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A35248 The surprizing miracles of nature and art in two parts : containing I. The miracles of nature, or the strange signs and prodigious aspects and appearances in the heavens, the earth, and the waters for many hundred years past ... II. The miracles of art, describing the most magnificent buildings and other curious inventions in all ages ... : beautified with divers sculptures of many curiosities therein / by R.B., author of the Hist. of the wars of England, Remarks of London, Wonderful prodigies, Admirable curiosities in England, and Extraordinary adventures of several famous men. R. B., 1632?-1725? 1683 (1683) Wing C7349; ESTC R11001 165,303 248

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Countrey desolate and laid wast the houses and temples overthrown the people lamenting at the sight of their houses being blown down and under them their Goods their Cattel and their Parents slain which occasioned wonderful compassion in the beholders and hearers thereof by this means it pleased God rather to threaten than punish Tuscany for if so great a Tempest had fallen upon any City full of Houses as it fell upon these Oaks and Trees and small Houses one far from another without all doubt the destruction would have been greater then the mind of man could have conceived But it pleased God by that small example to revive in mens minds the memory of his power The same year there perished about Pivel and Naples forty thousand People by an Earthquake Mahomet the Great Turk is beaten from the siege of Belgrade by Hunniades who soon after dyes Ladislaus King of P●land and Alphonsus King of Naples both dye Matchiavil Hist Florence Lib. 6. XXVII In 1460. a most terrible Comet appeared to fight This year King Henry VI. of England is made Prisoner at Northampton The Civil Wars in France begin Charles VII King of France and Adolphus Duke of Holsatia both dye Cra●ovia a great City in Poland is destroyed ●●ith Fire and Sword Mahomet II. Emperor of the Tarks after many victories cruelly kills David the Emperor of Trapezund and his two sons the Duke of York is slain at the battle of Wakefield in Yorkshire In 1477 a Blazing Star of the colour of the Star Saturn appeared there ensued a most terrible Plague The Helvetians kill'd seventeen thousand French and Charles Duke of Burgundy The Turks wast Carinthia and the Tarta●● Pod●lia In 1484 happened a wonderful deep Snow in Germany and fiery darts were seen in the Sky the Sun was likewise much Eclipsed In England three Suns appeared about this time and in Poland there was seen saith my Author an Image of Christ Crucified with a Sword in his hand passing along the Air from West to South for two hours together The English invade Scotland but are repulsed The Venetians make war against the Turks The quarrel continueth in Germany about the Archbishoprick of Mentz A Rebellion was raised in France against the Queen for the Princes death In 1470 Hail of wonderful greatness fell at Rome the stones whereof weighed eight ounces in Germany Hail-stones fell as big as Goose eggs Soon after the Turks take Sabotz in Hungary and wast Germany The King of Sicily with the Venetians fight against them and spovl Leshos and Pergamus XXVIII In the Year 1478 the Sun is darkened without an Eclipse swarms of Grashoppers are seen in Italy A Glorious Star is seen to run along the Firmament Armies are observed fighting in the Air in Switzerland After this the Hungarians defeat the Turks and take Thirty Thousand Captives from them The Spanish Inquisition is first instituted in Castile against the Mo●s and Jews The Transilvanians overcome the Turks About this time King Charles VIII of France marched into Italy with an Army for the Conquest of the Kingdom of Naples a little before which were many strange Prodigies whereby divers Persons foresaw and foretold that there would be greater changes and more horrible accidents than in many years before had happened in any part of the world For there were seen in the night at Poville in Italy three Suns in the midst of the Firmament and many Clouds about them which sent forth most dreadful Thunders and Lightnings In the Territory of Aretzo were manifestly seen in the Air infinite numbers of armed men upon mighty Horses with a terrible noise of drums and Trumpets The Images of the Saints saith my Author did plainly sweat in many parts of Italy In several places divers Monsters were brought forth both of women and other Creatures with many other things against the order of nature which happened almost all at one time in divers places And whilst the French Army was in the City of Millain there happened an accident of no less wonder than fear which extreamly astonished the Souldiers as if the Heavens by manifest signs had forewarned them of their future calamities For upon St. Peters day the Sun being set and the Air and Firmament clear there fell down from Heaven a Light and a Fire just before the Gate of the Castle where at that time stood many barrels of Powder which were brought out of the Castle to be sent to other Places This Flash of fire seized upon the Powder with an horrible noise by the violence whereof the fair Tower of Marble which was over the Gate on the top of which stood a stately Clock was thrown down and rased from the very Foundation to the top thereof In which fury the Walls and Chambers of the Castle with other buildings adjoyning to the Tower had the same fate Yea in one instant the whole body of the Castle and the whole City of Milain trembled and shook with the fury of the blow which carryed into the Air from several places many great and huge stones which in their fall hurt and slew divers Persons And as in a common calamity a multitude have a share so it fell out here for many who had escaped the fall of the stones were overwhelmed by the ruines of the Walls under which they were smothered and pressed to death with these ruins the Castle green was so overspread and covered that it was very dreadful to behold such a sudden alteration but it was mighty surprizing even to the most couragious to see stones of such an incredible bigness to be thrown with the fury of the fire above five hundred paces from the place This happened at that very hour wherein people of all sorts were walking for their Recreation upon the Castle Green whereby there were slain above five hundred men who belonged to the Castle Guichardines Hist Italy Pag. 785. XXIX In the year 1492 a great Comet is visible in the Heavens Three Suns are seen in Poland another Comet appeared for two Months In Rome the Sky was seen to be on fire for many nights together These were succeeded by great Inundations and Floods in England The English go against the French the Jews are expelled Spain A Rebellion at Gaunt in Flanders The Hungarians enter Mysia and return back with much booty A rot of great Potentates Pope Innocent VIII dyes Alphonsus King of Portugal dyes by a fall from his Horse Frederick Emperor of Germany and Casimer King of Poland both dye A great part of Cracovia is burnt In 1500 a great fiery Dragon and of a monstrous shape is seen in Savoy A Comet of wonderful Magnitude appears for 18 days in Poland an Inundation in Germany Soon after the King of Sweden and the Queen of Bohemia dye The State of Millain rebel and are suddenly subdued again Next year Prince Arthur Son to Henry VIII dyeth and the Wife of King Henry VII of England The Turks take Modone and many other places
