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A13988 The whole booke of Psalmes collected into Englysh metre by T. Starnhold, I. Hopkins, & others, conferred with the Ebrue, with apt notes to synge the[m] with al ; faithfully perused and alowed according to thordre appointed in the Quenes Maiesties iniunctions ; very mete to be vsed of all sortes of people priuately for their solace & comfort, laying apart all vngodly songes and ballades, which tende only to the norishing of vyce, and corrupting of youth.; Whole book of psalms. 1562 Sternhold, Thomas, d. 1549.; Hopkins, John, d. 1570. 1562 (1562) STC 2430; ESTC S1798 175,161 470

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mercy Lorde is all my sute Lorde let thy mercy come The humble sute of the Sinner M. O Lorde of whom I do depend be holde my carefull hart when thy wil pleasure is relese me of my smart thou seest my sorowe what they are my gref is knowne to thee there is none y t can remoue or take the same frō me But only thou whose ayde I craue whose mercy still is prest To ease all those that come to thee for souccour and for rest And sith thou seest my restles eyes my teres and greuous grone Attende vnto my sute O Lorde Marke well my plaint and mone For sinne hath so inclosed me and compast me aboute That I am now remediles if mercy helpe not out For mortall man cannot release or mitigate thys payne But euen thy Christ my Lord and God whiche for my sinnes was slayne Whose blody woundes are yet to see though not with mortall eye yet doth thy sainctes beholde them all And so I trust shall I. Though sinne doth hynder me a whyle When thou shalt see it good I shall enioye the sight of him and see his woundes and bloud And as thine angels and thy saynctes doo now beholde the same So trust I to possesse that place With them to prayse thy name But whiles I liue here in this vale where sinners doo frequent Assist me euer with thy grace My sinnes still to lament Lest that I treade in sinners trace and geue them my consent To dwell with them in wickednes wherto nature is bent Only thy grace must be my staye lest that I fall downe flat And being downe then of my selfe cannot recouer that Wherfore this is yet once againe my sute and my request To graunt me pardon for my sinne that I in thee may rest Then shall my hart my tong and voyce be instruments of prayse And in thy Churche and house of sainctes Sing psalmes to thee alwayes The Lordes Prayer or Pater noster OUr father which in heauen art lord halowd be thy name Thy kingdō come thy will be don in earth euen as the same in heauē is Gene vs O Lord our dayly bread this day As we forgeue our detters so forgeue our dettes we pray Into temptatiō lead vs not From euill make vs free for kingdome power and glory thyne bothe now and euer be The x. Commaundements Audi Israell Exod. xx N HArk Israel what I say geue hede to vnderstād I am the lord thy God y t brought thee out of Egipt land euen frō the house wherin thou didst in thraldō liue a slaue Non other gods at all before my presence shalt thou haue No maner grauen image shalt thou make at all to thee Nor any figure like by thee shall counterfayted be Of any thing in heauen aboue nor in the earth belowe Nor in waters beneth the earth to them thou shalt not bowe Nor shalt them serue The Lorde thy God a ielous God am I That punish parents faultes vnto the third and fourth degree Upon their children that me hate and mercy doo display To thousands of suche as me loue and my precepts obey The name thou of the Lorde thy God in vayne shalt neuer vse For him that takes his name in vayne the Lorde shall not excuse Remember that thou holy kepe the sacred Sabbat day Six daies thou labour shalt and doo thy nedefull workes alway The seuenth is set by the Lord thy God to rest vpon No worke shalt thou doo in it ne thou nor yet thy sonne Thy daughter seruaunt nor handmayd thine oxe nor yet thine asse Nor straunger that within thy gates hath his abiding place For in six dayes God heauen and earth and all therin did make And after those his rest he did Upon the seuenth take Wherfore he blest the day that he for resting did ordayne And sacred to him self alone apointed to remayne Yeld honor to thy parentes that prolonged thy dayes may be Upon the land the which the Lord thy God hath geuen thee Thou shalt not murther Thou shalt not commit adulterye Thou shalt not steale nor witnes false against thy neighbour be Thou shalt not couet house that to thy neyghbor doth belong Ne couet shalt in hauing of his wyfe to doo him wrong Nor his man seruaunt nor his mayde nor oxe nor asseof his Nor any other thing that to thy neighbor proper is FINIS ❧ PSALMES OF DAVID Beatus vir Psalme i. T. S. Whether it was Esdras or any other that gathered the Psalmes into a booke it semeth he did set thys Psalme firste in maner of a Preface to exhorte all godly men to study and meditate the heauenly wisdome for theffecte herof is that they be blessed that geue them selues