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A00007 The Cronycles of Englonde with the dedes of popes and emperours, and also the descripcyon of Englonde; Saint Albans chronicle. Higden, Ranulf, d. 1364. Polycronicon. 1528 (1528) STC 10002; ESTC S108645 466,261 386

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al Englōde about sa yt Clementes tyde in wynter there arose suche a spryngynge and wellynge vp of water also of flodes bothe of the see also of fresshe ryuers sprynges that y● see bankes walles and costes brake vp that men beestes houses in many places namely in lowe countrees violently sodeynly were drowned fruytes dryuen awaye of the erth through contynuaunce aboundaunce of waters of the see euer more afterwarde were turned in to more saltnes and sournes of sauour ¶ The .x. yere of kyng Edwardes regne kynge Edward entred the Scottysshe see after mydsomer to many of the scottes he gaue batayle ouercame them many he treated bowed to his peas through his doughtynes And after at Myghelmasse than next folowynge was the erle of Moryf taken at Edenburgh and brought in to Englonde and put in to pryson ¶ And in the monethes of Iune and Iuly than nexte folowyng in the .xj. yere of his regne was seen and appered in y● fyrmament a bemed sterre the whiche clerkes call stella Cometa and that sterre was seen in dyuers partes of the fyrmament Where after anone there folowed in Englonde good chepe wonders grete plente of all chaffer vytayles and marchaundyse and there agaynst honger scarcete myschefe and nede of money In so moche that a quarter of whete at London was solde for two shyllynges and a good fatte oxe at a noble and fyue good doue byrdes for a peny In whiche yere dyed syr Iohn of Eltham erle of Cornewayle that was kynge Edwardes broder and lyeth at Westmynster ¶ How kynge Edwarde made a duchy of the erledome of Cornewayle and also of syxe other erles that were newe made and of the fyrst chalenge of the kyngdome of Fraunce IN the yere of our lorde M CCC .xxxvij. and the .xij. yere of kyng Edward in the moneth of Marche durynge the parlyament at Westmynster in lent tyme kyng Edward made of the erledome of Cornewayle a duchy let it call y● duchy of Cornewayle the whiche duchy he gaue to Edwarde his fyrst sone with the erledome of Chestre And also kynge Edwarde made at the same tyme .vj. other erles that is to saye syr Henry erle of Lācasters sone erle of Leycestre Willyā of Boghun erle of Northhamton Willyam of Mountagu erle of Salisbury Hugh of Awdell erle of Glocestre Robert of Vfford erle of Suffolke and Willyam of Cliton erle of Huntyngton ¶ And in that same yere it was ordeyned in the same parlyamēt y● no man shold were no cloth that was wrought out of Englōde as of cloth of golde ne of sylke or veluet or damaske or satyn baud kyn ne none suche other ne none wylde ware ne furres of beyonde y● see but suche as myght spende an hondred poūde of rent by yere But this ordynaūce and statute was but of lytel effect for it was nothynge holden ¶ In the .xiij. yere of his regne kyng Edward went ouer the see in to Brabād with quene Philip his wyfe there beryng a childe at And w●rp there he dwelled more than a yere for to treate with the duke of Brabād other alyed vnto hym of the chalengynge of y● kyngdome of Fraūce to kynge Edward of Englonde by ryght by herytage after the deth of Karoll the grete kynge of Fraunce broder germayn of quene Isabel kyng Edwardes moder the whiche was holden occupyed vnrightfully by Philip of Valoys y● emes sone of Karoll The whiche duke all his in y● foresayd thȳges all other longyng therto with all his men and goodes kynge Edward foūde redy vnto hym made behyght 〈…〉 in ●o Eng 〈…〉 ¶ Than in the .xiiij. 〈…〉 des of his 〈…〉 to be at his 〈…〉 ter the 〈◊〉 of 〈…〉 y. The kynges 〈…〉 〈◊〉 as touthynge the kyngdome of Fraūce For whiche nedes to be 〈…〉 asked y● fyfth party of al y● 〈…〉 ble goodes of Englonde the 〈◊〉 〈…〉 the .ix. shefe of euery corne And all the 〈…〉 rdes of euery towne wh 〈…〉 such●thynges shold be taxed gadred 〈…〉 to y● kyng therof he h 〈…〉 helde 〈◊〉 at his owne ●●st wyll W 〈…〉 I shall knowlege the very trouth the inner loue of y● people was 〈◊〉 into hate y● comyn prayers in to 〈◊〉 for cause that y● comyn people were so strongly greued ¶ Also the foresayd 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 of Fraūce had gadred vnto h● a grete hoost destroyed there in his partyes kyngdom many of y● kynges frendes of Englōde with townes 〈◊〉 with many other of theyr lordshyps many 〈…〉 s shapes despytes dyd vnto y● quene Wher fore whan kyng Edward herde this he was strongly 〈◊〉 ●ngred therw t sent dyuers lettes ouer see to y● quene to other y● were his frendes in gladding them certyfyenge them y● he wolde he there hymselfe in all y●●aste y● he might And anone after rester 〈◊〉 he had sped of all thyges that hym neded to haue he went ouer see agayn Of whose coming the quene all his frendes were wōders glad made moche toye And all y● were his enemyes helde agaynst him made his moche sorowe In the same tyme the king through coūseyle of his true 〈◊〉 coūseyle of his lordes y● there were present with hym 〈◊〉 y● kynge of 〈◊〉 name toke 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 y● kynges armes of Frafice quartred with the armes of Englonde 〈◊〉 cōmanded forth with his coyne of golde vnder descripcyon 〈…〉 yng of the name of Englonde of Fraūce to be made best y● myght be y● is to saye the floreyn y● was called y● noble pryce of v● shyllynges .viij. pens sterlyng y● halfe noble y● value .iij. shyllynges ▪ 〈◊〉 peus the farthynge of y● value of ▪ 〈◊〉 peus ¶ How kynge Edwarde came vnto the Scluys and dyscomfyted all the power of Fraunce in the hauen ANd in y● nexte yere after that is to saye the .xv. yere of his ●egne he cōmaūded let wryte in his chartres wryttes other lettres the date of the regne of Fraūce y● fyrst And whyle that he was thus doynge ●rauaylynge 〈◊〉 Fraunce through his coūseyle ●e wrote to al the prelates dukes cries barons the noble lordes of y● coūtre also to dyuers of the comyn people dyuers l 〈…〉 s maundementes berynge date at Gandaue the .viij. daye of February And anone after within a lytell tyme he came agayn in to Englonde with the quene her childrē And in y● same yere on midsomer euen he began to sayle toward Fraūce as gayn manly fyersly he fell vpon Philyp of ●aloys the whiche longe tyme laye had gadred to hym a full grete boustous meyny of dyuers nacions in y● hauen of Scluys there they fought to gyder y● kyng of Fraūce he with theyr ●o●●es fro myddaye to thre of y● clocke on the morowe in y● whiche batayle were slayne .xxx. M. men of y●
of gouernaūce toke husbādes as well straūgers as other lewde symple people y● whiche forgetynge theyr honour worshyp birth coupled maried them with them y● were of lowe degre lytell reputacyon ¶ In this same yere died Henry duke of Lancastre also in this yere Edwarde prynce of Wales wedded the coūtesse of Kēt y● was syr Thomas wyfe of Holand the whiche was departed somtyme de uorced fro y● erle of Salysbury for cause of y● fals knyght And about this tyme began rose a grete cōpany of diuers na cyōs gadred togider whose leders were Englysshmen wtout ony heed y● whiche dyd moche harme in y● party of Fraūce And not longe after there arose an other cōpany of dyuers nacions y● was called the whyte cōpany y● which in y● partyes of Lombardy dyd moche sorowe ¶ The same yere syr Iohn of Gaunt the sone of king Edward y● thyrde was made duke of Lancastre by reason and cause of his wyfe that was the doughter heyre of Henry somtyme duke of Lancastre ¶ Of the grete wynde and how prynce Edwarde toke the lordshyp of Guyen of his fader and went thyder AAd in the .xxxvij. yere of kynge Edward the .xv. day of Ianyuer that is to saye on saynt Mauryce daye about euensongtyme there arose came suche a wynde out of y● south with suche a fyersnes strength that it brast blewe downe to y● groūde high houses strōge buyldynges toures chirches steples other stronge places all other strōge werkes y● stode styll were shaken therw t that they ben yet shall euermore be the febler weyker whyle they stande And this wynde lasted wtout ony ●●ssyng vu dayes cōtinually And anone after there folowed suche water in hey tyme in y● haruest tyme that al felde werkes were gretly letted left vndone ¶ And in the same yere prynce Edwarde toke y● lordshyp of Guyen dyd to kyng Edwarde his fader homage fraute therof wēt ouer see in to Gascoyn with his wyfe chyldren ¶ And anone after kynge Edward made syr Leonell his sone duke of Clarence syr Edmonde his other sone erle of Cambrydge ¶ And in y● xxxvii● yere of his regne it was ordeyned in the parlyament that men of lawe bothe of y● chirche tēporall lawe sholde fro y● tyme forth plete in theyr moder tongue And in y● same yere came in to Englonde thre kynges y● is to saye y● kyng of Fraūce y● kyng of Cypres y● kyng of Sectionde bycause to visyte to speke with the kynge of Englonde And after they had bē here lōge tyme two of them went home in to theyr owne coūtrees kyngdomes but the kyng of Fraūce through grete sekenes malady that he had abode styll in Englonde ¶ And in y● .xxxix. yere of his regne was a stronge grete frost that lasted lōge that is to saye fro say●● Andrewes tyde to the .xiiij. kal. of Apryll y● the tylthe sowynge of the erth other suche felde werke hande werkes were moche let lefte vndone for colde hardnes of y● erth And at Drray in Brytayn was ordeyned a grete deedly batayle bytwene syr Iohn of Moūford duke of Britayn syr Charles of Bloys but y● victory fell to the foresayd syr Iohn through helpe socour of y● englysshmen there were taken many knightes squyers other men y● were vnnombred in y● whiche batayle was slayne Charles hȳselfe with all y● stode about hym of y● Englysshmen were slayne but .vii. ¶ And in this yere dyed at the Sauoy Iohn y● king of Fraūce whose seruyce and exequyes kynge Edwarde let ordeyn dyd in dyuers places worshypfully to be done at Douer ordeyned hym worthely to be ledde with his owne costes expences fro thens he was fet in to Fraūce buryed at saynt Denys ¶ In y● .xl. yere of king Edwarde the .vij. kal. of Feueryer was borne Edward prynce Edwardes sone the whiche whā he was .vii. yere of age dyed And in the same yere it was ordeyned y● saint Peters pens fro y● tyme forth sholde not be payed y● whiche kyng yuo somtyme kyng of Englōde of y● coūtre of westsaxons y● began to regne the yere of our lord god .vi. C .lxxix. fyrst graūted to Rome for y● scole of Englonde there to be cōtynued ¶ And in this same yere fel so moche rayne in hey tyme the it wasted destroyed bothe corne hey And there was suche debate and fyghtyng of sparowes by diuers places in these days y● men foūde innumerable deed in y● feldes as they went And there fell also suche a pestylence y● neuer was seen suche in no mannes dayes y● than lyued for men the went to bedde hole and soūde sodeynly they dyed ¶ Also the tyme a sekenes that men call y● pockes slewe bothe men women through theyr enfectyng ¶ And in the .xli. yere of king Edward was borne at Burdeux Rychard the seconde sone of prynce Edward of Englonde y● whiche Rychard kynge Rycharde of Amorican heued at the fontstone after whome he was called Rychard And this same Rychard whan his fader was deed kyng Edward also he was crowned kyng of Englond the .xl. yere of his age through right lyne herytage also by y● comyn assent desyre of the comynalte of the realme ¶ Aboute this tyme at kyng Edwardes cōmaūdemēt of Englōde whan all the castels townes were yelded to hym y● were holden in Fraūce by a grete cōpany assembled togyder syr Bartram Claykyn a noble knyght a good warryour went purposed hȳ to put Piers kynge of Spayne out of his kyngdome with helpe of y● moost party of y● foresaid grete cōpany trustynge also vpon helpe and fauour of y● pope for as moche as it came to his ere y● the same Pyers sholde lede vse a synfull lyfe y● whiche Piers smyttē with drede of these tydynges fledde in to Gascoyn to prynce Edwarde for to haue socour of hym And whan he was fledde out of Spayne Henry his broder that was a bastard by assent of y● moost partye of Spayne through helpe of y● ferefull company y● I spake of fyrst was crowned king of Spayne the nōbre of that same cōpany was rekened and set at the nombre of .lx. M. fyghtynge men ¶ This same yere in y● moneth of Iune there came a grete company a nauy of Danes and gadred them togyder in the north see purposyng to come in to Englonde to reue robbe also to slee with whome they encoūtred mette in y● see Maryners other good fyghtyng men of the coūtre dysperpled them And they ashamed went home agayne in to theyr owne coūtre but amonge all other there was a buistous vessel a strōge of theyr nauy that was ouersayled by the Englysshmen was perysshed drowned in the whiche the stewarde other grete men of Dēmarke were takē
