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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A09462 Satans sophistrie ansuuered by our Sauiour Christ and in diuers sermons further manifested / by that worthy man Maister William Perkins ; to which is added, a comfort for the feeble minded, wherein is set downe the temptations of a Christian. Perkins, William, 1558-1602. 1604 (1604) STC 19747.7; ESTC S4051 89,009 206

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take paines that their diligence in defending and vpholding true religion and building the church of God may counteruaile Satans diligence in hindering of it Secondly it behooueth all Christians not onely to pray for themselues but seeing the Diuell labours the ruine of the church specially in preuailing with Princes and great men we must pray for the good of Gods Church and children and euery member of it by name for Kings Queens c good reasō is there that we should do so for in the good and flourishing estate of the church we all receiue benefite by it and fare the better for it Thirdly if Satan durst set vpon the Sonne of God and tempt him to idolatrie and to worship the Diuell then much more will he be tempting vs to the like sinne and set vpō sinfull man to moue him to worship him and make him his God But you will say there is none so mad to worship the diuell to make him our God oh we defie him True it is men say they defie the Diuell and spit at him but alas if we consider their dealings we shall see the Diuell sits in their hearts and rules there as God Do but cast your eye vpon the three maine Religions of the world the religion of the Turke of the Iew and of the Papist and it will appeare that most men worship the Diuell and make him their God because the Turke he is ignorāt of the true God the Iew worships God the Father but not by Iesus Christ whom they deny the Papist worships a false and counterfeit Christ forged by themselues and neuer read of in the word of God for they make him a Sauior in part a Priest to be creator or the maker of his Creator That it may appeare that these three sorts of people do not worship the true God but euen the diuell himselfe let vs marke these 2 principles First that al doctrines set downe and inuented by man concerning Gods seruice and worship being against the word of God they be the doctrines of Diuels so saith Paule 1. Tim. 4. 1. 3. that there shall come false teachers which shall teach doctrines of Diuels and what are these Vers. 3. he saith Such as forbid to marrie and teach men that some meates be holy in themselues some vnholy and not lawfull to be eaten The second principle is this all worship of God deuised by man being against the word of God is the doctrine of Diuels So the Gentiles offering to Idols Paule saith they offered to Diuels yet none of them intended that but rather by the idols offered to God So whatsoeuer worship shall be inuented being against the word of God it is indeed the worship of the Diuell not of God Now by these two principles it appeareth that the worship of God performed by the Turkes and by the Iewes it is no worship of God but the worship of Diuels seeing both of them worship the Father out of the Sonne And the worship of God in Poperie it is no better then the worship of the Diuel seeing they worship God out of the true Christ and haue forged to themselues a false counterfeit Christ. And if Paule might truly affirme of the Gentiles that they worshipped not the true God but offered to diuels then mnch more may it be auouched of that abominable sacrifice of the Masse that it is indeed the worship of the diuell seeing it is more vile idolatrie then that of the Gentiles Now it will be said Though the Diuell preuaile thus with them yet he cannot preuaile so with Protestants neither can they be said to worship the diuell I answer That in truth there be thousands of Protestants in the world who do worship the Diuel for all those which do onely in outward shew professe true religion but in heart loue the world set their hearts vpon pleasures profites and preferments such professours do in truth make the diuell their God and may be said to worship the Diuell For to whom soeuer they giue their hearts to them they do giue worship but while they set their hearts on these things they do not loue God neither do they beleeue in God and rest vpon him as their God and therefore they make the world their God and so worship the Diuell Fourthly by this practise of the diuell we see those men confuted who thinke that the diuell cannot make a league with men as with witches coniurers c. For we reade and know such things haue bin done and here we haue a manifest proofe of it for the Diuell offers a league to Christ there was nothing wanting but our Sauiour Christ his cōsent And if sinfull mā had bene in Christs stead questionlesse there had bene a league and for so great gaine he would haue the diuell his seruice Then said Iesus vnto him Auoide Satan c. Now followeth the answer of our Sauiour Christ. And first in Christs answer marke in propounding of it he vseth first a speech of indignation and of defiance to the Diuell and his offer Auoide Satan as though Christ should haue said I haue heard thee blaspheme both me and my Father haue thus long suffered thee but I will suffer thee no longer get thee hence Satan I will not vouchsafe to answer to thy temptations any more Marke here in the answer of Christ that he was content to endure the diuels temptations and reproches which concerned his owne person but when he is so bold to blaspheme God his Father he can endure him no longer Now when he makes challenge and claimes title to all the kingdoms of the world as though he were Lord of them and could bestow them at his pleasure therin he blasphemed God his Father Then this teacheth vs that if we shall heare vngodly wretches blaspheme the name of God we may not endure it but haue indignation great dislike of it And if we heare black-mouthed Rabshekahs blaspheme the holy name of God by swearing cursing banning we must be touched with griefe to heare the glorious name of our God dishonoured and if time and place require manifest our dislike in open reprehension of it Whē Ahab and Iezabel being both wicked heard that Naboth had blasphemed God they rent their cloathes in token of sorrow So when Hezechiah heard the blasphemies of Rabshekah he rent his cloths and was very much grieued for it Whē Dauid heard the Gentiles say where is now their God this blasphemous speech did greatly affect him so as his very teares were his drinke And the bad speeches of the men of Sodome did much affect Lot vexe his righteous soule 2. Pet. 2. 8. And as all men must be grieued to heare wicked men blaspheme the name of God so especially those that be gouernours of others and by name maisters of families as Dauid saith Psal. 101. he would not suffer a talebearer in his house much lesse a blasphemer
