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A03949 Bromelion A discourse of the most substantial points of diuinitie, handled by diuers common places: vvith great studie, sinceritie, and perspicuitie. Whose titles you haue in the next page following. S. I., fl. 1595.; Bèze, Théodore de, 1519-1605. Summa totius Christianismi. English. 1595 (1595) STC 14057; ESTC S107410 412,250 588

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the dagge charged cannot shoote off or the poinado readie can do no hurt No counsell and no practise against Gods care and prouidence and mercy What hindered king Saul from killing Dauid who afterward was king in his place Or who hindered the desperate Iewes from killing the Apostle S. Paul Or how came it to passe that Esau after he had purposed the death of his brother Iacob yet in stéed of crueltie shewed him mercy There was no other cause but Gods working and his prouidence who defendeth his with a stretched out arme and turneth his wrath against the rest Where also we may learne in the examples before remembred that none méete sooner with harme then they that most meant it they dig a pit for others and fall into it themselues they thinke it shall not so fall out but they know not what Gods power is and how he bringeth his matters to passe Which he so doth that we may haue iust cause to say Doubtlesse there is a God that iudgeth the earth and ruleth all things by his prouidence And the more that we may wonder hereat and glorifie God certain it is that Gods prouidence doth then shine most brightly when our matters are most troublesome yet how troublesome soeuer they be God directeth all to a good end to the good of the one and the punishment of the other to his iustice and to his mercy The thunder séemes to shake the heauens the lightning to burne vp all raine and haile and tempestes make men agast and yet in a moment God taketh away all and maketh the weather faire The blustering windes are vp the sea rageth riseth vp in mountains and threatneth to ouerflow the earth and suddainly there is no such matter but a still and quiet calme The Aramites they come in multitudes and readie to swallow vp the Israelites nothing before them but feare and hunger and famine and death and suddainly againe safetie and plentie and peace As if one in a dreame had séene dreadfull things as to bee slaine by his enemies or deuoured of wild beasts or drowned in the sea but when he was awake it was nothing so In all extremities God helpeth his by his gratious and mightie prouidence yet so that he will haue vs also to put Nomb. 14. 44. too our helping hand and not to stand still idlely and looke that God should do all for vs neither are we againe to put our selues rashly into daunger and so to tempt God If God do offer vs meanes of deliuerance let vs not neglect them or be slow to vse them if he foresheweth daungers let vs not rush into them as king Ioas did who although he were a godly king yet through his rash enterprise lost his life who being foretold what would fall out yet foolishly would aduenture God hath graunted vnto men the reason to beware and also to consult of doubtfull and daungerous matters which God vseth diuersly to the performance of his prouidence Let wisedome and care and diligence be vsed and commit thy wisedome and counsels to Gods will and then God will further our causes Be flothfull and negligent and sée what will follow euen dangers and mischiefs before thou art aware Yet let vs wade further into the affaires of men and search these two waightie points concerning prosperitie and aduersitie What greater prosperitie can there be in the world then is the prosperitie of a king yet nothing is more ruled by gods prouidence then this matter as though God had especiall care of them that should represent his owne person Wherein he hath alwaies regard to them who walke vprightly to kéepe his statutes and commandements As it was said vnto Ioshua Meditate in the lawe of the Lord that thou maiest obserue and do according to all that is written therein For then shalt thou make thy way prosperous and then shalt thou haue good successe and I will be with thée saith the Lord whither so euer thou goest Which is confirmed by the example of king Dauid who gaue his sonne Salomon this charge Take héede to the charge of the Lord thy God to walke in his waies and kéep his statutes and his commandements and his iudgemēts and his testimonies as it is written in the lawe of Moses that thou maiest prosper in all that thou doest and in euery thing whereto thou turnest thée That the Lord may confirme his word which he spake vnto me saying If thy sons take héed to their way that they walke before me in truth with all their hearts and with all their soules thou shalt not said he want one of the posteritie to sit vpon the throne of Israel Nowe marke howe the prouidence of God doth worke vpon this foundation and vpon this ground King Saul when hee thought vppon no such matter was made king by Gods appointment for God commanded the prophet to annoint him king who so continued vntill he disobeied Gods commandement And then he that annointed him was the messenger to tell him that God had dispossessed him of his kingdome Because saith he thou hast cast away the word of the Lord the Lord hath cast away thée that thou shalt not be king ouer Israel any more The Lord this day hath rent the kingdome of Israel from thée and hath giuen it to thy neighbour that is better then thou The like we reade of king Salomon the sonne of Dauid who had so large a promise with this excription if he kept the couenant of God Salomon brake it and in stéed of worshipping the true God he followed after other Gods euen strange Gods and such as his godly father knewe not Wherefore the Lord said vnto Salomon Forasmuch as this is done of thee and thou hast not kept my couenant and my statutes which I commanded thee I wil surely rent the kingdome from thee and will giue it to thy seruaunt As we reade 1. K. 11. 26. Ieroboam Salomons seruaunt and the ●uerscer of his works lifted vp his hand against the king and this was the cause The Prophet Ahijah met with Ieroboam and the prophet caught his garment and rent it in twelue péeces and bid him take ten péeces vnto himselfe signifying that the most part of the kingdome should be his because his maister king Salomon did most worship God aright but fell away from him by idolatry And that the prouidence of God may be more manifest we reade that after Ieroboam rebelled against Salomons son which sate in his throne I say this young and vnwise king he gathethereth a greater power to go against him But the word of God came vnto Shemaiah the man of God saying Thus saith the Lord Ye shal not go vp nor fight against your brethren the children of Israel Returne euery man to his house For this thing is done by me They obeied therefore the word of the Lord returned and departed And so was Ierochoam king Salomons seruant established in the crowne and the true heire put by
because God gaue it him Salomon the father would haue slaine him Rehoboam the sonne would haue executed him as a traitor and yet behold it was not in their power which only worke of Gods prouidence in disposing of kingdomes Adonijah Salomons brother considering it made him relent from his purpose of séeking the crowne by mightie meanes as otherwise he would haue done if it had not béen for that For this is his confession putting forth a request vnto Salomons mother 1. K. 2. 15. Thou knowest saith he that the kingdome was mine and that all Israel set their faces on me in token of their fauour and consent that I should raigne because I was the elder brother howbeit the kingdome is turned away and is my brothers for it came vnto him by the Lord. God saith king Nabuchodonozor that heathen king according to his will worketh in the inhabitantes of the earth and none can stay his hand nor say vnto him what doest thou Whom he wil he setteth vp and whom he will he throweth downe And according to that which I haue said Daniel told that wicked king Belshasar the sonne of proud Nabuchodonozor when he sent for him to reade the writing that was against him and to giue the interpretation O king heare saith the prophet The most high gaue vnto Nabuchodonozor thy father a kingdome and maiestie and honour and glory and so forth Thou hast séene Gods iudgementes against thy father and yet thou hast not humbled thy heart though thou knewest all these thinges but hast lift thy selfe vp against the Lord of heauen and hast praised thy gods of siluer and thy gods of gold and hast not glorified God in whose hand thy breath is and all thy waies Therefore hath God sent thée this writing to shew thée that thy kingdome is at an end that he hath giuen it vnto others As the same prophet speaketh elswhere God chaungeth the times and seasons he taketh away kinges and setteth vp kinges Next to a kingdome to be in great honour credite and estimation is like the prosperitie of a king Some are exalted vnto honour and some are left in disgrace Studie and deuice with thy selfe how it should come to passe And when thou hast done thy reason cannot attaine it Looke in the word of God and thou shalt learne the cause Which is this Psalme 75. 6. Promotion and preferment commeth neither from the East nor from the West nor yet from the South The Prophet knowing that the minde of man would wonder hereat beginneth the wonder himself And why saith he And then resolueth the matter God is the iudge he putteth downe one and setteth vp another As the Magistrate is appointed of God for the punishment of the wicked but for the praise of them that doo well so God by his prouidence dooth order preferment and to those that are good in his sight he saith Ye are Gods but giueth them a warning there withall that they should not be exalted in pride Ye shall die like men Not only honor is the gift of God but contempt is his punishment Psal 107. 