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A12709 The mystery of godlinesse a generall discourse of the reason that is in Christian religion. By William Sparke divinity reader at Magd: Coll: in Oxford, and parson of Blechly in B[uck]ingham-shire. Sparke, William, 1587-1641. 1628 (1628) STC 23026; ESTC S100099 133,807 175

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ratione praedita 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Quidninominet quispiam eum filium Dei Arrian epise l. 1. c. 9. sons of God y Iames 1.17 who is the Father of lights And againe wee are his sonnes by grace who of his owne will z Iames 1.18 begat vs by the word of truth through faith in his Sonne a Iohn 1.12.13 For to as many as receiue him to them he giues power to become the sonnes of God euen to them that beleeue on his Name which are borne not of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man but of God Who for his part failes not to provide for our good both in the course of nature and in the state of grace For if an earthly father knowes how to provide good things for his children how much more doth our Father which is in Heauen b Acts 14.17 vvho neuer left himselfe vvithout vvitnes doing good And if hee make c Mat. 5.45 his sunne to rise on the euill and on the good and send raine on the iust and on the vniust hee will certainely cause the d Mal. 4.2 sunne of righteousnesse to arise and e Es 60.1 shine vpon his gracious children and will f c. 44.3 send downe sweete dewes of his spirit into their hearts And g Rom. 8.32 he that hath giuen vs his Son how shall he not with him giue vs all things also Nay our heauenly Father preuents vs with all good things both of nature and grace and all to this end that we should haue the good nature or the grace to vse all to the praise of his glory Which whilest we principally intend wee may be well assured that in the end wee shall be no loosers both because our true happinesse consists naturally in the h 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Deus salutaris est sed bonumipsum salutare Arrian Epict. l. 2. c. 8. Summum amare bonum summa est beatitudo August epist 111. ad Iulian. fruition and admiration of Gods glory according to the covenant of nature i Levit. 18 5. Rom. 10.5 doe this and liue and also because the glory of God is ingaged vpon the saluation of his faithfull people by the covenant of grace k Habak 2.4 Rom. 1.17 The Iust shall liue by his faith In assurance whereof the faithfull children of God haue beene well content The true Zelotes of God's glory not onely to frame their liues to his glory but to lay downe their liues for his sake putting the last adventure of their soules that they could make in well-doing l 1 Pet. 4.19 into the hands of God a faithfull Creatour The Lord Himself m Phil. 2.6 being in glory equall with God the Father that without robbery was willing to be abased in the forme of a seruant to the pit of hell that the will of GOD might be done on earth by man for the redeeming of his Kingdome in vs to the glory of his holy Name For although the flesh was weake which for the time put him in a terrible agony yet he soone resolued being strong in the spirit n Luke 22.42 Not my will but thy will be done * Iohn 12.27.28 Now is my soule troubled and what shall I say Father saue mee from this houre but for this cause came I to this houre Father glorifie thy Name And at this marke of our high calling his zealous Saints resolued by his grace through faith presse hard in hope and loue Abraham was content to submit so farre to the will of GOD as to o Gen. 22. sacrifice his sonne Isaacke whom he loued and with him for ought that appeared his owne and all mens expected happinesse For the promise that in his seed all the Nations of the earth should be blessed was before restrayned to Isaacke p Gen. 21.12 Heb. 11.17.18 In Isaacke shall thy seed be called Only he beleeued that God was able to raise him vp from the dead q V. 19. from whence also he receiued him as in a figure Moses wished to be r Ex. 32.32 rased out of the Booke of life rather then that God should not maintaine his owne glory in the safety and prosperity of his people Israel whereon his glory lay ingaged Iob resolueth in his greatest affliction ſ Iob. 13.15 though the Lord slay me yet will I not forsake him The three children Shadrach Mesach Abednego were resolute not to giue the glory of God to Nebuchadnezzar in his golden image whatsoeuer came of them though they perished t Dan 3.17.18 Our God say they whom we serue is able to deliuer vs out of thine hands O King and hee will deliuer vs but if not bee it knowne vnto thee O King that wee will not serue thy gods nor worship thy golden image which thou hast set vp St Paul was content to be u Rom. 9 3● Anathema from Christ for his brethrens sake not in mere naturall affection to them though it were great but in a feruent zeale of Gods glory which now might seeme to lye at stake with thē Because x V. 4. to them belonged the adoption the glory the covenant And generally all the new borne which onely are the true borne children of God