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A22705 Articles of peace, entercourse, and commerce concluded in the names of the most high and mighty kings, and princes Iames by the grace of God, King of great Britaine, France, and Ireland, defender of the faith, &c. and Philip the third, King of Spaine, &c. and Albertus and Isabella Clara Eugenia, Archdukes of Austrice, Dukes of Burgundie, &c. In a treatie at London the 18. day of August after the old stile in the yeere of our Lord God 1604. Translated out of Latine into English.; Treaty. 1604 Aug. 18. England and Wales. Treaties, etc. 1604 Aug. 18. 1605 (1605) STC 9211; ESTC S100699 12,738 46

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in his Ships any Holland or Zeland Merchant vnto the said Ports vpon perill of his Maiesties indignation and other punishments vsually inflicted on the contemners of his Highnesse commandements And to the effect that fraude which through the likenesse of Merchandise might happen bee the better auoyded It is also prouided in this present Article that the Merchandises to be carried and conueyed out of England Scotland and Ireland to the Kingdomes and Dominions of the King of Spaine and Archdukes shall bee Registred and Sealed with the Seale of the Towne or Citie from whence they shall bee laden and that they being so Registred and Sealed shal without any difficultie or question whatsoeuer bee reputed and held for English Scottish and Irish Merchandises and so respectiuely according to the Seale or Marke bee allowed and admitted Alwayes excepted that in case of fraude proofe shall be admitted without stay notwithstanding or let of the course or venting of the Merchandises in the meane time And touching such Merchandises as shall not be Registred nor Sealed the same are to bee Confiscated and taken for good Prize And likewise all Hollanders and Zelanders which shall bee found in the same Ships may also bee taken and detained XII ITem it is agreed that English Scottish and Irish Merchandises may be conueyed and transported out of England Scotland and Ireland into Spaine and other of the Kingdomes of the King of Spaine before mentioned without the payment of the Imposition of thirtie in the hundred lately imposed but paying onely the Custome and Tolles vsually required before the said Imposition of thirtie in the hundred XIII ITem it is likewise agreed that for the Merchandises which English Scottish and Irish Merchants shall buy in Spaine or other the Kingdomes of the sayd King of Spaine and shall carrie in their owne Ships or in Ships hired or lent vnto them except as before hath bene said the Ships of Hollanders and Zelanders they shall pay onely such Tolles as were accustomed to bee paide before the Imposition of thirtie in the hundred yet so as they conuey and carrie the same goods and Merchandises to the Kingdomes of the said most renowned King of England Scotland c. or to the Ports of the Prouinces being in obedience to the Archdukes And for the more suretie that fraude bee not committed herein and that the said Merchandises bee not transported to other places and Kingdomes and especially into Holland or Zeland it is concluded that the said Merchants shall binde themselues at the time that they doe lade their Ships in Spaine or in the other Kingdomes and Dominions of the said King of Spaine aboue declared before the Magistrate of the place in which they shall lade to pay the said Imposition of thirtie in the hundred in case they carrie the same goods and Merchandises to other Dominions and Countries And to obtaine also within the space of twelue moneths following a Certificate from the Magistrate of the places where they shall discharge or vnlade the same goods testifying their discharge to haue beene either in the Kingdomes and Dominions of the King of England c. or in the Ports of the Prouinces vnder the obedience of the said Archdukes vpon the exhibiting whereof the Obligations concerning those matters shall be deliuered vp vnto the bringers of the same Certificates XIIII ANd also that the sayd most renowned King of England Scotland France and Ireland c. shall prohibite soone after the confirming of this accord that none shall exporte any merchandize out of Spaine or other Kingdomes of the King of Spaine to be caried to other places then to his Maiesties Kingdomes and the sayd Portes of Flanders vpon penaltie of confiscation of all their merchandises to the vse of the said King of England c. to be paide into his Maiesties Exchequer of which merchandises or the value thereof one halfe is to bee giuen to the Informer the imposition of thirtie in the hundred being first deducted to bee payed to the Ministers and Deputies of the King of Spaine and the proofes lawfully receiued in Spaine and transmitted into England in authenticall fourme