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A17152 Christian praiers and holie medtations as wel for priuate as publique exercise: gathered out of the most godly learned in our time, by Henrie Bull. Wherevnto are added the praiers, commonly called Lidleys praiers. Bull, Henry, d. 1575?; Ledley, John. 1578 (1578) STC 4030; ESTC S107021 132,305 444

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may offer therwith our obedience vnto god Hereof we haue examples of Christ when he saide father if it be possible let this c●p passe frō me neuertheles not as I vvill but as thou vvilt With this obedience to the wil of God spake Dauid when he desired to be brought againe into his kingdome saying If I shall find fauour in the sight of the Lord he vvill bring me againe but if he shall say vnto mee thou doest not please mee I am ready let him do as it seemeth him good And Iob saith though he kill me yet vvil I put my trust in him Therefore for as much as wee do knowe that it is the lotte of Gods children to be alway vnder the crosse and therefore concerning these corporall benefites we knowe not how or what to aske as we ought wee must herein offer our obedience vnto GOD abiding his good will and pleasure so longe as it shall seeme good vnto him to exercise vs in the want therof who suffereth vs somtime to be afflicted for our chastisement and for the probation of our continuance and also that we may receiue with greater gladnesse if to his diuine wisedome it seeme expedient for vs that which with ardent desire we long looked for S. Paul saith VVhen vve are iudged vve are chastened of the Lorde because vve shoulde not be condemeed vvith the vvorld But whē we pray for spiritual things we must aske them absolutely and without condition for therevnto doe perteine the chiefe promises of the Gospell of the which God woulde haue vs most assured Verilie verily I say vnto you saith Christe he that beleeueth in me hath euerlasting life As sure as I liue saith the Lorde I vvill not the death of a sinner but that he returne and liue To the promises of God we muste ioyne examples whereby we learne that God hath heard holpen those that call vpon him For all deliuerances whether they be of other whereof the scripture is full or of our selues whereof we haue experience are examples of Gods promises Hereby did Dauid comfort himselfe in the anguish and heauines of his heart saying I vvill remember the vvorkes of the Lorde and call to minde thy vvonders of olde time Thou hast mightily deliuered thy people euen the sonnes of Iacob and Ioseph Againe I vvil be glad and reioyce in thy mercie for thou hast seene my trouble thou hast knovvne my soule in aduersitie And thus being warned both by promises and examples let vs learne to cast our care vpon the Lorde to call vpon him and to looke for helpe at his hand So shall our faith by little and little be more firme certaine and our heart shall rest in hope expectation of Gods helpe But for as much as of our selues we are vnworthie to appeare in Gods sight whose terrible maiestie comming once into our minde it is impossible but that we shoulde flie from him as a fearefull iudge therefore he hath giuen vnto vs a mediatour euen our Lorde ●esus that he being a meane betweene GOD and vs might change the throne of dreadfull glorie into the throne of grace and that we by his merites hauing accesse vnto God might haue assured trust to finde grace in his sight If any man sinne saith S. Iohn vve haue an aduocate vvith the father Iesus Christ the iust and he is the Reconciliation for our sinnes To him saith S. Peter beare all the Prophets vvitnes that through his name all that beleeue in him shall receiue forgiuenesse of their sinnes By vvhome saith S. Paul vve haue boldnesse and entraunce in all confidence through faith in him And againe VVee haue not an high Prieste vvhich can not haue compassion on our infirmities but vvas in all pointes tempted like as vvee are sinne execpted let vs goe boldly therefore vnto the throne of his grace that vvee may receiue mercie and finde grace to help in time of neede And as we are commaunded to call vppon God and haue a promise also to bee heard euen so we are commaunded to make our prayers vnto him in the name faith and confidence of this our mediatour and wee haue no promise to be heard without him in whome are all the promises of God yea and Amen confirmed and fulfilled And no man commeth to the father but by the sonne For he is our mouth whereby wee speake to the father hee is our eye whereby wee see the father and hee is our right hande whereby wee offer our selues to the Father Whatsoeuer therefore wee aske in his name wee haue a promise to obtaine it Verily verily saith Christ I say vnto you vvhatsoeuer yee shall aske the father in my name he shall giue it you in my name that is for my sake your high byshop praying for you Hitherto ye haue not asked any thing in my name aske and ye shall receiue In that day ye shall aske in my name and vvhatsoeuer ye aske I vvill doe that the Father may be glorified in the Sonne Of prayer there be two partes Petition and thankesgiuing By petition wee poure foorth our desires before God requiring first those thinges that may set foorth his glorie and then such benefites as are profitable and necessarie for vs By giuing of thankes we prayse and magnifie his benefits bestowed vpon vs acknowledging that whatsoeuer good thinges we enioie we haue receiued them of his free goodnes and liberalitie Therefore Dauid ioyneth these two partes togither in one verse when he saith Call vpon me in the day of necessitie I vvill deliuer thee and thou shalte glorifie me The scripture commaundeth vs to vse both and that continually For our necessitie is so great our life is so full of troubles and calamities and so many daungers hange ouer our heades euery moment that wee haue all cause ynough yea euen the most holy with sighes and groninges continually to flye vnto God and to call vppon him in most humble wise But this wee may better perceiue in things pertaining to the soule For when shall so many great sinnes whereof wee know our selues guiltie suffer vs to bee without care and not to craue pardon of GOD for the same when will sathan giue vs reast and quietnes when wil he cease to range about seeking whome he may destroy when shall our tentations giue vstruce so that we shall not need to hasten vnto GOD for helpe Finally the desier of the kingdome and glory of God ought so to drawe vs wholy vnto it not by fits but cōtinually that all times should be fit conuenient for vs to pray Wherefore not without cause we are so often commaunded to pray continually And though we be not driuen with like necessitie at al times to pray yet in this case S. Iames teacheth vs what we ought to doe Is anie man heauie or afflicted saith he Let him pray that i● let him craue of God helpe and comfort vvho so
only in thy Church and elect people ruling and gouerning all and euerie member of thy Church to thy glorie and their eternall comfort Not that out of this Church I exclude thy power for as therwith thou defendest thy people so thou punishest thy enimies but bicause thy grace is specially considered being as it were the verie keeper that keepeth and guideth thy people The time wil be when this kingdome of grace and power now being as distinct shall be vnited and made one kingdome of glorie which will be when Christ shall giue vppe his kingdome into thine hands that is in the resurrection when death the last enimie shall be subdued thou shalt be all in all In the meane season this kingdome of grace is miraculously and mightily propagated enlarged and gouerned by the true Ministerie of thy word and sacraments through the working of thy holie spirit And this is the meane and way whereby as thou didst first plant so doest thou enlarge amplifie and preserue the same This kingdome of grace begun continued and enlarged by the true preaching of thy Gospell and ministration of thy sacramentes is the thing which Christ teacheth here thy children to pray for that it might come that is to say that thy Gospel might so mightily purely and plenteously be preached mauger the head of all thine enimies that the number of thine elect might be brought in and so the kingdome of thy glorie might appeare So that as I see thy children desire pray and labour that thy Gospell might be truely preached heard and liued in them selues and in others so they lament the not preaching and refusing the not liuing and not beleeuing thy Gospell yea they lament the lingring of the cōming of thy Christ for in his comming they knowe they shall be like vnto him and hauing this hope they purifie themselues as he is pure By reason hereof I see first that I am farre from this desire and lamenting which thy chilhaue I see my ignoraunce of thy kingdome and power euerie where also of thy grace in thy Church onely and of thy glorie when all the enimies of thy grace shall be cast downe and thy glory and power shal embrace each other I see my ignorance howe acceptable a seruice to thee is the true preaching and the hearing of thy Gospel for else thou hadst not needed to haue placed this petition next to the petition of the sanctifying of thy name Againe I see here mine vnablenesse to enter into thy kingdome and to attaine to it for else what neede should I haue to pray for that to come from thee which otherwise may be atchieued Thirdly I see my peruersitie and contempt of thy kingdome grace for although I see my want yet I would not desire thy kingdome to come if thou diddest not commaund me so to pray and if I would haue praied for it thou wouldest not haue commaunded me Last of all I see thy goodnesse which wilt bring thy kingdom and that as generally by sending foorth ministers to preach truely so particularly by regenerating me more and more by giuing me as grace here so glorie elsewhere for thou wouldest not I should pray for that which thou wilt denye So that I haue great cause to lament and reioyce To lament bicause of my miserable state and condition bicause of my sinne ignorance rebellion peruersitie sathans power contempt of thy grace thy Gospel and ministerie here or elsewhere To reioyce bicause of thy goodnesse great mercie which hast brought me into thy Church keepest me in it and wilt do so stil. Also bicause of the ministerie of thy worde and sacraments by which the holie Ghost is and will be effectuall and finally bicause