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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A49257 The strange and wonderful predictions of Mr. Christopher Love, minister of the Gospel at Laurence Jury, London who was beheaded on Tower-hill, in the time of Oliver Cromwell's government of England. Giving an account of Babylon's fall, and in that glorious event, a general reformation over all the world. With a most extraordinary prophecy, of the late revolution in France, and the downfall of the antichristian kingdom, in that country. By M. Peter Jurieu. Also, Nixon's Chesire prophecy. Love, Christopher, 1618-1651.; Jurieu, Pierre, 1637-1713.; Ussher, James, 1581-1656.; Grey, Jane, Lady, 1537-1554.; Wallace, Lady, fl. 1651.; Nixon, Robert, fl. 1620? Nixon's Cheshire prophecy at large. 1651 (1651) Wing L3177A; ESTC R217305 41,319 88

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enti●led A short work of the Lord 's in the latter age of the world Great earthquakes and commotions by sea and land shall come in the year of God 1779. Great wars in Germany and America in 1780. The destruction of popery or Babylon's fall in the year 1790. God will be known by many in the year 1795. This will produce a great man The stars will wander and the moon turn as blood in 1800. Africa Asia and America will tremble in 1803. A great earthquake over all the world in 1805. God will be universally known by all Then a general reformation and peace for ever when the people shall learn war no more Happy is the man that liveth to see this day PROPHECY OF THE FRENCH REVOLUTION FROM A PUBLICATION BY THE LATE MR. PETER JURIEU IN 1687. Rev. xi 13. And the same hour was there a great earthquake and the tenth part of the City fell and in the earthquake were slain of men seven thousand and the remnant were affrighted and gave glory to God NOW what is this tenth part of this city which shall fall we cannot doubt that 't is France This kingdom is the most considerable part or piece of the ten horns or states which once made up the great Babylonian city it fell this does not signify that the French Monarchy shall be ruined it may be humbled but in all appearance Providence does design a great elevation for her afterward 'T is highly probable that God will not let go unpunished the horrible outrages which it acts at this day Afterward it must build its greatness upon the ruins of the papal empire and enrich itself with the spoils of those who shall take part with the papacy They who at this day persecute the protestants know not whither God is leading them this is not the way by which he will lead France to the height of glory If she comes thither 'tis because she shall shortly change her road Her greatening will be no damage to protestant states on the contrary the protestant states shall be enriched with the spoils of others and be strengthened by the fall of Antichrist's empire This tenth part of the city shall fall with respect to the papacy it shall break with Rome and the Roman religion One thing is certain that the Babylonian empire shall perish through the refusal of obedience by the ten Kings who had given their power to the beast The thing is already come to pass in part The kingdoms of Sweden Denmark England and several sovereign states of Germany have withdrawn themselves from the Iurisdiction of the Pope They have spoiled the h●rlot of her riches They have eaten her flesh ie seized her benefices and revenues which she had in their countries This must go on and be finished as it began The Kings who yet remain under the empire of Rome must break with her leave her solitary and desolate But who must begin this last revolt 'T is most probable that France shall Not Spain which as yet is plunged in superstition and is as much under the tyranny of the clergy as ever Not the Emperor who in temporals is subject to the Pope and permits the Archbishop of Strigonium in his states to teach that the Pope can take away the Imperial crown from him It cannot be any country but France which a long time ago hath begun to shake off the yoke of Rome 'T is well known how solemnly and openly war hath been declared against the Pope by declaration of the King ratified in all the parliaments by the decisions of the assembly of the French clergy by a disputation against the authority of the Pope managed in the Sorbon solemnly and by order of the Court. And to heighten the affront the theses were posted up even upon the gates of his Nuncio Nothing of this kind had h●●herto happened at least in a time of peace and unless the Pope had given occasion by his infolencies Besides this superstition and idolatry lose their credit much in France There is a secret party though well enough known which greatly despiseth the popular devotions images worship of Saints and is convinced that these are human inventions God is before-hand preparing for this great work To this it may be objected that for the last fifty years the Pope's empire hath not been made up of ten Kings because England Sweden Denmark c. have thrown off his government and consequently France is not at this day the tenth part of the Babylonian empire for 't is more than a tenth part of it But this is no difficulty for we must know that things retain the names which they bore in their original without regarding the alterations which time does bring along Though at this day there are not ten kingdoms under the Babylonian empire 't is