King Aswald is Murthered by Siga The Emperor slayes Six Thousand Saracens In 794 the River of Tiber overflows its Banks and doth much prejudice a very great Earthquake happened in Creet and Constantinople the event was that Alphonsus King of Spain killed Seventy Thousand of the Moors and took Lisbon in Portugal from them The Danes invade England but almost all of them perish The Armenian Legions rebel In 798 the Sun was darkened for seventeen dayes together This year Irene the Empress of Constantinople first governed the Empire with her son Constantius but she afterward deposed him put out his eyes and lastly murthered him In 808 the Sun and Moon were Eclipsed contrary to nature Armies of Men appear in the Heavens The Star Mercury is seen in the Sun like a black spot Blood rained in Holland At this time the Picts wast Scotland The Bulgarians kill six thousand Greeks and take Sardis The Danes subdue Friezland the Saracens disperse themselves into divers Countreys under six Princes In 820 a great and wonderful storm of Rain fell which rotted all the Corn in the Fields and such mighty floods and inundations followed that hindred the Countrey-men from sowing their seed Fiery apparitions were often seen in the Elements The effects that followed were a great Famine and Pestilence in France The King of England is slain by the East-Angles Asia is wasted Constantinople besieged and Reyner King of Denmark is expelled his Kingdom XVII In the year 840 sparks of fire like Stars were seen to run up and down the Heavens A great Comet appeared and the Sun was much Eclipsed swarms of Bees were seen at Westchester in England This year was prodigious for many wonderful Earthquakes Hails Whirl-winds Thunders and Lightnings which happened in most parts of the world Soon after the people of Spain rebel the Scots overcome the English who aided the Picts The Saracens are overcome by the Emperor and soon after Lothair their King with his Brethren and one hundred thousand men were slain The Danes enter the Thames with two hundred and fifty ships and take Canterbury and London and expel the King of England In 870 were great Hail Thunders and Lightning at Rome a Church at Worms burnt by it an Earthquake in England In Brixia near Italy it rained blood for three dayes and three nights together At this time the Danes were beaten out of Holland and the Saracens out of Italy The Danes land in Scotland and challenge Pictland for their King In 882 the Sun was so much obscured that the Stars appeared in the Sky in the day time There was an Earthquake in Normandy and a Blazing Star hung just over Spain Now the Brittains invaded Scotland Constantine their King was killed The Saracens break into Italy and are expelled by the Emperor In 912 four Rainbowes were seen at once in Scotland Fiery Torches are seen in the Air Many great floods happened in Saxony A great Comet and Stars were seen to run glittering to and fro in the Heavens Divers Mock-suns were visible in Italy and Spain This Winter was very wonderful for excessive cold The Sun appears for certain days as if it bled three Comets for a fortnight together were seen just over Germany About this time the Vandals invade Greece and the Saracens Calabria and take many Cities in Italy the Emperor dyeth his death being judged to be occasioned by his losses to the Hungarians The Pope is imprisoned and strangled The Scots assist the Danes but are overcome Gonsalvo poysoneth Sancho King of Spain The Russians in a malicious manner persecute the Christians The French King and the Emperor are reconciled and divers Conspirators against the Emperor are executed XVIII The year 956 produced many strange prodigies as a wonderful hail at Oxford in England strange Lightning killing many Priests in France Mighty Thunders Tempests c. Soon after the Hungarians invade the Emperor but are reconciled to him The Bishop of Strasburg calls one hundred thousand Hungarians into Batavia they are all slain there and the Emperors eyes pluckt out The Italians make war with the Pope In 968 Fire falls from Heaven there was a great Earthquake in France a Comet appeared there was wonderful increase of Vermine as Rats Mice c. This year the Empress murders the Emperor Nicephorus Donald murthered the King of Scotland for refusing to pardon a thief of his acquaintance In 979 was an Earthquake in Scotland Armies of Fire were seen a whole night together in the Air A Child was born in Rome with two heads not long after Harold King of Denmark is slain by an arrow The Danes land in Scotland and wast divers places the Scots put them to flight they land in Kent and spoyl the Isle of Thanet In 992 Fire rises out of the River Rhine saith my Author and burns many places in Germany In Spain three swords appeared in the Heavens like fire Now the Duke of Bavaria dyeth The Danes invade England with a very great Fleet the King of Denmark is slain by one of his own servants In 1002 a Fountain of water in Lorrain is turned into blood A Comet very horrible to behold was seen casting out flames of fire on every side The Danes being routed at Oxford fly to the Church and are there all burnt The Emperor Otho is poysoned with a pair of Gloves In 1022 swarms of Locusts came into France It rained milk at Rome there was a very great Eclipse of the Sun and this year the weather was so unseasonable that many dyed through too much heat Divers Polonians rebel against the Christians The Emperor overcomes the Greeks in Italy the Polanders subdue Ruisia and make it tributary The Vandals wast Saxony and take Brandenburg In 1043 five Suns at once appeared in England and a hairy Comet very large was visible the Emperor overcame the Russians who invaded his territories A great Famine happened in Germany and France The Prussians invade Poland and fifteen thousand of them are slain and twenty thousand taken Prisoners The Irish and Welch enter the River Severn and do a great deal of harm In 1033 when the Pope the great Antichrist was come to his height and the darkness of superstition and Idolatry had overspread the Christian world upon June 29 at six a Clock in the Morning the Sun began to be Eclipsed continuing till 8 a Clock in a very strange manner the body of the Sun was of the Colour of a Saphire so that the Countenances of men looked pale and wan as if they were dead and whatsoever was in the Air seemed of a yellow Saffron Colour to the great terror of all men Imper. Hist XIX There was a great increase of Rats and Mice in the year 1058 And stones of a mighty bigness mixt with Hail fell from Heaven and killed many two Blazing Stars this year hung over Poland The Saxons rebel against the Emperor twenty six thousand are drowned in a Pitfall by the stratagem of two Bishops in Holland
