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A61344 A testimony unto the truth, and a warning unto the world in general, but more particularly to the inhabitants of Enoder parish in Cornwall by ... Richard Samble. Samble, Richard, 1644-1680. 1676 (1676) Wing S531; ESTC R23481 39,477 54

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the Bottom of the Heart are the only People of God who are come to the Foundation and Rock which is laid in the Bottom of the Heart that is cleansed for such as are cleansed to build upon So this is the Truth and is no Lye and is a sure Teacher which is in Heaven and not only so but in the Earth also by his Spirit and Power redeeming and bringing up out of Captivity his Heritage that mourned unto him Jer. 12.11 being in Desolation and all false Coverings that serve for a Cloak for your Sins as a bare Confession and yet remain the same as before will be too narrow to hide you from the Wrath of God which is like to break forth upon you except you repent And therefore my Country-men and Neighbours I cannot but deal plainly with you to declare in Plainness the Thing that is upon me from the Lord for I truly desire your Everlasting Good And now you that are young and think you have much Time to sp●nd take heed to your selves and remember the Lord before whom you must appear that it may be well with you for the Lord visited me amongst you in the Dayes of my Youth not that I was better then others but God who is rich in Mercy heard the inward Cry of my Soul and granted me Repentance unto Life Rom. 10.12 and that which I was saved by that declare I unto you to be the only and alone Saviour and there is not another that can save from Sin but Jesus Christ John 4.29 42. neither is there any Way to come to God but by him John 14.6 and there is no way to come to him but as you turn to his Light in your Consciences that lighteth every man that cometh into the World John 1.9 So all repent and live for Wo will overtake all the wicked and great Distress will come upon them from the Lord for the Day is dawned wherein he hath begun his Work which he will carry on by his mighty Power and it is in vain for any to gainsay the Lord and all false Professions the Lord will bring down and set up his Ancient standing Rule over all yea the Standard of his Power over the Devil and all God's Enemies for the Year of his Redeemed is come and the Day of Vengeance is in his Heart Isa 63.4 who hath suffered and hath been slain from the Foundation of the World Rev. 13.8 by the Wicked amongst Men and in many Ages and Generations he appeared spiritually and by his mighty Power began to reform the Nations but People dealt deceitfully with him and cast his Word behind their back Neh. 9.26 and in this dark Night of Apostacy he hath greatly suffered with his Heritage which hath been in the Wildernss and in the Streets of that great City which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt where the Witnesses have prophesied in Sack cloth and Ashes Rev. 11.3 but now the appointed Time is come wherein the Lord hath prevailed over him that hath darkned and desolated the People and hath taken to him his great Power and is conquering Psal 146.10 and in this his Day he will cut his Work short in Righteousness for a short Work will the Lord make in the Earth Rom. 9.28 and all Foundations of every Profession are clearly seen in the Light of the Lamb. all whose Vine is the Vine of Sodom and Grapes Grapes of Gomorrah will be shaken as a Fig Tree that casteth her untimely Figs when she is shaken with a mighty Wind Rev. 6.13 yea the Harvest of the Earth will be reaped and cast into the Wine press of the Wrath of God Rev. 14.19 And he that People sin against whose Way you err and stray from and whom you pierce by Reason of your wicked Works I say The Lamb that was slain who liveth and was dead who hath all Power given unto him in Heaven and in Earth Rev. 1.18 he treadeth the Wine press of the Wrath and Fierceness of the Almighty God whom all Rebellious Christians have forsaken therefore will he bring Judgment into Victory that Righteousness may run down as a mighty Stream and happy and blessed will all such be that return unto him in their Hearts who is come near to execute true Justice and Judgment in the Earth who is the Covenant of the People the Gentiles Light and Israel's Glory I say such will see his Goodness and they only will be received into the Father's Kingdom being freed from the great Punishment due because of Sin And so my Country men Repentance unto Life yea a Forsaking of your Sins that will cause the Lord to turn from his Fierce Anger that ●s like to break forth like Fire against you and nothing else will make up the Breach and therefore O my Native Place I cannot but lament thee because I see the great Abominations that are committed within thee and not in thee