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A02613 The ensamples of vertue and vice, gathered oute of holye scripture. By Nicolas Hanape patriarch of Ierusalem. Very necessarye for all christen men and women to loke vpon. And Englyshed by Thomas Paynell; Exempla Sacrae Scriptae ex utroque Testamento collecta. English Hannapes, Nicolas de, patriarch of Jerusalem, 1225-1291?; Paynell, Thomas.; Peraldus, Guilelmus, 13th cent. 1561 (1561) STC 12742; ESTC S103820 271,342 814

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Nabuchodonozor saied vnto the elders and captaines of his wars that this was his thought and purpose to bring the hole earth vnder his dominion Nowe when that thynge pleased them all c. Kinge Ahasuerus beinge wrothe with Quene Uasthi questioned with his wise counsellers Esth. 1. what sentēce or law shuld be executed vppon the Quene The which counsellers did not coole the kinges furye nor excuse her that was absent but one answered wyth indignation saying The kinges indignation is iust Amans frends Esth. 5 his wife not perceiuyng the cankerd and euel minde that he had towardes Mardocheus did not reproue nor rebuke hym but said Commaund thou a hye payre of galowes to be framed and made The princes and hie estates of Darius the king of Perse Dani. 6 hauing a desire that the king shuld make an vniust decree dyd purpose a thinge that semed to pertain to his honor Alchinus that wicked traytor willing to be made the hie priest i. mach 7 said vnto kinge Demetrius Iudas and hys brethren haue destroyed thy frendes after ther foloweth the the king made Alchinus the hie priest commaunded him to be reuenged to punyshe the children of Israel After that Ihons disciples wer departed and gone Mat. xi oure Lorde began wonderfully to praise him the which thynge maketh agaynste those that doe openlye prayse menne and seacreatly detract and backbite them The Pharises going about to take Christ in his wordes Mat. 22 began to praise and to flatter him saying Master we know that art thou true and teachest the way of God truely Herode Agrippa that greate kyng perceiuing that he pleased the Iewes because he had taken certaine of the congregation Act. 12. and had killed Iames the brother of Ihon proceaded further to haue taken Peter Act. 12 The people gaue a shout to Herod that wicked king the which had slain Iames and incarcerated Peter saying It is the voyce of a God and not of a man Act. 24. Tertullius the orator whyche was brought in against Paul by the president Felix did at the beginnynge of his oration flatter Felix ¶ Of derision and contumelious reprofe Ca. lxx THe men of Sadoch and Phanuel derided Gedeon persecuting Zebee and Salmana Iudi. 8. but of that folowed mischaunces For afterwardes he intreated them very rigorously and euel Nabal contemned contumeliously the woordes of Dauids messengers saying 1. regu 25. what is Dauid And what is the sonne of Isai Ther is plentye of seruauntes now a dayes that breake away from their masters Michol seing king Dauid dansinge before the Arke of the Lord 2. regu 6. despysed him because she sawe him bare And afterwardes deriding mocking him she said O how glorious was the king this day Wicked Iezabell spake scornfull mocking wordes vnto Achab. 3. regu 21. Thou art a man of great authority and dost gouern thy kingdom well For as muche as the children deryded and mocked Elizeus the prophet 4. regu 2. saying Go vp thou bald head Two beares tare and deuoured xlii of thē King Hezechias postes went swiftly from city to city 2. Para. 30. warnyng the chyldren of Israell to retourne vnto oure Lord. But they laughed thē to scorn and mocked them 2. Para. 36 Our Lord sent his prophets daily vnto them warned them to spare his people and his dwellinge place But they mocked the messengers of god and litle regarded hys wordes misused his prophets When Sanabalat Tobias hard say that the walles of Ierusalem wer a buildinge 2. Esd. 4 they mocked the buylders When Tobias was blynde hys frendes kinsfolk laughed his liuing to scorn Tob. 2. sayinge where is nowe thy hope for the which thou hast done almes and buried the dead Nicanor seing the burnt sacrifices that wer offred for the king laughed them to scorn with comtempt 1. mach 7 spake proudly and disdainfullye ye swore in his wrath Antiochus that cruell tiraunte beinge kindled in anger by the wordes of the seuenth brother 2. Mach. 7. was more cruell vpon him then vpon all thother and toke indignation that he was so lightly regarded Oure lorde was dyuers maner of wayes derided as it shall afterwards apeare in the chapiter of pacience Certayne Iewes Act. 2. when they sawe that our lordes disciples after the infusion of the holy goost spake diuers languages and tongues sayed mockingly These menne are full of new wyne When the Athenienses had hearde Act. 17 of the resurrection of the deade that Paule preached Some mocked And other sayed let vs heare the agayne of this matter ¶ Of Detractors and euel speakers Capi. lxxi IOsephs lady and mestres spake wickedly to her husband of him beinge Innocent and chaste Gen. 39 Pharo sayed who doubteth but that ye haue some mischefe in hande Exo. 10 wherby it appeareth that euell men doo affirme and at sometymes doo laye to good mennes charges wyth vniust boldenes the thinge whiche is vniust and false Mary and Aaron vpon a light occasion spake against Moses Nume 12. but quickly after ther folowed a pain and punishment that reuenged the matter Nume 14. The children of Israell dispraysed the lande of promise to theyr greate pain and punishment Nume 16. By the occasion of Chores and his felowes sedition many were mooste fearfully slain And yet after that the multitude murmured against Moses and Aaron saying ye haue kylled the people of our Lord. Although Balaam was euell yet he said Num. 23. that he in no wise wold curse the p●ople which our Lorde had blessed And as touchinge that there are many worse found then be the which do gladly and more oftentimes curse and backbite the good then the peruerse and euel Saul at the beginning was exceading goo● 1. regu 10. but yet the children of Beliall said how can he saue vs By the occasion of Doeg the Idumite declaring vnto Saule that Abimelech ●he priest had comforted and refreshed Dauid 1. re 22. he slue .lxxxv. men that did weare a linnen Ephod And many mo wemen and children The lords of the Philistines caused Achis the kynge of Seth 1. reg 19 to remoue Dauid the which by his iudgemente was good from his honest office and place that he had preferd him vnto Dauid commaūded the yonge man that shewed of kinge Saule and his sonnes death 2. reg 1 to be slayne And yet he thoughte that he hadde brought him prosperus and glad tydinges The chefest of the children of Ammon saied vnto theyr lorde 2. re 10 T●inkest thou that Dauid for the honour of thy father hath sent comfortours to the And so they peruerted the simple and pure intention of Dauid Absolon ambitiusly desyringe the kingdome 2. regu 15 saied vnto one that hadde busynesses before hym There is no man deputed of the king to heare the. Siba Mephiboseth seruant did wickedly bacbyte
to the Corinthians Some saye that our epistles are greuous but our bodely presence weake and our spech and communication rude ¶ Of Treason Capitu. lxviii SAule beynge vered wyth the deuel Dauid sung and plaied before him 2. Cor. 10. and Saule wente aboute to nayle him to the wall with the iauelynge that hee helde in hys hande Saul promised to geue Dauid his daughter in mariage 1. Re. 18.19 that throughe occasion the Philistians myghte kyll hym Dauid saued and defended the inhabitours of Seely frō the philistines 1. regu 18. hooste that besieged them And yet they would haue betrayed and delyuered him vnto Saul his enemy 1. regu 23. that euen to death did persecute him After that Saule had lamented the persecution of Dauid 1. regu 24. and that Dauid was sworne vnto him he persecuted and folowed Dauid as wrongfully and as sharpely as euer he dyd before Urias caried from Dauid to Ioab letters of hys owne death Amnon Dauids sonne caulde vnto hym his syster Thamar as thoughe he would haue eaten meate at her hand 2. regu 11. 2. regu 13. and afterwardes defiled her Absolon called his brother Amnon to a banket 2. regu 13. and slewe him When Ioab had saluted Amasam and hadde taken hym by the chyn as thoughe he woulde haue kyst him 2. regu 20. he smote him in the side and he shed out his bowels to the grounde zambry the capitayne of halfe the horsmen 3. Re. 16. slewe Hela his Lorde and mayster and did raigne after him seuen dayes onely He was besieged and he burnt him selfe and the kings palace Selum Iabes sonne conspired against zacharias the kinge of Israell his lorde and master 4. regu 15. and slewe him and after hym he raigned in his slede one moneth onely As Sennacherib was praiyng and woorshippinge his god in the temple 4. regu 19. hys two sonnes smote hym wyth the sweard But yet neither of his sonnes raigned after hym Certayne of Nehemias ennemyes would maliciusly haue made a confederation wih him 2. Esd. 6. thought to haue done him a displeasure gaue money that he might be brought to synne Two of kyng Ahaswerus porters or chamberlaines that sate at the comynge in of the Palace Esth. 2. would haue layed handes on the kynge and haue slaine him Ismael the sonne of Nathania came and many moe with him to dine with Godolia 4. regu 2● whome the kyng had made capitayne ouer the men of Babilon whiche were in Iewry And after diner they rose and slew him that wold not haue thought nor beleued no such euel in them King Antiochus sent his chefe treasurer into the cities of Iuda 1. Mach. 1 whyche came to Ierusalem and spake peaceably but yet deceitfull woordes vnto those that were wythin For when they had geuen him credence hee fell sodenly vppon the citye and smote it sore and destroyed muche people of Israell When kynge Antiochus Eupator besieged Ierusalem and coulde not take it 1. Mach. 6. He sent vnto those that were wythin to be at peace with them and they receyued it He sware vnto thē and sone after brake his othe that he had made Ptolomeus the king of Egipt wēt about through disceit to obtain Alexanders his Nephews kingdom 1. Mach. 11. And entring into the cities of Alexandria with a great host of men and receyued by the kings commaundement in to them very honourably he left mē of war to kepe them When Triphon saw that Ionathas came with so great an hoste he commaunded him to kepe but a few with him 1. Mach. 12. and to send away the reast and when he had done so he was taken and a thousand that were with hym and the other returned home again As Triphon went forthe to walke wyth the yonge kyng Antiochus hys Lord and master 1. Mach. 13. he slue him trayterously and raigned in his stede Ptolomy the sonne of Abobus the hie priestes sonne in lawe 1. Mach. 16 made a banket for Simon and his ii sonnes And when they had dronken well he slue them When Apollinus was come to Ierusalem fainingly he kept hym selfe quiet and stil vntyl the Saboth daye 2. Mach. 5. And then when the Iewes kept holy day he slue a great multitude of thē Iudas Machabeus hearing that they which besieged the towers where in theyr ennemies the Gentiles were 2. Mach. 10 had taken mony and let part of their ennemies goe he slewe them as traytoures and sellers of theyr brethren And went in hand and toke the tours The treason that the most wycked Iudas vsed against his Lorde Mat. 26. passed al other treasons in iniquity and peruersity LuKe. 22. the which sold his Lorde and master for a litle mony Iohn 18. and deliuered him with a kisse into the handes of his ennemies Certaine of the Iewes came to the chefest of the priestes and elders Act. 13. desiring them to do so muche as to cause Lysias the Tribune that had Paule in hold to bring him forth amōg thē as though they would haue known● somthing more perfectly of him And they were euen readye by and by to kill him ¶ Of adulation anf flatery Cap. lxix WHen Chore and his companiōs s●ode vp against Moses Aarō they said Num. 16 it is sufficient inough for vs that all the multytude are holye and that oure LORDE is amonge theym In the whych wordes if appeareth that they flattered and sought for the beneuolence and fauor of the people The yong man that brought Dauid tidinges of Sauls death and his sōnes was slain by Dauids commaundemēt yet he thought that he hadde brought prosperous and good tidinges 2. regu● 1. The two theues that slew Isboseth Sauls sonne 2. regu 4. and brought hys heade vnto Dauid thought to please hym But he declared wel vnto them that it displeased him for he commaunded them to be slain and theyr hands and fete to be cut of and hanged ouer the poole in Hebron Absolon said vnto the mā that had matters before kinge Dauid 2. regu 15. thy wordes and communication seme to me good and iust But there is no mā deputed to heare thee The euell and false Prophets told Achab the kynge of Israell that hee should prosper in hys wars 3. regu 22. for they knew that he would be glad to heare such tidinges After the death of Ioiada the priest the lordes of Iuda came and made obeisaunce to the king 2. Para. 24. the whiche beinge pleased with their adulation harkned vnto them And so they lefte the house of our Lorde serued groues and Idols The Iewes ennemies that edifyed the temple after theyr returne out of captiuity 1. Esd. 4 wrote thus vnto the king We remembring the salt that we haue eaten in thy palace thoughte that it was against reason to se thy damage and losses c. Iudith 2
siluer smyth which made syluer shrynes for Diana called together the workmen of like occupation and styrde vp a great number of people agaynst Paule whome he sayed dyd tourne muche people from the worshippinge of the goddes When they hearde these sayinges they wer full of wrathe and cryed oute sayinge Greate is Dyana of the Ephesians As Paule was saylynge oute of Grece into Siria the Iewes layed wayte for him Act. 20. and he was counseled to retourne thorowe Macedonia And there accompanyed hym many brethren of dyuers and sondrye places When certayne Iewes of Assyria hadde seene Paule in the Temple they moued all the people and layed handes on hym cryinge Menne of Israel help And they toke Paul and drewe him out of the temple Act. 21. And as they went about to kil hym tydinges came vnto the hye capitayne that all Ierusalem was moued the whyche toke soudiers and ranne vnto them When they sawe hym and the soudyers they lefte smytynge of Paule Then the captayne toke Paule and commaunded him to be bounde with two chaynes As the Iewes cryed against Paul and caste of theyr clothes and threw duste into the ayer Act. 22. the capitayne commaunded hym to be broughte into the castell and bad that he shoulde be scourged and examyned that they myght knowe wherefore they cryed so on hym When the hye captaine had Paule in holde mo then fortye Iewes sayd vnto the hye priest We haue made a vowe that we wyll taste nor eate nothinge vntyll we haue slayne Paule Cause hym therefore to be broughte forthe For wee are readye or euer hee come near Act. 23. to kyll hym But the Capitayne beynge monyshed of thys by Paules systers sonne caused him wyth stronge hande and warelye to bee conueyed vnto Felyx the hye debitye Paule standinge before Felyx the Debity the Iewes accused him that he was a pestilente felowe and a seditious Ac. 24.25 and when he had oftentymes harde hym and the Iewes and that the tyme was sore spente and that Festus should succede him in Cesaria Act. 27.28 hee wyllynge to shewe the Iewes a pleasure lefte Paule bounde the whiche perceyuinge that Festus dyd hym wronge appealed vnto Cesar After this appeale he suffered shipwrack and at Rome was bound with chaynes and sufferd great anguyshe and tribulation Act. 14. Paul and Barnabas exhorted them to continue in the faythe affirminge that we must thorow muche tribulation enter into the kingdome of God 2. Corin. 1. The Apostle wrytinge of him selfe sayeth Brethren I woulde not haue you ignorant of oure trouble which happened vnto vs in Asia Where with we were greued out of mesure passinge strength so greatlye that it yrked vs to lyue When we were come into Macedonia our fleshe had no rest 2. Corin. 