from the Venetians and destroy abundance of them together with divers French and Spaniards In 1506 there appeared two Comets the first on April 11. which lasted but five days the second in August following Alexander King of Poland dyes together with the King of Spain and Philip the son of Maximilian the Emperor In 1509 there was a great and terrible Earthquake in Constantinople and the Countreys thereabout by the violence whereof a great part of the Walls of that City with many stately buildings both publick and private were quite overthrown and thirteen thousand People overwhelmed and destroyed therewith The terror thereof was so great that Bajazet the Emperor himself and the People generally forsook their houses and lay abroad in the Fields It continued for a Month together with very little intermission after which ensued a great Plague whereby that City was almost made desolate there dying above an hundred and threescore thousand people Turkish Hist Pag. 476. XXX The next year 1510 there happened a Prodigy which is very strange to relate for in this year saith my Author there fell Twelve Hundred Stones from Heaven some weighing threescore pound others more Nay it is affirmed some of them weighed an Hundred and Twenty Pound which if true serves for a good Argument to prove that some other Stars or Planets may be habitable besides the Earth At this time the Lubeckers wast Denmark King Henry 8. goeth into France and besiegeth Turwiu Bajazet the Great Turk is poysoned The Spaniards take Tripoly and make war in Navar The Lubeckers worst the Danes at Sea the Switzers invade France and do much mischief there In 1512 there appeared a great Comet in Leo Pope Julius 2. and John King of Sweedland dye James 4. King of Scotland is slain at Flodden Field The King of Poland being at war with the Emperor of Muscovia kills forty thousand of his men in a pitcht battle In 1521 three Suns with a Rainbow were seen at Vienna in Germany and suddenly after a great burning Torch was visible in the Heavens which continued a Month A Circle and Cross appears with the Moon and a burning Pillar is seen in Germany Soon after the Venetians aid the Hungarians against the Turks The French lose Millain The English and French quarrel The Emperor invades Picardy in France King Henry 8. writes against the Pope Christian King of Denmark is expelled his Kingdom In 1530 a Blazing Star of wonderful greatness appeared and was visible through all Europe This year four hundred and four Parishes were drowned by a great Inundation of the Sea in Holland with all their People and Cattel the Turks take Buda in Hungary the Great Cardinal Woolsey dyes the English Clergy are fined and pay to the King an Hundred Thousand pound for divers misdemeanours the next year about Fourteen Hundred Houses were overthrown by an Earthquake at Lisbon in Portugal and about six Hundred more so extreamly shattered that they were ready to fall and many of the Churches were thrown to the ground In 1533 a very great Comet was visible in the Heavens this year Pope Clement 7 dyes Alphonsus Duke of Ferrara and the Duke of Millain dye strange factions and seditions are raised about Religion in Hungary A great Plague at Noremburg in Germany In 1538 a fiery Comet appeared in the Sign Pisces with a long tail Charles Duke of Gelderland dyeth This year was made famous for divers things For then the Kingdom of Denmark imbraced the Gospel The Emperor and King of France met together to treat of Peace the Bible was Printed in English at Paris the Overseer of which work was Bishop Bonner The University of Strasburg was erected The Sect of the Antinomians was detected The Duke of Brandenburg imbraced the Augustan Confession The Sea upon the Coasts of the Kingdom of Naples was wholly dry for eight Miles together out of which Fire and Ashes broke forth so abundantly that many places were miserably destroyed thereby This year Alexander Medices who was made by the Pope Duke of Florence was Marryed to Margaret Daughter of the Emperor Charles 5. the Nuptials were celebrated with great Pomp and Military Revels at which time a great part of the body of the Sun was darkened whilst they were at the Feast which much astonished the Guests and the very next year after this Alexander was murthered by his Kinsman Lorenzo Medices who was always very great with him and privy to all his debaucheries Strada Wars Low-Countries XXXI In 1539 a bloody Star and Cross were seen flying in the Air Armed men swords and funerals were visible in the Heavens in Germany there likewise appeared a Blazing Star This year John Duke of Cleve dyeth a great fire happened in Constantinople which burnt the Jayl and consumed seven hundred Prisoners therein John King of Hungary dyes the Irish invade the English and are beaten George Duke of Saxony dyes The People of Gaunt in Flanders mutiny and behead their Magistrates Isabella Empress of Germany dyeth and shortly after Katherine Queen of England is beheaded by King Henry 8. In 1545 a Comet appeared in the West in colour like blood Lodowick Prince Elector dyes Martin Luther dyes and the next year a war in Germany breaks out A bloody French Massacre was now perpetrated King Henry 8. of England and Francis 1. King of France both dye The Earl of Surrey is this year beheaded in England In 1548 November 6 there was a great chasme or opening in the Heavens and in some places fire fell to the Earth and flew up into the Air again This Jasper Crucifiger saw and thereupon much bewailed the great Commotions and Divisions in the Church which he foresaw by this Prodigy and accordingly it came to pass In 1550 it rained Corn from Heaven in Carinthia Three Suns were seen in England an Earthquake and Globes of fire were visible in the Elements Armies of men appeared in the Air in Saxony The Sun seemed to cleave asunder after this followed great troubles in Antwerp and the sweating sickness in England The French make war with the Emperor the Duke of Somerset in England is beheaded the Queen of Sweden dyes the Turkish Pyrates carry six thousand Christians into Captivity out of the Isle of Gaul near Malta The next year a very great multitude of Men and Cattle were drowned by a terrible Tempest the Clouds suddenly dissolving and the waters pouring down with such a stupendious violence that the strong and massy Walls of many Cities with divers Vineyards and fair Houses were destroyed thereby XXXII That may be looked upon as a Prodigy in the highest degree saith Mr. John Gadbury which my worthy friend Captain George Wharton in his Ephemeris for the year 1655 hath transcribed from one Tackius a German Doctor of Physick who likewise takes it out of one Casper That in the year 1554 not far from the City of Harmsted in Transilvania there were observed in fair and legible Characters to be read in
