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A34170 The compleat office of the Holy Week with notes and explications / translated out of Latin and French ; published with allowance.; Holy Week offices. English Catholic Church.; Blount, Walter Kirkham, Sir, d. 1717. 1687 (1687) Wing C5648; ESTC R212860 227,354 545

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unspeakable charity and the regard his Father had to his condition might easily obtain so just a request insomuch that he had onely a tast of death and the third day gloriously triumphed over it Though as the Son of God he was worthy to be heard without tears or cries and therefore should have been exempt from the least pains yet laying aside what he was he would by a transport worthy his love absolutely fulfil his Fathers will He took upon him all the evils wherewith he was charged to satisfie the rigour of his Justice To tast all sorts of grief and pains yielding himself a true Child as well as an obedient Disciple in all his sufferings He gave us a perfect example of patience and submission in all our afflictions O Lord hear my Prayer and let my cry come unto thee V. Turn not away thy face from me in what day soever I am in tribulation incline thy ear unto me V. In what day soever I shall invocate thee hear me speedily V. Because my days have vanished as smoke and my bones are withered as a dry burnt firebrand V. I am stricked as grass and my heart is withered because I have forgotten to eat my bread V. Thou rising up shalt have mercy on Sion because it is time to have mercy on it The Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ according to St. Luke chap. 22 23. AT that time the festival day of the Azymes approached which is called Pasche and the chief Priests and the Scribes sought how they might kill Jesus but they feared the people And Satan entred into Judas that was sirnamed Iscariot one of the twelve And he went and talked with the chief Priests and the Magistrates how he might betray him to them And they were glad and bargained to give him money And he promised And he sought opportunity to betray him apart from the multitudes And the day of the Azymes came wherein it was necessary that the Pasche should be killed And he sent Peter and John saying Go and prepare us the Pasche that we may eat But they said Where wilt thou that we prepare it And he said to them Behold as you enter into the City there shall meet you a man carrying a Pitcher of water follow him into the house into which he entereth and you shall say to the good man of the house The Master saith to thee Where is the Inn where I may eat the Pasche with my Disciples And he will shew you a great Refectory adorned and there prepare And they going found as he said to them and prepared the Pasche And when the hour was come he sate down and the twelve Apostles with him and he said to them With desire I have desired to eat this Pasche with you before I suffer For I say to you That from this time I will not eat it till it be fulfilled in the Kingdom of God And taking the Chalice he gave thanks and said Take and divide among you for I say to you That I will not drink of the generation of the Vine till the Kingdom of God do come And taking Bread he gave thanks and brake and gave to them saying This is my Body which is given for you Do this for a commemoration of me In like manner the Chalice also after he had supped saying This is the Chalice of the New Testament in my Bloud which shall be shed for you But yet behold the hand of him that betrayeth me is with me on the Table And the Son of man indeed goeth according to that which is determined but yet wo to that man by whom he shall be betrayed And they began to question among themselves which of them it should be that should do this And there fell also a contention between them which of them seemed to be greater And he said unto them The Kings of the Gentiles over-rule them and they that have power upon them are called beneficial But you not so but he that is the greater among you let him become as the younger and he that is the leader as the waiter For which is greater he that sitteth at Table or he that ministreth Is not he that sitteth But I am in the midst of you as he that ministreth and you are they that have remained with me in my temptation And I dispose to you as my Father disposed to me a Kingdom that you may eat and drink upon my Table in my Kingdom and may sit upon Thrones judging the twelve Tribes of Israel And our Lord said Simon Simon behold Satan required to have you for to sift as Wheat but I have prayed for thee that thy faith fail not and thou once converted confirm thy Brethren Who said to him Lord with thee I am ready to go both into prison and unto death And he said I say unto thee Peter the Cock shall not crow to day till thou deny thrice thou knowest me And he said to them When I sent you without purse and skrip and shoes did you lack any thing But said Nothing He said therefore unto them But now he that hath a purse let him take it likewise also a skrip and he that hath not let him sell his coat and buy a sword For I say to you That yet this that is written must be fulfilled in me And with the wicked was he reputed For those things that are concerning me have an end But they said Lord lo two swords here But he said to them It is enough And going forth he went according to his custom into Mount Olivet and his Disciples also followed him And when he was come to the place he said to them Pray lest ye enter into temptation And he was pulled away from them a stones cast and kneeling he prayed saying Father if thou wilt transfer this Chalice from me But yet not my will but thine be done And there appeared to him an Angel from Heaven strengthening him and being in an agony he prayed the longer And his sweat became as drops of bloud trickling down upon the Earth And when he was risen up from prayer and was come to his Disciples he found them sleeping for pensiveness And he said to them Why sleep you Arise pray lest you enter into temptation As he was yet speaking behold a multitude and he that was called Judas one of the twelve went before them and approached to Jesus for to kiss him And Jesus said to him Judas with a kiss dost thou betray the Son of man And they that were about him seeing what would be said to him Lord shall we strike with the sword And one of them smote the servant of the High Priest and cut off his right ear But Jesus answering said Suffer ye thus far And when he had touched his ear he healed him And Jesus said to them that were come unto him the Chief Priests and Magistrates of the Temple and Ancients As it were to a thief are you come forth with swords
they mocked him saying Hail King of the Jews and spitting upon him they took the reed and smote his head And after they had mocked him they took off the cloak from him and put on him his own garments and led him away to crucifie him And in going they found a man of Cyrene named Simon whom they forced to take up his Cross And they came into the place which is called Golgotha which is the place of Calvari And they gave him Wine to drink mingled with Gall. And when he tasted he would not drink And after they had crucified him they divided his garments casting lots that it might be fulfilled which was spoken to the Prophet saying They divided my garments among them and upon my vesture they did cast lots And they sate and watched him And they put over his head his cause written This is Jesus the King of the Jews Then were crucified with him two thieves one on the right hand and one of the left And they passed by blaspheming him wagging their heads and saying Vah Thou that destroyest the Temple of God and in three days doest re-edifie it save thine own self if thou be the Son of God come down from the Cross In like manner also the Chief Priests with the Scribes and Ancients mocking said He saved others himself he cannot save if he be King of Israel let him now come down from the Cross and we will believe him He trusted in God let him now deliver him if he will for he said That I am the Son of God And the self-same thing the thieves also that were crucified with him reproached him withal And from the sixth hour there was darkness made upon the whole earth until the ninth hour Jesus cryed out with a mighty voice saying Eli Eli Lamasabacthani that is my God my God why hast thou forsaken me These words are spoken as out of humane frailty wherewith Christ was pleased to cloath himself to teach us that we must be deprived of the goods and comforts of this world whereby to elevate us to desire and hope of Eternal And certain that stood there and heard said He calleth Elias And incontinent one of them running took a spung and filled it with vinegar and put it on a reed and gave him to drink And others said Let be let us see whether Elias come to deliver him And Jesus again crying with a mighty voice yielded up the ghost Here the Faithful kneel or prostrate themselves a while upon the ground And behold the Veil of the Temple was rent in two pieces from the top even to the bottom It was a great piece of Hanging or Tapistry before the Sanctuary and this was done to signifie that the Old Law was taken away in Christ and the earth did quake and the rocks were rent and the graves were opened and many bodies of the Saints that had slept rose and they going forth out of the graves after his resurrection came into the holy city and appeared to many And the Centurion and they that were with him watching Jesus having seen the Earthquake and the things that were done were sore afraid saying Indeed this was the Son of God And there were many women afar off which had followed Jesus from Galilee ministring unto him among whom was Mary