fought with Emilianꝰ were slayne And Emilianꝰ the thyrde moneth was slayn ¶ Valerian was emperour with his sone Galyene .xv. yere This man was vertuous manly in the begynnyng but after he was gyuē to vyce moche wretchednes and so was his sone Galyene This Valerian went to the lond of Perse there for the blode shedynge of martyrs he was taken of the kynge of Perse And whan he had taken hȳ he put out bothe his eyen kepte hym in grete bondage to this entent he kept hym that whan so euer he shold ryde this Valerian sholde lye down he shold set his feet vpō his backe whā he wold take his hors This herde Galiene his sone that was left at Rome that caused hym that he was not so cruell agaynst chrysten men And here was the .viij. persecucyon of the chirche made by this emperour made the Romayns to lese theyr kyngdomes the whiche were neuer recouered agayne to the emperour a generall pestylence was through all the worlde for theyr trespace ¶ Stephanus a martyr after Lucius was pope .iij. yere This man ordeyned that no mā shold vse no halowed clothes but to the worshyp of god ¶ Sixtꝰ a martyr and a Romayn was pope after Stephanus .ij. yere This man ordeyned that the masse shold be sayd vpō an awter the whiche afore was not than he dyed ¶ Dionisius a Romain was pope after Stephanꝰ .ij. yere This man deuyded parysshes chircheyerdes assygned to chirches certayne preestes ¶ Felix a martyr was pope after Dionisius two yere He ordeined that for the memory of martyrs masses shold be sayd Also he ordeyned the Dedicacion of the chirche euery yere shold be said ¶ Claudius was emperour after Valerian This man subdued Gothas nobly than decessed ¶ Anno Christi CC .lxxiiij. EVticianꝰ a martyr was pope after Felix .viij. yere This man ordeyned y● corne benes sholde be blyssed on the awter And he buryed iij C. xliiij martyrs with his owne hādes ¶ Aureliꝰ was emperour after Claudius .v. yere This Aurelius fyrst to christē men was gentyll wherfore he had the vyctory in euery place gloryously whan he was deceyued by cursed men pursued chrysten men myghtely namely in fraūce for there he abode after that he had neuer good fortune but was slayne And this was the .ix. ꝑsecucyon of the christen fayth ¶ Tacitus was emperour after this man he regned but .iii. monethes was slayne in Ponto ¶ Probus was Emperour after hym .v. yere .iiij. monethes This man recouered Fraūce agayne the whiche was occupyed with barbary men And he gaue them Pannonias lycence to haue vynyerdes And whan he had made almoost all thȳges well in peas he sayd Knyghtes within a lytell tyme shall not be necessary And anone after he was slayne at Syrmiū ¶ Carus his two sones Carmꝰ Numerianꝰ were emperours after Probus but soone they dyed theyr fader was drowned the two sones were slayne All these regned but .ij. yere ¶ Dioclesian Maximyan came after these thre emperours the one regned in the eest the other regned in the west The fyrst thynge that Dioclesian dyd he brent all the chrysten mennes bokes that myght be foūde These two tyraūtes dyd more harme to christē men than euer dyd ony other For .x. yere lasted theyr ꝑsecucyon And as we rede wtin .xxx. dayes .xx. M. men were slayne for chrystes cause And in Englonde all the fayth was almoost destroyed in the tyme of Maximyan ¶ Gaius was pope after Euticianus This man ordeyned that no man sholde accuse a bisshop or an other clerke to ony seculer iudge And that a pagan or an heretyke shold not accuse a christē man Also he ordeyned that he that was worthy shold ascende gree by gree to his ordres fyrst benet than ●ollet subdeken deken than preest And at the last he was martyred vnder Dioclesian ¶ Marcell 〈…〉 ꝰ a martyr was pope after Gaius .xi. yere .iiij. monethes This mā was sore ꝑsecuted for drede of deth he offred 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 nes of encense to the sacrifyce of the ydolles And afterward he openly repented and suffred deth for the fayth of Chryst His body laye vnburyed thre days for drede of the curse of god And after through a visyon of saynt Peter Marcell he was buryed at saynt Peters fo●e ¶ Marcellus was pope after Marcell 〈…〉 ꝰ .v. yere This man ordeyned that a generall coūseyle myght not be ordeyned without the auctorite of the pope vt pꝪ patet .xvij. d● 〈◊〉 sinodū Also he chose .xv. cardynalles in the cyte to bury men chrysten At the last whan he had kepte beestes longe tyme in a hous closed in with them by the commaundement of Maximian he dyed for faute ¶ Eusebius a martyr was after this man two monethes and certayne days This man of a lay man was made pope he ordeyned that no laye man shold accuse his bisshop but yf he went from his fayth V● pꝪ patet .ij .ix. vij .x. lai 〈…〉 s. ¶ Nota. This tyme saynt Albon was martyred in brytayn This Albon whā he was a pagan he lodged a certayn mā the which cōuerted hym to the fayth after was iudged vnto deth and moche people he turned vnto our lorde that were nygh the water the which he made drye through his prayer And he suffred deth nygh the cite of Ve●elom Vide plura in vita sctī Albani ¶ Melchiades a martyr succeded Eusebius foure yere This mā forbode the men shold fast on sondays on thursdays in so moche as pagans fast on those dayes At the last he was martyred as al his predecessours were ¶ And knowe ye that there were xxxiij popes of Rome martyred eche one after other Peter was the fyrst this Melchiades was the last And than it was laudable after Gregory a mā to desyre a bysshopryche ¶ Galerius was emperour after Dioclesian two yere and an other with hym called Constancius so was the empyre in those dayes deuyded This Constancius after he had conquered all Spayne he came in to grete Britayn there he wedded a kȳges doughter on whom he gate grete Cōstantyne And this same Cōstancius dyed in Brytayn lyeth at Yorke as Martin sayth in his cronycles lefte on lyue Cōstantyne that was goten on Eleyne was kynge of Brytayne of Fraunce ¶ Anno Christi CCC .viij. SIluester was pope after Melchiades This was a gloryous confessour many wayes he worshypped the chirche of god what in wrytynge and what in myracles He receyued the patrimony of saynt Peter that is for to saye the kyngdome of Ytalye with the cite of Rome of Constantyne the emperour to the worshyp of the chirche of god he turned it He baptysed Eleyne the Iewes and than he decessed a confessour ¶ Constantyne the myghty was emperour this tyme. This Cōstantyne was a gloryous man and a victoryous in
of his mouth whan he conquered it through dynt of swerde For the prynce Lewlyn Dauyd his broder Rys Morgan were put to deth through theyr falsnes theyr foly And he set his fote in wike conquered Barwyke at the whiche conquest were slayn .xxv. M. and. vij C. out take them that were brent in the reed hall And the walles that he let make shall be noyous vnto his sede as men shall here after se in the lyfe of syr Edward of Carnaruan his sone And yet sayd Merlyn that he sholde make ryuers ren in blode with brayn that semed well in his warres where as he had the maystry And yet Merlin sayd that there shold come a people out of the north west durynge the regne of the foresayd dragon that sholde be ladde by an yll greyhoūde that the dragon sholde crowne kyng that afterward sholde flee ouer the see for drede of the dragon without comynge agayn that was proued by syr Iohn Bayloll the kyng Edward made to be kynge of Scotlonde that falsly arose agaynst him after he fled to his owne londes of Fraūce neuer came agayne in to Scotlonde for drede of kynge Edward And yet sayd Meriyn the people that sholde lede the foresayd greyhoūde shold be faderles vnto a certayn tyme he sayd sothe for the people of Scotlonde gretely were dyseased syth that syr Iohn Bayloll theyr kung was fledde And yet layd Merlin that the sonne shold become in his tyme as reed as blode in tokenynge of grete mortalite of people that was well knowē whan the scottes were ●ay● And Merlyn sayd that same dragon sholde nourysshe a foxe that sholde meue grete warre agaynst hym that shold in his tyme be ended that semed well by Robert the Brus that kyng Edward noursshed in his chambre that sythen stale aware meued grete warre agaynst hym wh● the warre was not ended in his tyme. And afterward Merlyn tolde that this dra gon shold be holden the best body of all the worlde he sayd sothe for the good kyng Edward was the worthyest knyght of all the worlde in his tyme. And yet said mer lyn that the dragon sholde dye in the marche of an other londe that his londe sholde be longe wtout a good keper that men sholde wepe for his deth from the yle of Shepey vnto the yle of Mercill wherfore alas shal be theyr songe amonge ye●●myn people faderles in the londe wasted And the p●h● cy was knowen ouer all full well For the good king Edward dyed at Burgh vpō sandes that is in the marche of Scotlonde wherfore the englysshmē were discōf●ed sorowed in Northumberiend bycause the king Edwardes sone set by the Scottes no force for the tyot of Pyers of Ganaston wherfore alas was the song through out all Englonde for defaute of theyr good wardeyn from the yle of Shepey vnto the yle of Mareyll the people made moche sorowe for good king Edwardes deth For they wende that kyng Edward shold haue gone in to the holy lond for that was holly his purpose Vpon whose soule god for his hygh grace haue mercy ¶ Anno d●●i M CC. lxxxiii● CElestinus was pope after Nicolas .v. monethes and no thynge noble of hym is wryten but that he was a vertuous man ¶ Bonifacius the. vii● was pope after hȳ .viij. yere This Boniface was a man in those thynges that apperteyneth to courte for he was very e●pert in suche maters And bycause he had no pere he put no mesure to his prudence toke so grete pryde vpon hym that he sayd he was lord of all the worlde And many thȳges he dyd with his myght that fayled wretchedly in the ende He gaue an ensample to all prelates that they shold not be proude but vnder the forme of a very shepeherde of god they sholde more study to be loued of theyr subiectes than to be drad This man is he of whome it is sayd that he entred as a fox he lyued as a lyon dyed as a dogge ¶ This tyme the yere of grace was ordeyned from an C. yere to an C. yere the fyrst Jubile was in the yere of our lord god M CCC ¶ Benedictꝰ the .xj. was pope after Boniface .xi. monethes This man was an holy man of the ordre of the frere prechours lytell whyle lyued but decessed anone ¶ Adulphus was Emperour .vj. yere This man was the erle of Anoxone and was not crowned by the pope for he was slayne in batayle ¶ Albertus was emperour after hȳ .x. yere This man was the duke of Austrie fyrst was repreued of the pope after was confermed by the same pope for the malyce of the kyng of Fraūce whiche was an enemy vnto the chirche And to that Albert the same pope gaue the kyngdom of fraūce as he dyd other kyngdomes but it ꝓfyted not for at the last he was slayne of his neuewe ¶ Clemēs was pope after Benedictus almoost .ix. yere This man was a grete buylder of castels other thynges And he dampned the ordre of Templers And he ordeyned the .vij. boke of decretalles the whiche be called y● questyons of Clementyns And anone after in a coūseyle the whiche he helde at Vienna he reuoked that same boke the whiche his successour Iohn called agayn incorpored it publysshed it This Clement fyrst of al popes translated the popes seet from Rome to Aumyon And whyder it was done by the mocyon of god or by the boldnes of man dyuerse men meruaylleth ¶ Iohn the .xxij. was pope after hym xviij yere This man was all gloryous as for those thȳges that were to be vsed through the actyfe lyfe And he publysshed the Constytucyons of the Clementynes sent them to all the vniuersitees And many sayntes he canonysed And the fatte bysshopryches he deuyded And he ordeyned many thynges agaynst the plu ralite of benefices and many heretykes he dampned but whyder he was saued or not our lorde god wolde not shewe to those that he loued very well ¶ Henry the .vij. was emperour after Albert .v. yere This Henry was a noble man in warre and he coueyted to haue peas by londe water He was a gloryous man in batayle was neuer ouercome with enemyes And at the last he was poysoned of a frere whan that he houseled hym by receyuynge of the sacrament ¶ Of kynge Edwarde that was kynge Edwardes sone ANd after this kynge Edwarde regned Edwarde his sone that was borne at Carnaruan And this Edward went in to Fraūce there he spoused Isabell the kynges doughter of Fraūce the .xxv. daye of Ianuary at the chirche of our lady at Boloyn in the yere of our lorde Iesu Chryst a. M CCC .vij. And the .xx. daye of Feueryer the nexte yere y● came after he was crowned solemply at Westmynster of the archebysshop of Caūterbury of the archebisshop of winchelse And there was so grete prees of people that syr Iohn
