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A71105 Generation-work, or, A brief and seasonable word offered to the view and consideration of the saints and people of God in this generation, relating to the work of the present age, or generation we live in wherein is shewed, I. What generation-work is, and how it differs from other works, II. That saints in the several generations they have lived in, have had the proper and peculiar works of their generations, III. That it is a thing of very great concernment for a saint to attend to and be industrious in, the work of his generation, IV. Wherein doth the work of the present generation lye, V. How each one in particular may find out that part or parcel of it, that is properly his work in his generation, VI. How generation-work may be so carried on, as that God may be served in the generation / by John Tillinghast ... Tillinghast, John, 1604-1655. 1655 (1655) Wing T1175; Wing T1177; Wing T1178; ESTC R17254 317,518 510

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opposition hath been so great an offence that not onely the common multitude but right honest hearts have from hence stood a loof from and been shy of the work of their Generation Christ could not be received of the Jews for their Messiah because the religious party of the Priests and Pharisee did oppose him And how great an offence was this to the poor simple meaning people who but a little before seeing his works cryed out Hosanna being now by these men of credit possest that he was a Deluder they change their note and cry crucifie him crucifie him as the story tells us 4 At the after-miscarriages and errors of those who have been the onely active instruments and lights at first in the work of the Generation T is matter of offence to not a few to see men active at first in the work of their Generation prove afterwards retarders of the work and darkness thence to spring whence the first light of the Generation did arise Hence most are apt to call in question the righteousness of that cause and purity of that light which the first owners by future miscarriages have cast a blemish upon Now though there seemeth in it to be just matter of jealousie yet if seriously weighed and compared with foregoing Presidents it is not so for who knows not that Solomon was the first King of Israel that ever built a house for the true worship of God and yet the first that ever built High places for Idolatry Peter was the first Disciple that publickly confessed Christ and yet the first that openly denyed him Judea was the first place where Gospel-light did shine and from whence the world was enlightned and yet the first place where error sprung up and the light of the Gospel darkned Act. 15.1 Certain men came down from Judea and taught the brethren except yee be circumcised after the manner of Moses yee cannot be saved 5 At the gastly look and untrodden footsteps of some particular dispensations and actings attending the work of the Generation In all Generations almost there have been in managing the work of the Generation some particular actings which outwardly have had so foul an aspect that if not be held with an eye seeing God his will and design therein might justly breed offence dislike in the beholders With how offensive a eye did that act look how may we think in reason might it tend to the hardning the Egyptians that Israel going out of Egypt pretending to worship God should by a cheat as setting Gods will aside mans reason would account it plunder the Egyptians of all their Jewels and riches a thing which if done without Gods special command had been contrary to morality And whether or no had not Gods command authorized Joshua thereunto could that act of his in entring Canaan and not onely taking their Land from them but also putting all the Inhabitants both young and old to the sword been termed any other than an act of inhumane and barbarous cruelty Yea further let reason be judge of that act of Jaels in murdering Sisera at a time when his Master was in league with her Husband and when as he too as a man flying for life committed himself to her for shelter and what will it call the same but treacherous dealing an act of perfidiousness and highest injustice What need I multiply let reason not seeing Gods will be judge of Jehues action in putting the King his Master to death and extirpating the Royal Family and will it not brand the same with the odious names of Disloyalty Usurpation and Treachery to his Prince which yet was an act commanded by God God having so ordered it that in all ages there should stand in the work of the Generation some such facing and staring actions as should not onely amuse men but also offend the eyes of the obstinate weak or ignorant beholders 2 Take heed of being discouraged As offences on one hand hath put many a man by the work of his Generation so have discouragements on the other hand put some by and weakned the hands of others in the work Now there are several things at the which men are discouraged whereof I shall particularize a few As 1 At the littleness and lowness of beginnings It is Gods way in the carrying on of his great and glorious works of wonder ever to begin very low and rise high by degrees I shall instance onely in two things both appertaining to Christs Kingdom and the rather because as hath been shewed that it is the great work of this age 1 The Kingdom of Christ in his Churches it is a most glorious work yet low in the beginning The building of the second Temple which as hath been said was the type of this had first a day of smal things which lookers on were ready to despise Zach. 4.10 Who hath despised the day of smal things before a day of great things First a foundation stone is laid and then Zerubbabel the builder hath his hands holden forty years before he can lay a top-stone or bring the work to perfection The planting of Churches in the Primitive times what a low beginning had it one Paul and a few poor Fisher-men acting in this work and that against all the world This is lively set forth in that Parable Matth. 13.31 The Kingdom of heaven is like unto a grain of mustard-seed It begins as a grain of mustard-seed which is the least of all seeds and of this but one grain not many yet in the end it grows a Tree that the Fowls of the Heaven c●me to lodge in the branches of it 2 The Kingdom of Christ over the world the glory of this work is such that when it shall be the whole earth shall be full of the glory of it yet how little and low shall this work be in the beginning It is at first a stone cut out of the mountains without hands little and weak yet after a great mountain filling the whole earth Dan. 2.34 35. It is first a little one after that a thousand Isa 60. ult A little one shall become a thousand It first begins in Sion i.e. in the Churches amongst a company of poor despised worshippers of Christ whereof Sion was a type Psa 2.6 Yet have I set my King upon my holy hill of Sion Afterwards it spread it self over all the world Vers 8 9. Aske of me and I will give thee the heathen for thine inheritance and the utmost parts of the earth for thy possession Thou shalt rule them with a rod of iron thou shalt break them in peeces like a potters vessel Davids Kingdom the most lively type of Christs Kingdom over the world how low and seemingly unlikely ever to rise was it in the beginning One David a poor mans Son a keeper of sheep to be a King and yet his Kingdom at present in the hands of another a powerful King Saul one chosen and annoynted by God to whom the
whole Nation had subjected themselves and under whom they had obtained glorious Victories Who would ever have thought this Kingdom could have risen and yet it did Christs riding into Jerusalem as King which I take it did shadow out both these it was upon an Ass one of the most despicable of all the creatures and yet not upon a grown Ass neither an Ass in his full strength but upon a Colt the Foal of an Ass the weakest and most despicable of the most despicable Matth. 21.5 Thus it is Gods way in great works especially in Generation-work to begin low and rise by steps Now we shall find that low beginnings in the work of the Generation have sometimes been a discouragement to persons acting therein So in Ezra's time when the foundation of the second Temple was laid the low and little beginnings did so discourage the ancient men who had seen the glory of the former house that it is said they wept with a loud voyce chap. 3.12 2 At the powerfulness and succesfulness of opposition against the work As Generation-work hath never wanted powerful opposition so sometimes opposition for a while hath been successful against the same What powerful opposition shall be made against the work of God in the last times viz. The ●etting up Christ as King in Sion or his Churches you have foretold Psal 2. where we have opposers of a higher note Kings Rulers Opposers of a lower rank Heathen people Yet all Prince and Beggar can joyn hand in hand to oppose Christs Kingdom And how successful that opposition made by the adversaries of Judah was to the work of the Generation in the days of Ezra whereby a stop was put to the work for many years together is there recorded And which is to be noted the very opposition made by Judah's Enemys to the work was that which did exceedingly discourage and weaken the hands of them that wrought therein Ezra 4.4 Then the people of the Land weakned the hands of the people of Judah and troubled them in the building 3 At Great ones holding off and withdrawing their hands from the work Generation-work hath seldom found the friendship of great ones Have any of the chief Rulers or Pharisees beleeved in him In Nehemiah's time the onely men that would not put their necks to the work of that age were the Noble men ch 3.5 Their Nobles put not their necks to the work of their Lord. Now what a discouragement it is to the meaner sort to see the great ones stand off or with-draw who knows not It is observable which I would not here pass over that in that age in which the Jews shall be brought in Gods first glorious appearing shall be amongst a middle sort of people Zech. 12.7 The Lord shall save the Tents of Judah first i.e. God shall first begin to discover his glorious power and make bare his arm of Salvation not amongst the poorest of all who have no Tents no place of habitation but are Vagrant and Beggars nor the richest who have their sumptuous Palaces and royal Houses but a middle sort of people living in a plain but an honorable and comely way such as the way of living in Tents of old was and the reason hereof is given that the glory of the house of David and the Inhabitants of Jerusalem do not magnifie themselves against Judah i.e. that men of Princely and noble blood dwelling in Courts or sumptuous Palaces or depending upon such places may not as hath been the manner from the beginning magnifie themselves against others because in a rank or ranks below them If this shall be the way of Gods dispensations towards that age be not discouraged in case we now who are fallen into the same see many great ones withdrawing their hands from the work 4 At the perfidious and treacherous dealing of some particular persons imployed in the work It is no new thing in Generation-work as to meet with opposition abroad so treachery nearer home David in his work had a treacherous son Absolom a treacherous Counsellor Ach●tophel Nehemiah in the carrying on of his work had a treacherous Shemaiah yea treacherous Nobles acting with him as chap 6.10 17. Christ in his work had a treacherous Judas for one of his followers And what a discouragement treachery in some is to others that one instance of Absoloms treachery is proof enough which did so sinke the heart of David himself and the hearts of all his mighty men of valour yea of the whole Country that they fled weeping with a loud voyce from Absolom 2 Sam. 15.23.30 5 At the meeting with disappointments Disappointments of expectations prove oft times discouragements at best disquietments to those that meet with them in their work A disappointment did so dis-hearten bold spirited Jeremy that he took up a hasty resolution to quit his hands of Gods work chap. 20.7 8 9. Yea Paul himself though a man so watchful active and having such command over his Spirit as none more was so disquieted by a disappointment and one would think it a smal one too onely missing of Titus that he lost a very fair opportunity of doing Christ service at Troas 2 Cor. 2.12 13. 6 At unkindnesses received from those whose good and welfare we have ever closely pursued in the work It is a remarkable example and pertinent to the thing in hand that of Moses Exo. 17. who having as an instrument under God brought Israel out of Aegypt carried them through the Red Sea yea made it his business from first to last above any thing of his own to seek their good and welfare meeting with so unkind a return for all his tender care of them as that no sooner did they want a little water but presently they fall to chide with and upbraid him as men ready to stone him vers 2 3 4. He is so discouraged hereby as that this very discouragement pusheth him into that sin against the work of his Generation for which and no other he is shut out of Canaan as compare vers 7. with Num. 20.12 13. 7 At multiplyed sentences of death put upon the work This though it will take in some of the foregoing discouragements which are but as so many sentences of death put upon the work Yet because it may be extended farther I shall here allow it a particular place by it self The more grace and mercy is wrapped up in any of Gods dispensations towards his people the more and greater sentences of death are usually put upon that work which those dispensations call for and by which this mercy is to be ushered in The dispensation of God towards Israel in bringing them out of Aegypt was a dispensation full of mercy and nothing more verified in the story of it then this that multiplied sentences of death did attend the work Before deliverance comes they are in hard bondage when deliverance was neer their bondage grows higher and their tale of bricks is doubled No sooner are
the House of Austria or rather as he is doing of it he shall give a powerful call to the Witnesses that by the power of that House at this instant time shall he dead which is the voyce from Heaven whence all the Angels of the Vials comes Chap. 15.5.6 saying to them Come up hither Rev. 11.12 which voyce no sooner shall they hear but in the view and faces of their enemies they shall straightway in a Cloud i.e. under the wings and protection of this Angel who by his power shall be unto them as a Cloud by day to shelter them from the burning heat of the now inslamed Sun i.e. the rage of this incensed House ascend to Heaven They ascended up to Heaven in a Cloud and their enemies beheld them Object If it be said But there is somewhat here which seems directly to oppose such a thing as th●s viz. That the Witnesses rising can be aimed at in this place because in the following words it is expresly said They blasphemed the God of Heaven and repented not to give him glory but at the rifing of the Witnesses we have the contra●y chap. 11.13 The remnant were affrighted and gave glory to the God of Heaven I Answer That the 16. Chapter speaks of those onely upon whom the Vial did directly fall who being no other than incorrigible enemies devoted to destruction as our fourth Proposition proves they are by them still more and more hardned to their fatal ruin But that Remnant spoken of chap. 11. are such upon whom God doth not poure out the Vial I mean the wrath of it although as to common and outward calamities they may feel it with the rest but rather such who though through ignorance they stand in the croud amongst those the Vial fals upon yet hath God special grace and mercy in store for which by pouring out this Vial upon the rest they come to partake of having their eyes hereby opened to see Gods hand and their hearts in truth turned to acknowledge the same and give him glory or at leastwise such they are who seeing Gods hand do so far acknowledge the same as wholly to relinquish and have nothing to do with that Antichristian party they formerly sided with The EFFECTS 1. EFFECT Scorching with great heat Vers 9. And men were scorched with great heat The Antichristian faction seeing this that the Witnesses whom they reckoned they had killed and made sure of are now in the very faces of them got upon their feet to torment them and that under such Protection as that though stand and look upon them they can yet hurt them they are not able they shall hereat be so inraged as that they shall scorch themselves even with the fire of their own rage for indeed nothing torments a man inwardly like this to see his deadly enemy rising to rule over him and he no way able to hinder or prevent it 2 EFFECT A blaspheming the God of Heaven who had power over these plagues instead of repenting to give him glory And blasphemed the God of Heaven who had power over these plagues and repented not to give him glory The Papals i.e. that incorrigible Crue upon whom this Vial falls shall now themselves begin to see that the hand of the God of Heaven is manifestly against them in these Plagues by whose power and command alone they are ordered to fall upon them yet shall not this conviction bring them to repent and give him the glory of but rather they shall blaspheme that hand they now behold lift up against them and as it was with Pharoah when God plagued him he hardened himself so shall they by these Plagues become the more obdurate and hardened to a wilfull persisting in their iniquity Thus much as touching the fourth VIAL VIAL V. 1 The Subject of it The Seat of the Beast AND the fifth Angel poured out his Vial upon the Seat of the Beast Vers 10 That by Seat of the Beast should here be meant Antichrists Kingdom in general as some conceive seems inconsistent with the very words themselves which speak not of destroying the whole but rather a darkning of the whole by ruining some eminent part yea according to this interpretation no need would be unless we suppose this Vial alone too weak of any more Vials to be poured forth upon the Kingdom of the Beast which yet notwithstanding after this hath a greater storm falling upon it and that to its final ruin than ever any before Those who by Seat of the Beast understand the Popes Supremacy The Angel pouring forth this Vial to be King James in that Paraphrase of his upon this Book but chiefly his premonition To all most Mighty Monarches Kings Free-Princes and States of Christendom James by the Grace of God c. are certainly mistaken as appears by our second Proposition A man whom Gods people in this age are much beholding to doth by Seat of the Beast understand Episcopacy his principal reason is because 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 is sometimes in Scripture put for that form of Government and Authority which a person of State sitting upon the Throne may administer the pouring out this Vial to be about the year 1639. when the Scots entred into Covenant to withstand and abolish Episcopacy but though I highly honor the memory of the pious and grave Author of this opinion yet canl not receive it 1 Because this Vial speaks wholly of things to come not past as this is 2 Because we have already seen the downfal of Episcopacy under another Vial. 3 Because although the downfal of Bishops in our Isle was a blow to be noted yet not such a blow as filled the Kingdom of the Beast with darkness making the Papals to gnaw their tongues for pain as this doth 4 Because not this but another thing is yea must be the subject of this Vial namely The City Rome The very thing here intended a is evident 1 Because the original word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Seat is but once more used in all the Revelations where the same is applied to the Beast chap. 13.2 The Dragon gave him his Power and his Seat and great Authority and that there it cannot in the former sense but must in this latter be understood is manifest because Seat is distinguished from Power and Authority as being a thing distinct from them therefore the Beasts form of Government or Authority cannot be the thing intended thereby but it must be interpreted of his place of residence namely the City Rome 2 Because the order that the Holy Ghost observes afterwards in declaring more fully what under the Vials is but briefly hinted at agrees most exactly to this sense but by the other is broken to pecces for Chap. 18. relates to Romes ruin and Chap 19. concludes with the battle of Armageedon accordingly the City Rome is the Subject of this Vial and suddenly after Ver. 16. comes in the battle of Armageddon whereas if the ruin of the