Magdalene and Mary the mother of James and Joseph and the mother of the Sons of Zebedee And when it was evening there came a certain rich man of Aramithoea named Joseph who also himself was Disciple to Jesus He went to Pilate and asked the body of Jesus Then Pilate commanded that the body should be delivered And Joseph taking the body wrapt it in clean Syndon and laid it in his own new Monument which he had hewed in a rock And he rolled a great stone to the door of the Monument and went his way And there was there Mary Magdalene and the other Mary sitting over against the Sepulchre ANd the next day which is after the Parasceue the Chief Priests and the Pharisees came together to Pilate saying Sir we have remembred that the seducer said yet living After three days I will rise again Command therefore the Sepulchre to be kept until the third day lest perhaps his Disciples come and steal him and say to the people He is risen from the dead and the last errour shall be worse than the first Pilate said to them You have a guard go guard it as you know And they departing made the Sepulchre sure sealing up the stone with watchmen Then the Creed is said which is the sum of our Belief wherein we confess we believe what we heard in the Gospel I Believe in one God Father Almighty Maker of Heaven and Earth and of all things visible and invisible And in our Lord Jesus Christ the only begotten Son of God and born of the Father before all Ages God of God light of light true God of the true God who was begotten not made consubstantial to the Father by whom all things were made Who descended from Heaven for us men and for our salvation and taking flesh of the Virgin Mary by the operation of the Holy Ghost became man He was also crucified for us under Pontius Pilate suffered and was buried and rose again the third day according to the Scriptures He ascended into Heaven and sits on the right hand of the Father and will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead whose Kingdom will have no end I believe in the Holy Ghost the Lord and giver of life who proceeds from the Father and the Son who spoke by the Prophets I believe one Holy Catholick Church I confess one Baptism for the remission of sins I expect the resurrection of the dead and life in the world to come Amen The Priest turning towards the Faithful prays to God for his grace that they may perform his Commandments and offer themselves worthily to his Majesty V. Our Lord be with you The Faithful ask the same grace of God for him R. And with thy Spirit The OFFERTORY taken out of the 68th Psalm The Church represents unto us that the most piercing grief our Saviour endured and whereof he could not have the least ease was his foresight of so great number of men as by their impiety would render themselves unworthy the fruit of his Passion which is Eternal Life and that instead of their acknowledgment for their salvation which he had purchased for them he should receive outrages more sharp and bitter than the Gall and Vinegar presented him upon the Cross MY heart hath looked for reproach and misery and I expected somebody that would be sorrowful with me and there was none I sought for a comforter and I found him not and they gave gall for my meat and in my thirst they gave me vinegar to drink After the Offertory the Priest takes the Patten and offers the Bread which is to be consecrated saying REceive O Holy Father Almighty and
and then returning up to the Altar he kneels to the blessed Sacrament after that bowing himself with his hands joyned before the Altar he says WE present our selves O Lord before thee in the spirit of humility and repentance and therefore we beseech thee that this Sacrifice may be agreeably accomplisht by us this day The Priest kisseth the Altar and kneels down then turning to the People he desires them to joyn in Prayers with him to God that he will please to accept this Offering of Wine and Water in memory of the Bloud and Water which ran out of our Saviours side And this Offering is a kind of Sacrifice in that it is joyned with the Consecrated Hoast which represents the bloudy Sacrifice of Jesus Christ PRay Brethren that this my Sacrifice which is also yours may be acceptable to God the Father Almighty And to observe unto us that this Oblation is only a representation of the bloudy Sacrifice of Jesus Christ and that no unbloudy Sacrifice is celebrated this day Suscipiat Dominus is not answered And thereupon also there is no Consecration this day because the memory of Christs Passion is only celebrated as it actually had past Nevertheless that we may not be deprived of participating the fruit of his Passion being incorporated anew with him the Body of this our Divine Saviour is reserved the day before but not the Bloud for fear of Accidents Let us Pray PRAECEPTIS c. The faithful beg of God that they may be made worthy to reap the benefit of the Passion of his Son Jesus Christ in receiving his Body in the same Prayer which Christ himself taught us giving them confidence to call him our Father as he made himself our Brother to teach us that we cannot fail of any thing having an Omnipotent Father BEing taught by our Saviour's Commands and led by Divine Institution we are bold to say Our Father which art in Heaven where you shine in greater glory and whereunto thou art pleased that we should raise our thoughts Hallowed be thy Name Acknowledged and Adored Thy Kingdom come The Empire of thy Grace in this World and of the next Thy Will be done in Earth as it is in Heaven Give us this day our daily bread The precious Body and Blood of thy Son which is daily consecrated thy Grace and all things necessary for us in the course of this life And forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors And lead us not into temptation The People to testifie their concurrence with the Priest in this Prayer answer But deliver us from evil From sin from the snares of this world the flesh and the devil And to shew that this Prayer is pronounc'd in the name of all it is answered Amen LIBERA c. The Priest considering that there is no greater evil nor more contrary to the Holy Communion than that which may trouble and destroy the Peace and Union of Christians beseeches God to deliver us by the Merits of Jesus Christ by the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin of the Apostles and all the Saints and to grant us that Peace and Union which we ought to have with our Saviour and with the other Members of his Church which he signifies by breaking the Hoast and dividing it into three parts That part which he puts upon the Patten signifies the faithful in this life that which he retains in his Hand the faithful that are in Purgatory and that which he breaks the blessed DEliver us O Lord we beseech thee from all evils past present and to come and grant us peace in these our Duties by the intercession of the ever-glorious Virgin Mary Mother of God of thy Apostles St. Peter and St. Paul of St. Andrew and all the Saints that being assisted by thy gracious mercy we may be free from all sin and secure from all dangers Through the same our Lord Jesus Christ who liveth and reigneth God with thee in the unity of the Holy Ghost for ever and ever The faithful concurring with the Priest answer Amen No Incense is used at this Elevation to signifie that on this day the Jews refused all honour due to God nor are the Bells rung to mind us of the Disciples silence and astonishment After the Deacon hath uncovered the Chalice and the Priest divided the Hoast into three parts over the Chalice he puts the least particle into the Chalice which represents the Estate of the blessed and the other two parts upon the Patten without saying any thing or making the sign of the Cross omitting Pax Domini c. Haec commixtio c. Agnus Dei c. Domine Jesu Christe qui dixisti c. Domine Jesu Christe Pili Dei vivi c. to express unto us that the wholesom effect of Christs Passion and the reconciliation of Men with God was not compleated till after his Resurrection Nor is the Pax given about for the same reason as also to shew our aversion to Judas his traiterous kiss The Priest says the Prayer following to beg of God a disposition requisite for the worthy receiving of the Eucharist GRant O Lord Jesus Christ that this participation of thy body which now though unworthy I intend to receive may not turn to my judgment and condemnation but through thy mercy may be a protection and and a wholsom medicine to my soul and body Who livest and reignest with God the Father in the unity of the Holy Ghost world without end Amen And having kneeled to adore the Sacrament taking the Hoast between his hands considering he is to receive his God he puts all his confidence in his mercy saying I Will take the Celestial Bread and will call upon the Name of our Lord. And calling to mind how acceptable the Centurion's humility was to the Son of God when he would have honoured him with a visit in imitation of him he protests himself unworthy so great a favour and knocking his breast useth the same words LOrd I am not worthy that thou shouldest enter under my roof only say the word and my soul shall be healed Lord I am not worthy that thou shouldest enter under my roof only say the word and my soul shall be healed Lord I am not worthy that thou shouldest enter under my roof only say the word and my soul shall be healed When he receives the Body of our Lord he makes the sign of the Cross with the Hoast calling to his mind that 't is that Body which Christ exposed to death to save us THe Body of our Lord Jesus Christ preserve my Soul to Life Everlasting Amen The Priest having taken the Body of Christ the Deacon uncovering the Chalice drinks that piece of the Hoast put into the Chalice together with the Wine therein without saying any thing or making the sign of the Cross to signifie the Wine is not consecrated The Sub-deacon pours wine and water into the Chalice to wash his singers that so the least piece of the
