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A09859 The flowers of the liues of the most renowned saincts of the three kingdoms England Scotland, and Ireland written and collected out of the best authours and manuscripts of our nation, and distributed according to their feasts in the calendar. By the R. Father, Hierome Porter priest and monke of the holy order of Sainct Benedict, of the congregation of England. The first tome. Porter, Jerome, d. 1632.; Rucholle, Peeter, 1618-1647, engraver.; Baes, Martin, engraver. 1632 (1632) STC 20124; ESTC S114966 523,559 659

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the worthie examples of them both soe to rule the flock of CHRIST committed to their charge that they may attaine to the euerlasting happines which these enioy in heauen Amen The life of Sainct DVNSTAN is written by Osberne a monke of Canturbury who florished in the yeare 1020. Surius recites it in his 5. tome Out of which and NICOLAS HARPSFIELD saec 10. cap. 3. 6. 7. we haue chiefly gathered this whole historie of his life The Roman martirologe maks mention of him And not lōg after his death Canutus King of England in a famous sinod at winchester ordayned amongst other things that the memorie of Sainst DVNSTAN should be yearly celebrated in the English Church as it is in the Sarum Berniarie But in an auncient manuscript Bre●iary of Sainct BENEDICTS Order J find the seast of his holy deposition celebrated the 19. of May with an office of twelue tessons Baronius tom 10. Trithemius in his worke of the illustrious men of Sainct BENEDICTS Order lib. 3. cap. 221. lib. 4. cap. 100. william Malmesbury de gest reg Ang. l. 2. and more amply de gest Pont. lib. 1. and ali our English writers doe worthyly speake his prayses And glorious mention is made of him in the lines of S. Edward king and martir march the 18. of Sainct ELPHFGVS Archbishop and martir Aprill the 19. and elsewhere The life of S. ETHELBERT King and Martir MAY. 20 Written by Ioānes Anglicus ETHELBERT sonne to Etheldred king of the East-Angles from his verie infancie gaue worthy signes of great towardlines and vertue which in riper yeares he brought to an higher degree of The exercises of his yout h. Christian perfection Coming to yeares of discretion he was sett to schoole wherein he not only profitted much in learning but allsoe auoyding all the fond allurements and vaine pleasures of the world contrarie to the custom of children nobly borne he spent his greatest endeauours in dayly prayers giuing of almes and other vertuous workes of Christian pietie excelling all his equalls in yeares as farre in vertue and learning as in the royaltie of his bloud for when they were sweating in the dustie exercises of their youthfull games ETHELBERT was deuoutly weeping in the Church He is made King of the ●●st-Angle● at his prayers At length death hauing robbed his father of the cares of this world ETHELBERT succeeded in the gouernement of the Kingdome when it was rare to behould with what prudent counsell mercifull iustice meeke iudgement and all other vertues belōging to a good Prince he ruled his subiects liuelily expressing both in word worke and example that by how much the more a man is exalted to the height of dignitie by ●oe much he ought to beare a mind more submissiue and courteous vnto all whereby he wonne a wonderfull and singular grace in the hearts of his nobles and people To his mother the Queene he allwaies dutifull loue and respect as vnto his gouernesse and whatsoeuer was pleasing to her desire stood euer with his good liking II. IN THE meane time allbeit of him self he were wholly bent His Nobles perswade ●im to Martie to embrace perpetuall chastitie soe naturall a propension he had to the loue of all vertue yet being earnestly perswaded by the vrgent prayers of his Nobilitie lest otherwise being destitute of an heyre his Kingdom might fall into some danger he yeelded to their desires and gaue his mind to mariage Then the name and fame of one Seledrid only daughter to a Prince rich and potent in the south part of England to whom after her fathers death that Kingdom fell for a dowrie being in the mouthes of all men her our noble ETHELBERT was perswaded to take to wife thereby to ioyne the possession of that principalitie vnto his owne Kingdom But he refused to listen to this counsell affirming that Egeon her father allbeit he were not vnnoble yet he was reported to haue been allwaies much inclined to guile deceipt part whereof sayd he he hath in former time practised against my father At length after a long deliberation he made choise of Alfred daughter to Offa King of the Mercians and the more strictly to oblige her and her father vnto him this vertuous Prince went him self with a He taketh his iourney into Mercia small garde of his owne countrey into Mercia or Midle-England to fetch her in pompe from her fathers court But at his very entrance into this iourney he was terrified with manie strange prodigies and accidents as soe manie fatall signes of his death to which he hastened Ascending on horseback the earth was shaken vnder him and all the cleernes of the day was suddenly darkened with a thick clowd in which appeared a pillar of light breaking out by times that only gaue him light to see his way at length that being buri●d in those sad ●lowdes the sunne it self seemed to haue forgotten his office of lighting the world becoming dreadfully darke and black to the sight of him and his companie Where manie being much amazed deuined strangely what those signes might portend only the holy King ETHELBERT in whose heart was engraffed soe pious a candour of nature that he constered all sinister suspicions of deceit in the best sence and constantly perseuered in his proposed A free cōscience is voyd of feare iourney with a merrie heart and speech comforting and encouraging his companie to let a firme confidence in the mercie and goodnes of allmightie God banish out of their hearts all vaine feare of worldly dangers And falling downe on his knees amongst them all he made his prayer to our Lord and presently the sunne dispersed those darke cloudes and gaue them perfect light againe III. THEREFORE he arriued safely into Mercia and to the court of King Offa at a place in H●refordshire called Sutton-Wallis where he was at first most courteously and royally entertayned by Offa. But the night following holy ETHELBERT was much terrified and troubled in his sleepe with manie strange dreames and visions presaging his ensuing death as allsoe the immortall glory which should follow This King Offa had a wife called Quendred who hearing her daughter Alfrid highly extolling the See the enuy of wicked woemā nobles dotes vertues and riches of Ethelbert and his Kingdome and preferring them before her owne fathers was presently wounded to the heart with the sharpe thornes of a iealous enuie with which she laboured soe cruelly that she could not be deliuered but by the death of King ETHELBERT and the possession of his kingdom Therefore going presently to King Offa her husband she dealt earnestly with him to further her damnable proiect in murdering that innocent Prince For behould sayd she how God hath deliuered your enemie into your hands that by his death his kingdom may passe vnto the right and title of you and your successors In summe whether Offa consented to her deuilish purpose as some Authours say he did or whether he were
his other hād some of the holy water which him self had blest against that vgly fiend he droue him away from the house with greate confusion And then leading the poore man newly redeemed out of the iawes of death quaking and trēbling with feare into his inner cell he disposed his soule with good instructions for Auricular con●ession the better receauing of the sacrament of peanance Which done the poore man falling downe on his knees before the holy Sainct proclaimed him selfe guiltie at the sacred barre of confession by which he clearly purged his conscience from all the infectious venō which the deuill had planted therein and hauing receaued his absolution pronounced by the mouth of S. VLFRICK he desired likewise to communicate the blessed sacrament of the Aultar at his hands Who houlding that dreadfull misterie before his face at the Altar demanded yf he did truly sincerely beleeue the bodie of CHRIST to be really vnder that forme of bread I doe beleeue confesse it sayd he for wretched sinner that I am I see the bodie of my lord IESVS in thy hands in the true forme of flesh God be for euer praysed replied Behould the ●eall presence in the sacrament the holy man and presently at his prayers the sacred Eucharist returning to the vsuall forme of bread he gaue it the poore man who from this time forwards was euer free from the burthen of that diabolicall yoake and from all trouble and vexation of those hellish monsters IX A PIOVS woeman on a time sent three loaues of bread vnto S. VLFRICK by a messenger who hid one by the way and deliuered Note a rare miracle the other two only but goeing back he found his loafe to be chainged into a stone soe hard that his iron and steele turned edge as he endeauoured to cutt it asunder But that hardnes melted his heart with sorrow for returning in great hast to S. VLFRICK he discoured this strainge accident humbly desiring pardon of his temerarious offence Who not only forgaue him but making the signe of the crosse vppon that stonnie bread he brake it with great facilitie and giuing part thereof vnto the messenger sent him away greatly edified to haue seene such vertue X. A GREAT noble man of king Henries court hauing heard of the A Nobleman punished by God for detracting S. Vlfrik fame of S. VLFRICK sayd that the King might doe well to send some officers to the Cell of that craftie seducer to take away his money whereof he could not but haue great store such a mightie concurse of poeple dayly flocked vnto him These words were noe sooner spoken but by his diuine power who is euer zelous in behalf of his saincts the mouth of that rash man was writhen and stretcht to his eares and he him self dashed violently against the ground where he lay for a time sprawling and foaming in miserie The king vppon this occasion went to the holy mans poore habitation and carefully recōmending him self vnto his deuout prayers earnestly petitioned withall for the noble man I impute not this sinne vnto him replied the Saint but doe heartily desire that he may haue pardon at the hands of allmightie God being my self in the meane time most readie to doe whatsoeuer is conuenient for me And at the same instant one of the standers by tooke the holy Saint by the hand and applying it to the face of a sick person there present restored him to perfect health with the only touch of those holy fingers XI THIS Blessed Sainct as you haue heard before prophesied vnto His guift of prophesie count Stephen then a priuate mā that he should be owner of the realme of England during whose raigne manie warlick commotions troubles molested the cōmon peace all which likewise S. VLFRICK foretould vnto the lord of his village as allsoe of the captiuitie of the same King and of his deliuerie At length King Stephen coming to his cell on a time the holy man after manie zealous rebukes and profiteable exhortations foretould him among other things that he should raigne during his life time admonishing him by all meanes to doe worthie penance for the same for otherwise he should neuer enioy ether suretie in his Kingdom or peace from those rude broiles which to his cost he had lōg experienced Wherevppon King Stephen confesseth to S. Vlfrick the King with teares trickling downe his cheekes witnessed the inward sorrow of his mind and making a sincere confession of that sinne willingly performed the penance which the propheticall Sainct inioyned him See the wonderfull force of Gods grace that giueth power to a poore sillie creature to make the stubborne hearts of kings to relent and returne from the wild deserts of iniquitie to the direct high way of iustice I can neuer too often repeate that saying of the prophet God is wonderfull in his saincts XII ABOVT a yeare before his death sitting one day in his cell Psal 67. v. 38. the ioints of his iron coate miraculously dissolued and it fell downe to his knees which he presently tooke vpp and fastened againe about his shoulders with more strong stayes And his whole bodie which before seemed to imitate iron in hardnes beganne to swell with little blisters and plainly to shew it was but flesh soe that his coate and his flesh with a like token foreshewed the time of his warrefare in this world to draw neere to an end Therefore after a while he called his priest vnto him and tould him that the hower of his departure was at hand for the next saturday sayd he I must prouide my self for my last and happiest iourney which soe long I haue desired And in the verie hower which he foretould ioyning and directing his hands and eyes towards heauen whither he was goeing he deliuered vpp his blessed soule out of the thraldom of this world He foretelleth the time of his death to the neuer dieing ioyes of heauen the twentith day of February in the yeare of our Lord 1154. shortly after the coronation of Henry the second King of that name in England His life is written by Ioannes Anglicus or Iohn Capgraue Mathew Paris in Henrico 2. fol. 88. and Nicholas Harpsfield saec 12. cap. 29. out of whom we haue gathered this present historie Henrie Huntington and other English Historiographers make honorable mention of him S. MILBVRGA FILIA MERWALDI REGIS IN ANGLI●… Virgo ac Abbatissa Ordinis S. Benedicti Feb. 2 3. M●●●… The life of S. MILBVRG virgin and Abbesse of the holy order of S. BENEDICT FEBR. 23 Written by Gotzeline mōke ETHELBERT king of Kent and the first of our English kings that receaued the Christian fayth was S. MILBVRGS great grandfathers father she was daughter to Merwald king of the Mercians and his queene Dompne●e by some called Ermenburg Milburg therefore Her royall pa●●nts inheriting the royall splendour of two princely kingdoms Kent and Mercia as the ornament
instant He died the sixth of March and was buried in Cornwall in a chappell in the towne of Padstow which chappell remayneth there to this day He is reported to haue wrought manie wonderfull miracles in his life time which bicause they tend rather to breed an incredulous amazement in the readers then mooue to anie workes of vertues or pietie we haue willingly omitted His life is written by IOANNES Anglicus and recited by IOHN CAPGRAVE and mention is made of him in the Chronicles of Ireland and other anncient monuments The life of Sainct KYNEBVRG queene and Abbesse and of Sainct Kineswide and Tibbe Virgins all of the holy order of S. Benedict MAR. 6. Takē out of diuers graue Authours SAINCT KYNEBVRG and KYNESWIDE daughters to wicked Penda the Heathen king of the Mercians inherited soe little of their fathers impietie and were soe farre from following the blind waies of his Paganisme that contrariwise like two bright starres they shined in the true profession of Christian religion and vertue Soe that their father though euer rebellious against allmightie God Kyneburg marieth King Alfred yet in them he furnished his heuenly Kingdom with two most sacred branches of sainctitie KYNEBVRG to gett out of the reach of his crueltie maried Alfred King of the Northumbers which was rather an aduancement then a hindrance to her in the continuall exercise of vertue pietie The poore needie and afflicted had soe pious a mother of her that she seemed to be borne for noe other end then to relieue their miserie And yet did she not soe excell in this one grace as yf she were dead to all other vertues for there was allmost noe prayse due vnto a pious-noble woeman wherein she might not iustly challege her part all waies performing with a singular care and diligence whatsoeuer appertayned vnto God and his diuine Her desire of a chast life seruice The feruour of her pietie dayly encreasing she became at length soe rauished with the sacred loue of her immortall spouse the King of heauen that she earnestly desired to renounce her terrene King Kingdom thereby to beare the sweet yoke of CHRIST with more freedom and loathing all mortall embracements she aspired only to vnite her soule with allmightie God in the sacred linkes of his diuine loue Which that with more libertie and profitt she might bring to passe she neuer ceased with her pious perswasions to sollicite the King her husband vntill he had graunted her licence to liue according to her owne free will The King at length honouring and admiring soe great feruour of pietie and religion in his wife as it were violently forced and compelled him self contrarie to the inclination of his owne will to forgoe his power of matrimonie otherwise lawfull and not only gaue her way to follow her owne desires but him self allsoe putt on a constant and setled resolution and purpose to keepe perpetuall continencie euer after Therefore within a short time the Kings Pallace it self contrarie to A royall r●so●ution of chastitie custom in such places was changed as it were into a monasterie of religion and a shop where was practised all manner of discipline of more exact vertue and pietie The King his queene liued as brotheir and sister vnited togeather in a stricter vnion of minds then before they were of bodies KYNEBVRG not a little glad hereat when after a while she perceaued the King her husband to be sufficiently confirmed in this new course of pietie she departed with his leaue to a monasterie which she had prepared for her self and other virgins where changing her kind of life she made the splendour and greatnes of her former estate stoope to the plainnes of humilitie her riches to grow richer by a volūtarie pouertie her delights to be an ordinarie slender diet and insteed of the ambitions traine of her noble ladies of honour she was accompanied with a few poore Virgin-Nunnes with whom she led a vertuous and religious life vnder the rule of our most holy father Sainct BENEDICT This monastery was built at a place then called Dormundcaster and afterwards Chineburgcastle some two miles distant from the famous Benedictine Abbey of Peterborrough II. IN THE meane time her sister KYNESWIDE as yet but yong had S. Kyneswide not attayned the sacred vaile of religion but waiting as it were at the chamber doore of her diuine spouse admired and imitated the sainctity of her sister soe well that she gaue great signes and tokens of her owne future sainctity When S. KYNEBVRG serued her for a true patterne or sampler whence she might take out the pious workes and flowers of vertue and religion being brought vp vnder her gouernment in the sacred schoole of a vertuous good life S. Kyneburg made Abbesse Afterwards S. KYNEBVRG being made Abbesse of the same monasterie it farre exceeds the force of weake wordes this poore penne to expresse with what loue she gayned soules to CHRISTS seruice with what care being gained she nourished them in the bosome of her charitie and how watchfull a guardian teacher she was of the diuine lawes and monasticall discipline dayly heaping vp a new encrease of vertues to her former till at length she left this life and Her death made a happie iourney vnto him for whose sake she had forsaken the world and the vanities thereof leauing vnto her dolefull sisters manie worthy examples of charitie and religion She was buried in the same monasterie which she had built III. AFTER the departure of this sacred Virgin Offa King of the East-Angles became wonderfully affected to the holy Virgin Kyneswide her sister and earnestly desired to make her his wife queene But KINESWIDE who was quite of an other mind and had allreadie betrothed her self to be a spouse of the King of heauen vtterly refused to yeeld vnto his desires And being with much importunitie sollicited therevnto by the perswasions yea and threatnings of her brethren she had recourse vnto the Mother of all puritie the Blessed Virgin MARIE whom with prayers and teares she earnestly implored to ridd her of these troubles The B. Virgin appearing in a The Virgin Marie appeareth to Kyneswide vision vnto her gaue her counsell couragiously to persist in her purpose of perpetuall chastitie promising withall to obtaine of her sonne CHRIST-IESVS whom she had chose for her spouse to graunt strength and helpe to her holy intentions Herevppon KYNESVIDE receauing new force and courage sent messengers to giue a defiance vnto King Offa breake of all hope of anie such league to be betwixt them beseeching and coniuring him by the dreadfull name She refuseth the marriage of King Offa. of our Lord not to sollicite her anie further with his loue which she iudged to be violence nor to make warre against heauen to take her from CHRIST her chosen spowse nor to trouble his angels the louers of virginitie but peaceably to permitt her with an vntouched freedom
to preach thirtie fiue yeares he laboured in the conuersion of that and other Ilands and the other thirtie three yeares the remaynder of his whole life he passed ouer attending chiefly to the sweetnes of a contemplatiue life in a monasterie sometimes at Armagh and sometimes in others places Nether was he easyly drawne out of those sacred sainctuaries but vppon the vrgent occasion of some vneuitable and weightie affayre Neuerthelesse once in a yeare he was wont to summon a Prouinciall Coūcell to reduce those that swerued from the truth to the rules of the Catholick Church Being shrowded in the Linnen of S. BRIGITS prouiding he was buried with wonderfull great reuerence honour and glorie within the cittie of Down in the verie place foreshewed by the light from heauen on the east side of the Church Ouer his tombe is writt a latin distick which in English goeth thus At DOWN these three lie in owne Tombe Patrick Brigett and holy Columbe Whereby it is manifest that S. BRIGITT whose life you haue the first Psal 8. of February and S. COLVM●A Abbott of whom God willing we will treate the ninth of Iune were both buried in the same Tombe with The conclusion S. PATRICK XIV AND here I inuite all that haue read this historie to crie out with the royall psalmist O Lord our how admirable is thy name through all the world who hast crowned thy Sainct with glorie and honour and seated him aboue the workes of thy hands For these indeed are the works of thy hands which soe much we admire and wonder the conuersion of a whole Countrey by the vntired labours and endeauours of this thy chosen and beloued seruant for him thou didest appoynt thy deputie and lieuetenant in this holy and wholesome affaire wherein when diuers before had employed their greatest zeale and industry yet because he was specially elected and selected by thee for this holy purpose thou didest voutchase to adorne him with the working of manie strange and miracles more then allmost anie other of thy Saincts that on the rudiments and foundations of those his predecessours he might plant the consummation and perfection of the whole worke These works and miracles are thine o Christ only worker of worders who euer truly wonderfull in thy Saincts daignest to glorifie them with soe great authoritie and power as they are able to glorie in the triumph purchased ouer the infernall enemies of mankind God of his infinite goodnes make vs partakers of the meritts and prayers of the glorious Sainct Amen An Annotation Manie wonders are related of a place in Ireland called S 〈…〉 ICKS Purgatorie which he is reported to haue obtayned of allmightie God for the conuersion of those incredulous poeple who refused to beleeue what he preached touching the pain●● of hell and ●●ies of heauen vnlesse by some meanes they might see taste of 〈◊〉 ●●th in this life Into that place those that entred with a strong constancie of sayth a true desire to doe peanāce for their sinnes felt vnspeakable torments after which they enioyed most glorious visions of the ioyes of heauen and returned the third day againe Manie make mētion of this strange Purgatorie as 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Bishop of Ossor vice primat of all Ireland Henricus Salter an English Monk of the Gistercian Congregation who writt a booke expressely of the Purgatory of S. PATRICK dedicated to the Abbot of Sart●s he liued fiue hundred yeares agoe MATHEW Paris an English monk of S. BENEDICTS order Dionisius Carthusta●●● verie learned and holy ●an in his treatise dequatuor Nouissimis and others But because Jo●el●●● the Authour of S. PATRICKS life whom we haue followed maketh noe mention of this his Purgatorie we haue likewise past it ouer in silence yet iudging for certaine that such a place is really ●●●●nt in Ireland as experience hath taugh●●● in man●e that 〈…〉 into it and namely in one Owen a souldier who in the raigne of King Stephen passed through those torments for peanance of his wicked life and at his returne related manie wonders he had seene and felt as the foresayd Authours doe testifie S●…●DWARDVS REX ANGLIAE ET MARTI … 〈…〉 The life of Sainct EDWARD King and martir MAR 18. Written in an aūcient manuscript recited by Surius THE NOBLE King EDWARD lineally descended from the royall and auncient bloud of our English Kings and which is farre more famous being baptised by the most holy Archbishop of Canbury S. DVNSTAN he began from his tender yeares to excell in vertue and pietie of life The incomparable King Edgar was his father a man renowned as well in feats of armes as in peace his mother was called Eifled daughter of a most powerfull duke of the East-Angles But noble Edgar hauing subdued not a few places of that land and brought them vnder his subiection soe that he obtayned the Monarchie ouer all England deuided before between manie and diuers Kings by exhortation of those two columnes of the English Church and Benedistin religion S. DVNSTAN Archbishop The pieti● of Edgar his father of Canturbury and S. ETHELWOLD of Winchester caused manie Benedictin monasteries in those vanquished Prouinces to be repayred and reedified at his owne cost chardges and some to be built new from the ground and in some of them he placed Monks of S. BENEDICTS order in others nunnes of the same all which he furnished and founded with ample rents and reuenewes to maintaine therein the seruice and seruants of allmightie God from the iniuries of necessitie He had allsoe by a second wife an other sonne called Ethelred But EDWARD that was the elder being a child of wonderfull great towardlines carefully auoyded all the lasciuious ensnaring pleasures of this world and endeauoured soe to behaue him self towards God and man that before all things he rendred him self most pleasing vnto God by his worthy integritie of mind and bodie and to men he became most gratefull by his modest and courteous carriage in all things shining withall to the world with all industrie wisedome and prudence These things soe highly pleased his renowned father Edgar that he ordayned him for his heyre and successour in the gouernment of the Kingdom and within King Edgar dieth a while all the affayres of the Realme being rightly setled and composed the most pious and glorious King Edgar changed this life for a better in the yeare of our Lord 977. and of his raigne the sixteenth the eight day of Iuly II. EDWARD according to his fathers will was by DVNSTAN and other Peeres of the Realme installed in the royall chayre and inuested with the robes and signes of royaltie But on his verie Coronation day manie of the nobles and Lords made great opposition against him in fauour of his yonger brother Ethelred whom they desired to aduance to the crowne Neuerthelesse the good resolution of saint DVNSTAN was Edward i● crowned King nothing daunted herewith nor mooued from his sentence but placing in
by the hands of S. ODO the Archbishop Then this holy Prelat returning to his Church discharged the part of a most worthy Pastour vsing an extreme vigilance ouer his flock which he gouerned with wonderfull integritie vnremoued constancie and discrete seueritie XI BVT the bishop of London being dead after mature deliberation for a successour noe man was found soe worthy as S. DVNSTAN And of London soe that he was cōpelled to vndertake the gouernment of that Sea allsoe whē how rarely he did the office of a holy Prelat in both these places it goes beyond the force of weake words to declare At length by the vnanimous consent of all he was chosen Archbishop of Canturbury when he went to Rome according to the custom of those times and obtained his Palle of the Pope who sent him back with all the authoritie and dignitie belonging to the Metropolitan of England At his returne with great honour applause he was receaued and installed in the Archiepiscopall Sea of Canturbury when assuming for his armour of proofe the word of God he strengthened him self against the Prince of the world and began on all sides to destroy and ruine his members with a resolute constancie and a cōstant resolution of true pietie vertue and religion XII A COVNT noe lesse rich the powerfull had vnlawfully married He excommunicateth an incestuous Count. his owne neece against whom S. DVNSTAN hauing the second and third time admonished and sharply rebuked for that incestuous offence seeing noe hope of amendment vsed the sword of abscision and by the sentence of excōmunication cutt him off from the communion of the Church The Count much incensed herewith had recourse to the King and to the Pope to make his peace with DVNSTAN but finding that both their entreaties could nothing moue the holy Prelate who remayned firme as a rock that could not be shaken with anie thing admiring the cōstancie of the Sainct fearing left his malediction should cause the ruine of his soule he diuorced him self from that vnlawfull wife And when DVNSTAN presided in a Nationall Synod of the whole realme the Count came barefoote Behould a rare example of publick peanance into the place cloathed in a poore wollen habit with a handfull of rods in his hand casting him self in that full assemblie at the feete of the holy Prelate with a woefull pietie craued pardon of his fault offring him the rods to be chastised and absolued from the excommunication and admitted to the sacramēts of the Church At which sight the whole companie was mooued to pittie and cōpassion and DVNSTAN more then the rest Yet obseruing all waies the rigour of discipline in his countenance a while he cōtayned his vrging teares but with difficultie till being entreated by the whole Councell with weeping words he gaue him pardon and absolution XIII BVT this was nothing in respect of that which he did to King King Edgars offence Edgar whom soe highly he honoured in the punishing of an enormious sinne which he had committed to the great scandall of the countrey The King coming once to the Monasterie of 〈◊〉 Nunnes at Wilton chanced to see a fayre yong mayde excelling both in nobilitie and beautie that liued there as a tabler amongst the other Nunnes of whom he became fondly amorous and desired to haue conference with her in a secret place The Mayde being carefull of her owne chastitie and fearing left the king might offer violēce in such an opportunitie tooke the vayle frō one of the other religious woemen putt it on her owne head supposing that he would attempt noe dishonestie against her thus vayled Whom when the King beheld in that manner Thou art quickly made ●● Nunne sayd he and pulling the vayle off her head rauished her by force such cruell enemies to the soule our eyes are that they robbe vs of our hearts This fact was cause of great scandall in the Kingdom till the newes arriued at the eares of saint DVNSTAN who was strucken with great sorow thereat Therefore hastening presently to the King and he as his manner was coming to mee●e him and offring to take him by the hand to leade him in with honour DVNSTAN with a frowning looke drew back his hand and Would not suffer him to touch it Whereat the King greatly amazed demaunded the reason of this strangnes To whom saint Note the zeale and constancie of S. Dunstan DVNSTAN Thou breaking all lawes of shamefastnes hast playd the adulterer thou despising God and not fearing the signe of chastitie hast robbed a Virgin of her integritie and doest thou aske why I giue the not my hand that sacrificeth the Sonne of the Virgin to his allmightie Father to be polluted with thy impure fingers First wash thy hands from filth with the teares of penance and then that thou maiest be reconciled to Gods grace honour and embrace the sacred hands of a Bishop The King who suspected nothing lesse then DVNSTAN to be guiltie of that secret was The great humilitie of King Edgar strangely amazed at these sharpe words and presently like an other Dauid he became penitent and throwing him self prostrate at the Bishops feete with words full of teares and sighs acknowledged his fault and desired penance DVNSTAN seeing soe great an example of humilitie in the King ranne to him and hauing lifted him from the ground began with a pleasing countenance to deale familiarly His seauen yeares peanance with him touching his soules health and inioyned him seauen yeares penance for satisfaction Who hauing obtayned a Pontisicall absolution ioyfully performed his penance and exercised manie other workes of pietie ouer and aboue by the instinct and counsell of S. DVNSTAN Moreouer remayning euer after constant in the loue and seruice of Allmightie God he very worthyly promoted both the ciuill and the Ecclesiasticall discipline of his realme was verie carefull to see iustice obserued to which end he established manie good lawes whereby he deserued to haue his kingdom adorned with soe manie heauenly benefitts and blessings that during his raigne nothing seemed to be wanting that any way belonged to the commoditie of a well-ordered and happie Common-wealth XIV NETHER doe I sayth Harpsfield beleeue this great felicitie Saec. 10. cap. 3. to haue flowed from anie other fountaine then that Edgar from a child allthough sometimes in his youth he suffered vnder human frailtie was allwaies piously affected to God and diuine things by which the rest of the common-wealth all his happines depended and that he vsed these most faythfull most friendly most wise and most holy Counsellours OSWALD ETHELWOLD and aboue all DVNSTAN who piously and holyly gouerned his youth in the way of vertue and good life And the holy documents which he suckt from their mouthes he afterwards fullfilled in his deedes and examples Whence it came to passe that by his royall meanes and by the couns●ll and ayde of these three worthie Bishops and