out Gurmond the Irysshe kyng with his Pictes and the Brytons also with theyr kynge that hight Careticus and droue them out of Englond into Wales And so that Saxons were vyctoryous euery prouynce after his strength made hym a kyng And so departed Englonde in to seuen kyngdomes Neuerthelesse afterwarde these seuē kyngdomes euerychone after other 〈◊〉 all in to one kyngdome All hole vn 〈◊〉 the prynce Adelstoue Neuerthelesse 〈◊〉 ●●nes pursued this londe fro Adei 〈…〉 tyme that was Alurents fader vnto the thy 〈…〉 abou ts au C .lxx. 〈…〉 〈…〉 lly therin xxil 〈…〉 re And after hym Haralde h●lde the kyngdome .ix. mouethes And after hym Nor mans haue regned vnto this tyme but how longe they shall regue he to whome no thynge is vnknowen ¶ 〈…〉 Of that foresayd seuen kyngdomes theyr markes mares boundes whan they began how longe they endured here shall I somwhat shortly tell ¶ Alfre The fyrst kyngdome was that kyngdome of Kent that stretcheth fro the eest Occean vnto that ryuer of Tamyse There regned the fyrst Engystes began to regne by the accountynge of Dionyse the yere of our lorde A C .lv. that kyngdome dured iii C .lviij. yere .xv. kinges vnto that tyme that kynge Baldrede was put out and Egbert kynge of westsaxon ioyned that kyngdom to his owne The second kyng dome was at Southsaxon that had in the eest syde kent in the south the see the yle of wyght in the west Hamshyre in the north sothery there Ella regned fyrst with his thre sones began to regne the yere after the comynge of that Angles euen .xxx. But that kyngdome within shorte tyme passed in to the other kyngdomes The thyrde kyngdome was of Eestsaxon bad in the eest syde the see in the west the coūtree of London in the fouth Temse in that north Southfolke The kynges of this coū●●● of westsaron fro the first Sebertes tyme vnto that tyme of the Danes were .x. kynges the whiche were subgecte somdele to other kynges Neuerthelesse o●t est longest they were vnder the kynges of Merci● 〈◊〉 to the tyme y● Egbert the kynge of westsaxon ioyned y● kyngdome was to his owne The fourth kyngdome was of Eest 〈…〉 gles conteyneth Northfolke South folke and hath in the east syde and in the north syde the see in y● north west Cam bridge shyre in y● west saynt Comondes dyche Herfordshyre in y● south Essex And this kyngdom duted vnder twelue kynges vnto the tyme y● kyng Edmond was slayne And than the Danes toke wrongfully both the kyngdomes of eest Angles and of eest Saxon. Afterwarde the Danes were put out and dryuenawaye or made subgecte And than the elder kynge Edwarde ioyned bothe the kȳgdomes to his orane The fyfth kyng dome was of westsaxon dured longest of all these kyngdomes had in the eest syde fouthsaxon in the north Tamyse in the south in the west the see Occean In that kyngdome regned Serdryk with his sone Kenryke began to regne the yere of our lorde god .v. C. and .xix. and than after the comynge of Angles .lxxi. so sayth Denys the other kyngdomes passed in to this kyngdome The syxth kyngdome was of Mercia was gretest of all The markes the meres ther of were in the west syde of the ryuer De faste by Chestre and Seuarne faste by Shrowesbury vnto Brystowe in y● eest the eest see in the south Tamyse vnto London in the north the ryuer of Humber and so westwarde and downwarde vnto the riuer Mersee vnto the corner of wyrhall there Number falleth in to the west see Penda Wyvves sone regned fyrst in this kyngdome in the yere of our lorde Jesu Chryst .vi. C .xxvi. soo sayth Denys and fro the comynge of Angles an hondred .lxxv. yere This kyngdome dured vnder .xviii. kynges aboute two hondred .lxiij. yere vnto y● last Colwulfe the Danes vetoke y● kyngdome to kept whan Burdred the kyng was put out but the elder Edward the kyng put out the Danes and ioyned the kyngdom of Mercia to his owne kyngdome Neuerthelesse at the begyunynge this kyngdome of Mercia was departed in to thre In west Mercia in myddell Mercia eest Mercia The .vij. kyngdome was Northamhymbrorum that is the kyngdome of Northumberionde the meres markes therof were by west by cest the see of Occean by south that tyuer of Humber and so downward toward the west by that ende of the shyres of Notyngham and of Derby vnto the ryuer of Merses and by north the Scottes see that hyght forth in Scottes weres in Britysshe y● Scot tysshe see in Englysshe This kyngdom of Northumberlonde was fyrst deied in two prouynces That one was y● south syde hyght Deyra that other was y● north syde hyght Brenicia as it were two kyngdomes the ryuer departed these two kyngdomes that tyme for the kyngdome of Deyra was from y● ryuer of Humber vnto the ryuer of Tyne The kyngdome of Brenicia was fro Tyne to the Scottysshe see And whan Pirres dwelled there as Beda sayth li .iij. ca .ii. That Ninian y● holy man cōuetted men of the south syde Ida the kynge regned there fyrst began to regne the yere of our lorde .v. C. .xlvij. so sayth Denys In Deyra regned kyng Elle the yere of our lorde .v. C .xlix. These two kyngdomes were other whyle as it is sayd departed bytwene two kinges somtyme all hole vnder one kyng and dured as it were .xx. Englysshe kynges CCC .xxi. yere At y● last Osbartus and Elle were slayne in the .ix. yere of theyr kyngdome the Danes slewe them Northumberlonde was voyde wtout kynge .viii. yere Than afterwarde the Danes regned in Northumberlonde .xxxvi. yere vnto the onynge of y● kyngdome Adeistone made subgecte the kynges Danes scottysshe walsshe regned fyrst alone in Englonge helde y● kyngdome of Englonde all hole and all one kyngdome that was the yere of our lorde viij C .xxviij. That tyuer of Mer●ee was somtyme marke mere bytwene the kyngdome of Mercia and the kyngdome of Northumberlond that may be shewed in two maners first by this properte of this Mersee that is as moche to saye as a see y● is a boūde a mere for it departeth one kyngdome frō an other Also it is wryten in Cronycles of Henry Alfrede y● kyng Edward y● elder fastned a castell at Mācestre in Northumberlond but y● cite Mācestre is fro the tyuer of Mersee scarsely thre myle ¶ Of bysshopryches and of theyr sees Ca .xiij. IVrius was the fyrst kyng chrystened of y● Brytons in his tyme were thre archebysshoppes sees in Brytayne oue was at London an other at yorke the thyrde at Cacrusk the cite of Legyōs in Glamorgan that cite is now called Caerleon To these archebisshops sees were subge●te .xxviij. bysshops were called Flammes To the archebysshops see of Londō was subgecte Corne wayle all myddell Englōde vnto Humber
the .ix. yere of his regne and made subgecte therto Cambrydge shyre that was tofore a parte of the by●shopryche of Lyncolne and for ●uytyng therof he gaue to y● bysshop of Lyncolne a good towne called Spaldynge ¶ De episcopis Mertiorum Wilhelmus HEre take hede y● as the kyngdome of Mercia was alway gretest for the tyme so it was deled in moo bysshop tyches and specyally by grete herte by kynge Offa whiche was .xl. yere kyng of Mercia he chaūged y● a●chebysshops see fro Caunterbury to Lythfelde by ass●●t of Adryan the pept Than th● pro 〈◊〉 of Mercia and of Linde●●at in the first begynnynge of theyr 〈◊〉 in kynge wulfrans tyme had one bysshop of Lychfelde the fyrst bysshop that was there hyght Dwyn● the seconde hight Celath were bothe Scottes after them y● thyrde Trumphere y● fourth Iarmuanus the fyfth Chedde But in Edelfredes tyme that was Wulfrans broder whan Chedde was deed Theodorus the archebysshop ordeyned there wynfrede Cheddes deken Neuertheles apud Hyndon after that for he was vnbuxom in some poynt he ordeyned there Sexwulf abbot of Medamstede that is named Burgh But after Sex wulfes fourth yere Th 〈…〉 us y● archbysshop ordeyned .v. bysshops in the prouynce of Mercia so he ordeyned Bosell at Worcestre Cudwyn at Lychfelde y● foresayd Sexwulfe at ●hestre Edelwyn at Lyndesey at the cite Sidenia he to●● EWord● m●nke of the abbey of Hylde a● whythy and made hym bysshop of Dorchestre ●e syde Oxford tho hyght this Dorch estre Dorkynge sh y● sce of y● longed to westsaxon in saynt Birynes tyme longed to Mercia frō Th●●●orus y● archebisshops tyme Ethelred kynge of Mercia had destroyed kent this bysshop Sex●wulfe toke Pirtas bysshop of Rochestre y● came out of Kent made hym fyrst bysshop of Herford At y● last whan Sexwulfe was deed Hedda was bisshop of Lychfelde after h 〈…〉 wylfred flemed out of Northūberlōd was bisshop of Chestre neuerthe ●es after two yere Alfred kȳg of North● berloude dyed wylfred turued agayne to his owne see Hagustalden so Hedda helde bothe y● bysshopriches of Lichfelde Ehestre After h● came Albyn y● hyght wor●lso after ●ȳ came thre bysshops Tortant Chestre witta at Lychfelde Eata was yet at dorchestre A●● his ●eth bisshops of Lyndsey held his see .ccc. ●●iij yere vnto ●emigiꝰ chaūged y● see to Lyncoln by leue of y● fyrst king william But in ●ogars tyme bysshop Leofwinꝰ wyned bothe bisshopryches togider of Chestre Lyndeffar whyle his lyf endured ¶ De episcopis Northumbranis Withel de pon .li. ca .xj. AT Yorke was one see for all the prouynce of Northumberlo●de Paulmus helde fyrst y● see was ordeyned of y● bysshop of Caūterbury helde that see of Yorke .vii. yere Afterwarde whan kyng Edwyn was slayne thynges were dystroubled Paulinus weat awaye thens by water in to Kent from whens he came fyrst ●oke with hym the pall ¶ Withel .li .iii. And so the bysshop ryche of yorke ceased .xxx. yere the vse of y● pall ceased there an C .xxv. yere vn to that Egbert y● bysshop y● was the kynges broder of y● lōde recouered it by aucto rice of y● pope ¶ 〈◊〉 Whan saynt Oswold regned Aydanus a Scatte was bysshop in Brenicia that is y● north syde of Northumberloude after hym Finiauꝰ after hym Salmanus ¶ Wilhel vbi s● At y● last he went in to Scotlonde with grete indignacyon for wilfred vndertoke hȳ for he helde vnlawfully eester day .xxx. yere After y● Pa 〈…〉 is was gone from thens Wylfrede was made bysshop of yorke ¶ Beda li .iiii. But whyle he dwelled longe in Fraūce about his sacrynge at excytynge of qua 〈…〉 y● were they that helde ●●ster daye the .xiiii. daye of y● mone Chedde was takē out of his abbey of Listynge wrongfully put out into y● see of york by assent of kyng Oswy But thre yere