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A08305 A sinfull mans solace most sweete and comfortable, for the sicke and sorowful soule: contriued, into seuen seuerall daies conference, betweene Christ and a carelesse sinner. Wherin, euerie man, from the highest, to the lowest: from the richest, to the poorest: and aboue all, the sorowfull sinner: maye take such sweet repaste of resolution, to amendment of lyfe, and confirmation of fayth: that (in respect of the heauenlie solace, therin faithfully remembered:) all the pompes and pleasures of this wicked worlde, shall be plainely perceiued to be meere miserie. Writcen [sic], by Iohn Norden. Norden, John, 1548-1625? 1585 (1585) STC 18634; ESTC S110181 160,012 334

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reformatiō of thy life to the glory of his name and to the end that other men seeing such successe in thy seruing of God may bee the better allured to the like and that all men may learne to acknowledge themselues releeued maynteined defended and saued by mee and by none other without whome no man cōmeth to mine heauenly father and without whose mediation and intercession praiers by whome to whom when wherefore and howsoeuer they be made are not onely not auaileable but mere abominable But hee that prayeth faithfully in my name shall haue the experience and triall that myne heauenly father regardeth the same and that by comforting and duely releeuing them whensoeuer they shall open their griefes and wants vnto him who although hee vnderstand before what thou needest and coulde releeue thee without asking his will is that thou shouldest approache vnto his throne of grace in faithfull and zealous prayer that when thou art releeued and hast obteined the things thou desiredst thou shouldest acknowledge his goodnes towards thee and be the more assured and rest in the more liuely and constant hope of the continuance of his louing fauour and mercies towards thee and for the same to bee the more stirred vp to be thankfull But thou saiest thou knowest not howe to pray or what to desire the spirite shall then direct thee namely the holy ghost shall teach thee hee shall healpe thine infirmitie he shall make request for thee and that with inward gronings and sighes of heart in such wise as the tongue can not expresse The flesh is weake and often keepeth downe that zealous and earnest outward shewe which shal be a testimonie of a deuout and godly mind but the spirit groning inwardly lifteth vp the heart in such sort as the verie sighes thereof are accepted with mine heauenly father and knowne according to the desire thereof although it bee not vttered in open words And therefore thou must vnderstand that it is not sufficient to the discharging of this duetie of zealous prayer to vtter many wordes or to vse long and tedious circumstances in outwarde speach vnlesse the heart being guided and directed by the spirit inwardly groane accompanying the tongue in the outward word that so the heart and tongue being linked together by vndoubted fayth present thy necessities before myne heauenly father in my name and so make the same acceptable for the tongue is but the instrumentall meane or witnesse of the minde whereby to set forth the goodnes of mine heauenly father towards thee So that vnlesse the heart which is the guide of the tongue bee truely affected the tongue must needes either verie coldly or cleane contrarie to Christian duetie in that behalfe or in outward shewe glorious as an hypocrite or els vtter nothing at all so that the true worship the faithfull seruice and the acceptable sacrifice of prayer consisteth in the vnfeined zeale of the hearte and not in the outward worde For hee that searcheth the heart vnderstandeth the verie sighes of the spirit and graunteth thy desires such as are measured and limited by the word of trueth proceeding from the same spirit and not those that proceede of the corrupt flesh which longeth alwayes contrarie to the spirit and which seeketh to tye the will of mine heauenly father to the vaine motions thereof namely in prefixing and setting downe meanes the maner and time of help and reliefe as did the Priest who had limited mine heauenly father a time for their deliuery whom that godly woman Iudith rebuked as appeareth in the Historie for his so tempting God Thou must therefore waite his heauenly pleasure in pacience not limiting or apointi●g ●im the meane the way the time or season when or how to defend thee to releeue thee to saue thee but to commit thee wholy vnto his wil and prouidēce looking faithfully vpō him in patience with continuall praiers that he for my sake will graūt such successe vnto thy desires as seemeth conuenient in y e eyes of his wisdome commend I say thy waies vnto his wisdom and trust in him he wil bring it to passe for thy best looke vpō the poore children of Israel who