wholy all their life to Gods lawe And that the wicked contemners of God though they seme for a whyle fortunate yet at lengthe shall come to miserable destruction 1_THe man is blest that hath not bent to wicked rede his eare nor led his life as sinners do nor sat in scorners chair 2. But in the law of god y e lord both set his whole delight in that law doth exercise him selfe both day night verse 3 He shall be like the tree that groweth fast by the riuer side Whiche bringeth forth most pleasant fruite in her due time and tide Whose leafe shall neuer fade nor fall But florish still and stand Euen so all thinges shall prosper well that this man taketh inhand verse 4 So shall not the vngodly men Although the wicked seme to beare the swing in this worlde yet the lorde scattereth them likechaffe with a blaste of his mouthe they shalbe nothing so But as the dust which from the earth the windes dryue to and fro verse 5 Therfore shall not the wicked men in iudgement stande vpryght Nor yet the sinners with the iust shall come in place or sight verse 6 For why the way of Godly men vnto the Lorde is knowne And eke the way of wicked men shall quyte be ouerthrowen Quare fremuerunt gentes Psalm ii T. S. Dauid reioyseth that notwithstanding hys enemies rage worldely power yet God wil continue hys kyngdome for euer and aduaūce it euen to the formost ende of the worlde And therfore be exhorteth kinges and rulers that setting vayne glory apart they would humbly submit themselues vnder Gods yoke Herein is signified Chryste and hys kyngdome WHy did the Gentiles tumultesraise Sing this psalme with the first tune what rage was in their braine Why dyd the Iewish people muse seyng all is but vayne verse 2 The kinges and rulers of the earth conspire and are all bent Against the lord and Christ his sonne which he among vs sent verse 3 Shall we be bounde to them say they let all theyr bondes be broke Inheb greate ropes or cables And of their doctrine and theyr lawe let vs reiect the yoke verse 4 But he that in the heauen dwelleth their doinges will deride And make them all as mocking stockes throughout the
continually To thee be prayse world without end ☞ A thankes geuing after the receyuyng of the Lordes Supper THe Lorde be thanked for his gyftes And mercy euermore That he doth shew vnto his saynctes Sing this as the. xxx vii Psa To him be laud therfore Our tonges cannot so prayse the Lorde As he doth right deserue Our harts can not of hym so thynke As he doth vs preserue His benefites they be so great To vs that be but sinne That at our handes for recompence There is no hope to winne O sinfull flesh that thou shouldest haue Suche mercyes of the Lorde Thou doest deserue more worthely Of him to be abhord Nought els but sinne ▪ and wretchednes Doth rest within our heartes And stubburnely against the Lorde We dayly play oure partes The sunne aboue in firmament That is to vs a lyght Doth shew it selfe more cleane and pure Then we be in his sight The heauens aboue and all therin More holy are then we They serue the Lorde in theyr estate Eche one in his degree They do not stryue for mastership Nor slake theyr office set But feare the Lorde and do his will Hate is to them no let Also the earth and all therin Of God it is in awe It doth obserue the formers wyll By skilfull natures law The sea and all that therin is Doth bend when God doth beck The spirtes beneathe doo tremble all And feare his wrathfull check But we alas for whom all these Were made them for to rule Do not so know or loue the Lorde As doth the Oxe or mule A law he gaue for vs to know What was his holy wyll He would vs good but we will not Auoyd the thing is ill Not one of vs that seketh out The Lorde of lyfe to please Nor to the thyng that might vs ioyne Our Christ and quiet ease Thus we are all his enemyes We can it not deny And he agayne of his good wyll Would not that we should dye Therfore when remedy was none To bring vs vnto lyfe The sonne of God our flesh he toke To mend our mortall stryfe And all the law of God our Lorde He did it full obey And for our sinnes vpon the crosse Hys bloud our dettes did pay And that we should not yet forget What good be to vs wrought A signe he left our eyes to tell That he our bodyes bought In breade and wine here visible Unto thyne eyes and tast His mercyes great thou maist record If that his spryte thou hast As once the corne did liue and grow And was cut downe with sith And threshed out with many stripes Out from his huske to dryue And as the mill with violence Did teare it out so small And made it lyke to earthly dust Not sparing it at all And as the ouen with fyre hot Did close it vp in heat And all this done that I haue sayd That it should be our meat So was the Lorde in his ripe age Cut downe by cruell death His soule he gaue in torments great And yelded vp his breath Because that he to vs might be An euerlasting bread with muche reproche and trouble great On earth his lyfe he led And as the grapes in pleasant