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A49781 The right of primogeniture, in succession to the kingdoms of England, Scotland, and Ireland as declared by the statutes of 24 E.3 cap 2. De Proditionibus, King of England, and of Kenneth the third, and Malcolm Mackenneth the second, Kings of Scotland : as likewise of 10 H.7 made by a Parliament of Ireland : with all objections answered, and clear probation made : that to compass or imagine the death, exile, or disinheriting of the King's eldest son, is high treason : to which is added, an answer to all objections against declaring him a Protestant successor, with reasons shewing the fatal dangers of neglecting the same. Lawrence, William, 1613 or 14-1681 or 2. 1681 (1681) Wing L691; ESTC R1575 180,199 230

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it be said of all the Kings and Queens which succeeded concerning whom any Question of Legitimation was raised as for Example John of Gaunt the fourth Son of Edward the Third because he was a great favourer of the Wicklenites who were in those days most Zealous Protestants was so hated by the Bishops to whom the Doctrine of Wickliff was then terrible that the then Bishop of Winchester John of Gaunt for favouring Protestants falsly slandred by the Bishop of Winchester to be Illegitimate Confessor to his Mother Queen Phillippa falsly slander'd him to make him Illegitimate That he was the Son of a Flemming and not of King Edward though his Mother Queen Phillippa was the most virtuous Wife of a King that was then in the World and to Illegitimate his Posterity by the Lady Katherine Swinford who was a virtuous Lady and not Prohibited by the Law of God to be Married But yet never was Married to him by the Ceremony of a Priest or Temple and by whom he had Issue John Duke of Somerset Thomas Duke of Exceter Henry Bishop of Winchester and Cardinal and Joan a Daughter which Daughter and all her Brethren were sirnamed Beaufort from Beaufort a Castle which he had in France where they were all Born and in regard thereof bare the Portcullis of a Castle for the Cognizance of the Family and these four Children though they were Legitimated by Act of Parliament in the Twentieth year of King Richard the Second and made capable of all Dignities yet by Episcopal Power there was inserted Excepta dignitate Regali which did as much as lay in an Exception so much Illegitimate them to the Crown that Coke says Part 4. fol. 37. Henry the 7th d●riveth ●imsel● from Katherine Swinford 〈◊〉 Ma●…d by a Priest in a Temple The best Title of Henry the Seventh who derived himself from John de Beaufort Duke of Somerset Son of John of Gaunt by the Lady Katherine Swinford was by Elizabeth his Wife eldest Daughter of Edward the Fourth which Episcopal Opinion of his would not have been taken for Law if he had lived in the time of H. 7. himself who notwithstanding this Episcopal Illegitimation assumed the Title of the House of Lanc●ster as Legitimate by the Law of God Both York and Lancaster derive the Lines from Persons slander'd to be Illegitimate by Laws of Men but made Legitimate by the Law of God and descending from a Lady not Prohibited to have been Married to John of Gaunt by the Law of God In like manner the Lady Elizabeth eldest Daughter to King Edward the Fourth by the Lady Elizabeth Gray from the House of York claims was declared Illegitimate by Richard the Third because as was all●adged E. 4. was praecontracted to the Lady Lucy which Lady Elizabeth was her s●lf likewise first promised in Marriage to the Daulphin of France before she was Married to H. 7. yet was she Legitimate and her Issue Legitimate by the Law of God and succeeded United to the House of Lancaster to the Kingdom according to the same Law The same hath been before mentioned of the Lady Elizabeth More her Children by Robert the Second King of Scotland were Born before any Ceremonial Marriage of a Priest in a Temple yet were they all Legitimate by the Moral Law of God Edward the Sixth Illigitimated by Papal Laws but Legitimated by the Law of God the eldest succeeded to the Crown In like manner King Edward the Sixth was declared Illegitimate by the Pope and the pretended Ecclesiastical Laws but he was Legitimate by the Moral Law of God and succeeded to the Crown accordingly Lastly Queen Elizabeth was not only declared Illegitimate by the Pope but by the Acts of Parliament of her own Father H. 8. which is above any Declaration or Proclamation of a Privy Council Queen Elizabeth Illegitimated by Papal Laws and Act of Parliament but Legitimated by the Law of God yet no true Protestant doubts but she was Legitimate by Moral Law of God which is above all Laws and happily succeeded to the Crown according to the Law of God to the Comfort of all Protestants From which Examples and Reasons appears the truth of the Thesis before laid down 1. That the Legitimation and Succession of Kings eldest Sons born of Women not Prohibited by the Moral Law of God was never questioned by any Laws except that of Popes and Bishops 2. That Legitimate and lawful Heirs may be Born of unlawful Marriages 3. That the Moral Law of God hath always been and still is the greatest Security of Legitimation and Succession to the Crown of Great Britain and ought to be prefer'd above all Ceremonial Laws of Men. 4. Next to the Moral Law of God the greatest Humane Security of Legitimation and Succession to the Crown is either a general Act of Parliament as this is constituting and ascertaining the Heir by a General or Special Distinction or Description or when any doubt or danger ariseth by Act of Parliament Declaratory of the Particular Successor or Name That 't is High Treason by this Statute for any Subject to slander the King 's eldest Son with Illegitimacy Though Papal and Episcopal Canons have made their ordinary work to Illegitimate the most Sacred Persons of Protestant Princes who disdain to buy their Mercenary Dispensations Faculties Licences and Pardons of Popes or Bishops and particularly the most Pious King Edward the Sixth and Queen Elizabeth And as is said Jude 8. Defile the flesh despise Dominions speak evil of Dignities yet let them know there is this Statute above all their Canons and Synods will punish their wickedness if they presume to Illegitimate any King of England or his eldest Son it seems on these Reasons 1. Because this compasseth the Death of the King himself his Father for who destroys the Kings Armies or Fleets which should defend him compasses his Death but Non legiones non classes aeque firma imperii Munimenta ac numeros Liberorum Not Legions nor Fleets equally defend a Kingdom as Children And above all Children the eldest Son All which is more authentically expressed by a great King and Souldier Psa 127.3 Lo Children are an heritage of the Lord and the fruit of the womb is his reward as arrows are in the hand of a mighty man so are the Children of the youth happy is the man who hath his quiver full of them they shall not be ashamed but they shall speak with the Enemies in the Gate And likewise as to the eldest Son the Scripture it self magnifies him as an high defence to the Father as Jacob expresseth of his Gen. 49.3 My first-born my might and the beginning of my strength the excellency of Dignity and the excellency of Power And who hath Vindicated His Majestie 's Honour and Safety in Wars abroad and against Popish Plots Assassinations Pistols Poniards and Poisons at home with such Fidelity Affection Zeal Constancy Vigillancy and Valour as his eldest Son And
making the Crown Hereditary to the Eldest Son answered ibid. Objections against the being of the King 's Eldest Son within the Statute of 25 E. 3. cap. 2. De Proditionibus Page 20. Obj. 1. That the Lady Mother was not a Queen ibid. Answ 1. The Statute is false Translated by the Lawyers and the Scripture false Translated by the Bishops in the word Queen ibid. Answ 2. Proved that the Lady Mother was Madam sa Compaign according to the Moral Law of God which is all and more than is required to be proved by the Statute ibid. Obj. 2. No Marriage according to the Mass-Book in the time of E. 3. nor by the Modern Common Prayer-Book or Book of Canons Page 23. Answ 1. No Marriage by any Book required by the Statute but only a Lady Companion according to the Moral Law of God Page 24. Answ 2. Marriage by the Common Prayer-Book not Necessary in a time of War when both Books of Common Prayer and of Canons were Prohibited and Abolished by the Power of the Sword ibid. Answ 3. The Legitimation of Children by the Law of God and of the Land ought not to be question'd after the Death of either Parent where not Judicially question'd and sentenced in their life-time Vid. Praeface Page 25. Answ 4. Not Necessary for a King who is Supreme Ordinary to Marry by the Common Prayer Book or Book of Canons Page 26. Answ 5. A King who is Supreme Ordinary may dispence with his own Canons and with any thing that is only Malum Prohibitum in his own Marriage but not with what is Malum in se by the Moral Law of God Page 28. Obj. 3. The Lady Mother was not HIS Companion which is the Article of Propriety required by the Statute Page 32. Answ She was HIS and he had the sole Propriety according to the Law of God and the Land Page 33. Obj. 4. There was no Marriage according to the Law of God Page 34. Answ 1. Certain Preparatory Considerations are laid down before the contrary is proved to this Negative By what Law and what Judges shall be judged what is the Law of God by which is after proved here was a Marriage according to the Law of God ib. Answ 2. Of the damnable Effects have followed by the Popish Prohibitions and Nulling of all Marriage not made by a Priest in a Temple Page 35. What is not Marriage by the Moral Law of God Page 39. What is not Matrimony by the Moral Law of God ibid. Answ 3. The Statute requires neither a King De Jure nor a Lady Companion De Jure nor a Son De Jure but only De Facto yet are they all here both De Jure and De Facto Page 40. Dangerous to leave the Succession of a Kingdom on so incertain a word as Lawful yet here both the King the Lady Companion and the Son are all Lawful ibid. Answ 4. A Lawful Successor may be of an unlawful Marriage Page 41. Obj. 5. The Lady Mother was not a Wife according to the Scripture Page 42. Answ 1. The Objection is false and it is after proved she was a Wife according to the Scripture ibid. Answ 2. The Statute requires no Wife according to Scripture but only a lawful Companion yet was she both a Wife and a lawful Wife according to Scripture as will hereafter be proved Page 43. Answ 3. The Bishops have falsly Translated the Scripture in all words relating to Marriage ibid. Of certain Differences between a Wife of the Bishop's making and a Wife of God's making Page 46. Obj. 6. There is no Bishop's Certificate to testifie the Marriage and Filiation Page 48. Answ The Statute requires no Certificate of either ibid. The Forms of Bishops Certificates Page 49. Their Original came from the Priests of Priapus Page 50. Of the Damnable Mischiefs insue from Tryal of Marriage and Filiation by Bishops Certificates ibid. The Certificates of Bishops inconsistent with the Right of Primogeniture Page 58. Of the General Custom of Nations of Successions to Kingdoms by Primogeniture and of the Mischiefs and Civil Wars commonly follow the disinheriting of the Eldest Son Page 62. What is Marriage and what Matrimony de Facto Page 66. What is Marriage De Jure according to the Law of God and of the Nations Page 67. Of the three Lawful Marriages amongst the Romans 1 Usu 2 Confarreatione 3 Coemptione Page 68. Of the three Lawful Marriages amongst the Hebrews 1 Copulatione 2 Coemptione 3 Instrumentis ibid. That Carnal knowledge Chastity and Childbirth between a Man and a Woman not prohibited by the Moral Law to Marry makes a Marriage Lawful Holy and Indissoluble without Banns Licence Priest Temple or any other Ceremony whatsoever Page 71. That the Marriage Coemptione Confarreatione or Instrumentis was not intended by Christ but only the Marriage Copulatione Page 86. An Epithalamium on the Marriage of Nature intended by Christ without a Priest or Temple Page 88. Obj. 7. The King 's Eldest Son is not the Heir intended by the Statute Page 90. Answ Proved he is the Heir both in the Letter and Intention of the Statute ibid. That to compass the Exile or Disinheriting of the King 's Eldest Son is High Treason Page 94. Obj. 8. By the Custom of Nations the Succession goes not to the Eldest Son born when the Father is only a Prince but to a younger Son born when he is a King ibid. Answ This Statute was made to prevent incertainty of this and other Customs and prevent all Cavils and Contentions about Succession by ascertaining the same to the Eldest Son Page 95. Obj. 9. The King 's Eldest Son is not yet declared Prince of Wales or of the Scots ibid. Answ The Statute requires no such thing Page 97. Obj. 10. Illegitimacy deprives of the benefit of the Statute ibid. Answ This Statute declares every Eldest Son of a King Legitimate and Heir to the Crown ibid. The Eldest Son of a King of Great Britain is Legitimate by his Birth-right per Jus Coronae ibid. Examples of the same Jus Coronae in other Nations Page 100. Examples of the same Jus Coronae in the Eldest Sons and Daughters of the Kings of England and Scotland who have thereby succeeded as Heirs to their Fathers Kingdoms on Marriages according to the Moral Law of God without the Ceremonies of a Priest or a Temple Page 102 103. That 't is High Treason for any Subject to slander the King 's Eldest Son with Illegitimacy Page 111. A Comparison of the Popish slanders of Illegitimacy against Queen Elizabeth and the King 's Eldest Son Page 112. A Comparison of the Popish slanders of Illegitimacy against King Edward the Sixth Queen Elizabeth the King 's Eldest Son and the Sons and Daughters of the whole Protestant Clergy Page 114. Of the insolent absurdity of Popish Laws Disinheriting the Lawful Sons of Kings according to the Law of God and inheriting the Bastards of Popes by the Law of the Devil
Page 118. CAP. II. WHether necessary in the present juncture of Affairs for the King and Parliament to declare a Protestant Successor to the Three Kingdoms Page 121. Objections against it Answer'd Obj. 1. Declaring a Protestant Successor by the King and Parliament makes a Kingdom Elective and not Hereditary ibid. Obj. 2. Acts of Precedent Parliaments cannot bind Subsequent from repeal Page 122. Obj. 3. Acts of Parliament cannot bind the Power of the Sword from cutting off those Acts by Conquest Page 123. Obj. 4. Declaring a Successor by Act of Parliament incites him to be disobedient and rebellious ibid. Obj. 5. The Ottoman Emperors never declare a Successor Page 124. Obj. 6. Queen Elizabeth refused to Declare a Successor Page 127. Reasons for declaring a Protestant Successor by the King and Parliament with the Great Dangers insue the neglect Page 132. 1. Danger to the Conscience of the Prince ibid. 2. Danger by the incertainty of the Laws of Succession of the Crown Page 133. 3. Danger of the Arbitrary disposing of the Crown by Rome or Canterbury Page 134. 4. Danger of the Predominancy of Papal and Episcopal Laws of Marriage Filiation and Succession above the Moral Law of God and the Laws of the Land ibid. 5. Danger to the King's Person his Lineal Heirs and House Page 135. 6. Danger of Lineal and Collateral Heirs to destroy one another ibid. 7. Danger if the King 's Eldest Son should happen to die before his Father leaving his Heir and younger Children in Minority ibid. 8. Danger of a Successor without Assent of the People Page 137. 9. Danger of a Papist Successor Page 138. A Papist Successor more dangerous to Papists themselves than a Protestant Successor ibid. A Papist Successor or Male utterly Destructive to Protestants and a Female doubly Destructive Page 160. 10. Danger in regard of Foreign Princes Page 182. 11. Danger of exposing Succession to Counterfeit Wills and Testaments Page 190. 12. Danger of incouraging Vsurpers Page 191. 13. Danger in doubtful Titles of Interregnums Page 192. 14. Danger of Cantonizing the Kingdoms ibid. 15. Danger of Exposing the Succession of the Kingdoms to Sale Page 193. 16. Danger of Exposing the Succession of the Kingdoms to Conquest Page 197. LIB III. CHAP. I. The words of the Statute 25 E. 3. cap. 2. De Proditionibus as in the Original French AUxint pur ceo que divers Opinions ont estre eins ceax heurs quel Case doit estre dit Treason et en quel nemy le Roy a le request des Seigniors et Commons ad fait declarisment que ensuist cestassavoire quant home fait compasser ou imaginer la Mort nostre Seignior le Roy Madame sa compaigne ou de lour fits Eigne et Heir The words as Translated by Pulton and Coke into English WHereas divers Opinions have been before this time in what case Treason shall be said and in what not the King at the request of the Lords and Commons hath made a Declaration in the manner as hereafter followeth That is to say When a man doth Compass or Imagine the Death of our Lord the King of our Lady his Queen or of their Eldest Son and Heir The Statutes of Kenneth the Third and Malcolm Mackenneth the Second as related by Buchanan Lib. 6. Rer. Scot. p. 191 196. Adjectae sunt Aliae leges ut quemadmodum Regi maximus natu filius in regnum Succederit ita filio ante Patrem defuncto nepos avo subrogaretur Englished There were other Lawes also added That as the Eldest Son of the King should succeed to him in his Kingdom So if such Son dyed before the Father the Nephew should succeed in his stead to his Grandfather Another Law of Scotland mention'd by Skene Reg. Majest Lib. 2. cap. 33. De Nepote ex Primogenito filio Nepos ex filio Primogenito mortuo jure representationis succedit Avo suo filium postnatum Avi id est Avunculum suum excludit Englished The Eldest Son being dead before the Father the Nephew by the Eldest Son shall in right of Representation Succeed to his Grandfather and exclude any Younger Son of his Grandfather that is to say his Uncle This Law of Scotland was taken out of Glanvil Lib. 7. c. 3. which shews it is the unquestionable Law of England as well as of Scotland and likewise out of the Civil Law L. 3. C. de suis legit Haered l. Posthumorum 13. H. de Injust Testamento c. 33. ex l. 1. § 6. H. de Haered Skene saith further That of this Question between the Son of the Eldest Son and the Uncle Franciscus Vinius Treats at large Lib. 3. Decisionum Decis 501. and he allcadgeth Alciat Cons 101. Bartol in l. post fratres C. 1. de legit haered Bald. Salyc Doctores in l. si viva Mater C. de Bon. Pater The Statute made 10 H. 7. in a Parliament of Ireland called Poyning's Law The words of which are these It is Enacted That all Statutes late made within the Realm of England concerning or belonging to the Common or Publick Weal of the same from henceforth be deemed Good and Effectual in the Law and ever that be accepted used and executed within this Land of Ireland in all Points and at all times requisite according to the Tenor and Effect of the same Coke saith 4 Part 351. That Hil. 10. Jac. Regis it was resolved by the Two Chief Justices and Chief Baron that this word late in the beginning of this Act had the sense of before so that this Act extended to Magna Charta and to all Acts of Parliament made in England before this Act of 10 H. 7. And by the same Reason extends to the Statute of 25 E. 3. cap. 2. De Proditionibus on which this Discourse is founded from whence will be after proved these Conclusions Conclusion 1. This being granted That if the Eldest Son had happen'd to Die in the Life of his Father the Eldest Son of the Prince who died should have Succeeded Jure Representationis of his own Father as Heir Lineal to his Grandfather and excluded the Grandfather's Younger Son who is his Uncle à fortiori must it be granted that if both Grandfather and Father die the Eldest Son who is the Grandchild Surviving he ought to exclude his Uncle for he now comes in Jure proprio which is a greater Right than Jure representationis and if the less Right exclude the Uncle much more must the greater Conclusion 2. When the Right of the Crown shall actual descend from the King in Possession on the Eldest Son in Possession who is the next Lineal Heir of his Blood then is the Son Actually King both De Facto and De Jure as was his Father who died in Possession of the Kingdoms And therefore all the forementioned Acts of Parliament and Common Laws of England Scotland and Ireland and the Imperial Laws with them unanimously declare It will be
not only then High Treason to Compass the Death Exile or Disinheriting of the King 's Eldest Son but whatsoever else is High Treason against a King will be the same against him Objections chiefly by Buchanan against these Statutes and the Policy of them making Kingdoms Hereditary to the Eldest Sons Answered Object Who is best able to defend a Kingdom should have it Object 1. Salus Populi is above all Statutes and the Power of Kings and Parliaments themselves and above all Acts of Parliament Statutes therefore which Repeal the Ancient Fundamental Laws which were in Great Britain of Election by Parliament and in Ireland by the Custom of Tanistry of Succession of the Brother before the Son such Statutes ought themselves to be repealed and not to repeal those which are better and it being most necessary pro salute Populi that he who is best able to defend a Kingdom against Enemies Foreign and Native and hath learnt the same by Age and Experience should succeed which the Brother being more able and fit to do than the Son ought according to those Ancient and Necessary Customes to succeed before the Son which Custome as to Scotland is recited by Buchaman Mos majorum qui è propinquis Regum defunctorum non proximos sed maximè idoneos eligerent modo à Fergusio primo Scotorum Rege essent oriundi The Custom of Scotland was That the Parliament chose out of the Kindred of the King deceased not the next but the fittest so as they were such as were descendents from Fergusius the first King of the Scots and on this Custome Kenneth the Third who was the Brother of King Duffus was by Election of the Parliamem of Scotland preferred before Milcolumbus the Son of Duffus though a Youth of great hopes which Kenneth began his Reign Anno Dom. 970 and proved a most Valiant and Wife Prince and repell'd a Mighty Invasion of the Danes whom he overthrew in a Battel with a great Slaughter of them but the same Kenneth afterwards inflamed with Ambition Covetousness and Cruelty secretly poysoned Milcolumbus the then Prince of Scotland being the said Son of his Brother Duffus deccased and with great dissimulation counterseiting even Tears and great Grief for him Convened a Parliament at Scone whom partly by Terror and partly by Deceit he got to Abrogate the Law of Succession of Brothers before Sons which had made him King and been the Sanctuary of Publique Safety and Enacted a Law of Succession for his own private and not the Publique Interest clean contrary viz. That the Kingdom should be from that time Hereditary in this manner That his own Eldest Son should be Prince of Scotland That when any King dyed his Eldest Son should next succeed to the Crown and if the Eldest dyed living his Father the Nephew should succeed instead of his Son who dyed And other Constitutions as appears Buchanan rer Scotl. 190 191. Who saith further Kenneth making the Kingdome of Scotland Hereditary tormented in Conscience Ita Rex per scelus posteris uti putabat regno stabilito animum tamen suum confirmare non pot uit c. The King saith he having by so great a Wickedness established his Kingdom as he thought to his Posterity he could not Establish his Mind for although he courted all sorts of Men with the highest shew of Love and Courtesie and so managed the Affairs of the Kingdom that there was nothing wanting which shewed him not a good King Yet his Mind perpetually disquieted with the conscience of his wicked fact suffered him not to have any solid or sincere joy but the thoughts of his foul Crime rushing into his memory vexed him by Day and by Night most horrible Dreams disturbed his rest at length whether truly as some affirm or whether his troubled thoughts made him so fancy what oftentimes happens to Guilty persons a voice came from Heaven by which he seemed in his sleep to be warned Doest thou think the Murder of Milcolumbus an Innocent Person committed by thee most wickedly in Secret is hid from me or that I will any longer suffer it to pass without punishment For already there are Plots laid by Treason which thou shalt not escape to take away thy Life neither shalt thou as thou thinkest leave thy Kingdom Stable or Secure but full of Tumults and Tempests to thy Posterity With which fearful Dream the King being terrified Early in the Morning he flyes to the Bishops and Monks and declares to them the Confusion of his Mind and Anguish of his Conscience for his Crime but they gave him no true Remedy from the Doctrine of Christ for they had already degenerated from the Piety and Learning of the Ancient Professors But advised those many absurdities Long since invented by wicked Persons for their own gains and rashly believed of the Unlearned and Overcredulous That he should inrich with Gifts the Holy Places and Temples and should visit the Sepulchres of the Saints kiss their Reliques redeem his Sins by Masses and Alms and should have a greater Honour and Reverence for the Monks and Priests than he had formerly us'd to have Neither did he omit any of these Explations which he believed would help him But he was notwithstanding after by appointment of Fenella a Lady formerly Injured by him and an Ambuscada of Horse laid for him taken and killed as Buchanan p. 192. after the death of Kenneth and this Intayl of the Crown to his Issue by the Murder of his Brother's Son It appears Buchan rer Scotl. lib. 6. p. 192 193. That Constantinus the Son of Caten called Calvus Constantine Calvus procures the Law of Kenneth to be repealed began to dispute much against the Injustice of this Law to which they were circumvented by fear to assent and thus he begins Quid enim Stultius quam rem unam omnium maximam à prudentium censura Suffragiis ad Arbitrium fortunae revocare c. What saith he is more foolish than to take away a matter of the greatest concern from the Votes of Wise Men in Parliament and to cast it on the Wheel of Fortune and that these should bind themselves to be ruled by a Child who hath the chance to be born and who is ruled by some petty Woman and drive away most Valiant Men from assistance in the Government What if the Children of Kings should have any infirmity of Body or Mind whereby they are utterly disabled to perform necessary Acts of Empire what if Children should have possessed the Kingdom in such time when we fought with the Romans Britons Picts English and Danes not for the Kingdom but for Life or what can be said more Mad than what God threatens to the Contumacious that Children should reign over them as the highest Calamity we should enact as a Law on our selves and the greatest Threats of the Divine Prophets we should either contemn or run headlong into it of our own accord Neither is there any