City Rome as judgeth the worthy Author were not to be till the seventh Vial the order of the Holy Ghost in Chapters the 18 19. which relates the ruin of the City Rome before yet preparation is made to that battle would be manifestly broken 3 Because no interpretation can better-sute the words themselves for what may more properly be called Antichrists Soat then Rome the place where the Chair he sits in stands or what thing can befall the Beast which is more likely to fill his whole Kingdom with darkness yea make the Papals gnaw their tongues for pain than the destruction of Rome the Metropolis of that Kingdom 4 To these I may adde a fourth Argument urged by a learned Writer to our purpose Where the purpled Woman sits there is Antichrists Seat because she sits on the Beast that is Antichrist the purpled Woman sits at Rome because she sits on the seven Head of the Beast which are the seven Mountains of Rome Chap. 17.9 The seven Heads are seven Mountains on which the Woman sitteth Rome therefore is yea must be the Seat of Antichrist Now as to the Objection That this City Rome comes under the seventh Vial where mention is made of Great Babylon coming into remembrance before God and that therefore it cannot be the Subject of this I shall to that say nothing here onely refer the Reader to our opening of that place for his answer Neither let any say as some object that this interpretation is literal contrary to the scope of the Vials which carry things in a mystery for it is easie to reply That did we by Seat understand the Seat or Chair it self that Antichrist fits in it would so be but whilst as here Seat is put for the place in which his Seat or Chair doth stand it is manifest enough that there is a figure and a mystery in the words 2. The EFFECTS 1 EFFECT The Kingdom of the Beast is full of Darkness And his Kingdom was full of Darkness By the fall of Rome the head City the whole Papal Kingdom shall suffer a great eclipse of its former esteem and glory for now shall the Kings of the Earth who have been formerly supports to this Kingdom and those Merchants of the Earth who have formerly traded with the Beast stand afar off as men afraid either to own or traffick with the Beast any longer for fear of her torment as is more fully set forth in the description of Romes ruin which we have at large Chap. 18. v. 9. to 20. 2 EFFECT Gnawing their tongues for pain And they gnawed their tongues for pain Noting the extremity of rage the Papals shall be in when they shall behold Rome the glory of their Kingdom made a ruinous heap and they no way able to revenge their own quarrel they shall act the parts of mad men who gnash their teeth bite their lips gnaw their tongues c. which also in suitable and emphatical expressions we have ch 18. v. 15 16 17 18 19. 3 EFFECT Blaspheming the God of Heaven because of their pains and sores Vers 11. And blasphemed the God of Heaven because of their pains and their sores and repented not of their deeds The marked sons of the Beast shall now yet more evidently see that their pain viz. their inward torments and vexation of mind by which they are in a manner distracted and their sores viz. the ecclipse of their outward glory causing their friends and adherents to desert their cause and interest proceed only and alone from the hand of the God of Heaven who now is remembring their in quities and judging of them yet as before they shall now again harden themselves and blaspheme the God of Heaven to their own destruction instead of repenting of their deeds to give him glory Concerning the time when this Vial shall be poured forth my thoughts are these That the Jews delivery being to begin as in my first part hath been proved in or about the year 56 and that being the Effect of the sixth or following Vial it therefore necessarily follows that the Vials upon the Sun and the Seat of the Beast must be poured forth sometime in the interim betwixt this and the yeer of our Lord 1656. or thereabouts and therefore although for so much as concerns the particular time I shall wave it yet may I safely conclude thus much in the general that the time is at hand Now the Reasons why so little time is allowed to these two Vials when as every of the former hath taken up much more are as I conceive 1 Because God is slow in beginning to pour out his wrath upon sinners waiting their repentance but when wrath hath been poured out upon them and they by the same grow hardened then his proceedings are more quick Hence in the first Vial a long breathing time to consider their wayes is allowed to these enemies of God which they not regarding but being more hardned under it God in pouring out the second cuts the time much shorter yet because under that they are hardned also therefore in the third time is cut shorter yet and because after God had smitten them three times they still are hardned and persist to oppose the Lord Jesus instead of submitting to give him glory therefore in the fourth and fifth Vials time is brought to a little scantling God doing that in a few dayes which before took up many yeers 2 Because with the pouring forth of this Vial the suffering of the Gentile-Churches as I conceive draws to an end though after this the Jews in that interval of time betwixt the sixt and seventh Vials are to have a day of suffering Now the nearer the end comes the faster will Christ go the finishing of the work shall be cut short in righteousness And therefore observable it is concerning both these Vials that the Scripture hath set a mark upon each to shew that their continuance is not to be long The fourth Vial under which the Witnesses rise hath this to note the suddenness of it The same hour there was a great Earthquake and the tenth part of the City fell Chap. 11.13 it is done in an hour i.e. in a very short time and of the fifth Vial poured out upon the City Rome it is said Her plagues shall come upon her in one day Chap. 18.8 and in one hour is her judgement come vers 10. in one hour so great riches is come to nought vers 17. in one hour she is made desolate vers 19. The oft repetition of so short a time plainly teaching thus much That the work shall bee done in an instant ere the Papals themselves or it may bee the instruments God will imploy in doing it are aware Thus much as touching the fifth VIAL VIAL VI. 1 The SUBJECT of it The great River Euphrates AND the sixth Angel poured out his Vial upon the great River Euphrates Vers 12 Those who understand the drying up of Euphrates in a
of Gods special presence then should be such that no man that is none of the Antichristian party no nor any other for he speaks not here of men as worshippers as 1 King 8.11 but of men as enemies to the Temple and Gods work in it should be able i.e. by force or power to enter into the Temple i. e. to destroy the Templers and thereby put a stop to the work Gods power and presence being in the Temple to assist the Angels in carrying it on until the seven Plagues of the seven Angels should be fulfilled i.e. never for if they cannot hinder the work till it is wholly effected they shall never do it Object Whereas it is further objected that the whole 21 and 22 Chapters of this Book which are the events of the seventh Vial do hold forth this of the Jews conversion which therefore seems rather to be an Effect of the seventh Vial than to go before it To that I answer That the main thing spoken of in those Chapters is their glory not their conversion Now that I readily grant that their glory which is a fruit and consequent of their Conversion shall have a cloud upon it and not be conspicuous till the battle of Armageddon be over and the seventh Vial poured out but their Conversion shall be before for Chap. 19.8 tells us that the Bride is in her fine linnen whilst yet preparation is but making to this battle and the pouring out of the seventh Vial. To conclude The very Argument used by the Reverend Author of these objections in opening vers 16. of this Chapter to prove the Jews conversion from the finging Hallelujahs Chap. 19. which being an Hebrew word seems to imply the Conversion of the Jews at this time who together saith our Author with the Gentile-Churches praise God for Romes destruction makes directly against his own opinion viz. That the Jews shall not be called till all the Vials are poured out for the singing Hallelujahs Chap. 19. is before yet preparation is made to the battel of Armageddon as from the sequel of the Chapter is clear and this precedency is not only in words but a precedency in time for the singing Hallelujahs is instantly upon Romes ruine whereas the battel of Armageddon which yet is included within the Vials is not to be till some yeers after 4 The Angel of this Vial The Gentile-Churches One great Question yet remains which if not resolved we are still in the dark notwithstanding all that hath been hitherto said which is Seeing that this Vial shall fall upon the Great Turk who shall be the Angel that must pour it out To say the Jews themselves shall do it the Text it self will not allow because a way is prepared for them by doing of it I could incline to think because it seems well to agree to the metaphor of drying up that the power and multitude of the Great Turk should by little and little ●hrough Intestive broyls and Civil commotions be wasted and consumed but that my thoughts are recalled when I consider that all the Vials are to be poured forth by such Angels only as come out of the Temple To say as doth a godly man that the Turk shall draw all his forces out of Asia and Africa into Italy and this to be the drying up of the River Euphrates would please me very well were it not but that according to this interpretation there should be no plague at all attending this Vial seeing as hath been said the plague is expressed in these words of drying up Euphrates or in none unless barely a plague in his will carrying him or his counsel advising to such a journy and plagues of this sort are more immediately from God not mediately by Angels or instruments as is the pouring forth of this Vial. Yea which makes me more averse hereto I yet can see no other but that the very and only reason of this perswasion is grounded upon a mistake whilst the troublesome tydings out of the East and North Dan. 11.44 supposed to be an insurrection of the Jews in the Turks absence is applied to the King of the South that is saith our Author the Turks at this time invading Italy and pushing against the Pope whereas it is clear to him that seriously peruseth verse 40 41 42 43.44 that the same is to be applied to the King of the North. If it should enter into the thoughts of any to conceive the Angel here to be Christ himself who either by some immediate hand from Heaven should dry up the Turkish power or by some secret judgement should cause a division amongst his subjects or as before a diversion of his force some other way thereby opening a door to the Jews to recover their own Land I should to such reply that this were to make the Angel of this Vial different from all the rest for every of the other Vials have some visible Angel pouring of them out but according hereunto the Angel of this Vial should be invisible only What therefore shall wee say seeing neither of these can stand who may we next conceive unless some Christian power to be this Angel which power must be such only as comes out of the Temple no other being here to be admitted With this last my thoughts accord because upon diligent search I can find no opinion else that will either agree with the Text or with it self Give me leave therefore to express my own conjecture for so I call it and let others judge thereof thus That the Saints having run through Germany invaded Italy destroyed Rome and being now with all their forces in Italy the appointed time of the Jews delivery being come the Jews in Italy and thereabouts together with those in these parts and the outcasts also in the more remote corners of this world shall now through some strong impressions upon the hearts of some amongst them that this is the very time of their deliverance begin to stir and to make towards their own land whom the great Turk having intelligence of their design shall gather together all his forces to resist Now the work in Italy being done and the instruments doing it there waiting upon God to see what further work he hath for them and also being by this time brought into such a frame by beholding Gods glorious Appearances with them against the Beast as that there is now nothing so much in their hearts as a desire to do Gods work and serve his will being resolved setting all carnal respects and outward interests aside to follow him whithersoever his providence shall lead them and also being above measure taken and ravished seeing herein the glorious accomplishment of all the Prophecies of old with this great News now ringing in those parts and over all the world that the Jews are stirring as knowing how great an advance their coming in will bee to the Kingdome of the Lord Jesus by which the whole world shall be filled
by a glorious restauration bringing it into the liberty of the Sons of God For the earnest expectation of the creature waiteth for the manifestation of the Sons of God because the creature it self also shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God And also because in those very new Heavens and Earth that Isay speaks of and Peter quotes from him the Wolfe and the Lamb shall feed together that is good and bad shall be in the world together Neither let it be said that this will be any hinderance to the Saints glory and spirituality to bring them from Heaven the place of glory and that about a work so mean and low to rule over men upon earth for as Angels lose not their glory by attending upon the work of God here on earth nor their spirituliaty because the works they attend upon of ministring to the Saints destroying the Enemies of God c. are in themselves mean and low yea in a manner servile for so glorious Creatures as Angels to attend upon so shall not Saints at this day by being occupied in the Affairs of this Fifth Monarchy which shall be their work for Christ to act as Officers under him in his Kingdom lose any thing of their glory especially considering Christ himself whose presence is their glory shall be with them all this time nor of their Spirituality which never suffers decay in any through a being occupied in the will and work of the Lord. And what if the Lord who in the Legal Administration thought it good to have his peoples work a burden in the Gospel Administration work but no burden will in this administration have work and glory go together who will or hath cause to find fault with it Nay let me say what sometimes hath been in my thought with refreshing that the spirituality of Saints at this day shall be such as that from thence an awe shall be upon the surviving Sinners of the world who shall tremblingly come and how themselves down at the soles of their feet Isa 60.14 and subject themselves to them for this day as the Apostle saith Rom. 8.20 shall be the day of the manifestation of the Sons of God Gods people are Sons now therefore saith John 1 Epist 3.2 Beloved now are we the Sons of God but saith he though true we are so yet the world knoweth us not i.e. the transcendent glory and excellency of our state is now a thing veiled from the world but the day I am speaking of shal be the manifestation of the Sons of God wherein that noble and super-excellent Spirit that now under a veil it in the Sons of God shall be manifested before all men when all in general shall come to see the difference that is betwixt the spiritual man and the man that is meerly rational to be as vast yea far more vast than that which now is betwixt the rational creature and sensitive And as the sensitive creature now doth tremble before the rational from beholding through a secret instinct of nature a kind of Majesty and a more noble spirit in the rational creature than is in himself so shall at this day the meer rational man tremble before the spiritual when the manifestation of that super-excellent Spirit that is in the one above the other shall be open and naked before all and therefore Cant. 6.10 we have several degrees of the Churches light and glory 1 Looking forth as the morning with a little light so in the legal administration 2 Fair as the Moon more light So in the Gospel 3 Clear as the Sun that is come up to a high degree of spiritual light and life both for both are from the Sun which is giver of the one maintainer of the other so in the administration at this day And what then why terrible as an Army with banners the Saints and people of God through this high advance in spirituality grow terrible to the mean men of the world who now tremble before them By what hath been before said it may appear that notwithstanding the thousand years is a distinct time from the Day of Judgement being that time to speak properly in which Saints shall judge the world and reign on the earth yet in a large sense the time of the thousand years and the General Judgement both may bee called one great Day of Judgement And indeed that Saints shall one day judge the world is a thing so clear in Scripture that good men not making a distinction betwixt the judging in the time of the thousand years and the General Judgement do bring the Saints at the last day instead of standing upon Christs right hand even to fit with him upon the Bench and then and there to judge the world which opinion is not only repugnant to those other Scriptures wherein we have the manner of Saints reigning over and judging the world set forth which without a manifest forcing of them cannot be applied to this time but also hath not the least countenance for it self from any one Scripture that I know of where express mention is made of the last and General Judgement but the contrary rather as from that I have said before may bee gathered which is enough to put us upon a further search and not to receive this principle upon trust any longer And truly to me it appears that the Apostle himself 1 Cor. 15.23 24 25. makes a manifest difference betwixt these two times of judging calling one the time of Christs Reign to put his enemies under his feet the other the time of the end and both these after his coming Christ the first fruits afterwards they that are Christs at his coming Then cometh the end plainly intimating a distance of time betwixt his coming and the end when he shall have delivered up the Kingdome to God even the Father when he shall have put down all Rule and Authority and Bower For hee must Reign shewing what his work shall be betwixt the time of his coming and the end till he hath put all enemies under his feet Why both these different judgings may not be expressed in that of the Apostle 2 Tim. 4.1 Shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his Kingdome the quick first in such manner as hath been shewed and then the dead at the last and General Judgement which both are called his Appearing and Kingdome because he is but once to appear to do both and both taken together do but make up this Kingdome of Christ in which as King of Kings Christ will glorifie himself in the eyes of all creatures I see no convincing reason to the contrary Having thus spoken of the coming of our Lord according to that light I have received from the word I only now desire that none of Gods people who shall read this may be of the number of those who are troubled in mind and shaken that the day of the
clear Prophesie of the glory riches duration vast extent of this Kingdome agreeing in many things with that glorious Prophesie Isa 60. is intituled A Psalm for Solomon yet in respect of Christ the King or Monarch in this Kingdome David in Scripture is ever the Type and not Solomon because Solomon after he was sate upon the Throne did foulely back-slide to Idolatry but David did that which was right in the sight of the Lord. This voyce coming from the Throne intimates what I have been speaking that now Christs Throne shall be set up and himself sit upon it as Chap. 21.5 which also we have Chap. 3.21 To him that overcommeth will I grant to sit with me in my Throne even as I also overcame and am set down with my Father in his Throne The Throne Christ here speaks of is a distinct Throne from his Fathers Throne such a Throne as he was not to sit on till he should come from his Fathers Throne for saith he the Throne I am upon at present is my Fathers Throne which I overcoming am priviledged to sit upon but I have a Throne of my own which I shall one day sit upon when he that overcometh shall sit down with me on this my Throne as I now by overcoming am set down with my Father on his Throne which as it proves Christ shall have a Throne distinct from that on which he now sits so also it confirms what I said even now that the Dominion or the Throne is not to be given to the Saints untill such time as Christ himself comes and sits him down upon his Throne according to that Matth. 19.28 Verily I say unto you that ye which have followed me in the regeneration when the Son of man shall sit in the Throne of his glory ye also shall sit upon twelve Thrones judging the twelve Tribes of Israel and it is for this reason because the Apostles shall be advanced as chief in this New Jerusalem that Chap. 21.14 tells us that the foundations of this City shall have in it the names of the twelve Apostles of the Lamb. And this Throne because not onely Christ himself sits upon it but also his Saints with him is therefore called Thrones in the plural number Rev. 20.4 And I saw Thrones and they sate upon them and judgement was given unto them which words exactly agree for time as before I have shewed with this of the seventh Vial. Now whereas this Throne upon which Christ sits and utters his voyce is said to be in the Temple of Heaven it clearly denotes Heaven in the Revelation being always understood of the Church on Earth the erecting of this Throne here below And indeed if we compare with Chap. 21. where we have the same Throne spoken of together with the voyce from it It is done Verse 5 6. it will evidently appear that the New Jerusalem there described is to be understood of a glorious state of the Church here on earth and not as some of Heaven hereafter First Because John sees a New Earth as well as a New Heaven Secondly Because the New Jerusalem is said to come down from God out of Heaven Verse 2. therefore not a description of the Church in Heaven which coming down out of Heaven left we should imagine it as some to be Visional onely namely that John in way of Vision saw it come down but really it is above we have therefore to free us from such a mistake a great voyce added Verse 3. Behold the Tabernacle of God is with men i.e. on earth the place of mens habitation whereas were the New Jerusalem to be understood of Heavenly glory the contrary should be viz. The Tabernacle of men with God Thirdly Because the glory of the Kings of the Earth which glory is outward and of the Nations shall be brought into it Verse 24. The Kings of the earth do bring their glory and honor into it Verse 26. And they shall bring the glory and honor of the Nations into it Neither of which can agree to Heaven hereafter but do most excellently agree to what is spoken at large in the Prophets of the glorious state of the Church on Earth in the last daies To say as is commonly such of the Kings of the Earth and those of the Nations who shall be converted here shall be there glorified and this to be the bringing of the glory of the Kings and Nations thither To that I answer 1. How can this be said to be their glory which is rather Gods put upon them than theirs 2 How is this brought thither is the glory of Heaven fetched thither from Earth 3 How can they be said to bring it thither who never receive this glory till they come there Fourthly Because it is evident from the 12. and 14. Verses that the twelve Tribes of the Children of Israel and the twelve Apostles of the Lamb shall be first or chief in this New Jerusalem but let it be proved from any other Scripture that they shall be so in Heaven hereafter Fifthly Because Chap. 22. which to Verse 6. is a continued description of the New Jerusalem tells us ver 2. of a Tree in this New Jerusalem whose leaves are for the healing of the Nations Now let it be shewn how the Nations shall bee healed in Heaven hereafter Sixthly Because in this New Jerusalem we have express mention made as of the Throne of God so also of the Lamb Chap. 22.1 proceeding out of the Throne of God and of the Lamb Verse 3. There shall be no more curse but the Throne of God and of the Lamb shall be in it But now in Heaven hereafter though Christ as God coequal and coeternal with the Father shall reign for ever yet not as the Lamb which is clear 1 Cor. 15.28 And when all things shall be subdued unto him then shall the Son also himself be subject unto him that put all things under him that God may be all in all i.e. the humane nature of Christ which dyed for our sins rose again as the Apostle in the foregoing verses speaketh was 〈◊〉 above all the Creatures all the time of the thousand years and the General Judgement according to which nature Christ is said to be the Lamb slain shall now be subjected after the end to the Godhead or Divine nature which in Heaven shall be all in all so that Christ as the Lamb shall not have a Throne there And this Interpretation is not so much mine as Augustines long ago and Calvins since who both speak the same thing confessing a subjection of the humanity of Christ to be here intimated whom I think good here to name not that their Authority nor my saying so proves the thing to be truth but that I might hereby stop the mouths of such who otherwise possibly would be ready to condemn the truth it self for error Yet let none hence conclude as some now adays fancy a cessation of the Humane Nature by being turned