7. but we wer troubled on euery syde outward was fightinge inwarde was feare And the Apostle commendinge the Thessaloniās sayd Ye became folowers of vs 1. Thes. 1. and of our Lord receauinge the worde with much affliction with ioye of the holy ghost There was aboute a fytye yeares from the tyme of the cōminge of the holy ghost vnto the disciples Apo. 1.5 Per totum and the time that Domitian exyled Iohn the Apostle And yet we rede not that he hadde in all that tyme so many dyuine consolations as hee hadde in the lyttle tyme of his tribulation As it is euident in the fyrste of the Apocalipse ¶ Of the multitude of euyll menne Capi. Cxii WHen the floude was ther were saued onely but .viii. persons For all fleshe had corrupte hys waye vpon earth Gene. 6. The children of Israell were mo then the children of Isaac Gene. 25. and Abraham had mo chyldren by Agar then by Sara In the .v. cytyes of Sodome were not founde .x. iust persons Gen. 18.19 so there was a multitude of euyll menne and fewe good Amonge al Iosephs brethren there wer but two Gene. 37. Ruben and Iudas that labourd to saue him but yet the euyll preuailde Moses sente spyes to consyder and search the lande of promise Nume 13. but there were but two of them good Caleph and Iosue Sixe hundred thousand fyghtynge men were nombred Nume 1. of the which two only Caleph and Iosue dyd enter into the land of promise There were mo wyth Absolon going about to vsurpe his fathers kingdome 2. regu 15 then wyth Dauid that raigned wel and iustly The greater parte of the children of Israel was in the kingdom of Samaria 3. reg 12. for there were ten tribes and the worst sort of people and the least part in the kingdome of Ierusalem for there were but two tribes 3. regu 20. The nomber of the king of Siriās fighting men that fought against Israel was so great that the king said The dust of Samaria is not ynough for all the people that followe me to take euery man an handful There was so greate a nomber of fighting mē in Holofernes host Iudi. 2. that they couered the ground of the lande like the grashoppers All the inhabitours of Egipte and the wemen the which stode in a great multitude Iere. 44. did sacrifice to straunge Gods There abode no moe wyth Iudas Machabeus then 800. men 1. Mach. 9. but in Bachides and Alchinus the traitors host were 10000. men and two thousand horsmen Ther was at Ierusalem when our Lorde suffred a greate multitude of people Iohn 19. yet was there not a manne found that woulde manifestly wythstand our Lordes death so falslye and wickedly procured But euerye man cryed delyuer not Iesus but Barrabas Certaine Iewes the whych Paule found at Rome at hys fyrst comming thither Act. 28. said vnto him As concerning this sect of Christiās we knowe that euerye wher it is spoken against ¶ Of good men which lurked and were as vnknown among the euyll Cap. Cxiii ALthoughe it be wrytten that all flesh had corrupt his way vpon earth Gene. 6.7 yet our lord said vnto Noe the haue I sene righteous before mee in thys generation The iust man Lot did inhabyte among the Sodomites Gene. 13. Ioseph did lead a chast and a faithful life in Egipt Gene. 39. Our Lord appeared vnto Moses in the lande of Madian Exod. 3. when he kepte Ietros hys father in lawes sheepe in the desart Samuel euen amonge the wycked children of Hely 1. regu 2. was holy and innocent Helias iudged all that were vnder Achab and Iezabell to be Idolaters hym self excepted 3. regu 19. but our Lord saide vnto hym I shall leaue me 7000. of whiche neuer man bowed hys knees vnto Baall Roma 11. Tobias was of the tribe of Neptalim and vnder the kingdome of Samaria Tob. 1. in the whych al were estemed to be Idolaters and wyth diuers vyces infected And yet being in captiuity he forsoke not the way of truthe Wheras al in a māner worshipped proud Aman Esther 3. only
sheweth the cause why For I dwell amonge people that hathe vncleane lyppes also It was said vnto Ezechiel vnfaithfull and subuerters are wyth thee eze 2. and thou dost dwel amonge Scorpyons The wycked hurt one another for the two old men toke audacitye and boldnesse of thys to accuse Susanna Dani. 13. because they both agreed to one myschefe So longe as Iudas Machabeus fought for hys people 1. mach 8.9 trusting to the ayd and healpe of God al thyng prospered wyth hym but after that he made amitye and societye wyth the mooste puissaunt Romaines sone after hee was ouercumd and slaine in battail The like thing chanced to Ionathas Iudas brother 1. mach 12. Peter being with the disciples at the supper of oure Lorde was verye bolde and sure mat 26. but when he came to the hie priestes courte he at the voyce of a wenche denyed our Lorde The blynde manne that sat by the waye syde begginge Luc. 18. cryed vnto our Lorde Iesus And they that went before rebuked hym that hee shoulde holde hys peace He that was borne blynde whome oure Lorde restored vnto his syghte agayne Ihon. 9. was not counted amonge the faythfull of christ vntyll the Pharysees hadde thrust hym oute of the synagoge At tymes many euyll and wicked persons drawe to one euil society and felowshippe Nume 22. to hurte those that bee good So came Balaac and Balaam together to cursse the people of Israell Adonizedech king of Ierusalem and other foure kinges came together against the Gabaonites Iosu. 10. because they had made peace with Iosue Also Iabin the kinge of Asor and other .30 kinges came against Iosue and the chyldren of Israell Iosu. 11. And the fyue princes of the Philistines of Canane of Sydon and Euei Item Madian Amal●ch and other natiōs of the East And thus is that sayinge of Esay vnderstanded Siria rested vpon Ephraim that is the ten tribes Esa. 7. and the kinge of Siria agreed in one vtterlye to extirpate and destroye the king of Iuda Luc. 23 Agayne at the tyme of oure Lordes passyon Herode and Pilate were made frendes Panle doth commende the Philipians sayinge In the myddes of a croked and a peruerse natyon Philip. 2. amonge whome ye shyne as lyghtes in the worlde Act. 2. Peter the Apostle sayed vnto certayne Iewes which harde the worde of God Saue your selues from thys vntowarde generation Paulus Sergius the ruler desired to heare the worde of God But he had with hym one Elimas the sorcerer Act. 13. a pseude prophet a Iewe the which withstode Paule and Barnabas sekinge to turne the ruler away from the faith The men of Listria were of suche simplicity that they estemed Paule and Barnabas to be gods and come downe to the earthe in the likenes of menne And when Paule had euen skarsely apaysed them and had begonne to shewe thē the way of truth thether came certayne Iewes the whiche perswaded the people so that they stoned Paule and lefte him for dead When that our Lordes worde did stronglye encrease and growe in Ephesus and the god did many myracles there by Paule Act. 19. Demetrius whiche made siluer shrynes for Diana called together workemen of like occupation and moued a greate sedytion against Paule ¶ Of good prosperity Capitu. Cxxi THe aboundaunce of temporall thinges is oftentymes the occasion of muche synne as in that regyon and countrey the whiche was watered and lyke the garden of our Lord Gen. 13. and like the land of Egipt as thou cōmest vnto zoar the whiche the wicked Sodomites dyd inhabite When Gedeon was litle and threshed wheate Iudi. 6.8 hee was good and the Aungell of oure Lorde did visite him But after he had obtayned the victorye against the Madianites he mysbehaued hym selfe Saule or euer he was made kinge was good 1. regu 15. but after he toke vpon him to rule he waxed proude and brake oure Lordes commaundement After that Dauid had made greate war and had gotten many victoies of hys ennemies 2. regu 11. he remayninge in quietnes at Ierusalem cōmitted aduouterye and afterwardes ensued murther Dauid by the occasion of the multitude of his subiectes 2. regu 24. waxed proud and caused his people to be numbred But yet note how greuously he was punished In Salomons tyme siluer was of no valure 3. reg 10.11 For in Ierusalem syluer was as plenteous as stones But note how maruelus and how terrible a thinge it was that his abundaunce of thinges hurte him more then hys wisedome auayled him Or euer Ieroboam had dominion and rule ouer the .x. tribes 3 regu 12. we rede not that he was euyl but that he was a good yong man and a deligent but sone after he had obtayned the kyngdome he made golden calues and leaste hee shoulde bee tourned oute of hys domynion and rule hee auerted and tourned the people from GOD. Amasias the kynge of Iuda made warre against Edome 4. reg 14 Where vpon hys hart became proud and intended to fight against Ioas the kinge of Isell but he prosperd not When Roboams kingedome was fortified 2. Para. 11. and comforted he forsoke the lawe of oure Lorde and all Israell wyth hym When Osias the kinge of Iuda became myghtye 2. Para. 20. hys harte arose to his destruction for hee wente into the temple to burne incense vppon the aulter of incense Manasses kinge of Ierusalem was exceadynge euyll 2. Para. 33 But afterwardes being bounde in Babilon and in tribulation he prayde vnto oure Lorde and dyd exceadinge greate penaunce before our Lord. They dyd eat and were fylled and became fat 2. Esd. 9 and lyued in wealth thorow thy greate goodnes And prouoked thee to anger Wordly prosperity doth somtimes multiplye and muche encrease and bringe carnall frendes together Tobi. 2.11 the whiche aduersitye dothe auoyde and flye for Tobias kinsmen and frends after he had recouered his sight and was enriched came vnto him the whiche thinge is not redde that they dyd as longe as he was blynde and that hys wyfe went to the weauinge worke After that Nabuchodonozor hadde ouercomde Arphaxat the king of Medes his kingdome was exalted Iudith 1. and his hart was lyfte vp Although Aman was next vnto the mighty and puissaunt king Ahaswerus Esth. 3.5 and had great richesse children and frendes yet he was troubled and vexed that Mardocheus woulde not bow hys kne vnto him as though he had had nothyng Note the shortnesse of this prosperity As long as the plage of the lorde was ouer Iob althoughe certayne frendes came vnto hym yet they wer onerous and heauye comfortors nor it is not red that they gaue hym any thing But after the lorde had geuen Iob twise as much as he had before then came there vnto hym al his brethren and all that had bene of his acquaintance before Iob. 42. and dyd comforte him
depraued and manye aduersaries to bee stirred vp agaynste hym Ieroboam by our Lordes commandemente spoken and declared by the Prophet Esay 3. regum 1● was ordained made chefe ruler of ten tribes the whyche afterwardes yet induced the people malitiously to Idolatry ALyon slue the manne of God 3. regum 13. the whiche foretolde Hieroboam the destruction of the aultare nor he did not eate nor yet touch the carkase of the dead Notwithstandyng that Achab was a man mooste wycked iii. Reg. xxi and had harde say that he should be afflicted and punished for his trespasses yet he began outwardlye to repent and our Lorde deferd his paine and punishment 4. regum 1. This was verye terrible and fearful that Helias caused the ii captains and their l. men to be consumed deuoured vp with the Fire that came downe from heauen 4. regu 10. Iehu king of Israel with most feruent zele did so persecute the worshippers of Baall that oure Lorde dyd commend his doinges and yet he departed not frō Ieroboams Idolatry Kynge Manasses did many terrible and euil deedes in Ierusalem 2. Para. 33 afterwardes he was bound with chaines and caried to Babilon and doing penaunce he called vpon our Lord and was heard After that king Iosias had ledde a most holy life 1. Par. 35 he went forth to fighte against Necho the king of Egipt sayinge vnto him leaue of to meddle against god which is with me least he destroy thee but he harkned not vnto the words of Necho out of the mouth of god and his chance was but euyl for he being pearced and shot thorow with dartes and arrowes pearished and died Our Lord suffred the holy elect specially beloued city and his peculiare people the which he brought wōderfully by the desert out of Egipte into the lande of promise Tob. 13. to be ouer ●●nd and takē by the Chaldeans and Assirians And it semed that he lyttle estemed thē for it is wrytten O geue thankes vnto our Lorde ye children of Israell For amonge the heathen which know him not hathe he scattered you to thintente that ye shoulde shew forthe his maruelous workes and cause them to know that there is none other God but he Tobias after such holy and mercyful woorkes in whiche he was verye carefull and diligente Tob. 2 waxed blinde and his kinsfolkes and frendes offended therwith and not perceiuing the cause therof derided and laughed him to scorne It might be reputed thought very meruailous Iudi i. ii why the oure Lord suffred that wicked Holofernes to subdue so many realmes and kingdomes Also of Aman the whiche of all other was mooste proudest and mooste crueltest Esth. 3. and yet nexte vnto the king he was exalted aboue all other prynces Iob. 1. ● Iobes frendes wondred and were euen ashamed that they sawe hym so greuously afflicted and punished The deuine iustice doth punishe euel mē at somtimes by those that are worse then they them selues Esay 10 as he punished the chidlren of Israell and Iuda by Nabuchodonozor and the Cauldes As the prophet Osay wryteth wo be vnto Assur whiche is a rod of my wrath Romayn 13. Our Lorde dothe not sette princes and prelates vppon those onlye that are faithfull and good but vppon all people For there is no power but of God Ionas ●●● Our Lorde commaunded Ionas to preache There are yet xl daies and then shall Nin●ue bee ouerthrowen And yet our Lord knew that the Niniuites would do penaunce and that they shuld not be so punished Our Lorde suffred that Antiochus shuld make that venerable and reuerent temple prophane 1. macha 1. burne the holy citye and make greate slaughter of Innocentes In the daies and time of Antiochus Epiphanius 1. Macha 6 the which destroyed the Temple and made it Prophane did cruelly handle many of the Iewes and slue them It mighte apeare and seme to manye that the whole world was in a confusion and euil ordained and ruled But for all that our Lorde out of those euils could bring the punishmente of the wicked and the corruption of certain other And againe the vertue and merites of manye of those that were slaine were diuersly increased I pray those that heare this to consider howe that Iudas Machabeus Ionathas 1. Macha 9. 1. Mach. 10 and Simon hys brethren were men towardes God and menne most valiaunt and most faythful and yet they died but miserably For Iudas was slaine in battayle agaynste Bacchides Triphon slue Ionathan his two sōnes 1 Macha 16 Ptolomeus the sonne of one Sabolde slue proditoriously Simon and his two sonnes which were dronken It is to be wondred at 2. Mac. 6.7 that GOD when Eleazarus being so old a man and the vii brethren suffred such cruell tormentes for the law of God dyd shew no vengaunce ther against the tyrauntes Math. 2. Our Lorde beynge yet but a child would be conueyed from the presence and face of Herode and suffred the Innocentes to be slaine in hys place But in that he prouided well for the infantes for they shoulde neuer haue had so much profite if herode had indeuerd him self to haue honoured thē as they had by that that he commaūded them to be slaine Our Lord when he hard the faith of the Centurion he maruailed and saide to them that followed him math 8. Many shal come from the East and west and shall reast with Abraham and Isaac and Iacob in the kyngdome of heauen but the Chyldren of thys kingdome shall be caste oute into vtter darcknesse A certaine Scribe offred hym selfe to followe oure Lorde math 8. and was not admitted Luke 9. He inuited an nother to followe hym the whyche semed not to bee willynge For he sayde Suffer me fyrste to goe and burye my father Our Lord did miracles in Chorasin and Bethsaida Math. 11 where they profited but litle But he did none in Tire or Sidon where if he had done them they shuld haue ben profitable haue done much good God suffred Ihon Baptist thexample of all holinesse to be beheaded of Herode the moste vilest aduouterer mar 6. But it encreaseth the astonishmente of man for as much as it was done at the instance of an harlot nor we read not in the gospel that there insued any variaunce neither against the dāsel nor against the aduoutrer nor yet against Herode the Tetrarche In our Lordes passion God as cōcernynge the redemption of mākind fulfilled his most benigne will by the moste celerate and wicked iniquity of men Actes 3 For scripture saith God whych before had shewed by the mouthe of all hys Prophettes how that Christe shoulde suffer hathe thus wyse fulfilled Ihon. 18. Peter the Prince of the Apostles and heade of the Churche denied his master thryse Christe sufferinge the same Ihon. 11. Thomas the whiche saide so confedently Let vs go that we
