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A04666 A compendious and most marueilous history of the latter tymes of the Iewes commune weale beginnynge where the Bible or Scriptures leaue, and continuing to the vtter subuersion and laste destruction of that countrey and people: written in Hebrew by Ioseph Ben Gorion, a noble man of the same countrey, who sawe the most thinges him selfe, and was auctour and doer of a great part of the same. Translated into Englishe by Peter Morvvyng of Magdalen Colledge in Oxford.; Josippon. English. Abridgments. Morwen, Peter.; Ibn Daud, Abraham ben David, Halevi, ca. 1110-ca. 1180. Sefer ha-Kabalah.; Joseph ben Gorion, ha-Kohen, attributed name. 1558 (1558) STC 14795; ESTC S122046 196,775 569

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euer geue them any answere But when thei perceiued the kinge to be incensed against them and by that meanes the matter mighte redounde to their owne harme after consultation had they went to the king of Grece whose name was Demetrius shewed him what Hircanus and Alexander his sōne had done vnto the Phariseis and all the Israelites that bare them good will and folowed their traditions and how thei also hated Alexander for the mischiefe that hee hathe wrought them So that if any manne would come and reueng the malice of Alexander they would be ready to aide him Demetrius folowed their aduise and assembling together all his people to the number of .xl. thousand horsemē and fotemen without number He toke his iourney and encamped against Sichem Then kinge Alexander waged .vi. thousand horsemen to aid him But the king of the Grecians writ priuilye to the auncientes of the Sectaries that they shold not aide Alexander To the mercinary souldiours also that Alexander had hired he sent rewardes golde and siluer that they returned home to their coūtrey aided not Alexander Wherupon he was not able to withstande Demetrius Therfore hearing that Demetrius was remoued frō Sichem toward Ierusalē entending to take him in the citie he fled by nighte with a fewe of his men to the mountains and lurked there When the menne of Israel that were in Iudea heard the king was fled out of Hierusalem and that the citye was in hasarde to come into the hādes of the Grecians they gathered them selues together stode for their liues as thoughe all had bene one man to the number of .x. thousand and set vpō Demetrius Campe killed all his beste men of warre and spoyled his whole host that he fled from them returned home into his coūtrey with shame dishonour This done the king toke hart vnto him returned to his kingdom but the Pharises fled to Betshemes strēgthning thē selues against the king Who hauing intelligēce therof gathered an army went against thē wan the city and toke viii.c of the chiefest Pharisies bound thē in chains brought them to Ierusalē Then bāqueted he al his seruants vpon the roufe of his palaice in a very hie place where the chiefe learned men eat dranke vntil he and thei were dronke And in his merye mode he commaunded those viii.c Pharisies prisoners to be brought forth to be hāged euery man of thē vppon gallowes before him at which sight he dronke laughed hartely After this he fel sick the xxiiii yere of his raigne of a greuous disease a quartan ague that held him thre yere yet for all this he shronke not nor letted to go to the war to encounter fight with his enemies what nation so euer they were of round about him as though he had ben a hole man In the xxvii yere of his raign which was the third of his sicknes he made an expeditiō into the land of Moab against a certain city called Ragaba to get it bi force At which time he was very sicke and weake wherfore his wife Alexandra the Quene wente with him fearinge least he shuld die by the waye And as be encamped him self against the city and vrged it sore with assaultes his sicknesse increased vpon him more and more Wherfore his wife perceiuinge that he was like to die wept bitterly before him said To whō shal I be so bold as to shew my face whē thou art once dead seing thou haste wroughte such mischief vpon the pharisies whō all the lande fauoureth and foloweth their traditions obeiyng their institucions If they shal be disposed to wreke them selues vppon me and thy yonge children they shal haue aid of all that dwel in the lād The king answered Wepe not nor shew any resēblance of pēsifnes I wil tel the what thou shalt do if thou wilt folow my counsell thou shalt prosper and raigne thou and thy children as thou woldest desire Be it that I die there is no man in the world nede know therof Tel thou euery mā therfore that aske for me that I am sick wil not that ani mā shal come at me In the meane while anointe season me with balmes fight with a courage against this city til thou win it then return to Ierusalem with ioy and beware thou put on no mourninge apparail nor weepe but bringe me into Ierusalem and laye me vpon a bedde like a sicke man and after call together the chiefe of the Phariseis bryng them where I am and speake vnto them gentilly in this sort Alexander hath bene euer your enemy I knowe it very wel wherefore take him if ye list and cast him into the fire or to the dogges or bury him it shal be at your choise I knowe wel they are pitifull men and so ful of merci that they wil bury me honorably and shall apointe some one of my sonnes whō they like best to be king The Quene did therfore as she was instructed of the king Whan she had won Ragaba she ioyfully returned to Ierusalem after that gathered together the elders of the Pharisies and spake to them as the king had aduised her The Pharisies hearing the king was deade and that his bodye was in their handes to do withal what they liste they answered the Quene God forbid we shoulde do this vnto our Lorde the annointed of God He was the king and hie prieste what though he were a sinner yet his deathe shal be an expiation for him of al his iniquities Therfore we wil bewaile him and mourne for him yea we wil cary his coffen our selues vpon our neckes and burye him as it becommeth a kinges magnificence and so they did The time that he reigned was .xxvii. yeares After him reigned his wife Alexandra in his stede for the Pharisies after they had finished the .vii. daies of the mourning they comitted the kingdō vnto her She had .ii. sons by the king the elder was called Hircanus the other Aristobulus Hircanus was a iust man righteous but Aristobulus was the warrioure man of prowes besides that of a familier louing countenance He fauored also the learned men folowed their instruction But Hircanus his elder brother loued the Pharisies On a time therfore when the Quene sate in the throne of her kingdom she called the auncients of the Pharisies before her honoured them commaunded to release set at liberty al such Pharisies as the king her husband her father in lawe had cast in prison and taking the pharisies by the handes she commaunded all Israel to obey their ordinaunces Thē made Hircanus her sonne hie prieste and Aristobulus lieueteuaunte of the warres She sent also to al the landes that her husbande and father in lawe had subdued and demaunded the n●ble mennes sonnes for pledges which she kept in Ierusalē So the lord gaue vnto the Quene quietnesse frō al that were vnder her subiection She gaue also the Pharisies
said one of the Saduces the matter is plaine that according to the mindes of the Sages at their bidding he vpbrayded thée therfore they would not awarde him to die Whereat the kinge helde his peace and gaue neuer a worde to answer So all the ioye was dashed and turned into sadnesse The next day at the commaundement of the king proclamations went out to all the Cities in the kinges dominions that they shoulde stande to the ordenaunce of Sadoch and Bithus and who soeuer should refence to folow their decrees or would obserue the tradicions of the Sages and obey their wil shuld suffer death This was Ihon the hie priest whiche had the priesthode xl yeares and in th end became a Saducie Notwithstandinge the Israelites obeyed not the kinges commaundement but rather priuilye followed the orders of the sages The king him selfe and all his seruantes folowed the traditions of the Saducies making inquisition for them that stake to the constitutions of the Sages and putting to deathe as many as he coulde get knowledge of By this meanes he drue much people of Israel into this opinion The time that Hircanus reygned ouer Israell was .xxxi. yere and then he died After him reigned his sonne Aristobulus for he had .iii. sonnes Aristobulus Antigonus and Alexander This Alexander was hated of his father and banished out of his presence He went therfore and made warre vpon Tire and Sidon subdued them and compelled them to be circumcised Aristobulus regarded not the high priesthode but set light by it wherfore he wold not execute the office therof but toke the kingdome vppon him and set the crowne vppon his heade and was called the great king Besides this he banished his mother and Alexander her sonne his yonger brother and wold not suffer them to dwell in Ierusalem But he loued his brother Antigonus and made him lieuetenant generall of all his warres setting him forward into the warres againste hys ennemies Wherin the yong mā Antigonus had good fortune and prospered in al thinges that he toke in hād and returned safe to Ierusalem Wheras he entred into the house of the sanctuary to pray for his brother the king which at that time was greuously sicke and also to acknowledge before the Lorde God his goodnesse and mercye towardes him in that he aided him against his enemies Then came a certain wicked person vnto the king informed him with this tale Thy brother saith he returning from the warres inquyred ▪ of thy health when it was told him thou wast sicke he saide I will go to him to day rid him out of the world When the kinge heard this he was wrothe towarde the sages commaunded his brother to be apprehēded and caried to the palaice of Starton there to be kepte in prisonne till he hadde made inquisition of his doinges In the meane space the Quene the kinges wife commaunded him to be put to death there without knowlege of the kinges minde But when the Kinge hearde that hys brother was killed he cried mainly out and wepte smiting his brest in such a sorte with his hande that he sowned and muche blud issued out of his mouth He reigned ouer Israel .ii. yere After him his brother Alexander reigned who was also called king Ianai being broughte out of prisō where his brother had put him and made king of Israel He was a mighty man and valeante in all his warres against his ennemies preuailing against thē He had warres with the Philistines namelye Azam and Ascalon whom he put to the worsse and ouercame them This man refused not the priesthode but was his priest It chaunced on a time when he stode