afterward Theoderus y● arche bysshop dyd hym awaye assygned by to the ●uynce of Mercia restored wyl frede to y● s 〈…〉 yorke But after bycause of wrath y● was bytwene hym y● kyng Egfryde was put out of y● see by Theodorus helpe y● archebysshop y● was corrupte with some maner mede this was done after that wilfred had be● bysshop of yorke Cumbert at Hagustalde chie ●he Eata at Lyndeffat chirche y● now is called holy ylonde in y● riuer of Twede Aydanus foūde fyrst y● see And Theodo rus made Eadhedus bysshop of Repoun that was comen agayn out of Lyndesey Wilfred had bē abbot of Repoun Theodorus sente Trunwynus to the londe of Pictes in the endes of Englonde fast by Scotlōde in a place y● hyght Candida ●a sa whyterne also there saynt Hu●an a Bryton was fyrst foūder and doctour But all these sees outtake yorke fayled lytell 〈◊〉 lytell for y● see of Cand●o● ca●a y● is Galleway that tho longed to Englōde dured many yeres vnder .x. bysshops vnto y● it had no power by destroyenge of the Pictes The sees of Hagustaide of Lyndeffar was somtyme all one vndre ix bysshops aboute lxxxx yere durrd vnto y● comynge of the Danes In that tyme vnder Hyngar Hubba Ardu● the bysshop went longe aboute with sayne Cutbertes body vnto kyng Aluredes tyme kynge of westsaxon the see of Lyn deffar was set at Kunegestre y● is called Kunyngy sourgh also that place is called now Vbbesford vpon ●wede At the last the .xvii. yere of kyng Egberr kynge Edgars sone that see was chaunged to Dutham saynt Cutbertes body was brought thyder by y● doynge of Edmond the bysshop fro y● tyme forwarde y● sees of Hagustalde Lyndeffar fayled vtterly The fyrst kynge Henry in the .ix. yere of his regne made the newe see at Caerleyll The arche byssop of Caūterbury hath vnder hym .xiii. bysshops in Englonde .iiii. in wales he hath Rochestre vnder hym y● see hath vnder by a part in Kent alone London hath vnder hym Essex Myddelsex a halfe Act fordshyre Chychestre hath vnder hym Southse and the yle of wyght Wynchestre hath vnder hym Hamshyre Southery Salysbury hath vnder h● Barkshyre Wylshyre Dorset Ex 〈…〉 re hath vnder hym Deuenshyre Cornewayle Bothe hath vnder hym Somerletshyre alone Wortestre hath vnder hym Glocestreshyre Worcestreshyre halfe Warwykshyre Herford hath vnder hym Herfordshire some of Shropshyre Chestre is bysshop of Couētre of Lychfelde hath vnder hȳ Chestreshyre Staffordshyre Derbyshyre halfe Warwykshyre and some of Shropshyre some of Lancastreshyre fro the ryuer of Mersee vnto y● ryuer Rypyll Lyncolne hath vnder hym the prouynces y● ben bytwene Temse Humber that ben the shyres of Lyncolne of Leycestre of Northamton of Hunt yngdon of Bedford of Bokyngham of Oxforde and halfe Herfordshyre ●ly hath vnder hȳ Cambrydgshyre outtake Merlonde Norwyche hath vnder hym Merlonde Norfolk Suffolk Also y● archcbysshop of Caūterbury hath foure suffrigans in wales that ben Landaf saynt Dauyes
see that is bytwene Brytayne Irlonde is all y● yere full of grete wawes vneasy that men may selde sayle sykerly bytwene y● see is C .xx. myle brode ¶ Of the gretenes and qualite of that londe Ca .xxiiij. IRlonde is an ylonde gretest after Brytayn stretcheth north ward frō Brendas hylles vnto y● londe Colūbina cōteyneth .viij. dayes iourney euery iourney .xl. myle frō Deuelin to Patrykes hylles to y● see in y● syde in brede iiij iourneys Irlonde is narower in y● myddle than in the endes all otherwyse than Brytayn is as Irlonde is shorter north ward than Britayn so is it longer south ward the londe is not playne but full of moūtaynes of hylles of wodes of marays of mores the londe is softe rayny wyndy lowe by y● see syde wtin hylly sondy ¶ Solmus There is grete plente of noble pasture and of leese therfore y● beestes must be ofte dryuē out of theyr pasture lest they ●te ouer moche for they sholde shende themselfe yf they myght ete at theyr wyll ¶ Gir. Men of that londe haue comynly theyr helth straūgers haue oft a perylous 〈◊〉 by cause of y● moisture of y● meet The flesshe of kyen is there holsom swynes flesshe vnholsom Men of y● londe haue no feuer but onely y● feuer ague and that ryght selde Therfore the holsomnes of y● londe the clennes out of venym is worth all the boost richesse of trees of herbes of spycery of ryche clothes of precyous stones of the eest londes The cause of y● helth holsomnes of y● londe is y● attemperate hete colde that is therin In●bus rebꝰ sufficit In this londe ben m●o kyen than oxen more pasture than corne more grasse than seed there is plente of samon of lamprays of ●eles of other see fysshe Of egles of cranes of pecoks of curlewes of sparowhawkes of geshawkes of gentyll fawcons Of welues ryght shrewed myte there ben attercoppes blode soukers eeftes y● do n● harme there ben fayres lytell of body ful hardy stronge there ben batnacles foules lyke wylde gees whiche grewe wondersly vpon trees as it were nature wrought agaynst kynde Men of relygyon ete barnacles vpon fastyng dares bycause they be not engendred with flesshe wherin as me thȳketh they erre for ●●ason is agaynst y● for yf a man had eten of Adās legge he had etē flesshe yet Adā was not engendred of fader nor moder but y● flesshe cometh wondersly of y● tree In this lōde is plente of hony of mylke of vine of vyneyerdes ¶ Solinꝰ ys●d wryte y● Irlōde hath no bees Neuerthelesse it were better wryten y● Irlōde had bees no vyneyerdes ¶ Be●a sayth y● there is grete hūtyng to roobuckes it is knowen y● there be none It is no wonder of Beda for he neuer sawe y● londe but some man tolde hȳ suche tales Also there groweth that stone Saxagonꝰ is called Iris also as it were the rayne bowe yf that stone be holden agaynst y● sonne anone it shall shape a raynbowe There is also founden a stone y● is called Gagathes whyte margery perles ¶ Of the defaute of the londe Ca .xxv. ●Hete cornes ben there full small vnneth clensed with mānes hande reserued mē all beestes bē smaller there than in other lōdes There lacketh well nygh al maner fresshe water fysshe y● is not gendred in the see There lacketh vnkynde faucons gerfaucons pertryche fesaūt nyghtyngales and pyes There lacketh also Roo Bucke Ilespyles wontes and other venymous beestes Therfore some men feyne that fauourably y● saynt Patryck clensed y● londe of wormes of venymous beestes But it is more probable skylfull y● this londe was from y● begynnynge alwaye wtout suche wormes for venymous beestes wormes dye there anone yf men brynge them thyder out of other lōdes Also venym and poyson brought thyder out of other londes lese theyr malyce as soone as it passeth the myddle of the see Also poudre erth of that londe cast sowen in other londes dryue away wormes so ferforth that yf a turfe of y● londe be put about a worme it sleeth hym or maketh hym thryll that erth for to escape away In that londe cockes crowe but lytell tofore daye so that the fyrst crowynge of cockes in that londe the thirde in other londes ben lyke ferre tofore the daye ¶ Of them that fyrst enhabyted Irlonde Ca .xxvj. GIraldꝰ sayth that Casera Noes nece drad the flode fledde with thre men fyfty women in to that ylonde dwelled therin fyrst the last yere tofore Noes flode But afterwarde Bartholanus Seres sone that came of Iaphet Noes sone came thider with his thre sones by happe or by crafte CCC yere after Noes flode dwelled there encreaced to y● nombre of .ix. M. men afterward for stenche of careyns of gyaūtes y● they had slayne they dyed all saue one Ruanus that lyued M .v. C. yere vnto saynt Patrykes tyme enformed y● holy man of the foresayd men of all the doynges and dedes Than the thyrde tyme came thyder Nimeth out of Scicia with his iiij sones and dwelled there CC .xvj. yere And at y● last of his ofsprynge by dyuers my shappes of warre of moreyne they were clene destroyed and the londe lefte voyde CC. yere after The fourth tyme v. dukes that were bretherne Gandius Genandus Sagādius Rutheragus Slauius of the sayd Nimethes successours came out of Grece occupied that lōde deled it in .v. partyes euery partye cōteyneth .xxij. candredes A cādrede is a coūtree y● conteyneth an C. townes they set a stone in the myddle of y● lond as it were in the nauell and begynnyng of .v. kyngdomes At the last Slauius was made kyng of all y● lond The fyfth tyme whan this nacyon was .xxx. yere togyder they wexed feble Foure noble men that were Millesius y● kȳges sones came out of Spayne with many other in a nauy of .xl. shyppes .ij. of y● worthyest of these .iiij. bretherne y● hyght Hyberꝰ Hermon deled y● lōde bytwene them two But afterward couenaūt was brokē bytwene them bothe Hyberꝰ was slayne Than Hermon was kyng of all y● londe And from his tyme to y● fyrst Patrykes tyme were kynges of y● nacyon C .xxxi. And so fro y● comynge of Hibernensis vnto y● fyrst Patryk were M. viij C. yere They had that name Hibernensis Hibernia of y● foresayd Hiberus or els of Hibetꝰ a ryuer of Spayne They were called also Gatels Scottes of one Gaytelus y● was Phenis neuewe This Gaytelus coude speke many lāguages after the lāguages that were made at Nemproths Toure and wedded one Scotta Pharoes doughter Of these dukes came y● Hibernēsis Men saye y● this Gaytelus made y● Irysshe language called it Gaytelaf as it were a language gadred of all languages tongues At the last Belinus kyng of Britayn had a
textu gen̄ .j. ¶ The fyrst daye god made deuyded the lyght from the derknes ¶ The seconde daye god made ordeyned the firmament diuyded the water from the water ¶ The thyrde daye god made in the whiche he gadered the waters in to one place and the erth tho appered ¶ The fourth daye god made in the whiche daye he ordeyned the sonne the mone and the sterres put them in the fyrmament ¶ The fyfth daye god made in the whiche he ordeyned fysshes foules grete whales in the water ¶ The syxth daye god ordeyned in the whiche he made beest man ¶ The .vij. daye god made in that day he rested of all werkes that he had ordeyned not as in werkyng beynge wery but he ceased to make mo newe creatures Vide pl’a plura ge● .j. VNderstande ye that Adam the fyrst man of whome it is wryten in this fyrst age nexte folowynge lyued .ix. hondred yere and .xxx. And gate xxxij sones and as many doughters ¶ Anno mundi primo Et ante Christi natiuitatem .v. M C lxxxxix ¶ Here begynneth the fyrst age durynge vnto the flode of Noe. Adam Eua. IN the fyrst yere of the worlde the syxth day god made and formed Adam in the felde da mastene Eua of his tybbes puttyng them in paradyse bade them to kepe his cōmaundement that they sholde not ete of the fruyte of lyfe vnder the payne of deth And the same daye that they had synned anone he cast them out of paradyse in to the lōde of cursednes that they sholde lyue there with swerynge sorowe tyll they dyed Vide pl’a plura ge● 〈◊〉 ¶ This Adam was an holy man all y● dayes of his lyfe grete penan̄ce dayly he dyd And he cōmaūded his chyldren to lyue ryghtwylly namely that they sholde auoyde in all wyse from the company of Cayn his chyldren Nor that they shold not mary with none of them ¶ This mā Adam was our fyrst fader for one synne put vs out of paradyse But through his holy cōuersacion penaūce he gaue vs ensample to come to the kyngdome of heuen And he that wyll not folowe his holy cōuersacion example for one synne ryghtwysly he can not complayne on hym as we doo many ¶ Seth sone to Adam was borne after the begynnynge of the worlde C. and. xxx yeres lyued .ix. C. and .xij. But Moyses ouerskypped an hondred of those in the whiche Abel wepte in the vale of ploracion nygh Ebron This Seth for the oyle of mercy to be goten went to paradyse ¶ Delbora was syster to Abell Abell was slayne of Cayn his broder This Abell the fyrst martyr began the chirche of god This man after Austyn made the cite of god he was the fyrst citezyn of that cite And bycause he was right wyse our lorde receyued his offrynge ¶ Calmana was wyfe to Cayn This Cayn was a cursed man he made the fyrst erthly cite that euer in this worlde was in that whiche he