your selves which also in CHRIST JESUS who when he was in the form of God thought it no robbery himself to be equal to God but he exinanited himself taking the form of a servant made into the similitude of men and in shape found as a man R. Thanks be to God HYMN In remembrance of the Victory Christ obtained by his Cross A Broad the Regal Banners fly Now shines the Crosses Mystery Upon it Life did Death endure And yet by Death did Life procure Who wounded with a direful Spear Did purposely to wash us clear From stain of Sin pour out a Flood Of precious Water mixt with Blood Fully accomplish'd are the things David in faithful Meeter sings Where he to Nations do's attest God on a Tree his Reign possest O lovely and refulgent Tree Adorn'd with purple Majesty Cull'd from a worthy Stock to bear Those Limbs which sanctified were Blest Tree whose happy Branches bore The Wealth that did the World restore The Beam that did that Body weigh Which rais'd up Hells expected Prey Hail Cross of Hopes the most sublime Now in this mournful Passion-time Improve Religious Souls in Grace The Sins of Criminals efface Blest Trinity Salvations Spring May ev'ry Soul thy Praises sing To those thou grantest Conquest by The Holy Cross Rewards apply Amen THE SONG OF THE HOLY VIRGIN MARY Luke 1. The Church briefly represents unto us in this Canticle the Promises and Mysteries of our Salvation and shews us that the Son of God became Man to repair by his Humility what Man had lost through his own Pride and that it was his will to chuse the Holy Virgin to be his Mother out of his great Humility to accomplish this grand Work MY Soul doth magnifie our Lord. And my spirit hath rejoyced in God my Saviour Because he hath regarded the humility of his handmaid for behold from henceforth all generations shall call me blessed Because he that is mighty hath done great things to me and holy is his Name And his mercy from generations unto generations to them that fear him He hath shewed might in his arm he hath dispersed the proud in the conceit of their heart He hath deposed the mighty from their seat and hath exalted the humble The hungry he hath filled with good things and the rich he hath sent away empty He hath received Israel his child being mindful of his mercy As he spake to our fathers to Abraham and his seed for ever Glory be to the Father c. Ant. For it is written I will strike the Pastor and the sheep of the flock shall be dispersed but after I shall be risen again I will go before you into Galilee and there ye shall see me saith our Lord. At Paris the following Anthymn is said ALl the people which descended rejoyced and began to praise God exceedingly for the wonders they had seen saying Blessed is the King that comes in the name of our Lord Peace in heaven and glory in the highest THE PRAYER To beg God's Grace to imitate the Humility and Patience of our Saviour O Almighty Eternal God who hast caused our Saviour to take Flesh and be crucified for Mankind as an Example of Humility to be imitated Grant propitiously that we may partake both of the Instructions of his Patience and the Fellowship of his Resurrection Thro' the same our Lord c. AT COMPLINE The Reader says Vers REverend Father bless me THE BLESSING GRant us Omnipotent Lord a quiet Night and a happy End Resp Amen THE LESSON taken out of the First Epistle of the Apostle St. Peter chap. 5. BRethren be sober and watch because your adversary the Devil as a roaring Lion goeth about seeking whom he may devour Whom resist ye strong in faith But thou O Lord have mercy on us R. Thanks be to God V. Our help is in the name of our Lord. R. Who made Heaven and Earth OUr Father which art in Heaven Hallowed be thy Name Thy Kingdom come Thy Will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven Give us this day our daily bread And forgive us our trespasses as we forgive them that trespass against us And lead us not into temptation But deliver us from all evil Amen HAil Mary full of Grace our Lord is with thee Blessed art thou amongst Women and blessed is the Fruit of thy Womb JESUS Holy Mary Mother of God pray for us Sinners now and in the hour of our death Amen I Confess unto Almighty God to Blessed Mary ever Virgin to Blessed Michael the Archangel to Blessed John Baptist to the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul to all Saints and to Thee Father That I have sinned exceedingly in Thought Word and Deed by my fault by my fault by my most grievous fault Therefore I beseech the Blessed Mary ever Virgin Blessed Michael the Archangel Blessed John Baptist the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul all Saints and Thee O Father to pray for me to our Lord God Almighty God have mercy on us and all our Sins being forgiven bring us unto everlasting Life R. Amen The Almighty and merciful Lord give unto us Pardon Absolution and Remission of all our Sins R. Amen Convert us O God our Saviour R. And avert thine Anger from us V. Incline unto my aid O God R. O Lord make haste to help me Glory be to the Father c. Ant. Have mercy on me PSALM 4. This Psalm shews us That 't is impossible to raise up our Thoughts to the Love of the true Goods whilst our Hearts are overcharged with the Cares of Worldly Affairs but that once being purified with the Grace of God we then in the secret of our Souls begin to contemn our selves and being touched with a true Compunction of Heart we offer to his Majesty a Sacrifice all our past Life with an intention by his assistance entirely to change it And from thence-forth our Lord begins to make us rellish his Sweets and Delights and to heap Joys upon us Then we find in that Sovereign Good another Grain another Wine and another Oyl than what here below so as we neither envy the Prosperity of the Wicked nor fear their Persecutions having placed all our Confidence in God WHen I invocated the God of my justice heard me in tribulation thou hast enlarged to me Have mercy on me and hear my prayer Ye sons of men how long are you of heavy heart why love you vanity and seek lying And know ye that our Lord hath made his Holy One marveilous our Lord will hear me when I shall cry to him Be ye angry and sin not the things that you say in your hearts in your chambers be ye sorry for Sacrifice ye the sacrifice of justice and hope in our Lord Many say Who sheweth us good things The light of thy countenance O Lord is signed upon us thou hast given gladness in my heart By the fruit of their corn and wine and oyl they are multiplied In peace in the self same I will
them to receive him worthily WE therefore Almighty God most humbly beseech thee to command these things to be represented to thy High Altar in presence of thy Divine Majesty by the hands of thy Holy Angel that all who participating of this Altar shall receive the Body and Blood of Christ may be replenished with thy Heavenly Grace and Blessing Through the same Christ our Lord. Amen The Commemoration for the Dead Memento c. As our Redeemer by his descent into Hell after his death by the Merits of his Sacrifice freed the Faithful from Limbus and Purgatory who there expected his coming and were in a condition of relief the Priest begs of God by the Merits of this Sacrifice which he offers in memory of his Son's death and descent into Hell that he will please to grant relief and rest to the Souls of the Faithful which they expect in Purgatory being there as in a dream of Peace either for that they are to come one day thence as out of a dream to enjoy a peaceable and happy life no longer subjected to the necessity of sleep or because the anguish of their pains troubles not the peace of their conscience in obedience and conformity to our Saviour's will being full of hope and confidence insomuch that we may say these transitory pains are but as a dream in comparison of those which are damned suffer in Hell for ever REmember also O Lord thy servants Men and Women N. and N. who have gone before us with the sign of Faith and now rest in Peace Here remember such particular persons as you best please WE humbly beseech O Lord to grant to these and to all those who rest in Christ a Place of Refreshment Light and Peace Through the same Christ our Lord. Amen The Priest striking his breast says Nobis quoque peccatoribus The Priest after he hath prayed to God for the Faithful both living and dead prays for himself and all other Priests that it may please his Divine Majesty by his mercy to supply their defects and grant him the grace to partake of the company of the Saints through the Merits of Jesus Christ VOuchsafe also to grant unto us sinners thy servants hoping from the multitude of thy mercies a part and society with thy Apostles and Martyrs John Stephen Matthias Barnaby Ignatius Alexander Marcellinus Peter Felicitas Perpetua Agatha Lucy Agnes Cecily Anastasia and with all Saints among whom we humbly beseech thee to admit us not esteeming our merit but mercifully granting thy pardon Through Christ our Lord. Amen Per quem haec omnia c. The Priest protests before God the Father that the Sacraments now upon the Altar with all the Benefits it contains proceeds from him through Jesus Christ by whom as by the Chief Priest he daily produces it by a kind of Creation and Consecration and life-giving Satisfaction replenished with all sorts of Blessings bestowing it upon us as a nourishment fit for our Souls that being enlivened by his Spirit we may render him all due Honour and Glory confessing that God the Father receives nothing by us but by with and in Jesus Christ By Jesus Christ as Mediator and