vnder them whereby manie of them were sorely hurt whilst the other part where S. DVNSTAN his adherents were remayned vnshaken and moueable And with this fall fell likewise the cause of the secular Clerkes and the Monkes remayned more firmely and miraculously established and confirmed in the possession of their Monasteries Soe that as we haue sayd by the meanes of saint DVNSTAN and the assistance of the worthy Bishops saint OSWALD and saint Fortie eight monasteries of Benedictines ETHELWOLD the number of fortie eight Monasteries of Monkes and Nunnes of the holy Order of S. BENEDICT were founded and repayred and replenished with Conuents of religious persons that night and day sung the prayses of allmightie God and liued a most holy and vertuous life XVIII BVT allthough this most holy Bishop hath deserued eternall How he conformed the Benedictine Order prayse and glory for his worthie endeauours bestowed thus in restoring the Monasticall Order yet the chiefest title of honour is due vnto him in that he laboured not only to repayre the outward walles and buildings of monasteries to replenish them with store of Monkes but allsoe made it the highest point of his ayme and studie to reduce the Monasticall discipline it self to the auncient and primitiue rigour and vigour of our holy father saint BENEDICTS Rule And to this end he sent for manie learned and vertuou● Monkes out of the most reformed Monasteries of France to teach the true pactise of the Benedictine discipline in England and him self left written a notable monument of monasticall obseruance and and auncient pietie which is called A regular Concordance of the Monkes and Nunnes of the English Nation whereby all the monasteries throughout England allbeit before they all obserued the Rule of the most holy Patriarke of monkes saint BENEDICT yet because allmost euery one had some diuers customs and Ceremonies different from the rest were reduced to one and the same vnanimous obseruance of regular discipline in all things to the great conseruation and encrease of charitie and true religion He that desires to reade this foresayd Regular Concordance of saint DVNSTAN may find it sett forth not long since in the third Appendix to that worthy latine treatise Intituled The Apostleship of the 〈◊〉 in England XIX FVRTHERMORE how zealous this holy Bishop was in the S. Dunstans zeale to iustice execution of iustice and rooting out of wicked persons out of the Countrey is made manifest by this example Three false coyners of money being by the lawes of the realme condemned to death the officers differred their execution by reason of the feast of Pentecost which the holy man vnderstanding refused to celebrate his Masse before iustice was done allbeit some thought this act to be too rigorous and inhumane yet our Lord made it manifestly appeare that it proceeded from a true zeale of iustice of the good of the common-wealth for as soone as those malefactours were dispatched the holy Bishop went to Masse when being in the midst of that dreadfull sacrifice a doue as white as snow was seene by all the A whi●e doue ●uer his he●d at Masse assistants to descend from aboue and sitt vppon his head whence it did not stirre vntill he had finished that sacred Offring with extraordinarie teares and deuotion in testimonie that allmightie God was pleased with the affection of his seruant which was more iust then seuere without which it is most hard to conserue Kingdoms in peace XX. BVT the busines which had hindred King Edgar from being crowned in royall manner being now buried in obliuion saint DVNSTAN in presence of all the Lords and Peeres of the realme placed the Royall diademon his head to the wonderfull great ioy and exultation of the whole Kingdom And after two yeares space this noble King and worthie Benefactour of the Benedictine Order by a happie death chainged his mortall Kingdom for an King Edgars death immortall raigne in heauen whom a graue Authour affirmeth to haue been no lesse memorable among the English then Romulus to the Romans Cyrus to the Persians Alexander to the Macedonians Arsaces to the Parthians and Carolus Magnus to the French He was buried in the Monasterie of Glastenbury where as the records of the same Monasterie doe testifie his bodie was found without anie spott of corruption after manie yeares lying in the ground EDWARD his Sonne succeeded in the Kingdom who being consecrated by S. DVNSTAN against the will of his step-mother Edward the Martir and manie of the nobles that tooke her part was within few yeares cruelly martired through her malice as is aboue sayd in his life the eighteenth of March. Ethesred the sonne of that wicked mother inherited the Kingdom being indued rather with the ignominie of his mother then anie good part of his fathers Vnto whom S 〈◊〉 Prophesiet●● being installed in the royall throne S. DVNSTAN opening his prophetick mouth foretould that because he had obtayned the Kingdom by the shedding of his brothers bloud his whole gouernment should be in bloud by the frequent inuasions of barbarous and forreigne enemies Which words by time were too truly verified And not only in this but in manie others saint DVNSTAN had the guift of prophesie by which he foretould to the Bishop of R●chester and Saint ETHELWOLD of Winchester the time and hower of their deaths XXI WEE shall neuer come to an end yf we goe about to load this paper with all the noble vertues and excellencies of this thrice happie and glorious Prelate S. DVNSTAN our discourse now hasteneth towards his blessed death the end and reward of his labours It was on the celebration of that day in which our Sauiour hauing triumphed ouer death ascended gloriously into heauen when this holy Bishop after the performance of the night-office in the quire remayning alone in the Church of CHRIST at Canturbury more seriously A most pleasant vi fion shewed to S. Dunstan to contemplate those great ioies and as it were to vnite him self in soule to the glorie of our glorious Redeemer he beheld a heauenly vision of a great multitude of celestiall citizens shining with inestimable splēdour to enter into the Church with glittering crownes vpō their heads who brought him this message from IESVS-CHRIST that if he were readie and disposed he might goe with them to celebrate the glorie of that Solemnitie in the triumphāt cittie of heauē To whom the blessed man with inestimable ioy and vndaunted alacritie See his great perfection of mind answered What honour what hope and what ioy by this Ascension of the Sonne of God hath happened vnto mankind it is well knowne vnto you who are participant of his vnspeakable glorie Yee know allsoe that it is my dutie and office who haue the sheepe of my Lord commended to my charge to feede them this day with the bread of euerlasting life and to informe them how to follow his footsteps to heauen therefore I
325 APRILL 3. THe life of S. Richard Bishop of Chicester 327 6. The life of S. Elstan Bishop of Wilton 340 9. The life of S. Gisla and Rictrude Virgins 341 11. The life of Guthlake Monke and Confessour 343 15. The life of S. Paternus Bishop and Con. 356 17 The life of S. Stephen Abbot and Con. 357 19. The life of S. Elphegus Martir Archbishop of Canturbury 361 21. The life of S. Anselme Archbishop of Canturbury 380 24. The life of S. Mellitus Bishop and Con. 399 24. The life of S. Egbert Priest and Monke 402 30. The life of S. Erkenwald Confessour Bishop of London 407 MAY. 1. THe life of S. Asaph Bishop and Confessour 412 6. The life of S. Eadbert Bishop and Confessour 413. 7. The life of S. Iohn of Beuerley Bishop and Confess 415. 8. The life of S. Wyre Bishop and Conf. 421. 11. The life of S. Fremund King and Martir 424. 15. The life of S Dimpna Virgin and Martir 426. 15. The life of S. Brithwine Abbott and Conf. 432. 19. The life of S. Dunstan Archbishop of Canturbury 434 20. The life of S. Ethelbert king and Martir 456 21. The life of S. Godrick Hermite and Conf. 4●2 25 The life of S Aldelme bishop of Sherbune 487 26. The life of S. Augustine Apostle of England first Archbishop of Canturbury 496 27. The life of S. Bede Priest and Monke 523 IVNE 5. THE life of S. Coniface Apostle of Germanie bishop and Conf. 535 6. The life of S. Gudwall bishop and Conf. 550 7. The life of S. Robert Abbot and Conf. 554 8. The life of S. William Archbishop of Yorke 559 9. The life of S. Columba Abbot and Con. 56● 10 The life of S. Margaret Queene of Scotland 564 15 The life of S. Eaaburg Virgin 569 17 The life of S. Botulph Abbot and Conf. 571 22 The life of S. Aiban first Martir of great Briiaine 574 22. The Passion of S. Amphibalus Priest and Martyr 587 23 The life of S. Etheldred or Audry queene and Abbesse 593 24 The life of S. Bartholomew Priest and Monke 610 25 The life of S. Adelbert Deacon and Confessour 612 A Preparatorie prayer before you reade the life of Saincts MOST deare Sauiour of our soules who hast endowed thy Saincts with soe manie and soe great gr●●es and vertues to serue vs sinners for a light and guide amidst the darknes of this false world graunt vs grace that this holy reading of their liues may soe enflame our h●●●ts that we may follow and imitate the traces of their gl●●●ous examples that after this mortall life we may be ●●●e worthie to enioy their most desired companie in hea●●● there togeather with them to prayse and glorifie thee ●●●uer Amen An other Prayer after the same reading O LORD who being thy self the true Light o● the world and only Way to heauen hast neue●thelesse out of thy superabundant goodnes o●dayned the Saincts as soe manie heauenly torches t● cōduct vs happily through the night of this dangero●● life to the port of Saluation Voutchsafe out of t●● same goodnes to imprint an ardent desire in our hear●● by this sacred reading faythfully to imitate thy Sainc●● and follow the path of vertues which they haue taug●● vs. And thou ô glorious sainct N. * Name the saint whose life you haue read obtaine vs the gr●ce by thy holy prayers and meritts that we may o●● day be made partakers of thy eternall glorie in heaue● Amen THE LIFE OF THE GLORIOVS KING S. EDWARD COMMONLY CALLED THE CONFESSOR IAN. 5. Written by Alured Abbot of Rhieuall 1164. THE AVTHOVRS PREFACE BEING to write the lise of the glorious King and most beloued seruant of the king of kings S. EDWARD we will take our beginning out of the words of S. PETER Prince of the Apostles who admiring the wonderfull vocatiō of the Heathen Centurion to the Christian faith crieth out Jn verie deed I perceiue that God is not an accepter of persons but in euerie natiō he that seareth Act. 10. v. 34. him and worketh iustice is acceptable vnto him For in euerie people order degree and dignitie our Lord knoweth who are his seruants according to his diuine will he taketh pittie on whom he thinketh good Rom. 9. and sheweth mercie to whom he pleaseth Neyther can it be said that pouertie of its owne nature doeth giue holines of life nor that riches doe take it way obscuritie lownes of state maketh not a man perfect nor nobilitie of cōditiō a reprobate neyther doth libertie shutt vp nor seruitude lay open the gates of Paradise vnto vs. Our first Patriark Abraham whose wonderfull faith vnparalel'd obediēce shined in the abundant poslession of wordly meanes is highly commended Abraham rich and vertuous loseph most chast for a man excelling both in perfection of life abounding in great store of wealth and riches Ioseph being by King Pharao ordained lord master of all Egipt shewed a perfect example of chastetie to the whole world What manner of man holy Job was in the Iob a mirrour of patience prosperitie of his wealth the losse of it giues sufficient testimonie whom the teadious infirmitie of his bodie the wicked temptation of his wife and the shamefull reproaches of his owne friends endured with an vnmatchable patience haue rendred farr more excellent No man was richer then king Dauid noe man more Sainctly noe man more exalted to the height of dignities and noe man more depressed An vnion of royal ●●e and saintetie to the rules of humilitie he was buried in the midst of infinite treasure and yet amongst the friends and fauorites of all mightie God he was preferred before manie others and held to be a man according to Gods owne heart Let noe man therefore wonder if we g●ue vnto our glorious Edward the titles both of KING and SAINT who is knowne to haue bin rich in pouertie and poore in riches sober in his delights delighting in sobrietie makeing his purple robes the badge of humilitie and vnder the glorie of his royall crowne giuing a true example of the contempt of the world as will plainly appeare by the historie of his life which followeth I. WHEN KING ETHELRED by the Earle Thoretts daughter had King Ethelred his Father receiued his sonne Edmond surnamed Jron-side and Alfred by queene Ensnie his second wife EDWARD yet inclosed in his mothers wombe was preferred before them both by the disposition of him that worketh all things according to the counsell of his diuine will and by the prerogatiue of his supreme power gouerneth the kingdoms of men disposing them to whom he pleaseth For a Councell of the Lords spirituall and temporall being assembled before the King to treate of the state of the Realme which by horrible fore-warning signes was thr●atned with future destruction some were of opinion that for the better establishing thereof Edmond should be declared h●●re to th● crowne be●ause of his
inuincible valour strength of bodie others iudged it a safer way to preferre ALFRED thereby to gaine the power of the Normans in that Richard then Duke of Normandie was h● vncle But the high and mightie ruler of all things p 〈…〉 t and f●ture foreseeing the short life of the one and the immature death of the other turned all their voices and consents to the ch●ld●nborne and mooued them to elect for their king an insant ●●●vard 〈…〉 as yet ●on●ay●e● in the weake cloisters of his mothers wombe s●e th●t the whom the land did not yet enioy was ordayned Lord Gorernor of the land and the nobles and Peeres with great ioy did sweare alleageance vnto him of whose birth they were ignorant and vncertaine But this vncertaintie was shortly after taken away by the happie and wished birth of king EDWARD soone after which the fu●●rie of the Danes cruelly inuaded the realme of England spoyling and destroying a great part thereof with fier and sword which mooued king Ethelred to send the queene with her children into Normandie out of the reach of the Danish crueltie where our princely EDWARD S. Edward his vertues being a boy liued in his vncles house a child among others his equalls but allwaies free from such vices as that age is wont to bee inclined vnto He was chast of bodie sparing of his speach plaine in his actions pure in his affections He tooke great delight often to frequent Churches more often to be busied in his prayers to be present at the holy sacrifice of Masse to visit Monasteries religious houses and to enter into a strict league of friendship particularly with such monkes whom true vertue and Religion made worthie to be loued aboue others II. IN THE meane time the enemies sword committed such outrage The Barbarians waste England within the realme of England that all places were filled with slaughter and destruction nothing appeared that was not masked with the grimme vizard of sorrow lamentations clamours and desolation Churches were burnt Monasteries pulled downe and Priests chased out of their seates compelled to lie in secret and desert places to bewaile the cōmon miseries of their countrey When among others the venerable man BRITHWOLD Bishop of Winchester as full of agonie as pittie greif and sorrow could make a pious heart retired to the Monastery of Glassenburie putting his whole confidence in prayers and psalmes to allmightie God Where as in great abundance he powred out his deuotions washt in teares for the deliuerie of the kingdom and people out of these calamities at length he burst out into such like words saying And thou 〈◊〉 Lord how long ●s 12. 43. 87. 〈◊〉 3. how long doest thou turne away thy face doest thou forgett our miseries afflictions They haue slaine thy Saincts destroyed thy a●ltars and there is none that can redeeme vs nor bring health vnto vs. I know ô Lord I know that whatsoeuer thou hast done vnto vs is by thy iust iudgement done But what wilt thou for euer cast vs off and wilt thou not beginne to be Psal 76. more pacified as yet When when ô my Lord God shall there be an end of these calamities Or will the sword of thy wrath for euer exercise his crueltie and make a generall slaughter among vs A vision shewed to Bish. Brith wold At length amidst these prayers and teares a sweet slumber seased on his sorrowfull sen●es wherein as it were in a dreame he beheld the B. Apostle S. PETER seated in an eminent place and king Edward clad in Royall ornaments standing before him with an amiable countenance in most comly and decent manner vnto whom the holy Apostle hauing first with his owne hands consecrated and anneiled him King piously imparted some admonitions and precepts tending to the health and saluation of his soule aboue all things recommending vnto him a single life he reuealed how manie yeares he should raigne and gouerne the Kingdom The Bishop much amazed at this strange vision humbly craued of the Apostle to make knowne the misterie thereof vnto him desiring withall to vnderstand of the present state of the realme and to know his sentence touching the end of their instant miseries To whō the Apostle with a pleasing countenance This kingdom said he is our lords who will raigne ouer the sonnes of men he it is that transferreth Dan. 2. kingdoms and chaingeth Empires and to punish the sinnes of the people giueth the gouernement to an hipocrite By sinne the people haue offended our Lord who hath deliuered them captiue into the hands of the Gentils and their hatefull enemies and strangers haue obtained soueraign●ie ouer them But God will not forgett to be mercifull neither in his ire will he containe his mercie from you And it shall Psalm 76. come to passe after thy death that our Lord will visitt his people and worke their redemption For he hath selected a man according to his owne heart who in all points shall fulfill his will pleasure and who hauing by my assistance obtained the kingdom of England shall sett a periode to the Danish furie He will be acceptable vnto God gratefull to men dreadfull to his enemies louing to his countrey profitable to the whole Church and at length shall conclude his worthy life with a most blessed and happie end But as the Bishop A Worthie commendation of king Edw. enquired further of Saint EDWARDS posteritie The kingdom of England answeared the holy Apostle belongeth vnto God himself who after this will prouide a king according to the diuine ordinance of his owne will and pleasure III. BVT as yet the furie of this Danish tempest continued and the waues thereof were exalted to the height of an insulting and imperious pride in so much that the common miseries of the land were much encreased by a ciuill discord inward iarring of mens minds amōgst them selues noe man knowing whom to trust with the secrets of his heart The whole Iland was full of traytours noe true faith to be found noe friendship but was scarred with suspition no cōmon conference but was cloaked with deceitfull dissimulation Till at Canutus king of the Danes a Christiā of great piety chosen king of Englād ann 1016. the lawfull heires being reiected for the vniust murder of S. Edw. the martir halfbrother to Ethelred length the treason of the countrey the craft of the enemie preuay●●ed soe farre that king Ethelred being dead most part of the realme ●or saking the lawfull heyres of their late king gaue vp obediēce vnto Canutus that wrōgfully had inuaded cruelly spoyled the kingdom and the mightie Edmond Jronside when he had valiantly ouerthrowne the Danes in three seuerall battles being at length by the treacherie of Eadrick Duke of the Mercians cruelly murdred his little children were taken out of their cradles deliuered to the pittilesse furie of the Barbarians to be slaine And ALFRED S. EDWARDS elder
brother ●●omeing into England with a nauie of twentie fiue ships hopeing ●o bring some relief vnto these broyles and calamities was slaine ●y the strainge and wicked treacherie of GODWIN Earle of Kent ●ll his armie murdred in most cruell manner by the cōmaund of the sayd Godwin and by the blouddie hands of his faythlesse friends and countreymen After whose death S. EDWARD wholly destitute of all humā assistance liued as a man miserably banished from his countrey kingdom and royaltie he much feared to fall into the snares of wickednes and doubted lest he should either be falsely betrayed by his owne seruants or purchased for the butcherie by his enemies Therefore putting his cheifest cōfidence in the almightie he humbly prostrated himself before the court of heauen powred out his deuout prayers lamentations after this manner Behould o my Lord God how in myself I am destitute of all helpe comfort my neerest friends and kindred haue forsaken me my verie neighbours and confederats are readie to stand against me and now that my Father hath finished his manifold labours with death the crueltie of my enemies and traiterous subiects hath deuoured my bretheren and depriued me of their companie my nephews are cast into banishment Can●tus had maried his mother my owne mother carelesse of my safetie is giuen in mariage to the only enuier and destroyer of my glorie And thus desolate and lest alone without comfort they are not yet satisfied but thirst allso for my bloud But left to thee o Lord poore and miserable I trust thou wilt be an ayde and succour to thy poore orphan In times past thou didest wonderfully preserue King Edwin deliuering him out of the iawes of death and establishing him in his kingdom Thou didest restore that bright ornament of England S. OSWALD from a miserable banishment to the royaltie of his crowne giue him conquest ouer all his enemies by the vertue of the holy Crosse If now in like manner thou will voutchafe to be my helper and keeper and settle me in my Fathers kingdom I vow euer to acknowledge thee for my God and thy B. Apostle S. PETER for my Patrone whose most sacred Relique at Rome I promise to visitt vnder thy good leaue protection S. Edward voweth a pilgrimage to Rome and gouernement From this time euer after being made stronger in faith and liuelier in hope confidently expecting he expected the will of our Lord referring himself wholly into the hands of his sacred prouidence and disposition IIII. TILL AT length when death had robbed Canutus of thevse of the world cutt of his sonnes before they were ripe the English freed thereby from the hard yoake of the Danes elected EDWARD for their king and caused him to be consecrated and annoynted in He is crowned in the yeare 1043 by meanes of Count Godwin as saith Baronius honorable manner at Winchester by the hands of Eadis●●● Archbishop of Canturbury Then the Clergie began againe to florish and shine with wisedome and sainctetie Abbeies and Monasteries excelled with all kind of religious discipline Churchmen performed their offices in peace and the communaltie their duties in order The verie earth it self seemed to reioyce hereat and send forth fruit in more abundance the ayre became more healthfull and euen the waues of the sea more patient and temperate And forreigne kings and Princes strucken with admiration at soe suddaine a chainge were glad with this soe great a king to enter into a firme league of peace and frienship only Denmark desiring reuenge and breathing The royal vertues of S. Edward nothing but slaughter still threatned the vtter ruine and destruction of the English nation But amidst all these ioyes the blessed king was nothing puft vp with pride of humane glorie at his prosperitie nor terrified with his threatned ruine but alwaies measuring his greatnes by his goodnes he proposed vnto him self a deuout manner of life appearing equall to his domesticks humble to Religious men ●nd Priests gratefull to his people compassionate to the distressed ●nd bountifull to the poore He vsed noe exception of persons for ●he poorest and humblest mans cause as well as th● richest he euer ●eighed in the ballance of true iustice and pleaded for them both ●ith equitie alwaies shewing him self a pittifull father vnto poore ●rphans and a righteous iudge vnto widdowes He graunted what●oeuer was asked him and what was giuen he receaued with silence Noe man euer beheld him eyther puft vp with pride or growne ●●erce with anger or blemished with gluttonie It is vnspeakable ●ow great a despiser he was of money for he ueuer was found to be ●yther sadder in the losse or merrier in the possession thereof He was of a comly and meane stature of bodie nether verie grosse nor ●ery slender of a fayre sanguine complexion his beard and hayre ●rowne ● AS ONCE he tooke his rest in bed the chamberlaine came in See the wonderfull contempt of money the rare clemencie of soe great a king ●●d opening the chest where the Kings treasure lay putt therein such ●oneies as he had brought and departed forgetting to shutt it ●gaine Which one of the groomes espieing came to the box and ●auing taken out as much money as he thought good went away ●ith it not knowing or suspecting the King to be soe neere ●nd presently hauing belike disburdened him self of that prey ●e returned and acted the like offence againe hauing still the King him self for his spectatour Which as the third time he attem●ted the King foreseeing by the spiritt of prophesie that the Trea●urer was at hand beleeue me good fellow sayd he thou art too ●mportune and vnreasonable take what thou hast gotten and be ●one for if Hugoline that was the Chamberlaines name come and ●●ke thee he will not leaue thee one pennie of thy gettings The ●ellow suddenly fled and was scarse out of the doores when the Chamberlaine came in who finding some store of money taken ●way was much afflicted and trembled with verie feare his lowd ●ries and sighs bewrayeing the anguish and furie of his mind whereat the king rose vp and seeming ignorant of what had happened demaunded the cause of his great disquiet which being decla●ed he sayd Hould thy peace and rest content for it may be he ●hat tooke it hath more need of it then wee let him on Gods ●ame enioy it that which remaines is sufficient for vs. VI. THE NOBLES and Peeres of the Realme fearing soe worthie a stock should perish without fruit were sollicitous to haue a His care to ●●ser●e c●●a●tetie successour from this holy King and to that end they verie earnestly dealt with him to perswade mariage Whereto the King much amazed was verie loath to consent fearing lest the beloued treasure of his chastetie conserued but in the weaknes of a fray e●vessell might easily he dissolued with such a heate But what should he doe it he did obstinate y resist their
according to the number of shares and Bishop ALWINE nine others to the sayd minster for euer and enriched the same with manie fayre ornaments VIII AS ONCE on the feast of Pentecost the King was present at the diuine misteries of Masse in time of the eleuation of the sacred bodie of Christ he beganne on a suddaine allwaies obseruing his princely grauitie to shew some more then vsuall alacritie and mirth in his lookes and countenance which he expressed with a graue and moderate smiling to him self whereat all that were present beganne to admire and not without cause knowing that to haue befallen him contrarie to custome And therefore Masse being ended some of his most familiar friends earnestly entreated him to declare the reason He euer endowed with a sincere simplicity plainly confessed the truth saying The His visiot of the Danish kings destructiō Danes mett and agreed togeather with their King to enter againe into the course of their auncient f●rie and malice to disturbe and ouerthrow that peace which the mercifull goodnes of God both bestowed vppon vs and being ignorant of his diuine iustice that hath scourged and chasticed our offences they attribute it to them selues extolling their owne strength and saying Our hands are mightie and not our Lord hath wrought all Deut. 32. these things And because the Allmightie being angrie with our forefathers did deliuer vs to the mercilesse power of these Danes they referring this to the vertue of their owne forces iudge it an easie matter to bring vs to the like miseries againe not vnderstanding that the same God that giues the wound giues allsoe a salue to heale it and the same that mortifieth reuiueth Ibidem sendeth to hell and reduceth from holl againe For this verie day the King of Denmark hauing gathered a huge armie togeather finding the winds to blow with his desires commaunded a nauie to be prepared And now the ships were readie to be committed to the sayles and the sayles to the winds when the wicked king whose hastie ambition not able to be contained within him self as out of a little boate he entred into his ship his feet slipt out and he betweene both fell hedlong into the sea in whose mercilesse depth and swelling waues he was instantly deuowred and swallowed vp And thus by his sudaine death the Danes and English were both sett free from sinne and danger And I hope in our Lord God and his most sweet mother that during my time their blouddie endeauours against vs shall neuer take effect This it is which by the reuelation of CHRIST I did both see and know and at which I seemed to reioyce and smile Our Lord made me reioyce and whosoeuer heareth this may reioyce The truth of his vision proued with me The time and hower being recorded spies were sent into Denmark who found all to be most true and to haue happened at the same instant as it was reuealed vnto this B. King IX THESE things thus prosperously succeeding the king not vnmindfull of his vow of pilgrimage and calling to mind the great benefits he had receiued at the hands of all mightie God who His care to performe his vow had enriched his pouertie exalted his humilitie and ennobied his low estate with glorie made diligent preparation for the performance of his promise with money to desray the charge o● his ●ourney rich gui●ts to bestow at Rome And therefore hauing assembled the Noble● and Peeres of the Realme he made a speech before them of the state of his kingdom and of his pilgrimage to the sacred shrines of the Apostles in this manner You cannot haue forgotten His speech to his nobles how by the cruell inuasion of barbarous people into our inheritance we haue bin made a scorne to our neighbours and a scoffing mockerie to those that are round about vs. For some being slaine others oppressed with the hard yoake of an ignominious slauerie they left neyther honour nor glorie to our nation At length my father being dead my brethren murthered my nephews cast into banishement fortune soe highly fauoured our enemies in all things that indeede it seemed to me that there was noe remnant of anie hope left that promised anie redresse of our miseries When contrarie to all expectation yeelding my self vp to the mercie of Allmightie God and putting my whole confidence in him alone I vowed my pilgrimage to the sacred tombes of the Apostles in Rome and committed my self from thence forth to his diuine protection and disposing And he like a pittifull Father gaue such eare vnto my supplication and was soe farre from disdayning my prayers that he freed me from all blemish of scorne and restored me from an exiled life to the quiet possession of my fathers kingdom Moreouer to the increase of my gloriè he added heapes of worldly riches and ennobled all the rest with manie spirituall guifts and graces from heauen He it was that without anie bloud-shed brought our rebells vnder subiection made vs triumph ouer our enemies and composed all our disioynted affaires and inward broiles with a most amiable and desired peace Now God forbid that we should prooue vngratefull for such soe manie and soe great benifits but rather being deliuered out of the hands of our enemies let vs endeauour to obey and serue him in all truth and iustice following the Royall Prophets counsell that sayth Make vowes and render them vnto your Lord God Therefore it behoo●es you togeather with Psalm me to determine and ordaine after what manner this realme may be gouerned dureing the time of my pilgrimage by what law what peace what iustice and what iudge things may be ordered and by whose courage and prudence our castles townes citties ports and all our publicke and priuate affaires shall be ruled My first hope is that God him self will be the cheif and supreme gouernor of all in generall and he alone will be LORD-PROTECTOVR of the sweet peace he hath bestowed vpon vs and he I hope will alwaies be with me and guide me in my iourney vnto whose sacred protection I committ you all humbly beseeching his heauenly maiestie to preserue and keepe you and soe to dispose of me that once againe I may see you Then all the whole companie with one voice cried mainly out vnto the King alleadgeing manie reasons and arguments that they ought not soe to be forsaken and exposed to the swords of their enemies that the countrey was not to be left soe naked and open to forreigne treacheries nether was it fitt they should runne the hazard of soe manie dangers for one and that but a seeming good deed Whereat the King finding him self to be not a little vrged and mooued with their woefull cries lamentations and prayers was verie wauering and doubtfull in mind not knowing for a long time what course to take For on the one side to omitt the performing of his vow he iudged most dangerous and on the other not
