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A13844 The book of prayses, called the Psalmes, the keyes and holly things of Dauid translated out of the Hebrevv, according to the letter, and the mystery of them, and according to the rule and methode of the compile-er, opened in proper arguments vpon every psalme, following the same, by Alexander Top Esquier. Top, Alexander. 1629 (1629) STC 2415.2; ESTC S4135 410,327 284

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mighty hand and long reaching arm all the wonderfull works in the world of his goodnes and his mercey Psal. 23. and his everlasting Kingdom of kindenes and compassion in cutting off the ungodly and saveing of the Church in thinking upon them in their low estate and setling them in their enimyes land and provideing food for all flesh the unperishing food of his word the searching wherof is the bread of eternall life and an everlasting nuriture So the wicked are visited justly for ignorant worship and workmanship to the sowerth degree of the ungodly and disobedient but his mercy is to last for thousands even for ever to the Godly and obedient rebellion against the word beeing a sinn of witche craft and transgression moste wicked idolatry Ther was no imagination presented or propounded with it but that all tricks formes and fansyes of man wear vain and hatefull and abominable Psal. 119. S. For this Godhead of understanding beeing the God of all possiblity and to whom nothing is impossible or hard but all his wayes are secrets and miraculous in the eyes of man wherby all was made and facioned and revealed preserved and maintened and by perpetuall judgement defended and saveed how absurd then is the imploreing of sensless aide against all rule of creation and against the Kingdom of grace prayed for Yf hee doth the things which no man els doth why beleeve they him not yf not for his own sake yet for his works hee ought to bee beleeved in and trusted unto Therfor that they worship that wonderfull Creator defender and preserver the God of heaven that made the heaven and the earth the sea and all fountains for his infinite works of mercey grace and compassion in his Kingdom by his heavenly light of wisdom reason and knowledge invented disscerned and brought in frame and not so placable Gods of their own makeing wherin against all reason and understanding the Creature is set in place of the Creator and a man worshipeth what hee will and contenteth himself as hee will which is moste monstrous For this invention yeeldeth no correction nor am●ndment and is no part of the Kingdom prayed for seeing no obedience is due to the work of a mans own hands no more then the father should obey the childe or child●en lay up and provide for their parents Therfor who so ever receiveth not the Kingdom of God as a litle childe for correction and obedience hee shall not enter therinto Construction Quoph of Jaquaph to compass by kindenes ps 32. worship and adoreing of the ministers tormentors the contrary Lamed for lerning the word of creation and preservation The Eternall his existens is of so great extent and power and wisdom by his ministry that it maisters all the gods and kings and lords of the world Deut. 10. Ex. 34. The divers vowelling of Iehovah used but once all the psalme intendeth but rule and might and mercie ps 102. repeated according to the letters Iehovah twenty six times Vav a hook or crook hee brought them out c. hee freed them from c. Lord and worship agree Ier. 22. Ps. 8. Mark the repetition The three letters make quolo his voice or word as Ps. 29. Deuteronomy the Ministers are set to prais and bless and worship 1 Cro. 16. so in the last psalme and this the Eternall is the mighty Actor of salvation by his grace Mark the first and last words and the continuall burden of the song for a rehearsall Gods kindenes twenty six times repeated according to the number of 26 made up just by the letters of Jehovah PSALM CXXXVII IN this psalme the Iewes shew care in pleasing God rather than man their Creator Redeemer and Inductor rather than their captiveer and suspender for either they will not sing at all and hang up their harps or if they will have them to sing it shall be that which they have little pleasure to hear for fear of takeing Gods name in vain and transgressing his will in vain rejoyceing in their heavy season against their harts or makeing their enimies mery with their sacred and good things which God would not allow of So that after they have made it a hard thing to sing for people in their case and harder to rejoyce with holy songs of Sion and that they did not think it meet to sing thes holy things among such houndes in a strange and an enimies land yet that the name of Sion and fame of Ierusalem may not be forgotten by them they take down their harps and apply their fingers and looss their tongs from the rooffs of their mouthes to shew that all their joy and delight was in Ierusalem and not with them all their song is nothing but a bitter prayer to God for a terrible revenge and payment upon them That as the Edomites incouraged to destroy Ierusalem to the ground to the utter ruine and desolation of it and no less could content them and the destroying citty Babel performd as much that now God would remember all their dealing and make them happy that should require them treble ps 94. with a merciless revenge and destruction uppon them that ther may be no mercy to the merciless or their children but that it may pleas God to dash them all in peeces against the stones with an utter confusion and destruction of them And this lest they should transgress the third commandment and displeas their God at their enemies request to use his name unprofitabely and deserv new punishment and disobey his known will and be worse beaten than before after their return home And becaus all pleasure is a kinde of idolatry but the true and only worship of God they will not pleas themselves nor their enemies with one word of their lips ps 16. nor shed one drop of prais or sacrifice any commendation to them at all Construction Quoph to compass Captiveers Inthraulers hanging takeing Lamed lerning his tong and hand shall be disused and all cunning forgotten Babel is repeated for a town of confusion and destruction of learning Gen. 11. Ierusalē for perfection alludeing to both mount Sion opposed to the rivers also So weeping and mirth remembring c. by Zain to hear by singing Song the sens rule of relation as the eares are the daughters of songs Eccl. 12. they shall be happy that pay thē with cōfusion that seek it Obadiah mark the repetitiō you shall see the A. B. C. confoūded also by words of purpos under words of song which is also vers he conceals a return or torment Deuteronomy Singing is heer the act of repeating for a memoriall It shall be life eternall to punish persecutors So he hath still minde of his wonderfull way of salvation mark the repeating of these words happy repay dealt down with it c. PSALM CXXXVIII HEaring is the way to Christ and Moses and the Prophets are the Doctors to draw men unto him for they shall be all taught of God
by subjection and the kings and judges in the person of Adam reigning and ruleing over all things liveing and therfor were they to prais him Young men and maides becaus hee was created male and female Old folkes and children by their fructifying and multiplication of a godly seed from the word Increas and Multiply And in this becaus Israel was best entertained and the nearest people to him and had all preferment that his worship and exaltation of his name should in no wise bee neglected of them his Saints for ever Construction Quoph to compass or to inviron as with the cloke of prais Is. 61. from all his creatures and his dwelling in praises and inhabiting of them Ps. 22. that all his works and especially his people Israel and his messengers neerest about him for his exaltation of them should inviron him with prais Apoc. 19.4 Mark the words highthes hold up above exalt doubled Iehovah only Mem waters The name of the Eternall to be praised before and above heaven and earth and all the most commendable things of the world becaus they were made and exalted by him Hee worketh upon the term Iehovah By all the moods and tenses in the Hebrew how hee was imperative future and infinite and never preterite and transitory according to the present tens Hove Jehovah hee shall bee and remain for ever in his works and decrees ps 119· and therfor is called Eternall The waters all kinde of nations kindes and degrees Mark people heaven earth c. The name is six times for six dayes work Hee is to prais the name of Iehovah and that hee doth in the term Hu the affix of Iehovah as Elihu Abihu which two letters in number make iust the repetition of the word prais Heth to prostrate is implyed in the adoration and exaltation and worship of him and casting down their crowns before him Apoc. 4. Quemach meal for all sorts Persius sat 3.5 Deuteronomy Infinite praises and worship is due to him for leaving so many commendations