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A19891 A summe of the Guisian ambassage to the Bishop of Rome, founde lately amongst the writinges of one Dauid and aduocate of Paris, and translated out of French into Latin, and from Latin into English David, Advocate of Paris. 1579 (1579) STC 6319; ESTC S106678 9,329 32

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❧ A Summe of the Guisian Ambassage to the Bishop of Rome founde lately amongst the writinges of one Dauid an Aduocate of Paris and translated out of French into Latin and from Latin into English ❧ Jmprinted 1579. ❧ To the Christian Reader the Translator sendeth greeting in Christ Iesu THis little Pamphlet good Reader being fyrst extant in French and after translated into Latin came vnto my hands by chaūce perusing other bookes which were brought from Franckford and ouerrunning shortly the same and perceyuing that it contayned the discouerye of a very da●ngerous and mischeuous practise of the Papistes in Fraunce especially of the Guisian faction which vnder pretence of the maintenaunce of the Catholick or Romish faith as it may seeme beeing thereunto by the Pope and his fauorers induced for the vpholding of his pride and ambicion together with their Haeriticall and erronious doctrine which by the Gospell in the noble Realme of Fraunce as in all other places in Christendom is now laide open and plainly confuted to their no small losse griefe seeke I speake rather to aspire to the tytle of the Crowne of that mighty Kingdome by priuye claiming vnto thēselues the right therof as the heyres discending lineallye from Charles the great and pleading the Valoys with the Borbones to be but vsurpers and intruders who at this daye are the right apparaunt heyres thereof I thought good to publish the same to the view of the worlde leauing the creadit thereof to the Reporter that it may appeare both how cruell and bloodthirsty a generation these Papistes are who can neuer be satisfyed with the shedding of their breathernes bloode and that from Rome that spirituall Babilon as from a Fountaine flowing into all Christēdome the continuall discords contentions tumults warres vprores treasons and rebellions wherewith the same is lamentably at this day oppressed and ouerwhelmed as also to shew how vniustlye they burthen and charge the godly and zelous nobility and Subiectes of that Realme and other places with Treason and rebellion against theyr Soueraignes and Princes they themselues being most giltye thereof when they withstand with all reasonable and lawfull meanes the vniust violent tirrannicall and vnnatural oppressions and inuasions practised against them besydes all lawe of God and man by the Pope abusinge the Scepters and aucthorite of Princes to the establishing of his longe vsurped primacie Pride and Ambition in the Church of Christ For how so euer he colloureth his purposes with faire showes yet is it euident to those that are not blinded with affection malice or by the iust iudgements of God cast into a reprobate sence that he seeketh his owne and not those thinges which appertaine vnto Christ and that he discrieth him selfe to be very Antichriste in settinge vp his owne kingdom with the ouerthrow of the kingdom of Christ and his Gospell as much as lyeth in him knowing feeling by experience to his great griefe Gods name be praised therefore that the one cannot stand with the other Therefore when it pleased God to make manifest to the world by the glorious light of the Gospel of his sonne how trayterouslye wickedlye and blasphemouslye in the middest of grose and palpable darcknesse he hath vsurped intruded vpon the kingdome of his Christ and he begins to take againe possession thereof and shaketh like a tottering wall the kingdome of Antichrist he perceiuing the ruine of his vsurped tyranny to be threatned in all Christendome and Christ like to recouer his owne possession againe ioyned with his confederats laid their heads together sundry and diuers times especially in the late pretended counfell holden at Trent and considered what was best to be donne in this so desperate a state and when they had sought by diuers meanes to bringe the same to passe as by writing of bookes for their defence by confessing sum what to haue bin amisse and to promisse redresse thereof which they neuer ment in trueth by often promising of a generall lawfull and free counsel but neuer performing it by threatnings sometime force and warres and vsinge the same sometime by diuers other suttle deuises which neuerthelesse by the prouidence of God came to nought Then they determined at last in theyr sayd pretenced Counsell of Trent that seeing by no other