euen the seuerall kingdomes of the world it is manifest he knew them all and was well acquainted and had trauelled through them as he confesseth Ioh. 1. 7. And in that he could shew the chiefest glory and beautie of them in such a short time it is cleare he was cunning in them and the seuerall estates and conditions of them all And we see that the Diuel in propounding all these glorious kingdomes vn●● Christ he did tempt him to ambition tha● he would set his heart on them and so desir●● them And herein note one of his most principall practises which is the ouerturning 〈◊〉 kingdomes for the Diuell desireth to do the greatest harme and most mischiefe that he can Now in the ouerthrow of a kingdome many go to wracke and to effect this he seekes continually to puffe men vp with ambition that they may desire and gape for preferment and honor The Lord hath in mercy placed ouer vs in this kingdome a gracious Prince and a Christian Queene the Diuell hath long enuied this our prosperitie and sought sundry by-plots and manifold practises to ouerthrowe our state to cut off the head and to cast her crowne into the dust And to this purpose he hath raised vp many wicked and rebellious subiects but the Lord hath in mercie brought all to nought And therefore the remembrance of this should moue vs all to thankfulnesse for this great mercie of God in defending both Prince and people and bringing to nought all such rebellious wretches confounding those ambitious heads and all their vile and trecherous plots and deuices and we must shew this thankfulnesse in the duties of repentance and sincere obedience Secondly this must teach vs to pray vnto God continually for the preseruation of our Prince and kingdome that he would euermore confound and bring to nought all Satans policies and vile plots and practises of ambitious heads And it is our duty in token of true ioy and thankfulnesse to do as the people did in the dayes of Salomon who shouted so loud and cried out God saue king Salomon that the very earth rang againe euē so should all true Christians to expresse the ioy of our hearts pray day and night God saue Queene Elizabeth And herein is our comfort that though the Diuell with all his malice seekes to destroy both Prince and people and the whole kingdome and hath his wicked instruments to effect the same yet the Lord God hath his Angels which take care of his Church and people and stand round about them to defend them both by sea and by land that all the Diuels in hell cannot hurt them but the Angels of God defend his children at home and beate back all our enemies from inuading of vs. All these will I giue thee These words are the very words of the Pope of Rome who as Satans vicar hath indeed the two hornes of the lambe but he speakes like the Dragon he makes himselfe equall to God he can as he sayth send to heauen and to hel set vp and pul downe Princes he can do what he list he can open and shut at his pleasure pardon sinnes and I know not what which shewes he speakes the Diuels language the language of Ashdod not of Canaan Luke 4. 6. The Diuell ads a reason further to perswade Christ for he saith All these kingdoms are mine and I cā giue them to whom I will Where first the Diuell tels a loud lie chalenging to himselfe the right of all the kingdomes of the world for it is the Lord his right alone as we may see Dan. 4. 2● where the Lord speakes to that proud king N●buchadnezar by the ministerie of Daniel I beare rule ouer the kingdomes I alone sayth the Lord God can giue them to whom I please So then the Diuell hath no power to giue them neither hath any title to them that he can bestow them at his pleasure no that belongs to God alone yet we see Satan will be an vsurper at large Secondly marke the Diuels arrogancie and shamelesse boasting in that he dares chalenge all the kingdomes of the earth to himselfe as though he were soueraigne Lord of them to do with thē at his pleasure And let vs all learne by this shamelesse lying and notorious boasting of the diuel to take heed that we be not like him in these sinnes but study to be contrary to him and therefore we must desire and study to speake the truth at all times and take heed of boasting yea rather let vs thinke as humbly and basely of our selues as possibly we can which is a good meanes to humble and cast downe our proud hearts and let such know that are giuen to these sins to lying and vaine boasting of this and that which they haue not it argues great pride and shewes they be very like the Diuell himselfe in this point If thou wilt fall downe and worship me Here is the second part of the temptation namely the condition and the maine drift of the Diuell in these words is to bring our Sauiour Christ to manifest Idolatrie euen to worship the Diuell himselfe First seeing the Diuell durst be so bold to tempt our sauiour Christ to Idolatrie and to worship himself hēce we see that the maine scope of the Diuel is especially to deface Religion and the true seruice and worship of God and therefore he assaults the Church of God and tempts men to bring them to embrace heresies schismes idolatry that he might destroy the church of God and thus he became a lying spirit in the mouth of foure hundred false prophets at one time And when Iehosuah the high Priest came into the Temple to performe the worship of God he stood vp to hinder him when he was praying for the good of the Church And so doth he in these dayes stand vp and seeke by all meanes to hinder Gods Ministers in the building vp of Gods Church When Christ hath sowne good wheate thē the Diuell soweth tares and whē Paul would haue gone to preach the Gospell to the Thessalonians the Diuell hindred him and it is his speciall study to stop the ministery of the Gospell and therefore it is said that the Diuell cast many of Gods ministers into prison Reuel 2. 10. Reu. 16. 13. 14. there came 3 euill and vncleane spirits out of the mouth of the beast which entred into Kings houses to turne thē from the entertaining of the Gospell because that Kings be either especiall nurses to the Gospell or else if Satan can preuaile with them become greatest enemies to hinder the course of the Gospel Such frogges be these Seminarie Priests Monkes Friers and popish Iesuits which lurke commonly in Kings courts and in the places of mighty men Then seeing the Diuell is so painefull to stop the course of the Gospell to ouerturne true religion the seruice of God it must stirre vp all the Ministers of the word of God to labour and