tyme Are pressed very sore And plucked downe when they be rype Nor let to grow no more Because the ioyse that in them is As comfortable drynke We myght receyue and ioyfull be when sorowes make vs shrinke So Christes bloud out pressed was With nailes and eke with speare The ioyse wherof doth saue all those That rightly do him feare And as the cornes by vnitie Into one lofe is knit So is the Lorde and his whole churche Though he in heauen sit As many grapes make but one wyne So shoulde we be but one In fayth and loue in Chist aboue And vnto Christ alone Leading a lyfe without all stryfe In quyet rest and peace From enuye and from malyce both Our heartes and tonges to cease Which if we doo then shall we shew That we his chosen be By fayth in him to leade a lyfe As alwayes willed he And that we may so doo in dede God send vs all his grace Then after death we shall be sure With him to haue a place Robert Wlsdom PReserue vs Lorde by thy deare word From Turk and Pope defend vs Lord whiche bothe would thrust oute of his throne our Lorde Iesus Christ thy deare sonne Lorde Iesus Christ shew forth thy myght That thou art Lorde of Lordes by ryght Thy poore afflicted flocke defend That they may prayse thee without end God holy Ghost our comfortor Be our Patron helpe and succor Geue vs one minde and perfect peace All giftes of grace in vs encrease Thou liuing God in parsons three Thy name be praysed in vnitie In all our nede so vs defend That we may prayse thee world without end ☞ A formst of proyer to be vsed in priuate houses euery mornyng and euening Morning prayer ALmightie God most mercifull Father we do not present our selues here before thy maiestie trusting in oure owne merites or worthines but in thy manifolde mercyes which haste promised to beare our Prayers and graunt our requestes which we shal make to the in the name of thy beloued sonne Iesus Christe our Lorde who hath also cōmaunded vs to assemble ourselues together in his name with ful assurance that he wil not only be amongst vs but also be our mediator and aduocate towards thy maiestie that we may obteyne all thinges which shall seme expedient to thy blessed will for oure necessities therfore we beseche thee most mercifull Father to turne thy louyng countenaunce towards vs and impute not vnto vs our manifold sinnes and offences wher by we iustly deserue thy wrath sharp punishmēt but rather receyue vs to thy mercy for Iesus Christes sake accepting his death and passion as a iust recompence for all our offēces in whom only thou art pleased and through whom thou canst not be offended with vs. And seing that of thy great mercyes we haue quietly passed this nyght graunte O heauenly father that we may bestowe thys day wholly in thy seruice so that al our thoughts wordes and dedes may redounde to the glorye of thy name and good ensample to all men who seeyng oure good workes may gloryfye thee oure heauenly father And for as much as of thy mere fauour and loue thou hast not onely created vs to thine owne similitude and likenes but also haste chosen vs to be heyres with thy deare sōne Iesus Christ of that immortal kingdom which thou preparedst for vs before the beginning of the worlde we beseche thee to encrease oure faythe and know ledg and to lighten our harts with thy holy spirit that we may in meane time liue in godly conuersatyon and integritie of lyfe knowing that Idolaters adulterers couetous men cōtentious persōs drunkards glottons and such like shall not in herite the kyngdome of God And because thou hast commaunded vs to pray one for
peruerse with grief shall stop theyr voyce verse 43 But who is wise that now full well he may these thinges recorde For certeinly suche shall perceyue the kindnes of the Lorde Paratum cor meum Psalme Cviii. N. This psalme is composed of two other psalmes before the seuen and fyftye and the sixtie The matter here conteyned is That Dauid geueth himselfe with harte and voyce to prayse the Lorde and assureth him selfe of the promes of God concerning his kingdome ouer Israell and his power against other nations who though he seme for to forsake vs for a time yet he alone in the ende will caste downe our enemies O God my harte prepared is Sing this as the. lxxxxv and eke my tong is so I will aduaunce my voyce in song and geuyug prayse also Awake my viole and my harp swete melody to make And in the morning I my selfe right early will awake By me among the people Lorde still praysed shalt thou be And I among the Heathen folke will sing O Lorde to thee Because thy mercie Lorde is great aboue the heauens hie And eke thy truth doth reche the clouds within the lofty skye Aboue the sterry heauens heighth exalt thy selfe O God And Lorde display vpon the earth thy glory all abrode That thy derely beloued may be set at libertie Helpe O my God with thy righte hand and harken vnto me God in his holines hath spoke wherfore my ioyes abound Sychem I shall diuide and mete the vale of Sucoth ground And Gilead shall be myne