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A20476 The explanation. of the true and lavvful right and tytle, of the most excellent prince, Anthonie the first of that name King of Portugall, concering his warres, againste Phillip King of Castile, and against his subiectes and adherentes, for the recouerie of his kingdome. Together vvith a briefe historye of all that hath passed aboute that matter, vntill the yeare of our Lord. 1583. Translated into English and conferred with the French and Latine copies. By the commanundement and order of the superiors.; Explanatio veri ac legitimi juris, quo serenissimus Lusitaniae Rex Antonius eius nominis primis nititur. English António, Prior of Crato, 1531-1595.; Hollyband, Claudius, 16th cent. 1585 (1585) STC 689; ESTC S100205 44,552 60

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he slewe aboute sixe hundred spanyardes therin and had her rendred vnto him howbeit at the very same instant he was so furiously assailed by the marquis of saint Crosse himselfe cōming in a very great strōg ship called the galeon saint Martin that in the end he was vanquished for want of ayde For hee was not ayded by anye other sauing onelye the sayde Erle of Brissack who fighting valiantlye with two shippes greatelye endomaged thennimie but yet at laste seeing himselfe sore wounded and that he laboured in vaine being not seconded by others as was convenient he made his retrait in tyme retourning into Fraunce with the losse of manye of his men and his shippes in euill plight Duringe this greate battaile the Lorde of Sansolenne viceadmyrall to the Lorde Strossi and the lorde of Fumei captaine of fiue shippes for wante of winde as they pretended neuer inuaded thennemies These two lordes when they sawe the lord Strossi ouercome retyred with twentie shippes to king Anthony into thisle of Tercera His Maiestie vppon notice of thill successe of the battayle cōceaued greate sorrowe as he had good cause and that moste specially for the deathes of the lordes Strossi the Constable both lordes of greate valor and tooke it in verye euill parte that Sansolenne and Fumei had so miserablye forsaken them in the battayle These lordes of Sansolenne and Fumei shortly after by his maiesties lycence retyred into Fraunce leauing in thislande about two thousand and fiue hundred frenche souldioures for the defence of the Kings person in case thennemye woulde assalte thisle But the Marquis of sainte Crosse hauing loste in the battayle aboute two thousande of his best soldiours durst attempte no further againste thislande of Tercera but onelye stayed for the fleete whiche came out of the Easte and Weste Indyes and when they were ioyned with him hee tooke them vnder his conduction and so retourned presently towarde Spayne with all his atmye Vppon the aduertisement whereof King Don Anthonio with all expedition gathering together all the shippes aswell frenche as others whiche were at the sayde Islande of Tercera and other places there aboutes to the number of seuen and thurtye shippes embarqued himselfe with two thousande frenche souldioures and as manye Portugalls to thintent to passe therewith to thislande of Madera belonging to the Crowne of Portugall but then holden by the King of Castile But when the monethe of October was come at what tyme the sea beginneth greatelye to swell in those parties there arose so mighty and furious a tempest in the middest of their iourney with a contrary wind that it was vnpossible for thē to passe any further and for their shippes to keepe company together but being dispersed diuerse waies arryued with great trauaile and daunger part in Fraunce and parte with the Kinge in thisle of Tercera After the Kinge had soiourned there aboute twentye dayes and sette suche order in thislande as was conuenyente hee departed from thence with fiue shippes towarde Fraunce and arriued there with the helpe of a fauourable wynde within twelue dayes taking in his companye Ciprian de Figuereds who till then had gouerned the sayde Islandes of Assores and appointing in his place Emanuell de Silua Earle of Torres Vedras of whome more shall be spoken hereafter His maiestie beeing arriued in Fraunce was there agayne verie honorablye receaued aswell by the moste Christian kinge as by the Queene-mother who then offred to giue him any assistance to preuaile against his ennemye and as time and occasion should serue to restore him to his kingdome naminge vnto him shortelye after the Duke of Ioyence for generall of tharmies Whiche for that cause shoulde thereafter be prepared But in the meane tyme the kinge of Castile seeking all possible meanes for the cause afore alleaged to bring the sayde Island of Tercera and the rest of thislandes of Assores vnder his subiection