that gaue such a wonderfull lustre to all therein as if it would haue preuented the sunnes comeing by turning night into day There was present with the Apostle in the Church a multitude of heauenly burgesses filling it with melodious musick and most fragrant odours Hauing finished all the solemnities and ceremonies due vnto the dedication of a Church he whom our Lord made a famous FISHER of men returned to the Fisher of fishes whom he found wonderfully amazed and carried allmost beyond him self with the flashes of the diuine splendour and therefore S. Peter consecrateth the Church of westminster with a courteous consolation the Apostle restored him to him self againe reduceing his distracted thoughts to the rules of reason and the two fishers entring into the boate togeather S. PETER demaunded whether he had taken anie fish or noe Being suddenly strucken replied he with the sight of that vnusuall brightnes and detained with expectation of thy returne I endeauoured not to fish but securely a tended my promised reward from thee wherevnto the Apostle answered cast forth thy netts and trie He obeyed his commaund and presently found his nett loaden with store of fish all of one kind excepting one fish of a mightie greatnes without comparison Hauing drawne them on shore the Apostle bad him present that great one to Bishop MELLITVS in his name and the rest said he take for thy reward An aboundance of this kind thou shalt enioy all thy life time and thy posteritie a long time Fishing on Sundaies forbidden after thee only hereafter dare not to fish on the Sundaies I am the Apostle PETER who with my heauenly fellow-citizens haue allreadie consecrated the Church built in my name and by the authoritie of my owne dedication I haue preuented the Bishops benediction Tell him therefore what thou hast seene and heard and the markes imprinted in the walles shall giue sufficient testimonie to strengthen the truth of thy relation Let him therefore forbeare from anie further dedication and supplie only what we omitted that is to celebrate the most sacred misteries of our Lords bodie and bloud and with a sermon to instruct the people giuing them to vnderstand that I will oftentimes visitt this place and be present at the prayers and petitions of the faithfull promising to lay open the gates of heauen to all those that spend their daies soberly iustly and piously in this world The next morning the fisher with his great fish meets the Bishop MELLITVS as he was goeing to dedicate the Church and makes knownes vnto him whatsoeuer was giuen him in charge by the Apostle Whereat the Bishop much astonished entred into the Church and finds the pauement signed with the inscription of the Greek and Hebrew alphabet the walls annoynted with holy oyle in twelue seuerall places and the remnants of as manie wax cādles fastened to twelue crosses all things being yet moist with the late springling of holy oyle and water Wherevppon togeather with the people he gaue prayse and thanks to allmightie God for that great remonstrance of his goodnes vnto them The whole posteritie of the fisherman confirmed the truth of this miracle for as they receiued by tradition from their father they offered the tenth of all the commoditie gotten afterward by that art to S. PETER and his seruants in that place Till among the The fishers deceit punished rest there was one that attempted to beguile them of that dutie but he receiued his punishment for soe long he was depriued of the benefitt of his art vntill hauing confessed his fault he had made condigne restitution of the wrong with a faythfull promise of amendment XIII WHEN S. EDWARD had vnderstood all these things out of the relation and records of antiquitie he was enflamed with an extreme desire to reedifie that Monasterie and to restore it out of the ruines of deiection and pouertie to the height of wealth and dignitie and to that end he dispatched messengers to Rome as well to obtaine priuiledges for that place as allsoe to treate some other affaires with letters to the Pope to this effect TO NICOLAS S. Edwards Epistle to Pope Nicolas 2. the chief father of the vniuersall Church EDWARD by the grace of God king of England sendeth due subiection and obedience We glorifie our Lord for the care he hath of his elect Church in ordayning thee an excellent successour in the place and seate of thy good predecessour Wherefore we thinke it fitt to leane vnto thee as vnto a firme rock to sharpen and approoue all our good actions and allwaies to admitt of thy knowledge and fellowship in doeing good especially desiring thou wouldest renew encrease all those donations and priuiledges which we obtained from thy predecessour to wit that thou ratifie and confirme the Monasterie of Monks which I haue built in honour of the B. Apostle S. PETER according as it was enioyned me by thy predecessour vnder title of obedience and penance for the dispensation of a vow I made to goe to Rome and the remission of all my sinnes as allsoe that thou reestablish determine and secure all the priuiledges belonging to the He willingly payeth duties to Rome possessions peace and dignitie of that place for euer And I for as much as lies in me doe increase and confirme the donations and customes of the moneies which S. PETER holdeth and chalengeth in England and now I send them accompanied with other free guifts from my self humbly intreating thee to offer prayers and sacrifices to allmightie God for me and the peace of my kingdom and that thou institute ordayne a continuall and solemne memorie of all England in generall before the sacred bodies of the Apostles XIV THE POPE answered him in this manner NICOLAS The Popes answer to the king Bishop seruant of the seruants of God to the most glorious most pious and most worthie of all honour our specially beloued EDWARD King of England sendeth all manner of salutation most sweet health and Apostolicall benediction We giue thankes vnto allmightie God who hath adorned and honoured thy most prudent excellence in all respects to conserue deuotion towards the blessed Apostle S. PETER and all loue towards vs his vnworthie successour in giuing obedience and consent vnto Apostolicque counsels and censures Wee therefore send our letters to thy Royall nobilitie whereby we graunt vnto thee the holy Apostles societie and ours beseeching his mercie who is truly Lord of all and only soueraigne aboue all to make thee par taker of all our good workes if anie we haue in the sight of God and at all times to make vs more feruent brethren and fellows in his loue wishing him to graunt noe lesse part or reward of our dutie and obedience in his heauenly kingdom vnto thee then we desire to fall vnto our selues Allsoe we will not cease heereafter vnfaynedly to powre out our dayly prayers for thee that God himself would bring thy foes and enemies
those dreames Notwithstanding he washed his hands and went away into the Church as not desiring to be present at the miracle thereby to auoyd the occasion of being tempted with vaine glorie But the Chamberlaine hauing reserued the water brought it to the blind man wherewith he had noe sooner washed his eyes and face but presently to the great wonder of all he recouered his sight and with ioy beheld the light againe whose losse he had long bewailed The like fauour was shewed to a citizen of Lincolne who An other cured in like manner hauing lost his sight came to the kings pallace and obtayned of this water applied it to his vnprofitable eyes and was immediatly cured and his perpetuall night chainged to a most wellcome and long desired day-light An other blind man being admonished to goe to the king to haue his sight restored desired the Chamberlaine to make knowne his case vnto him which done Let him come answeared the holy king for why should I be greiued but rather reioyce if the diuine goodnes be soe pleased as by my vnworthy hands to bestow this promised benefitt vppon him The man was brought in and by the only touching and blessing Manie blind cured of the king betweene his royall hands a filthie bloud ranne aboundantly from his eyes whereby they were cleered and all the swelling of his eyelidds asswaged Then he that before could not see cried out I see thee my souueraigne Lord and King and thy face shineth like vnto the face of an angel standing before me Allsoe at an other time two blind and one hauing but one eye being sprinkled with the water in which the holy man had washed were all three restored to perfect sight XX. AS HE some time sate at table with Earle Godwin Harold and Tostins the Earles two sonnes as yet but children according to what the fight of Godwins children did portend their age and condition played in the hall before them but as one of them handled his brother more rudely then the sweetnes of their game required their iest was turned into earnest and their sport to a plaine fight For Harold somewhat abler in strength of bodie violently setting vppon his brother fastned both his hands in his hayre and hauing layd him along on the ground had gone neere to thrattle him if by the standers by he had not bin preuented The king behoulding this skirmish turned to Earle Godwine and sayd Doest thou consider nothing in this contention of thy children but a childish sport or battle Nothing else my liege replied he But by this boyish cōflict the blessed king vnderstood by reuelation what would afterwards befall to the children For sayd he noe sooner shall they be out of their childhood in mans estate but an inward malice towards one and other will mutually possesse them and at first as it were in iest they will seeme to goe about to ruine each other by priuate deceits till at length the stronger hauing gott the vpper hand will banish the weaker and ouerthrow him giuing him death for his rebellion But his death will in a short time be recompenced with the ensueing calamitie of the authour And all this fell out as England it self may be the Their cōtention ruine bleeding witnes of her owne miseries For Tostius being by Harold put to flight and he a while after had succeeded King Edward in the kingdom Tostius togeather with the King of Norway that came to his ayde was vtterly ouerthrowne and slaine and allmost all his armie destroyed The same yeare William Duke of Normandie comeing into England to claime his right to the crowne in one blouddie battle vanquished Harold who at once was depriued both of life and kingdom or as some thinke reserued in miserie to doe peanance for his former wickednes XXI AT AN other time Godwine sitting by the King at table one of the seruingmen comeing towards them chaunced to stumble so much with on of his feet that he had caught a fall had he not recouered him self againe by the nimble bringing on of his other foote by help whereof he was sett vp right againe The beholders talking diuersly as the manner is of this accident and reioyceing to see how opportunely one foote releeued the other Earle Godwin as it were in iest put in these words Soe a brother helpes his brother and both relieue each other in necessitie The King calling to mind the death of his brother Alfred In like manner replied he might myne haue bine a comfort vnto me had Godwin permitted it Hereat Godwin trembling and makeing fayned signes of sorrow in his countenance I know my Liege I know sayd he that your mind doeth yet accuse me as accessarie to your brothers death and that you iudge them to be beleeued that wrongfully giue me the title of traitour both to him and you But let God the great eye-witnes of all secrets be iudge betweene vs and let him not permitt this morsell which I hould in my hand to passe downe my throate without causing my death if I be eyther traitour to you or guiltie of your brother's death And the King makeing the signe of the Crosse vpon the morsell the wretched Earle putt is into his mouth Gods punishmeut against the traitour Godwin which being chewed went into the midst of his throate where it stuck soe fast that notwitstanding all his labour and paines he could gett it neyther vp nor downe But rather the more he striued the more it seemed to fasten soe that in a short time the sluses of his wind were stopped vp his eyes turned round in his head and without speaking one other word he vomitted out his traiterous soule to receiue her iudgement in the next world The king that saw him make this lamentable end perceiuing God's iust punishment to haue befallen him spake aloud to the standers by Cast out this dogg and burie him in the high way which was presently performed This Godwin abusing the king's pious simplicitie wrought manie villanies in the kingdom against both God and iustice By his wilie fleights and craftie dealing he had chased out of the Realme allmost all the kings kinred friends which he had brought with him out of Normandie imagening to haue all things goe according to his owne desires when the king being depriued of his friends should onely make vse of his counsell and follow his dictamen in all things But the blessed man neuer tooke notice of his bad doeings allwaies performing his owne dutie towards God foretelling to manie that in the end allmightie God would punish his wickednes yea and some times he stuck not to say as much to Godwine him self XXII THIS HOLY king next after the Prince of the Apostles S. Edwards loue to S. Iohn Euangelist bore a singular affection and deuotion to S. IOHN Euangelist in soe much that he would neuer denie anie thing demaunded in his name For proofe whereof it happened that a
sayd thus they returned to heauen and I to you and my self againe XXIV WHILE the king related this vision there were present the Queene Robert keeper of the sacred pallace Duke Harold and wicked Stigand who mounting on his fathers bed had defiled it impiously inuading the Archiepiscopall Sea of Canturbury during the life time of Robert true Archkishop thereof for which offence he was afterwards suspended by Pope Alexander the second and in a Councell held at Winchester by the same Popes Legats and other Bishops and Abbots of England he was both deposed from all Episcopall dignitie and cast into prison by the commaund of William Conquerour where he ended his wicked life with a most miserable and well deserued death This Stigand being there present at the kings narration had all the powers of his soule soe barred vp against Stigand a Clergie-man punished for inuading a Sea belonging to the Benedictine Monks all goodnes that he waxed more obdurate at the dreadfull storie neyther was he terrified with the threatning oracle nor gaue anie creditt to the pious relatour but murmuring within him self that the king began to dote in his old age he laughed where he had more cause to weepe But the rest whose minds were more vertuously giuen lamented and wept abundantly knowing verie well that the Prelates and Princes led their liues according as the blessed king had declared XXV SOME are of opinion that the foresayd similitude is grounded vppon an impossibilitie and these were chiefly such as bewailed that the whole Nobilitie of the land was come to soe low anebbe and soe farre spent that there was neyther king nor Bishop nor Abbot nor Prince of the same nation scarse to be seene An interpretation of the Kings vision in England But quite of an other opinion am I saith Alured especially that S. DVNSTAN did both foretell that this calamitie should befall vs and yet afterwards promised a comfortable redresse Thus then it may be expounded This tree signified the kingdom of England in glorie beautifull in delights and riches plentifull and in the excellencie of the Royall dignitie most eminent The roote from whence all this honour proceeded was the Royall stemme or race which from Alfred who was the first of the English Kings annoynted and consecrated by the Pope descended by a direct line of succession to S. EDWARD The tree was cutt off from the stock when the kingdom being deuided from this royall issue was translated to an other linage the distance of three furlongs shewes that during the raigne of three Kings there should be noe mutuall participation betwixt the new and the auncient race of Kings for Harold succeeded King EDWARD next to him came in William Conquerour and after him his sonne William Rufus But this Royall tree tooke roote againe when Henry the first vnto whom all Regall dignitie was transported neyther by force compelled nor vrged with hope of gaine but meerly taken with an affection of loue tooke to wife Mawde daughter to S. EDWARDS neece ioyning and vniting togeather by this mariage the bloud royall of the Normans and the English both in one Then this tree did truely florish when of this vnited royaltie Mawde the Empresse was begotten and then it brought forth fruit when by her we had Henry the second who like vnto a corner stone vnited both nations togeather And therefore by this we now see that England hath an English King as allsoe Bishops Abbots Princes and knights of the same auncient race deriued from this vnion of both nations But if anie man be displeased with this exposition let him eyther expound it better or expect an other time vntill he find these particularities fullfilled XXVI BVT LET vs returne to our B. King whose sicknes still encreasing made him euidently feele and vnderstand by the secret S. Edwards death Embassadours of neere approaching death that his hower was come to passe out of this world and therefore caused his death to be p●blished abroade before hand lest the knowledge thereof being delayed he should want the comfort of the prayers and sacrifices of his Clergie and people which he earnestly desired This done the holy man loaden with manie dayes of ould age and as manie good workes as howers in each day he yeelded vp his pure soule into the most pure hands of his Redeemer By whose death England's whole felicitie libertie and strength was vtterly lost b●oken and ouerthrowne Noe sooner was the breath gone out of his holy bodie but his face casting forth beames of wonderfull brightnes made death in him seeme beautifull and louely to the behoulders This glorious King and worthie benefactour of S. BENEDICT's order died the fifth of Ianuary one thousand sixtie six The beautie of his dead bodie when he had raigned twentie three yeares six moneths and twentie seauen da●es He was honorably buried in S. PETERS Church which him self had built for the Benedictine Monks and had now bin newly consecrated during the time of his last sicknes on S. Innocents day before XXVII MANIE miracles by the merits of this B. Sainct were A lame man cured at his tombe wrought afterwards at his sepulcher among which one Raphe a Norman who for the space of manie yeares had bin by the contraction of his sinewes soe lame of his leggs that he could but creepe and that with great difficultie on his hands and hinder parts came the eight day after S. EDWARDS buriall to his tombe and making his prayers to allmightie God and this glorious Sainct he was perfectly cured and healed of all his infirmities XXVIII ALLSOE about twentie daies after his buriall six blind men came following a man with one eye hanging one to an other Six blind man restored to sight soe that one only eye leading the way directed seauen persons to the B. Saincts sepulcher where sorrowfully declaring their miserie vnto him they humbly beseeched his assistance against the woefull teadiousnes of their perpetuall darknes and immediatly by the merits of the holy King they had all their sights restored and soe perfectly restored vnto them that they were able to returne each one guiding his owne footsteps Allsoe the bell ringer of Westminster Church being blind vsed to pray dayly at S. EDWARDS tombe till one night he heard a voyce that calling him by his name bad him rise and goe to the Church but as he went he seemed to behould King EDWARD in great glorie goeing before him and from that Three cured of quartan agues time he had the perfect vse of his sight euer after Allsoe a Monk of Westminster a verie learned man one Sir Guerin a knight and an other man of Barking were all three cured of quartan agues as they prayed at his holy tombe XXIX SIX AND thirtie yeares after the death of this glorious King his sepulcher being opened at the earnest request and sute of His bodie found vncorrupted the people his holy bodie was found most entier
without anie the lest signe of corruption as cleere white as the cristall as if it had all readie putt on the diuine robes of glorie casting forth of the tombe an exceeding sweet and odoriferous sauour to the wonderfull ioy and comfort of all that were present The linnen wherein he wrapped was as fresh and pure as when first it was imployed to that holy vse Which moued Gundulph Bishop of Rochester to attempt to pluck a hayre of the Saincts head to reserue to him self for his deuotion But his pious desire was frustrated for the hayre stuck on soe fast that it could not be pulled off without breaking XXX A WOEMAN that contēptibly presumed to worke vpon S. EDWARDS A miracle day was grieuously punished with a suddaine palsie till being brought to the B. Saincts sepulcher and with teares demaunding pardon for her fault she was restored to her health againe Manie other miracles haue bin done by the meritts of this glorious Sainct all which mooued Pope Alexander the third at the instant desire of King Henry the second and the Clergie of England to putt him into the number of canonized Saincts and to cause his feast to be celebrated throughout the kingdom of England But of this we will speake more at large on the feast of his translation the thirteenth day of October This feast of his deposition hath bin allwaies verie magnificently and religiously celebrated by his successour-successour-kings on this day as plainly appeares in the histories of England and is particularly prooued out of that which Mathew Westminster rehearseth of king Henry the thirds deuotion towards S. EDWARD In the yeare of grace 1249 saith he which was the thirtith yeare of our soueraigne king Henry the third the King being then at London on the feast of the Natiuitie of our Lord and hauing spent the Christmas holidaies in sumptuous feasts and banquetting as the custom is togeather with a great multitude of his nobilitie he assembled manie more Nobles and Peeres of the Realme to be present and Henry the thirds deuotion to S. Edwar. reioyce with him at the feast of S. EDWARD whom more cordially he loued and honoured then others of the Saincts And on the eue of that B. Kings deposition our soueraigne Lord the King according to his pious custom fasted with bread and water spending the whole day in continuall watching and praying and giuing of almes But on the feast itself he caused Masse with great magnificence and solemnitie to be celebrated in the Church of Westminster in vestments all of silke of an inestimable value and adorned with a great multitude of wax tapers and the resounding notes of the A consideration on his vertues Conuentuall and Monasticall quier Ought not we likewise to followe this vertuous example and giue prayse vnto allmightie God for the excellent guifts wherewith he honoured this B. King in choosing and calling him to soe great glorie euen before he was borne And for that he reuealed vnto him the great fauours promised to the kingdom of England for his sake long before they happened Who will not admire and endeauour to imitate the sacred vertue of chastetie which soe great a King entirely conserued soe manie yeares with his Queene in holy marriage Who will not embrace his most profound humilitie and contempt of the world and him self when he carried that wretched cripple on his royall shoulders to obtaine his health Who will not striue to serue allmightie God with affection seeing how highly he exalteth and honoureth his Saincts How he exalts them with miracles soe gloriously recompenseth their seruice giuing peace health and prosperitie to kingdoms by their intercession and in the end making them immortall kings and euerlasting courtiers of the kingdom of heauen This life is taken chiefly and allmost wholly o●t of that which B. ALVRED Abbot of Rhieuall hath written Iohn Capgraue hath the verie same William Malmesburie Roger Houedon Mathew Westminster Nicholas Harpsfield and allmost all writers of Saincts lines make verie honourable and worthie mention of him And the Roman Martirologe on this day The life of S. CEDDE Bishop and Confessor of the holy order of S. BENEDICT IAN. 7. Out of Venerable Bede hist. Eccl. lib. 3. 4 SAINCT CEDDE was borne in London and hauing gone soe farre out of his youth that he was able to make choice of a manner of life he putt on a monasticall habit among the auncient Monks in the Monasterie of Lindisfarne In which schoole of pietie he profitted soe well in a short time that he was thought worthie to be sent as an Apostolicall man with other deuout Priests to preach the Ghospell to the Mercians or inhabitants of Middle-England where by his pious labours S. Cedde conuerteth the East-Angles and exemplar life he greatly promoted the Catholicke cause But Sigbert then king of the East-Saxons being at that time by the meanes of Oswin king of Northumberland from a Heathen conuerted to the Christian faith and baptized by Finanus Bishop of York B. CEDDE at the earnest entreatie of Sigbert was called back by Finanus and sent with king Sigbert to conuert his countrey to the faith whose labour there tooke soe good effect that in a short time he brought most part of that Prouince from Paganisme into which since their conuersion by S. MELLITVS the Benedictine Monk they had fallen to the true knowledge and subiection of Christs Church and he him self who by Gods grace was now made their second Apostle returning into Northumberland the messenger of his owne good successe was by the hands of Finanus in presence of two other Bishops ordayned allsoe the second Bishop of London the chief cittie of the East-Saxons succeeding S. MELLITVS both in the Apostleship and Bishoprick He is made Bishop of London of that Prouince And now he began with a more free authoritie to bring to perfection the worke soe happily begunne by erecting of Churches in diuers places making Priests and Deacons to ayde him in baptising and preaching the holy word of God instructing the new-christened to obserue as farre forth as they were able the stricter rules of a religious life Great was the ioy comfort which the new conuerted King Sigbert and his poeple receiued to see the happie successe of his endeauours He was to good men meeke and courteous to the bad somewhat more sterne and seuere in punishing their vices as appeareth by the ensuing accident II. THERE was in the kings court a noble man that liued in the bands of vnlawfull wedlock against whom the holy bishop after manie pious admonions giuen to noe effect denounced the sentence of excommunication strictly forbidding the King and all other persons to forbeare his companie and not to eate nor drinke with him But the King being inuited by the same Nobleman to a Excommucation banquet made light of the bishops precepts went to him And in his returne chauncing to meet the holy man he was much
Idolatrie to see the cleere day of Christs Ghospell And presently the heauens gaue them rayne and the earth which before was barren brought forth fruit in due season Allso he purged the countrey of the Picts now called Galloway from the blindnes of idolatrie and heresie he conuerted Albanie and founded there manie Churches and monasteries He sent some of his disciples to the Scottish Iles called Orkney to Norway and Island to His manie miracles bring vnto those nations the ioyfull tidings of CHRISTS Ghospell Wheresoeuer he him self eyther trauelled or preached he gaue sight to the blind hearing to the deafe speach to the dumbe cured the lame cast out deuills from possessed persons restored madmen to their senses healed leprosies palsies and all other diseases Some times by the only touching of his garments or taking some little particles of his meate or drinke manie sick persons recouered their desired health The Queene that had bin a long time sterile through his prayers obtayned a sonne of allmightie God who afterwards succeeding his father in the kingdom excelled all his predecessours in wealth and pietie VII S. COLVMB hearing the fame of S. KENTIGERNE came from his monasterie in the Island Hij with a great companie of his monks He maketh great league with S. Columb to visitt him and enter into a league of frienship and familiaritie with him And coming neere vnto the place where the holy Bishop was he diuided his whole companie into three troupes The Bishop likewise that came to meet him did in the same manner diuide his followers into three squadrons in the first he placed the iuniors or yonger sort in the second those of a middle age and in the third old aged men venerable in their gray hayres And as these two sacred armies of IESVS CHRIST marched towards each other they song spirituall hymnes and canticles on both sides and S. COLVMB to his followers I see sayd he ouer the third quier a fierie light in manner of a golden crowne to descend from heauen vppon the Bishops head But the two holy leaders of these troupes coming neere togeather saluted each other with mutuall embracings and holie kisses of loue and friendship in testimonie thereof they chainged their pastorall staues and the staffe which S. COLVMB gaue the Bishop was kept afterwards with great reuerence in S. WVLFERS Church at Rippon VIII A MIGHTIE great stone crosse being made for the Church-yard of Glasghn which could not be erected by mens strength was at A crosse sett vpp miraculously the prayer of the holie man sett vpp in the night by an Angel And in that place afterwards the diuine goodnes graunted perfect health vnto manie diseased persons that craued it by the meritts of S. KENTIGERNE He built a mille vppon the riuer Gladus that would neuer grinde anie stolne corne neyther could the stones or wheeles thereof by anie force be turned about from Saturday noone till munday morning IX AT LENGTH the holy man being soe farre spent with ould-age as his withered sinews did scarse hang his ioynts togeather and His last exhorta tion to his disciples perceauing that the hower of his death was at hand he called his disciples about him and exhorting them with a dieing voyce to the conseruance of true religion mutuall charitie peace and hospitalitie he gaue them an expresse and strict commaund firmely to obserue the decrees of the auncient holy fathers and euer to follow the institutions of the Catholick Roman Church When manie of his disciples who most dearely loued him falling prostrate before him cried out with weeping words Wee know deare father that thou doest desire to be dissolued from thy aged bodie to raigne with CHRIST but we humbly beseech thee to take pittie on vs whom thou hast gayned to the seruice of CHRIST Confessiō of sinne● In whatsoeuer our humane frailtie hath offended we haue allwaies confessed vnto thee desiring to be corrected by the arbitrement of thy discretion Obtaine therefore of allmightie God that togeather with thee we may depart out of this vale of teares and miseries to the euerlasting ioyes of our deare Lord for vnto vs it seemeth a thing vnfitting that eyther a Bishop without his Cleargie a sheapheard without his flock or a father without his children should enter into the ioyes of his Lord. The holie man being moued with pittie fetching his breath as well as he was able The sacred will of God sayd he be fullfilled in vs all and according as he knowes best and as he pleaseth let his diuine prouidence dispose of vs all Herevppon being admonished by an Angel that his prayer was heard he was likewise willed to enter into a warme bath in which lifting vpp his hands and eyes towards heauen he resolued as it were into a sweet sleepe and yeelded vpp The manner of his death his bless●d soule into the hands of his Redeemer It pleased the heauenly wisedom to giue his seruant this pleasant kind of death whose life was a continuall martirdome His disciples hauing taken his body out of the bath manie of them entring therein had the fauour to follow their holie leader into the heauenly dwellings He died the thirteenth day of Ianuary about the yeare of our Lord 596. and in the hundred eightie fift yeare of his age when he had bin Bishop an hundred and threescore yeares famous for sainctetie and miracles He was buried in the Church of Glasghu at whose tombe all manner of diseases were miraculously cured His life was written by IOSGELINVS an auncient author IOANNES ANGLICVS and IOHN CAPGRAVE whom we haue followed Of him make mention NICHOLAS HARPSFIELD histor Ecclesiast sex primis saec cap. 28. ARNOLD WION and others The life of S. PETER Abbot of the holy order of Sainct BENEDICT IAN. 13. Out of venerable Bede PETER was a Roman Monk of S. BENEDICTS order and one of those which were sent by S. GREGORIE the great with our first Apostle S. AVGVSTIN to preach the Ghospell of CHRIST vnto the English natiō S. AVGVSTIN being consecrated Archbishop of Canturbury sent back Laurence and Peter his fellowes to bring newes vnto the holy Pope of their good successe in the conuersion of England and allsoe by his prudence and counsell to be resolued of some difficulties which arose in the planting of Catholick religion in that new Church This S. PETER at his returne into England was by the same S. AVGVSTIN ordayned the first Abbot of the Benedictin monasterie of Canturburie erected by King Ethelbert in honour of the Apostles S. PETER and S. PAVL Of the time and manner of his gouernement in this office we haue nothing certaine but that he led a verie vertuous and holy life it is manisest by that which S. BEDE writes of him At length sayth he being sent Embassadour into France he chaunced to be drowned in a gulfe of the sea betweene two c●pes at a place called Ampleat and being by the inhabitants committed to
an ignoble buriall it pleased allmightie God to make knowne of how great meritt the holy man was by an heauenly light which appeared euerie night ouer his graue vntill the neighbours vnderstood thereby that certainly it was a holy man that lay buried there and being better informed who it was and whence he came they tooke away his bodie and carried it to the cittie of Bullein where it was buried in a Church after such reuerend and honourable manner as became soe worthy a holy man He died about the yeare of Christ 607. Of him doe make mention beside S BEDE TRITHEMIVS in his worke of the famous men of S. BENEDICTS order MOLANVS in his Catalogue of the Saincts of Belgia and others whom we haue followed The life of S CEOLVLPHE King and Confessor Monk of the holy order of S. BENEDICT IAN. 15. Out of venerable Bede de gest Angl. CEOLVLPH after the death of King Osrick was made King of the Northumbers but the beginning and progresse of his gouernement was encumbred with soe manie difficulties and aduersities that after some yeares triall thereof entring into a serious consideration with him self of the miserable vncertaintie and vncertaine miserie of mans life and perceauing how dangerous were the tumults and precipices of this world and that the greatest and most prosperous fortunes of Princes were most of all subiect to decline and chainge euen in a moment and calling to mind the strict and rigid accompt that we must render of all our thoughts and actions at the day of iudgement before the dreadfull tribunall of the all seeing Iudge he beganne soe farre to loathe the care of worldly things and soe to despise those vaine honours He resolueth to be a Benedictin monk that forsaking the Royall estate and robes of Maiestie he put on the poore weeds of a monasticall humilitie in the Benedictin monasterie of Lindissarne or Holy-Iland piously following herein the footsteps of six others his predecessors English Kings Now insteed of his crowne of gold the token of soueraigntie he wore his hayre shauen with a crowne made of the same as the badge of a punishing humilitie his royall sceptre by vertue whereof he bore sway and authoritie in the world was now turned to a breuiarie wherevnto he was wedded and he that before ruled a kingdome was now vnder the check and commaund of a poore monk his superiour for his chaines of gould which were the ornament of his princely body he is now content to vse a poore payre of beades and thereon daily to reckon the number of his allmost numberlesse deuotions He was a man in whom a great knowledge of things diuine and humane was ioyned with an excellent pietie and singular deuotion soe absolutely learned that venerable BEDE the greatest scholler His learning and pietie and writer of our nation dedicated his historie of England vnto him with the title of MOST GLORIOVS KING to be by his wisedom not only reuiewed and read but allso approued and if need were corrected The often reading of these bookes he being of him self much addicted vnto the knowledge of antiquities and especially of England was a spurre vnto him allreadie inclined therevnto to vndertake this monasticall life In which when he had liued the space of all most twentie yeares in the continuall exercise of pietie and deuotion he gaue vp his holy soule to receaue for a temporall kingdom an eternall amongst other blessed Kings whom the same pious considerations had caused to leaue their scepters purples to be ranged vnder the humble enseigne of S. BENEDICT The day of his death is vnknowne but how full of merits and good workes he died his buriall which was neere vnto His death the great Benedictin monk S. CVTHBERT and the manie miracles which it pleased God to shew at his tombe doe giue sufficient testimonie Afterwards his bodie togeather with S. CVTHBERTS was taken vp and placed in a rich shrine in a more eminent place Thus much of him we haue gathered out of venerable BEDE WILLIAM MALMESBVRY de gest Reg. Angl. lib. 1. cap. 3. BARONIVS tom 9. ann 737. NICOLAS HARPSFIELD saec 8. cap. 21. ARNOLD WION lib. 4. ligni vitae cap. 6. de Regibus regnis Benedictini ordinis and other graue Authours The life of S. FVRSEVS Abbot and Confessor of the holy order of S. BENEDICT IAN. 16. Out of venerable Bede FVRSEVS borne in Ireland of Royall parents but more ennobled by his vertues then his birth was famous for dignitie amongst his friends but excelling ouer the world in the speciall guift of diuine grace He was of a beautifull forme chast of bodie deuout in mind affable in discourse of an amiable aspect and replenished with grace and good workes brought vp from his verie infancie in the continuall studie of holy scripture and monasticall His youth and learning discipline And as he grew in yeares soe grew he allsoe in the daily increase of vertue and pious desires For the better accomplishment whereof he forsaked his parents friends and natiue soyle and betooke him self for the space of some yeares to the studie of holy scriptures in which in short time he became sufficiently well instructed But that the world might know that he did not only labour for him self but for all those that sought the truth he built a monasterie which serued as a free-schoole of vertue wherein he taught all that came vnto him the true way of saluation Great was the number of people that flocked togeather vnto this holy teacher of vertue by whose godly preaching and deuout exhortations manie were not only retired from their bad manner of life and brought into the right way of saluation but allsoe were subiected vnto the regular obseruance of a monasticall order Amongst these he was desirous to haue the companie of some of his owne kinsinen and for that end he made a iourney vnto his natiue countrey but in the way he happened to fall sick and in this sicknes his soule being as it were separated from her earthly lodging enioyed a most delightfull vision of Angels that seemed to lift him vp towards heauen were he beheld an infinite companie of heauenly citizens who with their sweet melodie filled his rauished vnderstanding with inestimable ioy and comfort The dittie of their A vision song was that versicle of the Psalme Ibu●t Sancti de virtute in virtutem vi●ebitur Deus Deorum in Sion Holy men will proceed from vertue to vertue the God of Gods shall be seene in Sion This song they repeated often-times with such rauishing tunes as it is farre beyond the force of weake wordes to expresse But being restored to his bodie and him self againe about the time that the cock giues warning of the dayes approach he heard in steed of the melodious harmonie of the Angels the wofull lamentations and cries of his friends and kinsfollies who all this time had watched at his bodie which they supposed to be dead