seeme to bee of the same minde Christianos dicit Plinius Secundus omnia vitia detestari sanctissimè vivere hoc solum in eis posse reprehendi quod nimis faci è pro Deo suo profundant vitam quodque horis antelucanis furgant ad canendas laudes Christi l. 10. ep 97. ad Traian who reioyce not only in hope of the glory of God but euen in their greatest tribulations y Heb. 10.34 suffering ioyfully the spoiling of their goods yea of their z Heb. liues vvith most exquisite torments because the a Rom. 5.5 loue of God is shed abroad in their hearts b 1 Pet. 1.8 vvhom hauing not seene they loue in vvhom though novv they see him not yet beleeuing they reioice vvith ioy vnspeakable and full of glory Nay euery creature doth euen by nature spend it self to set forth the glory of the Creator in some sort or other To glorisie the creatoris the glory of the creature being then most happy when it can serue best and is most vsed to that end for which it was made c Iob. 12.7 Aske now the beastes and they shall teach thee the foules of the aire they shall tell thee Or speake to the earth it shall teach thee and the fishes of the sea shall declare vnto thee If wee were not dull of hearing might we not perceiue an * Cicero in Somn. Scip. harmony of the Spheares the Earth below with a deepe base in consort to the Heauenly quier euery creature of God bearing his part all cōming in with a full Chorus to
spirit on the Lords day teaching thereby the Church represented in them to assemble euer on c 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 sublimi vtique sublimior admirabili admirabilior Greg Wazianz de nova deminica orat 43. p. 700. that day and euery one to bee spiritually minded and exercised in remembrance of his resurrection attendance on the holy ghost and expectance of our finall glory in the presence of God the father It is therefore most fitly called d Quia enius sabbati tunc appellabatur dies qui nunc dominicus appellatur August ep 86. ad Casulan the Lords day e Ps 118.24 This is the day which the Lord hath made wee will reioice and be glad in it And it may bee called sunday in a better sense then the f Ecce enim dies solis adest Sic enim barbaries diem dominicum vocitare consueta est Greg. Turonensis Histor lib. 3. cap. 13. heathens knew because on this day g Malach. 4.2 Solis autem die communiter omnes conuentum agimus quandoquidem is primus dies est quo deus è tenebris materia quam prius creauerat versa mundum essecit Iesus Christus seruator noster eo ipsodie a mortuis resurrexit Iuslin Martyr apolog lib. 2. the sunne of righteousnes arose with healing vnder his wings But howsoeuer the name be the duty of a sabbath remaines to bee performed by the expresse law of God inuiolable Which the Apostles were carefull to obserue The Lord s day hath euer bin obserued as the sabbath by the church as appeares not only by their former assemblies exercises on that day but afterwards againe Act. 20.7 and by their doctrine The spirit calling all things to their remembrance which Christ had taught and commanded them For that very day the Apostle appointed to be religiously kept not only at Colossi as it hath beene shewed but expressely in the Church of h 1 Cor. 16.1 Corinth and Galatia and accordingly wee may well suppose in all other Churches This day thus instituted the i Die dominico qui est dies resurrectionis slisdiosius templum domini adite Quid enim apud deum excusare poterit qui eo die ad audiendum verbum dei salutare de resurrectione non conuenit Clem Const l. 2. c. 59. Church of Christ hath euer since kept as their sabbath and that aunciently with such seuere necessity as that for this very cause the whole k Vid. Euseb Eccles bist lib. 5. cap. 11. Socrat. lib. 5. cap. 21. Greeke Church was excommunicated by Victor Bishop of Rome whose authority and proceedings therein I vndertake not because they would keepe Easter the Lord his holy day in honour of his resurrrection vpon any day of the weeke if it were the l 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 quartadecimam foureteenth day of the moneth and not put it ouer to this day of the weeke m Vid. I fiodor de ecclesiast offic l. 1. cap. 31. It was decreed by the counsell of Nice Ruffinus lib. 1. cap. 6. Cur id obseruetur cum pascha celebratur vt sabbatum occurrat Hoc enim proprium Christiane religionis est Aug. ep 119. ad Ianuar paulo post Orbi vniverso Christiano persuasum est eo modo pascha celebrari oportere as the first and great sabbath whence all the other throughout the yeare are reckoned Were the Lords day kept weekly as other holy daies are yearely only as an holy day not as the sabbath then were the daie of the moneth fittest for Easter as for other holy daies but being the same seauenth day of the weeke must of necessity be kept the yearely holy day must be translated to this day of the weeke rather then the weekly sabbath varied euery yeare by that holy day n See the conference at Hampton Court p. 45. reprinted 1625. In the Synod called and held by the late King Iames of blessed memory when many things were not found need full to be amended the motion for a stricter