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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A69076 A treatise of Christian religion. Or, the whole bodie and substance of diunintie. By T.C.; Christian religion Cartwright, Thomas, 1535-1603.; Bradshaw, William, 1571-1618. 1616 (1616) STC 4707.7; ESTC S107471 214,101 390

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a singular rule and preferment ouer others according to their degree Q. What is the reward in ioy A. In partaking their masters ioy which is vnspeakeable and such as none can conceiue but they onely who enioy it Q. So much of the reward of the faithfull seruants What is the reward of the vnfaithfull A. Not onely the depriuing them of those good things before mentioned but also a casting of thē into perpetuall dishonour and torments vnspeakeable CHAP. 56. Of the Iudgement it selfe Where note Christs preparation to the iudgement in His glorious appearing The glorious effects thereof The parts the Sentence For the faithfull Against the wicked Execution thereof MAT. chap. 24. vers 29. to 31. and chap. 25. vers 31. to 45. 29. Immediately after the tribulation of those daies shall the Sunne be darkened and the Moone shall not giue her light and the Starres shall fall from heauen and the powers of the heauens shall be shaken 30. And then shall appeare the signe of the Sonne of man in heauen and then shall all the Tribes of the earth mourne and they shall see the Sonne of man comming in the clouds of heauen with power and great glory 31. And he shall send his Angels with a great sound of a trumpet and they shall gather together his Elect from the foure winds from one end of heauen to the other Chap. 25. vers 31. to the 45. 31. When the Sonne of man shall come in his glory and all the holy Angels with him then shall he sit vpon the throne of his glory 32. And before him shall be gathered all nations and he shall separate them one from another as a shepheard diuideth his sheepe from the goates 33. And he shall set the sheepe on his right hand but the goates on the left 34. Then shall the King say vnto them on his right hand Come ye blessed of my Father inherit the kingdome prepared for you from the foundation of the world 35. For I was an hungred and ye gaue me meat I was thirstie and ye gaue me drinke I was a stranger and yee tooke mee in 36. Naked and ye clothed me I was sicke and ye visited me I was in prison and ye came vnto me 37. Then shall the righteous answere him saying Lord when saw wee thee an hungred and fed thee or thirstie and gaue thee drinke 38. When saw wee thee a stranger and tooke thee in or naked and clothed thee 39. Or when saw we thee sicke or in prison and came vnto thee 40. And the King shall answere and say vnto them Verily I say vnto you In as much as ye haue done it vnto one of the least of these my brethren ye haue done it vnto me 41. Then shall he say also vnto them on the left hand Depart from me ye cursed into euerlasting fire prepared for the diuell and his angels 42. For I was hungred and ye gaue me no meate I was thirstie and ye gaue me no drinke 43. I was a stranger and ye tooke me not in naked and yee clothed me not sicke and in prison and ye visited me not 44. Then shall they also answere him saying Lord when saw we thee an hungred or a thirst or a stranger or naked or sicke or in prison and did not minister vnto thee 45. Then shall he answere them saying Verily I say vnto you In as much as ye did it not to one of the least of these ye did it not to me Q. HItherto of the signes going before the day of Iudgement The Iudgement itselfe followeth what are we to consider therein A. First our Sauiours owne preparation to it Secondly the parts thereof Q. What consider you in the preparation A. The glory of Christ first in his appearance secondly in other glorious effects going before the Iudgement Q. Wherein shall the glory of Christs comming appeare A. Partly in himselfe and partly in the things belonging vnto him at his comming Q. What is it in himselfe A. That suddenly breaking out of the heauens his glory shall be of such singular brightnesse that the Sun shall be darkened and the moone shall loose her light for if whē our Sauiour Christ was transfigured vpon the Mount Thabor being then mortall his face did shine Mat. 17. ● as the Sun then much more at his second comming his Maiesty shall be wonderfull seeing it is now both immortall and glorified Q. How shall the glory of his comming appeare in the things belonging vnto him at his second comming A. First of all in his Angels Q. How shall his glory appeare in them A. In their number and in their excellencie Q. How in their number A. In that they are infinite thousands which before Mat. 5. 25. 31. hauing been seuered in their diuers seruices they haue been employed in shall then altogether and ioyntly attend vpon Christ and the seruice of that day Q. How in their excellency A. In that they also shall be of great glory for if an Angell appearing bee like vnto lightening then much more there must bee great glory and brightnesse in the innumerable companie of Angels that shall attend vpon our Sauiour Christ Q. VVhat is further belonging to the glory of his comming A. His glorious throne whereupon hee shall actually and really sit shadowed out by the glorious throne of Salomon which was of pure gold whereof howsoeuer the matter be vnknowne vnto vs yet wee know it shall bee sutable to the excellency of his Maiesty Q. What is the proper vse hereof A. To be armed against all shame and feare in the Mark 8. 38. profession of Christ and his truth before whatsoeuer earthly Monarches whose iudgements are as it were scar-crowes to the iudgement of Christ to whom that properly belongeth which Rabshakeh foolishly bragged of his master concerning the ability of the Esay 36. 9. least of his seruants Q. What are those glorious effects that goe before A. First the world shall be consumed with fire and the heauens and the earth shall bee renued Secondly all that are dead shall bee raised againe and ranged before him Q. How shall they be raised A. He will send his Angels and they shall doe it by the sound of the trumpet which shall not be of brasse or such like mertall for the Angels haue sufficient might and skil to make a sound like vnto the sound of a trumpet without any such instrument in which respect Exod. 19. 16. 19. it is also said how that they shall see the signe of the sonne of man in the heauen as the Captaines set vp their flag and banner to gather their souldiers Q. What gather you of this A. The vnspeakeable power of Christ in his Angels Iohn 5. 28. at whose found not onely the liuing shall bee changed but the dead euen from Adam to that time shall be raised who shall not bee preuented of the other but all appeare together before Christ it being 1. Thess 4. 15.
