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A02498 A letter sent by F.A. touchyng the proceedings in a priuate quarell and vnkindnesse betweene Arthur Hall, and Melchisedech Mallerie gentleman, to his very friende L.B. being in Italie. VVith an admonition to the father of F.A. to him being a burgesse of the Parliament, for his better behauiour therein. Hall, Arthur, 1539?-1605. 1576 (1576) STC 12629; ESTC S118961 87,420 125

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yeare it was enacted that no subsidie nor other charge shoulde be sette nor graunted vppon the Woolles by the Marchants nor by any other from thenceforth without the assent of the Parliament rare presidents to finde before the conquest in William Cōquerors time or since in a manner at all til this kings dayes Richard the seconde his successor helde euen on as his Graundfather began had almoste euery yeare a Parliament according to the statuts that there shoulde bee one yearely at the leaste In the beginnings of al the whiche almost the great Charter and that of the Forrest with all Liberties to holy churches fraunchises c. were granted stablished and confirmed and the authority of passing the actes is as you haue in his predecessors time Edward the thyrde sometime with one maner of words and somtime another He had very many free bountiful aydes of his subiectes by mony in number for hys two twenty yeares time no whit wanting with his Graundfathers likewise by diuerse pardons he declared his good accepting of them Kyng Henry the fourth first Erle of Darby then Duke of Herforde by his father Iohn of Gaunt Duke of Lancaster the fourth begottē son of king Edward the second also inuested with the title of the Dukedome no more against king Richard 〈◊〉 than against lawe ryght and iustice did clayme the Crowne and at London called a Parliament in king Richards name asmuch without his direction as without iust aucthority and howe far wythout the ful partes of an Englishe Parliament which wee brag of and iustly may I referre mee to the iudgemente of deeper heades than mine owne In this Parliament forsooth is 31. Articles at the leaste layde to our Kyng Richarde a shrewd an vnaccustomed president Wel it was thought by the most parte that he was worthy to be deposed and prouision according was prouided But King Richardes friendes going to bed without candel when none was to be had perswaded their maister too yeeld contented the Crowne from his heade whiche otherwise woulde haue byn snatched off perforce and brought the skyn with it He doth resign he craues life without raigne it is liberally granted but more liberally broken with hasty shameful slaughter As who searches shal find to whō I rather cōmit the reading thā I to cal to remēbrance such vndutiful hard dealing specially when the Parliament hath any interest in the same or should be noted with error This Henrie the fourth raigned thirtéene yeares and somewhat more in whose time there was almost euery yeare a Parliamēt in all the which for the most parte first the Charters and liberties be confirmed to all men and the Actes be thus aucthorized Henrie by the grace of god c. of the assent of the Prelates Dukes Erles Barons and at the instant special request of the commons of the same Realme assembled at his Parliament holden at Westminster c. Al establishmēts cōfirmations and makings of statuts in his time you shal finde stil at the request ernest instance and prayer of the commons yet was he king as you haue hearde and in the first yeare of hys raigne he had such a heauy Taxe graunted him as it was conditioned it should not be recorded for a president diuers others he reaped the benefite of retourned also sundry pardons to the freeing of many of his subiectes His sonne Henrie was Kyng nine yeares and somewhat more and yerely as it seemes helde a Parliamente but hys sixt yeare in al which wherin the commons were named he sayth as before for himselfe and the Lords he hath at the special instance and request of the Cōmons in the same Parliamēt c. Hath don to be ordained c. The liberties of holy Churches the Charters and priuileges are enacted and agreed soundely to abide in force I can not perceiue for all his great Conquest and warres in Fraunce that he troubled his Subiectes in a manner at all to speake of wyth Taxe or Subsidie That smal ayde hee had rose as I can gather of some Tenthes and Fifteenthes were graunted him And yet did he for custome curtesie or congratulation sake also imparte his pardons He left his sonne Henrie in his place being but eighte monethes olde during whose raigne the Parliamentes were very thicke helde as in the former times As thys Prince was very yong at the death of his father so was he when he came to age more giuen to quietnesse and Religion than to worldly affayres or weapons And therefore it may be gathered that the nobility and commons stoode not in doubt of the infringing by him of great Charters and liberties Wherefore they labored not euery Parliament the confirmation of them as in his Predecessors tyme they did for in his Parliaments wee finde no suche