course to reforme the prophaning of the sabbath day by that name without scruple * Tertio Caroli Constanti●us Imperat grauissima authoritate sanciuit dominicum Enseb lib. 4. de eius vita which now blessed be God is happily inacted by Parliament founde a gener all and vnanimous consent For they well perceaued that if this duty were remitted the life of religion which hath a long time languished would soone be vtterly extinct and vanish o Cum ex septem diebus vnus in domini honorem consecratus sit religionis prorsus dissolutae suerit nos aliorum dierum ad opera vsu contentos non esse neque illum domino eximium in violatum conservare sed ipsum etiam vulgarem facere nostrisque operibus applicandum putare Leo imperat Novel 54. For howsoeuer it may be pretended instead of the seauenth to keepe euery day holy yet is it easily seene that many who make no religion of the sabbath are indeed euery day alike prophane enough whereas they who doe most devoutly redeeme some time of respit euery day from their owne affaires to the seruice of God doe most earnestly desire and carefully vse the helpe of the seauenth day to repaire their defaults on the other sixe To conclude The sabbath respects the kingdome of God of all the commandements in the morall law the sabbath especially is of faith not only in God the father because of the creation but in Christ the redeemer and throughout the whole creed acknowledging Gods kingdome of nature grace and glory That day which the Iewes obserued was as their other holy daies new moones p Colos 2. v. 17. a shadow the body is of Christ Namely the q Ephes 1.23 1. Cor. 12.12 catholicke Church which is the body of Christ his redeemed kingdome for which he prayed and dyed For that being euery where dispersed is in many places gathered together and generally resembled by the holy assemblies on the Lords day r Ideo upostosi nê ecclesia cum Iudeorum superstitionibus aliquid communè haberet otium illud sacrum in sequentem diem transtulerunt At ijdem non tantum sibi permiserunt vt preceptam diei septimi obseruaetionem in decimum aut quemcunque alium extenderent Horum igitur exemplo nos insisterc conuenit nesub liber totis Christianae praetextu in illis ludamus quae deux certacum ratione instituit illa tandem in licentiam degeneret quae vt consusionem gignit ita animos tandem ab omni religione alienat Gualt in Lucam hom 56. And therefore the Iewes day of sabbath wherby they were distinguished from all others as the peculiar people of God is now altered the grace thereof being extended vnto all nations For now from one sabbath to another from that of theirs to this of ours and from one Lords day to an other all flesh comes
they who most presume of their workes whilest they liue are glad if they haue the grace to dye in the faith renouncing all merit of workes to fly vnto the throne of grace for mercy h Iud. 20. v. 21. And yee beloned saith Saint Iude building vp your selues on your most holy faith praying in the holy Ghost keepe your selues in the loue of God looking for the mercy of our Lord Iesus Christ vnto eternall life Yet is not our saluation the lesse certaine because the finall accomplishment thereof is expected by hope and is not presently put into our owne hands For as our faith is so is our hope i Heb. 11.1 faith being the ground of things hoped for and the reason of the hope that is in vs both of them therefore are firme and sure because built vpon the rocke Christ Iesus k Mat. 16.18 Vpon this rocke as Saint Peter beleeued and confessed Thou l v. 16. art Christ the sonne of the liuing God the holy catholicke Church is built m v. 18. against which the gates of hell shall not preuaile but that euery true member thereof liuing and dying in the communion of saints shall notwithstanding sin death attaine by forgiuenesse of sinnes and the resurrection of the body eternall life And therefore n Rom. 5.2 wee reioice in hope of the glory of God as if wee had already attained To beleeue and hope as a Christian is not as the termes are vulgarly vsed and may perhaps sound in prophane eares to haue an vncertaine opinion and doubtfull expectation which indeed can bee no better in the things of men subiect to falshood and vanity But it is to be certainely assured fully perswaded and firmely resolued o 2 Tim. 1.12 knowing whom wee haue trusted that he is able to keepe that which wee haue committed to him against that day No weake nor vncertaine hold but p Heb. 6.19 an anchor of the soule both sure and stedfast entring into that which is within the vaile whither the fore runner euen Iesus is entred for vs. Faithfull hope is such an assurance q Rom. 8. as Saint Paul professeth by the helpe of Gods spirit knit together and firmely bound vp with that r 28.29.30 golden chaine of the certanity of saluation in Christ Iesus Wherevpon with a bold confidence he bids defiance to all the enimies of grace ſ v. 33. Who shall lay any thing to the charge of Gods elect c. I am perswaded that neither death nor life nor Angells nor Principalities nor powers nor things preset nor things to come nor height nor depth nor any creature shall