only but in the Places adjacent but chiefly I am concerned for you who are my Acquaintances that if by any means I might provoke you to fear the Lord and consider your latter End for in the Way you are in which is sinful you will never find peace with the Lord for the End is Sorrow and the Reward is Death Rom. 6.23 but if you forsake the Evil and love Righteousness you will come into Life and live forever with the Lord and that is the Travail I●f●el within me concerning you that you may walk in the Light and come to a Holy Righteous Conversation that you may have Fellowship with us 1 John 1.3 and have Right to call God your Father that you may be begotten of him and so love one another with a true Love in Righteousness and so come to know the Spirit of adoption which is the Spirit of his Son who breaks down the middle Wall Ephes 2.14 and blots out the Hand-writing of Ordinances that is contrary to us and takes it out of the Way nailling it to his Cross Col. 2.14 and so you will come into Covenant with God in the Light of Jesus which Light leads to God's Kingdom and conducts out of all the barren Wildernesses Desolations of the first Adam into a sure Way and Place of Defence in the second Adam where is Safety and a Place of Rest as he said Come unto me all ye that are weary and heavy laden and you shall find Rest to your Souls Mat. 11.26 and so you will know the Truth and the Truth shall make you free John 8.32 and you will come to the general Assembly and Church of the first born written in Heaven Heb. 12.32 and to have Right to the precious Promises of God and to the Tree of Life but while you continue in Rebellion against God you have no Part nor Lot or Inheritance amongst the Living for Sin is the Hindrance of the Promises and Blessings of God unto the Soul whatever you may promise your selves and think to inherit if you dye in
by poor Lazarus lest said he they also come to this Place of Torment Luke 16.28 So all you that are lofty and wanton upon the Earth consider your latter End who spend your precions Time to the Flesh in the Lust of Uncleanness and nourish your Hearts as in a Day of Slaughter James 5.5 O remember the Day wherein the Holy Pure God will plead with you for all your Abominations and for your Secret Sins that you have committed against the God of Heaven and how you make merry over the VVitness that brings Condemnation upon you because of your Sins and even torments the VVorker of Iniquity in secret this is the Faithful and True VVitness even Jesus the True Messenger who brings G●adtidings to the imprisoned Soul that 's like to perish in Iniquity and this is he that was crucified in the Flesh but quickned again in the Spirit by which Spirit he preached to the Spirits in prison 1 Pet. 3.18 19. And it may be thus men may rebel agai●st him and not turn at his Reproofs but spiritually may crucifie him to themselves as some did in Days past Heb. 6.6 Rev. 11.8 but it would have been much better that they had never had a Being for when God shall call them to an Account for the Deeds done in the Body then shall they cry to the Mountains fall upon us and to the Hills cover or hide us from the Face of him that sits upon the Throne and from the Wrath of the Lamb Rev. 6.15 16 17. for the Hour of his Judgment is come and who shall be able to stand Therefore return unto him betimes before it be too late that you may be reconciled to the Father and so the Lord will return unto you in his Love and in his Tender Mercy will he visit you as you yield unto him in your Hearts for such as obey him this Day do certainly injoy his Peace and in his Name is their Safety which is his Power by which their Souls are kept from the spiritual Enemy and therefore O Land of my Nativity hear the Word of the Lord God of Heaven which VVord is near unto all the Inhabitants thereof from one End unto another that the Land may be cleansed and enjoy h●r Sabbaths lest Afflictions and great ●orrow come in like a flood upon the inhabitants from the Great God whose Righteous Soul is grieved because of the Abominations that are within thy Borders who by his searching living Power that is Eternal over all Death and Hell is searching from one End to the other to bring Mankind into his Light and Life to worship him in his Spirit and Truth who is the blessed Creator of all the Beginning and the End to whom be Glory forever Amen THE Righteous God whose Power is great and who is wonderful in Counsel and excellent in working Isaiah 28.29 hath in these last Days appeared invisibly in the inward Parts of Mankind to place his Name and his pure Fear in the Hearts of his People according to his ancient Promise Heb. 10.16 Jer. 31.33 and to write his Law in the Hearts of his Children who are truly turned unto him and amongst the many Witnesses the Lord who is rich in his Love unto Mankind not willing that any should perish