at thaltare to offer sacrifice one of the sages cast Ceder trée vpon him wherat he lift vp his righthand vpon the altare crying geue me my sword Then the Sages kneled down before him and sware they did it not of anye contempt but rather say thei that we thus sporting before the Lord would be mery vpon the hie solempne daye But the kinges seruauntes answered roughly again saiynge Althoughe ye play and reioyie yet it is not the maner of the country to vse any such dispitful custome with the king The cōtencion waxed hot amongste them til at the length the Sages spake euil of the king castinge in his tethe that he was an vnhallowed and suspended person and that his graūdmother on the fathers side was a captiue in the mount Modiit wherby her seede was steined The king was sore moued at that in so much that he commaunded all the Sages to be slaine Therefore wher so euer they founde them in the sanctuary or in the stretes of Ierusalem they killed them forthwith Then the king commaunded that euery mā should obei the gouernaunce and tradicions of the Saducies So in those daies had the Sages great tribulatiō some fel vpon the sworde some fled awaye and some taried at home with dishonor and shame After these matters the king made an expedicion into Arabia entred the country as farre as the rocke of the wildernes against Hartam kinge of Arabia and subdued his lande After that he warred vpon Medaba and the hole lande of Moab vanquishing them and bringing them vnder tribute and so retourned with honor to Ierusalem When he had after this wel bethought him of his doings it repēted him of his euil waies wherfore he altered his minde and began to make much of the Sages submitted him to their ordinaunce and estemed their tradicions There were also at that time a kinde of secte that were called * These I take to be the same that he calleth sages before Phariseis of whom such as had escaped the kinge sente to call them home again and when they wer come into his presence he spake vnto them comfortable wordes saying My brethern ye shal vnderstand that that is once done and past must nedes be termed as it is and can not be reuoked And truth it is you can excuse the reproche that ye did me nor I can not call againe the bloud that I haue shed Notwithstanding I confesse my faulte vnto you and haue chaunged my indignation to loue praiynge you to put out of your heart all rancour and malice laye awaie also your mournynge and sorowfulnesse of your mindes reioysyng in your reconciliation and atonement with me be of good cheare But they made him answere We wil not laie away our hatred and enmitie for thou speakest but disceitfully we speake that is truthe Furthermore thou hast killed our chief men and elders neither hast thou onely done vs this iniurie but also Hircanus thy father who began such mischiefe thou hast holden on and cōtinued it Wherfore this hatred betwene thee and vs hath taken some roote neither can we leaue our sorowe and mourninge tyll thou dye and God take vengeaunce vpon thee for our sakes then shal wee reioice when we see vengeaunce So they departed from his presence neither did the kinge
wery of their liues for feare of them Wherefore the king of Siria sent vnto Herode ruler of Galily desiring him to kil that Hizkias his complices Wherupon Herode prepared him selfe and wente to meete with Hizkias as he returned from the spoil of Siria came vpō him at vnwares and slue him and his menne Whereof when the kinge of Siria was certified he sent a noble reward vnto Herode of siluer gold and precious stones bi whiche and by like meanes he became very famous The noble men of Iuda made their complainte vnto Hircanus vpon Antipater and his sōnes for their sore oppressing of the lande of Iuda desiring that Herode might be called frō Galily to appere in iudgment and answer with other for the killing of Hezkias The king therfore sente for him he vpon that came to Ierusalem appered before the iudges princely apparelled with a gilt sword gird aboute him whose pride an aunciente man called Samai blamed and reprehēded also his stoute hearte but he woulde not geue eare vnto him nor yet regarde the iudges When Hircanus perceiued that the iudges had almoste determined to geue iudgement agaynste the younge man to make him away he toke pitie vpon him said We wil not geue sentēce to day to morow is a new day and by that meanes deliuered him out of their hands Herode knew not afore that it was a matter of life and death That night therfore he fled to the king of Siria declaring all what had happened vnto him The kinge of Siria let him haue a strong army came with him him self purposing to besiege Ierusalem But his father Antipater and his elder brother Phaselus came forthe vnto him and rebuked him saiyng Is this the rewarde that thou rendrest to kinge Hircanus that toke pitie vppon thee and woulde not haue thy bloude shedde Therefore they willed him to depart from Ierusalem vnto whom he condiscended after he had once let the inhabitauntes of Hierusalem knowe what he could do and had shewed thē his power Iulius Emperour of Rome aboute that time as he was worshippinge in the house of his GOD was murdered by the conspyracye of certaine of theim whiche hadde serued Pompeius that was slaine as is afore mencioned The name of one of them that killed him was Cassius of the coūtrey of Macedonia who fledde thither beinge afraied to tarie at Rome This Cassius had great dominions in Macedonia Antipater also of whom we spake was a greate scourge to the noble men of Iuda and a great deale forer man then was Hircanus him self Yea Hircanus could do nothinge in comparison of him for he had no rule him selfe but Antipater and his sons bare all the swaye throughoute the whole realme Moreouer Antipater was in great estimation amongest all the Kinges of that time And for asmuch as he so sore oppressed the Iewes thei therfore hated him and conspired to kil hym There was a man in great aucthoritie about A●rcanus by whose meanes thei wrought this matter He corrupted the kinges Butler with rewardes to put poyson in Antipaters cuppe which as he had dronke he died These things his sonnes Phaselus and Herode dissimuled and winked at as though they knew nothing Notwithstandinge they priuely writ vnto Cassius that raigned in Macedonia certifiynge him of this deede Sone after came Cassius to Tyrus from whence he sente messengers to Hircanus to come vnto him who came with hym Malchias Phaseus and Herode Cassius entertainynge them all in his lodgynge willed his men that whatsoeuer Herode had them thei should do it Herode willed them to kill Malchias they slew him therfore sittyng hard by Hircanus side Hircanus demaūded of the sōnes of Antipater the cause hereof who answered Is it not manifest that Kynge Cassius seruauntes slew him and wee knowe not whye Therfore Hircauus stode in feare of Phaselus and Herode being certain that this was their dede Wherfore he saide vnto theim This Malchias was worthy of such a death for he was a crafty man and an vserer These thinges done Octauian Augustus brothers sonne vnto Iulius that was murdered came vnto Rome and the people of Rome made hym their Emperoure He had a felowe in office named Marcus Antonius his Vncle. Octauianus therefore seinge to the gouernement at Rome sent Marcus Antonius to warre vppon Cassius and to reuenge Iulius death Vnto him Hircanus sent a presente a crowne of golde in whiche were set sundrye precious stones praiyng him to strengthen his Kingedome in his handes and to be a means of a league to be made betwen Octauian Augustus king of kings and him as there was betwene him and Iulius which Antonius graunted Pacorus About that time Antigonus fonne of Aristobulus writ to Pagurus kyng of the Persians to aide him against Hircanus to remoue him and to restore the kingdome to him self and he agreed to geue him for his trauail fiue hundreth poūd weight of gold and a hundreth Israelitish virgins So Pagurus gathered an host against Israel and Antigonus departed oute of Ierusalem with muche people of Israel that toke his part and foyned them selues to Pagurus These came to Ierusalem besieged it fought many skirmishes gaue many greate assaultes vnto it til at lenght they vndermined the city Then toke they Hircanus and slue Phaselus And to the intent Hircanus shuld be cleane remoued from the priesthod Antigonus that had depriued him now of his kingdom cut of besides that one of his eares But Herode escaped fled to August emperour of Rome Pagurꝰ therfore hauing made Antigonus king of Ierusalem returned home into Persia cariynge Hircanus as prisoner with him But Augustus appointed Herod to be king ouer al Iuda geuing to him a very strong army of the Romaines to obtein it withall In the way thither Herode met with Alexandra Hircanus doughter and Marimi her doughter thou she had by Alexander sōne of Aristobulus and brought thē again into the land of Israel where he tooke Marimi to wife and was maried with her in the mount of Galile For ther the chiefe of al Israel dwelte with whome he toke peace Marcus Antonius companion in office vnto Octauian Augustus aboute that time made a voyage through all the East countries to subdue them vnto the Romaines together with Egipt Damasco and Siria Him Herode accompanied to the flud of Euphrates and helped him not a litle For the Arabians lay in wait for him in the way and slue all that would aide Marcus Antonius But Herode mette with them and slue them Wherefore Antonius was verye gladde of Herodes valiauntnesse and brought him again into Israell together with Cassius his captain and lieuetenant of his warres hauinge also his letters to all the captaines of Siria after this tenure Ye shall vnderstand that our Lord and maister Octauian Augustus kinge of kings hath appointed Herode the sōne of Antipater to be kinge of all the land of Iuda Therefore assone as these letters shall come