40. God powreth contempt vpon Princes as saith the Prophet Mal. 2. 9. and for their wickednesse and tyrannie causeth their subiects to contemne them It is not so much the lacke of dutie in the inferiours but it is the hand of God to dispossesse them of their honours And as he debaseth the wicked so he lifteth vp them that feare him and causeth the vnworthie that is them that are thought vnworthie in the sight of the world to weare the crowne When Hannah the mother of the Prophet Samuel gaue thanks to God in her song of praise she hath these words The Lord bringeth lowe and exalteth hee raiseth vp the poore out of the dust and lifteth vp the begger from the dunghill to set them among Princes and to make them inherit the seat of glorie As is manifestly séene in the examples of Saul who was exalted to be a King from lowe estate and as hee was séeking after his fathers asses Dauid who was taken from the shéepefull to bee a mightie Ruler Lastly of Ioseph who from the dunghill and filthie prison was made to sit among Princes The prosperitie of wealth and riches from whence commeth it if not from the prouidence of God which giueth thée power to get substance and denieth the same to othersome for all their carke and care labour they and sweats they neuer so much as hath bene heretofore declared in the commodities of the feare of God Where this cannot sufficiently be wondred at that when the wicked haue taken toile and labour God taketh all away from them and maketh the iust and godly to be the right owner● It is a small thing in the sight of God suddainly to make a poore man rich as it is most easie to him to bring ragges to rodes and shackles and fetters to the scepter and to the crowne The benefits and blessings of God and the worke of his prouidence in matters of prosperitie is greatly to be séene among the godly as also his punishments and plagues and matters of griefe and aduersitie are powred vppon the vngodly as it were out of gods hand Search the causes of warres which is one of gods mightie scourges and dooth as it were contain in it self all other miseries sicknesse famine pouertie and such like and sée whether God hath not the only ordring The Prophet Esay 7. 17. speaking of wars whereby the Israelites should be vexed sheweth by whose meanes that vexation should come vpon them The Lord shall bring vpon thee and in that day the Lord shall hisse for the flie that is at the vttermost part of the flouds of Egipt and for the bee which is in the land of Ashur meaning by the parable of the bée their enemies the Egiptians and the Assirians who although they were a far off yet should come flying toward them and sting them to death The furious and cruel mind of man in war thinking vpon nothing but slaughter and hauocke sword and fire robbery and rauishment Yet as the mightie ship is turned about with a small rudder and the fierce horse is guided by the bridle so dooth God ouermaster their purposes and disposeth all things according to his pleasure Which thing doth liuely appeare in the aforesaid Prophecie Chapter 10. Gods anger is stirred vp against the Iews and he is disposed to execute his vengeance and the wicked that shall performe it are called by the name of hammers axes sawes and also may well be sayd to bee whippes and scourges and héere in this place they are compared to a rodde and to a staffe O Ashur the rodde of my wrathe and the staffe in their handes is mine indignation I will send him to a dissembling nation and I will giue him a charge against the people of my wrath to take the spoyle and to take the praie and to treade them vnderféete lyke the mire in the stréete In
God hath raised vs vp togither and made vs sit togither in the heauenly places in Christ Iesus Philip. 1. 23. For I am greatly in doubt on both sides destring to be loosed and to be with Christ which is best of all Luke 23. 43. Iesus said to the théefe that repented Verily I say vnto thée To day shalt thou be with me in Paradice And chapter 16. 22. And it was so that the begger died and was carried by the Angels into Abrahams bosome Wis● 3. 1. But the soules of the righteous are in the hands of God and no torment shall touch them Eccle. 12. 7. And dust return to the earth as it was and the spirit returne to God that gaue it Then shall they enioy fully that vnspeakeable comfort prepared Rom. 8. 18. For I account that the affictions of this present time are not worthie of the glory which shall be shewed vnto vs. Mat. 25. 34. Then shall the king say to them on his right hand Come ye blessed of my father inherit ye the kingdome prepared for you from the foundations of the world 1. Cor. 15. 42. 43. 53. The bodie is sowne in corruption and is raised in corruption It is sowne in dishonour and is raised in glory it is sowne in weakenesse and is raised in power For this corruptible must put on incorruption and this mortall must put on immortalitie 1. Cor. 2. 9. The things which eye hath not séene neither eare hath heard neither came into mans heart are which God hath prepared for them that loue him By whose vertue and spirit they haue proceeded and gone forward from faith to faith as shall manifestly appeare by the whole course of their life and good workes Rom. 1. 17. The righteousnesse of God is reuealed from faith to faith ●● 2. Re● 1. 2●1 2. Grace and peace be multiplied to you by the knowledge of God of Iesns our Lord. According as his godly power hath giuen vnto vs all things that pertaine vnto life and godlinesse through the knowkledge of him that hath called vs vnto glory and vertue Whereby most great and precious promises are giuen vnto vs that by them ye should be partakers of the godly nature in that ye flie the corruption which is in the world through lust Therefore giue euen all diligence thereunto Ioine moreoner vertue with your faith and with vertue knowledge and with knowledge temperaunce and with temperaunce patience and with patience godlinesse and with godlinesse brotherly kindenesse and with brotherly kindnesse loue For if these things be among you and abound they wil make you that ye neither shal be idle nor vnfruitfull in the knowledge of our Lord Iesus Christ For he that hath not these things is blinde and cannot sée farre off and hath forgotten that hee was purged frōm his olde sinnes Wherefore brethren giue rather diligence to make your calling and election sure For if ye do these things ye shall neuer fall For by these meanes an entering shall be ministred vnto you aboundantly into the cuerlasting kingdom of out Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ Whereas altogither contrary the Reprobate conceiued borne and brought vp in sin death and the wrath of God when they depart out of this world they fall into another gulfe of destruction and their soules are plunged in that endlesse paine vntill the day come that their bodies and solues being ioined again they shall enter into euerlasting fire which is prepared for the diuel and his angels 〈◊〉 Psal 5 ●●●5 Behold I was borne in iniquitle and in sinne hath my mother conceaued me Ephe. 2. 3. And were by nature the children of wrath as well as others Rom. 7. 14. sold vnder sinne Rom. 5. 14. Wherefore as by one man sinne entred into the world and death by sinne and so death went ouer all men forasmuch as all men haue sinned Dani. 12. 2. And many of them that sléepe in the dust of the earth shall awake some to euerlasting life and some to shame and perpetuall contempt Iohn 5. 28 29. Maruell not at this for the houre shall come in the which all that are in the graues shall heare his voyce And they shall come forth that haue done good vnto the resurrection of life but they that haue done cuill to the resurrection of condemnation Luke 16. 22. 23. 24. The rich man also died and was buried and being in hell torments he lift vp his yes and sawe Abraham a farre off and Lazarus in his hosome Then he cried and said Father Abraham haue merry on me and send Lazarus that he may dippe the tippe of his singer in water and coole my tongue for I am tormented in this flame But Abraham said Sonne remember that thou in thy life time receiuedst thy pleasures and likewise Lazarus paines now therefore is he comforted and thou art tormented Mat. 25. 41. Then shall he say to them on the left hand Depart from me ye cursed into euerlasting fire which is prepared for the diuel and his angels The seuenth Chapter After what sort this doctrine may be preached with most profit SInte wee haue nowe declared the effect of this doctrine VVhat discretion the matter requireth it remaineth also that wee shewe what order we thinke best to be obseru●● in preaching and applying the same to euery particular man Whereas many find this matter so sharp and strange that they flie from it as from a dangerous rocke it is partly to be attributed to the malice and arrogancy of men And partly to the rashnesse and lacke of discretion of them that teach it and thirdly it is to be imputed to their ignoraunce which cannot orderly apply the same to themselues which faithfully and truly hath bin taught of others Concerning them which sinne of malice it onely appertaineth to GOD to amend them Which surely he hath done alwaies in his reason and likewise will do from time to time to whom he hath appointed to shewe mercy But for others which remain● obstinate in their sinne and wickednesse there is no cause why we should be moued either for their number or authority to dissemble Gods truth And as touching the second sorte I haue thought these things principally to be obserued in preaching this misterie First as in all other things so chiefly in this matter of predestination they ought to take diligent héede that in stéede of Gods pure and simple truth they bring not soorth vaine and curious speculations or dreames Which thing they cannot choose but do which goe about to compasse and accord these secret iudgments of God with mans wisdome so do not onely put difference betwirt predstinatiō and the purpose of god which thing they must néedes do but seperate the one frō the other For they either imagine a certaine naked and idle permition or else make a double purpose and counsell in God From the which errors they must néeds fall into many and greate absurdities For sometimes they are constrained to diuide