the Iudge For the faithfull Against the wicked The execution thereof Chap. MATTH chap. 25. vers 34. to the end 34. Then shall the King say vnto them on his right hand Come ye blessed of my Father in herit the kingdome prepared for you from the foundation of the world 35. For I was an hungred and ye gaue me meat I was thirstie and ye gaue me drinke I was a stranger and yee tooke mee in 36. Naked and ye clothed me I was sicke and ye visited me I was in prison and ye came vnto me 37. Then shall the righteous answere him saying Lord when saw wee thee an hungred and fed thee or thirstie and gaue thee drinke 38. When saw wee thee a stranger and tooke thee in or naked and clothed thee 39. Or when saw we thee sicke or in prison and came vnto thee 40. And the King shall answere and say vnto them Verily I say vnto you In as much as ye haue done it vnto one of the least of these my brethren ye haue done it vnto me 41. Then shall he say also vnto them on the left hand Depart from me ye cursed into euerlasting fire prepared for the diuell and his angels 42. For I was an hungred and ye gaue me no meat I was thirstie and ye gaue me no drinke 43. I was a stranger and ye tooke me not in naked and yee clothed me not sicke and in prison and ye visited me not 44. Then shall they also answere him saying Lord when saw we thee an hungred or a thirst or a stranger or naked or sicke or in prison and did not minister vnto thee 45. Then shall he answere them saying Verily I say vnto you In as much as ye did it not to one of the least of these ye did it not to me 46. And these shall goe away into euerlasting punishment but the righteous into life eternall Q. So much of Christs preparation to the Iudgment what are the parts thereof A. Two first the sentence of the Iudge which is twofold one for the faithfull another against the wicked and secondly the execution of the sentence Q. What is the former sentence which is for the faithfull A. It is this Come ye blessed of my father inherit the kingdome prepared for you before the foundation of the world c. Q. Why doth the iudgement begin at the godly A. Because our Sauiour will haue them to fit with him to iudge the wicked therefore hee fitteth them thereunto by clearing them first 1. Cor. 6. 2. Reuel 3. 21. Q. What gather you of this order A. A notable comfort to the godly against all trouble that as the Lord in mercy beginneth his correction at them in this life so in the last day he shall begin with them the iudgement of ioy and comfort and that hauing bin mis-iudged here they shall then iudge their Iudges vnlesse in time they repent Q. What learne you out of this former sentence A. First a notable harmonie betwixt Christ and his Church that as they say vnto him Come Lord Iesus Reuel 22. 20. come quickly so shall hee say vnto them Come yee blessed of my Father Come declaring their exceeding desire of mutuall fellowship and society Q. What else A. That life euerlasting is called a kingdome and therefore euery godly one shall be made partaker of a most glorious kingdome Q. How commeth this kingdome by grace or desert A. By the onely grace of God in Iesus Christ Q. Declare the same more euidently A. First it is the blessing of God and therefore of grace Secondly it is giuen to vs as to heires not as the wages of a seruant which commonly deserueth more then a sonne Thirdly it was prepared for vs from the beginning of the world and therefore is of the meere loue of God and not of merit Q. So much of the sentence What is the reason of it A. When Christ was an hungred they fed him when he was a thirst they gaue him drinke when he was naked they clothed him when he was sicke and in prison they visited him Q. Doth not this reason plainly strengthen the doctrine of merits A. Not so seeing for importeth not heere the For. cause but the effect as wee say Summer is come for flowers doe spring and It is a good tree for it bringeth forth good fruit these are effects and not causes Moreouer if Christ would haue taught merit then would he haue chosen the greatest and chiefest works as of his owne worship in the first table else some might iustly complaine that they were not rewarded according to the measure of their good workes hauing yeelded a greater obedience to the first table then others Q. VVhy then doth Christ choose those workes of the second table A. Because they are most manifest to the world following therein the custome of earthly Iudges who insist most vpon plainest proofes either to conuince the guiltie or cleare the innocent so Christ pronounceth his sentence rather according to workes then to faith and those of the second table rather then of the first because workes are more visible then faith and it is easier to play the hypocrite in the obedience of the first table then of the second Q. Why doth Christ here vse so long a catalogue of these workes A. To teach vs to exercise mercie in all those duties and not content our selues with any one of them Q. How could they doe these things vnto Christ whom most of them did neuer see A. When they did any of them to his poore members Mat. 25. 41. then they did it vnto him Q. VVhat gather you of this A. That seeing it was a great honour to lodge Angels at vnawares in stead of strangers this is a far more excellent honour whereunto Christians are called being assured that in receiuing such poore as are there spoken of they receiue Christ himselfe which should stirre vp the bowels of mercy and compassion in vs towards them seeing not so much as a cup of cold water Mat. 10. 42. shall be vnrewarded Q. So much of the former sentence What is the latter against the wicked A. Depart from me ye cursed into euerlasting fire prepared for the diuell and his Angels Q. VVhat is the equitie of this speech A. It is likewise answerable to their owne deserts Amos 6. 3. Iob 21. 14. who in their life thrust away from them the day of the Lord and as it were bid Christ depart Q. When doe the wicked say so to Christ A. When they refuse to know his will when they disdaine the ministerie are vnmercifull to the poore and the stranger or the like Q. What are the parts of this his iudgement A. First to be depriued of Gods presence as it is a great part of glory to bee continually in his presence Secondly to be euerlastingly tormented in hell fire Q. What is the reason of this sentence A. It is cleane contrary to the former for leauing