notwithstanding certain that each Kingdom was called and ought to be called in 〈◊〉 prophecy the tenth part because the prophet having described this empire in its beginning by its ten horns or ten Kings 't is necessary for our clear understanding that every one of these ten Kings and kingdoms should be called one of the ten Kings or of the ten kingdoms with respect to the constitution of the Antichristian empire Seeing the tenth part of the city that must fall is France this gives me some hopes that the death of the two witnesses hath a particular relation to this kingdom 'T is the street or place of this city i. e. the most fair and eminent part of it The witnesses must remain dead upon this street and upon it they must be raised again And as the death of the witnesses and their resurrection have a relation to the kingdom of France it may well fall out that we may not be far distant from the time of the resurrection of the witnesses seeing the three years and a half of their death are either begun or will begin shortly And in the earthquake were slain seven thousand in the Greek it is seven thousand names of men and not seven thousand men I consess that this seems somewhat mystericus in other places we find not this phrase names of men put simply for men Perhaps there is here a figure of grammar called hypallage casus so that names of men are put for men of name i. e. of raised and considerable quality be it on account of riches or of dignity or of learning But I am more inclined to say that here these words names of men must be taken in their natural signification and do intimate that the total Reformation of France shall not be made without bloodshed nothing shall be destroyed but names such as are the names of Monks of Carmelites of Augustines of Dominicans of Iacobins of Franciscans Capuchins Iesuites Minimes and an infinite company of others whose number 't is not easy to define and which the Holy Ghost denotes by the number seven which is the number of perfection to signify the number of monks and
THE STRANGE AND WONDERFUL PREDICTIONS OF Mr. CHRISTOPHER LOVE Minister of the Gospel at Laurence Jury London WHO WAS BEHEADED ON TOWER-HILL IN THE TIME OF Oliver Cromwell's Government of England GIVING AN ACCOUNT OF BABYLON'S FALL And in that Glorious Event A GENERAL REFORMATION OVER ALL THE WORLD With a most Extraordinary PROPHECY OF THE LATE REVOLUTION IN FRANCE AND THE Downfall of the Antichristian Kingdom In that Country BY M. PETER JURIEU ALSO NIXON's CHESHIRE PROPHECY LONDON PRINTED FOR THE BOOKSELLERS TO THE PUBLIC THE following Prophecies some of which have been accomplished in our own time must appear interesting and as such we publish them those of Mr. LOVE promise great events which must happen before the present generation passes away and as to Monsieur JURIEU's predictions relative to the French Revolution they point out so clearly part of what has already come to pass in France that it may be reasonably presumed the rest will be verified in due time PREDICTIONS OF Mr. CHRISTOPHER LOVE A FEW nights after he was sentenced to be b●●eaded on Tower-hill which was on the 22d day of August 1651 ten days before his appointed time by the sentence he received at the bar being one night visited by two of his intimate acquaintances or bosom friends as he himself called them they began to complain of the cruelty of the times and the malice and usage of time-serving brethren to which Mr. Love answered And think you this is an evil time No no this is the very time when grace and true god●iness can be distinguished f●om hypocrisy many have followed Christ hitherto for the loaves and are now turned back for the roughness of the way and the sore trial and tribulation which others met with who are gone be●ore them There are many in London at this very day who think to go to heaven in their gilded coaches and have denied Christ's cause before men against whom I now witness and Christ in his never failing word has promised to deny all such before his father and the holy angels This is the time to discern be●ween him that s●rveth God and him that serveth him not They formerly were my familiar acq●ain●ance in fellowship and sweet converse I sent this day to have a few words with them here in prison but they would not come for their countenance is fallen their consciences wounded they cannot look me in the face because I knew of their resolution and was a witness to their perjuration But ah how will they look the blessed Jesus in the face in the morning of the resurrection what answer or excuse will they have for what they have done O foolish people who think to escape the cross nay you must all suffer persecution who follow the Lamb we must be hated of all nations for Christ's sake we must come thro' great tribulation thro' the fiery furnace of affl●ction before we can enter the land of joy and felicity Know ye not that the souls that were slain for the testimony of Jesus are placed under the altar Happy happy are those men at this day and ever shall be happy who suffer for Christ's sake in a right and charitable way thro' love to his cause and honesty of heart not thro' pride and hypocrisy without the root of the matter to have it said they died 〈◊〉 these are they who will miss their mark and those who denied the call and looked back shall never have the honour to find it I am now pointed out by many to be in a destitute and forlorn condition but I would not