by Sanctifie the Lorde of hostes and let him be your feare and let him be your dread saith the Prophet Esay 8. For loe he that formeth the mountaines and createth the wind and declareth to man what is his thought which maketh the morning darkenesse and walketh vppon the high places of the earth the Lorde God of hostes is his name And therefore hée may iustly and that with a maiestie report himselfe vnto his people The Lord the Lord. Euen high and terrible and a great King ouer all the earth who is greatly to be exalted in the congregation of Princes For the Lorde is a great God and a great King aboue all Gods the Lord hath prepared his throne in heauen and his kingdome ruleth ouer all Greatnes and power and glorie and victorie are his hée excelleth and is most mightie he is the Lorde and his name is most glorious the earth is his footestoole and hee is higher then the Kinges of the earth who are but his vassalles And saith the King Nebuchandnezer vnto Da●iel Cap. 2. I knowe of a truth that your God is a God of Gods and the Lord of Kings Pharaoh also the King of Egypt who so gréeuously persecuted the Israelites was driuen so to confesse in that hée spake vnto Moses that he would pray vnto the Lord for him to take away those gréeuous plagues wherewith hée was iustly punished for his disobedience and hard heart against the Lorde By which his punishment of the highest in the earth and as it is in the Prouerbes of Salomon Although they be mightie on earth yet are there mightier then they by which his punishment he declareth himselfe to be the onely Prince the King of Kings and Lord of Lords Which thing the example of Sanehereib the King of Ashur can well testifie whom the Lord withdrew from the siege and slaughter of his people and put a hooke in his nostrils and turned him backe the same way he came and caused the Angel of his wrath to sley a hundreth foure score and fiue thousand of his souldiers Although Rabshakey his Ambassadour in his be halfe gaue forth these words Heare the words of the great King the King of Ashur Thus saith the King Let not your King Hezekiah make you trust in the Lord saying The Lord will surely deliuer vs for who are they among all the gods of the nations that haue deliuered their land out of mine hand that the Lord should deliuer Ierusalem out of mine hand But as you heard his souldiers were slaine himselfe was driuen to flight and furthermore as he was worshipping his Idole god Nisroch Adramelech and Sharezer his own sonnes flew him with the sword and escaped they flew this great King the King of Ashur The Lord raigneth let the people tremble he sitteth betwéene the Cherubins let the earth bee moued I make a decrée saith King Darius that in all the dominion of my kingdom men tremble and feare before the god of Daniel for he is the liuing god and remaineth for euer and his kingdome shal not perish and his dominion shall be euerlasting King Nebuchadnezar to iustisie the Lord in these words The Lord the Lord did extoll and magnifie the King of heauen praised and honoured him that liueth for euer whose power is an euerlasting power and his kingdome is from generation to generation And this did the King confesse after that he had felt the mightie hand of god and his power Let the spirit of Princes be subiect vnto the Lord that euen the chiefest with the lowest may acknowledge this soueraigntie that he is the onely Lord who is highly to be praised and greatly to be feared for glory and strength are before him Wherfore giue vnto the Lord ye families of the people the glory of his name giue vnto the Lord the power which is due vnto his maiestie When the lion roareth all the beasts of the forest tremble and when god commaundeth who will not obey If the Captaine that hath authoritie ouer his souldiers may say to one Go and he goeth and to another Come and he commeth and to his seruant Do this and he doth it Shall not we be as ready when the great Captaine the Lord of hostes shall charge vs If the seruants shall be diligent to fulfill their maisters will to how at his beck and to make haste when he calleth shal not we yéeld our selues to the obedience of our Lord maister which dwelleth in the heauens who hath the Angels at commandement and whose creatures we are who hath more authoritie ouer vs in the wide compasse of his dominion then hath the maister ouer his seruant within the circuit of his house The seruants that are disobedient may flie from their maisters displeasure and escape but if we be rebellious we cannot auoid the anger of the Lord. His eies are in all the corners of the earth neither is there any place wherein we may be frée if it please God according to our deserts to strike vs. Looke what the Prince may do among his subiects much more in the highest degrée may the lord of the whole earth do among vs. Many lawlesse people may resist that which the King commandeth although it may not be resisted by the authoritie of his crowne and dignitie yea furthermore may put the king in hazard but the authoritie of the highest King is such that he maketh the stoutest heart to tremble wel may they murmure grudge and set them selues in defiance against him but they shal be able to do no more although they were as mightie as the diuels in hell they shal no whit preuaile A consuming fire shall go before him the mountains shal be al in a smoke the earth shal tremble at his presence and the wicked y● disobey his commandements resist his wil and are as far as they dare at defiance shal in their time hide themselues in the holes of the rockes and wish y● the mountains might fall vpon them And then shall they know how y● he onely is the lord that he hath authoritie to command and y● they were bound to obey In diuers places of the holy scriptures in the prophecies of his seruants and messengers by whom he declared his wil and whom hee gaue in commandement to deliuer his message vnto the people when they speake of any matter of waight they vse these words Thus saith the Lord. To put y● people alwaies in remembrance of his high soueraigntie and authoritie ouer them As in the Prophecie of Ieremy the Lord saith vnto Ieremiah thou shalt say vnto them Thus saith the Lord If ye wil not heare me to walk in my lawes which I haue set before you and to heare the words of my seruants the Prophets whom I sent vnto you both rising vp early and sending them and will not obey them Then wil I make this house like Shiloh meaning that his Temple and his Church shuld be forsaken and the priests deliuered vp to the sword
would honour and Haman himselfe was hanged on the same trée which he had prepared for Mordecay Was this Hamans destiny or was it Gods prouidence to bring it so to passe for the benefit of his people and for the ouerthrow of this proude and wicked Haman King Darius because the spirit was excellent in Daniel preferred him aboue all other rulers and gouernours in his kingdome and further thought in his mind to set him ouer the whole realme And because the king had so preferred Daniel his enemies being moued with enuy they sought occasion against Daniel and preuailed so farre against him that he was cast among the lions to be deuoured of them God shutteth the mouthes of the lions the hungry lions that Daniel may be preserued The accusers of Daniel and they which sought his blood by the kings commandement they their wiues and their children are cast into the denne of lions and the lions had the maistry of them and brake all their bones a pieces ere euer they came at the ground of the denne The righteous escapeth out of trouble and the wicked shall come in his stéed saith Salomon in his Prouerbes Looke into the selfe same history of Daniel and there shal ye read of Susanna the wife of Ioachim a beautifull and that which is rare a chaste and godly woman also Through her beautie two wicked Iudges were inflamed and hauing gotten time and occasion to come priuily into her presence néedes she must yeeld vnto them or else no way but death She refuseth and committeth her cause to God and crieth out The wicked Iudges they beare witnesse against her that she would haue bene naught with a yoong man And when she was led to death God raised vp the spirit of a yoong child to trie out the matter and the Iudges being founde guiltie were stoned to death and Susanna deliuered Was this their destinie or or was it the manifestation of the iustice of God in his iudgement God knoweth by his wonderfull prouidence howe to bring the mischieuous intents of the wicked to naught turning all to the setting forth of his glory by shewing his iustice on the one sort and declaring his mercy vnto the other to the comfort of the godly and to the terrour of the wicked For as god hath a prouident and fatherly care ouer the godly not only prospering their estate of life by his manifold blessings and helping them in all their necessities but furthermore asswaging their griefes and easing comforting them in all their miseries distresses so also hath he a stroke in the practises of the wicked that they shal be able to do no more then that which he hath determined shall giue thē leaue to do As our Sauior Christ answered Pilat when he said vnto him Answerest thou nothing knowest thou not that I haue power to loose thée and power to condemne thée Iesus answered said vnto him Thou couldest haue no power vnlesse it were giuen thée frō aboue Which also is confirmed by the sayings of the Apostles Act. 4. 