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A05558 An heavenly chariot layde open for transporting the new-borne babes of God, from time infected vvith sin, towards that æternitie in the which dwelleth righteousnesse. Made up of some rare pieces of that purest golde which is not to bee found but in that ritchest thesaurie of sacred scripture. By M. David Lindsey, ministerr of Christs Evangel at Leith. Lindsay, David, 1565?-1627. 1622 (1622) STC 15683.5; ESTC S105377 59,418 81

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bring everie worke uto Iudgement with everie secret thing whether it be good Eccl. 12.13.14 or evill Oh oh when shall Preachers when shall Hearers out of a sense hereof learne to cry unto GOD with David Open mine eyes that I may see the wonders of Thy Law Teach me Psaml ô LORD the way of thy Statutes and I will keepe it to the ende Giue mee understanding and I will keepe it with my whole heart Yea ô would to GOD that thou ô my soule couldest in this last age see and feele that which Augustine saw and felt in his time to the ende that out of that sight and sense thou mightest make the like confession before GOD which hee made and send up the like Petition to GOD which hee sent up unto Him My Bodie ô LORD liveth by my Soule and my Soule liveth by thee ô my GOD Be neare me heerefore ô GOD neare in mine heart neare in mine eares neare in mine eyes yea neare in my whole body and everie member of it that they may all serue Thee KNewest thou ô my Soule how blessed IESVS hath loved thee be sure thou wouldest loue Him and out of that thy loue thou wouldest be carefull to keepe His Commandements Iaakob loved Benjamin dearely but ô how more dearelie hath IESVS loved thee Iaakob pintched with Famine is content for the safetie of his owne life Gen. to twinne with Benjamin and to send him downe to Aegypt but blessed IESVS to the ende that Hee might feede thee and keepe thee O my soule will not onlie subject Himselfe to Hunger 2. Sam. 1.26 but unto cruell death Ionathans loue towards David exceeded the loue of Women but IESVS His loue towardes thee O my Soule exceedeth not onlie the loue of Women but the loue of Ionathan Scripture telleth mee Historie telleth mee That Mothers haue slaine their owne children 2. King 28.29 to keepe in their owne lives but neither acquainteth Scripture nor Historie mee with anie Woman who ever was contented to cutte and dresse her owne flesh for the safetie of her chylde Alwayes Scripture largelie telleth mee That Thy blessed IESVS O my Soule is that kindliest Pelicane who could be content to giue His owne flesh not onlie to be scourged to be nailed to be pearced but to be crucified and die on the Tree to the ende that thou O my soule mightest feede upon Him unto life aeternall IESVS His loue towards thee O my Soule exceedeth also the loue of Ionathan Ionathan indeede loued David so that he incurred his fathers wrath for David that he was contented heartfullie that David should succeede to his father in the Kingdome yea Ionathan oft times hazarded his verie life for David alwayes thy Ionathan IESVS O my soule beeing a King yea that King of kinges by whom and under whom all kinges doe reigne would not onlie become poore to make thee rich under-goe that intollerable weight of His Fathers wrath to the ende that thou mightest attaine unto and enjoy His everlasting favoure but also He would die to the ende that thou beeing quickened by Him mightest bee made a king to liue and reigne in Heaven with Him for ever Yea telleth not Scripture mee O my Soule That IESVS hath loved thee so that He hath married thee that He hath tochered thee yea that Hee hath provided a Dourie for thee Abigall is dashed when David Ambassadours come unto her shewing to her 1. Sam. 25.41 That David would marrie her It was a wonder that Salomon King of Iudah married the King of Aegypts Daughter But shouldest thou not bee much more astonied O my Soule vvhen thou hearest That even IESVS the great Sonne of David that mightie KING of everlasting Peace Ezek. 16.4.5 hath married thee while thou wast dead in sinne lying in thy blood in the verie open Fielde having none eye pittying thee Hosea speaking of this Marriage bringeth in thy blessed kynde Spouse speaking thus unto thee O my Soule I will marrie thee unto Mee for ever yea I will marrie thee unto Mee in Righteousnesse Hosea 2.19.20 in Iudgement in Mercie and in Compassion Men marrie Women for a while yea for an uncertaine troublesome while Alwayes O my Soule IESVS hath married thee