exchange my state no not for all the glory that 's on the earth I find my R●deemer's love stronger in my bonds than ever I did in the days of my liberty therefore I hold living here as death itself I am as full of love and joy in the Holy Spirit as ever bo●●le was fi●led with new wine I am ready to cry out The spirit of the Lord is upon me I will not take upon me to prophecy neve●theless the spirit of the Lord causeth me to utter This usurped authority of Cromwell shall shortly be at an end England shall be blessed with meek Kings and mild governments powerful preachers and dull hearers good sermons to them will be as music to a sleepy man they shall hear but not understand nor lay the word 〈◊〉 the heart to practise it in their lives to walk by it O England thou shalt wax old in wickedness thy sins abound like those of Sodom thy voluptuousness shall cry aloud for vengeance the Lord shall threaten and chastise thee yet in mercy and love will he look upon those that fear him and call upon his name he will spare of his anger when the wicked shall be sifted from amongst you as the chaff is sifted from amongst the wheat for out of thee O England shall a bright star arise whose light and voice shall make the heathen to quake and knock under with submission to the gospel of Jesus he shall be as a sound of thunder in the ears of the wicked and as a ●anthorn to the Jews to lead them to the knowledge of Jesus the only son of God and true Messiah whom they so long mistrusted for the short work spoken of by the apostle which the Lord is to make upon the earth in the latter age of the world cannot be far off Observe my dear friend while you live my calculation of the dates in the book of the Revelation and in Daniel which the Spirit of the Lord led me into for the Lord will reveal it to some of his own ere that time come for the nearer the time is the seals shall be taken away and more and more shall be revealed to God's people for the Lord doth nothing without he reveal it by his Spirit to his servants the prophets He destroyed not the old world without the knowledge of Noah He did not overthrow Sodom and Gomorrah without the knowledge of Abraham I do not mean now that any new prophet shall arise but the Lord by his Spirit shall cause knowledge to abound among his people whereby the old prophecies shall be clearly and perfectly understood And I die in that thought and really believe that my calculations are right on the Revelation by St. John and the prophecy which St. Jerome copied off and translated out of the Hebrew language as it is written on Seth's pillar in Damascus which pillar is said to have stood since before the flood and was built by Seth Adam's son and written by Enoch the prophet as likewise the holy precepts whereby the patriarch walked before the law was given to Moses which were also engraven on the said pillar whereof many Jews have copies in their own language written on parchment and engraven on brass and copper but the alteration of the date makes them to stagger at it not knowing that the dates were to be altered by the birth of Christ. First This prophecy is
nuns shall perish for ever This is an institution so degenerated from its first original that 't is become the arm of Antichrist These orders cannot perish one without another These great events deserve to be distinguished from all others for they have changed and shall change THE WHOLE FACE OF THE WORLD INTRODUCTION TO NIXON's CHESHIRE PROPHECY BY THE AUTHOR of his LIFE THIS remarkable Prophecy has been carefully revised ●orrected and improved also some account given of our author Robert Nixon who was but a kind of ideot and used to be employed in following the plough He lived in some farmers ' families and was their drudge and jest At last Thomas Cholmondeley of Vale-Royal Esq. took him into his house and he lived there when he composed this Prophecy which he delivered with as much gravity and solemnity as if he had been an oracle and it was observed that though the fool was a driveler and could not speak common sense when he was uninspired yet in delivering his Propecies he spoke plainly and sensibly how truly will be seen in the following pages As to the credit of this Prophecy I dare say it is as well attested as any of Nostradamus's or Merlin's and come to pass as well as the best of Squire Bickerstaff's It is pain enough that great men have in all ages had recourse to prophecy as well as the vulgar I would not have all grave persons despise the inspirations of Nixon The late French King gave audience to an inspired farrier and rewarded him with an hundred pistoles for his prophetical intelligence though by what I can learn he did not come near our Nixon for gifts The simplicity the circumstances and history of the Cheshire Prophecy are so remarkable that I hope the public will be as much delighted as I was myself By the way this is not a prophecy of to-day it is as old as the Powder plot and the story will make it appear that there is as little imp●sture in it as the Jacobites pretend there is in the person it seems to have an eye to but whether they are both impostures alike or not I leave to the reader to determine J. OLDMIXON THE PROPHECY IN the reign of King James the First there lived a man generally repu●ed a fool whose name was Nixon One day when he returned home from ploughing in the field he laid the things down which he had in his hands and continuing for some time in a