Fountain of all good works with Jesus Christ for being but one and the same Divinity and Nature he communicates his Glory with him and the Holy Ghost in the bottom of his Divinity In Jesus Christ in the Unity of his Body and Members who make one person with him and it is in his Person incarnate that God is perfectly adored BY whom O Lord thou dost always create all these goods thou dost sanctifie quicken bless and bestow them on us by him and with him and in him O God the Father Almighty all Honour and Glory is due to thee in the Unity of the Holy Ghost Per omnia saecula c. The Priest in a loud voice concludes his protestation That he comes to praise and adore God eternally and invites the Faithful to a consent saying World without end The Faithful consenting answer Amen Let us Pray Praeceptis c. After the Priest has declared that the Glory which we give to God the celestial nourishment of this Sacrament and all other Benefits are derived unto us from God the Father through Jesus Christ we beseech him in the same words which Christ commanded us to use wherein he encourageth us to call him our Father as he was pleased to become our Brother to make us worthy to acknowledge that we can want Nothing since we have a Father so omnipotent BEing taught by our Saviour's Commands and lead by Divine Institution we are bold to say Our Father which art in Heaven where thy glory appears in more splendour and whether thou wouldst have us raise up our thoughts Hallowed be thy Name Acknowledged and adored Thy Kingdom come The Empire of thy Grace in this world and of thy Bliss in the other Thy Will be done in Earth as it is in Heaven Give us this day our daily bread The precious Body and Blood of thy Son which is to day consecrated thy holy Grace and all things necessary unto us for the sustentation of this life And forgive us our Trespasses as we forgive them that trespass against us And lead us not into Temptation The Faithful testifying that they pray with the Priest answer R. But deliver us from Evil. The Priest to shew that he said this Prayer in all our Names says Amen Libera c. The Priest considering there can be nothing more prejudicial to us nor which is more contrary to the communion of this Holy Sacrifice than that which disorders and troubles the Christian Peace and Union he beseeches God to deliver us from it by the Merits of Christ by the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin the Apostles and all Saints and to give us that Peace and Union which we ought to have with our Saviour and the Three Members of his Church which he signifies by dividing the Host into three parts That part which he puts on the Patine signifies the Faithful living that which he holds in his hands those in Purgatory that which he breaks off them from that the blessed in Heaven DEliver us from all Evil past present and to come and by the Intercession of the blessed and ever glorious Virgin Mary Mother of God of thy holy Apostles Peter and Paul St. Andrew and all Saints Grant propitiously unto us Peace in our days that through the assistance of thy mercy we may both be freed from sin and secured from all trouble Through the same our Lord Jesus Christ thy Son who liveth and reigneth with thee in the Unity of the Holy Ghost world without end Whereunto the Faithful joyn their Prayers and answer Amen Pax Domini c. The Priest makes thrice the sign of the Cross over the Chalice with that part of the Host which represents the Blessed to testifie that Christ rising again and ascending into Heaven hath left the Legacy of Peace
were now dead And sending for the Centurion asked him If he were now dead And when he understood by the Centurion he gave the body to Joseph And Joseph buying sindon and taking him down wrapped him in the sindon and laid him in a monument that was hewed out of a rock And he rolled a stone to the door of the monument The OFFERTORY taken out of the 139th Psalm The Church teacheth us that when we beg of God to be freed from the persecution of our enemies to pray as our Saviour prayed that God's will and ours might be fulfilled KEep me O Lord from the hand of a sinner and from unjust men deliver me SUSCIPE SANCTE PATER until the Secret as before pag. 56 57 58. The SECRET The Church having taught us in the Gradual of this Mass to have recourse unto God by Fasting and Prayer in our afflictions and representing by the notice our Saviour gave his Disciples that the hour of his Passion approached though 't was himself and not his Disciples that was to suffer nevertheless it was not for himself that he said Watch and Pray but onely for them lest they should fall into temptation The Faithful must consider that if the Apostles were not secure even whilest our Saviour was suffering how much more ought they to fear failing whilest themselves are in affliction whereupon amongst the many tentations wherewith they are surrounded they beseech God to give them the grace to Fast and attend to Prayer in such manner that they may reap the benefit of our Saviour's Passion by vertue of the Sacrifice of the Altar which it represents unto them and by which its merits is applied unto them if their sins prevent not GRant O Lord we beseech thee that these Sacrifices which we celebrate with wholsome Fasting by an holy Institution may repair our nature Through our Lord c. Against the Persecutors of the Church Protege nos as before pag. 90. Or for the Pope Oblatis c. as before pag. 90. The Preface and Cnaon till the Communion as before pag. 60 to 79. The COMMUNION taken out of the 68th Psalm The Church instructs us that the Jews not seeing visibly our Saviour's deliverance as one sunk under the weight of their tyranny they being ignorant of his Passion and Resurrection understood not that by his passing hence to immortal glory he made a passage for us from the old to a new life he having never lived in sin was not in a captivity to quit what he was not guilty of THey spake against me that sate in the gate and they made songs against me who drank wine but I made my Prayer to thee O Lord it is a time of thy good pleasure O God in the multitude of thy mercy The POST-COMMUNION The Faithful pray to God that they may cast off the old and put on a new life by vertue of this Sacrament which represents unto us this happy change in the mystery of the Passion and Resurrection of Jesus Christ applying its merits unto us SAnctifie us Almighty God by thy Sacraments that we may receive a cure for our sins and life everlasting Through our Lord c. Against the Persecutors of the Church O Lord our God we beseech thee to preserve those from falling through humane frailties whom thou hast vouchsafed to a participation in this Holy Communion Through our Lord c. Or for the Pope PRotect O Lord we beseech thee by the participation of this Divine Sacrament and strengthen thy Servant N. whom thou hast advanced to be Chief Pastor of thy Church that he and the flock committed to his charge may attain Eternal Life Through our Lord Jesus Christ c. A Prayer over the People Let us Pray Humble your selves and bow down your heads to God LEt thy Mercy O Lord cleanse us from the corruption of the old man and give us a new spirit Through our Lord c. All the rest as before pag. 79. THE MASS FOR WEDNESDAY IN Holy Week The Station to St. Mary Major To teach us that the Son of God being impassible and immortal as to his divinity could not subject himself to sufferings and death but only according to that flesh which he took of the holy Virgin Mary The INROITT taken out of the 2d Chapter of the Epistle of St. Paul to the Philippians and out of the 101st Psalm The Church instructs us with how much considence we ought to address our Prayers to God in the name of his Son Jesus Christ either in respect of his love for us having suffered death to redeem us or for his omnipotence being the same God with his Father whom all creatures ought to adore The Angels are thereunto obliged for though Christ died not for them yet mankind being thereby redeemed they reap some advantage being reconciled unto them after the enmity and separation which sin had caused between them and for that by this Redemption of man the loss and fall of the Angels was repaired The Devils are obliged by force being overcome and trodden under foot by him But mankind hath a singular obligation he having redeemed them to give them a Kingdom and most accomplisht felicity IN the Name of Jesus let every knee bow of things in Heaven of things in earth and of things under the earth because our Lord became obedient unto death even the death of the cross Therefore our Lord Jesus Christ is in the glory of God the Father PSALM CI. O Lord hear my Prayer and let my cry come unto thee KYRIE ELEISON c. as before pag. 36. Let us Pray V. Let us bend our knees R. Raise up your selves COLLECT The Faithful out of a pious confidence implore by their Prayers God's mercy through the Merits of his Son's Passion GRant we beseech thee O Almighty God that we who are incessantly afflicted through our excesses may be delivered by the Passion of thy only begotten Son who liveth and reigneth one God with thee in the unity of the Holy Ghost world without end Amen The Lesson out of the 62d and 63d Chapter of the Prophet Isay The Church putting us in mind of Christ's Passion represents also unto us at the same time the Glory of his Resurrection to instruct us that his Divinity having never been separated from his Humanity he onely suffered because it was his will and that he made use of his sufferings to appear with the greater lustre in his Resurrection And thereupon in this Lesson his glorious Resurrection is set forth and his departure from Jerusalem the capital City of Judea which is compared for its infidelity to Bosra and Idumen carrying the marks of his Passion upon his Body wherewith his Divinity was clothed as in a Garment And under this figure of the defeat of the Idumeans and delivery of the people of Israel the Church represents to us the victory Jesus Christ gained over the World and the Devil 's securing his flock from their tyranny