he visited me who was a Wanderer in Desolation from Year to Year seeking the Way of the Redeemed of the Lord and a Cry in secret was begotten in my Heart after God who in his own time did hear and Answer my Earnest Desire and I well remember the Days of my tender Years when I was very young there was an Innocent Breathing within me after the Thing that is Good and I saw Sin in its Conception but knew not that which gave me the Knowledge of it and Swearing I saw to be a great Evil in them that were addicted thereunto and unto the Nineth and Tenth Year of my Age I was in a good Measure restrained from Evil according to the Knowledge I then had but afterwards when Years did encrease I well remember my great Loss for evil Desires did spring up within me and by the subtil one I was betrayed and led into divers Pleasures and Vanities of this Wicked World and into many Evils which did displease the Lord and so the Tender Desires which were after Righteousness were slain and then great Darkness and Sorrow did overtake me and so into a spiritual Captivity from the Light that did shine within me in my tender Years and so for many Years walkt in the Crooked By-paths of Darkness and Ignorance in Disobedience without the Knowledge of the true God in which time I was a Servant to the Wicked One and so are all that obey him be they high or low rich or poor and after some Years I began to consider my Condition and something within me bringing to Remembrance what I had done and laying before me the Danger that attends the wicked and in this time a Travail was begotten within me to seek the Lord and repent of my Sins and from Day to Day under the Indignation of the Lord which was revealed against me because of Sin and here was a Travail through much Fear and Doubtfulness what would become of my Soul if God should cut off my Life and indeed I could read Adam's Condition when he was afraid of the Lord and hid himself because he was naked and in the first Adam I then was and so lost in the Fall and as God behold me in that woful State Heb. 2.15 subject to Bondage for Fear of Death at last he opened unto my Soul the way of Life howbeit Sorrow overtook me and much Bowed-downness did compass me about and then the Enemy of my Soul wo●●d have taken away my Life but the secret invisible Arm of God's Power did uphold me though I knew it not so I say God is the Saviour of all men especially of them that believe 1 Tim. 1.10 And as Tenderness was begotten in my Heart so my Sins became a Burden too heavy for me to bear And this Testimony I give in the Name of the Lord that whosoever feels the Weight of their Sins it 's by the working of God's Heavenly Power begetting Tenderness in their Hearts though they know it not And so none can come to God but by this Way as our Lord said None can come unto me except the Father that has sent me draw him John 6.44 And so my Heart was bowed before the Lord and an Inward Desire begotten that none could satisfie but him alone And I saw the Ways of Man in his corrupt Nature were not those which lead to God's Kingdom and from Professor to Prophane all were gone astray then my Cry was the more earnest to the unknown God and none amongst my Worldly Relations and Neighbours could tell me the Way of my Soul 's Beloved till at last the Power of the Lord opened my Understanding and as I retired my mind inwardly in
A TESTIMONY Unto the TRUTH AND A Warning unto the World IN GENERAL But more particularly to the Inhabitants of Enoder parish in Cornwall By one whom God hath called out to bear witness of the Truth as it is in Jesus called by the Name of RICHARD SAMBLE Printed in the Year 1676. TO THE READER READER THou art desired to be considerate when thou readest this following Book and to be very ponderous in thy Mind as touching the things therein contained that thy Understanding may be opened by the invisible God who giveth unto us Life Breath and Being and also that thou wouldst lay to Heart this very Thing How that Almighty God hath risen in many Ages of the World in his Judgments and Fury to stain the Glory of all Flesh and to set up Righteousness in the Earth and hath caused his Truth to spring and flourish amongst his People under every Dispensation until they departed from the Lord and served other Gods and followed their own Inventions and then Darkness came over them and so their Hearts were hardened from his Fear Prov. 1.29 30. And this thou art also to consider That Sin hath been the very Cause of Man's Destruction from Generation to Generation and therefore if thou dye in thy Sins thou art like to have no part amongst the Living in the Kingdom of Christ but the same will be thy Portion that hath been the portion of the Wicked in all Ages which is perpetual Sorrow Distress and Anguish for evermore And this consider also That whatever thou dost profess or what Shew of