seemingly deep and thoughtful meditation at length he pronounced in a loud voice Now I will prophesy And spoke as follows When a Raven shall build in a stone Lion's mouth on the top of a Church in Cheshire then a King of England shall be driven out of his kingdom and never return more When an eagle shall sit on the top of the house then an heir shall be born to the Cholmodeley's family and this heir shall live to see England invaded by foreigners who shall proceed so far as a town in Cheshire but a miller named Peter shall be born with two heels on one Foot and at that time living in a mill of Mr Cholmondeley's he shall be instrumental in delivering the nation The person who then governs the nation will be in great trouble and 〈◊〉 about The invading King shall be killed laid across a horse's back like a calf and led in triumph The miller having been instrumental in it shall bring forth the person that then governs the kingdom and be knighted for what he has done and after that England see happy days A young new set of men shall come who shall prosper and make a flourishing Church for two hundred years As a token of the truth of all this a wall of Mr. Cholmondeley's shall fall If it fall downwards the Church shall be oppressed and rise no more but if upwards next the rising hill on the side of it then it shall flourish again Under this wall shall be found the bones of a British King A pond shall run with blood three days and the Cross-stone Pillar in the Forest su●k so low into the ground that a crow from the top of it shall drink of the best blood in England A boy shall be born with three thumbs and shall hold three King's horses while England shall be three times won and lost in one day THE original may be seen in several families in Cheshire and in particular in the hands of Mr. Egerton of Oulton with many other remarkable circumstances as that Pecferton Wind mill should be removed to Ludditon Hill that horses saddled should run about 'till their girts rotted away But this is sufficient to prove Nixon as great a prophet as Partridge and we shall give other proofs of it before we have done Now as for authorities to prove this Prophecy to be genuine and how it has hitherto been accomplished I might refer myself to the whole county of Chester where it is in every one's mouth and has been for these forty years As much as I have of the manuscript was sent me by a person of sense and veracity and as little disposed to believe visions as any body There is something so very odd in the story and so pat in the wording of it that I cannot help giving it as I found it The family of the Cholmondeley's is very ancient in this county and takes its name from a place so called near Nantwich There are also Cholmton and Cholmondeston but the feat of that branch of the family which kept our Prophet Nixon is at Vale Royal on the river Weaver in Delamere forest It was formerly an Abbey founded by Edward I. and came to the Cholmondeley's from the famous family of the Holcro●ts When Nixon prophesied this family was near being extinct the heir having married Sir Walter St. John's daughter a lady not esteemed very young who notwithstanding being with child fell in labour and continued so for some days During which time an eagle fat upon the house-top and flew away when she was delivered which proved to be a son A Raven is also known to have built in a Stone Lion's mouth in the steeple of the Church of Over in the forest of Delamere Not long before the abdication of King James the wall spoken of fell down and fell upwards and in removing the rubbish were found the bones of a man of more than ordinary size A pond at the same time ran with water that had a reddish tincture and was never known to have done so before or since Headless Cross in the Forest which in the memory of man was several feet high is now sunk within half a ●oot of the ground In the parish of Budworth a boy was born with three thumbs he had also two heels on one foot Lady Egerton wishing well to another restoration often instigated her husband to turn Peter the miller of Negenshire mills out of the mills but he locoked upon it as a whimsy and so permitted Peter still
●epresentatives of divine virtue which armed ●ons against their fathers and made them be●●me ra●●ors to their oath and allegiance Alexander the 〈◊〉 is reco●ded as a wonder of brutal crimes-Clement the Seventh had the mortification to see 〈…〉 his cha●● and could work no miracle to prevent his being dr●ven out of Rome He also 〈◊〉 the Emperor 〈◊〉 cry loudly against the pow●r and u●urpation of the 〈◊〉 which awed him so ●uch that he lost England as he dared not give 〈◊〉 to Hen●y the Eighth to divor●e Catharine of A●●agon becau●e she was the Aunt of Charles whom he was afraid more to irritate Henry enraged against every thing which stood in opposition to his wishes bu●ned the Pope in ●ffigy in Lon●on and ordered every ore to change their ●eligion with as little remoise as he changed his wife thus an 〈◊〉 people are for e●er persecuted by despotic ●ools Paul the Third was famous for being the most luxurious and licen●ious man of his time he made his ba●●ards cardinals whe● boys At this period the ●lergy made a violent effort to re-establish their power in Englan● and Mary with that cru●l revengeful spirit which seems to have been the most powerful engine of the church by burning and ex●irpating all those who dared oppose her did all she could to bring England