28. concerning the death of Christ Doubtlesse say they against thy holy son Iesus whom thou haddest annointed both Herod and Pontius Pilate with the gentiles and people of Israel gathered themselues togither to doo whatsoeuer thy hand and thy counsell had determined before to be done Diuers waies hath god to restraine the mallice of the wicked and to breake their mightie purposes Sometimes he casteth a dumpe into their mindes and taketh away their vnderstanding sometimes although their sences be fresh and and their mindes currant and marnellous readie as a lyon to the praie yet before they come to the déede God casteth a feare into their hearts or stoppeth them some way or other that they cannot do as they would Sometimes god giueth them leaue a degrée further as to beginne and to put their mischiefe in practise but before their matters come to an ende he crosseth all and they stand amazed to thinke what was done Absolon he laieth his plot to put his father out of his kingdom and vseth flattering means and stealeth away the hearts of the people his minde was currant and his sences fresh he taketh counsell of the matter and it goeth forward The trumpet is blowne and the people rebelliously are vp in armes against their lawfull king the matter beginneth now to be set on foote Achitophel he giues mischéeuous counsell but god turneth it into foolishnesse The armies méete but vpon a sodain Absolon and his army are discomfited and dismaid and before he can come to the victory and to enioy his fathers kingdome and his crowne he hangeth vpon an oake being caught by the long locks and haire of his head and thus taken vp betwéen the heauen and the earth he hangeth til Ioab one of the chief captaines of his fathers army came and thrust thrée darts through him and dispatched him of his life King Pharaoh he cannot away with the people of god that dwell in his land hee is affraide they will be more mightie than his people He taketh vppon him to be wise and to stop the increase of the people and giueth commandement to slaie the men children the midwiues fearing god they kéepe them aliue Yea he that afterwarde was moste against him was preserued aliue by his owne daughter and daintily kept as one of the kings stocke so long as he would himselfe When this deuice failed he laieth vpon them sore oppression and gréeuous burthens and taskes them to the death belike to make them flie his land God taketh such order in their behalfe that they should depart out of his kingdome I know not how but the king will not giue them leaue and when they were going out he pursued after them to destroy them and in the pusuit lost his owne life and many moe of his people The histories of France can tell that although their persecuting king be in his complet harnes and in his roialtie shall shew his valour among his friends and subiects yet while he is Iusting a splinter of Momorance his speare shall enter as the arrow did betwéene the ioynts of king Ahabs Brigandine that he died and shall strike him through the holes of his eyes into the braines that he dieth euen a little before that he ioyeth to sée and beholde the death of a fewe poore Christians Marke and wonder at the estate of our Soueraigne and gratious Quéene Elizabeth whom pray we that God may long continue among vs to his glory and our comfort What mallice and mischiefe against her One curseth an other reioyceth to performe treachery the third in a holy and deuout minde counteth it religion to murther her whome God hath annointed and established to rule and gouerne vs. Poysoning assaied Sorcery and witchcraft put in practise She taketh them to be her friends which are come to dispatch her of her life Either in her countenance they sée Gods presence or in their hearts is a fainting feare that
lawe as pertaining to God but am in the lawe through Christ that I may winne them that are without the lawe to the weake I become as weake that I may winne the weake I am made all things to all men that I might by all meanes saue some And this I doo for the Gospell sake Rom. 1. 14. I am debter both to the Grecians and to the Barbarians both to the wise men and vnto the vnwise Philip. 2. 12. 13. Make an end of your owne saluation with feare and trembling lest that through the deceit of sinne ye should fall away or else lest ye be any offence to the weake For it is God that worketh in you both the will the déed euen of his good pleasure Concerning the second that we do not apply this doctrine to any man particularly or to any certaine company For in this also it differeth from election Because election as hath beene said is reuealed to vs by the spirit of God within our selues not in others whose hearts we cannot know And Reprobation is euer hid from men except it bee disclosed by God contrary to the common course of things For who can tell if God haue determined to shewe mercy at the last houre of death to him which hath spent all his life past lewdly wickedly But this trust ought not to incourage any man to maintaine and continue in his sinne vngodlinesse For I speake of those things which we ought to consider in others For the examples of such mercy of God are very rare Neither any man that is wise will promise to himselfe through a vaine securitie and trust that thing which is not in his owne power Iam. 4. 13. 14. 15. 16. Goe too now yée that say To day or to morrow we will go into such a citie continue there a yeare and buy and sell and get gaine And yet ye cannot tell what shall be to morrowe For what is your life It is euen a vapour that appeareth for a litle time and afterward vanish away For that yée ought to say If the Lord will and if we liue we will do this or that Now if we cannot promise the continuance of life vnto our selues how much lesse may we assure our selues of Gods mercie at our pleasure Luke 12. 19. 20. The rich man said vnto his soule Soule thou hast much good lain vp for many yéeres liue take ease eate drinke and take thy pastime But God said vnto him O foole this night will they setch away thy soule from thée 2. Tim. 2. 25. The minister is willed to instruct the euill disposed with méeknesse and such as are contrary minded prouing if GOD at any time will giue them repentance Therefore repentance is not at our pleasure or leasure 1. Pe. 1. 14. 15. 16 17. 18. 19. Fashioning not your selues vnto the former lusts of your ignorance But as he which hath called you is holy so be yée holy in all manner of conuersation And if yée call him father which without respect of persons iudgeth according to euery mans worke passe the time of your dwelling heere in feare Knowing that yée were not redeemed with siluer and gold and such corruptible things Hebr. 12. 14. Follow peace with all men and holinesse without the which no man shall sée the Lord. And if we obserue this order wee shall receiue great fruite of this doctrine especially in these foure considerations First it maketh men humble and to submit themselues to God Secondly it maketh the grace of God to be better knowne of the elect seeing it is not common to all Thirdly it bringeth a godly care to receiue faith when it is offered and to labour to increase it Fourthly it doth confirme vs against all offences All which reasons are more plainly set downe in the last part of this eight chapter Deo gratia A Praier for the Queenes most excellent Maiestie O Most gracious God and heauenly Father by whose disposition Kingdomes and Kealmes are gouerned and by whose power Kings Princes raigne we giue thée hartie thanks that in thy great mercy thou hast set such a Prince and Quéene ouer vs vnder whose godly and peaceable gouernment we enioy glad tidings of thy Gospell and the truth of thy word in manifest sort deliuered vnto vs with peace and quietnesse and other worldly great blessings of thine in a plentifull measure Endue her so with heauenly gifts that her heart may be alwaies framed to the obedience of thy will that by her godly and gracious gouernment thy name may be glorified thy Church edified the poore members of Christ relieued vertue aduanced and vice beaten downe and punished that so in wealth she may surpasse that prosperitie y● was in the daies of King Salomon and that in life and health she may so be preserued long among vs to thy glorie and our comfort that the yeares of her royall fathers gouernment may bee doubled vpon her And although we for our parts haue and doo daily prouoke thy wrath against vs and haue worthily in respect of thy blessings deserued the contrary as for the heauenly vlessings of thy Gospell and truth ignorance idolatry and superstition for wealth and prosperitie penury and scarcitie for peace and quietnesse troubles and warres for our health and the continuance of our life diseases and death yet in thy mercy be fauourable vnto vs mollifie our hard and stonie hearts that we may repent mortifie sinne in vs that there may be séene amendment in our liues and conuersation that we may yéeld our soules and bodies to the obedience of thy blessed will and commaundements whereby thy manifold and good blessings and benefits may be both increased and continued toward vs. That the heauens may send downe their raine that the earth may giue forth her plentifull encrease that our garners may be full and plenteous with all maner of store that our shéepe may bring forth thousandes that our oxen may be strong to labour that there be no decaie no leading into captiuitie and no complaining in our stréets wherein we shall be blessed who haue the Lord for our God As for her enemies who séeke her destruction let them fall into the pitte that they haue digged for others and let their owne shame light vpon them And let thy crowne florish vpon her head whom thou hast annointed that in the maintenance of thy truth and of thy people it may be knowne that though the heathen rage so furiously togither and the Kings of the earth stand vp in armes against thée and against thine annointed that thou breakest the bowe and knappest the speare in pieces that thou art able to turne the swordes of her enemies to murther themselues And though the horse bee prepared vnto the battaile yet the victorie is from thée who can mightily confounde her foes and put a hooke in their nosthrilles and turne them backe the same way they came The straunge deliuerances which thou hast wrought in her behalfe both