for evermore in such sorte that neyther distance of place nor death nor the graue can possiblie sever thee from Him or Him from thee Yea vvhich is more that the nearer death draweth unto thee and thou approachest to thy graue the more strictlie art thou united with Him and Hee joyned with thee Beside this IESVS hath so loved thee O my Soule that Hee hath tochered thee but vvhere-with I pray thee I heare Saul craving from David an hundreth fore-Skinnes of the Philistims 1. Sam. Acts 20.28 1. Pet. 1.18.19 for his Daughter and I see David laying downe two hundreth for her Alwayes IESVS hath tochered thee O my Soule not with Silver not with Golde not with precious Stones but with Blood Alwayes vvith vvhat Blood O my Soule Not vvith the blood of Rammes of Lambes of Goates or anie man But with His owne onelie moste precious moste honourable and moste cleane Blood Beside this yet O my Soule IESVS hath so loved thee that Hee hath provyded a Dowrie for thee But what a Dowrie Beare vvith mee O my Soule if heere I must confesse that I cannot tell thee because my GOD hath not tolde mee For vvho living heere can possiblie acquaint the Childe of GOD sufficientlie and perfectlie vvith the Valour and Excellencie of that Inheritance which is appointed for thee Some sparkes of the Excellencie and Majestie of it are praesented indeede unto our consideration Luke 12.32 1. Corin. 2.9 1. Iohn 3.2 Coll. 3.3.4 by Scripture but fullie it shall not bee knowne untill wee bee where our dearest Spouse IESVS is Loue this IESVS O my Soule sincerelie Seeke this IESVS O my soule busilie Serue this IESVS O my Soule chearfullie and let nothing content thee untill thou bee where Hee is who hath so loved thee IF thou O my soule wouldest prooue truelie wise to that last day after the which there shall bee no day it were good that thou werest carefull in time to bee certified of the loue of IESVS thy Saviour and Master as of that first thing as of that chiefest thing thou shouldest bee carefull to bee certified of before all thinges so that publicklie before GOD. Angels and Men and privatelie betwixt thy GOD and thine owne heart thou mayest say and sing Blessed bee that IESVS who hath loved mee Blessed bee that IESVS who loveth mee But heere O my Soule there would bee three thinges wiselie considered by thee First wherefore should this bee thy first and chiefest care Secondlie Whereby is it that that loue wherewith IESVS hath loved thee is intimate unto thee Thirdlie how mayest thou bee certified that IESVS loveth thee Let mee possesse all the Worlde ô my soule if IESVS loue mee not woe
Heavenlie Priviledges unto the full fruition and everlasting possession whereof Hee must necessarilie haue us advanced BLessed blessed O my soule beyonde measure be all those whose Father Almightie GOD in His dearest Sonne IESVS hath become And therefore I cannot wonder that that Disciple whome IESVS loved speaking heereof was mooved with a shrill voyce thus to crye foorth resembling some Messenger sounding from a Market Crosse some speciall Proclamation Beholde what loue the Father hath shewed on us that wee should bee called 1. Iohn 3.2 The Sonnes of GOD. Manie Sonnes indeede hath His Majestie yea our GOD blessed for evermore bee that His only beloved Sonne IESVS who at a great rate hath conquished these Sonnes unto Him hath a verie worlde of Sonnes Alwayes Revel 7.9 the Scripture telleth mee O my Soule That GOD our Father will make all these His Sonnes Kinges Revel 1.6 and everie one of them a King not to reigne for a while honoured with a fading Crowne But to reigne for evermore in that Kingdome 1. Pet. 1 3.4.5 which is immortall and undefiled and which fadeth not away What King earthlie ô my Soule having manie Sonnes is able to make all his Sonnes Kinges And yet foolish man dreameth those to bee happie who bee the Sonnes of Kinges yea of great men howbeit none can bee possibly truelie happie but such who being borne over againe Iohn 3.3 by the Spirit and by the Worde of GOD bee made the Sonnes of The Most High and so Kings at length to reigne in despight of all Tyrantes and tyrannie for ever I shall not offende heerefore ô my Soule albeit my Coate now bee course my Bread bee browne my Drinke small my Crowne sharpe and pricking having terroures within and troubles without Knowest thou not ô my soule howe thy LORD and SAVIOVR comming to this Earth by His death to draw thee to Heaven was cloathed was entertayned was crowned here and yet blessed bee His Name in despight of all hellish and earthlie Powers is Hee not crowned nowe in that highest Heavens with that Crowne of incomparable Majestie and everlasting Glorie Mat. 28.18 having all power in Heaven and on Earth given unto Him Yea possessing a Name aboue all names which are named in this Worlde Philip. 