Exercise of the same for the Publick safety 1 In regard the Entail being made to the Eldest Son by Act of Parliament the same declares that what is given by Act of Parliament may be taken by Act of Parliament and that every former Act inacted may by a latter Act be repealed according to the known Rule Vnumquodque dissolvitur eodem modo quo conflatum est Secondly according to the General Examples of Acts of Parliament amongst which nothing is more common than for later Acts to change the Entails of the Crown made by former Acts. Thirdly This Power of Parliaments is expresly declared by Act of Parl. 13 El. 1. still in force by which it is enacted that to affirm that the Laws and Statutes do not bind the Right of the Crown and the Descent Limitation Inheritance and Governance thereof is High Treason Fourthly All the Reason alledged of the Antient Custom of New Election of the Successor on every Descent is only lest the Eldest Son should happen to be an Infant or otherwise unfit for Government that the Parliament might choose the fittest which here is satisfied in the Eldest Son who is above all exception known to be the fittest who can be chosen Fifthly though this reserve of Power remain naturally in Parliaments to repeal and change former Acts concerning Succession by new Acts when there is just and necessary cause yet it is necessary likewise there should be a praevious Act to mark out the Heir in whose name the Parliament shall be called to declare the Succession or Guardianship if he happen to be an Infant And what if after a King happens to die there happen a Rebellion or Invasion which makes it impossible to assemble a Parliament will it not be a great safety to the People that a standing Act of Parliament hath before hand appointed the Successor to take care of the Kingdoms till he can call a Parliament to give their assistance therein There is nothing therefore can be justly excepted against these two Acts of Parliament of England and Scotland for ascertaining by Law the Eldest Son to be Heir to the Crown The excellency of the two said Acts of Parliament of England and Scotland which ascertain the Succession of the Crown to the Kings Eldest Son But it were a great unthankfulness to the Providence of God to undervalue such Laws whereby all Accidents are obviated Questions and Doubts resolved and Objections answered by so few words as two Lines in each and the Peace of Succession preserved in Great Britain for so many hundred years which in other Empires and Kingdoms cannot be effected without those horrid Murders of Younger Brothers by Elder or Elder Brothers by Younger of lineal Heirs by collateral or collateral Heirs by lineal of Sons by Fathers or of Fathers by Sons whereby Civil Wars Devastations and Ruines of Kingdoms have ensued and that the want of such Statutes or the Breach of them have been causes of these Evils and Enjoyment of them hath been the Cure will I hope appear in the Objections and Answers following Objections first against the not being of the Kings Eldest Son within these Statutes answered Object Obj. 1. That the Lady his Mother was not a Queen therefore the Kings Eldest Son is not within the Statute Answ Statute false translated in the word Queen Answ To this the answer is easie and clear that the word Madame sa Compaigne are falsly translated our Lady his Queen and ought to have been translated our Lady his Companion which is proved by the Reasons following 1. Because 't is manifest sa Compaigne signifies not the word Queen in specie but any Lady Companion in general 2. Because it is manifest the makers of this Act of Parliament intended not to restrain their several meaning onely to a Queen for they knew Royne was French for Queen as well as Roy for King and if they had intended so could have more certainly and easily said Compas le mort nostre Seignior le Roy sa Royne than Madame sa Compaigne 3. Because at the time of making this Statute the famous Black Prince being the Eldest Son to Edward III. was married to Joan Daughter to Edmund Earl of Kent and had Issue by her Richard of Bourdeaux after King of England and none doubts but it was the intention of the King Edward III. who passionately affected his Grandchild Richard that in case the Princes Wife should happen to die in his life time whereby she should not have been a Queen but that notwithstanding if the Black Prince had happened to have survived him which he did not and been King his Eldest Son Richard should have benefit of this Statute 4. It would have been made doubtful by the Bishops who usurped then the Papal Supremacy over Princes of giving or refusing to give them Coronation when they pleased whether the Kings Wife should be titled Queen if the Bishop refused her Coronation Ralph of Canterbury refuseth to Crown Adeliza Queen unless he should first discrown the King as Ralph Archbishop of Canterbury did to Adeliza the second Wife of H. I. unless the Kings would suffer him to pull off the Crown first from the Kings head and new Crown him in acknowledgment that the Supremacy of the Coronation Office belonged to Ralph the Archbishop Bak. Hist 43. Touching which Office of Coronation of Kings and Queens that it belongs to Parliaments and not to Bishops and that David himself was both crowned and anointed by his Parliament and not by the Priest is shewn lib. 2. cap. 1. p. 169 c. 5. The Law of Saxons and Scots that no Wife of a King should be called Queen Because the Title of Queen was then under Envy and doubtful whether not against the antient Law both of England and Scotland the same not appearing to have been repealed by any Act of Parliament Bak. Hist fol. 6. saith a Law was made by the West Saxons that no Wife of a King should be called a Queen fol. 8. that it was so rigorously observed that when Ethelwolph had married Judith the Beautiful Daughter of the Emperour Charles the Bald in honour of whom in his own Court he ever placed her in a Chair of State with all other Majestical Complements of a Queen contrary to the Law of the West Saxons made to avoid the great Expence of Treasure incident to great Titles and Ceremonies and against other inconveniences and so much displeased his Lords thereby that they were ready to have Deposed him but were prevented by his death not long after Buchanan Rev. Scot. 407. takes notice of this Law and says Saxones lege caverunt ne ulla deinceps Regis Vxor Regina vocaretur aut in sede honoris in publico Regi assideret And 406. mentions the like Law in Scotland Quas Reginas alii suo quisque sermone nos Regum uxores appellamus nec altioris fastigii nomen ullum in iis agnoscimus
disinherits the true Children and Aliments and Inherits the false For shame take away such wickedness amongst Christians which is not to be found among Infidels This hath already been shewn to be the wicked Practice of Episcopal and Common Lawyers Pa●o●nized by Judge Rikhil Littleton and Coke contrary to the Law of God where the Husband is within the Four Seas at the time of begetting the Child and gives power to disinherit the right and intrude Adulterous Heirs not only into private Families but Kingdoms Of which take a strange attempt emboldened on this absur'd Popish Principle That adulterous Children born within Matrimony are inheritable to the Husband of the Adulteress and not to the Adulterer Anno 1459. Henry of Spain being himself unable for generation persuaded his Queen to be got with Child by Bertrand of Guttua Joane thus gotten is Proclaimed Heir and Bertrand is made Earl of Ledesma and Duke of Albuquerk Hist Hisp The People force him to reject his supposed Daughter and to declare his Brother Alphonsus and he refusing they Depose him and Crown Alphonsus Hist Hisp Henry overcometh Queen Joane hath two Children more by another Minion Alphonsus dieth Isabel the King's Sister refuseth the Kingdom she is declared Heir and Marrieth Ferdinand of Aragon Hist Hisp Anno 1474. Divers joyn for Joane with Alf. of Portugal who meant to Marry her But Anno 1480. she entreth into a Monastery and Alf. of Portugal Here Joane was born within Matrimony and the Certificate of the Bishop and the Doctrine of Judge Rikhil if it had been sent for would have made Joane Heir but the very light of Nature taught the People though in a Countrey blinded with Popish Superstition that she was not the true Heir by the Law of God but by Fiction therefore they would not bear it Bishops Certificates make adulterous Children honorable and true Children base 18. The Certificate slanders and dishonours the true and makes honourable the false and Adulterous Children as appears in the before-mentioned form of Certificate of Bastardy That the under-named N. H. of T. A. H. of P. J. H. of P. and E. H. of P. are Bastards and every of them a Bastard He makes Bastards by Bundles 't is as easie to him as cracking of Nuts and though 1 Cor. 6.10 after other bad Company mentioned it is said No Revilers shall inherit the Kingdom of God yet the mouth of this Certificate is full of Revilings and devours no less than four Innocents at once who against others might have had their Actions of Slander but against a pretended Jure Divino of an Episcopen Slander there 's no Remedy to be had Certificates destroy Truth and found on Fictions and Lies 19. The Certificates undermine the Pillar of Truth and lays the Foundation of Marriage and Filiation on Fictions and Lies As that Sponsa before a Priest in a Temple is Vxor That Verba De Praesenti are Facta de praeterito futuro That Prohibited Marriages are Null and void That feigned and void Marriages are by Licence and Dispensation true and valid That Intention is Contract Contract is Tradition Obligation is Propriety and Promise is Gift Si donare vocas promittere nec dare Cai Vincam te donis muneribúsque m●is Mart. That a Child is not Sib or Kin or of Consanguinity or the Child of the Father who begot or the Mother who bare him or they of him of which see more Lib. 2. p. 154 155. That Children begot by Adulterers were begot by the Husband within the four Seas That two Persons are Transubstantiated into one Person by the words of Priests pronouncing them Man and Wife L. 1. p. 66. with many other which I forbear here to repeat All which are meer Fictions and Falsities and to be Abhorred to be Tolerated to support Ceremonial Mock-Marriage against the true Marriage according to the Moral Law of God Bishops Certificates inconsistent with the right of Primogeniture 20. The Certificate disinherits Primogeniture in Succession to Kingdoms contrary to this Statute and contrary to the Law of God and Nature Patritius Lib. 9. De Regn. T. 22. says Jus naturae exigit Gentium Consuetudo confirmat ut Maximus natu Ex filiis Mortuo Regi succedat And Tiraquel in Praefat. de Jure Primog with this agrees the Rule that Deus facit Haeredes And no other sign can be in the Law of Nature interpreted to come from God but Primogeniture of a Son with which likewise agrees the Scripture Deut. 21.15 If a man have two women for that 's the Original and it is falsly Translated Si fuerit alicui duae Vxores one beloved and another hated and they have born him Children both the beloved and the hated And if the first born Son be hers that is hated Then it shall be when he shall make his Sons to inherit that which he hath That he may not make the Son of the beloved First born before the Son of the hated which is indeed the First born But he shall acknowledge the Son of the hated for the First born by giving him a double Portion of all that he hath for he is the beginning of his Strength the Right of the First born is his The other Text of Scripture is Jehosophat gave the Kingdom to his eldest Son and Gifts to his younger 2 Chro. c. 21.1 Now Jehosophat slept with his Fathers and was buried with his Fathers in the City of David and Jehoram reigned in his stead And he had Brethren the Sons of Jehosophat Azariah and Jehiel and Zechariah and Azariah and Michael and Sephatiah all these were the Sons of Jehosophat King of Israel and their Father gave them great Gifts of Silver and of Gold and of precious things with fenced Cities in Judah But the Kingdom he gave to Jehoram because he was his First born Now when Jehoram was risen up to the Kingdom of his Father he strengthned himself and slew all his Brethren with the Sword and divers also of the Princes of Israel And 2 King 8.18 And he walked in the ways of the Kings of Israel as did the House of Ahab for the Daughter of Ahab was his Wife and he did evil in the sight of the Lord. Which Texts the one for Primogeniture in private Families the other for the same in Successions to Kingdoms make such Right appear very strong in both and these Observations tending to the same may be taken from them 1. That though the Eldest Son be the Son of a second Woman Married after the first yet if the Son of the second be the Son First born before the Son of the first he shall be preferred in the Succession 2. Though the second Woman is an unlawful Woman for here are the highest Circumstances which can make a Woman unlawful for the first Woman is still alive and hath born the Husband Children as well as the second For the words of the Text are They have born
First Because the Exiling or Disinheriting the King's eldest Son indangers the King himself Secondly Because to compass the Exile compasseth the Death of the eldest Son by depriving him of the King's Protection and exposing him to Poison or Assassination of his Enemies and to compass to Disinherit him is a manifest design to destroy him without which his Inheritance cannot be taken from him as Matth. 21.38 They said amongst themselves this is the Heir come let us kill him and let us seize on his inheritance And they caught him and cast him out of the Vinyard and slew him Object 8 Obj. 8. The Son of a King born after he is King is to be prefer'd in Succession before the Son of a King born while he is Prince And of this there are many Examples as Henry the First being the youngest Son of William the Conqueror Born when a Prince and born when a King standing in Competition for the Crown of England against Robert Duke of Normandy his elder Brother made this one of his Objections That Robert was born when his Father was but a Duke but Henry was born when his Father was a King and therefore obtained the Kingdom against Robert his eldest Brother And it is recited by Grot. de Jur. Bel. Pac. p. 171. That the like passed in Persia between Cyrus and Arsica in Judea between Antipater the Son of Herod the Great and his Brother in Hungary when Geissa obtained the Kingdom in Germany between Otto the First and Henry though not without Arms and likewise the same Question was between Xerxes and his Brother Atabarzanes and between Artaxerxes Mnemon and Cyrus the Sons of Darius and Parisatis Artaxerxes being the elder but born during the Private fortune of Darius and the like happened between Bajazet and Zemez contending for the Turkish Empire and many others Answ These were put to the Tryal of Battel and for the greatest part the eldest Son had the Success but if it had been otherwise the Event of War is no Rule of Justice and if it had been without War yet where there is a standing Act of Parliament Judicandum est Legibus non Examplis And this Act of Parliament was made to prevent the present and all other Accidents which might happen to disturb the Peace of Succession of the Kingdom and raise Civil Wars which it could not do without all other Sons and Heirs to the eldest Son and there being no other Son mentioned in the Letter of the Statute but the eldest and not a word of Distinction whether born before or after the Father's obtaining the Kingdom Vbi lex non distinguit ibi nec nos distinguere debemus for then the same mischiefs would insue beforementioned of extending a Statute of Treason by Equity which leaves Treason arbitrary to every Judge who will assume to declare it beyond the Letter and to insert as many kinds of Sons and Heirs as he pleased which would make the Law and all the Care and Wisdom of it in ascertaining the Son Heir to be of no Effect and leave the Kingdom in a dangerous Condition that every Prince Married in his Father's life-time and having then some Children and after his Father's Death others might occasion a Civil War who should succeed to the Crown when he died Object 9 Obj. 9. The next Objection That the King 's eldest Son is not yet Declared Prince of Wales or Prince of the Scots The Original of this Title used to be given to the eldest Sons of the Kings of England was from Henry the Third who gave his eldest Son Edward who was afterward King Edward the First on his Marriage to Elianor the Daughter of Spain amongst other Principalities in France England and Ireland likewise that of Wales Hinc natum ut deinceps unusquisque Rex qui secutus est filium majorem natu principem Walliae facere consuevit And in continuance of this Custom Anno 1610. Prince Henry the eldest Son of King James was solemnly created Prince of Wales by his Father As to the Title designing the Prince of Scotland to be next Successor or Heir apparent it seems to have been by their Investiture of Cumberland for saith Buchanan Rer. Scot. lib. 6. p. 175. That Constantine the Third in the Tenth year of his Reign Milcolumbo proximo Regis filio Cumbriam donavit qui honos velut Augurium Argumentum erat eum proxime regnaturum Ac deinceps in proximis aliquot Regibus id fuisse observaturum manifesta adversus veterem Comitiorum rationem fraude quae omnem Liberorum susfragiorum vim prope tollerit non minus quàm Coss●à Caesaribus Designatio Constantine the Third in the Tenth year of his Reign gave Cumberland to Malcoli● the Son of the last King which Honour was as it were the Inauguration or Sign of him who was next to succeed in the Kingdom and was after observed by some of the next Kings to that end to take away by Fraud the free Election by Parliament no less than did the Designations of the Consuls by the Caesars and after p. 189. he sath That Kenneth the Third being King by Election of the People to make the Kingdom Hereditary to his own Son Malcolm finding it an Impediment in his way that his Brother Duffus his Son Malcolm Cumbriae tum praefectus erat quam Regionem Scoti beneficio Regum Anglorum it a tenebant ut Cumbriae Praefectura velut omen Regni esset atque ita jam per aliquot aetates observatum erat was then Governor of Cumberland which Region the Scots held by Gift from the Kings of England to that intent that the Presidentship of Cumberland should be for a Sign who should be next Successor to the Kingdom and so for divers Ages the same hath accordingly been observed he to inherit his own Poisoned his Brother's Son and p. 190. he saith Milcolumbus regis filius in natura adhuc ad rerum administrationem aetate Cumbriae praefectus et princeps Scotorum est Declaratus quod nomen perinde est Scotis atque apud Gallos Delfinus apud priores Romanorum Imperatores Caesar apud posterio res Rex Romanorum quibus omnibus Successor superiori Magistratui dari intelligitur Malcolm the King's Son in an unripe Age for Publick Affairs is declared President of Cumberland and Prince of the Scots which Name is with the Scots Equipollent to the Daulphin amongst the French to Caesar amongst the Ancient Romans and amongst the Modern to the King of the Romans by all which Titles the Successor to the Superiour Magistracy is understood but notwithstanding for the most part this hath been the Custom yet it hath been likewise often omitted and Admit it had not yet there being no Law requiring it there is no pretence that such Omissions makes any incapacity in the Heir to succeed at Common Law or to be within this Statute for the Statute making no Distinction between the King 's eldest Son when
