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A56253 An introduction to the history of the principal kingdoms and states of Europe by Samuel Puffendorf ... ; made English from the original.; Einleitung zur Geschichte der vornehmsten Staaten Europas. English Pufendorf, Samuel, Freiherr von, 1632-1694.; Crull, J. (Jodocus), d. 1713? 1695 (1695) Wing P4177; ESTC R20986 441,075 594

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and turn'd to the great advantage of those Cities But this King perceiving that his own Subjects might as well make the same benefit of it he set up the Woollen Manufactury in his Kingdom which increased prodigiously afterwards when at the time of the Troubles in the Netherlands a great many of these Weavers did settle themselves in England The Riches of England also are as it seems not a little increased because it is not permitted there to any Body to carry any Gold or Silver of their own Coin out of the Land except it be perhaps to the value of ten pound Sterling for a Traveller But Scotland does not come near England neither in Fertility nor Riches having not any Commodities fit for Exportation except Salt-fish Salt Lead and Coals The Western and Orkney Islands also produce nothing but Fish Ireland abounds in Cattel and especially in Sheep tho' the Irish Wooll is not so fine as the English but for the rest it is a fertile and plentifull Country In America belong to the English Crown the Islands of Bermudos Virginia and New England and some of the Caribby Islands whither the English have sent their Colonies and have also begun to settle themselves on the Continent of Guiana The Product of these Countries is chiefly Tobacco Sugar Ginger Indigo and Cotton They have also a Colony in the Island of Jamaica from whence the English Buckaneers and Privateers do great mischief to the Spanish West Indies For it is a custom with the English That tho' they are at Peace with the Spaniards in Europe they do them nevertheless all the Mischief they can in the West Indies Tangier King Charles II. got as a Dowry with the Infanta of Portugal Lastly The English also are possess'd of some places in the Banda Islands and thereabouts in the East Indies which are of no small consequence to them § 35. The Constitution of the Government in England is chiefly remarkable for this that the King cannot act at pleasure but in some Matters is to take the Advice of the Parliament By this Name is to be understood the Assembly of the Estates of England which is divided into the Higher and the Lower House In the first sit the Bishops and the Lords in the latter the Deputies of the Cities and of the 52 Counties or Shires into which the whole Kingdom of England is divided The first origin of the Parliament as 't is related was this That the former Kings of England did grant great Privileges to the Lords by whose assistance they had conquer'd the Country and kept the common people in obedience But these in conjunction with the Bishops growing too head-strong proved very troublesome especially to King John and Henry III. wherefore to suppress their Insolence Edward I. took part with the Commons And whereas formerly out of each County or Shire two Knights and two Citizens only were call'd to represent their Grievances which having been debated by the King and the House of Lords they used to receive an answer and to be sent home again This King Edward call'd together the Commons and consulted with them concerning the publick Affairs tho' there are some who will have their origin to be much more ancient This House after it was once establish'd did extreamly weaken the Authority of the Lords and in process of time did not a little diminish the Regal Power for ever since that time the Rights of the People were maintained with a high hand the House of Commons imagining that the Sovereignty was lodg'd among them and if the Kings refused to gratify them in their Requests they used to grumble at their proceedings And because the Power of the Parliament is not so much establish'd by any ancient Laws as Precedents and Customs this is the reason why it is always very jealous of its Privileges and always ready to make out of one single Precedent a right belonging to it ever after This Parliament the King is obliged to call together as often as any extraordinary Taxes are to be levy'd for the Parliament did assign this King at first for his ordinary Revenue 1200000 l. per annum which has been considerably augmented since or any old Laws are to be abrogated or new ones to be made or any alteration to be made in Religion For concerning these matters the King cannot decree any thing without consent of the Parliament The Parliament also used to take into consideration the state of the Kingdom and to present their Opinion to the King yet is the same of no force till approved of by the King It often also calls into question the Ministers of State concerning the Administration of publick Affairs and inflicts Punishment upon them with the King's approbation And it is a common rule in England that whatever is committed against the Constitutions of the Realm is done by the Ministers and Officers for the King they say does never amiss but his ill Counsellours which is not altogether contrary to Truth But if the Parliament should pretend to transgress its bounds the King has power to dissolve it yet ought the King also to be cautious in this lest he should by an unseasonable Dissolution of the Parliament exasperate the People § 36. If we duely consider the Condition and Power of England we shall find it to be a powerfull and considerable Kingdom which is able to keep up the Balance betwixt the Christian Princes in Europe and which depending on its own Strength is powerfull enough to defend it self For because it is surrounded every where by the Sea none can make any attempt upon it unless he be so powerfull at Sea as to be able entirely to ruine the Naval Forces of England And if it should happen that the English Fleet were quite defeated yet would it prove a very hard task to transport thither such an Army as could be suppos'd to be superiour to so powerfull a Force as the English Nation is able to raise at home But England ought to take especial care that it fall not into civil Dissentions since it has often felt the effects of the same and the Seeds of them are remaining yet in that Nation which chiefly arises from the difference in Religion and the fierce Inclinations of this Nation which makes it very fond of Alterations Nevertheless a Wise and Courageous King may easily prevent this evil if he does not act against the general Inclination of the People maintains a good Correspondency with the Parliament and for the rest is very watchfull and as soon as any Commotions happen takes off immediately the Ringleaders Lastly England and Scotland being comprehended in one Island whose chiefest Strength lies in a good Fleet it is evident that this King need not make any great account of such States as either are remote from the Sea or else are not very powerfull in Shipping Wherefore as the King of England takes no great notice of Germany except as far as
two Sons Charles and Carolomannus who divided the Kingdom betwixt them But Carolomannus dying quickly after the whole Kingdom fell to Charles This Charles was justly sirnam'd the Great he having carried the French Monarchy to the highest pitch of its Greatness none of his Successours having been able to attain to the like tho' some of 'em have aim'd at it For having routed Desiderius the last King of the Lombards who endeavour'd to recover what was formerly taken from Aistulphus he conquer'd the Kingdom and brought it under his Subjection He also subdu'd Germany having routed Tassilo who had taken upon him the Title of King of Bavaria He also waged War against the Saxons for the space of 32 Years whom he at last brought under his Obedience obliging them to embrace the Christian Faith For which purpose he erected several Episcopal Sees and Monasteries by the help of the Priests to reform the ba●barous Manners of this Savage People He also beat the Sclavonians Danes and Huns and took from the Saracens a part of Spain as far as to the River Iberus tho' his Forces in their return home were overthrown near Ronceval where was also slain the famous Rowland This Charles was in the Year 800 at Christmas being then at Rome proclaim'd Emperour by the People by the Instigation of the Pope in St. Peter's Church Tho' he gain'd nothing by this Title except it was the Sovereignty or Protection of the Roman Church and the Patrimony of St. Peter if both did not belong to him before for all the rest he enjoy'd before under other Titles He died in the Year 814. § 5. After the death of Charles the Great the French Monarchy began to decline again because his Son Lewis sirnamed the Pious was more fit to be a Priest than a Souldier And it is certain that so vast a Kingdom where the new Conquests were not yet well settled did require a Prince of a Military Spirit And notwithstanding he had the good Fortune to force some of the Rebellious Nations to return to their Duty yet he committed afterwards two fatal Oversights when in his life time he gave to his Sons the Titles of Kings and divided the Kingdom betwixt them The first of which proved pernicious to himself the second to the Monarchy For these impious and ungratefull Sons were not for staying for their Father's Death but Rebelling against him and made him after he was deserted by every body their Prisoner The Bishops who were by him kept under strict Discipline after they had condemn'd him forc'd him to resign the Government But the great Men of the Kingdom quickly repenting restor'd him to his Throne and he also pardon'd his Sons He died in the Year 840 having before his Death made a new Division of the Kingdom betwixt his Sons the Effects of which appear'd soon after to the World when Lotharius the elder Brother who also had the Title of Emperour undertook to take from his Brothers their Portion against whom the two other Brothers Lewis and Charles entring into a Confederacy forced him to divide the Monarchy with them having first obtain'd a bloody Victory near Fountenay unfar Auxerre in which Battel were slain above 100000 Men and among them the Flower of the French Nation In this Division Germany fell to Lewis's share which ever since has continued separate from France and has made a distinct Empire But the younger Brother Charles sirnamed the Bald got for his Portion the greatest part of France viz. all that part which lies betwixt the Western Ocean and the Meuse but the eldest Brother obtain'd Italy Provence and all those Counties which are situated betwixt the Meuse Rhine and the Some Under the Reign of this Charles the Bald the Normans so they call'd the Danes and Norwegians fell with a considerable Force into France making great Havock where-ever they came And the Kingdom was weakned to that degree by the last bloody Battel and its being divided into so many Principalities for the Sons of Lotharius had also shared their Father's Provinces among themselves that it was not strong enough to chase out of its Dominions these Robbers but was oblig'd under Charles sirnamed the Simple to give into their possession the Province of Neustria which they called after their Name Normandy The Sons of Lotharius dying without Issue Charles the Bald and the Sons of Lewis shared their Part betwixt them out of which Charles got Provence At last Charles obtain'd the Title of Emperour and died in the Year 877. His Son Lewis sirnamed Balbus succeeded him who dying soon after left the Kingdom to his two Sons who were very young viz. to Lewis III. and Carolomannus from whom Lewis King of Germany took Lorrain Lewis dying in the Year 882 as did Carolomannus in the Year 884 none was left but a Brother of theirs by the Father's side viz. the Son of Lewis sirnamed Balbus who being then a Child of five Years of Age was afterwards called Charles the Simple For at that time the Authority of the Kings of France was decay'd to that degree that it was a common custom to give them Sirnames according to the several defects of Body or Mind as were obvious in them He was during his Minority committed to the Tuition of his Cousin Carolus Crassus who also had the Title of Emperours who not long after because he was very infirm both in Body and Mind was deposed and died in the Year 888. The Royal Authority being thus decay'd and nothing but Divisions found in the Kingdom the great Men of the Kingdom mightily increased their own Power so that whereas they used formerly to be Governours of their Provinces under the King's Command they now began to claim them as a Propriety belonging to themselves independent of the King It is related by some That the Kings at that time had nothing left but Rheims and Laon which they could really call their own which Evil could not be totally suppress'd by the following Kings till several hundred Years after After the Death of Carolus Crassus Eudo Count of Paris got himself to be crowned King and waged War with Charles the Simple but died in the Year 898 Yet Charles the Simple quickly found another Rival for the Crown For Rudolf King of Burgundy got himself to be crowned King of France making Charles the Simple his Prisoner who died during his Imprisonment After the Death of Rudolf which happen'd in the Year 936 reign'd Lewis IV. sirnam'd Outremer because he had during the Imprisonment of his Father shelter'd himself in England This King's Reign was full of intestine Commotions he died in the Year 954 leaving for his Successour his Son Lotharius who likewise reign'd in continual troubles till the Year 985 leaving behind him his Son Lewis sirnamed the Faint-hearted of whom the French Historians only say this that
there was a great slaughter made among some French Troops who not knowing what had pass'd the day before were on their March to join the French Camp After this Battel the English took Calais Philip having in vain attempted its relief with 15000 Men. This unfortunate King however received this one Comfort That the Dukedom of Dauphine was annexed to the Crown of France by a Gift of Hubert the last Duke with Condition that the eldest Son of the Kings of France should bear the Title of Dauphin This Hubert having conceived a mortal hatred against the then Earl of Savoy had before put himself under the Protection of France but when afterwards by an unfortunate Accident he kill'd his only Son he retir'd into a Monastery giving to the King of France the Possession of his Country This King Philip also bought Roussilion and Montpelier and was the first who imposed that so much abominated Tax in France upon Salt called the Gabell whereby the Subjects are obliged to pay for the Sun and Sea Water at so dear a rate Wherefore King Edward used to call him in jest The Author of the Salick Law He died in the Year 1356. § 10. His Son and Successour John was more unfortunate in his Wars against the English than his Father For the Truce being expir'd the War began afresh wherein Prince Edward made an Inrode with 12000 Men out of Aquitain destroying all roundabout him King John intending to cut off his Retreat overtook him with all his Forces near Maupertuis two Leagues from Poictiers The Prince offered the King Satisfaction for the Damage sustained which he refusing to accept of attack'd Prince Edward in his advantageous Post he being surrounded with Hedges and Vineyards but the English by the help of their Bows soon broke through his Van-guard and afterwards the whole Army which consisted of 50000 Men put them in Disorder killing upon the Spot as it is related by the French Historians 6000 French among whom were 1200 Gentlemen the King and his youngest Son were both made Prisoners The three eldest had the good Fortune to escape During the Father's Imprisonment Charles the Dauphin took upon him the Administration of Affairs but the People which had been sorely oppress'd hitherto being unwilling to obey it caused great Disorders in the Kingdom The Peasants rise up against the Nobility and the Citizens of Paris made heavy Complaints The Souldiers for want of Pay lived at Discretion and made a miserable havock in the Country Charles of Navarre added Fuel to the Fire in hopes to make his own Advantage by these Troublesome times and did not stick to make Pretensions to the Crown yet Matters were composed with him at last And the Estates of France refusing to accept of such Conditions as were proposed by the English the King of England enter'd France with a great Army and over-run the greatest part of it yet could not make himself Master of any fortify'd place Then a Peace was concluded at Bretigny a League from Chartres by vertue of which the French were to surrender to the English besides what they were possess'd of before Poictou Xaintonge Rochelle Pais d'Aulnis Angoumois Perigord Limosin Quercy Agenois and Bigorre with the Sovereignty over them besides this Calais and the Counties d'Oye Guisnes and Ponthieu and three Millions of Livers as a Ransom for the King's person This Peace was very hard for France and continued not long King John forced by Necessity was oblig'd to do another thing little becoming his Grandeur for he sold his Daughter to Galeas Viscount of Milan for 600000 Crowns giving her in Marriage to the said Viscount This King presented his youngest Son Philip sirnamed the Hardy with the Dukedom of Burgundy it being vacant by the Death of the last Duke From this Philip descended the famous Dukes of Burgundy whose Territories at last devolved to the House of Austria This King died in England whither he was gone to make satisfaction for his Son who being a Hostage there had made his escape Some say that he went to see a Lady there with whom he was much in love § 11. King John was succeeded by his Son Charles V. sirnamed the Wise who prudently made amends for the Rashness of his Grandfather and Father never engaging himself in Battels with the English but by protracting the War and secret Intrigues endeavoured to tire out their Courage The disbanded Souldiers had mutineer'd and were become so Insolent that no body durst oppose them These he sent into Spain where Pieter sirnamed the Cruel and Henry I. fought for the Crown of Castile These Forces had put the Pope in such a fear that in their March he presented them with 200000 Livers and a good store of Indulgences to divert them thereby form taking their way near Avignon Prince Edward also engaged himself in this War but got nothing by it but a sickly Body and great want of Money Wherefore he pretend●ng to lay a Tax upon his Subjects in Guienne to pay off his Souldiers they complained thereof to the King of France who having well prepared himself and being informed that the Prince languished under a mortal Disease summon'd him to appear in Paris pretending that the Peace made at Bretigny was of no force since the English had not performed the Conditions and had since that time committed Hostilities wherefore he insisted upon his former right of Sovereignty over Aquitain And Prince Edward having sent him a disdainfull Answer King Charles denounced War against the English A great many Fast-days and Processions were kept by the King's Order in France and the Priests made it their business to represent the Justice of the King's Cause and the Injustice of the English to the People By this way he insinuated himself into the Favour of the French that lived under the English Jurisdiction and persuaded his own Subjects to be more free in paying their Taxes The Archbishop of Tholouse alone did by his cunning Persuasions bring over to his Party above fifty Cities and strong Castles The Constable Bertrand du Guesolin did also great mischief to the English with small Parties and worsted them not only in several Rencounters but also beat them out of Perigord and Limosin But in Guienne especially the English Affairs were in a bad condition after the Spanish Fleet which was sent to the Assistance of the French by Henry King of Castile had ruin'd the English near Rochelle After which exploit Poictiers was taken from them and Rochelle upon very advantageous Conditions surrender'd it self to the King of France And King Edward being detained by contrary Winds not being able to bring over timely Relief Xaintonge Angoumois and some other places followed the Example of the former The English not long after with an Army of 30000 Men marched from Calais cross the Country as far as Guienne ravaging and plundering by the way where-ever they