being inuironed with daunger rounde about the Sea was before thē the Mountaines on each side of them and Pharoah with an huge host pursuing and following them in so much as there was nothing but meere dispayre of their deliuerie their daunger was such that all mans deuises were vaine policie was to no purpose no counsayle could auaile them but see the wonderfull power and mercies of myne heauenly father who beholding their imminent daunger at the prayers of Moses made a way for them to escape in which his prayers he prefixed not the maner the time nor meane to be holpen but encouraging the people to trust in God mine heauenly fathers right hande and neither to murmure to feare or dispayre but to referre themselues in faith vnto his will who parted the red Sea in sunder and led the people of Israell through and deuoured their enemies with the same Loe thou seest that he helpeth when the helpe of a man is vayne and when all hope of helpe in respect of men is past then is his power greatest and his helpe neerest Let this therefore learne thee that whether the present daunger of enemies dismay thee pouertie oppresse thée or any other necessitie or greefe anoy thee dispayre not of helpe betake thee vnto my heauenly father in my name cōfesse thy sinnes and shew him thy troubles open thy necessities and declare thy cause vnto him in most faithfull praier not coldly or weakely from thy lippes but zealously and effectually from the heart lifting vp thy minde vnto the heauens not suffering thy thoughtes to roue abroade after other helpes but fixed onely with the eye of a true faith vpon mine heauenly fathers alone ayde for my sake and assure thy selfe that in a tyme most conuenient and most acceptable he shall defende thee hee shall releeue thee and hee shall helpe thee as thou shalt say that the right hand of y e Lord hath wrought it for thee Thou must therefore waite his ●easure and with patience abide his good time in all humilitie and duetiful obedience As Dauid did who being expulsed his Kingdome by his owne Sonne in obedience offered his prayers vnto mine heauenly father saying If I shall finde fauour in thy sight oh Lord thou wilt establish me againe in my Kingdome But if thou shalt say vnto me Thou doest not please me I am ready to obeye thee doe with mee what thou wilt See his humilitie which notwithstanding the heauie burthen of the rebellion of his owne Sonne he shewed in great patience which ingendred that hope that at the last at the will of myne heauenly father was answered with the thing it desired Such humilitie and obedience had Iob who when all his children were taken away his
giuing thee whatsoeuer is necessarie for thee And for that cause oughtest thou to be subiect and obedient vnto his will in all thinges and to pray for the setting forth and sanctifying of his holy name which is to haue his word truely taught louingly imbraced diligently followed him to be worshipped according to the trueth thereof in all thinges And therefore when thou intendest to pray either for good thinges to bee giuen thee or euill things to be taken frō thee thou must haue a principal regarde to the magnifying of his holy name and to the setting forth of his most worthie praises for his mercies and goodnesse with ardent desire that his holy name may be hallowed and his kingdome come That is that his holy spirite would so direct thee in all thy doinges thoughtes and desires that thine heart varie not from his will but bee so setled in the performaunce thereof in all thinges that true humilitie vnfeyned loue vndoubted hope and constaunt faith may begin in thee that tranquilitie and peace of cōscience which may assure thee through me to bee the heire of his euerlasting kingdome to the ouerthrowe of Sathans rule and destruction of all his power whereby he endeuoureth to leade all mankinde into vtter destruction Pray therefore that his kingdome may come which is his holy spirite which hee hath promised to powre out vppon those that earnestly desire it which shall guide thee to the true seruice of mine heauenly father here in this world vntill such time as I shall appeare in the Clowdes to chaunge thy mortal body and place it in that kingdome wherein thou shalt remaine in blisse vnspeakeable for euer Thou must pray also that myne heauenly fathers will bee done in earth as it is in heauen that is that not onely thy self but all the people of the earth may doe that which in his worde is prescribed and commaunded to be done and that there may bee such obedience such loue such godly behauiour in this world amōg men as is required to be that as the Angelles in heauen are obedient vnto his will and cōmaundements whereby he is glorified there so he might be obeyed to the magnifying of his name here in earth And therfore art thou commaunded faithfully to pray vnto him that he would vouchsafe to gouerne all men as