mention made of them as vsually is had before his gouernement for making of Lawes most commonly I see Our soueraigne Lord king Henry the sixth at his Parliamente c. By the aduise and assente of the Lordes spirituall and temporal and at the speciall request of the commons of the Realme being in the same Parliament haue done to be made c. There is also Our soueraigne Lord King Henrie c. For the weale of him and of his Realme by the aduise and assent of the lords spiritual and temporal and the commons of the same Parliament assembled hath made ordayned c. This last manner of mencioning the cōmons it is in the middle of the kings raign which might proceede of some occasions which your selfe maye finde out if you tourne ouer the cronicles I take it needlesse to be written In the th●●tie three yeare of his raigne there was something enacted in a Parliamente touching the Lord Richard Duke of Yorke and also in another in his thirtie three yere concerning the same Prince which I cannot be perswaded that King Henrie de mero motu consented to I do not vnderstande that he burdened his subiectes in a manner at all with exactions for al his continuall and great warres in Fraunce but rather contented him selfe with the losse and so far as in lesse than fourtie yeres he forewent the Crowne of Fraunce abroade and lost his kingdome of Englande at home And tho by hys friendes he recouered the one againe yet woulde it not be kept but hee that receiued it firste efte obtayned it so that Kyng Henrie was depriued the second time not only of hys regalty but presently of his life Edward Earle of March righte heire of the house of Yorke was the man that Kinged it in King Henries rome and so continued it twenty two yeares and somewhat more during which gouernement he hadde at leaste tenne Parliaments in all the which hee names his auctority and the nobilityes aduise and consent and the instāce and request of the commons but only in the Parliamente the thirde yeare of his raigne wherin he sayes At the Parliament summoned at Westminster
wasted the subiects as liberty and freedome muste nowe bring people together againe to ioine in a newe corporation of frendship And to exclude al feare he pardoned most freely al offences past These ordinaunces did holy Gildas about the yeare of Christ. 543 translate oute of Brytishe into latine Alured as afore about the. 872. out of Latin into the English Gurgunstus of some Gurguintus the son of Belinus before Christ. 375. was the first it shold seme that imposed death and losse of lim for transgression dyd also grieuously punish the peace breakers Quinthelinus his sonne married a noble gentlewoman to name Martia who erected certaine decrees of gouernement whiche were called after hir Martian Laws brought likewise into English by king Alured leauing thē the little Marthehelage asmuch to say the law of Martia Lucius it is said the eight yeare of his raigne of Christ ●88 some smal controuersye there is of the time was christened Eluthrius being Bishop of Rome and counted the first christened King of this Iland of the most credible writers tho some woulde haue Aruiragus 138. yere before to haue the preheminence aswel by the preachyng of Simō Zelotes one of the disciples of Christ here martyred and buryed as by Ioseph of Arymathy who had Mutryn now Glastenbury his place appointed of habitation sente hyther with twelue disciples by the Apostle Philip then preaching in Gaul nowe Fraunce too sone to come to Christ onlesse we would felowe him better Lucius was very timely cōsidering the late repayre to him of many nations nerer the plat of his birth and passion whom I would recite but I haue digressed too long Lucius set to Eleutherius desiring him he might haue the imperial and Romaine Lawes to guide and gouerne his countrey who retourned him this answere As touching the rightes of the Churche and seruice of God whiche you haue receiued they must remaine alwayes one vntouched the policie for ciuill rule may bee abrogated and altered as occasion shall serue you haue the booke of the olde and newe preceptes the Bible with the aduise of your kingdome make a Lawe thereby to gouerne your subiectes Here some will say was your first Parliamente and the verie originall thereof whyche I no way can agree to and the cause hereafter I wyl shewe you Lucius died wythout heire for the space of fifteene yeeres or more all wente to hauocke tyll Seuerus the Emperour discended rightlye from King Lud toke the gouernement vpō him about the yere 208. some account lesse the Romaines seldome quietly but for the most parte to their excessiue charge and trouble held the domyniō til the death of Cōstātine the yere .445 then neglecting the same as a country not worth the keeping who leauing behind him Cōstant or Cōstantin for his simplicity in his fathers time shorne a monk at Winchester Vortiger alias Vortigern of some the Duke of West Saxōs of other the Duke or Erle of Iewesses who after were called West Saxons toke him out of the Cloyster and crowned him king whome yet hee caused to bee murdered the first yeare of his raigne so that for