recompence sent a Hare-skin and Spinning-Wheel which so troubled him that he hanged himself But the King also was so troubled at this Defeat that he died of grief leaving four Sons behind him Among whom Vladislaus II. obtained a great part of the Kingdom with the Name of a Prince yet the other Brothers also shared several great Provinces among themselves according to their Father's last Will. This occasioned great Divisions and Civil Wars betwixt these Brothers and Vladislaus who pretended to dispossess the rest was himself obliged to quit the Country After him Boleslaus Crispus his Brother was made Prince of Poland who was forced to wage War against the Emperour Conrade III. and Frederick I. who would have restored Vladislaus At last a Peace was concluded betwixt them by Vertue of which Poland remained to Boleslaus but he was obliged to surrender Silesia which was then dependent on Poland to Vladislaus which being afterwards divided into a great many Dukedoms at last fell to the Crown of Bohemia This Boleslaus also received a great overthrow from the Prussians his Army having by the treachery of a Guide been mis●ed into the Moors and Boggs Him succeeded his Brother Miccislaus Senior but he was deposed for Male-administration Him succeeded his Brother Casimir who is only famous for that he chastised the Prussiant He died in the year 1194. His Son Lescus Surnamed the White was fain to contend with the banished Miccislaus for the Kingdom with various Success till Miccislaus died Whose Son Vladislaus also raised some Disturbances against him for a while till at last he was forced to leave him in the quiet possession of Poland Under the Reign of this Lescus the Tartars made the first In-road into Russia and have ever since proved very troublesome and mischievous to Poland This Lescus was forced to wage War with Sventopolek whom he had constituted Governour of Pomerania He having made himself Duke of Pomerania did dismember it from the Kingdom of Poland Conrade also the Brother of Lescus had got the possession of Masovia and Cusavia who being not strong enough to defend himself against the Prussians who were fallen into his Country he called in the Knights of the Cross who were then by the Saracens driven out of Syria Unto these he surrendred the Country of Culm under condition that such places as by their help should be conquered in Prussia should be divided betwixt them which afterwards proved to be the occasion of great Wars betwixt them and Poland To Lescus succeeded his Son Boleslaus Surnamed the Chast under whose Reign the Tartars committed prodigious Barbarities in Poland and from thence made an In-road into Silesia where in a Battel fought near Lignitz they slew so many of the Inhabitants that they filled nine great Sacks with the Ears which they had cut off His Reign was besides this full of intestine Troubles Him succeeded his Cousin Lescus Surnamed the Black who was very Fortunate in his Wars with the Russians and Lithuanians he also quite rooted out the Jazygians which then inhabited Podolia but the Civil Commotions and frequent Incursions of the Tartars occasioned great Disturbances in the Kingdom He died in the year 1289. § 6. After the Death of Lescus there were great Contests in Poland concerning the Regency till at last Premissus Lord of Great Poland got the upper hand who also reassumed the Title of King which the Regents of Poland had not used during the space of 200 years ever since that the Pope after the banishment of Boleslaus the Hardy had forbid them to choose a King of Poland And the succeeding Princes were not very ambitious of that Title because the Country was divided among several Persons But Premislus did think himself powerful enough to make use of it He was murthered by some Brandenburgh Emissaries after he had reigned but seven Months After him was elected Vladislaus Locticus or Cubitalis who did not stile himself King but only Heir of Poland But he having been deposed for Male-administration Wenceslaus King of Bohemia was elected in his stead But after his Death which happened in the Year 1309. Locticus was restored who waged great Wars against the Knights of the Cross whom he at last vanquished in a great Battel Under his Reign the Dukes of Silesia who were Vassals of Poland submitted themselves to the Crown of Bohemia He died in the Year 1333. Him succeeded his Son Casimir the Great who having subdued all Russia united it to the Kingdom of Poland so that it should enjoy the same Laws and Liberties He also first introduced the Magdeburgh Laws and Constitutions into Poland and the Duke of Masuria did then first submit himself as a Vassal to the Crown of Poland He died in the Year 1370. leaving no Issue behind him and by his Death the Male-Race of Piastus lost the Crown of Poland § 7. After Casimir the Crown of Poland was devolved to Lewis King of Hungary the Sister's Son of Casimir The Poles were not well satisfied with him because he favoured the Hungarians too much He died in the Year 1382. Sigismund King of Hungary would fain have succeed him in Poland but the Poles refused him Some proposed Zicmovitus the Duke of Masuria but Hedwig the Daughter of King Lewis for whom the Poles would by all means reserve the Crown of Poland would not accept of him for her Husband At last the Poles Crowned the above-mentioned Hedwig and married her to Jagello Duke of Lithuania under Condition that he and his Subjects should turn Christians and Lithuania should be united to Poland in one body The first Condition was performed immediately for he was baptized and called Vladislaus IV. But the performance of the second Article was delayed by the Kings of Poland for a considerable time after under pretence that the Lithunians were not well satisfied in this Point but in effect because they were unwilling to surrender their right of Succession to the Dukedom of Lithuania till at last this Union was perfected under the Reign of King Sigismundus Augustus This Jagello defeated the Knights of the Cross in a memorable Battel where 50000 Men having been slain he took from them a great many Cities in Prussia but they afterwards recovered themselves He died in the Year 1434. Him succeeded his Son Vladislaus V. who also afterwards was made King of Hungary where he was engaged in a War against the Turks In this War John Humades first defeated the Turks near the River Morava and Vladislaus so beat them upon the Frontiers of Macedonia that they were forced to make a Truce for Ten Years But upon the perswasions of the Pope who sent the Cardinal Julian to absolve the King from his Oath this Truce was broken and not long after that memorable Battel was fought near Varna where the King himself was kill'd This Defeat was very shameful and
Protestants together by the Ears flattereth the Protestant Princes and takes care that many of them may marry Roman Catholick Ladies the younger Brothers out of the greatest Families he obliges to come over to his Party by bestowing upon them great Dignities and Church-Benefices all that will come over to his side are kindly received and very well used neither do they write so much against the Protestant Divines but rather endeavour to set up and maintain Controversies among them By these Artifices the Popish Clergy had got very visible advantages in this Age over the Protestants and are likely to get more every day since they see with the greatest satisfaction that their Adversaries do weaken themselves by their intestine Quarrels and Divisions § 40. From what has been said it is easily to be judged whether those Differences which are on foot betwixt the Roman Catholicks and the Protestants may be amicably composed either so that both Parties should remit something of their pretensions and agree to one and the same Confession of Faith leaving some by-Questions to be ventilated in the Universities or so that both Parties may retain their Opinions and yet notwithstanding this Difference might treat one another like Brethren in Christ and Members of the same Church Now if we duly weigh the Circumstances of the matter and the Popish Principles such a Peace is to be esteemed absolutely impossible since the Difference does not only consist in the Doctrine but both Interests are absolutely contrary to one another For first the Pope is for having the Church-Possessions restored but the Protestant are resolved to keep them in their possession The Pope pretends to be the supreme Head of Christendom but the Protestants States will not part with their Prerogative of having their Direction circa Sacra which they look upon as a precious Jewel belonging to their Sovereignty And to pretend to live in Communion and Amity with the Pope and not to acknowledge his Sovereignty in Ecclesiastical Affairs is an absolute contradiction In the same manner as if I would be called a Subject in a Kingdom and yet refuse to acknowledge the King's Authority Besides this the infallibility of the Pope is the Foundation Stone of the Popish Sovereignty and if that is once removed the whole Structure must needs fall wherefore it is impossible for the Pope and that for reasons of State to abate any thing from his 〈◊〉 wherein he differs from the Protestants For if it should ●e once granted that the Pope had hitherto maintained but one single erroneous point his infallibility would them fall to the ground since if he has erred in one point he may be erroneous in others also But if the Protestants should allow the Pope's infallibility they a● the same time must deny their whole Doctrine And it seems not probable that the Protestants can ever be brought to contradict and at once to recal their Doctrine concerning the vanity of the Popish Tenets Nay if it might be supposed that the Laiety should do it what must become of the Clergy Where will they bestow their Wives and Children Wherefore how good soever the intention may have been of those that have proposed a way of accommodation betwixt the Papists and Protestants which is commonly called Syncretism th●y are certainly nothing else but very simple and chime●ical Inventions which are ridiculed by the Papists who in the mean while are well satisfied to see that the Protestant Divines bestow their labour in vain as to this point since they the Papists are no loosers but rather the gainers by it For this Syncretism does not only raise great Animosities among the Protestants but also does not a little weaken their Zeal against the Popish Religion It is easy to be imagined that some who do not thoroughly understand the Differences and hear the Divines talk of an accommodation betwixt both Religions are apt to perswade themselves that the Difference does not lie in the fundamental points and if in the mean while they meet with an advantageous proffer from the Roman Catholicks are sometimes without great difficulty prevailed upon to bid farewel to the Protestant Religion It is taken for a general Rule that a Fortress and a Maiden-head are in great danger when once they begin to parly § 41. But if the Question were put whether the Pope with all his adherents be strong enough to reduce the Protestants under his Obedience by force it is evident enough that the joint power of the Papists is much superiour to the strength of the Protestants For Italy all Spain and Portugal the greatest part of France and Poland adhere to the Pope as also the weakest part of the Swiss Can●ons In Germany those hereditary Countries which belong to the House of Austria the Kingdom of Bohemia and the greatest part of Hungary all the Bishops and Prelates the House of Bavaria the Dukes of Neuburgh and Marquisses of Baden besides some other Princes of less note some Coun●s Lords and others of the Nobility and some Imperial Cities besides others of the Roman Catholick Communion that live under the Jurisdiction of the Protestant States all which according to my computation make up two thirds of Germany There are also a great many Papists in Holland neither is England quite free of them But of the Protestant side are England Sweden Denmark Holland most of the Secular Electors and Princes and the Imperial Cities in Germany The Hugonots in France are without strength and the Protestants in Poland being dispersed throughout the Kingdom are not to be feared Curland and the Cities of Prussia may rest satisfied if they are able to maintain the free exercise of their Religion neither is Transylvania powerful enough to give any considerable Assistance to the Protestant Party The Papists also have this Advantage above the Protestants that they all acknowledge the Pope for the supreme Head of their Church and at least to outward appearance are unanimous in their Faith whereas on the contrary the Protestants are not joined under one visible spiritual Head but are miserably divided among themselves For not to mention here those Sects of lesser note viz. the Arminians Socinians Anabaptists and such like their main Bod is divided into two Parties of very near equal Strength viz. into the Lutherans and those of the Reformed Religion a great many of which are so exasperated against one another that they could not be more against the Papists themselves Neither are the Protestants united under one Church-Government or Liturgy but each of these States regulate the same according as they think sit Neither can it be denied but that the Roman Catholick Clergy in general is more zealous and industrious in propagating their Religion than the Protestants a great many of these making no other use the Church-Benefices than to maintain themselves out of them just as if it were a meer Trade and the propagating of the Christian Faith is the least
abused and half naked loaden with Irons thrown into a strong Tower their Servants having been all either killed or taken Prisoners The King marched directly for Stockholm in hopes to surprise the City but the News of this barbarous act having been already carried to Stockholm they not only repulsed him but also pursued him to Nycoping The King perceiving that they intended to besiege Nycoping retired to Stockeburgh but before his departure having caused the Doors of the Prison to be barricado'd up he threw the Keys into the River and commanded upon pain of death not to open the Doors till his return Soon after Nycoping was besieged but before it could be forced both the Brothers died by Famine King Birger having by this Treacherous fact animated the whole Kingdom against him sought for Aid in Denmark and having obtained some Forces shifted with them from place to place till some of them were suprized at Sudercoping and the Danish Horse having also left Nycoping the King destitute of all retired with the Queen into Gethland leaving his Son Magnus in the Castle of Stegeburgh The Swedes having immediately after invested the Place forced it to surrender by Famine and sent Magnus a Prisoner to Stockholm The Senate of the Kingdom made there Matthew 〈◊〉 Regent of Sweden who vigorously prosecuted the Remnants of the King's Party which obliged King Birger to seek for shelter to Christopher King of Denmark § 7. After K. Birger had left Gothland the Estates assembled at Vpsal chose for their King Magnus the Son of D. Erick being then but 3 years old The Year next following Magnus the Son of K. Birger notwithstanding that the Senate and Estates of the Kingdom had sworn Fealty to him as to their future King was villainously sentenced to death and beheaded accordingly and King Birger and his Queen died soon after for Grief But the Swedes who had conceived great hopes of their new King found themselves extreamly deceived in their Expectation after the death of of Ketelmundson who at first managed affairs with great Prudence For the King being now of age married Blanch the Daughter of an Earl of Namur and laying aside the old Counsellors made use of the Advice of his young Favourites among whom one Benedict born in West-Gothland had the chief place The Inhabitants of Schonen being sorely oppressed by the Holsteiners put themselves under his protection which was afterwards confirmed by Waldemar King of Denmark and the Sound by common consent made the common Borders of these two Kingdoms on that side After he had ruled twelve years in peace he undertook an Expedition against the Russians which succeeded very ill being obliged to redeem the peace by the surrender of a part of Carelia His Treasury having by this War been mightily exhausted he not only imposed new and heavy Taxes upon the people but also pawned a great many of the Crown Lands Pope Clement VI. also had excommunicated him because he had applied the Revenues of S. Peter given to the Roman Chair by Olaus Skotkonung to the use of the Russian War The People being extreamly discontented at these Proceedings the Sena●e perswaded the King that he should cause his two Sons to be declared Kings viz. Brick of Sweden and Haquin of Norway which was done accordingly The Nobility being now headed by a new King began to withdraw from their obedience to the old King and killed his Favourite Benedict The King who now began to see his Errors sought for Aid from the King of Denmark which so exasperated the Nobility that they obliged the young King to take up Arms against his Father which occasioned a bloody War till at last the Kingdom was divided betwixt them the Father having got Vpland Gothland Wermeland Dabt North-Halland West-Gothland and Ocland But Sh●●●n Bleckingen South-Halland East-Gothland Smaland and Finland fell to the Son's share But notwithstanding this agreement the jealousie continued betwixt the Father and Son and not long after the Father having sent for his Son under pretence of some Business of great moment he was there poysoned by his Mother By his death King Magnus being put again into the possession of the whole Kingdom studied nothing but revenge against the Nobility The better to encompass his design he made an under-hand Alliance with the King of Denmark unto whom he surrendred Shonen again who not only took possession of it but also by connivance of King Magnus fell into Gothland and Oeland where he killed a great many Boors plundered the whole Country and demolished Borgholm The Swedes being thus put to a nonplus submit themselves to the protection of Haquin King of Denmark who made his Father Magnus a Prisoner in the Castle of Calmar The Senate of the Kingdom then perswaded King Haquin to marry the Daughter of Henry Earl of Holstein which he seemingly consented to at that time But the Bride in her Voyage into Sweden having been driven on the Coast of Denmark was detained by Waldemar King of Denamark who intended to marry his Daughter to King Haquin Albert Duke of Me●klenburgh and the Earls of Holstein did denounce War against the King of Denmark if he did not release the Bride but King Waldemar had in the mean while so well managed the Affairs with Haquin that he resolved to marry Margaret his Daughter The Bride was then set at Liberty but being arrived in Sweden was so slightly received by King Magnus who in the mean time had obtained his Liberty that she retired into a Nunnery and those Senators who urged the King to perform his Marriage Contract were by Magnus banished the Kingdom who soon after married his Son to Margaret that was then but eleven years old At this Wedding which was held at Copenhagen Waldemar caused the Parents of Haquin to be poysoned which worked so violently upon Blenha that she died immediately but King Magnus was preserved by the skill of his Physicians § 8. Those Swedish Lords that were banished by King Magnus having for some time lived in Gothland did at last agree among themselves to elect Henry Earl of Holstein King of Sweden But he being a Man in years and not willing to entangle himself in those troublesome Affairs recommended to them Albert Duke of Mecklenburgh King Magnus's Sisters Son The banished Lords therefore having chosen his second Son whose name also was Albert their King carried him into Gothland and from thence to Stockholm which they easily took being assisted by a strong party within the City Having then called together such of the Nobility as they knew to be Enemies to King Magnus they proclaimed Albert King in the City of Stockholm Magnus and his Son having thereupon got together considerable Forces both in Sweden and Denmark marched against King Albert into Vpland and were met him near by Encoping where a bloody Battle ensued the Victory inclined to Albert's side King Magnus was taken Prisoner Haquin wounded but escaped the
Administration of the whole Society was committed to him who appeared most Considerable for his Wisdom and Valour It is also very Probable that such as by Common Consent sought out new Habitations chose a Leader who both in their Journey and in the Country which they possessed themselves of had the chief Direction of Affairs And this office of a Judge Head or Leader by degrees degenerated into that sort of Government which Aristotle calls Heroical which is nothing else but a Democracy under the Authority of one of the Citizens who has a Power rather to Advise than to Command the rest And this seems to be the most ancient Form of Republicks for the Fathers and Rulers of their Families could not so soon forget their Liberty as not to Reserve to themselves a share in the Government by which their Consent was required to be given unto all Matters which were to be decreed in the Name of the whole Society § 3. But at what time precisely these Societies were first Instituted and which of them is to be esteemed the most Ancient is not easie to be determined for though commonly the Assyrian Empire is taken for the first Monarchy yet it is not from hence to be concluded that the same was the first civil Society since it is evident that this Empire acquired its Greatness by swallowing up Lesser States And those Wars which the Assyrian Kings waged against other States do abundantly testifie that besides the Assyrian there were also other Civil Societies even at that time in the World And here is to be observed that as all human Affairs do not come immediately to Perfection so were the first Institutions of Civil Society very simple and imperfect till by degrees the Supreme Civil Power together with such Laws and Constitutions as were requisite for the maintaining of a Civil Society were instituted The first Common-wealths also were very small and their Territories of a very little extent so that it was easie for the Citizens to assemble either to Consult or to Defend themselves against a Foreign Power It is evident out of History that the deeper you search into the most ancient Times the more Separate small Common-wealths you will meet withal out of the Union of which great Empires in Process of time did arise some of those Uniting themselves by common Consent others being Subdued by the more Powerfull § 4. Among these great Empires the Assyrian is commonly reckoned the most Ancient the reason of which may probably be That those Parts were Sooner and More Inhabited than other places which being later possessed had Fewer Inhabitants Wherefore the Assyrians might without much difficulty overcome one small Common-wealth after another and by Subduing some make way for an Entire Conquest over the rest that had not then learned the advantage of a joint Power and Confederacy The vast Armies with which Ninus and Semiramis the first Founders of this Monarchy did over-power far distant Nations make the common Chronologies very doubtfull But to settle this is not to our present purpose But by what means the Kings of this vast Empire did bridle the Conquered Nations ought to be remembred Two of them being most remarkable The First was That they intending to imprint an Extraordinary Character of their Persons into the Minds of the People they always kept themselves very close in their Palaces and being seldom to be seen by any but their nearest Servants they never gave Answer to their Subjects Petitions but by them Whereby they possessed the People that they were much above the Common Rank of Mankind The Second was That every Year they used to draw a certain number of Souldiers out of each Province and these being Quartered in and about the place of their Residence and Commanded by such a one as was thought most faithfull these Forces struck Terrour both into the Subjects at Home and the neighbouring Nations Abroad This Army was again Disbanded every year and another drawn out of the Provinces that the General by the Authority he had with the Soldiers might not be in a condition to Invade the Empire The Ruin of this Empire under Sardanapalus is not so much to be ascribed to his Effeminacy as to this That the Kings allowed too much Power to the Governours of Provinces of so vast an extent These grew at last too Powerfull for the Kings themselves who being lull'd asleep by Voluptuousness the effects of Peace and Plenty did not as they used to do formerly by great Actions endeavour to maintain their Authority among the People Out of the Ruins of the Assyrian Empire two new Kingdoms were erected Arbactes taking upon himself the Sovereignty of Media where he was Governour as the Lord Lieutenant of Babylon did the same in his Province both which were afterwards re-united under the Persian Monarchy § 5. Cyrus the first Founder of the Persian Empire did besides what formerly belonged to Media and Babylon also Conquer a great part of the Lesser Asia This Prince besides other remarkable Constitutions did wisely institute this as a most necessary one to preserve the Peace of his Empire That in all Provinces where he sent his Lords Lieutenants he Constituted Governours of the Fortresses chosen out of the Commons who being not under the Jurisdiction of the Lords Lieutenants had their dependence immediately on the King These therefore living in continual Jealousies served as a Bridle to one another The Lords Lieutenants without the Assistance of the Governours of the Fortresses were not in a Capacity to Mutiny against the King who not only Observed all their Actions but also frequently Informed the King concerning their Behaviour From the Governours of the Fortresses nothing was to be feared because being of Mean Condition and a very Limited Power they were not capable of making any great Factions or drawing any considerable Party after them Cambyses annex'd Egypt to the Persian Empire But whenever the Kings of Persia did undertake to extend their Conquests further it always proved fruitless Cambyses did in vain Attack the Aethiopians as Darius Hydaspes did the Scythians And Xerxes was shamefully beaten by the Greeks But the following Kings Artaxerxes Longimanus Darius Nothus and Artaxerxes Mnemon did Manage their Affairs with more Wisdom against the Greeks whom they did not Attack but leaving them at rest they quickly saw Intestine Wars kindled amongst themselves wherein they so well knew how to play their Game that by always affording Assistance to the weaker Side they rather protracted than finished these intestine Wars till the Greeks quite tired and exhausted were obliged to accept of such Conditions of Peace as were projected by the Persians whereby each City being declared free and independent of one another Greece was disabled hereafter to undertake any thing of Moment Notwithstanding Macedon an obscure Nation of Greece proved the Ruin of the Persian Monarchy through a defect of Policy in their Kings in not early