behinde him in his works of all sorts ps 11 1. and this must needs bee confessed a work of great mercy and kindenes also and way of eternall life PSALM CXLIX NOw that the judgement may bee the cleere hee maketh this Psalme a copula or Medium suitable to the former last gon before To tell this judgement was the work of all the Prophets untill Iohn and then this kingdom was takeen by violence and force and men pressed unto it So that now after all places of invention hee now commeth to a collection or syllogizeing of the whole work by the judiciall part for ever unconfuteable That God that made the world should judge the same by sound confirmations consequences and proprietyes and rightes and lawes according to the power of his name Eloah and Elohim of Alah to swear to doo judgement and justice and right and to perform the oath which hee sware to bee a perpetuall redemption to his Church Psal. 110. and a glory to his people Israel with a reprooveing of all injury and injustice of the reprobate So the end is com the end is com as the Prophet sayth and Satan with all his perversity and adversity with all his malice and falshood and subdolity and treachery is judged and the day of wrath is com and hee is discovered and overcom and cast down and condemned for his cotinuall persecution of the Church For this benefit they are greatly to prais his name and sing Psalmes to him in honour of his name make invocation therupon that hath don all for them for reprooving confuteing and tormenting all their adversaryes and cheeff of them and that the Saintes for this peace should leap up in their beds for joy and make a glorious exaltation and triumph for this great day of victory and salvation with accents of exaltations and highe prayses of God and choise songs in their throats and a sharp sword in their handes lyeing by them to shew their meanes of deliverance and courage and valour and preparation of the word of God their defendour that whispers in the ears of all men and warneth them Heerto belong the fignified vertues in the apparell of the Priesthood that they may bee happy whom the Eternall the God of justice chargeeth not with iniquity Psal. 32. So that now it is in vain for to strive as Psal. 2. or the Kings and heades to think of casting away the cordes and bandes of their yokes of subjection to the Church for hee hath appointed his King over Sion and his horn and his anoynted and his prais as Psal. 141.92.86 God hath still favoured them that fear him and planted a gardine of pleasure for them that hee hath begotten a paradise of safety and salvation for his children and hath appointed his Angels and Ministers to pitch about them as Ps. 34. King of Iacob Is. 41.43 Ier. 8. to keep and preserve the way of righteousnes in this life the tree of their lives in holynes And with this grace hath God clotheed his saintes while their Enimyes are judged as ps 2.92.79 and for this ornament and Paradise and comly weed of salvation the skinn that covereth all nakednes that hath no cloud of shames upon it no spot or wrinkle in it Eph. 5. That his saintes should prais him in their congregation with a sonet of all confidence as ps 118. Construction Quoph to compass or inviron as the gratious ones Israel and the children of Sion in praising of him with Ioy in the holy Ghost another part of the Kingdom ps 145. in commendation of Iah their King and makeer Is. Ier. 8. ps 29.48.24 by the spirituall and gutturall sound and prononciation of Iehovah psal 115.135 For every Law must have a King Jehovah calamity Jad a hand He the coactive conjugation of Hiphil working salvation and revenge Mark the words gratious ones and saintes maker work and fullfill Mem waters people heathen nations Kings Nobles c. The calamity and captivity of them and cutting them off and wearying of them according to Quamat to bee wearyed or dissolved Iob 16.22 Jah is intimated By exaltations in his Throat is the aspiration of He meant beeing a gutturall letter so is Iod signifyed by sword for hand ps 17. And thus hee is taken for maker King and God and Almighty and Revenger So they have the name of God or God in their throat and in their hand Mark all the words of Ioy rejoyceing and prais according to it and the repetition upon all Is. 45. Deuteronomy By all kindes of rejoyceing for their salvation the glory of their Kingdom for his notable acts and the majesty of his name Jah in them in makeing and governing and saveing of them in beeing kinde to the kinde c. as psal 18. And this prais is also a good confession or rehearsall of his grace in the other Psalme his works and frame of the world set him out in
all vvilde-beasts creep abroad the young Lions roaring for Prey to seek their meat from the Almighty VVhen the Sunn riseth they are couched together in their dens that man may goe foorth to his vvork and to his Husbandry till the Euening Hovv many are thy VVORKES ô ETERN all that thou hast don by VVISDOM the Earth is full of thy Indevour The great and vvide reaching SEA vvher are creeping liuing Creatures small great vvithout number VVher Ships doe goe and LEVIATHAN that thou hast formed to sport therin vvhich all doe hope vpon thee to giue thē their meat in his time Thou openest thy hand and giue-est them and they gather and are vvell Satisfied Thou hide-est thy FACE and they are astonyed thou take-est avvaye their breth and they yeld vp the Ghost and turn again to their Dust. Thou sendest out thy SPIRIT and they are CREATED again and thou Renewest the face of the Earth That the GLORY of the ETER may be for euer and the ETER REIOYCE in his WORKES which looketh vpon the EARTH and it trembleth and toucheth the MOVNTAINES and they Smoke J will sing Psalmes vnto the ETERN my GOD as long as I live and because my SPEECH of him is sweet I will REIOYCE in the ETERN That VVicked Sinners be consumed out of the Earth and be no more therin BLESSE the ETERN ô my SOVLE the ETERNALL be PRAYSED CV WORSHIP yee the ETERNALL CALL vpon his NAME make KNOWEN his EXCELLENT ACTS among the Nations sing Psalmes vnto him and speak of all his Wonderous Works Boast yee in his holly NAME Let their hart bee meery that seek the ETER Inquire for the STRENGTH of the ETERN and euermore seek his FACE Remember the WONDERFVLL MIRACLES which hee hath don the STATVTS of his mouth yee Seed of his Servant Abraham his chosen yee Children of Iacob The very ETER our GOD his STATVTES are in all the Earth The Word of his COVENANT which hee REMEMBRED for ever and commanded to a thousand Generations which hee made with Abraham and his othe vnto Isaac and made it stand for a DECREE to Jacob and to Israel an Everlasting COVENANT SAYING Vnto thee will I giue the Land of Canaan the line of your Inheritance When they wer small of Number and few and Strangers in it When they went from Nation to Nation and from one Kingdom to another People Hee Suffered noe man to oppresse them and REPROVE-ED Kinges for them Touch yee not mine ANOYNTED doe my PROPHETS no harme When hee called a Famine vpon the Land and brake all the Stay of bred hee sent one before them evē Ioseph that was sold for a slaue whose feet they hurt in the Stocks that the iron went to his Soul Till the time the WORD of the ETERNALL came and his SAYING tryed him the King sent to loose him and the Ruller of the People to inlarge him and made him Lord of his House and Ruller ouer all his Provision To instruct his Prince-es in his will and to teache his Elders wisdon When Israel was com into Egypt and Iacob was a Strange-er in the Land of Ham and his People were very fruitfull and hee had made them stronger then their Besiegers hee had turned their harts to hate his People and to conspire against his Servantes Hee sent Moses his Servant and Aaron whom hee chose that they might bring among them word of his Signes and MJRACLES in the Land of Ham. Hee sent darknes and made it dark and they disobeyed not his commandements hee turned their Waters in to blood and killed their fish their Land crauled full of froges in their Kings Chambers Hee commaunded and Swarmes of Flyes and Lice came in all their borders hee gave them showers of haile and flameing fire in their Land hee smote their Vines and their Fig-trees and broke the Trees of their borders Hee commanded and ther came Chafers and Caterpillars innumerable and did eat vp all the green grass of their Land and devoured the fruit of their Ground And smote all the first born of their Land the Prime of all their Strength and brought them foorth with Siluer and Gold and not one feeble Man was among their Tribes Egypt vvas glad of their goeing out because their Terror vvas fallen vpon them Hee spred a Cloude for a VAJLE and fire to giue Lighte in the nighte They requested and hee brought Quailes and satisfied them vvith Bread of Heauen Hee opened the Rock and the vvaters issued out and rann like a Riuer in the Dry place-es for hee Remembred his Sacred VVORD vvith his Seruant Abraham and brought foorth his Chosen PEOPLE vvith Joy and TRIVMPH and Gave them the Countryes of the Heathen and the paines