waye they were able to compasse theyr intent and to hold and proppe vp theyr ruynous state which they make more accoumpt of then the glory of God that ther should be made forsooth a holy league betweene the holy father and all his obedient Children which kisse his feete against all the professours of the Gospell in Christendome with a full resolution that it should be lawful for them by the dispensation of the holy Father to vse all Treachery deceite periury violence and crueltye against them as beeing heretickes and condemned by the sayde holye Counsell of Trent And that the execution thereof might be donne with more heede and dylligence some were in all Countreys appointed who shoulde vndertake the same And herehence hath sithens rysen the Fyre and Flame of discentions mutynes and tumultes in all Christendome This I thought good gentle reader to admonish thee of that in reading of this small discourse thou mightest with more light and iudgement looke into the popish practises therein contayned The Lorde God make vs wise in foreseeing their pernitious coūsels auoiding the same in time For as they haue in that noble Realme of Fraunce and in other places shewed theyr malitious intents so mynd they to do the like it is to be feared in England if God doo not of his mercy let them which he graunt for Iesus Christe his sake Amen ❧ A Summe of the Guisian Ambassage to the Bishoppe of Rome founde lately amongst the writings of one Dauid an Aduocate of Paris c. THat the ciuill wars which haue ben in France haue brought more hinderaunce then furtheraunce to the Apostolick Sea especially for the lyberty both to write Bookes which are reprochfull to the sayde Sea as otherwise to deface the honour therof by the which liberty the minds of the Heretikes are encouraged hardned and most of the Catholyques brought to the contempt and scorne of the sayd holy Sea. That the ende and euent of all the victories which haue bene gotten in Fraunce haue fallen out vnto some peace shamefull and dishonourable to the King wherof it maye be gathered that the stock of Hugh Capet albeit it hath succeded in the singular and only gouernment of the kingdom of Charls the great Yet it hath not succeeded it in the enioying of the Apostolical blessing which blessing consecration and inauguration properly and peculiarly was bestowed vpon the lygnage and posterity of Charles the great And further like as Capet by taking to him and vsurping the blessing of the kings bestowed on Charles the great hath by his rashnes and presumption violated the same so hath he prouoked vpon his own and successors heads the continual curse and
the day of the Parliaments shall come before any thing is referred to the assembly an oath shall be exacted in order of euery one that whatsoeuer shall be agreed vpon decreed in the Parliaments shall be kept and obserued The Citizens moreouer shall binde their brotherhooddes to beare the charges of all the warres Lastly his Holines shal be entreated that it woulde please him by his authority to allowe and ratify whatsoeuer shal be decreed in these Parliaments and that it woulde please him that there maye be lyke force of these decrees as hath bene accustomed to bee of the pragmaticall decree betweene the holye Sea and this Realme as heretofore it hath bene done in those things which haue ben agreed vpon betwene the Kings and the Bishops Moreouer to the entent the right of the royal inheritaunce may be conuayed away from the kinred stocke and family of Caper and that deposing of them maye according to the manner and custome of our Forefathers be left in the power of the Parliaments A decree shall be made that if any Prince of the blood royall if any peere or noble man shall refuse to obey the same decree of the Parliaments The Prince from that daye forwarde shal be Proclaymed vnworthy the inheritance of the kingdome The peere or noble man shall be iudged vnworthy of all his honours and tytles their goods shall be confiscated to the ende that mony of the sale therof gathered together maye be employed to the vse of the warre and they them selues shall be adiudged to die And if they be apprehended they shal be put to death if not their counterfaits or pictures shal be made fast vpon the Gallous gibbets and rewards shal be proposed publikely to such as shall slaye or kyll them These thinges being establyshed and an oath to the same exacted and geuen the States of the Realme shal yeeld to the successour of Saint Peter a new oath of fidelity and shall professe that they wyl lyue and die in the forme of that faith Religion which hath bene prescribed by the Counsell of Trent the States of the Realme in these Parliaments