of the great glorie wherevnto thou hast called me and which nowe thou wilt giue vnto me asking the same But alas how vnthankful I am and sorrowlesse Lord thou knowest for my hart is not hid from thee Oh be mercifull vnto me and forgiue me good father and graunt me the spirit of thy children to reueale vnto me my ignorance of thy kingdome my pouertie and peruersitie that I may lament the same and daily labour for thy helpe and thy holie spirite to suppresse the kingdome of sinne in my selfe and in others Againe graunt me that same thy holie spirite to reueale to me thy kingdome of power grace and glory to kindle mine affections to regenerate me more and more to reigne in me as in a piece of thy kingdome to giue to me to desire to pray and to labour for thy kingdome both to my selfe and to others effectually to thy glorie and to assure my conscience of thy goodnesse that thou wilt giue me grace and glorie c. Here call to minde the state of the ministerie and ministers the light and life of gospellers the errors and here●ies which men be intangled withall Thy will be done AS thy power is infinite so is thy wisedome accordingly Whereby as we may perceiue that nothing is or can be done against thy power or otherwise then by it so is there not nor cannot be any thing done against or otherwise then by thy omnipotent secrete will which is alwayes as thou art good holie and iust howe farre so euer it seeme otherwise to our foolish reason and iudgement and therefore here we are taught to pray that thy wil may be done here without sinne on mans behalfe as it is on the Angels behalfe in heauen Againe for as much as thou art incomprehensible of thy selfe as wel concerning thy power as concerning thy wisdome we may not according thereto search thee but rather adore and worship thy maiestie and tremble at thy iudgements and workes and therefore pray alwayes that we may be content with thy wil and be buxome and obedient thereto And for as much as thou hast reuealed to vs so much of thy will in thy word written as is necessarie for vs in this life to knowe yea as we can attaine vnto and a little further we ought to take all things done against the same as sinne and transgression although thou canst vse the same sinne to serue thy prouidence of the which prouidence we can not nor may not iudge further then thou hast and shalt open it vnto vs. So that this petition Thy wil be done is not simplie to be vnderstoode concerning thy omnipotent wil vnreuealed against the which nothing is nor can be done but rather concerning thy will reuealed in thy lawe and Gospell the which thou here teachest me that we should desire not only to know it but also to do it and that in such perfection and willingnesse as it is in heauen The which thing I perceiue hereby that thy children doe desire daily in and for them selues and others and doe lament that contrarie in whome so euer it be so that often their eyes gush out with riuers of teares bicause men keepe not thy lawes By reason
it pleaseth thee to heare my prayers and assuredly wilt saue me for euer But alas howe farre am I from these lamentings and reioycings By reason whereof I deserue damnation Oh be mercifull vnto me and forgiue me and of thy goodnesse grant me thy holie spirite to reueale to me my blindenesse obliuion and contempt of thy kingdome power and glorie with the greatnesse of my doubtings that I may heartily as lament them so haue them pardoned and taken from me through the merites of Iesus Christ thy sonne Againe giue me thy holy spirit to reueale to me in such sort thy kingdom power glory and eternitie that I may always haue the same before mine eyes be moued with the admiration thereof labour effectually to set foorth the same and finally as to haue the fruition thereof after this life so to increase in an assured certaine and liuely expectation of the same that I may alwayes and in all thinges reioyce in thee through Christ and giue lauds thankes and prayses perpetually vnto thy most holy name Oh blessed Father Sonne and holy Ghost three persons and one God to whome be all honour and glorie world without end Here thinke that if the kingdome power glorie and eternitie be Gods which is our Father what our dignitie is which be his children If the power be our fathers of whome should we be afraid If the diuell be subiect to the Lordes power and kingdome as he is howe can the subiect haue power ouer vs which be sonnes and heires in that he hath not power ouer Porkets without the prouidence and permission of God Therefore full well should we pray Lead vs not into temptation rather then let vs not be lead into temptation for power is the Lords and the diuell hath none but that he hath of Gods gift No he were not able to receiue power if God did not make him able although the execution of it is rather of Gods permission Giue all thankes prayse and glorie to God our Father through Christe our Lord and Sauiour So be it Iohn Bradford PRIVATE PRAYERS for the Morning and Euening and for other times of the day When you awake out of your sleepe pray thus MOst mercifull God and father of our Sauiour Iesus Christ I most humbly thanke thee for the sweete sleepe and comfortable rest which thou hast giuen me this night past beseeching thee that like as thou hast nowe awaked my bodie from sleepe so thou wouldest awake my soule from the sleepe of sinne and darkenesse of this world and that which thou hast now awaked out of sleep thou wouldest after death whereof this sleepe is but an image restore and raise againe to life euerlasting O gratious God make my bodie I heartily pray thee such a companion or rather a minister of godlinesse to my soule this day and all the time of this present life that in the life to come it may be partaker with the same of euerlasting happinesse through Christe Iesus our Lord. Awake thou that sleepest and arise from the dead and Christ shall shew light vnto thee Ephe. 5. Occasions to Meditate Here call to mind the great mirth blessednes of the euerlasting resurrection Also remember to muse vpon that most cleare light that bright morning and newe clearenesse of our bodies after the long darkenesse which they haue bene in All then shall be full of vnspeakable ioy and felicitie When you behold the day-light pray O Lord God thou most glorious true light from whence this light of the day and sunne doth spring and shine vnto vs O light which lightenest euerie man y commeth into this world O light whiche knowest no night nor euening but art alway a midday most cleare and faire without whom al is most horrible darkenesse and by whom al things are most cleare and bright O thou wisedome of the eternal father of mercies lighten my minde that I may see those thinges only which please thee and may be blinded to al other things Grant me so to walke in thy wayes by the light of thy holy worde that nothing else may be light and pleasant vnto me Lighten mine eyes Oh Lorde that I sleepe not in death least mine enimies say I haue preuailed against him Psal 30. Occasions to Meditate Muse a while how much the light and eye of the minde and soule is better then of the bodie Also howe much more we ought to care for the soule that it may see well then for the bodie Moreouer that beastes haue bodily eyes as well as men but men only haue eyes of the minde and that such as are godlie wise When you arise pray OUr first parents cast downe them selues from a most excellent high honorable state into shame miserie into the deepe sea of all wickednesse and mischiefe but oh Christ thou putting forth thy hand didst raise them vp againe Euen so we except we be raised vp by thee shall lie still for euer O good Christe our most gratious redeemer as thou doest mercifully rayse vp now this my body euen so I beseech thee raise vp my minde and heart to the true knowledge loue of thee that my conuersation may be in heauen where thou art If you be risen with Christ thinke vpon those things that be aboue Col. 3. Occasions to Meditate Thinke howe foule the fall of Adam was by reason of sinne and so of euery one of vs from the height of Gods grace Againe thinke vpon the inestimable benefite of Christe by whose helpe we daily arise againe from our fallings When you apparel your selfe pray O Christe clothe me with thine owne selfe that I may be so farre from making prouision for the flesh to fulfill the lustes therof that I may cleane put off all desires and crucifie the kingdome of the flesh in me Be thou vnto me a garment to keepe me warme and to defend me from the cold of this world If thou be absent deare Lorde all things are colde weake and deade but if thou be with me all things are warme fresh and chearefull c. Graunt therefore that as I compasse this my bodie with this garment so thou wouldest cloth me wholy but specially my soule with thine owne selfe Put vpon you as the elect of God bowels of mercie meekenesse loue peace c. Col 3. Occasions to Meditate Call to minde a little howe we are incorporate into Christ. Againe howe he doth cloth vs gouerne and nourish vs and vnder his winges protection prouidence preserueth vs. When you are made readie to begin the day withall pray O Almightie God and most mercifull father thou knowest and hast taught vs also something to know that the weakenesse of man and woman is great that without thy grace they can neither doe nor thinke any good thing Haue mercie vpon me I humbly beseech thee thy most weake fraile and vnworthie childe Lighten my minde that I may with pleasure looke vpon good things only Inflame my hart