3 Moons were seen in one night by the Inhabitants all these Prodigies appeared about the end of the first Carthaginian War In the second War after Hanno was overcome by Scipio a Child of a Month old was heard to cry in the Street Triumphi Triumphi In the Fields near Rome Ships were discerned in the Sky and Men in long White Garments were perceived to march towards each other but never to meet It likewise rained Stones and the Sun and Moon were seen as it were to justle each other and in the day two Moons appeared in the Heavens At Phalascis the Heavens seemed to be rent in sunder and at Capua the Moon seemed to burn and to bend down towards the Earth A Green Palm-Tree in Naples took Fire and burned away to Ashes At Mantua a little Rivulet was turned into blood and at Rome it rained blood An Ox was likewise heard to speak these Words Cave tibi Roma Rome look to thy self Soon after several large tall Ships appeared upon the River of Taracina in Spain The Sun at divers times appeared of a bloody colour many Temples and Houses in Rome were beaten down with Thunderbolts from Heaven some of the Cities Ensigns or Field-Colours were observed to sweat Blood Two Suns appeared in the Heavens at one time It likewise rained Milk and Stones A Comet in the form of a burning Torch was discerned to reach from the East to the West In the Vileterman Fields the Earth rent asunder in such huge and frightful breaches that Trees and whole Houses were swallowed up in it and it rained blood for two whole days together about which time Hannibal received that notable overthrow by Scipio which was the destruction of the famous City of Carthage and the Conquest of that Countrey to the Romans Tit. Liv. Hist II. In the year of the World 3417 when Cyrus overcame Craesus King of the Lydians in Battel a Child of six Months old is said to have distinctly foretold in a Prodigious and wonderful manner That his Kingdom should be lost A Dog and a Serpent spake very plainly and articulately to King Tarquinius of which Sir G. Wharton writes thus When Romes perverse and giddy multitude Dissolved in Tarquin their Great Monarchy To doom the Act unnatural and Rude 'T is said a Serp●nt bark'd In the year of the World 3842 at Veios in Italy it rained Oyl extreamly and Wool was also rained out of the Clouds In the year that the Great Mithridates K. of Pontus was born there appeared a huge Comet which at first seemed but small but afterwards spread it self so much that it came as far as the Equinoctial Line so that its extent equalized that Region of the Heavens which we call the Milky Way Another Come● likewise appeared in the first year of his Reign which shined so bright night and day for 70 days together that the whole Heavens seemed all to be on a lig●●t Fire for the Tayl of it covered the fourth part of the Heavens and exceeded the Sun in brightness and also its rising and setting took up the space of four hours Just before the taking of Aristonicus a dangerous Enemy to the Romans news was brought to Rome that the Image of Apollo at Cuma had wept for 4 days together The Southsayers were so astonished at the Prodigy that they had thrown the Image into the Sea had not the old men at Cuma interceded for it but the more expert Astrologers said That thereby the Destruction of Greece was foretold from whence that Image was brought Junius Syllanus going Proconsul into Asia he with his Company saw a spark fall from a Star which increased in Bulk as it came nearer the Earth and being grown to the bigness of the Moon it gave as much light as if it had been a cloudy day and when it drew up towards Heaven again it grew into the fashion of a Lamp When Julius Caesar had crossed the River of Rubicon contrary to the Decree of the Senate the Heavens as foreseeing what miseries were to ensue thereupon rained blood and there happened a horrible Eclipse of the Sun of 10 parts and an half of which Lucan thus speaks The Sun hides When mounted in the midst of Heaven he rides In Clouds his burning Chariot to enfold The World in darkness quite Day to behold No Nation hopes The same day that the Battle between Caesar and Pompey was fought in the Pharsalian Fields the Image of Victory which stood in the Temple of Minerva at Eulide was seen to turn its face toward the Temple-door whereas before it looked to the Altar At Antioch in Syria such great noises and Clamours were heard twice a day about the Walls of the Town that the People affrighted with the supposed approach of the Enemy ran out of the City in their Arms In the Temples of Ptolemais Organs and other Instruments were heard to play of themselves before Julius Caesar was slain in the Senate House and there being a Colony sent to be planted in Capua according to the Julian Law and some Monuments being demolished to lay Foundations for New Houses In the Tomb of Capys who was said to be the Founder of Capua there was found a brazen Table wherein was ingraven in Greek Letters That whensoever the bones of Capys should be uncovered one of the Julian Family should be slain by the hands of his own Party and that his blood should be revenged to the great damage of all Italy At the same time also those Horses which Caesar had consecrated to Mars after his passage over Rubicon did abstain from all kind of Food and were observed to have drops falling from their Eyes after such a manner as if they had shed Tears Also the Bird Regulus having a little branch of Lawrel in her Mouth flew with it into Pomp●ys Court where she was torn in pieces by divers other Birds that pursued her where also Caesar himself was soon after slain with Twenty three wounds by Brutus Cassius and others Shortly after his Death about the time of the banishment of Antonius and ●●●idus an Ox being led out to the Plough uttered these words to his Master Why urge you me to work we shall want no Corn but men And a new Born Child did speak A. B. V●ers Annals Pearson's Va●●●●es III. About the time that our Lord and Saviour was born which was in the year of the World 3849 and the 43 year of the Reign of Augustus Caesar many wonderful and remarkable Prodigies shewed themselves in the Heavens and this more frequently than in former years as Jesphas in his Jewish Antiquities testifies which unusual sights occasioned the M●gi or Wise Men of those times in their Predictions to conclude That 〈◊〉 more than Ordinary Person would arise or appear in the World Which presages some Learned Persons applyed to Augustus C●●sar who then reigned prosperously But the more divinely inspired interpreted them to signifie him who as the Prophet Isaiah saith should