belong to God and yet liue in sin what is it if we come to the church and in an outward shew of good works would haue others to thinke vs to be Gods deare children when neither our owne heartes and consciences neither yet the spirite of God can testifie that we are such as we would séeme to be both before God and in the sight of men S. Iohn saith plainly 1. Ioh. 1. If we say that we haue any company with God and walke in darkenesse doing that which displeaseth God we lie and the trueth is not in vs. Loue and obedience to God shew forth our adoptiō but they that passe not for the commandementes of God shew that there is no loue and obedience in them 1. Ioh. He that saith he knoweth and loue God and yet keepeth not his commandements is a lier Some falsly perswaded themselues that they loue God when they hate their neighbours but the same Apostle telleth them If any man say I loue God and yet hateth his brother he is a liar He that saith he is the light and hateth his brother he is still in darkenesse he that loueth his brother dwelleth in the light but he that hateth him walketh in darknesse and knoweth not whither he goeth for darkenesse hath blinded his eies And moreouer he saith Hereby we manifestly know the children of god from the children of the diuel he that doth not righteously is not the child of god neither he that hateth his brother As the tree is knowne by his frute so is our adoption made knowne vnto vs by godly and christian affections Let vs not therfore any further deceiue our selues in thinking we are the adopted children of god when as yet we haue a greater delight in sin then in god For then our sinful liues shall declare the contrary against vs and shall make vs to be ashamed of our boasting whatsoeuer we shall think or say for our selues It is not our fond and vain imaginations that the spirit of god doth witnesse vnto but a sanctified heart and a cleane soule and a pure life is the house that the spirit of god doth dwel in and which also doth giue such manner of people a full assuraunce that they pertaine to god and that as they are the sonnes of god in this life so shall they be the saints of god in another life Also this is no small token of our adoption when we féele our hearts inclined and our minds maruellous desirous Hearing God● word to heare the word of god preached According as we read Iohn 8. He that is of God heareth Gods words ye therfore heare them not because ye are not of God For who do more scorne and disdain to heare gods word and do make a iest of it then they who as we terme thē are gracelesse and make litle reckoning whether they be accounted the children of god or no. So that by the contrarie it may euidently appeare that they in whome the grace of god hath taken effect do greatly reuerence and greatly regard the word of god Because not only from time to time it is a meane to seale gods promises in our hearts and to make vs more and more to reioyce in the Lord but also by little and little the selfesame marke in their foreheads And although I might recite more I wil adde but one other token of Gods adoption in his children and that is that they are sorrie Sory to see others offend whē they see other do wickedly and endeuour to withdraw them from their wicked waies giuing them counsell and admonishing them to the contrary hating their sinnes and louing their soules Exhorting also their brethren and sisters to continue in the grace of God according to the counsell of the Apostle Let vs exhort one another and prouoke vnto good workes Take héede brethren lest at any time there be in any of you an euill heart and vnfaithfull to depart away from the liuing God But exhort one an other daily while it is called to day lest any of you be hardened through the deceitfulnesse of sinne Praying continually that the spirit of God which hath assured vs of our adoption may rule and raigne in vs and that from so holy a roote may spring godly blossomes as faith loue mercy patience humilitie chastitie desire of Gods word hartie good will to his ministers diligence in praier togither with all increase of righteousnesse They that earnestly and with a good heart heare Gods word and bring foorth worthie frutes they that reuerence and regard the ministers of Gods word they that exercise themselues in all good workes they whose delight is in them that feare God and who make much of the Godly and who also are sorrie to sée others fall from God they no doubt are such who may certainelie assure themselues of their adoption and of the loue and fauour of God So much for the second part of this text noting out vnto vs the assurance of our adoption and confirming vs in the same set downe in these words The same spirit beareth witnesse wiih our spirit that we are the children of God 3. The third part which followeth is nothing else but ioy and comfort honour and dignitie If we be children we are also heires euen the heires of God and heires annexed with The worthinesse of adoption Christ In which words are conteined the worthinesse of our adoption and that in as high degrée of honour as may be Nowe we are no more seruants subiect vnder the feare and bondage of the lawe but the sonnes of God hauing obtained his fauour through the meanes of our elder brother Christ Iesus If sonnes we are more then sonnes and that is heires and that not of an earthly patrimonie Heires but of the kingdome of heauen Heires of kings or emperours nay more then that heires of God yea and fellowe heires with Christ our Sauiour which sitteth at the right hand of God far aboue al principallitie might and power and dominion in most excellent dignitie A seruant lightly is neuer preferred to that dignitie as to be made an heire and how should it come to passe y● wee being seruants and bondslaues vnder the spirit of bondage feare should obtaine so great a fréedome and dignitie as to be the heires of God but only through the bountifulnesse of God which passeth all the preheminence and dignitie y● man can gine or is or would be willing to giue especially to a seruant And how should we that are seruants sinners perswade our selues of so great a dignitie as to be made heires if it were not that the spirit of God did assure our hearts y● our reconciled God had made vs his children his sonnes and of sonnes heires It is not a thing vsuall in the world that the sonnes of any one man should all be heires no although their progenitors were nobles Our prouerbe is that a man of smal wealth is called bnt ayonger
heauen which shall be immutable and without chaunge and without swaruing For then shal we do nothing but that which good is and that with a constant minde alwaies to perseuere and to continue in la●ding and praising God and dooing his will as now the Angels of heauen doo And this may suffice concerning Freewill both that we may know what power of Fréewil was giuen to man in his first creation and also what is to be thought and how we ought to be perswaded of it When by mans Fréewill he came to his downefall then he proued Gods word to be true Thou shalt die the death whereas before he was in the state of life and immortalitie For he was created immortall with this condition if he had continued in Gods obedience but being wilfull and carelesse he came to his death and was in the way to hell when he thought to climbe vp into heauen When he was immortall he knew not what it meant but when through his follie hee perceiued his dayes to bee shortened he wondred at the one and gréeued to remember the other The estate of immortalitie wherein our first parentes were created was nothing else but a continuance and endurance of life and a freedome from death And although it be now vsuall and common and nothing more common then for euerie one of vs to die yet at the first it was not so If our first parents had obeied they had neuer suffered death but when they gaue themselues to sin and to deceitfull vanities then they knew themselues to be mortall and then death came vpon them As we read Rom. 6. 