appointed therefore to be prepared for the yere following another myghtie and greate armye of manye gallyons galeies other vessels both greate and small to the number of a hundred and twentye Of whiche nauye the Marques of sainct Crosse was appoynted generall agayne In the meane space King Don Anthony vnderstanding thereof omitted nothing that might tend to the defence and preseruation of thisle For by the fauour assistance of the queenemother hee prepared a Nauye and leuied two thousande frenche soldiours to bee for that cause employed vnder the conduction of Mounsir de Chartres a noble gentleman and of greate valour of whome the queenemother had made speciall choyse amongest manye for that seruice This Mounsyr de Chartres with the sayde nauie and number of soldiours aboute the beginning of spring tyme departed towarde the sayde Isle of Tercera to furnishe it with a stronge garrison and defende it againste thinuasion of the King of Castile arriued there with a fauourable wynde without anye misfortune Nowe when the Kinge of Castiles armie was ready amounting to a hundred and twentie sayles and ten or twelue thousande fighting menne the Marques of sainct Crosse departed with the same from Lisbone about thende of Iune 1583. and arriued before the sayde Isle of Tercera the foure and twenty of Iuly following and hauing spent two or three daies in viewing where to land his men beste vppon the thirde daye after by the●lpe and benefite of his Galleyes which contrary to many mens opinions he brought thither he landed his men of war in a certaine place least suspected by the captaines inhabitants of thisland where remained but a verie small garrsion By reason whereof it came to passe that before the principall body of the garrisō which was two miles of could come thither then'nimy had leasure to land almost tenne thousande fighting men and had halfe intrenched them Firste therefore Mounsyr de Chartres came thyther in all expedition with his regimente of Frenchemen and hotlye skirmished with the enemies wherein manye were slayne on eyther side but specially of the Spanyardes At laste also came therle of Torres Vedras gouernoure of the Isle with a good number of Portugall souldioures and men of the Islande well armed and sufficientlye trayned And perceauing in what case thinges stood treated with Mounsyr de Chartres touching the ioyning of present battayle with the ennemy Herevpon they all prepared themselues to fight the squadrons being set in order are apoynted to march against the ennemy But for that the Marquise had twice as many men in his army as were in King Anthonies and also it seemed very late in the day to gyue this battayle the sayde Erle propounded to Mounsyr de Chartres to differre it tyll the next daye and that in the meane space he would cause victuals gunpouder munition and other necessaries to be brought into a conuenient place amongst the rockes of the Isle to the intent to make their retraite thither to staye for ayde out of Fraunce or the other Islandes if they fortuned to loose the victory
THE EXPLANATION OF THE TRVE AND LAVVFVLL RIGHT AND TYTLE OF THE MOSTE EXCELLENT PRINCE ANTHONIE the first of that name King of Portugall concerning his warres againste Phillip King of Castile and against his Subiectes and adherentes for the recouerie of his kingdome TOGETHER VVITH A BRIEFE HIstorye of all that hath passed aboute that matter vntill the yeare of our LORD 1583. Translated into English and conferred with the French and Latine Copies By the commaundement and order of the Superiors At Leyden In the Printing house of Christopher Plantyn 1585. The order of the Priuiledge MAurice Erle of Nassawe Catzenellebogen Vianden Dietz c. and the counselors of estate appointed in the prouinces vnited of the low countreis To all to whom these presents shall come greeting Th'ambassador of the moste noble prince Anthony King of Portugall Algarbes c. hath declared vnto vs that he hath caused a little treatise to bee made in the Latine Frenche and Flemmish tongues conteyning the iustification of the said king Anthony with a briefe historye of all that hath passed betweene his maiesty and the King of Castile vntill the taking of thislands of Assores together with an exhortatiō to all princes potentates of Christiandome how muche it standeth them vpon to aid and succour the said king Anthony to recouer his kingdom The which discourse the said Ambassador is desirous to cause to be imprinted with asmuch expedition as possib●y he may to wit in the Latine French tongs by Christopher Plantin in the Flēmish tong by Peter Verhaghen printer of Dordright Wherefore for other causes vs hereunto mouing we haue giuen granted by these presents do giue graunt vnto the said declarer licence