been for the wickednes that her doughter had cōmitted thinking suerly to please the king by that meanes and to bleare his eies if peraduenture he might suffer her to liue til she might haue oportunitie to poison him Marimi thus going to execution helde her peace and looked nether to the right hand nor to the left nor yet feared death any thing knowing that she was innocēt in dede and thought and therfore God would rēder her a good rewarde in the world to come Wherfore she bared her necke without feare and thei cut of her head sheding the innocent bloud But God made no delay in punishing the same for there fell a sore plague and pestilēce in the house of Herode so that his chief seruauntes his noble women and concubines died sore therof Yea throughout all Iudea reigned the pestilence vehemently whiche affliction all Israell knew well ynough chaunced vnto thē for the bloude of Marimi They cried therefore vnto the lorde saiyng Wilt thou forthe offence of one man deale so cruelly with the hole congregacion The lorde toke pitie therfore vp●● the lande and withore we the plague from the people The king repēted him also that he had shed bloud without cause and loue so grew in his harte that he was sicke and at deathes dore Then Alexandra Marimies mother soughte meanes how to poyson hym Whiche being vttered vnto the kynge he commaunded to apprehende her and to kil her In this maner dealt Herode with all the posteritie of the Machabees leauing none aliue that were called by the name He put to death also Ioseph the busband of Salumith The king hadde two sonnes Alexander and Aristobulus by Marimi his wyfe They were both at Rome when their mother suffered for their father the king had sent them thither to learne the Romain tōgue When thei heard tidinges of their mothers death they wepte and mourned for her hating their father for his rcueltie Sone after the king their father recouered of his sickenes was established in his kingdome builded stronge cities and rose to great prosperitie In the. ●iii yeare of his reigne there fell a great dearth in the lande wherfore the kinge tooke out of his treasure muche gold and siluer and precious stoones wherwith he sent into Egipt and procured plentie of corne and refres●hyng with bread all that lackt and was in distres of hūger yea he spared not his owne propre goodes And not onely to the Israelites shewed he this liberality but also to all that came vnto him out of other straunge nations hearing of his renoume Moreouer in all his warres he had good fortune Besides thys he thought it good to renew the house of the sanctuary wherupon he deliberated with the Israelites to haue their aduise for the building of it after the same quantitie and measure that Salolomon king of Israel builded it For the Iewes returning from captiuite in the time of Coresch Cirus began to build it after the measure the Coresch prescribed thē not as it was afore The people of Israel hearing that the king was purposed to pul down the tēple to the groūd and buylde it a freshe they made hym none aunswere fearing left whan he had pulled it downe he would not bee so hasty to builde it vp againe But the the king perceauing what they feared in their mindes saide he woulde not flack the matter nor reste till he hade brought it to passe He said moreouer that he would take out of his treasure plentie of gold and syluer and geue it to grauing also precious stones stones of Thasies marble To the carpenters also and masons he would deliuer timber stones gold siluer brasse iron to make all thinges necessary to the woorke Wherefore if he pulled downe the house he was able to builde it streight waies again So he pulled downe the house and repaired it again and finished it in length a hundred cubites in bredth lykewise a hundreth cubites and in height a hundreth cubites all of white marble so that the whole height of the stone work was in all a hundreth and .xx. cubites For the foundacion was .xx. cubites within the grounde and a hundreth aboue The breadth of euery stone was .xii. cubites and the thicknes thereof .viii. cubites euery stone was of like bignesse The gates of the house he couered with fine gold and precious stoones finely sette therin the thresholdes were of siluer the tops also He made also a vine of gold a marueilous cunning pece of worcke the armes therof or bigger braunches were glittering gold the lesser braunches slips or latest shutes of gold sumwhat red al aboue was yelow gold wherupon hong clusters of cristal The vine was so great that it weied a thousād pound weight of pure gold In all the world was not the like to be seen He made also a porche before the porche ii walles of siluer marueilous cūningly wrought Behind the house toward the west he made a court of .c. l. cubites lōg and a. C. in bredth whiche was paued with pure marble Toward the south north the length of the court was also Cl. cubites a. C. in breadth He erected in it also C. l. pillers of white marble in foure orders The length of one order was fortye cubites and euerye piller was .xl. cubites hie and three cubites thicke The pillers were all of like measure as the court of the north side and of the South was also of like measure with al the pilloures thereof Toward the east the court conteined D. ccxx cubites euen to the broke Cedron No man euer se the like building in all the world In the extreme partes of the courts he made also walkes and and galeries of such height that they the walked therin might easily se the waters running in the broke Cedron by the space of a cubit Betwene the porch and the house also as though it were a vaile or perticion the king made a wal of siluer of halfe a handful thicke In the which was a dore of beaten golde and vpon the gate a sword of golde of xii pound weight There were certain poses grauen in the sworde as this VVhat straunger so euer approcheth nie her let him die for it So the things that Herode made in the temple were wonderful nether was there euer hard of in all the worlde any king that was able to make suche a building When the worke was finished the king sente to Sarons his pastures for his Cattell from whence were broughte him thre hundreth yonge Bull●ckes and verye many shepe accordinge to his Princelye estate So then they dedicated and and halowed the house with great ●oy and gladnesse There was one certain day in the yeare when as the kinge was euer accustomed to make a greate feast to all his court to al his nobles sages in Israel Against that self same daye the kinge was mineded to finishe his workes whiche made bothe him
take hede that thou maist auoid the like Cōsider more ouer and marke well the Iewes were counted Gods people the Romaines contrary his ennemies as without all doubt hauing no knowledge of God being Idolaters as they were at that time they could not be gods people yet for al this God wold they should preuaile against the Iewes and subdue them vnder their yoke Wherbi we mai learn how greatly God is infensed against iniquitie in so much that he will rather bring in vpon his own children a nation more wicked then to leaue them vnpunished to run forward in their wicked race Suche proffitable ensamples and lessons are in this history without number whiche if I shoulde recite all I shoulde bringe the whole booke into the preface We will therfore be content with these fewe at this presente neither as all nor as the chiefe desieryng and wisshynge chiefly good Reader that thou maiest finde out not the chief only but all and not only finde thē out but note them and imitate them in thy liuyng and orderyng of thy doynges which if thou do then haue we the expected end of our paines and trauail and thou the profite wherwith all parties may iustly or wil gladly be contented and satisfied ❧ The siege of Hierusalem ❧ The state of the common vvealth of Iury from the Machabees vnto the vtter destruction and subuersion of the same ACcordynge vnto those things that we haue founde in the Booke of Ioseph the priest the sonne of Gorion in other bokes writtē accordyng to the most certain veritie we will drawe forthe and rehearse some thinges for the comfort that may come therof especially seing all the prophets haue bent and directed their prophecies of things to come to this that the kingdome of the house of Dauid shoulde returne and florishe in time to come Therfore if there had bene any kinges of the house of Dauid duringe the time of the seconde house or seconde temple then should wee haue ben in suspence yea euen now already our hope hadde bene dasht But there was no kingedom of the house of Dauid in that age saue onely a certain dominion that Zerubabel and Nehemia had Yea rather the kingdome remained at that time to the house of the Machabees and them that were toward them But nowe to the purpose When Alexander the first king of the Grekes hadde fortified and established his kingdom he died being yet but a yong man and his kingdome was deuided amonge foure of his captaines Daniel as it is written VVhiles he is yet aliue his kingdome shal be broken and deuided into four coastes of the heauens He left behinde him a sonne of tēder yeres called Arkolas whose tutour or keper perceiuing him to be toward gaue him impoisoned drinke and made him away Those captaines made war one vppon another of whom one that was named Ptolomie procured Moses lawe to be translated into Greke to the entent he might finde some occasion to picke a quarell against Israel For by their lawe he sought meanes to withdrawe them from their religion according to the Psalme Psal 129. Many a time haue thei fought against me fro my youth vp may Israel novve saie There were seuentye auncient men that translated the lawe whom Ptolomye the kynge seperated one from an other puttynge euery mā apart in a house by him self And thei all agreed in sence albeit thei chaunged thirtene places whiche was not done without miracle that they all agreed together in the meaninge as thoughe one alone had writ it Those xiii places be these First Gene. 1. GOD hathe made in the beginninge whereas no worde or thing is put before the name of God also for that in the Greke tong the thing that doth is put before and that that is made is placed after least this worde Bereschith shoulde be taken for a Creatour and Elohim for a creature The seconde Gene. 1. I for wee I vvill make man accordinge to the image and likenesse that it should not be heard as though he were one that consulted with other The third Gene. 2. Sixt for seuenth And God finished in the sixt daye and rested on the seuenth Least it shoulde seme as though he had made ani thing in the seuenth daye and in it ended his workynge Gene. 2. I for wee The fourth Go to I vvil go doune and there vvill confounde their language least by speakinge in the plurell number they shoulde haue bene thought to be many Gene. 18. With thē that stode by hir for to her self The fift And Sara laughed speaking vvith them that stode by her Because Ptolomye the kinge shoulde not mocke them and saie who shewed you what she saide to her selfe The sixt Because in their furie they killed an oxe Gene. 49. Crib for an oxe and in their vvill they brake the cribbe Lest the kinge should mocke and saie what hath a man to do wyth an oxe Exod. 4. That that could bear a man for an Asse The seuenth And Moses tooke his vvife and his sonnes and set them vpon that that could beare a man Lest the king should mocke our master Moses because he rode vppon an asse And that he should not saye how should an asse beare a woman and two children He would neuer haue done it if he had not bene a begger or base person The eight Exod. 12. And the dvvelling of the childrē of Israel in Egipt and other landes vvas cccxxx yeres Notwithstandynge they abid not in Egipt but .ccx. yeres that is that their father Iacob tolde theim Descende ye the letters of the whiche worde in Hebrue signifie .ccx. thither Furthermore the cōputation of ccccxxx yeres is from the yere that Isaac was borne Exod. 24. little ons for Princes which was the holye seede vnto Abraham The ninthe And vnto the little ons of the children of Israel stretched he not his hande As who woulde saye yea also vnto their little ones he stretched not his hande Euen bicause he should not saye the great men escaped but the children of the sonnes of Israel escaped not The tenthe Num. 16. Of valure for an asse Deute 4. That thei may shine is added I toke of them nothing of valure least he shoulde saie he toke not an asse but he toke one rewarde The eleuenth VVhich thinges thy Lorde God hathe deuided that they may shine vpon all people Lest he shoulde take an argument thereof and saie Loe the holye and blessed Lorde hath deuided them to all people hath geuen them licence to worshippe them The twelf Deu. 17 He vvent and vvorshipped straunge Gods vvhiche I commaunded not to vvorshippe To worship is added Lest he should saie now hast thou called them to straunge worshippinge of Gods The thirtenth They translated an Hare little fete bicause the kinges wife was called hare lest shee should saie the Iewes mocke me When these seuentie elders hadde translated the law into
