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A07313 The laudable life and deplorable death, of our late peerlesse Prince Henry. briefly represented Together, with some other poemes, in honor both of our most gracious soueraigne King Iames his auspicious entrie to this crowne, and also of his hopefull children, Prince Charles and Princesse Elizabeths happy entrie into this world. By I.M. Master of Artes. Maxwell, James, b. 1581. 1612 (1612) STC 17701; ESTC S126800 24,723 46

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father to haue such a Sonne As neuer did by any wretched wayes So much as once prouoke his passion By word or worke O wonder of our dayes The Saint of Sonnes thus may we him enstile The choysest child of many million mile 16 VVhat shall I say of the affection This heau'n-bred Prince did beare vnto his Brother His loue affection toward his Brother Sister Charles our Hearts-ioy the choyse of Albion VVhose towardnes doth tell he is another Great-hearted HENRY borne by starrie fate This Ilands honour to perpetuate 17 VVith what kindnes did he his Sister cherish Eliza's grace one of the Graces three That Princesse rare that like a Rose doth florish Filling each eye with her milde Courtesie whose happie breeding worthy inclination Makes her admir'd desir'd of euery Nation 18 The great respect he bare vnto the Peeres His respect towards the Peeres Prelates and all Preachers Pastors and Prelates and all men of worth Shall be remembred of succeeding yeeres which shall him praise and his faire parts set forth Extolling HENRIES great humanitie His mildnesse and his affabilitie 19 Princes had proofe and good experience By costly presents feasts and sumptuous showes His magnificēce towards forraine Princes and Potentates Of HENRYES much admir'd magnificence And Heroicke Heart this thing all Europe knowes Spaine Germanie with Italie and France In this respect must his braue Name aduance 20 His gratitude bounty towards his household seruants The care he had of his choyse Seruants all Them to incourage and to gratifie Shall be spoke of so long as euer shall An house be kept by Prince of Britanie His bountie thrift his houshold gouernment Beene marked well they are a wonderment 21. His great trayne and attendance with his discretion in making choyce of worthy seruants to be nearest himselfe Seau'n hundreth soules his seruice did attend Which of him did reap daily maintenance Vnto them all his bountie did extend His helpfull hand his cheerfull countenance Yet none were neere him but of worthy parts For valour warrefare languages or arts 22 His great thrift in building planting and repairing To plant and build he had a great delight Olde ruines his sole presence did repaire Orchards and Gardens forthwith at his sight Began to sprout and spring to florish faire Aske of faire Richmond standing by the Thames If this be true or yet of his S. Iames. 23 His liberality towards Schollers His glorie was good Schollers to propine With large ensignes of his benignitie As great Mecenas of the Muses nine Which shall not suffer his braue name to die So long as Pindus or Mount Helicon Shall be in place his praises to expone 24 Likewise to Soldiers and to valiant Wights His bountie towards Captaines Soldiers Large was his loue and liberality It was his pride to passe whole daies and nights Among such men and in their company To ride great horses and to handle armes To heare the Drums Trumpets sound alarmes 25. To Vault and leap to wrastle ride and runne Hardly to lye and coursely for to feede His warrelike exercises To play at Foiles to vse both Pike and Gunne Both sword and shield at euery pinch and neede To runne at Ring at Tilt and Turnament Were the delights of Albions Ornament 26 To learne all warre-like feats great was his care As for to rank a troope to fortifie T'assige a Fort to scale a wall and there T' erect the ensignes of braue Victorie T' abide heat cold and Souldier-like to sleepe But a short while good Sentinell to keepe 27 His temperance sobrietie VVhat shall I speake of his sobrietie His order'd liuing and his abstinence His shunning of all superfluity In diet drinke apparrell and expense Base Drunkennes he hated as the Deuil So did he Sloath the schoole-mistris of Euill 28 His continence chastitie With wine or Venus neuer was defil'd The Rosie body of this worthy wight VVith lusts allurements was he ne're beguil'd Eguatius Cuspinianus de Caesaribus in Henrice Sancto But pure and chaste remain'd both day and night HENRY the Saint that worthy Emperour Was not more chaste then HENRY Britaines floure 29 A wondrous thing it is yet very sure That such a Prince should liue so continent VVhere were so many obiects to allure His eyes and eares his senses to inchant Sith then this Soule so chaste was and diuine Let all chaste hands heape Roses on his shrine 30 Scotland hath brought forth but tvvo prince Henries and