of the Nations to possesse That they may keep his PRESCRIPTS and obserue his LAVV. The ETERNALL be praised CVI. PRAISE the ETERNALL GOD ô Worship the ETERNALL for his GOODNES and because his LOVEING-KINDENES is for euer Who is ther that can Particular out his VIRTVES sound out all his PRAISE HAPPY are they that obserue RIGHTE and hee that doeth IVSTICE at at all times ô ETERN think vpon mee and visit mee with the favourable SALVATION of thy People that I may ioyfully look vpon the JOY and WELTH of thy chosen People and be come an Actor of thy PRAYSES with thine INHERITANCE VVee haue Sinned vvith our Fathers and don frovvardly and vvickedly Our Fathers considered not and thought not vpon thy vvonderfull and great KINDENESSES in Egypt and they Rebelled at the Sea-side by the Red Sea and for his NAMES sake he saued them to make knovvn his VIRTVE hee Rebuked the Red Sea that it vvas dry as a vvildernes and lad them in the DEEPS And Saued them and quit them from the hands of their Heynous Enimyes and the vvaters ouervvelmed their Besiegers that not one of them remained And they beleeued his VVORD and sung his PRAYSE They soon forgate his DOINGS and attended not to his COVNSELL and longed a longing and tempted the ALMIGHTY GOD in the vvast VVildernes And hee gaue them their Request and hee sent a REPJNEJNG in their mindes and they freated at Moses in the Camp and at Aaron the Holly one of the ETERNALL that the Earth opened and svvallovved vp Dathan and ouercouered the Assembly of Abiram and fire kindled in their Assembly and the Flames burnt vp the VVICKED ONES They made a Molten Calf
signe his keeping himself undefile-ed in religion His keeping of Gods word and not denyeing his name and holding his fayth Now Salomon sayth the way of God is strength to the upright man like a Ps. 18. and so may the King well delight in his salvation Ps. 24. hee that looseth his fay●h looseth his strength And this strength in this Psalme is called the morning strength or strength of youth the strength of the Law of God and way of godlynes Which as the adulterers bestow the same upon the harlot and strange woman so they that revolt from it are called adulterers and make the members of righteousnes the mēbers of an harlot Ps. 73. and this is the matter of Davids complaint in this Psalme That God hath left off saveing of him cry hee never so sore and his strength fayleth Psal. 71. and why hee should not be saved by his faith as well as the fathers of the church before him like Hebr. 11. seeing his trust was upon God from his mothers brest and had no other succour but was wholeley cast upon him all his life And why hee receiveth all reproche in the world while they are highly commended that his trust was so notable that hee suffered all kinde of floutes and mocks and skorn for the same His adversity is the terriblest enimyes set upon him in the terriblest manner and hee is as a man without any strength and like a dead man Psal. 88.71 with neither courage nor strength to save himself or face to look upon them But is like water spilt on the ground of no strength quite lost and undon his bones hang not together his hart is molten his marrow is dryed and his tong cleaves to his Iawes and that God hath even turned him to dust They tear him in peeces and quarter him like dogs and lions that hee may see his bones in their mouthes by their looks upon him and his clothes divide-ed among them Now that hee hath made himself so strengthless so helpless so vile in Name and so sore in affliction that of all men hee saw himself moste contemptible and his distresses so nigh hee prayeth to add continuall presence and favour and his speedy might again to deliver him and save him That hee and all that fear God the seed of Iacob and Israel may declare and praise his name in the church and glorifye him and stand in aw of him for his grace and countenance and attendance to the humble and aflicted and they that seek God may feed upon his doctrine with full contentment and refresh their hartes for ever that the ends of all the earth may therby bee converted and haue minde to com to God and Iaphet may dwell in the tents of Sem. And becaus the Kingdom and rule of all nations is Gods that all the fanilyes of the Hethen may bow down and worship before him yea the miserable soules that haue no life in them and are going to their grave may be fed and bow down and worship like him That the gentiles may com in to prais God and serve him and be counted for his children and declare his Iustice and tell what things hee hath don to all that shall be born heerafter The summ af all is this that seeing hee was cast upon the Eternall from his birth and hath had no friend but God in al his life hee that for deliverances had all the praises of Israel and that hee hath committed no aduletry that way Ps. 73. now in extreame distress hee prayeth for speedy comfort and not to bee cast off that hee may also prayse God and so that all people may be fed with his doctrine that even the very hethen may admire it and worship the eternall for his infinite Kingdom and likewise becom his childeren to prais him That God leaveth not his servant in any low estate nor despiseth them for any affliction nor turneth at any time from his servants and children that turn not from him his servants beeing counted for his children and generation that all sortes should seek him and not for any affliction change their God seeing hee is King of all nations Construction The letters are to extinguish or put out from Cabha or to bee extinguished as the seed of the godly shall never bee This is seen in repetition of the word seed of Iacob the seed of Israel the Seed that serveth the Lord and feareth the Eternall shall be an everlasting posterity and no affliction or adversity shall extinguish it That feed upon the word and adore the Eternall Thes words also are repeted as caph to bow ●arang outcasts and afflicted Dust Ashes aged feeble all degrees and kindes of extincts His misery can not extinguish him becaus the unquenchable spirit of the word comforts him Caph a hand for might beth for be ezra helping be as the grammarians call and this sense and wordes is three times repeated Far from may help be not far whē distress is nigh and I haue no helper Ps. 32. Is. 58. and ô Eternall my might make hast to my help as goe the letters so goe their allusions together easy to be marked Genesis The mighty God hath left him helpless and is far off and the just God heareth him not for all his calling Though the fathers triumphed in his deliverance But hee hath his delight in the mercyfull Eternall upon their faith and cryeing to him Their quiescency is their faith his quiescencey is in his fayth in the Eternal and his Kingdom in the help of God The token therof is in El Ejaloth For might the same word in a double forme perfect and imperfect and the words of delivering often repeated and fayth the means of help be gnezra ha El by the help of God Hee is delighted with the invocation upon the Eternall Ps. 14. which also is a reformation of man PSALM XXIII WHen God is sheepheard then is the church the flock Psal. 80. and the scriptures and word of God the pasture hee that in this Psalme is sheepheard in the last and in the Psalme following is King as you see Heer in David findeth such refreshing and releeft in distresses that hee reckoneth himself heerby to abound to be strong and rich in all want and poverty and persecution what soever that hee hath ever stusteined him that hee need not despaire for hee wanteth nothing that is good Ps. 37. Now becaus ingratitude is a theevery and not to restore as great a stealth as taking by force and hee hath received heerin and heerby the high●st blessings that can bee and that they have been his guide his meat his drink his companion his feast his anoyntment his mirth his peace and plenty in darck and cloudy times of adversity and that in the sight of his persecutors and hath still brought him through for his own names sake and to shew the power and strength of his word as in Psal. 22. and therfor from hence hee getteth this