to pray but thou foundest no comfort at all and therfore diddest returne againe for some comfort at thy deerest friends hands But yet againe alas they are fast a sleepe Whereupon thou art inforced to go againe to thy heauenly father for some sparke of comforte in these thy wonderfull crosses and agonies Nowe here thou wast so discoraged so comfortlesse that euen streames of bloud came running from thine eies and eares and other partes of thy bodie But who is able to expresse the infinitenesse of thy crosses euen at thy being in the garden All which thou sufferedst for my sake as wel to satisfie thy Fathers wrath for my sinnes as also to sanctifie all my sufferinges the more gladly to be susteined of me After thy bloudie prayer thou camest and yet againe foundest thy disciples a sleepe and before thou canst well awake them loe Iudas commeth with a great bande of men to apprehend thee as a theefe and so doeth leading thee away bound to the high Bishops house Annas and so from him to Caiphas Here now to augment this thy miserie behold thy disciples flee from thee false witnesses be brought against thee thou art accused and condemned of blasphemie Peter euen in thy sight forsweareth thee thou art vniustly stricken for answearing lawfully thou art blindfold stricken and buffetted all the whole night in the Bishop Caiphas house of their cruel seruants In the morning betimes thou art condemned againe of the priestes of blasphemie and therefore they bring thee before the secular power to Pilate by whom thou art openly arrained as other theeues and malefactors were and when he sawe that thou wast accused of malice yet he did not dismisse thee but did sende thee to Herod where thou wast shamfully derided in comming and going to him and from him all the way especially after Herod had apparelled thee as a foole Afore Pilate againe therfore thou wast brought and accused falsely no man did take thy part or speake a good worde for thee Pilate caused thee to be whipped and scourged and to be handled most pitifully to see if any pitie might appeare with the prelates but no man at all pitied thee Barrabas was preferred before thee all the people heade and taile was against thee and cried hang him vp Uniustly to death wast thou iudged thou wast crowned with thorns that pearced thy braines thou wast made a mocking stocke thou wast reuiled beaten most miserably handled Thou wentest through Ierusalem to the place of execution euen to the Mount of Caluarie a great crosse to hang thee on was laide vpon thy backe to beare and drawe as long as thou wast able Thy bodie was racked to be nayled to the tree thy handes were boared through and thy feete also nailes were put through them to fasten thee thereon thou wast hanged betweene heauen earth as one spued out of heauen and vomited out of the earth vnworthie of any place the high Priest laughed thee to scorne the elders blasphemed thee and saide God hath no care for thee the common people laughed and cried out vpon thee thirst oppressed thee but vineger onely and gall was giuen thee to drinke heauen shined not vpō thee the sunne gaue thee no light the earth was afraid to beare thee sathā tempted thee and thine owne senses caused thee to crie out My God my God why hast thou forsaken me Oh wonderful passions which thou sufferedst In them thou teachest me in them thou comfortest mee for by them GOD is my father my sinnes are forgiuen By them I should learne to feare God to loue God and neuer to leaue him for any tentations but with thee to crie Father into thy handes I commend my spirite A prayer to Christ crucified AS thou O Lord wast crucified for me so I beseech thee crucifie me with thee that I may rise againe with thee to euerlasting life Thy fleshe was crucified for me crucifie with thee O Christe the kingdome of the flesh which hath dominion in me that I may put off the olde Adam and by newnesse of life may be transformed into thee the second Adam sinne infidelitie and the whole tyrannie of sathan beeing vanquished and ouercome Bring to passe O Lord that by thy crosse and paineful suffering thy yoke may be to me made light and thy burthen easie that willingly gladly following thee I may come whither thou art gone that is to thy father most blessed and immortal from whom nothing shall afterward be able to separate vs. God forbid that I should reioyce in any thing but in the crosse of our Lord Iesus Christ whereby the world is crucified vnto me and I vnto the worlde Gal. 6. A prayer to Christ ascended and reigning in glorie OH good Christ our first begotten brother and tender hearted Ioseph Oh naturall sonne of that Father to whom we are made children of adoption through thee Oh our head reigning on high in glorie forget not vs thy poore members here on earth whervnto abasing thy selfe thou camest downe and sufferedst for vs most cruel death Out of this thy throne of Maiestie glorie thou puttest vs in assured hope and confidence that we also shal attaine to that blessed place whither thou art gone before to take possession for vs Oh our strong tower of defence and succour what can hurt vs nowe trusting in thee Most vnhappie are they which are ignorant of thee Most happie are they which always behold thee Blessed are they which haue knowen thee here in the dayes of their mortalitie But more blessed are they which see thee in the heauens and shall see thee reigning with thy Father in ioyes incomparable Oh Lorde the onely ioye and comforte of our soules shewe vs thy louinge countenaunce embrace vs with the armes of thy mercie receiue vs O good Ioseph thy yonger brethren with the kisse of comfort powre into our harts thy holy spirit plucke vs vp from the earth earthlie things open our eyes lift them vp vnto thee open thy mouth call vs vnto thee open our eares that we may heare thee so that whatsoeuer we do speake or thinke it may be directed vnto thee alone our redeemer mediator and aduocate If ye be risen againe with Christ seeke the thinges which are aboue where Christ sitteth at the right hand of God set your affection on thinges that are aboue not on things which are on the earth Col. 3. An other THou Lord didest put away Marie Magdalen from the kissing of thy feete because thy flesh was not yet exalted and shee knewe not yet the dignitie of thy clarified bodie and beautified with the glory of immortalitie but was addicted onely to thy bodily presence She yet sought the liuing among the deade neither was it knowne to her that thou wast equall with thy father Wherfore thou wouldest not suffer her so much as to kisse thy feete because it was a thing vnworthy for thy maiestie Oh thou mightie Lion of the tribe of
lowde in thine eares though they speake neuer a worde at all Shoulde I then nowe despaire of thy fatherly mercie whiles presently I feele thee stirre vp my soule and hearte to craue helpe at thy hande Should I thinke that thou wilt absent thy selfe for euer that thou wilt be no more intreated that thy mercie is cleane gone that thy promise is come vtterly to an ende and that thou wilt nowe shut vp thy louing kindnesse in displeasure Nay Lorde for all alterations are of thy right hande and turne alway to the best to them that feare thee All this is but mine owne infirmitie for thou art euer one thy promises be infallible and thy loue towards thine euerlastingly during I will therefore in this my present tentation greuous assaulte powre out the heauinesse of my hearte before thee deare father Out of the deepe will I crie lift vp my soule vnto thee from whom I assuredly know my helpe is comming I will also for my present comfort cal to remembrance O Lorde my God thy tender mercies towards me already shewed the multitude of thy benefites the greatnes of the same the longe continuance of them euen frō my conception vntill this instant finally thy continuall luste desire to powre them vpon me And moreouer sith thy goodnesse is so great O Lord that thou dost not onely pitie miserie but also callest the heauie hearted and afflicted vnto thee promising that thou wilt ease their miserie for as much as by the motion of thy good spirit I loth and abhorre my sinnes feele the greuousnesse of them and thy heauie wrath towardes me for the same and finally what neede I haue of thy gratious ayde and succour therefore Oh Lorde in thy Sonne Christes name with sure confidence and trust in thine infallible promise in this mine anguish trouble I come vnto thee at thy mercifull calling and craue comfort at thy hand For thou hast promised that when I loath my sinnes thou wilt vterly forget them when I feele the greeuous burthen of them thy mercie swalloweth them vp when I seeke that I want thou wilte assuredly graunt it me For sith thou mouest my hearte to desire helpe how shoulde I mistrust but thou wilt for thy truth sake giue me my asking Yea where I knowe not howe or what to desire as I ought thy holy spirite gratiously working in mee maketh intercession mightily for me with groninges which can not bee expressed and therewithall certifieth my spirit that by adoption through thy great mercie and goodnesse I am become thy childe and heire Why should I not then be of good comfort and ioyfull in thee my God For if thou be on my side who can be against mee Since thou diddest not spare thine owne sonne but gauest him for mee euen when I was thine enemie howe shalt thou not with him nowe that by his death I am brought into thy fauour giue mee all thinges with him and for his sake Who shall lay any thing to the charg of thine elect It is thou Lord which iustifiest mee It is Christe that hath dyed for mee yea rather that is risen againe for mee who also is set on thy right hand hath taken possession yea and perpetually maketh there intercession for me vntill that ioyfull day be come when I shall haue full fruition of the moste glorious presence of thy diuine maiestie in that kingdome whiche thou hast prepared before the beginning of the world but in time to thy gratious goodnesse thought best made knowen to me by giuing thy holy spirite into my heart whereby when I first Lord beleeued thy holy worde which is thine owne power to saue all that beleeue I was sealed confirmed and stablished in the certaintie of that thine euerlasting kingdom and inheritāce For the which inestimable benefite of thy rich grace Oh Lorde my God I beseech thee euen for the loue thou bearest to Christe Iesus thy son thy mercie thou haddest on him when he cried on the crosse My God my God why hast thou forsaken me Help help I say inflame my heart with loue so plentifully towardes thee againe that I may be euen swalowed vp in the ioyfull feeling of the same in such sort that I may of verie thankefulnesse loue thee my GOD alone thee I say my deare GOD and nothing but thee and for thy sake O holy spirite whose work this is in mee increase this thy worke of thine infinite mercie and preserue mee that I neuer become vnthankefull vnto thee therefore Amen A prayer for the sicke O Most mercifull God which according to the multitude of thy mercies dost so put away the sins of those which truly repēt that thou remembrest them no more open thy eyes of mercie and looke vpon this thy sicke seruant who most earnestly desireth pardon and forgiuenesse Renue in him most louing father whatsoeuer hath beene decayed by the fraude and malice of the diuell or by his owne carnall will