2.9.10 and unto the which everie Knee must bowe O believing Trades man Craftes man Coatter Beggar Canst thou lift up thine Eyes afore-hande to see Canst thou bow thine heart afore-hande to taste the unspeakeable Ioyes which thy Soule shall possesse that incorruptible Glorie which shall compasse thy verie clay Vessell when thou beeing glorified throughlie the Lambe with the Lambe shall goe in and out before the Lambe in that newe Hierusalem which is aboue having on thine head that Crowne of endlesse Glorie cloathed with a long white Robe having Palmes in thine hand and crying joyfullie with a loude voyce Salvation commeth of our GOD that sitteth on the Throne Revelat. 7.9.10 and of the Lambe Let it bee thy Meate then thy Drinke then while thou sojournest heere O my soule absent in bodie from that Lambe of GOD thy Saviour to thinke upon this IESVS to speake of this IESVS to seeke this IESVS to serue this IESVS who hath called thee unto this honour to bee the Childe of GOD and so to be a King for ever to possesse fulnesse of Ioye in GODS praesence and at His Right Hand Pleasures for evermore Psal 16.11 KNewest thou O my Soule how farre that blessed wise GOD thy Father hath advanced the flesh of man belieue me thou couldest not offend if I should curse thee if thou attempted but so much as to lust after those evils wherewith alace a verie world of people are nowe grosselie defiled And I could not but bee ashamed to be offended if thou shouldest curse mee if I should prease to giue these members of my bodie unto the committing of those sinnes which thousandes alace doe commit in this our time even with delectation and greedinesse O my soule hath not GOD honoured the flesh of man verie farre in making it to be a Cabinet to lodge that immortal Soule made by His Majestie even of an Heavenlie substance hath not our GOD more highlie advanced the flesh of man in making it to bee the Temple and dwelling place of His Holie Spirit Yea to be that Spirituall Immortall Incorruptible and Glorious plenishing which must fill and keepe the Heavens for ever Yea hath not His Majestie advanced it more than highlie in His blessed and onlie begotten Sonne IESVS that holie One being contented to assume and unite in one personall union with His Godheade the verie flesh of man not onlie for a while walking on earth in that our nature but transporting that our flesh to the highest Heavens so that Hee who is GOD alwayes aequall with the Father and with the holy Ghost is cloathed with the flesh of man And He who is cloathed with the flesh of man is GOD aequall with the Father and with the Spirit ô Coelestiall Spirites and heavenlie Angles who serve your blessed GOD alwayes readilie faythfullie busilie fullie and joyeful●ie can ye compare with that man who by a liuelie faith is ingraffed into that God-Man and Man-God IESVS Would that holy One cloathe Himselfe with your nature so that you may say He who is GOD is also an Angell and he who is Angell is GOD Or rather Heb. 2.16 tooke Hee not the Seede of Abraham so that the believing man may say He who is GOD is man also Hee who is man is GOD also ô Coelestiall Spirites said that blessed GOD your and our Glorious Maker ever of anie Angell or to anie Angell The angell Zach. 13.7 My fellow And yet our blessed GOD can speaking to and of His Sonne in whom we are thus beyond measure honoured speake thus of Him The man My fellow Darest thou then ô my Soule attempt to dishonour this GOD who hath so farre honoured thee Yea darest thou attempt to advise me being kitled with anie deceiueable lust to abuse this my flesh or anie member of it since His Majestie hath so wonderfullie advanced it We all thinke that David oversawe himselfe verie grosselie to Mephibosheth the creeple son of dead Ionathan who proved constantlie rarelie kinde to David when having tried the grosse falsehood and seditious treacherie of that villane Ziba hee saide to the poore creeple abused honest man 2. Sam. 19.29 Haue I not sayde Thou and Ziba divide the landes But when shall men who holde themselues for good Christians thinke and confesse that they oversee themselues abusing most grosselie the LORD their GOD when they crye aloude albeit not with their shrill voyces yet with their vilde workes even to the hearing of that GOD to whom they be more than oblieged in all respects but chiefely for advancing their flesh so highly which is the onlie ground of mans whole foelicitie O LORD GOD haue I not said Thou and the Devill divide betwixt