Gutturalls perish haue their reward and by the power of the Eternall the Quiescents are preserved Peace and silence c. note the quiescents PSALM XXIX THe word of God is mighty in operation it divideth between the marrow and the bone Out of the light of salvation Ps. 27. and knowledge in the Law of God riseth admirable glory and mighty confidence for edification and sustenance in the spirit as Ps. 28. That the glory and power therof may be moste famous as Ps. 76. wher the very sound therof breaketh the weapons and maketh an end of the warr by the chideing of the moste high in his dwelling place and sanctuary Salem Zion For exceeding lustre and strength heerof it is called a Kingdom as Ps. 143.144.145 and heer therfore the effect therof is called a King and God of glory to raigne for ever as Ps. 24.19 And this is for the voice and spirit of the word it self and possession of the Scriptures called the waters and the great waters and the flood which hee occupyeth with such majesty and such commande with such aflonishment of Doctrine such terror to the Princes and tossing of the mountaines the Cedars and Lebanon and all the lofty ones setting their hartes and all the woodes on fire as in Cadesh and to tremble with great greeft makeing all things naked and revealing of all secrets discovering of al hartes and greeving the great deer of the forrest for want of cover And becaus hee so shineth in his temple and so disquieteth his Enimyes and giveth his people such blessing of strength peace beyond the power of all Gods that hee willeth all Gods and princes and mighty and godly men the children of the Gods and Ministers to ascribe all power and glory to him for ever the glory of his name with all humility in his decent sanctuary So for the might and majesty of Gods word in the Scriptures called the waters Ps. 68.150 and his thundring out of his miraculous Acts therin that plague the great kings in the wildernes of Zin in Cadesh 38. yeers by the firey flames of the Law and becaus all that hee speaketh in his temple is glory and becaus the Eternalls throne is upon the flood therof wher hee sitteth ever king and giveth strength end peace to his people as Psal. 93.147 hee wisheth all glory and strength to be as●cribed to the Eternall and his name as Ps. 96. and great worship in his sanctuary Construction Caph a hand yeeld or give ascribe or offer Caph to bow bend or worship for adoration and oblation of the Priests and Ministers Caphah a branch when the trees be all shivered and the woods made all bare of boughes Iob. 15. Exod. 9. Tet of Tete to sweep away all Isai. 14. and this by the moste terrible Meteors to shew the force and fiercenes of the word of God Therfor that they should yeeld him the glory of calling upon him with all glory Genesis The quiescency is in Iehova that mastereth the wat●rs as Noah in the Ark. The double doctrine of Dagesh in begad cepheth to be woren in the Ephod one kinde of Dagesh on the one shoulder and the other on the other by thes wordes yeeld c. glory and strength Dagesh tiphereth and dagesh chazak they must adore with decency The voice c. is with might and with majesty The glorious giving of the Law in mount Sina called the waters Exod. 19. Deut. 5. the strength and quiescency of his church to make his name and the calling upon him moste glorious Iehova or Hovah Isai. 47. by calamities and comfort Hee tells Iehevah 18 times over and El twise to shew the weight and glory of his name Jah which make 20. Mark the repetition PSALM XXX HEE that ascended is hee that descended first into the lower parts of the earth In the eighteenth Psalme David was baptised in trouble and in the nineteenth born by the word and made the childe of God by reformation and from thence strengthened and confirmed by his Name for which hee giveth all glory to God And in this Psalme hee is received to glory the greatest glory of God beeing his resurrection Before the loss of the Ark David was but over shooes and wetshod in affliction yet hee made his recovery great and his deliverance miraculous but now hee is up to the neeck yea over head and eares in hevynes when hee hath lost his charge his strength and ornament and salvation So that hee meaneth heer an infinit magnifying of God for his resurrection out of such a sorrow beeing as a poor ship wract man of all his confidence For ther is no descent so low as into a mans enimyes hands and no captivity so miserable or any misery so greevous as the whole Churches to a Defendour as is seen by Moses And haveing lost a sure estate and feeling the horror of Gods wrath and destruction and fallen in this terrible pit of distresses and affliction as seeing no way but death before him and considering well that there would com no profit by the death of a poor and wreched sinner but rather by his conversion and considering that God is not for ever angry as Ps. 77. and that there is Ioy and life to bee in Gods favour and likeing Ps. 34. hee turneth wholely to God for help and cryeth out of this great deep for redemption and forgivenes as Ps. 130. and obteineth to bee remitted and salved raised again and quickned that hee may sing and dance for joy and that his own Glory may for ever prais him for this shifting of him out of such miserable and sinfull corruption into such a glorious liberty again That hee ought for ever to worship him and Say Death wher is thy sting and hell wher is thy victory And for this hee so mightily extolleth God And as all the starrs in heaven differ in glory so the greatest glory in mans profession and protestation of religion is his resurrection from base corruption And therfor that ther is no way in heaven or earth to extoll it or thank him worthyly And this much for his dedication 2. Sam. 5.6 Construction Lamed for lerning or truth he maketh the light and life of the world Io. 1. hee dealing by the contrary as by the termes of darknes of adversity the pit horror Anger terror night mentioning heerby the lamentable and unprofitable state of darknes or ignorance that is intended From whence S. Mathew hath the children of the Kingdom which should be the children of light shall becom utterly ignorant by term utter Darknes and sorrow Which is nothing but the state of Ignorance Math 8. When God hideth his face and his glory shineth not and the Scriptures are not cleer For this hee prayeth for illumination and his glory to worship a right which is the brightnes of lerning to declare the truth His heavynes and his reviveing is from his God eternall Iehovah his virtuous remedy of Compassion marck the office
in despight of all preparation that hee onely may bee conqueror and stand the last man upon the earth as Redeemer and bee exalted for ever For his dwelling allwayes among them and his watchfullnes over them and his early riseing to defend them by the power of his word And for this cause they will haue no other Gods but him the God of hostes the God of Iacob the right God of their Salvation upon whom they still presume and are stout and undaunted for ever Construction Mem waters swelling and roreing and troubled waters for Seas the rageing of the Nations and Kingdomes and for Warr any distres and desolations by warr as Da 9. secondly the quiet waters of life in the temple and doctrine of the word to save which they call the God of warr for martiall discipline that is still on their side and redy to help them and voweth to prevaile over all the other kindes of waters Vav a hook or crook for the copulative The church is not pulled back with fear or cowardlynes but affixed as God with us c. The two letters make the Incliticque Mo Ps. 2. alluded unto by the Churches Relyeing and help affixed Mark the repetition Exodus This resembles altogether the passing the red-sea both for phrase and effect the one water working upon the other The word melted the hartes of them it runs through the battail and dauntes the Army And maketh way through the Enimy and tameth the seas by the presence therof the High for Moses authority The Nam● is Iacobs God the God of warr the best discipline and Munition about them Mark the repetition The God of Hostes c and mountaines and kingdoms and waters and nations compared c. For a kinde of Passover or escape PSALM XLVII THe Eternall being soveraigne King and Defender of all the earth having conquered diverse Nations giues Iacob the best inheritance because he loved him and sitting in his holy Throne the Scriptures of all people in the world hee preferreth the Iewes the people of Abrahams God that is them of the faith and righteousnesse of Abraham and that of the law Therefore the Corites invent for the church to sing a plaudite and triumph to their king with all shrilnes alacrity for that their God raigneth and that for their Iustification The second Psalme giveth warning to all the world to subiect themselues to the Promiss and content themselues with obedience therunto and reverently and willingly abide it and not to resist the hope of the faithfull for feare of destruction Neither was the law of Moses made to resist the faith of Abraham or against the promiss but to describe the righteousnesse of Abraham and set out the tree of a godly life whose leaues never fall to the ground as Psalme 1 but all his words are with judgement as Psal. 112. And so is the law the way to grace and hindereth not the promiss and Moses and the Prophets to Abrahams bosom Now the Sun-beames of the promiss psal 2. in this Psalme shine vpon the walles of Sion both in the same words and matter For God haueing subdued the Nations and giuen Iacob a proud Inheritance that hee hath prevailed with great shouting both high and terrible and is inthronized in his law as a mightie King and defendour of all the earth for this great defence of the Church and their deliverance and their setting of them now at their rest They will all Nations to triumph and sing to their God and extoll their King and praise his wisedome and to haue no other God because this their God the God of Abrahams