Princes Pastors and Teachers Gouernours and Magistrates that they may performe his will here in earth as it is done in heauen And that all men may execute their vocations truely to the praise of his holy name In which three former petitions thou hast to learne that it behoueth thee principally in thy praiers to regarde the glorie of God mine heauenly father And now attend and thou shalt perceiue that as thou art commaunded in the former petitions to haue respect onely vnto the honour of myne heauenly fathers name So art thou also louingly called to craue corporall blessings namely for such thinges as are necessarie and expedient for the maintenaunce of this life by this petitiō Giue vs this day our daily bread which comprehendeth in it not onely request for bread but for a competent liuing and good successe in thy vocation namely that hee will blesse it and make thy trauayle prosperous in such sort as by the fruites thereof thou mayst be able without vnlawfull meanes to liue and be rather helpefull then burdensome to others Yea thou hast warrant in this petition to craue all things belonging to this life not onely sufficiencie of foode and apparell but also health of body and other temporall benefites The Prophet declareth in the Psalmes that hungrie and thirstie soules wandring in the wildernes called vnto myne heauenly father and were releeued and sent away replenished Yea those rhat lye in prison and in the shadowe of death fast bound in miserie and iron without all hope of healpe calling vpon him in hearty and faithfull prayer are heard their prayers graunted and they deliuered Such also as are afflicted and pining away with sicknesse and heauinesse of heart humbling themselues vnto him in prayer are cured of their diseases When thou art therfore in such or any other afflictiō be it sicknesse imprisonment pouertie daunger of enemies or any other trouble whatsoeuer referre thee to the cōsideration of this petition and there shalt thou finde that thou hast sufficient warrant to flye vnto mine heauenly father in my name in heartie prayer for deliueraunce from thy distresse who is nere vnto all them that cal vpon him yea to all that cal vpon him in trueth he will fulfill the desire of them that feare him he will heare their prayers and saue them In this petition therefore it behoueth thee and all aswell the rich as the poore to consider that it is not great aboundaunce of riches and store of all worldly thinges nor the labour industrie and earnest diligence of their vocations but the onely blessing of mine heauenly father whereby their store is preserued and the labour of their handes so prospered as it serueth for the preseruation of their mortall liues And therefore all men ought so to referre them selues vnto mine heauenly fathers will bee they poore or rich in zealous and heartie prayer as that in the good successe both of their store and calling they may referre the glorie vnto him the aucthor of all their welfare and whose blessing it is that maketh rich and releeueth the poore Thou hast heard before that it behoueth thee in all thy prayers first to craue forgiuenesse of thy sinnes and reconciliation with God myne heauenly father through mee And in this former most excellent forme of prayer which must be thy direction to all thy praiers thou art warranted to aske for remission of thy sinnes But vpon this condition namely that thou forgiue freely and from thine heart all those that haue offended thee Wherein thou hast then to consider that if thou come vnto mine heauenly father endewed as before thou hast been taught with especiall loue of him and vnfeyned loue towardes all men come freely and boldly vnto him in the name of mee thy continuall Mediatour and craue in a true faith that for my sake hee will forgiue thy sinnes and receiue thee againe into his fauour assuring thy selfe that hauing mee the high Bishop praying for thee through whom thou being iustified by faith art at peace and at one with God mine heauenly father Thinke therefore diligently vpon the forgiuenesse of thy sinnes in me and whensoeuer thine owne vnworthinesse through feare so cloyeth thy poore conscience that thou thinke nothing but condemnation due vnto thee Cast the eyes of thine heart through a liuely faith vppon my merites standing at no time vppon thine owne deseruinges craue reconciliation and remission for my sake assuring thy selfe to bee heard and receiued into mine heauenly fathers fauour againe And beware thou stande not righteous in thine owne conceit for if thou
