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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A19232 The commonvvealth and gouernment of Venice. VVritten by the Cardinall Gasper Contareno, and translated out of Italian into English, by Lewes Lewkenor Esquire. VVith sundry other collections, annexed by the translator for the more cleere and exact satisfaction of the reader. With a short chronicle in the end, of the liues and raignes of the Venetian dukes, from the very beginninges of their citie; De magistribus et republica Venetorum. English Contarini, Gasparo, 1483-1542.; Lewkenor, Lewis, Sir, d. 1626. 1599 (1599) STC 5642; ESTC S108619 143,054 250

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MArco Barbarico succeeded him being 73. yeares of age he was wholy enclined to peace and bent to the maintenance thereof his whole intentions but death cut him off in the very first yeare 74. Augustino Barbarico anno 1485. AVgustino Barbarico was elected to succeede his brother Marco he banded with the other Italian princes against Charles eight of Fraunce then newly by solicitation of Lodowicke Sforce entred into Italy for the recouery of the kingdome of Naples to which he pretended title in his time the Portugals first found out the voyaging into the Indies to the exceeding preiudice of Venice who before had thence al their spices with which in a manner they furnished all the western prouinces of Christendome hee dyed in the 15. yeare of his Dukedome and in his place was elected 75. Leonardo Loridano anno 1501. NEuer was the commonwealth of Venice nearer to shipwracke then in this princes time for the greatest princes of Christendome did solemnly at Cambray combine themselues in league against their state as the Pope the Emperour the king of Fraunce the king of Spaine and the Dukes of Mantua and Ferrara euery one of which powred down armies vpon them they were ouerthrowne in a memorable battell at Ghiaradada and in an other at Vincensa so that they were faine to abandon in a manner al that they possessed vpon the firme land to be shared and diuided by the Conquerours yet neuertheles fortune turned about her wheele againe in such sort that they recouered themselues wherein the histories of that time do attribute exceeding much to the wisedome and vertue of their prince Finally being nere to 90. yeares of age hee fell into an infirmitie by reason of a fall which he had receyued dyed in the yeare 1521. His body was honourably entombed in the Church of S. Iohn and S. Paule 76. Antonio Grimani Anno 1521. ANtonio Grimani had beene first a Procurator and depriued of that dignity and banished to Cherso yet afterward was recalled againe and restored to his first dignitie and shortly after elected Duke which honour he enioyed onely a yeare two monthes and two dayes and then dyed 77. Andrea Gritti Anno 1523. IN his place was elected Andrea Gritti a man in deed excellent in all prefection worthy of that dignity The great matters that passed in his time are so excellently and copiously written by Giouius Guicciardin and others of that time that it were in vaine here to make any abridgement of them He ruled 15. yeares seuen monthes and then dyed at the age of 83. yeares 78. Pietro Lando Anno 1538. PIetro Lando being confirmed Duke maintayned his commonwealth neutrall betweene Charles the Emperour and Francis the French King who were intangled together in a most fierce and cruell warre and thought there was scarcely any prince in Christendome but followed the one side or other yet neuer coulde they notwithstanding many earnest solicitations made by them both draw the state of Venice to fauour the one more then the other Hauing ruled 7. yeares he dyed 79. Francesco Donato An. 1545. FRancesco Donato being Procurator of S. Marke was a man of great eloquence singular capacity of spirit and therefore his election applauded of the multitude with great ioy he did many laudable things and lastly died in the seuenth yeare of his rule and was succeded by Marcantonio Treuisano 80. Marcantonio Treuisano Anno 1553. THis Duke was maruellously religious iust in all his words and actions and of so extraordinary a charitie towards the poore that he gaue them in a manner all that hee had neuerthelesse his end was strange and pitifull for at the end of his first yeare he fell downe sodainly dead as he was kneeling before the altar at Masse the inscription vnder his picture in the pallace is thus Religionis