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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A02750 A declaration of egregious popish impostures to with-draw the harts of her Maiesties subiects from their allegeance, and from the truth of Christian religion professed in England, vnder the pretence of casting out deuils. Practised by Edmunds, alias Weston a Iesuit, and diuers Romish priestes his wicked associates. Where-vnto are annexed the copies of the confessions, and examinations of the parties themselues, which were pretended to be possessed, and dispossessed, taken vpon oath before her Maiesties commissioners, for causes ecclesiasticall. Harsnett, Samuel, 1561-1631. 1603 (1603) STC 12880; ESTC S120922 196,686 296

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principall Iesuit of his order in those times twelue secular Priests his reuerend assistants The names of the parties supposed to be possessed vvere these Marwood seruaunt as hath beene enformed to Ma. Anthony Babington Will Trayford attendant at that time vppon Ma Edmund Peckham Robert Maynie Gentleman lately before come out of Fraunce Sara Williams Friswood Williams two sisters and Anne Smith all three meniall seruaunts to Maister Peckham aforesaid The names of the Actors in this holy Comedie were these Edmunds alias Weston rector chori of whō you haue heard afore Ma Cornelius Ma Dìbdale Ma Thomson Ma Stemp Ma Tyrrell Ma Dryland Ma Tulice Ma Sherwood Ma Winkefield Ma Mud Ma Dakins Ma Ballard and some other besides that were daily commers and goers This play of sacred miracles was performed in sundry houses accōmodate for the feate in the house of the L. Vaux at Hackney of Ma Barnes at Fulmer of Ma Hughes at Vxbridge of Sir George Peckham at Denham and of the Earle of Lincolne in Chanon Row in London The time chosen to act publish these wonders were the yeeres 85 and 86 ending with the apprehension and execution of Ballard and Babington and the rest of that impious consort And because the gentle Invitator of vs to come and see his wonders when wee come to see them himselfe and his actors doe play least to be seene it hath beene thought meet to send for him and as many of his play-fellowes as Tiburne will giue leaue to come to conferre further with them touching this mysticall play whether the partes haue beene handled handsomlie and cunningly or no what the scope of the Author Edmunds and his associates was in this wonderful pageant and whether good decorum haue beene kept in acting the same Wherein I must tell you some paines haue beene taken by some in authoritie for the finding out of such agents patients and assistants as haue furnished the stage and in bringing them to say their parts so perspicuously on the stage as that euery young child may see who hee is what hee meanes and whether his part tends Marwood and Trayford cannot yet be found it is thought they are conueyed beyond seas as some other of theyr play-fellowes should haue beene for telling of tales The other foure possessed haue come to light and vppon gentle conference haue frankly and freely advowed and haue sealed it with their voluntary oathes taken vppon the holy Euangelists that all in effect that passed between them the Priestes in this wonderous possession and dispossession was naught else saue close packing cunning iugling feate falshood and cloked dissimulation One of the reuerend Priests who was himselfe a principall actor in this holy legerdemaine being examined hath contested with the confession of the other examinats touching the vnfolding of this sacred packe All whose seuerall examinations confessions and relations touching the beginning proceeding and finishing of this tragicall comaedie wee haue thought meete ad verbum to publish in print that all men may see wee haue dealt truly and sincerely heerein and that all may likewise see quanta fecit Dominus according to the saying of that Latine sentence praefixed to the discourse how great things the Lord in his mercie dooth by course of times reueale of that man of sinne of the mysterie of iniquitie and of those reuerend iugling Priests his disguised comaedians Wherein that euery person may appeare in his owne proper colours the deuill in his and the deuils charmers in theyrs that euery part may be considered how well it hath been plaied and what actor hath best deserued the plaudite or suspendite for his good action and wit venite et narrabo come and see it set out in the sacred robes out of the holy wardrop frō Rome their holy attire theyr holy reliques their consecrated creatures theyr own speech action fashion thus it begins CHAP. 2. ¶ The time when the Popish Exorcists chose to act these miracles THe Politikes maxime of vsing and plying of time hath beene so well practised plyed by his Holines of Rome and his holy crue as that little time hath been lost wherein something hath not beene attempted against her Maiestie and the kingdome since her first comming to the crowne to this present time I will onely point at those former times as I come along to our time of this tragedie of deuils Her Highnesse was no sooner come to the Crowne but Marie then wife to the K. of Fraunce was declared in Paris to be the lawfull Q. of England and the armes of both her Maiesties kingdoms England Ireland were commaunded to be set in vasis et tapetibus regijs et reliquis vtensilibus The popish Bishops lately before depriued in the second yeere of her Maiesties raigne purposed to lose no time when presently after their said deposition plerique eorū excōmunicationis censuram aduersus reginam aliosque nonullos ad hibendam censuerunt It was no long time after this whē it should haue been a Canon set down in the Counsell of Trent by the instigation of his Holines Agents there present de Elizabetha haeretica declaranda if the Emperor had not interposed to stay that course It was time well plyed whē the same his Holines contriuing her Maiesties vtter destruction as appeares in the life of Pius 5. published in Italian and drawing the king of Spaine into the same hee sent ouer one Robert Godolphi a Florentine vnder the colour of Merchandise hether into England to excite a rebellion furnished him with 15000. Crownes towards the same by whose cunning perswasion the Noble men in the North parts beeing risen in Armes forth commeth the Popes Bull blanched with a fayre goodly face of pastorall zeale and loue to the Catholique religion excōmunicating of pure deuotion God wot the Queenes Maiestie and discharging her subiects from their allegeance vnto her beeing indeede naught els saue a deuilish Engine to strengthen the rebellion which beeing dissolued and the heads thereof dispersed the time was plied on still with consolatorie Letters written from the Pope containing matter of new comfort and encouragement to the Duke of Norfolke the close designed head of that rebellion by his intended mariage with the Scottish Queene Forces were promised to be sent ouer with all speede from beyond seas to the ayde of the saide Duke vnder the leading of Vitelli appointed to that office by name from the king of Spaine the comming of which forces the Duke him selfe did stay by losing his head And least the King of Spaine should quaile in his princely designements against this kingdome in regard of his infortunate successe Saunders the Popes darling eggs him on with a fresh assault to keepe the Spanish Engines in worke alledging this as his maine battery to cause the King to be dooing that the whole state of Christendome stoode vpon the hote assayling of England Neither was it long time ere this