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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A00553 The copie of a letter, sent by and English gentleman out of France to a friend of his in England, concerning the great victorie which the French king obtained against the duke de Maine, and the Romish rebels in his kingdome, vpon the fourth daie of March last past. 1589. Wherein is particularly expressed the names of sundrie noblemen, with the number of horsemen & footmen which were drowned, slaine, hurt, and taken prisoners in the sayd battaile. T. B., English gentleman out of France. 1590 (1590) STC 1069.5; ESTC S117960 3,448 10

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THE Copie of a Letter sent by an English Gentleman out of France to a friend of his in England concerning the great victorie which the French King obtained against the Duke de Maine and the Romish rebels in his Kingdome vpon the fourth daie of March last past 1589. Wherein is particularly expressed the names of sundrie noble men with the number of horsemen footmen which were drowned slaine hurt and taken prisoners in the sayd Battaile LONDON Printed for William Wright 1590. THE COPY OF A LETter sent by an English Gentleman forth of France to a friend of his in England concerning the great victorie which the French King obtained against the Duke de Maine and the Romish rebels in his Kingdom vpon the fourth daie of March last past 1589. MY good Friend the manifold curtesies by me sundrie waies receiued at your handes makes me not to bee vnmindfull of you and the rather for that I finde you not slack to signifie vnto me from time to time such newes as Englande affordeth I thought it good therefore to make requitall of some part of your paines by certefieng vnto you the most happie and ioyfull newes now generally knowne for truth throughout the whole Realme of France The circumstance whereof at large deserueth a stately stile a large volume and to be regestred in letters of golde such and so rare an euent the Almightie hath brought to passe to the great comfort of the Kings Maiestie whome God preserue and prosper to the great benefit and ioy of all his dutifull and loiall subiects which now by the prouidence of God doth daily increase and to the great discouragement of all the enemies to Christian religion which to recorde or discourse by circumstance at large I leaue to those of deepe skill and sufficient learning to enroll amongst the noble actes of the most renowmed and valiantest of our age Onely to you I doe heare send a briefe particular of his Maiesties good fortune happened vppon the fourth daie of March last past A matter containing so great certaintie and yet so incredible for that the enemie was three to one in the field as doth make men wonder at the same and hardly beleeue it But there is nothing vnpossible to compasse or obtaine where God is the guide nor nothing prospereth or preuaileth where Gods assistance wanteth as I could proue by many examples What power can preuaile to fight against Gods truth then the which nothing is of more force as appeareth by that which ensueth It is not vnknowen vnto you by our last conference together at your lodging where conferring with a Gentleman that had trauelled into France vpon the present state of that Countrie he declared that then the state was verie dangerous and the land was diuided into three seuerall factions which is since altered into two the one very lawfull being vnder the conduct of the lawfull King the other a greater and of more danger for that they are Traitours to their King stirred vp in the life time of the bloudthirstie Duke of Guize who became the onely capitall enemie against Christian religion and the professours thereof throughout all Christendom as appeared by the great murther massacre and slaughter of many thousandes by him and his associates inflicted and committed at Paris in his life time vppon the professours of the reformed Religion who as he liued died hee slaughtered innocentes and bathed in their bloud till other requited him with the lyke death After which 〈◊〉 in the right of the Guize for the succession to the Crowue and Kingdome of France who had no right at all thereunto the Duke de Maine a man supported and maintained by the Pope and all the sworne enemies to the Gospell was found by them the fittest champion in that Countrie to rebell and rise vp in armes against the King being no loyall subiect but a rebellious Traitor to the Crowne of France For after the death of the French King he tooke vpon him the title of the King and in most disloiall sorte repugned against the lawfull and Christian King Henrie of Nauarre now since proclaimed and reputed the lawfull successour to the crowne and kingdome All which notwithstanding the Duke de Maine resisted his authoritie by meanes of the great forces sent him by the Popish enemies and to the entent to displace and depose him vnlawfully hath with his power sundry times set vpon the Kinges Forces and taken his chiefest Cities and walled Townes and doeth withhold them vnlawfully from the King contrarie to the dutie of a naturall subiect so