are to bee credited XV. ITem that the Magistrates of the sayde townes or Cities of his Maiesties Kingdomes which shall make Certificates of the vnlading of shippes and are to giue testimony of the registring of the merchandises shal not commit any fraud therein vnder perill of indignation of the Kings Maiestie and paine of losse of their offices and other more grieuous punishments at the Kings pleasure This declaration being added that when the King of Spaine and Archdukes shall agree with the French King or with any other vpon the last Placard of thirty in the hundred and the Commerce betwixt them be restored then it shall bee lawfull to the Subiects of the sayd most renowned King of England Scotland c. to transport their merchandises to the Kingdomes and Dominions of him or them vnto whom Commerce shall be restored without the payment of thirty in the hundred but onely paying the Tolles and Customes vsed and payed before the sayd imposition XVI THat which hath before been expressed concerning the free Commerce granted vnto the Subiects of the said renowned kings is to be vnderstood to bee likewise agreed on for the Subiects of the most renowned King Princes the king of England Scotland France and Ireland c. and the Archdukes to wit that in all places whatsoeuer their Subiects are bound reciprocally to respect to fauour ech other and by mutuall kinde offices friendly to intertaine the one the other and that by land sea and fresh waters without any safe conduct or other licence generall or speciall they may vnto the saide Kingdomes Dominions Lands Villages Towns Cities Sea shores Hauens Sea rodes whatsoeuer freely safely securely come enter sayle carie and recarie their merchandises buy and sell remaine abide and conuerse in the same so long as it shall please them any kinde of prouision for victuall and things necessary for sustenance and for voiages at iust reasonable prices and there repaire also as occasion shall require their shipping and cariages whether the same be their owne or whether they be hired or borrowed As also to depart from thence with like libertie with merchandises goods and other things whatsoeuer the Customes and Tolles according to the Statutes of those places being payd and to dispose and follow their businesses freely and to returne at their owne pleasure either into their owne Countreys or to any other place without any impediment or let so as the Subiects of the most renowned King of England c. vse not the shipping of the Hollanders or the vnited Prouinces and bring not into the Prouinces of the Archdukes any of the manufactures of Holland or of the vnited Prouinces bought wheresoeuer neither any other thing for which there was paid in Holland any tribute nor that they transport any thing from the Archdukes Prouinces vnto them of
ARTICLES OF PEACE ENTERCOVRSE AND Commerce Concluded in the names of the most high and mighty Kings and Princes IAMES by the grace of GOD King of great Britaine France and Ireland defender of the faith c. And Philip the third King of Spaine c. And Albertus and Isabella Clara Eugenia Archdukes of Austrice Dukes of Burgundie c. In a Treatie at London the 18. day of August after the old Stile in the yeere of our Lord God 1604. ¶ Translated out of Latine into English IMPRINTED AT LONdon by Robert Barker Printer to the Kings most Excellent Maiestie ANNO 1605. ¶ The Commissioners for the most renowned King of great BRITAINE c. THOMAS Earle of Dorset Baron of Buckhurst high Treasurer of England CHARLES Earle of Nottingham Baron Howard of Effingham chiefe Iustice and Justice itinerant of all Forrests on this side Trent high Admirall of England and Captaine generall of the Nauies and Seas of England Jreland and the Jles and Dominions thereof CHARLES Earle of Deuonshire Baron of Mountioy Lieutenant in the Kingdome of Jreland Master of the Ordinance Gouernour of the Towne Jland Castle of Portesmouth Knights of the most honourable order of the Garter HENRY Earle of Northampton Lord Howard of Marnehill Lord Warden and Admirall of the Cinque Ports ROBERT Lord Vicount Cranborne Lord Cecill of Esenden Principall Secretary Master of the Court of Wardes and Liueries All Lords of his Maiesties Priuie Counsell ¶ Commissioners for the King of Spaine c. IOHN DE VELASCO Constable of Castile and Legion Duke of the Citie of Frias Earle of Haro Lord of the Townes of Villalpand and Pedraça de la Sierra Lord of the house of Velasco and of the seuen Jnfants of Lara great Chamberlaine vnto PHILIP the Third King of Spaine c. Counseller of State and Warre President of Jtalie IOHN BAPTISTA DE TASSIS Earle of Villa Mediana Gentleman of the Kings Chamber and Postmaster generall in the Kingdoms dominions of the said King ALEXANDER ROVIDIVS Professor of the Law in the Colledge of Millaine and Senator of the Prouince of