the end for which we became Christians is not for this temporal life wherein God often delivers us up to persecutors who persecute us even to death but that the Name of Christian entitles us to an Eternal Life considering that he whose Name we bear was treated so for us PSALM XXI O God my God have respect unto me why hast thou forsaken me far from my salvation are the words of my sins My God I shall cry by day and thou wilt not hear and by night and not for folly unto me But thou dwellest in the holy place the praise of Israel In thee our fathers have hoped they hoped and thou didst deliver them They cried to thee and were saved they hoped in thee and were not confounded But I am a worm and no man a reproach of men and outcast of the people All that see me have scorned me they have spoken with lips and wagged the head He hoped in the Lord let him deliver him save him because he willeth him Because thou art he that hast drawn me out of the womb my hope from the breasts of my mother Upon thee I have been cast from the matrice from my mothers womb thou art my God depart not from me Because tribulation is very nigh because there is not that will help Many calves have compassed me fat bulls have besieged me They have opened their mouths upon me as a lyon ravening and roaring As water I am poured out and my bones are dispersed My heart is made as wax melting in the midst of my body My strength is withered as a potsherd and my tongue cleaveth to my jaws and thou hast brought me down into the dust of death Because many dogs have compassed me the counsel of the maglignant hath besieged me They have digged my hands and my feet they have numbred all my bones But themselves have considered and beheld me they have divided my garments among them and upon my vesture they have cast lots But thou Lord prolong not thy help from me look toward my defence Deliver O God my soul from the sword and mine onely one from the hand of the dog Save me out of the lyon's mouth and my humility from the horns of unicorns I will declare thy Name to my brethren in the midst of the Church I will praise thee Ye that fear our Lord praise him all the seed of Jacob glorifie ye him Let all the seed of Israel fear him because he hath not contemned nor despised the petition of the poor Neither hath he turned away his face from me and when I cried to him he heard me With thee is my praise in the great Church I will render my vows in the sight of them that fear him The poor shall eat and shall be filled and they shall praise our Lord that seek after him their hearts shall live for ever and ever All the ends of the earth shall remember and be converted to our Lord. And all the families of the Gentiles shall adore in his sight Because the kingdom is our Lords and he shall have dominion over the Gentiles All the fat ones of the earth have eaten and adored in his sight shall all fall that descended into the earth And my soul shall live to him and my seed shall serve him The generation to come shall be shewed to our Lord and the heavens shall shew forth his justice to the people that shall be born whom our Lord hath made Ant. They have divided my garments among them and upon my vesture they have cast lots This Ceremony is very ancient For St. Gregory mentions it in his Book de Sacramentis and in the sixteenth and seventeenth Councils of Toledo held in the year 693 and 694. in the eighth Canon of the former and in the second of the latter and likewise in St. Eligius Bishop of Noyon who lived in the same Age and treats of it in his eighth Homily ON Good Friday At Prime As before Page 131. At the Third Hour As before Page 136. At the Sixth Hour As before Page 142. At the Ninth Hour As before Page 147. I. N.R.I MASS FOR Good Friday The station in the Church of the Holy Cross of Hierusalem To instruct us that Jesus Christ suffered death upon this day in Hierusalem To the end that this day's Office may be performed with profound humility the Prayers of the None being ended those that officiate come before the Altar and kneeling prostrate themselves on the ground The Acolyts rise and lay a Cloth upon the Altar to represent the Linnens wherein Christ's body was wrapped before he was put into the Sepulcher and also to mind us by this Ceremony of the last Duties paid to our Saviour's body by Joseph of Arimathea and Nichodemus Then the Reader sings the first Prophecy without a title to observe unto us the ignorance and blindness of the Jews who would not understand the truths revealed unto them by the Prophets You may observe also that this Office is begun by Lessons as was done in the Primitive times The LESSON taken out of the sixth Chapter of the Prophet Osee The Church by the words of this Prophet declares unto us the love which God always had for his people either by correcting them to make them return to their duty or by sending Prophets among them who exposed their lives to save them or by sending at last his onely Son who died and rose again the third day to expiate their sins to deliver them from everlasting death and to give them a new life and an eternal felicity THus said our Lord In their tribulation early they will rise up to me come and let us return to our Lord because he hath wounded and he will heal us he will strike and will cure us He will revive us after two days in the third day he will raise us up and we shall live in his sight We shall know and we shall follow that we may know our Lord. As the morning light is his coming forth prepared and he will come to us as a shower timely and late to the earth What shall I do to thee Ephraim What shall I do to thee Juda Your mercy as a morning cloud and as the dew passing away in the morning For this have I hewed in the Prophets I have killed them in the words of my mouth and thy judgments shall come forth as the light Because I would mercy and not sacrifice and the knowledge of God more than Holocausts The TRACT taken out of the third Chapter of the Prophet Abacuc The Church in the foregoing Lesson having taught us how advantageous the coming of Christ was to us shews us in this Tract how painful it was to this Divine Saviour to be born in a manger between two beasts and to be put to death upon the cross between two thieves O Lord I have heard thy speech and was afraid I considered thy works and trembled V. Thou wilt appear between two beasts
they pierced Before the reading of the rest of the Gospel the Deacon says the Prayer Munda cor meum as before but asks not the Priest's Blessing to note unto us that the Author of all Blessings is dead Nor are the Candles lighted whereby to signifie that as the Eclipse of the Sun and Moon so likewise in the heavens all light was extinguished at the death of our Lord. Nor is the Book incensed to tell us that the fervour of the Disciples Prayers was also cool'd ANd after these things Joseph of Arimathea because he was a disciple of Jesus but secret for fear of the the Jews desired Pilate that he might take away the body of Jesus And Pilate permitted He came therefore and took away the body of Jesus Nicodemus also came he that at the first came to Jesus by night bringing a mixture of myrrh and aloes about an hundred pounds They took therefore the body of Jesus and bound it in linnen clothes with spices as the manner is with the Jews to bury And there was in the place where he was crucified a garden and in the garden a new monument wherein no man yet had been laid There therefore because of the Parasceve of the Jews they laid Jesus because the monument was hard by The Passion being ended Publick and Solemn Prayers are said not onely for the whole Church and all its Members but also for Infidels and all sorts of people in imitation of our Saviour who upon the Cross prayed even for his enemies and executioners to shew that he shed his blood for the whole world You are to observe that before each Prayer the Church minds the people to joyn in prayer with her wishing them to bow their knees to represent the respect and the humility wherewith we are to address unto God For the whole Church LEt us pray my beloved Brethren for the whole Church of God that our Lord God will vouchsafe to give it Peace maintain it in Union and preserve it through the whole Earth subjecting the Princes and Powers of this World unto it and that granting us the grace to lead this life in peace and tranquillity we may glorisie God the Father Almighty Let us Pray Let us bow our knees R. Lift up your selves ALmighty and Everlasting God who hast revealed thy glory in Jesus Christ to all Nations preserve the works of thy mercy that thy Church spred through the whole world may firmly persevere in the confession of thy Name Through the same Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen Or for the Pope LEt us pray also for our Holy Father the Pope that our Lord God who hath elected and seated him in the Order of Episcopacy will give him health for the good of his Church and the benefit of his People Let us Pray Let us bow our knees R. Lift up your selves ALmighty and Everlasting God upon whose judgment all things are founded hear graciously our Prayers and in thy goodness preserve our Bishop whom thou hast appointed to guide us that the Christian people be governed by thy Authority may more and more encrease in faith under so great a Prelate Through our Lord Jesus Christ Amen For the Orders of the Church LEt us pray also for Bishops Priests Deacons Subdeacons