those 240. yeares few laws were made and fewer executed Vortiger vsurping or being chosen king the 448. yeare so continued but a while in rest for not onely his nobles but the Pictes and Scottes layde so sore to him that driuen to extremitie he sent into Germany for the Saxōs and Englishmen to aide him in his waxres not only against the forraine enimye but his owne people promysing too them habitation whiche hee might well spare the land being in a manner wast by the meanes of the great mortalitie by pestilence the Scottes and Pictes inuasions and the ciuill slaughter Their request was accepted Horsus Hengist brought hether certain souldiers Panims by whose valure Vortigers contraries were tamed by the continuall repaire and flocking hether of those straungers the inhabitaunts were put to the dore For before the yere of our Lorde 1498 there were three kingdomes erected by the Englishmē and Saxons the first of Kent by Hengist the second by Hella his three sonnes of the south Saxons comprising Deuonshire and Cornewal Somersette and Southery or rather Hampshire for Southery according to the more probable writers The third of east Angles by Vffa cōteining Norfolk and Suffolke These broyles being no time for lawes or letters but for fier bloud Arthur the son of Vther Pēdragō was crowned king of Britayne tho a greate part as you heare were takē frō him The yere ●16 he fought twelue greate battayles with the Saxons in all the which he put thē to the worse yet coulde he not auoyde them the Land neyther yet so subdue them but that Cerdicus the fifth yere of his raigne began the fourth kingdome of west Saxons which consisted as I gather of Worcester Dorcet Wiltish ▪ Stafford and those western partes adiacent Aboute the yeare 547. the two Kingdomes of Northumberland that is the fifte and sixte principality of the Saxons toke roote In the one called Breuitia Ida first had rule In the other called Deira Ella was gouernor These two kingdomes had in thē the countries frō Humber northward to the Scottish sea and continued somtime vnder one king sometime vnder two The yere 586. the Britains were driuē into Wales presently the Saxons had the dominion of the whole lande At whyche time was the Christen religion thereby extinct and not thought on but amōg the Britaynes in Wales After some Sebertus leader of the East Saxons 614 gaue first beginning to that kingdome and had in it Essex Not long after Penda the Miscreant the yeare 626. made the kingdome of Mertia who gouerned Huntingtonshire Hertfordshire Glouc. War. Lecester Nottingham Northumberland and others Cadwallader the last king of Britaine died at Rome the yeare of grace 656 about whiche time according to some writers but I thinke rather the yeare 712. Inas otherwise called Iue or Iew a Christian helde the rule of the West Saxons He set downe certaine laws the preamble to the whiche is this Inas by the grace of God king of west Saxons with the consultation and aduise of Kenred my father Hedda and Erkenwald my Bishoppes of all my councellours and the olde wise men of my people in the greate congregation of the seruauntes of God did labour to confirme Iustice and equitie to bee executed in my whole territorie These particular edictes are not to my purpose to wright but the firste intituled Of the manner of the liuing of the ministers of God toucheth somwhat the matter which goes thus First wee commaunde that Gods ministers doe obserue the order of life alreadie sette downe and further wee will that to the rest of our people the lawes and iudgementes bee in this manner and so goeth on This also is alleaged for the confirmation of antiquity of our parliament I
finde that Egbert who was an vnder Kyng in West Saxons was expelled by Brithricus the King there and fled into Fraunce but Brithricus being poysoned by his wife Ethelburga Egberte retourned and obtayned the whole principality the yere 793 others say 802 and withal brought the most parte of England vnder his obeysance tamed the Welchmen and toke from them Chester by meanes of which his good fortunes he called a counsel of hys Lordes at Wynchester and by their aduises and agreements was crowned kyng and chiefe Lord of the land whervpon he sent forth commaundemente thorowe out his country straightlye charging the people thenceforth to bee called Angles and no more Britains and the kingdome Anglia and not Britaine In the yeare 800. some accompte thirteene lesse the Danes being also Paynims firste entred this region according to the most The Danes inuaded the seconde tyme the yere 838 Athelwolph raygning who of himselfe first graunted the tyth of corne Hey and Cattel to the cleargy And after toke such fast footing as they continually infested this Iland with cruell wars vsurpation and conquest til the death of Hardicanutus or Hardiknought the last king of that breed 1034 some accompt two sewer Alured alias Alphred before spoken began to gouerne the West Saxons who beyng a most iuste Prince very wel learned and carefull for the makyng and execution of good lawes collected and caused to be brought into the Saxon or English tong