he shuld not prease into the commō hal Wher also appeareth the wysdome of the Scribe that pacified the people being so moued and how he sent euery mā to his owne house And when the Tribune had commaunded that Paule shuld be bea●en and scourged Act. 22. Paule saide vnto the Centurion that stode by hym Is it lawful for you to scourge a Romain and vncondempned Then they whiche should haue punished and examyned him departed from him When Paul purposed to sayl out of Greece into Syria Act. 20. and hearde saye that the Iewes laid wait for hym● he wisely returned through Macedonia nor refused not the companye of hys brethren which wer of diuers cities Paule vnderstanding that th one part was Pharises He cryed oute I am a Pharisey And certayne of the Phariseis stode vp and foughte for hym Act. 23. And after when hee harde saye that some of the Iewes had made a vowe not to taste nor eate nothynge vntil they had slaine him he caused the to be shewed to the Tribune that which sent him with armed men to Felix the ruler of Syria When Festus the president would haue sente Paule at the instaunce of the Iewes to Ierusalem He wiselye perceiuing their malice Act. 25. appealed to Cesar. ¶ Of deceit and subtlety Capi. liiii Gen. 3. IT is manifest that the deuel in the forme of a Serpent was the fyrst master of al craftines lies and deceitfulnesse the which beynge more subtyll then all other beastes deceyued the fyrst woman he would not borde the fyrste man because he knewe that he had more discreatyon then the woman Laban Iacobs father in law went very oftētimes about to deceiue him Gen. 29.30 now in his wife now in his wages But our Lord in the fraud and guyle of those that wold haue circumuēted him was with him and aided hym Whē Laban searched Iacobs houshold stuffe Gen. 31. and cam to search Rachels tent she craftely deluded his carefull searching Iacobs sonnes being as it wer in a madnesse fury for the inforcemente rape of their syster Dina Gen. 34. counsaild Sychem the people and inhabytors of the Citye to be circumcised where by they sodenly rushed in vpon them and easely slue them Iacobs Chyldren woulde haue deceiued their father Gen. 37. when they dipped Iosephes coate in the blud of a Gote and sente that shoulde say vnto him we haue found this see whether it be thy sonnes coate or no. Pharo the king of Egipte bethought him of diuers craftes and subtleties Exo. 1.5 vtterly to extirpate the children of Israel and destroy them in Egypte and by no meanes suffer them to depart the country Pharaos wise men and enchaunters did by their sorcery Exo. 7. as touchyng the fyrste two signes euen as Moses dyd Chore and his felowes spake maliciously when they stode against Moses and Aaron Nume 16. saying Ye make muche to do It is sufficiente for vs that all the multitude are holy euery one of them and our Lord is among thē Whye heaue ye your selues vp aboue the congregation of our Lord Balaach king of the Moabites perceiuinge that he coulde not ouercome the children of Israel by fortitude and strength Nume 23. wold haue ouerthrown thē with Balaams cursse The Gabaonites hearynge what Iosua had done at Iericho and Hai Iosu. 9. thought craftely how they might do that they shoulde not be vtterlye destroyed The Philistines toke good hede that ther shuld no smith be found thorow out all the land of Israell least haply the Hebrues shuld make thē swerdes or Speares 1. regu 13. Saule disdaining the prosperity of Dauid 1. regu 18. spake of his daughter Michol whome Dauid desired to haue I wyl geue her vnto him that it maye be to hys rebuke and shame and that the hand of the Philistines may be vpon hym Wherfore Saule said vnto Dauid thou shalt this daye be my sonne in law in two thynges Dauid by greate subtletye woulde haue cloked his iniquyty 2. regn 11. when he sēt for Urias to the entent he should go and slepe wyth Bersabe hys wyfe Ionadab Semnas sonne taughte Ammon the sonne of Dauid a wicked deceytfulnesse or subteltye 2. regu 13 when hee said vnto hym lay thee downe on thy bed and make thy selfe sycke For so thou maiste haue Thamar Absolons syster alone the which tempted him When Absolon was purposed to reuenge the iniurye done to his sister Thamar 2. regu 13. whom Ammon her brother had forced he made a great banket inuited hys brother and euen when he was meary with wine and banketing he caused him to be slaine Absolon ambitiously couetinge hys fathers kingdome 2. regu 15. began malitiously to flatter and dispraising his fathers factes and dedes bosted and said that he would do good iustice Ieroboam thoughte in hys hearte 3. regu 12. nowe shall the kingdome retourne to the house of Dauid if thys people go vp and do sacrifice in the house of our Lord at Ierusalem wher vppon the kynge tooke counsell and made two calues of gold 3. Re. 20. Achab the kynge of Israell sayde certayne generall wordes to the messengers of Benadab the kyng of Siria offeringe vnto him mooste lyberallye both hys men and hys goodes By the whych he descending to more specyall thinges would haue burdened him very sore Sedechias the sonne of Chanaam Baals prophet made him self hornes of Iron as thoughe he hadde bene a true Prophet saying vnto kynge Achab Thus saithe oure Lorde 3. re 22. with these hornes shalt thou push the Syrians At lengthe he deceiued hym caused him to go to battail Gehezi runnynge after Naaman did coloure his peticion verye craftelye and subtellye 4. re 5. sayinge my master hath sent me and saithe Se. there be come to me two younge men geue them one Talent of syluer and two chaunge of garmentes Iezabel that mischeuous woman vsed a very cruel deceitfulnes and gile to obtaine Nabothes bineyarde for her husband 3. re 21. Athalia the mother of Echozia king of Iuda saw that her sonne was dead she destroyed al the kinges seede 4. re 11. and raigned vi yeare Rapsaces Sennacherib king of Assirians messenger spake with a loude voyce 4. re 18. that the people whyche were vpon the wal might here and feare Whilst Abia the kyng of Iuda dyd comforte hys hooste and rebuked his aduersaryes Ieroboam the kynge of Israel went about to lay deceites and to conuey men priuelye behynde hym 2. Para. 13. And when his enemies stode euen before him he compased the Iewes not taking hede therof bothe behinde and before wyth hys host The chyldrē of Israels neighbors the whiche were retourned from the captiuity of Babilon 1. Esd. 3.4 inuented many guiles and deceites 2. Esd. 4.5 to let them from the edification and buyldynge of the temple and wall of Ierusalem Esth. 3.
heary clothes withall theyr hartes cried vnto oure Lorde that he would viset hys people And in the prayse of Iudyth it is wryttē that she ware a smock of heer and fasted all the dayes of her life except the Sabothes Iudith 8. and new mones and the solempne dayes of the house of Israell Notwithstanding that Iob was a simple Iob. 1.42 a true and a iust man such one as feared God and eschued euyll yet he sayeth I do penaunce in duste and ashes The captiuity of Ierusalem beyng at hand Esaias said Esa. 22 Our Lord God cald men in that day to wepynge and mourning to bauldnesse and gyrding about wyth sackcloth The Niniuites at Ionas preching beleued GOD Ionas 3 and Proclaimed fastynge and arayd them selues in sack cloth as well the greate as the small of them Timotheus host drawynge neare Machabeus and they that were wyth hym 2. mach 10. prayed vnto our Lord sprinkled ashes vpon their heds beinge gyrded with heary cloth about theyr loynes fel downe before the aultare and besought our Lord that he woulde bee mercifull to them and an ennemye to theyr ennemyes Ihon the Baptist was sanctified or euer he came out of his mothers wōb math 11. and nourished with his holy parents and fled into the desart wh●re he led so austere and so hard a life that as it is sayd he nother dyd eat nor drinke ye and adde thys to that he was not clothed for Camels heere is no mete garment for man How gladly our Lord receiued the sinneful to penaunce math 4. it appeareth by this Lu. 5. Lu. 7 that he began hys preaching with penaunce Also he saith that he came for that math 9. math 26 And declared the same by hys workes and by the example of Mary And of zacheus Lu. 15 Luk. xix And by the example of Peter And by diuers symylytudes the whyche hee wrote of the Sheape that was loste in the desarte And of the groate that the woman loste in her house And of the Prodygall chylde whome the Father thoughte was deade and after reuyued Mary Magdalen the example patrone of penance came vnto our lord vncommaunded Lu. vii nor was not ashamed of those that were at table wyth hym she stode at hys fete behind him weping And to brynge menne to penaunce he put an example of certain vppon whome fel the tour in Siloe and slue them Lu. xiii And then he saith Except ye repent yee shall al likewise perysh And as touchynge the example of the sheape that pearyshed and the grote that the woman lost and afterwardes was found Our Lord dothe say Lu. xv that there is in heauen more ioye ouer one synner that repenteth and doth penaunce then ouer ninety and nyne iust persones whyche neade no penaunce Oure lorde gaue vnto the woman that was taken in aduoutry Ihon. viii a lyttle and a short penaunce saying Go and synne no more Iudas seynge that oure lorde was condempned Math. xxvii repented hym self and brought againe the xxx plates of syluer saying I haue synned betraying the innocent bloud Truely he sayde the truth but inasmuch as he dispeared he deserued no forgeuenesse Peter denying his master in the hie preastes courte dyd synne Math. 26. but when hee was willynge to wepe and to do penaunce Luke 22. he went oute And note that Luke dothe ad to this that our lorde turned backe and loked vppon Peter Certaine Iewes which were compuncte and prycked in theire hartes Act. 2. sayed ye menne and brethren what shall we do Peter sayed vnto them Do penaunce and be baptised euery one of you When they hearde Peters reasons wherefore he came to Cornelius Act. 11. and that he hadde baptised hym the brethren helde they re peace and gloryfied god sayinge Then hath God also to the gentyles graūted repentaūce and penaunce to life ¶ Of the honoure due vnto our parentes Capitu. lxii Sem and Iaphet deserued theyr fathers blessinge Gen. 9. in asmuche as they dyd theyr dewtye vnto hym beynge bare But his sonne Cain was cursed because he deryded the nakednesse of his father The fathers blessinge was a thing of greate estimation amonge oure elders Gen. 27. As it appeareth in Iacob and Esau for they carefully soughte for the same Although Esau was a wicked man reproued of god and hatinge his brother Iacob Gen. 27. yet hee woulde not kyll him duringe the lyfe of his father Isaac For he sayed The dayes of my fathers sorowe will come In that he honoured his father beinge a frayde to offende him Iudas bounde him selfe to a greate paine Gen. 42.43 When he saied to his father If I bringe not Beniamin againe and deliuer him vnto the. Then lette me beare the blame for euer And yt is to be noted that whē Ruben said slaye my two sōnes if I bring him not to the again that he agreed not vnto him But yet he agreed vnto Iudas sayinge the other forsayde wordes The selfe same Iudas desiring Ioseph to sende Beniamin again to his father amonge other things he repeted the forsaide wordes by the whiche he bounde him selfe to his father Gen. 44. And saied more ouer I cānot go vp to my father if the childe be absent onelesse I would se and be a witnes of the calamite wretchednes that shall come on and oppresse my father Iacob blessinge his chyldren spake thus against Ruben Gen. 4● Thou art caste out vnstable as water Thou shalt not growe and be cheafeste because thou wentest vp to thy fathers bedde and dydest defile it Our lorde commaunded by Moses that if a man haue a son that is stubburn and disobedient Deut. 21. that the people of the citye shoulde stone him to death Our lord recompenst the euell that Abimilech did vnto his father in sleynge his .lxx. brethren Iudi. 9. The childrē of Hely wold not heare theyr father rebukinge corr●tynge them 1. Reg. 2.4 and therefore they felt the Uegeaunce and punishment of god Because that Ionathas tasted a litle honye against his fathers inhibition 1. Regu 14 his father iudged him to death but yet the people deliuered him that he dyed not Dauid fl●ing from the presence and face of Saule beinge in great necessite remembred his parentes 1 Regu 22. and diligentlye commended them to king Moab Absolon labored to expel his father Dauid oute of his kingdome 2. regu 15 but yet his chaunce was not good Salomon rose to mete hys mother comming vnto him and bowed him selfe vnto her 3. regum 2. And there was a seate set for the kinges mother Two of Sennacheribs sonnes slew hym 4. regu 19. and yet nether of them raigned after him Olde Tobias instructing his sōne amonge other things he saied Tobi. 4. When God taketh awaye my soule burye thou my bodye and holde thy mother in honoure all the dayes
his lorde vnto Dauid 2. re 16 his euell wordes wer sone beleued As the chyldren of Israell whiche were retourned from Babilon were buyldinge of the temple i. Esd 4 their enemies sente a wicked and an vntrue epistle to king Artaxarses to cause him to let and to hynder the buyldinge When that Sara Raguels daughter reproued one of her maydens for her faute Tob. 3 she answered her sayinge God let vs neuer se son nor daughter of the more vpon earth then kyller of thy husbandes By the onely occasion of Mardocheus that would not worship nor bowe to proude Aman he informed the kinge Ahasuerus that the Iewes condemned his cōmaundemēt Esth. 2 and that they sowed discorde and debate throwoute all his kingdome And vpō reporte the wer condemned all to dye but yet the diuine mercy prouided for theyr deliueraunce Because that Ieremy preached that the Caldes should take the city of Ierusalem Iere. 38. The princes and rulers of the people saied vnto kinge Sedechias This mā laboureth nor seketh not for peace of the people but for mischefe The Caldes came and accused the Dani. 3 Iewes saiyng vnto Nabuchodonosor the king that Daniels felowes did not worship his gods and that they were transgressors breakers of the kings decrees and lawes The princes and lordes of Darius the king of Persia Dani. 6 enuyinge and beringe hatred to Daniel accused him to the king that he prayed and worshipped another god thē king Darius These two olde prestes went about filthely to defame Susan Dani. 13 but yet god by an abstinent and a chast childe did wonderfully deliuer her Alchimus which would haue bene the hie preast and certayne other saied vnto kinge Demetrius i. mach 7 Iudas and his brethrē haue destroyed thy frends haue scatered vs out of our coūtrey There came together against Ionathas certaine pestilent and wicked men of Israel i. mach 10 to prouoke king Alexander against him But the kinge regarded them not Simon of the tribe of Beniamin a ruler of the tēple 2. mach 3 came to Appolonius and tolde him that the treasury was full of innumerable money This Symon of whome we spake before 2. mach 4 reported and spake the worste of Onias the prouisor of the citye And was bolde nothyng ashamed to call hym an enemy of the realme whi●he was so faithfull a defender of his people and so feruent in the lawe of god 2. Mach. 24 Alchimus comminge to kinge Demetrius amōge al other things saied As longe as Iudas lyueth it is not posible for men to be in quiet mat 9. When the pharises sawe that oure lorde sat at meate in Mathews house the saied vnto his disciples why eateth your master with Pubblicās sinners Lu. 