amantissimus Anno circn̄acto moriens in gremio patrum ante aras in celum vnde veneram vitae integer euolaui 81. Francesco Veniero Anno. 1554. THe next placed in the Ducall throne was Francesco Veniero being then 64. yeares of age he liued onely two years in his place was elected Lorenzo Priuli 82. Lorenzo Priuli Anno 1556. LOrenzo Priuli was a man wholly giuen to religion quietnesse there was no great thing done in the time of his Dukedome which he onely enioyed three yeares and then departed this world 83. Hieronimo Priuli Anno 1559. HIeronimo Priuli as wel in regard of his owne vertue as the happy and quiet gouernment of his brother Lorenso was with generall applause established in his roome In his time was celebrated the Councell of Trente he died in the 8. yeare of his rule 84. Pietro Loredano Anno 1567. PIetro Loredano was a senator of great grauitie wise religious and of singular integritie and soundnesse in his actions in his time the famous Arsenall of Venice wherein all their store of powder munition was contained was casually set on fire the noise whereof was so extremely hideous that it was heard 40. miles off presently also ensued the calamitous war of Selim Emperor of the Turks who vpon the death of his father Soliman aspiring to some honourable conquest tooke armes against the Senate pretending title to the kingdome of Cypres vtterly forgetting his fathers admonitions his promise made to the Senate and the long amitie that had beene betweene them In fine hee inuaded Cypres with a mighty armie tooke after long siege the two great Citties of Nicosia Famagosta practising all kinds of imaginable crueltie vppon the poore Christian captiues in the meane time while the Venetians were busied in preparation of forces to encounter him the Duke not able to withstand the affliction of age sicknesse and so many troubles yeelded vp his breath in his fourth yeare of gouernment 85. Aluigi Mocenigo Anno 1570. THe next thought worthy of this high honour was Aluigi Mocenigo a man accomplished in all vertues that to so great a dignitie were requisite he appointed Sebastiano Veniero Generall of the Venetian forces to vnite himselfe with Marc-Antonia Colona Generall for the Pope D. Iohn d' Austria for the king of Spaine who together gaue that mighty and memorable ouerthrow to the Turkes at Lepanto in manner in the very place where Augustus Caesar vanquished Anthony his Competitor In his time Henry the third King of Fraunce returning vppon the newes of his brothers death out of Polonia passed through Venice where being ariued he was receiued and entertained of the Duke and Senate with maruellous ioy pompe and magnificence Finally this Duke to the great discomfort of the common-wealth died in the seuenth yeare of his rule 86. Sebastiano Veniero Anno 1577. PResently vpon the death of Mocenigo Sebastiano Veniero in reward of his glorious victorie against the Turkes was without contradiction of any of the Electors enstalled in the Dukedome with greater gratulation and applause then euer before time had beene seen at the election of any former Duke The Pope sent a solemne ambassage to congratulate with him and withall sent him in token of his worthinesse and vertue the Rose of Gold a present neuer sent but to mighty princes and such as had employed themselues in the churches defence but all this honour and his life also ended within a yeare after that hee had receiued the Ducall diademe euen at such time as hee was busie about the preparation of a sumptuous and triumphall feast which he intended to make in honor of his wife the princesse Cecilia Contarina The Archduke of Austria in admiration of his vertue sent an Ambassador of purpose to the Senate to demand his picture 87. Nicolo da Ponte Anno 1578. NIcolo da Ponte was fourescore and eight yeares olde at time of his election he was a Doctor of Law a knight and Procurator of S. Marke and had passed with exceeding commendation through all the offices and dignities of his commonwealth He died in the yeare 1585. and in his place was elected Pasqual Cenoca 88. Pasqual Cenoca 1585. FINIS
