was the Teacher and
Virgin Mothers honour and the devout Propagator of her Psalter according to the institute and practise of his pious Father He dyed in the year 583. Item S. Bonitus Bishop of Auvergne in France commonly called the sacred Virgins Chaplain for that he was seen to celebrate the holy Mass by her command and in her presence in the Church of S. Michael where there remains even till this day an evident mark of this miraculous apparition imprinted upon the main Pillar of the said Temple against which the Saint leaned where also is reserved the admirable vestment of a colour Matter Contexture Softness and Lightness altogether celestiall and prodigious wherewith the Queen of Heaven adorned her holy Chaplain In the year 704. 22. The Feast of the Espousalls of the sacred Virgin Mary to S. Joseph instituted in France by Petrus Auratus a Dominican who compos'd the Office of this solemnity in the year 1546. 23. S. Ildefonse Archbishop of Toledo in Spain who for his singular integrity of life and for having happily undertaken the defense of the sacred Virgins Virginity against the Helvidian heresie which oppos'd it deserv'd to be styl'd one of her Doctors and Chaplains and to receive a most admirable white vestment from her own holy hands upon the Festivall day of her Expectation which he instituted in her honour in the year 660. 24. Upon this day is celebrated a Commemoration of the Patronage and Affection of the Sacred Virgin MARY towards the whol Order of Saint BENNET Which she hath been graciously pleas'd to testify from time to time by most rare and signall examples and which they gratefully acknowledging renew the Oblation Dedication and Recommendation of themselv's and their Order to her pious and powerfull protection FEBRUARY 2. THe Purification of the sacred Virgin MARY call'd by the Greek Church Hipapante Domini or the meeting of our Lord and his holy Mother with the Prophet Simeon Anna and others in the Temple of Jerusalem upon the fortieth day after his happy birth into the World where HE was presented to his Eternall Father and SHE was purified according to the Law of Moyses Levit. 12.6 22. S. Peter Damian a noble man of Ravenna afterwards Monk Abbot and Cardinall Bishop of Ostia was a most zealous Promotor of the sacred Virgins honour the Authour of the Primer commonly call'd Our Ladyes Office the Beginner of that pious custom of allotting Monday to pray for the souls departed Friday to commemorate our Redeemers Passion Saturday to the sacred Virgins prayse which custome the universall Church soon after approved received and continues to this day He dyed in the year 1072. MARCH 9. St. Francisca a Noble Roma● widow was frequently and familiarly visited by the sacred Virgin and amongst many other signall favours was by her cover'd with a golden veile in recompence of her fervent devotion She dyed full of Sanctity and miracles in the year 1440. 12. S. Gregory the Great Pope Doctor of the Church Apostle of England c. His fervent devotion towards the Queen of Heaven appears by that famous Procession wherein he carrying her sacred Image obtain'd a cessation of the raging pestilence c. vide infra page 144. No one says he can behold the greatness of Gods Mother but by beholding her Sons excellency 21. S. Bennet the great Abbot and glorious Patriarch of Monks in the Western Church was from his tender years a most faithfull honorer of the sacred Virgin-Mother by whose speciall assistance says blessed Alanus de Rupe he became the Author and founder of so divin a Monasticall institution Nor is the propagation of the Marian Psalter proceeds the same Author the least of S. Bennets prayses which sort of piety She was graciously pleas'd to approve by heaping many signall favours not only upon her Bennet as she was heard to name him but upon his whol Order in which she seems as it were to have fix'd her seat shewing herself upon all occasions to be its true Mother and Protectrice He dyed in the year 542. 22. Blessed Pope Gregory the ninth the sacred Virgin-Mothers most faithfull and affectionate servant order'd and commanded That the solemn Anthem Salve Regina should be publickly sung in the Church after the Canonicall hours As also That the Bells toling at certain set houres of the day should admonish all Christians wheresoever and howsoever employed of their duty and devotion towards the Queen of heaven by saluting her with the Ave Maria. He dyed in the year 1241. 