Ierusalem with a great power and strength whom Hircanus was not able to mete encoūter within the field suffered him selfe to be closed vp in the Citye The Kinge of the Grecians therfore raysed great Towers against the citye aparte from the wall digged a trench cast vp a mount Thē planted their engins named Rams against the gates so that the citie was hard besieged for they beat down●one of the turrets the stode vpon the wall wherat all Israel was afraied agreed togither to issue out skirmishe with thē whatsoeuer should come theron life or death Which although Hircanus liked not yet thei so did and slewe many of their enemies put theim also to flighte that thei were cōstrayned to encampe them selues furder of from Ierusalem Then the Israelites came to the towers that the Grekes had builded and raced thē to the grounde Thus they issued oute daiely skirmishynge with Pius vntill the feast of the tabernacles Then sent kyng Hircanus to Pius desierynge him that he would graunt them truice and let them be in peace while the feast lasted His request Pius graunted sent a fatte Oxe to be offered to the God of Israel coueryng his hornes with beaten golde and dressynge hym with fillets of Cristall other precious stones Clad him also in a garment of purple and diuers other precious clothes He sent moreouer plate bothe of siluer and golde full of diuers kinde of spices all to be offered vnto the Lorde When king Hircanus sawe this he went out vnto Pius and after he had made peace with him he made him and his chiefe men of warre a great feast and offred him a present of .ccc. pounde weight of golde After that he went to war with Pius in his armye to aide him againste the king of Persia that rebelled against him But sone after he was come with in the lād of Persia that time of Pentecost was at hande Wherfore kyng Hircanus and the hoste of Israel retourned but Pius and his armye of the Grecians proceaded Whom the king of the Persians met in the fielde slewe Pius hym selfe and vainquished the residue that almost none remained Whereof when tidynges came to Hircanus he was verye glad and returned to Hierusalem with peace and ioye After this Hircanus made manye great battails with the nacions aboute him and had euer the victorye He also came to the mount of Gorizim where he wanne a forte of the Sectaries and Samaritans raced downe the temple that the Sectaries hadde there as their house of Sanctuarye whiche they builded by the licence of Alexander the first king of the Grekes He that builded it was Manasse the priest brother to Schimeon the iust But Hircanus the hye priest pulled it downe .cc. yere after it was builded From thence he went to the citye of Samaria and besieged it This was the mother citye of the Samaritans and Sectaries which was brought to suche distresse by the long siege of Hircanus that they within were faine to eate the carcases of dogges The feast of Propiciation then beinge at hande Hircanus made spede to Ierusalem to execute his office in that feaste for he was the hye priest appointing for generalles of his army Aristobulus his eldest sonne and his second son Antigonus In the mean season they within the towne writ to the kinge of Grece to come to succoure thē which he did with a great power But these .ii. yong men the kings sons went to meete them with the strength of the Israelites and gaue them the ouerthrow killing them vp almost euery one to the nōber of .xxi. M. fightyng mē the rest fled That done the yong men returned to the siege of Samaria King Hircanus their father had tidings of the cōming of the Grecians against his sons so that he perceiued they shoulde haue the Greciās of th one side of them the Samaritans Sectaries of thother But he knew nothing what was hapned for that victory chaūced the .ix. day of Tisre Septembre His hart therfore was careful for his sons for Israel Notwithstanding he proceded in his office according as the feast required So as he entred into the house of Sanctū sactorū or the most holiest to offer incēce to cal for mercy for his childrē for the army he heard a voice speaking vnto him Neuer trouble thy minde with thy childrē with the host of Israel for yesterday the lord of his mercy heard thē according to the greatnes of his goodnes for thi fathers sakes Let thy heart therfore be right thy hād pure So the king going out of the sāctuary declared if to the people Wherupō the next day they sēt post to Samaria had word again that this was true Wherfore king Hircanus was manified greatly of all Israel for thei knewe that the blessed Lord accepted his doings inspiryng him with the holy gost and increasyng his kingdome priesthode After this he tooke his iourney to Samaria besieged it a whole yere and at length wan it slewe all also that bare life within it He raced the walles the palaice and burnt vp the citye He had warres also with the Romains and the Arabians and God prospered all that euer he toke in hande So shortly after God gaue him rest and quietnes from all that dwelt about him and from all his enemies so that Israel rested boldlye in peace tranquilitie al his time On a tyme the kinge made a feaste to all the sages of Israel that they might make good cheare with hym And being merily disposed he said I am your scholar and what so euer I do that do I bi your aucthoritie Wherfore I pray you if you see any faulte in me or if I do not as it becometh me tell me of it that I maye reforme mine euill waye Then euery man greatly extolled and commended hym saiynge Who is like vnto thee our Lorde kyng so worthye of the kingdome and priesthode so notable in good workes whose woorkes be done for the God of heauen which hast also done so much good to Israel The king was very well pleased with their aunswere and reioysed greatlye Yet was there one amongest them an vndiscrete manne called Eleaser who spake vnaduisedlye to the king And it please your maiestie it were sufficient for you to haue the crown of the kingdome ye might leaue of the crowne of ●he priesthode to the sede of Aaron forasmuch as your mother was captiue in the mount Modiit Incontinente the king was moued and soore displeased against the Sages whiche certaine of his seruauntes that hated the Sages and smelled somewhat of sectes perceiuyng one of them in●ourmed the king that what so euer that vndiscrete person had spoken it was not without the aduise of the Sages Whereupon the king demaunded of the Sages What law shal that man haue that in the dispi●e of the kinge speaketh thinges in his reproche They made answere he is worthy to be whipt Then
demaunded restitution of such cities as Hircanus father had taken frō him to whom Hircanus consented in all thinges Wherfore Hartam raysed all the people of Arabia and led theim to Hierusalem to warre vppon it To Hircanus also came all the men of Iuda saue onely they that dwelt at Hierusalem So betwixt them they beset the citie rounde aboute It fortuned that in the solemnitie of the Passeouer they coulde not haue their seruice of the solemnitie in the holy place bicause of the warres Wherupon a certain iust and perfect man of the towne called Hony auriga Onias brake out priuely into the camp of Hircanus and Antipater his counseler besought thē with much prayer teares that they would graunt a truce vnto Ierusalē while the feast of swete breade lasted that they might execute the seruice of Solemnitie in the holye place To whom Hircanus saide Thou art a iust manne and often when thou hast prayed the Lord hath heard thee pray now therfore vnto thy lord God to deliuer Aristobulus into our hands and that Israel may haue rest Hony auriga answered Am I a God or able to remoue battailes that be stirred vp for manye mennes iniquities Thus when he semed to bee vnwillynge to to pray Hircanus men compelled him drawinge their swordes and saiynge If thou wilt not praye thou shalte dye for it Therefore as he sawe his life in ieopardye he cryed vnto the Lorde O Lorde euerlastyng which haste chosen thy people Israell oute of all people hast set thy name in this house maye it please thy maiestie to plant amonge the children of Israel frendshippe and brotherhode take away from amonge them this hatred which is risen of nothing let not th one of these factions preuail against thother seing thei al be thy seruantes and children of thy couenaunt When the seruantes of Hircanus heard him saie so they ranne vpon him with their swords and killed him But God deferd not his vengeance for he strake the host aswel of the Arabiās as of Hircanus wyth a greuous pestilence At the same time came frō Rome a famous captain called Pompeius Pōpeius to warre against the coūtry of Armenia This Pompeius sent one of his chiefe men to Damasco of whom as Aristobulus thus besieged had heard that an armye of the Romaines was come into Damasco he sent him a presente of .iiii. C. pound weight of golde desiring him to remoue the armye of the Arabians frō him and raise the siege In those daies all the worlde obeyed the Romaines That captain therfore writ vnto Hartam king of Arabia in this wise Depart from Ierusalem if not thou shalt vnderstande thou haste broken thy league with the Senate of Rome and the hole armye of the Romaines shall shortly inuade thy land Hartam vppon the sight of this letter raised his siege and departed frō Hierusalem Hircanus also and Antipater departed with shame and reproche Aristobulus vpon that gathered a power and pursued after them gaue the Arabians Israelites that toke Hircanus part a greate ouerthrowe and after returned to