people haue been best defended of all the people of the world and hee hath heere performed his promiss Gen. 15. And thus the childe of righteousnesse receaueth his blessing psal 2. and anoyntment aboue his fellowes as psal 45. Now the reason of inverting the words Abraham Isack and Iacob in the three last Psalmes is that hee may with Abraham conclude the promisse and fall againe to the storie And this also is holy and most mysticall but vsuall As Thummim before Vrim Ps. 26.27 Sarah before Abraham psal 111.112 and the diverse transpositions and interruptions altering and maiming of the order of the A B C Psalmes for godly mysteryes Construction Mem waters people and Nations Inheritance the pride of Iacob c. Gods holy throne is the Sciptures which is also waters yf all the Nations in the world were gathered together like the water Gen. 1. yet becaus hee reigneth over all in the scriptures his people are cheeff for the preeminence of discipline as the waters aboue the firmament have domination over the waters beneath So hee sitteth upon the water and ruleth ●he waters Ps. 29. by subdueing all and takeing his choise For this upon the letter Zain to hear the loudest and moste triumphing noise and voices for the hearing and sweetest chaunting and psalming is comanded for the excellencey of his Majesty by the way of waters also Psalm 93 96. by a like metaphore of clapping c Exodus The God of Abraham one other of the Names of Moses authority and commission is described Exo. 3. From Gen. 14. by the terme Eljon High c. Maggen Defens words from that text Ther is no higher thing then raigning and power and Dominion And this for beeing above all and excelling all hee is to be honoured above all and solemnized as by the doubled wordes and phrases Sing psalmes c. so is hee over all and passeth all and his kingdom is for a kinde of passover and promotion PSALM XLVIII FOr the greatnes of the majesty of God and the glory of Sion the wonder of the world the Enimyes that combineed against Ierusalem were astonyed and trembled for fear This was Edom Moab and Amon against Iehoshaphat King of Iudah Now becaus they know that their Gods Righteousnes Iudgement and dayly kindenes for their service of him dwelling in their towers and Temple is their Defens whose Name and Prais is over all the world the Chorites sing in Procession his Iudgements Ps. 97. goeing round about the citty to consider her strength ●nd glory to record it and tell it to their children that they may keep it in minde for ever in memory of their deliverance and serve him As all bodyes live by the hart so the Law and body of Moses is not without affection and devotion and a liueing and a gratious soul within it for salvation and recovery of Mankinde after sinn and redemption after his fall And this is by a righteous government called the Kingdom of God which was still their conductor and defendour and the cloud over the mercy seat that was the priests warrant for sacrifice and atonement so highly commended in the last Psalme For the wonderfull grace and blessing of inheritance bestowed upon them in the promiss which was covered with a vail as the vaile lay over their hartes and understanding when they read it For as the
Law of Moses is to trick out and express the righteousnes of Abraham it must not forget his faith nor his love nor his bountifullnes and giftes of the minde that last for ever Iudgement fidelity and mercy the weighty matters as Psal. 112. but in one Ceremony or other precept or complement the whole man must be thought upon as well for grace and adoption as for judgement and condemnation as Ps. 101. seeing life is promissed to the observers And this part of the Law is that which Christ in the new Testament so much preferreth as uprightnes and cleernes of the inner man which is the absolute holynes and perfection of godlynes the way to grace which hee requireth Wherby a man seemeth to bee divided against himself the flesh against the spirit grace becommeth opposit to workes as the Apostle sheweth by division of the Law And this is Christes fullfilling of the Law and baptisme of the holy Ghost that angered the Iewes and sett all the world on fire beeing beyond the comun understanding In this Psalme hee cometh to the kingdom and citty of their great king and defendour their God of righteousnes in the last Psalme this is Ierusalem their university mount Sion his holy hill the school of all godlynes and virtue and of the Law of God The Law shall com forth of Sion and the word of God out of Ierusalem c. Now as all types of holynes were to bee moste glorious for worship and majesty as Psal. 45.145.111 So the Iewes for fame of their religion would have the place like the tabernacle to excell So that all the world might take delight in the structure and order of the temple and Synagogue of Ierusalem this theatre and oracle of the Law and stage wher the word is acted more then the Queen of the South took in the sitting of Salomons servantes Wher two or three are gathered togeter in my name ther am I in the midst of them so experience hath taught them and assureth the Church that Gods love is allwayes in his Temple where his service is and never away from them that fear him And shewing first the greatnes of God in this place for his dayly worship and his fame his name calling upon him their munition his presence and releeff upon their Batlementes Psal. 56. by confounding their enimyes his kindenes in his temple which is better then life as Ps. 63. his fame praise over all the world and because hee doth nothing but Iustice with his right hand and scepter of his lerned ministry that breaketh all the heathen in peeces as Ps. 2. that Sion and all Iudah may be glad of his judgements they would not have this place ever forgotten For that this is the very God their only God that hath saved them from death And therfor likewise they will haue no other God but him for ever As in the former Psalmes according to the Tabernacle Exod. 36. wherin the love of God was dayly resident Construction Mem waters for the Citty and Godly policy therof the habitation of Godlynes and holynes Is. 33.48 of kindenes and Iustice and Iudgement the waters of the Law The letter Cheth to break or terrify by the ship-wrack and astonishment of the Enimy Macha applauding Zach. 12. as of the Citty and of the townes of Iudah Or Machah for abolishing as of the Enimy Ps. 9. in the contrary by Sapper to register or tell or write up for Is. 33. to book and not to blot out Marck the repetition and resounding of the termes Exodus Heer is the dwelling of the great God and righteous King the King of Salem and Sion Ps. 76. heer is the place of blessing heer hence righteousnes doth flow and salvation is all about it and God doth lead men from death as a kinde of passover For another Name of God The God of Shem Gen. 9. of renowm and fame fo● Iustice even Melchisedeq an other of Gods Ministers Sacrificer of the most high God Gen. 14. Heeris the Altar of God and heer is the Priesthood and place of service and sacrifice which Israel in Aegypt so much desired Exo. 7.8.9 according to the promiss to return to and to make mery at and the Name of the Citty is Ther is the Eternall Ezech. 48. as the Name Iehovah the Eternall is Righteousnes PSALM XLIX THe wisdom and understanding of this Prable which hee would have all the world to know is this The vanity of riches to be trusted in and of the Owners their foolish wayes that glory in them and their disappointments that keep not their honour but dye like beastes and consume in the pit like rotten sheep and their wealth commeth they know not to whom to make mery withall while death and the grave get dominion over them And the comfort of the Poore in a hard time in famine or other adversity or perplexity the crossnes of his life called the iniquity of his heeles That when as the Richeman that likeed this life and the worship belonging to it shall dye without riches or glory to descend with him the Poor-man shall bee redeemed from his misery and bee accepted and live to bee heire to his fathers that are deceasseed and injoy his substance the word of God Thus is the Poor man for his patience exalted up to heaven and the Richman condemned to hell for want of understanding the one beeing alive and happy and the other dead and in hell for sorrow They have Moses and the Prophets let them hear them c. Yf Moses and the Prophets can quench the wrath of God and extinguish the flames of Hell quiet a tormented conscience then surely Moses and the Prophets are the true and living way to grace and to Christ as Christe is the way to the father and the understanding of Moses and the Scriptures Abrahams bosom And f●om hence is that parable luke 16. which is heer proclaimed to Riche-men and Men in adversity Which doctrine as it is called a parable in the greek and a comparison in the hebrew so in latine it is moste properly to bee termed a conjecture which is a doctrine much used of the Iewes called Signes and is moste frequent in the Psalmes parables beeing a good demonstration a principall evidence of truthe As tokens shew freendes so signes are a peece of knowledge wherby wee are brought to beleeff and as wee know in part by them So is it a step of faith And by this observation David is mightily confirmed highly honoureth the doctrine through-out the Psalmes and greatly complaineth that Ierusalem wanted lerned men therin as Ps. 74. Therfor hee first propoundeth the Riche-mans travaile concerning the world counting it a hard thing for him to enter into the kingdom of heaven And makeing all his habilements facultyes of riches nothing worth and all his pleasure to bee but the flattery of the world and but for a short season because the Rich hath many