Religion soever thou mayest make whilst thy sins remain I am to tell thee and that in the Name of Christ Jesus Thou art not accepted of God but all thy Prayers are an Abomination to the Lord Ezek. 8.17 18. Isa 1.15 because thou art in the Transgression in that which the pure God of Glory hateth and upon which he will pour out his Fury and Indignation for evermore and if thou art one that lives in Pleasure thy daily Satisfaction is in following these Evil Devices that are very common amongst men in this Generation to wit Drunkenness Swearing Lying or other Prophane Practices and that which is called Pastime or sporting thy self amongst such as count it Pleasure to Riot in the day time Jam. 5.5 6. know this that all these things will be a Hindrance to thy eternal Well-fare for such as do such things cannot inherit the Kingdom of God Gal. 5.19 20 21. And also thou art to consider That there hath been a Night of gross Darkness over the Hearts of the Children of men since the Apostles dayes and that Saving Grace which was common in that Generation people have lost in the Night and are become dry and barren as a Desert or Wilderness as relating to Matters of Spiritual Concerns wherein consists the Stability of their Souls Peace with God And this also I am to tell thee That God who is unchangeable and immortal hath revealed his blessed Truth again and the Gospel of his blessed Kingdom is now preached to the Nations and if ever thou comest to God's Kingdom thou must come to know him that is the Everlasting Teacher to wit Christ Jesus and him to know in thy own Particular who is the Man of God's Right Hand a quickening Spirit the Lord from Heaven 1 Cor. 15.45 and so thou wilt come out of thy lost Condition wherein thou art in the Fall in the first Man Adam into the Life of Holiness and Righteousness into the Restoration by Christ Jesus the second Adam the Heavenly Man And this know also That thou canst not come to him by any other way but as thou comest into Self denyal and believest in thy Heart the Record that God hath given of his Son which is the true Light that shines within thee and lets thee see thy Sins And farther That as sin hath been the very Cause of Man's Separation from the Lord yet when thou shalt return again and come to know a Godly Sorrow in the Secret of thy Heart and when thou shalt feel in thy self a Tenderness and a Broken-heartedness before the invisible God who sees in secret Mat. 6.6 he will grant thee Repentance unto Life and he will return unto thee in his Everlasting Mercies and blot out thy sins out of his Remembrance And this also I am to tell thee in the Fear of God and in his Name That as the Lord hath appeared in dayes past and in Generations that are gone in his Indignation and hath smitten many Nations and Peoples in his Wrath sometimes overturning the World by Water and sometimes destroying Cities and Peoples by Fire and Brimstone from Heaven Luke 17.29 Gen. 19.24 25. and again by Plagues Pestilence and at certain Seasons the Lord God because of the Abominations of the Children of Men hath visited them in his Wrath and hot Displeasure and greatly afflicted them and the End of the Lord hath been that such as remain upon the Earth might fear before him and dread his great Name who is Mighty and none can escape him And people in these last dayes and times have greatly grieved the Lord and therefore except they Repent his Fury will he pour forth upon them until that which is in his Heart be accomplished and they shall not escape his heavy Hand And so Reader whoever thou art that reads these following Lines the Desire of my Soul is that thou mayest be impartial concerning me and conclude in thy Mind that it s written in tender Love to thy Soul and so thou wilt see my honest Intent who am a Lover of Truth and Righteousness desiring thy Eternal Well-fare when this Time and Day of thine is at an End I rest Thy Friend and Well-Wisher RICHARD SAMBLE A TESTIMONY UNTO THE TRUTH c. IN the deep Consideration of the States and Conditions of the Sons and Daughters of men in the Fall and seeing how the World lies in the Extremity of Wickedness being overcome by the Old Serpent called the Devil and Satan who hath tyed and bound them with his Chains of Sin who is the Author of all Sin I am drawn in Spirit to warn them to Repentance and to declare to the World the Way that the Lord God of Heaven and Earth hath ordained which is Christ Jesus who is Everlasting and was with the Father before the World began John 17.5 who is the Way the Truth and the Life John 14.6 by whom my Soul hath been redeemed and who raised me up out of Sin and therefore having obtained Mercy through the Love of God in Christ Jesus whom he hath sent a Light into the World and I having known in measure the Judgments of the Lord and the Terrors of the Almighty because of my Transgressions therefore cannot but perswade men to turn from Ungodliness even all people that lie in Wickedness knowing assuredly that all People shall be called to an Account before the Tribunal Seat of Christ