owne Manasses mine shall be My hed strength Ephraim and Law shall Iuda geue for me Moab my washpot and my shoe on Edom will I throwe Upon the land of Palestine in triumph will I goo Who shall into the citie strong be guide to conduict me Or who by whom to Edom land conueyed shall I be Is it not thou O God which late hadst vs forsaken quyte And thou O Lorde which with our host didst not goe fourth to fyght Geue vs O Lorde thy sauing ayde when trouble doth assayle For all the helpe of man is vayne and can no whit auayle Through God we shal do valiant acts and worthy of renowne He shall subdue our enemies ye he shall treade them downe Deus laudem meam Psalme Cix N. Dauid being falslye accused by flatterers vnto Sawl prayeth God to helpe him and to destroye his enemyes And vnder them he speaketh of Iudas the traitour vnto Iesus Christ and of all the like enemyes of the children of God And desireth so to be deliuered that his enemies may know the work of God Then doth he promise to geue prayses vnto God IN specheles silence doo not holde O God thy tong alwayes Sing this as the. lxxxxv O God euen thou I say that art the God of all my prayse The wicked mouth and gilefull mouth on me disclosed be And they with false and lying tong haue spoken vnto me Euen so doo I departe away as doth declynyng shade And as the grashopper so I am shaken of and fade With fastyng longe from nedefull fode enfebled are my knees And all her fatnes hath my flesh enforced ben to lese And I also a vyle reproche to them was made to be And they that did vpon me loke did shake theyr heds at me But thou O Lorde that art my God myne ayde and succour be Accordyng to thy merycy Lorde saue and delyuer me And they shall know thereby that thys Lord is thy myghty hand And that thou thou hast done it Lorde so shall they vnderstande Although they curse with spite yet thou shalt bles with louyng voyce They shall aryse and come to shame thy seruant shall reioyse Let them be clothed all with shame that enmies are to me ▪ And with confusyon as a cloke eke couerd let them be But greatly I will with mg mouthe geue thankes vnto the Lorde And I among the multitude hys prayses will recorde For he with help at hys ryght hand will stande the pooreman by To saue hym from the men that wold condemne his soule to dye Dixit dominus domino Plalm Cx. N Dauid prophecyeth of the power and euerlastyng kyngdome geuen to Chryste and of hys Pristhod whyche shoulde put an ende to the Pristode of Leuy Sing this as the. lxviii Psalm THe Lorde did say vnto my Lorde Sit thou at my right hande Till I haue made thy foes a stoule wheron thy fete shall stande The Lorde shall out of Syon send the scepture of thy myght A midde thy mortall foes be thou the ruler in theyr syght And in the day on which they reigne and power they shall see Then hearby frewill offringes shall thy people offer thee Yea with a holy worshiping then shall they offer all Thy birthes dew is the dew that doth from wombe of morning fall The Lorde hath sworne and neuer will repent what he doth say By thorder of Melchisedech thou art a priest for ay The Lord thy God on thy righthand that standeth for thy stay Shal wound for thee the stately kings vpon his wrathfull day The Heathen he shall iudge and fill the place with bodies dead And ouer diuerse contreyes shall in sonder smite the head And he shall drink out of the broke that runneth in the way Therfore he shall lift vp on hye his ryall hed that day Confitebor tibi domine Psalm Cxi N He geueth thanks to the Lord for his mercifull works towards his church declareth wherin true wisdom right knowledg cōsisteth WIth hart I doo accord To praise laud the Lord Inpresence of the iuste For great his workes are founde To search them suche are bounde as doo hym loue and trust Hys workes are glorious Also his rightousnes It doeth indure for euer His wondrous works he wolde we still remembre shoulde his mercye fayleth neuer verse 5 Suche as doo loue him beare a portion full faire He hath vp for them laid For this they shall well finde He will them haue in minde and kepe them as he sayd verse 6 For he did not disdayne his workes to shew them playne By lightnings and by thunders when he the Heathens land Did geue into their hand verse 7 Of all his workes insueth bothe iudgement right and truth Wherto his statutes tend they are decreed sure verse 8 For euer to endure whiche equitie doth end Redemption he gaue his people for to saue verse 9 And hath also required his promes not to fayle But alwayes to preuayle his holy name be feared verse 10 Whoso with hart full layne true wisdom wolde attayne The Lorde feare and obey suche as his Lawes doo kepe Shall knowledge haue full depe his prayse shall last for aye Beatus vir Psalme Cxii VV. K. He prayseth the felicitie of them that feare God and condemneth the ●●rsed state of the contemners of God THe man is blest that god doth feare And that his lawes doth loue in dede His sede on earth God will vpreare And bles such as from him