behauiour soe humbly noble and nobly humble amongst her fellowes she gott a wonderfull praise and loue of all and her good fame deserued soe happily that Erchinoald the Prince desired she should succeede in place of his bed-fellow who was dead and become his second wife which this holy mayd vnderstanding inspired by Gods grace with great care and secrecie she withdrew her self from his sight And being called to She flieth the mariage of Erchinoald the Princes chamber she hid her self in a corner of the house vnder some ragged cloathes soe subtilly that noe man suspected her being in that roome and then like a wise and craftie mayde flying all vaine honours and humbly embracing an humble chasterie she endeauoured to her power to auoyd the companie of a man that she might deserue to enioy the societie of her spirituall and heauenly spouse But hauing escaped the Princes embracements and he in the meane time being married vnto an other by the disposition of She marieth the king Clodoueus the allmightie prouidence it came to passe that she who had auoyded the mariage of this Prince should afterwards be ioyned in wedlock vnto the great Monarke of France Clodoneus and be raysed by the deserts of her humilitie to a higher degree of dignitie by refusing the Kings seruant she was maried vnto the King himself and became the mother of the royall progenie which without all doubt was thus brought to passe that she who descended from the race of Kings should by marying a King bring forth an issue of Kings But in all these honours euer ruling her self by the raines of wisedome Her wonderfull works of mercie with a watchfull care she obeyed the King as her Lord carying her self to the Princes as a mother to Priests as a daughter to yonglings as a pious nurse she was louing vnto all honouring Priests as her fathers fauouring Monkes as her brethren cherishing the poore as her domesticks and remembring her owne estate of pilgrimage she entertained pilgrims as her owne children She was a perpetuall refuge vnto widdowes orphanes and fatherlesse children and gaue succour vnto all that were weake and in want She would alwaies exhort yong men to pietie and religion and often put the King in mind to haue a care of the Churches and poore Alsoe being desirous in this her secular habit to serue vnder the banner of CHRIST IESVS she often frequented her prayers daily recommending her self with teares of deuotion vnto her heauenly King Of whom her earthly King Clodoneus being likewise verie carefull that she might the better bring to passe what she had in mind conceaued according to her owne faith and deuotion counselled her to haue some conference Her charitie to religious houses with the venerable Abbot Genesius to ayde and assist her in her pious intentions Through whose hands she exercised her pietie to Priests gaue maintenance to the poore cloathed the naked and carefully buried the dead By him she sent noe small store of gould siluer and other rich guifts vnto the monasteries both of men and woemen All which was by this pious seruant of God with great care performed II. IN THE meane time King Clodonens died and left the care of his children to their mother by whose meanes and the authority of the Peeres of the Realme Lotharins the eldest sonne was setled in the gouernment of the Kingdom of France Allso through the labours of this blessed Queene her sonne Childerick was made King of A●strasia and the Burgundians entred into a league with the French She buildeth the monasterie of Chelles III. HAVING thus ordered the publick affaires of the Kingdome it is incredible what great commodities and guifts she largely bestowed on religious howses in lands woods and other hereditaments eyther to build their monasteries on or to maintaine those that were built with sufficiencie Yet this her great liberalitie did not seeme to satisfie the pietie of her desire vnlesse at her owne only chardge she did build a monasterie which And richely endoweth the same amongst the other particular houses of God should looke towards heauen Wherefore now as it were spurning the sea of the world she erected a Monasterie for Nunnes of S. BENEDICTS Order at a place neere vnto Paris commonly called Chelles on the banckes of the riuer Marne This Abbey she enriched with wonderfull great reuenewes of whole villages and Lordships all which she deliuered into the possession of the Nunnes liuing there strictly and seuerely obliging the rules thereof in a precept sealed with her owne hands and the Kings seale that none hereafter should euer presume to alienate or diminish anie of the goods or lands therevnto belonging vnder paine of incurring damnation with the traitour Judas And this writing she caused to be safely referued in the treasurie of the monasterie Where to this verie day there liueth a verie religious Conuent of a boue threescore Nunnes of S. BENEDICTS order in a verie strict obseruance of regular discipline She is foūdresse of the Abbey of Corbey IV. THIS glorious Queene built an other monasterie in the suburds of Amiens called Corbey Abbey and placed therein a deuout flock of Monks likewise of S. Benedicts order ouer whom Theodofred was ordained Abbot And to this place allsoe she gaue great reuenews of lands and rents sufficient for the maintainance of a great Conuent It is allmost incredible vnto how manie other monasteries and Abbeies of men woemen and vnto how manie Churches else this deuout Queene made donations of spatious lands great goods rich guifts and vncomparable ornaments neuer ceasing from doeing such pious offices for the pure and sincere loue of God whose honour and glorie in all her actions she chiefely endeauoured to encrease V. HER pietie and vertue encreased daily and now she was in verie great care to vndertake a monasticall life in the monasterie of She is taken with a desire of areligious life Chelles which she had erected and to dwell there in bodie as she did in mind But the Peeres and Nobles of the Realme withstood her deuout intentions chiefely because by her wisedom the Pallace was gouerned and for that her pious conuersation had gained the loue of all soe that they had not permitted her to haue her defire herein had not a certaine cōmotion happened about the miserable Bishop Sigebrand whose pride amongst the French hastened his owne death and ruine Hence therefore a contention arising amongst them and hauing putt the Bishop to death against the course of law without examining his cause fearing the blessed Queenes seuere punishment An example of the diuine prouidēce and reuenge of soe great and wicked an offence they perswaded her to embrace her pious intended course which before out of a temporall respect they would not permitt her to doe But allthough the Princes did this rather out of pollicie then anie loue of goodnes yet the holy woeman lightned by Gods grace considered that this
vnder a hedge being exposed to the iniurie of the wind and weather But allmightie god who neuer forsaketh his seruants sent forth a bright shining light which incompassed the holie man with such splendour that the next approching morning might well blush at the luster of his brightsom night And the same allmightie power shott a dreadfull thunderbolt into that village which had refused to harbour his messenger whereby it was fiered destroyed and buried for euer in its owne ruines Afterwards Tonanus a Bishop of Jreland vnderstanding of the fame of S. LAVRENCE and of his preaching came to see him and hauing heard him dispute of the Apostolique institutions of the Catholick Church and of the true obseruance of Easter he embraced the truth and earnestly endeauoured to reduce his owne countrey vnto the same V. LAVRENCE returning againe into Kent happened by the way to lodge in a house where his Hosts sonne was newly dead and He rayseth a dead boy to life the father and mother wonderfully lamenting their losse desired him yf he would haue them beleeue in the fayth of him he preached to restore their sonne to life againe The Holy Bishop hauing made his prayer vnto allmightie God full of faith and confidence in him that promised whatsoeuer you shall aske in my name shall be graunted vnto you cōmaunded the boy to rise and he arose forth with and related how when S. LAVRENCE prayed for him he was by the hand of bright-shining Angels taken out of the vgly clawes of the black horrid spirits and restored to his bodie againe Moued with this miracle the father and mother of the boy togeather with all their whole houshould and Kinred receaued the faith of CHRIST and were at the same time washed in the sacred font of Baptisme At length this holie Prelat hauing for the space almost of eleuen yeares gouerned the Sea of Canturburie continually labouring in His happie death the promotion of gods cause left this world to receaue the euerlasting rewards of his labours in a better the second day of February in the yeare of our Lord 619. He was buried neer vnto S. AVGVSTIN his predecessour in the Benedictin Abbey of Canturbury dedicated vnto S. PETER and S. PAVL which had bin founded in S. AVGVSTINS time but was perfected and consecrated by S. LAVRENCE And in the Epitaph ouer his tombe mention is made of his scourging in this verse Pro populo Christi Scapulas dorsumque dedisti A long time after his death togeather with his fellow-Bishops and Saincts AVGVSTINE and MELLITVS he appeared in glorie to a lame cripple whose legges by the contraction of the sinews grew fast to his haunches but as he prayed for help in the same Church the Blessed Sainct with his owne hands seemed to dissolue his ioynts sinews soe that he suddenly found him self to be perfectly cured This life me haue gathered cheefly out of VENERABLE BEDE de geft Ang. lib. 2. and IOANNES ANGLICVS recited by IOHN CAPGRAVE Mention is made of him in the Roman Martirologe this day TRITHEMIVS of the famous men of S. BENEDICTS order lib. 3. cap. 59. Harpsfield s●c 7. cap. 7. MALMESBVRY de gest reg Angl. lib. 1. cap. 1. and de gest P●ntif Angl. lib. 1. and all our English historiographers doe whorthyly speaks his prayses The life of S. WEREBVRG Virgin and Abbesse of the Holy order of S. BENEDICT FEB 3. Out of diuers graue onthors AS a pretious diamond when it is artificially and well sett in a gould ring giueth a double lustre and grace vnto the eye soe the vertues of the mind which are engraffed in the nobilitie of birth and beautie of bodie doe shine with a farre greater glorie and dazle the beholders with more admiration A strong proofe hereof we haue in the life of the glorious virgin S. WEREBVRG who by the Sainctitie and vertues of her good life ennobled the resplendent royaltie and no blencs of her birth She was daughter vnto Wulfere Her royall parentage King of the Mercians and S. ERMENILD his Queene Being therefore borne of a noble and holie race and in beautie excelling manie other of her equalls she iudged it a thing verie vnseemly to degenerate from the vertue and glorie of her Ancestours or that the vilences of a corrupted soule should blemish and deforme the bea●teous grace of soe faire a bodie And because she had her beginning from noble progenitors she abhorred the terrene desires of the louers of this world to vnite her self to the most worthie spouse of all chast soules CHRIST IESVS vnto whom she betrothed the pure and holie soule of her vnstained bodie Gould gemmes costly apparell and whatsoeuer else the gorgeous pompe of this world doth bragge of seemed vnto her rather odious then glorious II. AT LENGTH the time being come when she was resolued to celebrate her spirituall spousage she went to the monasterie of Benedictin She taketh the habitt of S. Benedict Nunnes at Ely where CHRIST and his angels being witnesses she receaued the sacred vaile of virginitie and ranged her self into the companie of those holie virgins vnder the rule of S. BENEDICT and the gouernment of Etheldred her aunt thē abbesse of the same place From which time treading vnder foote the vaine pride of the world she euer shewed her self an humble handmayd of CHRIST by submitting her self to all her other sisters she ouercame them all in the vertue of true humilitie allwaies seruing their necessitie with the pious workes of a boyling charitie not forgetting likewise to keepe a speciall guard ouer her owne actiōs lest she should committ anie small ouersight which might be displeasing vnto her heauenly spouse for whose loue she had forsaken the pompe of the world which mortalls soe much admire The whole forces powers of her soule were bent only to endeauour which way she might become excellent in silence abstinence watchings pious reading and holie Her pious exercises meditations That in a short time she went as farre beyond her other companions in these and all other vertues as she excelled the in the nobilitie of bloud yet allwaies thinking soe humbly of her self that she was euer most readie to obey them all and to vndergoe the basest offices of the howse In a word all her life was such that allthough as others doe she carried her bodie vppon earth yet she alwaies had her mind fixed in heauen and heauenly things III. AFTER she had a long time giuen such a patterne of vertue and religion in the monasterie of Ely king Wulfere her father being She is made Abbesse of three Nunneries dead Etheldred her vncle then raigning ouer the kingdom of Mercia sent for her home into her owne countrey and gaue her the gouernment of three monasteries of Benedictine Nunnes to wit Trentam and Hindbury in Staffordsshire and Wedune in Northamptonshire that with her good and pious example she might there promote the obseruance of heauenly and immortall life
he would receaue it he humbly desired pardon of all his brethren yf in anie thing he had offended them and imparted the like courtesie vnto them earnestly crauing it of him and then with great reuerence fortifieing him self with that heauenly Viaticum he prepared his pious soule to enter into the happie voyage of euerlasting life V. THIS done he asked the assistants how long it was to the hower that the Monkes should rise to Mattins They answered that the time was not farre of Well then sayd he let vs quietly expect that Blessing with the signe of the Crosse good hower And within a while when the standers by nothing suspected his death arming him self with the signe of the holy crosse the only signe of our redemption and softly inclining his head vppon the pillow he tooke a sweet slumber and therwithall in great His death correspondent to his life silence and tranquillitie both of mind and bodie he deliuered vp his still soule into the hands of his redeemer Soe that by the diuine prouidence it came to passe that euen as he serued our Lord in his life time with a pure and quiet deuotion of mind soe leauing this world he went to enioy the cleere vision of him he had serued by a peaceable and vntroubled death And that elegant tongue which had sung so manie sweet lines poems in prayse of his creatour did close vpp the breath of his last words to gods honour glorie when blessing him self with the signe of life recōmending his soule into the hands of his deare redeemer he changed this temorall life for an eternall He died about the yeare of our Lord 670. After the time of King William conquerour his bodie was found among the ruines of the monasterie of Streanshall and honourably shrined sett vpp in a Inuention of his bodie place worthie soe great a relique where the manie miracles wrought through his meritts are euident witnesses of what high esteeme he was in the fauour of allmightie God who is euer gloriousi n his saincts Amen His life we haue gathered out of Venerable Bede de gest Ang. lib. 4. cap. 24. Nicholas Harpsfield saec 7. cap. 36. William Malmesbury de gest pont Aug. lib. 3. Arnould Wion l. 2. cap. 62. and other grau● authours make honourable mention of him And be is highly commended of all for his great vertue and holy life and conuersation The life of S. ERMENILD Queene and Abbesse of the holy order of S. BENEDICT FEB 13. Gathered out of diuers Authours SAINCT ERMENILD was daughter to Erconbert King of Kent and S. SEXBVRG his queene naturally and from the womb she inherited her good mothers propension to workes of pietie compassion and relieuing of euerie ones necessitie Both mother and daughter vsed the same bountie and charitie towards all and being both queenes on earth they had both the same pious desires and affectiōs to the King and kingdom of heauen ERMENILD was giuen in mapiage vnto Wulfere King of the Mercians and by that meanes the kingdom of Kent was happily vnited to that of the Mercians At that time her husband Wulfere being but newly baptised his poeple were but rude and scarse well setled in the Catholick fayth but S. ERMENILD who had bin trayned vp from her infancie in true vertue pietie and religion with her care and singular example of holy life her wise and prudent exhortations and manie benefits liberally bestowed vppon them tamed the obstinate heartes of that rude and vnlearned poeple and brought them vnder the sweet yoake of IESVS CHRIST by a mild force and a forceble mildnes subduing those peruerse rebellious mindes to the obediēce of the Catholick Church II. SVCH and soe great was the feruour zeale of this holy woemā to the seruice honour of allmightie God propagation of Christiā religiō that she was wholely carelesse of all other affayres in respect thereof neuer ceasing vntill she had quite destroyed Idolls rooted out all the diuelish rites of Idolatrie and furnished her Kingdō with churches Priests for the cōfort saluatiō of her poeple whom in the end she accustomed diligently to frequent the diuine seruices and sacraments and all other duties of Christian pietie and deuotion And this her godly zeale was much promoted by the royall power and authoritie of the king her husband who inuited by her pious example much aduanced her good endeauours and did manie good workes him self admiring to see the whole intentions mind of his wife amōgst the turbulent broiles of the world to be allwaies soe truely fixed on the contemplation of heauen and heauenly things Besides she did abound in charitie and compassion towards the poore all such as were in necessitie and affliction in soe much that neuer anie came to her that departed without consolation and her liberall almes to relieue their want III. AT length after the death of her husband with whom she had She taketh the habit of S. Benedicts order liued seauenteen yeares and been mother of S. WEREBVRG whose life you may read the third of this moneth hauing hither vnto ouercome all others she now ouercame her self for goeing to the monasterie of Benedictin Nunnes at Ely she renounced all mortall pompe and glorie for the pure loue of the immortall and putt on the habit of S. BEMEDICTS order vnder the gouernment of her holy mother S. SEXBVRG then Abbesse of the same place Where by humilitie and obedience she became queene of her owne passions and spent the remnant of her life in continuall fasting and prayer and all other austerities of a vertuous and religious life And after the death of the Abbesse S. SEXBVRG S. ERMENILD was chosen in her place in which office whilest she dischardged the dutie of a verie religious vertuous Matrone inciting her subiects by her owne good examples to embrace the rules of true religion she was deliuered out of this mortall prison and called to receaue the euerlasting reward of her labours in heauen the thirteenth day of February about the yeare of our Lord 685. and was buried in the same monasterie Where after her death it pleased allmightie God for the honour and glorie of this sainct to worke manie miracles at her tombe Whereof one was that a Saxon condemned for some offence to be bound with iron chaines or rings being on a time present at Masse in the monasterie of Elie and as he prayed before the bodie of S. ERMENILD about the time the ghospell was reading his irons forced by some secret and diuine power fell suddenly from his armes to the great admiration of manie that were present at the sayd masse Her life we haue gathered out of Ioannes Anglicus recited by Iohn Capgraue William Malmesbury de gest reg Angl. lib. 2. cap. 13. de gest pontif lib. 4. Mathew Wistminster anno 676. and Wigorniensis an 675. mention is made of her by Molanus in his additions to Vsuard Peter in
recōmended that holy societie to the protection of the diuine goodnes and the B. Virgin MARIE earnestly desiring them to make choise of such a gouernesse after her death whom they iudged for true pietie and religion to be the fittest among them to vndergoe that charge FEB 25. and withall exhorting thē chiefly to preserue true peace purenes of heart she often repeated the words of CHRIST her spouse vnto thē Blessed sayd she are the peacemakers for they shall be called the children of God Blessed are the cleane of heart for they shall see God Hauing giuen thē Matt. 5. v. 8. 9. these and such like pious admonitions and religiously armed her self and her death with the holy sacramēts she happyly yeelded vpp her vnstayned soule to enioy an euerlasting kingdom with her sacred spouse in heauen aboue for whose sake she had contemned the kingdom and pompe of this lower world she died the three twentith day of February and was buried in her monasterie of Wenlock Who as she is by a pious certaintie thought gloriously to raigne with her deare spouse IESVS soe lest perchance anie small cloud of Her happie death mistrust might darken that pious beleef all mightie God him self hath shewed manie cleere testimonies of his loue to his holie spouse able to conuince the most incredulous When manie ages after the death of this holy Virgin in the yeare of our lord 1101. and the raigne of Henry the first her holy bodie was discouered and brought out of the ruines of obliuion to the open view and veneration of the world It happened in this manner VI. THE monasterie of Wenlock being destroyed afterwards by the violence of Englands sauage and barbarous enemies the holy virgins bodie lay for a long time hidden amongst those ruines till by the mnnificence of Roger Earle of Mountgomerie it was reedified and turned to a Priorie of Benedictine Monks of the Congregation of Cluny about the yeare aforesayd when by the speciall prouidence of allmightie God S. MILBVRGS bodie came to light vppon this occasion VII A workeman called Raymund being at work in the monasterie The miraculous inuention of her bodie of the holie Trinitie he happened to find an old chest or Box in which was contayned a writing written by one Alstan a Priest which testified that the bodie of the holy Virgin lay buried there neere vnto the aultar But noe remnant of the aultar appearing was cause that yet there was noe certaintie of anie thing Till he that gouerns all things with certaintie soone after tooke away all this vncertaintie for as two children plaied togeather vppon the pauement of that Church suddenly the earth opened and they both sunk in vpp to the knees This accident being a cause of great admiration amongst the Monkes gaue them occasion to haue the earth digged vpp deeper in that place by which meanes they found some bones which sent forth a wonderfull sweet sauour ouer all the Church and the next day after they lighted on the foundation of the aultar spoken off before To the greater creditt Miracles wrought by her reliques euidence hereof and more cleere manifesting of the glorie of God and his holy spouse S. MILBVRG manie other verie worthie and notable testimonies concurred For by the only touch of those sacred reliques but then new raked out of earth and dust two woemen were cured of most horrid leaprosies an other was restored to her sight lost and a boy that neuer saw light before receaued perfect power to distinguish of colours In summe such and soe famous where the miracles which God allwaies wonderfull in his saincts whrought there by the merits of this glorious Virgin that whole inundations of poeple flocked thither in such troupes as the open fields thereabouts were scarse sufficient to receaue them where rich and poore were in equall contention to obey the guide and conduct of their pious fayth Nether was the labour of their pietie spent in vaine for none returned without comfort sick persons receauing a perfect recouerie of health and a cure of manie such mortall diseases which had giuen the foyle to phisitians and their skill had left in desperation Of which one and not the lest was that a woeman dwelling in the village hard by called Patton hauing for the space of fiue yeares been cruelly tormented with a verie desperate disease incureable by phisick dranke only of the water wherein the holy virgins reliques had been washed and presently she shaked of her teadious sicknes and withall disburdened her stomack of a filthie worme vgly and horrible to behould hauing six feete two hornes on his head and two on his tayle The woeman being freed of this monstruous guest had the happines of her perfect health restored and in testimonie Note a strainge miracle and memorie of the fact that worme was shutt vp in a hollow peece of wood and reserued afterwards in the Monasterie as a trophie and monument of S. MILBVRG vntill by the lasciuious furie of him that destroyed all goodnes in England that with other religious houses and monasteries went to ruine that whereas before our fruitfull Ile for true religion pietie continencie and other vertues was the miracle of the world soe now for atheisme heresie and manie other vices it yeelds to no other realme in Christendom The life of this holy Virgin S. MILBVRG is written by Ioannes Anglicus recited by Iohn Capgraue and Nicholas Harpsfield out of whom we haue gathered it But of the inmention of her bodie and miracles thereat we haue taken chiefely out of Ato Bishop and Cardinal of Ostia who writt the miracles that happened after her inmention and William Malmesburie de Pont. Angl. lib. 4. de gest reg Angl. l● 2. cap. 15. The Roman Martyrologe Camden in descriptione com Salopiae Polidore Virgil lib. 4. de regno Merciorum Vincentius Lirinensis in speculo lib. 25. cap. 33. Mathew Westminster anno 676. Florentius Wigorniensis anno 675. and manie others make ample mention of her The life of S. ETHELBERT King and Confessor FEB 24 Out of Venerable Bede de gest Angl. THE diuine wisedom whose allmightie power only is able to produce light out of the middest of darkenes and good out of euill during the raigne of ETHELBERT fift king of Kent voutchafed to sett Ethelbert the first Christian King of England a period to the diabolicall rites of Idolatrie in England and called ETHELBERT out of a race of Pagan Ancestors to be the first English king that sound the true Christian way to the kingdom of heauen And whatsoeuer gaine of soules our holy Apostle S. AVGVSTIN the Benedictine monke and his Euangelicall brethren reaped in the spirituall haruest and vineyard of our lord excepting allwaies the premotion and preuention of Gods grace is wholly due vnto holy King ETHELBERT For in as much as it lay in humane power vnlesse his royall graunt and assistance had stood with those diuine labourers nether the
tilling not fruict of true saluation had then arriued to our English His royall curtesie land He being as yet incredulous receaued CHRIST in his legats commended the messengers of eternall happines whom yet he mistrusted harboured those strange guests in his eittie of Doner whom he knew not and at first gaue them a dwelling with necessarie sustenance for a time which afterwards he confirmed for euer vnto them whose profession of fayth and religion he did not yet admitt off He did not abhorre the strangenes of their habitt nor manners he did not repell them as straingers nor contemne them as humble and deiected persons nor condemne them as men that vtterly condemned the follie of his gods and auncient lawes but out of the sweet meekenes of a royall mind fauoured their sacred labours and with a clement patience suffered them to conuert whom they could to their fayth shewing himself allwayes courteous to Christians being yet but a Heathen Till at length hauing himself receaued the Christian fayth and washed away the filth of Idolatrie in the sacred font of baptisme he confirmed with his royall authoritie whatsoeuer S. AVGVSTIN and his fellowes preached and what they Apostolically planted he royally encreased sweetly drawing and winning his subiects His zeale in promoting the Christian fayth to abandon their Idolatrie and embrace the Christian religion with his pious exhortations and promises of eternall happines without anie force or compulsion and ranging them vnder the banner of the holy warrefarre of CHRIST as troupes of Voluntaries and not pressed souldiers He allsoe encouraged other Princes who were ether his subiects or colleagues with all curtesie and mildnes to the fayth of CHRIST heartyly louing all true beleeuers as his brethren kinsmen and fellow-citezins of the Kingdom of heauen soe that in a short time his holy endeauours tooke soe good effect that the honour and worship of the true God florished ouer all his Kingdom manie Churches were erected the temples and aultars of Idolls were destroyed or consecrated for the vse of diuine seruice II. IN THE meane time the holy Pope S. GREGORIE with wonderfull affection did congratulate this good Kings pietie encouraging him with the sweete lines of his Epistles as soe manie heauenly salutations to proceede in his Christian zeale inciting him to embrace true pietie and vertue and stirring him vp by the example of Constantine the great to aspire to the vnspeakeable reward of those who striue to enlarge and amplifie the Kingdom of IESVS CHRIST Mooued herewith and the labour of S. AVGVSTIN and the propension of his owne pietie inclining him therevnto he built a goodly Church in Canturbury in honour of our Sauiour commonly called Christ Church and without the walles of the same towne he He buildeth Churches erected a monastery in honour of S. PETER and PAVL called afterwards S. AVGVSTINS to be a place for his owne buriall and of his successor-Kings of Kent and the Archbishops of Canturbury Both these places were furnished with Benedictine monks the first Conuerters of England from Idolatrie to Christianitie S. PAVLS Church in London was allsoe the worke of this worthie King where MELLITVS a Benedictin monk was first Bishop He allsoe founded the Cathedrall Church of Rochester and dedicated it to the honour of S. ANDREW the Apostle He is likewise reported by antiquitie to haue been the Authour of the monasterie of Elie for Benedictin Nunnes allbeit S. ETHELDRED a nunne of the same order did reedifie it afterwards and restore it after long desolation to the former state and glorie All these monasteries Churches and bishops seas this pious king not only built but enriched with manie large possesions of lands guifts and ornaments omitting nothing which did anie way tend to the propagation aduanoement of true Christian religion III. BVT amidst all these good workes and all the glorie of his Princely diadem seeptre and large commaund of his Kingdom extending His great pietie and humilitie it self to the riuer Humber in Yorkshire he soe honoured Christian pouertie in the magnificence of his royaltie that in possessing all things he seemed to enioy nothing only making vse of his greatnes thereby the better to exercise and dilate his goodnes A most glorious sight it was to see or rather to admire him that held a sceptre ouer soe large a dominion carefully to serue the poore to behould him that terrified Kings and Princes of the earth to feare the humble Priests of CHRIST IESVS and to see the ruler of the poeple to obey the clergie and reuerence the lest and lowest members of his holie flock In summe in repressing of vice aduancing of vertue fulfilling the commaundments of God and in exercising all manner of workes of pietie and deuotion he excelled beyond the power of weake words to expresse At length when he had raygned ouer his poeple in all sainctitie of life the space of one and twentie yeares after his conuersion he left his temporall Kingdom and gaue vp his blessed soule to enioy the neuer dyeing happines of the Kingdom of heauen the foure and twentith day of February in the yeare of our Lord 616. All antiquitie and the authoritie of auncient Saincts are vnresistable witnesses of his holie life for from the time of his death he was numbred in the Catologue of Saincts and his festiuitie was honorably celebrated in the English Church The neglect whereof he is reported by an apparition after his death to haue blamed and caused to be amended IV. AMONGST manie other vertues which doe soe highly sett forth this good King one was that as he promoted the Christian religion His good lawes soe likewise he established his common wealth with manie excellent lawes which he published in English and were of great accompt amongst Englishmen wherein among other things he had a speciall care to preserue the common good of the Church commaunding vnder great penalties that none should eyther by theft or anie other meanes alienate or depriue Gods Church or the Bishops thereof of anie thing whatsoeuer that was bestowed vppon them and allotted ●o the diuine seruice But ô miseriel how directly Contrarie to this our first Christian King are now our moderne kings whose lawes and endeauours haue and doe tend mainly to the destruction of Churches abbeyes and religious he uses robbing them of their ornaments and riches dedicated to God seruice and leauing them to stand with fower bare walls like soe manie emptie barnes placing in stead of the holy image of CHRIST crucified the pictures of beares leopards vnicornes or some such beast houlding ●p in a scu cheon lions or flower de luces as the ensignes of their destroiers O yf our first Christian king the noble E●HELBERT liued now what would he say to see the pious labours of his hāds thus miserably demolisht his aultars destroyed his lawes contemned Veryly he might iustly crie out with the Royall prophet O Lord the Gentils haue entred thy inheritance they haue