Life fed continually with nothing but poyson The second by that Tyrannical power of Antichristian Discipline which to satisf●● the pride and accomplish the designs of an ambitious aspiring Hierarchy and Clergy is established in such a way that all both small and great must submit to ●t its Decrees and Impositions and in token of subjection ●eceive some mark in their right hand or in their foreheads which in case of refusal they are thereupon Ex●ommunicates who must neither buy nor sell hereby ●rampling under foot the Kingly power of Christ snatching his Scepter of love and meekness out of his hands and instead thereof lifting up a rod of Iron Christ seeing this that through the rage and insolency of the Enemy the ancient bounds were broken down and Sion lay plowed as a field he makes it his first attempt being risen to recover his own again and because it was of greatest concernment being that Salvation depended upon to pluck off the veil from his Priestly Office and to confound that Doctrine which had set up an Idol-god for a Saviour and an Idol-worship instead of the worship of the true God Christ therefore as his first work shakes to peeces that rotten earthly Doctrine with the several Idolatries growing upon it which had justed him out of his Priestly Office openly hereupon proclaiming himself to be only High Priest and Mediator and salvation to be had in him alone and this is done by the first Vial which is poured out upon the Antichristian earth i.e. the groffer parts of Popery Yet because the Kingly Office of Christ was still invaded by an Antichristian Lording Discipline who under pretence of ruling for Christ and exercising his Kingly power did in all places make havock of the Saints persecuting them as evil doers Christ therefore makes it his next work to recover his abused Scepter into his own hands again which to do the second Vial is poured out upon the Sea namely the Antichristian Discipline Christ having now regained his own as a puissant and noble Conqueror who being first unjustly invaded contents not himself to recover his Rights but takes this opportunity to invade his enemies makes an invasion upon the Dominions of his enemies and because the Kings of the earth had lent their aid and assistance to the Feast by whose power and strength given up to the Beast the blood of his Saints had been spilt in every place therefore to avenge the blood of his Saints he begins the Quarrel with them and so the third Vial is poured out upon the Rivers and Fountains of Waters that is upon some particular States and Kingdomes and upon the Heads of these namely Kings and Statesmen And here with the pouring forth of this third Vial the Stone cut out of the Mountain spoken of Dan. 2. which breaks in peeces the Great Image begins to smite the design of Christ in the two first Vials being not so much to break the great Image as first to recover his own in order thereunto Here also the Ancient of dayes Dan. 7. begins to sit and to cast down the Thrones of the fourth Beast Christ having now won the Out-shifts and Suburbs of his grand Enemy he next that the blow might come closer and fall yet heavier invades him in his principal street which for many Ages together was the strength and glory of the Beasts Kingdom this is the work of the fourth Vial which therefore is poured out upon the Sun that is the German Empire or House of Austria The Thrones of the Beast being cast down his Sun darkned and Christ going onward upon his march his heart filled with Vengeance for the sake of his people the remembrance of the blood of his Saints poured out like water in every place through the continual Instigations Commissions and authority of the Roman Beast comes now so fresh into his mind and the cry thereof is so loud in his ears that he can no longer forbear giving her in requital blood to drink who hath made it her delight to drink her self drunken with the blood of his Saints and Martyrs he therefore next with a swift and high hand bends his march to the Seat of the Beast the City Rome upon which the Fifth Vial is poured out Rome being destroyed and made a ruinous heap and the appointed time being now come in which Gods ancient people the Jews are to come up to their own Land which being at the present in the hands of the Great Turk who with all his power will oppose their claim and endeavour to keep them out of possession that therefore a door might be set open for them the Sixth Vial is poured out upon the great River Euphrates i.e. the power and multitude of the Turk Christ having hitherto been breaking his enemies by parts and nothing being wanting but the crowning victory to make him absolute King and Monarch of the world in order therefore unto the pouring forth of the Seventh and last Vial when Christ is to take possession of the Kingdome given to him by his Father and to bee exalted as the great and only Potentate King of Kings and Lord of Lords we have two things as principal First A General Rendezvouz of all the enemies of Christ into one Body fit to be cut off Secondly The Personal coming and appearing of the Lord Jesus Christ to make dispatch of his enemies and to set up his own Kingdome Things being thus in a readiness we have the pouring forth of the Seventh and last Vial into the Air a universal subject which ushers in with it the subversion of all Christs enemies the Beast Antichrist being hereupon slain his body destroyed and given to the burning flame The rest of the Beast i.e. all other worldly powers have their Dominion taken away and the Great Dragon the Devil is bound and cast into the bottomless Pit and there shut up for a thousand years And now are the Kingdoms of this world become the Kingdome of the Lord and of his Christ who shall reign for ever and ever Amen A Table of the chief things contained in this TREATISE The First Part. THe Coherence of the words with the explication of the Text P. 1. to 4 Doct. It is an especial duty lying upon the Saints to attend unto and be active in the work or works of their Generation Page 4 Shewed 1 What Generation-work is and how the same is different from those common duties which lye upon Saints as Saints and the special duties of a Saints calling station relation or present condition p. 5 6 7 8 2 That Saints in their several Generations have ever had their peculiar works as is proved by a line drawn through the several generations from the beginning downwards unto our times p. 9 to 14 3 That it is a matter of great concernment for a Saint to attend to the work of his Generation as appears 1 God by his dispensations calls aloud for it p. 14 2 Generation
Papals which is expressed by making merry sending gifts one to another Rev. 11.10 And what was that but the death of the Witnesses as the Text tells us Upon this Victory over the Witnesses that had been but a little before struggling with her and like to have ruined her the Whore is now so imperiously proud that as Nebuchad●ezzar of old a little before his fall speaks out Is not this great Babel that I have built so she also in her pride cries out I sit as a Queen am no widow and shall see no sorrow as to say I was lately afraid I should have been spoyled of my glory been made a widow and seen forrow but now it is otherwise my enemies are under my feet I am Mistress and Ruler therefore I sit as a Queen c. And that the killing of the Witnesses should be here noted is yet more clear if we consider how that as those words are spoken in the present tense and therefore cannot relate to former past boastings so do they admirably agree in point of time to the killing of the Witnesses for that as I have said is to be in the very last three days and a half of the Beasts Tyranny and the Witnesses wearing Sackcloth which time is no sooner expired but as one of the first things Rome is ruined accordingly this boast is immediately before Romes ruine And therefore observe the words themselves and you shall find that even whilst the Whore is in this jolly fit instantly and unexpectedly comes her ruine upon her and the downfal of Rome her chief City Rev. 18.8 Therefore shal her plagues come upon her in one day death and mourning and famine and she shall be utterly burnt with fire for strong is the Lord God who judgeth her Vers 10. For in one hour is thy judgement come So Vers 17.19 One day one hour that is from the time of her glorying whilst she is thus glorying over the dead Winesses up start the Witnesses down falls Rome 3 CONCLVSION That the killing of the Witnesses shall be in the latter end of the third Vial. Two things proved make this Conclusion firm 1 That some Vials shall be poured out before the slaughter of the Witnesses 2 That the Vials poured out shall be only the three first The first of these is sufficiently proved by Mr. Woodcock in his Treatise of the two Witnesses p. 20 21 22 23. I shal not here repeat his Arguments but refer the Roader to the Author himself with adding this farther word that John being by one of the seven Angels which had the 7 Vials carried away into the Wilderness there to have the interpretation of the Vials is to me a manifest Argument that some of the Vials are poured out whilst yet the Woman remains in the wilderness why else should the Angel of one of the Vials carry John into the wilderness there to learn the meaning of this mystery if the true Spouse of Christ to whom he reveals these secrets were not and that even in the time of some of the Vials abiding there Yea let me adde which will something more help us that I conceive this Angel to be no other but the Angel of the third Vial my reason is because the interpretation of the Vials which is the thing revealed to John Chap. 17. Chap. 18. c. begins with the third Vial for the first thing after the description of the Whore her self which is to be judged that relates to her judgement is the Lambs overcoming some of the Horns vers 14. which act is to be referred to the third Vial as I shall shew presently And indeed the reason why in the explication of the Vials the two first are left out and the Angel begins with the third is because as I have observed upon the Viols p. 260 261 262. Christ in the two first Vials is but regaining his own not yet invading his Enemies Dominions till the third Now because all that John in the explication hath shewed him is only the judgement of the Beast and Whore which as I have said are first described then their judgement peece by peece declared therefore the two first Vials are omitted as being another thing rather I say Christs getting his own then as yet judging his Enemy and he begins with the third where the judgemens of the Where the work of breaking the Great Image casting down the Thrones of the Fourth Beast begins This being so as it teacheth us that the discovering-time of the Great Whore in her true Colours and the judgements o● God to be executed on her and the glorious Kingdom of Christ to follow thereupon is to be looked for under the third Vial the Angel of that Vial shewing John these things So also it teacheth us that under the third Vial the Church is to be in the wilderness therefore John is carried thither to learn these things But beyond this Vial she is not to be there as also I shall shew by and by The term therefore of the Womans being in the wilderness expiring under the third Vial it hence follows That the death of the witnesses which is the concluding time of that long term should likewise fall under the third Vial. And indeed because the blackest day one of them that ever the Church of Christ met with is to befal her under the third Vial in the latter part of it therefore as I conceive are the glorious discoveries of the judgement of the Great Whore and the Beast her Enemy and of the Kingdom of Christ following thereupon made known to the Saints under the third Vial to bear up their spirits in this day it being the way of God with his people wh●n he brings any fore sufferings on them to forelay them with somewhat which may make them able to bear it This I adde in the general only I come now more particularly to prove the thing viz. That the killing of the Witnesses is to be under the third Vial at the latter end thereof My Reasons are these 1 Because the Angel of the fourth Vial hath this work committed to him by special dispensation over and besides the pouring forth of his Vial though he performs it together with that viz. To give call to and assist the Witnesses rising See my Discourse upon the fourth Vial. By consequence therefore the Witnesses must lye dead in the latter end of the third because the Angel of the fourth Vial no sooner begins to pour out his Vial but immediatel they are rising 2 Because the particular acts of the Witnesses immediately preceding their killing which killing therefore is recorded in the next verse after these acts Rev. 11.6 7. seem to me to have a peculiar look unto the three first Vials agreeing with them most exactly according to that interpretation I gave of them whilst yet I had no such thing in mine eye both in their subjects and effects also As let us compare each with other 1 The subject of
of whom we read a little before Chap. 13.16 That they have a mark written in their forebeads i.e. they make up a judgement of persons by some mark given to them one hath this mark another that mark and men as well good men as others all the time of the Beasts Kingdome know one another by marks and such marks as are of the Beasts devising But now when the Beast goes off the Stage and the Lamb comes up all marks that formerly men were known by are laid aside and now there is no mark to know Saints by but only this The Fathers Name written in their fore-heads There shall be no knowledge of Persons as Presbyters as Independents as Anabaptists c. any longer but the mark the only mark that Saints shall know one another by shall be the Image of the Father The Fathers Name written in their foreheads This shall be the mark by which Saints in the time of the New Jerusalem when the Lord shall be one and his Name one shall know one another by Rev. 22.4 His Name shall be in their fore-heads i.e. Grace and Holiness the Image of the Father shall be so visible in them that there shall be no need of any other mark to know one another by but all shall be known unto each other by this The beginnings of this shall be very eminent in this One hundred forty four thousand and therefore we have this laid down as the great Character of them II CHARACTER They sing a new Song which none can learn but only this One hundred forty four thousand ver 3. The meaning is This One hundred forty four thousand shall go a strain higher in their actings and praises then the Saints before them did and for this reason many of the old Singers that sung the first Song Rev. 15.3 shall not be able to sing this it shall go in a note too high and spiritual for them III CHARACTER They are such as are redeemed from the Farth i.e. as I conceive such only as have obtained to stand loose from earthly interest being persons d●ad and delivered from the evil of the honors preferments pleasures profits of this present evill world which not the Sons of Adam onely but too many of the Sons of Sion are plunged in and overtaken with IV. CHARACTER They are Virgin-Saints not defiled with women vers 4. I take this Character to be a Character distinct from the former though not long since I judged either the same And yet withall the difference is no great matter the former noting redemption from earthly interests and engagements in the general i.e. earthly interests of all sorts by which men yea Saints themselves are oftentimes mis-lead and drawn aside from following Christ but this latter denotes redemption in a more special kind viz. from Antichristian interests the particular defilements of the whorish Woman the meaning is this One hundred forty four thousand shall be a select number of such persons who notwithstanding for a great part of their time they lived within the verge of that Idolatrous superstitious age in which the whole world went a whoring after the Beast yet did in that adulterous generation keep themselves Virgins not committing fornication with the Whore of Babylon by having any hand in her Superstitions and Idolatries V. CHARACTER They follow the Lamb whithersoever he goeth i.e. They shall be such who from the day they began to follow the Lamb have ever kept him company in his most difficult paths through rockie craggie thorny wayes In dangerous paths where they have been necessitated to put their lives in their hands to follow him in desolate wilderness-paths where they have been in a manner stripped bare of all outward comforts and injoyments yet willing to quit all rather than leave his company in paths contrary to reason flesh and blood to their own preferments interests c. such shall these be And this Character I take it is given to them in opposition to those who did follow the Lamb sometime so long as it stood with their safety pleasure honor preferment profits c. but when in following him they could have these no longer they will follow him no further the Lamb may march alone for them VI. CHARACTER They are redeemed from among men i.e. as before I have noted a picked party not so much from the Antichristian crow of Idolaters as the more pure party of the Reformers themselves they shall be as I have said the very cream the flower of the Reformed party VII CHARACTER They are the first fruits unto God and to the Lamb i.e. Either those that God makes more account of as being more precious in his sight than of other of his people for the first fruits under the Law were accounted the most precious and therefore were set apart and consecrated to God or else which I rather incline to these shall be the beginnings of that large Harvest to Christ among the Gentiles which he is to have after the Beasts time is out For the first fruits were the beginnings of the Jewish Harvest Or they shall bee in a manner the beginnings of that glorious Kingdom of Christ in the world which shall break in peeces all other Kingdoms and stand for ever VIII CHARACTER In their mouth is found no guile vers 5. that is as I conceive They shall in a very naked and plain-hearted way manage their whole work without driving on self-designs under a vizzard and pretence of serving and setting up Christ or without acting by the RVLES OF STATE-POLICY which exposeth men to falshood dissimulation and guile no such thing shall be found in this One hundred forty four thousand or their actings but they shall without fear or favor let the world know what they intend and design they are for Christs Kingdom and that the Crown may be set upon his Head if the Kings of the earth will submit to it and lay down their Crowns and Scepters at his feet so it is if not they will endeavor to make them And this I take to be the very meaning of the words for the reason given in those that follow For they are without fault before the Throne of God i.e. they shall not dissemble in the business of Christs Throne and Kingdom or they shall not seek themselves in the setting up of this Kingdom SECT VI. THe fourth and last thing comes now to be handled viz. How things shall go on or what shall be done in the world from the time that this One hundred forty four thousand stand up untill the beginning of the Thousand years There are but two clear Prophecies in all the Revelations that afford us matter for an answer to this Question 1. That of the Vials Chap. 16. taking in also its explication in the following Chapters 2. That of the Witnesses risen hinted Chap. 11. vers 11 12 13. enlarged in this 14 Chapter As for so much as concerns our Question comprised in the first