and frailtie Preserue and continue this sicke member in the vnitie of thy Church Consider his contrition ▪ accept his teares assuage his paine as shall bee seene to thee most expedient for him And for as much as he putteth his full trust onely in thy mercie impute not vnto him his former sinnes but take him vnto thy fauour through the merits of thy most dearly beloued sonne Iesus Christ. A prayer to be saide at the houre of death O Lord Iesus Christ which art the onely health of all men liuing and the euerlasting life of them that die in thee I wretched sinner do submit my selfe wholy vnto thy most blessed will and being sure that the thing cannot perish which is cōmitted vnto thy mercie willingly now I leaue this fraile and sinnfull fleshe in sure hope that thou wilt in better wise restore it to mee againe at the last day in the resurrection of the iust I beseech thee most mercifull Lorde Iesus Christ that thou wilt by thy grace make stronge my soule against all tentations and defende mee with the buckler of thy mercie against all the assaults of the diuell I see and acknowledge that there is in my selfe no helpe of saluation but al my confidence hope and trust is in thy rich mercie and goodnesse I haue no merites or good workes which I may alledge before thee of sinnes and euill workes alas I see a great heape but yet through thy mercie I trust to be in the number of them to whome thou wilt not impute their sinnes but wilt accept and take mee for righteous and iust and to be an inheritour of euerlastinge life Thou mercifull Lord wast borne for my sake thou diddest suffer both hunger and thirst for my sake thou diddest teach pray and fast for my sake all thy holy actions and works thou wroughtest for my sake thou sufferedst most greeuous paines and tormentes for my sake finally thou gauest thy most precious bodie and bloode to be
father and to the sonne and to the holy ghost As it was in the beginning is nowe and euer shal be world without ende Amen From our enimies defende vs O Christ. Gratiously looke vpon our afflictions Pitifully behold the sorrows of our heartes Mercifully forgiue the sinnes of thy people Fauorably with mercie heare our prayers O Sonne of Dauid ▪ haue mercie vpon vs. Both now and euer vouchsafe to heare vs O Christ. Gratiously heare vs O Christ gratiously heare vs O Lord Christ. O Lord let thy mercie be shewed vpon vs As we doe put our trust in thee ▪ Let vs pray WE humbly beseech thee O father mercifully to looke vpon our infirmities and for the glorie of thy names sake turne from vs all those euils that we most righteously haue deserued graunt that in all our troubles we may put our whole trust and confidence in thy mercie and euermore serue thee in holines and purenes of liuing to thy honour and glorie through our onely Mediatour and aduocate Iesus Christ our lord Amen A prayer for the Queenes Maiestie O Lord our heauenly father high and mightie King of Kinges Lord of Lords the onely ruler of princes which doest frō thy throne beholde all the dwellers vppon the earth moste hartily we beseech thee with thy fauour to behold our most gratious soueraigne Ladie Que●ne Elizabeth and so replenish her with the grace of thy spirite that shee may alwayes incline to thy will and walke in thy feare indue her plentifully with heauenly gi●es graunt her in health and welth long to liue ●●rength● her that she may vanquish and ouercome all her enimies and finally after this life she may atteine euerlasting ioy and felicitie through Iesus Christ our Lord ▪ Amen A prayer for Bishops and Ministers of the Church ALmightie and euerliuing God which onely workest great maruels send downe vpon our Bishops Curates al congregations commited to their charge the healthfull spirite of thy grace and that they may truly please thee powre vpon them the continual dewe of thy blessing Graunt this O Lord for the honour of our aduocate and mediatour Iesus Christ. For rayne O God heauenly father which by thy sonne Iesus Christ hast promised to all them that seeke thy kingdome and the righteousnes thereof all things necessarie to their bodilie sustenance sende vs we beseech thee in this our necessitie such moderate raine and showers that we may receiue the fruites of the earth to our comforte and to thy honour through Iesus Christ our lord Amen For faire weather O Lord God which for the sinne of man diddest once drowne all the world except eight persons and afterwarde of thy greate mercie diddest promise neuer to destroy it so againe we humbly beseech thee that although we for our iniquities haue worthily deserued this plague of raine and waters yet thou wilte sende vs such weather whereby we may receiue the fruites of the earth in due season and learne both by thy punishment to amend our liues and for thy clemencie to giue thee prayse and glorie through Iesus Christ our lord Amen In the time of dearth and famine O Merciful God and heauenly father whose gift it is that the raine doth fall the earth is fruitfull man and beastes increase fishes do multiplie beholde wee beseech thee the afflictions of thy people graunt that the scarcitie and dearth which we do now most iustly suffer for our iniquitie may through thy goodnes be mercifullie turned into cheapnes and plentie for the loue of Iesus Christ our Lorde to whome with thee and the holy Ghost be prayse for euer Amen In the time of Warre ALmightie God king of al kings and gouernour of all thinges ▪ whose power no creature is able to resist to whome it belongeth iustly to punishe sinners and to be mercifull to them that truly repent saue and deliuer vs we humby beseech thee from the handes of our enimies abate their pride asswage their malice and confounde their deuises that wee being armed with thy defence may be preserued from all perils to glorifie thee which art the onely giuer of all victorie through the merites of thy onely Sonne Iesus Christ our lord So be it In the time of any common plague or sickenesse O Almightie God which in thy wrath in the time of king Dauid didst slay with the plague of pestilence threescore and ten thowsand and yet remembring thy mercie didest saue the rest haue pitie vpon vs miserable sinners that nowe are visited with great sicknesse and mortalitie that like as thou didest then commaunde thin● Angell to cease from punishing so it may now please thee to withdraw from vs this plague greeuous sicknes through Iesus Christ our Lord. A prayer for the strength and comfort of the holy ghost ALmightie and moste mercifull God which giueth to thine elect people thy holy spirit as a sure pledge of thy heauenly kingdome we most humblie beseech thee so to replenish our heartes with the grace of thy holy spirit that he may beare witnesse to our spirites that wee be thy children and heires of thy kingdome and that by the gratious working of this thy good spirit we may kill all ●a●nall-lustes vnlaw●full pleasurs concupiscences and euil affections contrarie to thy most blessed wil through our Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ. So be it For sure hope and true taste of euerlasting life O Almighty God which hast prepared euerlasting life for al those that be thy faithfull seruauntes graunt vnto vs sure hope of this life euerlasting that whiles we be here in this miserable world we may haue some taste feeling of it in our harts through the merites of our Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ. So be it For the true knowledge of God and his worde and a life agreeable to the same GRaunt vnto vs O mercifull God wee most heartely beseech thee knowledge and true vnderstanding of thy blessed will and worde that all ignorance beeing expelled we may know what thy will and pleasure is in all thinges and how to doe our dutie and trulie to walke in our vocation and that also we may expresse in our liuing those things that we do know that we be not onely knowers of thy will and worde good Lorde but also may be hartie and faithfull workers of the same through our Lord and sauiour Iesus Christ. So be it A prayer for the strength and increase of faith O Almightie euerlasting God which not onely giuest euerie good and perfect gift but also increasest those giftes that thou hast giuen we most humbly bes●ech th●e to increase in vs the gift of faith that we may t●●●ly beleeue in thee and in thy promises made vnto vs in Christ Iesu our Lord and that neither by our negligence nor infirmitie of the fleshe nor by greeuousnes of tentations neither by the subtile crafts and assaultes of the diuel we be driuen from this faith in the bloude of our Lord Sauiour Iesus
also for others specially for those whome singularly they imbrace in thee and often doe repeate and remember thy gratious benefits both to others and to them selues also wherethrough they are prouoked to render to thee heartie thankes thereby being inflamed as well-assuredly to hope well of thy good will towardes them and patiently to beare al euils as also to studie and labour to mortifie the affections of the flesh and to order all their whole life to the seruice of their brethren and to the setting foorth of thy glorie This they knowe is that prayer which thy sonne Iesus Christe our Lord commanded to be made to thee in the chamber the doore being shut In this kinde of prayer he him selfe did watch often euen all the whole night Herein was Paul frequent as all thy Saints be This kinde of prayer is the true lifting vp of the minde to thee This standeth in the affections of the heart not in words and in the mouth As thy children be endued with thy spirite so frequent they this talke with thee The more thy spirite is in them the more are they in talke with thee Oh giue me plentifully thy spirite which thou hast promised to poure out vpon all flesh that thus I may with thy Saintes talke with thee night and day for thy onely beloued sonnes sake Iesus Christ our lord Amen Moreouer thy Saintes to prouoke them to this kind of prayer do vse first their necessitie which they consider in three sortes inwardly concerning their soules outwardly concerning their bodies and finally concerning their name fame wherto they adde the necessitie of those that be committed to them the necessitie of thy Church and of the Common weale Secondly they vse thy commandements which require them vnder paine of sinne to pray to thee in all their neede Thirdly they vse the consideration of thy goodnesse which art naturally mercifull to young Rauens calling vpon