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A05789 A prymer in Englyshe with certeyn prayers [et] godly meditations, very necessary for all people that vnderstonde not the Latyne tongue. Cum priuilegio regali.; Book of hours (Salisbury). English Catholic Church.; Marshall, William, fl. 1535. aut; Joye, George, d. 1553. Ortulus anime. aut 1534 (1534) STC 15986; ESTC S105505 141,102 352

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the sone and to the holy ghost As it was in the begynnyng as it is now and euer shal be Amen ¶ Celi enarrant THe heuens declare the gloryous maieste of god what are his workes One daye folowynge another whettch cōtynually our thoughtes one nyght folowynge another encreaseth our knowlege These creatures haue neither speache nor wordes neyther is theyr voyces ony where herde And yet theyr poyntynge and shewynge hathe taught all the worlde theyr dūme speache hathe gone forthe in to all the costes of the worlde He hath fastened in them a tabernacle for the sonne and he cometh forth of his cloudes lyke a brydegrome ye lyke a freshe valyaunt knyght ●o make his course From the farthest este parte of the heuēs cometh he forth hauyng his recourse vnto the other extreme neither is there ony man that may hyde hym from his heate The lawe of God the lorde is perfecte refresshynge the soule the testimonye of the lorde is faythfull mynisirynge wysedome to the vnlearned The cōmaundementes of the lorde ar ryght makyng glad the herte Tho thynges which god cōmaundeth are playne and pure and they lyghtē the eyes The feare of the lorde is pure and holye abydyng for euer the pleasures of the lorde are true and ryght in euery par●e More worthy to be desyred then golde and precyous stones sweter thē the hony combe when it droppeth And thy seruaunt is taughte monisshed by theym that same obseruynge of them is a greate gyfte Who may attayne to the knowlege of his synfull nature pourge me fro my secrete synnes Ye and turne thou these greate synnes frō thy seruant lest they haue dominion ouer me and then shall I be pure from euery greate synne Let the speches of my mouth the thoughtes of my herte be pleasaunte and accepte vnto the lorde my defender and redemer Glory be to the father to the Sonne and to the holy Ghoste As it was in the beginnyng as it is now and euer shall be Amen ¶ Domini est terra THe Earthe is the lordes and all that is contayned therin the rounde worlde and all that inhabyte it For in the see hath he set hir foūdacions and hath buylde hir aboue the floodes Who shall clyme in to the hyll of the lorde or who shall abyde in his holy place An innocent in his deades and he that is pure in herte that hathe not extolled hym selfe proudely vnto vanite neyther hathe sworne for ony deceyte This man shall be fed with the blyssynge of the lorde and with the mercy of god his sauyour This is the nacion gyuen all vnto hym seketh him this is the very right Iacob selah O ye gates lyfte vp your selues ye gates euerlastyng be opened and this gloryouse kynge shall entre in Who is this kyng that is so glorious it is the myghty valyaunte lorde noble in power a lord excellent in strength to wage batayl O ye gates lyft vp your selues ye gates euerlastyng be ye opened and the gloryous kynge shall entre in Who is this kynge that is so gloryous● it is the lorde of hostes it is he that is this gloriouse kynge Selah Glorye be to the father to the sonne and to the holy ghost As it was in the begynnyng as it is now and euer shall be Amen ¶ The Antympe the iij. to the Romans All we are synners and haue neade of the glorye of god ¶ The versicle The fyrst to the ephesians In what thyng stondeth the glory of god The responsorye ¶ In the free forgeuenes of synnes of his cleare mercy onelye ¶ The pater noster OUr father whiche arte in heuen halowed be thy name let thy kyngedome come ouer vs. Thy wyll be fulfylled as well in earthe as it is in heuen Geue vs this daye our suffycyent fode And forgeue vs our trespasses as we forgeue them that trespasse agaynst vs. And lede vs not in to temptation But delyuer vs frome the euyll spyryte Amen ¶ Lede vs not lorde in to temptation But delyuer vs from the euyll spirite Amen ¶ The blyssyng Lorde we beseche the of thy blessyng R. Blessed ar they that suffre persecution for the ryghtewysnes of faythe for theyrs is the kyngdome of Heuen Amen ¶ The fyrste lesson Mat. x. LO I sende you forth as shepe among wolues se therfore ye be wyse as serpentes and innocent as doues beware of men for they shall delyuer you vp to the counsayles and shall scourge you in theyr synagoges and ye shall be brought to the heade rulers kynges for my sake in wytnes to them and to the gentyles but whē they put you vp take no thoughte what or how ye shall speake for it shall be gyuē you euen in the same houre what ye shall saye for it is not you the speake but the spirite of your father whiche speaketh in you And lord thou haue mercy on vs Responsorie Iohn̄ .xvj. These thynges haue I sayde vnto you because 〈…〉 to god The 〈…〉 shall they do vnto you because they haue not knowen the father nor yet me ¶ They shall excommunycate you ye the tyme shall come that who so euer kylleth you shal thinke that he doth hygh seruyce to god ¶ The blyssynge Lorde we beseche the of thy blessynge Blessed are the poore in spyryte for theyrs is the kyngedome of heuen Amen ¶ The seconde lesson Hebre. xij THe burden of synne cast awaye let vs runne with patience vnto the batayl that is set before vs lokynge vnto Iesus the auctor and fynysher of our faythe which for the ioye that was set before him abode the crosse and despysed the shame is set downe on the ryght hande of the throne of god Consydre therfore how that he endured suche speakynge agaynste hym of synners