both of them were of most vertuous disposition and of extraordinarie expectation and died young before their Fathers the first Prince Henrie was the grād child of holy queen Margeret eldest daughter of Prince Edward the outlavv sonne and heire of Edmond Iron-side King of England The second and last Prince Henrie was the great great grand-childe of Queene Margarete the eldest daughter of Henrie the seauenth King of England Reade hereof the Chronicles of both Countries Two hopefull HENRIES much admir'd for worth The clime of Scotland heertofore hath bred The choisest floures that euer soile brought forth Both's fate it was to make this I le to shed Huge streames of tears for that in youthfull Prime Such wights of worth should fall before their time 31 The first Prince Henry was Saint Dauids childe That peerlesse Prince borne of Saint Margaret And King Malcolme which of this seuer'd I le By birth did both the Royall bloods vnite The next did likewise from a Margaret spring The Gemme of Iames our Iles vniting King 32 Likewise that Sainted Prince of Hungarie Munsterus in Hugaria Auentinus in Annalibus Boiorum Antonius Bonfinius Michael Ritius de rebus Hungarie in S. Stephano Emerico Cuspinianus in Henrico sancto Saint Henry Emeric Prince of Hungarie died yong and before his Father as did our Henry Frederick Prince of Britannie King saint Steuens Son nam'd HENRY EMERICK That holy Prince did in his spring-time die As did our hearts-ioy HENRY FRIDERICK Whose holy life shall get him lasting praise And him enstile the wonder of our dayes 33 Ten dayes did last lou'd Henries hid disease During which space his heau'n-bred brest did burne With diuine loue in God was all his Ease Mediciners could do no more but mourne And good cause why seeing their Phisicke-art No help could giue to heale great Britaines Heart 34 Thus in the month that martyr'd Edmond fell In the month of Nouember Saint Edmond King of England suffered his Martyrdome and both king Henrie the 3. and our peereles Prince Henrie did die the one leauing his Kingdome to Edward the 1. the other his Prince-dome to Charles the 1. Once Englands King whose faith him made a Saint Henry our hope who did in faith excell In hope and loue his holy soule vp sent To Christs owne Court a soule so full of grace That it was worthy of no lower place 35 Ado
Treuirensis in Martyrolog alii plures S. Leonard was a Confessor and St. Felix a Martyr Saint Leonards day neere t' All Saints was his last That 's likewise nam'd Saint Felixs martyr-day Saint Iames they call the place from whence he past In th' armes of Saints to liue with Saints for aye Thus Persons Times and places circumstance Do HENRIES Soules Saints-honour all aduance 36 Prince Henry a bright starre soone Ecclipsed Lo Norths bright Star thus hath of late gone downe In the South-point of this vnited Land His too swift course hath made him set too soone VVhen as his beames did blase o're sea and sand Our Orbe too base it was this Starre to beare For it was worthy of an higher spheare 37 Prince Henry a rare Pearl soone lost Lo the rare Pearle that we of late haue lost A peerlesse Pearle the Load-stone of this Ile VVhose worth did drawe from euery land and coast The eyes of strangers many thousand mile But this heart-drawing stone great Iames his Gem More worthy was t' adorne Ioues Diadem 38 Prince Henry a faire flour soone pluckt Lo how the fragrant Lilly of this land The hands of Angels haue pluckt vp in haste Presenting it into Iehouah's hand For this Rose-Lilly did become him best Saints Paradise good Lord how it adornes where floures are free from thistles from thorns 39 A Starre a Pearle a Flowre sith we haue lost Bright rare and faire if we haue cause to mourne God wote man wote Prince Henry aliue the solace of hearts but dead the sorrowe of hearts loe that which cheer'd vs most Now doth it to our greatest sorrow turne HENRIE aliue did lighten euery part But HENRIE dead sends sorrow to each heart 40 One thing there is our sorrow may asswage Prince Charles is like a Phoenix risen out of Prince Henries Phoenixcinder to bee a Cordiall and comfort to our hearts And heale our heart-breake which is when we see Heau'n-fauord Charles of such hope in prime age Borne to prolong this Ilands vnitie So oft as I behold braue HENRIES brother Me thincks I see a Phoenix from his Cinder 41 Looke on his face Prince Charls the viue resēblance of Prince Henries both body mind and surely ye shall see How HENRIES face in Charles his doth reuiue Marke then his grace wit mildnesse modestie And all the goods which God doth to him giue Ye'le say with me that there was ne're another More like to one then Charles is to his brother 42 Marke but his courage when he runnes at Ring Prince Charls his gracefull and vertuous inclinatiō toward couragious disposition godly education memorie wit and vnderstanding euen in his youthfull age of 12. yeeres His towardnesse and