he was of the tribe of Iudah this of the tribe of Lemi Secondly that the Priests of Leui were Heb. 7. 20. 21. appointed by the Law of the fleshly Commandemēt where Christ was appointed by the power of endlesse life Thirdly in that hee was appointed of his Father by an oath for euer to bee a Priest after the order of Melchizedeck Whereas the Priests of the Law were made without an oath Q. VVhat benefit ariseth to vs in that this was confirmed with an oath A. It serueth to assure vs that all the parts of his Priesthood shall be performed vnto vs and that hee consequently paid the ransome for our sinnes Q. VVas not the word of God sufficient for the performance of this promise without the binding of it with an oath A. Yes doubtlesse but the Lord in this promise Heb. 6. 17. hauing to deale with man and willing more abundantly to shew vnto the heires of promise the stablenesse of his counsell bound himselfe by an oath Q. VVhereby is the perpetuitie thereof confirmed A. In that it did not proceed by succession as from Aaron to Eleazer from Eleazer to Phin●es and so by descent but is euerlasting alwaies abiding in him which is another difference of his Priestly Office from Aarons Q. VVhat profit commeth to vs by the perpetuitie of his Priesthood A. That he continually maketh intercession for vs to God and of himselfe alone is able to saue vs comming to the father through him Q. So much of the qualities which are without him What are those which are within him A. First that in himselfe he is holy Secondly to others harmelesse and innocent Thirdly vndefiled in himselfe and in regard of others and to speake in a word he is separated from sinners In all which hee differeth from those of Aaron for they are neither holy in themselues nor innocent neither vndefiled but polluting and being polluted by others Q. VVhat is the fruit we gather of this his holinesse innocencie and vndefiledlesse A. That he being holy and innocent vndefiled and so consequently separate from sinners sin is not neither can bee attributed to the faithfull and that these his properties are imputed to them by faith for theirs for whose sake and benefit hee became man and was endued with these properties and therefore he freeth them both from originall and actuall sinne Contrary to the doctrine of the Papists who say that hee deliuereth vs from originall sinne onely and that we must make satisfaction for actuall Q. So much of the manner of his person how doth hee execute this his office A. First whereas they offered first for themselues and then for the people he offered for the people only for for himselfe he needed not Secondly he offered but once they many times Thirdly hee offered himselfe they somthing else then themselues Q. VVhat is the vse of this A. First to proue the absolutenesse perfection and excellencie of this his priesthood Secondly to ouerthrow the Priesthood of the Papists and proue it to be a false Priesthood for first they are not of the tribe of Iudah neither confirmed by an oath and therefore not perpetuall Secondly they are not holy in themselues but vnholy neither innocent nor vndefiled but defiling others and being defiled of them and so not separate from sinners but altogether sinfull and set in sinne Thirdly they offer first for themselues and then for the people likewise many times and Sacrifices which are not themselues and lastly they bring a great disgrace to the Priesthood of Christ by preferring themselues to him they making themselues the Priests and him the Sacrifice whom they say they offer Q. Are there no Priests vnder the Gospell A. None to offer vp a propitiatorie sacrifice otherwise all Christians are Priests to offer vp the spirituall 1. Pet. 2. 5. Reuel 1. 6. sacrifices of Prayers and Almes CHAP. 32. Of the Kingly office of Christ In the Kingly office of Christ is to be considered the Excellencie of his kingdome in General by the Properties expressed 1. Generally 2. Specially Effects of these properties Speciall Chap. 33. Parts Chap. 34. ESAY chap. 9. vers 6. 7. 6. For vnto vs a child is borne vnto vs a Sonne is giuen and the gouernment shall be vpon his shoulder and his name shall be called Wonderfull Counseller The mighty God The euerlasting Father The Prince of peace 7. Of the encrease of his gouernment and peace there shall be no end vpon the throne of Dauid and vpon his kingdome to order it and to stablish it with iudgement and with iustice from hence forth euen for euer the zeale of the Lord of hosts will performe this Q. SO much of the Priesthood of our Sauiour Christ. What is his Kingly Office A. That part of his Mediation whereby his Priesthood is made effectuall vnto vs and without which it is to vs void and fruitlesse Q. VVhat is to bee considered in the Kingdome of Christ A. The excellencie and the parts Q. How doth this Scripture set forth the excellencie of his Kingdome A. First by the properties secondly by the effects of those properties and the cause of those effects Q. How are his properties here expressed A. First generally by comparison shewing the dissimilitude betweene his Kingdome and the regiment of worldly Potentates that where other Kings execute matters by their Lieuetenants and deputies armed with their authority in our Sauiours Kingdome although there bee vsed instruments yet doe they accomplish his will and purpose not only by his authoritie but also by his strength and vertue Q. What doe you learne from hence A. That there is no ministeriall head of the Church which is Christ his Kingdome sith he is himselfe continually present in the same and that most notably by his spirit and more to the aduantage of his Church then when he was bodily present and therefore the Iob. 16. 7. Pope of Rome who maketh claime to be head of the vniuersal Church of Christ doth therin shew himselfe to be that man of sinne 2. Thess 2. Q. How are his properties set forth more particularly A. First that hee should bee called Wonderfull not that it should be his proper name which was only Iesus but that hee should bee as renounedly knowne to be wonderfull as men are knowne by their names Q. How is he Wonderfull A. Partly in his person in regard of the wonderful vnion of God and man in one person as hath been said partly in his workes Q. How is he wonderfull in his workes A. Not onely in the Creation of the world and the preseruation therof but especially in the Redemption of his Church through those wonders which he worketh either in the gathering or preseruing therof whereby he makes himselfe knowne to be the Sauiour and redeemer thereof Q. What is the next that followeth A. It is shewed more particularly wherein hee is wonderfull and first that he is wonderfull in counsel and therefore called