the midst the signe of the Crosse which was wont to be carried before him togeather with other Bishops of the realme he consecrated EDWARD their King and embraced him euer after while he liued with a true paternall loue hauing from his tendrest yeares adopted him to be his child EDWARD therefore hauing taken into his hands the Scepter and gouernment of the Kingdom was by CHRIST the greatest and chiefest King of Kings directed in the way of truth and iustice and albeit he were seated in the height of royall maiestie yet he dayly encreased more and more in submission and humilitie of mind And the better to rule his His prudence in gouerning Kingdom with the raines of prudence he refused to vse the counsell of yong Princes and Lords of light and youthfull heads but obeyed in all things the admonitions of the worthie Prelat S. DVNSTAM and following his and other graue religious mens counsell of approued life he would pronounce his sentence in iudgement And inheriting the vertues of his thrice His loue to Monkes worthie father with great strength and magnanimitie of mind he behaued him self in managing the affaires both of warlick and Ecclesiasticall discipline allwaies appearing seuere and terrible to his enemies and other wicked persons but according to his fathers lesson most curteous and humble to good men and especially to monks and religious persons whom allwaies he defended from all trouble and vexation Moreouer his dayly exercise was to feed and mayntaine the poore to cloath the naked and to esteeme that his greatest gaine which he bestowed in these pious works Wherevppon through the goodnes of allmightie God great ioy stedfast peace and wonderfull abundance of wealth and riches florished all ouer England to behold their king in the flower of his youth giuen to such pious endeauours soe affable to all men venerable in chastitie pleasant and comly of countenance and most excelling in prudence and good counsell III. BVT THE common enemie of mankind being enuious at soe The malice of his Stepmother Alfrith great vertue pietie endeauoured by all meanes to ouerthrow his happie deseignes and to disturbe the generall peace and ioies of the whole realme and to this end he enkindled the wrath of Alfrith his Stepmother against him who from the beginning tooke it in ill part that he was preferred to the crowne before her sonne Ethelred And therefore this detestable ambitious woeman could noe lōger keepe fecret the wicked intentions of her mind but cōmunicated thē vnto her impious consellers desiring and entreating them to fauour her designes and inuent some way whereby they might depose EDWARD out of his lawfull throne putt the scepter of the gouernmēt into the hands of her sonne Etheldred and all this her factious mind endeuoured to bring to passe not soe much that he might gouerne but that he beīg but a child gouerning she her self might gett a fayre pretext to take the soueraigntie into her owne hands which was the mayne marke of her endeauours But who were her fauourites and Hist Eccl. sec 10. cap 4. Gulmalm 2. de reg cap. 9 Baron an 975. counsellors in this practise of mischiefe Those chiefly sayth Nicholas Harpsfield following other Ecclesiasticall writers were the secular Clergie men and their adherents who greeued to see their chops bereaued of soe worthie a morsell by the monks And among others Alfere Duke of Mercia stood stiffely for her cause But whē he perceaued that he could not satisfie his impotent desires this champion of wickednes turned all his wrath and vnbridled crueltie to the ruine and destruction of all the Benedictin monasteries within his dominions Till God the allmigtie defender of his seruants sent him afterwards a deserued punishment by the meanes of wormes and lice which swarmed all ouer his bodie in such abundance that they eate him vp aliue But the importune Queene who therein chiefly playd a woemans part not able soe soone to disburden her mind of her Duke Alfere punished preconceiued mischief expected still a fitt occasion to putt her impious desires in execution IV. AND NOW the holy King EDWATD had raigned three yeares and eight moneths when it happened one day that he went on hunting into a forrest neere the towne of Warrham in Dorsetshire which at that time was great and full of godly wood although now there appeare nothing but bushes of brambles rubbish Where hauing King Edward goeth to visit his Brother Ethelred wandred a while vp downe after his game he had a great desire to goe see his brother Ethelred whō he loued dearly who was brought vp in a castle of his mothers called Corfe but three miles distant from Warrham Thither-ward the good King accompained with some few of his followers bent his course but his cōpanie foolishly wandring after the pleasure of their owne game and pastime left the King alone who being within view of his Stepmothers house like an innocent lambe thinking nothing of the mischiefe and treason prepared and knowing his owne conscience most free from offence of anie man went securely thither alone The Queene was presently aduertised of this coming who reioycing to see a long expected occasion brought soe to her hand and making curtesie the outside of mischief with a face as meaning noe guile ranne forth to meete him cherefully saluted and bad him welcome desiring him to grace her and her sonne with his presence that night The good King refused to light from his horse saying that his coming was meerly to salute his brother and talke with him Then the false-hearted woeman caused straight a He is martired by the commaund of Alfrith cupp of wine to be brought him The wine being come the cupp was noe sooner at his mouth when thinking noe harme he felt a Knife in his back which one of that treacherous Queenes seruants bolder in wickednes then the rest and readier to execute a mischief fayning to salute the King as Judas did our Sauiour had violently strucken into his bodie Hauing receaued this mortall wound with all his strength remayning he sett spurres to his horse thinking to returne to his more faythfull companie Till fainting through losse of much bloud he fell from his horse and one foote being intangled in the stirropp he was pittifully dragged vp and downe through woods and lands leauing all the way as he went bloudie signes of his death to those that followed him The bloudie scene of this barbarous fact was acted in the yeare of our Lord 981. Baronius sayth 978. and which is horrible to be spoken within the sacred time of lent that is the eighteenth day of March. And doubtlesse it fell out soe by a particular dispensation of the diuine prouidence to the greater glorie of his holy Martir that he who according to the laudable custome institution of true Christians did worthyly prepare him self to celebrate the most sacred time of our Lords Resurrection in mortifying
hissing of serpents the neighing of horses the howling of wolues the roaring of lions the braying of asses the groning of beares the grunting of swine and diuers other most horrid noises which furiously encompasled him Against all which he vsed as braue patience and vertue as in times past those He confoundeth the deuils that assault him famous Ermites of Egipt so much praysed by S. HIEROM S. ATHONIE S. HILLARION and others and not long since our most worthie and memorable S. CVTHBERT in the Iland of Farne For being besieged as is aforesayd he armed him self with the signe of the holy Crosse saying It is in vaine Satan for thee to tempt me our Lord is my assistance and I will despise mine enemies It this the similitude of the Most-High which in times past thou wouldest assume to thy self in heauen art thou he who thē through pride didst aspire to the forme and liknes of God him self and now dost vilely and filthyly transforme thy self into the vglie shapes of brute and vncleane beasts Verely thou dost persecute CHRISTS poore seruants to thy owne great domage for by how much the more thou endeauourest to build vpon their backs by soe much the more resplendent crownes of glorie thou heapest on their heads to thyne owne confusion But turne into what shape thou wilt I am certaine that nether death nor Rom. 3. life nor angels nor powers nor principalities nor anie other creature shall be able to seperate me from the charitie and ●oue of God With these and such like words he putt to flight all those troupes of infernall monsters and euer after he not only ouercame all their hellish delusions plotts and sleights but allsoe gott absolute power and commaund ouer them as his slaues VII THEREFORE those wicked spiritts seeing they could not preuaile against him with their owne practises of mischief they incensed a clergiman that liued vnder his spirituall rules and gouernment called Bertheline with a wicked cogitation and temptation secretly to murder his holy master thereby to enioy as it were by inheritance that little house whatsoeuer else belonged vnto him But Bertilines He seeth the wicked practises of Berteline impious meaning being reuealed vnto the Sainct he sent for him and discouered vnto him all his secret counsels purposes to witt where when and by what meanes he had determined to execute that bloudie exploit Who presently falling prostrate at the holy mans feet with repētant teares humbly craued obtained pardon euer after he was verie faythfull to S. GVTHIAKE remayned with him vntill death and had the honour to lay him in his graue Furthermore whilst he liued in this solitude his excellent counsell was ven profitable vnto manie for the good both of soule and bodie being famous allsoe for expelling deuils and curing diuers corporall diseases Manie things done a farre off he saw and declared as present and by the spirit of prophesie he foretould manie things to come long time before they happened He liued in this solitarines for the space of fifteen yeares in which time all his actions words and ininwardest His vertues in this solitarines cogitations breathed nothing else but sweet odours of pietie towards God and peace and charitie towards men Noe man euer saw him giue the lest signes of pride of mind or make the lest shew of anger in his countenance but in both he allwaies obserued one self-same setled and vnremoued constancie His aspect euer calme and quiet curteous and affable in his speech very prudent in giuing counsell of a singular humilitie of mind and a wonderfull continencie in his diett cloathing all things But allbeit the greatnes of the labours and afflictions whereunto he exposed him self in The loue of God ouercometh all difficulties this desert seeme after a manner to exceede all humane strength and power yet out of his immense loue to allmightie God and the allmost vndoubted and tried hope of future glorie they seemed verie light and pleasant vnto him All which God the only crowne of his saincts and their labours did wonderfully asswage and moderate with manie externe and interne consolations when besides others allreadie named the fowles of the ayre and fishes of the waters were seruicable and obedient to his commaunds and twise a day after he had been two yeares in the Ermitage morning and euening he He discour seth with an Angell deserued to intermingle most heauenly and vnexplicable discourses with an Angel which a little before his death being coniured thereunto him self confessed to Berteline who before had often heard him discourse but knew not with whom VIII IN the meane time he was visitted in this rude place by manie He is made Priest He cōforteth King Ethelbald and ore relleth the restitution of his kingdom greate men by Hedda bishop who promoted him much against his will to the sacred dignitie of Priesthood by Ethelbald thē a banished man afterwards King of the Mercians who coming often to receaue some comfort in affliction from S. GVTHLAKE had great confidence by his prayers to be deliuered from the bloud-seeking hands his enemies Nether did his hope deceaue him for the holy man with the efficacie of his good counsell not only gaue new courage to his mind allmost quite ouerthrowne with sorrow and afflict ion b● allsoe by a propheticque spiritt foretould that through his prayers he should obtaine his kingdom and glorie againe and that his enemie had not long to line Only sayd he be mindfull that when allmightie God shall haue done well for thee thou be not vngratefull A certaine Abbot allsoe that came to visitt S. GVTHLAKE had giuen leaue to two of his clearks fayning some necessarie busines to goe to a village hard by where in a widdowes house they most wickedly gaue themselues to the works of gluttonie dronkennes and dishonestie In the meane time all their actions were reuealed to the holy man who tould the Abbot where they were what they sayd and did as distinctly as yf he had feene them The Abbot returning to his monasterie tould his clerkes where they had been with all other circumstances of words and works that had past whereby being much ashamed they humbly craued pardon for their fault IX A noble man belonging to the foresayd King Ethelbald and a yong man of Eastanglia both violently vexed and possessed by the He freeth two possessed persons deuill but the later soe extremely that he was madd allsoe in soe much that he would sett vppon all that came neere him with stones and staues and whatsoeuer else he could lay hould on whereby he slew three men that sought to bind him nether in his furie did he spare his owne bodie for with his teeth and nayles he would teare his flesh in peeces At length hauing been led by his friends to manie holie places all in vaine he was brought to S. GVTHLAKE who by a triduall perseuerance in fasting and
prayer springling him with holy See the vertue of fasting and prayer water draue away all power of the deuill and restored him safe and sound to his friends The other was freed by gyrding him self with S. GVTHLAKES Gyrdle About the same time the venerable Abbesse Eaburga sent a leaden coffin with a fine linnen shrowd to S. GVTHLAKE humbly and earnestly entreating him to permitt his bodie to be buried therein after his death desiring withall to vnderstand He foretelleth his successour who should succeed him in his hermitage The holy man vnwillingly receauing the present sent her word back that his successour was as yet a Heathen who shortly hauing receaued the sacramet of baptisme should inhabite that place as it came to passe for one called Cissa after his decease receaued the fayth of CHRIST and became his successour X. AT length the day of his death drawing neere he called Bertelin● vnto him And now sayd he my deare sonne I am goeing to receaue the rewards of my labours I desire to be dissolued to raigne He foreseeth his owne death with CHRIST my beloued Lord and Sauiour And after manie speeches he enioyned him to salute his sister Pega in his name entreate her to come to the buriall of his bodie I haue sayd he auoided her sight hitherunto in this mortall life that more securely we may enioy one and other in the immortall And as he pronounced these and manie other words full of pietie and consolation soe great a sweetnes proceeded from his mouth that Bertheline seemed to smell like flowers of roses scattered in the ayre or the distilled liquour of baulme But allmightie God as he had adorned him liuing in this world with manie worthie fauours and benefitts as well for his owne as for the health of others soe at the verie hower of his death after his departure he made him famous to the world with manie singular graces For falling sick the wendsday before Easter and departing this life the seauenth day following allbeit his forces were His denotion in his sicknes weake yet he forced him self beyond his weakenes to celebrate the dreadfull sacrifice of our sauiours Passion at the aultar on Easter day And from midnight vntill the morning before he died a bright shining light encompassed the little house where he lay At sunrising hauing strengthened him self againe with the viaticum of our Lords sacred bodie he spake to his faythfull disciple Berteline saying The His death time is come my deare sonne wherein I must passe to CHRIST lifting vp his hands and eyes to heauen he yeelded vp his most pure soule to receaue her reward in the heauenly paradise of all puritie the eleauenth day of Aprill When at the verie instant Berteline saw as it were a fierie tower reaching from heauen downe to the earth the brightnes whereof was soe wonderfull that the pale sunne might enuie soe great a lustre And the whole Iland seemed to be spread all ouer The Angels 〈◊〉 at his buriall with a most pleasant sweet smell of heauenly odours whilst the Angels them selues were heard to sing melodious tunes of ioy to the honour and encrease of his glorie In the meane time his godly sister Pega reioycing more then can be expressed at soe great glorie of her brother buried his holy bodie with great reuerence in his owne oratorie and at his buriall a blind man washing his eyes with the water whereinto was putt some salt hallowed before by S. GVTHLAKE receaued perfect sight XI HE DIED at the age of fortie seauen yeares at fower and twentie he begā to follow the warres eight yeares he remayned in that fierce His bodie is found vncorrupted life and fifteene yeares he liued in the seruice of God in the desert But a yeare after his death his sister desiring togeather with manie other reuerend and holy Priests to translate his bodie to a more decent and eminent place they found him most whole and entier more like a man asleepe then dead For all the ioynts of his bodie were flexible agile as yf the humours had runne through the veines by force of the vitall spiritts and all the cloathes he was wrapped in were as fresh and fayre as the first day they were layd in Then the bodie was honourably placed in a tombe aboue ground with great ioy reuerence deuotion of all But the exiled King Ethelbald spoken off before hauing vnderstood the death of the holy man came in mornefull manner to the sepulcher where powring out manie teares he complayned that now he was truely left forsaken desolate more thē euer humbly desiring the Blessed Sainct by his meritts and intercession to obtaine his deliuerance out of those miserable afflictions Vnto whom S. GVTHLAKE appeared one night incōpassed with resplendent bcames of glory cōmaunding him to sett aside all He appeareth to king Ethelbald care for that verie shortly all things would succeed according to his owne desire Which prophesie was not spoken in vaine for within a yeare his aduessarie died and he was restored againe to the free possession of his kingdome XII IN THE meane time S. GVTHLAKES tomb beganne to florish with wonderfull miracles for as manie faythfull Christians as came thither to demaund helpe in their necessities through his meritts intercession were not frustrate of their desire Nether was Ethelbald being restablished in his kingdome vnmindfull of his beloued Patrone For in the same place he built a goodly Church and a monasterie for the Benedictine Monks enriched it with abundant rents King ●thelbald buil 〈…〉 a the Benedictin Abbey of Cro●●and and reuenewes which was after called the Abbey of Crowland And in the same Church he erected a verie sumptuous and rich tombe ouer his sacred bodie Where allthough the place were full of fennes and marshes being seated betweene the riuer Nine the I le of Elie that it could not be come at but by boate yet that house was allwaies most opē to the hospitalitie of all men in soe much that it ●as honoured with the litles of bountie ciuilitie and curtesie euen to the leter times Afterwards manie other kings and Princes endowed Jngulphus Hist Croiland the same monasterie with allmost innumerable riches and reuenews as appeareth by the history of Jngulphus a Mōk of the same Abbey In which allsoe it is to be noted and not without cause that in all the variable chainge and declining of the times in soe long and furious an outrage of the Danes which ruined all such other monasteries this remayned allwaies inhabited allbeit the Church and other buildings were quite ruined and burnt with fier For in that time when the barbarous Danes spoyled wasted and robbed all the Monasteries of England the Abbot of Crowland called Theodore vnderstanding of their neere-approching ruine and threatned destruction sent all the yong monkes to the number of thirtie with the riches and reliques of S. CVTHLAKE and others
morning florishing in the greene weeds of summer it shall be graunted that we haue putt to death a iust and holy man and you shall haue power to burie him with as much honour as you please But yf this wood remaine drie and withered as now it is it shall be lawfull for vs to say that you haue been blind in your affection towards him and it shall be in our power to dispose of his bodie as we think best XIV THE condition being willingly accepted on both sides to A notable miracle the end it might manifestly appeare to the world that S. ELPHEGVS his death was not a death but a beginning of a better life that withered branch in the space of one night began to florish and wax greene and allbeit it were planted in the ground but the euening before yet it was found adorned with the greene liueries of spring the next morning Whereuppon their obstinate minds beginning to relent they stroue to preuent one and other with embracing and kissing the dead bodie humbly bowing downe their stubborne necks and bathing his deaths-wounds with the flouds of their repentant tears Therefore his bodie being lifted on the shoulders of his enemies was caried in triumph to the new borne tree as to the florishing trophie of his glorie accompanied in the way with allmost innumerable miracles sent from heauen as testimonies of his cause and goodnes For the sick receaued their health the blind their sight the deafe their hearing the dumb their speech and the Manie miracles lame the perfect vse of their limmes And in a chappell of deuotion built ouer him in the same place manie of the Danish nobilitie became ennobled with the Christian fayth and new borne in the sacred font of baptisme But when the Londoners vnderstood all these passages they obtayned by the meanes of a summe of money which commaunds all things to haue his sacred reliques transported to London where by the hands of the bishops Ednoth of Lincolne and Alfhune of London it was verie honorably interred in the Cathedrall Church of saint PAVL This Blessed Sainct was martired the ninteenth day of Aprill being the saturday after Easterday in the yeare of our Lord one hundred and twelue the seau nth yeare of his bishoprick in Canturburie and fiftie ninth yeare of his age But God the allmightie defender The diuine punishmēt of his murderers of his seruants shewed soe great examples of reuengefull punishment against the authours of his death that one of the captaines was the blouddie cause of his one death an other cutt his owne throate to auoyde further inconuenience a priest that hid the holy Martirs crosse was crossed out of this life with the sword and one of the same function that presumed to weare the holy Saincts pantafles was before all the poeple cruelly tormented by the deuill And soe horrible a terrour seazed on all the Dauish princes that not daring to trust them selues on the footing of the lands they would needs aduenter their lines at sea immagening there to escape the holy Martirs anger whom the earth could not keepe in safetie from it But they found the sea a farre more implacable element to suffer such impieties for they were noe sooner launched into the deepes but the blustering winds raysed such tumults in those floting Kingdomes that of an hundred and threescore fayle all suffered shipwrack excepting threescore and fiue ships which being driuen to strainge countreys all the men were miserably slaine by the inhabitans who tooke them for spies sent to inuade their dominions But the wicked ringleader of mischief Turkill stayed a while in England to play the Pirate likely at length to become a prey to the damned spiritts XV. FOR NOT long after Canutus King of the Danes came Turkill worthyly punished with a great nauie into England where falling out with Turkill for some wicked and perfidious actions of his he destroyed the whole remnant of his impious adherents and followers and compelled the Captaine him self to flie with six sayle into Denmarke where being suspected by the princes to become an authour of some ciuill dissentions and broiles he was persecuted all ouer the countrey till at length being murdered by the base common poeple his soule was sent to the rewards of her impietie and his bodie throwne into the open fields to be buried in the gutts of rauens and wild beasts But after this Canutus perceiuing his poeple to be continually slaine by the English armie and finding that the neighbourhood of necessitie cōpelled him to think of yeelding he consulted with some of the wisest Englishmen that had fled to him for refuge to knowe what might be the cause of those manie mischances that had befallen him they all with one voyce sayd that it was according to the prophesie of the holy Martir S. ELPHEGVS who in his afflictions by the Danes his predecessours foretould that they should take noe sure roote in the kingdom of England but should perish by a worse death then Sodom Now therefore sayd they yf thou desire to pacifie that holy Sainct during the time of thy raigne promise him that thy affayres succeeding well thou wilt cause his sacred reliques to be honorably transported to his owne archiepiscopall seate of Canturbury and buried Can●tus promiseth to trauslate his bodie to Canturbury there amōgst his predecessours Which promise faythfully made by Canntus hauing within a while obtayned peace after peace the owne half of the kingdom and after the half the whole was as faythfully performed For tenne yeares after the holy martirs death Canutus sent for Egelnoth Archbishop of Canturbury who coming to London wēt directly to the Cathedrall Church of S. PAVL where the king presently gaue him the meeting and declared that the cause why he sent for him was to make vse of his authoritie and counsell in the translation of S. ELPHEGVS his bodie to Canturbury XVI THE Archbishop much amazed at the breath of this proposition answeared that surely his maiestie had not taken mature deliberation and considered sufficiently the reasons and grounds of aduenturing on soe great an enterprise And moreouer that for his part he feared lest he would be torne in peeces by the Londoners who would rather loose their liues then be depriued of soe great a treasure and Patrone And you see sayd he further that we haue here only our selues and two Monks and the stone that couers his monument is of that weight and bignes that some yoake of oxen are scarse able to mooue it But the king armed with the shield of a most inuincible fayth answeared that Gods and the holy Martirs assistance yf that translation were pleasing vnto them would not be wanting in a time of such necessitie Therefore the labour was committed to those two monks one of them was called Alsward in times past of familiar acquaintance A strange m●racle with S. DVNSTAN and the other Godrick with Egelnoth now present But for
in the sight and conference he had of his old Master LANFRANCK the Archbishop between whom discoursing of manie graue affayres fell at this time that famous disputation mentioned in his life of S. ELPHEGVS the Martir Afterwards he returned againe to his Monasterie and gouerned the same the space of fifteene yeares with all vertue belonging to a good prelate In the meane time William Conquerour died leauing the crowne to his onne William Rufus who by all indirect waies possible sought to oppresse and empouerish the Clergie and Church thereby to satisfie his owne vnbridled couetousnes and with their gould to giue a glorious outside to his owne wickednes Wherevppon S. ANSELME at the earnest entreatie of the nobles resolued to come againe into England But in the meane time Lanfrank being dead a rumour arose of the aduancing of ANSELME to the Archiepiscopall sea of Canturbury which made him ô wonderfull contēmpt of honour to deferre his iourney for fiue yeares space How manie be there now adaies that would haue taken poste in this case X. COMING at length to Canturbury he was saluted by the Benedictine monks and others as their future Prelate which he tooke soe S. Anselme refuseth the stile of Archbishop heynously that the next day he departed before the sunne was guiltie of his being in towne allbeit it were the verie feast of the Natiuitie of our Ladie refusing to be wonne by anie prayers to celebrate there that solemnitie Thence he went to King William and dealt freely with him to amend his manner of life to order the common wealth in better fashion as well in Ecclesiasticall as temporall affayres telling him withall what an ill opinion of his bad life was blowne ouer the world But the king was deafe to all good counsell till falling into a grieuoussicknes he beganne to make him remember him self and hearken a litle more to his pious perswasions His is chosen Archbishop of Cauturbury In the meane time being putt in mind that the sea of Canturburie was void of a Pilot that that Mother-Church of England had manie yeares been a widdow he proclaimed ANSELME to be the most worthie of that dignitie that the disciple might succeed his master And this his proposition was presently accepted with the common consent and applause of the Benedictin monks of Canturbury vnto whom the election of the Archbishop belonged and the generall liking of the poeple Only ANSELME with might and maine resisted this election and obstinately refused to vndertake the dignitie with teares alleadging manie reasons and excuses he made manie protestations that it was a verie foolish and ouerthwart proceeding to ioyne to the plough an ould sheepe yoakt with an vntamed bull by the bull meaning king William But all in vaine for the pastorall staffe was forcibly thrust into his hands him self violently drawne into the next Church was proclaymed Archbishop and his election witnessed with manie ioyfull acclamations and singing of the himme Te Deum Laudamus c. And now the day of his consecration and installation at Canturbury was prefixed to the fourth of December when by the opening of the bible this Sentence fell to S. ANSELMES lott Homo quidam fecit caenam magnam vocanit multos c. XI AT THE first King William shewed goodwill and friendship Note the couetousnes of the king towards S. ANSELME in hope that being now aduanced to soe great dignitie he would bestow some worthie present vppon him but as soone as he perceaued that ANSELME had noe such meaning he beganne to repent him self of this one allbeit a rare good deed and being wholly giuen by hooke or by crooke as they say to gett money he not soe required as exacted a friendly guift of a thousand pound sterling for a gratuitie for his aduancement to the Archbishoprick But saint ANSELME hating that vnroyall couetousnes in the King was determined not to send him a pennie Till swayed by the counsell of manie friends lest he should greatly exasperate the king to the greater detriment of the whole English Church he sent him fiue hundred pound promising to gratifie his Maiestie more largely when occasion serued William vtterly refused to accept that present as too slender and sparing a reward for a king Whereat S. ANSELME greatly reioyced because by this meanes he cleered him self frō all staine of honour which for this fact malice might haue layd to King William mooued against S. Anselme his charge And without anie delay he distributed that whole summe of money to the poore Afterwards he began to call vppon the King to haue a Councell assembled for the reforming of the Clergie and establishing of Ecclesiasticall discipline in the Church But his good intētions receiued a sharpe rebuke from the king who sought by all meanes to breake all the liberties of the Church in persecuting the Clergie inuading the Ecclesiasticall goods and other such outrages that the holy man could nether hinder his vniust proceedings noe execute his function in peace Soe that allbeit he were wholely disposed to stand strongly in defence of the truth and the freedom of the Church yet then he iudged it more expedient for the auoyding of greater inconuenience which euen the other bishops and countrey backed with the authoritie and power of the King might cause to absent him self a while out of England imagining that to be the safest way both to appease the enraged king and qualifie the tempest of the countrey XII THEREFORE he made a supplication to the king to permitte him to goe to Rome to obtaine from Pope Urban the second the Pall due vnto his archiepiscopall seate The king amazed at this demaund answered that noe man in his kingdom should acknowledge anie Pope of Rome without his consent and that he him self was after a fashion Pope within his owne dominiōs Which answere infinitly afflicted the holy archbishop who to extinguish this sparke of infernall fier before it went anie further assembled a Councell He summoneth a Councell of the Bishops Abbbots and peeres of the realme wherein hauing declared the kings mind the consequence and importance of the matter he found the greatest part of the bishops inclined to subscribe to the Princes will soe great is the power of flatterie and ambition ioyned with the authoritie of a furious and resolute king for they cried out alowd that he was a person impious and rebellious to the king and state whosoeuer would attempt to maintaine anie obedience in England to be due to anie but king William alone as well in Ecclesiasticall as temporall matters robbing the Pope hereby of his primacie and soueraigne power ouer all the Catholick Church S. ANSELME seeing this vnlawfull proceeding and that he could not resist against soe horrible a streame desired leaue of the king to leaue the kingdom and goe to Rome but he receiued diuers times a bitter deniall The king allwaies affirming that he would hould him as an enemie to his crowne