most happie beginning did chuse for their Duke in the yeare 809. 10. Angelo Participatio WHo first builded the Dukes pallace where it now standeth he admitted Iustinian his sonne to partnership in rule with him lastly after eighteene yeares raigne and reputation of a good Prince hee ended his daies and in his place succeeded him his sonne 11. Giustitiano Participato Anno 828. WHo recalled his brother from banishment to which he had been for his euill demeanor condemned gaue vnto him equall authoritie with himselfe in rule he sent out a nauie in defence of the kingdome of Sicilia against the Moores In his time the bodie of S. Marke was brought vnto Venice for which hee builded a Chappell and after he founded the Church of S. Zachary Finally being oppressed with infirmities hee ended his dayes afore hee had full ruled two yeares 12. Giouani Participatio Anno 129. GIustinian being dead the gouernment remained in Giouani his brother but with harder successe for he was molested with many vnquiet accidents for Obelerio that before was banished both from the Dukedome and his countrie returned in armes with sundry of his confederates to Malomocco raising new broiles wherein he had at the beginning some successe but finally the Duke besieged Malomocco wherin Obelerio had fortified himselfe and lastly consumed the same with fire taking Obelerio prisoner whose head he caused to bee stroken off to be picht vpon a stake in the middle of the market place Shortly after one of the Tribunes called Carolo or as some say Carosto by a conspiracie tooke the Dukedome from him and compelled him to flie but hee being also shortly chased away and depriued of his eyes by the people Giouani was recalled backe who growing into deadly contention quarrel with the family of the Mastalitions being then mighty and puissant both in riches and authoritie as also in the number of friends and allyes was by them againe taken in S. Peters church and confined to Grado where shauing his crown he entred into religion and finally ended his life 13. Pietro Gradenigo Anno 837. PIetro Gradenigo or as some say Tradonigo being elected Duke tooke vnto him his sonne Giouani to bee partner of his rule and dignity he builded the church of S. Paule and made warre vpon the Narantines hee set out threescore sayle of shippes against the Moores and finally was slaine by treason in the church of Saint Zacharie 14 Orso Participatio Anno 864 AFter this odious murther of the last Duke Orso Participatio both in regarde of the happy gouernment of his auncestors as also of his owne vertue and sufficiency was chosen Duke who discomfited presently in battell the Sarazens who had committed greate outrages and spoiles vpon the coast of Dalmatia hee was by Basilius the Emperour honoured with the title of chiefe Swordbearer and lastly ended his dayes in the yeare 881. 15. Giouani Participatio Anno 881. HIs Sonne Giouani succeeded him in gouernment who married a neece of the Emperours of Constantinople he made warre vpon the Earle of Commachio who had way laide and murthered his brother Baldoaro as he iournyed towards Rome hee spoiled his countrie and took the Earle himselfe prisoner hee accepted with equall authority into the Dukedome his brother Pietro who dying soone after hee voluntarily renounced the Dukedome 16. Pietro Candiano Anno. 887. ANd in his place was chosen Pietro Candiano who in a battell soon after against the Narantines was slain and his body brought to Grado where it was buried vpon his death the people requested Giouani Participatio to take vpon him the rule againe which with greate vnwillingnesse hee did but hauing therein continued aboute halfe a yeare at his instant pursuite he was thereof againe released 17. Pietro Tribuno Anno. 888. ANd in his place was elected Pietro Tribuno hee fortified Venice by drawing of a wall from the riuer of Castello to Sancta Maria Zebenico though there remaine not now of the same any token at all he vanquished the Hunnes ouerthrew Berengarius the Emperour and dyed full of glorie and happinesse 18. Orso Parcicipatio Anno. 912. ORso Participatio or as some call him Orso Baduaro second of that name succceded him a man singularly wise religious a louer of iustice an Almes-giuer of great courage and accomplished in euery requisite vertue he had a sonne called Pietro who was of the Emperour Corradus honored with great dignities and especially with priueledge to coyne money but finally being wearie of the worldes vanitie and turning himselfe wholy to contemplation hee voluntarily renounced the Dukedome and entred into religion in the Monastery of S. Foelix in Ainiano 19. Pietro 11 Candiano Anno 932. TO Orso succeeded Pietro Candiano sonne to Duke Pietro that was slaine in Dalmatia by the Sclauonians a man of great modesty and fitnes to gouerne his sonne Pietro was created