to you doe you to them Q. What is generall to the Commandements of the second table A. That the workes thereof are in higher or lower degree of good or euill as they are kept or broken towards one of the houshold of faith a 1. Cor. 6. 8 10. 32. Gal. 6. 10. rather then towards a neighbour simply Q. What is the first of them being the fifth in order A. Honour thy father and mother c. Q. What is the summe of it A. All especiall duties to our neighbour in respect of his and our calling Q. What is the sixth Commandement A. Thou shalt not murther Q. What is the summe of it A. All generall duties to our neighbour in respect of his person Q. What is the seuenth Commandement A. Thou shalt not commit adulterie Q. What is the summe of it A. All generall duties to man in respect of chastitie Q. What is the eighth Commandement A. Thou shalt not steale Q. What is the summe of it A. All generall duties to man in respect of his goods Q. What is the ninth Commandement A. Thou shalt not beare false witnesse c. Q. VVhat is the summe of it A. All generall duties to man in respect of his good name Q. VVhat is the tenth Commandement A. Thou shalt not couet thy neighbours house c. Q. VVhat is the summe of it A. That wee keepe our heart pure from all euill not thoughts onely but euen from all pronenesse of sinning against our neighbour Q. VVhat forbiddeth this Commandement that was not forbidden in the former A. The former do condemne only euill thoughts with consent which are here condemned before and without consent Hitherto of the Couenant of Workes Q. VVhat is to be considered in the Couenant of Grace A. First a Act. 10. 43. 3. 24. Rom. 1. 34. Christ and then the b 2. Cor. 5. 20. Mat. 6. 33. meanes of applying Christ vnto vs. Q. VVhat things haue we to consider in Christ A. Two His person c John 1. 14. 3. 33. His office d Esay 61. 1. 2. Luk. 4. 18. Q. VVhat is his person A. Christ both God and Man e Rom. 1. 3. 4. 9. 5. 1. Tim. 3. 16. Q. What haue we to consider in his person A. His two natures His Godhead and His Manhead which subsisteth and hath it being in the Godhead Q. Being God before all worlds how became he man A. He was f Mat. 1. 20. Luk. 1. 31. 32. conceiued in time by the holy Ghost and borne of the Virgine Mary Q. Are these his natures separated A. No verily g 2. Cor 13. 4. 1. Pet. 3. 18. 1. Cor. 15. 27. 28. they are inseparably vnited in person and yet distinguished in substance properties and actions So much of the person of Christ Q. What is the office of Christ A. To be h Tim. 2. 5. Heb. 9. 15. a Mediator betwixt God and man Q. What are the parts of his mediation A. His i Psalm 1 10. 2. 3. 4. Heb. 7. 2. 3. Act. 3. 22. Priesthood and his Kingdome Q. How doth he fulfill his Priesthood A. In a Esay 61. 2. 3. 4 Psal 2. 6. 7. Dan. 9. 24. Ephes 2. 14. 15. 16. opening his Fathers will and working the merit of our redemption Q. How doth he open his Fathers will A. In teaching vs the whole will of God both in his b Matth. 13. 8. 9. 10. 27. 5. owne person when hee was vpon the earth and by the c Mat. 10. 40. Luk. 10. 16. Ministers from the d Heb. 1. 1. 1. Pet. 1. 11. 12. 1. Pet. 3. 18. 19. 2. Pet. 1. 19. 20. 21. Ephes 4. 8. 11. 12. 13. Hos 4. 6. Mat. 2. 6. 17. beginning of the world to the end thereof Q. How hath hee wrought the merit of our redemption A. Partly by that which he did in his estate of humiliation partly by that he did and doth in his glory Q. Wherein consisteth that which was done in his estate of humiliation A. In his conception birth life pouerty hunger thirst wearinesse and other sufferings euen vnto death Q. What ariseth of this A. His whole e Phil. 2. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1. Pet. 2. 24. obedience consisting in his sufferings and in his fulfilling the Law Q. What did he suffer A. He suffered in body soule f Esay 5. 3. Mat. 26. 27. that which was sufficient fully to satisfie for whatsoeuer we shuld haue suffered hauing drunke the full cup of Gods wrath filled vnto him for our sakes whereby hee hath taken away our sinnes Q. How did he fulfill A. By doing all that the g Psal 40. 7. 8. Gal. 4. 4. 5. Rom. 8. 3. 4. Law required wherby he purchased a righteousnesse for vs. Q. What are his actions in glory A. His h Act. 2. 31. 36. resurrection his ascension and sitting at the right hand of God his k Psal 110. 1. 2. 5. 6. Father whereby hee fulfilled i Heb. 9. 24. 25. his Priesthood and made himselfe a way for his kingdome Q. What are the effects of all these actions towards vs They are two a Luk. 1. 69. Heb. 7. 24. 25. Redemption b Rom. 8. 34. 1. Pet. 2. 5. Exod. 29. 33. Intercession Q. What is Redemption A. A c Rom. 5. 15. 16. 17. deliuerance of vs from sinne and the punishment thereof and a restoring of vs to a better life then euer Adam had Q. What are the parts of Redemption A. d 1. Cor. 1. 30. 6. 11. 1. Iohn 5. 6. Reconciliation and e Dan. 9. 24. 25. 26. 27. Act. 13. 38. 39. Rom. 4. 25. Sanctification 1. Cor. 15. 45. Q. What is Reconciliation A. That whereby the wrath of God is taken from vs and we restored to his fauour Q. Wherein doth it consist In remission of sinnes and imputation of righteousnesse Q. What is remission of sinnes A. The f Col. 2. 13. 1. Iohn 1. 7. 9. Heb. 9. 28. 10. 2. 2. 14. 15. abolishing and taking away of all our sins by his death Q. What is the imputation of righteousnesse A. The g Col. 1. 22. Rom. 5. 18. 19. reckoning of Christs righteousnesse vnto vs and the taking it for ours Q. VVhat is Sanctification A. A freedome within vs h Rom. 6. 12. 3. 4. 1. Cor. 1. 30. from the bondage of Satan and restitution of vs to a godly life Q. What are the parts of it A. Mortification and quickening i Ephes 4. 22. 23 24. Col. 3. 8. 10. Q. VVhat is Mortification A. The restraining and subduing of our naturall corruption whereby we endeauour to refraine from all euill k Rom. 6. 3. 4. Col. 3. 5. Q. What is quickening A. A renewing of vs to newnesse of life wherby we delight in doing good l Rom. 6. 4. Col. 3. 10. 12. So much of Redemption Q. What is Intercession A. It is that m Rom. 8. 34. 1. Pet.