will discern and first condemn Jerusalem of old expected and waited for the coming of their Messia● or Christ their King yet no sooner news abroad of his being born into the world but upon the account of a meer worldly interest viz. fear of tumults and commotions which might hereupon arise betwixt Herod the usurper and this King to the imbroiling of them in wars who now were in quiet enjoying their wealth in peace they are troubled at it Matth. 2.3 I wish a worldly interest may have no such effect now as to beget trouble in the spirits of any at the coming forth of that mercy which time was they both prayed and waited for Surely as it savors of great ingratitude towards our most gracious Father to call mercies given in as an answer of former prayers by the name of Judgements so also of no less sloath and negligence when the glorious arm of God hath been made bare in working wonders for his people for them to sit still doing little or nothing for him That nothing done of late years comes as an answer of these prayers put up whilst we were in the house of bondage none of you will or can deny If any thing else be wrought which then we prayed not for it is either a superabounding of mercy beyond what then we were able to aske or think or a trial of our faith If a superabounding of mercy shall we quarrel with God and one another for that and if a trial of our faith shall we think that strange which hath been the ordinary way of Gods dispensations towards his in all ages when he gives forth mercy then to try their faith and like a company of sullen Children shall we wrangle with our Father and in a humersom fit throw away our bread because the crust is on it O let it not be told in Neighbor Nations that the God of England hath been so kind to his people and Saints in England so unkind to their Father and one unto another Why O ye Saints should you not all in this day go hand in hand about your Fathers work What hinders unless the corruption of your hearts your being as active for the Lord and as holy as you will Why should the great work of the Generation wherein the cause and honor of your Father and Redeemer is so deeply engaged be at a stand whilst each of you are driving on particular designs parties and interests It is from you alone that God expects this service it is work the world cannot do nor will God own them in the doing of it he calls for this from the hands of you his houshold Servants neglect it and he can raise up others even out of holes and corners which shall do the work when you shall be thrown by When the Jews once the visible people of God neglected Generation-work God threw them by and brought in the Gentiles if Gentile-Churches now grafted in prove fruitless in this work God may cut them off and graft in the Jews again If those that are visibly the children of Abraham put off Gods work God can of stones great and hard hearted sinners ra●se up children to Abraham which shall do the same When the learned and righteous Scriles and Pharisees will not own Christ he can raise up poor illiterate Fishermen yea Publicans the worst of sinners sitting at the receipt of custom for to do the thing If Jerusalem the chief City will not furnish Christ with instruments to carry his work on by he can find men for the same where they were least expected in the dark waste car●ers of Galilee and the little hole of Bethsaida Joh. 1.44 Christ is never at a loss for instruments when he hath work to do That any of you are imployed it is more his free grace towards you than from any need that he hath of you he is not beholding to you for doing his work but t is you are beholding to him that he will honor you in it O therefore Saints awake awake put on your beautiful Garments shake your selves from your dust the Sun of right●ousness is rising upon you the whole earth begins to be enlightned with his glory it is now high time to rouze up your spirits awake out of sleep to be up and doing Christ your Captain General is abroad in the field upon his march in the way to his Kingdom he will make no halts if you sleep loyter straggle or sit still you will be left behind and lose the sight of your Leader he will bear no delaies if you will not now come and kiss him subject your selves to him he will make a riddance of you and throw you by as he goes up to his Kingdom The times of former neglect God winked at but now he cals upon all that make mention of his Name not to sit still not to keep silence nor give him rest till he establish and till he make Jerusalem a praise in the earth That you may do this work and the same in your hands may prosper I shall as an additional word unto the last general Head in the following Discourse leave with you these few particulars 1 Endeavor union with your selves Divisions will obstruct the work Union will further it The great work in the Apostles time never went on so gloriously and successfully as when the number of those that beleeved were of one heart and of one soul 2 Strive after purity The seven Angels that go out of the Temple with the seven Vials their cloathing is pure and white linnen Rev. 15.6 3 Desire God to lay you in with principles suitable to his work neither below it nor above it As a mans principles are so will his actions be principle being the rule of action Some mens principles are above generation-work these vilifie and trample it as a low and carnal thing and instead of laying themselves out therein they slumber and sleep doing nothing at all Others principles are below the work and instead of acting in it they are offended at it He whose principles are above the work will not do it for the thing is low and base in his eies and he whose principles are below the work in case they continue so to be shall not do it for this is an evident sign that God will lay him by it being the way of God when he will use a man in a work to give him principles as high as that work and when he will laie a man by to blind him first to that work in which he will laie him by 4 Carry a meek spirit along with you in the work When Christ rode as King into Jerusalem he rode meek meek those that would accompany Christ to his Kingdom must be of that spirit their King is of Moses never failed but once in the work of his Generation and it was then when he lost his meek spirit Num. 20.10 Eapounded Psa 106.32 They angered him at the waters of st●ife so
until seventy years should be accomplished God did not give any such positive commands unto other Generations After this in Ezra's Nehemiah's and Daniels time these Worthies and the Saints of that age had the proper work of their Generation which was to go forth of Babylon and rebuild the Temple of God at Jerusalem which Nebuchadnezzar had destroyed Thus all along in the times of the Old Testament Gods Church and people in their several Generations have had their several works Let us look to the New Testament which dawned in John the Baptist had not John the proper work of his Generation which was to be the Fore-runner and Harbinger of the Messiah to declare to the Nation of the Jews that the Messiah whom they expected and waited for was now approaching and that the glorious Kingdom of God in the pure administration of the Gospel was at hand and that therefore it did behove every one now to have their eyes and hearts turned from Moses towards him and his administration which was now approaching After him the Apostles in their time had the proper work of their Generation which was to go forth and publish the glad tydings of salvation which before were cooped up within the narrow compass of Judea to all the world beginning at Jerusalem to gather Saints together so fast as they were converted into Churches and to appoint over these Pastors and Teachers and also to give Rules and Directions for the right ordering and governing of the Churches unto the end of the world Let us come to the Saints of following Generations had not they likewise their proper works which was in some to bear witness before the wicked world and the Heathen Tyrants and Infidels of those ages wherein they lived to the truth of that Doctrine they had received from the Apostles before them by sealing the same with their blood and willingly giving themselves up as sheep to the slaughter to the cruelties tortures massacres of the Paganish world in bearing testimony to the truth of Jesus Afterwards the work of the next Generation was to bear witness by writing preaching and all sound Doctrine against the damnable Heresies of Arrius and his complices and others which through that little tranquility which the Church injoyed under Constantine crept in and overspread the Christian world In after ages for some hundreds of years together the work of Saints in their Generation was to bear witness by speaking and suffering unto the truth and worship of Jesus against the pernicious errors and false worship of Antichrist and the boundless and swelling pride and pomp of that man of sin In Generations since the work hath been to recover the truth and worship of Christ which was well nigh buried under Antichrists reign to its ancient purity lustre and beauty And so Luther and the Saints and Worthies of his Generation as their principal work did recover out of the jaws of the Beast the precious truths of Christs Priestly Office the glorious Doctrine of our justification by Christ alone which was well nigh swallowed up by the Antichristian innovations of Masses Crosses Pardons Pennance Purgatory Vowes Pilgrimages solitary and single life with other inventions of humane wisdom for the procuring a righteousness of our own And since him the great work of Saints in their Generations hath been to recover the Kingly Office of Christ which the Lordly pomp and tyranny of the man of sin and his followers had cast a mist upon to set up Christ as sole King and Governor in his Churches as well as the onely and alone High Priest of his Saints Thus Saints all along from the beginning of the world in their several Generations have had their several works proper and peculiar to the Generations they have lived in so as that what hath been the work of one Generation hath not been the work of another and what hath been the work of that other hath not been the work of that unless at such time as it fell out in the Generations of Abraham Isaac and Jacob and also the several Generations of the Saints under the Roman and Antichristian persecutions wherein the dispensations of God towards his people hath continued the same and for substance alike for divers Generations together there the work hath been the same for no substantial change in dispensation there is none in the work of out Generation it being variation of dispensation that causeth the work of our Generation for to vary Third General Head That it is a thing of very great concernment for a Saint to attend unto and be active in the work of his Generation Generation-work is the most neglected work of all others with the generality of Professors who either consider not that such a work there is or if they do yet they think that it belongs to others not to them to mind it but in case they be industrious in those common duties which lye upon them as Saints and those special duties which attend their Callings Stations Relations or present condition it is enough for them and matters not whether they be active in the business of their Generation yea or no. Yea many that are imployed therein do not sufficiently weigh the greatness of the work they have in hand I shall therefore here endeavour to shew of how great concernment it is for a Saint to attend unto and be active in this work which I shall lay before you in some particulars 1 God by his dispensations calls aloud for it The dispensations of God have a voyce and God oft by these bespeaks a duty or duties of his people Mic. 6.9 The Lords voyce cryeth unto the City What voyce is this why meerly the voyce of a dispensation Gods dispensations being commands Hear the Rod and who hath appointed it To disobey then the visible call of a dispensation is to disobey a command of God The hazarding our lives is a weighty matter and if done carelesly a great sin yet Hester upon the visible call of a dispensation viz. Gods cause and people of God lying at the stake ready to suffer runs this sore hazard to which though she was stirred up by Mordecai as one Christian friend now may stir up another in such a capacity as Hester was to befriend Gods cause were it now dying as then it was yet were not Mordecayes words her warrant he being not indued with a Prophetical Spirit norspeaking as such as his doubtful speech she weth Who knows whether thou art come to the Kingdome for such a time as this but the call of the dispensation Meroz was called by Gods dispensations to help the Lord against the mighty We read not of any particular command Merez had to do it only the call of a dispensation Gods people were under oppressors and God was up to deliver them which call Meroz neglecting Meroz is doubly and bitterly cursed by the Angel of the Lord for it Judg. 5.23 Curse ye Meroz said the Angel of the
those that did sigh and cry for the abominations thereof which was the work God in such an age did call unto as Isay 22.12 13. Yea though Noah Daniel and Job active men living in a perverse backsliding generation cannot ward off Gods blow from the generation yet they shall deliver their own souls Ezek. 14.13 to 22. Personal deliverances shall attend such men in common calamities and National desolations 5 God will reveal his secrets to such Noah in his time had the secret of drowning the old world revealed to him Abraham in his time the secret of Sodoms destruction the secret of Isiaels bondage in Egypt the secret of the Messiah's coming forth of his loyns discovered to him David in his time had that secret where the Temple should be built to him 1 Chron. 22.1 2. compared with 2 Chron. 3.1 Daniel in his time the secret of Nebuchadnezzars dream the secret of the time of Christs coming in the flesh chap. 9.24 25 26. and of the Jews conversion chap. 12.11 12. to him And Peter and Paul in their time the secret of the Gentiles conversion to them Act. 10.9 to 17. Gal. 1.16 17. God having in all generations still made those keepers of his Cabinet who have been faithful in the work of their generations 6 God hath peculiar honor wherewith he will crown those persons that follow him in the work of their generation Moses was eminent in his generation and what peculiar honour had God for Moses Num. 12.6 7 8. If there be a Prophet among you I the Lord will make my self known unto him in a vision and will speak unto him in a dream My servant Moses is not so who is faithful in all my house With him will I speak mouth to mouth even apparently and not in dark speeches and the similitude of the Lord shall he behold In the day of Christs humiliation the Disciples of all other were most eminent in following and owning of Christ and what beculiar honor hath Christ for them above others Mat. 19. ●8 Verily I say unto you that ye which have followed ●e in the regeneration when the Son of man shall sit in ●he Throne of his glory yee also shall sit upon twelve Thrones judging the twelve Tribes of Israel 5 Neglect of Generation-work exposeth a man to a ●orld of dangers as 1 Danger of losing gifts and Talents The sloathful ●ervant mentioned in the Parable Mat. 25. not impro●ng the Talent given him to his Lords advantage in his ●eneration hath his Talent taken from him v. 28. Saul though a wicked man had two great Talents ●mmitted to him by God a Talent of a Kingdom and a ●alent of common gifts of the Spirit fitting him for ●vernment and the discharge of his Office as a King which last is called the Spirit of the Lord yet but a common Talent of Government as is clear because David is no sooner anointed King and the right of Government his but this Talent is taken from Saul as one who now had no longer to do with it 1 Sam. 16.13 14. Both these he loseth by faultring in the work of his Generation as compare 1 Sam. 15.26 28. with Chap. 16 14. 2 Danger of losing communion with God Whilst David was abroad in the field hewing down Gods enemies round about him which was the Master-piece of work God allotted him in his Generation what sweet triumphant communion had he with God a clear testimony whereof is Psal 108. a Psalm most probably composed in the day of his glorious Exploits chronicled 2 Sam. 8. But afterwards when David sending forth his servants about that work which was his work in his Generation betakes himself to his ease in his Palace at the time of the Kings going forth to battel 2 Sam. 11.1 which circumstance of time is therefore I take it with such exactness noted to give us to understand that David ought now to have been abroad in person the work being Gods and not to have sent his Servants without him though we may do our own work by a Proxie yet Gods work calls for our persons how sadly doth he lose his commumon with God falling into that foul sin in the matter of Vriah which was a blemish upon this holy man all his life time afterwards and which although it is sad to consider yet is observable concerning him that notwithstanding God by his Prerogative Royal gave David not only the pardon of his sin but also his life which now by blood-shed though a King was by vertue of that positive command which admits of no exception Gen. 9.6 forfeited as 2 Sam. 12.13 The Lord hath put away thy sin thou shalt not dye Yet do we not read of any thing remarkable save only defending himself against some domestick insurrections and forreign invasions done by him afterwards as before So also Solomon his son whilst his thoughts ran upon the work of his Generation what communion had he with God God appearing to him once and again and enduing him with wisdome the thing he desired above all that ever were before or since him But when afterward his heart was more taken up with Women than the work of his Generation how did his former communion with God dye and he that before built a house for the worship of the true God now builds high places for Idolatry 1 King 11.7 8. Which sad example ought to be had in perpetual remembrance by such as are imployed in Temple-work the business of this age that it fare not with them as with the builder of the material Temple who first building gold to the true God did afterwards build stubble to a false 3 Danger of being laid aside by God It hath been the ordinary way of Gods dispensations as well in later as former times to make use of some particular instrument for some time in his work whom afterwards before the work hath been brought unto perfection he hath laid aside by which although as not unlikely Gods design may be to remove his peoples eyes from instruments to himself yet it is observable God hath seldome or never cashired a man by him imployed till first by some means or other he hath cashiered himself and which is more to be noted the very thing which hath occasioned the laying of such instruments aside hath mostly if not ever been some miscarriage or other in the work of their Generation that being the fatal Rock such men split upon Once more here let us review that of Saul whom God was pleased for some time to imploy as a scourge to the Ammonites and Philistines and yet afterwards by one error committed in the work of his Generation he is for ever cashiered by God and put out of his work But more strange and worthy observation is that of Moses and Aaron two eminent instruments and both godly which God made singular use of in Aegypt and at the Red Sea in the Wilderness and upon Mount Sinai so appearing to them
other the West and East Indies both should be enlightned with the Gospell which never heard it before verifying that Mal. 1.11 For from the rising of the Sun even unto the going down of the same my Name shall be great among the Gentiles and in every place incense shall be offered unto my Name and a pure offering for my Name shall be great among the heathen saith the Lord of Hosts 3 As for the uniting of Saints that differ although here with grief we must confess the breach is yet too wide yet with joy and comfort we may also truly say it is not so wide as lately it was many closing and loving one another in most parts of the Nation who five nay two years ago could not do it and if so little time have made such a blessed beginning what may we expect from more 4 And as for the pulling down of high and lofty things if our age bear not witness of this it doth of nothing for doth not the whole world ring again with the noyse that hath been made through the late fall of Regal and Episcoral powers in England 5 For the establishment of Justice and righteousness tho we want in respect of what we would have yet all unprejudiced persons must nakedly confess a good foundation to be already laid in order to the same and as some hopeful beginnings thereupon so our selves to be in a fairer way by far for more than we were sixteen or twenty years ago which a little time we hope will ripen to perfection 6 And for the powring out of the Spirit though it ought to be our grief wee have so little of it yet cannot Gods people in this age without great ingratitude to the Father of mercies but acknowledge that he hath herein also been more bountiful unto them than unto others of his dear Children and their fellow-servants in the foregoing age thought these then with that little they had better and more obedient to their Father than we now and as we have ground for hope so is it our duty to beleeve for yet more 7 And as for increase of light without transgressing the rules of modesty or exalting our selves in this present age in testification of our thankfulness to him from whom our light is we may truly and humbly say that this present age hath brought forth some truths especially those which concern Christs Kingdom which till now have not with that clearness been revealed in any since the Apostles times 8 And lastly For the exaltation of Christ as King when ever was there a time since the Apostles that could shew half so many Churches as at this day are to be seen in England and elsewhere yea when since the beginning was Christ ever in so fair a way to be King over the world and when so much worldly power in the hands of godly men as at this day So that in Gods dispensations to this age we may already begin to read those very things he hath foretold shall be in that age in which the Jews shall be converted which as hath been before proved is this age wee live in And the more is this to be considered because dispensation being that which giveth call to the work of the Generation it is enough supposing we had no other proof in case we behold present dispensations pointing to such and such things to know there lyes the work of this age Yet in regard light burdens no man and the lovers of truth are never offended with truth for its clearness therefore this Rule which alone gives so much light into the work as that it will be as hath been before cleared sin in that man who wilfully shutting his eyes to the same neglects the work is here brought in hand in hand with others of no less evidence and demonstration than it self 4 Our fourth Rule formerly laid down is to observe what work that is which is most raged against by the Devil and wicked men for ordinarily there as was then proved doth lye the work of the Generation Now here consider what are those things the Devil rageth against and the World would fain hinder in this age To omit the first because the work not appearing as yet though we hope God is making a way thereto the Devil doth not as yet appear openly in this age more than formerly for to oppose the same But to come to the next Is not the Conversion of Sinners one thing raged against witness the many obstructions in the way of propagating the Gospel The opposition to the Doctrine of glad tydings to Sinners therein revealed and also to godly men because Mechanicks whom God in many places with happy success is pleased in this day to make use of for declaring of them Is not the prevention of union among Saints another by fomenting divisions through Jesuitical practices and thereby drawing them into parties and then setting one party against the other And is not this another the pulling down of high and lofty ones doth not the world generally storm to see Kings and Bishops plucked from their seats As one of their party saith Had he had a hand in the pulling down of Regal or Episcopal Power he should think himselfe to have committed the sin against the Holy Ghost And who knows not the opposition that the establishment of Justice and Righteousness meets with at this day in the world Yea farther is not the Spirit a thing mocked at you have the Spirit these are men of the Spirit c. And the very term of new Light is not onely distasteful but reproachful To conclude What ways have been of late years to prevent and root out if possible Christs Kingly Government in his Churches and are at this day to obstruct the same which is hoped to be now rising over the world is apparent to all men Thus we see that the very things Satan rageth against are the same that the Prophecies of old have foretold and the dispensations of God call for in this age 5 We have but one Rule of discovery more prayer excepted which is Closet-work and that is to observe what spiritual inlightned Saints have upon their hearts as the work of their Generation And although here I cannot enter into mens hearts yet this I may say so far as my own acquaintance leads me I have ever observed the pulses of the most spiritual enlightned Saints beating this way And the publique desires of many for things of this nature shews how others stand inclined towards the doing of them Thus you may easily perceive whitherto all these Rules tend each of which standing upon firm ground as hath been before declared The conclusion then putting all together is this That the work of the present Generation which Saints are bound to attend unto and to be active in lies principally in these things The conversion of the Jews propagation of the Gospel in order to a greater Harvest of Gentiles Joynting Saints Christ
