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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A07603 Mohammedis imposturæ: that is, A discouery of the manifold forgeries, falshoods, and horrible impieties of the blasphemous seducer Mohammed with a demonstration of the insufficiencie of his law, contained in the cursed Alkoran; deliuered in a conference had betweene two Mohametans, in their returne from Mecha. Written long since in Arabicke, and now done into English by William Bedwell. Whereunto is annexed the Arabian trudgman, interpreting certaine Arabicke termes vsed by historians: together with an index of the chapters of the Alkoran, for the vnderstanding of the confutations of that booke. Bedwell, William, ca. 1561-1632. 1615 (1615) STC 17995; ESTC S112749 61,486 122

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scriptum Respondit sic Quod dicit Alfurkan Cur dictum Alfurkan Dixit quia discretae sunt sententiae figurae eius Est liber legis Arabum Alchoran saith Cardinall Cusa ob praeceptorum collectionem Atque Alfurkan ob discretam capitum separationem nominatus pag. xxvi These lawes written by Mohammed as they say in schedules litle scroles were afterward by Omar digested into one volume which by Othoman was reuised corrected reduced into that order and ●orme as now we see to this day For thus ●aith mine Author Omar collegit schedas Muamedis Othmenus verò in meliorem ordinem redegit in capita distribuit ex iisque librum qui Alkoran siue Alfurkan vocatur componi curauit in quo omnia Muamedicae sectae dogmata instituta continentur ALGARBII or Garbij are a people belonging to the kingdome of Portugall whose countrey or prouince where they dwel is called Regnum Algarbiorum The word signifieth the Westerne-men And indeed they possesse the vttermost part of Spaine toward the West And for the same reason was the whole countrey of Spaine of the Greeks called Hesperia because it lieth not onely on the West of Italy but is also of all the maine land or continent of Europe the most Westerly part yea of the whole world I meane of that which was at that time knowne to the Romanes or Greeks This kingdome is bounded as we haue said vpon the West and South by the Ocean sea vpon the East by the riuer Guadiana how farre it extended Northward he doth not tell neither dare I determine Sub Portugallia hoc tempore ait doctissimus Ortelius ALGABIAE regnum quae eius pars maritima est versus Meridiem pertinet Eius enim Rex se Regem Portugalliae Algarbiae Guineae AEthiopiae Arabiae Persiae Indiae scribit Hoc regnum primùm circa annum 1100 initium habuit Ad ea enim vsque tempora sub Hispaniae nomine vti antiquitus censebatur Sic autem de eo Marineus scribit● Henricus quidam Lotharingiae Comes vir in bello fortissimus è Gallia veniens magnas aduersus Mauros res gessit Pro quibus Alfonsus VI Castellae rex permotus filiam suam notham nomine Tiresiam es matrimonio collocauit Galleciae partem quae in regno Portugalliae continetur nomine dotis assignauit Ex eo postea matrimonio natus est Alphonsus qui primus Portugalliae Rex est appellatus Primus qui Ulixbonam à Mauris recepit Quorum quinque simul regibus vno praelio superatis quinque scutorum insigne facti monumentum reliquit To Portugal at this time saith the learned Ortelius doth belong the kingdome of the Algarbij which is the sea coast of it toward the South For that king doth stile himselfe King of Portugallia Algarbia Guinea AEthiopia Arabia Persia and India This kingdome did first begin in the yeare of our Lord 1100. For euen vnto that time as anciently it hath bene it was accounted as a part of Spaine For thus doth Marineus describe this history One Henry Earle of Loraine a valiant man well experienced in warlike affaires coming thither out of France did great seruice against the Saracens For the which Alphonsus the VI king of Castile gaue him in mariage a bastard daughter of his called Tiresia withall did assigne in lieu of a dowrie that part of Gallecia which is contained within the kingdome of Portugall Of this mariage did afterward spring Alphonsus which was the first king of Portugall and was he that recouered Lisbone out of the hands of the Moores Who also ouercoming in one set battaile fiue of their kings in one day left vnto his successors for the armes of that kingdome fiue scutcheons for a memoriall of that honorable atchieuement of his ALHABASI or Alhabaës are those people which the Geographers commonly call Abassini that is the AEthiopians which at this day are for the most part vnder the gouernment and command of Prester Iohn as they vulgarly call him ALHACCAM see Haccam ALHAGE is a title of honour and dignitie amongst the Turkes and is giuen to all such as haue visited the Alcaaba or sepulcher of Mohammed And therefore is answerable to that degree of knight-hood amongst the Christians which they call Sancti sepulchri We may call them Knights of Mecha ALHEGIRA Alhegire and Taricha'lhegira is the Epocha of the Mohammetists or beginning of time from whence they beginne their account as the Iewes do from the Creation and the Christians from the birth of Christ. This aera or epocha of the Arabians beginneth as many do thinke from the time that Mohammed their Prophet fled from Mecha to Iethrab following herein as seemeth the nature of the word which signifieth a flight or running away or from the time of the first publication of his cursed law which the learned do rather applaud ALKABIS see Kabis ALKIBLA see Aba'lkibla ALKORAN Alchoranus Alchoranum sine articulo Korranus Chorranum the booke of the law of the false Prophet Mohammed 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 saith Cantacuzenus 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 h. e. Liber Arabicè Korràn nominatur Latinè verò Lex Dei salutaris Item alibi 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 hoc est Retinense interprete Collectionem praeceptorum Cluniacense autem Collectaneum praeceptorum All of them do thus interpret the word although falsly as the learned can beare mee witnesse For grammer doth teach vs That the thema is not KARANA coniunxit collegit as they would make vs beleeue but KARA which signifieth to reade So that Alkoran in Arabicke is iust as much as Hammikrà is in Ebrew that is The text corpus iuris the authenticall body of their law As the Psalmes of Dauid in our Church are read ouer euery moneth that is euery thirtie daies and in the ancient Churches of the Greeks and Syrians euery 20 daies So is the Alkoran by the decree of Omar in their Mosquits read ouer once in a moneth Doctr. Mohammedis Omar primus legem tulit vt in omnibus templis Mescitas ipsi vocant per totum Septembrem mensem supplicationes fierent Omar was the first that made a law that in all their synagogues Mesgids they call them prayers should bee read euery day throughout the moneth of September This moneth they call Ramadhan which also is their Lent ●eiunium mensem totum seruari voluit tantumque noctibus cibum capi They fast an whole moneth together eating nothing all day long but in the night onely ALMEDEN see Elmeden ALMOHALLA signifieth the Campe or an armie that is a company of souldiers led and conducted by one Generall and lodging within the same trenches AMIR Amira Amiras or Admirant as some haue it signifieth a commander lieutenant or president Imperium obtinens or admirans regni as others interpret it Athemate AMARA praecepit Quidam Calyfa creauit quatuor tribunos militum vulgo Admirantes appellatos quibus singulis multos duces Centuriones attribuit