be able to separate vs from the loue of God which is in Christ Iesus our Lord. As our faith and affiance is more and more fixed in God thorough Iesus Christ by his spirit and approued vnto him by loue in well doing so is t Si quis credit etdiligit bene agendo prae ceptis obtemperando efficit vt etiam speret se ad id quod credit esse ventutum August de doctor Christ l. 1. cap. 37. the assurance of our saluation more and more confirmed in vs. For true u 1. Tim. 4.8 godlinesse hath the promises both of this life and of that which is to come Of this life * Mat. 6.33 Seeke ye first the kingdome of God and the righteousnesse thereof and all these things shill be administred vnto you And for the life to come x Pl. 50.23 To him that ordereth his conuersation aright will I shew the saluation of God Therefore as wee beleeue so wee pray in hope which is our last refuge that our heauenly Father who knoweth whereof we stand in need will in his ordinary prouidence giue vs things needfull for this life to whom hee hath giuen grace first to seeke his kingdome and the righteousnesse thereof y 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 c. Est autem duplici honoris muneris genere homo affectus quod ipsesolus poenitentiâ veniam peccatorum impetrat et eius vnius corpus quamvis mortale caducum aeternll immortale redditur 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Quorum alterum quod ad corpus pertinet propter animum alterum quod ad animum propter corpus consecutus est Nemesius lib. de natura hominis c. 1. And that he will freely and fully forgine vs our daily sinnes and trespasses of his meere grace in Christ Iesus remembring whereof wee are made to whom he giues this grace for his sake to forgiue one another Farther wee beleeue and pray in hope that he will guid and keepe vs ever hereafter by his spirit in the way everlasting though it please him to lead vs thorough manifold temptations and that he will deliuer vs in the end from all evill even from death it selfe and from him that hath the power thereof that is the Divell by the resurrection of our bodies to the eternall praise of his kingdome power and glory in the life to come z The Lord will perfect that which concerneth me Thy mercy O Lord endureth for ever Forsake not the workes of thine owne hands Bread the a Lev. 26.26 staffe of life Our daily bread being the most necessary of all temporall things implies the rest It was God his decree that in b Gen. 3.19 the sweat of our browes wee should eat our bread and it is the Apostles iniunction in the name of the Lord Iesus c 2. Thes 3.10 that if any man will not work he shall not eat wherevpon hee exhorteth every one d V. 12. with quietnesse to worke and to eat his owne bread Although it bee our bread our owne bread yet it is Gods gift without whose blessing e Ps 127.2 it is in vaine to rise vp early and so late to take rest to eat the bread of carefulnesse f Iam. 4.2 Yee lust and haue not yee kill desire to haue and cannot obtaine yee fight and warre and yet yee haue not because yee aske not yee aske and receaue not because yee aske amisse that you may consume it on your lusts which should bee for our dayly and necessary vse Some haue not of their own to eat g Ps 128.2 But thou shalt eat the labour of thine hands O well is thee and happy shalt thou be others haue not the h Eccles 4.8 power to eat of their own either not the health or not the heart i 5.19 this is also the gift of God And he giues it power to k Ps 104.15 strengthen mans heart and to sustaine our life from day to day Therefore it is called l 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Mat. 6.11 daily bread adsubstantiall or supersubstantiall bread because being digested into our bodies it adds daily beyond its owne nature and substance thorough the blessing of God to our substance what the labour of life daily consumes What is there in
not man q In quo quemque invenerit suus novissimus dies in hoc cum comprehendet mundi novissimus dies quoniam qualis in eo quisq moritur talis in die illo iudicabitur Auguss ep 28. which shall at the last bee pronounced in open court when Christ that is our advocate shall be our iudge For as our first admission into the state of grace was by r Rom. 3.25 remission of sinnes past thorough the forbearance of God So shall our admission at the last be into the state of glory by the publike absolution and acquitting of vs at the tribunall of Christ Iesus from all our sinnes and trespasses ſ 〈◊〉 34. Come yee blessed of my father receaue the kingdome prepared for you from the beginning of the world t 〈◊〉 4.6.7 which blessednesse of man is by righteousnesse freely imputed vnto him as David describeth it saying u Ps 32.1.2 Blessed are they whose iniquities are forgiuen whose sinnes are covered Blessed is the man vnto whom the Lord will not impute sinne Yet haue wee no immunity to sinne No immunity to sin as it were a warrant dormiant or pardon afore hand for we haue no hope of forgiuenesse but onely vpon condition of faith repentance no easie matter nor in our power to doe at our pleasure Hee that giues pardon to the penitent