and the common wealth yf the attempted that iourney And that at his first installement in the Archbishoprick he had bound him self by oath to obserue the lawes and customs of the countrey which forbid goeing Rome without the kings leaue The holy man answered that it was not the part of a Christian prince to cutt of anie He appealeth to the Pope appellation to the Roman sea of PETER and that he had engaged him self to the obseruance of noe other lawes then what stood with the honour of God and good reason When the King and his replied that there had been no mention made eyther of God or Goodnes To which ANSELME O goodly doeings sayd he that shunne the name of God or Goodnes Which words putt all his aduersaries to silence for that time But the kings anger and hatred against him encreased more and more euerie day which allso soe terrified manie of the other bishops that they began openly to forsake their Metropolitan and not to defend his cause although in their hearts they did not vtterly disproue it XIII IN the meane time sainct ANSELME constantly tould the king that notwithstanding all this opposition he would goe to Rome and before his departure prouided that he king would not reiect it he promised to giue him his benediction which done he went to Canturbury where after one dayes stay hauing with an oration He goeth to Rome like a pilgrim full of pietie and affection exhorted his monks to follow the traine of vertue and to putt on the armour of constancie and patience against the imminent dangers that threatned to follow he putt on the habitt of a pilgrim to the great grief of all his friends and especially of the monks of Canturbury and went to take shipping at Douer and with him went Eadmerus a Benedictin monk of Canturbury who writt his life They passed ouer into France to Lions where S. ANSELME was entertayned with wonderfull magnificence and respect by Hugue Archbishop of the place The Pope vnderstāding of his being there sent for him to come to Rome with all speed Where he was honoured by all the court and soe highly praysed by the Pope in presence of the Cardinalls and Lords of Rome for his great learning and pietie that the holy man much confounded and ashamed therewith durst not lift vp his eyes before the companie which humilitie made them all iudge him to be an other manner of man in the presence of allmightie God then he appeared by his outside Then he sollicited the Pope in nothing more then to gett leaue to lay aside his Episcopall dignitie for the loue of a priuate life But Pope Vrban would by no meanes graunt his request but aduised him to seiourne a while in a monasterie of Benedictine Monks neere the cittie of Capna where by the prayers of Sainct ANSELME a liuely fountaine of water sprung out of a hard rock which is called A foūtaine out of a Rock by his prayers the Bishop of Canturburys Well and the water cured manie diseases XIV S. ANSELME was present by the commaund of the Pope in the Councell of Bar where he made shew of his knowledge and prudence in the conuincing of the Greeks prouing the holy Ghost to proceed from the father and the sonne as from one Beginning And mention being made in this Councell of king William and of his outrages committed against ANSELME and the Church his crimes appeared soe heynous that all proclaymed him worthie to be cutt off from the Church by the sentence of excommunication had not ANSELME interposed him self and falling on his knees The wonderfull humilitie meeknes of S. Anselme craued a time of respite which with difficultie he obtained And this his meekenes and humblenes of mind gayned him a wonderfull great fauour amongst them all The Pope being returned to Rome is mett by an embassadour from king William to defend the Kings cause against ANSELME who but newly came from playing the part of an aduocate in his behalf And by the importunitie of this embassadour the cause was committed to be heard in a Councell held at Rome where S. ANSELME him self was present and certaine seate was allotted to him and his successors of Canturbury if anie should afterwards chaunce to be present in a Roman Councell And here the Pope by the consent of all the Prelates thundered an excommunication against all lay persons for manie princes at that time were ouer busie in those affayres that intruded them selues in challenging the inuestitures of bishopricks and against all Ecclesiasticks that receaued them at their hands This done ANSELME returned to Lions in France quite hopelesse of coming into England during the raigne of King William Where as he was exercised in his The death o● William Rufus accustomed workes of pietie and vertue newes was brought that by the permission of allmightie God his greatest enemie was robbed of his power to hurt him for king William being on hunting the second of August in the midst of his game was shott through the heart with an arrow which gaue a miserable end to his miserable life It is not credible how greatly S. ANSELME was afflicted with this newes and cheefly at the manner thereof professing with manie sighs and teares that he would willingly haue redeemed his vnhappie death with the losse of his owne life XV. HENRY the first of that name and brother to William succeeded who with the great applause of the whole countrey recalled King Henry recalle●h S. Anselme S ANSELME into England and endeauoured to gaine his fauour thereby promising togeather with allmost all his Lords and Bishops of the realme that all things should be carried according to his owne liking But when ANSELME was come and the king vnderstoode of the Popes decree made in the sinod of Rome touching the inuestiture of bishopricks he was wonderfully enraged and conceaued soe great hatred against S. ANSELME that vnlesse he would receaue his Archbishoprick as restored vnto him by his only authoritie there should he noe place for him in the kingdome And this ANSELME absolutly refused to doe as being contrarie to the late decree of the Roman Councell Soe that the matter being tossed and disputed a long time to and fro the king at length perswaded him to go to Rome togeather with his Embassadours to gett this act recalled by Pope Pasehall the secōd who now had succeeded Vrban S. Ansel goeth againe to Rome The holy man to auoyde greater inconueniences vndertooke the iourney foretelling before he went that the Pope would doe nothing contrarie to the libertie and decrees of the Church Neuerthelesse he went and being arriued at Rome was receaued with farre greater honour and respect then euer before Then it was hottly disputed at the Lateran of the kings affayres and manie reasons brought in by William procuratour of the kings cause in defence thereof Who came at length to such a vehemencie and heate in
his pleading that with sharpe threatning words he affirmed that the king would rather hazard the losse of his whole kingdom then be depriued of this right Nether would I answered the pope graunt him this power allthough it were to saue my owne life And with this resolution he dismissed the Embassadours who returned towards England But by the way the fornamed William declared by the kings commaund vnto S. ANSELME that he must cease from entring more into England vnlesse he were resolued to obey the Kings will Soe that sainct ANSELME diuerted to his ould lodging at Lions where he remayned the space of a yeare and fower moneths XVI IN the meane time king Henry seazed on all the goods and lands belonging to the Archbishoprick and challenged them for his owne vse When the Pope seeing noe hope of reconciling the King to S. ANSELME purposed by excommunication to cutt him off from the communion of the Church Which resolution of his being made knowne to the king touched him to the quick and made him begin more exactly to take saint ANSELME cause into his consideration And at length he called him to him out off France into Normandie where they came to a parely at the Abbey of Bec In which the King patiently taking the holy Archbishops reprehension for manie abuses promised a future amendment and neuer more to disturbe the peace or exact anie fruits belonging to the Church or Churchmen and herevppon he receaued S. ANSELME into his fauour and sent him in peace to his Archbishoprick to the great contentment and enioy of the whole Kingdome Here now we may see of what power the constancie of a good Prelats is when purely and sincerely for the only loue and seruice of God they defend the authoritie of the Church without anie pretence of temporall respects by flattering kings in their iniustice and suffering them selues to be carried away with the wind of wordly fauour We may see allsoe the great grace which God shewed to kings that respect his Church Church-men for as soone as King Henry had submitted him self our Lord gaue him a noble victorie against his Brother Robert by meanes whereof he gott the Seigniorie of the Dukedom of Normandy Of which victory he presently made sainct ANSELME acquainted by letters ending thus Werefore Venerable father W●ll Malm. l. 1. de Pōt sayd he humbly and deuoutly prostrate at the feete of thy sainctitie J beseech thee to pray vnto the supreme iudge by whose will and arbitremēt J haue gayned this glorious and profitable triumph that it be not to my domage and detriment but for a beginning of good works and the seruice of God to settle and confirme the state of Gods-holy Church in peace and tranquillitie that from hence forth it may liue free and not be shaken with the tempest of warres XVII AFTER the kings returne out of Norman-die a famous Synod A sinod held at London was held at London in which in presence of S. ANSELME and all the bishops Abbots of England he resigned all the power which hitherunto he had vsurped in creating ordayning bishops to the Pope and Clergie S. ANSELME therefore being installed againe in his Church in great peace and quietnes performed the part of a most holy and vigilant pastour the space of about three yeares S. Anselme falleth sick when loaden with old age labours and merits he fell into a great sicknes and specially in his stomake which made him abhorre all sustenance till by little and litle the forces of his bodie being exhausted he fainted And when the infirmitie of his bodie was such that it would not suffer him to goe to the Church notwithstanding he was carried thither euery day in a chayre to be present at the sacred misteries of the masse whereunto he bore a singular great deuotion pierie and reuerence At length seeing him self to draw neere his end he receiued the holy sacraments of the Church and gaue his benediction no the assistance humbly recommending the king queene and all the whole Kingdom to Gods holy protection and lying on a hayre-cloath strewed with ashes according to the pious custom of those times he rend r●d vp his blessed soule to the euerlasting possession of all blessednes on wensday morning His happie death before Easter the one and twentith day of Aprill in the yeare of our Lord 1109. the sixteenth since he was made bishop and the threescore and sixt of his age He was buried in great solemnitie and lamented by his Church and the whole Kingdom of England which lost a Master a Father and a Pastour soe holy soe wise soe couragious and soe venerable XVIII Our Lord ennobled this glorious Sainct with manie miracles His wonderfull miracles both during his life and after his death 1. As he was one night at his prayers he was seene to be encompassed round about with the brightnes of a heauenly splendour 2. One that dranke only of the water in which he had washed his hands was cured of a most pittifull leaprosie that raygned all ouer his bodie 3. By the signe of the crosse he quenched a mightie fier that was readie to deuoure the chamber where he ●ay 4. One of his religious most cruelly possessed with the deuill was cured only by the well-wishes of S. ANSELME 5. Manie diseased persons were cured by his prayers or eating only the reliques of his dinner 6. The shipp which carried S. ANSELME allbeit a boord brake out of it yet the water was miraculously hindered from entring 7. At his death the balsome which anoynted his bodie like vnto the flower of Holy was miraculously encreased 8. And the stone in which his bodie was to be buried being not of sufficient capacitie to receaue it was suddainly enlarged without humane helpe to the great admiration of the beholders Manie other miracles we omitt But the greatest miracle that euer God wrought by saint ANSELME was saint ANSELME himself and his life more diuine then humane He writt manie admirable workes with which he enriched the Catholick Church and with the singular reach of his vnderstanding and doctrine and a peculiar guift from heauen he gathered togeather His admirable writings the subtilitie and excellence of manie Theologicall questions seasoned with the sweetnes of pietie and deuotion Of whom a graue authour Trithemius in his worke of the famous men of S BENEDICTS order sayth That he was a man well acquinted in holy scripture and the learnede●st of his time in humane doctrine most holy in i● life and con 〈…〉 tion most deuout in his soule eloquent in his discourse and full of effi●●●● 〈◊〉 his workes He was of an angelicall countenance of a graue gate of an exemplar life continuall in the studie of holy scriptures and one in whom lay hid a goulden mine of vertues and goodnes He was mirrour of Prelates the glorie of his countrey a pillar of Gods Church and a bright ornament of the Benedictine
familie and he is one of the fower renowned Doctours of the same order that haue written in prayse and defence of the B. Virgin and consequently are The Benedictine Doctours of our B. Ladie stiled and called by the name of the fower Doctours of our Lady the other three are S. HILDEPHONSE Archbishop of Siuill in Spaine B. RVPERT Abbott of Twy in Germanie and S. BERNARD Abbott of Clareuall in France And our S. ANSELME second to none of the rest was the first that caused the feast of our Ladies immaculate Conception to be celebrated in the Church the seauenth of December when he had learned by the reuelation of an other Benedictin monk from the same Virgin that such was her will and pleasure God of his infinite mercie make vs partakers of his glorious meritts Amen His life wee haue gathered out of Eadmer a monk of Canturbury and the companion of all his troubles and Edmond monk of the same place who added a treatise of the discord between S. ANSELME and the two vnruly Kings William Malmesbury de Pont. lib. 1. the Roman martirologe Baronius tom 11. an 1109. and innumerable others doe highly speake his prayses The life of saint MELLITVS Bishop and confessor of the holy order of saint BENEDICT APR. 24. Out of venerable Bede AMONGST the holy Benedictine Monks which S. GREGORY Pope of Rome sent into England to supplie the want of Preathers in soe great an haruest and to helpe S. AVGVSTINE and his fellowe Benedictins in the conuersiō of that Kingdom MELLITVS an abbott of the same order was the first and chiefest Whom about three yeares after his arriuall S. AVGVSTIN Archbishop of Canturbury made Bishop of London the principall head cittie of the East-Angles where Sebert nephew to Ethelbert King of Kent kept his royall Mellitus first bishop of London Court allbeit he were vnder the power of Ethelbert whose authoritie ouer the English stretched to the riuer Humber But when this prouince by the industrious preaching and labour of saint MELLITVS had receaued the Christian fayth King Ethelbert built that famous Church of saint PAVL the Apostle within the walls of London for the Episcopall seate of Mellitvs and his successours But how greatly this holy man was beloued of God and the whole court of heauen manifestly appeareth in the consecration of the Church of Westminster which office of his S. PETER the Apostle performed for Bishop MELLITVS with his owne hands as may be seene more at large in the life of S. EDWARD the fist of Ianuary S. AVGVSTIN being dead Mellitvs bishop of London went to Rome to cōsult Pope Boni●ace the fourth touching manie necessarie affayres of the English Church And namely for the good establishment of the new-built Baron an 610. monasterie of Westminster as allso to know whether the consecration of a Church performed in the aforesayd manner were valid The Pope in a Synod held at Rome in which S. MELLITVS had a place ordayned manie lawes for the peace of the Benedictine mōks and conseruation of monasticall discipline and decreed against the enuious that monks were the fittest instruments in Gods Church for Apostolicall functions which decrees Mellitvs brought with him into England for the confirmation and establishment of the Benedictine order and Mission in that countrey II. BVT the death of the two good Kings Ethelbert and Seb●●● was cause of great domage to the tenden beginnings of that new See in S. Laurence 2. of Febr. Church for the three sonnes of King Sebert who during the time of their father dissembled a litle in religion for feare of him fell after his death to flatt Idolatrie and gaue licence to all their subiects to doe the like And when they saw the holy bishop MELLITVS hauing celebrated the sacred solemnities of Masse giue the Eucharist to the poeple Why sayd they swelling with Looke prorestant our first Apoles sayd masse a barbarous foolishnes doest thou not giue vs the white bread which thou didest giue to our father Saba soe they were wont to call him and doest yet giue to manie of the poeple Yf you will be washed answeared MELLITVS in the same sacred font as your father was you may be partakers of the holy bread as well as the but yf you contemne the Bath of life you can by noe meanes receaue the Bread of life But they refused to enter into the font of baptisme as a thing vnnecessarie but desired earnestly to eate of the sacred bread Till at length when the holy mans perswasions could not draw them from this s●nd request they banished him out of their Prouince because he S. Mellitus Banished from his Bishoprick would not giue them blessed Sacrament of aultar before haptisme Veryly I am of opinion to my great grief that at this present our Protestant-Bishops haue soe litle respect to that which they call the Lords Supper that rather then be forced with their wiues to leaue their bishopricks they would giue their sacrament of bread to a soe farr alas they are fallen from the religion of our first Apostles III. SAINT MELLITVS went to Canturbury to consult S. LAVRENCE and IVSTVS the other bishops what was to bee done in these troubles And finding no other meanes nor hopes of redresse MELLITVS and IVSTVS went ouer into France to expect the calme of this tempestuous See in S. Lau. 2. Febr. motion Till Edbald King of Kent renouncing his Idolatrie and baptised by saint LAVRENCE Archbishop of Carturbury recalled the two bishops out of France and restored IVSTVS to his seat of Rochester but the Londoners refused to receaue their bishop Mellitus ouer whom Edbald had not such absolute and coercitiue power that he could force them to it as his father could In the meane time Saint LAVRENCE departing this life MELLITVS succeeded in the sea of Canturbury whence he cast forth the bright beames of his vertue fayth and learning ouer all England with which noble ornaments he greatly ennobled the countrey and He is made Archbishop of Canturbury excelled the nobilitie of his birth and parcentage which was verie honorable In bodie he was wonderfull weake and sickly specially being greeuously afflicted with the gout but most sound in mind cherefully despising all terrene things and still aspiring to the loue and possession of the Kingdom of heauen And here I will relate one example of his excellent vertue and confidence in allmightie God which may serue as a witnesse of his other noble vertues IV. A MIGHTIE fier happened to make hauock in the cittie of Canturbury which soe furiously deuoured whole streets as it went that noe force of water could quench the rage of that vnresistable element And now with great violence it drew neere to the place where the holy Bishop was who would not giue way to those deuouring flames but trusting in the diuine goodnes He quencheth a great fier by his prayers where humane help was wanting caused him self to be
belonging to a good bishop yet in his mind there remayned allwaies a pious desire to goe in pilgrimage which his intention allbeit hidden from mans knowledge yet to God it was most knowne whose diuine goodnes shewed him the fauour at length to attayne the end of his wished desires III. FOR finding a fitt opportunitie he left his bishoprick and He forsaketh his bishoprick togeather with his auncient companions Plechelme and Otgerus he trauelled into France choosing rather to lead a poore and humble life amōgst straingers then to liue in pompe and glorie in his owne countrey But the more he sought to flie the glorie and honours of the world the more they followed him for in France King Pepin hearing of his great sainctitie receaued him and his fellowes with He is honorably entert ayned by King Pepin wonderfull ioy and honour And hauing vnderstood of their desire to a priuate manner of life he gaue them a place proper for that purpose called Peter-mount in the Diocesse of Liege neere Ruremond where was built a chappell dedicated to the B. Virgin MARY and a famous monasterie of sainct BENEDICTS order in honour of the Prince of the Apostles sainct PETER In this place sainct WYRE finding him self seated according to his owne desire beganne againe to enter into the course of a monasticall life vnder the holy rule of S. BENEDICT which long since he had professed in England amongst His holy exercises the English monks setting forth him self and his fellowes as liuely patternes of religion and vertue to be imitated CHRIST only was the end of all his actions his tongue spake nothing but CHRIST his heart was acquainted with no other thought but of CHRIST for whose loue he dayly sacrificed him selfe to his seruice in watchings prayers fasting and all other mortifications and vertues belonging to a true religious and monasticall life Shining to the countrey both in learming holy cōuersation And being adorned with manie vertues in bodie he liued on earth but in mind he was wholely conuersant in the diuine contemplation of heauen In fine it were too long worthyly to rehearse all the vertues of this holy man IV IN THE meane time King Pepin held him in soe great veneration that to him only as the spirituall guyde of his soule and the King Pepins humilitie in cōfession patrone of his life he was wont to confesse and reueale the sinnes and deformities of his soule Nether was this good Prince ashamed to goe barefooted to confession vnto him and humbly to submitt him self to the arbitrement of his will soe highly he esteemed his sanctitie Moreouer he often made vse of the mature counsell of this holy man in the managing of the chiefest and weightiest affayres of his Kingdom At length Sainct WYRE began to perceaue the neere approach of death by the feeling of his two harbengers old age and sicknes that came vppō him When decreasing dayly in strength he still encreased in vertue couragiously expecting that blessed minute which should sett free his soule to flie to the eternall reward of his meritts till by the violence of an ague he chainged the fall of his mortall bodie with the rising of an mmortall life and gaue vp his holy spiritt into the hands of his deare redeemer the eight day of May about the yeare of our Lord 763. His bodie was honourably buried in the foresayd chappell of the B. Virgin were manie miracles are wrought through the meritts of this glorious Sainct His bodie or the greatest part thereof was afterwards translated to Ma●stricht in Germanie into the Cathedrall Church of that cittie where it is kept with great veneration of the inhabitants and his feast celebrated with an office of a double His life we haue gathered out of the author thereof recited by Surius tom 5. and Molanus in indic Sainct Belgii The Roman Martyrologe this day Baronius tom 8. anno 631. Trithemius of the famous men of S. Benedicts order lib. 3. cap. 63. Arnold Wion lib. 2. cap. 53. Vsuard and m●nie others doe make a●ple mention of S. WIRE The life of Sainct FREMVND King and Martyr MAY 11. Written by Burchard a Monk of the same time FREMVND descending from a royall stock inherited the gouernement of the Kingdom when his father Offa was soe ouerthrowne wich old age that he was vnfit to manage those affayres anie longer But FREMVND when he had raygned a yeare and an half ruling his state by the balance of true iustistice He forsaketh his kingdom he soe litle esteemed the vaine pompe of the world in respect of the loue of heauen that vnawares of his parents and subiects of his Kingdom with two only in his companie whereof one was Burchard that writt his life and liued with him while he liued he departed to a secret and vnknowne Ermitage in the Iland called Ilefage which at that time was inhabited only by deuils and wicked spirits In this place hauing built a litle cottage and an oratorie in honour of the B. Virgin MARY he spent the space of seauē yeares in continuall watching fasting and prayer dayly sacrifycing himself to God by the rude mortification of his bodie and ouercoming the rebellious passions of the mind When the deuill enuying soe great sainctitie in sainct FREMVND with manie grieuous batteries of temptations sought to ouerthrow his godly resolution bringing into his memory the pompe and glory of the world ly dignitie which he had forsaken and filling his mind with manie thoughts of the great good which his youtfull dayes might haue brought to his countrey But he found this souldier of CHRIST soe firme a rock that all his vaine assaults could nether shake nor stirre him from the seate and ground of vertue for hauing his heart alltogeather erected towards heauen and heauenly things he loathed to returne againe to the vanities of the world once despised for the loue of CHRIST therefore well might he be wearied with the temptations of the deuill but ouercome he could not be He is sent for to defend the Countrey II. IN the meane time the Danes breaking into England wasted and spoyled all with fier and sword as they went and hauing martired King EDMOND Offa much fearing their power sent for his sonne Fremund home Whom when the messengers had most straingely found out in his poore cell at his prayers falling downe at his feet they bewayled and declared the necessitie of his friends and parents the arriuall of their enemies the threatned ruine of the Christians and the vtter ouerthrow of their fayth vnlesse by his prudence and courage the countrey were defended against the furie of their barbarous enemies The champion of CHRIST much amazed at this newes staggered in his resolution not knowing what course to take Till recommending the matter to allmightie God by prayer he vnderstood it to be his will that he should goe Therefore armed with the shield of fayth he returned Fremund returneth to his coūtrey
couragiously into his countrey where for his first welcom he found his father and a great part of the Christian armie slaine by the Pagans III. BVT one Oswy who formerly had been a great friend of sainct FREMVNDS father and now had forsaken the Christian fayth cooke part with the Danes hoping as they promised to inherite the Kingdom of Offa and now fearing lest by the arriuall of Sainct FREMVND into the countrey he should be putt by his hopes he came secretly vnto him and with a traiterous blow strake off his head when the bloud that issued out of that mortall wound and fell vppon the murderer like soe manie drops of scortching fier burnt his bodie with such an intollerable heate that presently he repented him self of his wicked deed and fell vppon his knees to demaund pardon of the Martirs dead bodie Sainct FREMVND was martired the eleauenth of May in the yeare of our Lord 466. His holy bodie was buried by Oswy his murderer and others in a place called Offe-Church within the compasse of the Kings pallace But afterwards it was translated to a place between Th●●ransl●●●n of his bodie Charmell and Bradmere were the diuine prudence soe disposing it lay hid for manie yeares vnknowne till the place was reuealed to a holy man and the bodie taken vpp and honorably buried at Redick In the meane time manie wonderfull miracles were wrought through the merits of this B. Sainct in all these places Sainct FREMVND was enrolled into the number of canonized Saincts in the yeare 1257. during the raigne of Henry the third His memorie heretofore hath been very famous in the Iland of great Britaine His life is written by one Burchard of Dorcester a monk and his indiuiduall companion and b● Iohn Capgraue out of Ioānes Anglicus whom we haue followed Vsuard Molanus Nicholas Harpsfied saec 9. cap. 12. and Mathew Paris an 1257. make honourable mention of him The life of S. DIMPNA Virgin and martir MAY 15. Written by Peter a Canon of Cambray WE cannot better perceiue the weaknes of blind loue the horrible darknes that possesseth the Gentils depriued of the true light nor the vnderstanding and strength which our Lord giueth to the feeble sexe of woeman-kinde to defend their chastitie and shed their bloud for his loue then in reading the life and martirdom of this glorius Virgin sainct DIMPNA In Ireland there liued a verie potent King but a Heathen who had married a fayre woman whom as well in regard Her father a Pagan king of her beautie as her other goods parts he dearly loued Out of this marriage was borne a daughter called DIMPNA nothing behind her mother in beautie whom her parents verie carefully and daintily brought vp Neuerthelesse as soone as she had attayned to yeares of discretion coming to the knowledge of IESVS CHRIST she became a Christian and vowed perpetuall virginitie vnto him vtterly She voweth her virginitie to God despising all the Pompes banquets dances and other vanities of the Court. In the meane time her mother being dead her father hauing dried vp his superfluous teares for her death was desirous to marrie a secōd wife which he would haue to be a fayre yong mayd like vnto the former But fayling to find such an one in the countrey his flattring courtiers perswaded him to cast his eyes vppon his daughter DIMPNA then whom none could be fayrer and in whom being verie like her mother he might reuiue the figure of his late Her father ●●keth her in marriage wife What more this detestable counsell noe sooner arriued at his eares but straight the deuill who desired to bring DIMPNA to Idolatrie incensed the king with the flames of an incestuous and impure loue towards his daughter Here vppon he beganne to soūd her intention with all manner of sweet speeches and allurements promising to giue her her whole hearts desire yf she would but marrie him DIMPNA stopt her eares at the hissing of this venommous serpent and answered that she would neuer consent to such an abominable i●nceste The king still earnestly vrged and she as couragiously resisted till in the end growing extreamly angry he could her that he hould marrie her whether she would or no Then recommending her self heartyly to the deare spouse of her soule CHRIST IESVS she answered her father that since he was resolued therevnto she desired fortie daies respite and to haue all her rings and royall ornaments that she wanted to sett out her self for his greater aduantage He most willingly graunted her request thinking that his daughter had chainged her intention II. IN the meane time there was a holy priest in the countrey called Gerebert who had been Confessor to the Queene and had baptised DIMPNA and administred the venerable Sacrament of the Aultar both to her mother and her With him DIMPNA 〈◊〉 ted what was best to be done in this terrible case The Priest counselled her to flie away for feare of being forced to such a mischief and offered him self to be her companion Soe that they tooke shipping priuatly taking but one seruant and his wife in their companie God permitted them to arriue at Antwerp whence through vncouth wayes they passed from village to village fearing to be noted and followed At length they came to a secret wood where they clensed a place growne ouer with thornes and brakes to build a lodge in and there liued securely and vnknowne III. THE King her father ouercom with ioy and rauished with content in the impatience of loue expected the desired wedding-day The king her father goes to seeke her of his daughter but when he vnderstood she was escaped being allreadie dronke with the wine of his owne affection he began presently to make warre with himself with terrible cries and exclamations of grief and furie He resolued to goe seeke her him self and to search the verie bowells of the earth to find her where soeuer she was hid He trauelled all his countrey ouer and found noe newes of her He passed ouer the seas to Antwerp where he made some stay whilst his seruants ferretted all the countrey ouer for his daughter when by meere accident some of them hauing lodged in a village thereabouts payed their host with their countrey money who tould them that he had some money of the same kind but knew not the value of it These Jrishmen demaunded of the host how he came by it he answered not imagining to what purpose they asked that a very beautifull virgin come out of Jreland to liue in those parts gaue it him in payment for such necessaries She is found as belonged to her maintenance this gaue them sufficient ground to suspect and indeed to presume that it was the kings daughter they sought therefore by the Hosts direction they went and found her and returned with the glad newes thereof to her father IV. THE king like a man raysed from death to life went with all his companie and hauing found the