19 The like chaunced be zacheus For thei murmurd that he was gone in to tarye with a man that is a synner math 11. And of Iohn the baptist that was a greate faster they saied He hath the deuell And of our lorde Iesu that did eate with sinners they sayed Behold a glutton an vnmeasurable drincker of wyne a frende vnto Pubblicans and sinners After that the pharises had sene the miracle of him that was borne blind Iohn 9 and how that he was restored to hys sight by our lorde Iesus thei bacbited oure lorde saiynge we knowe that this man is a sinner and they curssed the man saied Be thou his disciple The Scribes and pharises bacbited oure lorde callinge hym a Samaritane a demoniach A blasphemer a sinner a glutton a drunckard a liar and one that forbad to paye tribute to Cesar a subuerter of the people A seductor the which all may be had and found in diuers places of the gospell The Iewes beinge-vnable to resist the wisedome of Steuen Act. 6 and the spirite that spake by him brought into the counsel two false witnesses saiyng This man ceaseth not to speake blasphemus words against this holy place and lawes Certain men beinge in sorow that they hadde loste theyr gayne Act. 16 because that Paule had caste oute of a mayde of theyrs a sprete that prophesyed sayed vnto the magistrates These mē trouble our city through their euel wordes the people ran against them and theyr clothes beinge rent they wer commaunded to be beaten wyth rods and to be cast into prison When Gallio the proconsull was ruler of the coūtry of Acaia the Iewes made an insurrectiō with one accord againste Paule Act. 18 and broughte him to the iudgement seat saying This fellow doth counsel men to worship god contrary to the law At Ephesus when diuers waxed hard hearted Act. 19 beleued not but spake euel of the way of oure Lorde that before the multitude Paule departing frō thence separated the disciples When certain Iewes which were of Asia Act. 21 saw Paul in the temple they cried o ye men of Israel helpe This is the man that teacheth all men euerye wher against the people and the law Furthermore he hathe broughte the gentiles into the temple and hathe polluted this holy place Act. 24 The orator Tertullius propunded for the Iewes before Felix the deb●ty agaynste Paule saiynge We haue founde this pestilent felow mouinge sedition debate vnto all the Iewes in the whole worlde and a maintayner of sedition of the secte of the Nazarites whiche hath also enforced to pollute the temple Paule disputinge at Athens Act. 17 certayue philosophers of the Epicures and of the Stoyckes saied what will this babler saye Other sayed he semeth to be a tydinges bringer of new deuels When the straungers sawe the viper hange on Pauls hand Act. 28 thei saied no doubte this man is a murtherer Whome thought he haue escayed the see c. But shortely after the chaunged their opinion ¶ Of Liberalite mercye and largenes Capi. lxxii REbecca Batuels daughter did most liberally answer Abrahams seruant Gen. 24 saying Drinck my lorde Exo. 2. Moses did very liberallye when he defended Iethroes daughters frō the shepheardes that woulde not suffer them to water theyr shepe When Moses hard that Iethro his father in law was comming to hym Exo. 18 he went out to mete him and did diuersly honor him The children of Israel wyth moste prompe and deuout minds did geue to the worke of the tabernacle Exo. 36 the holy vestments al thing that was necessary And the artificers wer enforced to say vnto Moses The people bring to much and more then inough Moses desired of kinge Edom saying we pray thee that it may be lawfull for vs to go thorow thy land Nume 21 we will not tourne in to the fieldes nor vineyardes neyther drinke of the waters of the wels c. Gedeō desired bread of the lords of Sochot Phanuel for his cōpanions an men that wer weary Iudi. 8. but they wold geue him none the which thing was
afterwardes to their pain Nabal vsed hī self vnliberally towardes Dauid that desired him to geue hym somwhat 1. re 15. After that Dauid had obtained the victorye of the Amelechites 1. reg 30 he sente giftes and part of the praye vnto the elders of Iuda and to hys frendes neighbors sayinge see here is a blessyng for you Dauid commaunded that Mephibo seth should eat bread alway vpon his table 2. re 9. And he gaue him all that pertained to Saule Soby Machir and Berzillai dyd profer vnto Dauid flyinge from the face and presence of Absolon 2. re 17 manye necessarye thinges for his hoaste as wheat barly and flour This Berzillai did aid Dauid whē he fled from his sonne Absolon 2. re 19 And after that Dauid hadde obtained and won the victory he retained Chymeam his sonne as one of his family The Quene of Saba gaue Salomō manye thinges 3. re 10 And Salomon gaue her according to her desire what so euer she asked besides that he gaue her of a fre wil with his owne hand Certaine good men of Israell clothed the naked prisonners 2. Para. 28 and set all that were feble vpon horses brought them to their brethren King Cyrus brought forth the vessel of the temple of our Lord 1. Esd. 1. whych Nabuchodonozor had taken and sent them again to Ierusalem al the vessels of gold siluer were 5000. and 400. The children of Iuda returnynge from Babilon 1. Esd. 2 offred willingly to the building of the house of God gaue gold after their hability King Darius commaunded that the house of God should be builded in Ierusalem 1. Esd● 6 that the charges should be taken oute of the kinges cofers Although ther were some enuious persons that by theyr letters laboured to let and hinder the worke 1. Esd. 7 King Artaxerzes gaue a glorious a liberal epistle to Esdras the priest that came to Ierusalem to cōfort the Iewes 2. esd. 2. King Artaxerzes vsed him self liberallye to Nehemias comminge into Iewry and gaue him euen suche letters as he required Nehemias was a very liberall Legate the which did not greue the people with vitall exactions 2. esd. 5. he dyd much good to those that he was sēt vnto Tobias did study how to deuide all that euer he had among his brethren that wer prisoners Tob. i. and of his kin he fed the hungry and clothed the naked Raguel deliuered to yong Tobias with his daughter the half of all hys substaunce Tob. 10 Tobias the yonger was very kind vnto Raphael Tob. 12 whom he toke to be a man and well acknowledged the benifites that he had done vnto hym where vpon bothe he and hys father did offer him most liberally the moity of al theyr goodes Kinge Ahaswerus commaunded a greate feast to bee made for Esthers mariage Est. 2. caused the landes to be in quietnesse and gaue giftes as it became the royalty of a king Whē king Ahasuerus saw Quene Esther Esth. 5 he safd vnto her what wilt thou Esther what is thy pe●icion if it bee euen the halfe of my kingdome thou shalt haue it Esth. 6 King Ahasuerus enquired what honour or rewarde Mardocheus had gotten for the fidelity that he had shewd vnto him And when he vnderstode that he was vnrewarded hee caused hym magnificently to be honoured Iobs sonnes made bankets eche of them on the daye that he made hys feast Iob. 2 sent for theyr sisters to eate and to drinke with them Blessed Iob doth declare that he was merciful to the poore Iob. 29.31 saying I comforted the widowes harte and I was a father vnto the pore Again he saithe If I haue eaten my meat alone For mercye hathe growne wyth me euen from my childhode The chefe captain of Babilon gaue Ieremy meat Iere 40 and rewardes and let him go whether so euer he wold promising him great humanity kindenesse if he wold go with him to Babilon and yet he gaue him free leaue and licence to cary Seleucus the kinge of Asia in the time of Onias the hie priest ● mach 2 payed al the charges pertaininge to the minysterye of the Sacrifices of his owne rentes and heritage The wise men opening their treasures not their litle purses with half pence Math. 2 offred vnto a pore Lord gold frankensence and mirrhe Our Lord is a liberall and a large rewarder math 19 the which to those that leaue these temporal goodes for hys cause dothe geue an hunderfolde in thys worlde and life euerlastynge in the world that is to come It came of a benigne and a gentle liberality that our Lord defended the disciples math 12 whiche vppon the Saboth day did plucke the eares of corne Lu. 6 and chafed them with theyr hands to eat against those wicked Pharises And also of the Publicanes synners that came to heare him Lu. 15.19 And of zacheus math 26 And there is an ensample of Mary Mar. 14 that kissed oure Lordes feete And of Iudas for the which signe of gentlenesse the vnhappye and wycked manne oughte to haue the soner repented The people folowed our Lord on fote into the desert and left the cities and when the euen drue on Mat. 14 his disciples said vnto him Let the people depart that they may go and bye them vitailes But hee as a liberall Lorde master answered geue ye thē to eat Zacheus in distrybuty●ge of hys goodes Lu. 19 and makynge of restitucyon was verye large and liberall Thus hee sayde vnto oure Lorde Beholde Lorde the halfe of my goodes I geue to the poore and if I haue done anye mā wrong I restore hym four fold The gift of the pore wydow which cast two mi●es into the treasurye Lu. 21 is preferd of our Lord aboue the giftes of the rich Our Lord was very bountiful and liberal to the thefe that hanged asked sayinge Lu. 23 Lorde remember me when thou commest into thy kingdome And Iesus saite vnto him verelye I saye vnto thee to daye shalt thou bee wyth me in paradise Our lord vouchsaued to shewe hys benignitye and liberalitye Iohn 2 when that he beyng called to the pore maryage went thether and ther turned water into wyne to chere the poore that were there at dyner The great liberality of God apeareth in the parable of the vngratious seruant math 18. vnto whom our lord saide I forgaue the all the debt because thou desyredst me Ioses whose syr name was Barnabas had land sold it Act. 4 broughte the price and laid it downe at the Apostles fete When the disciples that wer at Antioch hard say that ther shuld be great dearth throughout al the world Act. 11 thei purposed to send socour vnto the brethrē which wer in Iewry The which thing thei also did and sent it to
the elders by the hands of Barnabas and Saul A certain woman named Lidia a seller of purple Act. xvi beinge baptised by Paules predication prayed Paul very deuoutly and liberallye and compeld him and his felowes to remaine and abide in her house When Paul and his companions were scaped in the wynter out of the brokē ship the barbarous straunge people shewed them no litle kindnes for they kindled a fire Act. 28 and refreshed euery one of them because of the present rain and cold Publius the prince of the Islande called Mytilene Act. 28 vnto the which Paul and his felowes after the tempest arriued receiued vs and lodged vs thre daies curteously whose father Paule dyd heale of a feuer and of a bloudye flixe It appeareth that Paule was very liberall to the pore whose busynesses he so diligently procured 1. Corin. 16 as it is manifest in the gathering for the poore 2. Corin. 9 the which he caused to be done moste carefully And he saithe if it be mete that I go also they shal go with me And he which soweth litle shall repe litle And he that soweth largely and frely shal reape plenteously There was in Paule an ensample of a wonderfull liberality and gratitude the whyche wrote so affectuous letters for one Onesimus a fugitiue seruaunt of Philemons as it is euident in his epistle to philemō If thou counte me a felowe saithe Paul receiue him as my selfe Capi. 1. If he haue done the any hurte or oweth the o●ghte that laye to my charge ¶ Of Couetiousnes Capitu. lxxiii IN that that Cain slewe his brother Gen. 4. because he sawe his brothers goodes increase may be noted greate auarice and a greate desyre of money We reade that Cain was the fyrste that builte any citye Gen. 4. and not Abel For good holy menne haue heare no contynuynge citye Heb. 13. but they seke one to come Because of the greate substaunce that Abraham and Lot had thei could not inhabite and dwell together Gen. 13● And theyr herdsmen began to striue one with a nother The abundaunce of tēporal goods Gen. 13. is oftentymes the occasion of greate sinne as it is enident by the Sodomites whyche were of all other synners the wurst After that Isaac grew to be ryche his shepeherdes and his neghboures began to braule and chyde Gen. 26. Iudges and prelates ought to hate auaryce more then any other vice Exo. 18. And therefore Iethro spake notablye of Iudges Thou shalt seke out those that hate couetousnes There are fewe preastes in these daies that forbid or let the superfluite of oblations Exo. 36. as thei did that were rulers ouer the workes of the tabernacle Balaacs messengers wente vnto Balaam hauinge money and rewardes in their handes Nume 22. and so he was corrupted with couetousnes The tribe of Ruben and Ead. And halfe the tribe of Menasses Nume 32. because thei hadde greate substance of cattail woulde not goo ouer Iordane But were contente for their portion to inhabite and dwell in the countrei apte and meate to f●de and bring vp their cattayle Achior seduced by couetousnes toke of the excomunicate thinges of I●richo But for that lucre and gayne Iosu. 7. he had and sufferd greate losse and dammage Dalida for money that was promised her of the philistians Iudi. 16. delyuered Samson her husband vnto them It is written of Samuels sonnes that they tourned a syde after lucre 1. regu 8. and toke rewardes and peruerted the righte Couetousnes semeth to be the chefest cause or occasion that Saule was reproued for 1. regu 15. I mene the cupidite that he hadde to Amalechs pray For Samuel sayed vnto him wherfore haste thou not harkened vnto the voyce of our lorde but hast turned to the pray and haste done that is wicked In the sight of oure lorde Nabel was to strayte laced against Dauid demaunding somwhat of him Whervpon 1. regu 25. but for Abigail his wifes sake he had welnye lost both his substance and him selfe to Semei against the kinges prohibition and commaundement went oute of Ierusalem to seeke his seruauntes that were runne their wayes 3● regu 2. And for that Salomon caused hym to be slayne Nabothes vyneyarde the whiche Achab desyred 3 regu 21. was the occasion that two false wytnesses were broughte forthe against him and that he was commaunded to be stoned Forasmuche as Gihezi tooke that thing of Naaman that Eliseus refused 4. regu 5. he was striken with Leprosy In Nehemias time there were certayne of the noble men and rulers so oppressed with v●ury 2. Esd. 5. that the were wyllyng to sell their sonnes daughters vnto bondage but Nehemias did muche rebuke them After that Nabuchodonozor had gotten the victory of Arpharat the kyng of Medes Iudi. 1. by and by he occupied and subdued all other kyngdomes Iudas Machabeus saied vnto hys people companions 1. Mach. 4. be not gredy of the spoyles we haue yet a battaile to fight for Gorgias his hoste is heare by vs in the mountaynes Ptolomi the kyng of Aegipt slaundren Alexander his sonne in lawe 1. Mach. 11. because he would haue had his realme And yet Alexander had honorably receiued him Simon of the tribe of Beniamin styrde Appolonius and kyng Antiochus against Onias the holye cytie 2. Mach. 3. sayinge that the treasury was full of innumerable money Menelaus through the money that he promised Antiochus obtayned the hie prichode 2. Mach. 4. And at length by menes of the golden vessell that he stale oute of the Temple the whiche he gaue Andronicus he caused Onias to bee slayne And beynge acoused to Ptolomi he corrupted hym with money and caused hym to geue sentence of death agaynst his accusers And the selfe Menelaus throughe the couetousnes of them that were in powre remayned styll in aucthoritie increasynge in malyce to the greate hurte of the cytezins When that certaine Iewes at Machabeus ● Mach. 10. commaundement had besieged two towers in the whyche theyr enemies were 2. Mach. 10 certayne straungers intreated for money let some of them escape the whiche Machabeus caused to be slayne as traitours and sellers of theyr brethren After that the warre against Gorgias was ended Iudas Machabeus and his company came 2. Mach. 12 to burye the bodies of them that were slayne Under the cotes of certayne Iewes that were slayne they founde money and Iewels of ydols whiche thinge was forbidden the Iewes by the law And therefore menne beleued it to be the cause that they were slayne The yonge manne that inquired of oure lorde how he myghte haue eternall life Mar. 19. hadde greate and ryche possessions and therefore when he harde the counsell of perfection he went a waye so●ye The preastes wyllinge and desyrynge that the people shoulde oftentimes offer mat 21.23 did suffer that suche thinges as mighte