would so fain have refreshed healed and released The wrath of God for sinn causeth all diseases so hee falleth into an enumeration of them by the shakeing cleaving breaking and dissolution of the earth Which is for their infidelity their strife among themselves their sedition muteny and discord loosnes and unconstancy and because they have been put to much hardnes and were made giddy faint harted with the cup of their adversity Ier. 48. and could not tell what to doe they now beeing in this Acatastasy and unsetlednes and not knowing what to think hee remembreth by Gods word what Nations were to com in and that the world was not quite at an end with them but as the Priests lips preserves knowledge so they yeld also faith Therfor hee prayeth for Gods right hand called his Ministry their oracle and advise to save them From whence they haue this assurance from the word that God will fall to shareing of the world and to partition of the Nations to inlarge the borders of the Church That Shechem should bee divideed and Succoth measured That hee would haue Gilead and Manasses his own Ephraim should bee confirmed unto him and Iudah should be written and conveyed That hee would wash his feet and take possession in Moab And put off his shoos and take his rest in Edom. And triumph keep holy day in Phelistia And out of this promiss the Church doth hope for victory over all their Enimyes For this hee thanketh God for their salvation and prayeth still for his most prosperous help to tread down the Serpent as Ps. 92. and vainquish their Enimyes for them as Ps. 108. Construction Samek to uphold it is heer taken all along for help and salvation as Isai. 63. as O consider and help c. and O give us help And arm thy beloved c. God sheweth the Assistantes and the strength of the Church when it felt all kinde of weakenes when God stood not to them but forsook them Ther is nothing shewed but dissolution and susteyning And that God is their onely stay Exodus From Isa. 34. To kill Gods Enimyes is good service so that this great slaughter is counted for a sacrifice as that in Bozra and Edom according to the title See Ier. 49. Ezech. 25.35 Iehovah Nissi Exod. 17. God his standard PSALM LXI DAvid haveing fled out of the land for Absolom and beeing now faint and feeble harted in his old age and allmoste out of the world also for greeff of hart because hee was absent farr from the Church of God prayeth God as hee had been his relye and strong tower from the Enimyes which is the instruction of the Ark that hee would safe-conduct him by that highe Rock also the word as Ps. 27.18 to his Tabernacle That ther hee might now dwell for ever relyeing under his winges which is the Cherubs his Mercey And as God giveth possession to them that fear him the Israelites after 40 yeers in the wildernes so that hee would hearken to his wishes now after his reigne of 40 yeers and ad abundance of yeers more unto them that hee might abide still in the presence of God preserved by loveing kindenes and truth his portion his meat his Manna And as Ps. 81. paying hi● vowes and chaunting his Name for ever After the Tower the Ark and mercy seat Rock and Manna And seeing by the Scriptures the way is to pleas God and get up to his tabernacle and dwell with him as Ps. 15. and to obtein the habitation of godlynes and Mount of holynes and heighth of sanctification as in the Psalmes of degrees which are their shelter and tower of defens and safety from the floodes of wicked Enimyes by the quiet waters of refreshing flowing from them Ps. 23. When Davids hart fainted hee knocketh at this Rock and prayeth for direction thither to receiue a heavenly possession with them that fear God and length of dayes and all requests by the sustenance therof the way of godlynes grace and truthe Psal. 25. That feeding heerupon as upon unperishing Manna hee may bee allwayes preserved by God to serve him And this is the spirituall rock of Christ that followed the Host and served Israel and was the Exodus and Passage and conveyance of them 1. Cor 10. Construction Samec is heer taken passively as Nismac to rely or lean upon As in a feeble estate by repeating the word rely And the reckoning up of all his stayes the rock for a guide Tabernacle and tower and cherubs and kindenes and truthe for preservation Aleph for instruction or education is signifyed by the rock tower whose top reacheth to heaven and is a name exalted so much in all the world by prayer and prais Sa of Nasa both the letters to lift up Exodus They that fear the Name of God shall have the possession of all that they long for then vowes upon condition are due for hearkening to their wishes they must make unto God full satisfaction and pay their vowes and this serveth for a sacrifice in the wildernes also as by the doubling of the word vowes His vow heer is an everlasting devotion yf God will give him dayes As by the termes of eternity so oft repeated God his Rock 1. Cor. 10. For his susteining PSALM LXII ILL Servants marr good children The subtilty and reach of Ahitophel Davids counseller hit upon the pride and vanity of Absolom his sonn as Ps. 55. and puffed him up to rebellion to rob his father of his subjects and kingdom The matter now beeing at open hostility and they in counsell agreeing to a murtherous practise upon his person for it yet David by a cleer judgement faileth not of his faith and trust in God nor doubteth of his salvation as Ps. 42. but is sure of his redeemer Iob. 19. and that hee shall not bee overthrowen b●caus they bee lovers of falshood and dissembling traitors that seek his life the Godhead of truth and Iustice and the strength of the word called his rock beeing the glory of his salvation and relye and willeth to all his people that from their hartes they utter the same profession And seeing the children of men are more fals and light than vanity it self they should not trust to bee rich or strong by robbery or oppression Ps. 17. becaus all strength is Gods that still prevaileth and Kindenes that rewardeth every man aright which is according to his request Ps. 55. to his Enimyes half their dayes by a desperat end to Ahitophel for miscarrying of his wisdom and the foolish end of Absolom for his vain hope The Church as it is Catholicque and also holy so it doth hold either by the Law or by the Promiss By the Law it standeth in performance and that is impossible for the flesh by reason of weaknes and sinn and condemnation and death enter therupon and the letter killeth which is the face of the church but the minde and spirit of God which quickneth every
of Right which is the Law as Psal. 111. And God hath made in Iacob in that kingdom of priests a Law both of judgement and justice for the peace and salvation of his servants which hee committed to Moses Aaron and Samuel of his Priests in a cloudy and dark stile when they called upon him that they should handle the same and they observed it and received the understanding of it to preach it to all The summ of all which hee answered them was the two parts of the Law defineing himself unto them as Ps. 19. that the Law had reward and punishment in it and that hee was a God of forgivenes and a God of revenge for their works Therfor that they should exalt greatly the throne of that kingdom of justice of their God and fall at his feet at his footstool Ierusalem and becom his subjects becaus hee is holy and prostrate their selves in Zion at his holy hill for the holynes of the Law and the vtterance therof the everlasting Kingdom of God and his Righteousnes Construction Tsade for food for receiving of the word and preaching of it Exod. 19.20 Iudgement the strength of Government and of a King is heer for food Micah 5. This was Iacobs portion and the majesty of Zion Gods Testimonyes and prescripts answers out of the Law in a secret stile Heerwith is his ministry fed when they call and all rule preserved and kingdom established Hee raigneth within the vaile in the moste holy place and feedeth with mercey and forgiuenes from the mercy seat and reuenge a kinde of judgement from the Law And this is his holynes mark the word repeated and argued Iudgement answer holy strength and confirming calling c. Theth to decline or stoop or bow or prostrate as from Cheth the second letter in the other peece They extoll him with all humility and reverence for the same Marke