as they came against the Earl of Flanders In 1064 a little before the coming of the Normans to this Kingdom about the Feast of Easter there was seen for a week together a Blazing Star of an hideous and fearful form which occasioned in mens minds a fore-feeling of some dismal events In 1076 three Suns at once were seen in Naples A fiery Dart ran up and down in the Heavens in Italy women appeared in the Air of admirable shapes which mightily amazed the Beholders The Emperor deposeth the Pope and the Pope him and also excommunicateth him The Turks take Rhodes and Cyprus The Hollanders overcome the Frisons Northumberland in England is wasted In 1086 a great inundation happened in Italy Four Moons were seen at once in France and England Many tame Fowl became perfectly wild In Flanders a fiery Dragon was seen flying in the Air casting flames out of his mouth shortly after followed the burning Plague called Ignis sacer or Holy fire The Saxons defeat the Emperor the Turkish Emperor dyeth King William the Conqueror dyeth Prince Edmund and Ethelred are banished Scotland by Donald their Unkle and dye in England In 1094 a fiery dart was visible in the Heavens which through its violence flew from North to South There was a great Earthquake in England Horrible noises and strange groanings were heard in the Earth about Rome Soon after the King of Poland being envied by his Nobles causeth many of them to be banished Pedro of Spain taketh Osca and killeth thirty thousand Moors The English invade Normandy again Bretislaus gaineth the Kingdom of Bohemia by the aid of the Hungarians The year 1101 was very remarkable for Monsters Syracuse in Sicily is shaken with an Earthquake Three Suns a Sword and Crown are seen in the Air in Germany and likewise a Comet of wonderful bigness after this Conradus the Emperor dyeth in Italy The Russians invade Poland but are expelled by Boleslaus In England the Earl of Shrewsbury warreth against King Henry 1. The Earl of Flanders takes Cambray A League is concluded between the English and Scots In 1106 a great Comet appeareth for fifty dayes together The Emperor Henry 4. dyeth as supposed of grief that his Son had lately rebelled against him About the same time which was when the Christians were ingaged in Palestine in the Holy War for the recovery of Jerusalem three Suns appeared one on each side the true but smaller both in quantity and light a great white circle invironing them and in it a Rainbow of four Colours the Bow being toward the Sun and reaching to the other two Suns and shortly after the Stars of Heaven seemed to ram XX. In 1116 fiery Armies in the Heavens were seen in Germany with many Earthquakes and very great Whirlwinds then Bruges in Flanders was burnt Poland was wasted And the Emperor is Excommunicated by the Pope In 1135 was a very great inundation in Flanders Holland and Freizeland in England was a great Earthquake and Whirlwinds happened in France the light of the Sun appears sensibly to fail and decay Now many people perished in Flanders Judea is miserably wasted by the Saracens Henry I. King of England surfeits of Lampreys and dyes Baldwin de Rivers fortifies Exeter against King Stephen he is taken and banished In 1147 were great Thunders at Rome and an Earthquake in England Several Globes of Fire were seen in the Heavens a multitude of small worms were vi●●●e it rained blood and there were strange Lightnings at Rome Ling Lew●s of France about this time invades Syria he 〈◊〉 taken Prisoner by the Greeks but rescued by the ●●ing of Sic●●y Al●●●●s●s King of Spain took L●sbon and St. Iren from the Moores the King of Sueden is slain and soon after King Stephen of England dyeth in 1158 a very great Pillar of fire appeared in the Heavens in Germany There was a great Eclipse of the Su●● Two Dragons were seen to fight in the Air in 〈◊〉 This year the Emperor goeth against the A●●●●●s The Pope submitteth to the Emperor but soon after repents thereof and excommunicateth him The Venetians deny aid to the Greek Emperor against the King of Sicily In 1169 there appeared three Suns and three Moons beside the true ones and also a Comet there happened likewise a very great Earthquake not long after the Sultan of Egypt is flain by Syraconus The English invade Cumberland Malcolm King of Scots dyeth Catania in Sicily is destroyed and nineteen thousand People are swallowed up by an Earthquake The Romans rase the City of Alba. XXI In 1178 there was a wonderful inundation in ●●gland Two Armies were seen in the Heavens in Italy to fight a fierce battel The Sun was this year greatly Eclipsed At which time the English and Scots quarrel The Spaniards take several places from the Fr●●ch Wars were between the French and Flemmings In 1185 was another very great Eclipse of the Sun and likewise a great Earthquake also an Eclipse of the Moon ●●d Armies were seen in the air in Greece surrounded with fire At this time the Moors were defeated by the Spaniards and their King slain The greatest part of Bruges in Flanders was burnt Baldwin the fifth King of Jerusalem was poysoned by his Mother A rebellion happened in England The Greeks lose 70 sail of Ships by Pyrates In 1198 great stones fall from Heaven there was an Earthquake in the East which overthrew many Cities It rained blood in England Two fiery swords are seen in the Heavens in Spain Soon after the Kings of Castille and Aragon invade Navar The Sultan 〈◊〉 Iconi●●● is swallowed up by an Earthquake About this time saith A. B Spot●wood Adam Bishop of Cathness was barbarously used by some wicked people suborned by the Earl of Cathnes He was assaulted at his own house and his servant with a Monk who did ordinarily attend him were killed the Bishop was by force drawn into his Kitchen and when they had scourged him with Rods they let the Kitchen on fire and burnt him therein King Alexander 2 was at that time upon his Journey toward England and ●having notice of this cruel fact turned back and went in haste to Cathnes where he brought the Offenders and their Partakers to Tryal Four Hundred by publick sentence were executed and all their Male-Children gelt that no succession should spring from such wicked seed and the place where there Genitals were cast is to this day called the Stony-Hill The Earl because he did not help to rescue the Bishop had his Estate forfeited but yet he did not escape divine vengeance being murdered by some of his own Servants who conspired to kill him and to conceal the Fact set the House on fire and burnt his body whereby he was paid home in the same measure he had used to the Bishop A. B. Spotswood History Scotland Pag. 110. XXII In the year 1212 a dreadful Comet appeared for 18 days together Shapes all bloody were seen in the Heavens A Star with a
