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A06491 The chiefe and pryncypall articles of the Christen faythe to holde againste the Pope, and al papistes, and the gates of hell, with other thre very profitable and necessary bokes the names or tyttels, whereof are conteyne in the leafe next followynge. Made by Doctor Marten Luther. To the reader. In thys boke shal you fynde Christian reader the ryght probation of the righte olde catholyke Churche, and of the newe false Churche, whereby eyther of them is to be knowen. Reade and iudge.; Selections. English Luther, Martin, 1483-1546.; Lynne, Walter. 1548 (1548) STC 16964; ESTC S108922 81,794 252

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of the vyrgyn Mary And became man crucifyed also for vs vnder Pōce Pilate suffred and buryed And rose agayne the thyrde day accordyng to the scriptures and ascēded into heauen and sitteth on the ryght hande of the father and shal come agayn with glorye to iudge the quicke and the deade whose kyngdome shall be endeles And in the Lorde the holy ghoost which quickeneth which proce deth frō the father the sonne whiche with the father and the Sonne together is worshypped and together is glorifyed which hath spoken through the Prophetes And one holye Catholyke and Apostolyke Churche I knoweledge one baptisme to the remission of synnes and I abyde the resurrection of the dead and the lyfe of the world to come AMEN ❧ A singular and fruteful maner of prayeng vsed by the famous clarke Doctour Marten Luther and compple●… at the desyre and instaunce of a special frende of hys vpon the Lordes prayer the tenne commaundementes and the xij Articles of the Christen fayth no lesse necessary then profitable FYrst whan I fele that through straung dedes or thoughtes I am be come colde and vnlusty to prayer euen as the fleshe and the deuyl are alwaies ready to lette and hynder prayer I take my boke of Psalmes get me into my chābre or yf the day time so requyre into the churche to the congregation and begynne mouthely by my selfe to saye the Tenne commaundementes the Crede and after as the tyme doth serue me certayne sayenges of Christe Paule or Psalmes euen as the chyldren do Therfore is it good that the prayer be vsed for the fyrste worke in the mornynge and for the last in the euenynge And that a man beware with all diligence of these false deceyuable thoughtes whiche saye Tarye a littel within thys houre wyl I pray I must do thys or that before for by suche cogitations and thoughtes commeth a man from prayer vpon workes whiche do holde and compasse hym in such wyse that nothynge is done in prayer that daye And albeit that some workes may be fall whiche be as good as prayer or better specyally whan necessitye doth requyre them as there goeth a Prouerbe vnder the name of Saynte Ierome Euery worke of the faythful is a prayer And another Prouerbe he that laboureth or worketh truely prayeth double Whiche must be spoken out of thys ground That a faithful man in hys labour doth feare and honour God and thynketh on his cōmaundementes so that he wyll do wronge to no man nor steale nor circumuent or deceyue any man And suche cogitations make doubteles of hys worke a prayer and besydes that a sacrifyce of prayse To the contrary wherof it muste also be true that the worke of an infidel is a mere cursyng and he that worketh vnfaythfully curseth double for the cogitacyons and thoughtes of hys harte are suche that he despyseth God and thynketh to transgresse hys commaundemētes to do hys neighboure wrong to steale and to deceyue suche cogitatiōs what are they elles but mere cursynges agaynst God man by the whiche hys worke labour becōmeth also a double curse whereby he curseth hym self suche men do also remayne at the last beggers and of no reputation Of thys continual prayer doth Christ speake vndoubtedly Luc. xi Luce. xi that we oughte to praye withoute ceasyng for we must be ware of synne and wrong withoute ceasyng whiche can not be done yf we do not feare God and haue his commaundemētes before oure eyes as the first Psalme saith Blessed is that man which thinketh on the lawe of god nyght day Psal i. Howe be it we must also beware that we do not vse oure selues from the ryght prayer and prescribe vnto our selues at the laste necessary workes which notwithstandynge are not to the purpose are therby at the last made slouthful and vnlusty cold and yrkesome or lothsome to prayer for the deuil is not slouthful nor vnlusty or ydel aboute vs Also our flesshe is yet to quicke and iocunde inclyned