al such as by the kings his forgoers were stablished selecting out of them such as were thought most fit for the gouernement confirming them and secluding the rest reciting many of the commaundements and precepts giuen by God to Moyses and the message that the apostles and elders sent to Antiochia Siria and Cilicia by Saint Paul Barnabas Iudas and Silas touching the diuerting of themselues as we haue it in the Acts of the Apostles and also by the assembly and conference of the Bishoppes and other noble and wise counsellours diuers money penalties and others were appointed and the same not onely declared in their sermons but also put in writing He proceedes in the beginning of such as are allowed by him In haec verba These decrees and ordinaunces I Alured King haue gathered together and caused to be written a greate parte whereof our auncestours haue carefully kepte with manye other that I haue thoughte worthye in this our age to be helde and maintained with the like obseruation other some which I haue thought not to be so needful I haue with the conference of considerate coūsellors in parte abrogated and partly established And bycause it maye seeme a pointe of too much rashnesse of a mans owne heade to adde any thing more also that it is vncertaine what credite our posteritie will giue thereto which we make greate reconing of what euer I haue founde worth the regarde in the Actes of my kynnesman and countryman Inas of Offa the King of Mertia or of Ethelbert the first christened of the Angles I haue brought together omitting the rest And in the consultation of them I Alured King of West Saxons haue vsed the coūsell of the grauest of our people to al the whiche I haue commanded that the same be executed and kept Moreouer in this kings time Gutteron alias Gowthram alias Gythrun alias Gurmund of some named king of Danes by some king of Denmarke ariued in this land and sometime hauing the better in armes and sometyme put to the worse was at the last christened and named by Alured Athelstane the yere 878 to whom he gaue the kingdome of East England with the gouernemente of Saint Edmundes kingdome and also some write Northumberlād with whome making league and agreing in the confynes of their countries beginnes in this manner The truce aliaunce which Alured and Guthrun kings haue agreed by the aduise of the wise of the English nation and of all the inhabitauntes of East England to the which they not onely for themselues but also for their children to come are sworne Edward the first before the conquest called Edward the elder his eldest son beginning to raigne next after him the yeare 900. made and confirmed also certain lawes the first chapter wherof is intituled Of controuersie and iudgement and goes thus 1 king Edwarde do againe and againe commaunde all those who beare office in the common wealth that they beare themselues asmuch as in them lies iust ●udges to all men as it is written in the Iudiciall booke without feare boldely and freely to declare the common lawe and do appoint denounced daies wherein they will deale in euerye question and controuersie This Edwarde also confirmed the league with the fornamed Guthrun the Dane in this maner adding also to the former decrees by equal cōsents these bee the councels institutes and ordinaunces whiche firste Alured and Guthrun then Edwarde and Guthrun kings at those dayes were agreed on when both the Danes and English accepted the treaty of peace Athelstane King Edwardes eldest sonne by whose prowesse and valure it is affirmed thys lande was reduced into one Monarchie againe and layde so sore too the Danes that since their first landing they were neuer so harde driuen did also constitute certaine lawes and ordinances beginning them wyth these wordes Athelstane King by the councel of the graue father Vlfhelme Archbishop and other my Bishops do wil and commaunde to al officers and such as haue charge of Iustice. 1 Athelstane king giue notice to all put in authority in our dominiōs that with the aduise of Vlfhelme Archbishop and other Bishops and seruaunts of god haue ordered and set fourth In the ende of all he closeth with these woordes These be the ordinances decrees determined of in the honorable counsell of Grantamlean where was present VVolstane the Archbishop and with him great companie of the best and wisest sorte called togeather by Athelstane The assēbly parted the king had enquired how the peace was kept among his people fynding it and iustice smally to hys mind delt inioyned more laws to his first and thus shewes the cause ● Athelstane king will all men to know that hauing demanded why our peace is not manteyned according to my commaundement the decree at Grantamlean I am certefied from the experienced of my dominions that the same is happened by my ouermuche sufferance and remissnesse in punnishing But now at Christmas last at Exeter being attended on with grauewise men whom I found moste readye to venture their facultie themselues wiues and children to most greate hazarde that these peace breakers might vtterly without retourning be expelled the lande The yeare 946. Edmund his brother beganne to rule after him in whose time the Danes held Lincolne Nottingham Darby Stafford and Leicester who also erecting and confirming lawes shewes this by whom they were consented on Edmund King helde the solempne Feaste of Easter at London where were mette a greate companie of the Cleargie and laity
