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A71337 The Parliamentary intelligencer [no.29 (5 July-12 July 1660)] comprising the sum of forraign intelligence with the affairs now in agitation in England, Scotland, and Ireland : for information of the people. Muddiman, Henry, 1628 or 1629-1692, editor.; Dury, Giles, editor.; Macock, John, publisher.; Newcomb, Thomas, d. 1681 or 2, publisher. 1660 (1660) Thomason E186_19; ESTC P1015 10,691 16

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Numb. 29 THE Parliamentary Intelligencer COMPRISING The Sum of Forraign Intelligence with the Affairs now in Agitation in England Scotland and Ireland For Information of the People Published by Order From Monday July 9. to Monday July 16. 1660. From Paris July 10. The 5 instant Madamoiselle de Alencon and de Valois returned hither from the Court we hear that their Majesties are expected to morrow at Amboyse and are to come two days after to Fontanebleau there to remain until all things are ready for their reception which will be one of the magnificent entries that ever was made to any King as may be judged by the great and sumptuous preparations that are a making on all sides wherein our Inhabitants doe busy themselves with an incredible dilligence and care that they might as soon as possible have the honor to receive that wonder of Queens who being the first fruit of our Peace we doubt not but that we shall injoy all the good and necessary effects of it for the happiness and felicity of the people In the mean time as every one by a commendable emulation doth strive to testifie his Zeal in so illustrious an occasion the 8 instant a running at the ring was performed at the Academy of Messiers de Mesmon and de Coulon by several Gentlemen who being the gallantest of this Kingdome and very well mounted shewed their Dexterity therein for carrying of the Prize which was a rich Diamond given by the Count de Rower a Gentleman of Piedmont the which was done in the presence of a very noble company who were afterwards entertained with a sumptuous Collation The Marquis of Constans Nephew to the Baron of Batteville came to this City going for England from his Catholick Majesty to complement the King of England about his happy restauration From Poitiers July 3. The Court is expected this night at Lusignan and to morrow in this Citty where all is preparing for the reception of their Majesties Milan June 26. 1660. The Duke of Savoys forces lent to the Republick of Venice passing upon the Po through this State the Duke of Sermonesa our Governor hath published a Proclamation forbidding under very great penalties to give any assistance or reliefe to such soldiers as shall runn away from their colours And untill the Express doth returne which he hath sent to Naples to hasten the money he is to receive from thence he hath delivered his orders for the Estapes for part of the Forces of the Milanez that are to be shipped at Final and to passe into Spaine against the Portugall Old Aberdeen July 2. 1660. Assoon as the good news came to us of his Majesties restauration the Masters and Members of the Kings Colledge in this University of Aberdeen did testifie their joy by singing of Psalms ringing of Bells Bonfires and such other jolli●ies as are usual but knowing that they were not only tyed to his Majesty as their lawful Soveraign King but also by a nearer relation as being only Patron of that House they thought it incumbent on them to give a more full testimony of their real joy and praise to God for bringing home their Patron and therefore did a second time being accompanied with the Provost Bayliffs and Councel of Aberdeen Sheriff and Commissar with the Ministers and Students with many other Gentlemen go to the great Church which was of old the Cathedral of Aberdeen and there reverently hear their own Minister Preach a learned Thanksgiving Sermon with great contentment to all the hearers After Sermon they all came by way of Procession from the Church to the Colledge singing Psalms Then one of the Professors of Divinity made an Oration in the common School The Magistrates of Aberdeen with all other persons of quality were set in the middle of the Court near to the Fountain before a Theatre hung all about with the Hangings which King James the fourth bestowed upon the Colledge with other ornaments and Garlands and Crowns of flowers of all sorts the Picture of the King was in the middle and upon his left hand his Excellency General Monk because the speakers had in their Orations something to speak as to them the stairs about the windows and all the Court below were so full of spectators that I thought there had scarcely been so many people in