put his people for drede in so moche as he vsed rauyne violence For he trusted suche thynge to be done to hym as he dyd to other therfore he put hym and his in to a sure place This man slewe his broder Abel for enuye and he was punysshed of god wandred aboute in despayre And was slayne of Lameth a blynde man ¶ Anno mūdi iiij C .xxxv. Et ante xp̄i natiuitatem .iiij. M .ix. C. lxxiiij ENos of the lyne of Chryst lyued ix C. yere .v. And began to call the name of our lorde It myght happe he foūde some wordes of prayer or made some ymages for god to be worshypped as now is in the chirche Chanam lyued after .ix. C. yere and .x. ¶ Anno muudi vij C lxxxxv Et ante Christi natiuitatē .iiij. M. iiij C .iiij. MAlaleel of the lyne of Chryst lyued viij C. lxxxxv yere Iareth of the lyne lyued .ix. C. lxij ¶ Enoch of the same lyne lyued iij C. yere .lxv. and was a ryghtwyse man pleased god And for his grete holynes our lord trāslated hym in to paradyse where he lyueth with Hely in grete rest of body soule tyll the comynge of Antechryst Than they shall go forth for the cōfortacyon of good men And they shall be crowned with the crowne of martyrdome MAtusale of Chrystes lyne lyued ix C .lxix. yere And was the oldest man that euer ony scripture hath mȳde of For whan he had lyued nygh .v. C. yere our lorde sayd to hȳ Buylde the an hous thou wylt for yet thou shalt lyue fyue hondred yere And he answered sayd For so lytell a tyme as .v. hondred yere I wyll buylde no hous But rested vnder trees and hedges and there slepte as he was wont to do for a tyme. ¶ Anno mundi M. iiij C .liiij. Et ante Christi natiuitatē .iij. M. vij C .xlv. LAmeth was of the age of .vii. C lxxvij yere This Lameth was the first agaynst nature good maners that ordeyned that a man might haue two wyues in doynge his auoutry And he was sore punisshed of thē for they gaue hȳ many a strype For it is so that by what thynge a man synned by the same he is punysshed This Lameth slewe Cayn not wylfully But whan he was olde blynde he was ladde of achylde the whiche trowed that he had seen a wylde beest sayd to his mayster that he shold shote so he slewe Cayn wherfore for anger he slewe the chylde also ¶ And it is to be knowen that all craftes or scyences lyberal or hande craftes or of phisyke seruynge to the curiosite of man are redde that they were foūden in the children of Lameth And for they dradde the peryll to come of the flode of the fyre Therfore Tuball graued the same craftes in two pyllers the one was of marble that other of tyle or brycke Tubal foūde first the crafte to werke gold syluer yren And was the fyrst grauer that euer was ¶ Iabe foūde fyrst tētoria for shepeherdes pauylyons for other men ¶ Iubal foūde fyrst the crafte to playe vpon an harpe organs other musycal instrumentes he vsed ¶ Noema founde fyrst the crafte for to weue lynnen wollen cloth to drawe threde of woll flaxe And afore that tyme the people vsed the skynnes of beestes for theyr clothes ¶ Anno mundi M. vj C .xlij. Et ante Christi natiuitatem .iij. M .v. C. lvij ¶ Here begynneth the seconde age of the worlde durynge to Abraham Noe. THe shyppe of Noe had in length iij C. cubytes in brede .l. in altytude .xxx. Vide pl’a plura gen̄ .vj. ¶ Knowe ye after doctours that a cōuenyent payne this tyme was ordeyned to the worlde For than lechery haboūded the whiche defouled mennes bodyes And there by water the erth was wasshed clensed in sygne of the promesse that god made to man
that there sholde neuer be suche a flode agayne And the Raynbowe hath two prȳcypal colours the whiche represent the two iudgementes The water colour representeth the flode that is passed The fyre colour betokeneth the iudgement to come fyre the whiche we certaynly abyde in the ende of this worlde bycause couetyse shall haboūde by fyre it shall be brente as golde and syluer by the fyre is wonte to be clensed THis Noe was a rightwyse man foūde grace an●nst god Whan Noe was .v .c. yere of age he had goten Cham Sem and Iaphet That tyme by the cōmaundement of god he began to make a shyppe he made it perfyte in an C. yere the C. yere cōplete our lorde appered agayne to hym cōmaūded that he with his wyfe his chyldren the wyues of them shold entre the shyppe with all maner of beestes al maner of foules also c. And anone the flode came and stode aboue all hylles ●v cubytes Vide plura gen̄ .vij. ¶ After the flode came grete dronkennes ●e●yd vnto Noe. And through the occasion of that dronkēnes he blyssed his two sones Sem and Iaphet for the faders honour that they had to him for the honest shame that they couered mekely theyr faders membres whan he was slepynge And his sone Cham for his scornynge his vnreuerence he cursed ¶ And here after saynt Austyn is made the fyrst mencyon of bondage and of noblenes cōtrary to it For Noe sayd that Cham sholde be seruaūt in bondage to Sem and Iaphet for his ●ureuerence Neuerthelesse ye shall not trowe that all that descended of Cham were vnnoble men of no power For they began fyrst to be myghty men of the erth As it is open of Nemroth and the kynge of Chanaan Astorum Nor all of Sem Iaphet were vertuous noble myghty men whan almoost euerychone fell vnto the cryme of ydolatrye and were oftentymes oppressed of other men But this blessynge and this cursynge hath a respecte to vertue vyce for that whiche a man is called truly a noble man or an vnnobleman For he that is vertuous is a noble man and he that is vnuertuous is not noble The same maner of wyse those that foloweth the faythe of Abraham rather were called his chyldren than the Iewes the whiche carnally descended from hym Neuertheles they had a spirytuall preuylege of god for the faders merytes and his blessynge And of these thre sones of Noe he beynge alyue after the hystory of Philoms were borne .xxiiij. M. and an C. men without women and chyldren And they had on them thre prynces Nemroth Iectan and Sulphen ¶ Anno mundi .ij. M. ij C .xlij. Et ante Christi natiuitatē .ij. M. vj C .lvij. SEm sone to Noe the seconde yere after the flode gate Arphaxat otherwhyle he is called Melchisedech the whiche fyrst after the flode made the cite of Salem now is called Iherusalem ¶ Cham his broder obteyned Afffricā gate two sones Chus Mesraym these two gate sones doughters and many a regyon they enhabyted vnknowen to vs in occidentall ynde ¶ Iaphet was broder vnto Cham and was blyssed of his fader And this Iaphet had seuen sones as Gomor Magog Maday Ianam Tubal Mosog and Iras. And these .vij. gate sones doughters and of them came many a regyon Vide plura genesis .xv. ¶ Arphaxat soneto Sem lyued CCC and xxx yere and gate Elam Assur Lude and Aram they gate many chyldren Vt patet gene ¶ This Assur bycause he wolde not rebell agaynst god in the edyfyenge of the toure of Babylon as Nemroth dyd therfore he was dryuen vnto the londe of Sennaar londe whiche was ryght straūge to hym was not before enhabyted the whiche was called after his name Assuria and there he edyfyed a cite afterwarde named Ni niue the whiche was the metropolytane of all the kyngdome of Assuriorū ¶ Chus sone vnto Cham was fader to Nemroth this Nemroth was a gyaūt of .x. cubytes longe and he began to be myghty in the worlde and he is called a boystous hunter before god This man began that wretched vyce of couetousnes by his tyranny with that whiche vice euermore after this worlde is fulfylled And the pryncypallest kyngdome that he had was Babylon he had Archade Edyssa Selencia the londe of Sennaar ¶ Sale sone to Arphaxat lyued CCCC and .xxxiij. yere and of hym in scripture is nothynge wryten but that Moyses nombred hym in the lyne that cometh of Chryst This Sale ga●e a sone that was named Heber the whiche after the Hebrewes had the spiryte of prophecye And of this Heber the Hebrewes ben named For the Hebrewes tongue abode alone in his hous in the confusyon of the language And that language was called mānes lāguage the whiche euery man vsed afore the toure of Babylon was buylded ¶ This Heber had two sones and one was called Iectan and that other Phaleg This Iectan through ensample of Nemroth descendynge fro Cham toke the pryncehode vpon the children of Sem. And he had .xiij. sones But these people after Ierome are not knowen of vs for fernes of the coūtree or mutacyon and chaungynge of the people or elles of some other maner cause ¶ Anno mūdi .ij. M. vj C .xliij. Et ante Christi natiuitatem .ij. M .v. C. lvj ¶ Turris Babilonis Two hondred and .xxxix. yere lyued Phaleg This Phaleg was the yonger sone of Heber in his dayes was made the confusyon of languages For in his hous abode the olde tongue alone and that was hebrewe Wherfore after saynt Austyn in hym appered a grete stedfastnesse of ryghtwysnesse for this hous was free of that payne as not cōsentynge to the buyldynge of the toure Et scōm Aug. there was .lxxij. generacyons so there were .lxxij. languages ¶ Iectan broder to Phaleg of Sem Nemroth prince of Cham Sulphen of Iaphet these thre prynces with theyr people gadered them togyder in the felde of Sennaar dredynge the flode to come agayn sayd Let vs buylde a toure that shall reche to heuen c. Gene .xj. Our lorde seynge the folysshenes of the people cōfoūded theyr tōgues for theyr synnes In so moche that none vnderstode other so they were disperpled through all the worlde Of the malyce of this Nemroth bokes ben wryten full And after the confusyon of the language he went to the londe of Perce and there he taught them to adoure the fyre as god He lefte his sone Belus in Babylon whiche succeded after hym And so his progenye obtayned that realme after many yeres In this tyme began many kyngdomes the moost of all those kyngdomes was the kyngdome of Scitarū But there were so many rude people in it that the cite was no worshipped yet was it a myghty regyon of dystaūce And about this tyme began the kyngdome of Egypte the whiche was chaūged many tymes with dyuers alteracyons
disposed in ydolatry ther fore our lorde suffred him to regne but a lytell tyme. Vt pꝪ patet .iij. regū et .ij. para ¶ Anno mūdi .iiij. M. ij C .xxv. Et ante Christi natiuitatem .ix. C. lxxiiij ASa the sone of Abdias regned xvj yere in the begynnynge of his regne he was a ryght wys man walked as Dauyd dyd he ouercame the Ethyopes destroyed ydolles But after that he was sworne to the kyng of Sirry Benedab for Baasa kyng of Israel than began warre agaynst hym y● whiche displeased god wherfore he sent hym y● prophete Anani whome he put in prison and therfore he had the gowte strongly dyed therof Vt ptꝪ patet .iij. regū .ij. para Azarias sone to Achonias was bysshop ¶ Nadab kyng of Israel regned two yere y● whiche began to regne the seconde yere of Asa kyng of Iewes dyd not as his fader And Baasa ouer threwe hym regned for hym Vt patet .iij. regum ¶ Baasa kyng of Israel regned .xxiiij. yere the whiche began to regne the thyrde yere of Asa kyng of Iewes he walked in the synnes of Iheroboam and slewe Iehen the prophete ¶ Hela the sone of Baasa regned in Israel two yere zamri slewe hym regned .vij. dayes ¶ Amri regned .xij. yere dyd nought as his predecessours dyd ¶ Acha sone to Amri regned on Israel xxij yere aboue all y● were afore hym he was cursed for wycked Iesabel ruled more than he and meued hym to folowe her Vt patet .iij. regum ¶ Of kyng Ebrac the whiche began to regne the .xv. yere of Dauyd and how he conquered fraunce THis Ebrac regned .lx. yere he was a stronge a myghty man through his myght helpe of his brytons cōquered all fraūce wanne there so moche gold sylue● y● whan h●came agayne in to this londe he made a ●●●e after his own name called it Ebrac y● is now called Euery wyk And this kyng made the castell of maydens that now is called Edenburgh This kyng had .xix. sones .xxiij. doughters by diuers womē goten and these sones were called as ye shall here Brute grenesheld Margand Seisell Morghwyth Flengha●● Bladud Iakȳ Kinbar Roselm Spadogh Godeherl Thormnan Gildaugh Iorkanghut Haibor Ketin Rother Kaier