Ierusalem with ioy Shortly after Pompeius came to Damasco him Aristobulus presēted with a vine of gold merueylous artificially wrought The rotes of the vine leues clusters grapes that were vpon it wer pure gold the weight therof was .v. C pound Pompeius was very glad therof sent it to Rome to the Cōsul And the hole benche of the Senate whiche was of the nōber of .iii. C .xx. senators wondered at the cunning wit of him that made it and with great ioy they bare it into the temple of their gods placing it in the presēce of the great Idol Iupiter so called after the name of the planet Iupiter Pompeins writ his letters to Aristobulus with great thākes cōmendaciō for the same assuring him how both he the hole Senate fauored him that he shuld haue a frēd of him to speke in his cause as lōg as he liued Hircanus hearing of this was cleane dashed in dispair But Antipater cōforted him saying let not the frēdship that is betwixt Pōpeius thi brother dismay thee I wil go to him make him thy frēd Vpō that he wēt to Pompeius perswaded his minde to hate Aristobulus to fauor Hircanus informinge him thus If thou saith he defēd Hircanus al Israel wil be cōtent to be vnder thy protection for they loue him euery mā But if thou defēd Aristobulus the people wil not obei the for thei hate him Pompeius charged him that no man should be made priuy of their cōmunication For I saith he wil sende for Aristobulus to come vnto me to Damasco and then wil I cause to lay handes of him and deliuer him bound to his brother restoring the kingdō to him Aristobulus vppon the sighte of Pompeius letters resorted vnto him Hircanus also came from the rocke of the wildernesse And as they appeared together before Pompeius Antipater desired him that he woulde do iustice betwixte Hircanus the king and Aristobulus hys brother that rebelled againste him and toke hys kingedom from him without cause Whose saiynges a thousād of the elders of Israel stode vp witnessed to be true Aristobulus made answer I neuer stroue with him for the kingdom vntill such time as I saw al these that made Hircanus king to run in great obloquy to susteine muche reproche because he was so feble a person and of no great wit nor forced much of the kingdome yea til al nations that wer about him whose dominions our progenitors cōquered began nowe to dispise him to passe little for offending him to denye him tribute for his simplicitye mopishnesse with lacke of courage Whē Aristrobulus had said there stode vp a great multitude of goodlye and beautiful yong men apparailed in cloth of Hiacinth and purple with mighti tergettes vpon the same and other ornamentes of gold christall and precious stones affirming with one accord that Aristrobulus saide the truthe namelye that Hircanus forced not of the kingedome At whom Pompeius merueiled saying Happy is this people hauinge so many hansome menne true in their wordes and wise Happy also wer the Senate of Rome if they could bringe to passe that this great nation mighte be vnder their gouernance So he toke his iourney to Ierusalem with Hircanus and Aristobulus But after Aristobulus perceiued the Pompeius stode not to the promise he made him at the beginning for the vine he set light by him and fled from him to Alexandria in Egipt whether Pompeius folowed with his host and beseged Alexādria From thence Aristobulus fled againe to Ierusalem and Pompeius pursued him also thither writing to Aristobulus a letter of truce pardon So Aristobulus came forth to him Pōpeius did him at that time no harme but demaunded to be geuen vnto him all the vessels of the house of the Lord which Aristobulus refusing to do but Pōpeius in a rage caused to lay him faste in
vnto you ye shall with all spede aide him No man shal be excused all that can beare weapon shall go with him to Ierusalem to vanquish Antigonus the kings aduersary Who so refuseth to go with him it shal be leful for the warriours ●o slea him forthwith I Marcus Antonius haue sworne by my sword that I will not alter this that I haue saide When the captaines of Siria had red this thei resorted wholly to Herode so that his host was wōderfully encreased Antigonus hearing of this sent one Pompeius lieuetenant of his warres againste thē who fought a sore battaile with them that muche people were slaine on bothe sides Ioseph kinge Herodes brother was slaine in that battaile Notwithstandinge at lengthe Antigonus hoste wente to the worsse and had the ouerthrow So Herode Ca●●ius proceded to Ierusalem and besieged it the third yere after Herod was made king of Israel And whē they had battred downe a peece of the wal Cassius with the Romains entred the towne and made a greate slaughter in Ierusalē They entred also into the Sanctuary and attempted to enter into the Sanctum sanctorum but Herod and his men lept betwene it and thē and stode with their drawn swordes in the temple dore that they shoulde not Herod was also displeased with Casius for his crueltye and saide If ye wil destroy all the inhabitantes of the citye vpon whom shal I reign in this kingdome that Augustus hathe geuen me Wherfore streight way Cassius caused proclamation to be made throughe all his hoste that no man vppon paine of death shuld kil one Israelite moe This done Herode apprehended Antigonus and deliuered him bound to Cassius He rewarded also Cassius souldiours both with gold and siluer Thē Cassius offred a present vnto the Lord a crowne of Golde for he was soore afrayed of gods displeasure bicause he had fought against the holye citye That done he toke his iorney returned into Egipt and Antigonus as prisoner with him Thither sent Herode vnto him a royal reward to make away Antigonus to murder him fearinge least he shoulde make clayme vnto the Kingedome againe Wherunto Cassius consented slew Antigonus Thus was the kyngdome surely established to Herode Thē made he warres vpon all the nacions that were about him constrainyng thē to become tributaries bi which means he grew to such power as neuer any of his predecessours were to be compared vnto him After al this Pagurus king of Persia released out of prison Hircanus son of Alexander promoted him to be head of al the Israelites that were fled or flitted into the land of Sennaar into the dominion of the Persians he became their king This Hircanus had a feruēt desire to see the holy citie the house of the sāctuary Also how Herode whō he toke for his sonne his kingdome did Herode hearynge the Hircanus who had bene prisoner at Babilon was now set at liberty in great honour he was afraied of him mistrusting lest the Israelits would restore vnto thē selues the kingdome of their fathers Wherefore he cast in his mind how to do him mischiefe He thē writeth his letters vnto Pagurus the cōtents wherof were such Thou shalt vnderstand the Hircanus is he that brought me vp vsed me euer as his son Now therfore sence I came to be king of Ierusalē I haue called to my remēbrance the goodnes that he hath done to me wherfore my desire is to rewarde him accordyng to his benefites Therfore I require thee to send him to me otherwise assure thi self of wars betwene thee the Israelits with their cōfederats Pagurus hauing red this letter sēt for Hircanus asked him if he wold go to Herod notwithstāding Herods threats he ceased not to geue to Hircanꝰ al good coūsel he could aduising him to take heede of Herode because he is saith he a bloude sheader a breaker of his league And he hath called thee for no loue he beareth thee but because he feareth thee As longe as thou liuest shal he neuer slepe sound slepe lest the kingdome shold be deuoluted vnto the. It is better therefore for thee to tarye here in some honour thoughe it be not of suche aucthoritie then to go thither to dye with great dispite and end thine olde age with a bloudy death Furdermore thou shalt knowe such is the disposition of mannes heart If there be two men the one in honour the other in contempt after time shall come that the dispised shal be had in honoure and the honoured to be neglected neuer will he that is now honoured and before was in contempt be content to see him that was before honoured nor speake frendelye to him For he wyll thinke Hitherto according his accustomed maner he hathe dispised me how much more whē his dominiō is taken frō him his seruaunt raigneth in his roume Moreouer Herode knoweth right well that mens heartes are inclined to him that is the true kinge And it might so be if thou were mete for the priesthode that he woulde promote thee vnto it and be gouernoure of the kingdome him selfe But seinge thou arte dismembred hast one of thy eares cut of and thereby arte vnmete for the Priesthode● thou shalt remaine in Hierusalem depriued both of kingdome and priesthode which is vncomely for thee Such counsaile gaue Pagurus kyng of the Persians vnto Hircanus yea and all the Iewes that were in Babilō besought hym that he wold not go vnto Herode Notwithstanding he would not be perswaded and why For it was the Lordes wyll and hys dede that the iniury done vnto the Sages whom his father and graundfather slew and the iniury committed to Hony auriga myght returne vpon his head and be reuenged so that no remnant of the house of Chasmonany no name no residue no kinsman or posteritie shoulde be left aliue Hircanus therfore toke his ●ourney toward Hierusalem and Herode came forthe to mete him embrased him kissed him after brought him into his house and feasted him dayly called him his father before all men albeit in his hearte he conspired to murther him And that knewe Alexandra his doughter and mother in lawe to Herode who opened it vnto Hircanus but he wold not credite her at the first til on a time he perceiued the matter cleare to be so thē deuised he how to flee to Maloc kynge of Arabia He sent therfore a messenger to Maloc to send him hors and a charet to flee withall but the messenger dealt vnfaithfully lewdly with him for he broughte Hircanus letters priuely vnto Herode who rewarded hym well for his laboure and bad him goe to Maloc and to let hym knowe what aunswere Maloc gaue The messenger vpon this went and deliuered the letters to Maloc who fulfilled Hircanus request sent him horses and a charet writing in this sorte I haue sent the horses horsemen come therfore vnto me and whatsoeuer thy hart desireth I wil