theirs Princes of the Scots The French Kings theirs Dauphins with so little doubt of Danger thereby that they rather look on the same as the greatest Security of themselves their Families and Kingdoms to have their Eldest Sons declared Successors in their Life-time but always as is said this is true only where the Eldest Sons are declared and not where contrary to the order of Nature Younger Sons or Collateral Heirs are prefer'd before them or to disherit them Object 5. The Ottoman Emperors never declare a Successor Answ They are ill Presidents to be followed for the not declaring of a Successor causeth all those Bloody Butcheries of Fathers of their own Sons And Brothers one of another and gives the Janizaries Power to sell the Empire to that Son or Brother who will give most Money for the same which the Emperors would gladly reform if they were able and declare their Successors as other Princes do were they not over-power'd by their own Slaves as appears Turk Hist 479. Selymus The Ottoman Emperors why they declared no Successors a Younger Son of Bajazet the Second was made by his Father Governor of the Kingdom of Trapezond and Married without his Fathers liking the Daughter of Mahometes a mighty King of the Tartars called Precopenses Selymus by the assistance of his Father-in-Law provided a great Fleet and Army Pretending but not Intending War on Hungary Bajazet receiving Advertisement of Selymus his Army and that he had left Trapezond and was come over into Europe suspecting his Design notwithstanding his Pretences to be against himself yet not seeming to take notice thereof sends Embassadors to disswade him from the Hungarian War and to perswade him to return peaceably to his former Government but without effect for he continues his March onwards towards his Father In the mean time Bajazet moved the rather with the fear of Selymus resolved on that which he had long time in his Mind deeply Consider'd in regard he was aged and sickly to resign the Empire to Achomates his eldest Son and proposeth the same to the Soldiers but they being Corrupted before with Money by Selymus Cunningly seeming to commend Achomates yet would neither yield that Bajazet should resign or nominate him for his Successor And the chief Reasons they alleadged were That the same was neither according to the Custom of the Ottoman Kings nor for the behoof of the Men of War who should thereby be defrauded of the Rewards usually granted unto them during the time of vacancy of the Empire arising from the Spoil taking of them who are of Religions different from the Turks for it is a Custom that immediately on the Death of the Turkish Emperors all the Jews and Christians which dwell at Constantinople Pera Hadrianople Thessalonica and Prusa especially Merchants Exposed unto the Injuries of the Turks are by the Janizaries and other Soldiers of the Court spoiled of all their Wares and Goods and became unto them a Prey neither will they give their Oath of Allegiance unto the new Emperor until he grant them their Prey and Swear by his Head to Pardon all their Outrages before Committed When Bajazet saw his Men of War generally to oppose themselves against the Nomination of his Successor he tryed what Money would do with them and promise them Five hundred Thousand Duckets if they would stand favourable to Achomates and accept him for their Soveraign but he could not move them for they assured themselves of greater Rewards in Pay and Plunder from Selymus So with Grief and Patience he put up the Matter hoping for a fitter Opportunity to effect what he desired Selymus in the mean time under divers pretences marcheth on towards his Father and Corrupted the greatest part of his Council with Money and great Promises to betray him and advance Selymus to the Empire only Cherseogleson and old faithful Bassa adviseth Bajazet to Chastise the Rebellion of his unnatural younger Son and to give him Battel wherein Selymus was overthrown and the greatest part of his Army Slain Achomates hearing of all the trouble had happened between his Father and Brother Selymus writes to him desiring him to dispatch his long Determin'd and Promised Resignation of the Empire Bajazet of himself still continued desirous of the Translating the Empire to Achomates and making no great Secret of it Commanded Galleys to be provided to Transport Achomates for that end from Scutari where he then was to Constantinople but the Bassa's and Souldiers Corrupted by Selymus's Money would not suffer him whereupon he writes to Achomates how the matter stood and that he should therefore return from Scutari to his old Charge of Amasia until he might with bounty win the Minds of the Souldiers and great Men to effect his advancement with less Danger Achomates thus deceived of his hopes Complained of his Father how he had deceived him and made him a By-word and Laughing-stock to the World and meditating either Revenge or Defence against his Brother raiseth an Army and on Contumacy when Commanded to Disband is by the Incitation of Selymus with his Party proclaimed Traitor by his Father and Bajazet is so over-persuaded by the Conspirators That he sends home for his younger traiterous Son Selymus Pardons him and makes him General of his Armies against Achomates the elder Son Selymus having received the Army they Corrupted by him Proclaim him Emperor Selymus thereupon Poisons his Aged Father Bajazet being almost Fourscore years of Age and Murders his Brothers and Five of his eldest Brother's Sons From whence may be observed 1. The Great Error of Bajazet who gave his younger Son Selymus a Kingdom and so great Power with it that he was able to be a Competitor against his eldest Son and to raise a Rebellion against himself which is Inconsistent with the Right of Primogeniture and Divides the Empire into many Empires 2. That Excessive Treasure given to a younger Brother gives him Power to Corrupt both the Council and Army of his Father who gave it him 3. Bajazet by setting the younger Son in Contention with he eldest he lost the Fidelity of both and was destroyed between them 4. He did very imprudently to promise his eldest Son the Resignation of the Empire and ought only to have declared him Successor after his Death 1 Bajazet by preferring his younger Son before his eldest exposed him to be Murdered unless he took Arms in defence of his Life but more Imprudently to break his Promise to him and thereby to Expose him a Publick Laughing-stock to the World and a certain mark to be Murdered by his Brother Selymus unless he took Arms in his own Defence to prevent it 5. That by probabillity if he could have effected the Declaring of his eldest Son Successor and given only Moderate Portions to his younger Sons as the Chynoys and Aethiopians Emperors gives theirs such miserable Murders might not have fallen on himself his Sons and Nephews The like Destruction is before observed to have
The Mother of Henry the 3d. pre-contracted when King John Married her So if the World had been so much given to slander the Legitimation of the King 's Eldest Son as it is now here had been a greater Exception against the Succession of the Crown to him than can be now in the least shadow pretended for Isabel being pre-contracted to a former Man was a Woman Prohibited by the Law of God to be Contracted or Married by another Man Yet did neither this nor his Minority nor the amazing Danger of a Foreign Enemy Landed assisted by the Native Nobles possessed of the Royal City and entred into the Bowels of the Kingdom Deter this Wise and Noble Parliament for making use of the Coronation of the King 's Eldest Son Coronation of the King 's eldest Son the best remedy against the Barons calling in the French as the best Remedy against it and to Commit his Guardianship to a Person of Courage and Council they Succeeded accordingly for Louys was beaten in a Battel at Lincoln by the Protector and sending back for Recruits into France which were with great Expedition there provided and sent with a Mighty Fleet which Fleet was likewise met and beaten by the English Fleet at Sea and the Army therein Vanquished by God's great Providence which News coming to the Ears of Lovys made him hopeless of any longer Subsistance here with Safety and thereupon makes a Composition for his passage home abjures his Claim to the Kingdom and returns to France But if Louys had prevailed here wi●● Security had the English Nobles had in his French Oath for within a little while after he had taken it he made spoil and plunder of all he could lay hands on Louys a Papist King breaks his French Oath to the Papist Subjects of England Friend or Foe which made many of the English he breaking his Oath to them to think themselves disobliged thereby from the Oath they had given him and to forsake his Party and more would have forsaken him had it not been for shame of Inconstancy and that he had their Hostages in France whom he would have on their Revolt Destroyed And to shew his Intention of perfecting his Perjury to the height if he could have got Power there was a constant Report and generally divulged concerning the Confession of the Viscount Melun a Frenchman who lying at the point of Death touch't with Compunction is said to reveal the Intention and Vow of Louys which was not only to Destroy the English Nobility but if he could the whole Nation Dan. Hist 148. The like Example is of the French Catholick more properly Papist Faith to the Nobility and People of Scotland Buchan Rer. Scot. Lib. 17. p. 156. where appears The French Papists were called into Scotland by the Scotch Papists to assist them against the Protestants there on Mutual Agreement on Oaths between the Papist of both Nations but when the French Army came they spoyl'd alike both Papist and Protestant And the French Garison at Leith destroy all with Fire and Sword as far as they could reach A French Papist King forsworn to the Papist Nobility of Scotland Clades autem Ex vastatione Agrorum non minus ad Papanos sine discrimine Scotorum Nobilitatem Extinguendam esse in corum autem praediis mille Catraphractos Equites Gallos collocari posse reliquam Multitudinem Servorum Loco habendam id Consilium literis ejus ad Gallum interceptis divulgatum mirum quantum Gallorum odium Jam aliis de Causis natum auxit Ambianus autem Episcopus non modo Romane Cause minus aequos sed etiam Gallorum partibus minus quam ipse Censebat aequum addictos in dicta causa agere rapere truci dare jubebat The Devastation of the Countrey about Leith by the French fell no less on the Papist than Protestant Labross advised that the whole Scottish Nobility was without any Difference made to be destroyed and a Thousand French Barbed Horse to be planted on their Estates and the rest of the Multitude to be kept for Slaves which Council his Letters being intercepted wherein he had sent the same to the French King after it was divulged 't is wonderful how it increased the hatred against the French which for other Causes was already sufficiently begun The Bishop of Amiens likewise without over hearing the Cause Commanded not only those who favoured not the Romish Religion but the French Cause as much as he would have them to be pursued taken by Force and Killed Henry the 3d. a Papist King forsworn to Papist Subjects To return again to England we left where King John having broken his Oath to the Nobility and Parliament being dead the same Oath of preserving the Laws and Liberties was again obtained of his Son Henry the Third who in the Barons Wars wanting Money a Tenth is granted him by the Clergy and a Scutage by the Layity of Three Marks of every Knights Fee yet with this Agreement That the often Confirmed Charter of Magna Charta and Charta Forestae should be again Rectified Confirmed and Sworn to and that in the most Solemn and Ceremonial manner as Religion or State could ever devise to do The Solemn manner of giving his Oath by Henry the Third to confirm his Subjects Liberties The King therefore with all the great Nobility of England all the Bishops and Chief Prelats in their Pontificalibus with burning Candles in their hands assemble to hear and pronounce the Terrible Sentence of by-Excommunication against the Infringers of the Charters and at the lighting of one of those Candles the King having received one in his hand gives it to a Prelate who stood by saying It becomes not me who am no Priest to hold this Candle my heart shall be a greater Testimony and withal laid his hand spread on his Breast the whole time the Sentence was Read which was thus pronounced Authoritate Dei Omnipotentis c. which done he caused the Charter of King John his Father granted by his free Consent to be likewise openly Read in the end having thrown away their Candles which lay smoaking on the ground they cryed out So let them who incur this Sentence be extinct and stink in Hell And the King with a loud voice said As God me help I will as I am a Man a Christian a Knight a King Crowned and Anointed inviolably observe all these things And therewithal the Bells rung out and all the people shouted for Joy Dan. Hist 169. but his Oath came to nothing Henry the 3d. secretly Absolved from his Oath to his Subjects by the Pope for he secretly sent to the Pope for his Absolution from them and the Pope for Money by his Apostolick Sentence Absolves the King from his Oath to his Subjects whence insued great Wars and Miseries in the Land Bac. Hist. 86. and though Magna Charta was in his time granted yet he never kept it but
which were Five viz. 1. Don Antonio Son of Lewis second Son of Emanuel 2. Philip the Second King of Spain Grandchild to Emanuel by his eldest Daughter Isabella 3. Philibert Duke of Savoy Grandchild to Emanuel by his second Daughter Beatrix 4. Mary Dutchess of Rarma eldest Daughter of Edward youngest Son of Emanuel 5. Katherine Dutchess of Brigance youngest Daughter of Edward youngest Son of Emanuel Of the Exceptions Declinatory Don Antonio might have made to this Judicatory 1. That 't was no Convention of Estates Elected by the People 2. That the Judges were Elected by the King who became thereby Judge in his own Case for King Henry was only the third Son of Emanuel whereas Antonio's Father Lewis was second Son to Emanuel so he being Son of Henry's elder Brother Henry would be adjudged to restore the Kingdom to him if the Judges were equal and not of Henry's choosing 3. That the Pope and Bishops were inequal Judges they assuming the only Jurisdiction of Marriage and Succession according to the Papal Laws who take Bribes and Sell the Successions of the Kingdom and so become Judges in their own Causes as 't is well known in the Case of the Natural Son of Henry King of Castile who bought a Legitimation of the Pope and thereby excluded his Brother Peter born of a Canonical Marriage after Peter had been admitted to the Throne and acknowledged for King divers years 4. That Pope Julius the Third put forth a Decree against the Promotion of Bastards without the Assent of Don Antonio or the people of Portugal he ought not to be Judged by the Law of a Foreign Prelate who thereby makes himself a Judge in his own Case The Reasons pretended why King Henry 's Judges Adjudged Don Antonio Illegitimate 1. Because he was a Bastard in Reputation but what is this to the purpose what the vulgar think who are Educated and blinded in Popish Superstition and thereby neither understand what Legitimation or Illegitimation means Judges of Legitimation ought to be Wise men and not Fools 2. Because when Pope Julius the Third put forth a Decree against the Promotion of Bastards Don Antonio sued to be exempted and thereby owned his Bastardy and what is it to the purpose what a Foreign Pope who ought to have no Jurisdiction in Portugal Decrees there without the Assent of the People or what Antonio did terrified with the superstitious fear of his Excommunications 3. Because Lewis his Father declared him by his last Will and Testament his Bastard Son To which it may be said That it was Testamentum inofficiosum against the Law of God and against the Law of Nature and void and he himself was therein worse than an Infidel to Illegitimate him whom in the same Testament he acknowledges to be his Son 4. Because Lewis never acquainted any of his Friends with his Marriage nor told his Brother Henry in his Sickness To which it may be said Marriage or no Marriage is a Matter of Law and not of Fact and Lewis being a Papist understood not what it was but according to the Papist Laws which are contrary to the Law of God But 't is manifest he acquainted his Friends and Lewis himself with what was Marriage and what was not according to the Law of God viz. Carnal Knowledge of the Mother with whom he was not Prohibited to Marry by the Law of God and begetting Don Antonio of her besides Henry was no Competent witness in his own Case of what his Brother told him or not 5. Because the witness brought to prove the Marriage of his Mother with his Father Confessed they were suborned thereunto To which may be said These Witnesses prove themselves to be Witnesses Incompetent and are of no value for a suborned Witness will as well Swear false in his Recantation as in his first Testimony It being the common practice of wicked Persons to hire Knights of the Post to testifie at first the same which true Witnesses or other Lawful Probation have proved and after discover they were suborned to draw Suspition on the true Testimony Too much of the same wicked practices have been to dishonour the true Evidence hath been given against the late Horrid Popish Plotters The Reasons alleadged by the other Pretenders to the Crown of Portugal 1. Grandchild by a Daughter and great Grandchild by a Son Couzin German of the first Degree by a Daughter and of the Second by a Son The King of Spain by his Learned Lawyers alleadged against the Dukes of Parma and Brigance that he was Grandchild to Emanuel whereas the two Dukes were great Grand-children and he was Couzin German of the first Degree to Henry the present King in Possession whereas they were only Couzin Germans of the second Degree and so the next Degree of Consanguinity was to be preferred before a more remote Degree and this the Civilians pretended to be a strong Argument in their Law 2. That when John the Base Son of Pedro was Crowned King of Portugal it was to the Injury of the King of Castile the right being in him as having then Married Beatrix the Legitimate Daughter and Heir of Ferdinando King of Portugal Legitimate Son of Pedro and Bastard Brother to Ferdinando Father to Beatrix 3. Because Portugal was given away by a former King of Castile in Marriage with one of his Daughters contrary to the Law of the Land Son of the eldest Daughter of the Son and Son of the eldest Daughter of the Father The Duke of Parma pleaded by Farneso Bishop of Parma That being Son of the eldest Daughter of Edward fourth Son of Emanuel he ought to be preferred before the King of Spain being but Son of a Daughter of Emanuel and therefore he deriving from the Male Line ought to be preferred before him who derives only from the Female Alien and Native Born The Duke of Brigance pleaded his Cause himself and against Spain alleadged the same as Parma did and to Bar Parma who was descended from the eldest Daughter as himself was from the younger Pleaded that Parma was an Alien because an Italian and he a Natural-born Portuguese The Duke of Savoy pleaded his Cause by Charles Renero afterwards a Cardinal but he being descended from a younger Daughter of Emanuel as the King of Spain was from the eldest he was presently excluded as having no colour of Right Besides these Pretenders Queen Catherine of France would have put in her Claim as descended by her Mother from Alphonse but the Claim being groundless they denyed to receive it and so the dispute remained between the King of Spain and the two Dukes of Parma and Brigance But King Henry dying while the business was in hot debate and before he had decided the Controversie the King of Spain making himself Judge in his own Case King Philip Claimed his own Kingdoms from Natural Children but would not allow it in others seized on the Kingdom which he his Son and Grandson
THE RIGHT OF PRIMOGENITURE In Succession to the Kingdoms of ENGLAND SCOTLAND and IRELAND AS DECLARED By the Statutes of 25 E. 3. Cap. 2. De Proditionibus King of ENGLAND AND Of Kenneth the Third and Malcolm Mackenneth The Second Kings of SCOTLAND AS LIKEWISE Of 10 H. 7. made by a Parliament of Ireland With all Objections answered and clear Probation made That to Compass or Imagine the Death Exile or Disinheriting of the KING 's Eldest Son is High Treason To which is added An Answer to all Objections against Declaring him a Protestant Successor with Reasons shewing the Fatal Dangers of Neglecting the same And when the Husbandmen saw the Son they said amongst themselves This is the Heir come let us kill him and seize on his Inheritance Matth. 21.38 London Printed for the Author 1681. THE PREFACE Reader THE General Question now in Agitation amongst the People is Who is next Lawful Heir to the Crown The Protestant saith The King 's Eldest Son The Papist a Collateral Heir The free Statesman None at all The Two incident Questions to the General and Principal are not rightly stated for they are not as they ought to be made Whether here is a Lawful Marriage or a Lawful Filiation But whether there are Witnesses to prove the Papal and Episcopal Ceremonies of a Marriage and a Filiation which false state the Case and are nothing to the purpose But we cannot come to the resolution either of the Principal or Incidents false or true before the Discussion of Two other Preparatory Questions 1. By what Law Marriage Filiation and Succession ought to be judged Lawful or Unlawful 2. By what Judge the same ought to be judged As to which I have already proved at large in the First Book That the same ought to be judged by no other Law than the Moral Law of God And in the Second That the same ought to be judged by no other Judge than the King and Parliament To avoid therefore vain Repetitions I must desire to refer thee to the First and Second Books for thy full Satisfaction and in this Third shall only from the Two other Premisses make this Conclusion That the King 's Eldest Son is the next undoubted Lawful Heir both by the Law of God and of the Land wherein though I wave the false state of the Question Whether Ceremony or no Ceremony and only insist on the true Whether Lawful or Unlawful yet I desire thou wilt accept these following Reasons for my Excuse 1. In reference to the Parties contending 2. The Laws by which they are to be judged 3. The Witnesses 4. The Court by which they are to be judged As to the Parties contending 1. Because as to the Matter of Fact Whether Ceremony or no Ceremony I am altogether a Stranger and know nothing of it and if I did yet all Council are Prohibited by the Law to speak to any Matter of Fact 2. This hinders not any others from using what Probation they shall please of Ceremonies but all Advantages of the same are hereby to them saved by Protestation 3. This seeks not to hinder any from using what Ceremonies in their Marriages they please which suit best with their Consciences and Conveniences only that which is here affirmed is the Lawfulness and Validity of the Marriages of such with whose Consciences or Conveniences such Ceremonies suit not if they are made without them 4. No Liberty of Conscience no not so much as of Opinion is hereby precluded any man touching the Point in Question nor is he hinder'd from opposing any thing here deliver'd but if he differ is invited to do it so it be in Print with Name subscribed whereby the same Liberty may be given to Reply 5. Because I write to Protestants and only desire to give Satisfaction to Conscience concerning Lawful and Unlawful before God and not to Superstition concerning Ceremony and no Ceremony before the Bishop 6. It were more for the Safety and Interest of the Protestant Religion that a Protestant Prince either waved his Legitimacy by the Papal and Episcopal Ceremonies and Law or were totally Illegitimated by the same as King Edward the Sixth and Queen Elizabeth were and as they did Claim his Legitimation and Title from the most Righteous Sacred and Immutable Moral Law of God and the Law of the Land and not from Pontifical Laws To speak next in reference to the Laws by which Marriage and Filiation ought to be judged which are the Laws of God and of the Land agreeing with the same I wave insisting on Ceremonies 1. Because those Laws Civil or Canon of Emperors Popes Bishops Synods or Councils of Trent or other Councils which Impose Ceremonies on Marriage are neither the Laws of God nor of the Land but Usurpations as I have already proved at large Lib. 1. p. 43. Et Lib. 1. p. 31. Et Lib. 2. p. 182 183. 2. To set any value on the Ceremonies of those Laws were to give the Supremacy of the King and Parliament and the Laws enacted by them concerning Marriage Filiation and Succession to Popes and Bishops and their Canons and thereby to give them power to Depose Kings and give or sell the Successions of Kingdoms to whom they please 3. It is cleerly and unanswerably proved in the following Discourse That the Marriage now under consideration was a Lawful Holy and Indissoluble Marriage by the Moral Law of God as declared both in Nature and Scripture To bring a Ceremonial Law therefore where the Moral is so clear were to bring a Candle to give light to the Sun Then next as to the Laws of the Land The Marriage Filiation and Succession are as clear by them as by the Law of God As 1. by this present Statute 2. E. 3. cap. 2. of Treasons as is proved at large and all Objections answered in the following Discourse 2. By the Jus Coronae which is the Common Law of the Land whereby the Law of Succession to the Crown differs from that of Succession to Subjects proved likewise as before 3. By the Law of Necessity which is not only the Law of this but of all Lands and not only of Lands but Seas The time of this Marriage being alleadged to be in a time of War when the Ceremonies of the Common Prayer-Book and it self were abolish'd and prohibited by the Predominant Power of the Sword and the place beyond Sea and in Exile 4. By Presumptions which as to Marriage Filiation and Legitimation are the Law of the Land Praesumptiones Juris de Jure for to speak truly the same are impossible to be proved by Witnesses or any other way than by Presumption as is implyed by the Common Rule Filiatio non potest probari and likewise more fully shewn Lib. 1. p. 104 105. Now the Ground and usual Presumptions of Marriage and Legitimation by the Laws of the Land and of the very Canon and Civil Laws themselves Are 1. Fame and Reputation of Marriage 2.