among whom were Oda and VVolstane Archbishoppes and many other Bishoppes to prouide for their soules health and theirs whom they had the cure of And in an other place I Edwarde King to all both yong ond olde in my iurisdiction giue knowledge that I in the solempne assemblie of the best seene of my kingdome aswel ecclesiastical as temporal haue carefully enquired and so foorth King Edgar his seconde sonne the yeare 959 was likewise a lawe maker and thus entitles them The lawes whiche 1 Edgar King in the freequented senate to the glory of God ▪ the dignity of my Maiestie and the profite of the common wealth haue past Etheldred or Eldred or Egelred the second son of Edgar the yeare 979 whiche alter a little who by the murder of Edward his elder brother named the Martire came to the crown in whose time the Danes so entred this lād as ere they had done the king fledde into Normandy and lefte his kingdome to Swanus the Tyrant Dane after whose decease retourning he not long after died hee also being doing with lawes termes them thus The councel of graue fathers which king Ethelred had at Woodstock in Marcia for the preseruation of the peace whiche is gouerned by the english lawes at the ende of suche perticulers as are agreed on he concluds on this maner This our commaundement decree if any shal neglect c. He shal pay to the king one hūdred twenty shillings There was a league made also by the sayd King with the army of Aulavus Iustinus and Gustimundus the sonnes of Stegetie the Dane and goes thus The agreement or part which once or of late king Ethelred by the aduise of his wise confederates with them aforesayde did enter in His sonne Edmund surnamed Ironside parted the Realme with Canutus or Knought King of Denmark who being slayn by the treason of Edricke Canutus enioyed the whole principality and tho Swanus were the firste Danish King here yet held hee not the kingdome so absolutely as thys man did Hee made more lawes than anye one before him which are thus intituled The decrees which Canutus king of English Danes and Norwayes at Winchester at Christmas hath appointed by the aduise of men of knowledge to the honor of the God of heauen the renoume of the kings Maiestie and the benefite of the common wealth Againe in an other place he vseth these wordes These are the humaine and lawes politique wherin vsing the counsel of the wise I command to be kept thorough Englande Hee began to raigne alone the yeare of grace 1019. Edwarde the Confessour after Hardikenitus the last king of the Danish bloud 1043. began to raigne he foūded many holesome lawes and was the firste erector as it is written of the common law whych VVilliam Conqueror did after confirme wherof this I finde After the conquest of England the foresayde King William the fourth yere of his raigne by the persuasion aduise and councel of his nobility did sommon throughout his land the nobles the gouernours the graue heads and the Learned in the lawe to heare of them their rights customes and ordinances whereof chosing twelue of euery county who taking their othes before the king directly truely and so forth to shew declare the same they brought the lawes of Saint Edward as we haue them now and the king established them in that manner The Conqueror hym selfe began to rule this Ilande 1066 some recken a yeare more who also adding certaine ordinaunces in the entraunce hath these wordes Here beginneth what William king of the Englishe nation after the conquest with his nobility hath appointed to be perfourmed I reade that Henry the first his sonne who gouerned after VVilliam Rufus his brother did at the beginning of his raign lighten the great exactions imposed by his father and brother reduced and amended Saint Edwards lawes whiche as it should seeme were eyther forgotten or would not be remembred for al the fathers confirmation or rather shew therof reformed measures apoynted directions to be obserued Aboute the thyrtith yeare of hys raigne hee helde a counsel at Londō wherin it was thought good he shold haue the Cleargy within his censure Maude the Emprice his daughter first marryed to Henrie the fourth Emperor of Almayne and afterwards to Geffrey Plantagenet Erle of A●iou the 31. of his raigne had by hir husbande shortly after a son named Henrie vpō the knowledge wherof he called hys nobles together decreed that his daughter the heires of hir body shoulde succeede him in the Kyngdome Grafton in the thirteenth yere of this King in hys Cronicle saith thus And in this time began the Parliament in Englande firste to be instituted and ordeyned for reformation and gouernement of this Realme The manner whereof as I haue foūd it set out in an olde pamflet I intende at large to set foorth in the raigne of King Edwarde the thirde when and where