2. 5. Exod 29. 38. worke whereby Christ sitting at the right hand of God his father taketh away the pollution that cleaueth to our good workes which dependeth vpon the merit of his passion Hitherto of the Priesthood of Christ Q. What is the kingdome A. That n Luk. 1. 32. 33. Ezech. 34. 34. whereby his Priesthood is made effectuall vnto vs yea without the which all the actions of his Pristhood are to vs void and fruitlesse Q. What haue we to consider in his kingdome A. First the gouernment of his Church in this o 1. Cor. 15. 25. 26. 27. 28. Mat. 25. 24. 31. 33. 4. 5. world Secondly his last Iudgement in the world to come from which all the meanes of applying and making effectuall vnto vs Christ and all his benefits doe come Q. Wherein consisteth his gouernment in this world A. In p 1. Thess 5. 19. 20. Act. 10. 44. things and in persons Q. What are the things A. Partly inward and partly outward Q. What are the inward A. The q Gal. 3. 2. 3. 1. Tim. 1. 14. spirit of God which is giuen by the outward Q. What doth the spirit of God worke in the godly A. r Ephes 2. 8. Faith whereby they take hold of Christ with all his benefits Q. What is faith A. A Å¿ Act. 16. 21. Gal. 2. 20. 3. 26. John 6. 15. perswasion of the fauour of God towards me in Iesus Christ Q. How doe you know that you haue true faith A. By the fruits thereof t Rom. 5. 1. 2. 3. 8. 1. 2. 3. 4. Ephes 2. 6. Col. 2. 1. 2. 3. Reconciliation and Sanctification which haue been already declared So much of the Inward Q. What are the outward things whereby the spirit is giuen A. They are either those which God giueth vs or which wee hauing receiued from God giue vnto him againe Q. What are the things which God giueth vnto vs A. The word of grace before named and the dependants thereon Q. What is the summe of the word of grace A. u Mark 9. 23. Act. 16. 31. 32. 33. Rom. 3. 28. Beleeue in Christ and thou shalt be saued by which God bestoweth the spirit of adoption Q. What are the dependants of the word A. The Sacraments 1. Cor. 10. 1. 2. 3. 4. and the x Mat. 18. 15. 1. Cor. 5. censures Q. VVhat is a Sacrament A. A mysticall signe and effectuall instrument wherby Christ with all his benefits is offered to all in the Church and receiued also of those that are faithfull Q. How many Sacraments are there A. Two Baptisme 1. Cor. 10. 1. 2. 3. and 12. 13. a Rom. 4. 11. Gen. 17. 11. 12. Mat. 26. 26. 28. 19. and the Lords Supper Q. VVhat is Baptisme A. b Mat. 28. 19. Act. 8. 27. A seale of our entrance into Christianity Q. What is the Lords Supper A. A c Mat. 26. 26. 1. Cor. 11. 23. seale of our growth and continuance in Christianitie So much of the Sacraments Q. What are the Censures A. They are iudgements giuen for ratification of the Word and Sacraments abused Q. Of how many sorts are they A. Two either in word or in deed d Mat. 18. 15. 16. 1. Cor. 5. Q. VVhat are they in word A. They are Christian admonitions or rebukes of e 1. Cor. 16. 22. Iam. 1. 14. 2. Tim. 4. 14. the Church for sinne and they are either f Mat. 18. 15. 16. Leuit. 18. 17. priuate by one first and then by two or three at the most wherof hee that first admonisheth must bee one or g 1. Tim. 5. 20. Mat. 18. 17. publike by the whole Church Q. VVhat are they in deed A. The h Numb 12. 14. Exod. 33. 6. 7. suspension from the Sacraments or i Mat. 18. 17. 1. Tim. 1. 20. excommunication from all the benefits and society of the Church So much of the outward things that God giueth vs. Q. What are the outward that we hauing receiued giue to God againe A. They are vowes and prayers i Psal 50. 13. 14. 66. 13. 14. Q. What is a vow A. A solemne promise to God of some lawfull thing that is in our power for the confirmation of our faith and testifying our thankfulnesse to God Q. What is Prayer A. It is a calling vpon God in the name of Christ for the more ample and ful fruition of the good things we haue need of Q. What is annexed to prayer A. An holy fast or feasting Q. What is an holy fast A. It is an abstinence from all earthly comforts so farre as necessity and comelinesse will permit to the 1 Leuit. 23. 27. 28. 29. Ioel 2. 12. end that our selues being humbled and cast downe we may more feruently call on God either for the obtaining of some singular benefit or to auoid some speciall punishment Q. What is an holy feast A. A n Zach. 8. 19. Hest. 9. 17. 18. 20. 21. 22. 30. 31. solemne thanks-giuing for some notable benefit obtained of God specially when wee haue obtained it by a fast before Q. Are wee limited and bound in certaine how and wherein to pray A. Not alwayes but wee haue a perfect patterne of prayer of all kinds in the o Mat. 6. 9. Luk. 11. 2. Lords prayer Q. What be the parts of the Lords prayer A. Two The preface The prayer it selfe Q. What is the Preface A. Our Father which art in heauen Q. What are we taught in the preface A. To come to God as to a father with boldnesse and yet with reuerence of his Maiesty that filleth the heauens Q. VVhat doth the prayer containe A. A forme of request and thankes-giuing Q. What are the parts of the request A. They are of two sorts whereof the first three being of the first table doe concerne God the other three being of things that concerne the second Table belong to our selues and our neighbour Q. VVhat is the first of those three that concerne God A. Hallowed be thy name Q. What is the summe of this Petition A. That in all things God may bee glorified in his children Q. VVhat is the second A. Thy kingdome come Q. VVhat is the summe of this A. That the kingdome of our Lord Iesus Christ both by the inward working of his spirit and also by the outward meanes may bee enlarged daily vntill it be perfected at the comming of Christ to iudgement Q. VVhat is the third A. Thy will be done in earth as it is in heauen Q. VVhat is the summe of it A. That obedience be giuen to God by vs as it is by the holy Angels So much of these that concerne God Q. How are they diuided that concerne our selues and our neighbour A. Into two sorts 1. Touching things of this life 2. Touching things of the life to come Q. VVhat is the Petition concerning the things of this life A. Giue vs this day our daily bread Q.