authority permission to cause the said treatise boke to be printed by the said Christopher Plantin Peter Verhaghen to put the same to sale in the tongues aforesaid Wherefore we commaunde all men generallie and particularlie that they suffer the said declarer fullie and peacablie to enioy and vse this our present licence authoritie and permission causing all troubles and empechemēts contrary to the same clearelie to surcease and be remoued Forbidding as hereby we doe straightly prohibite forbid all other printers of the said prouinces vnited to imprinte or imitate the said booke in anie of the saide three tongues or in anye other language without the knowledge and consent of the saide ambassadour or his successor in office to sell or distribute the same either within the said Prouinces vnited or elsewhere without the same vpon pain of arbitrary correction and to forfait L. l. for a fine For so haue we found it conuenient Giuen at Delft the 15. of Ianuarie 1585 Ad Meetkerke In the absence of my Lord the Earle by thorder of the counsellers of estate abouesaide I. VAN LANGEN ●…resent woorke 〈…〉 the second his Cosen germaine 〈…〉 e vviues 3 ●…ONOR the sister of themperour Charles the fift by whome ●…he had one sonne named Charles that died in his infancie and Marie that died vnmaried 6 ●…LPHONSVS ●●o was made ●●rdinall 7 HENRIE who was also made Cardinal and after king by the death of Kinge Sebastìan 8 EDVVARDE who married Theodosia Duches of Bergantia of whome issued ●…ARIE who married 〈…〉 nder Prince of Par 〈…〉 whome are issued 〈…〉 children KATHERINE who married the Duke of Bergantia Edwarde who died and was neuer married 9 ANTHONIE who died in his infancie The explanation of the true and lawfull Right and Tytle of the most excellent Prince Anthonie the firste of that name King of Portugall as touching his warres against Phillip king of Castile and his Subiectes and adherents for the Recouerie of his kingdome Together with a briefe history of all matters passed vpon that occasion vntill the yeare of our Lord. 1583. WHen Iohn the second of that name King of Portugall was departed out of this mortall life without any issue of his bodie lawfully begotten then liuing For his onely legittimate sonne Alfonsus while his Father was liuing dyed at Santaren by the fall of a horse The kingdome of Portugall descended or rather was giuen by election of the people vnto Emanuell the first of that name sonne of Ferdinando who was vncle to the same king John This was that king Emanuell whiche in the time of his Reigne conquered and annexed to his crowne a good part aswell of the East as of the West Indies together with diuers Cities and Townes of Affrica which at this day remaine subiect to the kinges of Portugall The whiche king Emanuell had three wiues the first whereof was Isabell the eldest daughter of Ferdinando and Jsabell king and queene of Castile which queene Isabell wife of the said king Emanuell dyed in child-bed after she had brought forth her first and onely son Michaell who when he was declared and sworne Prince of Castile and Portugall dyed in his yong yeares whereupon the said king Emanuell tooke to his second wife Marie the second daughter of the said king Ferdinando and queene Jsabell his wife By whiche Marie he had nine children The first whereof was John the third who succeeded his father in the kingdome and tooke to his wife Catherine the daughter of Phillip the first of that name king of Castile and Archeduke of Austriche c. The seconde childe was Jsabell who married the Empeorour Charles the fifte of whome isissued three children to wit Phillip the second of that name nowe King of Castile Marie who married the Emperour Maximilian the seconde of that name and Iane who was married to John prince of Portugall the sonne of King Iohn the thirde of that name The thirde childe of the sayde King Emanuell was Beatrice who marryed Charles Duke of Sauoy The fourth was Lodowike who as it hath beene since founde was secretlye married to one Jolenta of honest parentage of a singular beawtye adorned with vertue and good quallities by whome hee had one onely sonne named Anthonie who is the same partye of whome and concerning whose righte and tytle this treatise principallye maketh mention The fift childe of the sayde King Emanuell was Ferdinando who married a daughter of the Earle of Marialua in Portugall by whome hee had two sonnes who dyed while their father and mother were lyuing The sixte was Alfonsus who was made Cardinall and so dyed without issue The seuenth was Henrye who lykewise was made Cardinall and prymate of Portugall and after that King by the death of King Sebastian as heereafter in this treatise more at large shall bee declared The eyght childe was Edwarde who married Theodosia Duchesse of Bergantia by whome hee had three children that is to say Mary who marryed Alexander Prince of Parma of whome are issued three children also Katherine who marryed Iohn Duke of Bergantia And Edwarde who dyed vnmarryed The ninthe chylde and laste sonne of the sayde King Emanuell of his sayde seconde marryage was Anthonie who also dyed in his infancye The