lest ye sholde be weryed faynte in your myndes for ye haue not yet resysted vnto bloudeshedynge stryuynge agaynst synne And ye haue forget the consolacyon whiche speaketh vnto you as vnto chyldren My sonne despyse not the chastenynge of the lorde neyther faynte when thou arte rebuked of hym for whome the Lorde loueth him he chasteneth ye and he scourgeth euery sonne that he receyueth But thou lorde haue mercy on vs. ¶ The Respont Hebrew the .xij Ye ye shall endure chastenyng god offereth hym selfe vnto you as vnto sonnes what sonne is that whom the father chastneth not ¶ The verse Yf ye be not vnder correction wherof all are pertakers than are ye bastardes and not sonnes What sonne is that whom the father chasteneth not The blyssynge ¶ Lorde we besche the of thy blyssynge Blyssed are all men that truste in the lord AMEN ¶ The thyrde lesson to the wyse man .v. IN the laste iudgemente when these vngodly shall beholde the ryghtwise men they shall be troubled with horryble feare and shall maruayle at theyr so soden helth vnlocked for waylyng for the sorowfull anguishe of theyr mynde sayeng within them selfe beynge heuy mornynge for the anguysshe of theyr mynde These are they
so to brynge me to the Father for it is he which with the father by Christe ī Christ worketh quickeneth al thyngꝭ ¶ I beleue that in al the world be it neuer so greate there is but one comē Christē churche which is none other thing but the cōgregatiō cōmunyō of holy men that is of rightuous faythfull men on the earth that this churche by this holy spirit is gadered and maynteyneth thorough whome also it is gouerned encreased dayly by the sacramentes and worde of god ¶ I beleue that noman can euer be saued which is not founde agreable and consentynge with this cōgregation in one faith in one worde in one sorte of sacramentes hope charyte And that none of the Iewes or Gentilꝭ can be saued with this church except they reconcyle them selfe vnto it come in fauour with it conformyng them selues in all pointes therunto ¶ I beleue that in this cōmunyon or christente all the prayers and goode workes of this congregation do necessaryly helpe me weigh on my syde and conforte me in all tymes of lyfe and deathe ¶ I beleue that in this congregation and comen welth and in none other place is forgyuenes of synnes And that without this all great good workes how many soeuer there be of them do nothyng profet to forgyuenes of synne And contrarywyse in this cōgregation the multitude greatnes and often cōmytting of synnes do no thynge hurte nether let the forgyuenes of synne But that this forgyuenes doeth cotynue whersoeuer and how longe this excellent churche doth endure To whome also Christ gyueth his keys sayth Mat. 18. What so euer ye lose vpon Erth it shal be losed in Heuē Lykewyse Math. 16. he sayth to Peter alone In the name stede of this only church what so euer thou lose vpon Earth it shall be losed in heuen ¶ I beleue that there shall be a rysynge of them that are deade in the whiche rysyng the holy ghost shal sturre vp al flesshe that is all men concernyng the body and flesshe good and euyll so that the veray flesshe whiche was deade buried and consumed or by other wayes destroyed shall returne and lyue agayne ¶ I beleue that after this resurr●ction I my selfe and all true Christen people shall haue euerlastynge lyfe of god the Father in the kyngdome of his welbeloue sonne not for by nor through the workꝭ of ryghtwisnes that we haue downe for all passions and martyrdomes that maye be suffred in this world are not countreuaylable to the glorye to come whiche shall be shewed in vs but by the grace and mercy of God by the redemption which is in Christ Iesu that is to saye by his precyous death and most paynfull passyon for truly the guerdon reward stipend of synne wherwith we all are manyfolde wayes poluted by spotted and defyled is death yea that euerlasting but by the grace of god it is that we repentynge of our synnes and belyuyn●e stedfastly ●is promes●es shall haue euerlastynge lyfe in Iesu Christe our lorde ¶ Amen that signifieth that in good ernest wi●hout doubt al these thynges be true The prayer of the lorde called the pater noster OUr father whiche arte in heuen halowed be thy name Let thy kyngdome come Thy wyll be fulfylled as well in earthe as it is in heuen Gyue vs this dat our dayly breade And forgyue vs our trespasses euen as we forgyue theym whiche trespasse agaynste vs. And leade vs not in to temptation But delyuer vs from euyll So be it A goodly interpretation or declaration of the pater noster OUr Father whiche arte in heuens looke mercyfullye vpon vs thy wretched children heare in earth gyue vs thy grace that bothe thy holy name among vs and al●o thrughout the hole worlde maye be sanctyfyed and praysed thrughe the true pure preachynge of the worde of god and also that synnefull maner of lyuynge and all wicked and erroneouse doctrynes may cease for by these thynges thy name is dishonoured and blasphemed Cause that thy kyngedō may come and be encreased that all synners and all those whiche beynge blynded thorugh ygnoraunce leue in the kyngedom of satan may come to the knowledge of fayth in Iesu Christe that by suche meane thy churche may increas and waxe more and more full of people Cause also that the holy ghoste do confyrme and establesshe vs that we may obay thy wyll and plesure and sustayne beare the crosse as wel in lyfe as in death as wel in prosperyte as in aduersite that we may mortyfy our owne wyll and offer it to god as a sacrifice Geue to vs our dayly brede Take from vs couetuosnes rare for the belye that we may loke for all good thynges from the that we may receyue them of the. Forgyue vs our trespaces as we do forgyue them that trespasse agaynste vs that our herte