25. The Annunciation of the most Blessed Virgin Mother of God A Feast of great Solemnity and antiquity in the Church as appears by the Orations and Homilies of the Primitive Fathers had upon this day in memory of that happy Embassy brought down from heaven to holy MARY by the Archangell Gabriel in which she was denounced and declared Mother of the Word Eternall and Incarnate Luk. 1.31 27. S. Rupert Bishop of Salisburg a glorious Doctor Champion and Chaplain of the sacred Virgin-Mother from whom he received the intelligence of holy Scriptures to whose honour he built and founded severall famous Churches to whose Name he dedicated the yet flourishing Imperiall Abbey and whose prayses he propagated throughout Germany and the adjoyning Kingdoms He dyed in the year 623. APRIL 20. St. Fulbert Bishop of Charters a speciall devote of the sacred Virgin To whose honour he erected the famous Cathedrall of Charters In whose praise he composed many pious Hymnes and Prose and who first ordained that Commemoration Sancta Maria succurre miseris juva pusillanimes c. to be dayly used in the Laudes and Even song He also first introduced the celebration of the Blessed Virgins Nativity into France And when in his las● Agony he lay gasping for breath and parch'd up with thirst the blessed Virgin-Mother was pleas'd O her wondrous Compassion towards her faithfull servants to appear to him to refresh him and to suckle him with her sacred Breast-milk whereof a drop falling upon his garment is reverently kept amongst the sacred Treasures of the Church of Charters even till this day as a perpetuall monument of this her signal favour and affection He dyed in the year 1028. 21. S. Anselm Archbishop of Canterbury another holy Doctor and Chaplain of the sacred Virgin-Mother a most zealous defender of her Immaculate Conception and the first Introducer of that annuall Feast of the Conception of our Lady into the Church He dyed in the year 1106. 29. S. Robert the first Abbot of Cistertium whom the Queen of Heaven espoused to herself whil'st he yet remained shut up in his Mothers womb in these words My will is that the child which thou O Erengardes bearest in thy entralls be betroathed unto me by this golden Ring Which she afterwards confirm'd 〈◊〉 the born Infant who after a long led holy life was translated to a happy immortality in the year 1098. MAY. 13. AT Rome The Dedication of the Church of Sancta Maria ad Martyres
crown'd with cruell thorns your amiable face besmear'd with the mixture of tear's blood and spittle your whol Body mangled with whips and scourges and all this for my sake can I choose but loath my self for my sins and love you for your sufferings O my soul what dost thou in token of thy gratefull acknowledgment for thy Saviours great charity thus crown'd wounded mangled martyr'd for the expiation of thy sins and procurement of thy Salvation Canst thou see thy Redeemer doing so much for thee and not be asham'd to do so little for thy self and him and to live so unconformably to his example which should be the modell and pattern of thy life and actions Is it decent for a member to addict it self to sinfull vanities pleasures and sensualities under a head crown'd with thorns O what an excess or rather an abuse of love and sorrow do I here contemplate Love is mistaken in making choyce of so amiable and honourable a person to be the object of undeserv'd derision and torments and sorrow is as much mistaken in not seizing upon some odious and abominable wretch who might have justly deserv'd to be so dealt withall 'T is I alas 't is I who deserve to be thus despis'd tormented crown'd with cruell thorns and every way punish'd persecuted afflicted since 't is I that have by my heynous Crimes betray'd my Creators cause incurr'd his indignation and willfully forfeited all my claim and pretention to the Kingdom which he had mercifully prepar'd for me I deserve to wear no worthyer a Crown upon my wicked head than one gather'd from the Tree of Malediction plaited together with perpetuall woes and interlac'd wirh the sharp prickles of all sorts of punishments miseries and torments Such a Crown is according to my deserts O dear Jesu I most heartily acknowledg it most humbly confess it and most obediently submit to it But since you are evermore ready O compassionate Redeemer to Crown a truly contrite converted and penitent soul with your favours and benefits bow down your blessed Head I beseech you towards me your unworthy servant and according to your wonted mercy bestow on me some effect of your tender affection Behold O my most loving and most beloved Lord Jesu my soul being pierc'd with a lively sense of your severe sufferings for her sake and desirous to conform her self O that she could do it perfectly to you her most perfect Saviour makes here a deliberate choyce of this Crown of sufferance in this world thereby to obtain the Crown of Justice which is the only means to purchase the Crown of Grace and lastly to attain to a Crown of Glory which she hopefully expects from your goodness in your heavenly Kingdom A Prayer In honour of the sacred Crown of Thorns THE ANTHEM O Blessed Crown whereby we are delivered from the severe punishments of eternall death which our sins have justly deserv'd Thou art the hope of offenders thou art the strength of weaklings thou recoverest our lost Crowns for us Vers O Christ we adore your sacred Crown Answer And renew the memory of your glorious Conquest Let us Pray GRant we beseech you O Almightie Father that we renewing the memory of your dear Sons Passion and humbly reverencing his holy Crown of Thorns upon earth may become worthy to receive from him the happy Crown of honour and glory in his celestiall Kingdom