23. The wages of sinne is death but euerlasting life is the gift of God through Iesus Christ our Lorde And in the first Chapter of the same Epistle verse 12. As by one man meaning Adam the first man sinne entered into the world and death by sinne and so death went ouer all men forasmuch as all men haue sinned so that the cause and only cause of death is sinne And because the best sort of men and women are sinfull though not in that degrée and in that measure as the wicked and vngodly are yet because euen they also haue procured the wrath of God through their sinne they must néedes vndertake the punishment of sinne which is death But there is a great difference to bee considered off For death to the godly is life and happie are they that are deliuered out of this miserable and wretched world For they knowe that while they are here they are absent from God that is from the enioying of his presence And againe they know that if their earthly house their bodies of dust and claie be destroyed they shall haue a building giuen of GOD that is an house not made with handes but eternall in the heauens For therefore they sigh desiring to be cloathed with their house which is from heauen that mortalitie might bee swallowed vp of life and their earthly mansion chaunged for an euerlasting habitation In the godly there is a great desire of death what moueth them hereunto Euen this that they may enioy immortalitie and be made partakers of that part of the image of God which by the meanes of sinne they were depriued off and put from But as for the vngodly it is nothing so with them For they tremble and shake at the remembrance of death as we reade of Naball who when his wife tolde him heauie newes which was toward him his hart died within him The sea men when they are tossed vp and down with the waues of the sea and néer to be cast away their ship drowned their soule melteth within them so the wicked their hart dieth within them al the parts of their body quake their soules within ar sore vexed miserably tormented with y● present forethought as it were feeling of y● euerlasting death and those endlesse torments which they shall endure And this moueth them in a wonderful secret sort to that feare they are in that they know by death they shal be taken from all their ioy and that they shall passe from this short life which they haue here in this world to death and from this light death which is no more but a seperation of the soule from the bodie to a second death which is euerlasting death And from death to these torments which are the worme of a continuall guiltie conscience the wrath of God increasing their punishment from time to time the restlesse crueltie of the diuell and hellish spirits to punish them where there shal be nothing else but wringing of hands weeping and gnashing of teeth Felix the gouernour shooke and trembled when he heard Paule disputing of righteousnesse and temperaunce and of other waightie matters as of death the resurrection and of the iudgement to come and willed him to depart out of his presence Much like to king Belshazzar who when he sawe a hand writing vpon the wall wherby was declared the end of his kingdome and the ende of his life his countenance chaunged his thoughts troubled him so that the ioynts of his loines were looced and his knees smote one against the other The feare of death is in them as it was in king Saul 1. Sam. 28. 20 who when he was tolde howe neare his death did approach he was sore affraied his soule fainted within him and he fell along on the earth neither was there any strength in him he refused meate and would not be comforted because through the sorrow of his death he had a taste of the death and torments which were to come The cause why we lost this benefit of immortalitie is sin and disobedience which brought vs to our death and to our last home The difference of death betwixt the godly and the wicked is this the one sort is greatly desirous to die the other are greatly affraied of death That man was created vnto immortalitie we may perceiue in that one part of man neuer dieth which is his soule Furthermore the bodie also shall receiue immortalitie at the day of resurrection when the generall iudgement shall be and when all flesh by the sound of a Trumpet shal be summoned togither from the foure quarters of the earth Then the bodies of all that haue bene departed from the beginning of the world togither with them that shall die vnto the end of the world being raised vp shal be ioyned vnto their soules and both shal be immortall and shall liue for euer either to receiue ioyes and euerlasting blisse or torments which shal neuer haue end The one sort to liue with God and his Angels the other sort with the diuel and the fiends of hell Which immortalitie of the bodie is confirmed by that of the Apostle writing to the Corinthians 1. Cor 15. 52. 53. In a moment in the twinckling of an eye at the last trumpet shall the dead be raised vp incorruptible and we shall bee chaunged For this corruptible must
life in the spirite Spirit for righteousnesse sake Which spirit quickneth our mortall bodies beareth witnesse with our spirit that we are the children of God Whereby we are ridde from the spirit of bondage which is in feare and are indued with that of adoption which bringeth foorth good frutes which the father accepteth though indéed they be of small perfection not aunswerable to that high calling which is in Christ God doth not only by imputation accept our workes but Affliction the end of this fight also by affliction trieth our obedience before we come to that spirituall rest which he hath prepared for vs and we in hope enioy Yea we are heires with Christ Howe or in what respct If so be that we suffer with him that we may also be glorified with him Which affliction and persecution is the end of our spirituall fight the entraunce into glory Which in this world is to vs as a proofe of our patience our patience a helpe to experience our experience a furtherer of our hope which hope maketh vs not ashamed The proffite of affliction because the loue of God is shed abroad in our harts by the holy ghost which is giuen vs. Againe it maketh our infirmities and imperfections knowen vnto vs it correcteth our sinfull desires the euill lusts of our flesh it bringeth vs to a mutuall and harty loue one of an other it bréedeth in vs a couragious mind to withstand the assaults of Sathan it increaseth in vs the hope of our election frameth vs to immortality worketh a most effectual and gladsome Perseuerance in affliction is the stay of the spirituall man comfortable meditation of the life to come Only we are to take héede of this downfall that we faint not because the crowne of glory is not giuen but to him that ouercommeth and endureth vntill he come to the end of his race Moreouer vnto these commodities which come vnto vs by reason of these afflictions there are also added most Consolatiō in affliction comfortable consolations For it is the will of God that wée suffer affliction for his name sake and blessed are they that do so And if God be on our side who can be against vs All things come from the prouidence of God if with gladnesse wée receiue blessings from the Lord why should wée not in all obedience receiue punishment correction also Wée knowe also that al things worke togither for the best vnto them that loue God and to them that are called of his purpose Yea our afflictions indéed light afflitions which are but for a moment cause vnto vs a farre more excellent and an eternall waight of glory Not that wée in respect of those afflictions are worthy of the same but because it pleaseth the father to giue vnto his children the kingdome of heauen Let vs therefore with all patience wait for the perfection of our adoption euen the redemption of our soule and body And though wée sigh while wée are in the flesh yet are wée not alone for our bretheren also which haue the first frutes of the spirit sigh togither with vs yea euery creature groneth with vs also and trauelleth in paine euen to this present time vntill it be deliuered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the sonnes of God And séeing euen the creatures shall be restored how comfortable should our hope bée while wée looke not on the things that are séene for they are but temporal but on the things which are not séene which are eternall For the which with patience wée abide knowing that our hope is not of those things which wée sée and shall in time most certainly come to passe Not only our bretheren and euery creature sigheth with vs but also the spirit is partaker of our gronings and while wée offer vp our praiers to god in our afflictions and extremities the spirit helpeth our infirmities and in a greater measure maketh request for vs with infinite sighes which The spirit a helper of our infirmities ignoraunce cannot bée expressed Yea hée helpeth also our ignoraunce in that according to the pleasure and will of God he maketh request for the saints and he which searcheth the harts knoweth what the meaning of the spirit is Moreouer the finisher of our hope and the crowne of our glorie euen Christ Iesus which is dead yea or rather which is risen again who is also at the right hand of God he maketh intercession and request also for vs. Nowe then are there any accusers of whome we The assured confidence of saluation which wee haue in God through Christ ought to be affraied before God seeing that God absolueth vs as iust can sathan charge vs or doeth his accusations anie whit auaile séeing that through faith in Christ wée haue peace towards god and our conscience is deliuered from the guilt of sinne Who shall laie any nay the whole burthen of our sinnes to our charge It is god that cleareth it is god that iustifieth yea it is Christ that vnladeth vs. Come vnto me saith he ye that are heauie laden and I will ease you and refresh you Who shall condemne vs Is it not Christ that hath redéemed vs who also shall come to be A caueat our iudge Only let vs cast aside our high mindes which are lifted vp with merit and desert and confessing our vnworthinesse Humility is greatly requited to Iustification in all feare and humilitie let vs approach vnto the throne of grace there to receiue these bounteous almes and rich treasures which the gifts of Sheba nay the wealth of Salomon cannot accomplish which neither siluer gold or precious stones yea the delicatest treasure in the worlde nay the worlde it selfe may match and counteruaile Which heauenly treasure could by no other meanes be bought and purchased for vs but by the precious blood of Iesus Christ who as an innocent lambe without spot How our righteousnesse and iustification is accomplished was offred vp for our sinnes euen the iust for the vniust who being frée from sinne and knowing no sinne yet was made sinne for vs that is a sacrifise for sinne that we might receiue I say this rich treasure euen the righteousnes of God in him redemption and iustification So that the punishment of our sinnes is swallowed vp in victorie that with the Apostle we may in ioy burst foorth and say O death where is thy sting O graue where is thy victorie The sting of death is sinne and the strength of sinne is the lawe But thankes be vnto God who hath giuen vs victory through our Lord Iesus Christ Who shal seperat vs then from the loue of Christ shall tribualtion or anguish or persecution or famine or nakednesse or perill or sword As it is written For thy sake are we killed all day long Wée are counted as shéepe for the slaughter Neuerthelesse in all these things wée are more then conquerers