chief Swordbearer of the Empire hee tooke and burned Commachoo hee made warre vpon the Istrians and made Iustmopolis tributary to the state of Venice he dyed the seuenth yeare of his rule 20. Pietro Participatio Anno 939. PIetro Participatio or Badoaro hauing beene prisoner with the Istryans vpon his return was created Duke and dyed in the second yeare of his rule to the exceeding sorrow of his Cittizens 21. Pietro Candiano Anno 942. IN his place was chosen Pietro Candiano thirde of that name sonne to Pietro the second he had two sonnes Dominico and Pietro the first hee made Bishop of Torcello the other hee tooke to be his partner in the Dukedome who behauing himselfe insolently and being thereof reprehended by him tooke publikely armes against him but the people reuerencing the authority withall pittying the age and griefe of the Father pursued the sonne so sharpely that they tooke him and had slaine him had not the olde man vsed great instance to saue him from their fury in the end to satisfie the father they spared his life but sent him into banishment solemnly swearing all with one consent that they woulde neuer admit him for their prince neither during the life of his father neither after his death the yong man fled to the Marquis Guiao son to king Berengario of whom he was with great humanity receiued and presented to the king his father who tooke him with him to the warre of Spoleto thence with the kinges leaue getting himselfe to Rauenna and there arming certaine ships he tooke seuen rich ships of Venice laden with marchandize that were sayling to Fano the griefe of whose vnnaturall disposition and vndutifull behauiour so grieued the olde man that he dyed in the yeare 959. 22. Pietro Candiano Anno 959. THe people being assembled together aboute the choice of a new prince so strangely were the minds of the Bishop and the multitude chaunged that whereas by solemne oath they had once vowed neuer to liue vnder the gouernment of young Pietro now they did not desire any thing with greatervehemence insomuch that they went to
neuerthelesse elected by the Fathers and constrained to take vpon him the gouernment which he did with great comfort to the citie but with maruelous discouragement to himselfe because it had beene foretold him that whensoeuer hee should come to bee Duke the commonwealth shold labour with extreame affliction to preuent which hee bent his whole endeuour and care to the well discharging of his dignity but diuine deliberations are not to bee resisted for not long after he found himself entangled with many dangerous warres as with the Tryestines and Leopola Duke of Austria and with Francisco de Carrara a most sharpe and bitter enemie to the very name of the Venetians who had contracted against them a League which the King of Hungarie the Patriarke of Aquilia and the whole commonwealth of Genoua insomuch that besides a general reuolution and change of Fortune through the whole state the Genoweses encroched so neare vpon Venice that they tooke from it the cittie of Chroggia threatning vtter ruine and subuersion to the whole state but in this greatest downefall and calamitie such was the constant vertue and resolute courage of the Venetians and their prince that assembling the remainder of their force together they assailed with such fiercenesse the Genoweses in Chroggia that they did not onely recouer the cittie but also discomfit their enemies in a famous ouerthrow to the maruelous glorie of their Duke who was there in person they brought backe with them to Venice 4142 Genowes prisoners who in manner all ended there their liues and 2600. Padowans besides the Duke brought with him among many other ensignes banners and standardes the shield of the Captaine generall of the Genoweses as a chiefe Trophei the same being made of hardned leather according to the fashion of that time but very gorgeously guilted and embosted with the picture vpon it of S. George a horsebacke being the arms of the cōmonwelth of Genoway the D. ended his daies in the 15. year of his Dukedom hee was buried in S. Stephens church with this Epitaph written in Gotish letters vpon his Tombe Hic sacer Andreas stirps Contarena moratur Dux patriae precibus senior qui Ianua ciues Marte tuos fundens victor classe potitus Amissam Veneto clugiam pacemque reduxit 63. Michaell Morosimi anno 1381 MIchaell Morosimi dyed the fourth moneth of his rule of the plague vnder his picture in the pallace is written Paucadamus