the Counsellor Q. What is here generally to be obserued A. That whereas in the gouernment of a Kingdome Esay 9. 15. 2. Sam. 20. 16. Eccles 9. 16. counsell and wisedome are chiefe and preferred euen to strength we may assure our selues that in the Kingdome of Christ all things are done wisely nothing rashly Hence in the Reuelation of Iohn he is described thus To be in the middest of the golden Candlesticks clothed with agarment downe to the foot such as Counsellors vse to weare and that his head and haires are white as white wooll and as snow whereby is noted such a person as for grauity and great experience is fit to giue counsell Q. What is further to be gathered hence A. Matter of great comfort for vs that are the children of God in that our Sauiour Christ is our Counsellor who is able and willing to giue vs all sound aduice in whatsoeuer concerneth our good Q. What are we here further to learne A. That when we are in any perplexitie and know not which way to turne vs we seeke vnto our Sauiour Christ for aduice and direction who is giuen vs for a Counsellor Q. By what meanes may we come to him for aduice A. By humble Supplications and prayers made vnto him Q. How may we receiue aduice from him A. By the doctrine of God drawne out of his holy word and testimonies which therefore Dauid calleth Psal 119. 24. his Counsellors or the men of his Counsell Q. What followeth A. That hee is wonderfull in might and the strong God Q. What haue we here to learne A. First that as hee is wise to aduise and foresee things pertaining to the good of his Church so hee is of power to execute and effect all that hee aduiseth wisely Secondly that as there is in vs no aduice of our selues so there is in vs no found strength to keepe vs from any euill but that as hee giueth good aduice to his so doth he by his owne power performe and effect Phil. 2. 13. it And therefore although we be as the vine of all other trees the weakest or as the sheepe of all other beasts the simplest yet wee haue for our gardiner and for our sheepheard Christ Iesus the mightie strong God Thirdly that we should take heed how we depart from his obedience for he both can and will do what pleaseth him Q. What other property followeth A. Two other which are as it were the branches and effects of the former first that hee is the father of Eternities secondly the Prince of peace Q. Doth not this title The father of eternities argue a confusion of the Diuine persons A. In no case for it is a borrowed speech signifying that he is the author of eternitie Q. What doe you learne from hence A. That where other Kingdomes alter and come Dan. 2. to an end his is euerlasting Q. What doctrine is to be gathered from thence A. First that the Kingdome of our Sauiour Christ being perpetuall hee dasheth and crusheth in pieces all other Monarchies and Regiments how mighty soeuer that rise vp against him and his Kingdome and therefore that his Church and subiects generally and euery particular member need not feare any power whatsoeuer Secondly that whatsoeuer wee haue by nature or Esay 40. 6. 1. Pet. 1. 24. 25. industrie it is momentanie like vnto the grasse that fadeth away and whatsoeuer durable thing wee haue we haue it from Christ Q. VVhat is the second property arising out of the former A. That he is the Prince of peace that is the procurer cause and ground of peace that procureth peace for his subiects and causeth them to continue in quietnesse Q. Of what nature is this peace A. It is spirituall for first wee haue peace with Rom. 5. Ephes 2. 14. God secondly wee haue peace in our consciences thirdly there is peace betweene men which ariseth out of both the former Q. Where is this peace established A. Vpon the throne of Dauid that is in the Church of God Q. Are not we also in some measure partakers of this honour of his Kingly office A. Yes verily as well as of his Priests office For we Rom. 6. 12. Rom. 16. 20. Reuel 1. 6. are Kings to rule and subdue our stirring and rebellious affections and to tread Satan vnder our feet Q. What is the cause of all this A. The loue and zeale of God breaking through all lets either inward from our selues and our owne sinnes or outward from the enmitie of the diuell and world CHAP. 33. Of the excellency of Christs Kingdome in speciall It consisteth First in Wisedome Righteousnesse or Iustification parts Forgiuenesse of sinnes Imputation of righteousnesse Secondly in Sanctification parts Mortification Viuification Redemption 1. COR. 1. 30. But of him are ye in Christ Iesus who of God is made vnto vs wisedome and righteousnesse and sanctification and redemption Q. VVHerein more specially doth the excellencie of Christs Kingdome consist A. In certaine speciall treasures brought vnto vs by his Propheticall and Priestly office and made effectuall vnto vs by his Kingly office Q. What are those treasures A. They are certaine speciall fruits mentioned by the Apostle 1. Cor. 1. 30. Q. What is the first he here nameth within vs A. That he is made vnto vs Wisedome Q. Is this necessarie to our saluation A. Yea for hauing absolutely lost all godly and sauing Prou. 30. 2. 3. wisedome wherein we were first created it is to be repaired againe ere we can be partakers of life eternall Q. VVhy haue we not wisedome enough of our owne by nature to bring vs to eternall life A. No verily for although wee haue wisedome naturally engrafted in vs to prouide in some measure for this present life and sufficient to bring vs to condemnation in the life to come yet wee haue not one graine of sauing wisedome to inable or direct vs so much as to make vs step one foot forward to life eternall Q. VVhere is this wisedome to be found 2. Tim. 3. 15. Psal 19. 7. A. In the Word of God Q. How come we to it A. By Christ for God dwelleth in Light which 1. Tim. 6. 16. John 1. 18. no man hath approched vnto only the Sonne which was in the bosome of his Father hee hath reuealed him Q. VVhat is the second fruit the Apostle nameth A. That Christ is made vnto vs Righteousnesse Q. VVhat is meant here by Righteousnesse A. Our Iustification before God whereby we are deliuered from the guilt and punishment of all sinne and are accounted righteous euen by the righteousnesse of our Sauiour Christ imputed vnto vs by meanes whereof we are restored to a better righteousnesse then that which we lost in Adam Q. This doctrine that a man should be made righteous by the righteousnesse of another is it not as absurd as if a man should bee said to be fed with the meate another eateth or to be warmed with