and Assaruth And the doughters hyght as foloweth Elegine ymogē Oghdas Guenbran Gnardich Augarel Guent hold Tāgustel Gorghō Michel Medhan Mailour Ondur Cābredan Ragan Renthely Neest Cheghan Skaldud Gladꝰ Heberhyn Abalaghe and Blandau these were the .xxiij. doughters And the bretherne became all good knyghtes worthy in many coūtrees ¶ Of kynge Brute greneshelde the fyrst sone of kynge Ebrac AFter y● deth of kynge Ebrac regned Brute greneshelde his sone xxx yere whiche was Ebracs first sone that well nobly regned whan tyme came he dyed and lyeth at yorke ¶ Of kynge Leyll that was Brute grenesheldes sone ANd whan kynge Brute grenesheld was deed regned his sone Leyll .xxij. yere and he made a fayre towne and let call it Karleyll after his owne name And he was a worthy man and well beloued of his people whan he had regned .xxij. yere he dyed lyeth at Karleyl ¶ And in this tyme regned kynge Salomon in Ierusalē made y● noble temple And to him came Sibelle quene of Saba for to here se yf it were soth y● mē spake of y● grete noble wytte wysdome of kyng Salomon And she foūde it sothe that men had her tolde ¶ Anno mūdi .iiij. M. ij C .lxvj. Et ante Christi natiuitatem .ix. C. xlij IOsaphat kynge of Iewes was a good man a ryche a deuout in the waye of our lord regned .xxv. yere and dyd none yll but to y● cursed kyng of Israel gaue helpe other lytel thȳges And therfore our lorde was with hym Vt pꝪ patet .ij. para ¶ Helyas the grete ꝓphete was this tyme an holy man that was lyfted vp in to paradyse with grete solace in a chayre Marcheas Abdias prophecyed with hym ¶ Ochosias sone of Achab regned in Israel two yere and sente to Belsabub god of Acharan to be heled for the whiche he dyed after y● sayenge of Helye Vt patet .iiij. regum ¶ Of kynge Lud Ludibras that was kynge Leyles sone ANd this kynge Lud Ludibras made the cite of Caunterbury Wynchestre he regned .xxxix. yere than he dyed lyeth at Wynchestre ¶ Of kynge Bladud that was Ludibras sone how he regned and was a good man and a nygromancer AFter this Lud ludibras regned Bladud his son● a grete nygromancer through his craste of nygromā●y he made a meruaylous hote bath as the Iest telleth and he regned .xxj. yere and lyeth at newe Troye ¶ Anno mundi .iiij. M. ij C lxxxxj Et ante Christi natiuitatē .ix. C. viij IOram kyng of Iewes sone to Iosaphat regned .viij. yere this Ioram was a cursed man and had a good fader he slewe his brethern wretchedly lyued as dyd the kynges of Israell therfore he was sore correcked and dyed vnhappely Vt pꝪ patet i● para ¶ This tyme Helyas was tauysshed in to paradyse ¶ Ochosias or Asarias kynge of Iewes regned one yere liued nought as his fader dyd anone was slayne with all the hous of Achab. ¶ Achalia moder to Asarias toke the kyngdome slewe all the kynges blode regned ▪ 〈◊〉 the .vij. yere of Ioiada bysshop she was slayne .iiij. reg This Asarias his so●● Ioas his neuewe Amazia Mathe●e the euāgelyst putteth not in the lyne of Chryst for theyr mysdedes ¶ Ioram kynge of Israel regned .xij. yere y● whiche began to regne the .xviij. yere of Iosaphat for his broder Ochos●e cursedly he lyued was slayne of Ie●●● with al his faders housholde Vt p●z ¶ Iehen anoynted of y● chylde of Hel●se vpon Israel slewe Achariam y● kyng of Iewes Ioram the kyng of Israel Iesabel moder to Iorā .lxx. children of Achab and .xlij. bretherne of Azari and all the preestes of Baal he regned .xviij. yere ¶ Athalia moder to Azari kyng of Iewes doughter to Achab regned on the Iewes v● yere slewe y● kynges blode of Ioram excepte Ioas y● sone of Azari the whiche was kepte amonge shepeherdes and after she was slayne ¶ Anno mūdi .iiij. M. iij C .ix. Et ante Christi natiuitatē viij C lxxxxiij IOam sone to Achazie regned in y● Iewry .xl. yere whome Ioiada y● bisshop crowned king at .vij. yere of age And he lyued well as lōge as he was ruled by Ioiada but after he forsoke god martyred Azarias y● tune bisshop tone to Iaiada for he blamed hȳ y● he forsoke his god Vide pl’a plura ij para ¶ Ioathas sone to Iehen regned in israel .xvij. yere in whose dayes Helise y● prophete dyed he began to regne the .xx. yere of Ioas Vide pl’a plura iiij reg ¶ Ioam
begynnynge vnto the ende Cordeil the quene anone toke gold syluer plente toke it to the squyer in coūseyle that he sholde go in to a certayne cite and hym araye wasshe than come agayn to her and brynge with him an honest company of knyghtes .xl. at the leest with theyr meyny and than he sholde sende to her lorde the kynge feyne that he were comen for to se speke with his doughter hȳ And so he dyd And whan the kynge and the quene herde that they came with moche honour they hym receyued And the kynge of fraūce than let sende through all his realme cōmaūded that all men sholde be as entendaūt to kynge Leyr y● quenes fader in all maner of thinges as it were vnto hymselfe Whā kyng Leyr had dwelled there a moneth more he tolde to y● kynge to y● quene his doughter how his two eldest doughters had serued hym Agampe anone let ordeyne a grete host of frenshmen sent in to Britayne with Leyr y● quenes fader for to conquere his kyngdome agayne And Cordeil also came with her fader in to Britayn for to haue the realme after her faders deth And anone they went to shyppe passed the see came in to Brytayne fought with the felons discōfited them slewe than had he his londe agayn after lyued thre yere helde his realme in peas afterward dyed And Cordeil his doughter him let bury with moche honour at Leycestre ¶ Anno mūdi .iiij. M. iij C .xlix. Et ante Christi natiuitatem viij C .liij. AMasias sone to Ioam regned on the Iewes .xxix. yere after y● whiche y● kyngdom of iewes was wtout kyng .xiij. yere This man worshypped the goddes of Seyr Vt pꝪ patet .ij. para .xxv. ¶ Ieroboam sone to Ioam regned on Israel .xlj. yere y● whiche was manly vyctoryous for he ouercame the kynge of Sirie restored Israel Damaske after the worde of Iono y● prophete but he was not good Therfore sayth saynt Austyn Yf good men regne they ꝓfyte many men And yf yll men regne they hurte many men ¶ Anno mūdi .iiij. M. iij C .lxxxviij. Et ante Christi natiuitatem .viii. C. xj Ozias or Azarias sone to Amasias regned on the Iewry .lij. yere the whiche lyued well afore our lorde of hȳ is none euyll thȳge wryten but that he vsurped the dignite of preesthode vnder Azari the whiche he forbade hym For the whiche cause our lorde stroke hym with a lepre Vt patet .ij. para ¶ Ozee bysshop prophete was this tyme the fyrst of the .xij. that was sent agaynst y● xij trybes Iohel the seconde of the .xij. prophecyed of Iuda Ananias y● thyrde prophecyed agaynst many people Abdias the fourth of the .xij. prophecyed agaynst Edom. ¶ zacharias sone to Ieroboam regned in Israel .vj. monethes the whiche began to regne the .xxxviij. yere of Ozias was nought in his lyuynge as his predecessours were And zellum slewe hym regned a moneth And Manahen slewe hym and toke his kyngdome Vt pꝪ patet .iiij. regū This Manahen regned .x. yere the whiche began to regne y● .xxxix. yere of Osias he ruled hym mischeuously our lord betoke hym in y● power of y● kyng of Assuriorū and he payed to hym a. M. talentes of syluer Vt pꝪ patet .iiij. regū ¶ Phaseia sone to Manahen regned in Israel two yere and he began to regne the .l. yere of Ozias and he was nought in his lyuyng ¶ Phasee slewe Phaseia regned .xx. yere he began to regne the .lij. yere of Ozias dyd as other cursed men dyd Vide pl’a plura iiij regū And after this Israel was wtouten ony kyng .viij. yere ¶ How Morgan Conedag neuewes to Cordeil warred on her put her to deth WHan that kyng Leyr was deed Cordeill his yongest doughter regned y● .x. yere of Ozias kyng of the Iewry And after her regned Conedag the .xv. yere of Ozias And Cordeill that was Leyrs yongest doughter after the deth of her fader had al y● londe fyue yere in the meane tyme dyed her lorde Agampe y● was kyng of fraunce And after his deth there came Morgan Conedag that were Cordeyls systers sones to her had enemite for as moche as theyr aunt had y● londe so y● bytwene them they ordeyned a grete power and strongly warred on her neuer rested tyll they had taken her put her to deth And than Morgan Conedag seased al the londe departed it bytwene them they held it .xij. yere whan y● .xij. yere were gone there began bytwene them a grete debate so y● they warred strongly togyder dyd to eche other moche dysease for Morgan wold haue all y● londe fro beyonde Humber y● Conedag helde But he came agaynst hym with a stronge power so y● Morgan durst not abyde but fledde away in to Wales and Conedag pursued hym toke hym slewe hym And than Conedag came seased al the londe in to his handes helde it regned after .xxxiij. yere than he dyed lyeth at newe Troy ¶ And bycause y● mater cōteyneth most cōmodiously togyder of y● kynges of Britayn now called Englonde for y● tyme of them is not certaynly knowen what tyme of y● worlde these kynges folowynge regned therfore they shall be togyder tyll it be comen vnto Euentolyn kyng of Brytayne now called Englonde ¶ How Reynolde that was Conedags sone regned after his fader and in his tyme it rayned blode thre dayes in tokenynge of grete deth AFter this Conedag regned Reynold his sone y● was a wyse an hardy knyght curteys y● well nobly ruled y● londe was well beloued of all folke And in his tyme it rayned blode y● lasted thre dayes as god wolde soone after there came a grete deth of people for hoostes wtout nōbre of people fought tyll y● god therof toke pite than it cesed And this Reynolde regned .xxij. yere than dyed lyeth at Yorke ¶ How Gorbodian regned in peas that was Reynoldes sone AFter this Reynolde regned Gorbodian his sone .xv. yere than dyed and lyeth at Yorke ¶ How Gorbodian had .ij. sones how the one slewe y● other for to haue y● londe how ydoyne theyr moder slew y● other wherfore the londe was destroyed WHan this Gorbodian was deed his two sones y● he had became stoute proude euer warred togyder for the londe y● one was called Ferres y● other Porres And this Ferres wolde haue all y● londe but that other wold not suffre hym This Ferres had a felonous hert thought through treason to slee his broder but pryuely he wente in to fraūce there abode with the kynge Syward tyll vpon a tyme whan he came agayn to fyght with his broder Ferres but full euyl it happed him for he was slayne fyrst Whan ydoyne theyr moder