may be quiete and carelesse and our cōscience not fered with the syght of our synnes Lede vs not in to temptation But helpe vs by thy spirite in mortyfienge and subduynge or ramynge of our flesshe that we may learne to despyse the worlde with al the desyres studies and exercyses belongynge vnto it and that we may vanqueshe and ouercome the crafty gyles of sathan Fynally delyuer vs o almyghty father from all euyll aswell temporall or transytory as euerlastynge as well of body as of soule who so euer coueteth desyrith these thynges vnfaynedly and hertely let them say Amen ¶ And let thē beleue without ony doubte that god hath graunted al these thynges and that theyr prayer is harde all redy accordynge to the promysse of Christe when he sayde what so euer thyngꝭ ye aske and desyre by prayer beleue that ye do receyue it and ye shall haue it ¶ The prayer of the lorde called the Pater noster where in are conteyned .vij. peticions ¶ The preface and introduction to aske these .vij. peticions is conteyned in these wordes Our father whiche arte in heuen ¶ The vnderstondyng of the wordes ALmyghty God syth thou of thyne infinite beneuolence and mercy hast not only admitted vs but also taught yea and cōmaūded by thy only and dere sonne Iesu Christ that we trustynge in his merytes and protection he beynge our in●ercessor shulde beleue that thou were a louynge father vnto vs. And that we shulde also call the father though worthely and by greate ryght thou myghtyste haue ben an angry and greuous iudge agaynste vs synners whiche so ofte and abhomynable haue done agaynste thy godly and moste holy wyll and haue gyuen the occasyon of displeasure agaynst vs. Gyue vs we beseche the by the same beneuolence mercy that we may haue in our hertes sure trust without feare of thy fatherly loue And make vs fele this acceptable smell swetnes whiche the moste sure chyldly truste doth get vnto vs that we may with glade mynde call the father knowlege the loue the and crye on the
in al ieopardyes Kepe vs we humbly besech the that we may contynue thy louyng chyldren and not deserue to haue the moste mekest Father our terryble iudge nor suffre vs not to be thyn enemyes whiche ought to be thy chyldren and heyres Thou wylt also not only symply be called a father but that we with a comen voice shulde call the our Father And so with a special prayer of vnyte pray for euery man wherfore gyue vnto vs an agreynge brotherly loue so that we may perceiue euery one of vs that we are truly brothers susters and may pray to the as to our comen mercyfull father euery one for other euen as kynde chyldren entreate theyr father one for another Graunt ●hat none of vs seke that whiche is his owne or els forget other in thy lyght but that auoidynge all hate enuye and discention as it becometh the true chyldrē of god we may loue togyther with due fauour so that we may saye with a faythful herte not my father but our father Sythe truely thou art no bodely nor earthely father whome we may se in earth but art in Heuen our spirituall father whiche dyeth not neyther art changeable or incōstant or such which art not able to helpe thy selfe as is ī an erthely bodely father wherby it is euydent vn●o vs howe moche thou art a better father which teachest this temporal fatherhodes contrey frendes rychesse flesshe and blode to be despysed for the. Graunte vs to dere father that we maye be thy heuenly chyldren Teache vs to regarde none other thynge then our soule helth and the euerlastynge herytage so tha● this temporall contrey and worldly herytage whiche entangleth and combreth vs labourynge to make vs erthely and lyke vnto it selfe deceyue vs not so that we maye saye truely and with a faythfull herte O our heuenly Father gyue vs thy grace that we may be thy heuenly chyldren ¶ The fyrste peticion Thy name be halowed ¶ O god almyghty our most dere heuenly father thy godly name euen nowe in this tyme in this vale of misery alas for shame so many waies is dishonoured miserab●y blasphemed applied to many thyngꝭ wherin stondeth not thy honour and glorye ye and many abuse it to theyr greate confusyon whiche thynge is so comen and often vsed that this fylthy lyfe may well be called a sclaūder dishonestynge of thy moste gloryous name Therefore endue vs with thy godly grace that we may auoyde suche thyngꝭ as are agaynst the honour prayse of thy moste holy name Make thou all wytchecraftes and false charmes s●ortly to decay Cause all cōiurynges by the whiche Sathan or other creatures are enchaūted to ceasse by thy blessed name Make that all false fayth by that whiche either we mystruste the or put more confydence in other then is nedefull maye quyckly be destroyed Made that all heresyes and false doctryne which pretende a colour of thy name may sodeynly vanyshe awey Make that al hyprocrysy or faynynge of truthe ryghtuousnes or holynes deceyue no man Make that noman swere by thy name lye or deceyue Kepe vs from all false hope whiche vnder colour of thy blessed name o●fereth i● s●l●e vnto vs. Kepe vs from spirituall pryde from the vayne honour of worldly gory name Graunte vs that in al parelles and hur●e we may cal vpō this thy holy name Graunt that in the straytnesse o● cōscience and ieopardy of death we neuer forget thy blessed name Graunte that in our goode wordes and workes we may only prayse and magnyfy the so that we nether seke nor calenge to our selfe any name or honor but to the only whose alone are all thynges Kepe vs from the most dānable synne of vnkyndnes Graunt that by our lyfe goode workes all other may be moued to good and that they honour and praise not vs but thy name Graūte that by our euyl workes and synnes noman may take occasion to sclaunder thy name or dymynyshe thy prayse kepe vs that we desire nothyng eyther