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A07628 Monro his expedition vvith the vvorthy Scots Regiment (called Mac-Keyes Regiment) levied in August 1626. by Sr. Donald Mac-Key Lord Rhees, colonell for his Majesties service of Denmark, and reduced after the Battaile of Nerling, to one company in September 1634. at Wormes in the Paltz Discharged in severall duties and observations of service; first under the magnanimous King of Denmark, during his warres against the Emperour; afterward, under the invincible King of Sweden, during his Majesties life time; and since, under the Directour Generall, the Rex-chancellor Oxensterne and his generalls. Collected and gathered together at spare-houres, by Colonell Robert Monro ... for the use of all worthie cavaliers favouring the laudable profession of armes. To which is annexed the abridgement of exercise, and divers practicall observations, for the younger officer his consideration; ending with the souldiers meditations going on service.; Monro, his expedition with the ... Scots Regiment Monro, Robert. 1637 (1637) STC 18022; ESTC S114933 372,373 362

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honourable Accord for in such a case I would choose before I came in my enemies Reverence without Armes rather to fight to the last man and if I chanced to be the last I had rather die being resolved with resolution having Armes in my hands than unawares being unprepared to be knockt downe miserably when I looked not for Death Here I did see the Ingenier that built this Fort who in time of working did oftentimes beate the Boores to make them worke for his crueltie he was most cruelly beaten againe and he running to his Majesties feete for refuge thinking thereby to escape was on his knees crying for mercy so hard pursued by the multitude that before his Majestie he was cruelly beaten dead as the reward of his former tyranny and so would God Here also we see that oftentimes the Innocent doth suffer with the Guiltie as hapned to that worthy Cavalier the Count of Mongomrie being cruelly beaten by the rascall multitude which should teach all Cavaliers bearing charge at such times to looke unto themselves in attending their Master or Generall on horse backe when an overcome enemy is marching out of strength or Towne or otherwise they ought to be on the head of their charge attending their duety or if for pleasure they would looke on they ought to be on their Guard lest being taken for private men they might be disgraced receiving a Disaster as this Cavalier did Happy therefore are those who can eschew evill by the example of others Here also we see that the best meanes to suppresse the insolency of the tumultuous multitude is a band of well commanded souldiers with Armes who are ever good servants but more often cruell Masters It is then the duety of a Generall in such cases peremptorily to see that his accord be kept which otherwise being broken causeth much evill and mischiefe to follow His Majesty as he was diligent in the intaking of this Iland so we see him carefull of the keeping of it as his conquest by leaving a Governor with a Garrison in it to be his retreate in case of neede out of Holsten We reade that Guishcardin in his history of the warres of Italy in his first booke accuses under hand the French that did enlarge their territories by Armes and did not maintaine and keepe their conquests but on the contrary did ruine themselves in the end The Emperour Augustus having read the great conquest of Alexander in the East he did wonder that Alexander did not take care to keepe them as he travelled to winne them It is said of Pyrrhus King of Albany that where he once set his foote he was conquerour there But was ever unfortunate in keeping his conquest and therefore the King Antigonus compared him to a gamester at dice that lost his owne in hope of gaine Examples we have of this at home without warres Leonard Darrez in his 3. booke of the warrs of Italy against the Gothes Totilas King of the Gothes being made Conqueror of Rome in his Harrangue made to his army concluded that it was harder to keepe a country conquer'd then to winne it for in conquering oftimes as here the cowardize of the enemies helpes more then our owne valor to maintaine our conquest we had neede of valour and justice That custome of the Turkes is commendable that when he enters into his Chappell the bed man of the Temple going before him cries out aloud that he remember that the Empire attained unto by Armes and justice is to be maintained with the like so mutiny is and should be holden detestable amongst Souldiers and in all well governed estates For the use therefore of my fellow Camarades and for the benefit of my country I will speake somewhat at large of the fury cruelty and barbarity of the multitude mutinous and superstitious that we may avoid the evill incident thereto I will set downe here my collections on this point which