his dexteritie VVhich promiseth that he shall honor bring One day by his braue acts to Brittannie Ye'le wish vnto this tender toward Knight Long for to liue in health wealth honors hight 43 Marke th'vnderstanding of his youthfull prime His answers quicke his wit his memorie VVhen any Chapter of the Booke diuine He reads or any humaine historie Ye'le wonder with me to heare him rehearse The summe and sense of each leafe page or verse 44 Brittans blesse God for such a toward youth As doth succeede in our braue HENRIES place Pray vnto God for him with mind and mouth VVish him alwaies the heape of hap and grace That sweet CHARLES may for euer flourish till That great Charles chaire with honors hight he fill PEERELESSE PRINCE HENRIES Epitaph in his owne foure Languages 1. Epitaph FAire Europes Phoenix and great Britaines blisse The Soldiers solace and the Schollars ioy Both Mars and Muses minion he it is VVhose timeles death doth young and old annoy HENRIE our hope and all the worlds wonder His soule heauen-rapt hath left vs but his cinder 2. Looke how the mightie Macedonian King Surnam'd the great did perish in his prime Right so we see fall in his flourie Spring Great-hearted HENRIE long before the time Here rests his Rosie corps chast voide of vice His Lilly-soule perfumes all Paradice 3 Le Phenix de l'Europe la fleur de cest age Le soulas des Sçauants des Soldats la gloire HENRY ce ieun ' Heros tant beau braue saint sage Cy gist laissant a tous de son los la memoire Tandis que durera le Soleil Terre ou Onde Son beau nom fleurira par tous les pais du monde 4. Hîc jacet Europae Phoenix gentisque Britannae Gloria Martigenûm gaudia Pieridum Flos iuuenum laus magna senum lux alma bonorum HENRICVS patriae spesque decusque suae Corpus habet Tumulum famam capit orbis Olympum Spiritus aeterno sic fruiturque Deo 5 Vt perit in primo Pellaeus flore Iuuentae Carpitur Autumnum sicut et ante suum Praeproperè sic iste sui flos occidit aeui Henricus dîo maximus ingenio Fit Superûm consors claro Diademate fulgens Linquit et aeternum Nomen in ore virûm 6 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 7 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 A POEME SHEWING HOW THAT BOTH THEOLOGIE AND ASTROlogie doe pronounce the time of his Maiesties entring to this Crowne to be auspicious and happy The Argument AT what time God the Father entred into the world by the Creation thereof and God the Sonne Christ Iesus entred into the world for the renouation of the same by the assumption of our flesh in blessed Maries Wombe at the selfe same time Iames the Sonne of Marie entred to his new Kingdome 1 God began to make the world in the Spring-time and about the selfe same time thereof that answereth to the 25. day of March according to the common consent of Greeke and Latin Theologians and all Astrologians If that the time be blest when God began To make the masse of this faire Globy frame Or if the time be blest he moulded Man First of the Earth for to rule in the same Then blest the time wherein great Iames began T'vnite the Crownes of this great I le of Man 2 This mother-time wherein all things were fram'd By Gods all-working word which was his hand Was fittest time wherein should be proclam'd The ioyfull newes of this vnited Land Britaines belieue the Worker and the Time Of this great worke both make it meere diuine 5 At the feast of the annuntiation Christ Iesus the Son of Mary entred into the world by the assumption of our flesh and Charles Iames the sonne of Marie entred to his newe Kingdome For if the Time be blest God did descend From Heau'n to Earth a Man for to be made In Maries wombe for vs which did offend To th' end mans sinne on IESVS might be laide Then blest the time when Maries IAMES came
down From North to South to beare great Britaines crown 4 For at what time vnspotted MARIES childe Came downe from God Eues ill race to rescue From death and hell to make an vnion Twixt God and man thus reconcil'd a new At the same time a matchles MARIES childe Came to vnite men with men in this I le 5 Robert the 2 and the first of the Stewart-Kings in Scotland Iames the 6. and the first of the Stewart-kings in England began both of them their reigne in both kingdomes at the feast of the Annuntiation See Boethius Leslaeus Buchananus Stowe in their Chronicles Thus MARIES time hath bene auspicious To MARIES seed and to the royall stemme Of STEWARDS name sprung from the valorous Britannish Bruce borne to Norths Diadem For in both lands the first of STEWARDS line That e're bare Crowne began both at this time 6 VVhen Phoebus shining in his Rammie signe The first of signes and rules the head of man Was running from the night-days-equall Line At what time the fun which is the prime of starres was running in Aries which is the prime of signes at the same time the prime Starre of the North by his motion began to inlighten the two Hemispheres of