and proued to synne and agaynst the spirite of prayer Iob .i. i. Pet. v Nowe whan the harte is warmed thorough such speakyng of the mouth is come to it self Then knele doune or stande with thy handes folden and thyne eyes erected into heauen and saye or thynke in the shortest maner that thou canst Oh God oure heauēly father I am an vnworthy pore synner Lu. xviij not worthy to lyft vp myne eyes or handes towardes the or to praye notwithstandyng forasmuch as thou hast cōmaunded vs al to praye also hast promysed to heare vs and besydes that hast taught vs thy self bothe wordes and maner through thy dearly beloued sonne oure Lorde Iesus Christe I come vpon thys thy commaundement to be obedyent vnto the trustyng to thy gracyous promyse in the name of my Lord Iesus Christ I praye with all thy holy Christians in earth as he hath taught me Mat vij Luc. xi Ioh. xiiij xv xvi Mat. vi Luc. xi Our father whiche arte in heauen c. Hole oute from worde to worde The fyrst Peticyon After that repete one pece or as much as thou wilte namely the fyrste peticyō Halowed be thy name and saye Oh Lorde God mercyfull Father vouchesafe I beseche the to sanctifye thy name bothe in oure selues and in al the worlde destroye and put doune al abhominacyon Idolatrye and heresye of the Turke of the Pope and of al false doctryne and erronyous spirites whiche falsely beare thy name and so shamefully abuse it and so abhominably blaspheme it saynge and boastyng that it is thy word and the churches cōmaundement notwithstandynge that it is the lye and deceyt of the deuyll whereby they seduce so many poore soules in all the worlde vnder thy name and besydes that also kyl shede innocent bloude persecute thynkyng thereby to do the a hygh seruyce O Lorde God here conuerte and lette Conuerte them that yet shall be conuerted that they with vs and we with them maye sanctifye and prayse thy name bothe with pure and true doctryne and also with a good holye lyfe and conuersation And resiste or let them that wyll not be conuerted that they maye cease to abuse blaspheme and dyshonour thy holye name and to seduce the poore people Amen The seconde Peticyon Thy kyngedome come sayenge Oh Lord God mercyful father thou seest that not onely the wisedome and discretion of the worlde blasphemeth thy name and geueth thyne honoure to the lye and to the deuyl But also al theyr power myght rychesse and honoure which thou hast geuen them vpon earth to rule in the worlde and to serue the with thesame is set and stryueth agaynst thy kyngdome they are great mighty and many thicke fatte and full and plage hynder and destroye the small heape of thy kyngdome Those that be weake despysed and feawe wyl they not suffre vpon earthe and thynke neuertheles thereby to do thy a hyghe Goddes seruice O Lorde God father almightye
here conuerte resiste Conuerte them that yet shall be chyldren and membres of thy kyngdome that they with vs and we with them maye serue the in thy kyngdome in true fayth and perfecte loue and maye come oute of thys kyngdome into euerlastyng kyngedome And resiste them that wyll not suffre theyr power and myght to be tourned away from the destructiō of thy kyngedome that they beynge deposed from theyr seate and beyng humbled maye ceasse Amen The thyrde peticion Thy wyl be done in earth as it is in heauen sayenge Oh Lorde GOD father almighty thou knowest that the worlde yf she can not brynge thy name to noughte ● destroy thy kyngedome imagineth wickednes night daye vsyng many crafty Imaginations and dyuers subtill deuices counsaylynge and whysperynge together they consorte and strengthen them selues threatenynge and cursynge beinge full of all euill will agaynste thy name worde kyngedome and Children howe they maye destroye the same Therfore oh Lorde God and Father conuerte and withstande Conuerte those that shall yet know thy good wil that they with vs and we with them maye be obediēt vnto thy will and vpon the same willingly paciently and gladly suffre all euill crosse and aduersitie and maye herein knowe proue and vnderstande thy bountifull gracious and perfect will And withstande them that will not desiste and ceasse from their furye and ragynge hatynge threatenynge and euill will to do mischiefe And dissipate and confounde their counsayll their wicked imaginations and deuices that they fall vpon their owne heades as the. vij Psalme syngeth Psal vij Amen The fourth Peticion Geue vs this daye oure dayly breade and saye Oh Lorde God Father euerlastinge graunte vs also thy blessynge in this temporall bodely lyfe