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kingdom_n france_n king_n time_n 6,968 5 3.7554 3 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
B14984 Good nevves for the King of Bohemia? or, A certaine relation of the last and great ouerthrow, giuen by the Duke of Brunswicke to the Bishop of Cullen, and Duke of Bauariaes forces wherein was rumored, that Brunswicke was slaine. With the proceedings of Count Mansfield, since his last comming into the Palatinate, and since the Emperours ambassadour came into England, with other accidents, both in the Palatinate, and else-where. Sent of purpose by a person of account the eight day of April, and now published the seuenteenth 1622. 1622 (1622) STC 18507.40; ESTC S102632 14,551 33

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of wealth Glory and assurance to bring his purposes to a happy period Let vs now come to other matters not yet impertinent though not altogether depending vpon the former You haue heard I am sure by many relations published long since that Duke Leopoldus Lord of Elsas and Alsatia was in a manner driuen out of his Countrey by the Forces of Mansfield yet prettily salued that wound with this cure that he went into the Valtolina as Generall for the King of Spaine though in his hart he repined at such an Vsurpation which was euer belonging to the Gouernment of another Prince For of late the House of Austria condiscended that Spaine should haue the prerogatiue as hee had the Forces and stronger hand to holde them close to his Mightines and preuayling Well heere hee mustered Soldiers and tooke vp two Regements to supply other Armies but in the midst of this iollity as hee was running away with hopes of recouery or reuenge the money which was promised him out of Spaine fayled and he could neither goe forward in that busines nor durst returne into his owne Countrey for feare of greater forces or more violent opposition But some report that the Emperour sent him word that hee was willing to a generall Peace and for that purpose had sent Count Siratzenburg into England as his Ambassador and therfore there needed no such hastines to giue any cause of suspition that hee meant not sincerely as he professed This treaty of Peace set all humors and dispositions on worke and the Prouinces were as it detayned between feare and gladnes what would be the issue of the same as for the Grizons Swisse they shewed Leopoldus a face of discontent euery way and brought out olde Records wherein the Kings of France were authentically sworne to bee their Protectors how euer now they slacked the same and gaue way to anothers Greatnes the like might be said of the Palatinate Cleue and other bordering Prouinces vpon the Empire and confines of Burgundy but times are alterers of mens purposes and Kingdomes are eaten out with contraries taught to know a lesson of Humiliation when the Lord of all Kingdomes will admit of other Stewards then he first placed Thus Leopoldus must be content to see another man in possessiō of many of his Townes and other Prouinces of the Bishops aswell as the Palatinate was at the same instant vsurped by strangers and had indeed too many Masters Amongst other hopes and helpes that the King of Bohemia hath the Marquesse of Ieggendorffe is not the least For hee mustreth Soldiers dayly both in Silesia and Morauia yea hath had supply out of Walachia and at this houre is doubtfull whether he shall entertaine the Tartars or no who came both to him and Bethlem Gabor by thousands and resolue to assist them if need be against the Emperour so that there is a great feare in Preslaw and Gratz Citties of Silesia what shall become of them if any alteration happen whereupon the Lords and States raise vp many Forces fortifie their Citties prouide men money and munition stand at a stay for their submission and doe neither openly warrant the Emperour their absolute Obedience nor priuately wish ill to the King of Bohemia's proceedings with which kinde of neutrality the Emperor is so displeased that he imputes the fault to the Duke of Saxonies negligence as vnderstanding that many Souldiers of Saxony haue bin licensed to depart home and the Duke himselfe is weary of the Warre notwithstanding these proceedings and that there is a restraint of the Soldiers fury and violent customes whereby Prague and other places reduced vnder the Emperours gouernment doe yet hope and looke after some order for their Religion and profession of a good conscience yet doth the Bishop of Prague proceede most violently and cruelly against the Protestants and will not suffer them to professe publiquely either in Churches or priuate houses any thing against the Church of Rome so that euery where the Inhabitants or discontented and pray to God for the diuersion of these mischiefes that haue not onely dilacerated the peace of Europe but broken the hearts of poore soules to heare God so prophaned and euery man in his owne particular terrified For how euer it is reported that in Siletia Lusatia and those Countries there shall be a present assembly at Easter of the Lords and States of the Prouinces yet hath the Bishop of Newes followed the example of the great Bishop of Prague and locked vp the Churches from the Protestants and will not suffer the Burgers to make open profession of their consciences whereupon by way of petition they haue sollicited the Duke of Saxony to consider their poore estates and how euer the Emperour must captiuate their bodies and goods yet to giue them leaue to haue their soules free to bestow vpon the God of all freedome and saluation to which hee not onely answered very graciously but gaue way vnder hand to all their Protestant assemblies and religious meetings so that there is hope and light appearing that either the Duke of Saxony is and will be discontented with the Emperour whereby the vehemencie of his proceedings may be slacked or that hee will suffer the Inhabitants to enioy their owne freedomes and peace of conscience to which purpose they haue procured another Mediator euen Duke Weymar of Saxony his owne kinsman who hath not onely professed himselfe a Protestant but raised two thousand foot and fiue hundred horse to ioyne with the Duke of Brunswick in his proceedings not doubting very shortly to be partakers of his glory as well as of his spoiles and hardly gotten conquests Thus are the pure and delicate waters of Europes peace troubled and bedirtied with the wanton flingings of cruell handes For Warre you see hath throwne Blood and corrupted Carkasses into the Sunne men haue followed one another with Death and reuenge and so drenched their stincking feete Women haue bathed their rauished bodies and left their pollution behinde them Souldiers haue washed their corrupted woundes and all sorts with one filth or other haue sought to damme vp the streames and make the currant if it were possible vnpassible so that vnlesse the stirring waters get the vpper hand all will be spoyled and if it once come to a standing poole it will stinke and putrifie but the same God that sent the Angell to quicken the poole of Shilo that the diseased might be cured the lame restored the dropsie healed the leprous clensed all infection purged wil when he sees his time performe the like for vs by turning the inundation another way and making the Riuers runne smoothly within their own euen bankes or else he will doe as he did by the waters of Murah or by the flood Iordan which was preferred before the Springes Damasius to heale Naaman the Sirian To which purpose let all those who wish the Peace of Syon and the building vp of the walles of Ierusalem bring Incense and Sacrifice to the Altar of the Temple and there lift vp their handes and hearts that it may be propitious and the God of Heauen not only scent a sweet smelling sauour but giue vs notice of accepting our Prayers and requests by seeing the Angell ascend in the flame FINIS