there to give an Account for the Deeds done in the Body 2 Cor. 5.10 and such as have done well shall receive a Crown of Life and Peace with God forever and they that have done Evil shall go into Everlasting Punishment Mat. 25.46 And therefore as you have been Transgressors against God and Strangers to the Life of Holiness it is upon my Spirit from the Lord God to warn you speedily to turn every one from the Evil of your Wayes that out of Darkness you all may come and out of Ignorance and Blindness unto Christ Jesus the true Way that you may have Life who said I am come that you may have Life and that you may have it more abundantly John 10.10 And therefore turn unto him in your Hearts whose Spiritual Appearance is inwardly whom God hath sent a Light into the World John 1.9 Now that all may come unto him and believe in your Hearts the Lord Jesus and be saved for people have been in a great Mistake concerning the Faith that saves and overcomes the World for the true Faith is the Gift of God Ephes 2.8 arising from the Word of Faith nigh in the Heart Rom. 10.8 which Faith Christ is the Author of and the Finisher also Heb. 12.2 and without this Faith you cannot please God Hebr. 11.6 And so all People read your States and Condition in the Light of Christ within you which shews unto you what you are and declares unto you your Thoughts this is the Record which God hath given of his Son in the Earth which is Eternal Life and this Life is in his Son John 5.11 this reproves you in secret for sin this is the Holy Spirit of Promise that was to come whom the Prophets prophesied of in the dayes of old whom God hath given for a Leader and a Commander of the People Isa 55.4 the Gentiles Light and Israel's Glory Luke 2.32 and unto him you must turn who stands at the Door of your Hearts and knocks Revel 3.20 who is come to destroy Sin in the Flesh whose living Power was felt in the Hearts of many Thousands in dayes past after his Resurrection in the dayes of the Apostles when he returned to his Glory that he had with the Father before the World was who descended first into the lowest parts of the Earth and ascended up far above all Heavens Ephes 4.9 10. that he might fill all things whose Glory fills Heaven and Earth neither is there any Creature that is not manifest in his Sight but all things are naked and open to the Eye of him with whom we have to do Hebr. 4.13 who dyed for our Sins and rose again for our Redemption and Justification Rom. 4.25 who appeared first to Mary Magdalen and made her a Preacher of his Resurrection Mat. 28.10 Mark 16.9 and then to his Disciples before he ascended into Heavenly Glory And when he ascended up on high he led Captivity captive und gave Gifts unto Men Ephes 4.8 And though he appeared to his Disciples as they sate at Meat yet he bad them wait for the Gift of the Spirit when he asecended unto the Father Luke 4.49 And so they were made Witnesses of his Resurrection that he rose out of the Grave and not only so but that he was in Heavenly Glory who came again as he had foretold his Disciples who said Ye have heard how I said I go away and come again unto you c. John 14.28 And as the Apostle said he was offered up once for all and to every one that looks for him will he appear the second time without Sin unto Salvation and by his spiritual Appearance were many Thousands gathered and many were made able Ministers of the New Testament not of the Letter but of the Spirit 2 Cor. 3.6 And this Spirit of Grace taught them to deny all Ungodliness and worldly Lusts and to live soberly and righteously in this present World Tit. 2.12 And this Grace of God that bringeth Salvation hath appeared unto all men Tit. 2.11 even to Jew and Gentile the Grace of God the pure Spirit of Christ the Light of the Gentiles unto which Light the Apostles were sent to turn the Heathen that had no wr●tten Law in those Days and from the Power of Satan unto God Acts 28.8 Thus the Lord stretched forth his Everlasting Arm of Strength and Power in those Days that People might be gathered unto him and raised up by Christ Jesus out of Death and spiritual Bondage and those Preachers of the Glorious Gospel of God's Kingdom travailed chearfully in the Lord's Work and preached freely as they had received freely Mat. 10.8 declaring both to Jew and Gentile that God hath raised his Son from the dead Acts 2.24 25. and that the Day of Joy and Glad tidings was come wherein Deliverance from the wicked one was to be known and Redemption from dead Works to serve the living God Heb. 9.14 who waited for the Son from Heaven mark that you that are Preachers in this Nation The Apostles did not come to People with Enticing Words of Man's