geue vs gratiously thy peace defend vs frō warre and enemitie Geue vnto our souetain Lord the Kyng Protector prosperitie and healthe agaynste his enemies geue them wysedome and vnderstanding that the maye gouerne his terrestriall kyngedome quietly and healthfully Geue to al kynges Princes and Lordes good counsayll and will to entretayne their laude and subiectes in tranquillite and good iustice specially help and further oure souereigne Lord the Kyng vnder whose protection and defence thou doest preserue vs that he beynge preserued from all euill false from false tonges and vntru subiectes maye rule godly and bleffully Geue to all subiectes grace truely and faithfully to serue and to obeye Geue vnto all estates citezens and husbandemen that they maye be good deale louingly and faithfully one with another Geue gracious wether and frutes of the felde I commende also vnto the house farme wyfe childe helpe that I may will rule them and Godly educate an brynge them vp Withstande and hynder the destroyer all wicked Angelles that do hurte and hynderaunce herein Amen The fyfte peticion Forgeue vs our trespasses as we forgeue thē that trespasse against vs and saye Psalm cxliij O Lorde God Father almightie enter not into iudgement with vs for in thy syghte is no man lyuinge righteous Oh counte it not vnto vs for synne that we alas are so vnthankefull for thyne inestimable benefites ghoostly and bodely and that we do dayly stumble and synne many tymes more than we knowe and can perceyue Psalm xviij Psal xviij But regarde not good Lorde howe good or wicked we are But haue respecte to thyne inestimable mercy geuen vs frely in Christ thy dearely beloued sonne Forgeue also al oure enemyes and al them that do vs displeasure or wronge euen as we also forgeue them withall our hartes For they do thereby vnto them selues the greatest displeasure in that they offende the in vs. And we haue no pleasure in their destruction But woulde rather se them saued with vs Amen And whosoeuer feleth hym selfe here that he is not redy and willynge to forgeue maye call for grace that he may be willing to forgeue But this belongeth to the Sermon The syxth petition And leade vs not into temptation and saye O good Lorde God Father almightie kepe vs wakyng●… and lusty feruēt and diligent in thy worde and seruice that we do not waxe ydell slouthfull vnlusty as though we had nowe all thinges that the rompinge deuill do not begyle and ouertake vs and spoyl vs agayne of thy moost holy worde or stirre vp discorde and Sectes amonge vs or leade vs otherwyse into synne shame both spiritually and corporally but geue vs trough thy Spirite wisedome power that we maye valiauntely withstande hym and gette the vpper hande of hym Amen The seuenth peticion But delyuer vs from euill and saye O Lord God Father almightie This miserable lyfe is so full of Calamities and wretchednes so full of periculositie vnstablenes so full of infidelitie and iniquitie as S. Paule sayeth The dayes are euill Phil. i. Gal. ij vi that we should by reason be wery of this lyfe and desyrous of death But thou O Father knowest our weakenes Therfore helpe vs to go safe thorough such manyfolde euilles and iniquities and whan the tyme cometh geue vs a gracious houre and a blessed departinge out of this valley of wretchednes that we do not feare death nor be faynt harted but maye commende oure soules into thy handes with a sure and stedfaste faythe Amen Last of all marke that thou must alwayes make the Amē strong doubt nothinge But that God is thyne vndoutedly with all his graces and saye yea to thy prayer And thynke that thou doest not knele and stande there alone But the vniuersall Christianite or all righteous Christians with the thou among them in an vniforme prayer whiche God can not despise And go not frō thy prayer before that thou hast sayde or thought This prayer is hearde in the syght of God This do I knowe surely and vndoubtedly That is Amen Also thou shalt knowe that I will not haue all these wordes spoken in the prayer For thereof shoulde at the last growe babbling and a vayne mōbelinge beynge reade out of the boke after the letters euen as oure Ladyes Psalter hath ben among the laye people and the prayers of Priestes and Monkes But I will thereby haue the harte stirred and instructed what cogitations or thoughtes it oughte to vse in the Lordes prayer But suche thoughtes or cogitations can the harte whan it is through warme and lusty to praye expresse well ynough with farre other wordes yea also with fewer or more wordes For I my selfe also will not be bounde to suche wordes and sillables but speake the wordes to daye thus to morowe otherwyse accordinge as I am warme and lusty howe be it as uere as I can I abyde by the same sence and meanynge It commeth also often to passe that I come in one pointe or peticion into so plenteous digressions and thoughtes that I leaue all the other syxe And also when suche riche and plentyfull cogitation come we ought to let the other prayers alone and to geue place to suche cognitations