thee much more then to them for whome Rauens and all things else were made for whome thou hast not spared thy deare sonne but giuen him c. Fourthly they vse thy most sweet and free premises made to heare and helpe all them that call vpon thee in Christes name Fiftly they vse examples howe that thou which art the God of all and rich vnto all them that call vpon thee in Christes name hast heard and holpen others calling vpon thee Sixtly they vse the benefits giuen them before they asked thereby not onely prouoking them to aske more but also certifying their faith that if thou wast so good to graunt them many things vnasked nowe thou wilt not denye them any thing they aske to thy glorie and their weale Last of all they vse the reading and waying of Psalmes and other good prayers bicause they knowe that thereby peculiarly besides the other Scriptures there is no small helpe as may appeare by Paule Ephes 5. Col. 3. where he willeth the congregation to vse Psalmes hymnes and spirituall songes but so that in the heart we would sing and say them Not that thy children doe not vse their tongues and wordes in praying to thee for they doe vse their tongues speach and wordes to stirre vp their inward desire and feruencie of the minde ful wel knowing that else it were a plaine mocking of thee to pray with lippes and tongues onely Oh that I might feele nowe thy spirite so to affect me that both with heart and mouth I might heartily and in faith pray vnto thee Now concerning the things that are to be prayed for thy children know that the prayer taught by thy sonne most liuely and plainely doth containe the same and therfore they often vse it first asking of thee their heauenly father through Christ that thy name might euery where be had in holinesse and praise then that thy kingdome by regeneration and the ministerie of the gospel might come so thirdly that willingly perfectly and perpetually they might studie to doe yea doe in deede thy will with thy holie and heauenly Angels and spirits These things they seeke and pray for namely thy kingdome and thy righteousnesse before and worldly benefite After which petitions bicause all things yea euen the benefits of this present life doe come from thee they doe godly desire the same vnder the name of daily breade being instructed of thy wisedome that after spirituall benefites to aske corporall is not vnséemely vnto thy children which know both spiritual and corporall to come from thy mercie In the other petitions they pray for thinges to be taken from them beginning with forgiuenesse of sinnes which were impudently prayed for if that their heartes were not so broken that they could forgiue all things to al men for their part They adde their profession that is charitie whereby they professe that they haue forgiuen all offences done to them Howbeit bicause it is not inough to haue pardon of that which is past except they be preserued from newe offences they pray thee not to leade them into temptation by permitting them to the peruerse suggestions of Sathan but rather to deliuer them from his importunitie and power vnderstanding Sathan the authour of all euill Oh deare God that thou wouldest endue me with thy spirite of grace and prayer with thy children accordingly to make this prayer alwaies when so euer I doe pray As for outward euills so long as they do not as it were inforce thy people to sinne in that christian perfection doth account them amongest thy benefites thy Sonne hath not taught thy Church to pray for the taking away of them in this praier for here he hath contained but those things for the which all Christians generally and particularly may of faith pray at all times It often commeth to passe that exteriour euils bicause they be not euils in deede that is they be not against Gods grace in vs therefore they cannot of faith be prayed for to be taken away for thy children that haue faith doe alwayes preferre thy iudgement before their owne The which iudgement when they know by that which hapneth to them they submit them selues thereto wholy although the spirit make his vnspeakable gronings to helpe their infirmities by prayer not to haue them taken away but that they might haue strength and patience to beare the burden accordingly Which burden if it be too heauie in the better sense and feeling therof they in their praiers doe complaine something rather then pray to haue it taken away as our Sauiour did in the garden when he added to his complaint Not my will but thy will be done So do thy people in al their complaintes adde Not as we will but as thou wilt for they are taught by thy spirite no otherwise to pray for the taking away of corporall euils either from them selues or from others vnlesse they by the same spirite doe certainely see the same to make to thy glorie as did thine Apostles and seruants when absolutely and without condition they did aske health
weaknesse and the dangerous estate we stande in in respect of our flesh of the world which is full of euill of Sathan which seeketh to sift vs as a roaring Lion to destroy vs and of our sinnes which deserue al kinde of punishments and correction that I might with thy children feare thee watch pray and desire the day of redemption and deliuerance from all euils Againe I may learne here that to auoyde all daungers and euils is not in the power of man but onely thy worke By reason whereof I should consider thy great goodnesse which hitherto hast kept me from so many euils both of soule and bodie yea of name goods c as thou hast done in my infansie childhood youth middle age c. Thirdly I may learne here that I should be carefull for others both that they might be deliuered from their euils and that they might be preserued from temptation from being ouercome in the same therefore thou teachest me not to pray Deliuer me from euill simply but deliuer vs from euill Last of al I am taught hereby to see thy goodnesse towardes me whiche wilt deliuer me from euill and from being ouercome in tentations for thou wouldest not haue me aske for that which I should not certainly looke for at thy handes By reason whereof thou wouldest haue me to be in a certaintie of my saluation for euer For else I can not beleeue my prayer to be heard if that finally I should not be deliuered from euill and therefore thou ioynest hereto a giuing of thankes which with thy Church I should say For thine is the kingdome thine is the power thine is the glorie for euer By reason whereof I haue great cause to lament and to reioyce To lament bicause of my corruption infirmitie weakenesse obliuion and carelesnesse for thy people ingratitude c. bicause of sathans power vigilancie prudencie which hath ouercome most graue wise and holy men whereof some neuer recouered as Cain Cham Achitophel Saul Iudas c. To reioyce bicause of thy goodnesse which teachest me this and shewest me the remedie commaundest all thy Church to pray for me and wilt at length deliuer me from all euill and giue me glorie But alas I am altogether carelesse and miserable Oh be mercifull vnto me deare father and for Christes sake forgiue me all my sinnes graunt me thy holy spirit to reueale to me mine infirmities weaknesse perils daungers c. in such sort that as I may heartily lament my miseries so I may aske and obtaine thy grace to guide me from all euil for euermore Againe graunt me the same thy holy spirite to reueale to me thy loue and kindnesse towards me and that in eternitie in such sort that I may be throughly persuaded of the same become thankfull vnto thee daily expect and looke for the reuelation of thy kingdome power and glorie as one that for euer shall haue the fruition of the same through thine owne goodnesse and mercy in Christe prepared for me before the beginning foundation of the world was laide Here call to mind our securitie sathans vigilancie our negligence his diligence our infirmitie his abilitie our ignorance his craft and subtiltie c. Againe call to minde how that he hath ouerthrowne for a time many of the deare Saintes of God to whome we are to be compared in nothing as Adam Eue Lot Iudas Thamar Moses Aaron Myrian Sampson Gedeon Ely Dauid Solomon Ezechias Iosias Peter Thomas innumerable moe Also cal to minde the goodnesse of God and of our sheepeheard Christe which hath kept vs hitherto keepeth vs still and teacheth vs here to knowe that he will keepe vs for euer for he would not haue vs aske for deliuerance from euill if that he would not we should certainely looke for the same If thou doubt of finall perseuerance thou dishonourest god Be certaine therefore rest in hope be still in his word See also howe he hath commaunded his whole Church and euerie member thereof to pray for thee as wel as for them selues in these and all other things Nowe and then goe about to reckē how many diuers kinds of euils there be thereby as you may know you are deliuered from none but by Gods great goodnesse so may you see that the number of euils that you haue are nothing to be compared to the multitude of euils wherewith if your Christ were not the diuel would al to beray you infect corrupt you But what are all the miseries and euils that can be to be compared to the least ioy prepared for vs in heauen Oh thinke of those ioyes and pray that when the tide of death commeth we may hale foorth of the hauen of this flesh and this world ioyfully In praying this petition call to minde the euils you haue bene in the euils you are in the euils you may fall into if God should not preserue you that you might be stirred vp the more to thankefulnesse to prayer to trust in God. For thine is the kingdome thine is the power thine is the glorie for euer AS in the beginning of this praier by these words Our father which art in heauen thy children are excited stirred vp to a ful cōfidence of obtaining the petitions folowing all things necessarie so in the later end thou hast added for the same purpose these wordes For thine is the kingdom thine is c. wherin I am taught these many things First that in prayer I should haue such consideration of thy kingdome power glory and eternitie that my minde should be striken with an admiration of the same Secondly that I should so consider them especially in prayer that I should not doubt but that thou workest rulest and gouernest all things euerie where in all persons and creatures most wisely iustly and mercifully Thirdly that in prayer al my petitio●s shuld tend to the ●etting foorth of thy power of thy kingdome and of thy glorie Last of al that in praier I should in no wise doubt of being heard but be assured that thou which hast commaunded me to pray and hast promised to heare me do●st most gratiously for thy mercies sake truthes sake heare my petitions according to thy good wil through Iesu Christ thy deare sonne our Lorde and onely Sauiour By reason whereof I haue great cause to lament and reioyce To lament bicause I consider not these thinges in prayer in such sort as should moue me to admiration and gratitude bicause I consider not thy power and wisedome generally in al things bicause I am so carelesse for thy kingdome and bicause I am so full of dubitation and doubting of thy goodnesse To reioyce I haue great cause bicause thou reuealest these things vnto me on this sorte bicause of thy power kingdome and glory which maketh to the hearing of my prayers and helping of me bicause thou wilt vse me as thine instrument to set foorth thy kingdome power and glorie and bicause