in England or Scotland makes the Children either of Papist or Protestant born of Marriages not prohibited by the Law of God Illegitimate Therefore all Children born of Marriages not prohibited by the Law of God are Legitimate by the Law of the Land for though some Penal Laws have been by Pontifical pretences procured which have presumed too far to prohibit contrary to the Divine Ordinance Marriages and Meats not prohibited by the Law of God yet none but the Pope and Council of Trent who in their Luciferian Pride pretend to power above God's Law ever transgress'd so far in these Kingdoms as by such penal Laws to null or make void such Marriages or to Illegitimate their Children or though they imposed penalties on the Parents to impose any on the Children as may appear by the Statutes 3 Jac. 5. for England prohibiting Popish Recusants to Marry otherwise than by a Minister lawfully authorized in some open Church or Chappel according to the Orders of the Church of England And the Act Car. 1. Par. 2. Sess 2. Act 8. fol. 88. for Scotland prohibiting any to Marry in another Kingdom without the Banns first proclaimed in Scotland And that the Omission of Ceremonies contrary to a penal Law neither Nulls the Marriage nor Illegitimates the Issue Vid. proved before Lib. 1. p. 110 111. 7. Frustra probatur quod probatum non relevat It were time mispent to prove Ceremonies which when they are proved prove nothing to the Matters in question which are a lawful Lady Companion as intended by this Statute and an eldest Son by her of the Blood of King Charles the Second the rightful present Possessor of the Three Kingdoms and of the Blood and of his two special Predecessors King Edward the Third of England and King Fergusius of Scotland as to which Probation of the Ceremonies of a Marriage proves nothing of the Truth or Lawfulness of the Marriage for many Ladies have been Married with all the Ceremonies the Priest could lay on them yet have their Marriages been utterly unlawful and prohibited by the Law of God nor do they prove the Truth or Lawfulness of the Lineal Blood derived from the Possessors or Predecessors As for Example The Kings of Sparta were to be of no other Blood but of the race of Hercules these were Married with all the Ceremonies accustomed in that Kingdom yet did not those Ceremonies preserve the Chastity of the Queen from being so over-familiar with Alcibiades her Husband 's ingrateful Guest and whom he had hospitably entertain'd when fled from his own Country of Athens but he having got her with Child boasted when he was gone from thence that he had left Heirs of his Blood to the Kingdom of Lacedaemon So Henry of Spain Anno Dom. 1459. having Married his Queen with all the Ceremonies accustomed in that Kingdom but being unable himself perswaded her to be got with Child by Bertrand of Guttua Joan thus gotten is proclaimed Heir but refused by the people Bertrand is made Earl of Ledesma and Duke of Alburquerk Sp. Hist Canutus the Dane Married here in England Algine who was Barren she to oblige the love of her Husband feigned her self with Child and packt one that was Suppositions on her Husband King Canutus was very joyful of his supposed Son and called his Name Sweno and after gave him the Kingdom of Norway Philip the Second of Spain was Ceremoniously Married to Queen Mary for whose being with Child as was supposed a Day of Publick Thanksgiving was kept and the Bells rang with Joy through all England but as is said King Philip was Jealous of the like Issue with Canutus what had the proof of the Ceremonies of Marriage been to the purpose to prove Adulterous Children to be of the race of Hercules or Henry or such as had been Suppositions of the Danish or Spanish Races 8. It were a Dishonour to the Holy Protestant Religion and the Professors thereof to be able to Establish the Lawfulness and Validity of their Marriages on no more Sacred Principles than Ceremonies of so unclean an Original as Popes Common Prostitutes Magicians Aruspices Astrologers Southsayers Priests of Priapus and Venus Pagan Gods and Goddesses and Daemons themselves as is already proved Lib. 1. p. 43 44.51 52. Then as to Witnesses It were an unnecessary Tempting of God to cast what is not the cause of a single person but of all the Protestants in the Three Kingdoms on the hazard of such Witnesses as the Probation of Ceremonies Thirty years since and in a Foreign Catholick Country will require for it is certain the Bishops and Magistrates of that Countrey are Papists and therefore no equal Witnesses may be had thence but such as may think it is Meritorious to overthrow the Protestants right or wrong and the same Danger is of Witnesses at home obnoxious to as great Temptations of Papists here whose Religion is not to keep Faith with Hereticks as they call Protestants whereby they may as is commonly practised be corrupted with Money either in a counterfeit manner to offer their Testimonies and when they have Sworn to Recant and Reprobate themselves whereby the Truth shall be betrayed or a greater Number of false Witnesses be Suborned to Swear against the Truth then may be got to Swear for it whereby the Truth shall be destroyed or such Judges may be as will hear no Witnesses but such as are right for the turn whereby the Truth will be suppressed of which Popish practices too much hath appeared fresh before our Eyes in the Examination of the late Horrid Plot. Therefore no Prudence to give them opportunity to do the like or worse by joyning Issue with them on the Impertinent point of Ceremonies of Marriage wherein only they are able to corrupt Witnesses But it is more secure to stand on the points of Substance of Marriage according to the Law of God which are these viz. Cohabitation Conjugal Society Chastity Children and acknowledgment of them by the Father to be his of which God's Providence hath provided so many Witnesses as will be in vain for them to Suborn or Corrupt false Witnesses to the contrary Besides if Witnesses may be had yet alive after Thirty years time yet they may Die or be Poison'd or otherwise made away when known before they come to Hearing or so terrified that they will not dare to testifie the Truth why then shall all be put in danger by Ceremony when Substance Places all in Security and it were an injust thing Three Kingdoms should be hazarded on the Lives of two or three Witnesses To speak at last in reference to the Judges and Court by whom this Marriage ought to be judged which ought to be only by the King and Parliament both as to the Fact and the Law for as to both the same as alleadged being made beyond Sea in a Foreign Catholick Country not under the Jurisdiction of the King and Parliament nor where his Writ runneth The Archbishop of
World for he that began it could not end it but it lasted almost Three Hundred Years and was never throughly abolished till it pleased God to Unite the Discordant Blood of the Three Kingdoms in King James Which Discords had never happened amongst these Ten Competitors had not the Ancient Law of Electing by Parliaments the fittest of the Blood-Royal whereby generally Brothers were Elected before Sons been abolished A very Imprudent way therefore is it to design for Publique Peace what Experience shews to have the greatest cause of perpetual Wars for so long a time as 300 years together The like Civil Wars in England followed between York and Lancaster from Generation to Generation and this Statute of Treason prevented not the same The Civil Wars between York and Lancaster not prevented by the Statute making the Eldest Son Heir Another Imprudence Buchanan mentions p. 201. Vt Reges videlicet constituamus quibus alij Rectores praeficiendi in eorum potestatem universum tradamus populum qui ipsi sui potestatem non habent qui aegre Regibus usu rerum peritis prudentia praestantibus parent poscimus ut qualibuscunque Regum umbris pareant That we should constitute Kings to govern who must have others set over them to govern themselves and that we should deliver the whole People into their Power who have not power over themselves and that we should require of such who will hardly obey the best Kings and most Excellent in Experience and Wisdom to obey any shadows of Kings shall be set over them Imprudence of attempts by such Acts to perpetuate a Name or Race Of a third Imprudence and Infortunateness incident in this to Princes themselves he sayes Quod autem privatunt ex hac Lege petunt Reges Emolumentum ut generis et nominis perpetuitatem inde sibi promittunt id quam sit vanum et fallax c. That the private profit which Kings seek out of this Law being the Perpetuity of their Race and Name is very vain and deceitful not only in manifold ancient Examples but Nature it self may teach them if they will consider with how many Laws and Rewards the Romans endeavoured to perpetuate the Famous Names of their Families of whom there remains now not the least sign in the whole World conquered by them And deservedly I think this happens to them who contend to give Eternity which neither themselves have nor can have to a thing in its nature so flying and frail and every moment obnoxious to all Casuality as cannot be capable of Stability And attempt the same by such a way as is most contrary to their design for what is less faithful to Diuturnity then Tyranny but to the same this new Law prepares the way and a Tyrant is the universal mark of the hate of Mankind for whom it is impossible to stand long and when he falls he draws the Ruine of his whole Family with him This Endeavour of Foolish Men the Deity seems to me many times to break with a Contemptuous stroak and sometimes as a Competitor with him in Power to expose it to publique derision And I know not whether there can be any more fit or manifest Example of the Divine Pleasure than in him whom we now mention Malcolm the Author of the Law of Succession of Eldest Sons dyed without a Son For Milcolumbus who so much Laboured to confirm by Parliament a Law Enacted by his Father by force for the Succession of the Sons of Kings in their Fathers room left no Issue Male behind him And as to his two Daughters one of them called Beatrice he matched to a Noble-man call'd Crinus a Thane of the Western Isles and a Chief of the other Thanes whom that Age call'd an Athan. The other call'd Doaca he match'd to the Thane of Angus by whom was begot Macbeth of whom I shall speak further in his proper place and indeed do we not find in all Ages the greatest Races sooner destroyed than the meaner And if any have escaped the Tempest of Time they have not been the Lofty Cedars but the humble shrubs Where are now all the Races of Gyants of the Old World Where are now the Races of the Egyptian Gods who in the reputed forms of Men reigned on the Earth Where is the Race of Nimrod the Founder of the Assyrian Of Arbaces the Founder of the Median Of Cyrus the Founder of the Persian Empire The Crown endureth not to every Generation Is not the saying of Solomon true Prov. 27.24 Riches are not for ever and doth the Crown endure to every Generation 2. This new Law of intayling to Sons though it may preserve the Counterfeit name yet destroys the true Fame of the Father which is call'd Children of the same Name destroy the Name of the Father Isa 56.5 a Name better then of Sons and Daughters As there were so many Pharaohs that the Chronologists are by the Ears and cannot agree which was the Pharaoh when Abraham went into Egypt which was the Pharaoh Entertained Joseph which was the Pharaoh commanded the Male Children to be destroyed And which was the Pharaoh was drowned in the Sea The like of the Dariusses and of the Herods though they were but few and many others Many other Names and Races whereby there can be no Encouragement of Fame to Vertuous Actions for Publique good nor Discouragement to Vitious by Infamy who are causes of Publique Evils whereas on the contrary as is well observed by Sir Francis Bacon Actions of the highest Fame and of greatest Merit to the Publique have been done by the unmarried and Childless Men yea we find this Vanity of Intayling the Father's Name so much slighted by the great Nestorian Church in Persia that if after Marriage a Male-Child were born Father lost his Name to his Son in Persia the Father lost his own Name and was called by the Name of his Eldest Son as if the Father's name was Moses and the Son's name Joseph the Father was no more called Moses but Aben-Joseph that is the Father of Joseph Heylin 660. And we find though Darius destroyed Belshazzar the Son of the Conquering Nebuchadnezzer and Cassander the Children and Mother of the Great Alexander and Augustus destroyed Caesarian the Son of the Renowned Julius Caesar whereby the Race of every one of these Conquerours became Extinguished soon after their death yet we hear the Names of the Fathers resound to this Day more gloriously from the single Trumpet of Fame than they could have done from the weak Cryes of Infants in a Numerous Off-spring had they left a Posterity 3. It is said against this Law of Intayling to Sons That though the Royal Lines are not alwaies so suddenly Extinguished as in the Last Examples Yet the Periods of them and their Heirs Male and of Races and Kingdoms themselves are fatal and as some Polititians observe terminate most with about the Term of about 500 Years many
under Imprudent to seek to perpetuate Races against Nature Fate and Providence which are irresistible few above So in the Ancient Kingdom of the Egyptians there were above Twenty Dynastyes at the Period of every one of which the Race of that King who began to Rule the Dynastye Either Expired or was Extinguished or Destroyed and it is easie to see how many Races and Names of several Kings have in short time worn out and been changed to new both in England Scotland France Spain c. It is in vain therefore by human Laws to seek to resist the Decrees of God and perpetuate a Race which God hath appointed to Determine Seeing as Solomon saith Eccles 9.11 The Race is not to the swift nor the Battel to the strong neither yet Bread to the wise nor yet Riches to men of understanding nor yet Favour to men of skill And it is said Dan. 4. The Most High Ruleth in the Kingdom of men and giveth it to whomsoever he will Better therefore both to Princes and Subjects is the Counsel of Christ Matth. 6.33 Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and his Righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you Dan. 7.27 Whose Kingdom is an Everlasting Kingdom And as is said Psal 16.11 In his Presence is fulness of Joy at his Right Hand are Pleasures for evermore Answ 1 Answ 1. As to the first Objection That the Brother ought to be preferred before the Son and Liberty left according to ancient Custom to the Parliament to Elect him if he is Judged fittest for Succession And that the Brother is alwaies most fit and more for the Safety of the Kingdom he being alwaies of greater Age and Experience than the Son who may chance to be a Child and more need Tutors and Governours himself than to Govern others As to which part of the Reason of possibility of Minority in the Son I answer First That à Posse ad esse non valet Argumentum And with all due Honour had to the Age and Experience of others the Eldest Son is here no Infant or Minor But hath attained to a higher Maturity and Flower of Age and Strength than Alexander the Great who began at Twenty to Conquer the World and hath shewn already the Highest Proof of Valour in War and Affection to Religion and Justice in Peace Secondly admit it should happen the Eldest Son to be an Infant or Minor as the intention of this Statute is it may which make it notwithstanding his Infancy Treason to Practise against him And though an Eldest Son should be left at the Death of any King an Infant or Minor yet by the Mercy of God the Righteousness of the Title and a standing Parliament During the Minority The Infant and Kingdoms are as Safe as if he were of full Age And more Safe than in the hand of a Collateral Heir of full Age whose Guardianship is most dangerous to a Lineal Heir Answ 2 Answ 2. As to the Reason That it is more for the Fame of Vertue for the Father to have none of his name Than to have his name Lost amongst a Multitude of the same names derived from him to numerous Posterity I shall answer in the words of Buchanan in another place on another dispute p. 406. Quod si de honore unus Et non de omnium salute hic esset disputatio Ego quoque facile ac Lubens ad eorum sententiam accederem verum cum de eo Statuendum sit hodie quod omnium privatorum vitam Et fortunam quod totius Regni incolumitatem complectitur huic uni c●gitationi omnes Singulorum rationes concedere oportet Answ 3 Answ 3. As to that Reason of the Objection That Periods of Royal Races and Successions to Kingdoms are natural in regard the subject matter is so frail as not to be Capable of Perpetuity and fatal in regard God hath appointed the same by an Immutable Decree and Providential in regard it is often likewise effected by a particular Providence and seeing the Laws by which God Governs the World God governs the World by the Lawes of Nature Fate and Providence are the Law of Nature the Law of Fate and the Law of Providence quae supra nos nihil ad nos they are irresistible and all Human Laws to cause or avoid their effects are in vain To which is answer'd and gladly acknowledg'd That God is pleased to Govern the World by all these Three Lawes First the Law of Nature which is his Decree of Subordination of Causes Secondly the Law of Fate which is his Decree of Co-ordination of Causes to such Ends as to his Wisedom seem best These two are the Greatest Imperial and Immutable Law of the World and against these it is not only folly and a Sin to make Common Laws or Acts of Parliament Not lawful to pray against the Law of Nature or Fate but even to pray Desine fata Deum flecti sperare precando Hope not from Prayers thou Thy Fate from God canst bow Thirdly The Law of Providence which is the Regulation of Accidents which are neither Decreed nor Immutable And this is the Law Paternal Prayers not only Lawful but necessary in matters reserved to Providence by which he Governs all his Creatures sensible of Good and Evil. And as to this Law of Providence human Laws Endeavours and Prayers are not only Lawful in such as are Capable to Pray but necessary to obtain the good and to avert the evil and both these are acknowledged by the Heathen Poets themselves Sed satis est orasse Jovem qui donat et aufert Det vitam Det opes aequum mî animum ipse parabo Hor. lib. 1. ad Lollium Epist Flectitur Iratus voce Rogante Deus Ovid. But if we will take our Limitations of Prayer from Christians they must have alwaies these two That they must be Lawful that is not contrary to any revealed Law or Will of God and likewise be alwaies with submission to his Secret Will The Law Moral a Fourth Law by which God governs the World I Answer therefore That though the Three Laws mentioned are great and wonderful Wages by which God governs the World in general and Successions to Kingdoms in particular yet they are not the only Lawes by which he doth it but there is a Fourth Law as great as any of the former which is the Law Moral the obligation of which is Reward and Punishment which not Improperly may be called a Law Magistratical for as God is the Supreme King and Father so is he likewise Supreme Magistrate of the World and beareth not the Sword in vain And this Law may only be Exercised and the Obligations thereof laid on the most Noble Subjects who are so in Three respects First In regard of their Knowledg as the Law Moral can only be Exercised over the Subjects Sensible and Intellectual What Subjects liable to the Law Moral and
ubi Rex pervenerit ipsi sibi curatores Eligere posset That the King being under the Age of Fourteen Years Election should be made of a Guardian of great Estate and Wisdom who should be his Regent in the mean while and Administer his Affairs in the King's Name till he arrived at the Age of Fourteen and when he came to that Age he himself might choose his own Guardians Which Election of a Guardian must be intended to be by Parliament for it appears by the words That the Infant or Minor King must not nor is able to choose himself till he come to the Age of Fourteen And it is contrary to Reason that any other should be his own Judge to choose himself to have to himself to his own use the Custody of the Person of the King Dangerous to Commit the Guardianship of a Minor prince to the next Major in whom all his Subjects have an Interest And it would be very Dangerous to the Infant if he who is next Successor to the Crown should get the Custody of the Heir into his hands There is no Third Power can be therefore above Exception who ought to choose the Guardian of an Infant King but the Parliament And accordingly we find it to be the constant Practice of that Kingdom as appears Buchanan Lib. 19. p. 687. when it is said Sed cum homines usu rerum Edocti Perspicerint vix fieri posse ut in tanta fortunae inconstantia non aliquando in pueros aut alioqui Regno ineundo Impares haeredes jus summi Magistratus inciderit c. But when taught by Experience men saw that it could not be but in so great inconstancy of Fortune but the Right of the Supreme Magistracy might fall amongst Children or other Heirs unfit to Govern a Kingdom they Ordained That in the mean time one should be Elected Regent who Excell'd the rest in Estate and Counsel Guardians chosen by Parliament the only Security of Kings in Minority and our Ancestors following this way for the space of Six hundred Years have transmitted thereby the Kingdom safe to Posterity So Robert Bruce being dead Thomas Randolph Earl of Murray and Donald Earl of Mar Andrew Murray John Randolph Robert Stuart succeeded singly and sometimes more number are by Parliament chosen into that place So James II. being a child Alexander Leviston being of no Kin nor of the chief Rank of Nobility but only a Knight and of more repute for Prudence then Antient Descent was elected to be his Guardian Neither can there be alledged any want of persons of the Royal Stock to have been the cause of such choice for there was at that time John Kennedy chief of his Family and King James his Nephew by his Sister there were his Uncles James Kennedy Archbishop of St. Andrews Primate of the whole Kingdom in all kind of Vertue and his Brother born of the Kings Aunt Douglass Earl of Angus was not remote from the Kings Blood Archibald Earl of Douglas in Power almost equal to the King and superiour to any of the rest yet did none of these complain of any Injustice in the Parliament for making another choice and not long after four Guardians were given to James III. not taken for the Kindred but chosen by Parliament It was but of late that John Duke of Albin was sent for by the Nobility out of France to moderate the Affairs of Scotland James I. being then a child and was confirmed by a publick Act of Parliament Neither was it done because he was next of Kin for he had an Elder Brother called Alexander But James I. being absent Robert his Uncle ruled the Kingdom And with what Right Was he taken for nearness of Blood No he was chosen by the People Nor so neither How then was he created When Robert III. was so sick in body and mind that he was not able to discharge his Office he made his Brother Robert his Vice-Roy and commended his Children to him So his Brother starved to death David his Eldest Son and sought how to destroy likewise James his Younger had he not escaped by slight But he being now placed in possession of his Tyranny and his Brother dead with grief without Parliament or assent of the People he kept it and by force left it to his Son Mordach c. Buchanan proceeds p. 688. Quid enim minus justum esse poterat quam aetatem innoxiam atque infirmam ejus fidei committere qui pupilli sibi crediti mortem semper expectat optat What can be more injust then to commit the innocent and weak Age to one who always hopes for or wishes the death of the Pupil intrusted in his hands And after he saith Laodice the Queen of the Cappadoceans is related to have killed every one of her children as in order they arrived at fourteen years of age to gain thereby a little more time to reign If a Mother will destroy her Children to get the use of a little time what shall we think will their old Enemies dare yea will they not dare to do inflamed with the Brands of Covetousness to cruelty against a Child hindering their hopes of a perpetual Kingdom If this Example seems old and obscure or far-fetch'd I will add more clear and nearer home For who is so ignorant of things so lately acted as he knows not Galeacius Sfortia though at mans Estate though married and the Son in Law of a Potent King to be killed by Lodowick his Uncle Or to whom are the Calamities unknown which ensued that cruel Parricide the most beautiful Region of Italy brought almost to a Devastation the Sfortian Family The not abolishing Episcopal Laws which pretend to Illegitimate whom they please the sense of the Murder of Edward V. and his Brother so fruitful of valiant men destroyed Barbarians let into the most pleasant Country watered by Po. Against whose Rapine nothing was safe against whose Cruelty nothing was secure Who hath been born in the soil of Great Britain and hath not heard of the cruel Murder by Richard III. King of England of the Sons of his Brother Edward IV A great cause of the murder likewise of these Princes was that Papal and Episcopal Laws were not abolished which pretend to illegitimate whom they please Answ 5 Making a Kingdom hereditary to the eldest Son weakens not the Power of Parliaments And 5. as to the Reason against these Statutes which maketh the Crown hereditary to the eldest Son that the same enervate the strength of Parliaments and without a Contract made by every Prince with a Parliament no Government can be just in regard if he receives not the Kingdom by Contract he assumes it by Conquest which over a Free Nation is unjust To which is answered First that these Acts of Parliament of England and Scotland which entail the Crown to the Eldest Son do no way weaken but confirm and establish the Power of Parliaments and