yet of vs at this tyme inuented but it is euē the same olde baptisme that Christe hath instituted wherein the Apostles and the primitiue church and all christians thereafter hitherto are baptised Haue we nowe thesame baptisme the first olde and as in Simbole standeth Catholice that is the hole christen church and are euen baptised in the same then belonge we surely in thesame old and hole christen church which with vs together we with her together come of one maner of baptisme is concernyng baptisme no difference Baptisme is the chiefe first sacramēt without the which al other be nothinge as thei must cōfesse thē selues Therfore cā not the papistes with the trueth cal vs a new church or heretikes sence we be children of the old baptisme as wel as the Apostles thē selues the hole Christianite Eph. iiij One maner of baptisme Supper of the Lorde Secondarely wil nomā denye this That we haue the blessed Supper of the Lorde lyke and euen as Christe hym self hath instituted And the Apostles there after and the hole Christianite hath vsed So that we eate and drynke with the vniuersall Christianite of on borde and receyue with them one maner of olde sacrament and haue therein nothing renewed nor channged Wherefore we be with them one maner of Church or as S. Paull saith i. Cor .xi. one body whiche eate of one breade drynke of one drynk i. Cor. xi Vvherfore the Papistes can not call vs heretikes or newe Churche excepte they muste call Christe the Apostles and the vniuersall Christianite heretykes before euen as they do in dede For we be with the olde Churche one Church in one Sacrament Kayes Thyrdely can noman denye That we haue the right olde kayes and vse them none otherwyse then to bynde to lose synnes that be all agaynste Goddes commaundement as Christe hath instituted them as the Apostles and the vniuersall Christianite haue vsed them hetherto And haue also one kaye vse with the olde Church wherfore we be the same olde Church or at the least in it For we make no newe keye nether make we newe lawes nether do we there with exclude kynges Princes and their tēporall powers But onely shutte the synners out into the kyngdome of heauen like as the olde Churche hath done by the commaundement of the Lord where in the Papistes do falsely belye vs yea blaspheme the olde churche the Apostles and Christe hym selfe in vs. Office of preachynge Fourthely can noman denye That we haue the office of Preachinge the word of God syncerely rychely earnestly teachinge dryuynge the same without any maner of addiciōs of new propre mānes tradiciōs Euē as Christ hath cōmaunded And as the Apostles the vniuersal christianite haue done we inuēte no newelties But we hold vs abyde by the olde worde of God as the old church hath hadde it Therfore be we with the same the right old Churche as one Church that teacheth beleueth one Goddes word Vvherfore the Papistes agayne blaspheme Christ hym self the Apostles And the vniuersal Christianite whē they calle vs new heretikes For they fynd nothinge by vs but the olde fasshion of the olde Church that we be lyke vnto the same and be with her one Church Symbolum or Cred of thapostles Fyfthely cā nomā denye That we hold beleue syng cōfesse The Crede or Symbolum of the Apostles the old faith of the olde Church in al thinges lyke with her not makyng or addynge any new thinge there vnto Vvherby we perteyne in the old Church and be one with her Therfore let not this pece also be imputed vnto vs of the Papistes with the trueth as heresie and newe Church For he that beleueh and holdeth with the old Church the same is of the olde Church Praye● Sixtely nomā can denye this That we haue one lyke prayer with the old church the same Pater noster not inuentinge any new or other And synge euē the same Psalmes with one accord of mouthe hart laudinge thākyng God lyke as Christe hath taught the same and as the Apostles and the old Church haue vsed the same And commaunded vs to followe the same exāple So that the Papistes agayne for this can not call vs heretikes or newe Church but