mine heauenly father yea all they that came of y e stock of Adam are all become abominable and of none abilitie to doe good there is none that worketh righteousnes no not one my selfe excepted who according to y e promise of mine heauēly father in the beginning made to Adam y t the seede of the woman should tread downe the Serpents head who was also promised to Abraham Isaak and Iacob where it was foretold that in their seede should all the kingdomes of the earth be blessed therefore must thou beleue that y e originall corruption which proceeded frō Adam remaineth yet in all flesh in generall whose reward is death But my father hath reserued vnto himselfe a certaine number knowne onely vnto himselfe which in my bloud he hath sanctified vnto eternall life whom by the holy Ghost he elected and chose out before the foundation of the world to be his childrē adopted and vnited into his fauour and mercie againe by me his onely sonne who in the time from the beginning of the world limited by the holy Prophets foreshewed came into the world in the very shape forme of a man and in all thinges lyke vnto a man sinne excepted conceiued in the wombe of a virgin whose name was Marie by the holy ghost and was incarnate and tooke substaunce of her bodie and borne into the world and growing in the fleshe according to the manner of sinfull men yet without sin according to the worde of the Prophetes And that I was y e Messias so long before promised who should bring ioy glad tidings vnto all the world and to set those at libertie that were in the bōdage of Sathan sould vnder sinne and to giue light to them that sate in darknes and in the shadowe of death who haue bin from the beginning of the world begotten before all creatures and consecrated of mine heauenly Father to be the onely Hye Priest that should offer the Sacrifice that should appease his wrath for all the sinnes of the worlde to be the king to defend his people and the Prophet to shewe them his will and to guide their feete vnto the way of peace Who by offering vp my body in sacrifice once for all through the eternall spirite without spotte or sinne purged the consciences of men from dead workes to serue the liuing God mine heauenly Father and that for that purpose I lefte the heauenly Cittie the bosome of mine heauenly Father and being Lorde of all became a subiect and seruaunt to all laying aside all glorie and put on the base attire of mortall man being indued with two natures Deuine and Humaine without which the will of my Father could not haue bin executed according to his diuine prouidence for in my humanitie I was in this worlde parsonally dwelling among men eating and drinking among men and was verie man of the promised seed of Dauid and yet as touching my Godhead I was nothing inferiour to mine heauenly father but coequall with him and coeternall yet was I cōtent to humble my selfe obey his will and to shewe his vnspeakeable loue and ardent desire he had of the redemption of mankinde wherein he gaue me his onely sonne to dye for the sinnes of the world who according to his determinate will did most willingly imbrace euen the death of the Crosse to redeeme them from death that were iustly condemned performing the message of mine heauenly father in all things doing nothing but what was decreed before the beginning of the world by the eternal counsaile I became poore to make thee rich and to be a meane to bring thee into the fauour of mine heauenly father againe I became bond to the will of mortall men to make thee free with the imortall God I became a straunger and a Pilgrim in earth to make thee a Citizen of heauen I became the sonne of mortall man to make thee the childe of the liuing GOD I suffered the paynes of Hell to purchaze thee heauen I was content to sufter the cruell death of the Crosse to procure thee lyfe eternal Thou must therefore faithfullie belieue that I am that Christ that true Messias that was promised to be the Sauiour of the world who was annoynted with the oyle of grace and was indued with all spirituall heauenly giftes here in earth aboue all others and that my flesh was so sanctified with my Diuinitie and Godhead that it could not suffer or see corruption Thou must belieue also that after I had preached the will of my father in Iudea and Galile in great humilitie where both by word and miracles I shewed my selfe to be the sonne of God as also by the preachings of the Prophets The Iewes by all meanes sought to take me but could not before my time was come and when the howre came when I should be deliuered into their hands according to the will of my Father I was vniustly accused of y e chief priests who consulting how they might haue me taken procured Iudas falsly to betray me promising him a bribe who although I could haue preuented him betrayed me with a kisse And then the chiefe Priestes bound me and brought me before Pylate and had prouided false witnes to accuse me wicked ministers to scourge me scoffers to deride me condemning me most vniustly to dye and to be hanged vpon the Crosse betweene two theeues as a principall malefactor and yet pure and altogether without spotte or sinne where most ignominiously and cruelly I was crowned with