insinuate himself with every body and as for Money he made no other use of it than to advance his designs He was a most experienced Warriour and had made the Macedonians so excellent Souldiers that the Macedonian Phalanx first invented by him was terrible even to the Romans And because he was always at the Head of his Armies continually exercised his Souldiers and punctually paid them there were no better Souldiers in his days than the Macedonians Being arrived to this Greatness so that he was chosen by the common consent of Greece their General against the Persians and being busie in making preparations for this expedition he was barbarously murthered leaving his Son Alexander the glory of pursuing it § 8. There is scarce in all History to be read of an Expedition more famous than that of Alexander the Great wherein he with thirty odd thousand Men conquer'd so vast and potent Kingdoms and by his victorious Arms extended his Empire from the Hellespont to the Indies If we enquire into the causes of so uncommon and happy progresses it is undeniable that besides the Providence of God Almighty who has put bounds to all Kingdoms upon Earth the incomparable Valour of Alexander himself had a great share in the same who having an Army of chosen Men fell upon his Enemy's Army with such swiftness and vigour that it was impossible for any new levied Forces though never so numerous to resist him Yet Darius committed a grand mistake when he offered Battel to Alexander it being evident that the Persians never were equal to the Greeks in Pitch'd Battels Besides this the Persians having lived for a considerable time in Peace had few experienced Souldiers among them so that the greater the number was of such undisciplined Souldiers the sooner were they brought into disorder at the time of Battel Darius was ignorant of that great Art of protracting the War and by posting himself advantageously and cutting off the Provisions from his Enemies to take off the edge of fierce Alexander And because he had neglected to give him a diversion at home with the assistance of the Greeks who envied his Greatness no other Event could reasonably be expected than what afterwards followed § 9. But the untimely Death of Alexander robb'd both him and his young Children of the fruits of his Victories For these being young lost not only their Father's Kingdom but also the fatal Wars carried on after his Death betwixt his Generals brought the conquer'd Nations under great Calamities who else would have been in hopes to have changed their Kings for a much better and greater Prince But that it seem'd was next to an impossibility that these so suddenly conquered Countries should so soon be united in one Kingdom Since a firm Union betwixt so many Nations could not be established without a singular Prudence of their supream Head and a considerable time We find also that a sudden Greatness is rarely lasting there being no less ability required to maintain than to acquire a thing of this nature The Conquests therefore of Alexander being of so vast an extent that the small number of his Macedonians was by no means sufficient to keep them in awe and to make those Provinces dependent on the Macedonian Empire there was no other way to maintain such vast Conquests than to treat the conquered Nations in the same manner with his native Subjects and not to oblige them to recede from their ancient Laws and Customs or to turn Macedonians but rather for him to turn Persian that the conquered might not be sensible of any other change but what they found in the Person of their King Alexander understood this very well wherefore he not only used himself to the Persian Customs and Habit but also married the deceased King's Daughter and had a Persian Guard about him Those Writers who reprehend Alexander's Conduct in this matter only discover their own indiscretion But to settle a right understanding betwixt the Conquerours and Conquered did require a considerable time to effect which Alexander seemed to be the fittest Man in the World as being endowed with a more than ordinary Valour Magnanimity Liberality and Authority If he had left a Son behind him not unworthy of so great a Father the Persian Throne would questionless have been entailed upon his Family § 10. The Death of Alexander the Great was the occasion of long and bloody Wars For the Army puff'd up with the Glory of its great Actions esteemed no body worthy of the supream Command And the Generals refusing to obey one another were grown too potent to live as private persons 'T is time Arideus had the name of King but this poor Man wanted both Authority and Power to bridle the Ambition of so many proud and great Men. Wherefore all spurr'd on by their hopes some of obtaining the whole Empire some of getting a considerable share they waged a most bloody and long War among themselves till their number was reduced to a few from a great many who first pretended to the Empire Five of them took upon themselves the Title of Kings and the Sovereign Dominion of their Provinces viz. Cassander Lysimachus Antigonus Seleucus and Ptolemy But only the three last transmitted their Kingdoms to their Families There were then no more than three Kingdoms remaining in the power of the Macedonians viz. That of Syria Egypt and Macedon That part of the Persian Empire which lay Easterly beyond the River Euphrates being become a vast new Kingdom under the name of the Parthian Empire The above-mentioned three Kingdoms were afterwards swallowed up by the Romans and the Kingdom of Macedon was the first as lying nearest unto Italy For the Romans after having subdued all Italy began to extend their Conquests beyond the Seas and perceiving that Philip an active King bid fair for the Conquest of all Greece they did not think it advisable to let him grow more Powerfull he being so near to them that in time he might easily prove troublesome to Italy They entring therefore into a League with the same Cities of Greece which were Attack'd by Philip under that pretence made War upon Philip and having driven him back into Macedon restored Liberty to all Greece By which means the Romans at the same time divided their Strength and gain'd their Affections at length they Conquer'd Perseus and with him the Kingdom of Macedon Then they turn'd their Arms against Syria and took from Antiochus the Great all that part of Asia which extends as far as Mount Taurus And though this Kingdom did hold out for a while after yet being miserably torn to pieces by the Dissentions which were risen in the Royal Family it Surrendred it self to Tigranes King of Armenia But he being Conquered by Pompey the Whole was made a Province of the Roman Empire Egypt at last could not escape the Hands of the Romans after the Emperour Augustus had defeated Cleopatra and her Galant Mark Antony §
and Aznar Son of Eudo Duke of Aquitain having taken several Places from the Moors took upon himself with consent of the before-mentioned Garsias the Title of Earl of Arragon Lewis also Son of Charles the Great taking Barcelona constituted a Governour there whose Name was Bernard a Frenchman from whom descended the Earls of Barcelona About the time also of the above-mentioned Kings there were several Earls or Governours of Old Castile who acknowledged the foresaid Kings for their Soveraigns These Earls being once suspected by King Ordonius he call'd them together who appearing were all kill'd by his Order Wherefore the Old Castilians under the Reign of his Son Favila a cruel Tyrant with-drawing themselves from the Kingdom of Leon chose two Governours under the Name of Judges who were to administer all Civil and Military Affairs But this Form of Government did not last long among them § 4. After Favila Alphonso the IVth obtained the Kingdom under whose Reign Ferdinand Gonsalvo Earl of Castile perform'd great things both against the Moors and Sanctius Abareus and his Son Garsias Kings of Navarre whom he vanquish'd But Alfonso himself being unfit to Govern the Kingdom surrendred it to his Brother Ramirus who with the assistance of the before-mentioned Ferdinand beat the Moors in several Places He died in the Year 950 and was succeeded by his Son Ordonius a Valiant Prince but did not Reign long leaving the Kingdom to his Brother Sanctius Crassus He was Banish'd by Ordonius Sir-named the Wicked but soon restored by the help of the Moors It is said that by certain Articles made betwixt Sanctius and Ferdinand Earl of Castile it was agreed that Castile after that time should not be obliged to acknowledge any dependance on the Kings of Leon. He was succeeded by Ramirus who in his Minority was under Womens tuition and when grown up proved very useless to the Publick For under his Reign partly by civil Commotions partly by the In-roads made by the Moors the Kingdom was considerably weakened and in great danger of losing more several Places being taken from the Christians Under Veremund II. also the Moors did considerable mischief in those Parts taking and plundering besides a great many others the City of Leon to which Misfortunes the civil Commotions did greatly contribute But at last Veremund entring into a Confederacy with the King of Navarre and Garsias Earl of Castile forced the Moors out of his Kingdom Him succeeded his Son Alfonso V. under whose Reign there were great Intestine Commotions in Castile whereby the Moors were encouraged to attack it with such vigour that they over-threw Garsias and took him Prisoner whose Son Sanctius revenged himself afterwards upon the Moors After this great Dissentions being arisen among the Moors their Empire was divided into several Parts each Governour of its Province assuming the Name of King Alfonso succeeded his Son Veremund III. under whose Reign there happened a great Revolution in Spain For Garsias Earl of Castile being upon the point of being married to the King's Sister at Leon was there barbarously murthered by some of his Vassals Castile therefore falling to Sanctius King of Navarre who had married the Sister of Garsias he took upon him the Title of King of Castile This Sanctius Sir-named Major also waged War against Veremund who had no Children taking from him by force of Arms a considerable part of the Kingdom Whereupon a Peace was concluded whereby it was agreed that Sanctius should keep what he had taken before but that his Son Ferdinand should Marry Sanctia the Sister of Veremund she being Heiress to her Brother and to succeed him in the Kingdom of Leon. In this manner was Leon Navarre and Castile United in one House But in the mean while that Sanctius Major was in the Field against the Moors a great Misfortune happened at Home He had particularly recommended to the Care of his Queen a very fine Horse which Garsias her Eldest Son had a mind to have and would have obtained it from the Mother if the Master of the Horse had not opposed it telling them that his Father would be greatly displeased at it This denial wrought so upon the Son that he accused his Mother of committing Adultery with the Master of the Horse The Matter being examined the King 's Natural Son Ramirus profered to justifie the Innocency of the Queen in a Duel with Garsias and the King being uncertain what to do a Priest did at last enforce the Confession of the Calumny cast upon the Queen from Garsias whereupon Garsias being declared incapable of succeeding his Father in Castile which did belong to him by his Mother's side and Ramirus obtained the Succession in the Kingdom of Arragon as a recompence of his Fidelity This Sanctius Major died in the Year 1035. § 5. Thus all the Provinces of Spain which were possess'd by the Christians being joined in one House it seem'd an easie matter to root out the Moors divided among themselves and to restore Spain to its former state if the same had remained under one Head But the division made by Sanctius Major occasion'd most bloody and pernicious Wars This before-mentioned Sanctius had four Sons To the Eldest Garsias he left Navarre and Biscay to Ferdinand Castile to Gonsalvo Suprarbe and Ripagorsa and to Ramirus his Natural Son Arragon giving to each of them the Title of King These being all ambitious to be equal in Power and Greatness to their Father and thinking their Bounds too narrow fell quickly together by the Ears For whilest Garsias was gone in Pilgrimage to Rome Ramirus endeavoured to make himself Master of Navarre but the other returning home ●hased him out of Arragon There arose also a War betwixt Ferdinand of Castile and his Brother-in-law Veremund King of Leon wherein the latter being slain in Battle Ferdinand became Master of Leon which did by Right of Succession belong to him He also took from the Moors a great part of Portugal After the Death of Gonsalvo the Third Son of Sanctius Major Ramirus made himself Master of his Territories and endeavoured also to recover by force of Arms Arragon from the King of Navarre Not long after Ferdinand of Castile and Garsias of Navarre waged War together about a certain Tract of Ground wherein Garsias was slain in a Battle By his Death Ramirus got an opportunity of recovering Arragon Ferdinand Sir-named the Great died in the Year 1065 dividing the Empire to the great detriment of Spain among his three Sons The Eldest Sanctius had Castile Alfonso Leon Garsias Gallicia and a part of Portugal with the Titles of Kings Sanctius waged War with Ramirus of Arragon whom he slew in a Battle but was beaten back again by Sanctius Son of Ramirus and the King of Navarre Afterward having driven Alfonso out of his Territories and taken Garsias Prisoner he took
and especially to withdraw the Pope from the Confederacy the Emperour's Generals marched directly against Rome which they took by Storm where Charles of Bourbon was slain and for several days together plunder'd the City and committed great Out-rages The Pope himself was besieged in the Castle of St. Angelo and Charles at the same time that the Pope was enclosed his own Forces caused Prayers to be made for 40 days together for his deliverance at last forced by Famine he was forced to Surrender and to renounce the above-mention'd League The Conditions on which Francis had obtain'd his Liberty were That Francis should surrender the Dukedom of Burgundy to renounce the Sovereignty over Flanders and Artois quit all his pretences upon Naples and Milan to marry the Emperour's Sister Eleonora and to give his two Sons as Pledges for the performance of these Articles But as soon as he got into his own Kingdom he protested against the Treaty which was extorted from him during his Imprisonment And making a League with the Pope England Venice the Suiss and Florence sent an Army into Italy under the Command of Odet de Foix Lord of Lautree This occasion'd not only that very gross words pass'd betwixt these two Princes but they also gave one another the lye and a Challenge pass'd betwixt them But Lautree who had at first great success being destroy'd with his Army by Sickness in the Siege of Naples a Peace was at last concluded at Cambray in the Year 1529 by virtue of which Francis paid for his Sons 2550000 Rixdollars renounc'd his Pretensions to Flanders Artois Milan and Nalpes and marry'd Eleonora Sister to the Emperour out of which Marriage if a Son should be born he was to be put into the possession of the Dukedom of Burgundy In the Year 1530 Charles was Crowned by Pope Clement VIII at Bononia whereby he obtained from the Emperour that the Common-wealth of Florence should be made a Principality and the said City was by force obliged to admit this Change Alexander de Medicis being constituted Duke to whom the Emperour married his natural Daughter Margaret In the same Year the Bishop of Vtrecht resign'd the Soveraignty of that City and the Province of Over-yssel into the Hands of Charles and the Provinces of Geldren Zutphen Groningen the Twente and Drente also fell into his Hands In the Year 1535 he went with a puissant Army into Africa took Tunis and Goletta restoring the Kingdom of Tunis to Muleassa who was banished before by Haradin Barbarossa but in Goletta he left a Garrison In the Year 1537 another War broke out betwixt Charles and Francis For the latter could not digest the loss of Milan and being advised by the Pope that when-ever he intended to Attack Milan he should first make himself Master of Savoy and Francis Sforzia dying at the same time he fell upon Charles Duke of Savoy and under pretence that he defrauded his Mother of her Dowry drove him quite out of Savoy and conquered a great part of Piedmont But the Emperour who was resolved to annex the Dutchy of Milan to his Family came to the assistance of the Duke of Savoy and at the Head of his Army entring Provence took Aix and some other Places but his Army being much weakned with Sickness for want of Provisions he was forced to retire again In the Netherlands the Imperialists took St. Paul and Monstrevil Killing great Numbers of the French Through Mediation of the Pope Paul III. a Truce of 10 Years was concluded at Nissa in Provence after which these two Princes had a friendly Interview at Aigues Mortes And in the next following Year the Emperour against the advice of his friends ventured to take his way through the very heart of France being desirous with all possible speed to compose the Disorders which were arisen at Ghent Yet had he before by the Connestable Anna Montmorancy cajolled Francis into a belief that he would restore to him the Dutchy of Milan which however he never intended to perform In the Year 1541 he undertook an Expedition against Algiers in Africa at the latter end of the Year against the advice of the Pope and others of his friends who persuaded him to stay till next Spring He there Landed his Army with good success but a few days after such prodigious Storms and Rains did fall which dispersed his Ships and spoiled the Fire-locks of the Souldiers that the Emperour was obliged with the loss of one half of his Army to return into Spain In the Year next following Francis broke with him again under pretence that his Ambassadours Caesar Fregosus and Anthony Rinco which he had sent through the Milanese by the way of Venice to go to the Ottoman Port were upon the River Po Murthered by Orders of the Governour of Milan Wherefore William Duke of Cleves entring Brabant on one side the Duke of Orleans on the other side took Luxemburgh and some other places The Dauphin besieg'd Perpignan but was oblig'd to raise the Siege The famous Pirate Barbarossa did by the instigation of Francis great mischief on the Sea-coasts of Calabria destroying Nissa in Provence by Fire Charles seeing himself at once attack'd in so many places setting aside the Differences which were arisen about the Divorce betwixt Henry and his Aunt Catherine made a League with Henry King of England wherein it was agreed That the Emperour should force his way through Champaigne whilst Henry enter'd into Picardy that so they might by joining their Forces ruine the whole Power of France The Emperour therefore with an Army of 50000 men beat the Duke of Cleves in the Netherlands forcing him to surrender Guelderland and after having recover'd the places in Luxemburgh taken before by the French enter'd into Campaigne taking by force Lygny and Disier Francis kept with his Army on the other side of the River Marne and not daring to fight the Imperialists contented himself to ravage the Country which they were to march through to endeavour to cut off their Provisions Nevertheless the Imperial Army found a sufficient quantity at Espernay and Chasteau Thierry This occasion'd such a Terrour and Confusion in Paris that the Citizens were for leaving the City if the King by his Presence had not encourag'd them to stay And if on the other side King Henry had acted according to the Agreement they might easily have got the French Army betwixt them and in all likelyhood would have put a period to the French Greatness But Henry being detain'd at the Sieges of Bologne and Monstrevil sent word to the Emperour That he would not stir further till he had made himself Master of these two places Charles then began to suspect the King of England whom he perceived meerly to be for his own Interest and did not think fit to trust any longer considering also with himself what vast charges he was at in this War and how thereby his Designs were retarded which he