the power of our Lord Iesus Christ. Amen Euening prayer O Lorde God Father euerlasting full of pitie we acknowledge and confesse that we be not worthy to lyft vp our eyes to heauē muche les to presente our selues before thy maiestie with confidence that thou wilt heare our prayers and graunt our requestes if we consider o●●e owne deseruinges for oure conciences doo accuse vs and our sinnes witnes against vs we know that thou art an vpright iudge which dost not iustifye the sinners and wicked men but punishest the fautes of all such as transgres thy commaundements Yet most mercifull father since it hathe pleased thee to commaunde vs to call on thee in aloure troubles and aduersities promising euen thē to help vs when wefele our selues as it wer swalowed vp of death and desperation we vtterly renounce all worldly confydence and flee to thy so-souerayne bountie as our only stay and refuge beseching thee not to call to remembraunce our manifolde sinnes and wickednes wherby we contynuallye prouoke thy wrathe and indignation againste vs neyther oure negligence and and vnkindnes whiche haue neyther worthely estemed nor in our liues sufficiently expressed the swete cōfort of thy Gospell reueled vnto vs but rather to accept the obedience and death of thy sonne Iesus Christ who by offring vp his body in sacrifice once for all hathe made a sufficient recompence for all our sinnes Haue mercy therfore vpon vs O lord and forgeue vs our offences Teache vs by thy holy spirite that we may rightly wey them and earnestly repent for the same And so much the rather O Lorde because that the reprobate and suche as thou hast for saken cannot prayse thee nor call vpon thy name but the repenting hart the sorow full minde the conscience oppressed hungring and thirsting for thy grace shal euer set forth thy praise and glory And albeit we be but worms and dust yet thou arte oure creator and we be the worke of thy handes yea thou art oure father and we thy children thou art oure shepeherd and we thy flock thou art our redemer and we the people whō thou hast bought thou art oure God and we thyne inheritaunce Correct vs not therfore in thine anger O Lorde neither according to our desertes punish vs but mercifully chastyce vs with a fatherly affection that all the worlde may knowe that at what time soeuer a sinner doth repent him of hys sinne from the bottom of his hart thou wilt put a way his wickednes out of thy remembraunce as thouhast promised by thy holy prophet Finally for asmuche as it hathe pleased thee to make y e night for mā to rest in as thou hast ordayned him the day to trauel graunt o deare father that we may so take our bodely rest y t oure soules may continually watch for the time that our lord Iesus christ shall appeare for our deliuerance out of this mortall lyfe and in the meane season that we not ouercomen by any fantasies dreames or other temptations may fully set our mindes vpon thee loue thee feare thee and rest in thee furthermore that our slepe be not excessiue or ouermuche after the insaciable desires of our flesh but onelye sufficient to contente oure weake nature that we may be better disposed to lyue in all godly conuersatyon to the glory of thy holy name and profit of oure brethren Sobeit A godly Prayer to be sayd at all tymes HOnor and prayse be geuen to thee O Lorde God almightie most deare Father of heauē for all thy mercies and louing kindnes shewed vnto vs in that it hathe pleased thy gratious goodnes frely and of thine owne accorde to elect and chose vs to saluation before the beginning of the worlde and euen like continull thankes be geuē to the for creating vs after thine owne image for redeming vs with the precious bloude of thy deare some when we were vtterly lost for sanctifying vs with thy holy spirit in the releuing and succoring vs in all our nedes and necessities for sauing vs from aldaungers of body and soule for comforting vs so fatherly in all oure tribulations and persecutions for sparing vs so long and geuyng vs so large a tyme of repentance These benefites O most mercifull father like as we know ledg to haue receyued them of thy only goodnes euen so we beseche thee for thy dere sonne Iesus Christes sake to graunte vs alwayes thy holy spirite wherby we may continually grow in thankfulnes towardes thee to be led into all truth and comforted in all our aduersities O Lorde strengthen our faith kindle it more in feruentnes loue towardes thee and our neyghbours for thy sake Suffer vs not most deare Father to receyue thy worde any more in vaine but graunt vs alwayes the assistance of thy grace and holy spirite that in hart worde and dede we maye sanctifye and doo worship to thy name Helpe to amplifie increase thy kingdome and what so euer thou sendest we may be hartely well contente with thy good pleasure and will Let vs not lack the thynge O Father without the whych we can not serue the but blesse thou soo all the workes of our handes that we may haue sufficiente