they must fyrst of all blaspheme Christ hym selfe with his deare olde Churche Worldly power Seuently can noman denye That we with the olde Church bothe teache and affirme That men ought to honoure the temporall Powers and not to curse them nor yet compell them to kysse the fete of the bysshoppe of Rome Whiche also we haue not inuented of newe For S. Peter .ij. Pet. ij curseth those that should newly inuēte and cra●tely do suche thinges ij Pet. ij And S. Paull Roma xiij is on oure syde Ro. xiij And also the olde and vninersall Christianite So that in this thynge also we may not be called newe as the Papistes blaspheme God hym selfe in vs But we be perteyne in the olde holy Apostolike Churche as the right chyldrē and membres of the same For we haue taught tru obediēce allwayes to be done vnto oure hyer powers whether it be to Emperour or Prince whiche also we haue done oureselues and haue prayed for them hartely Matrimony Eyghtely can noman denye That we ●aude and pr●yse Matrimony as a Godly blessed and acceptable creation and ordinaunce for the frute of the body and agaynst the fylthynes of the flesshe And haue not of newe inuetēted the same by oure selues neither is the vse there of newly by vs imagined muche lesse as of newe teathers forbidden But euen as God from the beginnynge hath created and Christe confirmed The Apostles and the olde Churche haue honoured and taught the same euen in the same olde rule of Goddes institutynge haue we abyden And be therein agreable with the olde Churche yea and right kynd membres of the same So that men may see howe the Papistes agayn carnally laye vnto vs ne we fanglednes Persecution for the wordes sake Nynthly can noman denye That we haue euen the same sufferinge as S. Peter sayeth whiche oure brethren haue in the worlde we be persecuted in al parties yea slayne drowned hāged all maner of tormentes is layde vnto vs for the wordes sake it gothe with vs euen as with the olde church And be in this point aboue measure lyke vnto the same So that we may well saye Vve be the right old church or at the least her comparteners lyke fellowes in sufferinge For we do not inuente suche thinges of newe but we fele it well ynough Yea we be euē as the olde churche is also lyke vnto the Lord Christ hym self vppon the crosse There stād before the crosse Annas and Caiphas with the Priestes and blaspheme the Lord. Also besydes that they haue crucified hym Euen lyke as the bysshoppe of Rome Cardinalles and monkes
Christe is the onely Sonne of God and oure Lorde In whome we beleue euen with the same Fayth wherewith we beleue in the Father as the texte sayeth in the fyrst Symbole I beleue in God c. And in Iesu c. For yf he were not very God then muste he not with lyke Faythe lyke vnto the Father be honoured This disputeth and dryueth S. Athanasius in his Symbole And it is a very defence of the fyrst Symbole Who so euer wil be saued before al thynges it is necessarye that he haue the Catholyke fayth Whiche faythe but yf euery man will kepe whole and inuiolate withoute doubte he shall eternally perysshe This truely is the righte Catholyke Faythe that we worshippe one God in trinite and the trinite in vnitie Neyther confondinge the persons neyther seperatinge the substaunce The person of the Father is one The persone of the Sonne another The persone of the holy Ghooste another But of the Father of the Sonne and of the holy Ghoost ther is one diuinite equall glorye coeternall maiestie Suche as is the Father suche is the Sonne suche is the holy Ghoost The Father is vncreate the sonne vncreate the holy Ghost is vncreate The Father is immeasurable the Sonne immeasurable the holy Ghoost immeasurable The Father is euerlasting the Sonne euerlasting the holy Ghoost euerlastinge And not withstāding there be not thre euerlasting but one euerlasting Euen as there be not thre vncreate nor thre vnmeasurable but one vncreat and one vnmeasurable In lyke maner is the Father almightie the Sonne almightie and the holy Ghoost almightie And yet be they not thre almighties but one God almightie So the Father is God the Sonne is God the holy Ghoost is God And yet be there not thre Goddes but one God So the Father is the Lord the Sonne the Lord the holy ghoost the Lorde And yet be they not three Lordes but one Lorde For as we be compelled by the christian veritie to cōfesse separately euery one person to be God and Lorde So are we prohibite by the Catholyke relygyon of Christes faythe to saye that there be three Goddes or three Lordes The father is made of none neyther