provided with all Necessaries was lost by the unskilfulness and Cowardice of the Governour so that the whole Kingdom of Tunis to the great prejudice of the Christians fell into the Hands of the Turks At home Philip had a War with the Marans of Granada who rebelling against him were supported by the Algerines and could not be subdu'd but with great difficulty and if the Turks had been quick enough in giving them timely assistance it might have prov'd very dangerous to Spain This Rebellion did not end till the Year 1570 after it had continued for three years There were also some Commotions among the Arragonians who pretended to take part with Anthony Perez who standing upon his privilege against the Process that was made him for having upon the King's Orders murther'd Escovedo an intimate Friend of Don John of Austria Philip by this intended to purge himself of the Infamy of the fact and at once to revenge himself upon Perez who had been unfaithfull to him in some Love Intrigue aiming at that himself which he had undertaken to procure for the King And tho this did not much redound to the honour of Philip yet by this he took an opportunity to retrench the Privileges of the Arragonians In the Year 1568 Philip caus'd his Son Charles to be kill'd under pretence that he had endeavour'd to kill his Father and not long after the Queen Isabella also Charles's Step-mother died not without suspicion of having been poison'd But a great many are of opinion that some Love Intrigues were the occasion of their death which is the more probable because the said Isabella being intended for the Bride of Charles had been taken by the Father in spite of his Son Henry King of Portugal dying there were several pretenders to that Crown among whom was Philip as being born of Isabella Emanuel King of Portugal's Daughter who maintain'd his Right by the Sword and under the Conduct of the Duke of Alva conquer'd the Kingdom forcing Anthony the Bastard who had caus'd himself to be proclaim'd King to fly into England and from thence into France where he died an Exile in Paris Only the Island of Tercera held out for some time longer which the French intending to relieve were totally routed by the Spaniards And thus Philip became Master both of the East and West Indies the two greatest Mines of Riches in the World Nevertheless the French English and Hollanders had found out a way to ease him of these prodigious Revenues For Philip just before his death did confess That the War with the Netherlands only had cost him 564 Millions of Ducats And truly it is very probable that trusting to his vast Riches he was thereby prompted to his ambitious Designs and to undertake more than prov'd beneficial to him He died in the Year 1598. § 12. Philip the IIId's Father had left him the Kingdom in Peace with France but the Dutch War grew every day the heavier upon the Spaniards The Spaniards did hope that after Philip II. in his latter days had married his Daughter Clara Eugenia to Albert Archduke of Austria giving her the Netherlands for a Dowry the Dutch would become more pliable and reunite themselves with the rest of the Provinces in the Netherlands as having now a Prince of their own and not liable to the Spanish Government But because the Hollanders did by no means like this bait and at the Siege of Ostend gave a tast to the Spaniards both of their Strength and firm Resolution that they were resolv'd to stand it out with them the Spaniards resolv'd to make Peace with them especially since the Hollanders had found out the way to the East Indies where they made great progress France also enjoying a peaceable Government under Henry IV. and encreasing in Power it was fear'd That if the French should fall upon Spain with fresh Forces which had been tir'd out by this tedious War it might prove fatal to Spain They were also in hopes that the fear of a foreign Enemy ceasing the Hollanders in time of Peace might fall into Divisions among themselves or at least that Peace and Plenty might abate their Courage The Spaniards did sufficiently shew their eagerness for a Peace with Holland by setting the Treaty on foot in the Hague by sending Ambrosius Spinola himself among others thither as Ambassadour and by granting and allowing them the East India Trade Whereas the Hollanders carried it very high and would not abate an ace of their Proposals At last a Truce for twelve Years was concluded with Holland In the Year next following Philip banish'd 900000 Marans the Off-spring of the ancient Moors who had profess'd themselves Christians only for a shew out of Spain because they intended to raise a Rebellion and had underhand crav'd Assistance from Henry IV. In the same Year the Spaniards took the Fortress of Arache situated on the Coast of Africa as they had likewise possess'd themselves before of the Harbour of Final near Genoua in the Year 1619. Those of the Valtelins did withdraw themselves from the Grisons The Spaniards sided with the former in hopes to unite them with the Dukedom of Milan But France taking part with the Grisons the business was protracted for a great many years till at last matters were restor'd to their former state This difference did rouse up all Italy and the Pope himself took part with the Grisons tho Protestants assisting them in the recovery of the Valtelins The War being broken out in Germany the Spaniards sent Ambrose Spinola out of the Netherlands into the Palatinate part of which was subdu'd by them Philip III. died in the Year 1621. § 13. His Son Philip IV. at the very beginning of his Reign made great alterations in the Court sending away the Creatures of the Duke de Lerma the Favourite of his Father He himself foreseeing what was likely to befall him did timely obtain a Cardinal's Cap fearing the King should aim at his Head With the beginning of the Reign of this King the Truce with Holland being expir'd the War was rekindled in which Spinola was forc'd to raise the Siege of Bergen op Zoom because Christian Duke of Brunswick and General Mansfeld having before routed the Spaniards near Fleury came to the assistance of the Hollanders Pieter Heyn surpris'd the Spanish Silver Fleet with a Booty of 12 Millions of Gilders At the same time the Hollanders did settle themselves in Brasile taking the City of Olinda In the Year 1629 the Spaniards being in hopes to make a considerable Diversion and to put the Dutch hard to it made an Inrode into the Velaw and took Amersfort whilst the Hollanders were busied in the Siege of Hertogenbusk Bois le Duc but the Hollanders taking Wesel by surprise they were oblig'd to retreat with all speed over the River Yssel for fear that their retreat should be cut off by the Dutch In the Year 1639
greatly beloved both by his Father and the People and caused D. Agnes de Castro a very beautiful Lady who was without his consent married to his Son Pieter barbarously to be murthered which so exasperated Pieter that he taking up Arms against the Father did considerable mischief till at last the business was composed He died in the Year 1357. His Son Pieter was commonly called the Cruel tho' some will have this rather to have been spoken to his praise as having been an exact observer of Justice never sparing any Offender He died in the Year 1368. His Son Ferdinand contended with Henry the Bastard who had murthered his Brother Pieter sirnamed the Cruel King of Castile about the Kingdom of Castile because his Mother Beatrice had been Daughter of Sanctius IV. King of Castile and a great many of the Nobility and some Cities of that Kingdom declaring for him he waged War against the forementioned Henry But he being too strong for him he could not maintain his Pretensions but was obliged to make Peace However the War broke out afresh again betwixt them because Ferdinand had protected some who were banished out of Castile for High Treason neither would upon demand surrender them To revenge this Henry made an inrode into Portugal and finding no resistance over-ran the greatest part of the Country After the death of Henry Ferdinand made a Peace with his Son John but the same was soon violated again by the Portugueses who encouraged the Duke of Lancaster that married Constantia Daughter of Pieter King of Castile to pretend to the Crown of Castile He came with a good Army into Portugal but the English being quickly grown weary of the War in Spain and living very disorderly in Portugal a Peace was concluded on both sides At last Ferdinand married his Daughter Beatrice to John of Castile under condition that such Children as were born of their Bodies should succeed in the Kingdom of Portugal which was afterwards the occasion of bloody Wars This Ferdinand who by his frequent Wars had proved very pernicious to Portugal died in the Year 1383 being the last of the true Race of the Kings of Portugal § 3. After the death of Ferdinand great Troubles arose in Portugal most of the Portugueses not being able to brook living under the Subjection of the Castilians whom they mortally hated It was 't is true agreed on in the Articles of Marriage made betwixt the King of Castile and Beatrice Daughter of Ferdinand That her Mother Eleonora should have the Administration of the Government in Portugal till such Children as should be born of this Marriage should be of age But this Eleonora leaving all to the management of the Count of Ancira her much suspected Favourite she drew upon her self the hatred of the Portugueses John therefore natural Son of Pieter King of Portugal privately murther'd him whereby he got both the Favour of the People and encreased the hatred against the Queen Dowager But some of the Portugueses being much dissatisfy'd at these proceedings begg'd the King of Castile to take upon him the Crown of Portugal which he might in all likelyhood have obtained if he had been quick enough either by fair means or by force to have put himself into full possession of the same But he being uncertain in his Resolutions gave by his delays time and opportunity to the adverse Party to strengthen it self Wherefore he coming without an Army into Portugal his Mother-in-law resign'd to him the Government but he found but an indifferent Reception among the Portugueses they being very averse to him because he used very rarely to speak or converse with them Nevertheless a great many of the Nobility and some Cities did side with him but most out of a hatred to the Castilians chose for their Leader John the Bastard a wise and brave Man and much belov'd by the People The Castilians thereupon besieged Lisbon but their Army being for the most part destroyed by the Plague they were obliged to leave it without having got any advantage In the Year next following the Portugueses declar'd this John their King who very courageously attack'd those places which had declared for the Castilians and subdued the greatest part of them The Castilians then entred with an Army into Portugal but were entirely routed by this new King near Aliubarotta which Victory is yearly celebrated to this day among the Portugueses After this Battel all the rest of the Cities did without more adoe surrender themselves to the new King The Portugueses also calling unto their aid the Duke of Lancaster unto whom they had promised the Crown of Castile they enter'd into that Kingdom with an Army But the English having suffer'd extreamly by Sickness the Duke of Lancaster thought it most convenient to conclude a Peace with the Castilians whereupon it was agreed That the Son of the King of Castile should marry his only Daughter Catharine which he had by Constantia Daughter to Pieter King of Castile A Truce was also made betwixt Portugal and Castile at that time but the War soon breaking out again at last an everlasting Peace was concluded betwixt both Kingdoms so that John had the good fortune to maintain himself in the possession of the Crown of Portugal and reign'd with great applause After he was quietly settled in the Throne he undertook an Expedition into Africa and took the City Ceuta whose Son also first found out the Isle of Madera This King died in the Year 1433 and left a Memory that is to this day dear to the Portugueses § 4. His Son Edward was a very Virtuous Prince but did not reign long for at that time Portugal being over-run with the Plague he got the Infection by a Letter and died in the Year 1438. During his Reign his Brothers undertook a most unfortunate Expedition into Africa where being themselves taken Prisoners before Tangier they promised to restore to the Moors Ceuta for a Ransom leaving Don Ferdinand as a Hostage behind them But the States of Portugal refusing to stand to the Contract the Hostage was forc'd to end his days in Prison Alfonsus Son to this Edward was but six years old when his Father died whose Tuition was committed by his Father's last Will to his Mother But the States refusing to submit themselves to the Government of a Foreign Woman conferr'd the Administration of the Kingdom on Don Pedro Duke of Conimbria Brother to King Edward but he received a very slender Recompence for his Services for being falsely accused before the new King he was slain as he was going with some Troops to the King to justifie himself Alfonsus V. was else a very good Souldier and a brave Prince under whose Reign the Portugueses took several places on the Coast of Africa viz. Tangier Arcilla Alcassar and some others Good store of Gold was also transported out of Guinea into Portugal which he employ'd
perceived what their Intention was they endeavour'd to drive them out of the Island but these taking up Arms and calling in a great many thousands of their Country-men to their assistance first took from the Britains the Eastern parts of the Island And the Western parts which were yet in the possession of the Britains being afterwards extreamly wasted by Plague and Famine so that the British King Cadwalladar retired into the lesser Britainy The Saxons took hold of this opportunity conquering all the rest of Britainy except the Province of Wales which being surrounded with Mountains they were not able to subdue This abovementioned Cadwalladar was the last King of the ancient British Race who perceiving that he was no ways able any longer to resist the Power of the Saxons retired to Rome into a Convent But Britainy received the Name of Anglia or England from the Angles § 3. These Saxons erected seven Kingdoms which however had not their beginning all at one time but according as they had taken one part after another from the Inhabitants At last they fell together by the ears among themselves till one having swallowed up another all were united into one Kingdom which how it happened we will briefly relate The first Kingdom then was that of Kent which began in the Year 455 and during the Reigns of seventeen Kings lasted till the Year 827 when it was subdued by the West Saxons The second was the Kingdom of Sussex which began in the Year 488 and under five Kings lasted till the Year 601 when it was likewise made a Province by the West Saxons The third was that of the West Saxons which began in the Year 519 and lasted under nineteen Kings 561 Years The Eleventh of these Kings named Ino did order That each Subject that was worth ten Pence should yearly give one Penny to the Pope of Rome which Tax was first called the King's Alms and afterwards Peter's Pence The fourth Kingdom was that of Essex which began in the Year 527 and lasted under fourteen Kings till the Year 808 when it was also conquered by the West Saxons The fifth was that of Northumberland which began in the Year 547 and lasted under three and twenty Kings till the Year 926 when it also was brought under subjection by the West Saxons The sixth Kingdom was that of the Mercians which had its beginning in the Year 522 and lasted under twenty Kings till the Year 724 when it also fell into the Hands of the West Saxons The seventh was that of the East Angles which began in the Year 575 and lasted under fifteen Kings till the Year 928 when under its King Athelstan it was united with the rest But after Egbert King of the West Saxons had either subdued the rest or forced their Kings to acknowledge him for their Supream Head he and his Successours were henceforward called no more Kings of the Saxons but of England Under his Reign the Danes first enter'd England as they continued to do under the following Kings tho' in the beginning they were at several times bravely repuls'd Nevertheless they got footing at last in the Northern parts of England where they lived for a while pretty quietly under the Protection of the Kings of England But in the time of King Ethelred who began his Reign in the Year 979 the Danes made Inrodes into the Southern parts of England forced the English to pay them great Summs of Money ravish'd their Women and committed such outrages that they got the Name of Lord Danes And tho' the English conspir'd against the Danes and cut them all off yet the Danish King return'd the next Year and made prodigious havock among the English their great Preparations which were made against the Danes being by the Craft of the Traitor Edrick notwithstanding Ethelred had made him Duke of Mercia giving him his Daughter for a Wife render'd ineflectual so that Ethelred was obliged to leave his desolate Kingdom and to retire into Normandy Sueno while he was busie in plundering the Nunnery of St. Edmund having been kill'd by a Sword which no body knew from whence it came Ethelred return'd out of Normandy into England and forced Canute Sueno's Son to retire out of England into Denmark but he return'd quickly with a much greater Force and Ethelred making all imaginable Preparations against him died in the Year 1016 whose Son Edmund sirnamed Ironside did defend himself with great Bravery against the Danes and might have obtained several Victories over them if he had not been therein prevented by that Traitor Edrick At last it was agreed That both Kings should make an end of the War by a single Combat in which tho' Edmund had the advantage of giving Canute a dangerous stroke yet was he persuaded to finish the Combat by dividing the Kingdom with the Danes and was afterwards as he retired privately to ease Nature treacherously murther'd by Edrick § 4. After the death of Edmund Canute called together the English Lords and asked them Whether at the time when the Kingdom was divided there was any thing mentioned concerning the right of Succession of the Brothers and Sons of Edmund and the English out of fear answering there was not he received Homage from them and was crowned King of England After he had rid himself of all that were left of the Royal Race he to curry favour with the People married Emma the Widow of King Ethelred sent most of his Danes home and reigned with great applause Some of his Parasites who pretended to attribute to him something above a Humane Power he ridicul'd by causing a Chair to be set near the Sea-side commanding the Seas not to wet his Feet but the Tide rolling on the Waves as usually he told them That from thence they might judge of what extent was the Power of all worldly Kings He died in the Year 1035. His Son Harald succeeded by reason of his nimbleness sirnamed Harefoot He did nothing worth mentioning but that he caused his Stepmother Emma and her Sons whom he had with fair words persuaded to come over out of Normandy to be miserably murther'd He died in the Year 1039 leaving no Children behind him After his death the great Men of the kingdom called out of Denmark Hardiknut his Brother born of Emma and Canute who was famous for nothing but his greedy Appetite he being used to keep Table four times a day His Subjects were so averse to him that when he happened to die at a Feast after he had reign'd but two Years the English made publick Rejoicings in the Streets which they called Hocks-tide the Danes after his death growing so despicable to the English that the Danish Government in England expired after they had ravag'd England for the space of 240 tho' they possessed the Throne but 26 Years After the death of Hardiknut Edward sirnamed the Confessor Son of King Ethelred
Henry II. therefore succeeded him who among other memorable Actions demolish'd such fortify'd Castles of the Nobility and Bishops as were built with the consent of King Stephen After he had reigned near eighteen Years in Peace and Quietness he had a mind to have his Son Henry crowned the better to secure the Succession he received him as his Copartner in the Government but he being married to Margaret the Daughter of Lewis the younger King of France this proved the cause of great Disturbances afterwards For some persuaded young Henry That his Father having abdicated himself from the Government had committed thereby the same to his management France envy'd that a King of England should have such vast Possessions in France The Scots wish'd for nothing more than to have an opportunity of committing Depredations in England Wherefore the French and Scots joining with young Henry fell upon Henry II. all at one time but were as vigorously repulsed by him the Scots especially suffered the most in this War and lost all Huntingtonshire A Peace was also concluded with France Adela Daughter of Lewis King of France being promised in marriage to Richard second Son of Henry But the old King as 't is reported falling in love with her privately kept her company and therefore opposed the consummation of the marriage betwixt her and his Son Richard This so exasperated Richard who after the death of his eldest Brother Henry was now the next Heir to the Crown that he made Head against his Father and Philip Augustus King of France taking hold of this opportunity took the City of Muns King Henry seeing himself besides this deserted by his Friends Wife and Children died in few days of Grief This Henry also conquer'd Ireland and united it to England which he and his Successours govern'd under the Title of Lords of Ireland till the time of Henry VIII who after he had withdrawn himself from the Obedience of the Pope to nettle him the more assumed the Title of King of Ireland because the Pope pretends to the sole right to bestow the Title of King in Christendom and that none ought to take it upon him without his consent wherefore the Pope afterwards to make his Pretence the more plausible freely gave the same Title to Mary Queen of England Henry also had some differences with Thomas Backet Archbishop of Canterbury who pretended it was derogatory to the Glory of God that the Priests according to the King's Commands should be subject to the Civil Judicatures There is a fabulous Relation concerning this Archbishop Thomas That he riding a Horse-back one time through a Village the Country Fellows cut off the Tail of his Horse and that their Children afterwards were born with such Tails § 8. Richard I. who succeeded his Father Henry in the Kingdom did out of a preposterous Zeal undertake an Expedition into the Holy Land with 35000 Men being accompained by Philip Augustus King of France In this War he took the Island of Cyprus which he gave to Guido Lusignanus who in consideration thereof resigned his Right to Jerusalem and in the Year 1192 he was present at the taking of Ptolemais where the Standard of Duke Leopold of Austria being set up first he pull'd it down again putting his own in the place But when they were in great hopes of gaining Jerusalem Philip returned home engaging himself by a solemn Oath that he would not injure Richard in any of his Dominions Hugo Duke of Burgundy afterwards followed his example which greatly encouraged Saladin And Richard understanding that the French were fallen into Normandy he also made a Peace with Saladin and taking his way by Land incognito was discovered in his Journey through Austria where Duke Leopold remembring the affront done to him near Ptolemais took him Prisoner and delivered him to the Emperour who after fifteen Months Imprisonment made him pay 100000 Pounds for his Ransom After his return home he found every thing in confusion the French having not only ravaged Normandy and other Provinces belonging to him but also his Brother had made a Pretension to the Crown but he obliged the latter to implore his Pardon and beat the French back into their own Country He died not long after of a wound which he received in a Siege of some inconsiderable place in France After his death his Brother John took upon him the Crown of England who was opposed by Arthur Earl of the lesser Britainy his elder Brother's Son who finding himself alone not strong enough sought for Aid of the King of France who was ready upon all occasions to create Troubles in England He took a great many Cities in Normandy and Anjou Wherefore King John was obliged to make a dishonourable Peace with him giving in marriage to Lewis King Philip's Son Blanch Daughter of Alfonsus King of Castile and of his Sister Eleonora to whom he gave as a Dowry all the Cities which Philip had taken from him except Angiers Then he married Isabella Daughter and Heiress of the Earl of Angoulesme who was promised before to Hugh Earl of Marche He to revenge this affront join'd his Forces with the King of France and Prince Arthur of Britainy and fell into Touraine and Anjou But King John falling upon them unawares routed the Enemy and took Prince Arthur Prisoner who died not long after a Prisoner in Roan But Constantia the Mother of Arthur made her Complaints to Philip King of France whose Vassal King John was on the score of such Provinces as he was possess'd of in France and the King of France summon'd King John to appear before him and to answer for the death of Arthur But he not appearing it was declar'd that King John had forfeited what Fiefs he was possess'd of in France and King Philip took from him Normandy 316 Years after Rollo the Norman had conquered the same But the French afterwards attack'd also Angiers where they were repulsed with great loss by King John whereupon a Truce was concluded betwixt them for two Years During which time he routed the Scots and suppressed the Rebels in Ireland and Wales The Truce being expired the War began afresh with France and King John's Army being routed he made another Truce with France But this ill success had much diminished his Authority among his Nobles who also hated him because he had imposed heavy Taxes upon them wherefore they with joint consent demanded from him the restitution of their ancient Privileges but perceiving that he only intended to give them fair Words for Deeds they called to their aid Lewis Son of Philip King of France who landing with a great Army in England was received with a general applause and whilst King John endeavoured to make Head against him he died overwhelm'd with Troubles § 9. Him succeeded his Son Henry III. whose tender Age wrought Compassion on most and extinguish'd the Hatred which had been