answered nether good nor bad From that daye forwardes there was perpetual hatred betwene Alexandra Marimi and Kiparim the mother of Herode Salumith his sister that came of base seruile blud For Marimi cast in their teethe to their faces that they wer not of the sede of Israel but vnholy of base birth Notwithstāding Herode loued Marimi as his life wherfore he would neuer displease her as lōg as she liued nor say so much to her as whi saiest thou so These thinges done Marcus Antonius a noble mā of Rome next vnto Octauian Augustus kinge of kinges being sent by Augustus to war vpon the kinges of the west countries raigned in Egipt by the prouocation of his wife rebelled against Octauian Augustus made war with him both by sea land And forasmuch as Egipt is nie adioyninge to the lande of Israell Herode ioyned with him and helped him For Marcus Antonius had aided him before in such sorte that no kinge durst meddle with him for fear of Marcus Antonius Wherupon whan Marcus conspired againste hys prynce and master Herode aided him with an army with horsmen and with shippes also against Octauian In which warres Octauian gate the victorye slue Antony and all his people comming by ship to the Isle of Rhodes so into the land of Egipt Herode hearinge that Marcus Antonius was slaine and that Octauian Augustus was come into Egipte he fainted for feare of the displeasure of Octauian Yet at lengthe he tooke hearte vnto him prepared a royall presente to be caried afore him and folowed after him selfe to Octauian Augustus And setting forwardes he called Ioseph the husband of Salumnith his sister whome he made chiefe of his houshold commaundinge him that if Octauian Augustus put him to death he shuld poison Marimi his wife saying it shuld not be semely for kinges that any meane base man shuld mary with a kinges widow and sleepe wyth her vppon a kinges bedde So then he toke his iourney toward Octauian Augustus who then was at the Rhodes where he vnderstode Octauian to be displeased with him for that he had aided Marcus Antonius Therfore assone as Herode came to Octauian Augustus presence hauinge his croune vpon his head he toke it of fel down prostrate vppon the ground at Octauians feete saying Most noble emperour I confesse my trespasse against your maiesty that I loued M. Antonius my cōpanion in league who was my neighbor aided me And it is true that your maiesty sēce the time you made me king haue herd of mine affaires that haue happened vnto me but neuer succoured me This. M Antonius did not so I cōfesse therfore that in his warres against your maiesty I aided him with an army with horsmē ships Neyther went I out with him for ani warres vpō mine own borders but when so euer I wente with him I holp him to the vttermost of mi power When he was falling I bolsterd him vp whā he stōbled I raised him again Emongst al these thinges I cōfesse also that I wolde not be counted of your maiestye a breaker of leage but nowe M. Antonius is deade Wherfore whither that it shal please your maiesty to restore me to my former estate or no forasmuch as I haue kept touch with M. Antonius against your maiesty amōgst other if you put me to death you shall do me no wrong but iustice because I haue deserued death When Octauian August herd him speake so he said vnto him Arise thou kinge of Israell in peace be of good comfort and fear not for thou art worthy to be nie yea next to my person I knowe that Marcus Antonius was set on by his wife and would not folow thy counsel for if he had I dare saye he woulde neuer haue conspired against me So he commaūded the croune to be set againe vppon Herodes head and made a leage with him Then they went both together to ward Egipt to be reuenged vpō Cleopatra But that wicked woman whan she saw her city to be ouercome put on her moste precious apparaile and sitting vpon the throne of her kingdom commaūded a vipor to be brought vnto her which assone as she had suffred to sting her brest she died As Octauian August came to her palaire sawe her sit there he reioyced that he mighte be reuenged of her and commaunded to thruste her from her throne but when they that came to her founde her dead Octauian was pensife and verye sore greued In this while Ioseph Salumithes husbande disclosed vnto Marimi that the kinge had commaunded if it so fortuned him to be put to deathe by Augustus that he shoulde poyson her Wherupon Marimi conceiued yet a greater hatred towarde the kinge in so muche that when the kinge was retourned in safetye sounde and with honoure also from Octauian and that all his menne and whole houshoulde reioysed greatelye Marimi shewed no countenaunce of gladnesse no not when the kinge him selfe told her how greatlye he was magnified and honored of Octauian but alwaies she was sadde Salumith the kinges Sister perceiuing that Marimi so vexed the king she toulde him howe Ioseph her husbande had line with Marimi whiles he was with Augustus Herode saye what she could gaue no credite to her wordes knowing that she enuied Marimi vntill at length he asked the cause of Marimi whye she reioysed not as other did when he returned in safetye from Augustus but was euer sad whiche shewed her to haue some rancoure and malice in her heart to wardes him She answered Thou haste saide heretofore that thou louedst me aboue all thine other wiues and concubines yet thou didst will Ioseph thy sisters husbande to poyson me Whan Herode hearde this he was exceadinglye abashed that Ioseph had disclosed his secrete began to mistrust with him self that which Salumith had told him that he had slept with his wife in dede and vpon that had detected that secret Therfore he departed out of his palaice in a greate anger and rage wherby Salumith perceiued that he detested Marimi and therefore she accused her further hyring false accusars and forgers of lies to witnes that Marimi woulde haue poysoned the kinge whereof she had diuers argumētes also by her coūtenaunce She added moreouer if thou saith she to the king let her scape thus she wil spedely destroy thee and bereue thee of thy kingdom The lawe geueth a man this counsell If any man gooe aboute to murther thee preuent hym slea him first With this and suche like wordes she so moued the king that he commaunded to bring Marimi forthe and to be beheaded in the hie streate of the citie And as she was brought forth vnto the market place of the citie all the women of the citie folowed her Alexandra her mother also cursed and rayled at her saiyng come oute thou that haste abhorred thy husbande and conspired against thy lorde Alexandra wepte also as thoughe it hadde
of reines very thicke powdred with precious stones cristal amethists and very many saphyres Then all his chief men of warre went about him in their coates of fence drawen swordes in their handes with helmes on their heades as in time of warre After thē came Archelaus his sonne that was made king Then folowed him all the people There were fiftie of his seruauntes that wente aboute the beare with euery man a chafing dishe of gold in his hande wherin they burnt swete woodes and perfumes euery foote casting vpon the herse pure mi●rhe as many as went aboute hym He was borne by certayne great lordes noble mē of Israel vpō their sholders going leasurably and with a maiestie til they came to Erodiō where they buried him with great honour that like was neuer done to any king These thinges done there resorted together suche as hated him were wery of their owne liues whiles Herode liued reioysyng that they hadde scaped his hādes saying we haue loked till our eies bleared waytinge for the death of Herode that tirant and bloud sheder that oppressed vs with such heauy yokes left vs nothing to liue on for the great tributes taxes that he layd vpon vs. Yet now Archelaus his sonne is worse then he Wherfore thei cōsulted together cast their mindes good willes toward Antipater the sonne of Salumith the kinges sister one of the bloud of Chasnonani and went with him to Oct. Augustus requesting him to translate the kingdom from Archelaus to Antipater but he woulde not graunt thē their sewte Yea rather he cōfirmed assured the kingdom to Archelaus Who wrought wickednes in the sight of the Lord for he maried his brother Alexanders wife that had children by Alexander cōmitted other many great offences The .ix. yeare of Archelaus reigne it chaunced vpon a night he dreamed a dreame Him thought he saw .ix. eyres of corne very good full grow vpon one stalke thē came a great oxe and slopt them vp all at once at one bit by and by he waked and perceiued it was a dreame Therfore calling one of the Sages or Pharisies vnto him he shewed them his dreame The wise man said This is the interpretaciō of it The nine eyres freshe and ful be the .ix. yeres which hither to thou hast raigned The great Oxe is the great kinge Octauian Augustus This yeare thou shalt be remoued from thy kingdō because thou hast neglected the worde of God hast maried thy brothers wife To this Archelaus answered him neither good nor bad Within fiue dayes after Octauian came toward Ierusalē and when Archelaus wēt to mete him he put him in prison deposed him from his kingdom of Israel made Antipas his brother kinge in his stede He turned his name also called him Herode That done he returned to Rome whiles Antipas was king died themperor Octauian Augustus the .lvi. yere of his reigne Tiberius Cesar succeded him This Antipas also wroughte wickednesse and sundry abominations more then any that was afore him for he toke his brother Philips wife frō him which had al redy childrē by Philip. For this shamful deds rabbi Ihon the hie priest rebuked him Ihon baptist wherfor Antipas put him to death There was at that time one Iesus a wise man if it be lawful to cal him a man Iesus Christ for he was a worker of wōderful straunge workes a teacher of such mē as gladly did heare the truth had many disciples both of the Iewes also of the gētils This mā was Christ whō after he was accused of the chiefe rulers of our natiō condēned bi Pilate to be crucified thei neuerthelesse ceased not to loue which loued him euen frō the beginning To these he appeared the. 3. day aliue according as the prophets by deuine inspiratiō had told before aswel of this as also of many other wōderful thinges which should be done by him And euē vnto this day the christiā sect which toke their name of him doth cōtinue Against this mā Antipas of whom we spake before came Tiberius Emperour of Rome to whō whan Antipas resorted he apprehēded him laid him in irons sent him into Spaine where he died Archelaus also that was deposed before died in the time of this Tiberius reign Thē Tiberius made Agrippa the sōne of Aristobulus whō Herode put to death Antipas brother king in his stede The time that Antipas reigned ouer Israel was .xi. yeres In Agrippas time died Tiberias Cesar Caius succeded him This Caius called him selfe a god and would suffer no man to worship anye thing in his empire but him self He cōtinued not lōg in his digniti but decaied died After him succeded Claudius Claudius beinge deade Nero Cesar was emperor Agrippa reigned ouer Israel xxiii yeares In his time Nero sore oppressed Israel by setting cruel presidēts ouer thē left them nothing to liue vpō besides that punished thē with diuers tormentes vntill at lengthe they were constrayned to rebell agaynste the Romaine Empire and Nero Cesar to rid them selues from vnder his subiection