again under the yoke of pop●●y but such a co●●uct was not calculated to make pro●elytes of the minds of men enlightened by the mild i●fluence of truth and it soon pleased God to purge the ear●h of such a monster But it was 〈◊〉 to Paul the Fourth to see the mortal blow given to the power of the S●e of Rome in the glorious reign of Elizabeth whose want of ●oleration which stained her name with a Sister's death arose from a conviction that tolerating such opposite doct●ines in the chur●● must inevitably sooner or later involve the 〈◊〉 in civil disco●d Six●us the 〈◊〉 was 〈…〉 at England's having not only thrown off the 〈◊〉 of Rome but her sudden rise to grand ●r and 〈◊〉 that he promised Philip the Second to secure to him the 〈◊〉 of Britain prov●ded he would do h●m●ge to him but all his hol● 〈◊〉 and masses would not save the invin●●b●e armada In latter times the popes have 〈◊〉 a ver● 〈◊〉 conduct in com●arison to 〈◊〉 former Their intrigues are now chie●ly 〈◊〉 to 〈◊〉 money on the superstitious and in that debau●her● which so eminently distinguishes the clerg● in the Roman Catholic count●ies where the harrassed people revo●● at seeing the divine representatives of Christ such avaricious 〈◊〉 and poor miserable and di●contented they only wait an opportunity to throw off the yoke and worship God in purity and sincerity No p●i●ce is now so ignorant as to tremble at the thunders of the Vatican yet the pope c●●tinues to impoveri●h the neigh●ouring ki●gdoms b● selling every year his bulls nec●ss●ry for all ranks of the priesthood to their being in orders it would appear very wonderful that sovereig●s should continue to submit to what so evidentl● impoverishes their people did not that love of despotism which is imbi●ed with the name of king render them unwilling to destroy its chief source On a view of the many vicious characters who have filled the chair one shudders to think in this enlightened age that any part of mankind shou●d attribute to such sinners the virtues of Christ and lo●k on men polluted with every crime as ves●ed with a supernatural power At fi●st by degree● by treac●ery and us●rpation on the part of the 〈◊〉 of Rome by interested motives on the part of the Emperor and b● big●try in the people they a●●ved a● that wealth splendor and power wh●ch th●y make their 〈◊〉 followers falsely believe th●● have derived ●●om Heaven but now the mi●ds of men are ope●ing to the treacherous delusions which have so long duped them and reformation o● an absolu●● revolution will most likely soon be ●ffected in all 〈◊〉 governments An Answer to Doctor PRIESTLY And all other Deis●ical Unitarians who deny Christ's Divinity By a Christian Unitarian who believes in Christ's Divinity THIS is a subject of the greatest importance to mankind par●i●ularly as their eternal happiness depends on the knowledge of this great divine m●ster● which the pe●ple who imagine they are Christians concei●edly 〈◊〉 themselves they have a perfect knowledge of and some independent people will spurn with contempt at the impudence of any spiritual enlightened person who will dare intrude so trifling a subj●ct on their idle fashionable hours yet a great many who read this will acknowledge that not one in a million know any thing of the matter not know how to-call-on the Deity or what Deity to-call-on Mankind may be informed in the new testament that in the last days which is shortly before the general judgmen● fa●se Prophe●s shall appear and deny the Lord J●sus Christ who bought them with his blood and will almost deceive the very el●ct The word elect means such as are filled with the Holy Ghost In the book of Isaiah the Propher in the old testament God speaks frequently of his intention of essuming flesh and becoming man and even speaks to the humanity and the humanity to his divinity which confound the unconverted not knowing how to separate the divinity from the humanity The followi●g remarks and explanations will prove there 〈◊〉 but one God or one Being to be worshipped which is the invisible God in the visible Christ and the Holy Ghost in God This is well known to the elect only and is also called grace which word grace 〈◊〉 understood by the unconverted externally only not internally Whosoever worships Christ includes the God-head In Isaiah cha● 1 and ver 4 God calls himself the holy one of Israel verse 11 he never delighted in offerings Verse 13. incense an a●omination verse 18 though your sins be red as scarlet they shall be made white as snow verse 24 Lord of Hosts mighty one of Israel Chap. 7. verse 14 shews how the Virgin Mary was to conceive and bear a son whole name should be ●manuel which is God Chap 8. verse 13 14 the Lord of Hosts himself shall be your fear a●d dread he shall be for a sanctuary a holy place to resort to but to some people a stumbling none a rock of offence and a sna●e ●such as despise information to holiness and Christ. The same words are mentioned of Christ in the new testament Chap. 9 verse 6 shews the birth of Christ that his name shall be Wonderful Counsellor the migh●y God the everlasting Father the p●ince of peace There shall be no end to his government it shall hold for ever This chapter and verse is sufficient to prove Christ God Chap 11 and five first verses shew the birth of Christ that is in his human nature saying there shall appear a rod or branch of the root of J●sse J●ss●-was David's father and the 〈◊〉 of the Lord shall rest-upon him he shall be filled with