pretending that the Spencers had diverted the King's Love from her retir'd first into France and from thence into Hainault and returning with an Army took the King Prisoner and caused the Spencers to be executed The King was carried from place to place and greatly abused during his Imprisonment having been forced before by the Parliament to resign the Kingdom to his Son Edward At last about six Months after his Deposition he was miserably murther'd § 11. Edward III. was very young when the Crown was conferr'd upon him wherefore the Administration of the Government was during his Minority committed to his Mother and managed under her chiefly by her Favourite Roger Mortimer She immediately at the beginning made a dishonourable Peace with Scotland whereby Edward renounced the Sovereignty and all other Pretensions upon that Kingdom and the Scots renounced their Title to Cumberland and Northumberland This and some other matters laid to their charge was the reason why some Years after the Queen was condemned to a perpetual Imprisonment and Mortimer was hanged Afterwards a most cruel War broke out betwixt England and France for Lewis Philip and Charles all three Sons of Philip sirnamed the Handsom dying without Issue Edward did pretend a right to the French Crown as being the late King 's Sister's Son alledging That if his Mother as being a Woman might be thought incapable of governing the Realm the same ought not to be prejudicial to him as being a Man But Philip de Valois notwithstanding he was a degree farther of as being the late King's Father 's Brother's Son yet prevailed with the States who under pretence of the Salick Law and the hatred they bore to a Foreign Sovereign being besides this encouraged thereunto by the Earl of Artois set him upon the Throne Edward being afterwards summon'd by Philip to come in person and to do Homage for the Dukedom of Aquitain went thither in person he being then but young and England full of intestine Commotions notwithstanding this seemed to be very prejudicial to his Pretensions And King Edward appearing in the Church at Amiens with the Crown upon his Head his Sword and Spurs on was ordered to lay them aside and to take the Oath upon his Knees which so exasperated Edward that France afterwards felt the effects of it Not long after Edward Baliol Son of John Baliol made pretensions to the Crown of Scotland against the young King being assisted by King Edward notwithstanding King David of Scotland had married his Sister During which Commotions the English recovered Barwick upon Tweed and in one Battel killed 30000 Scots whereupon Edward Baliol did do Homage to the King of England for the Crown of Scotland By this time King Edward being come to his riper years upon the instigation of Robert Earl of Artois undertook an Expedition into France and taking upon him the Title and Arms of France renewed his Pretensions to that Crown In this Expedition he entirely routed the French Fleet near Sluys which was sent to hinder his landing and defeated 30000 Men. and after he had besieged Tournay he made a Truce with them for twelve Months In the mean while the English were engaged in a War with the Scots who under the Conduct of their former King David had driven out Edward Baliol. The time of the Truce being expir'd the War began afresh in France where among other places the English took Angoulesme King Edward himself came with a great Army into Normandy and took both there and in Picardy a great many places from the French At last a bloody Battel was fought betwixt them near Crecy in Picardy wherein the English tho' but 30000 strong fought against 60000 French killing 30000 upon the spot among whom were 1500 persons of Quality The next day after 7000 French were cut to pieces by the English who not knowing what had happened the day before were upon their march to the French Camp In this Battel no Quarter was given on either side Much about the same time King David of Scotland enter'd England with an Army of 60000 Men to make a Diversion in behalf of France but he was defeated in a great Battel and himself taken Prisoner The English had no less success the same Year in Britainy and Guienne In the Year next following King Edward took the City of Calais which he fill'd with English Inhabitants Prince Edward Son to Edward III. whom his Father had sent with an Army into Guienne behaved himself very valiantly making great havock where-ever he came John King of France drew out an Army against him of 60000 Men tho' the Prince was not above 8000 strong upon this the King thinking he had catch'd the Bird in the Net would not accept of any Conditions tho' never so advantageous But Prince Edward having posted his Men betwixt the Bushes and Vineyards from thence so gall'd the French Horse with his long Bows that they being repulsed put all the rest in confusion King John himself was taken Prisoner as also his youngest Son and above 1700 persons of Quality were slain This Battel was fought about two Leagues from Poictiers At last after King Edward had with three Armies over-run the greatest part of France a Peace was concluded by the Mediation of the Pope at Bretaigny not far from Chartres The Conditions of this Peace were That England besides what it had before in France should be put in possession of Poictou Zaintogne Rochelle Pais d' Aulnis Angoumois Perigord Limoisin Quercy Agenois and Bigorre with an absolute Sovereignty over the same besides this the City of Calais the Counties of Oye Guisnes and Ponthieu and three Millions of Crowns were to be given as a Ransom for the King and that King John should give his three younger Sons his Brother and thirty other persons of Quality as Hostages for the payment of the said Summs But that on the other side the English should restore all the other places which they had taken from the French and renounce their Right and Title to the Crown of France The Peace being thus concluded Prince Edward to whom his Father had given the Dukedom of Aquitain restored Peter King of Castile to his Kingdom But in his Journey the Souldiers being very mutinous for want of Pay he levyed an extraordinary Tax upon his Subjects which they complaining of to the King of France he summon'd the Prince to appear before him who answer'd He would suddenly appear with an Army of 60000 Men therefore Charles V. King of France denounced War against the English pretending that the promised Sovereignty at the last Peace was void because the Prince had not fulfilled the Articles of the same and had committed Hostilities against France But whilst Prince Edward was busie in making great Preparations against France he died suddenly and with him the English good Fortune for the French took from them all the Dukedom of
God and having once more by his Ambassadours sollicited the Pope but in vain to decide the matter the King had the same adjudged in Parliament and divorced himself from her yet conversed with her in a very friendly manner ever after till her death except that he did not bed with her since the time when this scruple first arose Some Months after he was married to Anna Bullen by whom he had Elizabeth who was afterwards Queen Anno 1535 the King caused himself to be declared Supream Head of the Church of England abrogating thereby all the Pope's Authority in that kingdom and John Fisher Bishop of Rochester and Thomas Moor the Lord Chancellour refusing to acknowledge him as such it cost them their Heads Yet would Henry never receive the Doctrine of Luther or Zwinglius but continued in the Roman Communion because he was mightily exasperated against Luther For Henry had formerly got a Book to be published under his Name against Luther in favour of the Pope for which he acquired the Title of Defender of the Faith which Title the Kings of England retain to this day But Luther setting aside all the Respect due to a King writ an Answer to the same full of Heat and bitter Reflections Yet because he esteemed the Monks as a sort of people that were not only useless but also such as depending on the Pope might prove very pernicious to him at home he gave free leave to all Monks and Nuns to go out of the Convents and Nunneries and by degrees converted unto his own use the Revenues of all Nunneries and Convents Colleges and Chappels as also those of the Order of the Knights of St. John of Jerusalem nevertheless he employed some part of them in erecting six new Episcopal Sees and Cathedral Churches and to the advancing of Learning in the Universities A great part also he gave away or sold for a little Money to great Families intending thereby to oblige them for the future to maintain the alterations he had made It is reported that these Church Revenues which were so reduced did amount yearly to 186512 l. or as some others will have it to 500752 l. He also abolished the superstitious worship of Images and made some other alterations in Religious Worship so that in effect he laid the Foundation of the Reformation Nevertheless England was at that time in a miserable condition for a great many Roman Catholicks that would not acknowledge the King for the Supream Head of the English Church were executed And a great many more Protestants received the same punishment because they would not own the Corporal presence of the Body of Christ in the Sacrament tho' this effusion of blood was not so much caused by the King as by the Bishops who had first brought in use such rigorous Laws and now executed them with as much severity In the Year 1543 another War happened with the Scots who making an Inrode into England were beaten by a few English which did grieve King James V. to that degree that he died for trouble leaving behind him one only Daughter Mary whom Henry would have engaged to his Son Edward thereby by to unite these two Kingdoms and the business was like to have succeeded very well if the Archbishop of St. Andrews had not opposed it Henry also enter'd into a League with the Emperour against France wherein it was agreed to join their Armies of 80000 Foot and 22000 Horse near Paris to plunder that City and to ravage the whole Country as far as the Loire But neither of them acted according to the Agreement for Henry wasted his time in the Siege and taking of Boulogne which he afterwards by the Peace concluded in the Year 1546 promised to restore to France within the space of eight Years in consideration of the Summ of 800000 Crowns to be paid him for the same which was performed accordingly under Edward VI. Neither do I believe that Henry was in good earnest by ruining the French to give such great advantages to Charles V. After his Divorce with Catharine of Arragon he was very unfortunate in his Marriages for Anna Bullen was beheaded for Adultery and Incest tho' some are of opinion that it was more the Protestant Religion than the Crime which proved fatal to her It is certain that the Protestant Princes of Germany did so resent this matter that whereas they intended to have made Henry the Head of their League they afterwards would hold no correspondency with him After Anna Bullen he married Jane Seymour Mother to Edward VI. who died in Child-bed Then he married Anna of Cleves whom he also pretending I know not what bodily infirmity in her quickly dismiss'd The fifth was Catharine Howard who was beheaded for Adultery The sixth Catharine Parre Widow of the Lord Latimer who outlived him Henry died in the Year 1547. § 20. Edward VI. was nine Years of age when he came to the Crown during whose Minority his Uncle the Duke of Somerset had the Administration of Affairs His first design was to force the Scots to agree to a Match betwixt Edward and their young Queen Mary wherefore he fell into Scotland and overthrew them near Muskelborough in a great Battel Nevertheless he miss'd his aim for the Scots sent their Queen into France who was there married to the Dauphin afterwards King of France by the Name of Francis II. Under this King Edward the Reformed Religion was publickly established in England and the Mass quite abolished which occasioned great disturbances in the Kingdom which were nevertheless happily suppress'd In the Year 1550 there was a Peace concluded betwixt England France and Scotland when also Boulogne was restor'd to the French But King Edward falling sick the Duke of Northumberland who had before destroyed the Duke of Somerset persuaded King Edward under pretence of settling the Protestant Religion to exclude by his last Will and Testament his two Sisters Mary and Elizabeth for of the Queen of the Scots they made but little account at that time from the Succession of the Crown and to settle it upon Jane Grey Daughter of the Duke of Suffolk whom he had by Mary Daughter of Henry VII which afterwards proved fatal both to Jane and the Author For after the death of Edward the Duke of Northumberland caused Jane to be proclaimed Queen in the City of London but Mary eldest Sister of Edward did immediately lay claim to the Crown in her Letters to the Privy Council And Letters proving ineffectual they began to come to blows but most of the Nobility unto whom Mary promis'd not to make any alteration in Religion did side with her and a part of the Army and Fleet most of the Privy Counsellors and the City of London taking her part proclaimed her Queen Northumberland himself being now willing to go with the tide did proclaim Mary Queen in Cambridge notwithstanding which he
their General Hamilton a Prisoner But during the absence of Cromwell the Parliament had re-assumed the Treaty with the King and the business was carried on so far that there was no small hopes of an Accommodation when the Souldiers headed by Ireton Son-in-law to Cromwell broke off the Treaty taking Prisoners such Members of the House as did oppose them So that there were not above forty Members left in the Parliament and those were either Officers or at least favourers of the Army These decreed That no Treaty should be set on foot for the future with the King That the Supream Power was to be lodged in the People which was represented by the House of Commons But the Regal Power and the Authority of the House of Lords should be quite abolished Then they order'd a Court of 250 persons to be erected by whose Authority the King was to be summoned sentenced and punished notwithstanding that the generality of the people look'd upon this Court as an abominable thing some Presbyterian Ministers cry'd out aloud against it in the Pulpits the Scots protested against it and the Dutch Ambassadours and other Princes did their utmost to oppose it Before this Court where sat among the rest a great many of very mean Extraction the King was accused of High Treason Tyranny and of all the Murthers and Robberies committed since the beginning of these Troubles And the King as in justice he ought to do refusing to acknowledge its Authority was sentenced to be beheaded tho' there were but 67 of these pretended Judges present the rest abominating the fact had absented themselves among whom was Fairfax But the King having been miserably abus'd by the Souldiers was beheaded with an Ax upon a Scaffold erected for that purpose before Whitehall § 29. After the death of the King the outward shew of the Supream Power was in the Parliament but in effect it was lodged in the Generals of the Armies Their first design was to banish the King's Son and the whole Royal Family and to suppress all such as adhered to him Cromwell was sent into Ireland where the Royal Party was as yet pretty strong which Island was reduced in the space of one year by Cromwell's good Fortune and Valour In the mean while the Scots had proclaimed Charles II. tho' under very hard Conditions their King who also arriving there safely out of France whither he was gone for Shelter was crowned King of Scotland The Parliament thereupon recall'd Cromwell out of Ireland and having made him General for they had deposed Fairfax whom they mistrusted sent him into Scotland where he beat the Scots several times but especially gave them an entire defeat near Leith taking among other places the Castle of Edinborough which was hitherto esteemed impregnable The King in the mean while having gathered a flying Army enter'd England in hopes that a great many English would join with him But he was deceiv'd in his hopes very few coming to him and Cromwell overtaking him with his Army near Worcester his Forces were routed and dispersed so that he was forc'd to change his Cloaths in his flight and after a great many dangers was miraculously saved and escaped by the help of a Merchant-ship into France The King being thus driven out of the Island the Scots were entirely subdu'd under the Conduct of General Monk who was sent thither by Cromwell who having imposed upon them very hard Conditions according to their deserts intirely subjected them to the English This done the Parliament began to take into consideration how to disband part of the Army and to quarter the rest in the several Counties But Cromwell sent away that Parliament which had been the cause of so much troubles and constituted a new Parliament consisting of 144 Members most of them being Fanaticks and Enthusiasts among whom Cromwell had put a few cunning Fellows who being entirely devoted to his Service did make the rest dance after his pipe These having first let these silly wretches go on in their own way till by their phantastical Behaviour they had made themselves ridiculous and hated by every body then offer'd the Supream Administration of Affairs to Cromwell who having accepted of the same under the Title of a Protectour selected a Privy Council wherein were received the Heads of the several Sects Thus they who had shown so much aversion to the Royal Power and hatch'd out a Monarch of their own who without controul ruled the three Kingdoms of England Scotland and Ireland at pleasure Cromwell to have a fair pretence to keep on foot his Sea and Land Forces which were the Foundation of his Power began a War with the Dutch who seem'd to despise this new Monarch But Fortune was so favourable to Cromwell in this War that he took above 1700 Merchant men from the Dutch and beat them in five Sea Engagements in the last of which the Dutch lost Martin Tromp and twenty seven Men of War The Hollanders then were oblig'd to beg for Peace and to accept of such Conditions as were propos'd to them among which one was That the Province of Holland should exclude the Prince of Orange for ever from succeeding in his Father's place Another was That they should not receive the banish'd King Charles II. into their Territories Which some alledge as a reason that he was always ready afterwards to revenge himself upon them tho' at his return into the Kingdom they endeavoured with aboundance of flattery to make amends for the former affront It is very likely also that the King was suspicious that the Dutch had fomented the Differences betwixt his Father and the Parliament Cromwell acquired so much Glory by this War that most Princes sent their Ambassadours to him as if he had been a lawfull Sovereign and desir'd his Friendship He was no less fortunate in discovering several Plots which were made against him For which purpose he entertained his Spies every where even near the King's person having besides this a cunning way to draw the people over to his party and to suppress such as envy'd his Fortune He sent also a Fleet into the Mediterranea● wherewith he curb'd the Pirates on the Coast of Barbary Another was sent into the West Indies where his Designs against St. Domingo and Hispaniola miscarried but Jamaica he took from the Spaniards notwithstanding that a great many of his Men were taken off by Sickness and he did considerable mischief to the Spaniards by ruining their Silver Fleet. He sent some Auxiliary Troops to the French in Flanders who in recompence surrender'd to him Dunkirk He died in the Year 1658 having been as great and formidable as ever any King of England He was a great Master in the Art of Dissimulation knowing how to make his advantage of Religious Pretences wherefore he gave liberty of Conscience to all Sectaries whereby he not only got their Favours but also by dividing the people into