that wept and saide I beleeue Lord helpe my vnbeliefe Yea that little be it neuer so litle is thy meere gift also The which as thou begun so most mercifull Lord increase the same more and more to the peace and comfort of our conscience and the glorie of thy name through Iesus Christ. Amen A thankesgiuing to God for his great benefites HOnour and praise be giuen to thee O Lorde God almightie most deare father of heauen for all thy mercies and louing kindnesse shewed vnto vs in that it hath pleased thy gratious goodnesse freely and of thine owne accorde to elect and choose vs to saluation afore the beginning of the world and euen like continuall thankes be giuen vnto thee for creating vs after thine owne image for redeeming vs with the precious bloud of thy deare Sonne when we were vtterly lost for sanctifying vs with thy holie spirite in the reuelation and knowledge of thy sacred word for helping and succouring vs in al our neede and necessitie for sauing vs from all dangers both of bodie and soule for comforting vs so fatherly in al our troubles and afflictions for sparing vs so long and giuing vs so large a time of repentance These benefites O most mercifull father like as we do acknowledge that we haue receiued of thy onely goodnesse euen so we beseech thee for thy deare sonne Iesus Christes sake to graunt vs alwayes thy holie spirite whereby we may continually growe in thankefulnesse towardes thee be led in all trueth and comforted in all aduersitie Strengthen our faith O Lorde kindle it more and more in feruentnesse and loue towardes thee and our neighbours for thy sake Suffer vs not most deare father to receiue thy word any more in vaine but graunt vs alwaies the assistance of thy grace and holy spirite that in heart word and deede we may sanctifie and doe worship to thy holy name that we may helpe to amplifie and increase thy kingdome and that what so euer thou sendest we may be heartily wel content with thy good will and pleasure Suffer vs not to lack the thing O father without the which we can not serue thee but blesse thou so all the workes of our hands that we may haue sufficient and not to be chargeable but rather helpefull vnto other Be mercifull O Lorde vnto our offences and seeing our debt is great which thou hast forgiuen vs in Iesus Christ make vs to loue thee and our neighbors so much the more Be thou O father our captaine and defender in all temptations holde thou vs by thy mercifull hande that we thereby may be deliuered from all inconueniences and end our liues in the sanctifying and honouring of thy name through Iesus Christ our lord Amen A praier for true mortification O God my creator preseruer and euerlasting defender where first in my creation I was made like vnto thine owne likenesse the diuell alas hath since by Adams fal made me ougly monstrous and like euill fauoured to him selfe For what are nowe Lord mine earthly members but as thine Apostle writeth adulterie whoredome vncleannesse vnnaturall lustes euill concupiscence couetousnesse which is the worshipping of Idols and such other for the which thy wrath is wont to come vpon the children of vnbeliefe Neuerthelesse Lorde of thy great mercy and goodnesse against this so great a mischiefe a much greater remedie thy fatherly prouidence hath ordained for thou hast sent Iesus Christ thy deare only natural Sonne into this worlde the vale of miseries to loose the workes of the diuell and to take away my sinnes Therefore sathan hath nowe nothing to brag of for through Christ all that beleeue in thee and so become thy children do ouercome the world the flesh and the diuell And this is the victorie which ouercommeth thē all euen our faith That faith I meane which is persuaded that who so euer beleeueth in Christ shall not perish but haue euerlasting life That faith which beleeueth the testimonie to be true which thou God the father doest testifie of thy sonne so making thee no liar and this is the testimonie that thou hast giuen vs eternall life That faith which beleeueth that thou father who raisedst vp Christ from death shalt also quicken our mortall bodies through thy holie spirite dwelling in vs That faith which beleeueth it to be true which thy Sonne Christe affirmed with a double oth verily verily I say vnto you he that beleeueth in me the workes that I doe the same shall he doe and greater woorkes then these shall he doe bicause I goe to my father And finally that faith which beleeueth that nowe Christe hath bene lift vp on the crosse he shal draw al things vnto him This faith I say is the victorie which ouercommeth our enimies the diuell the world and our flesh Thou therfore deare father which hast promised to giue what so euer I shal aske in thy deare sonne Iesus name for thy great mercie and infallible truthes sake doe nowe in me the thing that he came for lose in me the workes of the diuel take away my sinnes I beseech thee make stedfast my faith and confidence in thy promised mercies and mercifull promises so that I assuredly beleeuing in thee may haue as thou promisest euerlasting life making thee deare God no liar may beleeue feele and knowe in my heart and conscience that the same euerlasting life is thy meere and free gift vnto me yea alreadie of thy great goodnesse vndoutedly giuen me being nowe translated from death to life Of a thankfulnesse wherof Lord cause me nowe daily to mortifie my earthly members yea deare father sith thy spirit which raised vp Christ from death dwelleth within me doe thou who raisedst Christ frō death quicken my mortall bodie through thy spirite so dwelling in me I beseech thee yea Lord Iesu according to thy promise bicause thou art now gone to thy father make me worke this wonderfull great worke that thou spakest of I meane make me being of my selfe but a lumpe of sinne and a monster most ougly as the vices whereon the members of my earthly bodie are aboue declared to be cōpact doe proue make me I say yet through thy grace to hate abhorre flee and subdue all adulterie whoredome vncleannesse vnnaturall lustes euill concupiscence vnordinate desires wantonnesse tendernesse delicatenesse idlenesse dronkennesse gluttonie slothfulnesse distrust despaire ignorance weakenesse wilfulnesse idolatrie superstition hypocrisie heresie error sects ▪ variance strife wrath enuie slaunders lying swearing cursing vainglorie pride couetousnesse theft deceit flatterie and what so euer else O Lorde fighteth or rebelleth against thy holy spirite and then O Father I will boast make vaunt against myne enimie the diuell that I haue done greater workes then thy deare sonne Iesus did at what time hee spake these wordes among the Iewes because albeit he vanquished Sathan yet in as much as hee
himselfe was vtterly without sinne the victorie seemed the more easie But I to vanquishe sathan being my selfe altogether sinfull yea contrarie to my most sinfull nature to subdue sinne the diuel and mine owne fleshe it seemeth a more victory and a greater worke then the other For the which neuerthelesse I will with all submission acknowledge vnto thy diuine maiestie that the whole victorie Lorde in deede is thine and thy holy spirite the beginner and finisher both of the will and the worke Now therfore Lord Iesu strengthen mee with thy grace and might that thou maist by mee a most sinfull wretche drawe all these my earthly members and horrible vices before rehearsed vnder my feete that I may not onely fight against them but also subdue them so that they may all turne to the best for mee as meete matter whereon I may exercise my faith powre forth my hearty prayer and giue thee most heartie thankes for victorie wherby I may learne and haue experience that thou hast in mee drawne all thinges vnto thee insomuch as thou thus Lord of thy diuine power drawest both the diuel and the sinne that dwelleth in me to set foorth thine honour and glorie which thing for thy mercies sake bring to passe O God my creator preseruer euerlasting defender A meditation for the exercise of true mortification HE that will be ready in weightie matters to denie his owne will and to be obedient to the will of God the same had neede to accustome him selfe to denye his desires in matters of lesse weight and to exercise mortification of his owne will in trifles For if that our affections by this daily custome be not as it were halfe slaine surely surely whē the plunge shall come we shall finde the more to do If we can not watch with Christ one houre as he saith to Peter we vndoubtedly can much lesse goe to death with him Wherefore that in great tentations we may be ready to say with Christ Not my will but thy will be done for as much as this cōmonly commeth not to passe but where the rootes of our lustes by thy grace deare father are almost rotten and rooted out by a daily deniall of that they desire I humbly beseech thee for Christes sake to helpe me herein First pardon me my cherishing and as it were watering of mine affections obeying them in their deuises and superfluous desires where through in that they haue taken deepe roote and are too liuely in me I secondly doe beseech thee to pull them vppe by the rootes out of my heart and so hencefoorth to order me that I may continually accustome my selfe to weaken the principall roote that the by rootes and branches may loose all their power Graunt me I beseech thee that thy grace may daily mortifie my concupiscence of pleasure in thinges that is of wealth riches glorie