thirde wyfe of the same Emanuell was Eleonour sister to the Emperor Charles the fifte by whome he had two children to wit Charles who dyed in his infancie and Marye who also deceased and was neuer marryed When the sayde Emanuell was deceased Iohn the thyrde of that name his eldest sonne succeeded him in the kingdome as is aforesayde who by Katherine his wife had manye children the whiche dyed all in their infancyes except Prince John and Marye The whiche Marye marryed Phillip nowe King and then prince of Castile and dyed before her sayde husbande came to his Crowne leauing one onelye sonne whose name was Charles Whome as the fame thereof is constante his father King Phillip commaunded to bee put to death in pryson When Prynce Iohn came to the age of sixteene yeere hee married Jane the daughter of the sayde Emperour Charles and dyed aboute one yeare after leaving his wife greate with childe who in the sixte monethe after the death of her husbande brought foorth a sonne whose name was Sebastian whiche yong Prince when hee came to aboute the age of foure yeares succeeded in the kingdome by and after the death of the sayde Iohn the thirde his Graundfather by the fathers side Now when King Sebastian was come to the age of foure and twentye yeares vppon the intreatye and solicitation of Mulei Mahumet Kinge as hee pretended of Fez and Marrocos who by Mulei Maluco his brother was expelled and driuen out of his kingdome the sayde King Sebastian at the last determined to passe into Affryca with a greate and puissant Armye to restore this Mulei Mahumet to his kingdome And for the better accomplishmente thereof hee prayed his vncle King Phillip of Castile to voutchsafe some ayde vnto him in that beehalfe The King of Castile graunting this petition promised to ayde him with fiftye Gallyes well appointed and furnished and foure thousand armed souldyours King Sebastian trusting thereunto with all care and dilligence prepared his armye wherewith in the monthe of Iune 1578. hee departed from Lisbone and came to a porte of Castile neere the streighte of Gibraltare called el puerto de Sancta Maria where hee stayed certayne dayes for the Gallyes and menne whiche the Kinge of Castile had promised to sende vnto him But the Kinge of Castile vnder pretence that the greate Turke prepared an Armye for that yeare not onelye denyed to performe his promise but also that is farre woorse caused a proclamation to bee made and published thorowoute all Spayne subiecte to his Iurisdiction whereby all his subiectes were commaunded vppon greate pennalties that none of them shoulde accompanye Kinge Sebastian in that Voyage whereof certaynelye there can no other coniecture bee gathered sauing onely that the king of Castile by his vnmesurable ambition insatiable desire to haue dominion neither coueted nor hoped for any other thing then onely that the yong prince king Sebastian his nephew for want of sufficient force should be ouerthrown and come to destruction in the same Iourney so as thereupon the said king of Castile might by that meane haue oportunity to ioyne the kingdome of Portugall to his kingdome of Castile as it came to passe Neuerthelesse the saide king Sebastian being a prince of greate magnanimitie when hee had all thinges in a readinesse and employed infinite expences vpon the furnishing of this armie whiche was aboue a thousand Saile determined to pursue his voyage and ariued in Affrica and there landed all his armie amounting to about fifteene thousand fighting men Thereupon in the end hee came into a plaine fielde whiche beareth the name of Alcazar where the fift day of August in the same yeare was fought a great and terrible battaile betweene him and the enemie wherein the said yong king Sebastian was not onelye ouercome but also slaine in the field together with Mulei Mahumet whose parte he tooke at what time neyther did Mulei Maluco the king that fought against them escape For he in the time of the battaile being sicke and wearye of sitting his horse was remoued into his horselitter and there dyed during the battaile A battaile certainlye worthie to be had in remembraunce for in the same dyed three kinges together in one daye as in lyke manner there were slaine in the same aboue sixe hundred of the cheefest of the Lordes and gentlemen of the kingdome of Portugall besides the common souldiers the most wherof were slaine in the