voluerunt enim opinor viri prudentes ut illae quoties mentionem sui fieri audirent ex adjuncto viri nomine se viris obnoxias esse meminissent 6. The Statute by Compaigne intended Sociam Thalami non Throni And in the same sense is the word Companion used in Scripture Cant. 1.15 It is said Behold thou art fair my Companion thou art fair And Mal. 2.14 Yet is she thy Companion and the Wife of thy Covenant In both which places the word Companion signifies the Companion of the Bed and not of the Throne Non bene conveniunt nec in una sede morantur Majest as Amor Nulla fides regni sociis omnisque potestas Impatiens consortis erit Of the like false Translation of the Scriptures by the Bishops of the Hebrew words Shegal and Gibhira into the English word Queen Scripture false translated by Bishops in the word Queen Psal 45.9 Is thus falsly translated Vpon thy right hand did stand the Queen in Gold of Ophir Whereas the Hebrew is only Shegal which signifies no more than Conjux or Wife from Shagal Coivit Concubuit and is no more than a Woman that hath been lain with by her Husband In like manner 1 King 15 13. 2 King 10.13 are false translated Queen the Hebrew word being Gibhira which signifies no more in French than Madame as in the Statute nor in Latin than Hera or Domina nor in English than Lady or Mistress And the Antient Hebrews and many other Nations did no more allow the Title of Queen except to a Queen Regnant than as is already said did the Saxons or Scots for Regina is derived à Regendo and is only proper to Gynarchies and imports none but the Supreme Governess of a Kingdom by which Title Queen Elizabeth was called Neither had Saul or David any Queens but onely Wives nor Solomon himself in all his Royalty of his thousand Wives any Queen for 700 are onely called in the Septuagint 1 King 11.3 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which is no more than Feminae Principes in Latine and Chief Women in English And the other 300 which are falsly translated Concubines as I have elsewhere at large shewed are called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which signifie no more in Latine than Juvenculae and in English than the honest name of Young Women Neither was he the Son of a Queen for his Mother wheresoever she is named is onely called plain Bathsheba as 1 King 1.5 And Bathsheba went in unto the King into the Chamber and the King was very old And verse 28. Then King David answered and said call me Bathsheba and she came into the Kings presence and stood before the King And 1 Chron. 3.5 And these were born unto him in Jerusalem Shimeah and Shobah and Nathan and Solomon four of Bathsheba the Daughter of Ammiel That the Bishops have likewise falsly translated all in the Scripture relating to Marriage and Filiation is proved before at full Lib. 2. p. 142. usque ad p. 162. And in other matters as is assirmed by that great Linguist Doctor Broughton Old Testament false translated by Bishops in 848. places The Lady Mother of the Kings Eldest Son was Madame sa Compaigne intended in this Statute they have false translated the Old Testament in no less then 848. places Now that this Lady-Mother was Madame sa Compaigne which are both the words and intention of the Statute is so known as need not be proved by Witnesses For she had the honour to be Primus Amor the first Lady Companion of the Prince the Raies of whose Favour cast upon her made the Lustre of those Graces rarely conjoined in the same person the more illustrious for she was a Virgin and not praepossessed by another She was a Protestant and not a Papist She was a Native and not a Strange Woman She was a Subject and not Imperious In her were conjoined Beauty with Chastity Greatness with Humility Treasure with Frugality Fidelity with Adversity Though she did not reign with him to be called Queen she suffered with him and was partaker of all his troubles no bloudy Wars no Seas no Foreign Countries could fright her from him But as if the Soul of that sacred Queen Eleanor the Companion of the famous Edward I. in his Wars to the Holy Land had transmigrated into her Body she led the Pilgrimage of her life with him whithersoever he travelled and though she had no Crown in her Life she was faithful to Death and beyond Death left him such a pleadge of affection as is hoped by Gods mercy will indear her memory to all Protestants in the three Kingdoms which will evince to all except the Malicious That she was Madame sa Compaigne the Lady his Companion mentioned and intended in this Statute which is sufficient and as much as is necessary to be proved Object 2 Object 2. That she was not married according to the Mass-Book Common-Prayer Book of Canons or Ordinance of Parliament or by a Priest in a Temple therefore the Eldest Son is not within this Statute Answ Marriage by the Common Prayer Book not necessary within the Statute Answ 1. There is neither the word Marriage Mass Book Common-Prayer Book Book of Cannons or Ordinance of Parilament Priest or Temple named in the Statute therefore being not expressed they are not to be intended in so wise a Statute which minded substance and not Ceremonies and Safety of the Royal Blood and not Insecurity and Incertainty 2. Admit the Statute had in express terms said our Lady his Companion married by the Mass-book which was the Book then in Fashion at time of this Statute yet none will deny but when by a succeeding Power this Mass-Book was abolished or changed Marriage by the Common-Drayer-Book not necessary in time of War as in the time of H. 5. the Service Book of Pauls was changed into the Service Book of Salisbury that none need to marry according to it Then as to the Common-Prayer and Book of Cannons at the time of the Princes taking his Lady Companion it is known that both Mass-Book Common Prayer Book Book of Cannons and all were abolished by the then Power of the Sword and it might have been Death for a Prince to have married by a Book of Common-Prayer or in Publick Is any Protestant then so imprudent as to expect in such a time and place of War and the Usurping Power provailing in their contrary Ordinances and threatning death and destruction to all who opposed them that such who were in those dangers should publickly and with Rites and Ceremonies by a Priest Temple and Altar solemnize a Marriage or can any be so sensless as when in the time of King John Pope Innocent Marriage by the Common-Prayer Book not necessary in time of Interdiction Papal or Potentatical the French King and English Bishops conspired together and the Pope Excommunicated and Interdicted the King and whole Kingdom of England for the space
that have insued by disinheriting of Primogeniture either wholly or by Division of Succession into several Kingdoms have been Infinite Amongst the Persians Cyrus the younger Brother by the assistance of Parisatis the Queen Mother contending for Succession against Artaxerxes the eldest raised such Wars and drew in such Foreign Forces of Greeks as the same ceased not till himself was slain by the Army of Artaxerxes The Civil Wars between Hircamus the eldest and Aristobulus the younger Son could not be ceased till Pompey by the Roman Power restored the Kingdom to Hircanus the eldest Disinheriting the eldest Son causeth Patricides Matricides and Fratricides How many Patricides or Matricides or Fratricides this hath caused appears as to the first two by the Examples of Alphonsus the Tenth King of Castile of Gabriel the younger Son of the Marquess of Salusse who by assistance of his Mother cast his elder Brother into Prison pretending he was out of his Wits who breaking out of Prison recovered his Principality and having chased out his Brother Coupt up his Mother in the same Prison wherein she had before Coupt him The like appears in several Persians Turks and Africans And for Fratricides which it causeth Bodin Lib. 6. cap. 5.735 736. saith Foolishly therefore do those Parents who overcomed with the flattery of their younger Sons and disinheriting the elder of their Kingdom have incensed their Children most cruelly to Murder one another so as did the Father of Atreus and Thyestes who willing to prefer the younger before the elder as more sit to manage Affairs of State so silled and foyled his House with many Tragedies And not to seek farther from home we have seen all this Realm on sire with Civil Wars for that Lewis the Devout at the intreaty of his second Wife had preferred Charles the Bald before Lothayr his elder Brother wherefore Pope Pius the Second did wisely in Rejecting the Request of Charles the 7th the French King desirous to have preferred Charles his younger Son before Lewis the Eleventh his elder Brother howbeit that the King had Reason so to do considering that Lewis had without any just occasion twice taken Arms against him so to have taken from him the Crown and to have taken the Scepter out of his hand And as Bodin saith of France he need not look far from home so may we say of England we need not look far from home for the said Events of disinheriting Primogeniture For what caused all those cruel Wars between the House of York and Lancaster from Generation to Generation whereby the English lost both all their Conquests and Hereditary Possessions in France and so many Princes of the Blood and Nobles and Commons were slain but that the Line of a younger Brother contended to be preferred before the Line of an elder And have not as bad Effects happen'd when the Successions of Kingdoms have been joyn'd or divided to more Sons or Heirs than one Division of Kingdoms or part of them or of the Treasure from the eldest to younger Sons destructive to Kingdoms The Father of Jugurtha made him and his two Brothers Associates but he killed his two Brothers and took all himself Constantine divided the Empire to his three Sons they destroyed each other till one had all James King of Aragon appointed Peter his eldest Son to be King of Aragon and James his younger Son to be King of Majorca yet afterwards the elder Brother took the younger Prisoner and in Prison starved him So it befell also the Children of Botislaus the Second King of Polonia who having divided the Kingdom unto his four Sons and having left nothing unto his fifth kindled such a fire of Sedition as could not be after quench't without much Blood of his Subjects So William the Conqueror left the Dutchy of Normandy to Robert his eldest and England to William Rufus and his youngest Son Henry a Pension Robert after the Death of Rufus raising a War to recover his Right of Primogeniture in England from his younger Brother lost the Battel was taken Prisoner by Henry and deprived of his Sight cast into Prison and there died miserably It had been safe therefore for the Preservation of his House and Kingdom to have left the Dominions intirely to the eldest and to have left not one only but both his younger Sons Pensions A multitude of other Examples there are of the ill success where Primogeniture is deprived not only of the whole but of any considerable-part or member of the Inheritance either in Land or Treasure which appears in the forementioned example of the Treasure and fenced Cities given to the younger Sons of Jehosophat therefore destroyed by the eldest Primogeniture not to have the same Prerogative in Private Families as in Kingdoms 2 Chro. 21.2 3 4. Which is to be intended only of Succession to Kingdoms And as to private Families both Equity and Policy is clean contrary and that there ought not to be left above a Scripture double Portion to the eldest where there are more than one which is agreeable with the Examples of most Nations Certificates introduce forein Laws and destroy the Laws of the Land 21. The Certificate Introduces foreign Laws and destroys Magna Charta and the Petition of Right The Foreign Laws it introduces on the Subjects as to Marriage Filiation and Succession and Religion and Liberty and Propriety all thereon depending have been already mentioned are the Imperial and French and of the Council of Trent That by the Ceremony of a Priest in a Temple the Adulterous Children of the Wife shall disinherit the Natural Children of the Husband The Trent Law That all Marriages without that Ceremony shall be Null and void and the Children Illegitimate The French Foppery That Natural Children shall not be Natural Children Excommunication Penance Absolution Commutation-Money twice punishing for one Offence and many other Popish foreign Laws all which destroy Magna Charta and the Petition of Right and are inconsistent with the Protestant Religion Liberty and Propriety Praemunire incurred by Certificates 22. That the Certificate Episcopal Introducing such foreign Laws incurr a Praemunire is proved before in the Case of Cardinal Woolsey Lib. 1. cap. 5.37 38. High Treason incurred by Certificates 23. The Certificate if it imposes those Foreign Imperial Papal French or Trent Laws of Marriage or Filiation on the Succession of the Crown or Certifie the King's eldest Son not to be Heir contrary to this Statute of 25 E. 3. incurrs the Penalty of High Treason Certificates not to be traversed or diputed nor under Appeal 24. The Certificate though utterly false and unjust is neither Traversable nor admits Probation to the Contrary nor is under Appeal either of Fact or Law nor is he bound to give any Reason of it But Sie volo sic Jubeo stat pro Ratione voluntas Of which see more at large Lib. 2. p. 175 176 177 178 179. 25. The Certificate causeth
Eldest Son the only Heir intended 4. 'T is manifest this Statute intended no kind of Heir but the eldest Son and Heir First Because the Natural affection of the Father directs his intention irresistably to his eldest Son Secondly Because his Wisdom and Self-Preservation leads to the eldest Son who as is before shewn is above all other Children the chiefest Defence of the Father Thirdly Because the Black Prince who was intended to have the benefit of this Statute was the eldest Son and Heir of Edward the Third the maker of this Statute Haeres Sanguinis non Haereditatis intended 5. 'T is manifest this Statute intended Haeres Sanguinis and not Haeres haereditatis Heir of Blood and not Heir of Goods and Haeres viventis and not Haeres Defun●ti Except before he is Born and not after And though John-an-Oaks who hath been so long the Parret of Littleton and Coke's Law will stomach it very much to be taught a new Lesson yet under his favour his Tutors in these matters of Marriage Filiation and Succession were very much Mistaken or Partial in this as other Matters and many of them in the two former Books have been already shewn And I shall as to the two particulars here mention'd further shew first therefore That Haeres Sanguinis is intended in this Statute and not Hares Haereditatis 1. Because Haeres Sanguinis is Haeres designans Haeres Haereditatis Haeres designatus to be known by the other 2. Because the words of the Statute are our Lord the King the Lady his Companion or their Eldest Son and Heir Now the Heir of the Inheritance of a Kingdom cannot be intended Because he derives his Title to the same only from the King and not from the Lady Companion unless a Queen Regnant therefore he cannot be the Heir of both of them as he is Haeres Hereditatis but as he is Haeres Sanguinis he is Heir of the Blood of both of them which is the only Heir intended by this Statute Secondly seeing the Heir of Blood is in the Express words of the Statute And no words at all of the Heir of the Inheritance therefore the Heir of Inheritance ought not to be put in the intention otherwise than as Haeres designatus marked to be known by the first knowing who is Haeres Sanguinis because then a Penal Statute would be extended by Equity And as to the other Particular It is manifest That Haeres viventis is intended in this Statute and not Haeres defuncti except before he is born and not after First because the eldest Son who is Haeres Sanguinis most times happens to be born in the life-time of his Father and not to be a Rosthume and ad ea quae frequentius accidunt Jura adaptantur Therefore Posthumes which do rarely happen to be eldest Sons shall not be only intended to be within the Statute and the eldest Son on whom the Royal Blood descended en ventre sa mere And he was Heir to the same before he was born be therefore excluded because he is Haeres viventis to the same after he is born and his Father died not before his Birth Secondly The words of the Statute Restrain not the Heir to be Haeres defuncti before he is born or after he is born therefore to restrain by the intention of either is to extend a Penal Statute by Equity which ought not to be done Thirdly my Lord Coke himself 3 part fol. 9. in his Exposition on this Statute says That Heir is here taken for Heir apparent for he cannot be Heir in the life of the Father Haeres viventis intended Haeres Sanguinis and not Haeres Haereditatis It is a clear mistake for first an Heir apparent can only be of the King but the Statute makes him Heir both to King and Lady and the catch which they have got of Haeres non est viventis was never intended to be any other than Haeres Haereditatis which kind of Heir is before unanswerably Proved not to be intended within this Statute And if it had the Statute had served to little purpose to ascertain the Heir of the Crown so many sorts of Laws and Customs pretending to be the Rule of Judgment of Haeres Haereditatis but the eldest Son who is Haeres Sanguinis as is already shewn can be but one in the Three Kingdoms and that the King 's eldest Son who is Haeres Sanguinis the Chief Heir of his Blood by the Law of Nature and not him who is made Haeres Haereditatis by Papal and Episcopal Laws When Theseus had occasioned the Death of his Vertuous Valiant and eldest Son Hippolitus by the false Calumnies of Phaedra his Stepmother he crys out O nimium Potens Quanto Parentes Sanguinis vinclo tenes Natura quam te colimus inviti quoque Occidere volui noxium amissum fleo Seneca in Hippol. I cannot oh too potent Nature shun The Bonds of blood 'twixt Father and a Son His blood his blood I in my anger shed For whom I now shed Tears when he is dead And did not David fall into a greater Passion of Love for Absolon though the most Unnatural Ingrateful and Traiterous Son that ever was 2 Sam. 18.32 And the King said unto Cushi Is the young man Absolon safe and Cushi answered The enemies of my Lord the King and all that Rise against thee to do the hurt be as that young man is And the King was much moved and went up to the Chamber over the Gate and wept and as he wept thus he said Oh my Son Absolon would God I had died for thee oh Absolon my Son my Son But what would David have done if Absolon had been a Loyal and Obedient Son Oh! where he now only wished he had died once he would then have cryed out and wished he had died twice for him 7. All Heirs are either Lineal or Collateral unless therefore one of these Kinds are intended the Statute can intend none at all Collateral Heirs of the Crown not within this Statute now that Collateral Heirs are not intended is expresly delivered by Coke 3 Part. fol. 9. where he saith if the Heir apparent to the Crown be a Collateral Heir apparent he is not within this Statute as he saith Roger Mortimer Earl of March was Anno Dom. 1487. 11. R. Proclaimed Heir apparent Anno 39. H. 6. Richard Duke of York was likewise Proclaimed Heir apparent so was John de la Poole Earl of Lincoln by R. 3. and Henry Marquess of Exceter by King Henry the Eight but none of these or of the like are within this Statute if only Lineal Heirs are within the Statute there can be none but the eldest Son can be Heir intended the eldest being expresly named Heir and none besides named at all That to compass the Exile or Disinheriting of the King 's eldest Son is High Treason To Exile or Disinherit the King 's eldest Son High Treason
both in England and Scotland sought to dishonour him with the Name of Nothus for by that name Buchanun Rerum Scot. 175. Stiles him and says Praerat omnibus Anglorum copiis Athelstanus Edwardi Nothus And in the same manner other Writers yet was neither the name nor the thing any bar of his Succession to the Kingdom but he was thereto prefer'd before his younger Brother Edmund whom Papal Laws made Legitimate and accordingly he was Crowned by Athelmus Arch-Bishop of Canterbury at Kingston upon Thames And proved after the most Heroick Victorious Prince that the English ever had before the Conquest for he conquered both the Danes and Scots confederated against him and Subdued the whole Island Edward the Son of Edgar Legitimate per Jus Coronae Ethestede for her excellent Beauty sirnamed the White was a Virgin and not Prohibited by Law of God for King Edgar to Marry but he neglected or despised Pontifical Ceremonies and begot on her without them his eldest Son Edward for which Dunstan Archbishop of Canterbury injoyned him seven years Pennance which he underwent for the Fact After Edgar Married Elfrida the only Daughter and Heiress of Ordganus Duke of Devonshire with the Ceremonies of the Church and made her his Queen and likewise Contracted with her That her Children should be Heirs to the Crown and had Issue by her two Sons Edmund who died young and Ethelred who survived him Edgar dies Note here are all the Objections made against the succeeding to the Crown by Edward which are now made and more for here is an Heir by Marriage-Covenant opposed against the Natural Heir Queen Elfrid excepted against the Succession of Edward the eldest Son That his Mother was no Queen nor Wife Married according to the Ceremonies of the Church and that he was therefore Illegitimate That she her self was King Edgar's Queen and Wife whom he Married Solemnly according to the Rites and Ceremonies of the Church and that by his Marriage-Covenants he bound himself That her Children by him should be Successors to the Kingdom That therefore her Son was both the Legitimate Heir and Heir by Covenant and thereupon drew divers Lords to be of her Party and the two Sons are both produced before the Council assembled to demand their Rights But while the Council sate to Debate the same Dunstan Archbishop of Canterbury came in with his Banner and Cross and not staying for dispute of the Title presented Prince Edward the eldest Son as next right Heir to the Crown and their lawful King and the Assembly consisting most of Clergy-Men drew the Approbation of the Rest whereupon Prince Edward was Admitted and Crowned King being but Twelve years old by Archbishop Dunstan at Kingston upon Thames Anno Dom. 975. and so continued till about Three years and Six Months after King Edward Hunting in the Isle of Purbeck not far from Corf Castle where his Mother-in-Law Queen Elfrid with his Brother Ethelred were then Residing he out of his Love to both would needs go to visit them where the cruel Step-mother out of Ambition to make her own Son King caused one to Stab him in the Back with a Knife as he was Drinking a cup of Wine on Horseback at his departing who feeling himself hurt set Spurs to his Horse thinking thereby to get to his Company but the wound being Mortal and he fainting through loss of so much Blood fell from his Horse and one foot being intangled in his Stirrup he was thereby ruefully dragged up and down and lastly left Dead at Corf Gate in Commiseration of which untimely Death he was ever afterward called Edward the Martyr On which may be noted 1. That notwithstanding the Mother of Edward was no Queen Notwithstanding she was never Contracted nor Married by the Rites and Ceremonies of the then Church Notwithstanding Elfrid was a Queen and solemnly Married by all those Rites and Ceremonies notwithstanding the Kingdom was by Marriage-Covenant setled on her Issue by King Edgar Notwithstanding Ethelred appeared with a Company of Lords Competitors Notwithstanding the accompanying of Edgar with Elfred was through Romish Superstition thought so unlawful as not to be Expiated under seven years Pennance Yet the same Archbishop Dunstan who imposed the same on the Father laid none on the Son but he and the Clergy declared him the Right and Lawful Heir by which they did implicitly confess and acknowledge That the Moral Law of God of Marriage and not any Ceremonial Law of Man is the immutable Law which ought to Govern the Succession of the Crown 2. The opinion of the Possession of the Crown to purge all Treason from him who commits it hath been a great incouragement to the committing of the same 3. That Princes disinheriting the Children of the first Wives and entailing their Kingdoms to the Children of the Second destroying thereby their own Houses 4. That none are more Cruel to the Children of the first Mothers than Step-mothers which it seems makes all Poets so out of Charity with them that they never mention them without some odious Epithet of Injustae mala dirae ferae terribiles Novercae and defame them with Stabbing Poisoning and Witchcraft Pocula si quando Saevae infecere Novercae Miscueruntque herbas non innoxia verba Virg. Georg. 2. When Cruel Step-mothers Poys'ning the Cup Add Herbs and Spells for Right Heirs to drink up I find but one kind of Step-mother excepted by Horace as not apt to be Guilty of these Practices which is she that neither brings Portion nor expects Jointure particularly of the Getick Women of whose Chastity and good Nature he thus writes Illic matre carentibus Privignis mulier temperat innocens Nec dotata regit virum Conjux nec infido fidit adultero Dos est magna parentium Virtus metuens alterius viri Certo foedere castitas Et peccare nefas aut pretium mori The innocent and kind Step-mothers there The Orphans Motherless to hurt forbear And not with Portions o're their Husbands rant Helpt by the Gay adulterous Gallant Vertue is Portion great and Chastity Strange man to touch more fearing than to Die 5. That where Marriage by the Ceremonial Laws of Men is preferr'd before a Marriage by the Moral Law of God this makes way for all Murders by Step-mothers of the Children of first Mothers of which see likewise the Example of Roxalana before related at large Lib. 2. cap. 1. p. 245. William the Conqueror succeeded to his Natural Fathers Dukedom his Mother never Married by a Priest in a Temple William the Conqueror was the Son of Rollo Duke of Normandy by Arlotte a mean Woman whom he made Sa Compaigne or Sociam Thalami without any Ceremonies of a Priest or Temple she was a Person how mean soever yet not Prohibited by the Law of God for him to Marry and though some slander her in hatred to her Son as if by some Lightness of hers all such as were of that Trade
doth he not then who compasseth his Death compass the Death of the King himself And doth not he who slanders him to be Illegitimate compass his Death 2. Because this exposeth Majesty and the eldest Son likewise to contempt by depriving both of the hopes of a Lincal Successor And this is complained of by no less a Prince than Alexander the Great who chargeth his Army as related in Curtius p. 6. Orbitas mea quod sine Liberis sum spernitur my being childless causeth your contempt of me which want of Children inheritable put him in the same condition of being despised as was he who said Isa 56.3 I am a dry Tree And the want of a Son capable to succeed him was the Ruine of so great a Monarch his Mother House and Empire his Enemies Poisoning him in the flower of his Age securely as knowing he could leave no Son of himself to revenge his Death 3. Because who affirms the eldest Son Illegitimate doth it to the intention to seize on his Inheritance and who intend to seize on his Inheritance will compass his Death as Matth. 21.38 They said amongst themselves This is the heir come let us kill him and let us seize on his Inheritance And they caught him and cast him out of the vineyard and slew him A Comparison of the Popish Slanders of Illegitimation against Queen Elizabeth and the King 's eldest Son Queen Elizabeth was not only declared and proclaimed Illegitimate by the Pope's Divinity but the Popish Party so far misinformed her own Father H. 8. in Matters of Law and over-wrought on the King as they compell'd him by weariness to rest on Implicit Faith in them and to declare his own Daughter Illegitimate an Error which not only he but many other Princes have been the more easily drawn into in regard by the Subtlety of Ecclesiastical and Temporal Lawyers the Laws of Marriage Filiation Aliment and Succession and the Comments on them have been increased to so huge heaps and confused Volumes and so many Writers of contrary Religions and contrary Jurisdictions have had their Power and Profit concerned in them as is impossible for Princes who have so many Affairs of State to look after besides to Read them over as long as they live and such faithful Protestant Subjects as have indeavoured humbly to represent the truth as to the Law of God and of the Land have been by the same Popish Party not only intercepted and Prohibited to Write or Publish any thing against but so much as to dispute the Romish as well as Turkish Alcoran of their Laws One great Example of which appears in these two great Descendents of the Blood Royal the Famous and Pious Queen Elizabeth and the Valiant and Virtuous eldest Son of the King To go on therefore in their Comparison of Suffering wrongfully 1. It may be observed that Queen Elizabeth was a Protestant and so is the Kings eldest Son a Protestant 2. Her Prosecutors were Papists so are the Prosecutors of the King 's eldest Son Papists 3. Papists laid Plots to Assassinate and Poison Queen Elizabeth so have Papists laid Plots to Assassinate and Poison the King 's eldest Son 4. The final Cause why Papists would have destroyed Queen Elizabeth was to seize on her Inheritance so the final Cause why Papists would destroy the King's eldest Son is to seize on his Inheritance 5. Queen Elizabeth was Innocent so is the King 's eldest Son Innocent 6. Queen Elizabeth was deprived of the help of a Mother by her Death so is the King 's eldest Son deprived of the help of a Mother by her Death 7. Queen Elizabeth was deprived of the help of a Father by the unjust Prosecution of Papists as appears 28 H. 8. cap. 7. by which Act she is declared Illegitimate to all intents and purposes and utterly foreclosed excluded and barred to Claim Challenge or Demand any Inheritance as lawful Heir to the King her Father And it is further Enacted That it shall be High Treason so much as to call the said Lady Elizabeth Legitimate yea the Act of Parliament is so furious against the poor Innocent Lady as if they desired to Destroy and Damn the Conscience of all good Protestants at once with hers and her They Enact further That it shall be High Treason to believe Oh miserable Thought it self is made High Treason the Marriage of the Lady Ann with the King her Father to be good lawful or not void Let it be left to Supreme Authority to consider how far the Papists have endeavour'd to proceed in the same Nature against the King's eldest Son 8. Queen Elizabeth might say as David saith Psal 27.10 When my Father and my Mother forsake me then the Lord will take me up So may the King 's eldest Son say the same 9. Queen Elizabeth notwithstanding all this was Legitimate and lawful Heir of Blood by the Moral Law of God and the Protestant Religion and so is Recognized and acknowledged by Parliament 1 Eliz. cap. 3. and accordingly God gave her the happy Succession to the Kingdom So the King 's eldest Son by the Moral Law of God and the Protestant Religion is Legitimate and the next Lineal and Lawful Heres Sanguinis Heir of Blood for Jus Sanguinis is the Law of God and Nature and Jura Sanguinis as hath already been said Nullo Jure Civili divini possunt 10. It was the Interest of Queen Elizabeth when she obtained the Lawful Power to Maintain and Defend the Moral Law of God and the Protestant Religion So will it be the Interest of the King 's eldest Son to use what lawful Power God gives him to Maintain and Defend the Moral Law of God and the Protestant Religion against Popish Ceremonial Laws and Superstitious Religions A Comparison of the Popish Slanders of Illegitimation against King Edward the Sixth Queen Elizabeth and the King 's eldest Son And the Sons and Daughters of the whole Protestant Clergy This Slander against the Sons and Daughters of the Clergy could not have been raised without another Slander first raised against the Marriages of the Mothers Both which are taken notice of by the Statute 5. 6. E. 6. cap. 12. which Statute making first a recital of the Stat. 2. 3. E. 6.21 of Repeal of all Laws of Man against the Marriage of the Clergy proceeds in these words viz. Yet since the making of the said Act divers evil-disposed Persons taking occasion of certain words and Sentences in the said Act comprized have and do untruly and very Slanderously report of Priests Matrimony saying That the same Statute is but a Permission of Priests Matrimony as Usury and other unlawful things be now permitted for the eschewing of greater inconvenience and Evils so that thereby the lawful Matrimony of Priests in the opinion of many and the Children Procreate and Born in such lawful Matrimony rather be of the greater number of the King's Subjects accounted as Bastards than Lawfully Born to the