mystical body into one Pulling down of all high and lofty things and persons that oppose Christ The establishment of Justice and Righteousness in the world Striving with God in a more especial manner for a greater degree of his Spirit more light and grace than Saints in former Generations have had together with the exaltation of Christ as King both in his Churches and also over the world Which last considering how that all the rest are in a way of subserviency thereunto and do as it were centre therein for therefore are Jews and Gentiles at this time to meet together as Subjects under one Prince that this Kingdom of his might be great and full of Subjects therefore shall divisions amongst his people cease that his Kingdom might be quiet and peaceable therefore shall high and lofty ones be pulled down that Christ might have no Competitor or Check mate as I may say in this his Kingdom therefore shall Justice and Righteousness be established that so the glory of his Kingdom in this respect might surpass the glory of all Kingdoms before it therefore shall there be more of the Spirit more light and grace given forth to the Saints that so they might yeeld obedience to their King not so much from a Law without as a principle of light and love within I say all centering in this last my utmost conclusion is that the master-peece of work in this Generation is the advancement of the Kingdom of Jesus Christ 5 But how may I come to know or find out that particular part or parcel of work which is more properly to be my work in my Generation and which God requires me to be active in seeing it cannot be supposed that any one man can be active in the whole work neither undoubtedly is it required of him In answer to this I shall in general lay down this seeming contrary Proposition viz. That there is no part or piece of Generation-work but every Christian man or woman may in some way be helpful thereunto so far as he is called to act and consequently becomes guilty of neglect of Generation-work in not acting As 1 By prayer to God for the prospering and carrying on of the work Those who can do nothing else are commanded to pray for the peace of Jerusalem Psal 122.6 yea all that make mention of the Lord in the day of Gods building Sion are bound not to keep silence nor give God rest till he establish and till he make Jerusalem a praise in the earth Is 62.6 7. 2 By humbling our selves before God for that whatsoever it be whether found in the people of God or instruments imployed in the work or any other that proves obstructive and a hindrance to the work When the sin of Achan became an obstruction to the work of Joshua's age Joshuah and the Elders of Israel rent their cloaths fell to the earth on their faces put dust on their heads humbling themselves before God for it Josh 7.6 Now although acting in this manner in case we can do nothing else may seem little in our eyes yet in the eyes of God it doth not so who takes it exceeding well at the hands of his people when they can serve their Generation no other way that they do in this When Israel had so provoked God that God was upon the point of destroying of them as Deut. 12.13 14. Moses then falls down before God forty dayes and forty nights and by prayer and fasting prevails with God not only to spare them but also by the manifestation of his presence and glorious power still to go along with them as Exod. 33.14 15. And how pleasing Moses prayer to God in this business was appears in that the glorious discovery of Gods back-parts to Moses and proclamation of his Name before him such a discovery as never Moses himself at any other time nor any man besides him ever had comes in as the fruit of this his interceding for the people and in behalf of the cause of God as Exod. 33.19 compared with Chap. 34.5 6 7. Moses did many glorious works in his Generation which others could not follow yet God chooseth to make his glory pass before him not in doing them but that which every Saint may imitate him in Daniel in like manner when as yet there was no visible way for publick actings in that which now began to be the business of the Generation makes it his private work to strive with God by humiliation and prayer for the same as Chap. 9. and how well God did like hereof you have heard before and the success of Daniels prayer vers 20 21 22 23. is sufficient testimony So also Nehemiah when the work of his Age lay out of his power to act any thing therein save only in this way of prayer and humiliation he as the other this being the common way of Gods people in such cases betakes himself unto this work of praying and mourning before God in reference to the same Nehem. 1.4 5 c. And how wonderfully God was pleased herewith the sequel of the story shews for within four months after his praying and mourning being in the month Chisleu vers 1. the ninth month according to the Jewish account as Zach. 7.1 in the twentieth year of Artaxerxes and the return thereof in the month Nisan Chap. 6.1 the first month after their account as Ester 3.7 and all in one year as by comparing Chap. 1.1 with Chap. 2.1 is evident God in an extraordinary way doth so bring things about that this Nehemiah the praying and mourning man for Jerusalems desolations is furnished with commission and authority from the King to go to Jerusalem and there to re-edifie the City and build up the wall thereof the very work of that Generation In case therefore Generation-work lie at such a plunge as thou canst act no other way in it or in case thou beest one who wantest both opportunity and imployment wherein thou mayest be helpful in any particular way unto thy Generation then serve the same in this general way which service from the hands of such a one is accepted of God and the party doing the same in Gods account faithful in his Generation Yet because many there be who besides the general way of acting which is a duty common to all may in other more special wayes be serviceable to their Generation who yet neither their call nor opportunity reaching to the whole work but some part of it will be further inquisitive how they shall know that particular part of Generation-work which is more properly theirs To the end that such may receive satisfaction in this thing I shall desire them to go along with me through these following Rules 1 Observe what part of Generation-work that is that thou art in a capacity to do Every man is not in a capacity to do the same peece of Generation-work but one man is in a capacity to do one peece of the work another
Gadarens send Christ away because they were loth to lose their swine Private interest of gain was the root of that great opposition made against the Gospel in Thratira Act 16.19 20. and after that at Ephesus Act. 19.23 24 25 c. And private interest of honor and preeminence set Diotrephes on work to oppose John and the work of Christ in his Churches Epist 3. vers 9.10 Private interest is an enemy to the work of the Generation and every work of God about it 5 Favour and own the Saints of the Generation and here by Saints I do not mean this or that party of men but such men of whatsoever party they may be as have the image of God upon them Christ and the Spirit of Christ in them To disown any such one though men call it disowning a Presbyter disowning an Independant disowning an Anabaptist c. yet Christ accounts it disowning his little ones In Zech. 12.5 We have a glorious Prophecy relating unto the last ages of the-world but more particularly to that age in which the Jews shall be converted and it chiefly concerns great ones States-men the Governors of Judah who in this day looking upon and beholding Gods wonderful appearances in behalf of his Saints under their Government owning of them shattering all that do but lif● up a hand against them to peeces bringing all Plots and Counsels against them to nothing they shall from hence be so powerfully convinced that they shall say in their hearts The Inhabitants of Jerusalem my strength or is our strength in the Lord of Hosts their God And observe it no sooner do they say thus Surely these are Gods people here lies our strength wee 'l stick to these but presently the work in their hands go on in despight of the most powerful opposition God making of them the terror of all the Nations round about them yea of the whole world which shall be but as stubble to the fire before them as vers 6. In that day viz. the day in which the Governours of Judah shall thus speak will I make the Governors of Judah like a hearth of fire among the wood and like a torch of fire in a sheaf and they shall devoure all the people round about on the right hand and on the left A sad example of the contrary we have in David who though he were a man after Gods own heart and one that had faithfully served God for many years in his Generation yet by one injury offered to godly Uriah his hands were so weakned that as I have formerly said comparing after acts with what he did before we hardly find any remarkable thing performed by him in his Generation afterwards As nothing doth more strengthen a mans hand in Generation-work then countenancing the Saints so contrariwise nothing doth more enfeeble them than to injure these 6 Keep Justice alive against wilful offenders in the work Achan put a stop to the work of the Generation in his time but Justice having free passage upon Achan presently the work of the Generation goes on 7 Commit the managing of publique Affairs into the hands of faithful and holy men It is observable and but that I spare to run over again the list of Generations I could for proof thereof produce many instances that Generation-work hath never thriven but have bin always done by halves or peece-meal when it hath bin in the hands of such men who not being faithful to God have more pursued their own particular interests of honor profit and the advancement of relations and alliances than the good and welfare of the cause and the furtherance of the work of the Generation But that which is enough for our present purpose is how that in the last days particularly in that age in which Christ will pitch a field with those Kings of the Earth which stand in the way of his Kingdom he will pick and cull out as the only instruments that under him shall carry on this work such as are called and chosen and faithful as Rev. 17.14 These shall make wa● with the Lamb and the Lamb shall overcome them For he is Lord of Lords and King of Kings and they that are with him are called and chosen and faithful And also in that fatal blow which suddenly after shall be given to the Romish power and the powers of the world conjoyned his followers shall not be such as either rowle in the pollutions of the world or have stained their garments with the Idolatries and Superstitions of Antichrist but onely such as shall be cloathed in fine linnen clean and white as Rev. 19.8 And to her was granted that she should be arrayed in fine linnen clean and white For the fine linnen is the righteousness of the Saints And vers 14. The Armies which were in Heaven followed him upon white Horses cloathed in fine linnen white and clean Though men may imploy others yet Christ will by degrees lay them by in the doing of this work before the same shall be perfected 8 Take heed of divers things which if not prudently foreseen and shunned may any one of them slugg even a good man in the work of his Generation as 1 Take heed of being offended Christs Countreymen could not receive him for the Messiah because they were offended at his meanness and poverty Matth. 13.57 Many a man stumbles at the work of his Generation by an aptness to be offended at this and the other thing as First At the n●w light of the Generation As in the times before Christs coming and immediately after so long as God was opening his will to his people by a written word every generation almost did beam forth new light in regard of being Abrahams Generation producing somewhat that was not revealed in Adams nor to the old World Mosesses somewhat which was not revealed in Abrahams Davids somewhat which was not revealed in Mosesses Isaiahs somewhat which was not revealed in Davids Daniels somewhat which was not revealed in Isays John Baptists somewhat which was not revealed in in Daniels and Peter and Pauls somewhat which was not revealed in John Baptists time So in the Generations since God hath closed up his word truth having brought forth its last in regard of being and especially since the man of Sin who creeping in in the first ages corrupted and darkned the light of those times for many Generations together hath been going off the Stage every Generation almost hath afforded its new light in regard of discovery of that light which in the word had being before but obscured by the fogs of Antichristianism So Wickleff and John Hus in their ages made discovery of some light Luther in his Generation of more Calvin in his of more in respect of some things wherein Luther was in the dark and the ages since of more in respect of some things wherein all the foregoing Worthies were in the dark And this to say is no disparagement to them who did worthily in their
time in which God was leading them into Canaan he and and all his people perish by it Take heed of doing all that thou conceits thou hast a principle will bear thee out in doing 9 Take heed of lending an ear unto such friendly respectful offers which carry in the bowels of them though guilded over with outward respect and friendship a crafty design against the work of the Generation As Generation-work hath never wanted a party who have by open force opposed the same So likewise there hath mostly been a party attending of it who by secret fraud and pretences of Friendship have sought to undermine it which latter have oft-times prospered in their designs through the over-much credulity of persons imployed in Generation-work when and where the first have failed Was it not a very fair offer of Moab when otherwise they could not have their wills upon Israel then to come and in a friendly way to call and invite the people to their houses and to grant to them though strangers and men of different principles liberty to worship with them What a large shew of respect and curtesie was here And yet no other but a meer crafty design to draw Isracl to sin by which when no other way they could do it they drew the wrath of God upon Israel Numb 25. So was it not a very fair Petition of Adonijah 1 Kings 2.16 17. to ask Abishag the Shunamite to wife a thing one would think to man could have blamed yet Solomon spies out a crafty design laid in this smooth Petition which was to get the Kingdome and consequently to put by the great work of that Generation viz. the building of the Temple which Solomon was appointed unto So likewise what a friendly motion and seemingly full of dutiful respect and obedience was that of Shemajah to Nehemiah Chap. 6.10 wherein no other thing is pretended but the discovery of a dangerous plot in the hatching and tender respect to the safeguard of his person and yet this no other but a crafty design to draw Nehemiah to sin and to bring a slurre upon him in managing the work of his Generation vers 13. To say no more What could be in outward appearance a more friendly offer then that of Judahs Adversaries Ezra 4.2 to come and freely proffer their help and to joyn with Judah in the carrying on that great work of Temple-building which was the work of that Age Yea and to do this at such a time when the work was despised and had lien dead many years the instruments imployed in it few and weak so that laying all things together one would judge that there could be nothing in their hearts more than good will to the work and desire the same should prosper when as yet there was no thing in all this fair shew but a crafty design lying at the bottome of it to obstruct this work of God as vers 4 5 6. 10 Take heed of making reason of State the rule of publick actings Jeroboams reason of State made Johu perform by halves the work of his Generation destroying the house and image of Baal but winking at the Calves in Dan and Bethel This reason of State was that which led a grave wise Counsel into a most cursed practice viz. the voting the Son of God to death John 11.47 to the 54. The results of pure reason of State are oft-times dangerous most times contrary to the work of the Generation 11 Take heed of setting up humane Laws above the work of the Generation My meaning is in case these two come in competition rather to choose neglect in the work of the Generation than in any way to be offensive to humane Laws If the Commands of God himself and the special acts of his worship are to give place as hath been before proved to the work of the Generation then surely without any want of that due respect that is and ought to be given to mans Law it may be said and also without offence that humane Laws are much more to stoop and fall down to it the Authority of God being above that of man In Esters time there was a Law in the Kingdome of Ahasuerus and the foundation of it was no other but the priviledge and honour of the supreme Magistrate that whosoever man or woman should come in unto the King in the inner Court except such to whom the King should hold out the golden Scepter he should be put to death Chap. 4.11 Which Law in it self was not evill as it was meerly Politick respecting only the Honour State and Priviledge of the King Yet when the Cause and People of God lay at such a plunge that without intrenching upon this Law Gods Cause in that Age must have fell to the ground Esther though uncalled by the King yea more having no other Command from God as formerly hath been shewed but only the visible Call of a Dispensation pusheth upon the Pikes of the Law and runs the hazard of the perill of death and how wonderfully God did stand by her and preserve her in so doing the issue of this her dangerous attempt recorded in the History may sufficiently inform us 12 And lastly Take heed of conjunction with such who are not reall hearted to the Cause of God and the work of the Generation When Israel went up out of Egypt a mixed multitude of Egyptians and others that were not Israelites went up with them Exod. 12.38 Which mixed multitude did afterwards prove a snare to them even in the very work of the Generation by drawing the Congregation to murmure against the Lord Numb 11.4 And the mixed multitude that was amongst them fell a lusting and the Children of Israel also wept again and said Who shall give us flesh to eat What need I relate that which every one knows how godly Asa lost himself by his League with Benhadad King of Syria and good Jehoshaphat by his compliance with Ahab and Ahaziah And although it be true that the examples of the Kings of Judah are not in all things patterns for States and Kingdomes in Gospel-dayes to walk by yet the reason upon which the Seer reproves Asa because he relied upon the King of Assyria and not on the Lord fals as strongly upon professing States under the Gospel as it did on him who shall I hope be kept both from his sin and so from his reproof Which he shall continue to pray for who is a friend to Sions prosperity and also Englands welfare and interest which is and will be found solely depending on it They shall prosper that love thee Psal 122.6 Amen FINIS Generation-work The Second Part. Wherein is shewed what the Designs of God abroad in the World may in all likelyhood be at this present day and in the days approaching Being an Exposition of the Seven VIALS Rev. 16. And other Apocalyptical Mysteries By John Tillinghast the meanest and unworthiest of Christs Laborers Rev. 14.7 Fear God and give