the parts about us Upon this Theatre were set all the Masters and Students in order in their Gowns In the first place the Principal prayed and praised God and did shew the hearers that there were five young men Students to speak in that place one after another which was accordingly done and indeed they did it very gravely and reverently The subject of their Oration was as followeth The first spoke of the great happiness which Scotland enjoyed under Kings since the days of Fergus the first until the time of the late troubles The second spoke of the miseries the Nations suffered by the late Kings Murther the present Kings removal from his just Rights and Dignities The third spoke of the praises due to his Excellency for restoring the King to his Kingdoms The fourth spoke of the great happinesses and many favours bestowed upon the University by Kings and of the losses sustained by the interruption of Kingly Government The fifth had a gratulatory Oration for the Kings return After they had ended there was a Latine Hymn of about eighty lines very harmoniously and chearfully sung and at the end of every fourth line Vivat Rex Carolus vivat It is incredible to know how joyful the people of all ranks were who were present the people of this poor Town did testifie their unspeakable joy all the night with Bonfires ringing of Bells playing on Musical Instruments and dancings yet without the least debauchery of drinking such an influence hath his Majesties sobriety upon the people All things were so carried as best shewed their real duty to his Majesty and good discipline of this place Much of the honor of this though all were active enough is due to that truly learned Dr. More Professor of Medicine here From Rochel July 3. The 29 of the last month the King with Cardinal Mazarine and some other Grandees arived at Bourage and the next day his Majesty went to dinner in the Castle of O●●on and afterwards went to see the ships that were in the River of Sendre and returned about night to Bourage Heidelbergh June 23. 1660. We are much rejoyced here to understand of the good agreement between the King and Parliament desiring the continuance of Gods blessing upon them and to that purpose his Electoral Highness hath appointed a day of thanksgiving to be kept through his whole land July 3. and after the Sermons here and at Frankendal and Cau● all the c●nnon to be shot off and all the citizens and soldiers to do the like with their muskets From the Hague June 29. The Lord Frederick van Alefe●t of Se●guard Counsellor of State and Deputy-governor of the
the imprisoning of Cardinal Filomarinis two Nephews who have been sent by him into Spain but the business begins to incline to some way of accommodation We are yet uncertain whether Queen Christeana shall goe for Swedeland We hear from Naples that great rejoycings were made there for the Peace between the Emperor and the Swedes the Poles and the Elector of Brandenbu●g Turin June 26 1660. This day our Court is to remove from Front to go to the Castle belonging to the Count Philip d' Aglie and from thence to the pleasure house of Madame Royall Toulouse 28 June 1660. We have had here 〈◊〉 ●n Earth quake which extended it selfe to the very Pyr●nean Mountains and overthrew many houses We he●re that in Bearne it hath dryed up the Minerall Springs We heare likewise that Belyer and the Seau●d Urgel were delivered to the Spaniards the 22 instant and Ros●t and Cap de Quires upon the 26. The Spaniards have put some additional men in Figuiers whereas the report goes they intend to build a Royall fore Monsieur d' Orvill formerly Governour of Puycerda is likewise fortifying of Livia which is one of the villages of Cerdagne remaining in the hands of the French Advertisements of Books newly Printed and Published ☞ The Memoires of the Duke of Rohan Or a Faithful Relation of the most remarkable Occurrences in France especially concerning those of the Reformed Churches there From the death of Henry the Great until the Peace made with them in June 1629. Together with divers Politick Discourses upon several occasions Written originally in French by the Duke of Rohan and now Englished by George Bridges of Lincolas-Inn Esq Sold by Gabriel Bedel and Thomas Collins at the Middle-Temple Gate in Fleetstreet The Clerk of Assize Judges Marshal and Cryer being the true manner and form of the proceedings at the Assizes and General Gaol-Delivery both in the Crown Court and Nisi Prius Court and the right ways of entering of all Pleas Verdicts Judgments and Orders in either of the said Courts By T.W. And also the Law of Charitable Uses Both sold by Timothy Twyford within Inner-Temple Gate A Brief View of the late Troubles and