will not alwaies giue repentance to every peccant Neither doth repentance stand vpon such easie tearmes but that flesh and blood chuseth rather to dye in sin then vnto sin by crossing and crucifying and mortefying it selfe For the which every true penitent vndergoes a severe discipline if the Church and our selues neglect it God inflicteth the same vpon his childrē many times with sore strokes for their humiliation and amendment * Ps 89. Hee will not vtterly take away his louing kindnesse from them when they breake his statutes and keepe not his commandements but he will visit their transgression with a rod and their sinne with stripes And besides all the exercise of mortification God lookes for x Mat. ● 8 fruits worthy amendment of life implied in this one condition that we forgiue one an other without which wee cannot aske forgiuenesse at his hands And if not without forgiuing them that trespasse against vs certainly not without y Non dimittitur peccatum nisi restituatur ablatum Aug. ep 54. ad Maced giuing satisfaction to them whom our selues haue trespassed z Mat. 5.23.27 if thou bring thy gift to the altar there remembrest that thy brother hath ought against thee leaue there thy gift before the altar and goe thy way first be reconciled to thy brother and then come and offer thy gift a Mat. 18. How will God deale with that servant to whom he forgiues an hundred talents if hee will not forgiue his fellow seruant an hundred pence Will he not deliuer him vnto the tormētors vntill he hath paid all that is due And good reasō b Luc. 7.43.47 Secundum bominem plus fortasse offendit qui plus debuerat sed per misericordiam domini causa mutatur vt amplius diligat qui amplius debuit si tamen gratiā consequatur Ambr. l. 6. comment in Luc. cap. 31. for hee must needs I am sure hee had need loue much to whō much is forgivē c 1. Pet. 4.8 loue will couer a multitude of sinnes d Mat. 18.22 not seauen times but seauenty times seauen A wonderful grace of God where it pleaseth him to bestow it so mortifying the wrath of man e Iam. 1.20 which worketh not the righteousnesse of God so mollifying the heart of man that wee become f Mat. 5.44 c like our heauenly father louing our enimies blessing them that curse vs doing good to them that hate vs and praying for them which dispightfully vse vs. And if God giue vs such grace to forgiue one another hee hath grace in store to forgiue vs and g 1. Ich. 3.19 hereby wee assure our hearts before him Insomuch that as before we desired to doe the will of God on earth as it is in heauen so now wee pray God that is in heauen to forgiue vs as wee on earth thorough his grace doe forgiue one another both alike though nothing equall Now thou art made whole goe thy way and sinne no more least a worse thing befall thee The care is Temptations after we haue obtained the forgiuenesse of our former sinnes and trespasses that we relapse not which is euer more and more dangerous and therefore our humble suit and supplication is that God will not so lead vs into temptations but to deliuer vs from the evill thereof sin death We pray not absolutely against temptation h 1. Cor. 5.10 for then must wee needs goe out of the world It is the will of God wherevnto i 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Duc me o Iupiter tu fatum co quo sum à vobis destinatus Sequar enim alacriter Quod sinoluero improbus 〈◊〉 sequar nihilominu● Epict. Enchir c. 77. we must submit to lead vs thorough a world of temptations into the kingdome of heauen as hee led the children of k Deut. 8.2 Israel thorough the wildernesse into the land of Canaan to humble vs and to proue vs and to knowe what is in our heart and withall to manifest the l ●●inquam servi Dei tentationes diaboli sustinere po●uissent si nequitiam eius pietas dei nô temperaret vel refręnaret Bernard l. de m●do bene vivend Ser. 67. power of his grace in vs to the praise of his glory Thorough whose strength m 2. Cor. 12.9 which is seene in our weaknesse n Rom. 8.37 we are in all these things more then conquerours For it is a greater glory to haue o Eph 6.12 wrestled with principalities powers p 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Nec vero si succumbamus prohibemur in hac pugna quō minus denuò decertemus 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Et iterum si non obtineas aggredi licebit quod sisemel viceris similis ei es qui succubui● nunquam Arrian Epict. l. 3. c. 25. and to overcome then not to haue beene at all assaulted by them We must q Ium 1.2.3 therefore count it all ioy when we fall into divers temptations knowing this that the triall of our faith worketh patience r Rom. 5.4.5 and patience experience and experience hope and hope maketh not ashamed ſ 1. Pet. When the triall of our faith shall bee found to praise and honour and glory at the appearing of Iesus Christ In whom therefore beleeuing we reioice with ioy vnspeakable and full of glory t 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Itaque dolores provenientes ex tentationibus quas sustinemus aut voleates aut recusantes sunt ad profectum vtiles Arrian Epictet lib. 3. c. 25. ad