spirit applying vnto our soule the blood of Christ by a liuely faith worketh in vs newnesse of life whence this Sacrament is called the Baptisme of Repentance Mark 1. 4. Q. VVhat learne you hereby A. That although sinne doth dwell in our mortall bodies and many leaud motions rise and rebell in vs yet if we be the children of God we shall finde it mortified by the death of our Sauiour Christ and although we bee by nature sluggish to good things yet shall we find our selues quickened by him Q. VVhat persons are to receiue this Sacrament A. All that by the Lawes of Charity are to Act. 10. 47. be esteemed within the Couenant of grace of what nation sexe or age soeuer Q. VVho are to be esteemed to be within the couenant of grace A. First those which being of yeeres of discretion Mat. 3. 6. 28. 29. Act 2. 41. Mark 16. 10. Act. 8. 15. 37. 10. 46. 47. giue assent vnto the doctrine of the Gospell and professe faith and repentance Q. How are those that are at yeeres of discretion to prepare themselues to the receiuing of this Sacrament A. First they are to submit themselues to bee instructed in the a Heb. 6. 1. principles of religion commonly called the Catechisme Secondly they are to make solemne b Mat. 3. 6. Act. 2. 41. Mat. 3. 6. Act. 8. 37. profession of their faith confession of their sinnes with faithfull promise to forsake them Thirdly As a testimony of their faith vnfained repentance after this they are to desire Baptisme of them that haue the dispensation therof and to procure the same assoone as they can Q. Who else are to bee esteemed within the couenant of grace and consequently to haue a title to Baptisme A. The infants of those Parents that are themselues Act. 2. 39. Gen. 17. 7. Luk. 18. 16. within the Couenant and haue been baptized Q. Is it necessarie that both the Parents bee in the Couenant A. No it is sufficient for the intitling of the child 1. Cor. 7. 14. to baptisme if either of them be Q. How doe you proue that Infants are to be baptized A. There is the same vse of Baptisme vnder the Gospell that was of Circumcision vnder the Law and the Infants of Christians are vnder the Couenant as well as theirs and Baptisme is a signe of the Couenant as well as Circumcision if therefore a Gen. 17. 12. Col. 2. 11. 12. Infants were circumcised and Baptisme possesse the roome of Circumcision except there can bee shewed a speciall prohibition or restraint in Gods word it will follow that Infants also may be baptized Further the Apostles are said to baptize a Act. 16. 15. 18. 1. Cor. 1. 16. whole families amongst which it is ordinarie that there be some children and there is no reason to limit the words to them that are at yeeres And this vse hath continued in the Church since the Apostles times and was neuer gainsaid by any but those that by the vniuersal Church haue been iudged hereticks Q. Is Baptisme absolutely necessarie to the saluation of Infants or are we to iudge all those damned that die vnbaptized A. Such a conceit is both vnchristian and vncharitable and without all ground offering wrong to the grace of God and the vertue of his Couenant wherein he promiseth that he will be the God of the faithful and their seed And seeing this Sacrament is not the cause but a testimonie and seale onely of saluation and the fault is not in the Infant that hee is not baptized and seeing in cases of meere necessity where there is no contempt of the means but the party doth as much for the obtaining of them as he can doe God doth not tie himselfe to the meanes but can and often doth giue the thing without the meanes neither haue we herein more warrant to iudge the Infants of Christians damned that without any default of their owne die without Baptisme then the Infants of the Israelites that died before the eighth day or whilest they were in the wildernesse Q. What preparation is to bee required of Infants that are to be baptized A. None can be required of them who in regard of age are but meere patients but that which is to bee performed is to be done of them that bring the child to Baptisme and that are present at the baptizing thereof Q. Who are they A. The Parent or the rest of the Church Q. What is the Parent to performe A. First hee is to consider of the goodnesse of God that hath receiued not onely himselfe but his Gen. 11. 17. child and therefore to reioyce in this loue and fauour of God and then to confirme himselfe in this hope that as God hath quickened him after his Baptisme so will hee his child Secondly hee is to present 1. Sam. 1. 20. Luk. 1. 60. 63. the child Thirdly to giue or to take order for the giuing of some such name as may put the child in remembrance of some good dutie by the signification of it or by setting before him in it the example of some whose faith and vertues are commended in the Scriptures Fourthly after Baptisme when the child Ephes 6. 4. is capable he is to catechize and to bring it vp in the feare and information of the Lord or to procure it to bee done by others that are more able Q. What are the duties of the rest of the Church A. First to reioyce and to giue thankes to God for the encrease of his Church Secondly to giue attendance to the doctrine and to pray that the child may be made partaker of Christ and his benefits Thirdly when it commeth to age to doe such duties vnto it as one member oweth to another CHAP. 38. Of the Supper of the Lord. Wherein consider The parts Signes Elements Actions about them Things signified The circumstances Time Persons MATTH chap. 26. vers 26. 27. 28. 29. 26. And as they were eating Iesus tooke bread and blessed it and brake it and gaue it to the Disciples and said Take eat this is my body 27. And he tooke the cup and gaue thankes and gaue it to them saying Drinke ye all of it 28. For this is my blood of the new Testament which is shed for many for the remission of sinnes 29. But I say vnto you I will not drinke henceforth of this fruit of the vine vntill that day when I drinke it new with you in my Fathers kingdome Q. SO much for Baptisme What is the Lords Supper A. It is the other Sacrament of the Gospell whereby is sealed vnto vs our continuance minishment 1. Cor. 11. 20. and growth in Christ and in his body which is his Church Q. What are the outward signes in this Sacrament A. Bread and wine and the sacramentall actions in and about the same Matth. 26. 26. c.. Q. VVhat manner of bread is fittest A. Ordinarie bread