battaile and the rest taken prisoners amongst whiche number Don Anthonio of whome this booke specially treateth was one of the Captiues Further there be certaine persons who affirme that after the death of the sayde king Maluco there was found in his pocket a letter written vnto him from king Phillip wherein he assured king Maluco that king Sebastian nephew of the saide king Phillip shounde haue no ayde at his handes whereby may be perceaued agreat vnfaithfullnes of king Phillip against his owne blood Now when as by the death of king Sebastian the linage of king Iohn the third his grandfather by the fathers side was vtterly extinct it must follow of necessity if collateral succession take place in this behalfe that recourse must be had to the linage of the said Lodowike as seconde sonne of the aforenamed king Emanuell Whiche Lodowike as is afore aleaged had one onelye sonne called Don Anthonio who therefore his lawfull byrthe presupsupposed was the onelye lawfull and rightfull successor of the kingdome But it fell so out that while he in the said discomfiture of Affrica was taken prisoner and there remained captiue howbeit vnknowne of the enemie as it was alwaies before that tyme vnknowne yea and that also to Don Anthonio himselfe that hee was the legittimate sonne of the said Lodowike Henry the Cardinall his vncle the fift issue male of King Emanuell was preferred to the kingdom being then a very old man within a little while after by a wonderfull meane or rather by the prouidence of God the sayd Don Anthonio about forty daies after the losse of the battaile was deliuered out of captiuitie and returned into Portugall where he was with great ioy receaued not onely by King Henry but also by all the nobilitie and principall gentlemen of the countrey and most chiefly and principally by the common people For hee was beloued of all men as well in respect of his noble and excellent disposition of mynde as for the singular and rare vertues of his sayde Father Lodowike which most cleerely shined in him Within a fewe dayes after Don Anthonio was arriued at Lysbone the metropolitan Citie of the kingdome he was aduertised by one of his father Lodwikes ancient seruantes who was a man of good callinge and approued integritie that his father Lodowicke as is afore mencioned in this treatise was secretlye married to the said Iolenta And howe there were diuerse credible witnesses yet liuinge that could testifie the trouthe therof And besides that dyuerse men of good credit calling had expressed and declared
the same King Emanuell Also Katherine Duches of Bergantia daughter to the saide Edward sixt sonne of the saide King Emanuell and lastlye the prince of Parma as father and tutor to his eldest sonne which he had by Mary daughter also to the sayde Edward All the which princes and potentates were cyted by the sayde King Henry to appeare at a certain day to thintent euery of them by his Ambassador or Agent might propound and set downe in the sayd assembly of thestates all such right and tytle as euery of them after his death could pretend to the sayd kingdome Saying hee was minded to determine the same cause in his lyfe time if possibly he could bring it to passe But if death shoulde preuent his purpose therein his meaning was to commit and appoint not onelye certaine persons to gouerne the kingdome but also certaine Iudges to determine who had best right and title to succeede enioy the crowne alleaging he tooke that course to auoide all controuersies inconueniencies warres which otherwise were like to happen Whereuppon all the sayde princes and potentates thus lawfully cyted sent their Ambassadors or deputies with sufficient instructions on their behalfe to propoūd in the said assembly of thestates their seuerall rightes and tytles which they pretended to the said kingdome Except onely Phillip King of Castile who answered he neyther had nor acknoledged and Iudge in earth but onelye in heauen And therfore woulde not commit his righte and tytle to the determination of any Iudges that shoulde bee appointed concerning that matter adding withall howe hee was sufficiently informed by his best learned lawyers in his owne kingdome that there was no other personage in the world sauing onely himselfe that had lawfull right to succeede in the sayde kingdome of Portugall after the death of the sayde King Henry which right in case it shoulde be denyed vnto him that then hee woulde obtaine the kingdome by force of armes When the most excellent pryncesse Katherine de Medicis the french Kings Mother was aduertised of these matters namely that King Henry had commaunded all them to be cyted whiche pretended auy tytle to the kingdome she sent into Portugall for her Ambassador the Byshop of Comminges to propound