Parliaments were yearely and orderly kepte the whiche I sought to finde but promise was not kepte Turning his booke I founde in his preface to the Reader these wordes And where I haue in the ●3 yere of King Henry the firste promised to place the maner and order that first was taken for the holding of the parliamente in the time of king Edwarde the thirde I haue sith that tyme for sundry good causes thought meete to omit the same and therefore admonish the Reader not to looke for it Hereof iudge you and if you wyll haue hys reason he is not far to seke Stephen in a manner no sole sybbe to the Crowne the righte heyres being aliue was by the nobilitye admitted Kyng In hys time the Emprice by the aide of hyr Basterd brother Robert Earle of Gloucester the ciuill warres grew great wherin the King being taken and who now but the Emprice as it were confirmed according to hir iust title she was moued for the restitution of Saint Edwards Lawes but shee was deafe on that side The last yeare of thys Kings time he and Henrie the Emprice sonne grew to communication and agreement The King commaunded his Lordes to assemble at Winchester where Duke Henrie was honorably receyued and there it was agreed he shoulde adopte the Duke hys sonne and confirme too him the Crowne of Englande after his deceasse Henry the second hys follower in the gouernement of another clayme helde a councel at the beginning of his raign at Wallingforde where the Barons were sworne to the king The eyght yere of his raigne he caused all the subiectes to sweare fealty to his sonne Henrye touching the inherytaunce In the ninth yeare Fabian sayeth the kyng called a Parliament at Northampton and so termed it as also in some other places he doeth Councels and calling togethers of the Lordes by the prynce wherin him selfe vouches nothing was done but a pretence to reforme and somewhat gelde the preueleges of the Cleargy The same time a
A letter sent by F.A. touchyng the proceedings in a priuate quarell and vnkindnesse betweene Arthur Hall and Melchisedech Mallerie Gentlemen to his very friende L.B. being in Italie VVith an admonition to the Father of F.A. to him being a Burgesse of the Parliament for his better behauiour therein To the right worshipful Sir Henrie Kneuet Knight the Printer wishes worship health and long life AFter by an extraordinarye meanes good Knight this letter with the appurtenances in written hand came to be mette withall by mee I was of diuers mindes one way not to bestowe the cost on such a trifle an other way not to consent to the smothering of wel disposed as I take it persons thirdly not to thrust out what I found presupposed with partiall minde to harme innocēts as I cōceiue it hauing preferred wil be it so before reason I yeelde to you my labour and the setting my letters togither praying with all that my good wil may be accepted by you who I cā wel gather a partie in this tragedie coūtes himselfe much beholding to and tho I might direct perhap my trauel to men as it seemeth of verie good availe and friendes to maister Hal in this case yet good Sir Henrie you shal haue it refuse it not take in good part and glorie that your wel doings deserues hath thāks not for benefit growē of your good motions but for the rote of vertue ioyned with gentleman lie minde whiche not in this only but in manie other actions layes open to the worlde and therfore needles for me to repeate I leaue as I beganne wishing you all prosperity I Know you haue ere this expected my ordinarie letters whiche are to you into Italie from me out of England the remembrers and I hope preseruers of our olde acquaintance I measure you by my selfe for I am most glad to reade his friendly lines whose presence if I might I woulde more willinglie imbrace You may not misdeeme for that I wrote not to you this laste moneth so it is that since my last being with you in Italie and els where at whiche tyme I desired to make my selfe acquaynted with the state of forrayne countries I haue sought aswell to learne what the horse meanes as the carte that is in my returne I supposed I kn●we all bycause I had seene more than my neighbours but finding myne owne weakenesse being questioned withall of mere Englande wherein for wante of experience I coulde not answere I found I had begon at the wrong ende I ranne to gaze vpon Fraunce and knew not Kent I vewed Spayne and neuer was in Deuonshyre exactly as I thought I iudged of Italie neuer traueyled Wales I came home by large Germanie wherin I supposed I had a pretie sight and yet not able to wade with you how the poore kingdome of Man is sited And as I was ignorant of the seate of this lande so was I further to seeke in the auncient rytes and vsuall gouernment thereof Which considered finding my self a mēber of that body I sought to mende my wante and to beginne to take a better course rather late than neuer wherefore I haue since my arriuall here endeuoured my selfe to vnderstand mine owne countrie and my Father your well wisher as you know aduised me at my home cōming to be cōtent rather to learne than teache to be more willing to heare than