Wisdom but directed them to the Light that was revealed from Heaven to wit the Son of God the Light of the World Thes 1.10 1 Cor. 2.4 John 1.9 and if you turn not People to the Son of God the Light of the World to wait for him inwardly then ye are blinded and are in Darkness and preach another Gospel then Christ jesus whom the Apostles did preach Gal. 1.8 for Christ Jesussaid Seek not the Kingdom in Observations for behold the Kingdom of Heaven is within you Luke 17.21 And Paul to the Romans saith That which may be known of God is manifested in them for God hath shewed it unto them Rom. 1.19 And the true Gospel is the Power of God wherein the Righteousness of God is revealed from Faith to Faith Rom. 1.16 17. and the Light of this Glorious Gospel shines within and if this glorious Gospel be hid it is to them that are lost in whom the God of this World hath blinded the Minds of them that believe not 2 Cor. 4.3 4. And you that have not this Gospel take heed how you preach lest you be found false Witnesses runnning before the true Guide Christ Jesus and professing God and Christ and yet dead in Sin all such Preachers and Hearers that are not come to the Gospel within to the Word of Eternal Life in their Hearts 1 John 5.12 are out of the Truth in the Fall and so abiding in Death for he that hath not the Son who is the Truth hath not Life for this living Word within was the Foundation of the Holy Prophets and Apostles by which they were made alive and this did divide between the good bad which Word is quick and powerful and searcheth the Heart and trieth the Reins Heb. 4.12 Rev. 2.23 And it is the same to this Day as ever it was yea it lives and abides for ever 1 Pet. 1.23 And the
of iniquity under a Pretence of Religion in these latter Ages and Generations of the World yet it 's not that which must stand in the Earth being polluted and defiled neither are such polluted Worshippers who are bound with the Chain of Sin accepted of God who are placed in the Habitations of Cruelty And so the wicked One hath been possessing the Minds and Hearts of those who wander from God in their Imaginations that Revelation is ceased but though this Doctrine be preached as though God would work no more in the Children of Men I say it is not consistent with Truth but is of the false Part in man that wanders from God and therefore shall not hinder the Lord from breaking forth in this his Day to redeem a People to himself for his own Glory neither doth it hinder or stop the Blessings of God unto his People and redeemed ones who wait to be sustained by him with the Bread of Life but the Lord is at work in this his blessed Day wherein he hath sent forth a Saviour even jesus who is revealed from Heaven and your preaching against the Work of the Spirit of Christ within will not be sufficient in the great Day of Account to stop but rather to hasten the Eternal Judgment from being executed upon you who are in the Deceivableness of Unrigteousness with them that perish 2 Thes 2.10 Oh that you would lay to Heart these things repent and live while your Day lasteth that you may come forth from all your Abominations and believe the true Witness in your Consciences that records your Deeds for which if ye repent not you will suffer in time to come and such as deny the Work of the Spirit within are one with them that went out from the Apostles Fellowship that stood in a regenerated State 1 John 1.7 who walkt in the Light and had Fellowship with God 1 John 1.3 And since the first turning from God out of the Heavenly Light how hath the Devil deceitfully wrought in the Kingdoms of this World but blessed for ever be the Name of our God the true Light is come that lets us see through the gross Darkness of this Night of Apostacy wherein the Stars that have fallen from Heaven have been wandering in the Night of Darkness having lost their Habitations for whom the Blackness of Darkness is reserved forever Jude 13. And therefore you that have lost the Truth and are yet in the Death that came by Adams Transgression you that have gotten the Name Christian and lost the Power and Life of Christianity unto you this opens in my Heart to write if ever you be saved you must come to that which was in the Beginning before the Apostacy entered and before they denyed the work of the Spirit even to the Word that God hath given of his only Son which is the living Witness in you testifying against your Evil Deeds and so your Eyes will be opened to see the Death that hath reigned over Mankind since the Working of the Spirit of Christ hath been denyed and also you will see the Work that God hath begun and is doing in this his Day who hath shewed forth his Strength in the Redemption of a little Remnant who are true Worshipers who worship the Father in the Spirit in the Truth John 4.23 24. but if you hold to the Traditions of your Fathers who deny