to the ende of the Worlde Christus natꝰ est WHan our lord Iesu Chryst was borne a well of ayle sprange beyonde Tyber by Rome ranne all the daye ¶ The golden ymage fell the which Romulus had made put in his palays sayenge This ymage shall not fall vntyll a mayde bere a chylde ¶ Whan Herode dysposed hym to slee y● children of Israel he was cōmaūded by the lettre of y● emperour to come to rome to answere to y● accusacyō of his children Alexiū Aristoboli And there were .iij. Herodes gretly spoken of for theyr yll d● des The fyrst was called Ascolonita vnder this mā was Chryst borne the children of Israell were slayne The second was called Antipas sone to y● fyrst Herode vnder whom John baptist was heded and Chryst suffred deth And the thyrde was called Agrippa sone to Aristoboli sone to y● fyrst Herode y● whiche slew Iames prisoned Peter The first Herode whā he sawe his sones Alexiū Aristoboli through y● pretēce of his lettre by the emperour sent stroue for y● succes syon of his kyngdom he disposed made Antipater y● was his first begotē sone to be before them whan they were tal kyng of y● deth of theyr fader he kest thē away they went to y● emperour to cōplayne of y● wronge of theyr fader in y● meane tyme y● thre kynges of Coleyn came by Herode to Ierusalē whan they came not agayn by hȳ he thought they were ashamed to come agayn by hȳ for bicause they were deceyued that they foūde not y● childe as he demed therfore in y● meane season he cessed to slee y● chyldren of Israell than he went to Rome for y● citacyon of the emperour he toke his way by y● cite of Tarsum where he brent y● shyppes in whiche the thre kynges of Coleyne sholde haue sayled in to theyr owne coūtrees Than after a yere certayne dayes this Herode came fr● Rome agayn accorded with his sones for the confyrmacyon of his kyngdome he was made moche bolder thā he slewe all y● children of Bethleem y● were of two yere of age and vnder that had space of one nyght of age amonge these was there one of his owne chyldren And Ari stobolus Alexiū were had suspected in so moche as they promysed a barbour a grete rewarde for to cutte theyr faders throte whan he dyd shaue hȳ And whā this Herode herde this he was greued and there he slewe bothe his sones And Herode Agrippa his sone he ordeyned to be kyng Wherfore Antipater his eldest sone was about to poyson his fader the whiche Herode Agrippa vnderstode prisoned there his broder the whiche y● emperour herde sayd y● he had rather be an hogge of Herodes than to be one of his sones for his hogges he spareth his sones he sleeth And whan Herode was .lxx. yere of age he was stryken with a grete sekenes in his handes in his feet in his membres y● no leche might come to him for stynke so dyed Whan Antipater his sone y● was in prison herd tell of this he ioyed gretly there for y● cause he was slayne Than Archelaus and Herode stroue for the successyon of y● fyrst Herode afore y● emperour The emperour there through coūseyle of y● senatours y● halfe of y● Iury ydumea gaue to Archelaus vnder name of a tetrarche The other parte he deuyded in to two Galile he gaue to Herode Antipas and Ituriam Traconitidē he gaue to Philyp Herodes broder ¶ And y● same yere Chryst came from Egypte And Archelaus was accused many tymes of the Iewes was exiled in to Viennā in to Fraūce And in y● place were set .iiij. Tetrarches to y● repreuynge of y● vnstablenes of y● Iewes ¶ And that same yere Octauian the emperour dyed ¶ Anno Christi .xij. IEsu Chryst our sauyour at .xij. ye re of age herde the doctours in the temple Our lorde Iesu Chryst at .xxx. yere of age was baptysed Crux Christi ¶ Iesu Chryst the lorde of all lordes at xxxiij yere of age and thre monethes dyed for his seruaūtes ¶ Innius Rufus was bysshop in the Iury about this tyme. Valerius Gracius was after hym xj yere This man openly solde the bysshopryche he that gaue moost had it And so there was many in a lytel whyle ¶ Ponciꝰ Pylatꝰ was iudge proctour in the Iury vnder y● emperour And vnder this man saint Iohn baptyst began to preche And our lord Iesu Chryst suffred deth whom Pylate cōdempned to deth wrōgfully for drede of y● emperour ¶ Tyrus a certayn kyng gate a ●hysde on Pyla a poore mannes doughter named Atus this chylde of his med●rs name his belsyre put togyder was called Pylatus This Pylatꝰ the .iiij. yere of his age was sent to his fader y● whiche kyng on his wyse lefully had goten a chylde euen of the age of Pylate And bycause this lefull goten chylde as they proceded in age exceded this bastard Pylatus he was full of enuye slewe his broder the lefull goten childe Wherfore his fader forth with sente hym to Rome for pledge for his tribute y● he payd to rome entendyng he wolde neuer redeme hym In the whiche tyme the kynges sone of Fraūce was pledge for his trybute the whiche exceded hym in strength chyualry also he slewe hym Therfore y● Romayns sent Pylate as a ꝓfytable man for the comyn wele to the yle of Ponto to tame the cursed people y● whiche slewe euery Iudge that came to them And he that cursed man gouerned that vnhappy people what with thretenynge and with promesse with lawe and with gyftes that none of them durst do contrary to his pleasure wherfore he was called Pylate of Ponto ¶ Herode Antipa yonge in his cōuersacions with gyftes and messengers drewe hym to hym and made hym prynce of the Iury vnder hym And this tyme Pylate gadred moche money and Herode not knowynge he went to Rome that he might receyue of the emperour that Herode had gyuen hym Wherfore Herode Pylate were enemyes togyder vnto the passyon of our lorde whan y● Pylate sent Iesu Chryst vnto Herode clothed in a whyte clothe than they were made frendes ¶ Ouidius Naso in Ponto aboute this tyme dyed the fourth yere of his exile ¶ Tiberius this tyme was emperour at Rome and he regned .xxiij. yere and he lyued in the yere that our lord Iesu Chryst dyed somwhat after This man was in all his werkes gretly auysed that there sholde be nothynge sodeynly done wyse in warres studyous in bokes fayre of speche fresshe in wytte saue he wolde oftentymes feyne hȳselfe to do thynges that he wolde not were done of other This emperour vnderstode trusted in Chryst and worshypped hym for god Some men saye at the last he was cruell agaynst the people but it was a grete reason of pyte that
dyscōfyted And frō thens a Dane that was called Roynt went to Redyng with his hoost destroyed all that he myght take And kynge Eldred fought with hym but he was so woūded that he dyed And he regned but .v. yere and lyeth at Womburne ¶ Circa annū dn̄i iiij C .xlix. LEo the first was emperour after Marcianus .xvij. yere In his tyme were y● Rogacyon dayes ordeyned afore y● ascencyon of saynt Mamert bysshop of Vienne The pope of Rome at y● tyme hyght Leo a noble clerke with hym had many clerkes ¶ Hilariꝰ was pope after Leo .vij. yere This man ordeyned y● no bysshop sholde ordeyne his successory Vt pꝪ patet .viij. ●x 〈◊〉 ¶ Simpliciꝰ was pope after hym He ordeyned that no clerke shold take no garment to be clo thed in after the secte or maner of a lay man through the reason of his office or of his benefyce ¶ zeno was emperour after Leo .xv. yere this man was an heretyke cruell agaynst chrysten men And in this mannes dayes y● bodyes of saynt Mathew y● euāgelist saynt Bar nabe y● apostle were foūde with them the gospell that saynt Mathewe wrote Aboute this tyme there was a certayn comyn woman bart .vij. children at one byrth of y● whiche one was after made kyng of Lombardy ¶ Felix the thyrde was pope after Simplicius thre yere viij monethes This mā ordeyned y● respyte shold be gyuen to a man that was accused that he myght auyse hym how he sholde auswere And y● the iudges y● accusers sholde be suche y● they sholde take all suspeccion spotte ¶ Gelasius a Romayn was pope after Felix .v. yere This mā ordeyned y● canon of y● masse with the preface ympnes tractes oreysons as saȳt Ambrose made them y● ordres sholde be gyuen foure tymes in the yere ¶ Anastasius was emperour after zeno xxvij yere he was a curfed man an heretyke hatefull to god man he was slayne with lyghtnynge And in his tyme dyed saynt Patryk y● fyrst bysshop of Irlond in the C. and .xxij. yere of his age his felawe was the abbot of Columba saynt Brigida whome saynt Patryk made a nonne they were butyed in one tombe at dyuers tymes And this is theyr Epytaphe Hij tres in gelido tumulo tumulant in vno Brigida Patricius atque Columba pius ¶ Anastasius a Romayn was pope after Gelasius two yere thre monethes He ordeyned that no preest for wrath ne hate sholde leue of to saye his diuyne ser uyce in the chirche excepte the masse he cursed the emperour Anastasius for he was an heretyke And it is writen of him that afterward he turned for drede to the opynyon of the emperour And he is called the seconde yll famed pope that is in Catholico pōtificū And afore hym was Liberius famed in heresy ¶ Anno domini iiij C ixxxxiiij SImachꝰ was pope after hȳ .xv. yere with hȳ was ordeyned an other pope y● was called Laurencius bytwene them was a grete discēcyon they bothe put them to y● Iudgement of Theoboria y● kyng And he iudged that he that was first ordeyned that moost men of the chirche helde with sholde be pope And Simachus preuayles the whiche loued the clergy poore men for Pascalius the deken cardynall helde agaynst Simachus with the parte of Lau rence to his deth therfore he was put to the paines of purgatory to kepe y● baths after his deth as Gregory sayth in his boke of Dialogues This mā ordeyned that Gs●a mexcelsis sholde be sayd euery sondaye and feestes of martyrs ¶ Nota That Englonde was longe tyme chrysten Fraunce CLodouius the fyrst chrystē kyng of Fraūce was this tyme baptysed of saynt Remigio he had a christen woman to his wyfe she meued hym many tymes to y● fayth sayd he shold be fortunable yf he wolde turne so he was neuer afore ¶ Hornusoa was pope after Simachꝰ .ix. yere This mā was of grete mercy grete almes vnto pooremen he gaue many ornamētes to chirches And he reconsyled y● grekes y● were cursed for theyr heresy ¶ Iustinus was emperour after Anastasiꝰ .ix. yere was a very chrystē man And all that euer the emperour Anastasius had done agaynst the chirche he reuoked obeyed the pope Hornusoa and calle● agayne the bysshops that were exiled by his predecessours ¶ Priscianꝰ grāmatieus was this tyme. And this yere the whiche is the .lxxi. fro the comynge of y● saxons began y● kingdom of westsaxon and Cerdico was kynge ¶ Iohannes was pope after Hornusoa thre yere and ix monethes And Theodoricus y● kyng of ytaly an heretyke toke the pope with other senatours sent them to the emperour Iustinyan determynynge that and he wolde not let the heretykes be in peas he sholde 〈◊〉 all the chrysten folke in ytaly And after he ●oke pope Iohn Simachū Patricisi and Boicium the senatours slewe them in pryson But Bois defended hym by the reason of the aurtorite of y● senatours he sent hym to the cite of Papy for perpetuall exyle where he made the boke De ●solatione philosophie And at the last in the coūtre of Mediolanensis he caused Bois throte to becutte and so he dyed ¶ Felix pope succeded Iohn .iiij. yere This man cōmaūded that seke men sholde be an●led afore theyr deth but Chryst ordeyned it fyrst ¶ Iustinianus was Emperour xxxviij yere This man drewe the lawe of the Romayns or of Ciuyll out of almoost .ij. M. bokes and .ccc. M. verses ouer longe yll accordynge in to one volum of .xij. bokes called it Iustinyan He made also the digestes and deuyded them in to thre bokes ¶ Bonifacius the seconde was pope after Felix two yere And lytell of hȳ is wryten ¶ Iohānes the seconde was pope after Bonifacius And this mā had a grete stryfe with Iustinian y● emperour wheder y● Chryst was of two natures or one The pope sayd he had two natures one of god an other of man The emperour sayd eyther cōsent to vs or y● shalte go to perpetuall exyle The pope answered I desyred to come to Iustinyan the moost chrysten emperour but as me semeth I haue founde Dioclesyan y● pursewer of chrysten men but certaynly I drede not thy malyce ne I ●ere not thy thretenynges Than the empetour meked hȳselfe fell downe to the groūde asked mercy absolucion ¶ Anno d●i .v. C. xxxiiij AGapitus a confess●ur was pope after Iohn two yere This Agapitus turned Iustinyan sully from the errour of the Euticetes This man ordeyned that processyons sholde be done on sondayes than he dyed at Constan tynople ¶ Siluerius a martyr was pope after this man thre yere He was exiled fro chrysten fayth slayne by the proctour of Theodory for he wolde not restore the bysshop of Athenes an heretyke to his benefyce agayn ¶ Virgiliꝰ was pope after hym .xvij. yere And he