AN HEAVENLY CHARIOT Layde open for transporting the New-borne Babes of GOD from time infected vvith Sin towards that aeternitie in the which dwelleth Righteousnesse Made up of some rare pieces of that purest Golde which is not to bee found but in that ritcliest Thesaurie of Sacred Scripture By M. DAVID LINDESEY Minister of CHRISTS EVANGEL at LEITH HEB. XIII VERS 14. Here we haue no continuing Citie but we seeke one to come COL III. VERS 1.2 If ye bee risen with Christ seeke those thinges which are aboue where Christ sitteth at the right hand of God Set your affections on things which are aboue not on things which are on the Earth Imprinted at Sainct-Andrevves By Edward Raban Printer to the Vniversitie 1622. TO THE TRVELIE RELIGIOVS AND Right Noble Ladie LADIE ANNA KER Ladie Balmerinoch Grace Mercie and Peace through IESVS CHRIST our LORD and onelie SAVIOVR SEeing in this last and most dead Age of the Worlde Right Noble Ladie there be not a few living alace not onelie under the blinding Darknesse and corrupting Superstition of abominable Poperie but also under that shining Lanterne of that saving Gospel which leadeth men directlie towardes that bright morning Starre CHRIST IESVS blessed for evermore who holding ah mee this Earth for their Home doe never dreame that they must bee remooved from it and so who cannot bee mooved so much as to beginne to thinke upon another Habitation let bee to fit themselues for it not-with-standing that None-sparing Sworde of Death slaying daylie without respect of persons men of all Rankes in everie place may sensiblie cleare unto them the trueth of that Golden Sentence Heere wee haue no continuing Citie I Heb. 13.14 the basest in all respectes my LORD and MASTER hath imployed about the building of His Tabernacle longing now to bee dissolved and to bee with Him whome my Soule loveth haue out of that affection which I carrie to all such as call upon His Name beene bolde over-comming at length manie difficulties to offer these few Lines unto the view of others that if it were possible some one simple Soule or two might bee mooved by them GOD beeing happilie with them to loose their affections from thinges heere beneath and to set them upon those thinges which are aboue I haue dedicated them unto your Honour whome GOD hath so happily weaned from the deceitfull Milke of all things earthlie and so Graciouslie married unto His blessed Sonne that nowe your Honour can wiselie account of nothing but in so farre as it leadeth you unto Him who out of loue gaue Himselfe for you Accept these Lines Madame as a Testimonie of that Loue and Reverence which I must carrie to that speciall Grace of GOD bestowed happilie upon you for the continuance and encrease whereof I shall never cease to draw up my simple Prayers unto that GOD who is readie to heare all such as call upon Him in trueth is able to keepe your Honour unto His everlasting Kingdome Your Ladiships in our Blessed Saviour the LORD IESVS D. L. AN HEAVENLY CHARJOT O My Soule wa st thou not sent downe heere in time by that blessed wise Creator to seeke after that aeternitie which is aboue O my Soule Couldest thou learne to know with what loue thy GOD loved thee in what accompt thy GOD hath thee busilie wouldest thou while this ever-slyding time remayneth seeke after that ever-abyding aeternitie Oh ô my Soule When shall I beginne grauely to consider that admirable order kept by my GOD in bringing foorth that great Worke of Creation praesented unto mine eyes by that first Chapter of holie Scripture Wouldest thou O my Soule leasurelie payne thy selfe a little to meditate aright upon that order O! with what a loue wouldest thou loue thy GOD O in what accompt wouldest thou haue thy GOD And so O with how swift feete wouldest thou endevour to run through fleeting sinfull tyme towardes that ever-continuing aeternitie in the which dwelleth Righteousnesse Yea O my Soule I must tell thee Could that order bee well taken to heart by thee were I warming my selfe in my Parlour at the refreshing and dauting fire of greatest Honoures Pleasures and daintiest Cheare even with my dearest Companions thou wouldest bee able easilie by a verie little nod to draw mee to the doores making mee with Peter to seeke after some secret place that there I might weepe bitterlie because I