Acolyts Exorcists Readers Porters Confessors Virgins Widows and for all God's holy people Let us Pray Let us bow our knees R. Lift up your selves ALmighty and Everlasting God whose Spirit sanctifies and governs the whole Church hear the Prayers we address unto thee for all Orders that by the assistance of thy grace they may all serve thee faithfully Through our Lord Jesus Christ Amen For the King LEt us pray also for our King Defender of the Faith that God will please to reduce all barbarous Nations to his command and grant us perpetual peace Let us Pray Let us bend our knees R. Lift up your selves ALmighty and Everlasting God in whose hands all Powers and Rights of Kingdoms are graciously look upon this Kingdom that those Nations who put confidence in their brutish fierceness may be supprest by the power of thy right hand Through our Lord Jesus Christ Amen For the Catechumens LEt us pray also for the Catechumens that our Lord God will open the ears of their hearts and the gate of his mercy that having received remission of all their sins and being regenerated by Baptism they may be incorporated with us in our Lord Jesus Christ Let us Pray Let us bend our knees R. Lift up your selves ALmighty and Everlasting God who daily encreasest thy Church with new children encrease in our Catechumens faith and understanding that being regenerated in the waters of Baptism they may be entred into the society of thy adopted children Through c. Amen For all sorts of Necessities LEt us pray my beloved unto God the Father Almighty that he will please to cleanse the world from all sorts of Errors cure our Diseases divert Famine open Prisons dissolve the bonds of Captives grant a safe return to Pilgrims restore health to the sick and to sea-faring men a secure arrival to their haven Let us Pray Let us bend our knees R. Lift up your selves ALmighty and Everlasting God who art a comfort to the afflicted and a strength to those that labour grant that the Prayers of all those who shall call upon thee in affliction may be heard by thee that they may be sensible with gladness of the assistance of thy mercy in their necessities Through our Lord Jesus Christ Amen For Hereticks and Schismaticks LEt us pray also for Hereticks and Schismaticks that our Lord God will deliver them from all error and vouchsafe to recall them into the bosom of our Holy Mother the Catholick Apostolick Church Let us pray Let us bend our knees R. Lift up your selves ALmighty and Everlasting God who savest the whole world and desirest not the death of a sinner regard those souls in mercy seduced by the deceit of the devil that all Hereticks and others going astray quitting all malice may rectifie their hearts and return to the unity of the truth Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen For the Jews LEt us pray also for the perfidious Jews that our Lord God will withdraw the vail from their hearts that they also may acknowledge our Lord Jesus Christ We say not here Flectamus genua to signifie the horrour of the outrages committed upon our Saviour at his Passion kneeling unto him in derision but the following Prayer is said Let us Pray ALmighty and Everlasting God who refusest not thy mercy even to the perfidious Jews hear the Prayers we pour forth for the blindness of this people that they arriving to the light of thy truth which is Jesus Christ may be cleared from their darkness Through the same our Lord Jesus Christ Amen For the Pagans LEt us pray also for the Pagans that Almighty God will take away all wickedness from their hearts that quitting their Idolatry they may convert themselves
Heavens and Earth are full of thy Glory Hosanna in the highest Blessed is he that comes in the Name of our Lord Hosanna in the highest The CANON to Communicants as before pag. 63. COMMVNICANTES The Priest by vertue of the Union between the Church Militant with the Triumphant and in memory of this Blessed Day whereon our Saviour rose again beseeches God to supply the defects of his Prayers whereby he begs his Protection by the Merits and Suffrages of the Blessed Virgin the Apostles Martyrs and of Saints PArtaking in the same Communion and celebrating the Solemnity of this blessed Day wherein our Lord Jesus Christ rose again according to the flesh and in the first place honouring the memory of the ever blessed Virgin Mother of our Lord Jesus Christ and of the blessed Apostles and Martyrs Peter and Paul Andrew James John Thomas James Philip Bartholomew Matthew Simon and Thaddeus Linus Cletus Clement Xystus Cornelius Cyprian Lawrence Chrysogonus John and Paul Cosme and Damian and all the other Saints by whose Merits and Prayers vouchsafe to grant us the assistance of thy protection Through the same Christ our Lord. Amen HANC IGITVR OBLATIONEM c. The Priest spreads his hands over the Host and Chalice to testifie to God that he Offers and Sacrifices himself unto him joyntly therewith begging four things 1. That he will please to accept this Oblation 2. To grant us Peace 3. To deliver us from Hell 4. To admit us among the Blessed WE beseech thee therefore O Lord to accept this Oblation of our Duty and of thy whole Family which we offer up unto thee also for those whom thou hast vouchsafed to regenerate by Water and the Holy Ghost granting them pardon of all their sins and graciously to give Peace in our days and preserving us from Eternal Damnation to bring us among thy Elect Through the same Christ our Lord. Amen All the rest till the Communion as before pag. 79. The COMMUNION taken out of the First Epistle of St. Paul to the Corinthians Chapter 5. Wherein the Church as in the Epistle of this Mass represents unto us that Jesus Christ immolated on the Cross is our Pasch who gives himself unto us in this new Banquet whereunto he calls us far exceeding the Jewish Pasch That therefore we may worthily celebrate this Pasch we must purifie our Hearts from the old Leaven that is their former sins and plant Innocence and Truth there in lieu of Malice and Iniquity CHrist our Passover is sacrificed for us therefore let us keep the Feast with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth Alleluia Alleluia Alleluia The POST-COMMUNION We beg Gods grace to celebrate this Divine Pasch worthily wherein Jesus Christ gives himself unto us for our Spiritual Food to the end we may be all united in him as inseparable Members of his Body INfuse O Lord into us the spirit of thy love that whom thou hast satiated with thy Paschal Sacraments thou of thy goodness unite in heart and will Through our Lord c. All the rest as before pag. 81 82. At the Sixth Hour Pater noster c. Ave Maria c. O God incline unto my aid O Lord make hast to help me Glory be to the Father c. Alleluia Defecit in salutare c. as before pag. 142. Quomodo dilexi c. as before pag. 144. Iniquos odio habui c. as before pag. 145. Haec dies c. as before pag. 318. Let us Pray Deus qui hodierna die c. as before pag. 312. At the Ninth Hour Pater noster c. Ave Maria c. O Lord incline unto my aid O Lord make hast to help me Glory be to the Father c. Alleluia Mirabilia testimonia tua c. as before pag. 147. Clamavi in toto corde meo c. as before pag. 149. Principes persecuti sunt me gratis c. as before pag. 151. Haec dies c. as before pag. 318. Let us Pray Deus qui hodierna die c. as before pag. 312 Thanks be to God ON Palm-Sunday AT EVEN-SONG Pater noster c. Ave Maria c. INcline unto my aid O God Resp O Lord make haste to help me Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Ghost R. As it was in the beginning now is and ever shall be world without end Amen The ANTHYMN Our Lord said c. PSALM 109. The Kingdom of Jesus Christ is prophesied in this Psalm wherein the Royal Prophet describes First The State of his Glory in Heaven Secondly The Extent of his Empire from Jerusalem to all Parts of the Earth Thirdly He represents his Eternal and Human Generation Fourthly His holy Priesthood which he declares to be according to the Order of Melchisedeck by reason of the Forms of Bread and Wine under which Forms he was to institute the Sacrament and Sacrifice of his own Body and Blood Fifthly He foretells that he was to be the Sovereign Judge of the World and to recompense the Just and punish the Wicked Sixthly That he was to repair the Ruins of Human Nature thereby to supply the number of the Angels which were diminished by the Fall of Lucifer and his Complices Seventhly He teacheth us That by his Sufferings in this Life which cannot more aptly be compared than to the Waters of a Torrent he was to enter into his Glory OUr Lord said to my Lord Sit on my right hand Until I make thine enemies thy footstool Our Lord will send forth the rod of thy strength from Sion rule thou in the midst of thine enemies The beginning with thee in the day of thy strength in the brightness of the Saints from the womb before the day-star I begat thee Our Lord sware and it shall not repent him Thou art a Priest for ever according to the Order of Melchisedeck Our Lord on thy right hand hath broken Kings in the day of his wrath He shall judge in nations he shall fill ruins he shall crush the heads in the land of many Of the torrent in the way he shall drink therefore shall he exalt the head Glory be to the Father c. ANTHYMN Our Lord said to my Lord Sit on my right hand Ant. All his commandments are faithful PSALM 110. or 111. The Royal Prophet admonisheth the Faithful to give God thanks for the Blessings they heretofore received from his Divine Bounty and for the Benefits they are to expect from him when the Messias shall deliver them from the Servitude of Sin and give them a new Law in giving them his own Body to be their Food whereof their Deliverance from the Captivity of Egypt and the Law of Moyses and of the Manna were only Types and Figures I Will confess to thee O Lord with all my heart in the council of the just and the congregation The works of our Lord are great exquisite according to all his wills Confession and magnificence his work