crated nor gotten The sonne is from the father alone neyther made nor created but gotten The holy Ghost is from the father and the sonne neyther made created nor gotten but procedynge And so is there but one father not three fathers one sonne not three sonnes one holy Ghoost not three holy ghoostes And in thys trinite there is none before or after another nothyng more or lesse But al the three persōs be coeterne and coequal to them selfe So that by all wayes as nowe it hath ben aboue sayde the trinite in vnite and the vnite in trinite maye be worshypped He therfore that wyll be saued let hym vnderstande thus of the trinite But it is necessary vnto euerlasting helth that euery Christian beleue also faythfully the incarnation of oure Lorde Iesu Christe It is therfore the ryght fayth that we beleue and confesse that our Lorde Iesus Christe the sonne of GOD is God and man He is God by the substaunce of the father gotten before al worldes and he is man by the substaunce of the mother borne in the world Perfect God perfecte man beyng of a soule reasonable and of flesshe humayne Equal to the father by hys Godheade lesse then the father by hys māheade Whiche though he be God man yet is there not twayne but one Christe Truely he is one not by the turnyng of hys Godheade into manhead but by assumptynge of hys manheade into Godheade Yea he is one not by cōfusyō or mixture of substaūce but by vnite of persō For as the reasonable soule and the flesshely body is or maketh one man So God and man is one Christe Vvhiche suffred death for oure saluation descended to hel and rose from death the thyrde daye Vvhiche ascended to heauens sitteth on the ryght hande of God the Father almightye From thence shal he come to iudge the quicke and the deade At whose commynge al men must ryse with theyr owne bodyes And shal geue accompte of theyr owne propre dedes And they that haue done wel shall go into euerlasting lyfe thei that haue done euyl into euerlastynge fyre This is the catholike fayth which excepte euery mā faythfully stedfastly do beleue he can not be saued ☞ Symbolum Ambrosij and Augustini THe thyrde Symbole should be S. Augustyns and Ambroses and after S. Augustyns baptisme haue ben songe whether that be so or not there is no daunger in it whether a man beleue it or not It is neuertheles a propre symbole or confessyon whosoeuer be the mayster or authour made after the maner of a songe not onely to knoweledge oure faythe but also therin to prayse and to thanke God And soundeth thus We prayse the O God We knowledge the to be the Lorde All the earth dothe worshippe the the father euerlastynge To the al Angels crye a loude the heauen and al powers therin To the Cherubyn and Seraphyn continually do crye Holy holy holy Lorde God of Sabaoth Heauen and earthe are full of the maiestye of thy glorye The gloryous companye of the Apostles prayse the. The goodly felowshyp of the Prophetes prayse the. The noble army of martyrs prayse the. The holy Churche throughoute all the worlde dothe knoweledge the. The father of an infinite maiestie Thy honourable true and onelye sonne Also the holy Ghoost the conforter Thou arte the Kynge of glorye o Christe Thou arte the euerlastyng sonne of the father Vvhen thou tokest vpon the to delyuer man Thou dyddest not abhorre the virgyns wombe Vvhen thou haddest ouercome the sharpenes of death Thou diddest opē the kyngdome of heauē to al beleuers Thou sittest on the right hande of God in the glorye of the father Vve beleue that thou shalt come to be oure iudge Vve therfore pray the to helpe thy seruauntes whome thou haste redemed with thy precyous bloude Make them to be nombred with thy saynctes in glory euerlastynge O Lord saue thy people and blesse thyne heritage Gouerne them and lifte them vp for euer Daye by daye we magnifye the. And we worshyp thy name euer worlde withoute ende Vouchesafe O Lorde to kepe vs thys daye without synne O Lorde haue mercy vpon vs haue mercy vpon vs. O Lorde let thy mercy lyght vpon vs as oure trust is in the. O Lorde in thy haue I trusted let me neuer be confounded ❧ The Symbole of Nyce I Beleue in one God the Father almightye maker of heauen earth of all thynges visyble and inuisyble ¶ And in one onely Lorde Iesu Christ Gods onely sonne which was gotten of the father before al worldes God of God light of lyght very true God of the very true God gottē not made equall with the father by the whiche al thynges be made Vvhiche for vs mankynde and for oure saluation came doune from heauen And was incarnate by the holye Ghoost