transitorye or euerlastynge whiche shulde not retorne to the honour prayse of thy name And yf we aske any such here thou not our folyshenes Make that our lyfe be suche that we may truly be founde thy chyldren so that this thy name father be not called in vayne or falsely in vs. ¶ To this parte of prayer spiritually appertayne all psalmes prayers with whiche we prayse worshype synge gyue thankes to god fynall all the prayse of god ¶ The secounde petition Let thy kyngdome come ¶ This wretched lyfe is the kyngdome of all synnes and myschief whose lorde is the wycked spirite chief author and grounde of all malice and synne but thy kyngdome is the kyngdome of all grace and vertue whose Lorde is thy beste beloued Sonne Iesus Christe the hed and beginnynge of all grace vertue wherfore helpe vs most dyre Father and take vs agayn● in to thy fauour Gyue vs before all thynges true constaunt fayth in Christe hope without feare in thy mercy agaynste al infirmities of our weake conscyence and pure loue towardes the and all men Kepe vs from in fidelyte desperacyon and malyce whiche at the last myght be the cause of our destruction Make vs to auoide the foule desyre of lechery Gyue vs loue to virginyte and to all clennesse Delyuer vs from dyssentions batelles dyscorde and stryfe Make the vertues of thy kyngdome to come reygne within vs. Gyue vs peace concorde and tranquilyte so that wrathe or ony other bytternes haue not his kyngedome in vs but rather through thy grace the symple swetnes brotherly behaueour all kynde of frendshyp good maner gentylnes and kyndnes Graunte vs that the inordynate anguyshe and heuynes of mynde haue no place in vs. But make that reioysyng and plesure in thy grace and mercy rule haue dominion And to be shorte that all synne may be alyenate from vs and that we replenished with thy grace vertue and good workes may be made thy kyngdome that all our herte mynde and wyttes with all our strenght inward outwarde may suffre them selfe to be ruled by the to serue the thy cōmaundementes thy wyl not them selfe or the flesshe the worlde or the deuyll Make that this thy kyngdome ones in vs begone may be encreased go forward dayly and growe Leaste the subtyle malyce or slewth that we haue to goodnes oppresse vs leste we loke backe againe and fal in to ●ynne Geue vs a stable purpose strenght not only to begynne this good lyfe but rather to procede ●oldly in it and ●o per●o●me it as 〈◊〉 say●e Lyghten myn lyes le●●te I slepe or be wery in the good lyfe ones begone and so myn enemy ●o bryng me agayne in to his power Graunt that we may so contynue And that thy kyngdom which shall come may fynyshe performe this kyngdome which ●s begonne by the. Delyuer vs from this perilous and synful lyfe whan it shall please the. Make vs desyre
How be it the maner of this remembraunce is very rare and out of vse although saynte Paule and saynte Peter make of●en mencyon of it And we haue chaunged it altogether in to an outwarde apperaunce and haue thought it suf●icient to beholde the story of the passion paynted vpon the walles But there are very fewe yea almoste none that call it to theyr remembrannce for th entent to knowe theyr synnes by it or to quyet theyr tremblynge consciences or to ordre and compare theyr lyfe to this ensample ¶ Thus endeth the meditacyon and frutefull remembraunce of Christes passion whiche passeth all other contemplations ¶ A fruetfull and a very Christen instruction for Chyldren ¶ In the mornyng at thy vp rysyng thou shalte make the 〈◊〉 of y● 〈…〉 say 〈◊〉 thus ¶ In to this daye do I entre all thynges to do In the name of the Father and of the Sonne and of the holy ghoste Then knele downe vpon thy knees or els stondynge saye this prayer folowynge WHit an humble a contrite hert with a soroufull and a repentyng spirite I sue vnto the most mercyful father besechyng the of mercy and forgyuenes of all myn offence that I haue this night cōmitted against thy goodnes slepyng or wakyng dremynge or drechynge by ony maner of vnclennes of body or of soule that I haue fallen in to by illusion of the dyuel or els by ony other occasion And I thanke the by thy deare sonne Iesus Christe that thou haste preserued me this nyghte from sodayne deathe and all other myschyef that ony persone man or woman hath ben stryken with all by thy permyssyon and sufferance knowyng of suerty that the selfe same had ligthned on my head also haddest not thou defended me and preserued me And nowe I beseche the blessed father that thou wylte 〈…〉 me thi● day 〈…〉 th● cōmaund 〈…〉 me grace to walke warely among●●t thynnumerable snares of my ghostly ennemy the dyuel and to be circumspect and prudent and diligently to consydre before hand what I shall speke and what I go about to do so that all my hoole lyfe thoughtes wordꝭ and werkes may so be ordred that in all myne interprises thyn honour laude and glory the edyfyinge of myn owne soule in vertue the ꝓfite of my Christē brother be only sought for and intended thrugh the helpe of Iesu Christe our lorde whiche lyueth and raygneth with the his father and your bothes holy spirite worlde without ende Amen ¶ The Pater noster OUr Father whiche art in Heuen halowed be thy name Let thy kingdom come Thy wyll be fulfylled as well in Earthe as it is in Heuen Gyue vs this daye our daylye breade And forgyue vs our trespaces as we forgyue theym that trespace agaynst vs. And lede vs not in to tēptation but del●uer vs from euil Amen 〈…〉 ¶ The Crede I Beleue in god the father almyghty maker of Heuen and Earthe And in Iesu Christe his onely sonne our lorde whiche was conceyued by the holy ghost and borne of marye the virgyne He suffred vnder pontius Pilate he was crucyfyed deade buryed He descēded to the helles and rose the thyrde daye from deathe He ascended