that end into this World Or why did he speak thus as if what hapned unto him was against his will he who had power to render his Soul to God and to take it again without any ones being able to take it from him These Words therefore of this Psalm represent those who in their Miseries pray unto God to be freed from them Moreover God shews us that his Eternal Father did not free him from the Power of the Jews who scoffed and scorned him to death as before he had saved Noe from the Deluge Lot from the Fire from Heaven Isaac from the Sword that threatned his Head Joseph from a Womans slanderous Accusations and the horror of a Prison Moyses from the Fury of the Egyptians Rahab from the Destruction of his City in Jericho Susanna from false Witnesses Daniel from the Den of Lions the Three young Hebrew Children from the Flames that environ'd them Whereby he instructs us what we are to desire and beg by the Grace of the New Testament and he teacheth us that the End for which we are Christians is not to enjoy Happiness in this temporal Life wherein God often leaves us to the Rage of our Enemies but that 't is the Eternal Life which under the Name of Christians we must endeavour to attain unto considering that he from whom we take that Name was used in such like manner before us Ant. They have divided my garments amongst them and upon my vesture have cast lot GOd my God have respect to me why hast thou forsaken me far from my salvation are the words of my sins My God I shall cry by day and thou wilt not hear and by night and not for folly unto me But thou dwellest in the holy place the praise of Israel In thee our fathers have hoped they hoped and thou didst deliver them They cried to thee and were saved they hoped in thee and were not confounded But I am a worm and no man a reproach of men and out-cast of the people All that see me have scorned me they have spoken with the lips and wagged the head He hoped in the Lord let him deliver him let him save him because he will him Because thou art he that hast drawn me out of the womb my hope from the breasts of my mother Upon thee I have been cast from the matrice from my mothers womb thou art my God depart not from me Because tribulation is very nigh because there is not that will help Many calves have compassed me fat bulls have besieged me They have opened their mouth upon me as a lion raving and roaring As water I am poured out and all my bones are dispersed My heart is made as wax melting in the midst of my belly My strength is withered as a potsheard and my tongue cleaved to my jaws and thou hast brought me down into the dust of death Because many dogs have compassed me the counsel of the malignant hath besieged me They have digged my hands and my feet they have numbred all my bones But themselves have considered and beheld me They have divided my garments among them and upon my vesture have cast lot But thou O Lord prolong not thy help from me look tward my defence Deliver O God my soul from the sword and mine only one from the hand of the dog Save me out of the lions mouth and my humility from the horns of unicorns I will declare thy name to my brethren in the midst of the church I will praise thee Ye that fear our Lord praise him all the seed of Jacob glorifie ye him Let all the seed of Israel fear him because he hath not contemned nor despised the petition of the poor Neither hath he turned away his face from me and when I cried to him he heard me With thee is my praise in the great church I will render my vows in the sight of them that fear him The poor shall eat and shall be filled and they shall praise our Lord that seek after him their hearts shall live for ever and ever All the ends of the earth shall remember and be converted to our Lord. All the families of the Gentiles shall adore in his sight Because the kingdom is our Lords and he shall have dominion over the Gentiles All the fat ones of the earth have eaten and adored in his sight shall all fall that descend into the earth And my soul shall live to him and my seed shall serve him The generation to come shall be shewed to our Lord and the heavens shall shew forth his justice to the people that shall be born whom our Lord hath made Ant. They have divided my garments amonst them and upon my vesture they have cast lot PSALM 26. The Church declares unto us That we ought not to fear any thing in the Persecutions and Troubles of this Life since God provides for our Conduct and Salvation And what Assistance are we not to expect from him since his only Son was sacrificed for us And what should we fear since by his Death he hath overcome whatever could prejudice us since he hath ascended into Heaven there to give a Refuge and Sanctuary which in all our Sufferings and Necessities is open to us since from his Throne of Glory he pours upon us his Graces to sanctifie us to conduct us to make us surmount all Obstacles to our Salvation and to make our Patience the Shame and Confusion of our Enemies Therefore we must be careful lest we render our selves unworthy of his Protection we must take heed lest the Apprehensions of our Adversities make us commit unlawful Actions we must be very careful to keep exactly his Commandments and employ our selves wholly to serve him in expectation of that eternal Felicity he has promised Ant. False witnesses have risen up against me and iniquity hath lied to it self OUr Lord is my illumination and my salvation whom shall I fear Our Lord is the protector of my life of whom shall I be afraid Whilst the harmful approach me to eat my flesh Mine enemies that trouble me themselves are weakned and are fallen If camps stand together against me my heart shall not fear If battel rise up against me in this will I hope One thing I have asked of our Lord this will I seek for That I may dwell in the house of our Lord all the days of my life That I may see the pleasantness of our Lord and visit his temple Because he hath hid me in his tabernacle in the day of evils he hath protected me in the secret of his tabernacle In a rock he hath exalted me and now he hath exalted my head over mine enemies I have gone round about and have immolated in his tabernacle an host of jubilation I will sing and say a psalm unto our Lord. Hear O Lord my voice wherewith I have cried to thee have mercy on me and hear me My heart hath said to thee my face hath sought thee
are the punishments of our Sins and those of JESUS CHRIST are the effects of his Love towards us that thereby he might open Heaven for such as honor him with a sincere Heart as the good Thief did who beholding JESUS CHRIST hanging on the Cross all torn with stripes overwhelmed with shame and confusion drinking Gall covered with Spirtle and so outragiously scoffed at by all the People yet was he no ways scandaliz'd but on the contrary publickly acknowledged he was God he silenced his fellow Malefactor who cursed this Innocent he confessed his Sins he discoursed after a wonderful manner of the Resurrection and prayed JESUS CHRIST who expired on the Cross to be mindful of him when he came into his Kingdom Ant. The one thief said to the other We indeed justly receive worthy of our doings but what hath this man done Lord remember me when thou shalt come into thy kingdom The Psalm Deus Deus meus ad te de luce vigilo c. as before p. 69. CANTICLE OF HABACCUC Chap. 3. The Prophet Habaccuc represents unto us under the Figure of the deliverance of the Israelites from the Captivity of Babylon and Egypt the deliverance of the Faithful by our Saviour JESUS CHRIST from the slavery of Sin and tyranny of the Devil Ant. When my soul shall be troubled O Lord thou shalt be mindful of mercy LOrd I heard thy hearing and was afraid Lord thy work in the midst of years quicken it In the midst of years shalt thou make it known when thou art angry thou wilt remember mercy God will come from the south and the holy One from mount Paran His glory shall cover the heavens and the earth is full of his praise His brightness shall be as the light horns in his hands there is his strength hid Before his face shall death go and the devil shall go forth before his feet He stood and measured the earth he beheld and dissolved the Gentiles and the mountains of the world were broken The hills of the world were bowed by the ways of his eternity For iniquity I saw the tents of Ethiopia and the skins of the land of Median shall be troubled Why wast thou angry with the rivers O Lord or was thy fury in the rivers or thine indignation in the sea Who wilt mount upon thy horses and thy chariots salvation Raising thou wilt raise up thy bow the oath to the tribes which thou hast spoken Thou wilt cut the rivers of the earth The mountains saw thee and were sorry the gulf of water passed the depth gave his voice the height lifted up his hands The sun and the moon stood in their habitation in the light of thine arrows they shall go in the brightness of thy glittering spear In fretting thou wilt tread down the earth in fury thou wilt astonish the Gentiles Thou wentest forth the salvation of thy people salvation with thy Christ Thou struckest the head out of the house of the impious thou hast discovered the foundation even to the neck Thou hast cursed his scepters the head of his warriors them that came as a whirlwind to disperse me Their exultation as his that devoureth the poor in secret Thou madest a way in the sea for thy horses in the midst of many waters I heard and my belly was troubled at the voice my lips trembled Let rottenness enter in my bones and swarm under me That I may rest