did manfullye when he slew two kinges and Ochozias brethren the children of Achab and when hee kylde a greate multitude of Baals Prophets Ioiada with great strennuitye and force pluckt the kingdom of Iuda out of the handes of Athalia 4. regu 11. and crowned the kinges litle sonne of the kynred of Dauid Ioab the sonne of Seruia was the prince and head captain of the hoste 1. Para. 11 because that he before all other smote the Iebusites that dwelt in the citye of Ierusalem and so dyd Dauid appoynt it Nehemias said vnto the noble men and iudges Let vs aryse and buyld and theyr handes were strengthed to good 2. Esd. 2. The children of transmigratiō dyd build the wall of Ierusalem round about 2. Esd. 4 and wyth one hand dyd euerye one worke and wyth the other helde his weapon The ennemies of the chyldren of transmigration did diuers maner of waies put them in feare 2. Esd. 6 thinckynge that there by they woulde cease from theyr woorke But Nehemias sayde That therfore he strengthed his handes the more When the chyldren of Israel hearde of Holofernes myghte and power Iudith 4 they prepared most diligentlye to resist him for they tooke in and occupied all the toppes of the mountains and walde theyr Townes and prepared Corne for them agaynste the battayle Iudith 13 Iudith had in her self a meruelous strenuity corage when she went to Holofernes and slue him in his tent Daniels companions saide to Nabuchodonozor the kinge of Babylon Dani. 3 our God is able to keepe vs from the hote burninge ouen And if he wyll not yet shalt thou knowe O kynge that we wyll not serue nor worshyp thy Gods Dani. 6 Daniel left not of for all the kings decre to pray vnto his God 1. mach 2 Mathathias and his children had a wonderful fortitude and strēgth that so withstode kyng Antiochus so oft preuailed against him Iudas Machabeus with good hope and very manfully and boldly passed ouer the riuer to his ennemyes 1. macha 5 the which had pitched their tents beyond the water Eleazar the sonne of Saura ranne boldly and with a courage to an Elephant 1. mach 6 and gat vnder him and slue him then fel the Elephant down vpon him and there he died Eleazarus saide vnto the tormentors If I die manfully and as it becommeth mine age 1. mach ● I may parauenture leaue an example of stedfastnes for such as be yonge if I with a ready minde and manfullye die an honest death for the moste worthye and holy lawes● Machabeus and thei that wer with him went promptly and willingly to battaile againste Lysias hauinge an helping from heauen 2. mach 11. and our Lorde was mercifull vnto them They fell mightely vpō their enemies like Lyons they brought down xi M. fotemē xvi C. horsmen and put all other to flight many of them being wounded and some got away naked And wyth greate power gaue the Act. 4. Apostles wytnesse of the resurrection of our Lord Iesu Christe and greate grace was in them all Steuen ful of grace and power did great wonders and miracles among the people Act. 6 His fortitude dyd mooste appeare in that that moste constantly he resisted the Iewes and toke hys most cruel death most pacientlye Fortitude as Cicero doth say is a preconsiderate susception and taking vpon of pearils and daungers And a sufferaunce or bearinge of laboures And in that it is verye euydent that Paule was Christes moste strongest Apostle and souldioure the whyche for Christes sake sustained so greate pearils and dangers Capi. 11 as it appeareth in th● Actes of the Apostles Capi. 11 he doth recite and nomber them in the secōde to the Corinthians ¶ Of Confydence and magnanimity Ca. lxxviii Exo. 5 MOses stode often before Pharao and constantly reproued hym Nathan the Prophet constantlye and yet reuerentely dyd reproue Dauid after he hadde committed aduoutrye and murther 2. regu 11. Helias sayde to Achab. It is not I that haue troubled the house of Israel 3. regu 18. but thou and thy fathers house in that ye haue forsaken the commaūdementes of our lorde And after that he caused CCCC prophetes to be slayne Item he sayde to Ochozias the kynge of Israel 4. regu 1. Thou shalt not come down of the bed on which thou art gone vp but shalt dye the death Achab the kinge of Israel sayd vnto Helias 3. regu 21. hast thou founde me thine enemye he answered I haue founde the for thou art euen solde to worke wickednesse in the sight of oure lord Eliseus spake maruelus frely and boldlye to Ioam the kinge of Israell his host standinge about him 4. regu 3. What haue I to doo wyth the Gat the to thy fathers prophetes and to thy mothers Our lorde was with Iosaphat 2. Para. 7. because he walked in the wayes of his father Dauid Then foloweth When hys hart had taken bold●es by the wayes of oure lorde c. The spirite of our lorde came vpon zacharia the son of Ioiada the preast 2. para 24. whiche stode in the syghte of the people sayinge why transgresse ye the commaundementes of oure lorde the whyche thynge shall not be for your profite Hezechias comforted his menne of warre sayinge 2. Para. 32. Plucke vp your hartes and be strong Be not afraied nor discouraged for the kinge of the Assirians nor for al the multitude that he hath with him for there be mo with vs then wyth hym wyth hym is an arme of flesh But with vs is the lord oure god for to helpe vs and to fight oure battayls Sanabalat and other enemyes beynge sory that the walles of Ierusalem were a buylding 2. Esdras 4 endeuerd them selues to resiste and diuers waies to feare Nehemias but they could not Iudit 10.13 Iudith was a womā of a maruelus great magnanimity the which vnarmed went to Holofernes tent slue him Mardocheus dyd boldely refuse to worshippe proude Aman althoughe he knew that the king had commaunded it And also he spake vnto the Quene seuerely and frelye Esther 3.4 sayinge Thinke not to saue thine owne lyfe while thou a●te in the kynges house for yf thou holdest thy peace at this tyme then shal the Iewes haue helpe and delyueraunce oute of an other place and thou and thy fathers house shal be destroyed Ananias his felowes said stoutly to kyng Nabuchodonosor Daniell 3. oure God whom we serue and worshyp is able to delyuer vs out of thy handes Daniell lytle regarding kyng Da●ius decree Daniell 6. or cōmaundemente dyd worshyp and pray vnto his lord God ●s he was wont accustomed to doo Matathias his sonnes dyd strongye and boldly rebell and resist kynge Antiochus 1. Macha 2 Eleazar Saures sonne ran boldlye 1. macha 6 ●o the Elephant wher he coniectured that the kyng was and gat hym vnder him and
were now in dyspleasure and anger althoughe that a little before they were mylde and gentle After the oration and words of the seuenth brother 2. Mach. 7. king Antiochus being kindled in anger was more cruel vpon him then vpon all the other 2. mach 9. Antiochus perceiuing nowe that it lay not in his power to spoil the city of Persepolis hee auauncynge hym self in his wrath thought he was able to aduenge the iniury that was done to those that fled vpon the Iewes It happened that when the heathē hard 1. mach 5. how that the altare was set vp in the sanctuary in the old estate thei were very angry When Herode sawe that he was mocked of the wise men he was exceading wroth mat 2. and sendynge forthe men of warre he slue all the children that were in Bethleem When they of Nazareth had heard our Lord say Luc. 4. No prophet is accepted in hys owne country All they in the sinagoge wer fylled with anger and wrath A certain mā named Demetrius a siluer smith Act. 19. which made siluer shry●es for Diana cald together the workmen of like occupation and said that Paul had turned away much people saying that they be no Gods whyche are made with hands When they hard these sayinges they were full of wrathe ¶ Of Humility Capi. xcvii THe angel said vnto Agar turne againe to thy mastresse Gen. 16. submit and humble thy selfe vnder her handes Abraham spake most humbly vnto our lord Gen. 18. saying I wil speake vnto my Lord which am but dust ashes Iacob did humiliate humble hym self very much before Esau Gen. 33. and so he abated his anger Moses excused him selfe vii times or euer he would take vpon hym the leading and gouernaunce of the people Gen. 3.4 the which our Lorde put and appoynted vnto him nor wold not agre vnto it vntil he vnderstode that oure Lord was angry For in the text it is wrytten And our Lord was angrye wyth Moses Moses despised not the profytable counsel of a heathen Exo. 18. but most hūbly graunted and agreed vnto it Moses perceyued and sawe that he had of our Lord the special gouernāce and leadinge of the people and yet he dysdained not to desire and praye O●ab the sonne of Raguell to go wyth him Nume 10. and that he shoulde be the guide and leader of the people Gedeon answered the Aungel saying thus vnto him Go hence in this thy might thou shalt deliuer Israell Iudi. 5. And he answered Be●olde my kyndred is poore in Mana●ses and I am lytle in my fathers house The men of Ephraim chode a good proudly with Gedeon Iudi. 8. yet through his meke and lowly answer they wer quieted The men of Isael saied vnto Gedeon Raigne thou ouer vs Iudi. 8. both thou thy sōne And Gedeon saied vnto thē I wyll not raigne ouer you neyther shall my chylde raygne ouer you but our Lorde shall raygne ouer you Saule or euer hee was anoynted kinge 1● regu 9.15 when he sought his fathers asses and excused him selfe to Samuel pretended humility in dede in word And afterwardes it was sayed vnto hym When thou wast lytle in thine owne sight wast thou not made the heade of the tribes of Israell Althoughe Samuell had anoynted Dauid kinge 1. regu 17. yet at his fathers commaundement hee bare vitayles vnto hys brethren before whome he was preelected and chosen Dauyd dyd humble hym before Saule 1. regu 18. when he shoulde marye hys doughter And agayne before Semei the seruaunt When he hearde that he cursed him Forthermore he humiliated hym selfe vnto God 2. regu 16. when he daunste before the arke And when Nathan came vnto hym 2. Re. 6.7 shewynge him the wil of our Lord as touchinge the perpetuitye and continuance of his kingedome Meph●boseth beyng falsely accused of his seruaunt 2. regu 19. and vniustly put frō his enheritaunce made a meke and a gentle answer Achab that moste wycked kynge of Israel 3. regu 21. hearinge how he shoulde be punished for his trespaces humbled hym selfe before our Lorde and therfore he diminished sumwhat his pain and punishement The fire touched nor consumed not the capitayne that spake mekely vnto Helias 4. regu 1. as it touched the other other two wyth theyr fyftyes whiche came before hym Helizeus commynge to Iordayne smote fyrste the waters sayinge nothinge and they departed not a sonder 4. regu 2. But afterwardes he calde vpon the name of his master then they departed this waye and that waye Semeas the prophet sayed to Roboam and his Lordes 2. Para. 12. Thus sayeth our Lord ye haue lefte me therefore haue I lefte you Then they beynge astoned sayed our Lorde is ryghteous and when our Lord sawe that they submitted thē selues The worde of our Lord came to Semeas sayinge They submit and hūble them selues therfore I wyll not destroye them Hezechias submitted him selfe after that his hart was rysen vp at the cōminge of the messengers of Babilon 2. Para. 22. and therefore the wrath of our Lorde came not vpon them in hys dayes When the chyldren of Israel harde of the mighty and terrible power of Holofernes Iudith 4. they cried earnestly vnto God and humbled theyr soules with fastinges and prayers Quene Ester fled vnto oure Lord and humbled her body with fastings Esth. 14. And praying amonge other thinges she saied Thou knowest lord that I abhor the signe of pride preheminēce c Whē our Lord sayd that Ieremy was a prophet Iere. 1. he verye humbly excused him selfe and sayed Oh Oh Lorde God I can not speake c. Nabuchodonozor walkinge in the palace of Babilon spake arrogantly and proudlye Dani. 4. but after that he was cast oute of mennes companye and had recouered his vnderstandinge he knew that al they that dwel vpon the earth in comparison of God Were to be reputed as nothinge When our Lorde had smitten Antiochus with an incurable plage and dysease 2. Mach. 9. so that he myght not abide hys owne stinche He sayed It is reason to bee obedyente vnto God and that manne desyre not to be lyke vnto hym Ioseph humbly thinking him selfe vnworthy to be ioyned with the blessed Mary Mat. 1. whome he sawe was conceyued Beleuinge that thinge to be wrought by God not by the worke of man was minded priuely to departe from her In those daies great humility appeared in the wyse menne that they Mat. 2. when they founde the chylde wyth Mary his mother fell downe flat and worshiped him When Iohn the baptist was of so Mat. 3. greate reputation that the people beleued that he was Christ he sayed There shall come a myghtyer after me whose shoes I am not worthy to vnlachet Oure Lord Christ the vertue and wisedome of God mat 3.4 was not ashamed to begynne his predication with the same
my self alone Esa. 63. and of al people ther is not one with me My louers and frendes hast thou put awaye fro me Psal. 87. And on the crosse he lacked seruauntes his Dyscyples left hym Psal. 87. and went from hym And I am made as a man wythout helpe Act. 10. When Peter came into Cesaria Cornelius met hym and fel downe and worshypped hym But Peter taking him vp said I my self also am a man Paule and Barnabas hearing that they of the city of Listra said that they wer Gods Act. 14. and wold haue done sacrifyce vnto them rent theyr clothes ran amonge the people saying Syrs why do ye thys we are mortall men lyke vnto you c. And yet scarse refrained they the people that they had not done sacrifyce vnto them Paule the Apostle labourde wyth hys owne handes to get that was necessary for hym self and hys felowes Act. 18. and therefore he drue to Aquila and Priscilla the whyche were tent makers as he hym selfe was And in an nother place hee saithe These handes haue mynystred vnto my necessityes Act. 20. and to them that wer wyth me And Paule dyd iudge and think of hym self 2 Cor. 1. but meanely and lowly the whiche trusted to the prayers of hys brethren saying by the helpe of your prayer for vs. He desired very diligently the praiers of other men Roma 15. sayinge I beseeche you brethren for oure Lorde Iesus Christes sake and for the loue of the holye sprite that ye healpe me wyth your prayers And Paule dothe inwardlye wyth hys owne wordes declare true humilitye when he saith I am the leaste of the Apostles 1. Cor. 14 which am not worthye to be called an Apostle Thes. 3. And agayne he saithe 1. Cor. 15. Iesus came into the worlde to saue sinners 1. Timo. 1. of whom I am chefe Yea he exhorteth men most diligentlye to humilitye sayinge Be not hye mineded Roma 12. but make your selues equal to them of the lower sort And again in mekenesse of minde Philip. 