speake and that quoth he you shall well finde that yong men stande better for the most parte in their owne conceytes than there is cause I am a membre of the graue great and considerate Councell of the Parliament the whiche my rowme I will labour you shall haue this next Sessions if God so please wherein what you shall finde declare at your home comming For wrastelers quoth he thinke themselues strong men till they meete with theyr betters good wits specially standing in their owne lightes for affection sake can abide no disputacion Take the best and leaue the worst and you shall reape in fewe lines the trauels of my olde yeares Reade me this shorte aduice whiche here I giue you and with that retched me a small Booke of his owne hand writing the copie whereof I sende you herewith All this some will thinke needelesse as things not according to our vsuall aduises I so confesse but bycause I meane to leaue the occurrents dayly looked for as newes and to write to you of a case happened of late here whiche tho it be of no great importance beyng the action of meane and pryuate persons yet twoo causes moues mée thereto whiche are these The first for that men willingly heare matters of those with whome familiaritie and acquayntance hath bene Nexte bycause I haue hearde it often spoken that it is euill to belye the Deuill and that I see and heare suche vntrueths spredde abroade and also I muste needes say of some who know their woordes are wrongfully wrested to the great preiudice of the credite of Master Arthur Hall whose companie at Padoa the yeere 1568 you once were gladde of and thought it a contented meeting whiche happened in that towne betweene you two I in companie at Antenors tombe where firste you had sight one of an other is the seconde occasion that I write of this matter at this presente vnto you First assure your selfe that what I deliuer vnto you is most directly tolde without leanyng eyther to the one side or to the other for I haue taken great obseruation in my collections tho some perhappe will thinke the matter deserues no suche trauayle To describe the man vnto you I thinke I neede not your knowledge of him in Italie can sufficiently iudge what he was then you may remembre God hath done his parte on him as wee say in English his capacitie hys sensible tongue at will to vtter his mynde no wante of audacitie of sufficient courage well disposed to liberalitie louyng and sure to his friende secrete where he is trusted and I haue founde hym to haue greate care of his worde not wholly vnlearned with a smacke of the knowledge of diuerse tongues the inclination of the good partes whiche do budde in hym I may not omitte and so lykewise not forget the taches of his mother Eue which I find in him whiche are these Ouerweenyng of himselfe whiche brings many infirmities to the persone whiche is infected with that canker furious when he is contraried ▪ without pacience to take tyme to iudge or doubte the daunger of the sequele as your selfe is witnesse of his dealings at Rome at Florence in the way betweene that and Bollonia and at Bollonia it selfe the yeere aboue named so implacable if he conceyue an iniurie as Sylla will rather be pleased with Marius than he with his equals in a maner for offences growne of tryfles But herein I haue tolde hym my opinion whiche is that sithe he will leane so muche to his owne inclination that God will sende a shrewde Cowe shorte hornes whiche
councel was helde at Claringdone and before the King the Bishoppes and nobilitie were sworne to kepe and confirme many decrees and ordinaunces Iohn Stow writes in his Summary of the Cronicles of Englande that the 34 of his ragne at Geldington about ten myles from Northamton he shoulde holde a Parliament● touching a voyage to be taken to the holy lande But if you consider the haste the king made thether the state at that present he stode in the place the shortnesse of the time and the matters there communed of you shall finde that in terming this or suche like consultation Parliaments Maister Fabian Stow Harding and other English● writers do rather vse the worde as in deede it is proper where any conference is than that it carries with it where it cōmes the same to be vnderstand to be the greate Courte of Parliament in such general forme and vniuersall manner as nowe and since the time of Kyng Henrie the thyrde we haue and do vse it as you knowe the worde is Frenche and this much importeth A debating together A conference A consultation A conferring An enterspeech A Communication A discoursing one with another which may bee aswel with Ten for the worde as with Tenscore Kyng Richard the first in the eighte yeare of hys raigne retourning from the holy lande his brother Iohn in his absence vsurping the Crowne summoned a counsell of hys Lords at Winchester where by auctority of the said counsell 〈…〉 ments and landes whyche before hee hadde bestowed on hym After Richards deceasse he possessed the Crowne and in the firste and thirde yeare by the holding of two counsels as some affirme hee had certaine exactions agreed vppon for the maintenaunce of his