and not to be chargeable but rather helpefull vnto others be mercifull O Lord to our offences and seyng our det is great whiche thou haste for geuen vs in Iesus Christe make vs toloue thee and our neyghbors so muche the more Be thou our Father our captayne and defender in all temptations holde thou vs by thy mercyfull hand that we may be deliuered from all inconueniences and end our lyues in the sanctifying honor of thy holy name through Iesu Christ our Lord and only sauior Sobe it Let thy mightie hand and out stretched arme O Lorde be still oure defence thy mercy and louyng kindnes in Iesu Christ thy deare sonne our saluation thy true and holy woord our instruction thy grace and holy spirit our comforte and consolatiō vnto the ende and in the ende Sobe it O Lorde increase our fayth A confession of all estates and tymes O Eternall God and most mercifull father we confesse and acknowledg heare before thy diuine maiestie that we are miserable synners conceyued and borne in sinne and iniquitye so that in vs there is no goodnes For the flesh euermore rebelleth agaynst the spirite wherby we continually transgres thy holy precepts and commaundemēts so purchase to our selues through thy iust iudgement deathe and damnation Notwithstanding O heauenly father for asmuche as we are displeased with oure selues for the synnes that we haue committed against thee and do vnfeynedly repent vs of the same we most humblye beseche thee for Iesus Christes sake to shewthy mercy on vs to forgeue vs al our sinnes and to increase our holy spirite in vs that we acknowledgyng from the botome of our hartes our owne vnrighteousnes may from henceforth not only mortifie our sinful lusts and affections but also bring forth such frutes as may be agreable
hys passion ☞ To him be glory foreuer The vse of the rest of the Psalmes not comprehended in the former Lable of Athanasius IF thou wouldest prayse God because he hathe geuen vs a good Prince whiche wyll and doth punish the enemies of Christes relygion vse the 21. Psalme If thou be persecuted withoute a cause if thou wouldest haue no affinitie with vice nor with the virious vse the 26. Psalme If thou wouldest not be wicked if not accōpted as a malefactor but wouldest haue them punished and thyselfe and suche other godly men defended from the tiranie vse the. 28 Psalme If thou seest the nobilitie the counsell the magistrates Princes not geuen to religion nor to the praysing of God vse the 29. Psalme If thou desirest to be iust and vertuous vse the 33. psalm If thou beest afflicted with any sicknes wouldest faine lyue and see good daies and Christes glory to be encreased vse the. 29. Psalme If thou be banished for religiō and art almost in dispaire of retorning to thy countrey vse the 42 psalme If thou perceyue thy selfe forsaken of God and therfore persecuted for religion and vertue sake vse the. 44. Psalme If thou wouldest complaine of a Doeg of a wycked man and would haue him to be voted oute and thy selfe to haue prosperitye vse the. 52 psalme If thou wouldest be deliuered from thyne enemies which persecute thee vnto deathe vse the 54. Psalme If thou wouldest haue the helpe of God againste suche as persecute thee without a cause vse the 59. Psalme If thou wouldest prepare thy selfe to fight against the Idumeane or such lyke enemyes of Christ vse the 60. Psalm If thou wouldest haue Chryste to come conquere beate downe the Siriās Idumes Amonites Papistes Antichristians Nullifidians Neutralles and vngratious Pelagyans vse the 68. Psalme If thou best perswaded that Chryste wyll come and pounysh offenders ayde the true worshippers and poure oure the dregges of wyne and vengeaunce of hys cuppe on the vngodly vse the 75. Psalme If thou neither wouldest haue Idolatry neyther any lycencious lustes rayne in Christes common welth thou must geue God thankes if thou be perswaded he bothe will and can take them awaye vsing the 81 Psalme If thou wouldest gladlie know Christes Churche how that Sion signifieth it and how that the true religion shalbe delated and spred throughe the hole worlde vse the. 87. Psalme If thou goest to fight againste the Idumeans or anye of Christes enemies whether they offende in manners or in doctrine and wouldest desire God to geue the victorye vse the 108. Psalme If thou woldest liue a godly lyfe if thou wouldest replenysh thy mynde with gooly preceptes and therby obtayne imortalitie and eternall felicitie Study diligently the. 119. Psalme If thou be thrust into a Colledge or in a parish towne or countrey whose in habitours are wicked crafty and malicious picke quarels to be deliuered from them vse the. 120. Psalme If thou wouldest haue the congregatiō of Christ to prosper vse the 122. Psalme If thou wouldest be deliuered from contempt infamye the derision of the wicked vse 123. Psalme when thou art deliuered out of prison captiuitie or anye distres in geuing thankes to God vse the 124. Psalme To vnderstande the saftie that those are in whiche ar vnder