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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A20671 An humble appeale to the Kings most excellent Maiestie Wherein is proued, that our Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ, was authour of the Catholike Roman faith, which Protestants call Papistrie. Written by Iohn Hunt, a Roman Catholike, in defence of his religion against the calumniations and persecutions of Protestant ministers. Doughty, Thomas, fl. 1618-1638. 1620 (1620) STC 7072.3; ESTC S116238 58,171 97

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shal not be deliuered to another people and it shal breake in peeces shal consume al those Kingdoms it self shal stand for euer Which Prophecie we finde verified by experience vpon the Catholike Roman Church which as Protestants themselues confesse was so potent presently after the Apostles times that it destroyed and consumed the Church of Protestants and for these one thousand and two hundred yeares hath raigned vniuersally without any debatable contradiction as is set downe in the third Chapter Againe we see by experience that all other Kingdomes and Monarchies of Christians haue been interrupted and changed as the Empire first from the West vnto the East and after into Germany Spaine was first possessed by the Romans after by the Goathes and lastly for many yeares by the Moores France was long time tributarie to the Romans and about the yeare of our Lord 451. the Franck Germanes who dwelled beyond the Rhyne began to conquer them and in processe of time obtained their Kingdome and changed their name from Gaules to French and about the yeare 461. elected Mirouee for King after France was possessed by the English and Henry the sixt was crowned King of France about the yeare 1422. from which time the Kings of England haue alwayes challenged to be Kings of France England was vnder the Romanes vntill the time of Honorius and shortly after it was conquered by the Saxons and then by the Danes and last by Norman French In so much as that it is manifest to experience that the Catholike Romane Church is the Kingdome raysed vp by God which shall not bee destroyed for euer Whereupon the Prophet Ioel saith Yee children of Ioel 2. 23. Syon the Church of God reioyce and be ioyfull in the Lord your God because he hath giuen you a Doctor of iustice and hee will make the earely and the late showre to descend to you as in the beginning And the floores shal be filled with wheate and the presses shall ouerflow with wine and oyle And I wil render you the yeares which the Locust the Bruke and the blast and the Eruke hath eaten my great strength which I haue sent vpon you And eating you shal eate and shal be filled and you shal praise the name of the Lord your God that hath done maruailes with you and my people shal not be confounded for euer And you shal know that I am in the middest of Israel and I the Lord your God and there is none besides and my people shal not be confounded for euer So the Prophet Micheas saith And thou Bethelem Mich. 4. 2. Ephrata art a little one in the thousands of Iuda out of thee shall come forth vnto me he that shal be the Dominator in Israel and his comming forth from the beginning from the dayes of eternity c. and the remnant of his brethren shal be conuerted to the children of Israel And he shal stand and feed in the strength of our Lord in the height of the name of our Lord his God and they shal be conuerted because now shal he be magnified euen to the ends of the earth c. And the remnant of Iacob shal be in the Gentiles in the middest of many peoples as a Lyon amongst the beasts of the forrest and as a Lyons whelpe amongst the flocke of cattell who when he hath passed and trodden downe and taken there is none to deliuer Thy hand shall be exalted ouer thine enemies and thine enemies shall perish So the Prophet Abacuc saith God wil come from Abac. 4. 3. the South and the holy one from the shady mountaine his glory shal couer the heauens and the earth is full of his praise That is saith S. AVGVSTINE the Gospell shall begin from Ierusalem and Mount Oliuet and so be dilated ouer the world For Ierusalem saith Saint AVGVSTINE is placed Southward as is read in the Aug. ●p 166. booke of Iesus Naue from whence the name of Christ hath been spread and there is a shadie mountaine Mount Oliuet from whence he ascended into heauen that his vertue might couer the heauens and the Church might be filled with his praise throughout the whole earth So the Prophet Zacharias saith Behold thy King will come to thee the lust and Sauiour himselfe poore and riding vpon an Asse and vpon a Colt the Fole of an Asse c. He shal speake peace to the Gentiles and his power from sea euen to sea and from the riuers of Iordan Matth. 