Confusions in England begun and occasioned by a prevailing Faction in the Long-Parliament from the year 1640. unto this present year 1660. By William Yonger Gent. Stem●na Sacrum The Royal Progeny delineated and with some Notes explained shewing His Sacred Majesties Royal and Lawful Descent to His Crown and Kingdoms from all the Kings that ever reigned in this Nation with a Stem annexed setting sorth the Norman the Saxon the British and the Scotish Line By Giles Fleming Rector of Waddingworth in the Diocess and County of Lincoln Both sold by Robert Gibbs at the Ball in Chancery-Lane The Pastor and the Clerk Or a Debate Real concerning Infant-Baptism together with some Retractions of the Author and Repentings in reference to the late Civil and Ecclesiastical Changes By John Ellis A Dying Fathers Living Legacy to his Loving Son Both sold by Elisha Wallis at the Gilded-horse-shooe in the Old-Bailey God save the King A Sermon Preached at Lyme-Regis at the Proclaiming of His most Excellent Majesty 〈…〉 Grace of God of England Scotland France and Ireland King Defender o● the Faith c. By Ames Short M. A. 〈◊〉 there Sold by William R●ybould at the Unico●n in St. Pauls Churchyard ☞ The Fourth Volumn of Clelia that Excellent Romance Written by Monsieur d● Sc●●ery Sold by Humphr●y Moseley at the Princ●'s 〈◊〉 in St. Pauls Church yard and Tho. Dri●g at the George in Fleetstreet near St Dunstans Church Hamburgh July 10. No news from Coppenhagen or Sealand Field-Marshal Wrangle is arived at Stralsund again He was going for Sweden but an Express met him at Sea with Orders out of Sweden for his return The Imperialists lie still in their quarters they have lately demanded quarters in the four Lands here of this Town The Swedes mustered their forces the last week in the Dukedome of Breme which were about 7 or 8000 men There is a Report as if they intend to go for Munster the Town being said to call them to their assistance There is now open war between the Bishop and Town of Munster They write from Dantzick that Czarneski hath beaten the Muscovites Elsenor 26 June The Head-quarter is removed from Roskield to this place where all Generals and chief Officers of the Army are assembled they have received intimation from the Court of Sweden what his Majesty intends to do with this Army viz. To disband a great part of them upon payment of their arrears The Princes of Sultsback Birchenfield and Darmstat are this day gone for Sweden but by the way between this and Helsinbergh they were entertained by the Hollands Admiral de Ruyter in his ship with great magnificence and shooting off his Canon The Ratification of the peace was brought hither out of Sweden last Sunday night Admiral de Ruyter will employ all his Vessels to transport the soldiers which now will be done very suddenly Warsovia July 3. Here is extraordinary great rejoycing over the Victory obtained against the Moscovites some say there are 12000 of the Enemy killed upon the place The chief General Kowansky saved himself with the flight only with 100 horse who is strongly pursued and it is verily believed he will be overtaken Another General of theirs Szerbati is taken Prisoner and General Junowa slaine The said Szerbati being brought in to our General Czarnecky his presence said our Czar hath brought me into this sad condition who would not take our advice and it is to be feared he seeks his own utter ruine This Szerbati with many German Officers being taken prisoners are upon the way to be conveied hither with all the Colors taken whereof the Szar his own color is blew imbroidered with Gold and Pearls Ours have taken of the Enemy all their Baggage Ammunition and 40 great pieces of Ordinance besides great store of Provision which was distributed among the Souldiers We hope by this Victory the siege before Lackowiz which was begun by the Muscovites almost half a year agoe will now be raised Out of Ukrania they relate that our General Wihowsky should have been beaten by the rebellious Cossaks but of this there is no certainty as yet His Majesty intended to go for Dubno the 12 of this month to be near to Lithuania and Ukrania From Stetin July 8. The Imperial Forces in Pomerania and Mechlenburg do still lye in their old quarters but are ready for a March upon the first order they shall receive They have already been Mustered and got a months Pay besides Cloathes Amsterdam July 10. At Utreckt some differences are fallen out betwixt the Ministers and the Magistrae about the disposing of the Church lands The Ministers having the common People on their side the Magistrate got privately some Souldiers into the Town for their protection since which all is quiet again An Advertisement of a Book