the King 's eldest Son or against the Jus Coronae and this Act of Parliament of 25 E. 3. Cap. 2. De Productionibus as not to understand the same Slanders Militate against the Marriages and Legitimations of themselves their own Mothers Wives and Children or not to know what pretence or Power they put into the hands of Popes and Bishops to disinherit and dispose of the Successors and Succession of the Crown they give them a greater Power to disinherit and dispose at will of their own Inheritances Wives and Children and by forsaking the Moral Law of God of Marriages and Legitimations and Idozing the Ceremonial Laws Papal or Episcopal drive themselves into this inevitable Dilemma either to fall into the hands of a Papist Successor who will assuredly destroy all Married Priests and Ecclesiasticks their Wives and Children and Successors and make a prey of all they have or to fall into hands of Justice as the fruits of Folly and Treason in slandering the right of a Protestant Successor Of the Insolent Absurdity of Popish Laws disinheriting the Lawful Sons of Kings by the Law of God and Inheriting the Bastards of Popes by the Law of the Devil The Scripture saith Galat. 4.7 If a Son then an Heir that is to say to the Father who begot him and not to a Fictitious Father But the Popish Law or what is above it the Practique saith Let none be an Heir of a Marriage not Contracted by a Priest in a Temple except a Bastard of a Pope in which the Law of New Rome follows that of old Pagan Rome which prohibited some kind of Women to the Subjects but gave Authority to Caesar to lye with what Women he would And the like to the Romish false Prophet is imitated by the false Prophet Mahomet who in his Alchoran prohibited divers Women to the people but counterfeits God speaking to himself and saying But as for thee O Prophet thou may'st Lye with what Women thou wilt But in this the Pope goes beyond Mahomet for the one Illegitimates no Children nor disinherits them but the other all of Women not Churched except his own So Pope Paul the Fifth is related to have gotten out of his Leaden Bulls in a small time Twenty hundred Thousand Scutes of Gold with all which he bought Lands for his Bastards and Pope Sextus the Fifth being himself the Son of a Swineheard created his Bastard a Cardinal and gave him Ten Thousand Crowns per Annum Revenue and besides Left at his Death Ten Millions of Treasure Another Pope gave his Bastard the Kingdom of Sicily and divers Principalities of Italy and a vast heap of Treasure Pope Alexander the Sixth intended likewise to have given his Bastard Son Caesar Borgia a Kingdom whom though the veriest Villain in the World Matchiavel in his Treatise De Principe proposeth as the only Example for Kings to imitate And by Probability a Kingdom he had obtained had he not and his Father by the just Judgment of God been Poisoned by the same invenomed Wine at a Banquet which they had prepared for others All Italy is already over-stocked and the Principallities thereof and of other Catholick Countries in time likely to be the Inheritances of none but of the Bastards of Popes and their Descendents Male or Female under the Name of Nephews and Neices and by the Matches of Papal Descendents into Protestant Dominions the like Evil may be justly feared if not prevented and what is worse a perpetuating thereby of their Superstition from Generation to Generation The Scripture likewise saith Heb. 13.4 Marriage is honourable in all and the bed undefiled but Whoremongers and Adulterers God shall Judge But the Popish Law saith no Marriages are Honourable made by the Law of God unless made by the Papal Laws nor the Children nor Chastity nor the Bed undefiled nor the Sons though of Kings descending from the same according to the Foundation of all Honour the Immaculate Law of God But the Bastards of Popes such is the Impudence of the Whore of Babylon to Prohibit Honour to all except her self and her Brats And as to these Pope Eugenius the Second Usurped the Authority when he pleased to create them Kings Dukes Earls and Knights and hath plagued and incumbred the World with fictitious Titles of Honour but he vouchsafes the lawful Sons of Kings no better Title than Base Sons except they receive from him the mark of the Beast This is not strange that Swineheard Popes and their Trulls should not only not disinherit nor degrade their own Blood but extol the same above the Imperial But 't is strange that any Christian Emperors and Princes should have ever been so Pope or Priest-Ridden or so far have suffer'd them to have set their foot on their Necks as to Kick from their Heads the Crowns and Honours of them and their Sons for the Bastards of Popes to inherit and to disinherit their own for which not only his Holiness himself derides them but they become a Derision to Jews Turks and all the World besides none of them being so foolish to admit the Doctrine of Devils of Prohibiting Marriages not Prohibited by God amongst them or Illegitimating the Children of such Marriages Lastly It is already proved That Carnal Knowledge Chastity and Childbirth makes a Marriage Lawful Holy and Indissoluble by the Law of God between all persons not prohibited And it is notorious That Popes have kept openly their Whores and their Bastards and Rule what they call their Holy Church by them So did Theodora the Impudent Concubine of the Duke of Tuscany rule all Rome and gave her Daughter Marozia as wicked a Queen as her Mother to be Concubine to Pope Sergius the Third of whom he begot him who was afterwards his Bastard Pope John the Twelfth the Mother Marozia poisoned Pope Leo 6. and Pope Stephen 7. And got her Bastard Boy to be Pope John the Twelfth Pope John the Thirteenth was deposed in Council Anno 961 for abusing his Father's Concubines for Gelding some Men and putting out the Eyes of others for Drinking a health to the Devil c. Pope Clement the Fifth was a Common Fornicator and it is Notorious That all Popes are Panders-General of all the Stews and Houses of Fornication in Rome and fill their Treasuries with the hires of Whores And are these fit Fellows to make Marriages Holy or to make Laws to overthrow God's Holy Ordinance and dispose thereby of the Succession of Protestant Kingdoms LIB III. CHAP. II. Whether Necessary in the present Juncture of Affairs for the King and Parliament to declare a Protestant Successor to the Three Kingdoms of England Scotland and Ireland TO prepare which Question for the Consideration of Supream Authority it will be necessary first to recite the Objections which are made for the Negative And then the Reasons which are brought for the Affirmative Object 1. Declaring a Successor by the King and Parliament makes the Kingdom Elective and not Hereditary
Answ 'T is acknowledged if the Declaration were to be by the Parliament Sole without the King it might possible make a Kingdom Elective but where by Law the King hath a Negative and the Declaration is not made without his Consent it is otherwise for it is sufficient to make a Kingdom Hereditary if the Law make it descendible to the King's Heirs in Case it be not otherwise by the King himself and Parliament actually disposed of which is seldom done and in Cases of Necessity But yet are they not disabled of the Power to do it when they think necessary as a private Inheritance doth not therefore cease to be Hereditary because the Owner hath Power to Give Sell Alien or otherwise dispose of it 't is sufficient if by Law it descend to his own Heirs unless he Actually happen according to Law to dispose of it from them Obj. 2. Declarations by Act of Parliament are in vain Because Acts of Precedent Parliaments cannot bind the Power of a subsequent Parliament which is shewn by divers Examples Cok. 4 Part. fol. 42. And Grotius speaks to the same intent That Kings Predecessors cannot bind Kings Successors Est autem causa Successionis non subjecta Regi nunc regnanti quod inde apparet quod Rex nunc regnans nulla lege obligare potest Successorem Successio enim Imperii non est de Jure Imperii ac proinde mansit in statn naturali quo nulla erat Jurisdictio Grot. de Jure Bell. Pacis lib. 2. cap. 7. p. 171. That a cause of Succession is not subject to the King now Reigning appears from this that a King now Reigning can by no Law bind his Successor for the Succession to Empire is not of the Right of Empire But the same remains in the state of Nature wherein there was no Jurisdiction Answ Though a King and Parliament present by declaring a Successor cannot bind a Parliament future but they may again Repeal or Abrogate such present Act of Declaration yet doth it not follow that the present Act of Declaration is vain and of no use For first Then by the same Reason it might be said that Magna Charta and the Petition of Right And all the Acts of Parliament we have are vain and of no use because future Parliaments have Power to repeal them notwithstanding which it is manifest such an Act of Declaration would be of great Use and Benefit Secondly An Act though repealable is not vain because such an Act cannot pass without the Major number of Votes which will be an Incouragement to the major number to continue their indeavour to preserve And a Discouragement to the minor part in another Parliament to attempt to repeal Thirdly Because succeeding Parliaments have a Reverence to preceding and though they have Power to repeal yet do they not use to repeal to the utmost of their Power nor can a former Act be repealed but by another Parliament which if a Protestant Successor is Declared must be called by him and he hath then a sufficient Legal Power to Exclude so far Papists from Elections of Members of Parliament as probably they will have no Power to repeal former Protestant Acts. Fourthly Subsequent Parliaments cannot repeal the Act of a Precedent quoad praeterita for which reason the whole People will act with far greater Courage both in Peace and War in Execution of whatsoever they have a standing Act of Parliament to protect them than where there is none Fifthly Such an Act doth leave the Successor and his Parliament in a Posture and Possession of Arms Lawfully to defend his own Right and the Protestant Religion both against Secret Massacres and Open Rebellions and Invasions by Papists Object 3. Acts of Parliament cannot bind the Power of the Sword or Armies in the Field Answ Though they canot bind such as are Actually Convented without raising other Armies against them Prevents though it binds not the Power of the Sword yet they may take ways both to prevent their Convention and to raise other Armies against them if Convenient and the Success must be left to God Object 4. That a Successor Declared Declaring incites not a Lineal but a Collateral Heir to Rebel and not an eldest Son but a younger wrongfully present before him may prove Rebellious or Disobedient Answ This Objection is made 28 H. 8. cap. 7. But it makes no Danger of it except only in Case it should happen to be of a Collateral Heir when the King should have no Lineal Heir of his Body Concerning which Collateral Heir only and not his Lineal These are the words of the Statute by way of Petition from the Parliament to the King And if your Grace afore it may be certainly known whether ye shall have Heirs or no should suddenly name or declare any Person or Persons to succeed after your Decease and for lack of Heirs of your Body lawfully begotten into the Royal Estate of the Imperial Crown of this Realm then it is to be doubted that such Persons that should be named might happen to take great heart and Courage and by Presumption fall into inobedience and Rebellion by Occasion of which Premisses great Divisions and Dissentions may be and is very likely to Arise and Spring in this Realm to the great Peril and Destruction of us Your Majesties most humble and obedient Subjects and of all our Posterities Whereby it appears This Statute is only afraid of Declaring Collateral Heirs If there should be no Lineal Heir of the Body or they should fail In like manner Queen Elizabeth having no Lineal Heir of her Body was afraid to declare the Collateral But she declared the Natural Heirs of her Body should Succeed as appears 13 Eliz. 1. which are the next Lineal and not Collateral Heirs And the Example of Christian Princes in like manner hath been never to Scruple the Natural affection of their own Natural eldest Sons to declare them Successor after their Death for that gives them no Greater present Power than they had before The Heir as is said Gal. 4.1 Differeth nothing from a Servant So Edward the Third did not doubt to Declare his Eldest Son the Famous Black Prince his Successor by the General name of his Eldest Son in this Statute nor likewise by making him Prince of Wales to declare him by name his Heir Apparent and Successor nor did he ever the less Trust him with the Command of great Armies in France with whom he was Victorious yet did the Son so declared never presume to any higher Title than Prince of Wales nor Motto than Ich Dien I serve as if he studied how to testifie his Obedience to God and his Father and to shew that the Heir differeth nothing from a Servant In like manner did the Old Roman Emperors declare their Eldest Sons Caesars and Principes Juventis The Modern Emperors theirs Kings of the Romans The Kings of England theirs Princes of Wales The Kings of Scotland
fallen on the younger Sons of Jehosaphat by his leaving them overmuch Treasures and fenced Cities to the Diminution and Power of the eldest Son Jehoram 2 Chron. 21.1 2 3 4. Object 6. Queen Elizabeth Refused to Declare a Successor Osburne saith Q. Eliz. why she refused to declare a Suocessor The proposing any thing of Declaring a Successor was so ingrateful to Queen Elizabeth that the moving of the same cost Pigot and Wentmorth their Liberty though they proposed it in Parliament and others Dearer what were her Reasons against it may be partly drawn from Buchanan Lib. 17. p. 603. who saith on an Embassy sent from Scotland to her to desire she would Declare Mary Queen of Scots Successor to the Kingdom of England to which he saith Queen Elizabeth p. 606. answered to this Effect There are many Reasons saith she draw me away from this Transaction Primum quod non ignorem quam sit periculosum hanc movere camarimam ac jure mihi semper abstinuisse videor ne jus Regni in disceptationem vocarem Toties enim jam Sermonibus multorum Jactata est Controversia de Matrimonio justo deque nothis Legitimis Liberis dum pro ingenio quisque aut huic aut illi parti studet ut ego ipsa hactenus ob has Disputationes ad nubendum suerim Cunctatior c. First I am not Ignorant how dangerous it is to move this Contention and I seem to my self most Justly to abstain from Calling a Kingdom in Possession into Dispute concerning the Right for it is so often already Controverted what is Lawful Matrimony who are Legitimate and who are Illegitimate Children according to every man's Opinion and as he favours this or that Party That I my self by Reason of these Disputes have been hitherto more slow to Marry once when I Publickly received the Crown I was Married to my Kingdom and as a pledge of which I always wear this Ring And howsoever these Affairs stand I will as long as I live be Queen of England when I am dead let who hath the best Right be my Successor If your Queen is she I will no way be against her if another hath Right I will not do him wrong If there is a Law against your Queen it is unknown to me for I do not make willingly any curious Inquisition after this matter But if there is any such Law I took an Oath when I took the Kingdom that I will not Change my Subjects Laws without their assent But as to what you have alleadged in the second place That this Declaring a Successor will contract a straighter Friendship between us I rather fear it will sow hatred for do you think that I shall take any Delight to have my Funeral prepared always set before me It is a Peculiar of Kings that they have no friendly mind to Children who by Birth-right claim to be their Successors when they are dead Of what mind was Charles the Seventh the French King against Lewis the Eleventh and he against Charles the Eighth or Francis lately against Henry Of what mind therefore is it likely I shall be against my Neighbour when once Declared my Successor To this may be added what I think of very great weight I know the Peoples inconstancy I know how full they are of the present state of things I know what prying eyes they have into the next Successor The Dangerous Rising Sun is only a younger Brother or a Collateral Heir I know it is natural for more to adore the Rising than the Setting Sun And to omit other Examples I have seen enough in my own Time when my Sister Mary held the Kingdom what Prayers and they make to see me set in her Throne With what eagerness were my Concerns carried on neither am Ignorant to undergo what dangers they would have hazarded if I would have joyned with them according to their desire But now perhaps the same Men have not the same Mind towards me Like Children who in sleep rejoyce for Apples off'red them in a Dream and presently awaked in the Morning when deceived in their hopes Change their Joy into Weeping So they who with great Good will applied to me while I was called Elizabeth and if I beheld any with a more smiling Countenance they forthwith thought with themselves that as soon as I obtained the Kingdom they should be rewarded rather according to the measure of their Desires than of the good they had done me but now when the Event answers not their Expectation many of them would be ready to Change to any state of things so they might but gain a better fortune For no Riches of any Prince though never so great are sufficient to satisfie the insatiable desires of Men. Now if the affections of our People will Languish either for Moderate gifts or any other Light cause what will such Malevalents do if they have a certain Successor to whom to carry their grievances or go themselves when they are angry In what Danger do you think I shall be near so Potent a Prince my Successor to whom how much strength I add so much I take from my own Security This Danger by no Cautions or Bonds of Laws can be averted neither will Princes who fail of their hopes of a Kingdom easily contain themselves within the Bounds of Right and Equity And for my own Part if the world were certain of my Successor I shall never think my Affairs in Safety We see here the very Considerations we are now on of Declaring a Successor is in Debate by Embassador between these two great Queens Elizabeth of England and Mary of Scotland One the Head of the Protestants the other of the Papists in their two Kingdoms Queen Elizabeth was the Lineal Heir to the Kingdom of England to the last Possessor Queen Mary derived her self to be the Collateral Queen Elizabeth as it is before mentioned had been Declared Illegitimate by the Pope and Popish Laws and Canons and by her own Father And a Popish Act of Parliament she was not only Declared Illegitimate but the Marriage of the Lady Ann her Mother to her Father to be void with the Penalty of High Treason added on any who should affirm Contrary to the first or believe Contrary to the latter 1. Therefore it is to be observed That Queen Elizabeth being a Protestant thought it not wise or safe to Declare a Papist for her Successor yet she after Declared King James her Son who was a Protestant her Successor and it pleased God to make him an Happy Instrument to Unite both Kingdoms in the Protestant Religion 2. That she being the Lineal Heir thought it not wise or safe to Declare a Collateral Heir her Successor in her own Life-time Therefore thought she had a great Affection to make King James who was her Godson her Successor yet she forbare to Declare him so till on her Death-Bed she perceived her self past all hopes of having Lineal Heirs
of her own Body but while there was a possibility she might she Declared by 13 Eliz. 1. They should be her Successor and Enacts a Penalty of High Treason against those who should affirm the contrary 3. That Queen Elizabeth doth not think it fit that her Legitimation should be Judged by Popish Laws as she could expect no other would endeavour to be done if she permitted a Contest between her and a Papist What Shall a Virgin Queen be Judged by Laws which as is already shewn came from the Priests of Priapus and Venus Shall a Protestant Queen be Judged and Shot to Death by the Cannons and Constitutions of the Strumpets Theodora Marozia and the Whore of Babylon No she was Judged Legitimate by the Holy Moral Law of God and the Protestant Religion to be Successor to her Natural Father and though he forsook her God took her up and by his assistance the Gates of Hell were not able to prevail against the truth of the same And let any Papist now if he can shew any Reason or Scripture why he should with foul mouth asperse the Legitimation of King Edward the Sixth or Queen Elizabeth or the Kings Eldest Son or why the latter ought not to be Successor as well as was the former and Print the same with his Name subscribed And no question there are Protestants enough will answer him Yea The Interest of a Prince Legitimate by the Moral Law of God and the Protestant Religion to maintain both against Popish Ceremony and Superstition let him prove if he can That 't is not only the Greatest Honour to a Protestant Prince himself but a great Mercy and Providence of God to a Protestant People to offer them such a Prince whom he hath made Legitimate by his own Holy Law and the Protestant Religion and permitted him to be Declared Illegitimate by the Papist unholy Law and Superstition and thereby laid on him the highest Obligation of his own Interest to maintain the Holy Moral Law of God and Protestant Religion against the Popish Ceremonial Laws and Superstition and far worse it had been for the Protestants if Queen Elizabeth had not been made Illegitimate by the Papists then that she was To Conclude a full answer hath been therefore already given the Objection That Queen Elizabeth never refused to Declare a Protestant and Lieal Successor but only such as were either Papist or Collateral Obj. 7. A Protestant Successor will not be equal to Papists who are not only a Considerable but a great and potent Party of the People of the Three Kingdoms Answ This is fully answered already before Lib. 2. p. 401 402 403 c. where it is shewn to be the Interest of the Protestant Religion to abolish all Laws of Recusancy equally which are Penal to the Consciences either of Protestants or Papists except as to Mass Idols and Popish Priests This is likewise answered in the following Reasons wherein it is shewn That not only Protestants but Papists themselves except Popish Priests may hope for greater Security and Happiness from a Protestant Successor than they ever had or 't is possible for them to have from Papist Predecessors or Successors to which I therefore desire to refer Reasons for Declaring a Protestant Successor by the King and Parliament HAving answered all Objections against Declaring of a Protestant Successor I shall now only add some few Reasons for the same arising from the Great and manifold Dangers caused by the Neglect 1. Danger to the Conscience of a Prince 1. The first Danger is to the Conscience of a Prince when he shall give Account to God of the Neglect of so great a Duty to him and so great a Trust reposed in him by the People as to which There is none doubts but every private Father is by his Duty to God bound while it shall please God to lend him Life and Health and before Death with a sudden Arrest hurry him hence to give an account of his Stewardship to make Provision according to his Power for the leaving his Family in Peace after his Decease much more it is the Duty of all Princes who ought to be the Publick Father of their Countries who have so great Account to Give not only for their own Families but for Nations and Kingdoms and all the Wars Murders Massacres and Devastations which by their default shall happen after their Death To provide while God gives them Life and Health for prevention of such Calamities amongst their People and for the Peace of Succession in the Government over them And in the Statute of 35 H. 8. cap. 1. This great Trust Reposed in the King by the People is exprest a Chief Consideration of Declaring a Successor and setling the Succession of the Crown by King and Parliament in these words in the Preamble of the Act viz. Forasmuch as our most Dread Soveraign Lord the King upon good and just Grounds and Causes Intendeth by God's Grace to make a Voyage Royal in his most Royal Person into the Realm of France against his ancient Enemy the French King his Highness most Prudently and Wisely Considering and Calling to his Remembrance how this Realm standeth at this present time in the Case of Succession and poising and weighing further in himself the great Trust and Confidence that his Loving Subjects have had and have in him c. And to the Intent his Majestie 's Disposition and Mind therein should be openly Declared and manifestly known and Notified as well to the Lords Spiritual and Temporal as to all other his Loving and Obedient Subjects of this Realm to the Intent of their Assent and Consent might appear to Concur with thus far as followeth of his Majestie 's Declaration in the behalf and thereupon makes Provision for the Succession of the Crown in the same Act. In like manner it is provided by the Law of Persia as saith Herod Lib. 7. That whensoever the King goeth to War abroad he ought first to Declare his Successor that he may leave Peace at home 2. Danger by the incertainty of the Laws of Succession of the Crown 2. The Danger caused by Incertainty of the Laws of Succession of the Crown and that this is a Great Danger and necessary to be Remedied by a Declaration by King and Parliament appears likewise by the Preamble of the Statute of 25 H. 8. cap. 22. in these words viz. Wherefore we your said most humble and Obedient Subjects in this present Parliament Assembled calling to our Remembrance the great Divisions which in time passed have been in this Realm by reason of several Titles pretended to the Imperial Crown of the same which sometime and for the most part insued by Reason of Ambiguity and Doubts then not so perfectly Declared but that men might upon froward intents expound them to every man's sinister Appetite and Affection after their Sons Contrary to the Right Legalty of the Succession and Posterity of the Lawful Kings and