to the Heuens and sytteth on the ryght hande of God the father almyghty And from thence shall he come to iudge the quycke deade I beleue in the holy ghost I beleue the holye chyrche euery where to be the company or the congregation of holy and faythfull men I beleue to haue forgyuenes of my synnes And that euery mā shal ryse agayn And I beleue to haue lyfe euerlastynge Amen ¶ The Grace or Blessynge of the table to be sayed of chyldren standynge before it thyr handes eleuated and ioyned to gyder sayenge thus deuoutlye and sadly THe tyes of all thynges loke vp and wayte vpon the o lorde and thou gyuest them meate in due tyme whē thou gyuest it them then they gather it when thou openest thy hande then are they well satysfyed Thou openest thy hand and replenysshest all thynges lyuynge with thy blessynge Our father c. O Lorde god our heuenly father blesse thou vs and these thy gyftes whiche we here receyue of thy blessynge and boūtuous goodnes thrughe thy sonne Iesus Chryste Amen ¶ After dyner LEt vs gyue thankes vnto the Lord for he is ryghte good his me● 〈…〉 layd forth for vs at all tymes It 〈…〉 gyueth meate vnto euery thyn● 〈…〉 He gyueth catel theyr foode 〈…〉 rauens byrdes that call 〈…〉 lyteth not in stronge 〈…〉 his pleasure 〈…〉 But he is well 〈…〉 truste in 〈…〉 we thanke the o lorde god our father by thy sonne Iesus Christe our lorde for all thy benefyties which lyuest and reignest from age to age worlde without ende Amen Our father whiche arte in heuen c. ¶ Here foloweth the Grace to be sayde before Souper CHriste which at his last souper gaue hym selfe vnto vs promising his body to be crucified his bloude to be shedde for our synnes blesse vs and our souper Amen Our father whiche art in heuen c. ¶ Here foloweth the Grace to be sayde after souper HOnour and prayse be vnto God the kynge euerlastynge immortall inuisible and wyse only for euer euer Amen Our father whiche art in heuen c. GOd almighty father of all mercy and god of all consolation gyue vs grace 〈…〉 to gyther in to the knowledge 〈…〉 thrugh Iesu Christe that we 〈…〉 mynde one mouth 〈…〉 our lorde Iesu Christe 〈…〉 c. 〈…〉 before dyner or 〈…〉 ¶ Grace to be sayde before Dyner or Supper indyfferently HE which of his inestimable goodnes fedeth euery creature hym we besech to make holsom and holy what so euer is or shall be set vpon the table Amen ¶ Grace to be sayde after Dyner or Supper indyfferently WE thanke the o Heuenlye Father which of thyne infinite power hast created all thynges whiche by thy vnsearcheable wysedom gouernest al thinges whiche of thy infinyte goodnes fedest and gyuest strenghte to all thynges Besechyng the to graunte to thy chyldren that they may ones drynke with the in thy kyngdome that swete wyne of immortalite the whiche to all them that truely and vnfaynedly loue the thou hast promysed and prepared in the merites of Iesus Christ. Amē ¶ Grace to be sayde before Dyner or Supper indyfferently BLessed be thou oh god whiche fedest vs from oure youthe whiche gyuest meate to euery creature Replenyshe our hertes we beseche the with quiet ●onscyence and heuenly felicite that we therwith endued maye aboside in all workes of mercy by the ayde of oure lorde Christe Iesu to whome and to the with the holy ghoste be glorye honour and rule for euer Amen ¶ Grace to be sayde after Dyner or Supper indyfferently GLory be to the o lorde glory be to the o holy glorye be to the o kynge For thou hast gyuen vs meate Replenishe vs we beseche the with ioye and gladnesse in the holye ghoste that we maye be founde acceptable in
contynually walkynge and goynge forthe in our iourney and encreasynge in vertue euen vnto our lyues ende as we sholde do And then lorde father that thou wolt wouchsaue for thy mercy and truthe sake to take vs out of this wretched worlde and gyue vs possessyon of that kyngdome that thou hast prepared for vs from the begynnynge of the worlde there to be sure and oute of doubte neuer to offende thy goodnes agayne but to reioyse in the laude prayse thy mercye together with all thyne holye aungelles and saintes in and by our swete sauiour Iesu Christe worlde without ende as thou haste ordayned vs to do wherfore lawde honour and glory power imperye and iubilacion be vnto the our aboue all blessed almyghty god Father and Sonne and holy ghoste thre parsons and one god in and by our swete sauyour Iesu Christe for euer and euer AMEN Here foloweth an effectuous prayer very nedefull in these laste and perylous dayes to be sayd with teares depe syghes from the botome of our herte the prayer of the prophet Esaye in the .lxiij. and .lxiiij. chapitours of his prophecyes for the restorynge of Chrystes poore chyrche scatered abrode with persecution forsaken and brente LOrde lo●e out from heu●●● behode from thy holy habitacion from the seate of thy glo●● where is thy strenghte where is thy so●te ple●tuouse pyty and the riche multitude of thy mercyes are al these hardened aganst me verely thou art our father Abrah●● now knoweth not vs neyther Israel knoweth vs but thou lorde thou art our father thou art our redemer thy name is from the begynnyng wherfor hast thou made vs o lorde to 〈◊〉 frō thy wayes hast thou hardened our hertꝭ least leaste we shulde feare the Turne that for thy promesse sake made to thy seruantes for the tribes of thy herytage for few of thy people enioyed the possession of theyr lande and that but a litell while our enemies vane spoiled thy holy place and troden it vnder theyr feate And we were regarded so vile as thought thou haddest neuer bē lorde ouer vs and as toughe thy gloriose name had neuer ben called vpon and shewd ouer vs I wolde thou woldest also breke heuēs and come downe on● that y● hylles myght melte awaye at the presens as in the brennynge of a consumynge fyer where