a Crowne of thornes in dispitefull and disdaynfull manner saluting me by the name of the king of the Iewes who being thirstie they gaue me most sharpe vinegar mingled with gall to drinke all which I most meekely and willingly suffered tooke all their torments patiently their raylings and reuilings mildlie their buffetings spittings at me meekelie longing for the redemption of mankinde to be baptized with that baptisme of so greeuous a death and to offer vp once for all the sacrifice of my bodie to reuiue them that were dead in sinne and to obtaine pardon for their transgressions euen the tender loue I had to the saluation of their poore soules by which oblation I haue purchased full satisfaction for the sinnes of the whole world that whoe so beleeueth in me should not pearish but should obtaine eternall lyfe Thou must verely beleeue also that I dy●d vppon the same Crosse and euen giuing vp the ghost into the handes of mine heauenly Father I indured such agonie due for the sinne of mankinde which aunswered the Iustice of mine heauenly Father in so heauy exceeding manner in respect of mine humanitie that the verie anguish and conflict of the flesh and spirit I sweat water and ●loud and was
his necke For thou must consider this that as mine heauēly father can not abide euill but punisheth the same when and in whomsoeuer be findeth it so whether it be in y e heart hidden frō the sight of man spokē with the tongue or committed with the hand he hateth the same if it be in the heart inwardly and not executed hee pronounceth it of like effect as if it were done and therefore he that hateth his brother is a manslaier yea whosoeuer is angrie with his brother vnaduisedly shalbe culpable of iudgement and whosoeuer shall say vnto his brother thou foole shalbe worthy to be punished in hell fire Thou must therefore beware of this d●ngerous most pernicious euill hatred against thy brother and cast it cleane out of thine heart and take heede that rash and vnaduised wordes bewray not thine inward affection to sauour of the same but place in steede thereof such an vnfayned loue towards all men that thy mercifull dealing with men may shew thine inward affection to be right and truely setled towards GOD thine heauenly Creatour an example whereof thou mayst see in Iob Whose pitifull compassion towarde all such as were in extremitie was such that he deliuered the poore that cried the fatherlesse him y t had none to helpe him the blessing of him that was readie to perish came vppon mee saith he and I caused the Widowes heart to reioyce Euen so see that thou impart according to thine abilitie to the comfort of my needy members least in that great and fearefully day it be sayd vnto thee among the damned persons Depart from me ye cursed into euerlasting fire which is prepared for the deuill and his angels For I was an hungred and ye gaue me no meate a thirst and yee gaue mee no drinke c. Let this therefore mooue thée to open the bowels of pittie and to shewe compassion vpon those that want wherein thou hast heard consisteth an acceptable deede before mine heauenly father insomuch as it appeareth that those shalbe saued that show mercie vnto the poorest least of his members and those damned that shut vp their compassion from them And therefore open violence and wilfull murther is not onely to be auoyded but also all hardnes of heart and vncharitable dealing towards thy neighbour and poore brethren The third Commaundement of the second Table forbiddeth thee to commit adulterie a most horrible a most detestable offence in the sight of mine heauenly father for which he caused to perish in one day three twētie thousand the sharpenesse of which Scurge argueth the great hatred which my heauenly father heareth towards y e kind of sinne It is wickednes iniquitie to be condemned a fire y t deuoureth al to destruction and consumeth not onely the substance but corrupteth the body and destroyeth the soule And therefore sayth the wise man he that committeth adulterie with a woman is destitute of vnderstanding he that doeth it destroyeth his owne soule he shall find a wounde and dishonour and his reproch shall neuer bee put away wherefore abstaine from fornication dedicate thy body as a vessell of holinesse wholy vnto mine heauenly father Be not deceiued for Fornicators Idolaters Adulterers nor Wantons shall enter into the kingdome of heauen But there be some that for a Buckler to defend their vncleanesse and wantonnesse of life take hold as a sufficient excuse to say the flesh is weake and therefore if they fall nowe and then through frailety they make light accompt of the matter but take heede for this cloake can not couer thy filthines this defence will be as a two edged sword to cut thine owne Soule from that most glorious inheritaunce prepared for such as vnder the buckler of a true faith fight against al vngodly lustes