where he lives and reigns with you and the Holy Ghost for ever and ever The fourth Dolorous Mysterie Carries Christ our Saviour painfully carries his Cross to Mount Calvary John 19. Of shame and dolour to increase th' account They make Christ bear his Cross up to the Mount Our Father c. Our blessed Saviour was exceedingly aggriev'd 1. At the Jews new invented accusation FOr they perceiving the unwillingness of Pilate to condemn the innocent Jesus produc'd their last envious Stratagem to strik him dead This man say they hath made himself Gods Son and therefore deserves to be destroy'd as a blasphemer of the divin Majesty which they so vehemently urge and so maliciously aggravate against him till at last they force the fearfull President by their threats and clamors to give way to their unjust desires Hail Mary 2. At the pronunciation of Deaths cruell sentence upon him FOr when the Judg saw that neither pity would move them nor justice could prevail with them apprehensive of Cesars indignation and of the peoples disfavour he sentences Jesus to dy on a Cross O how easily doth he swerve from Justice who seeks not Gods honour but is sway'd by human respects in his actions Hail Mary 3. At his contumelious leading out of Ierusalem FOr the cruell sentence was no sooner spoken but the greedy hang-men flock about this meek lamb fastning cords to his neck and hands and tugging him as a Traytor Blasphemer and notorious Malefactor out of the Town towards the place of Execution Hail Mary 4. At his association with Thieves THey had already prefer'd Barrabas the murderer before him and now they place him in the Thieves company that so the ignorant people might conceive him to be a complice in their Crimes Hail Mary 5. At the carrying of his own Cross on his shoulders O Unheard of proceedings It was never known that any wicked criminall was constrain'd to carry his own Gallows but only the good Jesus O Saviour the true Isaac you bear the wood on your back and the fire in your heart to be immolated for me upon Mount Calvarie Hail Mary 6. At the oppressing weight of the heavy Cross WHich was fifteen foot long say severall holy Doctors and Fathers and of a massie thickness proportionable to its length O ponderous burthen to his tender and already bruised weakned and wounded shoulders Hail Mary 7. At the multitude of people thronging about him SOme triumphing at his miserie and laughing scoffing spitting at him others pressing pulling thrusting stricking and spurning him Hail Mary 8. At the doleful lamentation of the devout women WHich were those who had faithfully serv'd him before his Passion charitably sustain'd him and his Disciples with their temporall faculties painfully follow'd him from Galilee into Judea and now mournfully waited on him to Mount Calvarie 9. At the compassion of his most sorrowfull Mother WHo undoubtedly made one amongst the sad number of his followers O her inexplicable grief to see her dear Son Jesus in this dismall condition And O the anguish of his affectionate heart to behold his sweet Mothers tears and tribulation Hail Mary 10. At the circumstances of the place TO which he was led and where he was to be put to death to wit the most loathsome stinking despicable Mount Calvarie the common Theater for the execution of all Malefactors to shew that he suffered in generall for all Mankind Hail Mary Glory be to the Father c These prayers Angelicall c. Affections Elevations Petitions O Jesu my dear Redeemer are you not equall in omnipotency to your eternall
form And I consider and Adore you as holy and that not by any adjoyn'd and accidentall form of sanctity but by the Divinity it self which renders you holy by a substantiall holiness by an uncreated holiness by a primitive and radicall holiness By a holiness constituting the Order and admirable estate of the Hypostaticall union and by a holiness sanctifying even that grace which is in you and which flows from your self into your self and from you derives into us its created grace which is in you and which adorns your created essence and puissance finds you holy and not makes you holy as it doth us but it receives it self in you and by you an estate and manner of sanctity which it hath not in it self and which it cannot have but in you the which elevates it ennobles it and makes it capable of greater things than it could in it self do 20. And this sanctity sanctifies even that Created Grace which is in himself O Sanctity of JESUS O new Sanctity O admirable Sanctity O singular Sanctity O Sanctity source of all Sanctity O Sanctity Sanctifying and Deifying that very Grace which Sanctify's all things O the Greatness of JESUS and of Jesus's Humanity For as all is God in God all is holy all is great in Jesus and his Humanity remaining human is made divin in as much as it is elevated into the Throne of the Divinity it self by the Personall union Union so high and so singularly particular that it is unknown even in its possible Being to all light and intelligence of created nature 21. An humbling yeilding submitting and dedicating of our whol