glory to him for the hour of his judgement is come Chap. 12.12 Therefore rejoyce ye heavens and ye that dwel in them Wo to the Inhabiters of the Earth and of the Sea for the Devil is come down unto you having great wrath because he knoweth that he hath but a short time Chap. 11.18 And the Nations were angry and thy wrath is come and the time of the dead that they should be judged and that thou shouldest give reward unto thy servants the Prophets and to the Saints c. LONDON Printed by R. Ibbitson for Livewell Chapman at the Crown in Popes-head-Alley 1655. The Epistle Dedicatory To all those who love and patiently wait for the Appearing and Kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ Grace and Peace be multiplied Dearly beloved in our Lord IT is reported of the Primitive Saints that these words the KINGDOM OF CHRIST the KINGDOM OF CHRIST were so frequent in their mouths that their malicious Adversaries willing to mistake the simplicity of their meaning and intention did make the words matter of Fact charging them hereupon with Treason as if they had driven on some design to get for themselves the Kingdom Whether the simplicity of the Saints in the age we live in who being come to the very dawning of the day and beholding the Lord going up to his Kingdom cannot hold their peace but must cry out HOSANNA TO THE SON OF DAVID HOSANNA IN THE HIGHEST may through the subtlety of the old Serpent have any such abuse put upon it or no I wave at present But this I am sure of the first ages had not the Kingdom of Christ so much in their mouths but after ages had it as little their hearts were not so warm to it but the generations since have been as cold And indeed it was necessary it should so be for the Beast Antichrist being to rise in the world who after his rise must continue to reign two and forty months Rev. 13.5 it was needful therefore to the end he might be revealed that there should be as the Apostle tels us 2 Thes 2.3 a falling away which falling away above all things was necessary that it should be in the Truths of Christs Kingdom no Truths being so diametrically opposite to Antichrist as these others shake off his leaves these pluck him up by the roots If therefore the policy of the Dragon had not found out a way to brand these Truths and by making them odious to hold them down his Kingdom must have fallen many ages since for he should have had no Beast to resign his Power Seat and great Authority to It stood him greatly in hand therefore by some means to cloud these which by continuing to shine would have nipped Antichrist in the bud and this the wisdom of God permitting to accomplish thereby in the end a more glorious design which he effectually did Hence within the fourth Century at the end of which the Beast arose the Truths of Christs Kingdom before generally received began to be condemned and to go under the odious name of Heresie Hence also we finde not in the Revelations any mention made of Christs Kingdom nor any noyse of such a thing in the world all the time of the Beasts reign but the great cry of the dwellers on the Earth is The Beast the Beast who is like unto the Beast yea the whole world wondereth after the Beast Rev. 13.3 4. But now in the latter days as the Beast begins to go down so do the precious Truths of Christs Kingdom again begin to revive and have a resurrection Hence we finde that as the world by degrees gets rid of the Beast so is the cry in it still louder and louder of Christs Kingdom First Amongst the Saints in the world who no sooner have got so much footing as to stand and face the Beast which before trod them down and trampled upon them but presently they make the world ring again with the noise of Christs Kingdom Rev. 15.2 3 4. And I saw them that had gotten the victory over the Beast and over his Image and over his Mark and over the number of his Name stand on the Sea of glass having the Harps of God And they sing the Song of Moses the servant of the Lord and the Song of the Lamb saying Great and marvellous are thy works Lord God Almighty just and true are thy ways thou King of Saints Who shall not fear thee O Lord and glorifie thy name for thou onely art holy for all Nations shall come and worship before thee for thy judgements are made manifest Secondly After this the Beast having received a more fatal blow the cry of Christs Kingdom that was before among some Saints onely is now more general and runs among the multitudes yea the great ones too of whom till this day we hear little as Rev. 19.6 And I heard as it were the voyce of a great multitude and as the voyce of many waters and as the voyce of mighty Thunderings saying Allelujah for the Lord God Omnipotent reigneth Thirdly and lastly Yet after this upon the sounding of the seventh Angel when Christ comes to take his Kingdom it is then openly proclaimed with a great voyce Rev. 11.15 The Kingdoms of this world are be●ome the Kingdoms of our Lord and of his Christ and ●e shall reign for ever And as an echo to this voyce ●he hearts of Gods faithful ones reply v. 17. We give thee ●hanks O Lord God Almighty which art and wert and ●rt to come because thou hast taken to thee this great ●ower and hast reigned Thus the noyse and cry in the world towards the latter end of Antichrists reign is very different to that which was in the time of his reign then the cry was The Beast The Beast now the old cry is up again The Kingdom of Christ The Kingdom of Christ Yet notwithstanding the cry of Christs Kingdom shall at this day be so loud shall not the ears of all no not of the Saints themselves be open to hear it but some of them as well as others shall be so deeply wedded to the sweetness of Antichristian wordly interests that to maintain these they shall rather choose to sit by the waters of Babylon than with the loss of them to stand with the Lamb upon Mount Sion else what need would there be of any such Proclamation to be made as we read is immediately before Romes ruin Rev. 18.4 Come out of her my people that yee be not partakers of her sins and that yee receive not of her plagues And these who thus shall do are not to be reckoned among those who in this great business followed not the Lamb at all but among those who followed the Lamb some part of the way towards Mount Sion but upon some turn or falling in with some worldly pleasing interest by the way did quit his company before they came thither For this cause the hundred forty and four thousand which
and branch declaring their office and standing to be Antichristian for although some sprinklings of this Vial fell on them before yet the pouring of it forth which gave them their fatal and deadly blow cannot more fitly be applyed to any time than to this when by the Law of a Land yea that Land too which is by some reckoned the first of the Horns of the Beast the just judgement and indignation of the most High was poured out upon them in such maner as that not only they but all other ever since who have gone about to assume to themselves a Lordly power over Christs little flock have fallen through the powerful Effects of it And that which will not weaken this Interpretation in case it be considered is that as the two great things of Jesus Christ that Antichrist had invaded were his Priestly office and Kingly The first by his pernicious Doctrine The second by his absolute tyrannical Discipline So the first remarkable blow that Antichrist ever suffered was in detecting and destroying his cursed Doctrine and gross Idolatries by it maintained with which he had made an invasion upon the mediation and Priesthood of Christ which being done because yet Christs Kingly office was invaded by an Antichristian Lording Discipline Christ therefore that he might fully recover his own before he invades his enemy makes it his next attempt to regain into his own hands his Kingly Power and Authority which to do the very next remarkable blow that befalls the Man of Sin after the hot controversies about Christs Mediatorship and our justification by Christ alone began to cease the Saints in this having obtained a compleat victory and given their Adversaries both the rout and ruine is in his Lordly Tyrannical Discipline which straitwayes now begins to be questioned yea not onely questioned but finally is shaken yea thrown down as Antichristian and that by Law If it be said That Arch-bishops Bishops c. are but an inferior and an inconsiderable part of the Romish Hierarchy and therefore the downfal of these seems to have too much put upon it whilst the same is made a principal Effect of that Vial which is poured out upon the Hierarchy it self To that I answer though inconsiderable and inferior yet are they a part of the Hierarchy whose standing is by the same power and upon the same bottome with the rest And had it not been for a Vial of wrath poured upon the Hierarchy it self these as parts of it could not have fallen Neither is it necessary that the pouring out of the Vial should sweep away the whole at once for that were to destroy Antichrist with one Vial and not with Seven If it be further objected that this hath been done but in our Isle of Great Britain the Hierarchy even at this day in most of the Kingdoms subjected to the Beast being in as full and absolute power as ever My answer is That so long as the Isle of Brittain is reckoned amongst the Horns of the Beast it is sufficient though but in one Horn this be done for neither did the former Vial extend it self to all the parts of the Papal Kingdome for the greater part lye rolling in the very Lees and Dregs of Popery unto this day nor indeed shall any of the Vials the last excepted be poured out upon the Kingdome of the Beast in general but some fall upon one part of it some another 2 The EFFECTS 1 EFFECT The Sea becomes as the blood of a dead man And it became as the blood of a dead man That is That Hierarchy which before went for pure and Apostolical did now appear through the pouring out of this Vial upon it to be a Sea of blood i.e. a wretched Seat of cruelty yea blood of a dead man i.e. corrupt filthy stinking 2 EFFECT Every living soul in the Sea dyes And every living soul dyed in the Sea That is All those who stand by the power of have their dependance upon or livelihood from this Hierarchy are by the Effects of this Vial despoyled of this their Antichristian standing power and livelihood and so dye a civil death How visible these Effects for a great measure have already been with us in England and will be more as yet before the after-drops of this Vial are over which if I mistake not the present National Ministry in England being but as twigs growing upon the former stock both must and shall feel it is in a manner superfluous here to adde And although I conceive the Providence of God hath brought us at this day under the next Vial yet is there still a relique of this behind the Effects of one Vial ordinarily running into another as in our fifth Proposition and a generation of men that have long deserved it yet for the greater part of them hitherto scaped the blow shall feel it Thus much as touching the second VIAL VIAL III. 1 The SUBJECT The Rivers and Fountains of waters Vers 4. AND the third Angel poured out his Vial upon the Rivers and Fountains of waters By Rivers and Fountains of waters we are not here as most to understand the Bishops and Doctors of the Romish Synagogue because as hath been proved the foregoing Vial fell upon them And also secondly because though they have been causers and promoters of shedding the blood of Saints yet the act of blood-shedding hath ever been by another power to whom being condemned they were turned over to be executed and as the blood of Christ though caused by the Priests is yet said to be shed by Pontius Pilate because by his power the thing was acted So the continual blood-shed of Saints in the Kingdome of Antichrist though caused by the Bishops may yet be said to have been done by the Civil power because by that power the thing hath been acted That by Rivers and Fountains of waters the Jesuits should be here meant as a late godly Writer judgeth seems not probable to me 1 Because they are no where in all this Book set forth by any such name 2 Because had this Vial been poured out and that as is judged some yeers past upon these most surely this generation of men had not been so rise and active and that in all places as at this day they are 3 The Jesuits setting aside what they have done in a secret way by Treachery and that of some few only have not been actors any whit more in shedding the blood of the Saints than their Fellow-companions the Bishops and Doctors of the Romish Synagogue 4 And lastly The time assigned for the doing of this was many yeers before the second Vial was poured forth and therefore a thing most unlikely that this should be the meaning A late worthy Writer upon the Vials in this as in many things else varies from the common-road of Expositors understanding by Rivers States and Kingdomes by Fountains of waters the Heads of these namely Kings Parliaments Statsmen c. upon whom this
seen heard touched by John 3 He is cloathed with a Vesture dipped in blood v. 13. he treads the Wine-press of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God ver 15. the same with that Isa 63.2 3. of which anon By these the other expressions of fitting upon a white horse judging and making War vers 11. having eyes as a flame of fire many Crowns on his head ver 12. answering to that chap. 11.15 The Kingdoms of this world are become the Kingdoms of the Lord the Armies of Heaven following him ver 14. ●uling the Nations with a rod of iron answering to Psal 2.9 the sharp sword going out of his mouth vers 15. the name on his Vesture and Thigh King of Kings and Lord of Lords ver 16. Which of themselves look this way will more clearly appear to be spoken of Christ as personally coming yet because Christs personal coming at this time would hardly be received for a truth it is as I conceive therefore added ver 9 These are the true sayings of God The conclusion then of all is this Christ shall personally appear at the battel of Armageddon That battel for time exactly agrees with the Text therefore the coming here spoken of Behold I come as a Theef is a personal coming 2 ARGUMENT Christ shall personally appear at the time of the Kingdoms restoring to Israel But that shall be about this time The minor Proposition I have proved before in shewing that the coming in of the Jews must of necessity be betwixt the sixt and seventh Vials The major That Christ at this time shall appear I prove 1 From that of Paul Rom. 11.26 27. where the Apostle speaking of the Jews conversion mentions a coming of Christ The deliverer shalcome out of Sion Which words are to be taken in a litteral and spiritual sence both as are many Scriptures else as appears from Isa 59.20 whence they are quoted where to evidence the spiritual sence of them the Prophet saith expresly in the next verse My Spirit that is upon thee shall not depart out of thy mouth nor but of the mouth of thy seed c. noting that as their sins shall be pardoned so also more of the Spirit shall be given forth upon the Jews conversion than ever formerly which more fully we have Joel 2.28 29. Zech. 12.10 and this is the coming of the Deliverer to them in the spiritual sence Yet that besides this there is a litteral coming in these words appears if you compare the foregoing verses 16 17 18. upon which these have a dependance with the very same expressions almost only a little more full chap. 63.1 2 3 4 5 6. where also as here mention is made of a coming Ver. 1. Who is this that cometh from Edom which cannot be a spiritual coming i.e. a destroying of his Enemies by a glorious manifestation of himself and his power with and amongst his people because then the doing of the work should be by instruments whereas Christs arm alone without any instrument doth this work as verse 3. I have trodden the Wine-press alone and of the people there was none with me Vers 5. I looked and there was none to help and I wondered that there was none to uphold therefore my own Arm brought salvation to me and my fury it upheld me Neither could the litteral meaning of the words have their fulfilling in his first coming in which he was not glorious in his apparrel but without form and comeliness Chap. 53.2 neither was that a day of vengeance to tread down the people in anger as this is Vers 4 6. This comming therefore must be some other and is indeed that we spake of but now Rev. 19. where we have Christ coming forth upon a white horse as will appear by comparing Vers 3. I have trodden the Wine-press alone and of the people there was none with me for I will tread them in mine anger and trample them in my fury and their blood shall be sprinkled upon my Garments and I will stain all my raiment and that with Rev. 19.13 He was cloathed with a vesture dipped in blood Vers 15. And he treadeth the Wine-press of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God And this coming I proved but now by the circumstances of the Text is and must be the same with that I am opening Behold I come as a Theef 2 This appears Ezek. 37.24 25. where speaking of the Jews restauration and the Kingdom they shall have thereupon and this too with a principal relation to the last daies for the Chapter speaks of that time in which the sticks of Judah and Ephraim shall be one stick Vers 19. i.e. The two Tribes and ten Tribes one people shall have one King and that too in their own Land upon the Mountains of Israel which never yet hath been since the rent in the daies of Rehoboam it is said Vers 24. My servant David shall be King over them Now David was not a Type of Christ as King in a spiritual sense so much as in a visible way sitting upon an outward and visible Throne if therefore a spiritual reign onely were here intended the Antitype should not answer the Type Vers 27. My Tabernacle also shall be with them yea I will be their God and they shall be my people which is expounded Rev. 21.3 Behold the Tabernacle of God is with men and he will dwell with them and they shall be his people and God himself shall be with them and be their God shewing that these words have a special relation to the time of the New Jerusalem when Christ as he hath already his Prophetical and Priestly Offices shall visibly and Personally execute his Kingly Office 3 This appears farther Act. 1.6 from the Question propounded to Christ by his Disciples Wilt thou at this time restore again the Kingdom to Israel In which Question three things are taken for granted by the Querists As 1. That the Nation of the Jews should one day be restored and have a Kingdom 2 That this Restauration should be wrought by Christ Wilt thou 3 That it should be wrought by him in an outward visible way for such a way is by them supposed as Christ did at that time appear to them in which was an outward way with his bodily presence These three things by them beleeved are ground for a fourth which is the thing they question namely the time when this should be Wilt thou at this time Now observe it the grounds of this question which includes the substance of what is pleaded for viz. That the Kingdom should be restored to Israel and that by Christs personal appearance are neither of them denied by Christ who undoubtedly had their question been grounded upon a mistake would yea it had behoved him to have shewn them their error only their greediness of a Kingdom at present whilst he had other work for them to do first is the thing reproved Nay let me say Christ doth in a
manner affirm all their suppositions in saying It is not for you to know the times and seasons as to say true Israel shall have a Kingdom restored I am to do it and that as you now conceive personally appearing onely it is not for you at present to know the time And this will more clearly appear if we carry these words to Act. 3.21 where we have that set forth by the word Restitution which here is called a Restoring Whom the Heavens must receive untill the times of restitution of all things which God hath spoken by the mouth of all his holy Prophets since the world began yet with this difference Act. 1. speaks of the Kingdom in reference to Israel onely who shall be chief in it Mich. 4.8 Thou O Tower of the Flock the strong hold of the Daughter of Sion unto thee shall it come even the first Dominion the Kingdom shall come to the Daughter of Jerusalem but Acts 3. in reference to the whole Creation which in the day the Kingdom shall be restored to Israel shall also have a Restitution which is expressed Rom. 8.19 20 21 22. Now in these words we have a coming clearly discovered he shall send Jesus which before was preached unto you whom the Heavens must receive Which that it is Personal and not Spiritual onely is clear because such as the receiving of Christ in the Heavens at the time when these things were spokrn was and hath been since such shall his coming at this day be but the receiving of Christ in the Heavens then and since cannot be understood in a spiritual way because in that sense he had said before Lo I am with you to the end of the world Mat. 28.20 but must be in respect of his Personal and Corporal presence therefore such shall his presence Verse 19. be with his people at this time viz Personal and Corporal Now that this time of the restitution of all things should be the Day of the General Judgement which hath been the common opinion I cannot incline to for these Reasons 1 Because I find not the General Judgement spoken of in the plural number as times daies as this is the times of refreshing vers 19. times of restitution vers 21. these daies vers 24. 2 Because this is such a time as all the Prophets have spoken of Which God hath spoken of by the mouth of all bis holy Prophets Now not all Nay hardly any have spoken expresly of the General Judgement but of the time of Christs Kingdom all have spoken as will appear to him that shall but take a view of the Prophets severally in doing which though we might begin with Enoch the seventh from Adam who according to Jude Vers 14. prophesied of Christs coming and Kingdom and after him Jacob in his blessing of Judah Gen. 49.9 10. and Balaam afterward though a wicked man yet a Prophet Numb 24.17 18 19. Yet I rather choose to begin after Samuels daies for there the Holy Ghost seems to point out our beginning Vers 24. yea and all the Prophets from Samuel have likewise foretold of these daies Now beginning from Samuel setting Jonah aside which is but a History not one but have spoken of these times as to give instance David did it Psal 62. The whole Psalm is a Prophecie of Christs Kingdom and not Solomons any otherwise than in the Type as is clear 1. From the continuance of this Kingdom vers 7. as long as the Moon indureth 2. The extent of it vers 8. From Sea to Sea from the Rivers to the ends of the Earth 3. The Subjects of it all Kings and all Nations vers 11. neither of which either did or could agree to Solomons Kingdom Psal 102.16 When the Lord shall build up Sion he i.e. Christ shall appear in his glory And that the fulfilling of this relates to the last times is evident Vers 18. This shall be written for the Generation to come when as verse 22. the people are gathered together and the Kingdoms to serve the Lord. Isaiah likewise Chap. 2.2 3 4. It shall come to pass in the last dayes the mountain of the Lords house shall be established in the top of the mountains and shall be exalted above the Hills and all Nations shall flow unto it And he i.e. Christ shall judge among the Nations and rebuke many people Chap. 9.7 Of the increase of his Government and peace there shall be no end upon the Throne of David and upon his Kingdom whose Throne and Kingdom was outward to order it and establish it with Judgement and Justice Chap. 32.1 2. Behold a King shall reign in Righteousness and Princes shall rule in Judgement Christ and his Saints reigning together And a man noting a corporal presence as well as spiritual at this day shall be a hiding place from the wind and a covert from the tempest Chap. 35.4 Your God will come with vengeance even God with a recompence he will come and save you The whole Chapter speaks of Christs Kingdom and the coming here agrees to that chap. 63.1 2. c. which I have proved to be Personal Jeremiah also who throughout chap. 30 31 32 33. treats of Christs Kingdom and that too in the last days when Ephraim Head of the Ten Tribes never gathered as yet since their Captivity shall come in Ezekiel Chap. 34 11. to the end Chap. 37. throughout So Daniel Chap. 2 44.45 In the dayes of these Kings shall the God of Heaven set up a Kingdome which shall never be destroyed and the Kingdome shall not be left to other people but it shall break in peeces and consume all these Kingdomes and it shall stand for ever This Kingdome must bee outward because it breaks in peeces the four Monarchies which were outward and takes the place of them and it is improper to say a meer Spiritual Kingdome can take place of an outward and why as the four former Monarchies had alwayes some visible Head the same should not be in this fifth I see no reason Chap. 7.27 And the Kingdome and Dominion and the greatness of the Kingdome under the whole Heaven shall be given to the people of the Saints of the most High whose Kingdome is an everlasting Kingdome and all Dominions shall serve and obey him i.e. Christ who in this Kingdome shall rule as Head and the Saints under him And this Kingdome must be outward for the Kingdome of the little Horn which was an outward Kingdome is the Kingdome here given to the Saints that Christ and his Saints rule in So Hosea Chap. 1.10 11. Chap. 3 4 5. both places agreeing punctually to that of Ezek. 37. which I have opened Joel Chap. 2.28 to the end Chap. 3. opened also before Amos Chap. 9.11 to the end Obadiah vers 21. And Saviours shall come upon mount Sion and shall judge the mount of Esau and the Kingdome shall be the Lords Micha Chap. 4.6 7. In that day will I assemble her that halteth and