25. 26. Instructing them with méekenesse that are contrary minded shewing their faults out of the lawe of God prouing if God at any time will giue them repentance that they may know the trueth And that they may come to amendement out of the snare of the diuell which are taken of him at his will Acts 2. 37. Now when they heard it they were pricked in their heart and said vnto Peter the other Apostles Men and brethren what shall we do Not that they should remaine in feare but beholding their danger might flie to Christ 1. Ihon. 2. 1. 2. My babes these things write I vnto you that ye sinne not and if any man sinne we haue an aduocat with the father Iesus Christ the iust And he is the reconciliation for our sinnes Ihon. 2. 12. As many as receiued him to them he gaue power to be the sonnes of God euen to them that beléeue in his name Ihon. 3. 16. 17. 18. God so loued the world that he hath giuen his onely begotten sonne that whosoeuer beléeueth in him should not perish but haue euerlasting life For God sent not his sonne into the world that he should condemne the world but that the world through him might be saued He that beléeueth in him shall not be condemned but he that beléeueth not is condemned alreadie Mat. 9. 13. I came not to call the righteous but the sinners vnto repentannce Ro. 1. 16. The gospel is the power of saluation to euery one that beléeueth And so almost in euery leafe of the whole scripture Called they are to comfort by the preaching of faith Ro. 8. 17. Then faith is by hearing and hearing by the word of God Ro. 8. 1. There is no condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus Chap. 5. 1. Then being iustified by faith we haue peace towards God through our Lord Iesus Christ 2. Chor. 5. 18. All things are of God which hath reconciled vs vnto himself by Iesus Christ and hath giuen vnto vs the ministery of reconciliation For God was in Christ and reconciled the world to himselfe not imputing their sinne vnto them and hath committed to vs the word of reconciliation Now thē are we imbassadours for Christ although God did beséech you through vs we pray you in Christ his stéede that yée be reconciled to God For he hath made him to be in sinne for vs that knowe no sinne that we should be made the righteousnesse of God in him 1. Pet. 1. 23. Being borne anew not of mortall séede but of immortall by the worde of god who liueth and endureth for euer Coloss 1. 27. 28. God would make knowne which is the riches of his glorious ministerie among the Gentiles which riches is Christ in you the hope of glorie Whome we preach admonishing euery man in all wisedome that we may present euery man perfect in Christ Iesus Gene. 3. 8. Adam and Eue heard the voice of the Lord God as he was walking in the garden in the coole of the day So God chooseth his best time to winne vs not in the time of our offence when indéede he might iustly destroie vs but after we haue committed sinne in mercy he calleth vs that we shall remember and haue remorse for that which we haue done Iohn 6. 47. Verely verely I say vnto y●● He that beléeueth in me hath euerlasting life The outward preaching profiteth not vnlesse the inward working of Gods good spirit be ioyned vnto it Ihon. 6. 44. No man can come to me except the father which hath sent me drawe him by the power of his spirit ●●d v. 65. Iesus said no man can come vnto me except it be giuen vnto him of my father Mat. 13. 10. 11. His disciples said to him Why speakest thou to the people in parables And he said because it is giuen vnto you to know the secrets of the kingdome of god but to them it is not giuen Iohn 4 10 Iesus said vnto her If thou knowest the gift of god who it is that saieth to thée Giue me drinke thou wouldest haue asked of him and he would haue giuen thée water of life Iohn 3. 3. Iesus said vnto Nicodemus verely verely I say vnto thée except a man be borne againe he cannot sée the kingdome of god 1. Cor. 2. 11. 14. For what man knoweth the things of a man sauing the spirit of a man which is in him euen so the things of god knoweth no man but the spirit of god But the naturall man perceiueth not the things of the spirit of god For they are foolishnesse vnto him neither can he knowe them because they are spiritually discerned 2. Cor. 3. 5. Not that we are sufficient of our selues to thinke any thing as of our selues but our sufficiencie is of god Ezek. 11. 19. The spirit of god worketh in vs by altering our hearts And I will giue them one heart and I will put a new spirit within their bowels and I will take the stony heart out of their bodies and I will giue them a heart of flesh Chap. 36. 26. Iohn 16. 13. When the spirit of truth is come he will leade you into all truth Psal 119. 18. Open my heart that I may vnderstand the wondrous things of thy lawe Ephe. 1. 9. 16. 17. 18. Hee hath opened vnto vs the mistery of his will according to his good pleasure which hee had purposed in him I make mention of you in my prayers that the God of our Lorde Iesus Christ the father of glory might giue vnto you the spirit of wisedome and reuelation through the knowledge of him That the eyes of your vnderstanding may be lightened that ye may knowe what the hope is of his calling and what the riches of his glorious inheritance is in the saints And what is the excéeding greatnesse of his power toward vs which beléeue Esay 50. 5. The Lord God hath opened my eare and I was not rebellious neither turned I backe Psal 119. 73. Thine han●s haue made me and fashioned me O giue me vnderstanding therefore that I may learne thy commandements Collo 1. 9. We cease net to pray for you and to desire that ye might be fulfilled with knowledge of his will in all wisedome and spirituall vnderstanding Iere. 31. 34. And they shall teach no more euery man his neighbour and euery man his brother saying Knowe the Lord For they shall all know me from the least of them to the greatest of them saith the Lord for I wil forgiue their iniquitie and will remember their sinnes no more 2. Tim. 2. 25. Prouing if God at any time will giue them repentance and open their hearts Luke 24. 16. 45. When our Sauiour Christ talked with the two disciples that went to Emaus their eyes were holden that they could not know him Then opened he their vnderstanding that they might vnderstand the Scriptures Acts. 16. 14. And a certaine woman named Lydia a seller of purple of the citie of the Thyatirians which worshipped
brother be it that he be a gentleman and of a good house yet he may be farre both from the title and from the possession of an heire Which makes yonger brothers oftentimes to come to hard miserable ends while they séeke euill waies to maintaine their gentry and theire state to hold vp their port and countenance which by their pride commeth to a fall and which by humilitie would haue bin both increased and exalted The humble in soule cōscience god regardeth he maketh thē heires who thinke full basely of themselues God oftentimes taketh the poore out of the mire and placeth him among the princes And the poore and sorrowfull spirite the repentant and sanctified minde is royally furnished euen as Mordecay was cloathed in royall apparell because hee had the fauour of the king and had the crowne royall set on his head who looked to haue his head smitten from his shoulders The whip and stripes belong to a seruaunt and yoonger gracelesse brethren come neuer to inheritance So we being seruantes to sinne and gracelesse in the sight of God should neuer haue come to the royaltie of heires if god by his mercy had not graunted vs repentance vnto life and sowed the séede of his grace in our heartes establishing our weake spirites with a sound faith and confirming the same with the certaintie of this hope that we shall be heires Heires not one or two but euen all heires as many as are his sonnes and children heires of that inheritance which cannot be taken from vs vnlesse through our owne fault and negligence we fall away from it before we come to the full possession thereof Father I haue sinned against heauen and before thée and am no more worthy to be called thy sonne The father accepting his repentance caused the best robe to be brought forth and put vpon him a ring to be put on his finger and shooes on his féete and killed the Yoongest fatted calfe and reioyced and was merry What could he haue done more for his sonne euen the eldest sonne the heire making the yoongest sonne an heire too as well as his eldest brother Indéede the eldest in euery common weale doth carry away inheritance neither is the yoonger pertaker with him But as the Prophet saith God seeth not as man neither is his iudgement as mans is The first borne in earth hath the honour and the wealth but in Gods account it falleth not out so alwaies It is not impossible for the rich to be saued and for the eldest to be heires euen Gods heires yet the yoongest haue often preuailed with God and béen most accounted Iacob haue I loued and Esa● haue I hated Ismael the heire in fight but Isaac was the true heire euen the heire of promise by gods appointment Dispised Ioseph came to honour and to a kingdome although the youngest of all his brethren when as it was said to Reuben the eldest brother thou shalt not be excellent thy dignitie is gone The woman of Canaan receiued and strangers honoured and they that thought themselues to be the only children of God debarred and they that thought themselues nothing else but heires shut out from the kingdome of heauen Promotion commeth neither from the East nor from