selv's to the Deifi'd Humanity of Jesus in the way of perpetuall Bondage WHat shall I do in the survey of these things so high and so great I must Abysm my self in this Ocean I must lose my self in these Greatnesses I will make a Collection of them all and will Reverence all the Excellencies reveal'd and not reveal'd which follow and accompany an Estate so sublim and elevated as that of the Personall union of this created nature to the uncreated Word I rayse up my self and unite my self to this nature and by it to the Eternall Word and by the Word to the Father who begot it and bequeath'd it to us I yeild up my self to the Soveraigntie which is supream and not communicable to the order of creatures which this nature possesses by its estate of divin filiation I submit my self to the power which this admirable Estate gives it over all created things I dedicate my self and consecrate all to this Deifi'd Humanity I deliver my self up to his power and leave my self to his conduct and love And my will is that it have a speciall sway over my Soul and my estate over my life and my actions as over a thing belonging to himself by a new peculiar and particular right in vertu of this present resolution which I here offer unto him to depend upon his greatnesses and namely upon the estate of filiation and soveraignty to which it is elevated Behold This is that I can do O Jesu my Lord yet this sufficeth neither my duty nor my desire my power is too small to fill the capacity of my Soul which hath its aspect on you and its reference to you and will be replenish'd and actuated with your Puissance and not with its own for you can with me that which I cannnot with my self O sacred and Deifi'd Soul of Jesus Act you in my Soul and daign to take upon your self that power over me which I cannot give you and constitute me your Slave in that manner which I know not and which your self well knows Make me to be yours and to serve you not only with my actions but even with the estate and condition of my being and of my interiour and exteriour life And I humbly entreat you to esteem and treat me upon earth as your Bondslave who totally abandons himself to all your desires who delivers up himself to all your powers and to all the effects of your Greatness and Soveraignty over those things which belong unto you And you O Virgin and Mother of Jesus To you I supplicate that you will conceive and consider me henceforth as your Sons bondslave and under this notion obtain for me a Share in his Eternall Mysteries and Mercyes THE SECOND APPENDIX MARIA OR The devotion call'd The Bondage of the Blessed Virgin Mary with Elevations sutable thereunto 1. The Author and Origin of the Bondage THis Devotion of the Bondage of the Blessed Virgin so much practis'd in these our dayes throughout all Spain says Father Anthony Yepes had its beginning in Hungary about the year 1010. by the means of S. Gerard a glorious Monk and Martyr of S. Bennets Order the Apostle of that Countrey and Bishop of Chanadin which is a City in the Confines of Moravia and Hungarie By whose Counsell and advice says Baronius the most holy King Stephen gave himself and his whol Kingdom by Vow and Oblation to the sacred Virgin Mother And the Hungarian Church says Bishop Cartuitius did so highly honour this Blessed Virgin that they celebrated the feast of her glorious Assumption which in their language they call'd by excellencie Diem Dominae the Ladies day with an equall Solemnitie to that of Christmas and Easter and styled themselves The Blessed Virgins Bondslaves 2. An ancient and Authentique Example of the practise of this Bondage SOon after S. Gerard liv'd our S. Peter Damian the learned Cardinall and Bishop of Ostia who gives us at large a rare example of his Bondage in his brother Marinus a devout servant of the Blessed Virgin n these words Marinus the brother of Peter Damian whilst he yet flourished with strength and health uncloathing himself of his garments and putting about his neck the Belt wherewith he was girded deliver'd up himself to the sacred Virgin before her Altar as a servil Bondslave and treating himself as such a one whipp'd himself in the same place before her saying O my glorious Lady the Myrrhor of virginall Purity and perfect Pattern of all vertues c. Behold I now give my self to you as a servant submitting the neck of my prostrate heart to the Empire of your power Bow me mollifie me receive me and let not your Pietie despise me a sinner whose Immaculate Virginity brought forth the Author of all Sanctity By this small gift I offer you the Tribut of my servitude and Bondage and henceforth so long as I shall live I promise to pay unto you this yearly Revenue And so laying a certain sum of money in Altaris crepidine upon the corner of the Altar he departed with a firm confidence to find the mercy which he had faithfully sought and humbly implor'd This holy Man continuing this Devotion during his life-time deserv'd to be particularly visited and comforted by the Blessed Virgin at the hour of his death To whom he spake in this sort Whence is it O