sate upon them and judgement was given unto them Isa 31.1 A King shall rule in righteousness and Princes shall rule in judgement and we may read Luke 19.15 16 17 18 19. that at the time when Christ receives his Kingdome the faithful servant who hath improved his ten Talents well is then made ruler over ten Cities hee that well improved five over five Cities expounding that 1 Cor. 6.2 Do yee not know that the Saints shall judge the world 2 The sentence passed at the last day shall concern eternal life or death Mat. 25.46 the result of the General Judgement is the wicked go into everlasting punishment the righteous into life eternal but now the judgement in the time of the one thousand years shal be a judging of the world that is those wicked ones that shall bee suffered to live in this day as to outward punishments and servility in way of requital of what Christs people in all Ages have suffered from the world which is expressed Psal 140.6 Let the high praises of God be in their mouths and a two-edged sword in their hands vers 7. To execute vengeance upon the heathen and punishments upon the people vers 8. To bind their Kings with chains and their Nobles with fetters of Iron vers 9. To execute upon them the judgement written This honour have all his Saints Halelujah So Isa 61.5 6. And strangers shall stand and feed your flocks and the sons of the Alien shall be your Plow-men and your Vine-dressers expressions which note a servility But ye shall be named the Priests of the Lord men shall call you the Ministers of our God Chap. 14.2 They shall take them captive whose captives they were and they shall rule over their oppressors All which places as is most clear to him that views the context and compares them with other Scriptures have respect to the glory of the last times as the day where in they are to have their accomplishment and a type of this I conceive the Gibeonites might be who as a remnant of those Canaanites destined to destruction were yet spared by Joshna who in entring Canaan was a notable type of Christ taking possession of his Kingdome to be hewers of wood and drawers of water for the house of God and this is as I also conceive one reason of it why Daniel Chap. 7. after the destruction of the fourth Beast i. e. the Roman Monarchy as under Antichrist and casting him into the burning flame vers 11. yet addeth vers 12. that the rest of the Beasts i.e. those powers of the world whose dependance was not upon Antichrist had their Dominion taken away but their lives were prolonged for a season and time Why so namely That Saints to whom now the Kingdome was to be given vers 27. might rule over them And here as I judge are to be brought in those Scriptures which speak of the Saints Ruling and Reigning Rev. 5.10 And hast made us unto our God Kings and Priests and we shall reign on the earth Chap. 20.6 they shall be Priests of God and of Christ and shall reign with him a thousand years agreeing exactly to that of Isa Chap. 61.5 6. which was named but now strangers shall stand and feed your flocks but ye shall be named Priests of the Lord 2 Tim. 2.12 If we suffer with him we shall also reign with him which cannot bee meant of a Spiritual Reigning on earth because in that fense Timothy and other Saints Reigned then but this is a promise of a thing for future nor can it be a Reigning with Christ in Heaven because where is no Rule nor Authority there can be no Reigning but the Apostle tells us plainly speaking of heavenly glory 1 Cor. 15.24 that there all Rule and Authority and Power shall be put down it must be therefore at some other time which is this I am speaking of And what dangerous consequences will follow hereupon in case we say that as Christ himself after his resurrection continued some time on earth doing his fathers work before he entred into his rest so the Saints that herein also they might be like him shall after their resurrection continue here on earth doing the work of their Redeemer and that some time before they enter into their rest doth not as yet appear to me Object In case it be said How can these things be seeing upon Christs second coming the world that now is shall perish by fire as did the old by water that yet after this a seed of wicked men should remain for Saints to rule over Ans True the Scriptures which speak of this coming mention a coming with fire Isa 66.15 The Lord shall come with fire to render his rebuke with flames of fire Mal. 4.1 The day cometh that shall burn as an Oven 2 Thes 1.8 In flaming fire rendring vengeance and Rev. 19.20 immediately upon the battel of Armageddon before the thousand years begin we read of a Lake of fire into which the Beast and false Prophet are cast which fire that it shall be material fire Peter implys plainly 2 Epist 3. in saying that as the old world was drowned with water viz. material water so is this reserved to fire against the day of Christs coming Yet that this fire which whether it shall be general in all places at once or onely in that place where Christ shall appear and his enemies be gathered together whither the dross of the world shall be gathered as into one Lake is a question too nice to dispute shall not destroy the being of the World is clear First Because it is a fire for another end viz. refining not destroying Mal. 3.2 Who may abide the day of his coming for he shall he as are finers fire Secondly The New Heavens and New Earth that Isay and John speak of wherein shall dwel Righteousness and in which the Saints shall regin with Christ Peter makes mention of as a thing to be after this fire which as I have said he therefore brings in with a nevertheless 2 Pet. 3.13 Now what if we should say that as when the old world was destroyed by water not onely righteous Noah and godly Shem and Japhet but also cursed Cham yea the kinds of all the creatures were spared from that deluge to replenish the new world so at this day not onely the Saints in the world shall be preserved but even some of the wicked yea of all the creatures to serve the glorious ends and designs of God and that in the new Heavens and Earth which seems not without all ground because the Apostle Paul tels us plainly Rom. 8.20 21 22. That the creatures earnest expectation waits for that day in which the Sons of God shall be manifest when the creature Devils and wicked men on whom the curse shall still remain excepted shall be delivered from that bondage of corruption that now it groans under and that not by a total dissolution or annihilation of it but
particular States and Kingdomes with their Heads and Rulers The fourth upon the German Empire or House of Austria The fifth upon the City Rome The sixth upon the Turk or Ottoman Family But this seventh and last is general reaching all things whatsoever that stand in the way of Christs Kingdome And this the change of speech used in this Vial different from all the other noteth also as it seems to me for whereas the other Vials are poured out upon such and such things the first upon the Earth the second upon the Sea the third upon the Rivers and Fountains of waters c. This seventh and last is said to be poured out into the Air noting hereby the spreading and dilating of it self as far as the Air spreads in such manner as that thereby all and every part is filled with the effects of it Now a Vial might be poured out upon the Air yet not d●late it self into every part to fill the whole with it as the first Vial poured out upon the earth did not so dilate it self as to destroy those earthly dregs of Popery in every part of the Papal Kingdome neither did the second upon the Sea destroy the Antichristian Hierarchy but in some Kingdoms only the third upon the Rivers and Fountains of waters not the ten Horns in general but some of them only did as to the overturning of their present Government and Constitution feel it yet each of these Vials are truly said to be poured out upon these subjects because they had effects to destroy some part that which they fell upon though they did not dilate themselves into every part but now this seventh is poured out INTO THE AIR noting a dilating and diffusing of it self as far as the Air goes which I have said before is general filling all things and places accordingly this Vial reacheth 1 The whole Kingdome of the Dragon or Devil who is called the Prince of the power of the Air Eph. 2.2 who upon the pouring out of this Vial with all his Host shall be bound and shut up in the bottomless pit for a thousand years as Rev. 20.1 2 3. And here indeed it had been more orderly to have placed our fore-going Discourse of the thousand years but because truth is to be preferred before order which when it tends to the obscuring of the truth is but curiosity and to be shunned I have therefore because in my judgement it stands more for the advantage of truth where it is than it would do here chosen to be a trespasser in points of nicety 2 The whole Kingdome of Antichrist or the Papacy 3 The remaining Powers of the Great Turk which were not destroyed by the sixth Vial. 4 The Kingdomes of this world i.e. such as neither have dependance upon the Papacy nor the Great Turk all shall come under this Vial and be utterly ruined and broken in peeces by it 3 The Adjunct A great Voyce And there came a great voyce out of the Temple of Heaven from the Throne saying It is done This Voyce is Christs Rev. 21.5 6. Hee that is Christ that sate upon the Throne said unto mee It is done The meaning of the words It is done I have formerly shewed to be only this NOW is the New Jerusalem established now is my Kingdome set up the work now is done and compleated for this work had its beginning before under the former Vials and that from the first day that the little stone began to smite the great Image and therefore Daniel Chap. 2.44 speaking of this Kingdome of Christ saith In the dayes of these Kings shall the God of Heaven set up a Kingdom i.e. Christs Kingdome shall have its beginning as the same is a stone in the dayes of the Fourth Monarchy before yet the same is destroyed and it shall grow up by little and little smiting the great Image and still as it smites be increasing in strength and greatness but yet the same is not a Mountain filling the whole Earth till it hath broken in peeces the Great Image in such sort as that the place thereof is no more found vers 34 35. i.e. this Kingdome of Christ shall not be compleatly set up it shall not be the Fifth Monarchy though yet it shall be in a rising way until the seventh Vial be poured out which breaks in peeces and wholly removes the Fourth Monarchy and all worldly powers And this is clear Dan. 7.12 who there tells us that the rest of the Beasts had not their Dominion taken away i.e. the Kingdoms of this world are not compleatly the Lords and his Christs as Rev. 11.15 until such time as the Thrones of the Fourth Beast i.e. the Roman Monarchy as under Antichrist are cast down vers 9. the Beast himself slain his body destroyed and given to the burning flame vers 11. Then shall it be said as here with a great voyce It is done Then shall be verified what is said Rev. 10.7 The mystery of God is finished as he hath declared to his servants the Prophets that is now all things spoken of by the Prophets as touching my Kingdome and the setting of it up are finished for it is done the New Jerusalem is established And truly here let me adde that although some godly men whose thoughts I have an esteem of look every day for the setting up of this Fifth Monarchy and that by having the Powers of the world laid down and let fall out of the present hands they are in who hold them as they judge by right of the Fourth Monarchy and left free for Saints to come take up and execute yet must I needs say being convinced of the contrary in this I am not of their mind conceiving their mistake to lye in this viz. a not considering which too comes from a non-acknowledgement of Christs Personal coming before it by whom how and when this Fifth Monarchy is to be set up And for my own part as I greatly rejoyce to see so much power in Saints hands already and beleeve more will be every day as the Stone by rolling grows greater so do I also wait for that which some presently expect till that day wherein our Lord shall appear who himself will do this work viz. Destroy the Beast cast him into the burning flame and then give the Kingdome and Dominion and greatness of the Kingdome under the whole heaven unto the people of the Saints of the most High When that which but now is rising and shall rise every day growing still greater and greater as an augmenting stone shall become a huge and great Mountain filling the whole Earth And of this Kingdome as to the first rise of it which is little in an unlikely way in the midst of many difficulties I take it Davids Kingdome was a Type But as to the glory of it when the same shall be a Mountain filling the earth the Kingdome of Solomon was rather a Type for which reason Psal 62. which is a
people have their li●erty and in that respect as to their particulars are well yet if they see the work of the time at a stand let it not be grievous or be imputed to discontent in case they mourn as did Daniel look sad as did Nehemiah groan and complain they are sick And sometimes I have thought that when Daniel did mourn and afflict himself before God the second time three full weeks Chap. 10.2 upon the account that the work of God in that age was put to a stand by the power as is by good men judged of Cambyses Cyrus Son reigning while his Father was abroad in the wars that had Cambyses been a good man or a man likely to have been prevailed with Daniel undoubtedty would as did the Prophets before him frequently to the good Kings of Israel have made other applications in that case and accounted the doing thereof his duty than barely to the Lord alone Nay it is a mercy to Governours themselves to have applications in things of this nature made unto them for Woe be to those Governors to whom Gods people fearing or being without hopes in making address when they so●esee sufferings coming upon his cause retire themselves and spread the affliction of their souls before the Lord alone Yet let me also say it is a thing most certain and that which is a prejudice to the very cause in the hearts of many and ought to be matter of grief to all that Saints in most places at this day whilst they are crying that their Fathers work might go on do act too much like men and shew too much of their own spirits yea are very consused as to the making out the things themselves would have and moreover have many falling into their party that injure the very cause they stand up in But I earnestly wish it might be considered that although the child when it cries cannot alwayes give a rational account of the cause of its so doing yea possibly may oftentimes discover much peevishness and passion in crying yet doth it not ever cry without a cause and the wisdome of the Father is not so intent upon the weaknesses of the child in crying as to find out the cause why it cries And farther should not many and great weaknesses appear in those who stand up for Christs Kingdome how should his Kingdome come without observation no greater observation than of holiness if so be the appearance of that in them were to be eminently visible John came with much outward Holinesse and hee came with great observation Yea whether when the strife rose first betwixt the Brethren of the Presbyterian and Congregational way in England did not many who yet had truth and Christ did afterwards own before the world strive in many things like foolish peevish Children and whether in the times of the Apostles throughout the Primitive ages and almost ever since have not the croud of errors alwayes run into that side where truth hath been the reason is because the grand enemies design is to sow his tares in his enemies filed his own where as yet his title is not questioned nor shaken he will not meddle with These things therefore with others of a like nature are not to be made definitive Conclusions as to a cause which oftentimes God permits for the trial of Rulers patience his peoples faith and the carrying on of his own cause in a cloud which is the way he goes in in most of his works of wonder Governors because of these miscarriages may inflict civil penalties if they will yet let it bee considered that the great King is now coming to his Throne and there is not a Ruler in the world but hath his standing only protempore to whom as all must give an account so must they shortly surrender their Crowns or they shall be taken from them and if any of the subjects of this mighty King whilst they see their King upon his march and are followed with hourly intelligence that he is neer and such and such things must be done in order to his entertainment by speaking some words for their King that things may be in a readiness and by giving abroad what intelligence they have to that end shall offend and suffer any thing for it let it be remembred that when the righteous King is sate upon his Throne these things will not be husht up but it shall then be known whether such as shall so do exceeded their Commission or not did their own or the Lord Christs will My Lord That through multitude of words I may neither tire your patience nor incur the censure of being one that loves to hear himself speak I shall wave some things which otherwise I would yet have added and draw to a Conclusion only leaving with your Highness three or four plain sober and in my opinion necessary words 1 Let your Highness oft remember and set before you the example of that good man Asa who though he were a man of much zeal for God and his Worship destroying the Altars of the strange gods and the High places breaking down the Images cutting down the Groves c. a man of a tender conscience therefore removed his Mother from being Queen because she made an Idol in a Grove a man of much faith in the field by which faith of his he vanquished the huge host of Zerah the Ethiopian yet having made one eminent turn from God as one turn from God makes way for another he is afterwards in a rage at reproof and casts the Prophet into prison that reproved him and at the very same time oppresseth the people of the LAND and after all what will Sin bring even a good man to When Gods hand is upon him for this he seems as a man stubborn and seeks not to the Lord but to the Physicians which that it may never be your Highness case is my prayer 2 Let your hand be no way lifted up against any of the Saints in this Nation It was a good Position laid down by Dr. Goodwin in a Sermon preached upon Psal 105 14 15. before the Parliament that was at the time when the Brethren of the Presbyterian way had the turning of the Wheel and as well proved viz. That the dealing well or ill with the Saints is and hath ever been the great interest of States and Kingdoms that on which their welfare or ruine depends All Sodome made not the hands of those four Kings Abraham routed Gen. 14. so weak as their fingring one Lot 3 Pursue not too hotly every righteous principle It is an Observation of Dr. Owens worthy never to be forgotten preached when time was in a Sermon of his upon Ezek. 17.24 to the aforesaid powers concerning principles that men take up his words are these page 21.22 The most tremendous judgement of God in this world is the hardning the hearts of men Now saith he first Look on Pharaoh of whom it is most signally spoken that God