that after many late battailes and skirmishes one onely battayle was fought vpon the fourth day of March aforesaid where the enemy was thirtie thousand strong in the field the King not hauing aboue ten thousand in all besides there was newly come foorth of the low Countries fiue thousand foote-men and fouretéene Coronets of Horse-men all which were taken slaine and put to the sword twelue hundred of the Horses were drowned and the rest taken by the Kings Souldiers Before the Battaile began for that the enemy was more then thrée to one the King then being in such a place where he must fight it out or die tooke courage and comforted his Souldiers shewing them that the cause was a iust cause and did repose therefore his trust in God onely in whose quarrell he fought and he would defend him from the furie of his enemies as he had sundry times before deliuered him from the like dangers willing his Souldiers not to be daunted with the multitude which came towards them for said hee I will bee the foremost and will spende my dearest blood before any of you shall perish which wordes did so encourage the Souldiers that they fell to it and got to a firme and faire péece of ground being of great compasse and kept that ground still and woulde not giue backe whereby the enemy might haue any aduantage who for want of ground to fight and stirre themselues the multitude pestered one an other so that their great multitude and want of roome was the greatest cause of their ouerthrowe which the King perceiued and encouraged his men to fight who verie fiercely laide vpon the enemy and broke their ranke and disordered their Battaile whereupon the King to the great discomfort of the enemy stept to the Standard bearer of the enemies Army hee tooke away the Standard with his owne handes and slue the bearer thereof which did so encourage his Souldiers that they fell to it so fiercely as that they constrained the Duke to flie when hee sawe his owne brother slaine before his face and was almost taken in the flight The King had the enemy in the Chase seuen Leagues wherein there were a thousand men of name and account taken prisoners The Counti● Egmont was slaine in this Battaile and Mounsieur de la Mount was taken prisoner Foure hundreth golden Chaines and more were found in the rifling of the Waggins and seuen hundred Chosts of pillage taken by the King besides the Dukes Casket wherein was enclosed his chiefest Letters of priuitie All the Switzers haue surrendred themselues to the subiection and obedience of the King And the enemies chiefest field Péeces were taken Thus was the enemies Forces greatly weakened and scattered so that it is very likely Parris and the chiefest Townes and places now repugnant against him will not long hold out but yeeld themselues spéedily to his Maiesties mercy God be blessed he hath wonderfully preserued this godly and christian Prince from dan̄ger being still the most forwardest in the fight and chased them almost eight houres togither The God of heauen prosper him and all the fauourers of the Christian Religion that they may beate downe such as seeke the confusion thereof and giue his enemies grace to see their owne folly and leaue their blind ignorance that either their conuersion may be speedily seene with repentance of their former follies or els their destruction presently come vpon them which God grant speedily for his mercies sake Amen This sixt of March. Your louing friend T. B. Another letter the 6. of March THe kings Maiesty sent for the gouernour and the Nobility and for prouision of powder to giue battail to the Duke de Maine The Duke pressed vpon the King by reason of his Wallons being foure thousand foote and one thousand horse The gouernour in the way met with two companyes of footemen and discomforted them and tooke theyr Captayn prisoners to Font delarche vpon his arriuall the King gaue battayl to the Duke and put him to the worse The Duke fled most of the Burgonians were slaine his ordinance lost and foure thousand Switzers were receaued to mercy and the seruice of the King Mounsier Mountpensier did very valiantly he was a little hurt in the head the Cownt Egmont Conductor of the Spaniards and Wallons was slain and their standard taken the King was forced to the battayl by the Duke and therefore could not refuse it The Duke was moued thereto by the Popes legat through discontemnent grown among them of Paris by reason of the charges they had … e put vnto by the Duke and no ser … e done and therefore grew to a … tation whether better to yéeld to the King or to those of the league Sundry of the chéefest murmured at the motion of Spayn which being obserued were the night folowing apprehended and committed to prison This deuision was the cheefe cause that the leggat made … e of battel whereas the Duke was obedient To conclude the enemy was thrée to one and yet God bee praysed few on the Kings side were hurt and the most part of the enemies were drownd slayn hurt and taken prisoners in the battell The names of such chiefe persons as were slain and hurt on the enemies side Slaine The County Egmont The Duke Brunswicke general of the Reisters FINIS