the tuicion of the Lorde Ioua and howe that the wicked shalbe punyshed consider the 125. Psalme If thou desirest to knowe the felicitie that he hathe which reuerenceth God and liueth godly the tranquillitie peace of conscience whiche he enioyeth in this life and the vnspeak able ioye in the life to come meditate diligentlie the 128. Ps. To vnderstand how the good and godlye are defended by the ayde of the Lord and the wicked perish consider the 129. Psalme If thou wouldest not be arrogaunte and proude vse the 131. Psalme If thou wouldest prayse vnitie and concord amonge bretherne vse the. 133. Psalme To syng prayses to god for his mercies vse the 134. Psal. FINIS Venicreator COme holy Ghost eternal God proceding from aboue Both from the Father the son the God of peace loue Uisit our mindes into vs thy heauenly grace inspire that in all truth godlines we may haue true desire Thou art the very comforter in all wo and distres The heauenly gift of God most highe which no tonguee an expres The fountaine and the liuely springe of ioy Celestiall The fyre so bright the loue so cleare and vnction spirituall Thou in thy giftes art manifold wherby Christes church doth stande In faythfull hartes writyng thy law the finger of Gods hand According to thy promise made thou geuest speache of grace That through thy helpe the prayse of God may stande in euery place O holy Gost into our wittes sende downe thy heauenly light Kindle our harts with feruent loue to serue God day and night Strength and stablish all our weaknes sofeable and so frayle That neither flesh the worlde nor deuill against vs do preuayle Put backe our enemies far from vs and graunt vs to obteyne Peace in our hartes with God and man without grudge or disdayne And graunt O Lorde that thou beyng our leader and our guide We may eschewe the snares of sinne and from thee neuer slide To vs suche plentie of thy grace good Lorde graunt we thee pray That thou maiest be our comforter at the last dreadfull day Of all strief and discention O Lord dissolue the handes And make the knots of peace and loue throughout all christen landes Graunt vs O Lord through thee to know the father most of might That of his deare beloued sonne we may atteyne the sight And that with perfect faith also we may acknowledge thee The spirit of them both alway one God in persons three Laude and prayse be to the father and to the Sonne equall And to the holy spirit also one God coeternall And pray we that the only sonne vouchesafe his Sprit to sende To all that doo professe his name vnto the worldes ende Amen Loke for the lxxxxv Psalm iii Fol. 237. The songe of S. Ambrose called Te Deum WE praise thee god we knowledg the the only Lord to be And as eternal father all the earth doth worship the. To the al angels crye the heauens and all the powers therin To the Cherub and Seraphin To crie they do not linne O Holy Holy Holy Lorde Of Saboth Lord the God Through heauē earth thy praise is spred And glory all abrode Thapostles glorious companye yelde prayses vnto thee The Prophets goodly selowship praise thee continually The noble and victorious host Of martirs sounde thy prayse The holy churche throughout the world doth knowledge thee alwayes Father of endles maiestie they doo acknowledge thee Thy Christ thine honorable true and only sonne to be The holy Ghost the comforter of glory thou art king O Christ and of the father arte the sonne euerlasting When sinfull mans decay inhand thou tokest to restore To be enclosde in virgins wombe Thou diddest not abhorre When thou
hadst ouercome of death The sharp and cruell might Thou heauens kingdome didst set ope to eche beleuing wight In glory of the father thou doest sit on Gods right hand We trust that thou shalt come our Iudge our cause to vnderstand Lorde helpe thy seruaunts whom thou hast Bought with thy precious bloud And in eternall glory set Them with thy sainctes so good O Lorde doo thou thy people saue Blesse thine inheritaunce Lorde gouerne them and Lord doo thou for euer them aduaunce we magnifie thee day by day and world withoutē ende Addore thy holy name O Lorde vouchesafe vs to defende From sinne this day haue mercy Lord haue mercy on vs all And on vs as we trust in thee Lorde let thy mercy fall O Lorde I haue reposed all My confidence in thee Put to confounding shame therfore Lord let me neuer be The songe of the thre Children praysing God prouoking all creatures to doo the same O all ye works of god the lord bles ye the Lord prayse him magnifye him for euer O ye the Angels of the Lorde bles ye the Lorde prayse him and magnifye hym for euer O ye the sterry heauens hie blesse ye the Lorde prayse hym and magnifye hym for euer O ye waters aboue the sky blesse ye the Lorde prayse hym and magnifye hym for euer O all ye powers of the Lorde blesse ye the Lorde prayse hym and magnifye hym for euer O ye the shining Son and Mone blesse ye the Lorde prayse hym and magnifye hym for euer O ye the glistring starres of heauen blesse ye