the doubling of the words Exalt and prostrate c. and equalls footstool holy hill c. Numbers The Nations for want of Iudgement have no strength nor stay of government but are in commotion are declineing and tottering all in peeces kingdoms divideed against them selves they cannot stand The doctrine of Zion beeing so farr above theirs is to bee admirably exalted and reverence●d and for the holynes of it opposeed to the wildernes of their profanenes PSALM C. WHat it is to tell out the loueing kindenes and faithfullnes of God at morning and evening prayer of the Sabbath Ps. 92. and the worthynes and benefit therof is shewed cleerly in this psalme to bee thankfullnes vnto him For what better thing can be then it by which God is best and onely gloryfied Ps. 50. and man best pleased seeing that the repeating of kindenes expresseth thanks Then as kindenes is measureed by the benefits and faithfullnes seen in all good turns so the greatest good turn and greatest benefit and the greatest kindenes deserveth the greatest thankes Now what greater goodnes could ther bee to the Church then their Creation and reforming of their heathenish manners and the makeing of them by his Word and Law wherby he became a father vnto them begetting them out of all darknes feare and distress to a most glorious light and boldnes and salvation to make them his own people his holy people and his onely inheritance his sheep and flock and congregation and to bee their dayly sheephard and Pastor as Ps. 23. giueing them their education and food out of the Doctrine therof And what worship thanks or blessing or prais or honour can bee sufficient for so great a benefit Therfore for the goodnes of his everlasting kindenes and faithfulnes it is required that they neglect not but come before him and keep Sabbath in his holy place and with all alacrity all triumph all glory and melody that can bee that of all offerings they remember to sacrifice thanks and praise in his courts with all their forcees And that they recompens worship and blessing of his Name the cheeffest service for evermore then which nothing can bee sweeter in the nostrels of God Construction Quoph of Jaquaph to compass beseege or invade Ios. 6. which hee expoundeth by the word bo to come vpon or to or invade Is. 41. wherfore the word is twise vseed that it may bee noteed As also by the rest of the words that intend the priests function that minister about him in the congregation on the Sabbath as triumph serue and thank and prais and bless c. the Eternall and his Name in his hous for his loueing kindenes that is alwayes round about them and compassing them Ps. 32. and imbraceing of them Numbers Hee imbraceed them with his grace in the wildernes and with his loue and kindenes drew them to him and built them vp with Faith in his Word Is. 31. The Eternall is the God that made them and owes them and feeds them What is heere intended but the godhead of grace and mercy in the Name Iehovah Eternall the way of God Psal. 145.116 Deut. 4. Exod. 33. Distinguished by the repetition of the demonstratiue Hee hee that c. And this his everlasting mercyes and goodnes and truth of his word his faith and loue haue compassed them and wonn them out of rudenesse and mended their manners So the Makeer Owner and Pasture is nothing but the way of God which is to lead liue an eternall life which neuer expireeth as the Law that dyeth not while the kingdom standeth which beeing a life for all and for ever and for rest is called Eternall PSALM CI. IN this Psalme David makeeth God to teach his way and to tell his minde to them that feare him promissed Psal. 25. which is the Iudgement and the kindenes mentioned in the Psalmes heere before which hee now makeeth a Psalme of to wit of Grace and of condemnation which the word yeeldeth at the hearing therof beeing the Baptism of the holy Ghost and of fire and the fann that purgeth the floor and makeeth clean the corn from the chaff and diuideeth the sheep from the Goats the blessed from the cursed and the Elect from the reprobate Wher God teacheth in his Church the perfect way that hee himselfe walketh in his hous with an intyre hart as Ps. 26. when they come vnto him shewing whom he setteth out of sight and who shall not cleane with him whom hee hateeth and whom hee will put away whom hee will take no knowledge of whom hee will utterly dissolue and whom hee cannot abide Whom his eyes are upon to dwell with him walk with him and serve him and who shall not dwell with him nor tary in his sight That by this division the Enimyes of God may bee soon cutt off and dissolved from the citty of God and his habitation The knowledge wherof is also a wonderfull benefit For by this description and separation and excommunication of the wicked the just may bee saveed and the church increased For how shall they
God wil still lead him in plain ground and by this meanes bring him out of all distress and destroy his Enimyes and for his names sake revive him and that hee would graunt him this kindenes with speed not to hide his face and the understanding of his law from him and confound him This power is such as Christ gave to his Disciples over unclean spirits to cast them out and to heal all disseases that is to purge and rid men of all ill conversation of life by their doctrine speaking by the spirit of the father the word and addressing them to the keeping of the commandements which is the power of the Kingdom and government here prayed for Yf I cast out divills by the spirit of God then is the Kingdom of God com unto you Construction Quoph to compass by the words distress and torment and loveing kindenes and supplication c. Mem waters for doctrine teach mee lead mee revive mee let mee hear let mee know hide not thy face hear consider meditate remember talk c. For an Enimy pursue or flood or persecution Ghimel a reward loving kindenes servant Psal. 62. Hee chalengeth much becaus of his service of him his instruction to him and destruction to his Enimyes and heerunto is Enimy opposeed Mark all his works how they witnes nothing but desolation body and minde God must testify by his grace and favour to him in his deliverance Mark all the repetitions Eternall hear righteousnes consider servant liveing Enimy soul ground spirit dooing handes unto thee distress c. Hee prayeth God to cut off his working by his way of righteousnes opposed to falshood Causes why upon Ghimel to reward heare or answer twenty six according to the letters of Iehovah Deuteronomy Hee sheweth himself to bee a sound profession before God and diligent in all the imployment of godlynes and prayeth for the fruit and testimony of the way of godlynes and the liveing way and everlasting life by finding the mercyes favour of God upon him by his instruction as mens works witnes of them Ioh. 5.8.10 and this for a confession also to cross fals testimony PSALM CXLIV BEcaus his servants life and his hous is so greedily coveted hee prayeth God to take it to hart and with a furious judgement to descend to deliver him from thes uncircumcised tonges and handes of the seperate ones and aliens from his glory or welth called great waters That according to Psal. 92. hee may set the ten stringed violl to work with a new song a song of judgement and grace as Psal. 101. by saveing of Kings by his servant from the hurtfull sword according to his precept thou shall not covet his servant c. that seeing the commandements bee out hee may beginn with the Petaroth of judgements laws and statutes of condemnation and justification the Vrim and Thummim or the two hills and brefts of the Priests That so great a glory of Israel and the Church should not be extinguished That all estates might have their full utility plenty and ripenes that their sonns and daughters may bee safe without any ravenous or untimely covet or stealth to grow up wel educateed and neatly and gloriously facioned and edifyed in their youth in the fear of God And this for his man-servant and his maid servant bec●us Gods servants are his Children That their cup-bord may never bee empty and that their sheep may bee infinit many increased in their streets the ox and the ass with their dayly burdens of wealth and store without any freebooting or robbery or covetous filching or wrangling or violent stealing or caus of out cry among them This hee counteth a moste glorious and happy estate of all with whom it thus fares and whos God and neighbour the everlasting is against whom ther is no prevailing and when the childe and hous-hold servants of God doo flowrish and are well replenished like Temples of holynes So as men are commanded to doo good especially to them of the hous-hold of faith so heer the strictest forbidding of Covet is that the Godly may injoy their quiet and their labours as Ps. 128. whithout deprivation or disturbance that God would bow the heavens and decline the Scriptures and touch the mountaines and Kingdomes and nations therwith that they may smoke again with the condemnation and firey judgement of them And that hee would blast them and dispers them and with terrible arrowes of his lightning destroy the Churches Enimyes And deliver his servantes from them Becaus all means of deliverance and way of salvation is his to rely on the shield of faith That hee takeeth notice of the Church and Ark of Noah under the person of Adam whos dayes are 930. And keepeth such computation of it as in the word Tsel 930 a shadow moste like to vanity and this agreeth with the posterity of the just in the termn Shalom 930 yeers Psal. 37. This Psalme keepeth the square of the Church the length and bredth to bee one Ezech. 