he did nothing He had for his Tutor and Administrator of the Kingdom Hugh Capet Earl of Paris After this King's Death his Uncle viz. Lewis sirnamed Outremer's Son laid claim to the Crown but was disappointed in his Pretensions by the great Power of Hugh Capet He afterwards endeavour'd to maintain his Right by force of Arms but was made a Prisoner and dying in Prison put an end to the Carolinian Race or at least to its Inheritance of the Crown of France which had been in its possession for at least 236 Years It is very remarkable that this Family lost the Kingdom through the same Errour which the former lost it For tho' this Family by prodigious Conquests had rais'd the Power of France yet were the Conquests soon after by the Divisions made of the Kingdom again dis-united and even a considerable part quite separated from that Kingdom and annexed to the German Empire Besides this by the Negligence of these Kings and the excessive Power of the great Men in the Kingdom France was reduced to a very low Condition § 6. As Hugh Capet the first Founder of the present Royal Family obtain'd the Crown not so much by right of Succession as by the assistance of the chief Men of the Kingdom who excluded the right Heir so as it is very probable he was obliged to remit a great many of the ancient Royal Prerogatives and to confirm to the great Men of the Kingdom the Power of governing their Provinces with the Titles of Dukes and Earls under condition that they should acknowledge themselves Vassals of the Kingdom yet not be obliged to depend absolutely on the King's Commands so that France at that time was like a mishapen and weak Body Hugh in the mean time re-united to the Crown which at that time had scarce any thing left which could be call'd her own the County of Paris the Dutchy of France wherein was comprehended all that lies betwixt the Rivers of Seine and the Loire and the County of Orleans Among the great Men of the Kingdom the chief were the Dukes of Normandy on whom also depended Britainy of Burgundy Aquitain and Gascoigne the Earls of Flanders Champaign and Tolouse the latter of which was also Duke of Languedock But the Counties of Vienne Provence Savoy and Dauphine belong'd to the Kingdom of Arelat which was a part of the German Empire Yet these Kings had at last the good Fortune to see all these Demi-Sovereign Princes extinguish'd and their Countries re-united to the Crown of France Hugh died in the Year 996 whose Son Robert a good natur'd Prince reign'd very peaceably he having reduc'd the Dukedom of Burgundy to which he after the Death of his Uncle was the next Heir under the entire Jurisdiction of the Crown The Tyranny exercis'd by the Pope against this King ought to be mention'd here For the King having an Intention of marrying Bertha of the House of Burgundy which Match was esteemed very beneficial to his State and the said Bertha standing with him in the fourth degree of Consanguinity besides that he had been Godfather to a Child of hers in her former Husband's time He desir'd and obtain'd the Consent of his Bishops the said Marriage being otherwise against the Canon Law But the Pope took hence an occasion to Excommunicate the King and the whole Kingdom which proved so mischievous that the King was deserted by all his Servants except three or four and no Body would touch the Victuals that came from his Table which was therefore thrown to the Dogs He died in the Year 1033. The Reign of his Son Henry was also not very famous except that he waged some inconsiderable Wars against his Vassals He presented his Brother Robert with the Dukedom of Burgundy from whence comes the Race of the Dukes of Burgundy descended from the Royal Blood He died in the Year 1060. His Son Philip did nothing memorable he was also for his Marriage excommunicated by the Pope but at last obtained a Dispensation Under the Reign of this King Philip William Duke of Normandy conquer'd England which prov'd to be the occasion of unspeakable Miseries to France for these two Kingdoms were ever after in continual Wars till the English were driven out of France About the same time the first Expedition was undertaken into the Holy Land which Extravagancy continued for near 200 Years after The Popes drew the most Benefit from these Expeditions assuming to themselves an Authority not only to command but also to protect all such as had listed themselves under the Cross Under this pretext also frequent Indulgences were sent abroad into the World and what was given towards the use of this War was collected and distributed by their Legates The King of France and other Kings receiv'd thereby this Benefit That these Wars carried off a great many turbulent Spirits And a great many of the Nobility used either to sell or else to mortgage their Estates and if any of them happened to die in the Expedition leaving no Heirs behind them their Estates fell to the King By this means also that prodigious number of People wherewith France was overstock'd at that time was much diminish'd whereby the Kings got an Opportunity to deal more easily with the rest Nevertheless when afterwards the Kings either by Instigation of the Popes or out of their own Inclinations undertook these Expeditions in their own Persons they found the dismal effects of it For by so doing the best of their Subjects were led to the Slaughter and yet it was impossible to maintain these Conquests as long as they were not Masters of Egypt Whereas if this Kingdom had been made the Seat of the intended Empire and the Store-house of the War a Kingdom might have been establish'd which would have been able to support it self by its own Strength This King died in the Year 1108. His Son Lewis sirnamed the Fat was always at variance with Henry I. King of England and in continual Troubles with the petty Lords in France who did considerable Mischiefs from their strong Castles yet he was too hard for them at last and died in the Year 1137. His Son Lewis VII sirnamed the Younger undertook upon the Persuasion of St. Bernhard an Expedition into the Holy Land but this prov'd a fatal Expedition for by the Defeat which he receiv'd at Pamphylia and the Siege of Damascus which he was forc'd to quit and the Fatigues of so great a Journey as well as the perfidiousness of some of the Commanders after he had ruin'd a great Army he returned with the miserable Remainders into France without having done any thing answerable to such an Undertaking But he committed the greatest Error when he divorced himself from his Lady Eleonora whether out of Jealousie or tenderness of Conscience is uncertain she being his Cousin in the third or fourth degree This Eleonora being also the only Heiress of
the Year 1510 the Pope Ferdinand Henry VIII and the Swiss Cantons denounced War against Lewis For the Pope could not look with a good Eye upon the growing Power of France in Italy Ferdinand feared lest Lewis might attack Naples and Henry being come lately to the Crown was for making himself famous by so great an Undertaking the Swiss were set against France because Lewis had not paid them their old Arrears and had refused to encrease their Pension not because their Demands were extravagant but because he would not be out-brav'd by them In this War the French General Gasto de Foix behaved himself very gallantly for he relieved Bononia beat the Venetian Army killed 8000 of them in Brescia and obtained a glorious Victory against the Confederate Army near Ravenna in which Battel nevertheless this brave General being too hot in pursuing the Enemy was slain With his death the French Affairs began to decline and they were again forced to leave Italy Maximilian Son of Lewis the Black was restored to his Dutchy of Milan by the help of the Swiss The Genoucse revolted and made sanus Fregosus their Duke Ferdinand the Catholick took from King John the Kingdom of Navarre which the French in vain endeavoured to regain from the Spaniards But Lewis being extreamly desirous to regain Milan enter'd into a League with Venice and retook most places of that Dukedom and the City of Genoua He besieg'd Duke Maximilian in the Castle of Novara but the Swiss coming to the Assistance of the Duke attack'd the French with incredible Fury in their Camp and drove them quite out of the whole Dukedom which was twice taken in one Month. Then Lewis was at one time attack'd by the Emperour England and the Swiss and if the English and the Swiss had join'd France would have run a great Risque But King Henry in lieu of entring into the Heart of France lost his Time at the Siege of Terou●ne where he defeated the French that were come to its Relief near Guinegast this Battel was call'd La journée des esperons or The Battel of the Spurs because the French made better use of their Spurs than their Swords and after he had taken Tournay he return'd into England The Swiss who kept the Duke of Tremoville besieg'd were bought off with 600000 Crowns which were promised to them by the Duke without the King's Order as likewise that he should renounce the Council of Pisa and his Pretensions to the Dukedom of Milan Which shamefull Agreement the King refus'd to ratify and if the Swiss had not been more fond of the Ransom offer'd for the Hostages than their Blood they had pay'd with their Lives for it In the Year next following Lewis made a Peace with the King of England who gave him his Sister Mary in Marriage which young Lady 't is thought did hasten the Death of the old King which ensu'd in the beginning of the Year 1515. This King was so well belov'd by his People that he was generally call'd Le Pere du Peuple or The Father of the People § 17. His Nephew Francis I. succeeded him who having made a League with England the Archduke Charles and Venice enter'd upon a sudden into Italy and took Genoua and some other Places without great Opposition but being encamp'd near Marignano within a League of Milan the Swiss unexpectedly fell upon him where a bloody Fight ensu'd The Swiss were at last repuls'd and found that they cou'd be beaten having lost above 10000 but the French also left 4000 of their best Men upon the Spot After this Maximilian surrender'd himself and the whole Country to the King on the Condition of an annual Pension of 30000 Ducats to be paid him Soon after the King agreed with the Swiss whom in Consideration of a good Summ he brought again into an Alliance with France He made also an Agreement with Pope Leo X. by vertue of which the King was to have the Right of naming Bishops and Abbots but the Pope to keep certain Benefits out of the chiefest Church Benefices In the Year 1518 he redeem'd Tournay form the English for a good Summ of Money In the Year next following after the Death of the Emperor Maximilian Francis employ'd all his Engines to be exalted to the Imperial Dignity but the German Princes fearing lest the French should endeavour to humble them and for some other Considerations preferr'd before him Charles V. This proved the Occasision of great Jealousies betwixt these two Princes for Francis being very sensible what great Advantages he had gained by the Imperial Dignity put himself into a good posture to prevent his becoming Master of him and all the rest of the Princes in Europe This Jealousie broke at last out into an open War Francis endeavouring to re-take Navarre from the Spaniards as thinking to have met with a fair Opportunity whilst the Divisions in Spain were on Foot The French conquer'd that Kingdom in a few days time but being not carefull enough to preserve it as easily lost it again Soon after the War was kindled in the Netherlands occasion'd by Robert Van de Marck Lord of Sedan whom Francis took into his Protection This Robert was so puft up with the French Protection that he writ a Letter of Defiance to the Emperour and fell into the Country of Luxemburgh But Charles quickly chastis'd this petty Enemy and being persuaded that Francis had encourag'd him thereunto he took from him St. Amand and Tournay The Business nevertheless might have been compos'd at the beginning if the French had not insisted upon keeping Fonterabia which in the mean time had been surpris'd by them But the hardest task was in Italy both the Emperour and Pope being willing to drive Francis out of Milan and to restore Francis Sforza They effected both with good Success for the French Army was not timely supply'd with Money and being besides this beaten near Bicoque the French were again driven out of Milan and Genoua And on the other side they also lost Fonterabia But what happen'd very ill to Francis was That the Constable Charles of Bourbon went over to the Emperour the Reason of which was That he had been for a while mightily kept under by the Queen Mother the Chancellour Duprat and Admiral Bonnivet The first had commenc'd a Suit at Law against him about the Dukedom of Bourbon which he despair'd to be able to maintain against so strong a Party as believing that the King was underhand concern'd in the Matter 'T is said that the first Cause of this Difference was because the Duke of Bourbon had refus'd to marry her The Duke of Bourbon therefore had agreed with the Emperor and the King of England That they should divide the Kingdom of France betwixt them the Kingdom of Arelat and the Emperour's Sister having been promis'd to the Duke of Bourbon But the Design being discover'd the Duke of Bourbon was
same off again with his foot intimating thereby as if it was in the power of the Popes to give and to take away the Imperial Crown He died in the year 1198. having just then made great preparations for an Expedition into the Holy Land and sent his Army before he being ready to follow § 7. After the death of Henry VI. the Germans were miserably divided among themselves for Frederick II. his Son being then but five years old his Uncle Philip pretended to have the Tuition of his Nephew and the Administration of the Empire according to the last Will of the deceas'd Emperour but this being opposed by the Pope he perswaded some of the Princes to elect Otto Duke of Saxony Germany was thus miserably torn in pieces most siding with Philip the rest with Otto After a long war an agreement was made betwixt them that Otto should Marry the Daughter of Philip but lay down the Royal Title till the death of Philip when the same was to be restored to him Not long after Philip was murthered at Bamberg by Otto the Palatin of Wittelbach After his death Otto obtained the Imperial Dignity and having been Crowned at Rome he resolved to reunite such places as were unjustly possess'd by the Popes to the Empire which so exasperated the Pope that he Excommunicated him exhorting the Princes to elect another Emperour Most of them were for Frederick II. Son of Henry VI. which made Otto to hasten into Germany but having in vain endeavour'd to maintain himself in the Empire he was forc'd to surrender the Imperial Crown to Frederick the Second King of Sicily and Naples and Duke of Suabia who after he had bestowed a considerable time in setling the Affairs of Germany went into Italy where he was Crowned by the Pope In the year 1228. he undertook an Expedition into the Holy Land and retook Jerusalem from the Saracens He was continually alla●m'd by the intrigues of the Popes who were for playing the Masters in Italy against whom he bravely maintained his Right This occasioned several Excommunications to be thundred out against him by the Popes who raised great disturbances From hence had their rise the two famous Factions in Italy whereof those who sided with the Pope called themselves Guelfs but these who were for the Emperour Gibellins which two Factions for a considerable time after occasioned great Commotions in Italy And tho Frederick behav'd himself bravely against the Pope and his Associates yet the Popes Excommunication had such powerful Influence in that Superstitious Age that after the Pope had solemnly deposed him in the Council held at Lyons some Princes of Germany did choose Henry Landgrave of Thuringia their King who was commonly call'd the King of the Priests but he dying in the year next following some Princes declared William Earl of Holland their King who was not able to Establish himself being opposed by Cunrad Son of Frederick II. who was appointed to succeed his Father in the Empire In the mean time his Father had been very unsuccessful in Italy who at last died in the year 1250. Cunrad having left Germany retired into his Hereditary Kingdoms of Naples and Sicily where he died William Earl of Holland was slain in a battel against the Frizelanders in the year 1256. § 8. With the death of Frederick II. the Authority of the German Emperours in Italy was quite extinguish'd And that it might not be revived again the Pope gave the Kingdom of Naples to Charles Duke of Anjou who by the Instigation of the Pope caused the young Cunradin who being the Son of Cunrad was come to recover his Herediatary Kingdom and taken Prisoner in a battel fought betwixt them to be executed by the hands of the Hangman with whom was extinguish'd the Race of the Dukes of Swabia In the mean time there were great divisions among the German Princes concerning the election of a new Emperour some of them had chosen Richard Duke of Cornwal Son of John King of England and the rest were for Alfonsus X. King of Castile both were elected in the year 1257. Richard came on his Journey as far as the Rhine to take possession of the Empire but for want of Money was forc'd to return home again And Alfonsus came not within the sight of Germany Then there was a complete and long vacancy of the Throne in Germany during which time there was nothing to be seen but confusion every body pretending to be Master These Civil Disorders were of the worse consequence because that about the same time the three great Families of the Dukes of Swabia the Marquesses of Austria and Landgraves of Thuringia being extinct a great many aspired to possess themselves of these Countries To be short the longest Sword was then the best Title and he that could master another kept him under subjection and robbing and plundering was an allow'd exercise at that time Against these outrageous Proceedings several of the Cities upon the Rhine enter'd into a Confederacy with whom a great many other Princes afterwards joyning their Forces they demolish'd the strong Holds of these Robbers and clear'd the Highways § 9. At last Rodolph Earl of Habsburgh and Landgrave of Alsace from whom are descended the present Arch-Dukes of Austria was unanimously chosen Emperour who the better to establish himself in the Throne Marry'd his three Daughters to three of the great Princes of Germany viz. to Lewis Palatin of the Rhine to Albert Duke of Saxony and to Otto Marquess of Brandenburgh After the death of Frederick Marquess of Austria who had his Head cut off at Naples together with Cunradin Ottocar the King of Bohemia had possess'd himself of Austria Stiria Crain the Windishmarck and Portenau But Rodolph who thought that his Family had more Right to it having ●etaken these Countries from Ottocar gave them in Fief to his Son Albert and to the second whose name was Rodolph the Dukedom of Swabia Besides this the Grandson of Albert got Crain and Tyrol Thus Rodolph did by obtaining the Imperial Dignity raise his House from a moderate State to great Power and vast Riches But tho he was often invited to come into Italy yet he could never be perswaded to it alledging that old and notorious saying of the Fox Quia me vestigia terreat because the footsteps deter me Nay he declar'd a great many Cities there Free for Sums of money by which the Kingdom of Italy being first torn into a great many pieces was quite lost But Germany he took into his particular Care and destroy'd a great many Castles there which serv'd for a retreat for Robbers He was the first that introduc'd the use of the German Tongue in all Publick Courts and Private Transactions whereas formerly the Latin Tongue had been made use of in the like cases He dyed in the year 1291. His Son Albert did lay claim to the Empire but by the Interest of the
Exercise of the Christian Religion throughout his Kingdom His Son Harald was attack'd by the Emperour Otto I. from whom the Sea betwixt Jutland and Holland has got the Name of Otten Sound because the Emperour there threw in his Lance to mark the utmost Limits of his Expedition His Son Suen Otto came to the Crown in the year 980. who being taken Prisoner by the Jutins was redeem'd by the Women who gave their Gold and Silver Ornaments for his Ransom In recompence of which he granted them this Privilege that whereas they used only to have a small Portion in Mony out of their Fathers Inheritance they for the future should have an equal share with the Males He also Conquer'd a part of England and died in the year 1012. His Son Canut or Cnut II. surnamed the Great was King of Denma●k Norway and England having Conquer'd the latter of these three by force of Arms tho England did not remain long under the subjection of the Danes for after his death Harald and only Hardiknut Reign'd in England after whose death the Danes were again chased out of England Besides this Magnus Son of S. Olaus King of Norway made himself Master of Denmark which Kingdom however after his death Sueno II. obtain'd but he was forc'd to fight for it against Harald Hardrode then King of Norway He died in the year 1074. Him succeeded his Sons Harald VII who Reign'd but two years and Canute IV. This King did give great Power to the Bishops in Denmark and granted the Tenths of all the Revenues of the Country to the Clergy At which the Jutes being exasperated slew him at Oden Sea but the Clergy as an acknowledgement of his Favours bestowed upon them placed him in the number of Saints and his memory was afterwards celebrated with full Cups at their Feasts by those who call'd themselves the Knutgylden from him His Brother Olaus IV. succeeded him who died in the year 1095. and after him Reigned his Brother Erick II. who took Jutin at that time a great City in Pomerania He died in the Ille of Cyprus in his Pilgrimage to Jerusalem § 2. After his death the whole Kingdom was in great Confusion especially when three at once fought for the Crown viz. Sueno III Canute VI and Waldemar I. These after they had waged wars together for many years did at last agree to divide the Kingdom into three parts but Canute having been assassinated by Sueno and Sueno again having been slain in a Battel against Wald●mar he got the whole Kingdom into his possession He subdued the Rugians and Vandals who had hitherto proved very mischievous to Denmark he also destroyed the City of Julin 'T is related that he laid the first Foundation of the City of Dantzwick and under the Reign of this King Absalom Bishop of Roshild first began to build the City of Copenhagen Waldemar died in the year 1182. Him succeeded his Son Canute VI. who waged great Wars against the Vandals and at last forced their Princes to be his Vassals taking upon himself the Title of King of the Vandals or Slaves He took from Adolf Earl of Holstein among other places the City of Hamburgh which however twenty seven years after did shake off the Danish Yoke He having also conquered Esthonia and Livonia the Christian Faith was established in these Countries by his means He died in the Year 1202. After him reigned his Brother Waldemar II. who at the beginning was a very fortunate and potent Prince and had under his Subjection besides Denmark the Countries of Esthonia Livonia Curland Prussia Pomerania Rugen Meck●enburgh Holstein Stormar Ditmarsen and Wagern as also the Cities of Lubeck and Lauenburgh But he lost a great part of them again by the following occasion Henry Earl of Swerin having undertaken a journey to the Holy Land had committed during his absence his Lady and Country to the care of Waldemar but having been informed after his return that the King had lived in Adultery with his Lady he to revenge this Affront took him Prisoner by stratagem and after he had kept him three years in prison dismist him making him pay for his ransom the sum of 45000 marks of fine Silver The Countries of Mecklenburgh and Pomerania and the Cities of Lubeck and Duntzwick taking hold of this opportunity revolted from Waldemar Adolf Earl of Shauenburgh took from him Holstein and Stormar the Knights of the Cross took Esthonia and Livonia And endeavouring to recover these Countries he was vanquished in a Battel fought near Bornhove by the Earl of Shauenburgh Yet he recovered Reval and Esthonia and died in the year 1241. § 13. His Son Erick V. succeeded him in the Kingdom tho he had also given some parts of it to his other Sons viz. to Abel Sleswick to Canute Blecking●n and to Christopher Laland and Falster These were each of them for being Sovereigns in these Countries but Erick pretending that they ought to be his Vassals there were great Commotions in Denmark till Erick was miserably murthered by his Brother Abel and Abel after he had reigned two years was slain by the Friselanders and Ditmarsians Whom succeeded his Brother Christopher I. Aganist this King the Archbishop of Lunden raised abundance of Troubles and the King having imprisoned him he was by the rest of the Bishops and Clergy excommunicated and with him the whole Kingdom And at last the King was by them poisoned as 't is thought with the Host After him reigned his Son Erick VI. who was at Variance with the Bishops and engaged in Wars against Sweden and Norway at last he was taken Prisoner in a Battel by Erick Duke of Holstein and was barbarously murthered by some of the great Men of the Kingdom He left the Crown to his Son Erick VII who immediately in the first year of his Reign had great contests with the King of Norway who had given protection to to the Murtherers of his Father He also had some other Differences with some of the neighbouring States and died in the year 1319. Him succeeded his Brother Christopher II who got his Son crowned in his Life time This King was banished the Kingdom by his Subjects who under pretence of being oppressed with Taxes elected in his stead Waldemar Duke of Sleswick their King But they grew also quickly weary of him and recalled Christopher who afterwards in a battel fought against this Waldemar lost his Son Erick Under the Reign of this King Schonen being sorely oppressed by the Holsteiners who were in Possession of it surrendred itself to Magnus King of Sweden And John Duke of Holstein perceiving that he could not maintain it by force sold all his Right and Title to it for 70000 Marks fine silver Under the Reign of this King Denmark was torn into so many pieces that very few places were left to the King He died in the year 1333.