Millaine ¶ Commissioners for the Archdukes CHARLES Prince and Counte of Aremberge Knight of the order of the Golden fleece Counseller of State and Admirall generall to the said Archdukes IOHN RICHARDOT Knight President of the Priuie Counsell and Counseller of State LODOVIKE VERREIKEN Knight Principall Secretary and Audienciarie ❧ Articles of the Treatie FIrst it is concluded and accorded that from this day forward there shall bee a good sincere true firme and perfect Amitie League Peace to endure for euer and inuiolably to bee obserued and kept as well by Land as Sea and fresh waters betwixt the most renowned King of England Scotland France and Ireland c. And the most renowned King of Spaine c. And the most renowned Archdukes of Austrice Dukes of Burgundie c. and their Heires and Successours whomsoeuer their Kingdomes Countreys Dominions Lands Peoples Liegemen and Subiects now being or which hereafter shall be of whatsoeuer condition state or degree they are or may be so as the said Vassals and Subiects from henceforth are each of them to fauour other and to vse one another with all kind and friendly offices II. ANd that from henceforth all Hostilitie and enmitie shall cease and all offences iniuries or damages which either part in time of the troubles hath susteined by the other shal be taken away and forgotten in such sort as that hereafter neither partie against other for or vpon occasion of any damages offences depredations or spoyles past may pretend any matter but that there shall be a perfect abolition of all and euery of them vntill this present day and that all actions for the same shall be held and reputed to be extinguished excepting onely such depredations as haue beene committed since the xxiiij of April 1603. because of these an account is to be made And each partie shall hereafter abstaine from all depredations offences and spoiles as well by Sea as Land and fresh waters in whatsoeuer the Kingdomes Dominions Places or Gouernments of the other neither shal the aforesaid Princes consent that any of the grieuances before mentioned be done by any of their Vassals Inhabitants or Subiects and they shall also cause restitution to be made of all depredations and spoiles which hereafter shall be committed and of the damages growing by meanes thereof III. ITem that none of the forenamed Princes their Heires or Successors whosoeuer by himfelfe or by any others shall doe treat or attempt any thing against the other or against their Kingdomes Lands or Dominions whatsoeuer in any place on Land or Sea or in the Ports or fresh waters by pretence of any cause or vpon any occasion neither any of them shall giue assistance or consent vnto any Warre Counsell Attempt or Treaties had made or to be made in the preiudice of either or against the other IIII. ITem that neither of the former parties shall themselues giue or shall consent to be giuen by any of their Vassals Subiects or Inhabitants aide fauour or counsell directly or indirectly on Land Sea or fresh waters nor shall supply and minister nor consent to be supplyed and ministred by their said Vassals Inhabitants and Subiects vnto the Enemies or Rebels of either part of what nature or condition soeuer they be whether they shall inuade the Countreys and Dominions of either of them or withdraw themselues from their obedience and subiection any Souldiers prouision of Victuals Monies Instruments of Warre Munitions or whatsoeuer other aide else to maintaine Warre V. ANd furthermore the foresaid Princes shall renounce as by the tenor of these Presents euery of them hath and doth renounce whatsoeuer League Confederation Capitulation and Intelligence made by what manner soeuer in the preiudice of the one or the other which doth or may repugne against this Peace and Concord and all and singuler the Contents thereof all which and euery of them so farre as they doe concerne the effect aforesaid they shall adnull and make void and declare to be of no force or moment VI. ITem it is agreed and accorded that the said most renowned Kings and Archdukes shall take care that their Subiects shall from henceforth abstaine from all force and wrong doing and that they likewise shall reuoke all Commissions and Letters of Reprisall and Mart or otherwise conteining Licence to take Prizes of what condition or kinde soeuer they are being to the preiudice of the one or other of the said Princes or of their Subiects whether the same haue beene giuen or graunted by them vnto Subiects or Inhabitants or vnto Strangers and shall declare the same to bee void and of no force as by this Treatie of Peace they are declared so to be And whosoeuer shall do any thing to the contrary he shall be punished not only criminally according to the merit of his offence but shall also be compelled to make restitution and satisfaction for