2. let euery man esteme another better then him selfe ¶ Of Pryde Cap. xcviii EUe for the appetite and desyre that she had to excell Gen. 3. after she hadde hard ye shal be euen as Gods did eat of the tree which she was forbidden to eat of It was geuen graunted to man to eat fish Gen. i. foule and other beastes ye shall haue rule of the fish of the sea foule of the aire and cattell c. And the fear and dread of you shal be vpon al the beastes of the earth Gene. 9. Theyr pride which wolde buylde a tower vnto heauen Gen. 11. was condemned by the confusion of languages When Agar saw that she had conceyued Gen. 16. she despised her mastresse Againste those that glorifye them selues that they are first born Gen. 4.15 is that Cain was borne before Abell Esau before Iacob Gen. 29. And Iudas was that forth amonge the children of Israell And Manasses Iosephes sonne was borne before Ephraim Gen. 48. and yet he obtained the benediction and blessynge of the right hand 1. Re. 16. And Dauid was the least and yongest of all his brethren 2. Re. 3. And Adonias was born before Salomon And so forth of many other Pharao answered to proudly Exodi 5. whē he said I know not the Lord nether wil I let Israel go The rebellion that Chore other made against Moses came of pride Nume 16. for Moses said vnto thē ye are very haut make much to do ye childrē of Leui. Abimel●ch beyng smytten of a woman called vnto hys harnesse bearer and sayed vnto hym Iudi. 9. Slaye me that menne saye not of me a woman slue him Saule desired Samuel to honoure hym before the elders of the people 1. regu 15 before Israell The sinne of elatiō and pryde was greuouslye punyshed 2. regu 24. when Dauyd caused hys subiectes and people to be numbred The pleasure and luste that kynge Ieroboam had to beare a rule 3. regu 12. fearing that the people wold reuert and tourne to the house of Dauyd caused him to inuente golden calues and to make the people to worship them for he desired that they should rather depart and go from theyr God then frō theyr Lord. After that the victorye was obtayned agaynste Arphaxat the kynge of Iewes Iudith 1. then was the kyngdome of Nabuchodonozor the kynge of the Assirians exalted and hys harte was lyft vp Nabuchodonozor commaunded Holofernesse that he should rote oute all the Gods of the land Iudith 3. to thintent that he onlye myghte bee called and taken for the God of the nations whyche Holofernes wyth his power brought vnder hym When proude Aman sawe that Mardocheus woulde not worship him Esther 3. he counsayled the kynge to destroye all the Iewes That most proudest Aman woulde that men should bow their knees vnto him Esth. 3. and of men he would be worshipped But it is to be noted that the selfe same pride was the cause of so much euil in it self that he beyng angry disdaynful estemed al other thinges which he possessed as nothinge Oure Lorde by the prophet Esaye doth detest the signes and tokens of pride Esa. 3. saying Because the daughters of Sion are become so proude and haue waulked with stretched out neckes and with vayne wanton eies c. That sayinge of Esay Esa. 14. I wil clime vp into heauen c. and wyll be like the highest of all Is vnderstanded literaly of Nabuchodonozor Of Moab it is thus written We haue hard of the pride of Moab Esa. 16. he is very proude his pride his arrogancy and hys indignation is muche more then is his strength Because Nabuchodonozor kinge of Babilōs hart was proude his sprite or stomake set so fast to wilfulnes Dani. 5. he was desposed from his trone and his glory maiesty was taken from him Balthazar Nabuchodonozor the king of Babilons sonne Dani. 5. did not submit his hart but was eleuated againste oure Lord of heauen And therfore he was slayne and Darius the Mede succeded him in his kyngdome Antiochus came vp to Ierusalem wyth a mightye people 1. mach 1. and enterd proudely into the Sanctuarye and tooke awaye the golden aulter the candelsticke and all the ornamentes thereof c. They that Iudas Machabeus sente to kepe and defende the lande sayed when they shoulde go to fyghte i. Mach. v. Let vs get vs a name go fyght against the heathen that are rounde aboute vs. Alchimus that woulde haue bene made the hye priest 1. Mac. 7 and certain other wicked men went to kinge Demetrius and accused Iudas and the people of Israell When Nicanor harde of the burnte sacrifices that were offerd of the Iewes for the king i. macha vii he laughinge them to scorne mocked
them and spake proudly and disdainfully Antiochus estemed and thought in his pride 2. Mach 5. that he mighte make men saile vpon the drye land to go vpon the sea suche an hye mynde had he Nicanor cōminge to fyghte agaynst Iudas his fellowes thought him so sure of the victorye 2. Mach. 8. that he solde the Iewes or euer he saw thē in the fielde Antiochus beynge put to flyghte most shamefully and wyth dyshonour by Por●is spake proudly saying 2. mach 9. that he woulde come to Ierusalem and make it a graue for the Iewes But our Lorde smote hym wyth an vncurable dysease and plage When the Iewes sayed There is a mighty Lord in heauen that which hath cōmaunded the seuenth day to be kept Thē sayed Nicanor And I am migh●y vpon earth to commaunde theym for to arme them selues 2. Mach 15. and to performe the kinges busines And eleuated wyth greate pride he deuysed to ouercome Iudas and to brynge a waye the victorye Luc. 10 When the disciples had saied Lord euen the verye deuels are subdued to vs through thy name Our lord refrained thē saying I saw Satan as it had bene lightning falling down frō heauē neuerthelesse in this reioyce not Luc. 18. The pride of the Pharisey the which bosted him selfe and condempned his neighbour is dysalowed Herode vpō a day appoynted araied him in royall apparell and set him in his seate and made an oration vnto the people Act. 12. And the people gaue a shoute sayinge It is the voyce o● a god and not of manne And immedyately the Aungell of oure Lord● smote hym because hee gaue not God the honoure And he was eaten of wormes and gaue vppe the ghost ¶ Of vayne bostinge and crakinge Ca. xcix GAall Odebs sonne sayed vnto hys felowes what is Abimelech and what is Sichem that we shoulde serue hym Iudi. 9. Woulde God thys people were vnder my hande that I myghte take Abimelech oute of the waye Sampson wyth hys bare handes tare a Lion Iud. 14. neyther tolde his father nor his mother what he had done Goliath the Philistine defyed the hooste of the Israelytes 1. regu 17. and demaunded that one shuld come to fight with hym hande to hande Adonias the sonne of Hagith exalted hym selfe sayinge I wyll be kynge 3. reg 1. But hys kyngedome dured not longe Benadab the kynge of Siria sente messengers vnto the king of Israel 3. regu 20. saied Thus thus doo the goddes to me If the duste of Samaria be ynnoughe for all the people that folow me To take euery man an handfull But he was well answered that he whych putteth on hys harnesse shuld not boast hym selfe as he dothe that putteth it of 4. regu 18 Rapsaces spake hye proude wordes in the kinge of Assirians name sayinge haue they delyuered them oute of the lande of the king of Assirians c. Iudi. 6. Holofernes sayed to Achior when we slaye them all as one man then shalte thou also peryshe wyth them through the swearde of the Assirians al Israel shal be destroyed wyth the. Aman beynge immitted and calde to Esthers banket sent for his frends and hys wyfe Esther 5. and tolde them of the glory of his rychesse and of the multitude of hys children that he the king onely shuld dine with the Quene And yet note that he the next daye after was hangde vpon the galous that which he had prepared for Mardocheus Esay hath dysclosed the wordes of the king of the Assirians Esa. 10. Thus haue I done through the power of mine owne hand through my wisedome I vnderstode it And there was no man that durst moue a feather or opē his mouthe or once whysper This saying of the prophet Esa. 14. I wyl clyme vp into heauen set my seat aboue the starres of God and will be lyke the hyghest of al is literally vnderstanded ment by Nabucho c. Ieremy saith of Moab I know her stoutnesse Iere. 48. her boasting her arrogancy and the pride of her stomacke and that vertue is not by her Nabuchodonozor said vnto Danyels thre fellowes Dani. 3. that wold not worshyp hys golden Image What God is there that may deliuer you out of my handes Nabuchodonozor walkyng in hys haule Dani. 4. sayd Is not this the great city of Babilon whyche I my selfe haue made a kynges court wyth my power and strength for the honour of my maiesty whyle these wordes wer yet in hys mouth there fell a voyce from heauen c. When Sereon hard say that Iudas had gathered vnto him the congregatiō of the faithful he said I wyl get me a name 1. Mac. 3 and ouercome Iudas the whiche contrariwise did ouercome hym sone after Demetrius the sonne of Demetrius sent vnto Ionathas saying come downe to vs into the plain field ● Mach. x. and there let vs proue our strength together thou shalt find that I haue valiant men of warre with me aske and know whom I am And yet his chāce was but euill Nicanor purposing to fight against the Iewes 2. Mach. 8. cald marchaunt men vnto hym promising that he would geue them lxx Iewes for one talent The multitude of armed men comminge together 2. mach 9. Antiochus was put to flighte from Persepolis a citye of Persia with shame and dyshonoure And yet he spake proudly saying that he wold come to Ierusalem and make it a graue for the Iewes Nicanor did ask of the Iewes whether there were a mighty one in heauen 2. mach 15 that commaunded the Sabothe day to be kept And when they said the mighty Lord in heauen cōmaunded the seuēth day to be kept he said And I am mighty vpon earthe Peter said verye boldlye vnto oure Lorde mat 26. Thoughe all men be offended because of thee yet wil not I be offended And yet afterwardes it chaunced farre otherwise They that boast and crake moste of them selues Mat. 4. do chaunce to lye they follow specially the deuyll the which when he had shewed our Lord all the kingdomes of the world said al these thinges are deliuered vnto me Luc. 4 and I geue them to whome I wil. Our Lord against those that be bosters and arrogante Luc. xviii dothe brynge in the example of that Pharisey saying I am not as other men are or as this Publicane The Phariseis spake woordes of greate arrogancye to him that was borne blynde Iohn 9 and restored agayne to his sight by oure Lorde and he wyth good reason confounded them Thou art all together borne in synne and dost thou teach vs Pilate but to arrogantly said vnto oure Lorde Iohn 19 knowest thou not that I haue power to crucify thee and haue power to lose thee ¶ Of elections Capitu. C. MOses vsing Ietros the priest of Madians counsel Exo. 18. did elect and chuse vnder iudges or
prelates men of actiuity and power and suche as feared God true men and hatyng couetousnesse Our Lord commaunded Moses to take xii rods after the nomber of the tribes of Israel Nume 17. the name of Aaron was in the tribe of Leui. And when he had put thē in the tabernacle on the morow he found Aarons rod budded Moses purposing to reuenge Israel of the Madianites Nume 31. said Let ther be chosen a M. out of euerye tribe of Israel to the warres When Moses which had disobeied the wil of God Nume 27. shuld die he praid our Lord deuoutly saying Let the Lord of the sprites of all flesh set a man ouer the congregation and our Lorde ordained that Iosue the sōne of Nun should be his successor and guyde of the people in his steade After the death of Iosue the childrē of Israel asked counsel of our Lorde saying Iudith 1. who shal go vp before vs and be the captain of the warre And our Lord said Iudas shal go vp When the men of Israel saw that Gedeon had fought strongly and māfully for them Iudi. 8. they said al vnto him raign thou ouer vs. The elders of Galaad wente vnto Iepthe Iud. 11. sayd vnto him come and be our prince and captaine and fight against the children of Amnon Ther was a man of Beniamin named Eis 1. regu 9.10 the same had a sonne called Saule a chosen and a good man nor there was not a better in all Israell Oure Lorde disclosed vnto Samuell that he shuld be chosen and anoynted vpon the people of Israel Samuel at the special commaundement of our Lord went to Bethleem 1. regu 16. and anoynted Dauid the son of Isai king vpon Ierusalem and Israell Saule being dead the menne of the tribe of Iuda came and anoynted Dauid king ouer the house of Iuda 2. regu 2. after that 2. regu 5. al the tribes of Israell came vnto him and anoynted him king ouer all the people of Israel And therfore he saith in his Psalmes he hathe chosen his seruaunt Dauid And in a nother place 1. Para. 28. It hath pleased our Lord to chuse me kynge ouer all the people of Israel And Dauid drawynge towardes hys deathe 1. Para. 28. saide vnto the elders of Israel Of all my sonnes our Lorde hath chosen Salomon my sonne to sit vpon the seat of the kingdome of our Lord in Israel Ieroboam by the terrible iudgement of God was chosen and taken to be king ouer ten tribes of Israell 3. regu 12. And yet he was the occasion that the people departed and went from god Iehu wrote letters and sent to Samaria vnto the rulers and best of the city 4. regu 10. Of all our masters sonnes chuse the best and him that shal please you and set him on his fathers seate and fight for your Lordes house All Iudas frendes came together and said vnto Ionathas 1. mach 9. for so muche as thy brother Iudas is dead ther is none like him to go forth against our ennemyes Wherefore we thys daye chose thee for him to be oure Prynce and captaine to order and to fyghte our battaile Our Lorde called his disciples and of them he chose twelue Luc. 6. whom he called apostles After the assention of our Lord the disciples appoynted two Ioseph and Mathias Act. 1. and when they praied they said Thou Lord whiche knowest the hartes of all men shewe whether of those two thou hast chosen to take the ministration of thys apostleshyp vpō hym The sayinges of the apostles pleased the whole multitude Act. 6. And they chose Steuen a manne full of fayth and full of the holye ghost and Philippe c. As the Discyples minystred to our Lord and fasted the holy ghost saide Seperate me Barnabas and Saule Act. 13. for the worke where vnto I haue called them ¶ Of good Princes and Prelates Ca. Ci. MOses the good prelate wente in oftentimes to Pharao to deliuer the people from the Egipeiacal seruitude and bondage Ex. 67.8.9 Moses did comfort the people that wer afraid saying Fear ye not stād stil Exo. 14. our Lord shall fight for vs and ye shal holde your peace He spake wyth his mouth but praid our Lorde with hys hart as it appeareth there Exo. 15 Moses cried for the people vnto our lord whē they murmured agaīst him A good prelate must refer all thinges to our Lord. Exo. 16 And so Moses sayde your murmuringes is not agaynste vs but against our lord Moses when Israel fought against Amelech went not to the battail but sent his seruaunt Iosue only and yet as touching his part the warre was iust Exo. 17. But he standinge in the toppe of the hil applied and turnd him to prai vnto our lord When Moses should depart from the people Exo. 23 and ascend vp to the moūtaine he left them two good vicares and gouernoures that is Aaron and Hur. Our lorde semed to be willynge to confound and destroy the synfull people Exo. 32 and promised vnto Moses greate dignity and honoure And yet Moses did pray instantly for the people And note with what seueritye he punyshed the people for whome he prayed our Lord so instantly Moses gaue vnto the Leuites xii oxen and vii charettes Numer 7. the whyche the lordes of the tribes of Israell had offred But he gaue nothing to the children of Caath althoughe they were nearer of kin vnto hym because their office was to heare all thynges vpon their shoulders Moses wished and desired that all the Lordes people could Prophecye Notwithstanding that his honor as it semed Nume 11. should therby haue bene deminished After that the spies were retorned our Lord said to Moses Nume 14 how long do thys people prouoke me how long will it bee or they beleue me I wyll smite them therefore with the pestylence and wyl make of the a prince of a greater nacion and mightyer then this is But Moses wold be preserde no hier The people pearishing for the tumult murmuringe that they made againste Moses and Aaron Nume 16. Moses saide to Aaron Take a censare and put fire therin out of the aultare and pour on cense and goe quicklye vnto the congregacion that thou mayste praye and obtayne the forgeneuesse for them When Moses shuld dye Nume 27. he prayed our Lorde mooste diligentlye that he woulde prouide the people of a meete and a good captain But yet in speciall he would name none Israell serued oure Lorde all the dayes of Iosue c. Iosu. 24. For why a good prelate is very mete to direct the people in the waye of our Lorde Samuel iudged al Israel and went about Bethel Calgala 1. regu 7. and Masphat that they whiche hadde nede of hym might the easlyer come vnto hym Samuel saied vnto the people God kepe me from this synne 1.