And aboue all other one Pilus president and captaine of the Romain armye mooste greuouslye oppressed the Iewes and had done many things very wickedlye For not only had he shed innocent bloude rauished at his pleasure wifes and deflored maides in the cities of Iuda but also robbed with great cruelty euery man of his goodes It chaunced that Beronice king Agrippas sister came at that time to Ierusalem of deuotion to visit the holy place She seing Pilus violently to oppresse the people and for paiment of exacttōs and tollage to flea many of them euen at the entrance of the temple she came forthe wepinge vnto Pilus besechinge him to be fauourable spare the people for she pitied them very greatli Yet Pilus relented nothing but whē she was departed from him he flouted mockt her although she were the kings sister that in the temple of the Lord. There was present at that time a valeant yōg man Eleasar sonne of Ananie the hie priest He whiles his father was executing his office could not abide to se the Israelites so ordered at Pilus handes but being enkindled with a feruēt zele soūded a trōpet wherby there assēbled about him forthwith diuerse cōpanies bandes of yong mē good warriours by whose aid he raised a great cōmocion encountred with Pilus the Romainsouldiours of whome he made a great slaughter preuailing much and getting at length thupper hād of Pilus ouerthrew al his host so that Pilus was constrained to fle alone out of Ierusalē vnto Egipt In the way as he fled he chaunsed to mete with kinge Agrippa cōming from Rome from Nero Cesar and going home into Iudea to whome Pilus declared what had happened him thorow the youth of the Iewes at Ierusalem And as Agrippa had passed Egipt and drue toward Ierusalem his sister Beronice directed her letters vnto him
to manye woordes in persuadinge the peace and league Vppon this Eleasar assembled the priestes and people together to go out fight with Castius Castius perceiuinge howe Eleasar and the people were affected and what mindes they were of how thei had vtterly conspired to distroy the Romaines that were there and to consume them cleane hauing a sufficient trial also of the force and valiantnesse of the rebels he determined fullye to go to Rome for he perceiued he was not able to matche with the sedicious neither his owne power to be compared with theirs Wherefore he woulde go see what ende shoulde come of this warres and what counsell Caesars maiestie would geue Taking his iourney therfore to the citye Iapho he founde there letters of the Romaines for thither was their armie come Frō thence wente hee with theim and his owne host to Rome and made relation vnto Caesar of such things as had chaūced him whereat Nero was wonderfully abashed not onely he but all the people of Rome were soore astonied to hear of the great puissant and valiantnes of the Iewes For the which cause the warres ceased for that yere so that the land of Iudea was at great rest quietnes the yere through Eleasars means the head rebel specially frō the hands of wicked Castius that had sworne to reueng the Romaines to quite the Iewes and that he would destroye all the Iewes that none shoulde be left aliue Therefore these are they that deliuered Israel in the time of the second temple oute of the handes of their ennemies what time as warres were moued against the Iewes and their countrye what time also commotions and tumultes began in Israell The first businesse was made by Antiochus the wicked kinge of Macedonia who had determined not to leaue one man in Israel His mischeuousnesse proceded so farre that he slue of the people of God the Sages wise men princes elders and yonge men children greate and smal Israelites Leuites also and priestes vntil all the chiefe men of Iuda cast their heades together and went to Matthathias sonne of Iochanan the hie prieste in the mounte of Modiith where he had him self for the iniquity of Antiochus and his rulers cryinge vpon him and sayinge Deliuer at this season the people of the Lord and neuer thinke to escape thy self whiles the moste wicked enemy raūgeth thus and runneth vpon thy people sheadeth thy bloud For the bloud of all Israel what is it but thy bloude and the eies of euery man are fixed vpon thee hopinge that thou shouldest assist and aide them in this calamitie that they may finde deliuerance by thy meanes Mattathias hearyng this wept bitterly and said vnto them Feare ye not nor let these Macedonians dismay you the Lorde shal fighte for you be ye onelye quiet So thē was Mattathias stirred deliuered Israell oute of the handes of Antiochus and after he had ouercomed him he was hie priest for one yere and then died In whose roume succeaded Iudas his sonne who executed the office in the temple .vi. yeres and was slaine in battaile Then his brother Iochanan was chief in the temple .viii. yeres and died likewise in battaile After him his brother Schimeon was ruler .18 yeres whō Ptolomae his wiues father poysoned at a banket Then Iochanan his sonne succeaded his father in thoffice that is he that was named Hircanus first of that name so called because he vanquished a king of that name called Hircanus he raigned .21 yeres and died Afterwardes raigned Aristobulus one yere he was called the great kinge because he firste put the royall crowne vpon his heade and turned the dignitie of the hie priesthode into a kingdome vnhallowing and staining the holines therof 480. yeares and .iii. monethes after the retourninge of Israell from Babilon He beyng dead his brother Alexander reigned .xxvii. yeares After whose death Alexandra his wyfe held the kyngdome .ix. yeares and died In whose stede succeded her sonne Aristobulus and reigned thre yeares In his tyme Pompei a Romain captain came against Hierusalem wan it and apprehended Aristobulus bound him in irōs and caried him captiue to Rome In whose place he ordeiued Hircanus his brother to succede who reigned fourty yeares During his reigne rebelled An tigonus forme of Aristobulus Hircanꝰ brother with the aide of an armie of the Persians encountred with Hircanus toke him prisoner and sent him to Babilon cutting of his eares that he should neuer after be meet either for the priesthod or for the kingdome Antigonus reigned .iii. yeres In his daies Herode fled and ioyned himselfe with the Romaines by whose helpe he slue Antigonus the .iii. yeare of his reigne reigned after him .xxxvii. yeares and then died After Herode succeded in the king dome Archelaus his sonne who was taken by the Romaines the .ix. yeare of his reigne layde in bondes and ended his life at Rome Next to him reigned Antipater his brother who chaunged his name called him self Herode he reigning fully ten yeares ouercame and vasted Spaine because the king of Spayne had rauished and taken away his brothers wyfe and there died After him folowed Agrippas sonne of Aristobulus that was his brothers son he reigned thre and twenty yeares After whose death his sonne Agrippas reigned twentye yeares This is that Agrippa of whom ▪ wee now speake of of the calamities that befel in his time vpon Israel For all the wh●le that he raigned the warres betwene the Romains and Israell neuer ceased vntil the people of Iudea were led captiue into the prouince of the Romains what time also the temple was desolate I meane the desolation of the second temple which we saw with our eies builded and distroyed THe .xx. yere of the raigne of kynge Agrippas the .ix. daye of the fifte moneth that is called Af Nero Caesar sent a present for burnt offerings to be offred in the temple at Hierusalē ●●ly requiring peace of thelders sages of Iudea Hierusalem that thei would receiue him into league with them saiyng My request is that you would offer my present to the Lorde your God for his sernice and religion liketh me very well so that I desire you to ioyne in league with me accordinge as you haue done with the emperours of Rome my predecessours in time past I haue hearde what Castius the captain of mine armi hath done vnto you which displeaseth me out of measure Wherfore I assure vnto you a faithful league by the consent and coūsel of the Senate of Rome that hereafter there shall neuer Romaine captaine stirre hand nor fote against you but rather your heades rulers iudges shal be al Iewes and of Ierusalem Yea Agrippas your kinge shal be Lorde of all your rulers what he commaundeth ye shal do it the Romains shal only be called your lordes and haue no more to do with you So when these legates came to Ierusalē they wente and spake with Anani the priest
heinous offence against the Lord if I should kil my self And howe say ye you princes that sticke vnts your God to you I speake tel me who shall make intercession vnto God for vs if we should commit this sinne and eche kil other Wold not a man iudge him a slaue a foole a froward person a rebel and a stubburne man that woulde be forced with any misery to be so ma● that because all thinges fall not oute as he woulde wishe woulde therefore hange or desperatly murther him self with his owne hands Such ye know the law thus punisheth their righthād is cut of wherewith they forced them selues to die then they are lefte vnburied as men that haue destroied their owne soules by what reason then shall we kill oure selues I woulde wishe that we mighte be slaine of oure ennemies rather then we shoulde so shamefully murther our selues wherby euer after we shoulde be taken for manslears if anye manne flea him selfe as did Saule whome ye commended withoute doubte he committeth a heinous crime and suche a one as no satisfaction can be made for Besides that he shall be reckened fainte hearted and as one that dispaireth of his recouerye Wherefore our forefathers haue taughte vs. A man oughte not to despaire of his sauegarde and deliueraunce vvhiche commeth of God no not vvhan the knife is put to his throte to cut it For kinge Hezekia of famous memory when he heard these woordes of Esaye that worthye prophet Make thy vvil and set thy thinges in a stay for thou shalt die and not escape Neuerthelesse he fainted not nor ceassed to pray vnto God for the proiōging of his life in this worlde that he might amende his life and send a better soule vnto God Then the Lorde God of Israel seing his vnweried and strong hope with his repentaunce ▪ suffred him to liue .xv. yeares yet longer But Saul that saw he was not appointed kinge ouer Israel after the Lordes minde but alonely by the peoples that craued vppon Samuel Geue vs a Kinge to reigne ouer vs Whereuppon afterwarde God departed from Saule for he was not obediente to Goddes will but wente aboute by force to establishe his kingdome The Lorde then seynge the wyckednesse of hys hearte gaue him ouer and chose him an other to be kynge ouer hys people annointinge Dauid hys seruaunte whyles that Saule was yet liuinge Whiche Saule perceiuinge persecutinge Dauid and