wars others write that of himselfe hee leuied the sayd summes The eleuenth yeare all men toke the othes of Allegeance too hym from 12 yeres vpward The fourthteenth yere here is some difference for the yere the Lordes and Barons required the vse of Saint Edwardes Lawes and the reuoking of other wicked ordinaunces the which he not harkening to the ciuil warre begonne yet at Barhamdowne the king and nobilitie meeting they confirmed so much as they departed quietly The sixtenth of his raigne the king being slowe to performe that which he was brought to perforce the nobility toke them againe to armes and so hardlye sette hym as in a meadowe betweene Windsor and Staynes in a manner Nolens volens hee graunted their liberties and the Charter for their confirmation thereof is dated at Rime meade betweene the places beforenamed to the which al the Realme was sworne In the same yere the Lords perceiuing the Kings disposition to shifte from that hee hadde agreed on sente into Fraunce for Lewes the sonne of Philip the Frenche king who arriuing here was receyued by the Barons and Londoners honorably who sware fealty to hym and did him homage and then al with one crye they séeke oute the king who being at Winchester was driuen to flye whyche towne yeelded was sworn to Lewes whether also repayred in a maner al the nobility For al this sturre King Iohn procured the Pope by meanes of Pandolphe the legate to dispence with his othe to reuerse the Charter and liberties graunted and also excōmunicate the Barons and Frenchmen Henrie his sonne of the age of nine yeres yong enough 〈…〉 Kingdome and specially during such garboyles yet by the good gouernemente of Marshal Erle of Penbroke many of the Lordes drewe to him and very shortly after Lewes was driuen to leaue the land and being released of his excommunication the peace was agreed on the ninth yeare of his raigne of his age the seuententh or thereabout At the motion of the Archbishoppe of Caunterbury and other the Lordes the king graunted and confirmed the greate Charter whereuppon as I can gather by some records the warde and mariage of our children was graunted to the king and his successours the twelfth yeare the king refused to perfourme the liberties Charter graunted as before for that the ratification past in his minoritie and that now being of ful yeres to beare the sway himselfe hee woulde bee better aduised The twentith of his raigne is found the first Parliament of name and record and yet not to be so thought a Parliament as now we vse ours It is entituled The statuts made at Merton And further he sayes It was prouided in the Courte of our soueraigne Lord the king holden at Merto● the morrowe after the twentith day of Saint Vincent the twentith yere of the raigne of king Henrie the son of king Iohn before VVilliam Archbishoppe of Caunterburie and other his Bishoppes and suffraganes and before the greater parte of the Earles and Barons of England there assembled c without addition of the thyrde state of this land Also you haue a statute made the yeare after entituled for the leape yeare beginning The King vnto the iustices of his Bench greeting The 42. yere or after some the 41 the barons vnwillingly bearing the kings driuing off for the restitution of certaine auncient lawes there was a Parliament at Oxforde which was called the madde Parliament yet not so mad but the king his brother king of Romains and Edward his sonne must and did agrée thereto tho much against their willes bycause many matters were ordeyned greatly and too much against the kings prorogatiue for the sure establishing and execution whereof there were 〈…〉 charge auctority to see the ordinaunces made maintayned whether for the small worthynesse of the lawes or the disorder in making or the shortnesse of the continuaunce I knowe not but I finde not any of those statutes with the rest which are rekened to be King Henrie the thirds These twelue noble mē were no soner in cōmission but they begā roughly presently exiling foure of the Kings brethrē by the mother The 43. and 44 yere of his raigne there were certain assemblies sometime of the nobility without the King and of the king without the Lordes without any mention of our thirde interest and al called Parliaments Thys yere in a Folkmote at London were al aboue twelue yeres sworne to the king In the 45. yeare he had obtained from Rome a dispensation for his othe and all others of his which he and they had taken for the maintenance of Oxforde folly The péeres during this pastime vnwitting vnwilling the kyng discharged Hugh le Spencer chiefe Iustice and put an other in his place expelled officers and Sherifes admitted by the king appointed other to supplie their romes Further the king was grow●n to harde termes which was hee shoulde not passe ouer the Seas hauing large Territories in other countries without licence obtained as in this yeare appeareth The next yeare as before in the. 44 were al men in London aboue twelue yeares of age sworne too the king and his successours The 47 of his raigne the barons armed themselues the Kyng Queene fled from the tower to