cannot bee mooved to seeke Him who could not bee stayed from seeking of mee because I cannot learne to account of Him who could willinglie account of nothing till Hee found mee The Worke of Creation is begunne the first day The Worke of Creation is prosecuted till the sixt day and a number of good Creatures of diverse kindes aboue us about us beneath us in the Heavens in the Seas and in the Earth brought foorth But can our GOD cease to worke till Hee haue made Man And when Hee hath made him will He goe anie farther Yea resteth He not then O my Soule I charge thee before GOD that thou remember this I commaund thee as thou wilt bee aunswerable unto GOD that thou forget not this BVt O my Soule what would thy GOD tell thee by this comlie admirable order kept by His Majestie in bringing foorth that Worke of Creation Surelie That Hee made all the other creatures for thee which Hee made before thee and that Hee made thee for Himselfe whome Hee made after them And what would thy GOD O my Soule teach thee heereby Surelie That all His other creatures could not content Him untill Hee founde Man And darest thou O my Soule attempt to thinke or alleadge That thou art made for anie other beside thy GOD Yea darest thou rest upon anie of those creatures were the sight of them never so pleasant to thine eyes the sound of them never so meledious to thine eares the savour of them never so delicious to thy smelling the taste of them never so sweete to thy mouth the touch of them never so alluring to thine other members O my Soule manie servantes hast thou for thy Maker hath made all the other creatures for thee onelie one Master hast thou even that GOD who made thee for Himselfe and therefore see that thou use all these creatutes which thine eye seeth thine eare heareth thy smelling savoureth thy tasting tasteth or anie member of thy bodie toucheth as pleasant sweete Coardes sent downe from Heaven to draw thee upwardes towardes that GOD who made them for thee and thee for Himselfe otherwayes bee assured thou shalt bee convicted not onelie of grosse unthankfulnesse but of high treason forgetting the Giver and abusing the gift yea for thrusting the perishing gift into the Throne of the ever-living Giver HEarken hearken O my Soule and belieue mee speaking unto thee from the mouth of thy GOD who esteemeth of thee highlie out of that loue wherewith Hee hath loved thee freelie Haddest thou O my Soule that hearing eare to hearken unto and that understanding heart to
sinne to be a sufficient scarre to affray him from the cōmitting of sinne yea from wallowing in uncouth sinnes even with delight as if hee were some filthie Swine made with his Face downwardes and not a Man vvhome GOD hath honoured vvith His owne Image Tell mee tell mee O my Soule if any man would eyther of purpose or with pleasure defile his outward Garment with anie kynde of Filth if hee could bee perswaded that nothing coulde cleanse that his Garment againe but a Vessell full of his owne best blood Now telleth not the Scripture thee O my Soule That thou beeing defiled with Sinne canst not possiblie bee cleansed from it but by the Blood of IESVS onelie Shalt thou then attempt at anie time to commit sinne of purpose and to continue in sinne with pleasure And if thou darest doe so canst thou thinke thy selfe to bee one vvho eyther esteemeth honourablie of that honourable Blood of IESVS shedde to cleanse thee or reverentlie and honourablie of that blessed GOD vvho shedde His Blood for thee SInne is a filthie thing Sinne is a most cruell filthie thing O my Soule as thou mayest easilie perceiue and let this humble thee Alwayes honourable and precious is that Blood of blessed IESVS Forcible and strong beyond measure is that Blood of blessed IESVS and let this comfort thee IESVS His Blood is honourable and precious for it can doe away the filth of Sinne making a man even cleane in His eyes before whom the well informed Childe of GOD stryveth speciallie to bee cleane Forcible and strong is the Blood of IESVS for it can wash a man not from one sinne but from everie sinne yea from all sinnes were they never so monstrous so presumptuous Hast thou not ô my soule considered that first Chapter of Matthew for thine information Yea for thy speciall consolation anent this point ô blessed IESVS my sole saviour of whom art Thou come according to the flesh and so what fathers what mothers will Thy Majestie as man haue is Thy Majestie O my Saviour onlie come of Abraham and not of Pharez also whom Iudah begot on Tamar his Daughter