5. 13. where he was baptised euen vnto the end of the earth not for a day or a month or a yeare But as he spake to Luke 1. 55. our Fathers to Abraham and his seed for euer These Prophecies to be verified on our Catholike Roman Faith we haue shewed at large in the first second and third Chapter and are so far from being verified vpon Protestantisme that for a thousand and foure hundred yeares together Protestants are not able to name one man who held and taught the doctrine they now hold and teach So dread Soueraigne if the testimonies of Moyses and the Prophets may find grace and credit with your Maiesty they affirme that our Sauiour was Author of the Catholike Romane Faith as we haue abundantly shewed Yet the testimonies of Moyses and the Prophets were of such force with our Sauiour as he bringeth in Abraham saying If they heare not Moyses and Luke 16. 31. the Prophets neither wil they be perswaded though one rise from the dead Againe hee saith to the incredulous Iewes Had you beleeued Moyses you would peraduenture Iohn 5. 46. haue beleeued me for he wrote of me And if you beleeue not his writings which are confirmed by so many oathes and promises and found true by experience how wil you beleeue my words And so I conclude the Prophecies of the old Testament with the words of Saint Augustine saying The Aug. in Psal 30. Prophets haue spoken more obscurely of Christ then of the Church I thinke because they did see in spirit that men would rebell against the Church and would not haue so great strife concerning Christ but would raise vp great contentions concerning the Church therefore that about which men were to make great strife was more plainly foretold and more manifestly prophecied that it might serue for their condemnation who did see it and fled out CHAP. X. Wherein is proued by the testimony of Angels that our Sauiour was the Author of the Catholike Romane Faith HAVING most dread Soueraigne according to the counsel of our Sauiour Iohn 5. 39. sought the old Testament to see what it saith of the Faith Seed and Children of the Messias and hauing found that by it our Lord was the Author of the Catholike Romane Faith Seed or Religion we will now descend downe vnto the New to see what it saith in generall of the Faith Seed Word or Gospel which our Sauiour planted vpon earth that wee may also see whether
haue reigned vniuersally ouer the world for twelue hundred yeares as is set downe in the third Chapter And so I conclude out of our Sauiours words that the Catholike Romane Faith must needs be the Faith and Religion which our Sauiour planted and that Romane Catholikes are true Christians since neither the promises in the bookes of Moyses nor in the Prophets nor in the Psalmes are or can bee verified or fulfilled in or vpon any other Thirdly our Sauiour speaking of the estate of his Church saith The Kingdome of heauen is resembled vnto a man that sowed good seed in his field but when men Matth. 13. 24. were asleepe his enemies came and ouer-sowed Cockle among the Wheate and went his way and when the blade was shut vp and had brought forth fruit then appeared also the Cockle And the seruants of the Good-man of the house comming said to him Sir diddest thou not sowe good seed in thy field Whence then hath it Cockle and he said to them the enemie man hath done this And the seruants said to him Wilt thou we goe and gather it vp And he said noe lest perhaps gathering vp the Cockle you may roote vp the Wheate also together with it suffer both to grow vntill the haruest and in the time of haruest I wil say to the Reapers Gather vp first the Cockle and bind it into bundles to burne but the wheate gather yee into my Barne And expounding this Parable of the Cockle of the field he said to his Disciples He that sowed the Matth. 13. 37. good seed is the Son of Man and the field is the world and the good seed those are the children of the Kingdome and the Cockle those are the children of the wicked one and the enemy that sowed them is the Diuell but the Haruest is the end of the world and the Reapers are the Angels So our Sauiour in describing his Church by which description it is manifest that our Sauiour sowed the Catholike Romane Faith and that Romane Catholikes are the children of the Kingdome of God and all other Sects of what kinde or sort soeuer are Cockle sowed by the Diuell after death or at the end of Matth. 