Revelation and so have set up your Resolutions not expecting the Spirit to be revealed in you then I say you cannot be saved for without the Spirit man is dead to God and Righteousness and Holiness and so without Holiness no man shall see the Lord Heb. 12.14 and this is the Gross Darkness that is over many this Day who are setled upon their Lees as Moab of old not being emptied from Vessel to Vessel Jer. 48.11 not knowing the Lord's Power in them to change their Hearts and such have set themselves against the Spirit of Truth within and cry out to People that Revelation is ceast in such a Day as this wherein the Iniquity of many is even come to the full and wherein God hath afforded to Mankind a Day of Visitation that they may be saved So in a general Sense the Wise and Learned amongst men in the Apostacy in their several Professions are resting in something besides the Spirit and so esteem the Profession without the Spirit that first in the days of old the true Christi●ns received and obeyed by which they were brought to profess Christ Jesus and so their Profession and Worship was not only in a Form but in the Power and Spirit of God until the Deceiver entred and then they retained the Form and lost the Power 2 Tim. 3 5. and now through the Disobedience of Mankind and rebelling against the Power they have undertook to gainsay and resist the Holy Ghost even the Holy Spirit which i● the true Leader to God's Kingdom as did their Fore-Fathers Acts 7.51 52. Oh that you would return to God! Ye professing People while you have a Day for now is a time wherein you may find the Lord if you seek him early for he hath said They that seek him early shall find him Isa 55.6 7. And now all such as deny the Revelation of Jesus Christ they are seen to be in the Deceit and in the old corruptible Way as in the Days of old in the broad Way that leads to Destruction Mat. 7.13 where no true Peace is but men out of God's Counsel running not being sent of God and so profit not the People at all Jer. 23.32 And now as one whom God hath raised up to proclaim his ancient Truth against all the Deceit that hath entered into the World in the Night of Darkness for the Sakes of such as have Desires after the Lord this is written for there are many I do believe that are amongst you whose Hearts the invisible God hath touched by his word which is Eternal and from the Beginning that is nigh in your Hearts Deut. 30.11 12 13 14. Rom. 10.6 7 8. at certain Seasons being quick and powerful sharper then a two-edged Sword Heb. 4.12 which doth open the Secrets of your Hearts and declares unto you your Thoughts so that you need not go far away to seck a Saviour but wait for him from Heaven to be revealed within you as the Apostle directed 1 Thes 1.10 and then you will find him who is the true Beloved for if ever you come to the true Enjoyment of him you must wait for him in his own Way who is Heavenly and comes from his Holy Habitation and you must turn from the blind Watch-men who are in the Night who have loft the Way of his Appearance and are turned against him even fighting against his Appearance with their filthy Weapons pleading for sin for which Cause the Earth mourns and the Inhabitants thereof who are redeemed take up a Lamentation in the Consideration of these things And
Sin nay for man comes short of all spiritual Blessings notwithstanding all his Wisdom Parts and Abilities for God hath placed Cherubims and a Flaming-Sword which turns every Way to keep the Way of the Tree of Life Gen. 3.24 and here man is defeated notwithstanding all his fair outward Shew or Pretence of Religion for without Obedience to Christ he is undone and lost though he may retain the Name Christian and as some in Dayes past who had a Name to live and were dead Rev. 3.1 and stood as though they were Rich and had need of nothing but knew not that they were Poor Blind Wretched Naked and Miserable and so were without the City New Jerusalem without a Part or Inheritance in the Kingdom of God though they had a Name yet were dead to God in the Profession only without the Life and so were threatned as said the Spirit I will kill her Children with Death and all the Churches shall know that I am the Lord that searcheth the Heart and trieth the Reins and give to every one according as his Work shall be Rev. 2.23 3.17 And so dear People come into the Light of Christ that is within you before your Glass be run that you may find a Place of Repentance lest the Dayes come over you when Repentance shall be hid from your Eyes Hosea 13.14 and so with Esau seek the Blessing when it is too late and a Place of Repentance with Tears and could not find it therefore while it is called to day if you will hear his Voice harden not your Hearts Heb. 3.7 8. but draw near unto the Lord and he will draw nigh unto you and gather you unto himself and you shall no more wander