After his death there was an Interregnum in Denmark during the space of seven years In the mean time the Holsteiners had brought the greatest part of Denmark under their Subjection till the Danes making an Insurrection against them endeavour'd to chase them out of Denmark and for this purpose call'd Waldemar the Son of Christopher II. who had been Educated at the Court of the Emperour Lewis the Bavarian into the Kingdom § 4. Waldemar III. did somwhat restore the decay'd State of the Kingdom having partly forc'd and partly bought the Holsteiners out of Denmark He sold Hisponia and Reval to the Knights of the Cross for 28000 Marks fine silver which sum he bestow'd most upon a Journey which he undertook into the Holy Land But he got Schonen again from Magnus Sameck the then King of Sweden by fair promises and by an agreement made betwixt him and Albert King of Swedeland Gotland was also surrendred to him and some other places belonging at that time to Sweden He was frequently at Wars with the Hanse Towns and died in the year 1375. After him Reign'd his Grandson Olaus VI. born of his Daughter Margaret and Hacquin King of Norway During his Minority the Mother had the supreme Administration of Affairs Having after his Fathers death obtained the Crown of Norway he laid also claim to the Kingdom of Sweden because his Father was Son of Magnus Sameck King of Sweden but he died young In his stead the Danes and Norwegians received for their Queen Margaret his Mother and she having declar'd Erick Pomeran her Sisters Daughters Son her Associate in the Government enter'd into a War against Albert King of Sweden But the Swedes being in general dissatisfied with their King deserted him acknowledging Margaret for their Queen Albert fought a Battel against Margaret but was defeated and taken Prisoner with his Son whom Margaret did not release till after seven years Imprisonment under condition that he should either pay 60000 Marks fine silver for his Ransom or else resign his Pretensions to the Kingdom of Sweden and he having perform'd the last Margaret caused Eric Pomeran to be Crowned King of Sweden In the year next following the Estates of all the three Northern Kingdoms assembled at Calmar where Erick having been declared their King an agreement was made among them that these three Kingdoms for the future should be Rul'd by one King Margaret who had been an extraordinary good Queen to Denmark died in the year 1412. After whose death Erick was sole King over these three Kingdoms but he was in continual broils with the Holsteiners who were assisted by the Hanse Towns concerning the Dutchy of Sleswick which differences were at last composed He surrendred to his Cousins the Dukes of Pomerania the Island of Rugen which had been a considerable time under Danish Subjection In the mean time the Swedes were grown very discontented because Erick did not Govern them according to his Coronation Oath and oppress'd them by his Foreign Officers which oblig'd them to stand up for the Defence of their Liberty The Danes also seeing that he was very careless of the Affairs of the Kingdom and did always live in Gotland did withdraw themselves from his Obedience alledging among other matters that because he had been endeavouring to Establish his Cousin Bogislaus Duke of Pomerania in his Throne in his life time he had thereby violated their Right of a Free Election And having chosen in his stead Christopher Duke of Bavaria Erick's Sisters Son he was Deposed and retired into Pomerania where he ended his life Christopher Reigned till the year 1448. with whose Reign the Danes were very well satisfied § 5. After his Death the Danes made an offer of that Crown to Adolf Duke of Sleswick and Earl of Holstein But he being very antient and infirm refused to accept of it and recommended to them Christian Earl of Oldenburgh his Sisters Son whom both the Danes and Norwegians declared their King and in this Family these two Crowns have remained ever since by a continual succession This King soon after began a War with the Swedes who had made one Charles Cnutson their King because they would have driven the deposed King Erick out of Gotland but King Christian coming to his assistance made himself Master of that Island Besides this some of the Swedish Nobility who were dissatisfied with Charles Cnutson having sided with Christian the War began to be carried on very vigorously betwixt these two Nations In this War the Archbishop of Vpsal did attack Charles with such Success that he obliged him to retire into Prussia and Christian was crowned King of Sweden But the Swedes being again dissatisfied with Christian recalled Charles Cnutson when the War began afresh and notwithstanding Charles Cnutson died in the year 1470 and Christian came with a great Army into Swedeland yet could he not maintain himself in the Throne his Forces having been defeated near Stockholm In the year 1471 the Emperor Frederick III. gave to him in Fief Ditmarsen as also to the Country of Holstein the Title of a Dukedom He married his Daughter Margaret to James III. King of Scotland giving her for a Dowry the Orkney Islands and Hetland which had hitherto been dependent on the Kingdom of Norway He died in the year 1481. In whose stead the Danes and Norwegians chose his Son John their King who divided the Dukedom of Holstein with his Brother Frederick This King John after he had reigned in peace for a con●iderable time did at last enter into a War against Sweden and having defeated the Dalekarls forced Steenure the Governour to surrender himself and the City of Stockholm and was crowned King of Sweden But in the year 1501 he was miserably and shamefully beaten by the Ditmarsians whom he would have brought under his Subjection and afterwards Steen Sture also drove him out of Sweden He was in continual broils with him and his Successor Suant Sture who were assisted by the Lubeckers till these Differences were at last composed soon after which he died § 6. Him succeeded his Son Christian II who drew upon him the Hatred of the Danes partly because he entertained a Woman of mean birth in the Netherlands whose name was Duivecke to be his Mistress and was strangely led by the Nose by her Mother Sigibirta a crafty old Woman partly because he had caused Torber Oxe the Governour of the Castle of Copenhagen to be as 't is thought unjustly executed In the mean time great Differences were arisen in Sweden betwixt Steen Sture the younger and Gustave Trolle the Archbishop of Vpsal the first having destroyed the Castle of Steka which belonged to the latter King Christian coming to the Assistance of the Archbishop took him along with him into Denmark where they laid the Design against Swedeland A Decree therefore was obtained from the Pope wherein he having condemned the Swedes to
him Infallible which point is stretched to the utmost by the Jesuits because if that stands fast all the rest is soon proved Wherefore what has been taught formerly and if I am not mistaken is taught even to this Day by the Doctors of the Sorbon viz. that the Councils are equal to or rather above the Pope is destructive to the very fundamental Constitution of the Popish Monarchy since this Doctrine smells strongly of a Democracy which is directly contrary to a Monarchy And it is not easily to be reconciled how the Pope who pretends to have such great Prerogatives above all others should be subject to the Censure of his Cretures and Vassals For as they will have it whatsoever either the Holy Scripture or the antient Fathers have attributed to the Church ought altogether to be applied to the Pope in like manner as what is spoken of a whole Kingdom is commonly to be understood of the King The Laiety has been debarred from reading the Holy Scripture by which means not only the Authority of the Clergy is maintained among the People as if the Priests were the only Men that have a privilege to approach to the Divine Oracles but also the Laiety is thereby prevented from finding out those points in the Scripture which are repugnant to the Interest of the Clergy For if the People should once get a true Understanding of the Scripture they would not be so forward to follow so blindly the Instructions of the Priests They also by this means prevent the Laiety from diving too deeply into Divinity which they pretend belongs only to the Clergy and for this reason it is that they attribute the Power of explaining the Scripture to the Pope only that nothing may be brought to light which may in any ways be prejudicial to the spiritual Monarchy For the same reason the Pope pretends to have the sole Authority of deciding all Controversies whatsoever It is also given out among the People that the Holy Scripture is imperfect which must be explained by antient Traditions whereby they gain this point that if they invent any Doctrine for the Interest of the spiritual State whereof there is not the least footsteps to be found in the Holy Scripture they without any other proof may only have recourse to the antient Traditions The distinction betwixt Venial and Mortal Sins as also what is alledged de casibus reservatis is barely invented for the benefit of the Clergy That infinite number of Books of Confession enough to fraight whole Fleets withal is not published with an intention to correct Vices but that by laying a Tax upon the same the Clergy may the better be able to maintain their Grandeur and satisfie their Avarice The most comfortable Doctrine of remission of Sins has wholly been accommodated to the Interest of the Clergy For because it would not have turned to the profit of the Clergy if every one who truly repented should obtain remission of his Sins only by Faith in the Merits of Christ it has been the Doctrine of the Church of Rome that it was an essential piece of penitence and the means to obtain forgiveness of Sins if a most exact and precise account of every individual Sin committed was given to the Priest By which means they not only keep the People under their Devotion and make such impressions upon them as are fitting for their purpose but they also come thereby to the knowledge of all Secrets Counsels Designs and Inclinations of the People which they make good use of for their benefit notwithstanding that they are under an obligation not to reveal any thing that is told them by way of Confession for else it would be impossible for them to persuade the People to act against the natural Inclination of all Mankind The Priest has also a Power to command works of satisfaction to be done whereby he commonly has his good share For tho' certain Prayers Pilgrimages Fasts Flagellations and the like are often imposed upon them for Penances yet they also very often condemn some and especially the richer sort in a good sum of Money to be given instead of a Penance to a certain Monastery Church or the Poor among whom are the Mendicant-Fryars These honest Fellows call themselves minimos fratrum according to the 25. Chap. of St. Matthew that they may have a fair shining pretence to fill their Purses For by this Interpretation the Christains have got this benefit that they are obliged to feed and maintain 100000 lazy idle Fellows Besides this the first sort of Penance may be redeemed with Money if you think it too hard to be performed And who that is wealthy would not be civil and liberal towards his Father-Confessour to oblige him to a mitigation of the Penance or because he has already shewed himself favourable before Why good Works have been made meritorious and the means of obtaining Salvation from God Almighty is easily to be guessed For when they were to give a definition of good Works they were sure to put in the first place that the Pople ought to be liberal towards the Clergy Churches and Monasteries and to perform every thing which is commanded them by the Pope and his adherents tho' never so full of Superstition and Hypocrisy Neither must this be forgot that they also have taught that the Monks are not only able to perform good Works sufficient for themselves but that also they have an overplus of Merits which they can fell to the Laiety And out of this overplus they have laid up an inexhaustible store very profitable to the Clergy which costs them nothing which does not grow musty nor ever decays and which cannot be returned upon their hands when the Buyer finds out the Cheat. Their Religious Exercises are so full of Ceremonies so many superfluous Feasts and Processions are instituted so many Chapels are Altars erected only to employ so great a number of Clergymen who else would appear like so many idle Fellows whereas now it turns all to their profit which is also the reason why they have encreased the number of Sacraments of seven since they know that none of them can be administred but the Priest gets by it The Mass without Communicants has been introduced and proclaimed a Sacrifice both for the dead and the living that they might have an opportunity to put both the dead and the living under Contribution For no body undertakes any thing of moment but he has a Mass sung first for the good success of the thing in hand No body of wealth dyes but he orders a good store of Masses to be sung for his Soul all which brings grist to the Priest's Mill. On the other hand after it once was become an abuse that the Laiety did receive the Sacrament without partaking of the Cup it was made into a Law And tho' the contrary was very evident both by the Institution of Christ and
Haldan Sivand Erick Haldan Vngrin Regnald About the year 588. Rodolf was King of the Gothes but being vanquished by the English whom he left in the possession of that Kingdom he himself fled into Italy where he sought Sanctuary of Dicterick the King of the Gothes In the mean while Frotho either the Son or else a Kinsman of Regnald was King of Sweden whom succeeded these following Kings Fiolmus Swercher Valander Vislur who was burnt by his own Sons Damalder who was Sacrificed by his own Subjects to their Idol at Vpsal Domar Digner Dager Agnius who was hanged by his own Wife Alrick and Erick who flew one another in a single Combat Ingo Hugler Haco Jerundar Hacquin surnamed Ring under whose Reign that most memorable Battel at Brovalla was fought betwixt the Swedes and Danes where thirty thousand Men were killed on the Danish and twelve thousand on the Swedish side This King Sacrificed nine of his Sons to the Idol at Vpsal and would have done the same with the tenth who was the only Heir left to the Kingdom if he had not been prevented by the Swedes Him succeeded his Son Egillus whom followed in the Kingdom of Sweden Othar Adel Ostan Ingvard Amund Sivard Hirot or Herolt who married his Daughter Thera to Regnerthethen King of Denmark Ingellus the Son of Amund succeeded Hirot in the Kingdom of Sweden who the night after his Coronation caused seven of those petty Princes that were Vassals of the Crown of Sweden to be burnt in their Lodgings and afterwards exercised the same Cruelty against five more of the same Rank His Daughter Asa that was married to Gudrot a Prince of Schonen exceeded her Father in Cruelty for having murthered her Husband and his Brother she betrayed the Country to the Enemies which so exasperated Ivan the Son of Regner King of Denmark that he fell with great fury upon Ingellus who had taken his Daughter into his Protection destroying all with Fire and Sword Ingellus being reduced to the utmost extremity by the advice of his Daughter burnt himself his Daughter and the whole Family in his own Palace except his Son Olaus who sheltered himself in Wermeland After the death of Ingellus a certain Nobleman of an antient Family in Sweden whose name was Charles assumed the Royal Title and Power but Regner King of Denmark who pretended that it belonged to his Son did send a challenge to the said Charles and having killed him in the Combat transferred the Kingdom of Sweden to his Son Bero or Biorn who was Hirots Daughters Son § 3. Under the Reign of this Bero or Biorn Ansgarius a Monk of Corvey and afterwards Bishop of Bremen was sent into Sweden by the Emperour Lewis the Pious to Preach the Gospel in that Kingdom But the King refusing to hearken to his Doctrine was by the Swedes banished the Kingdom together with his Father Regner His Successor Amund did also Rule but a very few years and having raised a most horrible Persecution against the Christians was also banished the Kingdom The Swedes being quite tired out with Amund's tyrannical Government did call in Olaus out of Wermeland to be their King who to establish himself in the Throne married the Daughter of Regner to his Son Ingo and thereby obtained the quiet possession of the two Kingdoms of the Swedes and Gothes Not many years after Ansgarius rerurned into Sweden and Converted Olaus who then resided at Birca a most populous City to the Christian Faith Olaus then marched with a Potent Army into Denmark and having committed the Administration of that Kingdom to his Son Ennigruus returned into Sweden where he was by his Heathen Subjects Sacrificed to their Idol at Vpsal His Son Ingo the better to Establish himself in the Throne married the King of Denmark's Daughter and afterwards was killed in the War against the Russians Him Succeeded his Son Erick surnamed Weatherhat famous for his skill in Witchcraft who was succeeded by his Son Erick surnamed Seghersell who Conquered Finland Curland Livonia and Ehestland From Denmark he retook Halland and Schonen and at last drove the Danish King Swen out of Denmark who could not recover his Kingdom till after his death His Son Stenchill surnamed the Mild was Baptized at Sigtuna a great City at that time and having destroyed the Idol at Vpsal and forbid his Subjects upon pain of death to Sacrifice to the Idols the Pagans were so enraged thereat that they slew and burnt him near Vpsal and with him the two Christian Priests that were sent to him by the Bishop of Hamburgh His Brother Olaus nevertheless obtained from King Etheldred of England several Christain Priests who not only preached the Gospel in Sweden but also the King and a great number of People were Baptized by one of these called Sigfried in a Fountain called Husbye which is called St. Sigfrieds Kalla Wel to this day This Olaus was surnamed Skotkonung because upon the persuasion of the English Priests he granted to the Pope a yearly Tax against the Saracens which was called Romskot This Olaus took from Oluf Tryggeso the Kingdom of Norway which he however recovered afterwards This Olaus Skotkonung was also the first who made a perfect union betwixt the two Kingdoms of the Swedes and Gothes who had hitherto been often at great enmity with one another To Olaus succeeded his Son Amund under whose Reign the Christian Religion increased very succesfully in Sweden after whom Reigned his Brother Amund surnamed Slemme a Man very negligent both in maintaining Religion and Justice He was slain with the greatest part of his Army by Cnut King of Denmark near a Bridge called Strangepelle After his death the Gothes and Swedes disagreed about the Election of a new King the first choosing Haquin surnamed the Red. the latter Stenchill the younger At last it was agreed betwixt them that Haquin being pretty well in years should remain King during his life and should be succeeded by Stenchill After the death of Haquin who Reigned thirteen years Stenchill the younger Olaus Skotkonung's Sisters Son began his Reign who vanquished the Danes in three great Battels Him succeeded Ingo surnamed the Pious This King utterly destroyed the Idol at Vpsal which so enraged his Pagan Subjects that they Banished him the Kingdom and afterwards murthered him in Schonen he was buried in a Convent called Wa●hei●● in West-Gothland After him reigned with great applause his Brother Halstan whom succeeded his Son Philip Ingo Philip's Son and his Queen Ragoild were also very famous for their Piety and other Vertues she was after her death honoured as a Saint and her Tomb frequently visited at Talge This King left no Sons but two Daughters Christina and Margret the first was married to St. Erick the second to Magntis King of Norway He was poisoned by the East Gothes
who were grown weary of the Swedish Government Under the Reign of these five last Kings there were golden times in Sweden the Christian Faith was then Established and the Subjects lived in Peace and Plenty § 4. After the death of Inge the East Gothes without the consent of the other Provinces made one Ragwald Knaphofde a Man of great bodily Strength but of no great Wisdom their King who was slain by the West Gothes In his stead the East Gothes chose Swercher II. a very good King who nevertheless was murthered by one of his Servants After the death of Swercher the East Gothes chose his Son Charles for their King but the Sw●des at their General Assembly at Vpsal Elected Erick the Son Josward he having married Christina the Daughter of Ingo surnamed the Pious But both the Swedes and Gothes considering afterwards how necessary it was to keep up the Union betwixt these two Kingdoms made an agreement that Erick should remain King over both Kingdoms but that Charles should succeed him and that afterwards their Heirs should Rule the Kingdom in the same manner in their several turns This Erick having reduced the Finns to their former Obedience obliged them to receive the Christian Doctrine He also ordered the antient Constitutions of the Kingdom to be Collected into one Book which was called after his name St. Erick's Law He was slain in the Meadows near Vpsal by Magnus the King of Denmark's Son who having first defeated his Army was proclaimed King But the Swedes and Gothes under the Conduct of Charles the Son of Swercher fell again with such fury upon the Danes that they kill'd all the Danes with their King and his Son upon the spot and out of the spoil built a Church near Vpsal which they called Denmark Charles therefore the Son of Swercher became King of Denmark who Reigned with a general applause till Cnut the Son of Erick returned out of Norway and under pretence that he had abetted his Father's death surprised and killed him His Lady and Children fled into Denmark where having got some assistance they joined with the Gothes under the Conduct of Kell the Brother of Charles to recover the Kingdom but their General was killed upon the spot and their Forces dispersed by Cnus Erickson After which he Reigned very peaceably for the space of twenty three years After the death of Cnut Swercher the Son of Charles was made King of Swedeland but had for his Rival Erick the Son of the last deceased King At last the difference was thus Composed that Swercher should remain King during his life but should be succeeded by Erick But Swercher who notwithstanding this agreement was for settling the Crown upon his Family did barbarously murther all the Sons of Cnut except Erick who escaped into Norway from whence he returned with some Forces and being assisted by the Swedes vanquished Swercher who fled into West Gothland Having obtained Succours of sixteen thousand Men from Weldemar the King of Denmark he attempted to recover his Kingdom but was miserably beaten by Erick's Army he himself narrowly escaping into Denmark from whence he not long after again fell into West Gothland but was again defeated and slain in the Battel Leaving Erick Cnutson in the quiet possession of the Throne who renewed the former agreement made betwixt those two Families and Constituted John the Son of Swercher his Successour in the Kingdom He married Ricnet the Sister of Waldemar King of Denmark and dyed in Wisingsoe Him succeeded according to agreement John the Son of Swercher who Reigned but three years and dyed also in the Isle of Wisingsoe which was the general place of residence of the Swedish Kings in those days § 5. After the death of John Erick the Son of the former King Erick became King of Sweden who being lame and besides this lisping was surnamed the Lisper There was about that time a very Potent Family in Sweden called the Tolekungers who aimed at the Crown To bring these over to his Party the King had married three of his Sisters to three of the Chiefest among them he himself having married Catharine the Daughter of Sweno Tolekunger But these being grown more Potent by this Alliance Cnut Tolekunger rebelled against the King and having worsted him obliged him to fly into Denmark from whence he soon returned with a strong Army and vanquished Tolekunger and having caused him and Halingar his Son to be slain restored the Peace of the Kingdom Under the Reign of this King it was that Gulielmus Sabinensis the Pope's Legat did first forbid the Priests in Sweden to Marry whereas before that time it had been a common Custom among the Priests there to Marry as well as Laymen This Erick under the Conduct of his Brother in Law Birger Yerl forced the Finnes to return to Obedience and to receive the Christian Faith and built several Fortresses upon their Frontiers He dyed without Issue in Wisingsoe Whilst Birger Yerl was absent in Finland the States made Waldemar the eldest Son of Birger Yerl their King as being the deceased King's Sisters Son Who being Crowned in the year next following the Administration of the Kingdom was committed during his minority to his Father Birger who augmented the antient Law Book and deserved so well of the Publick that upon the request of the Estates he was created a Duke whereas before he had been only an Earl or as it is in their antient Language Yerl He met with great opposition from the Tolekungers who had not quite laid aside their pretensions to the Crown so that their jealousie at last broke out into open War But the Duke under pretence of making an agreement with them after having granted them a safe Conduct persuaded them to give him a meeting where having made them all Prisoners caused them to be Executed except Charles Tolekunger who fled into Prussia and remained there all his life time Things being thus settled he gave to his Son in Marriage Sophia the Daughter of Erick King of Denmark and laid the first foundation of the Castle and City of Stockholm and tho his Son was become of Age yet did he never surrender the Government to him as long as he lived He died after he had been Regent fifteen years leaving four Sons Waldemar King of Sweden Magnus Duke of Sudermanland Erick of Smaland and Benedict of Finland who afterwards raised great Disturbances for Waldemar having during his Pilgrimage to Rome and Jerusalem left the Administration of the Kingdom to his Brother Magnus at his return accused him of having aimed at the Crown The States of Sweden held an Assembly at Strengness to compose these differences if possible but met with so much difficulty that it was impossible to be effected Wherefore Magnus and Erick being retired into Denmark soon returned from thence with a