occurred in my observation The Philosopher Plato called the wisest and most honourable amongst the Grecians sayes the people are ungratefull cruell barbarous envious impudent being composed of a Masse of fooles naughty deboist and desperate for all that is spoken by the wise displeases the people that are incensed And Baleus writing the lives of the Popes writes of Pope Iohn the twenty third being asked what thing was farthest from truth he answered it was the vulgar opinion for all things they praise merite blame what they thinke is but vanity what they say is but lies they condemne the good and approve the evill and magnifie but infamy And Nicholas Ha●ap Patriarch of Ierusalem in his booke of the unconstancy of the people hath a whole chapter apart to this purpose and Arrianus in his first booke praiseth much the wisdome of Alexander the great in taking away from the people of Ephesus the meanes to mutine against the chiefe men of the Towne for some of the mutiners being executed Alexander forbids to search or punish the rest knowing that if once the popular could loose the raine there was nothing to follow but mischiefe where the innocent might suffer as well as the guilty as witnesse here the Count of Mongomry that ranne the hazard of death being long bedred after his beating without sense or feeling And Thucydide did in his third booke speaking of those of the Isle of Corsu did feele the evill of a sturdy popular having licence to doe evill how much it was to be doubted in so much that the Massacre being so cruell that there was no villany left unpractised and such strange things he writes of that the Fathers did suffocate their owne children and those that were runne to the Churches for refuge were cruelly put to death who pleases may reade the story where it is set downe more at large As also to reade the late Massacres in France from the yeare 1560 to this present time especially the Massacre of the twenty fourth of August 1572 in the chiefest Cities of the Kingdome continuing without respect of age or of sex as well against the dead as the quicke as saith Lactance in his sixt booke and second chapter humanity was so farre gone from men that to take away the life of their neighbours was but sport being become beasts drunke with custome of bloud not sparing the innocent but doing to all what the hangman doth to malefactors Therefore Quintus Curtius saith properly that the deepe Sea in a tempest hath not more waves then the tumultuous multitude hath changes especially getting liberty by a new government And Titus Livius in his fourth booke of the third Decad saith so is the nature of the people to serve as slaves or strike like Tyrants Reade also Thomas Fasell in his tenth booke of the second Decad of the history of Sicilie a memorable example of sedition moved in Palerne of Sicilie where Iohn Squarelazop was cheife leader amply described in brave termes he having seene the Tragedy himselfe where he complaines
our Officers and Souldiers to transport them for their country which accordingly was obeyed As also his Majesty did give orders to ordaine us both Officers and Souldiers free quarters in Alzenheur till the shipps were ready to saile So that we being free from our honourable Master his service we were ready to imbrace new conditions from a new Master The twenty-second and last Observation on our Danes service HEre concluding our Danes service we see that the end of warres is peace and that the end of this peace was the beginning of greater warre under a new Master Happy therefore is that man or that Regiment that can say while as they are thanked off we have served truely and with credit our last Master and then they may be assured of a second Master having wonne a good name as this Regiment did under his Majesty of Denmarke in whom the least omission could never be found much lesse to have committed any grosse errour worthy imputation And therefore we were Graciously dismissed and honestly rewarded according to the time Captaine Andrew Stewart brother to the noble and worthy Earle of Traquaire being soliciting businesse at Copmanhagen contracted a feaver and died there being in his Camerades absence honourably buried by the Stathoulders direction whose death as untimely was much regrated by all his Camerades he being a valorous and expert Commander Likewise Iohn Hampeseede an old true servant to my cozen the Barron of Fowles he dying of a feaver at Angle leager was honourably buried there This Danes warre thus ended was the beginning of a greater warre as is said for the Emperour in Summer 1629. The Danes peace being made in August 1629 did send assistance of men unto the Pole against his Majesty of Sweden under the command of the Felt-marshall Arnhem which the next summer did bring the sword of the Sweden against himselfe So that we see there is nothing here on earth to be expected by us more then a continuall warfare Lord therefore make