Cross and an half Moon was visible in Italy Not long after the Spaniards kill Two Hundred Thousand Moors The Pope giveth away England from King John to Prince Philip of France who lands there and striveth for it The Flemish with the English take three hundred sail of Ships from him and burn an hundred more The King of Aragon is slain William King of Scots and soon after King John both dye In 1234 a great Eclipse of the Sun happened and strange sights appeared in the Moon for whereas she usually seems round she now visibly appeared with six squares The Sun was darkned so much that the Stars were seen This year the King of Bulgaria puts out the Emperors eyes Vienna is subjected to the Empire Constantinople is besieged by the Turks but released by the Venetians King Henry III. of England and his Nobles quarrel but are reconciled The King of Poland dyeth In 1243 was a great Comet fearful to behold A Hill of a vast greatness removes it self out of its place A noise like Trumpets is heard in the air in Italy These were followed by a great Plague in Greece and a miserable Famine in Constantinople the King of the Cumans is slain and the Turks take Jerusalem and kill many Prisoners In 1255 a great Comet appeared Strange Lightning fell from Heaven The Sea overflowed in many places in England Dismal and strange noises are heard in the air At this time the Geneveses take Venice and are expelled again The Duke of Lithuania invadeth Prussia five petty Kings are expelled Spain the Venetians take Padua E●●●line comes thither and kills twelve thousand Citizens Not long after Henry III. King of England dyes In 1277 there was a very great Rain about the Rhine in Germany the Sky was as bright in Poland at midnight as if it had been noon day Four Suns were seen in Russia and there was an Earthquake in England Now the Turks won all the lesser Asia from the Greeks The Pope is killed by a fall the Emperor slayes fourteen thousand Bohemians King Edward I. of England forceth the Welch to a Peace In 1285 a great Earthquake happened in Italy A Comet of notable greatness was seen this year A great swarm of divers coloured Flyes and mighty floods of waters were in England There was likewise about this time a battel or fight of Dogs in France saith Mr. Camden at a place called Genelon Castle wherein every one killed another being in number about Three Thousand no Dog escaping alive but only one Upon this followed the Invasion of Denmark by the Norwegians Hungaria is ruined by the Cumans the Helvetians war against the Emperor but are subdued The King of Sicily dyes and there was a great battel fought between the English and Scots wherein many of the Scots were slain the Sun the same day appeared as red as blood as long as the fight continued XXIII Launces and Darts of fire were seen in the Heavens in the year 1300 a great Snow fell and a Comet of a wonderful magnitude appeared In Germany Men and Horses were visible in the Air At this time the English beat the Scots The Turks invade the German Empire and commit great mischiess the Pope writes himself Vniversal Lord in Spirituals and Temporals Flanders is invaded and many Nobles are taken Prisoners Andrew King of Hungary dyes In 1310 was an Earthquake in England The Elements seem to burn many days together A Boy was born with four Arms and two Bodies Soon after the Polonians subdue Pomerania The Isle of Rhodes is taken from the Turks Robert Bruce King of Scotland wasteth that Countrey and drives out the English the Earl of Cornwal is banished and the Emperor burneth Brixia In 1322 the Sun in England for six hours together appeared like blood There was a great Earthquake in Germany and two Crosses appeared in the Heavens and a fiery Circle was seen about the Sun At this time the Scots oppose King Edward II. of England and put him to flight The King of Bohemia conquers Silesia and divers places in Lusatia The Emperor is taken in battel and imprisoned 3 years The King of England dyes In 1337 were two Comets seen together one of which continued four Months the other but three Blood rained in Rome wonderful flocks of Crows and Daws were seen in Germany The Lithuanians burn themselves their Wives Children and Goods to avoid taking The French burn Southampton The Scythians wast Thrace and take many Captives the King of Sicily dyeth About this time there happened a fearful Earthquake in the City of Venice which overturned divers Steeples and Palaces and among other dreadful Effects it caused many hundred women to miscarry in Child-birth and a terrible Plague sollowed it which reduced the City to such an height of misery that it was almost depopulated whereupon the Senate made a Decree that as many as would come to dwell at V●●ice should after they had continued there two years be free Ci●●●ens In 1341 a terrible Comet with many other apparitions were seen in the Heavens The Emperor A●●ronious about this time suffered death in an unheard of Tragical manner And the next year saith Mr. Camd●n October 11 when the Moon was eleven dayes old there were seen two Moons at Dablin in Ireland the one according to the ●ourse of nature in 〈◊〉 West the other in the East casting but a mean and slender Light In 1348 Divers Mocksuns appeared in the Sky and the Heavens seemed to burn There were several small Beasts rained from the Elements in the Eastern parts of the World There followed a gr●at Piague in England the English beat the Scots and recover much from them The Po●anders ●●solutely conq●er Russia In 1365 armed men were seen in the Heavens in England and fiery ●ance● in Italy Grashoppers cover Switzerland like Snow Soon after the Russians who rebelled in P●land were s●bdued The King of France is ex●●lled his Kingdom The King of Sweden is taken Prssoner in Dattel the T●rks expel the Christians from Adrianople In 1375 a Comet with a beard was seen many nights together in the Heavens Grashoppers eat up all the green things in France Mighty inundations in Germany and a very great Earthquake there After this five thousand Houses were burnt at Gaunt and seventeen other Towns in Flanders drowned the Christians kill twenty thousand Turks in Bosnia by a stratagem The Scots burn Roxborough there were great Calamities in Italy Prince Edward commonly called the Black Prince dyeth and not long after Edward III. King of England The French take the Isle of Wight and burn Rye and Hastings In 1378 a general Plague in a most miserable manner invaded the greatest part of the world It raged most among young Persons and Children In the City of Lubeck only in Germany it swept away ninety thousand persons there dyed of it in several places of bare-footed Fryers one Million two hundred forty four thousand four hundred thirty four The Jews were