thee Exodi 32. that thou haste brought so great a sin vpon them as though he wold say the prelate should sin greatly against his subiects that would incline to theyr euil wyll and purposes Elye corrected hys sonnes but slenderlye the whyche thynge dyspleased oure Lorde verye sore 1. regu 2. and yet wyth wordes he corrected and reprehended them but he did it but softely and not profitably nor sharply what shall we then say of those that fauour men in mischefe or of those that geue men an occasion of euyll The whole wayt of the battayle tourned vppon Saule and so he fell and was slayne i. regu 31. For Dauids synne that he comitted whē he nūbred his people 2. reg 24. there dyed of the people seuenty thousande men Because Roboam wold ouerpresse and charge his people 3. regu 12. he lost the greatest parte of them Ieroboam gaue an occasion to the people to departe leaue God 3. regum 12. when he made calues of golde and cōmaunded the people to adore worship them Subiectes by the occasion of euyll prelates and rulers are at some times temporallye punished 3. regu 18. Wherevpon Helias saied to Achab. Thou troublest al Israel and thy fathers house The kinge of Siria commaunded the captaines of his Charettes 3. reg 22. thus Fight neyther with small nor great saue only against the kyng of Israel And that was only against that most wicked Achab. Manasses made Iuda and the inhabiters of Ierusalem to erre 2. Para. 33. and to do worse then the Heathen whome our Lord destroyed before the chyldren of Israel Esay hathe exprest the synnes and fautes of the euel rulers and prelates that dwelt in Ierusalem esa i. saying Thy princes are wicked and companyons of theues They loue gyftes all together and gape for rewardes And of Nabuchodonozor a verye euel prynce and gouernour esa 14. it is sayd Thou hast wasted thy lande and destroyed thy people Sobna the ruler of the temple beleued that he should lyue long in Ierusalem and when he shoulde dye to be honourably buried But oure Lorde sayde thus vnto hym What hast thou to do here and whome hast thou here And a non after there foloweth I wil dryue the from thy station and dwellynge place Esa. 22. And hee semeth to be of those the whiche sayed a lytle before Let vs eate and drynke for to morow we shal dye Sedechias sayed vnto hys estates that desyred the death of Ieremy Iere. 38. Lo he is in youre handes for the kynge maye denye you nothinge Our Lorde by his prophet Ezechiel speaketh agaynst euyll prophetes and prelates Ezechi 13. Ye ascended not against them neyther made you a wall for the house of Israell that ye maye abyde the better in the daye of our Lord. Our lord most terribly doth threaten euil and naughty prelates by his prophet Ezechiell sayinge Wo be vnto you shepheardes of Israell that fede your selues shoulde not the shepheardes fede the flockes By and by he discryueth the dedes of yll pastors Ye haue eaten vp the mylke Ezech. 34. ye haue clothed you with the woll the best fed haue ye slayne The sicke haue ye not healed the broken haue ye not bound When the head preaste sawe that the Apostles dyd many sygnes and wonders Act. 5. he rose vp and al they that were with him and layed handes on the Apostles and put them into the common prison But the Aungel of oure lorde by nyghte broughte them forthe Then wente the Magistrates with ministers and broughte them agayne And after manye and longe counsailes thei calde the Apostles vnto them beate them and cōmaunded that they shoulde not speake in the name of Iesu. The Iewes caughte Steuen and brought him to the counsell and whē the chefe preastes hadde obiected and layed many thynges vnto hym Act. 6.7 then sayed they is it euen so When he hadde truly faithfully defended him selfe and sharply reproued them they stoned him to death Certaine menne hauinge a damsel whome Paule delyuered of a spryte whyche Prophesied Act. 16. accused hym in suche wyse and Silas hys companion that they troubled all the cytye The Magistrates and Iudges with out any probation there of cōmaunded thē to be beaten and to be thruste into the hard and inner prison When Paule was broughte into the counsell he beganne to speake resonablye but euen at the fyrst worde that Paule spake Act. 23. the hye preaste cōmaunded hym to be smytten Then sayed Paul God shall smyte the thou paynted wall Syttest thou and iudgest mee after the lawe and commaundest me to be smitten contrarye to the lawe Paule had euyll and wycked Iudges Felyx and Festus Act. 25. the whyche would please and gratify the Iewes and therefore Paule was constrayned to appeale ¶ Of ambitious persons Capitu. Ciii MAry and Aaron spake against Moses Nume 12. and sayed hathe not our Lorde spoken also by vs But these wordes semed ambitiously to desyre the leadinge of the people Chore and his company desyringe to come to the gouernaunce of the people condemned Moses and Aaron and accused them sayinge It is sufficient for vs Nume 16. seynge all the multitude is holy and that our lorde is amonge them Why heue ye youre selues vp aboue the congregation and people of oure Lorde Abimelech Gedeons sonne did craftely procure by his mothers frendes that he was chosen kinge Iudi. 9. but yet afterwards it chaunced very vnluckely vnto them bothe The parable that Ionathas propounded how that the olyue vyne and figge tre wold not take the superiority and kingdome vpon them Iudi. 9. and that the fyrre bushe a small and a vile tree presumed to vsurpe the rule there of maye be aptlye ascryued vnto those whiche are ambitious Gad the son of Obed saied wold God this people were vnder my hand Iudi. 9. the I myght take Abimelech out of the way Absolon when mē came to the king for iudgement 2. regu 15 flatteringlye backbytingly and ambitiouslye sayde Thy wordes and matter seme to me to be good and iust but there is no man deputed of the king to hear the. Oh that I were made iudge in the land 2. re 17.18 But note what chanced vnto him afterwards Adonias the sonne of Hagith exalted him self 3. regum 1. saying I wyl raygne I wyl be king Achias the Selonite saide vnto Ieroboam Raigne according to al that thy soule desireth 3. regu 11. But after that he had obtained the kingdom vpon x. tribes he vsed hym self most wyckedly Zambry perceiuinge that Hela the kyng of Israel hys Lorde was dronken 3. reg 16. smote hym and kylled him And he raign vii daies only after him Athalia the mother of kinge Ochozias saw that her sonne was dead she had such an ambitious and burnyng ●ust to rule 4. reg 11. that she destroyed all the kinges seede Ioas
excepted the whi●he by Ochozias syster was taken away by stealth Sellum the sonne of Iabes conspired against Zacharias the king of Israel his master 4. regu 15 and slue him and he raigned a month in Samaria Nabuchodonozor the kynge of the Assirians Iudith 3. called vnto him hys Captains and men of war and told them hys thoughte and that hys purpose was to bryng the hole earthe vnder his dominion Ambitious and proud menne are more troubled with a few that excell them Esther 5. or that wil not obey them then they reioyce of many that followe thē and obey them For proud Aman the which was next vnto the kyng had many children and greate richesse estemed hym self to haue nothynge as longe as he sawe Mardocheus before the kinges gate When Seron hard say that Iudas had gathered the congregatyon and church of the faythful 1. macha 3. he sayd I wyl get me a name and a prayse thorowe out all the realme And I will fyghte and ouercome Iudas And yet Iudas sone ouercame him Alchinus that wold haue bene hye priest 1. Mac. 7 and other wicked and vngodly men of Israel came to king Demetrius saying vnto him Iudas and hys brethren haue slain and destroied thy frendes and hathe dryuen vs oute of our owne land Ptolomeus the king of Egipt wēt about through disceit to obtaine and destroy Alexanders kingdom 1. macha 11 And at lēgth Alexander being ouerthrowne and chased into Araby he obtaind it And zabdiel the Arabian smote of Alexanders head And sent it vnto Ptolomy the which had but litle ioy ther of For the third day after dyed kyng Ptolomy him self Ptolomy the sonne of Abobus had aboundaunce of siluer and gold 1. Mach. 16. and waxed proud and stately in his mind and thoughte to conquere the lande And by that occasyon traiterously he slue Simon the hie Priest and hys two sonnes Iason aboue all other coueted most ambitiouslye to be the hie priest And for that he came to kinge Antiochus the noble and promised him 360. talentes of Syluer And manye other thinges 2. macha 4 whych when the kynge had graunted him he had the vse therof but for a small time For Menelaus whome he sent to Antiochus gat the priesthode and was sone discharged therof and his brother Lysimachus came and was placed in hys stead When Simon saw that throughe laying on of the Apostles handes Act. 8. the holy ghost was geuen he offred them mony saying Geue me also thys power that on whom so euer I put my hādes he may receiue that holy gost But Peter said vnto him Thy mony pearish with thee ¶ Of the deuels temptation Ca. Ciiii. THe serpent being crafty to tēpt ye the deuel in the serpent approched the feblest part of mākinde and the most prompest to sinne for hee tempted not Adam firste Gene. 3. but Eue. And began searchynge a far of for he counseld them not euen sodenly to eate of the forbidden frute And he denyed that there should follow any paine for the transgressyon of the commaundemente Yea he affyrmde that great goodnesse shoulde followe that only eating of the apple The lying spirite doth oftentimes lie in his temptation Gene. 3. for he sayd vnto Eue ye shall not dye the deathe And he sayde vnto our Sauior when he shewed hym all the kyngdomes of the worlde Luc. 4. They are deliuered vnto me and to whome I wil I geue thē And furthermore he alledgeth holye scripture peruersly and falsly saying vnto the LORDE of aungelles He hathe geuen hys aungels charge ouer thee Math. 4. And Sathan stode vp agaynste Israel and prouoked Dauid to nombre Israel 1. Para. 21. Sathan required of our Lord that Iob might be touched in hys goodes Iob. 1.2 children and body Wherin maye be noted the subtelty malignity infirmity of our ennemy It is not expedient to dysclose our temptations to any such man whom we beleue to haue bene tempted with like sinne But rather to some dyscreat and holy man that would comfort vs in goodnesse Wherfore whē the two old men did reuele and open their concupiscence one to a nother Dani. 23. they were prouoked to that that was worse The Lordes temptation doth teach vs to ouercome al kyndes of temptation Luc. 4. He was tempted in thre things vnto the which all other temptatiōs may be reduced And note that he ouercame not temptation by power but by scripture Our Lord his passion beyng euen at hand Luc. 22. said to Simon Peter Sathā hathe desired to sifte you as it were wheat But I haue prayed for thee that thy Faithe faile not And when thou art conuerted strength thy brethren Luc. 13. The deuil put into the hart of Iudas to betray our Lord Iesus Christ. Peter said to Ananias Act. 5. howe is it the Sathan hathe filled thine harte that thou shouldest lie vnto the holy ghost and keepe away parte of the pryce of the land ¶ Of synne in generall and of diuers paines which follow sinne Ca. Cv. THat sinne doth cause shamfastnesse in man it is euident for when our first parentes in the state of innocencye were bare Gene. 3. they were not ashamed but after they had trespassed by and by they made them selues aprons Sinne dothe defame a sinner And therfore Adam after that he had trespassed Gene. 3. thought to haue hid him selfe from the presence of our Lord. Sin likewise maketh a man fearful for after the Adam had sinned Gene. 3. he sayd I was afraide because I was naked and hid my self The enormity of sinne dothe crye to the eares of our Lord for vēgance Gene. 4. As the voyce of thy brothers bloude And in a nother place The cry of the Sodomites At some tymes our Lord dothe punyshe synne wyth temporal payne and punyshmente As it is euydent in Adam and Eue. Ge. 3.4.19 In Cain In the Sodomytes And often in the chyldren of Israell And Christ sayd Synne no more Ihon. 5. least a worse thynge happen vnto thee Pharao knowledged and confest that he was scourged and punished of our Lord for synne Exo. 10. saying I haue sinned against our Lord and agaynst you The children of Israel did euyll in the syght of our Lord. And oure Lord was angry Iudith 2. deliuered them into the handes of raueners that toke spoyled them and sold them into the hāds of theyr enemyes Synne doth not suffer the sinner to be in quiet 2. reg 24. For Dauids harte smote hym after that he hadde nombred the people Eccle. 47. Synne did infatuate Salomon the wyse and stayned hys honoure and worshyp After that Ioram the kinge of Iuda began to walk in the wicked wais and steps of the kinges of Israell 4. reg 8. Edom went from him wold not pay hym the accustomed tribute The chyldren of Israell left the cōmaundements of