laboured with all his endeuoure to destrdy him because he knew God was with him and prospered all that he did whereas contrary al went backward with him For these causes I say he chose rather to die then liue and would not liue after the people of Israel was ouerthrown in the moūtains of Gilboa And in mine opinion he slue him selfe for nothinge but for that he was a ●aint harted coward and vtterli dispaired of his sauegarde For althoughe he saide Leaste these vncircumcised come and run in throughe yet if he had bene of a valeant courage he woulde haue standed to his defence vnto the death perauenture God woulde haue deliuered him But he contrary al in dispaire procured him self and his sonne a shamefull deathe But ye shall consider this He was an vnmerciful king and therfore did G●●●rid him out of the worlde for he that wil not spare his own life and his sonnes howe woulde he spare other And where as ye alledge Aaron vnto me I woulde know of you why did he put him self betwene the liuing and the deade was it not because he would turne away the plage from Israell If he had knowen that he him selfe shoulde haue bene stricken therewith doubtlesse he woulde not haue striuen against the striker but trusting in the holines of his righteousnesse he stode before the Aungell to deliuer Israell from that miserie I am not to be compared with Aaron albeit I am one of his children and neuer yet in all my life did I shrinke to venter my life in the warres of the Lorde And nowe I am not determined to kill my selfe lest I should sinne against God and spoyle my soule of hope of saluation I know it well it were more expedient for me to be slaine of mine enemies then that I should slea my selfe And if ye say the word let vs go forth and sodainely set vpon our enemies to kill and to be killed in the battaile of the Lorde and so shall we do well peraduenture GOD will geue them into our handes For God is able to saue as vvell by a small armie as by a great Then if you see me to be afrayed of mine enemies sworde ▪ ye shal therbi know me to be a dastard and one that fawneth vppon his enemies and hūteth for their fauour But you shal see me go afore you as a valiant man should nor once turn my face from death But what did ye euer see in me that ye should iudge me fearful Did ye euer knowe mee to refuse to fight In the towne of Iorpata I haue euer kept my quarter and warde and euery daie haue I fought with mine enemies whom I haue not spared but empaired and that not a little whiles I defended that little citie 48. daies against them For I thought wyth my selfe peraduenture I maye driue away the ennemyes of the LORDE out of our Lande and put theim by Hierusalem that they goe not thither and so haue I foughten with theim tyl all my valeaunt Souldioures be spente and none lefte but you I coulde no lenger withstande their force and I woulde not yelde my self as a Prisoner vnto them therfore I sledde hither with you into this Caue Now therefore brethren ye shal vnderstande that death is commodious and good in dede whiche commeth in his time But it is neither good nor godly for a manne to kill him selfe and his brother to go afterwarde ▪ for that deede into Hell and perdicion And what other thing can more clearelye set for the a mannes manhode and hautye minde wyth hys hope in GOD then Pacience for a manne to suffer pacientlye what so euer chaunseth vnto hym vntyll hys ende come Beholde the Lyons and other Beastes howe they are wonte to wythstande their aduersaries that lye in wayte for theim to the intente they maye saue their lyues Whose armoure is their Teeth and Clawes wherewyth neuerthelesse they hurte not theim selues but vse them against other that assayle theim til they ether ou●rcome or be ouercommed Therefore if a manne wyll wyth his owne handes let foorthe his soule oute of his closure before his tyme God will not receiue it neither shall it finde anye reaste but be destroyed And whye Because it is expulsed and thruste out of his place before his time and before God dooe call it wherfore it shall wander inconstantlye for euer Whye then my deare Brethren and frendes dooe you aduise vs to kill one another and to expell and banish our Soules from vs they not called for Howe can wee put awaye this opprobrye Howe can
to dye And woulde God we had bene dead before the we might not haue seene in thee thy reproch or who would bring to passe the we might lacke eyes that we shuld not be compelled to see these mischeues the are in the mids of thee And behold we liue a most sorowful life for our enemies euē now afore we be dead cast lots vpon our sonnes daughters to deuide thē amōgst thē to be their seruātes handmaids When Eleasar had ended this lamentacion he spake to the people that was w e him thus NOw therfore brethrē frends take pitye of your selues your wiues children with old men which he with you let thē not be led into bōdage with out al merci the they be not cōstreined to mourn vnder the hāds of their enemies for if ye do this ye leese withoute all doubte all places that are prepared for you in the world of rightousnesse neither shall ye haue any part in the light of life But rather with your owne handes kil them thus if ye wil do they shal be coūted as sacrifices most accdptable vnto God and that done we wil after issue out vpon oure enemies and fight against them till we vse valeātly for the glory of the lord for we wil nener suffer them to bind vs with bōdes and cheins as bond slaues in the handes of the vncircumcised Nether wil we se our aunciente men to be haled by the berdes before our eyes most miserably nor yet oure maides wifes and doughters to be vnhalowed and defloured nor oure sonnes criynge to vs and we can not helpe them for what shal oure life auaile vs after that our land is desolate our sanctuary pulled downe the Romains rauishe our wiues doughters before our eyes and oppresse oure sonnes with a most greuous and hard yoke Nowe therfore it is better for vs to kil al our wiues and childrē whose bloud God shal accepte thankfullye as the blud of burnt offerings after ▪ we wil issue out vpon the Romains fight til we be al destroyed die for the glory of the Lord our God These menne therfore wente and gathered together their wiues and doughters embrased 〈◊〉 and kissed them saying is it not better for you to die in your holy country honorabli then to be led away into houdage with great ignomini shame into the landes of your ennemies and be compelled to die before the idols of the gentiles These saiynges whē the people had beard thei droue forth that night in great sorow and pensifenesse weping and makinge great lamen●●cion but they all confest with one accorde that they had rather chuse to die then liue Therefore assone as it was daye ▪ Eleasars companions killed their wines and children caste their bodies into the ●esterns and welles that were in Mezirah couering and stepving thē with earth Afterward issued Eleasar the priest forth of the town withal his mē and ●orced a battel vpon the Romains of whē the Iewes killed a great forte and fought so long till they al died māfully for the Lord God BUt Titus left a remnaunt of Israel in the citye Iafnah and the villages thereabout and in the estye Bitter and Aossa their villages in whiche place Rabban Iochanan sonne of Sakkai was appointed chief Bonian the priest yonger brother to Iosephe the Prieste was put in authority by Titus for Iosephs sake ouer al the Iewes which were at Ierusalem At the same time was Rasch bag a prince of Israel put to ●●ath ▪ and Ischmael sōne of Elischa the 〈◊〉 priest Moreouer Titus was minded to ha●● put Rabban Gamaliel father of Ra●chbag to deathe but Rabban Iochanan sonne of Sakkai made sute for him and obteined to saue his life This Rabban Iochanan was he that came forthe of Ierusalem in the beginning whē Vaspasian father of Titus came firste against Ierusalem whō Vaspasian honoured greatly in so much as when he returned to Rome he commended this Rabban Iochanan to his sonne Titus comaunding him to honor him for he perceiued he was a verye wise man Titus reigned two yeares after he had taken Ierusalem and died He was a very eloquent man expert in the Latin and Greke tong writ diuers workes in both the tonges He loued moste intirely iustice and equitye for he wasted the city of Ierusalem against his wil being compelled therunto Yea all the mischiefe that came vpon it happened through the malice and noughtinesse of the sedicious as we haue touched before And thus far of the warres of the second house ¶ Thus endeth the destruction of Ierusalem Nn. ii ❧ The ten Captiuities of the Ievves i. THE Israelites were ten times led into captiuitie foure times by the handes of Sanherib and foure times by Nabuchadnezar once by Vaspasian and once bi supersticious Adrian First inuaded them Sanherib ●●ennache ●●b and traunsposed the Rubenites the Gadites and the halfe tribe of Manasse He toke awaye also the golden calfe whi●he Ieroboam the sonne of Nebat had made He ledde them into Halah Habur to the floud of Gozan and to the cities of the Medes This captiuitie was in the time of Pekah the sonne of Remaha ii The second Captiuitie Hoscha the sonne of Ela remained and slew Pekah the sonne of Remalia Afterwarde he became the seruant and subiect of Sanherib seuen yeares Then came Sanherib the seconde time and caried awaye the tribes of A●ar Isachar Zebulon and Naphtali of whom he let go free onely one of euery eight He t●ke away also an other calf that was in Bethel iii. After the death of Ahaz raigned Hiz kiahu his sōne in his steede four yeres Hezekia the fourth yere of whose rain Sanherib came and entrenched Samaria beseging it .iii. yeares and at lengthe roke it in the vi yeare of the raigne of Hiskijahu So led he awaye the Israelites that were in Samaria the tribe of Ephraim and Manasse This is the .iii. captiuity iiii When Nabuchadnezar had reigned viii yeares Sanheri● perauenture he made warres againste Ierusalem bringynge wyth hym the Chuteans heretikes out of Babilon E. thiopia Hemates Auim and Sepharuauim and as he warred vpon Iudea he toke in that countrye a. C and. l. cities in the which there were .ii. tribes Iuda and Simeon whome he toke with him caused them forthwith to be led into Halah Habur vntil the king of the Ethiopians rebelled againste him whose kingdō was on the hinder parts of Egipt Then taking Iuda Simeon with him he made war with the king of Ethiopia So the holye and blessed God placed them in darke mountains He re was foure captiuities whereby ten tribes went into crile by Sanherib There remained yet of Iuda Cx. thousand and of Beniamin Cxxx. thousand in Ierusalem ouer whō raigned Hizkiahu Moreouer Sanherib came out of Ethiopia againste Ierusalem the fifte time leading with him Cx. thousand but the holye Lorde ouerthrewe hym there as it is written And the angell of the