of the flesh and subdue those euill desires and affections that rise vp against the deuine will of mine heauenly father The excuse of the frailtie of their flesh could not stay the hand of mine heauenly father from striking those three and twentie thousand for their fornication and whoredome knowest thou not that thy body is a member of God and wilt thou make it the member of an harlot beware of it for he that coupleth himselfe with an Harlot becometh one body with her so excludeth himselfe from being any lōger the member of me Iesus Christ. Thou must learne therefore to walke in those waies wherin mine heauenly father hath promised conduction and continuall protection through mee which is not to followe thine owne peruerse desires but to yeeld thy selfe to such holines of life and godly conuersation as thou maist stand certeinly assured of mercie and fauour at the hands of myne heauenly father The frailtie of thy corrupt flesh thou sayest draweth thee into many noysome and daungerous desires often yeelding vnto the wil of natural reason whereby thou fallest into breach of this Commaundement What is the cheefest matter that mainteineth this kind of fire and feedeth those vngodly affections in thee If thy dulnes can not conceiue it knowe this that idlenesse the mother of euill thoughtes euill company the practise of impietie euill speach the spectacle of vngodly behauiour glotony the mayme of temperance and sobrietie excesse in apparell the mistres of pryde are the spurres that pricke the weake flesh forward to the fulfilling and putting in practise of the vngodly motiōs that spring from the euill and vngodly affections of the heart Take heede of these things therefore they are the subtile instruments of Sathan that lye in continual waite to entangle thee against this Commaundement which can so much the more easely intrap thee by how much they are little suspected of thee naturall reason telleth thee that it is lawfull for thine heart to imagine what it listeth and why because it woorketh onely inwardly and sheweth not the desire in outward action but I say that who so looketh vpon a woman to lust after her that man hath committed adulterie with her already Then I say that it is not sufficient for thee to say I did no such thing I haue not committed this externall action whereby I haue bene apprehended or called in question before the magistrate but it behoueth thee to enter into thy cogitations and to subdue this intent and when Sathan begins to batter the Walles of thine heart with such wicked desires meete him with a strong fayth and tumble him downe with the Weapon of a chaste minde that hee make no spoyle of thine honest and chast behauiour But to auoyde the danger of this assault there is a meane prouided namely wedlock which is honorable whereunto thou art not onely licensed but commounded but not rashly or vnaduisedly but in the Lord which is to make thy choyce so as that loue and godly affection not vnto lust but vnto a chaste life mooue thee thereunto for that as adulterie is
cattell destroyed and howses and all his substaunce consumed he betooke him vnto the Lorde saying Oh Lord naked came I into the worlde and naked shall I returne to earth againe thou hast giuen and thou hast taken away now blessed be thy name for euermore Who in his extreme miserie dispayred not neither limited a time of his releefe but referring himself vnto mine heauenly fathers wil in perfect patience was in the ende holpen and wonderfully releeued Wherefore I say thou mayst be assured of releefe in all thy necessities if thus thou betake thee in my name vnto myne heauenly fathers will Looke vpon the three children in the hot Ouen who choosing rather to dye then to commit Idolatrie cryed out faithfully saying Our God whom we serue can deliuer vs But if he will not knowe this oh King that we will not worship thy God Which three childrē were in the Ouen and not consumed mine heauenly father was readie to deliuer them they did not indent and compoūd with him that if hee would deliuer them they would defie the Image of Nabugodoazer but referred themselues vnto his prouidēce in true obedience So what daūger necessitie or trouble soeuer thou hap to fall into thou must with Dauid and these three children submit thy self vnto mine heauenly fathers will without appointing the maner or time to be releeued And with Iob to say the name of God be praised for euermore Cast thy care vpon mine heauenly father in my name he shall nourish thee he shall defende thee releeue and succour thee and shall not suffer thee to be in perpetuall trouble And therefore thou must pray in hope and that alwaies not being wearie for that thou hast an ende of thy troubles and releefe in thy necessities promised when in what maner by what meanes thou mayst not appoint but whether he tarie long ere he helpe thee or sende thee releefe presently