in the day of tribulation that I may ascend to our girded people For the fig-tree shall not flourish and there shall be no spring in the vines The work of the olive-tree shall deceive and the fields shall not yield meat The cattel shall be cut off from the fold and there shall be no herd in the stalls But I will joy in our Lord and will rejoyce in God my Jesus God our Lord is my strength and he will make my feet as of the harts And upon my high places he the conqueror will lead me singing in psalms Ant. When my soul shall be troubled O Lord thou shalt be mindful of mercy ANOTHER ANTHYMN The Church sets before us the Example of the good Thief that by his Example we must have recourse unto Christ in all afflictions and hope for Eternal Goods which by his Death he has merited for us Lord remember me when thou shalt come into thy kingdom PSALM Laudate Dominum de coelis c. as before p. 74. VERSICLE taken out of Psalm 142. The Church represents unto us the Blindness and Insolency of the Jews who having put JESUS CHRIST to death glorified therein as if they had vanquished him and destroyed his Power for they believed not he would triumph over Death by a speedy Resurrection He hath set me in obscure places R. As the dead of the world AT BENEDICTUS ANTHYMN The Church hath shewed us how Iniquity hath lied against it self for the Jews Maugre all their Power were enforced to publish JESUS CHRIST to be their true King and whereas they thought by the punishment of the Cross to have destroy'd his Kingdom they have thereby more powerfully established it They put over his head his cause written This is JESUS OF NAZARETH THE KING OF THE JEWS The Canticle of Zachary Benedictus c. as before p. 78. V. Christ made himself for us obedient unto death even the death of the cross Pater noster c. Miserere c. as before p. 13. 65. THE PRAYER Respice Quoesumus as before p. 80. AT COMPLINE As before p. 82. V. Jesus Christ made himself for us obedient unto death even the death of the cross Pater noster c. Miserere mei Deus c. as before p. 13. 65. THE PRAYER Respice Quoesumus c. as before p. 80. THE NIGHT-OFFICE ON Holy-Friday FOR SATURDAY AT MATTINS FIRST NOCTVRN PSALM 4. This Psalm declares unto us that we cannot raise up our selves to love and seek after the true good whilst our Hearts are loaded with the weight and cares of this World and that being but once enlightened with the Grace of God we then begin to afflict our selves in the secret of our Soul and being touch'd to the very bottom of our Hearts we then offer to his Majesty all our past life and for the future resolve by his assistance entirely to change it Then our Lord begins to make us relish his Sweets ad Delights and to heap on us all Joys Then we find in that Sovereign Good another Wine and another Oyl than they below do so as we neither repine at the prosperity of the Wicked nor fear their Malice having all our confidence in God Ant. In peace in the self-same I will sleep and rest WHen I invocated the God of my justice heard me in tribulation thou hast enlarged to me Have mercy on me and hear my prayer Ye sons of men how long are you of heavy heart why love you vanity and seek lying And know ye that our Lord hath made his
holy one merveilous our Lord will hear me when I shall cry to him Be ye angry and sin not the things that you say in your hearts in your chambers be you sorry for Sacrifice ye the sacrifice of justice and hope in our Lord. Many say Who sheweth us good things The light of thy countenance O Lord is signed upon us thou hast given gladness in my heart By the fruit of their corn and wine and oyl they are multiplied In peace in the self-same I will sleep and rest Because thou Lord hast singularly setled my hope Ant. In peace in the self-same I will sleep and rest PSALM 14. In this Psalm the Prophet teacheth us how the life of a Religious Christian that pretends to the Kingdom of Heaven consists in a strict observance of Gods Commandments and in keeping the Laws of Fraternal Charity Ant. He shall dwell in thy tabernacle and shall rest in thy holy hill LOrd who shall dwell in thy tabernacle who shall rest in thy holy hill He that walketh without spot and worketh justice He that speaketh truth in his heart that hath not done guile in his tongue Nor hath done evil to his neighbor and hath not taken reproach against his neighbor The malignant is brought to nothing in his sight but them that fear our Lord he glorifieth He that sweareth to his neighbor and deceiveth not that hath not given his money to usury and hath not taken gifts upon the innocent He that doth these things shall not be moved for ever Ant. He shall dwell in thy tabernacle and shall rest in thy holy hill PSALM 15. According as the Apostles have explicated this Psalm in the Second Chapter of their Acts it contains the Prayer which JESUS CHRIST made unto God his Father for the establishment and preservation of his Church as being our Head and according to his Humanity giving him thanks for the wonderful work of our Redemption which was to be effected by his Incarnation Preaching Passion Resurrection and Ascension It also makes us acknowledge that there could be no Creature so perfect as in any manner to be able to make a suitable return either by Deeds or Services for the favors they received from their Creator for he being Omnipotent and Infinite fully satisfies in himself And that 't is sufficient for a Creature loaded with such infinite benefits to promise to give unto God all Testimonies of a profound acknowledgment in all the instancesof this life Ant. My flesh shall rest in hope PReserve me O Lord because I have hoped in thee I have said to our Lord Thou art my God because thou needest not my goods To the saints that are in his land he hath made all my wills merveilous in them Their infirmities were multiplied afterward they made haste I will not assemble their conventicles of blood neither will I be mindful of their names by my lips Our Lord the portion of mine inheritance and of my cup thou art he that will restore mine inheritance unto me Cords are fallen to me in goodly places for mine inheritance is goodly unto me I will bless our Lord who hath given me understanding moreover also even till night my veins have rebuked me I soresaw our Lord in my sight always because he is at my right hand that I be not moved For this thing my heart hath been glad and my tongue hath rejoyced moreover also my flesh shall rest in hope Because thou wilt not leave my soul in hell neither wilt thou give thy holy One to see corruption Tho hast made the ways of life known to me thou shalt make me full of joy with thy countenance delectations on thy right hand even to the end Ant. My flesh shall rest in hope The Church represents unto us that maugre all the Power of the Jews Yet JESUS CHRIST triumphed over that Death they had inflicted on him and raised himself from that Sepulcher wherein they had inclosed him confirming us in the Resurrection of our Bodies by the Example and Power of his own Resurrection V. In peace in the self-same R. I will sleep and rest LESSON I. Out of the Lamentations of the Prophet Jeremy Chap. 3. The Prophet Jeremy shews us That in all our Miseries and Afflictions we must ever have recourse unto God with a true and hearty Repentance We must also support those Persecutions that befal us with all patience and submission to the Divine Will setting all our confidence and trust in his Mercy TETH THe mercies of our Lord that we are not consumed because his commiserations have not failed HETH New in the morning great is thy fidelity HETH Our Lord is my portion said my soul therefore will I expect him HETH Our Lord is good to them that hope in him to the soul that seeketh him TETH It is good to wait with silence for the salvation of God TETH It is good for a man when he beareth the yoke from his youth JOD He shall sit solitary and hold his peace because he hath lifted himself above himself JOD He shall put his mouth in the dust if perhaps there be hope JOD He shall give the cheek to him that striketh him he shall be filled with reproaches Jerusalem Jerusalem Convert unto the Lord thy God RESP. The Church shews us That JESUS CHRIST has himself undergon out of his meer Love towards us whatever hath been taught us by his Prophet As a sheep he was led to slaughter and whilst they ill treated him he opened not his mouth he was delivered to death that he might give life to his people V. He delivered up his soul to death and was reputed among the wicked that he might give life to his people LESSON II. Taken out of the Fourth Chapter The Prophet describes unto us the destruction of the Temple and City of Jerusalem foretelling the Jews that the enormities of their Crimes should bring a Desolation on them ALEPH. HOw is the gold darkned the best colour changed the stones of the Sanctuary dispersed in the head of all streets BETH The noble children of Sion and they that were clothed with the principal gold how are they reputed as earthen vessels the work of the potters hands GHIMEL Yea even the Lamiaes have opened their breast they have given suck to their young the daughter of my people is cruel as the Ostrich in the desert DALETH The tongue of the suckling hath cloven to the roof of his mouth for thirst the little ones have asked bread and there was none that brake it unto them HE. They that fed voluptuously have died in the ways they that were brought up in scarlet have embraced the dung VAU And the iniquity of the daughter of my people is become greater than the sin of Sodom which was overthrown in a moment and hands took nothing in her Jerusalem Jerusalem Convert unto the Lord thy God RESP. The Church represents to the Jews That the miseries which befel them was occasioned by their