libertie fauour of men meats drinkes apparel ease yea and life it selfe that the horrour and impatiencie of more grieuous things may be weakned and I made more patient in aduersitie Wherevnto I further desire and pray thy goodnes deare father that thou wilt adde this namely that I may for euer become obedient and readie to doe thy good will in all things hartily and willingly to serue thee and do whatsoeuer may please thee For doubtles altho●gh wee accustome our selues in the pleasaunt thinges of this life to a mortification and deniall of our selues yet we shall finde inough to doe when more better weighty crosses come For if thy sonne our sauiour euer wonte to obay thy good will prayed so hartily and often Not my will but thy will be done whereby he declareth himselfe to be verie man how can it be but we whose nature is corrupt not onely in natiuitie but in the rest of our whole life also shall find both our handes ful in great and greeuos temptations wholy to resigne our selues vnto thee Graunt therefore deare father for thy Christes sake to mee a most miserable wretch thy grace and spirite to be effectuall in mee that daily I may accustome my selfe to deny my will in more easie and pleasant thinges of this life that when neede shall be I may com vnto thee with a resigned wil alwaies stedfastly expecting thy mercie and in the meane season continually obeying thee with readinesse and willingnes doing what so euer may most please thee through Christ our Lord who liueth with thee c. A meditation of the comming of Christ to iudgement and of the reward both of the faithfull and vnfaithfull OH Lord Iesus Christ the son of the euerliuing God by whom all thinges were made are ruled and gouerned as of thy loue for our redemption thou didst not disdaine to be our mediatour to take vpon thee our nature in the wombe of a virgin purely and without sinne by the operation of thy holie spirite that both thou mightest in thine owne person wonderfully beautifie and exalt our nature and worke the same in vs also first abolishing the guiltines of sinne by remission then sinne it selfe by death and last of all death by raising vp again these our bodies that they may be like to thine owne glorious and immortall body according to the power wherewith thou art able to subiect all thinges vnto thee as I say of thy loue for our redemption thou becamest man and that most poore and afflicted vpon earth by the space of three and thirtie yeares at the least in most humilitie and paiedst the price of our ransome by thy most bitter death and passion for the which I most heartily giue thankes to thee so of the same thy loue towardes vs in thy good time thou wilt come againe in the clouds of heauen with power and great glorie with flaming fire with thousāds of Saintes with Angels of thy power with a mightie cry shout of an Archangel and blast of a trumpe soudenly as a lightening which shineth from the East c. when men thinke least euen as a theefe in the night when men be asleepe thou wilt so come I say thus soudenly in the twinckling of an eye all men that euer haue bene be or shall be with women and children appearing before thy tribunall seate to render an account of all thinges which they haue thought spoken and done against thy lawe openly and before all Angels Saintes and diuels and so shall their corruptible bodie put on incorruption then shall they be endued with immortalitie and glorie then shall they be with thee and goe whither thou goest then shall they heare Come blessed of my father possesse the kingdome prepared for you from the beginning c. then shall they be set on seats of maiestie iudging the whole world then shall they reigne with thee for euer then shall God be al in al with them and to them then shall they enter and inherite heauenly Ierusalem and the glorious restfull lande of Canaan where it is always day and neuer night where
thy kingdome come They cry Come Lord Iesus They lift vp their heads looking for thy appearing Oh Lord which will make their vile bodies like to thine owne glorious and immortall bodie For when thou shalt appeare they shall be like vnto thee Thy Angels wil gather them together and they shall meete thee in the cloudes and be alwayes with thee They shall heare this ioyfull voyce● Come ye blessed of my father possesse the kingdome prepared for you from the beginning Then shal they be like to thy Angels Then shall they be like vnto the Sonne in thy kingdome Then shall they haue crownes of glorie and be indued with white garments of innocencie and righteousnesse hauing palmes of victorie in their handes Oh happy is he that may but see that immortall and incorruptible inheritance which they shall inioy for euermore Amen I. B. A meditation of the presence of God. THere is nothing that maketh more to true godlinesse of life then the persuasion of thy presence deare father and that nothing is hid from thee but all to thee is open and naked euen our verie thoughts which one day thou wilte reueale and open either to our praise or punishment in this life as thou didest Dauids faults which he did secretly 2. Reg. 12. or in the life to com Math. 25. for nothing is so hid that shall not be reuealed Therfore doth the prophet say Wo to them that keepe secrete their thoughtes to hide their counsell from the Lord and do their workes in darknesse saying who seeth vs Graunt mee therefore deare God mercie for all my sinnes especially my hidde and close sinnes Enter not into iudgement with me I humbly beseech thee giue mee to beleeue truly in thy Christ that I neuer come into iudgement for them and that with Dauid I mighte so reueale them vnto thee that thou wouldest in thy great mercie couer them And graunt further that hencefoorth I may alwaies thinke my selfe continually conuersaunt before thee so that if I do wel I neede not to passe of the publishing of it as hypocrites do if I thinke or do any euil I may forthwith knowe that the same shall not alwayes be hid from men Graunt me that I may alwayes haue in minde that day wherein the hid workes of darknesse shal be illuminated and also that sentenee of thy sonne that nothing is so secret which shall not be reuealed So in trouble and wrong I shal finde comfort and otherwise be kept through thy grace from euill which doe thou worke I humbly beseech thee for Christes sake I.B. A meditation of the prouidence of God. THis ought to be vnto vs most certaine that nothing is done without thy prouidence O Lord that is that nothing is done be it good or bad sweete or sower but by thy knowledge that is by thy will wisedome and ordinaunce for all these knowledge doth comprehend in it as by thy holy worde wee are taught in many places that euen the life of a sparrowe is not without thy will nor any libertie or power vpō a porket haue all the diuells in Hell but by thy appoyntment and will which will we alwaies must beleeue most assuredly to be all iust and good how so euer otherwise it seeme vnto vs for thou art maruellous and not comprehensible in thy wayes and holy in all thy workes But herevnto it is necessarie also for vs to knowe no lesse certeinely that though all thinges be done by thy prouidence yet the same prouidence hath many and diuerse meanes to worke by which meanes beeing contemned thy prouidence is contemned also As for example Meat is a meane to serue thy prouidence for the preseruation of health and life here so that hee which contemneth to eate because thy prouidence is certeine and infallible the same contemneth thy prouidence In deede if it were so that meate could not be had then should we not tie thy prouidence to this meane but make it free as thou art free that is that without meate thou canst helpe and giue health and life for it is not of any neede that thou vsest any instrument or meane to serue thy prouidence Thy power wisedome is infinite and therefore should we hange on thy prouidence euen when all is cleane against vs But for our erudition infirmities sake it hath pleased thee by meanes to worke and deale with vs here to exercise vs in obedience and because we cannot ●lse so greate is our corruption susteine thy naked and bare presence Graunt me therefore deare father I humbly beseech thee for Christes sake the as I something now knowe these things so I may vse this knowledge to my comfort commoditie in thee that is graunt that in what state soeuer I be I may not doubt but the same doth come to mee by thy most iust ordinance yea by thy mercifull ordinance for as thou art iust so art thou merciful yea thy mercie is aboue all thy works And by this knowledge graunt mee that I may humble my selfe to obey thee and looke for thy helpe in time conuenient not onely whē I haue meanes by which thou maiest worke and art so accustomed to do but also when I haue no meanes but am destitute therof yea whē all meanes be directly and cleane against mee graunt I say that I may yet still hang vpon thee and thy prouidence not doubting of a fatherly end in thy good time Againe least I should contemne thy prouidence or presume vppon it by vncoupling those thinges which thou hast coupled together preserue me from neglecting thy ordinarie lawfull meanes in all my needes if so be I may haue them with good conscience vse thē although I know thy prouidence be not tied to them further then pleaseth thee and grant that I may with diligence reuerence and thankfulnes vse them and thereto my deligence wisedeme and industrie in all thinges lawefull to serue thereby thy prouidence if it so please thee howbeit so that I hang in no part on the meanes or on my diligence wisedome and industrie but onely on thy prouidence which more and more persuade me to be altogether fatherlie and good howe far so euer otherwise it appeare and seeme yea or else is felt of me By this I being preserued from negligence on my behalfe and despaire or murmuring towards thee shall become diligent and patient through thy meere and alone grace which giue and increase in me to the praise of thy holy name for euer through Iesus Christ our Lord and onely Sauiour Amen I. B. A Meditation of Gods power beautie goodnesse c. BYcause thou Lord wouldest haue vs to loue thee not onely doest thou will entice allure and prouoke vs but also doest command vs so to do promising thy self vnto such as loue thee and threatning vs with dānation if we do otherwise Wherby we may see both our great corruption naughtinesse also thine exceeding great mercie towards vs.