castell of Wyndsore other castelles And the foresayd Iohn sawe that he had no might ne power agaynst the barons of Englond for to fyght but anone wente hym ouer the see vnto the kynge of Fraūce And whan kynge Rycharde came out of pryson and was delyuered came in to Englond anone after Candelmasse in grete haste he went vnto Notyngham the castell of Notingham to hym was yelded And than discomfyted he his broder Iohn and all those that held with hym And after he went vnto the cyte of Wynchestre and there he let hym to be crowned kynge of Englonde And after he went vnto Nor mandy for to warre vpon the kynge of Fraūce And whan the kyng of Fraūce herde that he came with fyur hondred knyghtes towarde Gysors And kynge Rycharde mette hym and wolde haue gyuen hym batayle But the kynge of Fraūce anone fledde and an hondred of his knyghtes were taken two hondre horses that were trapped with y●en ¶ And anone after went kyng Rychard for to besyege the castell Gayllard And vpon a daye as he rode by the castell for to take auysement of the castell one of the arbalastres smore hym with a quarell that was enuenymed And kyng Richard drewe out the shafte of the quarell but the quarelles heed abode styll in his heed and it began for to rankle that he myght not helpe hymselfe ne meue his armes And whan he wyst that he had dethes wounde vpon hym and that he myght not be hole for no maner thynge he cōmaūded anone all his men sharply to assayle the castell so the the castell was takē or the he dyed so māly his men dyd that all were taken the were wtin And the kyng dyd with them his wyl cōmaūded his men to brȳge before hȳ the man the so had woūded hym And whan he came before hym the kynge asked hym what was his name And he said my name is Bertrā gurdon Wherfore sayd the king hast the slayne me syth I dyd the neuer no harme Syr sayd he though ye dyd me neuer none harme ye your selfe with your handes slewe my fader my broder I therfore haue quytte you now your trauayle Than sayd kynge Rychard he the dyed vpon the crosse to brȳge mānes soule fro the paynes of hell forgyue the my deth I also forgyue it the. Than he cōmaū ded the no man shold mysdo hym But for all the kynges defending some of his men folowed hym priuely slewe hym And the .vj. daye after the kyng dyd shryue hȳ sore repented hym of his mysdedes was houseled anoynted had regned but .ix. yere .xxxix. wekes dyed and lyeth besyde his fader at Foūteuerard HEnricus the fyfth was emperour viij yere This Henry was sone to Frederik he wedded Constans the kinges doughter of Cecile And through the occasion of her he subdued all the kingdom of Apulie droue out all the inhabytaūtes therof ¶ Celestinus the thyrde was pope after Clemēs almost .iij. yere This man was crowned on eester daye the day folowyng he crowned Henry the emperour he made a palays at saynt Peters decessed ¶ Innocencius the thyrde was pope after hym .viij. yere v. monethes This mā was well lettred he made a boke of the wretchednes of mānes condicyon And he made speculū misse and he made many cōstitucyons This man dampned the boke of Iohn Ioachim the whiche he made agaynst mayster Pyers Lombard the maker of the sentence ¶ This tyme decessed the emperour Henry and the princes of Almayn dyscorded for some chose Otto some chose Philip broder to Hēry Thā Philyp was falsly slayne Otto was crowned of Innocent in Fraūce the whiche anone gaue batayle to the Romains bycause they gaue hym no due honour And for the cause agaynst the popes wyll he toke the kyngdom of Apulie from Frederyk wherfore the pope cursed hym Than after the fourth yere of his regne the prynces of Almayn made Frederyk emperour and victoryously he subdued Otto ¶ Wyllyam of Parys this tyme began the ordre of the freres Austyns the whiche ben called freres mendicantes ¶ Frāciscus an ytalyan a man of grete perfeccyon and an ensample to many a man dyd many a myracle this tyme he ordeyned the freres minours ¶ And the .vj. yere of pope Innocent the thyrd the ordre of the freres prechours began vnder Dominik but it myght not be cōfermed tyll the fyrst yere of Honorius ¶ Of kynge Iohn that in the fyrst yere of his regne lost all Normandy Bycause kyng Rychard had none heyre sone ne doughter after his deth they made Iohn his broder king crowned hȳ at Westmynster by Hubert the archebysshop of Caunterbury And whan he began to regne he became so meruaylous a man the he went ouer in to Normandy warred vpon the kynge of Fraūce And so longe they warred togy der tyll at the last kyng Iohn lost all Normandy Angeo wherfore he was sore anoyed it was no meruayle Than let he assemble before hȳ at London archebysshops bisshops abbottes pryours erles barons helde there a grete par lyament asked there of the clergy the tenth of euery chirche of Englonde for to conquere Normandy and Angeo agayn that he had lost They wolde not graūte that thȳge wherfore he was wonders wroth ¶ In the same tyme dyed Hubert Than the pryour the couent of Caunterbury chose agaynst the kynges wyll to be archebysshop mayster Stephen of Langton a good clerke that dwelled at the courte of Rome and sent to the pope theyr eletcyon And the pope confermed it sacred hym at Viterbi Whan the kynge wyst of these tydynges he was wonders wrothe droue the pryour the couēt fro Caūterbury exiled them out of the londe cōmaūded the no lettre nor cōmaūdement that came fro Rome sholde be receyued ne pleted in Englōde Whan the pope herd this he sent to kyng Iohn his lettres prayed hȳ louyngly to receyue Stephen the archebisshop of Caūterbury to his chirche suffre the pryour his monkes to come agayne to theyr owne dwellynge But the kynge wolde not graūte it for no thynge ¶ How kyng Iohn wolde no thynge do for the popes cōmaūdement wherfore all Englonde was enterdyted suspended ANd at the last the pope sent by his auctorite enioyned to the bysshops of Englonde the yf the kyng wolde not receyue the pryour of Caūterbury his monkes that they shold do generall enterdytyng through out all Englonde graūted full power to foure bysshops to pronoūce the enterdytynge yf it were nede The fyrst was bysshop Wyllyam of London that other bisshop Eustace of Ely the thyrde was bysshop Walter of Wynchestre the fourth was bysshop Gyles of Herford these .iiij. bysshops prayed the kyng knelynge on theyr knees sore wepyng that he wold do the popes cōmaūdement shewed hym the popes bulles
that were defectyue And after he sent to al the lordes of Wales by his lettres patentes that they sholde come all to his parlyamēt And whan they were comen the kynge sayd to them full curteysly Lordes ye be welcome me behoueth your coūseyle your helpe for to go in to Gascoyn for to amende the trespace that to me was done whan I was there for to entreate of peas bytwene the kynge of Aragon the prȳce of Morrey And all the kynges liege men erles barons consented graūted therto And than kynge Edwarde made hym redy went in to Gascoyn let amende all the trespaces that was done hȳ in Gascoyn And of the debate that was bytwene the kyng of Aragon the prynce of Morrey he cessed accorded them And whyle kynge Edward quene Elenore his wyfe were in Gascoyn the good erle of Cornewayle was made wardeyn of Englonde tyll that kyng Edward came agayn And thā enquyred he of his tray tours that coniected falsnes agaynst hym And eche of thē all receyued theyr dome after that they had deserued But in the meane tyme whyle that kyng Edward was beyonde that see to do them for to make amendes that had trespaced agaynst hȳ there was a fals traytour that was called ●isap Meridoc began to make warre agaynst kynge Edward that was for cause of syr Payne Tiptot the wrongfully greued diseased the foresayd Bisap Meridoc And whan kynge Edward herde all this he sente by his lettres to Bisap Meridoc that he sholde make no warre but that he sholde be in peas for his loue whan he came agayne in to Englonde he wolde vndertake the quarell amende all that was mysdone This foresayd Risap Meridoc despysed the kynges cōmaundement spared not to do all the sorowe that he myght to the kynges men of Englond But anone after he was taken ladde to yorke and there he was drawen hanged for his felony ¶ Of the redressyng that king Edward made of his Iustices and of his clerkes that they had done for theyr falsnes and how he droue the Iewes out of Englonde for theyr vsury and mysbyieue WHan kynge Edward had dwelled thre yere in Gascoyn a desyre came to hȳ for to go in to Englonde agayn And whan he was comen agayn there were so many cōplayntes made to hym of his Iustices of his clerkes that had done so many wronges falsnes that wonder it was to here For whiche falsnes syr Thomas weylonde the kynges Iustyce forswore Englonde at the Toure of Londō for falsnes that men put vpon hym wherof he was atteynt proued fals And anone after whan the kynge had done his wyll of the Iustices than let he enquyre espye how the Iewes deceyued begyled his people through theyr synne of falsnes of vsury and let ordeyn a preuy parliament amonge his lordes And they ordeyned amōge them that all the Iewes shold voyde out of Eng lōde for theyr misbyleue also for theyr false vsury that they dyd vnto chrysten men And for to spede make an ende of this thynge all the comynalte of Englonde gaue vnto the kynge the .xv. peny of al theyr goodes mouable And so were the iewes dryuen out of Englonde And than went the iewes in to Fraūce there they dwelled through leue of kyng Philyp that than was kynge of Fraūce ¶ How kynge Edwarde was seased in all the londe of Scotlonde through cōsent and graūte of all the lordes of Scotlonde IT was not longe after the Alexander kyng of Scotlonde was deed and Dauid the erle of Huntingdon that was the kynges broder of Scotlond asked claymed the kingdom of Scotlonde after that his broder was deed bycause that he was rightfull heyre But many grete lordes sayd naye wherfore grete debate arose bytwene them theyr fren des for as moche as they wolde not con sent to his crownacyon And the meane tyme the foresayd Dauid dyed And so it befell that the sayd Dauid had thre dough ters that worthely were maryed The fyrst doughter was maryed to Bayloll the seconde to Brus the thyrde to Hastynges The foresayd Bayloll Brus chalenged the londe of Scotlonde grete debate stryfe arose bytwene them thre bycause eche of them wolde haue ben kyng And whan the lordes of Scotlonde sawe the debate bytwene them they came to kyng Edward of Englonde seased hym in all the londe of Scotlonde as chefe lord And whan the kyng was seased of the foresayd lordes of Scotlonde the foresayd Bayloll Brus Hastynges came to the kynges courte asked of the kynge whiche of them sholde be kyng of Scotlonde And kyng Edward that was full gentyll true let enquyre by the cronycles of Scotlonde of the gretest lordes of Scotlonde whiche of them was of the eldest blode And it was foūde that Bayloll was the eldest that the kyng of Scotlonde shold holde of the kyng of Englonde and do hym feaute homage And after this was done Bayloll went in to Scotlonde and there was crowned kynge of Scotlond And the same tyme was vpon the see grete warre bytwene the englyssh men the Normans But vpon a tyme the Normās arryued at Douer there they martyred an holy man that was called Thomas of Douer And afterward were the Normans slayne that there escaped not one of them ¶ And soone after kynge Edward sholde lese the duchy of Gascoyn through kyng Philip of Fraūce through his fals castyng of the Dou●e peres of the lond wherfore syr Edmond that was kyng Edwardes broder gaue vp his homage vnto the kyng of Fraūce ¶ And in that tyme the clerkes of Englonde graūted to kynge Edward halfe dele of holy chirche goodes in helpynge to recouer his londe agayn in Gascoyn And the kynge sent thyder a noble company of his bachelers And hymselfe wolde haue gone to Portesinouth but he was letted through one Maddok of Wales that had seased the castell of Swandon in to his handes for that cause the kyng turned to Wales at Chrystmasse And bycause that the noble lordes of Englond that were sent in to Gascoyn had no cōfort of theyr lorde the kyng they were taken of syr Charles of Fraūce that is to say syr Iohn of Brytayne syr Robert Typtot syr Raufe Tanny syr Hugh Bardulf syr Adam of Cretynge And yet at the Ascencyon was Maddok taken in Wales another whiche was called Morgan and they were sent to the toure of London and there they were byheded ¶ How syr Iohn Bailoll kyng of Scotlonde withsayd his homage ANd whā syr Iohn Bailoll kyng of Scotlonde vnderstode that kyng Edwarde was warred in Gascoyne to whome the realme of Scotlonde was delyuered falsly than agaynst his othe wtsayd his homage through procuryng of his folke sent vnto the courte of Rome through a fals suggestion to be assoyled of the othe that he swore vnto the kynge of Englonde And so