most bent and naturally enclined or wherein our Countrey especially or our neighbours amongst whom we conuerse doe most delight in that so wee may make the hedge highest where Satan striueth most to leape ouer who although he knoweth not our hearts yet seeing hee is subtill and able to discouer our disposition euen by a becke and countenance wee must desire wisedome of God to discerne of his tentations and power also to resist him CHAP. 50. Of thankes-giuing the second part of the second prayer Herein note the Parts Conclusion in the last word Amen MATTH 6. 13. For thine is the Kingdome and the power and the glory for euer Amen Q. SO much of the Petitions what is the thankes giuing A. For thine is the Kingdome c. Q. What haue we to learne in this thankes giuing A. First we learne the sacriledge of the Papists who vsually steale away this thankes giuing from Reuel 22. 19. prayer as if it were no part of it which is no maruell seeing that in the whole body of their doctrine Gods glory is vsually buried in a deepe silence amongst them Q. What obserue you secondly A. That this thanks-giuing consisting in the praise Gen. 32. 9. 11. Rom. 1 8. 10. Ephes 1 16. Philip. 1. 3. 4. Coloss 1 3. 1. Thess 1. 2. of God is a reason of all the petitions going before and therefore a further assurance of obtaining our suites for so good men in praying for new blessings doe alwaies ioyne thanks-giuing for the former Q. Whence is this forme of thankes-giuing drawne A. It seemeth to bee taken out of the Chronicles 1. Chron. 29. 10. 11. 12. 13. where Dauids seth the like phrase in praising of God but that which Dauid inlargeth there our Sauiour shorteneth here and yet comprehendeth the marrow of all Q. VVhat obserue you more particularly in the words A. First in the word Thine these titles of kingdom c. are appropriated vnto God to whom they do belong for though the same things in Scripture are ascribed Dan. 2. 37. 1. Tim. 5. 16. Jude 4. to Kings yet they haue them not of themselues but from him and hold them of him as tenants at will Q. VVhat is meant here by the word Kingdome A. That all right belongeth vnto God who hath Gen. 14. 19. Exod. 16. 19. 16 Ioel 3. 5. Hag. 2. 9. authority ouer all and answereth to the second petition and therefore it ought to moue vs to pray to him and to him alone as to one that hath only right to any thing we haue need of Q. VVhat is meant by the word power A. That besides his right noted in the former word hee is also able to bring to passe whatsoeuer hee will Psal 135. 5. 6. Mat. 8. 2. both which concur in God and not alwaies in earthly Princes which seemeth to be comprized in the third petition and ought to giue vs encouragement to pray 2. Cor. 12. 9. to him who is able to effect any thing wee pray for according to his will and to strengthen vs to doe any thing which in dutie we ought to doe although there be no strength in vs. Q. VVhat is meant by glory A. That due which rising from the two former of Kingdome and power doth rightly belong vnto God as following vpon the concurrence of the other two for if whatsoeuer we desire bee granted vnto vs in that he raigneth powerfully it is reason that all glory and praise should returne vnto him againe and it answereth to the first petition and ought to moue vs to pray to him and to assure vs that our prayers are granted seeing that by our prayers duly made and granted hee Psal 64. 5. 30. 9. 88. 10. 11. 11 5. 17. 18. is glorified And it is one of the most powerfull reasons that the seruants of God haue grounded their confidence of being heard that the name of God therein should be glorified Q. What is meant by the words for euer or for ages A. By ages he meaneth eternity and thereby putteth Psal 145. 13. Dan. 4. 31. another difference betweene the Kingdome and power of God and that in Princes whose Kingdomes and power fade and therefore may faile their Subiects and best fauourites that depend vpon them Q. VVhat is vnderstood by the word Amen Ierem. 11. 5. Iohn 16. 23. Reuel 3. 14. Iam. 1. 6. 1. Tim. 2. 8. 1. King 1. 36. Ierem. 28. 6. A. Not onely So be it as commonly men say but So it is which noteth the assurance of our faith to receiue our desires at least so farre forth as God seeth good for vs for without faith our praiers are reiected Besides that it is a testimonie of our earnest affection of hauing all those things performed which in this prayer are comprehended CHAP. 51. Of Vowes Vowes First To whom they are to be made By whom Secondly The matter The kinde PSALM 50. vers 14. 15. 14. Offer vnto God thankes-giuing and pay thy vowes vnto the most High 15. And call vpon me in the day of trouble I will deliuer thee and thou shalt glorifie me Q. HItherto of Prayer VVhat is a Vow A. A holy and religious promise made vnto God by a fit person voluntarily and aduisedly whereby he bindeth himselfe to the doing or leauing vndone of some speciall thing that is acceptable to Gen. 28. 20. 31. 13. 1. Sam. 1. 11. God Q. It is thought that vowes are ceremoniall and not to pertaine to the times of the Gospell A. There are indeed very good and worthie persons that thinke so which doe so much the more mislike of vowes because they haue been so much abused in Poperie howbeit it seemeth by this place that for the generall it is a constant and perpetuall ordinance of God as shall appeare though not so necessarie as vnder the Law Q. Are we to make our vowes to God only A. Yea to him alone to whom wee owe all that wee haue and who is the searcher of the hearts and Deut. 10. 17. 23. 21. Psal 5. 24. hath power to punish the breach of a vow Q. Who are fit persons to make a vow A. Such onely as are iustified before God and reconciled vnto him otherwise their gifts and vowes cannot please him and also such as haue iudgement and knowledge to discerne of a vow and are free and Eccles 5. 3. 5. at their owne liberty to performe the vow they make Therfore those which cannot performe their vowes in regard of their subiection to others as wiues children Matth. 19. 11. Num. 30. 4. 6. 7. seruants c. are to take heed that they vow not any thing that is in their hands vnder whom they are to infringe or hinder Q. What learne we hence A. That in making of a vow we haue a respect vnto that ability that God hath giuen vs that calling which he hath placed vs in Q. What ought to be the matter of