it is for thy best And therefore in all thy prayers thou must ad this if it be his will for that he knoweth what is most conuenient for thee what is for thy benefite whereof thou art altogether ignoraunt But reioyce alway pray continually in al things be thankfull for this is the will of God mine heauenly father in me his Sonne towards all men The sinfull man What are the thinges for which I ought most specially to pray Instruct me that from hence I may thy sacred will obey Solace IN deede it behoueth thee to haue consideration what thou requirest at mine heauenly fathers handes who although he will thee to come freely vnto him and he will helpe thee he doth not admit thee to come in such wise as that thy petitions should vary from his worde wherin he hath prescribed vnto thee what thou shouldest aske namely whatsoeuer things are honest whatsoeuer thinges are iust whatsoeuer thinges apperteine vnto loue whatsoeuer thinges are godly vertuous and tending to y e glorie of his holy name In these thinges oughtest thou to be carefull and for such things to make thy zealous and heartie prayers in my name and thou shalt obteyne both corporall and spirituall thinges to thine vnspeakeable comforte But thou must put a difference betweene the thinges thou prayest for namely to aske spirituall thinges as forgiuenesse of sinnes and to be preserued from sinne and eternall death for the gift of the holy Ghost for euerlasting life without any condition in a true faith for I wil not the death of a sinner but rather that he re●●rne and liue And therefore thou mayst take 〈◊〉 of reconciliation in me and assure thy self of eternall life In the same faith also as thou hast heard thou mayst flye vnto him in my name for all thy corporall necessities but with this condition namely if it please him And it is required of thee that before thou enter into this so excellent and so precious a worke thou examine thy selfe namely whether hatred against thy brother malice desire of reuenge or any other vncharitable matter be depēding betweene any other and thy selfe If so then behoueth it thee● before thou approach vnto mine heauenly father in requesting any thing spirituall or temporall to growe into a godly desire of vnitie and from thine heart to forgiue whatsoeuer thou haue against any man that myne heauenly father may forgiue thee For knowe this that if thou forgiue not those that haue offended thee be it neuer so highly mine heauenly father will not pardon thee of thine offences which are many and great against him But being in a charitable desire of other mens welfare as of thine owne thou hast free accesse through mee vnto myne heauenly Father to whome thou mayst come boldly for things appertaynig both to body and soule as thou art taught by these words Our father which art in heauen hallowed be thy name thy kingdome come thy will be done in earth as it is in heauen Giue vs this day our dayly bread and forgiue vs our offences as wee forgiue them that haue offended vs And lead vs not into temptation But deliuer vs from euill In which breefe forme of prayer consisteth the whole summe both of spirituall and corporall requestes And whatsoeuer thou askest it is comprehended within this praier or otherwise it is without any warrant and therefore not to be graunted And therefore by this rule it behooueth thee to guide all thy petitions for in this forme of prayer are conteined things eternall things spirituall and corporal things present things to come which things onely ought to stirre vp thy dull mind to faithfull and heartie prayer The sinfull man Declare thou these thinges more at large good Solace that I may In faith be stirred vp in thee for what and when to pray Solace THen vnderstande that by this forme before recited thou art taught not onely that prayer is necessarie and that it is commaunded as a principal seruice and worship of mine heauenly father but thou art directed to whom and for what to pray Thou must pray therefore yea aboue all thinges to whom to mine heauenly father for what especially for thinges tending to eternall saluation and then for bodily necessaries when continually least thou fall into temptatiō Thou must pray vnto mine heauenly father why because he is God eternal omnipotent maker and creator of all things the preseruer the defender the saftie and life of all and without whose deuine prouidence nothing can continue Bu● by whom or by whose or what meanes doth he heare thee and graunt thy requestes only by me and whatsoeuer thou shalt aske of him in my name he shall giue it thee And therefore whensoeuer thou praiest thou must be faithfully perswaded that he is fatherly affected towards thee and is become so fauourable vnto thee for my sake that he both heareth thee and will graunt thy requestes And therefore oughtest thou to call him father who for my sake accepteth thee as his sonne