Emperors of this Realm whereby hath insued great Effusion and Destruction of man's Blood as well of a great number of the Nobles as of other Subjects and especially Inheritors in the same and the greatest occasion thereof hath been because no perfect and substantial Provision in Law hath been made within this Realm of it self when Doubts and Questions have been moved and proponed of the Certainty and Legalty of the Succession and Posterity of the Crown By which Statute appears the Judgment of the King and Parliament to be That the great incertainty of the Law in points of Succession of the Crown was one great Cause of the great Mischiefs of effusion of Blood both of Nobles and Commons which insued thereby and the fittest Remedy to be the Declaration of the Successor incertain by the King and Parliament which is accordingly therefore done in the same Statute And it likewise appears that the same Doubt in Law was raised then as to Succession which is now Whether the King's Marriage and Issue by the Mother of Queen Elizabeth was Lawful and Legitimate which is Declared by this Act of Parliament that it was And H. there is first intendency there to Declared a Legitimation of the same Marriage with Queen Ann the said Mother of Queen Elizabeth And that all the Issue had and procreate or to be had procreate without saying Lawfully between the King and Queen Ann shall be his Lawful Children and be Inheritable to the Crown Then is the Crown Declared to be to the King for Life and the Remainder to be to the first Son of his Highness of his said Lawful Wife Queen Ann begotten and to the Heirs of the Body of the said first Son Lawfully begotten and for default of such Issue with divers Remainders over and make it High Treason to slander the King's Marriage in prejudice of the Heirs of the same 3. Danger of Arbitrary disposing the Crown by Rome or Canterbury 3. The other great Danger from the incertainty of the Laws of Succession besides effusion of Blood which is the Arbitrary disposing by Episcopal Sees whether of Rome or Canterbury though only Rome named unless a Successor is Declared by the King and Parliament is likewise mentioned in the said Statute 25 H. 8. cap. 22. in these words viz. By Reason whereof the Bishop of Rome and See Apostolick Contrary to the great and inviolable Grants of Jurisdictions by God immediately to Emperors Kings and Princes in Succession to their Heirs hath Presumed in time past to invest who should please them to Inherit in other mens Kingdoms and Dominions which thing we your most humble Subjects both Spiritual and Temporal do most Abhor and Detest 4. Danger of Predominancy of Papal and Episcopal Laws of Marrlage above the Moral Law of God 4. One great Cause of the incertainty of the Laws of Succession of the Crown is That Papal and Episcopal Ceremonial Laws of Marriage Filiation and Succession are tollerated in the Three Kingdoms to Usurp a Predomination not only over the Law of the Land but the Moral Law of God It is therefore necessary to avoid the Danger mention'd to proceed from the incertainty caused by Papal and Episcopal Laws That a Declaration by King and Parliament be Who shall be Successor in Particular and by Name which clears all Doubts and is the highest Security under God on which any Crown or Succession to it can depend 5. Danger to the King's Person Line and House 5. The not Declaring a Successor is Dangerous to the Person of the King and his House of which we need not look on any other Example than Alexander the Great of whom Justin Lib. 15. relates That he being desired to Declare a Successor though he had a Son called Hercules and though his Wife Roxana were Great with Child yet would he Declare neither but Will'd That he who was most worthy should Succeed which was the same in effect as if he had Will'd they should after his Death destroy one another with Civil Wars and his own House amongst them for so they did And Cassander one of his mean and not Chief Officers destroyed his Mother Olympias and all his Kindred Such was the Fate of so great a Monarch who while alive thought the World too little yet was he himself Poison'd and when Dead nor he nor his Mother nor his Children nor any of his Kindred retained any Spot but their Graves being all destroyed with him of which there appears no second Cause but his Neglect to Declare his Son Hercules his Successor who might have been a Preservative to him according to Tacitus Pravas aliorum spes cohiberi si Successor non in incerto The wicked hopes of Plots against the Possessor are Checkt if the Successor is not incertain 6. Danger of Lineal and Collateral Heirs to destroy one another 6. The Danger of the Lineal and Collateral Heirs destroying one another doth cause all those Murthers Poisoning Strangling Burning out the Eyes or perpetual Imprisonments of the Blood Royal of the Turkish Persian Aethiopian and other Eastern Kings and Emperors but that they have no Parliaments Elected by the people to Declare their Successor and to Protect the Liberty Propriety and Lives of their younger Children by standing Laws but on the Death of the old Emperor the Election or rather Sale of the Empire to the New is left to the Lawless will of the Priest or Soldier 7. The Danger if the King 's Eldest Son should die and leave Children in Minority of Guardians in Majority of Contention for the Crown between Nephews and Uncles This Danger is not so great in Scotland as in England for there as hath been already said as Buchanan mentions their Ancient Act of Parliament Enacts Vt quemadmodum Regi maximus Natu filius in Regnum Succederet ita filio ante Patrem Defuncto Nepos avo subrogaretur That as the Eldest Son of the King should Succeed to him in the Kingdom so the Son being Dead before his Father the Nephew should Succeed in his stead to his Grandfather It hath been already before shewn how dangerous Guardians Uncles are to Nephews in Minority and if in Majority all Histories witness under how great incertainty the Law is in most Nations to determin the Question which ought to be preferred the Uncle or Nephew in Succession to a Kingdom that is to say in such Kingdoms who have no Parliaments Elected by the People to establish the manner of Succession And how great Wars and Devastations have been made between Nephews and Uncles on the incertainty of the Law of the Country in that point And though in Succession to Common Inheritances in England the Nephew is by Custom preferred Jure Representationis to the Uncle and though my Lord Coke likewise in his Exposition on the said Statute of 25. E 3. cap. 2. Coke 3. Part. fol. 8. saith to be the Fitz-Eigne the Eldest Son of the King within that Statute it
of him as he did his Dutchy of Normandy and do him Homage for it which would add a great Honour to that Crown Then was he be-before-hand with Pope Alexander to make Religion give Reputation to his Pretended Right he promised likewise to hold it of the Apostolick See if he prevailed in his Enterprize whereupon the Pope sent him a Banner of the Church with an Agnus of Gold and one of the hairs of Saint Peter And he likewise by great Promises got his own Brother Odo Bishop of Baieux to furnish him with Forty Ships for his Expedition After William had with great difficulty got the Battel at Hastings wherein King Herold happen'd to be kill'd with an Arrow in his Eye some of his Nobility with all their Power strove to establish Edgar Atheling the next of the Royal Issue in his Right to the Crown but the false Bishops rather bent to let in a Foreign Enemy being fool'd by him with fair Promises than to assist the Native Prince and by their Example drew in the Nobility to trust to his Personal Oath made at his Coronation before the Altar of St. Peter to defend the Holy Church that was the Papist Church and the Rectors and to Govern the Universal People according to the Laws but this Oath and his Promises were as weak to bind him as the single hair of St. Peter he had got from the Pope for as soon as he had Establish'd himself he was not such a Fool to do Homage for England to the French King nor to hold the same of the Apostolick See nor to defend the Bishops and Abbots in their fat Bishopricks and Abbies but as Cambden saith He made such clear work with them that he did not leave one English Ecclesiastick whom he thrust not out of his place and fill'd their Rooms with Erench Sr. Johns And for the English Nobility he drove some to fly to Scotland some to Norway some to Hungary and any other Places where they could be received till in the end he had totally destroyed them and filled their Places with French Contes and to shew himself no partial Dealer with those who would trust his word he spared not his own Brother Odo the Bishop of Baieux but notwithstanding the Forty Ships with which he had Supplied him on promise of better dealing he seized and Confiscated all his Treasure which he had which was very great and hoarded up with an Intention to have bought the Papacy And it is no wonder if mali Corvi malum ovum And he practised the same deceit against themselves and their false Religion had taught him towards others for let a Papist Prince swear never so many Oaths to Papists of his own Religion and break them all the same Religion fits him with Popes enough at his Elbow to Confess and Absolve him instantly or if he doubts his Trencher-Popes cannot do it he can have for Money his Unholiness himself to Absolve him from any Oath Covenant or League with any other Papist Prince whether of Peace or War and how many Examples are there of the same And more easily can he do it with his own Subjects as Dan. Hist fol. 143. King John a Papist King forswore himself to Papist Subjects being Absolved from his Oath by the Pope King John for the Glory of God and Emendation of the Kingdom in Parliament makes Articles of Agreement between him and the Barons wherein are Confirmed all the Laws and Liberties of the Kingdom and Mutual Oaths taken on both sides by the King and Barons in Solemn manner for the Observation of the same Articles The King likewise sends his Letters Patents to all Sheriffs of the Kingdom to cause all Men of what degree soever within their several Shires to Swear to observe the Laws and Liberties thus granted by his Charter There we see a Papist King agrees with Papist Subjects on Oath in the highest manner and both the King and Barons and the whole Body of the People of what degree soever are solemnly Sworn before God And the Laws and Liberties are likewise Confirmed by Act of Parliament But the next News in the History we hear of is He hath some Papist evil Councellors who tell him he was now a King without a Kingdom a Lord without a Dominion and a Subject to his Subjects whereon this Papist King sends to the Pope and by Bribery he Absolves the King from his Oath Nullifies the Act of Parliament and Excommunicates the Lords Now therefore let it be shewn how these Papist Lords being laid in the Pickle of Excommunication and not having Personam standi in Judicio could have done to have bound the Conscience of their Papist King to have performed to them his Contract Covenant League and Oath or let it be no wonder if Protestants are very fearful to have a Successor of such a Religion or if they think that these Lords had not been more happy if they had had a Protestant King or of any Religion which would have bound his Conscience to have kept his Word and much more his Oath to his Subjects The Papist Lords grown Desperate of Right from their English Papist King run into the other Extreme and will Trust themselves to the Oath of a Foreign Papist King seeing their own would not keep his they send therefore over-Sea and go in great haft to Louys the French Kings Son to Sollicit him to take upon him the Crown of England who is their tres humble Serviteur and as ready to Swear to them as they to him A French Oath pretended surer than an English and to make wise to them that a French Oath was surer than an English over therefore he comes to England in Person with as great a Fleet and Army as the Power of France could make on so likely hopes of a Conquest incouraged by so great a Power of the English Barons who call'd them in and joyned with them and being Landed in Kent in May the Lords bring him to London where he takes his Solemn Oath to Restore their Laws and Liberties and recover their right for them King John who had first forsworn himself was notwithstanding in the Field with another Army against King Louys but fell into a Feaver and Died or as some say was poisoned On his Death many of the English Lords hoping to find more Truth in the Son than in the Father returned from Louys to their Native King and suddenly Crowned Henry the Third the eldest Son of King John being then but Nine years old in a great Parliament Assembled at Gloucester 28 Octob. by which Parliament his Tutelage by Reason of his Minority was Committed to the Great Marshal William Earl of Pembrook a Man Eminent both in Courage and Council And it is likewise to be noted That this Henry was begotten by King John of Isabel the Daughter and Heir of Aymer Earl of Angloulesm who was before the Marriage pre-contracted to Hugh le Brun Earl of March
his whole Reign after the same was a perpetual Contention by him to raise his Prerogative to an Arbitrary Power Destructive to all Liberty and Propriety of his Subjects which he had Confirmed to them by Oath Charter and Act of Parliament and instead of asking a Dispensation of the Pope to Levy Taxes on the Subjects without their Consent in Parliament he took the easier way and dispensed with the Pope to Levy on them what he would and give him a share So the poor Subjects paid double whereas if they had paid only to the Pope or only to the King they had only born a single burden but now they Complained as the History mentioneth Shepheard and Woolf confederated to share the Sheep That the Shepheard and the Woolf Confederated both to destroy the Sheep and the Pope continually levied so many insupportable Taxes on them to maintain his Wars against the Emperor that both Clergy and Layety address'd their heavy Complaints of him to the King himself but the King was so far from relieving them that he offer'd the Pope's Legat to deliver up to him the Chief Opposers who now by the King's Animation grew more insolent to oppress them than before Henry the 3d. being dead his Son Edward the First Succeeded him a King Renowned for his Valour and Wisdom against his Enemies yet Dissentions with his Subjects hindred that Valour and from extending themselves to that degree of Glory they might have otherwise arrived neither is it only Valour and Wisdom unless Justice is likewise joyned can make a People happy in their Prince or himself happy in them Edward the First a Papist King forswore himself to his Papist Subjects He likewise took the same Oath for preservation of Laws and Liberties as his Father and Grandfather had done but whether seduced by their Example or their Evil Counsellors as he had imitated them in the taking so likewise did he in the Violation of his Oath for as his Father had done before him notwithstanding his Oath and Complaints by his Subjects of the Pope's oppressions he and the Pope as his Father had done like the Shepheard and the Woolf agreed to divide the spoil of the Flock between them the Pope therefore granted the King the Tenth of all the Churches of England and the King grants the Pope to have the first fruits of those Churches Dan. Hist 202. This Edward likewise after many Contests wanting Money in the 25th year of his Reign called a Parliament wherein with much ado he granted the Confirmation of the two Charters of Magna Charta and Charta Forrestae and that with the omission of the Clause of Salvo Jure Coronae Nostrae such another Clause as is Aut per Legem terrae which the King laboured much to have inserted but the People would by no means agree he therefore Confirmed them absolutely and Enacts further That All Arch-Bishops and Bishops shall Pronounce the Sentence of Excommunication against all those that by Word Deed or Counsel do contrary to the aforesaid Charters or that in any Point break or undo the same and that the said Curses be twice a year Denounced and Published by the Prelates aforesaid And if the said Prelates or any of them be Remiss in Denunciation of the said Sentences the Archbishop of Canterbury and York for the time being shall Compel and Distrain them to the Execution of their Duties in form aforesaid as appears in the Statute 25 E. 1. cap. 4. And all this he confirms by Solemn Oath What greater Security can be Invented here is an Act of Parliament Oath Excommunication Curses Edward the First for a furnish of Gold absolved by the Pope from his Oath Archbishops Bishops Prelates all ingaged to see it performed but to what purpose King Edward sends a Furnish of Gold to the Pope for his Chamber and he sends him back an Absolution from his Oath and Covenant with his Subjects concerning the Charter of their Liberties whereby they are all again broken by the King and lost to the Subjects Bak. Hist. 99. Edward the Second a papist King forswore himself to papist Subjects Edward the First being dead for the Pope's Absolution from his Oath could not keep him alive Edward the Second Succeeds him who not only took his Coronation Oath and kept it not but likewise before his Coronation in Regard the Lords threatned they would hinder it unless according to his Father's Will who had Commanded him to Banish Pierce Gaveston he would do the same he Solemnly swore That if they would not Dispute his Coronation but rest quiet till the next Parliament he would Banish him as they desired And likewise after in the Third year of his Reign being further press'd and importuned consented at last that the Parliament should draw Articles of Agreement between him and the People of whatsoever was necessary for the good of the Kingdom and he would Ratisie the same upon Oath who thereupon Elected divers Choice Men both of the Clergy Nobility and Commons to Compose those Articles which done the Archbishop of Canterbury with the rest of his Suffragans solemnly pronounce the Sentence of Excommunication against all such who should Contradict those Articles which are there Publickly read before the Barons and Commons of the Realm in the Presence of the King amongst which the Observation and Execution of Magna Charta is required with all other Ordinances necessary for the Church and Kingdom And that as the late King had done all Strangers should be Banished the Court and Kingdom and all Evil Counfellors removed That the Business of the State should be treated of by the Counsel of the Clergy and the Nobles That the King should not begin any War or go any way out of the Kingdom without the consent of the Common Council of the same Dan. Hist. 205. which Articles and others though they seemed harsh to the King yet to avoid further Trouble he yielded to them and Ratified them on Oath but especially to the Banishment of his Minion Pierce Gaveston who being a Gascoigne was a Stranger intended by the Articles to be Banished Strangers some to be Banished from Court though not under the same Suspition as other French their Countrey-men who have generally when entertained in Court by the English Kings been Evil Councellors to them to Imitate the French Arbitrary Power and Persidiousness over their Subjects and to breed Division between the King and People to prepare the Kingdom to be a Prey to their own French Masters Stranger at Court Spies whose Leidger Spies and Intelligencers they hear have usually been entertained at the Cost of the English Kings against themselves none can therefore doubt but King Edward the First the Father of this King Edward the Second did Nobly and Wisely in Banishing all Strangers from his Court and left the same Command on his Son And more particularly concerning this Gaveston though he not only broke in this the Command
of his dead Father but his Oath to his Loving Subjects which was his Ruine for his entertainment of French Councels endammaged his English Subjects and his nearest French Relation Isabel his own Queen Persidiously by the help of her Brother the French King raised a Rebellion here of his own Subjects against him which caused him to be Deposed from his Kingdom and shortly after to be Murdered in an hideous manner in Barckly Castle So here are four Kings Great Grandfathor Grandfather Father and Son all Papists all Confirming and Breaking Magna Charta and their Oaths and their Subjects to whom they have broken them have been all Papists Magna Charta no less than Thirty times Sworn or confirmed and forsworn or broken by Papist Kings to Papist Subjects and the same Papist Religion gives no Mutual obligation of an Oath though to Men of the same Religion Yea this Magna Charta of Liberties hath been Thirty times Confirmed by King and Parliament while the Papist Religion lasted which shews the Oath hath been more than Thirty times broken by some or other of their Papist Princes for otherwise it would not need so many new Confirmations and Oaths In the Protestant Religion it is held That once forsworn ever-forlorn In the Papist it appears he is not so thought though Thirty times forsworn but he may still swear and forswear and begin again anew as many times as he will were it not therefore more secure for the Papist himself to Covenant with a Protestant Successor who dares not break his Oath lying under so great a Penalty of Conscience than with a Papist who makes Perjury not to be Penal and whose Religion it self teaches the wicked Doctrine of Lysander that Children ought to be deceived with Promises and Men with Oaths for what Commerce or Humane Society can there be had with those who will keep neither whether they be Kings or Subjects or of what Degree or Religion soever they be 2. Seeing a Papist Successor can be obliged by no Contract or Oath Only two ways of Succession Contract or Conquest therefore he cannot Succeed by Contract And if he Succeed not by Contract then he will Succeed by Conquest for there are but two ways of Succession either by Contract or by Conquest And if he Succeed therefore by Conquest such Power he will say 't is Diis aequa Potestas Deus est Imperator in Coelis and Imperator est Deus in Terris Jure Divino is above all Humane Laws he will therefore be Lawless and no Law shall be but his Will But a Protestant Successor claims only to the Rule according to Laws agreed and assented to by the Subjects themselves by their Representative in Parliament Can any Sober Papist deny it is not better to have his equal Laws than as a Slave to be destroyed at Pleasure by a cruel unjust and lawless Will as they are generally by their Princes in all Catholick Countries Further Examples of the Perfidiousness of Papist Princes to Papist Subjects Henry the Fourth a Papist King forswore himself to papist Subjects HEnry the Fourth was a Papist and a Violent Enemy against the Wicklenite Protestants yet perfidious to his own Papists too as appears Truss Hist fo 73. there are Articles made against him and the first of them is That when he return'd from his Exilement he made Faith only to Challenge and Recover his Inheritance and his Wives and not to intermeddle with the King nor with his Crown by reason of which Oath divers Loyal and good Subjects to King Richard resorted unto him not having any Treasonable intent but after when he saw his Powers so much increased that he might do what he pleased he wickedly brake his Oath and without any Right or colour like Right procured himself to be made and Crowned King Another Article was That no Justice could be expected from his hand because that contrary to the Oath he had taken when he was Crowned he had by Letters sent into sundry Shires thereby procured certain Burgesses of the Parliament Knights of the Shire to be Chosen whom he knew would not fail to serve his turn as occasion should be offered Here we see is a Papist King and Papist Subjects and he takes an Oath to them concerning the greatest Liberty the Subjects can enjoy which is the free Election of their Representative in Parliament yet this Papist King breaks this very Oath not only to his Papist Subjects but to that very party who were of his own party and Crowned him Richard Duke of York a papist Subject forswore himself to Henry the Sixth a papist King Henry the Sixth and Richard Duke of York were both Papists and the Duke of York took his Oath of Allegiance to King Henry After taking King Henry Prisoner He Calleth a Parliament in the King's Name by which Parliament terrified by the Duke's Sword it was agreed and Enacted That Henry during his Life should retain the Name and Honour of a King and that the Duke of York should be proclaimed Heir Apparent to the Crown and Protector to the King's Person his Land Dominions and Countrey And that if at any time King Henry's Friends Allies Favourites in his behalf should attempt the Disanulling this Act that then the Duke should have present possession of the Crown No sooner was the Parliament Dissolved but the Duke by vertue of his Protectorship esteeming himself a King in Office and Power though not in Name dispatcheth Letters to the Queen the Duke of Somerset Exceter and other Nobility who were then in Scotland with all speed to repair to his presence at London they knowing their own Security lay only in keeping out of his Power marched towards him but Guarded with an Army of Eighteen thousand Men and met him at Wakefield who had there but a small Army of Five thousand to oppose them on whose Valour notwithstanding the Duke relying and though advised by his Council to forbear Fight till his Son the Earl of March could bring up his Forces to joyn with him yet the Pride of his former Victori●s make him deaf to good Advice and therefore rashly joyned 〈◊〉 whereby he hasten'd his own Destiny and was Slain on the place with Three thousand of his Men after which Overthrow of the Father his Son the Earl of March and his Confederates having overthrown the Queens Army at the Battel of Mortimor's Cross and fought the Battel of St. Albans and the Earl of Warwick's Forces joyned with him is proclaimed King but before he could be Crowned he was forced to Fight again with another Army which King Henry had raised in the North which Battel continued doubtful with eager Resolution on both Sides the space of Ten hours whereby there were above Six and thirty thousand Men Slain Bak. Hist 203. But in the end the Day fell to Edward and the King flying to Barwick and her Son to France Edward is Crowned King but after Disobliging