Hebrues The children of Israell sufferynge penurye and scarsnes in the deseart Exo. 16. sayed that in Egypt they sat by the fleshe pottes but they made no mention of the greauous and cruell bondage that they wer troubled and vexed with all The people in the deseart sayed we remembre the fyshe whyche we dyd eate in Egypte for naughte And yet they wer ouerprest with greuous seruitude and bōdage And now beyng at liberty and in fredome they were norished wyth angels fode Nume 11. that is with most sauery meats geuen thē from heauen wythout any labor When the spies and searchers did declare and open the condityons and goodnesse of the lande of promise Nu. 13.14 the people contrary to Gods wyll would haue retourned into Egipte and by no meanes go no further And euen shortly after againste the wil of oure Lord they woulde haue made but to great hast When Moses had called Dathan Abiron Nume 16. they saide we will not come vp Is it a small thyng that thou hast brought vs out of a land that floweth with milk and hony to kil vs in the wildernes and to raign ouer vs also Moses desyred of kinge Edom saying We pray thee that we maye goe now thorow thy country Nume 20. we wil not goe by the Fieldes nor Uyneyardes neyther wyll wee dryncke of the water of the Fountaines we wyll goe by the kinges hie way Edom answered him Thou shalt not goe by mee least I come out against thee with the sweard The like thing chaunced of Seon the kyng of the Amorytes But in as much as he woulde not graunte that was litle Nume 21. he lost that was much Balaam would not curse the people whome he beleued to haue Gods benediction But there are manye which speake more euill of the good then of the naughtye Nume 24. And maruell it was that he which would not cursse them woulde harme them For notwythstandynge that oure Lorde had shewed hym that the people of Israel were blessed yet finally he gaue euyll counsaile by the whiche women deceiued him The children of Israel hearing our Lordes commaundementes Iudi. 2. dyd all thinges cleane contrary Iephthe desired the men of Ephraim to goe to battaile with him And they wold not But after that he had wonne the victory Iudi. 12. and was come agayne they as thoughe he hadde not cald vpon them began to quarel and to chide with him Dauid plaide before Saule beinge vexed with the deuel 1. reg 18.19 and serued him profytably and yet Saule wold haue naild Dauid to the wal wyth a iauelyng the which he held in his hande Saule would haue slayn hys sonne Ionathas 1. regu 10. because he excused Dauyd the innocent Saule sayd that hys seruants had conspired againste him 1. regu 22. and that Dauid lay await for him Whose death he soughte for but he coulde neyther fynde hym nor take hym The king of the children of Amnō perceiuing that he had done iniurye vnto Dauid 2. reg 10. would fyght wyth hym when that he should rather haue gon about to haue pleased hym Amnon Dauids sonne caused Thamar his sister 2. regu 13. whome he had forced to be expeld and put from him Absolon Dauids sonne moued him self malitiouslye againste his father and went in vnto his fathers concubines in the sighte of all Israell 2. reg 15.16 And would haue depryued his father both of hys lyfe and of his kingdome When our Lord had exalted Ieroboam vpon ten tribes of Israell by by he cōuerted and turned the people from worshipping of God 3. reg 12.13 and monished by the Prophet he commaunded hym to be taken Achab king of Iuda toke away our Lordes aultare and caused a nother to be made lyke vnto that whyche he had sene in Damasco and commaunded burnt offerynges to bee offred vp vpon it The Idolatry sorcery murther other diuers crimes cōmytted by Manasses are sufficientlye declared .iiii. Reg. xxi 2. Para. 33. After that Amasias had ouercomde and slain the Edomites and the men of Seir 2. Para. 25. and had brought away theyr Gods he worshypped them and burned incense vnto them Wherfore our Lord was wroth and rebuked him by his prophet sayinge vnto him whye hast thou worshipped those Goddes which were not able to deliuer theyr owne people out of thy hand Achaz king of Iuda offred sacrifices vnto the Gods of them of Damasco which bet hym and sayd The Gods of the kynges of Siria helpte them 2. Para. 28. therefore wyll I appease them wyth Sacrifices for then wyll they healpe me also But contrariously they were his destruction and the destruction of al Israel Because that Mardocheus only dyd not worshippe proud Aman Esth. 3. he procured with the king of the Assirians that all the Iewes should be putte to death When Ieremy rebuked the people because thei did sacrifice vnto straūge Gods Iere. 44. they answered sence we lefte of to do sacrifyce vnto the Quene of heauen we haue had scarcenesse of al thynges and pearysh wyth sweard hunger The lordes great estates of Darius the king of Persia did accuse Daniel Dani. 6. because that thre times a day he made hys prayers vnto hys God The two old priestes that saw Susan to be of a constant chastity should haue loued her Dani. 13. greatlye haue praised her But contrarilye they slaundred her and went about to condemn her to death but our Lorde dyd moste wonderfully deliuer her by an abstinent and a chast childe The wycked Alchinus whiche oughte to haue loued Iudas and his brethren 1. Mach. 7. with other vngodly men went to king Demetrius sayinge Iudas hys brethren haue slaine thy frendes and dryuen vs oute of oure owne lande ● Mach. 9. When Antiochus was mineded to robbe the city of Pentapolis he whē the people ranne together to theyr weapons was faine to flie the which iniury he thoughte to aduenge vpon the Iewes They of Ioppa committed a verye cruell and a shamefull deede 2. Mach. 12. for they prayed CC. Iewes to enter and go in to the shyppes with them but when they were gone forth into the deape they drowned them Nether the austere and sharpe lyfe of Ihon Mat. 11. nor yet the temperate comly eating of our sauior coulde please the Iewes When the Pharises saw that our Lorde caste oute deuels Mat. 12. and that the people were amased they blasphemed saying Thys felow dryueth the deuels no otherwyse oute but by the healpe of Belzebub the chief of the deuils There was to much peruersitye in Iudas Mat. 26. that solde hys master for xxx syluer pence ¶ Of the wickednesse of tirauntes Ca. Cix PHarao inuented dyuers wyckednesses to extinguyshe Exo. 1. or to reduce the chyldren of Israell to a smaller nomber Fyrste of all he commaunded to punysh theym wyth harde laboure Secondarelye he
house with fyre Achab beinge wounded in battayl dyed at euen and the dogges licked vp Nabothes bloud 3. Re. 21.22 the which Achab dissemblinge the thyng that he shuld and myght haue voyded was stoned and he dyed 4. regu 1. When Eliseus went vp to Bethel a sorte of yll taughte chyldren mocked hym And there came oute two beares and tare .42 of them One of those two which were present wyth the kinge of Israell 4. regu 7. would not credit Heliseus wordes for speakynge of the abundaunce that was to come The next daye after the people that ranne to the spoyle trode hym downe and so he dyed Benadab kinge of Siria whiche dyd the children of Israel much woo 4. regu 8. was at the laste strangled of Asahell hys sonne Iehu beholdinge wicked Iezabell the whyche was the cause of muche euyll 4. regu 9. commaunded her to be caste down hedlyng the which was so trotrodē with horses that she albeit she was a kings doughter was not buried for there was nothinge left but her skul her fret and the palmes of her hands Athalia Ochozias mother destroyed all the kynge seede that she might raygne ouer the people 4. regu 11. afterwardes by Ioiada the preastes cōmaundement she was slayne mooste fylthelye Ioas that euyll and vnkynde kinge of Iuda 4. regu 12. the whiche caused Zacharias Ioiada the preaste sonne to be stoned was slayn after that of his own seruants Senacheryb that proude kinge of the Assyrians 4. regu 19. and blasphemer of God of heauen auoyded and fledde oute of Iewry wyth shame ynoughe hys owne sonnes flewe him Sedechias kynge of Iuda beynge euyll to God and man was taken as he fled and wente hys wayes 4. regu 25. The kynge of Babylon flewe hys sonnes before hys eyes And after that hys owne were put oute he was caryed to Babilon and there he dyed wretchedlye Holofernes toke and destroied many conntreys Iudith 13. and at lengthe beynge a sleape and dronken a woman smote of hys head Proude Aman the whyche caused men to worshippe him Esther 7. was hanged on the galowes that he had made for Mardocheus Balthazar the king of Babilō was nothing amended by the ensample of his father Nabuchodonozor Dani. 3.5 the whiche euen before him was changed into a beast And being at his banket he saw a wryting in the wall Mane Thetel Phares and the very same night he was slain and his kingdome translated to the Medes and Perses Dani. 6. Danyels accusers by Darius the kinge of Perses commaundemente were cast into the Lions den and deuoured The like chaunced in the xiiii chapter It is said that Alexander after that he went vnto hys bed 1 Mach. 1 knewe that he should die as though that before that time he neyther had remembraunce nor knowledge of death Alchinus the traytor was to smytten with the palsy 1. Mach. 9. that he coulde not speake nor cōmaund any of his house concerning his businesse and so he died in great misery Antiochus was sorye in his minde that Andronicus had vniustly put Onias the hie priest to death 2. mach 4. And commaunded that Andronicus should be slayne in the same place wher he cōmitted to great impiety and wyckednesse When Lysimachus had commytted many great sacrilegis in the temple 2. Mach. 4. the multitude gathered them together againste him and killed hym beside the treasury Wicked Iason that toke his owne brother prisonner 2. Mach. 5. and had expelled many out of theyr country peryshed from home and was throwne out vnburyed no man mournyng for hym Antiochus whiche had martired other mens bowels suffred an horryble and greuous payne of hys bowels 2. Mach. 9. and he died a miserable and a meruelous death vpon the mountaines Menelaus the whiche for a time had gotten the dominion and rule 2. Mach. 13. was cast headlonge oute of a hie tower among the ashes The riche manne whose grounde brought forth plentiful frutes thought to destroy hys barnes Luc. 12. and builde greater he trusted to liue longe But the Lord said vnto him Thou foole this night thou shalt die The example of the rich glutton is very terrible Luc. 16. he died was buried and brought into hell Because that Ananias and his wife Saphira craftely kept away parte of the price of the land which was sold Act. 5. they at Peters increpatyon fearfully gaue vp the ghost Herode arayed in royall apparell fate in hys iudgement seat Act. 12. and made an oration to the people And they gaue a shout sayinge It is the voyce of a God and not of a man And immediatly the angell of the LORDE smote hym because he gaue not God the honoure and he was eaten of wormes and gaue vp the ghost ¶ Of the pretious deathe of the iust Cap. Cxxxiiii WHen Caine and Abell were in the field Gen. 4. Caine rose vp against Abel and slue hym Ihon dothe shewe the cause for hys woorkes and doynges were euel and hys brothers iust Enoche walked wyth God Gen. 5. and he was no more sene for God toke hym awaye Abraham dyed in a lustye age Gen. 25. verye olde and was put●e to hys people The dayes of Isaac were an 180. yeares Gene. 35. he died euen for very age and was put vnto his people beyng olde and ful of dayes When Iacob hadde commaunded all that he would vnto hys sonnes Gene. 49. he plucked vppe hys feete vnto the bed and dyed and was putte vnto hys people After that Ioseph hadde taken an oth of hys brethren Gene. 50. and hadde sayde GOD wyll visytte you carye my bones hence wyth you he died Nume 20. Moses and Aaron as the LORD commaunded them went vppe into mount Hor in the syght of al the multitude And whan Aaron had put of his clothes and put them vpon Eleazar his sonne he died there Moses the seruaunt of God dyed at Gods commaundement in the lande of Moab Deut. 34. The Lord buried hym but no manne knoweth of hys sepulchre vnto this day 1. Para. 29. Dauid after he had instructed hys sonne Salomon and made hys oratyon vnto God for him and al the people he died in a good age ful of dais richesse and honor 4 re 2. As Helias and Helizeus were walking together a charet of fyre horses of fyre departed them a sondre and Helias went vp thorow the whirlwinde into heauen 2. Para. ●4 The spirit of God came vpon Zacharia Io●adas sonne Whiche sayde vnto the people Why transgresse ye the commaundementes of the Lord that ye can not prosper And they gathered them selues agaynst hym and stoned him at the commaundemēt of the king and so he dyed Thobias in the hour of his death Tobi. 14. called hys sonne vnto hym and seuen spryngaldes hys sonnes Children and sayde vnto them My deathe is at hande And a little after it is sayde of hys sonne that when he was ninety yeare of age and had fulfylled them in the feare of the LORDE wyth ioy and gladnesse they buried him Iob after his afflyctyons lyued an hundred and fortye yeares Iob. 41. and sawe his childers children into the fourthe generation and so died beinge olde and of a perfect age Dauid whyche lamented for hys sonne beyng sicke 2. re 12.18 woulde not weepe for hys innocente Chylde that dyed But hee wepte sore for Absolon the paricide Matathias after he had instructed comforted his Children 1. mach 2. gaue them his blessynge and dyed and was put vnto hys fathers 1. Mach. 9. When Iudas Machabeus saw the multitude of hys ennemyes and so fewe of hys owne men he sayde If our time be come let vs die manfully for our brethren Eleazarus after manye tormentes dyed 2. Mach. 6 leauinge to all the people a remembraunce of hys deathe for an example of vertue and manlinesse 2. Mach. 7. The seuen brethren wyth their deuout mother made a wonderfull and a laudable end And there may be noted many examples of vertue Mar. 6. Ihon the Baptist for the truthe and honesty of mariage was beheaded of Herode the Tetrarch It is wrytten thus of Lazarus that famous poore man And it fortuned that the begger dyed Luc. 16. and was caryed by the aungels into Abrahams bosome Dauid after he had instructed hys sonne Salomon 1. Para. 29. and made hys oratyon vnto God for him and al the people he died in a good age ful of dais richesse and honor How so euer the thefe lyued vnto whome Christe sayde Luc. 23. This day shalt thou be wyth me in Paradise He died happely When Sainte Steuen was stoned hee called on the LORDE saying Act. 7. LORDE Iesu receaue my spirit And hee knealed downe and cryed wyth a loude voyce and saide Lorde laye not thys synne to theyr charge And when he hadde thus spoken hee fell a sleape Lette vs geue dylygence that oure deathe maye bee lyke vnto hys And oure Sauyoure and LORD IESUS CHRISTE by hys syngulare deathe Li. 4. de tri Lib. 14. de ciui dei as sayth Saint Augustyne destroyed oure dowble Deathe and graunted vnto vs as saythe the selfe Augustyne so greate grace of faythe that hee was and became the instrumente of deathe the whyche is as it manyfestly appeares contrary to lyfe by the whyche wee should come to lyfe The which life the true author of eternall healthe that is the waye the truthe and lyfe and hathe the dominyon ouer death and lyfe Graunt vs. The whyche wyth the father and the holye ghoste lyueth and raygneth one God worlde without end So be it FINIS