without the Knowledge of him but the gathering Arm of God's Power will keep you from the Enemy of your Immortal Souls who is a Thief and a Lyar from the Beginning and a Murderer who abode not in the Truth John 8.44 and so you will be with the Redeemed of the Lord whose Hearts are in Covenant with him who are come to the Blood of Sprinkling that speaks better Things then that of Abel Heb. 12.24 and so you will know a sure Teacher even Jesus Christ who is a Priest forever after the Order of Melchizedek whose Ministration is Life who hath the Words of Eternal Life John 6.48 And this Teacher cannot be removed into a Corner Isa 30.20 who is the tender gathering Shepherd and careful over-seeing Bishop 1 Pet. 2.25 which leads by the Springs of Living Water and guides to the Fountain of Life Rev. 7.17 and here you will find Power and Wisdom Strength and all things needful for God hath laid Help on one that is mighty which is the mighty Redeemer and Reconciler of Man to God and this is that secret Joy that springeth up in my Soul from day to day feeling the holy Power of the Lamb of God that taketh away the Sins of the World who hath delivered my Soul and now he doth minister Joy and Comfort to my inner Man in the Sense whereof my Soul saith Come all ye scattered ones who are yet wandring as Sheep having no Shephe●d come to the Fold of Rest Oh! let your Hearts be bowed down and tendred before the Lord who is risen in this the Day of his Power and hath made a little Remnant willing to follow him whose Eye is render and seeth every secret thing and beholdeth the Breathings of the Souls of the Children of Men who have Desires after him and all you that mourn in secret cleave unto him who hath toucht your hearts and go not forth but be retired in your Minds and he will make way for you through all and so Fear not them that can kill the Body but fear him that hath Power to cast both Body and Soul into Hell Luke 12.5 and so such as will obtain Life let them take up the Cross and despise the Shame Hebr. 12.2 and turn your Backs upon all the World's Pleasures Delights and follow Christ in the Regeneration and be of Moses 's Mind who esteemed it greater Riches to suffer Persecution with the People of God then to injoy the Pleasure of Sin for a season Hebr. 11.24 25. for the Wo reacheth forever to Man and Woman in the Transgression if they Repent not and that State is attended with the Wrath of God and the Lord's Displeasure which is a sufficient Discouragement And so read these Lines in Coolness of spirit and in a ponderous weighty sense of your present Conditions then you will receive Benefit thereby and the End will be answered for which this is written so being clear in my Conscience in that I have done as I was drawn in Spirit by the Lord God of Heaven and Earth to declare unto the World in general and to some more particularly that which was opened to my Understanding to warn People concerned herein to turn unto the Lord I shall leave the Issue of all unto him who knoweth all Hearts and return into my Rest in that Measure of Grace given me of God where with my Brethren and Sisters who are redeemed out of the Sins of the World I shall give Glory to him that sits upon the Throne and to the Lamb for evermore Rev. 5.13 which was and is and is to come who is our God our King and Law-giver before whom all must appear who is God over all blessed forever Amen Richard Samble POSTSCRIPT GOD who is Everlasting in his Being and Mighty over all in his Power rewarding such as obey him with Life eternal Joy Peace and everlasting Comfort and also rewarding the Wicked with Punishment and Sorrow for evermore When first he created Man and Woman he created them in his own Image in Righteousness and true Holiness but soon after the Creation the Devil prevailed over them and corrupted their Hearts and so they lost the pure Presence of the Lord and then as the World came to be peopled so did Wickedness abound in the Earth although the Lord did strive with them by his Spirit that they might return and live but they continued in the Rebellion against the Lord and then the Lord said My Spirit shall not alwayes strive with man c. Gen. 6.3 and so God brought the Flood upon them and their Blood was upon their own Heads And after the Flood though great was the Deliverance of Noah and his Family in that great Deluge wherein many Thousands were overthrown yet one of the Sons of Noah became a Wicked Man and the Curse came over him Gen. 9.25 and as the World became peopled again so did Wickedness encrease and people grew up in Ignorance without the Knowledge of the true God in Rebellion against the Lord and then God appeared unto Abraham and commanded him to forsake his Father's House and his Kindred Gen. 12.1 and Abraham believed and obeyed God and was faithful in all things before him with whom the Lord made a Covenant