the Lorde prayse hym and magnifye hym for euer O the showers and dropping dew blesse ye the Lord prayse him and magnifye him for euer O ye the blowing wyndes of God bles ye the Lord prayse him and magnifye hym for euer O ye the fire and warming heate blesse ye the Lord prayse him and magnifye hym for euer Ye winter and the sommer tyde blesse ye the Lord prayse him and magnifye hym for euer O ye the dewes and binding frostes bles ye the lorde prayse him and magnifye him for euer O ye the frost and chilling colde blesse ye the lorde prayse him and magnifye hym for euer O ye congeled ise and snow blesse ye the lorde prayse him and magnifye hym for euer O ye the nightes and light somdayes blesse ye the lorde prayse hym and magnifye hym for euer O the darknes and the light blesse ye the lorde prayse him and magnifye hym for euer O ye the lightnings and the cloudes blesse ye the lorde prayse him and magnifye hym for euer O let the earth eke blesse the lorde yea bles the lord praise him magnify him for euer O ye the mountaines and the hilles blesse ye the Lord prayse him magnifie hym for euer O all ye grene thinges on the earth blesse ye the Lord praise hym magnifye hym for euer O ye the euer springing welles bles ye the Lorde praise him and magnifye him for euer O ye the seas and ye the floodes bles ye the Lorde prayse him and magnifye hym for euer whales and all that in waters moue bles ye the Lorde prayse him and magnifye hym for euer O all ye flying foules of thayre bles ye the Lorde prayse him and magnifye him for euer O all the beastes and cattayll eke bles ye the Lorde praise him and magnifye him for euer O ye the children of mankind bles ye the Lorde prayse him and magnifye him for euer Let Israell eke bles the Lorde yea bles the Lord prayse him and magnifye him for euer O ye the priestes of God the Lorde bles ye the Lorde prayse hym and magnifye hym for euer O ye the seruantes of the Lorde blesse ye the lorde prayse him and magnifye him for euer ye sprites and soules of righteous men blesse ye the lorde prayse him and magnifye hym for euer ye holy and ye meke of hart blesse ye the lorde prayse him and magnifye him for euer O Ananias blesse the lorde blesse thou the lord prayse him and magnifye him for euer O Azarias bles the lorde bles thou the lord prayse him and magnifie him for euer And Misaell bles thou the lorde blesse thou the lord praise him and magnifye him for euer ☞ The song of Zacharias called Benedictus THe only lorde of Israel be praysed euer more For through his visitation mercy kept in store his people now he hathe redemde that longe hathe bene in thrall and spred abrod his sauing health vpon his seruauntes all In Dauids house his seruaunte true According to his minde And also hys annoynted king As we in Scripture finde As by his holy Prophetes all O ft times he did declare The whiche were since the worlde began His way for to prepare That we might be deliuered From those that make debate Our enemies and from the handes Of all that doo vs hate The mercy whiche he promised Oure fathers to fulfill And thinke vpon his couenant made According to hys wyll And also to performe the othe Whiche he before had sworne To Abraham our father deare For vs that were forlorne That he woulde geue him self for vs And vs from bondage bringe Out of the handes of all our foes To serue our heauenly kyng And that without all maner feare and eke in righteousnes and also for to leade our life In stedfast holynes And thou o child which now art borne and of the Lorde elect Shalt be the Prophet of the hiest His wayes for to direct For thou shalt goo before his face For to prepare his wayes and also for to teache his will and pleasure all the dayes To geue thē knowledg how that theyr Saluation is nere and that remission of theyr sinnes Is through his mercy mere wherby the day spring from an hie Is come vs for to visit and those for to illuminate whiche doo in darknes syt To lighten those that shadowed be with death and eke opprest and also for to guide theyr fete The way to peace and rest The songe of Blessed Mary called Magnificat MY soule doth magnifye the Lord My sprit eke euermore reioyseth in the Lorde my God which is my Sauior why because he did regard gaue respect vnto so base estate of his handmaid and let the mightie go For now beholde all nations And generations all From this time forth for euermore Shall me right blessed call Because he hath me magnifyed Which is the lorde of might whose name be euer sanctifyed And praysed day and night For with his mercy and his grace All men he doth inflame Thoro wout all generations To suche as feare his name He shewed strength with his greatarme And made the proude to start With all imaginations That they bare in theyr hart He hathe put downe the mightye ones From their supernall seate And did exalte the meke in hart As he hath thought it mete The hungrie he replenished With all thinges that were good And through his power he made the riche Oft times