a Capital Crime whereupon they presently condemned him and having obtained the Beglerbegs consent and warrant they put him to death The Truth of this Relation was confirmed by Isuf Chaous a converted Turk who came to London about the year 1656 which vision he said did much affect him but he added that the grand Seignior commanded none should speak of it upon pain of death In the year 1625 June 29 there began a most terrible Tempest in Constantinople with such violent and continual Thunder and Lightning that all the City appeared as if it had been on fire at the end whereof fell such a storm of Hail that it brake the Tiles and Glasses so that stones were taken up weighing an hundred and fifty drams the next morning others were weighed that were about 7 or 8 ounces apiece wherewith many were very much wounded and July 3 after there happened another Tempest of Thunder and Lightning which burnt a Woman and a Child and slew much Cattel in the Fields Turkish Hist Pag. 1452. XXXVIII And now I shall relate the Desolations and miseries of Germany with the wonderful signs foregoing as I find them recorded in credible Authors The dreadful Blazing Comet which appeared in 1618 aforementioned seemed to be a fore-runner thereof It was seen often in a clear Sky in the East In Bohemia and Austria it appeared at first with red in other places with a Saturnine pale-red colour for the space of twenty seven dayes and in some places longer And it seemed here to be compleatly effected what has been usually said that never did a Comet appear which was not accompanied with much evil and misery and Claudian the Poet writ thus concerning them Bella canunt ignes subitosque tumult is c. They shew fierce Wars Fire Sword and s●dden broyls And by Domestick Plots surprizing T●ils Vncivil Civil Jars and homebred Flames They signifie And Lu●●n the Heathen Poet expresses the Prodig●es before the Civil Wars of Rome in this manner Superique minaces Prodig●●s T●●●as implerant Aethera Pontum c. T●e threat●ing Gods 〈…〉 and Earth and Sea with Prodigits Vn●●● of Star● of night ad●rn the Skies H●aven ●●ems to flame and through the welkin fire 〈◊〉 ●lyes State changing Comets dire 〈…〉 to us their blood-portending hair Deceitful Lightnings fla●h in clearest Air Stra●ge formed Meteors the thick Air had bred Like fa●●l●is long like lamps more broadly spread Lightning wit●out one clap of Thunder brings From 〈…〉 North his winged fires and flings Them●g●●●st our Capitol Small Stars that use Only be night their Lusire to dissuse Now s●ine in midst of day c. Such Civil Wars it seems were never without strange Prodigies and no man can be ignorant of the miserable condition of Germany about this time nor think thereof but with a sorrowful heart and as the beginning of their miseries were threatned by this terrible Comet so their continuance was still presignified by many strange things that happened out of the common course of nature which I shall endeavour to declare as followeth In December 1619 the water which runs through Sixto a City in Hungaria where a mighty battle was fought between the Turks and Christians in 1583 was turned into blood and the ●ce therein was likewise blood-red Two years after which Bethlem Gabor routed the whole Army of the Imperialists in or near that place killing above Two Thousand of them in the Field In the same Year and Month Decemb. 19. 1619 at Groningen in Brunswick appeared another great Blazing Star and two Armies one in the East and another in the North fighting in the Heavens till the Northern Army seemed to be slain and defeated Not long after a dreadful battle was fought within a few Leagues of this place betwixt the King of Denmark and the Imperial General Tilly in which the King lost the Field with Four Thousand of his Army who were slain and taken Prisoners And at another place not far off about the same time Five Hundred men were slain and in the City of Munden in the same Dukedom Two Thousand Five Hundred Citizens and Souldiers were miserably slain by the Imperialists In the same year 1619 at Vienna in Austria the water in the ditch appeared like blood for the space of 8 days likewise three Rainbows were visible at once And that very year in the same place and City a bloody fight happened between the Bohemians and the Imperial General Bucqu●y wherein four thousand five hundred of the Imperialists were slain and about a thousand Bohemians and very many wounded In 1620 it rained blood in Poland so abundantly that the drops fell very fast from the tops of the houses Soon after the Tartars with an Army of Forty Thousand men invaded Poland exercising incredible Cruelty killing in one place above Three Thousand Polanders The same year likewise the Turks with Ninety Thousand men fell into Walstady where they had a bloody encounter with Twelve Thousand Poles led by the great Chancellor of the Kingdom who himself with the whole Polish Army were slain very few or none of them escaping XXXIX In March 1621 two Armies were seen in the Air at Noon-day in Austria fiercely fighting together with great Thundering like Ordnance and Canon and the next year at Lintz in the same Countrey just over that City two Swords were observed standing against each other and two stout Armies fighting a pitcht battle to the great terror of the Inhabitants This City of Lintz was afterward besieged and many times assaulted by the Boors of Aus●●ia but were beaten off with the loss of five hundred men yet being many Thousands they defeated some Imperial forces under the Duke of H●●●●i● which was afterward re●●●●● by Count Pap●●●●im who with an Army of six 〈◊〉 Horse and Foot fell upon them killing 〈…〉 on the place and taking many 〈◊〉 who were afterward executed in the City of 〈◊〉 In 162● Three S●●● and three Rainbows were 〈◊〉 at Pr●g●● and H●●d●lburg in Germany After 〈…〉 happened near the City of Pra●●● between the 〈◊〉 and the Saxons where 〈◊〉 Hundred ●●●●ts and almost every man else were ●ut 〈…〉 by the Sax●●s before the Gates The ●●ry of 〈◊〉 was the same year besieged 〈…〉 length taken by the Imperialists with great slaughter of the Inhabitants and another small Town cal●●d W●●kermund about 3 Miles off was at the same time surro●●ly assaulted by the Imperialists whe●rin the Garrison making some resistance all the Inhabitants both Men. Women and Children were put to the Sword Some years after the City of Prague was bes●eged by the Saxons and Swedes who for 3 days briskly fired upon the Town with their Canon and were answered in the same manner with great loss on both sides Nine Thousand Saxons and Swed●s be●ng slain and the Imperial Garrison within consisting of Fourteen Hundred men Six Hundred of them were slain The same year 1622 in the Countrey of Darmistadt Trees were found whose leaves dropt blood and that