to Christ and so be certaine of saluation at peace with God in our consciences God hath giuen his holye worde which hath two partes as now the children of God doe consist of two men the one part of Gods word being proper to the old man and the other parte of Gods worde being proper to the newe man The parte properly perteining to the olde man is the lawe the part properly perteining to the newe man is the gospell The law is a doctrine which commaundeth and forbiddeth requiring doing and auoiding Under it therefore are contained al precepts threatnings promises vpon conditions of our doing and auoiding ▪ c. The Gospel is a doctrine which alwaies offereth and giueth requiring on our behalf not as of worthinesse or as a cause but as a certificate vnto vs and therefore vnder it are contained all the free and sweete promises of God as I am the Lorde thy God c. In those that be of yeares of discretion it requireth faith not as a cause but as an instrument whereby we our selues may be certaine of our good husband Christ and of his glorie and therefore when the conscience feeleth it selfe disquieted for feare of Gods iudgement against sin she may in no wise looke vpon the doctrine perteining to the olde man but to the doctrine onely that perteineth to the newe man in it not looking for that which it requireth that is faith because we neuer beleeue as we should but onely on it which it offereth and which it giueth that is on Gods grace and eternall mercie and peace in Christe So shall she be in quiet when she looketh for it altogether out of her selfe in gods mercy in Christ Iesu in whose lap if she lay her head with S. Iohn then is she happie and shall finde quietnesse indeede When she feeleth her selfe quiet then in Gods name let her looke on the lawe and vpon such thinges as it requireth thereby to bridle and keepe downe the olde Adam to stay the Goliah from whō she must needes keepe the sweete promises being the bedde wherein her spouse she meete lie together For as the wife will keepe her bed onely for her husband although in other things she is contented to haue fellowship with others as to speake sit eate drinke go c. so our consciences which ar Christs wiues must needs keepe the bed that is gods sweet promises al onely for our selues and our husband there to meete together to imbrace and laugh together and to be ioyfull together If sinne the law the diuell or any thing else woulde creepe into the bedde and lie there then complaine to thy husbande Christ forthwith thou shalt see him play Phinees part Thus my dearly beloued I haue giuen you in fewe wordes a summe of all the Diuinitie which a Christian conscience cannot want FINIS Rom. 10. Psal. 25. Psal. 86. 1. Pet. 2. Gal. 5. Mark. 11. Psal. 41. Psal. 38. Psal. 41. 1. Cor. 7. Psal. 34. Psal. 66. Psal. 5. 1. Iohn 5 ▪ Matth. ●● Mark. 11. Iames. 1. Marke 9. Psal. 51. Psal. 8● Psal. 39. Psal. 80. Lamen 3. Esai 54. Matth. 5 Esai 42. Psal. 23. Matth. 7. Psal. 40. Ephe. 6. 1. Tim. 5. Col. 4. Philip. 4. Matth. 7. Jere. 25. Psal. 50. Psal. 145. Psal. 91. Esai 65. Rom. 8. Psal. 145. Esai 6● Luk. 11. Ecclus. 2 1. Iohn ● Psal. 51. Psal. 25. Psal. 122. Iosu. 1. 2. Reg 15 Iob ▪ 3. 1. Cor. 15 Iohn 6. Eze. 33. Psal. 77. Psal. 31. 1. Ioh. 2. Acts. 10 Ephe. 5. Heb. 4. 2. Cor. 1. Luk. 11. Iohn 16. Ioh. 14 Psal. 5 Lu. 11.18 Eccle. 35 Psal. 123. Matth. 9. Luke 11. Exod. 1. Gen. 3. Gen. Exod. 13.14.15 Exod. 19.20 Heb. 1. 1. Cor. 15 Rom. 5. Matth. 1. Luk. 1. Gen. 3.12 26.28 Psal. 89.2 Reg. 7. Luk. 1. Psal. 110. Rom. 8. Matth. 24 1. Cor. 15. 1. Thes. 4.1 2. Cor. 5. Exod. 32.33 Psal. 5. Ioel 2. Psal. 15. Gen. 6. * Our hart is by nature so corrupt and vnsearchably euill that out of it springeth all wicked concupiscence so that the inclination therof is prone to euil euen from our birth vp our mind and vnderstanding is so darkned that of our selues we cānot perceiue those thinges that be of god as is all the wisedom which we receiue frō Adam naturally or otherwise attaine by labour or studie before regeneration Causes to comfort our faith that God ●s our father 2. Cor. 1. Iohn 3. Ephe. 5. Phil. 3● 1. Iohn 3. Rom. 5. Rom. 8. Rom. 5. What Baptisme is and what it requireth What is the effect or fruite that commeth of this certaine persuasion that God is our Father 〈◊〉 106. Col. 3. Philip. 3. Rom. 1. Psal. 48.138 How Gods name is hallowed The chei● desire of gods chi●●dren The greatest griefe of Gods people Our ignorance Our great neede Gods loue Gods kingdom in respect of his power Psal. 104. Gods kingdom in respect of his grace Gods kingdom in respect of his glorie Howe Gods kingdom is here cōserued and enlarged 1. Ioh. 3. Our ignorance Our peruersitie Gods goodnes Gods omnipotent will vnknowne and vnreuealed Gods w●l reuealed and knowen Psal. 119. Our ignorance Our need Our disobedience Gods goodnes Bread. Giue Daily Our Psal. 127. Debtes Our Forgiuenesse Our forgiuing Occasiōs to euill in two sorts What tentations are to the godly what the● are to the wicked Psal. 145. ●ohn 6. ●ohn 4. This is meant of the bloudie time of queene Marie Rom. 3. Psal. 14. Psal. 51. Rom. 7. Gal. 5. Rom. 2. Iere. 3. Esai 20. Col. 3. Rom. 6. Ephe. 4.5 1. Pet. 2. ●xod 2. ●sal 50. ●sal 18. Psal. 79. Heb. 9.10 Psal. 19. ●sal 58. ●sal 5. ●sal 22. ● Cor. 6. ●ere 10. ●sal 6. ●zech 18 Luke 12. Matth. 6. Luke 22. Ephe. 2. Ephe. 4. 〈◊〉 8. Rom. 3. Matth. 9. Halowe● be thy name Thy kingdome come Thy will be done Giue vs this day c. Forgiue vs c. Leade vs not into temptation But deliuer vs frō euill Col. 3. 1. Iohn 3. 1. Iohn 5. Iohn 3. 1. Iohn 5. Rom. 8. Iohn 14. Iohn 12. Iohn 14 1. Iohn ● Rom. 8. Iohn 14. Col. 3. Iohn 14. Rom. 8. Iohn 12. Matth. 24 Matth. 2● Apoc. 22 ▪ Psal. 42. Rom. 8. 1. Cor. 15 Where this eternal life is Iohn 4. ● Tim. 6. Iohn 17. Acts. 7. 1. Cor. ● What knowlege may be had in this life of the life euerlasting Iob. 19. 1. Cor. 13 Heb. 11. 1 Ioh. 13. 1. Cor. 15 Psal. 16. Psal. 17. Apoc. 5. Rom. 7. Luke 2. Psal. 143. 1. Cor. 2. Apoc. 4. Apoc. 5. Psal. 84. Psal. 42. Psal. 63. Rom. ● Apoc. 22 ▪ Phil. 3. Matt. 24. Matt. 13. Apoc. 7. God worketh al in al maruellously iustly and holilie Matth ●● Matth. ● God worketh ▪ by meanes without meanes against meanes Iohn 15. Iohn 2● ▪ Luke 24 ▪ Cant. 1. Psal. 17. Psal. 16. Esai 54. Psal. 137. 1. Cor. 11. Apoc. 22.