euen waterboyleth out fyer that thy name might be knowē to thyne enemies these vngodly myght be shamed troubled at thy presens when thou wroughteste meruelous thyngꝭ for vs than we loked not for them Thou camest downe the hylles wasted away with trēblyng before thy face And frō the begynnyng herde they not nor ꝑceyued with their eares nether with any eye was ther sene any god besidꝭ the to haue wrought suche meruailes that to men which wayted not for ye. Sōtyme thou mettest with me●● whiche gladly dyd rightwisnes thought vpon that in thy wayes but now lo thou art angry bycause we are synners euer haue ben in synne although we were delyuered frō perils And al we are wrapped in fylthy vnclēnes ye all our rightwisnes is spo●ted lyke the clothes of a menstruous womā And all we are fallen away lyke leues And our iniqities haue caried vs away like a whirle wynde And there is none left that wyl cal or helpe in thy name no not one the wyll ryse vp holde the with prayer for thou hast hyd thy face frō vs. hast dried vs vp in the hande of our iniqite But now lorde thou art our father we are but clay thou art our potter all we are the workes of thy handes Be not angry lorde euer so sore remēbre not alwayes our wyckednes Lo beholde we beseche the all we are thy people the ●●tees of thy holy place are forsakē Syon is turned in to a deser●e Ierusalē is desolate the house of our holynes prayer of our glory in the which our fathers praysed ●he is turned in to an heape of fyre And al thinges wherin we delyte are turned in to wildernes Wylt thou not lorde be auenged of these thinges wylt thou holde thy peace scourge vs thus euer so greuously ¶ The songe of Anna Hescanas wyfe .j. regum .ij. wherin she prayseth god for that he gaue her a sone called Samuel after that she had ben longe bareyn MY hert is pleasauntly set at rest in the lord my strength to cōceyue is stered vp thorow my god Now may I speke frely to my ennemyes for I am made glad in my sauyour Ther is none so holy as is the lorde neyther is there any so myghty as is our God for thou arte he alone Boste not your selfe with many wordes soundyng so to your prayse speke no stoute no vayne wordes For the lord is god that knoweth all preparynge for hym selfe what he lusteth Stronge mens bowes he hath broken the weake are wel strengthened Men wel replenysshed are now famysshed y● hungry are wel satisfyed Whyles the bareyn is made full of chyldren the temyng woman can beare no frute It is the lorde y● sleeth reuyueth he bringeth men in to their graues reyseth them agayne The lorde empouereth and he maketh ryche he maketh men lowe lyfteth vp agayn He tereth vp the ●edy frō the dust ꝓmoteth the poore frō the dung To set hym vp with prynces holdyng his glorious seate regall gyuyng his pencioners theyr desyres For the threisholdes of the erth are that lordes he turneth the worlde vpō them His sayntes fete he wyl kepe the vngodly shal kepe sylēce in darknes for no man shall be stronge thrugh his owne myght His owne aduersaryes shall feare the lorde for he wyl thondre vpon them from heuen The ryghtwyse lorde shall be iudge thorghout all the erth he wyll gyue the empery to his kyngꝭ and wyll lyfte vp the power of his anoynted ¶ The prayer of the prophete Daniel for the re●●oryng of Christes chyrche vnder the fygure of Ierusalem the chyldren of Israel beynge in captiuite at the Babylonytes Daniel ●x HAue the lorde god whiche art greate and reuerently ●o be feared keapyng couenaunt and ●ercy with them that loue the and kepe thy cōmaundemētes We are sinners ye we haue cōmitted vngodlines and are rebell agaynst the declynyng from thy cōmaundemētes and pleasures for we haue not herde thy seruantes the prophetes which spoke in thy name to our kingꝭ to our princes to our fathers and to al the people of the lande Ryghtwysnes lorde is with the but confusion couer●h our faces as this day well declarethe Conuersion is fallen vpō the man of Iuda vpon thinhabyters of Ierusalem and vpon all Israell bothe farre and nyghe in all the landes in to the whiche thou calledste them for their offences cōmytted agaynste the lorde we dare not loke vpon the for shame neyther our kyngꝭ nor our prynces nor yet our fathers because they haue so ●ynned agaynst the. But with the lorde our god
thursday before he suffred spoke a verye longe swete sermon vnto theym no lesse frutfull then full of godlye affectes so that no tongue is able to expresse the goodnes and the affectes of it spoken so lytell before his deathe which heuenlye wordes onely saynte Iohn̄ dyd wryte shewynge that he dyd not slepe and laye his heade vpon his mayster Chrystes breste in vayne This sermon begynneth at the .xiiij. chapytre of Iohn̄ contynueth vnto the .xviij. chapytre where begyn●e●● the hystorye of his passyon which here 〈◊〉 orderly as he suffred euery 〈◊〉 name set vnto theyr owne sayengꝭ ¶ The fyrste parte of the passyon of our sauyour Chryste contaynynge the cōmunycacyon of Chryste with his dsicyples nowe goynge forth to the Mounte Olyuete WHen Iesus hadde made an ende of his sermon he went forth with his disciplꝭ ouer a broke called Cedrō Iohn̄ into the mounte Olyuete vnto the wich place he was wont oft before to go to praye but nowe his passion drawinge nyghe he wente to praye more feruently more effectuously that in the nyght Mathew Marke Luke And as he was goynge for that his disciples had herde theyr master oft before sayenge that he sholde departe frō them they began to dyspute amonge them selfe whiche of them sholde be hygheste to succede theyr mayster in lyke authorite for as yet they knewe not to what office they were called And whan theyr ambicion begā to breke forth in to suche maner of contencyouse reasonynge theyr master Christe as he dyd sumtymes before cōmaunded