Elephant before him to break the way through the Woods that the King with his Followers might pass As he fled the Conspirators pursued him but at a great distadce for fear of some exceellent Fowling Pieces which he had with him and so he got safe to the Mountain Gauluda about 15 miles off where many of the Inhabitants thereabout resorted to him But if the Rebel Party had been resolute who were the greater number even almost all the Kingdom this Hill could not have secured him but they might have driven him from thence there being many ways by which they might have ascended The People having thus driven away the old King marched away to the City of Cande and proclaimed the Prince to be King telling us English that what they had done was not rashly but upon good Consideration and advice the King by his evil Government having occasioned it who went about to destroy both them and their Countrey As in detaining Ambassadors hindering of all Trade making Prisoners of all people that come upon his Land and killing his Subjects and their Children not suffering them to enjoy nor to see their Wives And that all this was contrary to reason and as they were informed to the Government of other Countreys The Prince being young and tender and having never been out of the Pallace nor ever seen any but those that attended on his Person was affinghted to see so many coming and bowing down to him and telling him that he was King and his Father was fled into the Mountains neither did he say or act any thing as not owning the business or else not knowing what to say or do This much discouraged the Rebels to see they had no Thanks for their pains and so all things stood till D●●emo 25. 1664 at which time they intended to march and fall upon the old King But in the mean time the Kings Sister flyes away with the Prince from the City into the Countrey near the King which so amazed the Rebels that the Money Cloth and plunder which they had taken and were going to distribute to strangers to joyn with them they scattered about the Town and fled away Others of their Company seeing the business was overthrown to make amends for their former Fact revolted and fell upon their Consorts killing and taking Prisoners all they could The People were now all up in Arms against each other killing whom they pleased only saying they were Rebels and taking their Goods By this time a great Man had drawn out his Souldiers into the Field and declared for the old King and so went to seize the Rebels that were scattered abroad but understanding they were all fled and no wh●le Party or Body left to resist him he marched into the City killing all he could catch And so all revolted and came back to the King again whilst he only lay still upon his Mountain The King needed to take no care to seize or execute the Rebels for they themselves out of their zeal to him and to make amends for what was past imprisoned and killed all they met the Plunder being their own This continued 8 of 10 days which the King hearing of commanded to kill no more but only to imprison them till examination which was not so much to save the Innocent as that he might torment the Rebels and make them confess their Confederates for he spared none that seemed guilty and some to this day lye chained in Prison being sequestred of all their Estates and beg for their Living The King could not be insensible but that it was his rigorous Government which occasioned this Rebellion yet amended it not in the least but like Rehoboam added yet more to the Peoples yoke And being thus safely reinstated in his Kingdom again and observing that the Life of his Son gave incouragement to the Rebellion he resolved for the future to prevent it by taking him away and about a year after his Son being sick the Hing takes this Opportunity to dispatch him by pretending to send Physick to him to cure him but was really Poyson which soon made an end of him The People hearing of the death of the Prince according to the Custom of that Countrey when any of the Royal Blood dye came all in General toward the City where he was with black or else very dirty Cloths which is their mourning the men all bare-headed the Women with their hair loose and hanging about their Shoulders to mourn and lament for the Death of their young Prince which the King hearing of sent them word That since it was not his Fortune to live to sit on the Throne after him and Reign over the Land it would be but in vain to mourn and a great trouble and hindrance to the Countrey and their voluntary good will was taken in as good part us the mourning it self and so dismist the Assembly and burned the Princes dead body without Ceremonies or Solemnities but one thing there is that argues him guilty of Imprudence and horrible Ingratitude that most of those who went along with him when he fled of whose Loyalty he had such ample Experience he hath since cut off and that with extream Cruclty too In Feornary two years after there appeared in this Countrey another Comet or Stream in the West with the head of it under the Horizon much like that seen in England in 1680. The sight of this did much daunt both King and People having so lately felt the sad Event of a Blazing Star The King sent men to the highest Mountains in the Land to look if they could perceive the head of it which they could not it being still under the Horizon This continued visible about a Month and by that time was so diminished as not to be seen But there were no remarkable Passages ensued upon it LXXVII About five or six nights after the extinction of the first Comet which was seen in England and in the same Moneth of December another Comet was visible which continued till the middle of January following it was much less than the former seeming about the bigness of an ordinary Trencher Plate about 8 Inches over and had prickly Rays dispersed round about it In April 1665 following a Third Comet was seen much of the Nature and colour of the first only a little more Jovial This year June 3. A great Victory was obtained by His Majesties Fleet under his Royal Highness the Duke of York against the whole Dutch Fleet wherein above Thirty Capital Ships were taken and destroyed and near Eight Thousand men killed and taken Prisoners A great Plague began in London and this year there dyed in all ninety seven thousand three hundred and six whereof of the Plague sixty eight thousand five hundred ninety six In February this year there was a great Tempest accompanied with Thunder Lightning and an Earthquake in divers places at which time the stately Spire of Trinity Church in Coventry fell down and demolished