holy virgin and courteously saluted her rauished with the beautifull beames of her fayre face he began with these sugred words to batter her pious resolution DIMPENA my onely daughter my loue my desire my All what necessitie moued thee soe to contemne the royall dignitie of thy natiue countrey to liue amongst strangers and soe to forgett all filiall loue as to forsake a king thy father and follow this decrepite old Priest obeying his commaundements as his daughter Why hast thou thus despised the royall court who art the only heyresse of the Kingdom of Ireland after thy father Be ruled therefore by my counsell and returne againe into thy countrey with vs for yf thou wilt but consent to thy fathers affections thy head shall be crowned with a royall diadem and thou shalt haue soueraigntie ouer all the princes matrones and Virgins of my kingdom Moreouer I will giue thee a place amongst the Goddesses and cause a temple of white marble to be built into which an image of thy beautie curiously wrought of gould and pretious stones shall be sett to be adored of all the countrey To these words as the holy Virgin thought to answere the venerable Priest Gereberne tooke the word out of her Gereberne reprehend● the king mouth and verie sharply rebuked the king with the titles of most wicked and abominable wretch in that he desired incestuously to defile his owne daughter a thing scarse euer within the thoughts of the most lasciuious lechers of the world Admonishing allsoe the then trembling Virgin not to consent to this filthy king lest she should incurre the indignation of the eternall king her spouse whose sweetnes she had allreadie tasted Hereat the king and all his followers pronounced the sentence of death against Gereberne as the authour of the flight and subuersion of Dimpna Therefore with great furie they drew him out of her sight and with their swords cutt him into peeces whereby he Gereberne is martired receaued the glorious crowne of martirdom for the defence of iustice V. THE KING hauing satisfied his furie on the bodie of this holy martir returned againe to his daughter and with a pleasing countenance began againe to perswade her to yeeld to his desire vsing all the reasons and arguments in loues Logick to winne her all which were but as soe manie arrowes shott against a fayre marble for the holy virgin retorted them with S. Dimpna answereth her father these words Wherefore thou vnhappie Tyrant doest thou endeauour with thy wilie promises to peruert me from my holy purpose of chastitie Doest thou thinke thou wretch that I will betray my deare spouse CHRIST IESVS and giue vp my bodie to be possessed by an other Thy princely delights I contemne desiring with my whole soule to obtayne the promises of my heauenly spouse which farre excell all other desires and in comparison hereof I disdaine to be adored in thy countrey as a Goddesse therefore vrge me noe more with these vaine friuolous speeches Then the kings lust turned into furie and his loue into a deadly hate the more he found the feruour of Christian religion to boyle in the brest of his daughter the more fiercely he endeauoured to peruert her And doe not think sayd he to wearie and delude me with thy vaine answers eyther suddenly graunt what I aske or expect to feele the smart of thy fathers anger as thy impostour Gereberne hath done who hath lost his head for the libertie of his tongue VI. WHEREFORE replied she most cruell tyrant hast thou slaine the beloued seruant of God Gereberns in whom thy malice could find noe fault Surely thou shalt not escape the iudgement of allmightie God for this foule act thy Gods and Goddesses I detest and wholly committ my self to the protection of IESVS CHRIST He is my spouse my glorie my health and my only desire Torture me kill me cutt me in peeces I am readie to suffer ioyfully for his sake all the studied cruelties thou canst imagine or inuent It was noe more hate and furie but rage and madnes that now possessed the soule of that miserable king hearing these words from his daughter whom presently he commaunded to be beheadded But all his companie fearing to execute his Dimp●a martired by her father cruell commaundment on soe fayre a subject him self quite forgeting all royall nobilitie and clemencie with his owne hands armed with his owne sword cutt off his owne daughters head who when his cruell arme bent that deadly blow against her coursgiously implored and recōmended her soule to the diuine goodnes which by that cruelly-happie separation was receaued into the heauenly pallace with the glorie of virginitie wayting on the triumph of martirdom O barbarous crueltie of the father I Oglorious triumph of the virgin The father was not ashamed to defile his hands in the bloud of his daughter and she was ioyfull to winne by that meanes the possession of a neuer ending glorie VII THE murderer with his followers returned into his countrey leauing the bodies of those holy martirs in the fields to be deuoured with wild beasts and fowles but CHRIST the king and crown● of his martirs did not permitt them to be torne whilst they lay exposed to the open ayre hauing at length stirred vpp some o● the adioyning inhabitants who moued with compassion buried their bodies in a caue where our Lord began straight to magnifie their glorie with manie great miracles which were dayly done in that place This gaue occasion to the neighbours thereabouts Miracles at her tomb to seeke those holie reliques and hauing digged deepe in the ground they found two tombs of pure white marble allbeit that countrey yeelds noe stones but what are black and browne and to shew that it was the worke of angels the marble was soe curiously wrought that both the tombs seemed to be of the same peece allthough they were seperated one from the other This miracle encreased the fayth and deuotion of the poeple that flocked thither from all partes to obtaine their health and other fauours of God by the intercession of these holy martirs which were verie liberally bestowed vppon them Afterwards the bodie of S. GEREBERNE was carried to Xaintes and and S. DIMPNAS remayned at Ghole the place of her martitdom till after some yeares the Bishop of Cam●ray accompained with all his Clergie and an innumerable multitude of poeple translated Translation of her bodie her sacred reliques out of the tomb of marble into a shrine of siluer guilt and adorned with manie pretious stones the fifteenth day of May her martirdom was the thirtith of the same about the yeare of our Lord 600. At this time when the sepulcher was opened they found on the breast of saint DIMPNA a pretious stone like a rubie in which was written DIMPNA VIRGIN AND MARTIR VIII WHO can reade this life without amazement in acknowledging the frailtie and miserie of a man that should fall into such Consideration
afterwards in due time by the hands of the same Bishop his cozen he He liueth in a mo●● narrow cell was promoted to the sacred dignitie of Priesthood Neere vnto the Church of our Ladies of Glastenbury he built him self a little Cell soe straight that all that saw it were astonished how a liuing man could dwell in it For I my self saith the Authour of his life haue measured the place contayning but fower foote in length and two and a half in breadth The height was proportionable to the ordinarie stature of a man In the midst of the doore was a litle window In this slender lodging he led his life in prayer and contemplation working in such things as the narrownes of the place would permitt but aboue all things labouring to please allmightie God in all and through all his actions He braue's vanquisheth the de uill dayly gayning to him self an higher place in his diuine fauour But the deuill enuying his pious exercises endeauoured to disturbe his deuotions presenting him self one day vnto him in the forme of a mayd that fayned to be in want of his helpe about some peece of worke and as the holy man prepared him self to satisfie her demaund he perceaued that enemie of mankind to transforme him self into diuers shapes that he seemed to see the forme and heare the voyce now of an old man now of a yong man and straight of some lasciuious woeman that stood before him Then vnderstanding what it was he caught the fierie tongues out of the fier and tooke that hellish monster by the nose and held him fast There then was to be seene a braue combat between the friend and enemie of Allmightie God Till at length sainct DVNSTAN remayning conquerour the deuill fled away with confusion horribly roaring and complayning that his pride and cauie had receaued the foyle and neuer after aduentured to molest the holy man in that place When from this time DVNSTAN was indued with soe great puritie of heart and His rare puritie of mind and body such a rare chastitie of bodie that he more ressembled an Angel of heauen then a mortall man Whence it came that manie poore and rich flocked vnto him from all parts to vse his counsell for the health of their soules and to be by him informed and directed in the way of good life and vertue Amongst others that came to be instructed by his zeale and prudence one was a vertuous Matrone called Elsgine whom when he had piously directed and well grounded in the way of vertue for a long time and armed at length with the last sacraments the happyly ended this life and left all her goods and possessions to the disposition of her pious Father sainct DVNSTAN who presently distributed the moueables to the poore Fiue monasteries built by his meanes and with the rest and his owne inheritance being the only child of his parents he built and enriched afterwards fiue monasteries and filled them with holy Conuents of Benedictine Monks VII NOT long after king Ethelstan being dead Edmond his brother succeeded in the kingdom of England who vnderstanding of An. 940. the rare prudence sainctitie and discretion of sainct DVNSTAN sent for him to his Court that by his worthy counsell and industrie he Dunstan in great fauour with King Edmond might the easier rule the scepter of his kingdom with iustice DVNSTAN offring this seruice to God and the good of the common wealth condescended to his desire When it was rare to behould how prudently he behaued him self in disposing of the affayres of the realme in composing of contentions that arose and establishing true peace and concord among the subiects to the great comfort and ioy both of the king and Nobles Neuerthelesse within a while he lost all fauour and grace with them both by the enuious detractions By enui●he he i. expelled the Court. of those that could not support the lustre of his resplendent vertues nor endure one alone to beare more sway and be in greater credit then all the rest What shall I say The malignant words of his aduersaries preuayled soe farre that DVNSTAN was not only depriued of all auncient honour but allso banished the Court. This done after three daies the King goeing on hunting and being carried by the vntamed courage of his horse pursuing the game towards a mightie precipice that threatned both him and his beast with destruction seeing iminent death before him the iniurie done to DVNSTAN came suddenly into his mind whereat sighing from the bottom of his heart he was much grieued promising straight in his mind that yf by Gods helpe he escaped that danger aliue he would againe receaue him into his fauour When to his great comfort and admiration his horse which before noe force could hould stopped suddely on the ridge of that huge downfall He is recalled to sauour and deliuered him from his expected ruine Then hauing related this accident to his Nobles and caused DVNSTAN to be sent for he humbly demaunded pardon for his fault did worthy peanance for the iniurie and restored him to his ancient honour place and dignitie faithfully promising to be his true friend and protectour euer after Moreouer as a testimonie of his future friendship he gaue him the lands of Glastenbury where he was borne and bred to be disposed according to his good will and liking Sainct DVNSTAN by the kings meanes built there a goodly Monasterie and gathered He buildeth the monasterie of Glastenbury into it a worthie Conuent of Benedictine Monkes whom he himself gouerned in quallitie of Abbot Soe that by his good example and industrie that Abbey encreased wonderfully both in the excellencie of monasticall profession and in the abundant possession of temporall goods And that place became a Nurserie of learned and holy men that through all England cast the foundations of a religious life vnder the rule of sainct BENEDICT like soe manie Pillars of the Catholick Church And now it came to passe that as in this Church as it is about sayd the whole multitude of people recouered light from sainct DVNSTANS Mothers candle soe out of this place thus instituted by the learning and industrie of DVNSTAN him self all the Churches of England receaued the light of true Religion and monasticall discipline by the example and vertue of manie worthie men called hence to the dignitie of Abbots and Bishops in the kingdome VIII AMIDST these things the holy life and conuersation of sainct DVNSTAN purchased him wonderfull hatred from the deuill the perpetuall enemie to the Benedictine order But he allwaies found him to be as his name signifies a firme Rock of the mountaine He hearet 〈◊〉 the songs of Angles whom all the hellish practises of that Master of mischief could not mooue from the ground of vertue And by soe worthyly triumphing ouer that infernall monster he deserued to to be partaker of the sweet harmonie of Angelicall voyces which at
the instant when King Edgar sonne of Edmond was borne he heard sing an Anthime foretelling peace to the English Church by that happie byrth Allsoe at the Church of Bathe being verie seriously detayned in his prayer he beheld the soule of a yong Monke whom he had brought vp at Glastenbury carried vp by troupes of Angels into heauen And it was found that that youth The de●ill appear●th died at the same instant Being afterwards in his iourney to the King who in great hast had sent for him he was mett in the way by the deuill who very petulantly and like a Buffoone reioyced and sported him self before him Being demaunded the cause of his mirth he answered that the King DVNSTANS friend would shortly die which should be a cause of great trouble in the kingdom and he hoped that the next king would not fauour DVNSTAN nor his adherents But this Master of lies could The death of king Edmond as 946. not vtter two true tales togeather for allbeit it fell out indeed that king Edmond was slaine in his Pallace within seauen daies after yet his Brother Edred succeeded a man worthyly feruent in the seruice of Allmightie God and whoe honoured DVNSTAN with noe lesse loue fauour and reuerence then his predecessor Nay Elph●g●s Bishop of Winchester being dead king Edred with manic prayers sollicited sainct DVNSTAN to succeed in that Sea whose absolute refusall of that dignitie much grieued the good kings mind made him deale with good Queene Edgine his mother to perswade DVNSTAN to accept it but all in vaine for nether the mothers nor the sonnes entreaties could preuayle to make him take it IX AFTERWARDS sainct DVNSTAN went to visitt his The death of king Edred brethren at Glastenbury where he had not stayd long but king Edred being fallen mortally sick sent for him in all hast Who trauelling speedyly towards the Court heard a voyce from heauen that sayd King EDRED rests in peace And at the very sound of those words his horse fell dead vnder him without anie hurt to the rider Then going sorrowfully to the sorrowfull Court togeather with his fellowes he committed the bodie of the King to the Mother The bad life of king Edwin Earth Edwin the sonne of King Edmond succeeded in the gouernment of the Kingdom who filthyly defiled both the beginning and progresse of his whole raigne For omitting the impietie crueltie and tyrannie wherewith he outraged all sacred and prosane things he was a man soe beyond measure addicted to the pleasures of lust and lasciuiousnes that he languished in the loue of the mother and her daughter both togeather vsing both their bodies at his pleasure And which is horrible to be spoken on the verie day of his Coronation dinner being ended he forsoke the companie of all the Bishops Abbots Princes and Nobles of the realme and went into his priuate chamber where he sate in the midst embracing the mother and daughtér his ordinary strumpets Which act caused a great scandall and indignation amongst the Princes and Nobles then present Wherevppon the rest excusing them selues out of feare to incurre the kings anger S. DVNSTAN was sēt to draw Note the great zeale of S. Dunstan him out off that lewd companie Who entring the chamber and finding the king hauing layd by his royall crowne dallying on the bed betweene those two naughtie woemen first with a sterne looke he sharply rebuked their lasciuiousnes and then with a low voyce he humbly entreated the king to redeeme this publick scandall and to returne to his Peeres to gladden them with his royall presence But the King anger and shame striuing in his mind for the mastrie absolutly refused to come Then DVNSTAN in the zeale of a holy anger tooke him fast by the hand and clapping the Diadem vppon his head drew him violently into the Hall amongst his Nobles These wicked woemen were soe ashamed and offended herewith that they perswaded the King allsoe highly enraged against S. DVNSTAN to banish him out of the kingdom Who not only banished S. DVNSTAN but sent wicked officers to the monasteries of Glastenbury to seaze vppon all the goods that belonged vnto it The like iniustice he vsed to manie other monasteries of England not only despoyling them of their lands goods and reuenewes but banishing the Monks allsoe that maintayned the profession and defence of a chast life Then the Abbey of Malmesbury sayth William a monke of the same place which sor the space of two hundred threescore and ten yeares before had been inhabited by Monkes Dereg l. 2. c. 7. was made a stable of secular Clerkes X. S. DVNSTAN therefore hauing receaued the decree of his banishment departed out of England ioyfull in his heart that he was worthy to suffer for the defence of iustice and loue of cha●itie He went into Flanders where the Lord of that countrey courteously entertayned him at the Cittie of Gaunt and there in the exercise of true pietie and religion he expected how it should please the diuine See the crueltie of a detestable woeman wisedon to dispose of him But the foresayd woeman or rather infernall furies were not satisfied with his banishment but plotted to haue him surprised by the way and robbed of his eyes which they fayled to execute for when the instruments of this crueltie arriued at the Port the Sainct had allreadie hoist sayles and was gone Our Lord greatly conforted Sainct DVNSTAN in this banishment by the meanes of his holy Apostle Sainct ANDREW to whom he was euer peculiarly denoted who visited him often and appeared vnto him with words and promises of great consolation In the meane time the allmightie and heauenly wisedome cast a mercifull eye on the English nation and vsed meanes for the perpetuall consolation thereof againe to restore DVNSTAN the Father of the countrey into his former and farre greater degrees of place and dignitie For the Northumbers and Mercians withdrew themselues King Edwin iustly punished from the subiection of King Edwin and made the Noble Edgar his brother their Prince vnder whose conduct they persecuted Edwin and droue him beyond the riuer Thames soe that all the coūtrey from thence to Humber was wholly subiect vnto Edgar And with in a short time death hauing ended the quarrell and taken away Edwin Edgar remayned Monarke of all England Who being desirous Edgar recalleth S. Dunstati to establish his kingdome with peace and iustice caused all the outrages committed by his predecessor to be repayred monasticall and Church-goods to be restored and by messengers sent into Flanders recalled S. DVNSTAN into the Countrey with great honour and reuerence committing him self and all his affayres to be ruled He is made Bishop of Worcester and ordered by the prudence of his care and counsell Moreouer that greater dignitie might authorise all his proceedings with manie prayers he perswaded him to accept the bishoprick of Worcester and he was consecrated at Canturbury
the hedge But he resolued with him self not to depart without the good leaue and licence of sainct DVNSTAN which out of his deceaued mind he falsely hoped for Therefore hauing setled the purpose of his flight togeather with an other companion whom he had made guiltie of his intention therein he prepared for that vnhappie iourney and taking his opportunitie when the other Monkes rested after dinner be went first to sainct DVNSTANS Tombe where he layd open manie complaints of the iniuries he had receaued from his brethren humbly desiring See yf the Saincts are ignorant of mortall affaires him that he would not take this last refuge of his departure in ill part And going presently out of the Church he mett with a Mōke of a verie reuerend countenance who with a staffe in his hand hindered his expedition and commaunded him to returne to the Tombe and there to chainge his mind and manner of prayer He returned to the holy tombe renewed his former petition and streight prepared him self for the flight Againe he happens vppon the same Moke who gaue him the same but a much sharper rebuke for that attempt threatning to make him feele his staffe vnlesse he obeyed But he allbe●t much affrighted returned to the Tombe where againe he repeated his old song came back to the Church-doore and finding the Monke his opponent to be gone he thought that now he was right and therefore hastened towards the monasterie gate to depart But there he mett with the same Monke againe who now the third time stayed his euill-intended iourney and reuealing him self to be DVNSTAN the Archbishop and carefull prouisour of that place he not only with words chastised him S. Dunstan beateth back a f●gitiue monke as a light fugitiue of his vowes and religion but allsoe with manie sore blowes layd vppon his head back and sides he made him seele the piously cruell reuenge of his staffe and presently vanished out of his fight The poore Monke who out of weakenes could now nether goe nor stand was carried by his brethren into the Infi●marie where his griefes grew dayly soe vehemently vppon him that the Monkes despayring of his health began with prayers to recommend his departing soule to God and his saincts In which hauing recited the seauen Penitentiall Psalmes and being come to these words in the Litanies Sancte DVNSTANE intercede pro anima cius which out of their deuotion to the holy Sainct they repeated the Prayer to Saincts profitable sick man began to be better to looke vppon the assistants with more liuely tokens of life ●nd hauing sent for Henry the Priour of the monasterie he made knowne vnto him the whole manner of this storie of his intended flight and how and by whom he was hindered affirming that now he was greeuously sorrowfull repentant for his fault from which he humbly desired to be released by the power of his priestly absolution Which done finding his conscience eased from the guilt and burden of sinne he departed ioyfully Confession o● 〈◊〉 o● a Priest out of this life The Priour relating all these things afterwards to the monkes behould he that was guiltie of this flight of whom no man knew anie thing nor he him himself hitherunto what had passed between Edward and S. DVNSTAN fell prostrate before the whole Conuent and with teares trickling downe his cheekes ingenuously confessed his fault that he had allsoe been consenting to the others desire of flight And the Authour of this storie allsoe is a witnes beyond all exception since he relates a thing which him self both saw and heard XXIX MANIE other miracles are reported by verie graue Authours to haue beene wrought by the merits of this glorious Sainct Of the träslation of S. Dunstan both during his life and after his death which fearing to be ouer teadious I omitt Only I will admonish my good readers yf perchance they light vppon those fabulous writings which affirme the sacred reliques of Sainct DVNSTAN to haue been translated frō Canturbury to Glastenbury in the yeare of our Lord 1012 and about the fower and twentith yeare after his death that they suffer not them selues to be easily deceaued For Eadmer a man most worthie of credit and one very familiar with Sainct ANSELME Archbishop of Canturbury doth vtterly hisse out that fiction from the schoole of true historie and cleerly sheweth that he being a boy by LANFRANK Archbishop Gunduphe Bishop of Rochester Scotland Abbot of Sainct AVGVSTINES in Canturbury in presence of the Conuents of both those Monasteries and an infinite multitude of all order sexe and condition that sacred bodie was translated out of the auncient Tombe in which it was found with the mitre ring palle and other pontificall ornaments with a plate of lead and a writing which testified that it was Sainct DVNSTANS bodie into the new Church newly built by blessed LANFRANK Moreouer a few yeares Sec. 10. cap. 7. before I was borne sayth Nicholas Harpsfield that is the yeare 1508. William Warham then Archbishop of Canturbury caused this tombe allsoe to be opened when the head and all the bones were found as allsoe the leaden plate spoken off before All which manie besides the Archbishop men famous for dignitie and learning had the happines to behould and reuerence And in the perpetuall testimonie and memory hereof by three publick Notaries John Barre● John Colman and Willian Potkins the mat●er was written testified and subsigned And the letters of the Archhishop to the Abbot and monkes of Glastenbury who against soe great and soe certaine proofes bragged that with them reposed the reliques of Sainct DV●STAN and not at Canturbury are yet extant to be seene to the vtter disproofe of that vaine assertion XXX To conclude at length the life of this most glorious The Conclusion Prelate vnshaken columne of the English Church incomparable restorer of our Ecclesiasticall and monasticall discipline worthy Pillar and ornament of the Benedictine Order vndaunted Tamer of vices and most zealous Aduancer of vertue religion and iustice I thinke I can wish noe greater happines to the Christian world then that at this day it were adorned with manie such Bishops as Sainct DVNSTAN and manie such Princes as the noble EDGAR was that soe the Spouse of Christ the Church might be purged from all spott of vncleannes and Kingdoms gouerned with true equitie and iustice in the waies of all pietie fayth and religion But alas where is that Bishop now that dare attempt to rebuke or curbe the vices of a king or a Prince as DVNSTAN did And where is that king that being iustly reprehēded will hūble him self as our EDGAR did Surely the zeale cōstācie of this admirable Bishop in curbing of vice was excellēt and the humilitie of this noble king in obeying the reprehension of the Church was most memorable God of his infinite goodnes graunt grace vnto the spirituall and temporall gouernours of his Church to imitate
Notwithstanding sayd he because you are hither come out of a farre countrey and with a desire as it seemes to me to communicate those things vnto vs which you your selues iudge to be in truth and worth the best we will not be troblesome or offensiue vnto you but rather entertayne you with courteous hospitalitie and see you prouided with all necessarie sustenance not forbidding yee in the meane time by preaching to draw whomsoeuer yee can of this countrey to the profession of your fayth and religion VI. THEN with the Kings good leaue AVGVSTINE and his fellowes went in procession to Canturbury the head cittie of Kent Augustine marcheth to Canturbury still carrying the Crosse and image of CHRIST before them and singing the Letanies vsing amongst others this pious forme of prayer Whe beseech thee O Lord in all thy mercie to take away and with-hould thy wrath and anger from this cittie and from thy holy house because we haue sinned against thee ALLELVIA Humbly by this kind of confession putting them selues amongst sinners whom they came to release from sinne and reconcile to allmightie God When this our Arch-Doctour leading his troupe of Preachers vnder the triumphant banner of the Crosse into the cittie which in future is to be his Metropolitan did not the Angell-Guardians crie out to the cittizens with those words of the Prophet Esay Open the gates and let the iust nation enter obseruing the truth of their embassage the old errour of Isaiae c. 29. v. 2. 3. Idolatrie is gone that from hence forth the peace of CHRIST and his Church may be here maintayned Here now the walles of Hiericho seemed to goe to ruine that the walles of Hierusalem might be built Here on the ruine of paganisme our holy Apostle first planted the Crosse of CHRIST and layd the foundation of the English Catholick Church But ô the heauenly and apostolicall life that these holy monkes AVGVSTINE and his fellowes led in the meane Their holy ●●se in Canturbury time what penne is able to expresse watching and prayer was theyr only and chiefest exercise allwaies keeping their soules most free from anie the lest thought of wordly desires or cares They announced the words of life to all they could making their owne liues soe correspondent to what they taught that in them those Idolaters might euen with their eyes reade a lesson of heauenly vertue and conuersation to see soe manie poore men soe constantly announcing the Ghospell of CHRIST that they seemed to be most readie to suffer all aduersities yea and death it self in defence of the trueth which they preached But what followed these beginnings Some few beleeued in IESVS-CHRIST and were baptised admiring the simplicitie of their innocent life and the sweetnes of their heauenly doctrine VII BVT in the East part of the cittie of Canturbury stood a See Heretick our first Apostles sayd masse Church dedicated to Saint MARTIN built in auncient times by the Romans in which the Queene was wont to pray and receaue the sacraments by the hands of her holy Bishop Lethard who was allowed her for that purpose and stood our Blessed Apostle S. AVGVSTINE in no small steed in the labour of preaching and conuerting the countrey In this Church allsoe AVGVSTINE his fellow-Mōkes executed their diuine seruice there they sung their Office there they sayd Masse there they prayed there they preached and baptised When in the meane time by the diuine power of allmightie God sainct AVGVSTINE indued with a heauenly grace of working miracles cured all the sick and diseased persons that were ether presented vnto him or that he him self visited in person Soe that the poeple were thunder-strucken with amazement at the sight of soe great vertue crying out that ether men were transformed into Gods or that the Gods in a humane shape were come to conuerse with men whereby their hardnes of heart being ouercome manie were receaued into the fould of CHRISTS Church And at length King ETHELBERT allso being astonished with soe manie resplendent signes of vertue by the dayly instancie and perswasion of S AVGVSTINE by the continuall prayers King Ethelbert is baptised of the Church by the affectionate admonitions of the Queene abiuring the deadly powers of hell became a sonne of diuine adoption in Christ And now on the sacred feast of Pentecost all the Saincts of heauen highly reioycing and manie troupes of poeple flocking to that great solemnitie AVGVSTINE as a new SILVESTER baptiseth ETHELBERT as an other Constantine In him our faythfull Dauid is annoynted with the oyle of Ioyfullnes and meekly seated in a throne of mercie Our Ecclesiasticall Salomon is crowned with a diadem of peace in the chayre of iustice and wisedom Our noble ETHELBERT descends from the state of his royall authoritie and shewes him self as a seruant to the seruants of CHRIST A Prince of princes is changed to an Euangelicall Little-one and a mightie commaunder of manie poeple professeth him self a companion to the poore AVGVSTINE reioyceth and much more his little Church that now they had gayned him to be their Patrone whom before they feared as a persecutour Haec mutatio dextrae Excelsi This is a chainge of the right hand of the most High VIII THE King therefore being baptised laboured him self to gett The zeale of King Ethelbert all the Kings Princes Nobles and common poeple vnder his gouernment to the subiection of the sweet yoake of CHRIST making it the chiefest part of his owne empire to dilate and propogate the Kingdom of Christs holy Church Wherevppon great multitudes of poeple flocked dayly to heare the word of God and forsaking the blindnes of their Diabolicall rites were purged in the sacred font of Baptisme Of whose fayth and conuersion the good King greatly reioyced yet compelled none by force to Christianitie but only embraced the faythfull beleeuers with a more strict affection as his fellow-citizens of the heauenly Kingdom For he had learned of the Doctours and authours S. August●●● 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 of England of his owne saluation that the seruice of CHRIST ought to be voluntary and not constrained In the meane time the holy master of our fayth saint AVGVSTINE went to Arelas in France where by the hands of Etherius Bishop of the same place he was consecrated Archbishop of the English nation according as holy Pope GREGORIE had pre-ordayned Whom returning into England with this sacred dignitie King ETHELBERT receaued with triumphant ioy and made him now the Ecclesiasticall President of his metropolitan cittie in which before he had entertayned him but as a guest and ordayned him the vigilant Guardian not only of that Cittie but allsoe of all the little world of his whole dominions The throne of his owne Kingdom he changed into a Bishops sea and his royall Pallace by the reformation and consecration of saint AVGVSTINE was turned into a sacred Church dedicated to CHRIST our S●uiour which to this day but built in a farre
matter allsoe some solemnitie must be chainged that on the day of the dedication or the feasts of the Saincts whose reliques rest there they build them selues boothes and harbours of boughs about the same Church soe chainged from a prophane Temple and with religious banquets obserue the solemnitie therein not sacrificing beastes to the ●●uill but to the prayse of God killing them for their owne eating and giuing thankes to the Giuer of all things for their plentie For doubtlesse it is impossible at once to cutt of all things from such hard minds because he that endeauoureth to clime to the highest place must ascend by paces and degrees and not by leapes c. These things therefore it behooueth thy charitie to intimate to our foresayd Brother that being present there in person he may consider how to dispose all things God keepe thee safe most beloued sonne Giuen c. XIII ALLSOE at the same time this boly Pope sent letters S. Augustine famous for great miracles to saint AVGVSTINE him self touching the miracles which he had vnderstood were wrought by his meanes in which he exhorteth him in these words I know most deare Brother that allmightie God sheweth great miracles by thy Charitie in that nation which he hath disposed to be elected Whence it is necessarie that thou reioyce with feare and feare with ioy for that heauenly guist Thou mayest reioyce indeed because by thy exteriour miracles the soules of the English are drawne to an interiour grace But thou oughtest to feare lest among those signes which are done thy weake mind be raised in presumption of it self and whence it is exteriourly listed vp to honour thence it fall interiourly through vaine glorie For it behooues vs to remember how the disciples when returning with ioy from their preaching thy sayd to their heauenly Master O Lord in Luc. 10. thy name the deuils are allsoe subiect vnto vs They presently heard Reioyce not for this but rather reioyce that your names are written in heauen For they had fixed their minds on a priuate and temporall ioy who reioyced of their miracles but they are recalled from a priuate ioy to a generall from a temporall to an euerlasting gladnes to whom it is sayd Reioyce in this that your names are written in heauen For all the elect doe not worke miracles and yet the names of them all are held written in heauen And the disciples ought to haue noe ioy but of that good which they haue common with all and in which they haue noe end of gladnes Jt remaynes therefore most deare brother that amongst those things which by the power of God thou A remedie against vaine glorie doest outwardly worke thou doe all waies exactly iudge thy self interiourly and curiously vnderstand both who thou art and how great grace is in that nation for whose conuersion thou hast receaued the guifts of working miracles And if at ame time thou remember that eyther by word or worke thou hast offended our Creatour call allwaies those things to thy memorie that the remembrance of thy owne guiltines may keepe downe the rising glorie of thy heart and whatsoeuer thou ether shalt or hast receaued of doing miracles impute it not as giuen to thy self but to them for whose saluation they are bestowed c. XIV MOREOVER the same blessed Pope sent an Epistle allso to King ETHELBERT with manie rich presents endeauouring with temporall honours to glorifie the King to whom by his industrie the knowledge of the Kingdom of heauen was arriued In his letters he giueth thankes to allmightie God for his conuersion admonishing and encouraging him with the example of Constantine the Great to maintayne and aduance the profession of the Christian fayth in his dominions And amongst others he thus exhorteth him to follow the direction and counsell of saint AVGVS●I●E Our S. Augustine pray sed by S. Gregory most reuerend Brother and Bishop Augustine being tanght in the Rule of a monasterie replenished with the science of holy scripture indued by the handy-worke of God with good workes you ought willingly to heare deuoutly to performe and carefully to keepe in mind whatsoeuer he doeth admonish you Because yf you heare him in what he speaketh in behalf of allmightie God the same god will sooner heare him making intercession for you For if which God forbid you contemne his words how can allmightie God heare him from you whom you neglect to heare speaking for God With all your heart therefore bind your self with him in the feruour of fayth and helpe his endeauours with the power which God hath giuen you that he may make you partaker of his kingdom whose fayth you cause to be receaued and kept in yours Therefore these and such other writings and Epistles of the most holy and zealous Pope saint GREGORY replenished King ETHELBERT with soe great ioy that he was much more enkindled to the aduancement of the Catholick cause and the desire and loue of heauen Augustine buildeth a Mo nastery to the Apo●●● XV. BVT Sainct AVGVSTINE when he had placed his Episcopall Sea at Christs Church in Canturbury and made it a perpetuall habitation for him self and his successours he allsoe built a Monasterie by the meanes of King Ethelbert without the walles of the same towne towards the East dedicated to the Princes of the Apostles PETER and PAVL which he adorned with manie guifts and possessions and ordayned it to be the buriall place of him self and all his successor-Bishops as allsoe of the Kings of Kent which Church notwithstanding was not consecrated by saint AVGVSTINE but by S. LAVRENCE his successour The first Abbot of this Monasterie was one PETER a BENEDICTINE Monke whose life you may reade the thirteenth of Ianuary And this Monasterie with the appurtenances was giuen graunted and confirmed to the Benedictine Monkes by the royall charters of King ETHELBERT whereof this is one King Ethelberts Charter to the monastery of S. Peter Paul at Canturbery I● the name of our Lord IESVS-CHRIST be it knowne vnto all men as well present as future that I ETHELBERT by the grace of God King of the English from an Idolater made a Christian by my Euangelicall father AVGVSTINE haue deliuered by the same bishop some part of the land of my owne right situate vnder the east-wall of the Cittie of Canturbury to wit where by the same teacher in CHRIST I haue built a monasterie in honour of the Princes of the Apostles PETER and PAVL and togeather with the same land and all things which belong to the Monastery itself I haue endowed with perpetuall libertie soe that it may not be lawfull nether for me nor anie of my successor-Kings nor for anie other person eyther Ecclesiasticall or secular euer to vsurpe anie thing from thence but let all things be in the free power of the Abbot him self But if anie one shall attempt to diminish or disannull anie part of this our donation by the authoritie