them to silence sayeng The heathē kyngꝭ beare a rule and playe the lordes amonge them selues and such as so rule are called great men of authorite and powre but ye shall not be so for he that is greatest amonge you shall be as the loweste and he that is chefe shal be as a seruant for whether is he greater that sitteth downe to be serued or he that seruyth hym is not he that sytteth I my selfe am here amonge you as one that mynystreth ye are they which haue abydē by me in my temptacions And I laye out for you the same kyngdome whiche my father layed out for me that ye shulde eate drynke at my table in my kyngdome syt in iugdment iugdynge the twelfe tribes of Israell for ye are those chyldren of whom it is prophecied in the .xlv. psalme to come in the steade of the fathers to teache the people whom they shall take as princes in all the Erthe but not with stondyng I haue thus promoted you to suche an hyghe dygnyte of the whiche I haue soo ofte spoken vnto you yet this same nyghte shall ye all be sore offended and hurte by me of the whiche hurte I haue so ofte warned you before for verelye ye shall fle awaye from me as thoughe ye had neuer sene any touche or token of God in me but thus pleaseth it my father to handle you thus shall ye haue experiēce how litel power ye haue to goodnes except ye haue it of me also it behoueth me to suffre such afflyction of all maner of men euen of me fryndes and famylyare which haue apoynted my selfe to be offred in sacrifice vnto my father for the helth of as many as shal be saued This is the same thyng that the prophete zacharie prophesied on me sayng The hearde man shall be smyten and the shepe asktered abrode but yet for this your fall se that ye shrynke not away nor dispayre for I wyll lyft you vp agayne And when I shall be vp rysen I shall gather you agayne togyder in Galilie and I shal go before you as it becommeth the hearde man to go before his shepe offerynge my selfe agayne vnto you as a guyde a leader defender Math. Marke Luke ¶ But in the meane tyme satan our aduersary shall trye you sore and excercyse your fayth he shall tēpte you strongly but Simon Simon take heede for verelye Satan hathe desyred you to syfte you as one shulde syfte whete But I my selfe haue prayede for you all as ye well knowe but especyallye for the Simon whiche shalte fall more perelously and more greuouslye then other lest thy fayth faille which thou ons cōfessested for all thy felaws wherfore thou tonuerted and brought agayne in to the ryghte waye conforte stablysshe thy bretherne considerynge thyn owne fall Unto whiche thynges Peter answered I am redy sayed he maister to go in to prisone with the ye to go in to deth with the. Luke wherfore yf all other beynge hurte by the reason of thy perell fayle the yet shal I abyde styl by the here he felte how ernestly he shulde haue loued his maister but he knew it not to be the gyfte of the father so to loue him not to cōme of flesshe and blode which thyng his master on s testefied vnto hym after his solēpne heuenly cōfession vpon this his mayster sayde especially vnto hym that he shulde denye hym thryse saynge Peter verely I saye vnto the this same nyght euen thou shalt denye me thryse before the kocke shall haue crowen twyse and Peter then trustynge ouer moche to hym selfe spoke with a bolder affirmation saing yf I shulde dye with the yet shal I not denye the which thyng also sayed the other Math. Mar. Luke For as yet they were without any perell ¶ Wherefore theyr mayster not with stondynge he had tolde thē this thinges so oft before yet he made mention therof nowe agoyne sayeng when I sent you without walet ▪ scryp shoes wanted ye any thynege they answered we wanted nothynge at all than sayed he now shall it be otherwhyse with you for nowe not I my selfe shal be sure whiche then mynystred vnto you all thynges and put you out of peryll for ye shal se the vngodly so furiously take on with me that then a swerde shall seme vnto you so necessary that yf any of you hath walet and scrippe he shall thynke it more expedient to caste them awaye as vnfeare for our cause rather to by hym a swerde ther is verely suche a violente storme now at hande that ye shall thynke it nedefull not only to chaung purse and mony scrip and liuyng therin for a swerde but cote also ye and that your neithermoste cootes whiche ye can not well wante for verelye these thyngꝭ which are writen of me must be fulfylled at the laste This is it writen Esaye the .liij. chapytre I shall be reputed amonge the wycked shall be haryed and tugged to death lyke an aduersary to god But at last this busynes for the which the father hath apoynted me to dye ī so poore a carefull and shamfull state shall haue an ende but his dyscyples as yet nothynge mystrustyng theyr owne strenghtes suposyng to haue auoyded the perel by swerde spoke both loude and boldely Syr lo here are two swerdes thynke ye not these two be sufficient for this seyrme ye sayde theyr mayster scornynge them they are inoughe thinkyng it no