us dayly to warre in that spirituall warfare serving truely the King of Kings and Lord of hosts fighting that good fight against our spirituall enemies where he that overcomes receives for a reward instead of worldly glory an immortall Crowne of Glory in the Heavens The Colonells Observation of the Kingdome of Denmarke HAving had the honour to have dined with his Majesty at his Table then in the gorgeous pleasant Palace of Freddesborree taking leave of his Majesty having kissed his hand I retired to Alzenheur where I began to thinke that this King could have said of his whole Kingdome as Scipio said you see not a man amongst all those but if I command him he will from a Turret throw himselfe into the Sea even so this Magnanimous King to my knowledge was of absolute authority in his Kingdome as all Christian Kings ought to be in theirs ever obeyed in the Lord without asking the head a reason Why doe you command us thus For we reade that the favour of the Lord was in Iuda in giving them one heart in doing and obeying the commandements of the King and of their Magistrates and Principalls as I did cleerely observe in this Kingdome of Denmarke the goodnesse of government for the florishing of the Kingdome wher 's Totus orbis componebatur ad exemplum Regis He commanding they obeyed both lived in prosperity the Ruler or King Heroick wise noble magnanimous and worthy The Gentry Citizens and Communalty obedient which made their joy and felicity to continue in despite of their mighty foes and that by reason of his Majesties Government in military discipline who doth entertaine a great number of Officers yeerely having good allowance for commanding of Souldiers trained up in peace against warre such as Colonells Lievetenant-Colonells Majors Captaines and other inferiour Officers which are still entertained at the countries charge in exercising of Souldiers for his Majesties emploiment being alike ever ready in all Provinces for peace or warre Would to God we were so well provided in our owne country at home and then we needed not to feare any forraine enemy that are enemies to God to our King and to our Religion And for the better maintaining of warre no Kingdome or King I know is better provided of a Magazin then this magnanimous King for Armes brasse ordnance whereof every yeere his Majesty doth cast above a hundred peeces being sufficiently provided of Amunition and of all sorts of fiery Engines to be used by Sea or Land together with Armour sufficient for to arme a great Armie of Horse His Majestie is also sufficiently well provided of shipping and yearely doth adde to the number which ships are built by two worthy Scottish-men called Mr. Balsoure and Mr. Sinclaire being both well accounted off by his Majestie who in like manner hath a Reprobane at Copmanhagen for making of Cords and Cables for his shipping and Kingdome where I was informed that in twenty foure houres time they were able to furnish the greatest ship the King had of Cables and of all other tackling and cordage necessary to set out the Ship Likewise by his Majesties Artizens within the Kingdome all sort of stuffes and silkes are woven sufficient to serve the Kingdome and his neighbours that please to buy Moreover this Kingdome is worthy commendation for the order of Iustice and Lawes having their Law-books deciding all controversies amongst them and if it come to any great difference the Kings Majestie as being above the Law sits in judgement as the Interpreter and Director of Iustice and according to his Princely dignity mitigates as pleaseth his Majestie the law and decides the controversie This Kingdome also is praise-worthy for the purity of their Gentry being as ancient and noble as any other Kingdome and can bragge of a purer and cleerer bloud of Gentility then many Nations can for they never ally or enter into marriage with any inferiour to themselves be they never so rich if they be Burgars or Plebeians they never marry with them and if one of their daughters will through love miscarry in her affection to marry a Citizen they will not thereafter doe so much as to honour her with their company but on the contrary shee loseth both her portion and honour not suffering her to carry the armes of her familie Moreover this Nation is praise-worthy for their entertaining of learning and of the liberall Sciences professed in their owne Vniversities where their children are well taught and trained up after a noble and heroick manner within their owne Kingdome not onely in their Studies of the liberall Sciences but also in their exercise of body as fencing dancing singing playing of Instruments and riding of horses and what else are noble Recreations as learning of forraine languages Spanish Italian French Dutch and such like and afterwards their youth being well travell'd returning from their Travells they attend on the Chancellarie as under-Secretaries to States-men to enable them to be profitable