41. Apoc. 7. Construction Quoph to compass or inviron is heer the great waters of falshood and injury of strangers that are opposit to all vicinity and good society Ps. 18.22 Ioh. 2. Also by all parts of his fortification defense and safety and Gods mercy about him Mem waters his heavens or waters above the firmament lightning Gods Arrows Zach. 9. Gods handes and messages and judgements Kings montaines Mem finall is 600. and that number is in the letters Shequer falshood or wrong Waters for people abundance or wealthy estate warr or doctrine of deliverance Daleth a door Doors of heaven Ps. 78. By breaking in running out streats without doores c. Math. 6. Ioh. 10. The effect of all is condemnation opposed to felicity how voyd of damage and hurt all neighbour hood should bee ps 15. And how improper improsperous all covet is but God only Mark all the repetition blessed happy handes fingers warr battail people man heavens highthes waters lightnings arrows handes scatter Kings mountains send rid or open deliver falshood wrong Alians mouth c. sing song Psalm salvation and hurtfull one in respect of the other sonnes buttersses buttryes Zach. 9. meat thousands cattell with other relations Deuteronomy Hee maketh heer happynes the eternity which only consisteth in relyeing in God That saveth him that hee can not bee hurt nor suffer any depriveing by foreiners at all Hee reckoneth up Gods safegard and his gracees to him for a confession and sings his deliverance The fathers before the flood their long lives desolation of the Church quite overwhelmed with the waters of warr as Dan. 9. strangeers and falshood beast Apoc. 13. PSALM CXLV TO sum up the Lords prayer and petition which holdeth out after the commandements in one word which is the Kingdom of heaven and power and glory therof Hee sheweth becaus the greatnes of God far passeth all magnificence and his estimablenes far beyond all examination Ps. 50. For his
pitty and compassion for his long patience and great benignity kindenes for his goodnes and mercyes to and over all his works because his Kingdom and power and glory is eternall for susteining them that are falling and in decay and setting upright them that are declineing and giving all things their meat in due time and liberally and freely and bountifully satisfyeing all living creatures with his open handes For his justice in all his wayes and kindenes upon all his creatures of his Church for his neernes to them that call upon him faithfully by performing what soever they request and hearing them and saveing them and destroying all the wicked as Psal. 92. That therfor seeing this Kingdom is of this kinde of heavenly operation not of the world which is the seed of the word sowen in the hart of man to govern him hee now as in the conclusions of all the rest of the books exalteth greatly this God and King of his and blesseth his name and the calling upon him for ever and ever Which exaltation and hallowing of his Name is a new work after the petition is ended to finish all which shall last for ever as Psal. 111 for makeing him sundry wayes ripe in the word of God and cherishing him therwith for setting him in the doctrine that lasteth for ever and ever That ever generation from the beginning to the end might prais his workes and the power therof And that hee will esteem the glory of his worshipp and tell of his wonderfull acts by the mystery of the priesthood and that they may speak of and confess the reverendnes and the strength of all his worship as Psa. 92 and mighty terrors ps 90. Hee hath thus reckoned his magnificence and greatnes that all his works and holy creatures might confess him and bless him and tell out his glory ps 57. and speak of his power to make known to all the children of men his powers and most inestimable glory of his kingdom that all eyes do wait for for their food of wisdom and understanding which is never out of season ps 1. For which he would that his mouth should alwaies speak Gods prais and all flesh bless his holy name for ever and ever Construction Quoph of Jaquaph to compass or circuit as 1. K. 7. Heerto hee bringeth the greatness of his mercy and huge extent of his kingdom and power and glory therof by his infinit working without all circuit or bounds to receive all that call Mem waters for a kingdom rule domination Is. 8. the king is Jehovah as ps 24. by the curious takeing of the letters of his name in a new spelling of Iehovah for Iod He and Vav his miracles glory and mercy the salvation is the Scriptures for his kingdom of drawing and allureing when men hear and read and are ruled by them which is the calling upon them and serching them drawing and governing Ier. 31. Is. 54. Io. 6. behold for the admirable glory and shineing of it in all his creatures as by all words of utterance and declaration Quamah to stand or endure for the eternity perfection and infinite stature of his name for his exaltation and therfor the defective letter Nun or N. is left out of the row of the A. B.C. also Quamah for a field of standing corn Mark the doubleing of the words in all Deuteronomy The confession is the continueing of words of declartion of his acts of eternall life and wonderfull kindenes and way and workes of salvation and exaltation of his name Mark the repetition PSALM CXLVI IN this psalme hee considereth that hee will make his confidence sure and then spend all his life in prais and psalmes unto his God as ps 92. Therfor takeing away all vanity of worldly confidence hee seeketh the heavenly happines therof that the God of Sion and the Church and his righteousnes is to reign for ever and to bee exalted and praised Therfor heer as ps 118. hee willeth not to trust in unchariritable princes or any human men which know not the high wisdom of God nor the depth of the mysterie therof determined for the glory and safety of the Church which have no salvation or help in them that by and by consume and turn to earth as soon as the breath is out of them and in the same day all their estimation and reputation and thoughts are at an end and perish hee now sheweth a more than fleshly revelation to them that love him that is the godly of a sound rock to build upon that spirituall things must be set to spirituall things our faith in spirituall charity becaus God is spirit and this a healing faith hee commendeth greatly the beleeff in God and his word the Creator maintainer and restorer of all things and the happines of him that reposeeth all his help and hope in him setting him forth by his heavenly properties Tell Iohn what things ye have seen a preserver of truth and keeper of faithfullnes for ever a Releever of the oppressed and a graunter of his request and a righter of their caus a feeder of them that hunger for him a resolver of all that be tyed in ignorance and doubt or haesitation a giver of sight and knowledge to the blinde and unlearned and a streighter and director of them that bee of a wrong and a crooked opinion or lame and declining in their understanding and a lover of them that be right and most charitablely preserveth strangers with hospitality and mainteineth parents for orphans and husbands for widdowes as ps 68. a perverter crosser of all the wayes works of wicked men as ps 1 that they may perpetually bee seen to perish and com to naught the everlasting God and his most charitable word of righteousnes the God of Sion that reigneth and helpeth for ever for all ages and throghout all generations And thus much concerning a right beleeff confidence as in the 15 psalmes of deg●ees as uppon the end of the petition Construction Quoph to compass hee keepeth 2 Kin. 11 salvation for walles Is. 26. faith salveth thy faith hath made thee whole c. Mem waters Lam. 3. G. the working doctrine of the Kingdom of the king God Iehovah Eternall the works of righteousnes great works of God by the word doeing makeing for his mighty reforming of all sorts Is. 42. Mark the repetition for one part of the kingdom Vau a hook or crook faith hope and love for affection and appetite the distinction and opposition of his trust The tree letters Quomo are for the raiser and comforter Is. 26.42 the opposition is God and man the one a releever and a reformer of the godly of all sortes Am 7. and the other a decayer Is. 2. God is an euerlasting erecter and helper of his and an overthrower of the wicked Mark the repetition Deuteronomy The praising and blessing of the Eternall doth intend his miraculous Acts and works of eternity and