with populous townes and forreigne marchandise most famous for fayre poeple wealth and riches This huge and goodly Iland was long since destined for thee his elect Agent by the diuine prouidence of the mightie creatour of all things who from the beginning hauing made the world perfect in beautie gaue it into the possession of man his creature This nation soe fayre in face but black in soule with the filth of Idolatrie being by thee washed in the waters of Jordan ascendeth wholly pure and white as the Blackmoore woman by Moyses Now to the greater glory of God and thy owne crowne that new pillar of light which led the Israelites out of Egipt being erected in the fayth and Crosse of CHRIST thou leadest vs Heathens out of the Egiptian darknes of infidelitie and out of the shades of death into the true land of promise flowing with milke and honie For to thee as our Apostolicque Captaine the diuine grace of the Ghospell gaue that which was denied to Moyses the lawmaker of the Iewes and that which he could not obtaine in the law thou art found worthy to accomplish in IESVS-CHRIST the End of the law Now out of the spoiles of the fettered Tirant and out of the Kingdom of the captiue spoiler of our soules thou shalt make our God a Kingdom and a poeple of purchase now next to the heauenly Kingdom and those vnspeakable rewards of thy labours this countrey shall be thy perpetuall possession which by thee was purchased and gayned to CHRIST and whose temporall commodities thou hast forsaken thou shalt now possesse the hereditary gaines And being seated in the high towers of Paradise thou 〈…〉 iest as an holy sentinell perpetually watch and defend the whole countrey dedicated to thy honour and glory XXIV AT LENGTH this most victorious Champion of our Lord hauing runne the race of this mortall life in all sainctitie and perf●ction His last 〈◊〉 of cōuersation hauing laboured in the conuersiō of our wretched countrey with continuall and vn wearies diligence care and industrie came to the goale and long desired rewards of the heauenly Kingdom Now our Lord knocking at the gates of his soule with sicknes he willingly opened with great and vnspeakable thanksgiuing Then with a couragious affection of a fatherly loue he exhorted as well the King Queene and princes as the Clergie and poeple allsoe inuiolably to remayne in the feare and seruice of allmightie God to obey the diuine precepts and obseruances proposed and preached vnto them by his Seruants Which done the end of his worldly tempests approched and the bright morning of his eternall ioies appeared and hauing giuen his benediction to the King and confirmed the infancie of his new-borne Church in CHRIST leauing vnto all manie holy pledges of his perpetuall loue and documents of his pious fellowes and disciples in presence of S. LAVRENCE his successour and a populous multitude of poeple he gaue vp his blessed soule into the hands of him that had created 〈◊〉 happy dea●● it for his honour and in the triumphe glorie of the heauenly citizens he was receaued into the euer lasting blisse of all blessednes the 26 day of May about the yeare of our Lord 614. His sacred bodie was first buried without the Church of saint PETER and saint PAVL which me spoke off before and which was not yet finished nor dedicated But soone after it was consecrated by saint LAVRENCE and his bodie was honourably buried in the north Porch thereof where the bodies of the Archbishops his successors were allsoe buryed vntill the place would hould noe more Ouer Sainct AVGVSTINES tombe was written this Epitaphe in pro●e Here resteth Lord Augustine the first Archbishop of Canturbury who His Epitaphe being in times past sent hither from blessed Gregory bishop of the Roman Cittie sustayned by God with the working of miracles brought King Ethelbert and his co●●trey from the worshipping of Idols to the ●●yth of Christ and the daies of his office being finished in peace he died the seam●●th of the Calends of Iune the same King raygning XXV THE miracles wrought at is tombe are such soe manie and Miracles at his tombe soe great that they would require a whole volume farre beyond the limits of our purpose Gotzeline the Authour of his life whom we follow maketh mention of verie manie it shall suffice vs to relate one or two briefely When the Danes were outrageous in England the Benedictine Monasterie of saint PETER and S. PAVL without the walles of Canturbury which was afterwards called Sainct Augustines became allsoe a part of their prey But one of them as he endeauoured to steale the cloath that couered S. AVGVSTINES Tombe it stuck soe close to his hands as yf it had been his owne skinne till hauing asked pardon of the Sainct he restored it againe to the place Which miracle cloathed him and manie of his fellowes with the white robes of Christianitie and made them deuoted to sainct AVGVSTINE euer after Canutus King of the Danes and English being Canutus freed from shiprack at sea in imminent danger of shipracke calling vppon saint AVGVSTINE for helpe whose patronage he had oftentimes proued most comfortable the fearfull tempest ceased and he arriued quietly to a secure hauen and coming afterwards to the tombe of his holy Patrone with the royaltie of manie gratefull rewards and prayses of thankes he witnessed the great fauour he had receaued The Speech restored to the Dumbe same benefitt was bestowed vppon manie others in the like case that called to this holy Sainct for ayde A yong gyrle that by I know not what mischance was strucken dumbe when all art of phisicke had been foyled in curing her offering a candle at saint AVGVSTINES tombe and in heart recommending her self to his merits perfectly recouered her speech And the same fauour was shewed to an other of her sexe praying in the same place In a word all manner of diseases were cured at his holy reliques to those that humbly and religiously craued helpe And as to such he was allwaies mercifully indulgent soe those that endeauoured to wrong him his tombe or his Church escaped not the diuine punishment XXVI BVT O England England how farre art thou swerued An Apostrophe to England Thren 4 v. 1. from the religion of this thy first Apostle How is the gould made darke and the best colour chainged of thy first Fayth and charitie in IESVS-CHRIST In times past thou didest learne that Fayth only which is the beginning head and foundation of eternall saluation of those that were Catholick Roman Priests and Monkes whom now thou doest persecute they celebrated the dreadfull solemnities of Masse which now thou abhorrest they honoured and called vppon the Saincts in heauen whom thou despisest they acknowledged the supreme authoritie of the Bishop of the Roman and Apostolicque Sea whence they were sent to deliuer thee out of the blind night of Idolatrie to the bright day of
afterwards Queene of Scotland who according to her name appeared indeed as a pretious Margarite before God and man For in the prime of her florishing age when others of such royall byrth are wont to decline to the vaine pleasures of the world she beganne to order her life according to the rules of continencie to loue God aboue all things to applie her self to the reading of diuine learning and with a delight to exercise and follow the rules and precepts of her reading Afterwards compelled by the importunitie of her friends more She marrieth Malcoline King of Scotland then her owne desires she was giuen in marriage to Malcoline King of Scotland when allbeit necessitie constrayned her to deale in worldly affayres yet she neuer soe tied her mind thereto as to forgett or omitt her spirituall exercise for she was more delighted with doing good workes then in the royall possession of her wealth and riches By her prudent counsell discretion and industrie the lawes of the realme were maintayned and the Catholick religion encreased Then her nothing was more firme in fayth more constant in patience grauer in counsell iuster in giuing iudgement and pleasanter in discourse II. MOREOVER she was wonderfully liberall to adorne Churches Her liberalitie to the Churches enriching them with gould and siluer vessells and very pretious ornaments in the place where her royall wedding was celebrated she built a fayre Church in honour of the holy Trinitie and beautified it with great store of riches and amongst others with a fayre Crucifix garnished with gould and many pretious stones She gouerned her familie in the loue and feare of God and especially her The gouernment of her children and familie children whom she would her self iustruct oftentimes in Christian doctrine vsing soe sweet a seueritie and soe seuere a sweetnes towards those vnder her charge that they all loued her with feare and feared her with loue in soe much that noe man in her presence durst presume to speake an vnseemly word Nay besides the often admonitions and continuall instructions of her children this pious Mother who may rightly be termed the Margurite of mothers would dayly powre out her deuout prayers and teares for them that hauing attayned to the knowlege of allmightie God they might truely serue him and by seruing him come to his loue and by his diuine loue purchase eternall happines with his Saincts Manie times all soe she would putt the She moueth the King to good workes King her husband in mind to exercise the workes of iustice mercie almes-deeds and all other acts of Christian vertues whom by the inward working of allmightie God in his soule she made to be most obedient to all good things In summe she omitted nothing that belonged eyther to the maintenance of Christian religion and pietie or the prudent gouernment of the Kingdom III. WHEN the king went in progresse ouer the realme with his court and a great traine of attendants this holy Queene kept his followers in soe good order that noe man durst attempt to steale anie thign by the way nor wrong or oppresse the poore A rare vertue in so great a dame countrey poeple in the lest And as in all things she was carefull to correct faults in others soe was she most patient and willing to haue her owne reprehended by others And to this end she would her self oftentimes desire her Confessor to giue her notice of whatsoeuer in her words or deeds was worthy reprehension desiring that for an encrease of vertue which others are wont to take as a calumnie According to the counsell of the royall Psalmist Let the iust man correct me in mercie and rebuke m●● but Psal 140. let not the oyle that is the flatterie of a Sinner fatten my head IV. SHE was carefull allsoe to correct manie errours and bad She correcteth an erronr in keeping the Lent customs which had crept into the Scottish Kingdom against the vniuersall practise of the Catholick Church First she reformed an abuse touching the obseruance of Lent For the Scots beganne not their Lent till the munday after Ashwensday endeauouring to couer their errour with the authoritie of the Scripture which relating the fast of Christ proposeth but fortie daies to be obserued But she on the other side in an assemblie before the King made it plainly appeare that taking away the six Sundaies on which the Church is not wont to fast there would remaine but thirtie six daies and therefore the fower daies of the precedent weeke ought to be reckoned in the number of fasting-daies to make vp the iust summe of fortie daies and that for this cause they ought to beginne the Lent vppon Ashwensday Moreouer when manie And an other touching communion at Easter 1. Cor. 11. refused to receaue the Sacrament of the Eucharist at Easter alleadging their owne vnworthines and these words of the Apostle He that eateth drinketh it vnworthily eateth drinketh his owne iudgement she shewed them that to compare the worth of that dreadfull Sacrament with our vnworthines is noe comparison for he that is most worthie is in some kind vnworthy considering the infinite worth of that excellent Sacrament neuerthelesse allthough we be all indeed Sinners yet we may haue recourse to the sacrament of Peanance which is instituted to reconcile sinners to our Lord who sayth Vnlesse yee eate the flesh of the sonne of man and drinke his bloud yee shall haue noe life in you And this is it that the Apostle admonisheth I●an 6. 53. sinners to doe when he cries Probet autem scips●m ho●●● sic de pa●● illo edat de calice bibat Let euery one examine and discusse his owne conscience and by confessing his sinnes and doing peanance Who receaues the sacrament worthily come with feare and reuerence to to the sacred misteries and then he shall not eate his owne iudgement as those doe who presume to receaue that venerable banquet with their soules loaden with the filth of sinne Allsoe she reformed manie other abuses touching the due obseruance of the Sunday the celebration of Masse and the sacrament of mariage within the degrees of consanguinitie prohibited by the Church and others V. DISCOVRSING at times with her Ghostly father touching the health of her owne soule and the sweetnes of euerlasting life her words seemed to 〈◊〉 replenished with a certaine diuine grace and her self was touch●● with soe great compunction of heart that she seemed wholly to resolue into teares During the diuine seruice in the Church she shewed soe great deuotion and attention that she would neuer speake word to anieman touching anie worldly or secular busines but attēded wholly to her prayers which were oftentimes accompanied with d●uout teares I 〈◊〉 her singular charitie Her charitie to the poore towards the poore whom she would oftentimes relieue with her greatest iewells becoming her self more poore them they for they being in want de●ired to haue riches
and she dispersed all she had I say nothing of her great care and pietie shewed to sick persons orphans and widdowes to whom she was allwaies a most indulgent and pious Mothe● I passe ouer in silence the aff●ction reuerence she bore to Hermites and true religious m●n whom sometimes she visited and dayly furnished with sufficiencie Euery morning she The rare pretie of the King and Queene nourished nine orphan-children and gaue them victualls with her owne hands Besides these her custom was to receaue three hundred poore poeple into the pallace and hauing 〈◊〉 the doores she ranged them into order when the king on the on side and the Queene on the other serued CHRIST in his poore and gaue them meate with their owne hands pecul●rly prouided for that purpose O the wonderfull pietie of these royall persons This done she went to the Church where during the time of the holy sacrifice of Masse she sacrificed her self to allmightie God with the long continuance of manie prayers sighs and teares And before the high Masse beganne she heard fiue or six priuate Masses euery day VI. THEN she returned to dinner rather to maintaine life then Her spare diet to satisfie the delights of her appetite for in her diet she was soe sober and sparing that her meales rather sharpened then extinguished her 〈◊〉 and she seemed rather to ●ast then to ●are her meate Throughout the whole Lent and fortie daies before Christmas she mortified her bodie with an incredible abstinence in soe much that out of the austeritie of her fasting she endured most sharpe paynes and gripings in her stomake all the daies of her life but the weaknes of her bodie could nothing weaken the strength of her vnconquered vertue At length falling into a grieuous ficknes she sent for her Confessor 〈◊〉 the second Prior of the Benedictine Monastery of Durham of w●om hauing first declared the manner of her life and at each word of the consolation which he gaue her powred out whole flouds of deuout teares she tooke her last farewell for sayd she I shall not long remaine in She desireth Masses and prayers after death this mortall life and thou wilt shortly follow me Two things therefore I desire of thee the first that during thy life thou be allwaies mindfull of me in thy masse and other prayers the second that thou take care of my children and keepe them allwaies in the feare of God lest the prosperitie of the world whē they attaine to the height of terrene dignitie make them loose the happines of eternall life VII AFTERWARDS the vehemencie of her disease encreasing she was no●able to rise but seldom out of her bed But the fourth day The slaughter of King Malcoline before her happie departure the king being then abroade in a warlick expedition she grew on the suddaine more sad then her wonted custom saying to the assistants I feare more misfortune hath happened this day to the Kingdom of Scotland then in manie yeares before And soone after they vnderstood that the King and his sonne Edward had that very day lost their liues in the warres The fourth day after the kings death her sicknes giuing some truce to the former vehemencie of her paine she rose and went into her chappell and armed her approching end with the last Sacrament and the Viaticum of our Lords most pretious bodie Then the crueltie of her griefes laying her againe prostrate on her death-bed she vnderstood by the new arriuall of her sonne Edgar from the ar●ie of the late ouerthrow receaued by their enemies when lifting vp her hands and eyes towards heauen she gaue infinite thankes vnto allmightie God who at the hower of her departure out of this A vvorthy example of patience world had sent her an occasion of soe great anguish for a triall of her patience by the suffrance of which she hoped to be clensed from some of her former sinnes In the meane time feeling the secret messengers of death to summon her departure she beganne deuoutly to recite this prayer Domine Iesu Christe qui ex voluntate Patris cooperante She dio●● happily spiritu Sancto per mortem tuam mundum vi●ificasti libera me and and at that word her soule being deliuered out of the chaines of the bodie quietly passed to the Authour of all true libertie CHRIST-IESVS whom soe dearely she had loued in her life time being made participant of the happines of those glorious spirits whose vertuous examples she had been all waies carefull to follow And her face which during her sicknes was soe wane pale returned after death to soe fayre a mixture of a red and white complexion that to the astonished behoulders it seemed to sett forth the countenance of a sleeping or liuing bodie rather then of one that was dead She died the tenth day of Iune in the yeare 1097. and was buried in the Church of the Blessed Trinitie which she had built in her life time The life of this glorious Queene hath been written by S. Alured Abbot of Rhieuall recited by Surius tom 3. and by Turgot second Prior of Durham whom we haue followed Allso Deidonatus lib. 12. hist Scotorum maketh ample mention of her as allsoe the Roman Martir●loge Vsuard Molanus and others The life of Sainct EADBVRG Virgin and Nunne of the holy Order of Sainct BENEDICT IVNE 15. Out of William Malmesbury and others EABVRG daughter to Edward the Elder King of England and Queene Elsgiue his wife Her parents at the age of three yeares gaue a notable proofe of her future Sainctitie For her father being desirous to trie whether the litle infant would be inclined to God or the world layd the ornaments of diuers professions in his chamber before her on the one side a chalice and the Ghospell and iewells rings and bracelets on the other Thither the litle gyrle being brought in the armes of her dandling nurse she was seated on her fathers lappe who sayd Choose my EADBVRG which of these things doe most delight thee She with a countenance as it were despising the rest greedily layd hould on the chalice and booke embracing them with Note her choise of a religiouslife a childish innocencie The whole companie of assistants cried out that it was an euident presage of future sainctitie in the gyrle and the father most tenderly kissing clipping his child Goe thy waies sayd he whither God calls thee follow happily the diuine spouse whom thou hast chosen and happy indeed may thy mother and I esteeme our selues being in religion ouercome by a daughter Therefore when riper yeares allowed her the perfect vse of discrecretion she went to the Benedictine Monasterie which her father had She taketh the habit of a Nunne built at Winchester and putt on the habit and profession of a Nunne vnder the holy Rule of saint BENEDICT when soe rarely she conformed her life to the lawes of her profession that by the
loue is more to be praysed and admired Sure I am that among manie thousands you shall scarse find one able soe to bridle the vnbridled desires of the rebellious flesh IV. IN the meane time King Egfrid who was desirous to haue King Egfrids desire to ouerthrow her chastitie heyres to succeed him in the kingdom laboured by all meanes setting violence aside to gett his wife to consent vnto his desires and yeeld vnto him that only desired the right of matrimonie ETHELDRED on the other side who had dedicated her virginitie to the king of heauen could not be remoued nether by the allurements of his pleasāt words nor with the terrour of his rude threats to betray the resolution of her holy purpose Therefore the King who by nature was of a courteous and pleasing inclinatiō of mind allthough by how much the more constantly his wife denied his request by soe much the more eagerly his loue burned in the pursute thereof for things denied are more greedily desired yet he allwaies withheld his hands from violence and to the end he might leaue no way vnbeaten that might lead to the marke of his affection he committed the matter to S. WILFRID Archbishop of Yorke hoping that his authoritie would be powerfull enough to beat downe the fortresse of her resolution and the rather because he knew how great confidence the holy queene reposed in the mā But S. WILFRID quickly found all his labour in perswading to be employed in vaine soe vnconquered the holy virgin remayned in her foretaken purpose of chastitie V. Nay she not only refused to condescend to the point of the Etheldred laboureth to haue her husband consent to a diuorce kings desire but allsoe ceased not with her dayly prayers to sollicite him that with his leaue and licence she might be freed from the bond of matrimonie and betake her self to embrace a single and priuate manner of life which at length by much importunitie she obtayned For Egfrid who was a prudent prince could not chose but loue and honour the purpose of chastitie in his wife knowing that she had dedicated it to CHRIST IESVS Therefore ETHELDRED being now mistresse of her desired libertie retired her self to a Monasterie She taketh the habit of a Nunne of Benedictine Nunnes at a place called Coldingham in the confines of Scotland where blessed EBBA aunt vnto King Egfrid was Abbesse of a holy Conuent of Virgins Amongst these our holy ETHELDRED made her royall robes giue place to the humble weedes of a Nunne and insteed of her princely diadem of Soueraigntie she adorned her head with the poore vayle of humilitie making her self from a commandresse a subiect from a princesse a handmayd from a queene a seruant Yea now it was that this holy woman iudged her self truly to raigne when being freed from her terrene kingdom she was ranged into the seruice of CHRIST and vndertaking for his loue the rule of monasticall discipline she subiected her self to the rodd of holy obedience and found by her owne dayly experience that the yoake of our Lord is sweet Her holy conuersation and his burden light In this place she attayned to soe great a height of holy conuersation and shewed soe perfect an example of humilitie that her life appeared to the rest of her sisters as a true patterne and mirrour of all monasticall perfection VI BVT King Egfrid impatiently bearing the departure of his beloued queene began at length to be much contrislated thereat and by instinct and instigation of his Nobles he endeauoured with violent A strainge miracle meanes to take her out of the Monasterie Which his intention being vnderstood by the holy Virgin she recomended her virginitie to allmightie God and with two other of her fellowes fled for safegard into a hill neere adioyning where by the diuine power of him that gouernes and commaunds the winds and seas she was miraculously preserued out of his hands For the sea ouerflowing its vsuall limitts encompassed that hill about in such sort that the king admiring the accident durst attempt noe further but returned sorrowfull Thomas Monach. in Hist. Eliensi that he had gone soe farre And the authour hereof doeth testifie that while she liued with her companie on the toppe of this hill she obtayned by her prayers to haue a fountaine of cleere water to spring out of the earth to comfort them in their extremitie of thirst And allsoe that the impression of her footsteps ascending and descending the same hill remayned visibly in the rock vnto the same Authours time All which doeth most euidently proue of how great meritt her holy life and vntainted chastitie was in the sight of her deare spouse CHRIST-IESVS the fountaine and head of all puritie But because we are fallen into such times that a great part of the world houldeth vowes of chastitie to be vnnecessary and the vertue of chastitie it self impossible especially betweene married folkes therefore it shall not be amisse here to sett downe the testimonies of Venerable BEDE and sainct WILFRID for an vnresistable proofe of our holy ETHELDREDS virginitie When the matter was by some called in question saith S. BEDE WILFRID Bishop of blessed De gest An. lib. 4. cap. 6. A notable testimonie of her virginitie memorie affirmed to me that demaunded it that he him self was a most certaine witnes of her virginitie in soe much that King Egfrid promised him a reward of manie lands and treasures yf he could but perswade the Queene to yeeld to the vse of mariage because he knew she loued ●oe man better then him Nether ought we to mistrust that allso in our age that was possible to be done which our faythfull histories relate to haue been done in former times by the guift of one and the same Lord who promiseth to remaine with vs to the end of the world For the diuine miracle whereby the flesh of the same woman buried could not be corrupted is a signe that she remained incorrupted from the touch of man Thus sainct BEDE Whereby is made manifest the vndefiled integritie of this holy Virgin Who allbeit she shed not her bloud by martirdom yet she may be iustly entitled Etheldred a Martir with the name of a martir when fighting gloriously against the vices and concupiscences of this world she dayly carried our Lords crosse in her bodie And yf she had happened in the bloudie times of Nero or Diocletian without doubt like vnto other holy virgins and Martirs of Gods Church she would of her owne accord haue endured the torture fought with the wild beasts gone through the fiers and not haue feared to haue had her bodie torne in peeces with the instruments of studied crueltie which the iron-hearts of those times made vse off But let vs goe on with her life VII A YEARE after she had receaued the vayle of religion in the monasterie aboue named she returned to her owne possession in the I le of Ely
chest in which her body had been first buried healed manie of sore eyes by only laying their heads close vnto it and in their prayers calling on the helpe of allmightie God and the intercession of his glorious Virgin S. ETHELDRED Allso out of the place where she was first buried sprung forth a fountaine of cleere water which was proued to be most soueraigne for manie diseases euen vntill the time of our Authour who had seene the experiēce thereof himself Diuers other miracles are faithfully related by this Authour Thomas of Ely to haue been wrought in the same Monastery by the meritts In the manus cript history of Ely of this glorious Virgin There the blind recouered their sight the dumbe their speech the lame the vse of their legges the dease their hearing and allmost all kind of diseased persons were restored to perfect health as may be seene at large in the history of Ely XV BVT as this holy Virgin was piously gratious to all that deuoutly The diuine punishmēnt against one that wronged her Tombe implored her assistance in their necessities so was she manie times no lesse terrible in punishing those that maliciously endeauoured to wrong her Tombe Church or anie thing belonging thereunto For proofe whereof it shall suffice to relate one example only In that outrageous spoile which the barbarous Danes mad throughout the kingdom of England during the troublesom raignee of the two kings Etheldred and Elfred when all Churches Monastes ries and religious houses togeather with their inhabitants were committed to fier and sword the Monasterie of Ely was allso made a prey to their vntamed crueltie When one of those Pagans more prone to wickednes then the rest attempted to breake open the holie shrine of saint ETHELDRED hoping to find it furnished with store of golden treasure which his couetous mind greatly thirsted after And hauing with much labour made a hole through the marble chest which remayned in the same vntill our Authours time the diuine punishment was soe suddaine against him that his vnworthines was not suffered to behould the treasure contayned therein For at the very same instant his eyes fell out of his head and he him self falling downe to the earth vomitted out his miserable soule to carrie newes to the next world how seuerely God punisheth those that wrong the reliques of his Saincts And his wretched end taught his fellowes not to presume to touch that sacred tombe allbeit they committed the Church and Monasterie to the vnsatiable flames of fier But after a long desolation in the time of the peaceable raigne Kind Edgar repayreth the Church of Ely of the most noble King Edgar the same Monasterie was magnificently restored to its former and a farre greater glorie by the royall munificence of the same King and the secular Clerkes that had crept into it in the meane time were for their incontinencie and bad life cast out by the meanes of that worthly Pillar of the English Church and the Benedictine familie sainct ETHELWOLD and by the speciall commaund of King Edgar the Benedictine Monkes placed in their steed one Brithnode made Abbot vnto whō in successe of time nine other Abbotts succeeded in order After whom in the yeare of our Lord 1108. during the raigne of King Henry the first the Abbey it self was turned to an Episcopall sea and the Conuent of Monkes gouerned by a Priour who had the title of a Cathedrall Priour vnto whom and his Chapter of Monkes belonged the election of the Bishop XVI BVT our glorious sainct ETHELDRED was allwaies held and Etheldred the Patronesse of Ely reuerenced for the speciall and principall Patronesse of this place and such she shewed her self to be both by the continuall working of manie miracles and cures at her tombe as allsoe by diuers apparitions after her death for the peculiar good thereof One whereof we cannot omitt In the sixteenth yeare of the raigne of King Henry the first there liued in the Prouince of Ely a mā called Bricstan who being from his very infancie intangled with the crosses and aduersities of the world gaue himself amongst other vices to deale in the damnable trade of vsurie by which only he was maintayned in the world Till hauing drawne his line of life to a great length in such wickednes he fell into a sicknes soe vehement that it made him apprehend death to be nigh When the extremitie of his disease forced him to enter into consideration of the miserable state he had liued in and being inspired with a heauenly glimpse of diuine grace he made a faythfull promise to deliuer him self to the seruice of allmightie God vnder the habitt of a Benedictine Monke in the Monasterie of sainct ETHELDRED at Ely And without anie further delay hauing gathered all his goods togeather he went to the Monasterie Bricstā resolueth to be a Mōke and made liuerie and season of them him self vnto the Monkes humbly crauing mercie for his former life But the cōmon enemie of mankind by whose enuie Adā fell out of Paradise stirred vp an instrument of his and a seruant of the Kings called Robert Malartes who in behalfe of the King hindered poore Brickstans taking the habitt He is maliciously hindered of Religion and hauing layd theft and other great offences to his charge affirmed that not to saue his soule but to cloake the hay nousnes of his wicked life he sought now to enter into religion In fine Brickstan hauing noe other weapon but his owne innocencie stood stiffely vppon his deniall as indeed he had reason being guiltlesse of the crimes he was accused off But the authoritie of his aduersarie soe preuayled against the iustice of his cause that he was clapt vnder guard and led fettered and bound to London where he became an v●willing guest to the Iaylour in a darke and loathsom prison and loaden with bolts and iron chaines in great miserie he a long time fed vppon the two common dishes of the poore prisoners ordinarie cold and Hunger XVII IN the meane time allbeit he found in him self no former meritts whereby he might deserue much before the face of allmightie In prison he calleth vppon S. Benedict and S. Etheldred God yet he ceased not to call to his diuine goodnes for helpe with a sorrowfull heart and voyce desiring the intercession of the glorious Patriarch of Monkes sainct BENEDICT to whose order he had vowed him self and of S. ETHELDRED in whose Monasterie he purposed to haue embraced the same order And this was his dayly and nightly exercise whilst he liued in this wretched state of imprisonment which dured fiue moneths What more One night when the bells in the cittie rung to the mid-nights office of Mattins our Prisoner hauing fasted three daies before lay as he thought at such a poynt of extremitie that he expected nothing but death to be the period of his miserie yet still calling eyther in mouth or heart on