Assistance who having taken some Ships loaden with Amunition belonging to the Regent and in vain endeavoured to relieve the besieged Castle the War was begun on both sides For the Archbishop having been forced to surrender the Castle and his Office Pope Leo thereupon excommunicated the Regent laying a Fine of 100000 Ducats upon the Swedes and enjoyning the execution thereof to King Christian Pursuant to this Decree the King of Denmark fell with a great Army into Sweden and was met by the Regent and his Forces in West-Gothland but the Regent having received a Wound there of which he died soon after at Strengness his Army first retreated and being deprived of a Leader afterwards dispersed King Christian then having divided his Army sent one part into West and East-Gothland which were soon subdued and marched with the rest to Strengness The Archbishop taking hold of this opportunity reassumed his Archi-Episcopal Dignity and being assisted by two other Bishops and seven of the Senators of the Kingdom did declare Christian King of Sweden in the name of the Estates at Vpsal The King having been Crowned by the Archbishop Trolle and received the City of Stockh●lm by surrender into his hands treated the Swedes at 〈◊〉 with abundance of humanity but soon after found out a Weapon wherewith to destroy his Adversaries and this was the business concerning the degradation of the Archbishop and the ruining of his Castle of Stecka For tho' the King by an Amnestie had pardoned all past Offences yet no satisfaction having been given to the Pope the Archbishop in his Name demanded a million pounds of Silver in reparation of the damages done to the Church at Vpsal and his Castle of Stecka And to make up the matter it was pretended that Gunpowder had been conveyed into the King's Palace to blow him up Steen Sture's Widow his Mother in Law fifteen others besides the Senare and Commonalty of Stockholm were accused as Actors and Abettors who were all condemned as Hereticks ninety four of them all People of Note being beheaded at Stockholm and their Servants hanged up with Boots and Spurs The deceased Regent's body having been digged up was exposed among the rest of the executed Persons and the Quarters set up and down the Country His Widow and Mother in Law were forced to purchase their Lives with the loss of their whole Estate and were nevertheless with a great many other Women of Quality committed to Prison In Finland Hemoning Gudde notwithstanding his former Services done to him was with ten more executed by the King's Command the Abbot of the Convent at Nydala was with eleven Monks drowned by his Orders and two Gentlemen's Sons one of nine the other of seven years beheaded at Joncoping and after he had in this manner murthered 600 of his Swedish Subjects he returned into Denmark § 9. But in the mean while that King Christian was busied in bringing the Swedes under the Danish yoke by all manner of inhumane Barbarities Gustavus Erichson whose Father had been beheaded by the Tyrant and his Mother thrown in Prison had sheltered himself among the Dalek●rls who being made sensible of the danger which threatened them and the whole Kingdom had made Gustave their Head whose example being followed by the Estates of Sweden they soon after declared him Regent of that Kingdom except the Archbishop and his Party that remained firm to the Danish Interest King Christian being violently exasperated at Gustave revenged himself upon his Mother and two Sisters whom he sent from Stokholm to Copenhagen where they perished in Prison he issued also out an Order that no quarter should be given to any Swedish Nobleman and committed great Barbarities wherever he came The Swedes on the other hand under the Conduct of their Regent Gustave repaid the Danes with the same Coin wherever they met them and with the Assistance of the Lubeckers besieged Stockholm which was as yet in King Christian's Possession when they received the joyful news out of Denmark that the Jutlanders had renounced their Allegiance to King Christian This so encouraged Gustave and his Party that they did not only drive King Christian's Forces out of most Provinces of the Kingdom retook Ocland and Borkholm but also recovered the Castle and City of Calmar and made Gustave King of Sweden who thereupon immediately summoned Stockholm to a surrender and the Garrison being without hopes of relief surrendred the City and Castle to the Lubeckers who restored the same to King Gustave In the mean while King Christian was retired with his Queen into the Netherlands and the Jutlanders having made Frederick I. King Christian's Uncle their King would fain have perswaded the Swedes to follow their example but these being not ambitious of continuing the Union with Denmark had refused their proffer and chosen Gustave their King But King Gustave finding the Treasury mightily exhausted by these long intestine Wars he not only taxed the Clergy to pay considerable Sums towards the payment of his Souldiers but also made bold with the superfluous Ornaments of the Churches against which Brask the Bishop of Lincoping having protested and made complaint thereof to Johannes Magnus the Pope's Legate Peter Bishop of Westeraas endeavoured to raise an Insurrection among the Dalekerls But whilest these Bishops were employed in maintaining their Privileges the Protestant Religion had begun to spread all over the Kingdom The same was by some Merchants and German Souldiers first introduced into Sweden and some Swedish Students that had studied at Wittenbergh had brought along with them into their Native Country both the Doctrine and Writings of Luther Among these one Olaus Petri was the chiefest who having been an Auditor of Luther at his return into Sweden was made a Canon and Protonotary to the Bishops of Strenguess this Man after the death of the Bishop having brought Lars Anderson the Archdeacon over to his Opinion began not only to defend Luther's Doctrine publickly in the Schools but also to publish the same from the Pulpit The Bishop being absent Dr. Nils Dean of that Chapter with all his might opposed this new Doctrine which being come to the King's Ears he advised with Lars Anderson who having instructed him in the chief Points of it and in what manner a great many German Princes had taken away the superfluous riches of the Clergy began to hearken to his Opinion resolving nevertheless to go on cautiously in this business and to see how some Princes in Germany should proceed in this Affair as also how the Bishops in Sweden would relish this Doctrine In the mean while Pope Hadrian IV. had sent his Legate into Sweden to endeavour the extirpation of this Heresie and the Clergy of Sweden grew every day more refractory refusing to pay the Taxes imposed upon them as being contrary to their Privileges On the other hand Olaus Petri being encouraged by the King was not silent but defended his Cause both by Dispute and Writing with such
England thereby to strengthen his Interest against his Brothers sent the said Dionysius into England who having writ to his Master that nothing was wanting to make up the Match but his presence the Prince would have gone forthwith into England if his Father had not opposed it who sent in his stead his second Son John and Steen Sture These being very civilly entertained by Queen Elizabeth at their return Home told the Prince that they believed nothing to be wanting to compleat the Marriage but his presence which was very joyfully received by the Prince But the old and wise King who soon perceived that they had mistaken Complements for Realities thought it advisable to Communicate the business with the Estates Assembled at Stockholm who after having confirmed the former Hereditary Union and the King's Testament at last gave their consent to this Marriage granting a considerable Supply towards the defraying of the charges of this Marriage But whilst the Prince was preparing for his Voyage part of his Baggage having been sent before he being near ready to follow in person King Gustave dyed at Stockholm and King Erick not thinking it advisable to trust his Brother with the Kingdom was forced to put by his Journey into England § 10. King Erick was twenty seven years of age when he succeeded his Father in the Kingdom His first business was to prescribe certain new Articles to his Brothers thereby to maintain the Royal Authority against them which though sorely against their will they were forced to subscribe at the Dyet held at Arboga At his Coronation he first introduced the Titles of Earls and Barons into Sweden alledging that in an Hereditary Kingdom there ought to be also Hereditary Dignities among the Nobility At his very first Accession to the Crown he was engaged in the Troubles which then sorely afflicted the Li●landers For some of them having put themselves under the Protection of Denmark some under the Crown of Poland those of Reval and the Nobility of Esthenland that were nearest to Sweden sought for Protection to King Erick Whereupon the King having sent an Army under the Command of Claes Horn who was joyfully received at Reval took them into his Protection and confirmed to the City and Nobility their former Privileges As soon as the Poles heard of the arrival of the Swedish Army at Reval they sent an Ambassadour to demand Reval from the Swedes who having received no other answer but that the Swedes had at least as good a Title to Reval as the Poles returned Home again and the Swedish Garrison that was besieged by the ●olish Forces in Reval forced them to quit that Enterprise Soon after the King being fully resolved to pursue his intentions concerning the Marriage with Queen Elizabeth of England Embarked at Elshorgth to go thither in person but was by a violent Tempest forced to return As he was very inconstant in his Temper and very Superstitious being much addicted to Astrology so after this misfortune he laid aside the thoughts of this Marriage for a while making his Addresses by his Ambassadours and with great Presents to Mary Queen Scotland and the Princess of Lorain both at one time and not long after to Katharine the Daughter of the Landgrave of Hessen but succeeded in neither In the mean while his Borther John had married Katharine Daughter of Sigismund King of Poland which having been done without Ring Erick's good liking who was both mistrustful of the Poles and his Brother put him into such a rage that he besieged his Brother in the Castle of Aboa which having been taken by Strategem he caused him to be sentenced to death which Sentence he however changed into a perpetual Imprisonment for that time but seemed to repent of it afterwards when the Russians demanded the said Katharine his Brother's Wife in Marriage for their Great Duke The Poles to revenge this Affront stirred up the Danes and Lubeckers against the Swedes and the Danes having affronted the Swedish Ambassadours at Copenhagen preparations were made on all sides which soon broke out into a War wherein the Swedes routed the Danes and Lubeckers in several Sea Engagements but also lost their Admiral which Ship carried two hundred Brass Guns and by Land there was great havock made on both sides with almost equal Fortune except that the Swedes had pretty good success in Livonia But whilst King Erick was engaged in War with all his Neighbours round about him the inward discontents began to increase more and more among his Subjects by the ill management which he had shown both in his Affairs and Amours being surrounded with a Seraglio of Mistrisses among whom one Katharine an ordinary Country Wench had the greatest sway over him whom he also married afterwards whereby he lost his Authority among the Nobility Besides this he was guided in most concerns of moment by one Joran ●erson his Favourite and his former Tutor Dionysius Beuraeus who fomented a continual jealousie betwixt him and the Family of the Stures which at last broke out into a fatal revenge For there having been Witnesses suborned against Suarte Sture and his Son Erick they were with several others of that Family not only committed to Prison and miserably murthered there by the King's command but he also with his own hands stab'd Nils Sture and repenting soon after of so barbarous a Fact caused his former Tutor Dionysius who advised it to be slain by his Guards A great part of the Kingdom having been put into confusion by these enormous cruelties of which the King feared the consequences he thought it his best way to prevent further inconveniencies to set his Brother John at Liberty under certain conditions and to lay the blame of these barbarities upon Joran Peerson his Favourite who having been committed to Prison the Intestine Commotions seem'd to be appeased for the present But the King having not long after been very succesful in several Engagements against the Danes whom he beat quite out of Denmark he soon after released his Favourite and not only declared him free from any imputation but also justified the death of those Lords formerly murthered at Vpsal By his advise also he would have taken from his Brothers those Provinces which were allotted them by their Father's Testament in exchange of which he proffered them some Possessions in Livonia But the Brothers having refused this proffer he again resolved to make away his Brother John at the Nuptials which were to be celebrated at Stockholm betwixt his Mistress Catharine and himself and to give his Widow in Marriage to the Grand Duke of Russia But the Brothers having been advertised of the King 's sinister intentions did not appear at the Wedding and having made an Association with several of the Nobility that were Kindred of the Lords murthered at Vpsal they resolved to dethrone King Erick The better to execute their intentions they had by the intercession of the King of Poland
and that he would be Crowned by the Pope's Nuncio which obliged the Estates to send their Deputies to Duke Charles to desire him to interpose his Authority with the King Charles therefore having in conjunction with the Estates in vain endeavoured to perswade the King to a compliance with the Estates entred into an Association with them for the defence of the Protestant Religion and mustered his Troops near Vpsal The King perceiving them to be in earnest thought it his best way not to let things run to extremity but having consented to most of their Propositions which he surrendred to them the same morning when he was to be crowned the Coronation was performed by the Bishop of Strengness But no sooner was he returned to Stockholm but he took a resolution quite contrary to his Promise with an intention to obtain by force what he could not get by fair means Wherefore having sent for some Forces out of Poland he hoped to terrifie the Estates into a compliance at the next Dyet but these being backed by Duke Charles and having raised the Delekerls remained stedfast in their Resolution The King seeing himself disappointed again in his Design resolved upon the advice of the Poles to leave the Kingdom and the Government in an unsettled Condition hoping thereby to oblige them to be more pliable for the future But as soon as the Senators understood that he was sailed towards Dantzick they in conjunction with Duke Charles took upon themselves the administration of the Government deposed the King's Governour of Stockholm he being a Papi●t and forbid the exercise of the Romish Religion And soon after a Peace having been concluded with the Muscovites a Dyet was held at Sudercoping where after the Estates had justified their proceeding in a Letter to the King the Augsburgh Confession was again confirmed the Popish Religion abolished and all Swedes that adhered to the same declared incapable of any Employments in the Kingdom and several other Decrees were made against the Papists and for the maintaining of the Privileges of the Subjects Then they constituted Duke Charles Regent of the Kingdom to govern the same with Advice of the Senate and the whole Transaction was published in the Latin Swedish and German Tongues This having occasioned a general flight among the Roman Catholicks out of Sweden King Sigismund was so dissatisfied thereat that he quickly sent some Commissioners out of Poland to disswade the Duke from these proceedings but also when this proved ineffectual by his Letter to the Estates he committed the whole management of Affairs to the Senate excluding the Duke from the Regency In the mean while some Senators either to curry favour with the King or upon some distaste taken against Duke Charles had shewn themselves great Favourers of the King and declined to appear at the Dyet which was appointed to be held under the Duke's Authority at Arboga Notwithstanding which the few Senators and the Estates there present did again confirm the Decrees lately made at Vpsal and Sudercoping declaring Duke Carles sole Regent of Sweden But Niclaco Flemming the King's General being in Arms and having lately killed a great number of the Boors the Duke also thought it not fit to fit still but having gathered what Troops he could possessed himself first of Gothland and not long after of the whole Kingdom of Sweden the King's Governours and those of the Senators that had not appeared at the last Dyet held at Arboga flying in great numbers to the King in Poland King Sigismund then perceiving that his presence was absolutely necessary in Sweden resolved to go thither in Person with 6000 Men which the Duke having been advertised of called together the Estates of the Gothick Kingdom at Wadstena and having made known to them the King's intention it was unanimously resolved to meet the King with an Army near Calmar But the West-Goths and Smalanders having taken up Arms for the King and the Finns equipped some Ships for this Service the former were beat back by the Boors headed by two Professors of Vpsal and whilest Duke Charles was sailed with his Fleet to reduce the latter which he did with good Success the King without any opposition arrived at Calmar Several Treaties were then set on foot to endeavour the settlement of the Kingdom and to reconcile Matters betwixt the King and Duke which proving ineffectual both Parties had recourse to Arms. The first encounter happened near Stegeburgh where the Duke's Forces being surrounded were quickly put to the rout but laying down their Arms obtained Pardon from the King but the Duke soon made amends for this Misfortune at Stangbroo where having surprised part of the King's Army he killed 2000 of them upon the spot with the loss of 40 Men on his side This Defeat occasioned an agreement betwixt the King and Duke upon certain Articles of which the Estates were to be Guarrantees and the King promised to come forthwith to Stockholm to settle the Affairs of the Kingdom whither he would needs go by Sea tho' it was in October but in lieu of sailing to Stockholm directed his Course from Calmar where he was droven in by contrary Winds to Dan●zick The Duke being surprised at this unexpected departure called together the Estates of the Kingdom who having once more constituted him Regent of Sweden at their second meeting at Stockholm renounced their Obedience to King Sigismund offering at the same time the Crown to his Son Vladislaus in case he would come within a twelve Months time into Sweden and be educated in the Lutheran Religion but in case of failure he and his heirs to be excluded from the Crown Duke Charles thereupon marched against the Finns whom he quickly forced to Obedience and having made an Alliance with the Russians convened the Estates of the Kingdom in the next following year at Sincoping where some of the Lords that were here having before fled into Poland were condemned of High Treason and executed accordingly and not only King Sigismund declared incapable of the Crown but also his Son Vladislaus because he had not appeared within the limited time excluded from the Succession About the same time the Duke being certified that the Eastlanders and especially those of Reval were inclined to his side he marched thither with a great Army and being received very joyfully by the Inhabitants of Reval the Polish Governours left the rest of the places of Esthland voluntarily to the disposition of Charles The same fortune artended him at first in Livonia where he took several places of note without much opposition but was forced to raise the Siege of Riga upon the approach of the Poles who retook Kakenhausen and some other places thereabouts Charles having in the mean time got notice how the Poles had set up the false Demetrius and assisted him against the Muscovites under pretence of being afraid of the designs of the Poles against Sweden desired to resign But these having
of which he died in a few days after at Ingolstadt His Army being dismayed at the loss of their General left their advantageous Post and the Swedes having cut 1000 of them in pieces in their retreat marched straightways into the Country of Bavaria where they took possession of Raio and Niewburgh upon the Danube Augsburgh surrendred without much resistance But their design upon Ingolstadt and Ratisbonne miscarried being repulsed at the first where the King's Horse was shot under him and Christopher the Marquis of Baden killed by his side but the latter the Elector of Bavaria had secured by throwing some of his Forces into the place The King therefore returning into Bavaria set that Country under Contribution and the City of Municken opened its Gates to the King In the mean while General Wallenstein having left the Elector of Bavaria a while to shift for himself had driven the Saxons out of Bohemia by the treachery of their General Arnheim who was an utter Enemy of King Gustave and the Imperialists under Lieutenant General Pappenheim had made considerable progresses in the Circle of the Lower Saxony Wallenstein also had taken a resolution to fall with all his Forces upon the King in the Country of Bavaria Pursuant to this resolution the Elector of Bavaria having left a sufficient Garrison at Ingolstadt and Ratisbonne marched towards Egen to join Wallenstein whom the King pursued in hopes to hinder their conjunction but coming too late he encamped near Numbergh till he could be joined by his Forces that were dispersed in several parts of Germany Wallenstein then made a shew as if he would turn his Arms against the Elector of Saxony thereby to draw the King out of his advantageous Post near that City but the King remaining in his Post he marched towards him spreading his Cavalry all round about which occasioned a great scarcity of Forage in the King's Camp but as for Provisions he was sufficiently supplyed withal from Numbergh Whilst the King was reduced to these Straits he received a reinforcement of 15000 Foot and 10000 Horse from several places so that being now superiour in number he attacked Wallenstein in his Camp who being strongly Entrenched repalsed the Swedes with the loss of 2000 Men. In the mean time the Imperial General Pappenheim had beat the Hessians near Volckmarsen had forced the Duke of Lunenburgh to raise the Siege of Callenbergh had beat General Baudist from before Paterborn and Hoxter had relieved Wolffenbuttel and taken Hildesheim from whence he was marched into Thuringia to join Wallenstein On the other hand the Saxons were entred Silesia with an Army of 16000 Men where meeting with no opposition they might have carried all before them if their General Arnheim had not been treacherous to King Gustave whom he hated and was for working a reconciliation betwixt the Emperour and the Elector of Saxony The King therefore not to lose any more time having put a good Garrison into Numbergh resolved to send part of his Army into Franconia and with the main Body to return towards the Danube into Bavaria where he had taken several places on the River of Lech But whilst he was carrying on his victorious Arms among the Roman Catholicks frequent Messengers were sent to him by the Elector of Saxony craving his assistance against Wallenstein who was with all his Forces entred into Misnia The King though he had great reason to be dissatisfied with the Elector yet fearing he might be forced to make a separate Peace with the Emperour if he did not come to his assistance he having left some Forces in Bavaria and Suabia under the Command of Paltsgrave Christian of Berckenfeld and commanded Gustave Horn to remain in Alsatia where he forced Benfelden to surrender as Franckenthal was about the same time forced to surrender by Famine himself marched with the Army towards Misnia Being arrived at Nauenbu●gh he received information that the Enemies had raised the Siege of Werssenfels and that they had detached Pappenheim with some Forces upon another design Having therefore resolved not to stay for the Duke of Lunenburgh who being already arrived at Wittenbergh was to have joined him but to fight the Enemy before he could be rejoined by Pappenheim Pursuant to this resolution he marched to the great Plains near Lutzen where a most bloody Battel was fought betwixt them in which the Swedish Infantry fell with such fury upon the Imperial Foot that they routed them and made themselves Masters of their Cannon But the Swedish Horse being stopt by a broad Ditch that was cut cross the Plains for the conveniency of floating of Wood the King put himself at the Head of the Smaland Regiment of Horse encouraging the rest by his example to follow him Thus furiously advancing before the rest and being only accompanyed by Francis Albucret Duke of Saxen Launenburgh and two Grooms he there lost his life Concerning his death there are different opinions but the most probable is that he was shot by the said Duke of Lauenburgh who was set on by the Imperialists that had their only hopes in the King's death The Swedes were so far from being dismayed at the King's death that they fell with great fury again upon the Enemy whom they routed on all sides The Imperialists having been rejoined by Pappenheim would have rallied again but Pappenheim having also been killed they were routed a second time leaving an entire Victory to the Swedes which was nevertheless dearly purchased by the death of so great a King § 15. The death of this great King caused great alterations in Europe for though the Imperialists had lost the Battel and a great many brave Officers yet were they in no small hopes that the Swedish Affairs would now sink under their own weight and therefore made great preparations against them the next Campagne The Protestants in Germany were by his death divided into several Factions not knowing whom they should choose for their Head and the Swedes overwhelmed with troubles his Daughter Christina being then but six years of Age. Nevertheless having settled their Affairs at Home and committed the Administration of the Kingdom to the five chief Officers of the State the chief management of the Affairs in Germany was committed to the care of the Lord Chancellour Oxenstirn who having been sent by the King's order into the higher Germany received this sad News at Hanau The Chancellour did not so much fear the Power of his Enemies as their constancy and unanimous Resolution whereas the Protestants were divided in their Counsels and Opinions and were not likely to follow his directions after the King's death it being not probable that the Electors and Princes of the Empire would be commanded by a Foreign Nobleman nevertheless he thought it not advisable by leaving their Conquests to ruin at once the Protestant Cause and the Interest of Sweden but rather to endeavour by a brave resistance to obtain an honorable Peace Having