injoyed near Threescore years after Had Antonio been allowed equal Judges or the Law of God been the Rule of their Judgment or had he been allowed to have pleaded the Law of the Land and Custom of both Portugal or Spain for Natural Sons to succeed the Crown he needed not have looked for more Examples of Natural Children than those from whom King Philip himself derived his many Spanish Kingdoms and according to the Customs of Portugal Don Antonio a Natural Son Crowned King of Portugal Don Antonio was on the Death of Henry chosen and Crowned King of Portugal at Lisbon their chief City till Philip sent the Duke of Alva thither with a greater Army than the Portuguese had put Don Antonio to flight Overcome by Philip flyes to England whom the People had Elected King and within Seventeen Days subdued all Portugal Don Antonio thereon flyes into England where he is kindly received of Queen Elizabeth as descended of English Blood and of the House of Lancaster and having entertained him here divers years his Title of being right Heir to the Crown of Portugal is so far approved by the Queen and Council Queen Elizabeth approves his Title as right Heir to Portugal and the Protestant Doctrine That she gave leave to Sir John Norris and Sir Francis Drake to undertake an Expedition at their own private Charges requiring nothing of her but a few Ships of War who took along with them Don Antonio the Heir of the Kingdom of Portugal and of Souldiers Eleven Thousand and of Seamen about Fifteen Hundred And setting Sail from Plimouth the Fifth day of April they arrived at the Groyne of Galizia whereof with great Valour they took first the Lower Town and afterwards the Higher and after Sailing towards Portugal they met Robert Earl of Essex who without the Queens leave had put to Sea after two days they arrive at Penycha a Town of Portugal which they took and left the Castle to Don Antonio And from thence they march by Land towards Lisbon Threescore Miles off the Foot Companies led by Norris whom Drake promised to follow with the Fleet being come to the West Suburbs of Lisbon they found no body there but a few poor disarmed Portugals who cryed out God save King Antonio The day following the Spaniards made a Sally in which Skirmish Bret Caresly and Carre three stout Commanders were Slain yet did the Earl of Essex drive the Spaniards to the very Gates of the City And now having tarried here two Days and no likelihood of the Portugals revolting which Don Antonio had hoped but was not probable that the strict hand of the King of Spain then in full Possession on them should give them that Liberty sinding fresh Supplies to come into the Town their own Army Sickly Victuals and Powder failing and what was most of all Sir Francis Drake not bringing the great Ordnance as he promised They departed from the Suburbs of Lisbon towards Caseais a little Town at the Mouth of the River Tagus which Town Drake had taken this mean while who excused his not coming to Lisbon by reason of the Flats he must have passed and the Castle of St. Julian Fortified with Fifty Pieces of great Ordnance Near this Place they found Threescore Hulks of the Hans-Towns of Germany Laden with Corn and all manner of Munition which they took as good Prize towards their Charges in regard the Queen had forbidden them to carry Victual and Munition to the Spaniard From hence they sailed to Virgo a Forlorn Town by the Sea side and Pillaging all along that Quarter returned for England having lost in the Voyage Soldiers and Marriners about Six thousand yet not so much by the Enemy as eating strange Fruit and Distemper of the Climate on which I shall only further observe That Kingdoms are not so easily got again as they are lost and that the Disinheriting of the Natural Heir of the Crown of Portugal was the cause of the seizure and Conquest by the Spaniard of that Kingdom Foreign Princes when the Successor is uncertain will stir up so many antiquated Genealogies Antiquated Genealogies used to be raked up by Foreign Princes that every one may pretend a right to the Crown and it hath been already mentioned that there were no less than Five or Six to the Crown of Portugal no less than Ten Titles Foreign and Domestick in Scotland in the time of Basiel and Bruce and no less than Sixteen in England before the Death of Queen Elizabeth and how far Papist Foreign Princes will go when they have none nearer to draw Genealogies as high as the Man in the Moon and when they have no substance to raise the Ghosts of Titles again from their old Purgatories nor Kif nor Kin to the last Possessors appears by the next Example Hacket endeavours to raise a Papist Title to the Crown Richard Hacket was sent from the English Fugitives beyond Sea in the Reign of Queen Eliz. to perswade Ferdinando Stanly E. of Derby Son to Henry newly Deceased to assume the Title of the Kingdom of England by right of Descent from Mary Daughter to Henry the Seventh and threatning him unless he undertook the Enterprize and withal concealed him the Abettor he should shortly die in a most wretched manner But the Earl fearing a Trap was laid for him revealed it and Hacket was thereon Condemned and Executed for Treason but this Fellow's Threatnings proved not vain four Months after for then the Earl being in the Flower of his Age was miserably Tormented and Vomited Stuff of a dark rusty Colour being thought to be Poisoned or Bewitched There was found in his Chamber a little Image of Wax with Hairs of the Colour of his Hair which some thought was done on purpose that men should not suspect him to be Poisoned his Vomit so stained the Silver Andirons that it could never be gotten out and his Body though put in Cere-Cloths and wrapped in Lead did so stink and putrifie that for long time none could endure to come near where he was Buried Bak. Hist 402. When good Correspondence between Queen Elizabeth and King James of Scotland gave the Papists small hopes that ever he would prove an Instrument to restore the Catholick Religion they begun thereupon to bethink themselves of some English Papist that might succeed the Queen but finding none of their own Sect a fit Person they fixed their thoughts on the Earl of Essex who always seemed a very moderate Man and him they advised to have some right to the Crown by Descent from Thomas of Woodstock King Edward the Third's Son But the English Fugitives were for the Infanta of Spain English Fugitives seek to se● up a Title for the Infanta of Spain and to exclude all Protestants from the Crown and desiring to set the King of Scots and the Earl of Essex at odds they set forth a Book which they Dedicated to Essex under the Name of Doleman but
was written indeed by Parsons Doleman's bitter Adversary Cardinal Allen and Francis Englefield the Scope of which book was to exclude from Succession all Persons whatsoever and how near soever unless they were Roman Catholicks contending farther for the Right of the Infanta of Spain as being descended from Constance Daughter of William the Conqueror Foreign Papist Princes will declare a Successor for the Protestants if they shall not declare one for themselves Protestant Princes Marrying foreign Papists shall lose their own Kingdoms but not gain theirs from Eleanor Eldest Daughter to Henry the Second Married to Alphonse the Ninth King of Castile from Beatrix Daughter to King Henry the Third so if the Protestants will not take the pains to declare a Successor for themselves 't is plain the Foreign Papist Princes will declare one for them to the purpose and first they declare for Religion he ought not to be a Protestant but a Catholick Then for Blood he ought not to be a Brittish but a Foreign Blood And in all Countries the Pope's Laws shall be a Salique Law to exclude Protestant Blood from Catholick Dominions and to intitle Catholick Blood to Protestant Dominions so as if Protestant Princes Marry with Catholicks they must play all against nothing Most Excellent Nonsence in the Papist Law of Successions 11. Danger of Counterfeit Wills and Testaments It exposes Succession to Counterfeit Wills and Testaments Though the Law is sufficiently clear That Kingdoms which are Publick Offices of Trust are not devisable by last Will and Testament as private Inheritances are yet because the Papist Power of the Sword may pretend to any thing unless the Protestant Subjects have an Act of Parliament declaring a Protestant Successor as a Sheild under God to defend themselves against it the same will be necessary to prevent even this Danger likewise For what Monarch or Emperor is so great as when sickness hath arrested and bound him with the fatal Cords of his Death-Bed where every Woman every Priest every Doctor are his Gaolers can promise himself Liberty to make a free Will Yea that he shall not have less than a private Subject when his Keepers shall make use of his own Publick Name and Authority against himself to exclude from him those faithful Friends who will force their way through to relieve a private Person from those Furies of his Bed which Torment him Or how can he promise himself though he make his Will in his perfect Health that as soon as he is dead it shall not be destroyed For did not H. 8. use all the Caution possible to secure his Will after his Death Had he not an Act of Parliament which gave him Power to Nominate Successors by his Will and made it High Treason for any to prejudice the Titles of the Persons so Nominated Did he not solemnly inrole it in Chancery yet when before the Death of Queen Elizabeth an inquisition was made after the Will of H. 8. to see whom he had Nominated to succeed The Will of H. 8. stoln off the file where inroled in case she should happen to dye without Issue they found the same to be taken by Bribe or Stoln off the Cursitors File by some who intended to advance their own Title for there were Sixteen Titles then on foot Osborn Tit. Queen Eliz. 99. Plotina the Empress Wife of the Emperor Trajan who was with him at his Decease Adrian got the Empire by a Counterfeit Will. in regard she had a great favour for young Adrian Plotted with him to help him to the Empire and to that end feigned that Trajan had adopted him for his Son and shewed a Counterfeit Instrument or Writing to ●●at Effect which matter was so cunningly handled that it took such effect as she desired And the Army presently swore Obedience to Adrian notwithstanding he was absent at Antioch in Syria where he was left General who being advertised thereof and the Legions whereof he was General consenting thereto he presently wrote to the Senate intreating to be Confirmed in the Empire And when the Senate had received his Letter and understood what had passed his Request was easily granted for there was no denyal by old Men to young Men when once they had given so great a share of the Sword as they had not reteined a greater in their own hands wherewith to recall the same when they thought good William the Conqueror pretended a Will and Promise and thereby excluded Edgar Atheling the right Heir William the Conqueror likewise pretended a Will and a Promise of the Kingdom of England from Edward the Confessor which though Edward notwithstanding his Holiness had no Authority or any thing to do to give away from the Right Heir Edgar Atheling nor to enslave the Land to a Foreigner yet it s known how ill effect these Pretences had and the same might have been prevented if Edgar had been declared Successor by Act of Parliament in the life-time of Edward It incourages Usurpers For the ascertaining the Heir by Supreme Authority 12. Danger of Incouraging Usurpers wherein both the Assent both of the King and People is included takes away and the not ascertaining feeds Pretenders and their Parties with hopes So Tacitus lib. 3. Annal. Sic Cohibere pravos aliorum spes rebatur by declaring a Successor in certain he thought the wicked hopes of others were Checkt and in another place Plena Caesarum Domus Juvenis filius Nepotes adulti moram cupitis Sejani adferebant his House full of Caesars his Son in Strength of Youth his Nephews grown up deterred the Ambition of Sejanus And the best remedy King David used against Adonijah Proclaiming himself was to Proclaim Solomon In Titles Doubtful 13. Danger it leaves an Interregnum The infinite mischiefs of Interregnums either on doubtful Titles of Successions or on doubtful Powers or Elections appearing in Histories are too many to be here recited and lest some should be so far deceived as to believe there can be no Interregnum by the Law of England he is desired not to place his Faith in the Fictions of Lawyers That the King never dyes and there is no Interregnum lest if by not declaring a Successor in his Life-time whom God grant long to live the contrary Effects appear when it will be too late to provide a Remedy It Cantons Kingdoms 14. Danger of Cantonizing Kingdoms For so writes Justin of Alexander the Great Alexander rogatus quem Haeredem faceret Imperii respondit dignissimum qua voce veluti Bellicum inter Amicos cecinisset aut malum discordia immisisset ita omnes in aemulationem consurgunt ambitione vulgi tacitum favorem Militum Alexander being asked whom he would make Successor to his Empire answered The most Worthy By which as though amongst his own Friends he had sounded a Charge to Battel one against another or had thrown the Apple of Discord amongst them so did they rise together in
Contention and by courting the vulgar seek the secret favour of the Souldiers and afterwards Canton'd out to themselves severally all the Provinces of the Empire Ptolomy seized Egypt and Cyrene Laomedon Syria Phylotus Cilicia Pitho Media Eumenes Capadocia Antigonus Pamphilia Licia and Phrigia major Cassander Caria Minander Pontus and Phrigia minor Leonatus Assyria Seleucus Persis Lysimachus Thrace Antipater Macedonia The other Parts of the Persian Empire being left in their hands unto whom Alexander in his life-time had intrusted them And the reason of this pulling to pieces of the Empire was because as Curtius saith Sine certo Regis Haerede sine Haerede Regin ' Publicas vires ad se quemque tracturum without a declaring in certain of the Heir of the King and of the Heir of the Kingdom every one will catch what he can of the Publick strength to himself and to what purpose but to destroy himself by destroying the Publick For this Division continued not long neither would it have done though they had been all Brothers for every one thinks his share is not equal to his worth when they have no publick Judge to judge equally between them and in the end the greatest part of them by Mutual Wars destroyed one another and left their shares for a prey to their Enemies Clapmarius as to this Destruction ensuing the not declaring of a Successor saith farther Sumo hoc pro arcano Regio adversus Regni Proceres ubi enim Successor in incertò est ibi facile ad pristinum statum relabitur ut olim Caroli Magni stirpe sublata cum postremus Germanorum Rex Neminem adoptasset Regnum momento Devolutum est ad quinquaginta quatuor Imperii Principes Sic Longobardi Mortuo sine Legitimo haerede Cleophonio in Populi potestateni lapsi sunt Et in Polonia post quam stirps Lechi defecisset Comitiis de Constituenda Republica habitis Regnum duodecim invaserunt Nobiles Et rursum cum stirps Craeci defecisset ad eandem Oligarchiam eadem occasione reversi sunt I take this for an Arcanum of Kings against their great Men for where the Successor is not declared in certain a Common-wealth doth easily relapse to its Original confusion As when the Issue of Charles the Great failed and the last Emperor of the Germains had Adopted no Successor the Empire in a Moment fell into the hands of Four and fifty Princes of the Empire So the Lombards Cleophonius their King being dead without Lawful Heir fell into the hands of the People And in Poland after the Issue of Lechus failed there being a Convention of Estates to constitute a Common-wealth Twelve Nobles seized on the Kingdom And again when the Issue of Cracus failed they fell back again on the same occasion into an Oligarchy It Exposeth the Succession of Kingdoms to Sale 15. Danger of exposing the Succession to Sale Buch. Rer. Scot. lib. 7. pag. 206. saith Mackbethus ut Regnum male partum stabiliret potentiores Magnis Largitionibus sibi conciliat securus de Regis liberis ob aetatem de vicinis Regibus ob Mutuas simultates Potentioribus delenitis Populi favorem aequitate parare severitate retinere decrevit Mischiefs of buying Crowns to Princes themselves Mackbeth that he might Establish his ill-got Kingdom binds to himself the great Men by great Gifts being at that time secure from the King's Children in regard they were under Age and from the Neighbouring Kings by their mutual Quarrels one with another having obliged the great Ones he resolved to catch the People with Equity and to keep them with Severity In the time of H. 3. Richard Earl of Cornwall begging the King's Brother and Alphonsus King of Spain Empire of Germany exposed to Sale to Richard Earl of Cornwall and Alphonsus King of Spain were each Competitors to be elected to the Empire of Germany And the Seven Electors were ready to elect him who would give most to Buy it In the end Richard being in Person in Germany and nearest at hand and his Money readiest he is preferred by the Bishop of Ment● the Bishop of Cologne and the Palsegrave whose Voices he is said to have bought and was thereupon Crowned Emperor at Aquisgrave And to reimburse himself of the great Sums he had disburst and to confirm his Estate he was set on by his Salesmen and Courtiers who expected likewise to have a share in Purchase And proceeded in all Violent and Hostile manner against those who opposed his Election and having consumed himself by excessive Gifts to Buy Suffrages and Assistants and by this Prosecution he came to be again dispossessed and forsaken and with the loss of his Money and contracting Debts besides he was forced to return home to England to his Brother who was then in War with his Nobles Simony in Churches and Kingdoms corrupts Religion and Justice in both Dan. Hist. 174. It were infinite to recite all the Buyers and Sellers of Successions to Kingdoms there having rarely been any Age or Nation wherein the Simony of Churches and Kingdoms hath not been alike common either by the Priest Nobles or Souldiers and corrupted both the Divinity and Justice of both except where an House of Commons hath had an hand in the Actual declaring the Successor when therefore a Successor is not declared by Act of Parliament but left to buy his Right these horrible Mischiefs ensue First To the Prince himself Secondly To the People As to the Prince himself these Mischiefs ensue 1. If to buy a Kingdom he is known to give Donatives or Pensions he raises a greater Party against him than he can oblige for him for if he give a Donative or Pension to one he can oblige only that one but for him disobliges an hundred 2. No Person that receives a Bribe can be obliged by that Bribe because what he doth is for Money and not for Conscience and if any offer him another Bribe he will as readily be for the last giver as he was for the first for the first giver of Money cannot take his Gift from him again And the Mercenary if he hath but half so much giver by the second giver as the first will think he shall be richer with a Gift and half than only with a single Gift Hence it is that Perdurat non empta fides nec Pectora merces Alligat Claudian Bought Faith indures not nor will hire bind The Traitor's heart if greater hire he find And the Roman Mercenaries who were corrupted with great Donatives by one Emperor before he was scarce warm in his seat used to kill him and if a new offered another Donative set up him for the like time till another offered them a new Donative And so they perpetually Murdered them from Generation to Generation It 's true many good Princes have been compelled to buy their Rights and better it were they did so than the same should be taken from them by one that hath no Right but this
can only be understood where there is a Necessity and no Remedy But where God is pleased to offer a just King and a just Parliament to Judge equally there is no Necessity of using any unjust means though to obtain Right 3. If a Prince buy not with ready Money or Donatives given in Possession but oblige himself in future Promises if he obtain the Kingdom the Mercenaries are so many who will expect to be promised and their Nature so unsatiable That no Prince can be so rich who is to obtain nor can any Kingdom be so rich when it is obtained as to be able to satisfie a small part of them and who fail of their Expectation turn Enemies As Rich. 3. promised the Duke of Buckingham if he obtained the Kingdom very great Rewards but after he was King failed to perform the same the Duke of Buckingham became his Mortal Enemy and King Richard paid his Promises by cutting him off for Treason when he had first ruined Richard by laying the Plot for Henry the Seventh 4. If the Kingdoms are left exposed to Sale a Papist Successor will be richer than a Protestant and so carry it by Money though not by Right Impoverisheth the Prince 5. It impoverisheth and weakens the Prince and his Posterity So the German Emperors have impoverished and weakened themselves by giving away so many Royalties to 7 Electors to buy them in Elections That the Electors are greater than they The Mischiefs as to the People are Mischiefs of buying Crowns to the Subject 1. The Sale of the Successions of the Three Kingdoms and buying of them Destroys all Religion and Justice among the People for your Kingdom-Sellers usually receive a great share of their Money out of the Power they Contract to have of the Sale of all Publick Offices of Gain both Ecclesiastical and Temporal If therefore Bishops and other Ecclesiastical Persons buy their Offices they will neither Form nor Preach any Divinity but for Gain If Temporal Judges or other Judicial or Ministerial Officers buy their Offices those who buy will sell and take Bribes and none shall have Justice unless he buys In Turky all the great Officers buy their Places of the Grand Seignior whereby they run themselves into great Debts which they rake out again of the poor People by all manner of Rapine and Oppression And though the fame is of the Great Turk's great Severity on the Bribery of Judges yet no Courts in the World are more corrupt for that Vice than they For what colour can the Emperor have to punish those Thieves to whom he himself is accessary by selling their Licences to Rob at so dear a rate as he usually puts them to buy and will afterward take the whole spoil if it grow to any bulk 2. The Exchequer will be ingaged under unsupportable Debts and charged with Pensions to a Multitude of Pretended Claimants of Promises which will totally exhaust the Publick Treasure load the People with insupportable Burdens and Taxes and destroy all the Military Defence of the Kingdoms by Sea and Land for want of Pay 3. Kingdom-Sellers will usually have Commissions to take all Penalties on the Penal Statutes to Dispense and Pardon Offences against those Statutes and to Pardon or make Composition for the Penalties which Penal Statutes concerning both Religion Justice Trade Military Affairs and the whole Policy of the Kingdom will be totally subverted by Money by such said Kingdom-Sellers It Exposes the Kingdom to Conquest 16. Danger of exposing this Kingdom to Conquest For if a Successor is not declared by King and Parliament a Multitude of Competitors may arise and having no Judge of greater Power than themselves do try their right by Battel and Civil Wars wherein he who Joyns will declare himself a Conqueror from which these two Mischiefs will arise 1. There cannot be a free Parliament for the Sword will awe and over-power the Elections both of Burgesses and Knights and when they come to sit the greatest part of the Members will be Military Officers The Conqueror will grant no Law except for Money and the Army will have a Negative Vote on the Parliament 2. All the Nation especially the Rich and Noble which happen to be of the side that is Vanquished whether right or wrong will be either Fined or Confiscated and many of their lives taken by their own Brethren of the same Religion and Nation and therefore it most concerns the Nobles and not the Poor to prevent Civil War as is visible in all the Victories obtained between the Houses of York and Lancaster wherein both Princes and Nobles destroyed one another and set up their Heads upon Poles by turns And it was the usual saying of Edward the Fourth in all the Battels he fought Kill the Nobles but save the People Some further Examples of declaring Successors by Parliament Some further Examples of declaring Successors follow besides what before mentioned To this purpose of declaring a Successor by Parliament Grot. de Jur. Bel. Pac. 111. says Sic Euphaes Rex Messeniis permisit dispicere quem ex Regali Aepitidarum genere Regnaret Et de Xerxis Artabarzanis Controversia Populus Cognovit Et 179 sive in conventu ordinum ut factum in Anglia Scotia teste Cambdeno sive per Delegatos ad id Negotium ut factum in Aragonia teste Mariana lib. 20. So King Euphaes permitted the Messenians to consider who ought to Reign of the Royal race of Epitidae And the People of Persia had Conusans of the Controversie between Xerxes and Artabarzanes Or the same is determined in Parliament as Cambden testifies is done in England and Scotland or by Delegates of the People as Mariana testifies lib. 20. was done in Aragon So King Edward the Third the Wise Author of this great Statute whereon this Discourse hath proceeded to prevent Civil Wars on any doubt arising on Succession to the Crown not only declared his eldest Son by this Statute but likewise he happening to Die in his Father's Life-time caused to prevent all farther Scruples his Grandchild Richard of Bourdeaux to be declared Successor by Act of Parliament Moses Declares a Successor Moses being told that he should die Numb 27.15 desireth God to declare a Successor And Moses spake unto the Lord saying Let the Lord the God of the spirits of all flesh set a Man over the Congregation which may go out before them and which may go in before them and which may send them out and which may bring them in That the Congregation of the Lord be not as sheep which have no shepheard And the Lord said unto Moses Take thee Joshua the Son of Nun a Man in whom is the Spirit and lay thine hand upon him and set him before Eleazer the Priest and before all the Congregation and give him a Charge in their sight and thou shalt put some of thine Honour upon him that all the Congregation of the Children of
Israel may be Obedient And he shall stand before Eleazer the Priest who shall ask counsel for him after the Judgment of Vrim before the Lord at his word shall they go out and at his word shall they come in both he and all the Children of Israel with him even all the Congregation And Moses did as the Lord commanded him he took Joshua and set him before Eleazer the Priest and before all the Congregation and he laid his hands on him and gave him a Charge as the Lord commanded by the hand of Moses Here appears that Joshua is declared Successor by Counsel from God by Moses and the Priest and the Assent of the People and it 's very likely if a Successor had not been declared the People would have fallen together by the Ears as soon as Moses had been Dead And as is usual in all Armies divided the Government by Military Elections and recourse to the Sword to be Judge whereby they had never Conquered the Cananites but the Cananites them David Declares a Successor King David likewise to leave his House and Kingdom in Peace and to prevent Civil Wars declares Solomon his Successor and Inaugurates him while he was yet alive 1 Kings 1.32 And King David said Call me Zadock the Priest and Nathan the Prophet and Benaiah the Son of Jehoiedah and they came before the King and the King said unto them Take with you the servants of your Lord and cause Solomon my Son to ride upon my own Mule and bring him down to Gihon and let Zadock the Priest and Nathan the Prophet anoint him there King over Israel and blow ye the Trumpet and say God save King Solomon Then ye shall come up after him that he may come and sit upon my Throne for he shall be King in my stead And I have appointed him to be Ruler over Israel and over Judah And Benaiah the Son of Jehoiedah answered the King and said Amen The Lord God of my Lord the King say so too As the Lord hath been with my Lord the King even so be he with Solomon and make his Throne greater than the Throne of my Lord King David So Zadock the Priest and Nathan the Prophet and Benaiah the Son of Jehoiedah and the Cherethites and the Pelethites went down and caused Solomon to ride on King David's Mule and brought him to Gihon And Zadock the Priest took an horn of oyl out of the Tabernacle and annointed Solomon and all the People came up after him and the People piped with Pipes and rejoyced with great Joy so that the Earth rent with the sound of them FINIS Errata's in Verse LIb. 1. p. 131. line 5. for Moon read Morn p. 135. l. 36. for lease r. cease p. 223. l. 28. for I see r. is with me p. 224. l. 9. for all r. such p. 225. 3. 8. for thanks r. there and in the same line after for there r. and l. 39. for lightnings r. lightning p. 228. l. 5. add the word next before the word expel p. 392. l. 11. for who burn would not r. who burn would Lib. 2. p. 239. l. 31. for Mariners r. Mariner l. 36. for why r. who Lib. 3. p. 89. l. 8 for their r. them l. 16. for not babling r. no babling Errata's in Prose COntents to the First Book relating to p. 88. for in vitam r. invitam non diserturum Lib. 1. p. 88. l. 8. add invitam before deserturum p. 90. l. 42. for invitum r. invitam deserturum p. 1. l. 11. for or any Subject r. on any Subject p. 4. l. 28. for Harecloth r. Hayrcloth p. 17. l. 36. for women were divorced r. women did divorce p. 23. l. 21. for Affinity r. Consanguinity p. 43. l. 11. for Canon Law r. Common Law p. 93. l. 27. for Common Law r. Canon Law p. 106. l. 31. for pitty relieve him r. pitty to relieve him p. 110. l. 40. for invitum fore Matrimonium r. Irritum fore Matrimonium p. 132. l. 36. add and shall cleave to his wife p. 180. l. 11. for established r. abolished p. 180. l. 42. for Chancellors of State r. Councellors of State p. 210. l. 20. for Sacrament r. Sacrifice p. 215. l. 28. for Tyrant r. Pyrat p. 282. l. 23. for there were Judges r. and Judges p. 120. l. 1. leave out no l. for Secreta Fori r. Secreta Thori p. 121. l. 25. for false r. and the false p. 121. l. 43. for take off Exequenda officia Matrimonialia r. talk of Exequenda officia Matrimonialia p. 257. l. 30. for thinks r. think l. 27. for that binds r. binds p. 265. l. 17. for Obligatio libelli r. Oblatio libelli Lib. 3. Preface p. 10. l. 1. for Algine r. Algive In the Contents relating to p. 160. for Successor or Male r. Successor Male leaving out or p. 2. l. 16. for ever that be r. Over that be p. 13. l. 10. for wages r. ways p. 188. l. 25. for Basiel r. Baliol. In the Index see Bail in line 36. for Canon-Law r. Common-Law