shall iudic●ide to the sayde Counsell and shall pronounce and protest all Edicts which in this Realme hath bene made against the authority of that Counsell to be taken for voyde vnlawfull and as if they had neuer bene writtē But on the other side all those Edicts which haue bene made to the rooting out and abolyshing of heresies to be kept and obserued The King by the authoritie and dispensation of the holy Sea shal be discharged and absolued from that oath which hee hath made to Heretikes and their associates and confederates And to the Heretikes shall a certaine day be appointed before the which they shall professe before the Ecclesiastical Magistrats that they are sory for their enterprise to the entent they maye obtaine Absolution for so great an offence they shal entreat the Prince to pardō them of high treasō And because the execution of this Article may be hindred and stayed by certaine rebellious Prouinces which haue taken Armes supplication must be made to the king that he woulde make some Viccar generall or Viceroy of his kingdome which must be a fytte Prince and skylfull of warres able and lustie for courage age and body apte to geue counsayle and aduise of him selfe and to endure the paynes of warre especiallye such a one as hath alwayes kept him selfe pure and vnspotted from all stayne contagion and company of Heretiks And briefly he shall be requested that he woulde geue this honour vnto the Duke of Guise whome it is well knowen to be furnished and endued with all helpes of wytte and bodye and skyll of warfare to take in hande such an office Then the Kinges Brother must be admonished and tolde what a great offence he hath commytted in that hee forsooke his Brother the King to ioyne him selfe to Heretikes yea and to be their Captaine and to leade an Armie against his Brother the King and in that he forced his Brother to graunt vnto him not onely a parte of his kingdome and very large and excessiue allowaunce but also to suffer him to haue a Relygion of so execrable impietie And forasmuch as this is the fyrst and highest poynt of treasō against Gods Maiestie and the Kinges for that it is not in the Kinges power to pardon so greeuous an offence request shall be made to the Parliamentes that Iudges may be appointed to the Duke of Alanson which maye heare and determine of so great a fault and the memorie of the most holy godly example of the Catholique King shal be renued which dyd not spare his onely Sonne Finally at the day that the Parliaments shal be dissolued from all parts of the Realme shall the Armies of the Parishes and other bandes aswell extraordinarie as ordinarie discouer them selues to put in execution the decree of the Parliaments and they shall apprehend the Duke of Alenson and the rest which haue taken parte with him in his gouernement and wicked warres By this practise the Duke of Guise hauing gathered a strong Army shal set vpon such Prouinces as haue rebelled the which he shal conquer either by force and Armes eyther by pollycie and deuices and he shall with terrour ouerrunne both farre and wide spoyling the Country and surprising all strong Townes by hunger force and want by buylding and raysing vp Castels and Holdes neare about by making often outroades vpon the inhabitants and he shall not to lyttle purpose spende tyme in subduing by force and Gunshotte strong Citties as it came to passe at the assaulte of Rochell When the Duke of Guise hath gotten this famous and noble Victorie and hath made his entraunce way into the chiefest Cities of the Realme hauing the nobility lincked to him he shall finde meanes to make inquisition of Duke Alenson the kinges Brother and other his associates and at the last by the lycence and counsayle of his holinesse shall thrust the King and the Queene into a Monasterie following the example of his great Grandfather king Pepin Who draue Childerick the king entrapped by the lyke meanes into a Monastery and by this deuice the secular inheritance of the Crowne of Fraunce together with the Apostolicall blessyng being recouered he shal restore without exception and restraint vnto the holy Sea the auncient dignitye power and authoritie and shall repeale and reuoke the Priuiledges of the Church of Fraunce as they are commonly called yeelding his fayth and oath fyrst that he wyll when he shall haue gotten vnto him selfe the kingdome religiously and inuiolably performe all these thinges ¶ An Addition LEast good Reader the effect of this Legacie should not be knowen vnto thee I haue thought good to annexe to this Reporte the famous eyther inuention or declaration of Pope Stephan wherby the weake confirmation of the Guisian right maye be knowen