13. 38. the world to be gathered vp and cast into a Furnace of fire Since there neither is at this instant nor yet hath been heretofore any Nation People Faith Religion or Sect which challenged the name of Christians that hath been successiuely dilated ouer the world according to our Sauiours description but the Catholike Romane Faith which as Perkins a Protestant saith Vpon the Creed fol. 307. During the space of nine hundred yeares spread it selfe ouer the whole earth Fourthly our Sauiour speaking of his Church saith The Kingdome of heauen is like vnto a mustard-seed Matth. 13. 31. which a man tooke and sowed in his field which i● the least surely of all seeds but when it is growne it is greater then all hearbes and is made a tree so that the fowles of the ayre come to dwell in the branches thereof Againe The Kingdome of heauen is like to Leauen which Matth. 13. 33. a woman tooke and hid in three measures of meale vntill the whole was leauened Againe The Kingdome of heauen Matth. 13. 47. is like to a net cast into the sea and gathering together of all kinde of fishes Which words of our Sauiour cannot bee verified vpon Protestantisme supposing that it was in the Apostles times as they affirme since it did not encrease or grow greater then al other sects nor leauened the whole world nor gathered together all kinde of people But so vanished away after the Apostles departure that for fourteene hundred yeares together they are not able to assigne one man professing the Religion they doe now Fiftly Our Sauiour setting downe the state of his Church to come saith I chose you and haue appointed Iohn 15. 16. you that you go and bring fruit and your fruit abide Againe This Gospell of the Kingdome shal be preached in Matth. 24. 14. the whole world for a testimony to all Nations and then shal come the consummation Againe Holy Father I pray Iohn 17. not that thou take them away out of this world but that thou preserue them from euill c. And not for the Apostles only do I pray but for them also that by their words shal beleeue in me Againe Teach yee all Nations and Matth. 28. behold I am with you all daies euen to the end of the world Which words of our Sauiour cannot be verified vpon Protestants that our Sauiour hath appointed Protestants to goe and preach in the world and bring fruit and their fruit abide or that Protestantisme should be preached to all Nations or that our Sauiour prayed that Protestants should not be taken away out of the world but be preserued from euill or that our Sauiour would be with Protestants ayding and assisting them in the conuersion of Nations euen to the consummation Matth. 28. 20. of the world since wee see it false by experience Sixtly Our Sauiour speaking of the estate of his Church saith to the chiefe Priests and Ancients of the people Haue you neuer read in the Scriptures The stone Matth. 21. 42. which the builders reiected the same is made the head of the corner By our Lord was it done and it is marueilous in our eyes Therefore I say to you that the Kingdome of God shall be taken away from you and giuen to a Nation yeelding the fruit thereof And he that falleth vpon that stone shal be broken and on whom it falleth it shal al to bruise him These words of our Sauiour cannot be verified vpon Protestants that our Sauiour should become head to vnite Iewes and Protestants together in one family of Christians or should take away his Church and Kingdome vpon earth from the Iewes to giue it to Protestants or that the Church of Protestants should yeeld more fruit then the Church of the Iewes or he that should fall vpon the Church of Protestants should be broken since as Sebastianus Francus a Protestant In epist de Abro stat Eccl. affirmeth That for certaine through the worke of Antichrist the external Church of Protestants together with the Faith Sacraments vanished away presently after the Apostles departure and that for these fourteene hundred yeares the Church of Protestants hath bin no where external and visible Which being so dread Soueraigne I appeale to your Maiestie wel pleased to consider how ignorant hee should be in the Scriptures that should make himselfe a Protestant out of hope to become one of the Kingdome of God heere spoken of That all these promises and Prophecies of our Sauiour are verified vpon Papists Protestants themselues giue sufficient testimonie who affirme that Papistrie began in the time of the Apostles and hath raigned vniuersally for twelue hundred yeares as is set downe in the third Chapter So if the words and