of Christ at Northwalsham in Norfolk walking in fellowship with the Churches of Christ in this Country sendeth Greeting Dearly beloved in the Lord AS the Lord the mighty God hath done great things and unsearchable marvelous things without number for his great Name and peoples sake within the space of a few years so certainly there shall not be an end of Wonders until his peoples full Redemption be accomplished And although the wicked of the earth regard not the works of the Lord neither consider what he hath already done or shall do hereafter yet they are observed and diligently sought out of the Saints that have pleasure therein And they shall speak of the might of his terrible Acts and shall declare his greatness they shall abundantly utter the memory of his goodness and sing of his righteousness they shall speak of the glory of his Kingdom and talk of his Power and make known to the sons of men his mighty Acts and the glorious Majesty of his Kingdom When we consider what a company of poor weak and unprofitable creatures we are having such dead dark and unsuitable hearts and spirits to the extraordinary appearances and dispensations of God towards us we might think it most meet that we above all others should sit down in silence and shame at such a time as this but while we are musing of the former wayes and dealings of God with his people and of those glorious things which must shortly come to pass our hearts do burn within us and having this opportunity we cannot but speak and declare a few things which are upon our spirits As touching our dear and worthy Brother the Author it may be expected something by us should be spoken but his desire as concerning himself hath laid silence upon us Yet this we shall say As we conceive him to be one who hath received much light from the Lord and esteems it a choice and special mercy to be taught of God the things of Christs Kingdom so we are his witnesses how holily and justly and unblameably he hath and doth behave himself amongst us and many others that beleeve As for the Treatise it self it needs not mans commendation because Truth commends it self Yet this we say It hath been a great refreshment to our spirits and we hope will be to the spirits of Gods people elswhere It is the Authors desire that things may not be received on your parts without trial yet in case any who fear the Lord be in this matter otherwise minded it is our desire they would not rashly condemn that which was neither rashly undertaken nor published But to come to what we have further to say It is an undeniable truth confirmed by long experience that the Devil hath ever had a great design against the Kingdom of Christ that holy City and hath so far prevailed as by his instruments to tread it underfoot for a long time though not able to destroy it So that those that have appeared and witnessed for Christ have been forced to do it in sackcleath in a very mean and low condition yet however they do it they will do it though in sackcloath And this hath been such a trouble and torment to the Beast and the dwellers on the earth that like men or rather Devils full of rage and fury against them they make War against them overcome them pull off even their sackcloath strip them kill them And whether this hath been already done or is yet to do is the great Question which this Treatise will give some light into and a little time will more fully determine And that those that dwell upon the earth Christs enemies should rejoyce and make merry when they see Christs Witnesses who tormented them by witnessing lye dead is not to be thought strange But that the Lord should be so tender and mindful of those that appear and witness for him as after a little while to give life unto them and not only to set them upon their feet but to raise them up to an high and glorious condition and that in the sight of their enemies greatly fearing and trembling to behold it is very affecting and comfortable to our hearts to consider And Dear Brethren having had some serious thoughts both of the spirits and wayes of Gods professing people at this time we cannot apprehend that the LORD hath yet performed his whole work upon Mount Sion but that he hath yet much to do yea though the Lord hath been a long time purging his people and hath cut off two parts and left onely a third yet there is so much filth and dross in that that surely he will bring the third part through the fire and will refine them as Silver is refined and will try them as Gold is tried And what condition the Lord hath yet to bring his people into to take away their dross in is best known to himself And may not the people of the Lord even after he hath done much for them in them yet polluted with several abominations expect some hour of temptation to be tried and purged in which may also be at hand And seeing we are speaking and speaking to Brethren that know how to bear with our weaknesses though we be poor stammering creatures we shall take liberty and boldness to speak a few things to you as plainly as we can it being now high time to deal faithfully and plainly with one another and to tell you more particularly what we fear And indeed Brethren we are afraid from a sad experience of the coldness and remisness of our own hearts that the charge of Christ against Ephesus will not fall upon us onely but upon other of the Churches and Saints of Christ that they have left their first Love We are afraid because we are so earthly minded our selves that some of you may be tempted also to seek other things before the Kingdom of God and to take too much thought what you shall eat and what you shall put on what profits preferments and incouragements you shall have in the world which are the things the men of the world seek after for the obtaining of which you may be prone to seek to please and serve men rather than Christ We are afraid because we have so little our selves that a spirit of self-denial should be wanting among you and that you should not have hearts to rejoyce when Christ doth increase if you should decrease and so lie open to that great and common evill of neglecting at least Christs interest to uphold and maintain your own We are afraid because of the drowsiness of our own bearts lest a spirit of slumber should fall upon you and you become mindless and regardless in comparison of what you formerly were and now ought to be of the voyce and works and coming of Christ We are afraid because we our selves are not Virgins chast and faithful to the person and interest of the Lord Christ lest your hearts should
be ensnared and polluted by any through the least compliance with or liking of the great Whore that hath deceived and defiled so many with her abeminations We are afraid because we have neglected it so much and so long lest you should forget to study and enquire into the great and marvellous things that God is doing for exaltation of his own name and Son And what the Saints ought to do for God at such a time as this Vnlike to the Children of Issachar which were men that had understanding of the times to know what Israel ought to do We are afraid because we are so carnal and walk so much by sense our selves that there should not be such a living by faith amongst you as the word and dispensations of God require especially when we hear so many of those who formerly hoped and quietly waited for the Redemption of Gods chosen now being fearful and unbeleeving speak like Mary How shall this thing be seeing we know not how it should be brought to pass We are afraid likewise because our own hands are so heavy and we unable of our selves to keep them steady lest your hands of prayer should be let down at this time and Amaleck should prevail against Israel And if these things should be found amongst you of which we must confess our selves to be very guilty how ought you and we to fear and tremble and lye low before the Lord being very unworthy of and unthankful for all those great and terrible things which his hand hath wrought for us And if we have not had nor yet have hearts holy and heavenly and spiritual enough to walk before him with under his former and present dispensations towards us how shall we be able to stand before the Son of Man when he shall appear in far greater power and glory And to follow him in those strange and untrodden Paths that he hath yet to lead his people in and thorow Surely it is now time for us having been hitherto so much wanting in it to consider our hearts and ways and those wayes that the Lord calls us to wait upon him in Surely it is now time for us who have left our first Iove to the Lord Jesus for which we have cause to be ashamed before the Lord not onely to remember from whence we are fallen and to do our first works to love him as much we have done formerly but having tasted more of his goodness and seen more of his glory and hoping to behold much more of it to love him more than ever we did and oh that we had hearts to do it at this time Surely it is now time for those Saints that have had and have their hearts espoused to carnal and worldly interests as outward glory honor riches c. to look up to the Lord and to get their hearts dis-ingaged and set loose from the world and the things of the world and to be for ever hereafter without so much as a thought of seeking great things for themselves as becommeth Saints Surely it is now time for the Spouse and all the professed friends of Christ to cast off and abandon all acquaintance and compliance with Antichrist and to keep themselves so pure and to approve themselves so true to Christ that if the Devil should tempt them as he did their Lord by profering them all the Kingdoms of the World and the glory of them yet never to fall down and any way worship that Beast It argued a very chaste and faithful heart in that worthy Man Master John Knox unto Jesus Christ that when Edward the Sixth King of England offered him a Bishopricke he refused it as having Aliquid commune cum Antichristo something of Antichristianism in it Surely it is now time for us not onely to beleeve in Christ which many think is all they need to do but also to own him in this hour of his patience wherein he looks to beowned by his Saints lest he frown upon us in the day of his great power and glory which draweth near And Brethren let us make it our chief even our onely Design and count it our greatest Priviledge though we shall be men wondered at for it to follow and serve the Lord Christ in faithfulness and like Luther in the cause of Christ be content though our low and carnal hearts may tremble at the very thoughts of it to undergo the hatred and violence of the whole world Neither let us be too much troubled nor offended at those changes alterations and desolations which do and may and as Christ hath said will attend the going on and advancement of his Kingdom in the world which was that which some may be wel-meaning people objected to Luther That that doctrin could not be of God that was attended with such troubles and desolations who replyed thus Ego nisrtumultus istos viderem Christum in mundo esse non crederem Vnless I should see those troubles and tumults I should not beleeve Christ to be in the world So Brethren if we should hear of Wars and Commotions and upon the earth distress of Nations with perplexity mens hearts failing them for fear and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth let us not be terrified nor offended but as our Savior hath bidden us look up and lift up our heads for our redemption draweth nigh And because it is high time awake Awake oh Saints lift up your hearts and cry mightily unto the Lord and never hold your peace day nor night and give him no rest for it will not be long till he establish and make Jerusalem a praise in the Earth Stand therefore with your loyns girded about and your lights burning And ye your selves like men that wait for their Lord who cometh as he hath said as a Thief in the night who may be upon you before you are aware in an hour that you think not of And however you may be hardly used and beaten of your Fellow-servants and Brethren too who say their Lord delayeth his coming Yet be not wearied nor faint in your minds because of these things but be ye patient Brethren unto the coming of the Lord. Behold the Husband-man waiteth for the precious fruit of the earth and hath long patience for it untill he receive the early and latter rain Be ye also patient stablish your hearts for the coming of the Lord draweth nigh Grudge not one against another Brethren lest ye be condemned behold the Judge standeth before the door For he cometh he cometh to judge the earth He shall judge the world with righteousness and the people with his truth And you that are of a fearful heart be strong and fear not behold your God will come with vengeance even God with a recompence he will come and save you and will perform all his good word towards you and give you an expected end Cast not away therefore your confidence which hath great recompence of reward For
behalf of that cause which my heart is inwardly perswaded is Jesus Christs to whom I could not be faithful should I now be silent having this hope that that heart which once had in it such a flame of love to the cause of Christ and was so zealous of the work of God in the world and against the Beast as that thereby many were provoked cannot but yet have some sparks of this holy fire alive in it and that there is yet in your Highness an ear to hear what the Holy Spirit saith in the word if so be the sound be certain and distinct tho but a Child blow the Trumpet Or if not yet that herein I shall discharge a duty in my own apprehension incumbent upon me and every of Gods people so far as they have light namely to inform your Highness what Christ at this day expects from you according to which he will account with you and if what is written be truth it is you duty to hear it yea where is but an appearance of truth if you shall without diligent trial either neglect or reject it though the grounds upon which you may perhaps so do may serve to answer Conscience a while yet will they not answer the Lord another day who will account with you not as with others but according to that Talent of light you have had and is held forth unto you the professions you have made before many of his people and the opportunities you have And therefore my Lord as it is now no time for those who either love the Lord Jesus or your Highness to flatter you or speak their fears mincingly So let me here say what not long fince I told your Highness in a more private way That I do verily beleeve the thing is already manifest to the Lord and the day is not far off in which it shall be to your Highness also who are your most faithful Friends whether those that now hang up their Harps though they may be but as one Micaiah to 400 false Prophets or those that are singing their Songs of which latter sort I mean for the greater part of them I may for the truth of the thing I am sure without offence say in the Apostles phrase onely adding a word They who never yet loved you truly now zealously affect you but not well yea they would exclude you that you might affect them and serve their designs I would to God I could speak otherwise and that private cryes might have prevented this publick bearing witness which though I had no other motive yet ingenuity did I not consider that when it tends to hinder in the Lords work it is no longer a vertue but a vice to be mortified would have disswaded me from The love of the meanest Saint is precious to me the favor of your Highness much more but in these divided times offering many temptations of this nature I have often remembred the case as it stood betwixt Christ and Peter Mat●h 16.21 22 23. who when Peter by his love and affection would have put him by his Fathers work Christ grew offended even at Peters love and did abandon it My Lord if ever the Mystery of Iniquity wrought spiritually it doth at this day And no wonder for a fear and dread of the Witnesses is fallen upon the Beast whose blow that he may escape he would now if that will do it enter into a high form of Saintship and indeed who looks for Antichrist take him either as he is the whole Body or as he is this o● that part in his last state in any other Garbe than the form of a gloribus ●aint though he may have read the Book of the Revelations yet is he still to learn the Mystery of the Beast there revealed Now is the man of sin struggling for his Kingdom which he will uphold as long as he can but though the Dragon Beast and False Prophet joyn heads and hands together yet shall they not bee able to keep it up long no not half so many years as some dream of Ages for God hath numbered Babylons Kingdom and in a manner finished it the Beast and the Whore●s or the Beast and the False Prophet are already weighed in the Ballances and found wanting the Kingdom shall as most certainly so suddenly be divided broken and given to another And as a clear ev●dence hereof we have the signs of the times grounded upon the wo●d which Christ did refer the Generation of the Pharisees and Sadduces to when they would know of him a sign Matth. 16.3 O yee Hypocrites can yee not discern the signs of the times What signs of the times had they Answ Two evident signs founded upon Scripture 1. The departure of the Scepter from Judah in Herods then swaying it who was an Idumean 2. The expirations of Daniels seventy weeks the limited time of the Messiahs appearance By either of these they might have concluded that truth they opposed and received him for their Messiah whom they rejected but this they did not but must have farther sign● yet for which cause Christ calls them Hypocrites a wicked and an adulterous Generation My Lord Let me here say The Lord in his Word hath left signs of this time I am now speaking of no less clear and demonstrative than were the signs of tha● and although I am of all the most unworthy to be acquainted with them or any thing of the mind of the Lord yet is it my perswasion that some of them are discovered in the following discourse and he that shall without prejudice read what in the close is written of the time and compare it with the things themselves specified throughout the Book may possibly be of my mind at least not censure me for thinking so And if now My Lord as persons willing to be blinded we shall shut our eyes to those signs of the times God hath left us in the word and ask for other signs to know his work by and when we are called to do it it is an evident token even from our Saviors own words of an Adulterous and Apostatizing generation I had almost said and if I had his words would have born me out of an hypocritical heart My Lord Let me not be made an offender for this plain dealing if I am so long as the Lord shall keep my feet in the way of my duty it shall not trouble me and I have hope that in this I have had his merciful guidance and have not as yet stepped out of that way For if in the day when Christ is going up to his Kingdom the stones would not hold their peace should not the Children cry Hosanna then surely it is a duty very incumbent upon the Saints at this day there being nothing more obvious than that Christ is well onwards upon his march to his Kingdom not to be silent but although they may be rebuked yea dealt worse by for so doing yet to follow their
King with acclamations which is all that such poor creatures as we are can do for him Nay if it be a duty to expect from God returns of our prayers then it is also a duty to have inspection even into publick affairs so far as the managing of these may have a tendency to the furtherance or hinderance of those good things which we hope we have been graciously holpen by the Lord and also had some favorable smiles of his acceptance in seeking his face for Nay if it be a duty to observe and follow God in the way of his visible dispensations or on the contrary a sin to be of a sluggish temper not regarding the works of the Lord nor considering the operation of his hands then of necessity must there be a reflection upon the publick actings of instruments either in a way of owning or disowning without which no observation can be made of Gods dispensations or our duty in this respect Nay lastly If it be a duty to mourn for the sins of Rulers to mourn when Christs cause lies bleeding then certainly it cannot be evill to have inspection into the one and the other And notwithstanding it is a more precious thing in a Christian to be found watching in his own heart and ways than to be prying into the waies and actings of others for which cause so far as this is neglected the common accusation laid to the charge of those who contend for the Kingdom of Christ without as if they did neglect the Kingdom of Christ within is a thing most just Yet let it withall be considered that the doing of the one layes no necessity upon a man of a neglect of the other for if there be but any thing of truth in that opinion it will be hard to say God hath laid a necessity upon us to neglect our hearts whilst which yet is a thing he wills us to do we are seeking after his truth And if through that corruption that is within any man should so do doth not this evill attend him as well in other studies as this by consequence therefore from this principle no truth must be inquired into But I have observed in this day a close design of the Devil driven on under this vizard and no wonder for Satan himself is now transformed into an Angel of light and I can the better speak it having felt when time was this temptation and thereby learned these who Lessons 1 To discern somewhat of the depths of Satan viz. That he perceiving the work that God is about to do in the world and knowing full well how acceptable a thing i● is to God as well as advantagious to the work it self to have his Children following him in his great designs and how provoking the thing will be if by any sleight he can but make them like Peter cross the Lord in his way and thwart God in his work God as a man in like case would do resenting one error of this nature worse than forty of another kind and knowing also that to say to them in plain language neglect this or oppose that without some very specious and glorious pretence would be no boot he therefore now comes forth as the most glorious Saint that ever came into the world and tels them that they must look to their own hearts for this is a blessed thing and therefore they must beware of such and such things for if they once meddle with them then farewel their hearts and to set a better face upon the business whilst he disswades these he sets on work some that are marked in their fore-heads for his children giddily and furiously to broach and set on foot those very things and designs he disswades the other from and then saith he now see whether this generation of men go and where you had been had you followed them 2 I have learned likewise to discern somewhat of the depths of the heart which would exercise the highest pride under a pretext of great holiness and humility for it being indeed a most blessed thing to attend to inward purity and mortification wherein lies the glory of a Christian now saith the heart how strangely do such and such contend for this outward thing and the other well I will follow none of them but I will attend to the mortification of the inward man I am sure in that I shall be right Now with this conceit the man goeth on secretly blessing and lifting up himself and he turns him and looks him round and loe all are out of the way but he Pride as it quickly grows upon such a root so is it more abominable to God by how much it is more spiritual then that which may yee discover it self more outwardly Yet let me say thus doth the Devil and mans heart at this day marvellously deceive many precious Saints in this thing who are apt to think that they cannot mind these things and as they should study and look to their hearts too Whereas indeed it argues a Childish temper in a man to think that he cannot learn the things of his heart or keep the same up for God any longer then it is exercised in those truths which more immediately concern the heart and life and have their foundation in Christian experience as if those truths which lie out of the reach of my experience as a Christian and more imediately concern Gods Cause and Glory without had not in them as natural a tendency to give a soul a sight of God and as great an efficacy to cause the heart to cleave to God and walk humbly with him as truths that lye within the r●ach of my experience Nay I will here be bold to say that that soul who faithfully followeth God in those things wherein his glory is more immediately concerned shall learn more of his heart as it were by the by and have the same better ordered then shall that man who neglecting this makes that his continual study for it is not by our poring that we come to know our hearts nor by our struggling to mend them so much as indeed by laying them in that path where Christ in this or that day more commonly goes and waiting there to receive life and strength from him And farther My Lord as for contenting themselves with their own liberty which is the great thing objected to us our injoyment whereof as yet is indeed a mercy beyond what the people of God far more deserving in former ages have had the people of God could at this day do it were it not but that the sufferings of Christs cause their prayers having been long going forth and their hopes raised are now more unto them than any sufferings of their own And as Daniel first and Nehemiah afterwards though they for their own particulars were well in the Court of the King of Persia yet could not be well because it went not well with Gods cause at that day so notwithstanding Gods