patriaefestina morte repressi 62. Antonio Veniero anno 1381. ANtonio Veniero next succeeded being then captaine generall for the state in Candia a man of such seueritie and iustice that he sharpely punished his owne sonne for hauing committed a youthfull insolence he succoured the Emperour Emanuell against the Turkes hee maintained and preserued the Duke of Mantua in his state against the Duke of Milan hee obtained the Isle of Corfu not long afterfalling into infirmitie he departed this life 63. Michaele Steno anno 1400. THe funerals of the former Duke being sumptuously performed Michaell Steno was elected Duke being procurator of S. Marke aged 69 yeares rich and greatly respected for his vertue in his time the commonwealth possessed themselues of Vicenza Feltro Bassano Belluno Verona and Padoua hauing liued thirteen yeares in this dignitie hee ended his dayes 64. Tomazo Mocenigo anno 1413. TOmaZo Mocenigo conquered a great part of Friuilti from the king of Hungary and hauing ruled tenne yeares departed this life 65. Francesco Foscari anno 1423. NEuer any mans election was dearer vnto the citie then this of Francesco Foscari insomuch that they reuelled and feasted a whole yeare for ioy therof presently vpon his creation the king of Denmarke at his instant and earnest request was adopted into the number of the Venetian Gentlemen the said king and Ihon Paleologus Emperour of Constantinople met both at one time in Venice the Emperour to craue succour against the Turke the king to take passage thence towardes Ierusalem with intent to visite the Sepulchre of Christ shortly after there met also the Despot of Rascia and the Duke of Mylan the one to request mony and meanes of defence against the Turke the other to entreate the Senate to take vpon them the decision and arbitrement of certain differences between him and his cosins lastly the prince being 84. years of age in respect of his impotencie was dismissed of gouernment and dyed within two dayes after 96. Pasquall Malipiero anno 1457. PResently vpon the election of this prince there was a law made that the Duke might not at any time to come thereafter be depriued in his time the art of Printing was thether brought out of Germany but they writ that it had beene in vse in China 500. yeares before he liued onely foure yeares 67. Christophoro Moro Anno 1462. ANd in his place was elected Christophoro Moro procurator of S. Marke aged 72. yeares a man held in great reputation for his wisedome integrity he made sharp wars vpō the Turke in Greece with diuerse variable successes in the end he dyed in the ninth yeare of his rule 68. Nicholo Trono anno 1471 ANd Nicholo Trono was enstalled Duke he established Hercole da Esle in his Dukedome of Ferrara he made confederation with the king of Persia against the Turke hee got into his handes the kingdome of Cipres by reason of the tutorshippe of the young king committed vnto him and hauing liued little lesse then two years ended his dayes 69. Nicolo Marcello anno 1473. IN his place was established Nicholo Marcello procurator of S. Marke aged 76. yeares he ouerthrew an armie of the Turkes at Scutari and hauing giuen an excellent tast of his gouernmēt to the people was taken out of this world after hee had ruled 15. month es 70. Pietro Mocenigo anno 1474. PIetro Mocenigo being procurator of S. Marke and of the age of 69. years was chosen in his room he had spent the greatest part of his yeares in great and principal employments abroad for the commōwealth chiefly in the wars wherof there is a particular treatise written by Coepio Coriolan that liued in those times he liued onely 14. monethes after his enstalment 71 Andrea Vendramino anno 1476. ANdrea Vendramino was 84. years of age when he was elected Duke he had beene in his youth one of the most beautifull and comely Gentlemen of Venice and in all respects accordingly accomplished hee made war against the Turke and defended Croy in Albana which they had besieged constraining them to raise their siege with great ouerthrow and discomfiture but while there was a treaty of peace entertayned the Duke departed this life in the 20. moneth after his election 72. Giouani Mocenigo anno 1477. GIouani Mocenigo after great domage receiued by the Turke concluded a peace with him he got Corinto in Dalmatia he made war vpon Ferrara he sent Roberto of Saint Seuerin against Ferdinand king of Naples finally he dyed in the 7. yeare of his rule 73. Marco Barbarico anno 1485.