in Law Will Thy Majestie O my Saviour haue Sarah onlie the wife of Abraham for Thy Mother and not Rahab the Harlot and Ruth the Moabitish also But wherefore O my soule would blessed IESVS haue such Fathers haue such Mothers according to the flesh Surelie surelie to testifie before GOD Angels and Men that He came not to call the Righteous but Sinners Marke 2.1 to Repentance were their sinnes never so manie never so monstrous providing that they by a liuelie faith coulde keepe that blood which He hath shedde to wash them and by sincere repentance accompaning this their faith testifie to the world that they haue learned being taught by the Spirit to accompt honourablie of this His blood shedde for them O My Soule I will tell thee to thy comfort were thy sinnes never so manie were thy sinnes never so monstrous that precious blood of blessed IESVS who hath loved thee is sufficientlie able to wash thee from them all Alwayes I must tell thee for thine information and reformation That wise IESVS vvill not vvash thee in His blood from thy manie sinnes by past from thine uglie sinnes praesent to the ende that thou mayest afterwardes defile thy selfe with sinne or continue in the trade of thy praesent sinnes but to the ende Revel 1.5.6 that thou being washen by Him mayest prooue a Spirituall King subduing Sinne and a Spirituall Priest offering up thy selfe in bodie soule in a living and an holie Sacrifice unto GOD. Tell me Rom. 12.1.2 tell mee O Zachariah the Father of Iohn the Baptist Wherefore came CHRIST into this Worlde bringing cleane and cleansing blood with Him Was it not That we being delivered out of the handes of our Enemies Luke 1.74.75 should serue Him vvithout feare O Paul tell me wherfore died my LORD and LYFE IESVS CHRIST for mee Was it not That I hence-foorth should not attempt to liue to my selfe but unto Him vvho died for mee and rose againe Yea 2. Cor. 5.15 tell mee O Paul Wherefore hath our Glorious GOD appointed that His blessed Gospel to bee preached vvhich I may justlie call That buntch of Hyssope by the which our soules are sprinkled vvith that cleansing bloode of that cleane Lambe vvho maketh that destroying Angel to passe by us vvhile others die Was is not O my soule that wee denying all ungodlinesse and worldlie lustes should liue holilie and righteouslie Tit. 2.11.12 and soberlie in this praesent Worlde HAth that Great GOD and blessed Saviour of the Worlde IESVS loved thee O my Soule And loving thee vvashen thee from thy sinnes in His blood Yea renewed thee so by His Spirite that thou darest not attempt to liue to thy selfe seeking such things as may profite thee may pleasure thee but unto Him vvho died for thee studying alwayes to doe those thinges vvhich may please Him and conquish Glorie unto Him Bee sure bee sure O my Soule that this blessed One thy great Saviour enjoying all Priviledges hath no Priviledge in a manner vvhereof Hee will not gladlie make thee Partner And must not this comfort thee against all temptations and crosses if thou canst loue Him and cleaue unto Him And shall not this confound thee if knowing this to bee true as thou must know it to bee most true if thou darest attempt to forget Him and to bee unthankfull unto Him IESVS hath one GOD O my Soule and Hee will haue His GOD to bee thy GOD. Iohn 20.17 IESVS hath a Father and Hee will haue His Father to bee thy Father IESVS is not onelie cloathed vvith an humane nature but also with a Divine nature and Hee will haue thee to bee a Partner of the Divine nature also 1. Pet. 1.4 IESVS is the LORD His CHRIST and so that holy One vvhome His Father hath annoynted Psal 45.7 vvith the Oyle of gladnesse aboue His fellowes to bee the Great King and Priest of the Kirke and Hee will haue thee made a King and a Priest unto GOD His Father also IESVS is the Heyre of that Inheritance immortall Revel 1.6 undefiled which fadeth not away and Hee will haue thee to bee an Heyre of that Kingdome annexed with Him Yea Rom. 8.17 this IESVS is entered alreadie into that Heaven of Heavens even in my nature sitting there at the Right Hand of that Great Majestie and He vvill haue thee O my Soule to be there Iohn 17.24 even with this my bodie also Yea till I be there in bodie in soule the whole Elect of GODS Members with me that holy One that blessed One IESVS vvho is Loue it selfe for otherwayes Hee had never died for mee will account Himselfe to bee imperfect yea to bee maymed as it were such is the force of that loue Ephes 1.13 wherewith Hee loved us and so rarelie inestimable are those