whome we had sumtyme in dirision and vnto lykelyhod of opprobrious laughter but we our selfe beynge then without our wyttes had wente that theyr lyfe had ben but madnes and so theyr ende to haue bene withoute honour But nowe se how they are counted amonge the childrē of god and theyr herytage is among the sayntes wherfore we our selfe then erred wente from the way of the trouthe and the lyght of ryghtwysnes dyd not shyne vpō vs and the sonne of ryght vnderstondyng spronge not vpon vs we were weryed tyerd in the way of wyckednes and predicion we walked hard and wery wayes for the way of the lorde we knowe not ¶ Respon of the wyse man the .vi. When ye were ministers of his kyngdome ye iudged not ryght ye kepte not the lawe of ryghtwysnes neyther ye walked after the wyll of god Ferfully and shortly shall he appere vnto you For ryght sharpe iudgemente shall be done vpon these that are in authorite ¶ The verse To the weake lytell ones is graūted mercy but the greate myghte ones shall suffre myghtye stronge tormentes Fearefullye and shortlye shal he appere vnto you For righsharpe iudgement shal be done vpon these that are in authoryte Glory be to the fatther to the Sonne and to the holy Ghoste For ryght sharpe iudgement shal be done vpon these that are in authoryte ¶ The songe of Austen and Ambrose WE prayse the o god we knowlege the to be the lorde All the Earthe mought worshyp the whiche art the father euerlastynge To the cry forth all aungelles the heuens and all the powers therin To the thus cryeth Cherubyn and Seraphyn contynually Holy art thou Holy art thou Holye art thou Thou arte the lorde God of hostes Heuen and Earthe are fulfylled with the glorye of thy maiestye The gloryouse companye of the Apostles prayse the. The godly felawship of martires praise ye. The holy cōgregation of faythful thrughout all the worlde magnyfy the. They knowlege the to be the Father of an infinite maiestye ●hey knowlege thy honorable and verye on●ly Sonne They knowlege thy holye Ghoste to be a counforter Thou art the kynge of glorye O Christe Thou art the euerlastyng son of the father Thou when thou sholdest take vpon the our nature to delyuer man dydest not abhorre the vyrgyns bodye Thou hast opened the kyngdome of heuen to the beleuers deathes dar●e ouercome Thou syttest on the ryghte hande of God in the glorye of the father Thou ar●e beleued to come oure Iudge Wherfore we pray the helpe thy seruantes whome thou haste redemed with thy prec●ous bloude Make them to be nombred with thy sayntes in ioye euerlastynge O lorde saue thy people and blysse thy herytage Gouerne and also lyfte theym vp for euer We prayse the euery daye And we worshyp thy name euer worlde withouten ende O lorde lette it be thy pleasure to kepe vs this day without synne O lorde haue mercy vpon vs haue mercy vpon vs. O lorde let thy mercye lyghten vpon vs euen as we trust in the. O lorde I trust in the let me neuer be confounded ¶ The versycle Christe is deade for our synnes Thaunswere And is rysen agayne for our ryghtwysnes ¶ To the Romans the .iiij. O God bende thy selfe vnto my helper Lorde haste the to helpe me Glorye be to the Father to the sonne and to the holy Ghoste As it was in the begynnyge as it is now and euer shall be Amen Prayse ye the lorde ¶ Dominus regnauit THe lorde is kyng his maiesty is gloryously deckte the lorde hath armed hym selfe with strenghte and hathe gyrte hym selfe myghtely He hathe surelye buylde and set faste the rounde worlde so that it shall not be moued Thy seate was p̄pared in ceason but thou thy selfe arte of euerlastynge The floodes are rysen O lorde thy floodes haue rored The floodes haue lyfted vp theyr stremes aboue the noyse of the greate stormy and troubled sees Meruelous is the lorde whiche hathe his resydence aboue Thy wordes are sure faythfull thy house is ryght fayre holy and godly the secrete holye place of the lorde shall stande in to full longe tymes Glorye be to the Father to the sonne and to the holy Ghoste As it was in the begynnyng as it is now and euer shall be Amen Iubilate Make ye melody vnto the lorde al that dwell vpon the Earthe worshyp ye the lorde gladlye come in to his presence ioyfully Knowlege ye the lorde that he is god he hathe made vs and not we our selues we ar his people and the flocke of his pasture Entre ye ī to his gatꝭ with thākes gyuīg and in to his fre purches with prayse syngynge magnifye hym and prayse his name For the lorde is ryghte gentle his mercy endureth in to euerlastyng and his faythfulnes in to all ages Glorye be to the Father to the sonne and to the holy Ghoste As it was in the begynnyng as it is now and euer shall be Amen God thou art my god erly do I syghe for the my flesshe desyreth the in this thyrsty and wyde wyldernes Here shall I beholde the as in thy secrete holy place that I might se thy power and thy gloriouse beauty For thy mercy is more desyrous then this same lyfe with my lyppes shall A praise ye. Thus shall I magnyfye the throughoute all my lyfe in the prayse of thy name shall I lyfte vp my handes Thou shalte satysfye my soule with fatte delicious meat wherupon my lyppes shall ioye and my mouthe shall prayse As sone as I shall remēbre my selfe vpon my bed I shall thynke vpon the euen in the watches of the nyght For thou verely art he that bryngeth me helpe and I beyng sure in the shadowe of thy wynges shall tryumphe ioyfully My soule cleued vnto the for thy ryghte hande susteyned me These men that seke my lyfe to spyll it shall go downe in to theyr graues Men shall driue them vpon the edge of their swerdes they shall be hewen and cut in to meat for foxes But the kynge shall reioyse in god and he shall glorye that swereth in hym when foule mouthes shall be stopped Glory be to the father to the Sonne and to the holy Ghoste As it was at the begynnyng as it is now and euer shall be Amen ¶ Deus misereatur GOd woughte fauour and haue mercy vpon vs he mought lyghten vs with his presence That thy waye myghte be knowen euery where in the earthe and thy sauyng helth also vnto all nacyons The people mought magnyfye the O God ye all people mought magnyfye the. The Earthe also moughte gyue agayne hir encrease and god whiche is our god mought do vs good God mought blysse vs and all that inhabyte the Earthe euen vnto the vttermoste partes therof mought feare hym Glory be to the father to the Sonne and to the holy Ghoste As it was in the begynnyng as it is now and euer shall be Amen ¶ The songe of the thre chyldren PRayse ye the Lorde all his workes