in lyke manner on her behalfe in the sayde assemblye of thestates the righte which she pretended to the sayde kingdome grounding her tytle vpon her descent from King Alfonsus brother to King Sancho the seconde of that name who before he was King had marryed in Fraunce Mawde Countesse of Bulloyne by whome he had two sonnes one of the whiche was marryed in Fraunce of whome the sayde Katheren de Madicis descended the other of the same sonnes deceasing in Portugall without issue and the plea exhibited on the behalfe of the sayde Kathereine de Medicis was receaued by the saide Kinge Henry in the saide assembly of the-states Also when the people of Portugal vnderstoode the right of succession of the kingdom was committed to examination and considering themselues had lawfull power right to elect choose a Kynge for and in default of a lawfull heire Masle descending directly of the Masculine line therefore they exhibited a supplycation to king Henry that his maiesty would voutchsafe to graunt them lycence to propounde and alleage thier right in that behalfe and to exhibite a plea whiche they had made thereof conteyning in substaunce and effecte as followeth To wit That the people of Portugall had made and chosen for their Kinge Alfonsus the first Kinge of Portugall sonne of Earle Henry Also that the same people had deposed from the administration and gouernement of the kingdome Kinge Sancho the seconde of that name after hee had Reigned by the space of fiue and twentye yeares and that thereupon the same people committed the administration and gouernement of the kingdome to his brother Alfonsus Earle of Bulloyne who had marryed Mawde the Countesse and after the death of Sancho they elected the same Alfonsus to be their King Further that the same people had elected made their king Iohn the first of that name the base son of King Alfonsus the fourth notwithstanding there remayned liuing two legittimate daughters of the same king Alfonsus Which King John the same people of Portugall did confirme in the royall seate mainteyned and defended him againste John Kinge of Castile also the first of that name who pretended title to the succession of the said kingdome of Portugall for and in the name of his wife eldest and legittimate daughter of the saide King Alfonsus Whereuppon there grew sharpe warre betweene the same two Kinges concerning that matter wherein the Kinge of Castile in thende was ouerthrowne in battayle aboute a certaine towne of Portugall called Algibarotta Moreouer that the same people had created their King Emanuell the first for that King Iohn the second had lefte no issue male descending of the righte Masculyne lyne Lastlye that they had made the sayde Cardinall Henry their King after the decease of Kinge Sebastian who was slayne in the battayle of Affrica leauing no lawfull issue of his body to enioy the Crowne By all these reasons the sayde people concluded that their power and righte to make the sayde election was offarre greater force and effecte then the righte and tytle of succession whereuppon the other pretenders grounded them selues and the same people added withall that by the Lawe called the mentall Lawe made by the sayde Kinge Iohn the firste of that name no woman can nor oughte to inherite anye goodes or possessions depending of the Crowne and therefore neyther myghte they who descended of the issues female as all the sayde pretenders did sauing onely the sayd Don Anthonio Vpon thunderstanding of all these matters so propounded and set down on the beehalfe of the people Kinge Henrye lykewise admitted their plea. Hereuppon whyle the states of the Kingdome of Portugall were assembled treating vppon the nomination and election aswell of those persons whiche after the death of the sayde Kinge Henrye should haue the administration and gouernement of the kingdome as also of suche as shoulde decyde and iudge the question and controuersie touchyng the succession of the crowne Thagent of Don Anthonio was informed that one Alphonsus of Alburquerque an aduocate of the Cytye of Lysbone was subcrned and wonne by some of the King of Castiles fautors and that hee had manifestlye declared his aduise and opinion to certayne greate menne of the kingdome whereby it euidentlye appeared that hee was altogether bent and enclyned to the King of Castiles parte Wherefore the same Agent propounded and put in againste the same Alfonsus a plea or byll of recusation to thintent hee shoulde haue no voyce in thelection neyther of the sayde administrators or gouernours of the kingdom nor of the Iudges that should haue the hearing and determination of the cause touching the succession of the crowne also the same Agente auoutched how hee woulde declare sufficiente causes that mooued him to