the West but God pulleth downe one and setteth vp an other Yea there shall come many from the East and from the West and from the North and from the South and shall sit at table in the kingdom of heauen And behold there are last which shal be first and there are first which shal be last None think you but the children of Zebedeus to be heires whose mother made request for them vnto Christ that her sonnes might sit the one at his right hand and the other at his left hand in the kingdome Nay saith Christ that may not be granted but it shal be ginen to them for whome it is prepared of my father He is not a true Israelite which is one outward neither is that circumcision which is outward in the flesh but he is the true Israelite which is one within and the circumcision is of the heart in the spirit not in the letter whose praise is not of men but of God So not all are heires which séeme to be heires but happy are they whosoeuer that haue the seale of Gods spirit within them and warranting their harts that they are heires heires by promise and heires of al Gods precious promises The worldlings which carry a faire shewe may be far from this inheritance because what through pleasures and what through cares of worldlie desires they are hindred from séeking after this inheritance The rich they made excuses when as the poore the halt the maimed and the blind yea the beggers in the stréete were made partakers of the marriage feast God calleth by his word and by his grace from day to day from time to time such as are despised in the world and such as are reckoned to be the offscouring of all such as make least account of themselues euen such and so manie as shal be saued so many as shal be heires Go saith Christ to Iohns disciples Math. 11. and shewe Iohn what thinges ye haue heard and séen The blind receiue their sight and the halt go the leapers are clensed and the deaf heare the dead are raised vp and the poore receiue the gospel The poore and humble in spirite receiue the inheritance which no man thought should euer haue béen heires This is Gods doing and it is maruellous in our sight Hearken my beloued brethren saith the Apostle S. Iames. cap. 2. 5. Hath not God chosen the poore of the world that they should be rich in faith and heires of the kingdom which he hath promised to them that loue him Let not the poorest be dismaied who though they haue no inheritance in this world yet if they be rich in god rich in faith rich in all holy obedience to Gods will if here they haue none inheritance no not so much as the breadth of a foote yet shall their lot and portion fall out in a large roome in the kingdome of heauen so that they may say with ioy that they haue a large inheritance Their ragges and poore estatehere shal be requited with roial robes elswhere and they shal be heires in heauen which shall farre surmount the estate and dignitie of a king here on earth although it be as glorious and glistering as euer was that of Salomon Whose estate séemeth to be expressed by the words of the Prophet Although ye haue lien among the pots yet shall ye be as the winges of a doue that is couered with siluer winges and her fethers like gold Againe they that thinke themselues the heires of God and the eldest in holinesse of life shall come farre short such as hypocrites are and whose holinesse is but counterfeite and publicanes and harlots shall go before them into the kingdome of God because repentance is séene in the
yea though we had knowne Christ after the flesh yet now henceforth know we him no more Our Sauiour Christ when he departed from his Apostles and was taken away by death he tooke his leaue of them but not his last farwell After a while ye shall not see mee and yet after a while ye shall see mee Did not the holy Martyr S. Stephen sée Iesus standing at the right hand of God And shall not the time come that all the godly shal sit with him in the kingdome of heauen A friend being departed farre out of sight and abiding in a straunge land our heart and delight being setled vpō him how earnest is our desire to sée him and to talke with him and to be in his presence yea if we can heare but any talke or tidings of him or receiue any token from him how greatly doth it reioyce vs And all is because of the doubt and feare that holdeth our mindes that we shall sée him no more But if our friend being desirous of our welfare and for the bettering of our estate do send vs word what a fruitfull soile he dwelleth in and howe he can prouide vs if wee will come vnto him a place to dwell in so that it shall be to our great contentment and good liking not only the ioy of our friendes presence will moue our hearts but also the bettering of our estate shall cause vs to vndertake a long iourney and that without wearisomenesse and fainting And when we méet what kissing what ioy what imbracing Ye shall see mee a while saith Christ and after a while ye shall not see mee for I go to the father Therefore he put forth this parable A certaine noble man went into a farre country to receiue for himselfe a kingdome and so to come againe bringing rewards with him For them who by continuance in wel-doing haue fought for glory and honor and immortalitie and eternall life Wherefore went Christ to his father but to drawe vs vnto his father that where the head is there might the members be and where he is there might we be also He went to receiue for himselfe a kingdome but when he was gone did he forget vs after the maner of the world Out of sight out of mind No he is most careful for vs. And although a mother may forget her child yet will he not forget vs whom he hath written in the palme of his hand and whome he remembreth and beholdeth as the signet on his right hand Ioh. 14. 2. In my fathers house are many dwelling places if it were not so I would haue told you I go to prepare a place for you also as well as for my selfe And though I goe to prepare a place for you I will come againe and receiue you vnto my selfe that where I am there may ye be also Now though he be absent from vs yet he remembreth vs and sendeth vs many tokens of his loue to put vs in minde that wee shall come to his sight to our great comfort Which tokens are his gifts and graces benefits and blessings daily poured vpon vs. But of all tokens this is the surest that he hath sent his holy spirite into our hearts to witnesse vnto our spirtite that we are his children and shall also in time to come be heires of the kingdome Whome although we doe not presently sée yet are we in good hope that we shall sée and in the meane time we must with patience abide for it They shall sée him which put him to death and pierced Mat. 23. 39. him through but it shal be litle to their comfort But when we shall sée him then shall our sorrow be turned into ioy then shall we be caught vp into the clouds to méet the Lord in the aire and so shall we be euer with the Lord. Wherfore comfort your selues saith the Apostle one another with these words And though as yet we cannot sée Christ yet the time shall come that we shall sée him face to face In whose presence is the fulnesse of ioy and at whose right hand are pleasures for euermore The next place of proofe is in these words And your Your harts shall reioyce hearts shall reioyce With how great ioy it is may be perceiued by these words of the wise man Eccle. 25. 14 The greatest heauinesse is the heauinesse of the heart Giue me any plague saue the plague of the heart For griefe and sorrow and taking thought doth make them pine away which be yong lustie and strong and by the course of nature are like to liue many yeares The reason is because that the heart thereby doth diminish and weare away by little and little vntill the vitall spirits be spent which haue all their comfort and strength from the heart Your hearts which haue béene cast downe with sorrow shal be raised vp againe with ioy euen at the sight of my presence In the sadde and sorrowfull winter all thinges decay and come to nothing but when the ioyfull countenance of the sunne at the spring time appeareth then euery thing that lay dead and buried péereth out of the ground and taketh heart and groweth to strength and commeth to perfection So in the sorrowfull dayes of this worlde the godly are abased but in the ioyful time of deliuerance when Christ their onely comforter shall appeare in glory then shall their dead heartes receiue life and comfort and ioy In respect whereof Christ comforted his disciples saying Let not your heart be troubled Confirming them by thrée reasons The first from his loue and the certaintie of his promises Ye beléeue in God beléeue also in me which am readie not onely to promise but also to performe what euer shall bee for your good In the worlde yee shall haue trouble and affliction in mée ye shall haue peace be of good comfort and let not your heart be dismaied I haue ouercome the world The second reason is drawen from the friendly care that hée had to prouide for his Disciples and for all the godly In my fathers house are manie dwellinges places and I goe to prepare a place for you euen for euerie one of you And if it had not béen so yée shoulde haue knowne it long ere this The third reason séemeth most forcible because of the perfourmaunce and present and full possession of his promises When I haue prepared then will I come againe and establishe euerie one of you in his euerlasting habitation and receiue you vnto my selfe that where I am there may ye be also All which reasons are set downe in the fourtéenth chapter of Saint Iohn and the thrée first verses What can keepe the heart more from comforte and reioysing then a troubled minde and an vnquiet conscience the which among all the miseries and afflictions of this worlde the godly are frée from Which comfort of heart Christ perfourmeth vnto them Iohn 14. 27. Peace I leaue with you my peace I giue vnto you not