this Ilish Orbe The Norths bright Starre with beamie face began Surueying South and North both farre and neere For to o're-shine the two halues of his sphere 7 And fit it was that this high head of Iles Ptolomeus Albumazar Fōtanus Cardanus Ranzoniun doe place vnder the influence of Aries which is the head of signes the head of man which is the head of earthly creatures and vnder the head of the same head signe called Aries they place great Britannie which is the head of Ilands Great Britaines Ile a royall head should see T'unite her ends though distant many miles When the head-signe was in his Royaltie Which in Mans Body challengeth the Head And doth his force o're Albions Iland shed 8 Al 's when the Sunne did runne his Giants race At what time the Sunne was mouing in the signe of Leo or the Liō which is the Sunnes owne house the Lyon of the North at he same time receiued the Crown of the South Mounted vpon the starrie Lyons backe Then did the Lilly-Lyon shewe his face In glorie great when he the stile did take To be surnam'd King of great Britanie Norths Prince of peace and Pearle of vnitie 9 Yea Iuda's-Lyon that delights to feede In the Reuelation Christ Iesus is called the Lyon of the Tribe of Iudah and in the Canticles he remaineth among the Lillies and the Lyon enuironed with Lillies is a chiefe part of Charles Iames his royall armes Amidst the fragrant Lillies of the fielde Did wish our Gemme goodluck and eeke his Seede Which bear 's a Lilly-lyon in his shielde E'en Iudah's Lyon man-like sweetly smil'd To see our Lyon Britaines King enstil'd 10 * At S. Iames feast was happily King IAMES crowned S. IAMES who like-wise was a MARIES childe Held feast that day that King Iames bare this Crown First on his head as Monarch of this Ile Congratulate he did his new renowne Wishing that our King IAMES of Albion Might match in hap King * Iames King of Aragon and Valence the first of that name the vniter of two kingdomes both the son the grand-son of a Marie was surnamed the fortunate or happie see Marinaeus in the 10. Booke of his Spanish Historie IAMES of Aragon 11 Thou Iacobs Harpe which he holdes in his armes Take vp a tune out of thine owne accord Sing peace on Earth and end to all alarmes Here in the Land of thy Concording Lord Play Dauids Harpe how pleasant is' t to see Britaines to liue in loue and vnitie 12 Orpheus Dauids and our Iacobs Harpe is the Symbole of concorde see Orus Apollo and Pierius in their Hieroglyphicks Sweet Orpheus Harp adde new strength to thy strings And tame the wild beasts of our passions Let melodie mounted on ayrie wings Charme and dechase our fierce affections That Britaines borne may liue in rest and Loue Vnited ay till Christ come from aboue 13 Come Prince of Peace vnite vs all in one In Faith and Loue perfite vs more and more Make IAMES the author of that Vnion The most glorious workes that can enter into any Princes heart or hand are these two the pacification re-union of the diuided Catholicke Church and the restauration and re-union of the diuided and diminished Christian Empire and it is the Authors most hearty wish that it would please God to make the hapfull Father the instrument of the one and the hopefull sonne the instrument of the other Which was amongs first Christians of before And let not his braue Charles his head goe downe Before he beare Charles or Constantines Crownes Make hell-hatcht Turkes amaz'd to flee and fall Before his face till he be Lord of all A Poeme shewing the Excellencie of our Soueraigne King IAMES his HAND that giueth both health wealth instanced in his Curing of the Kings euill by touching the same in hanging an Angell of Gold about the neck of the diseased and in giuing the poorer sort money towards the charges of their iournie The Argument KIng IAMES is called of God to be the Curer of the Kings Euill in priuate persons corporally in the Body of this I le politically in the Pope and the whole Catholick Church Ecclesiastically 1 Great King it was mine hap of late to see And to behold the vertues of your HAND When as from your blest Seate of Maiestie Before Gods Priests which did about you stand Your sacred Touch did serue for Medicine To such as with Kings-ill had plagued beene 2 Vpon which sight my Muse with speed began To meditate these presents in the praise Of your right HAND blest both of God and man The force whereof must needes your honour raise Sith that the sole Touch of it doth much more Then Med'cines all in curing of this sore 3 Professed phisitions take gold of their patients and yet oftentimes giue them not helth for their gold but our great Phisition giueth his patients gold health also Phisitions when they doe vnder goe The Cure of this or any other ill Are wont to reape some Angels one or moe At the sicks hands thus they their purses fill Alwaies they take but oft none ease do giue To such as doe with sores tormented liue 4 Far otherwise it fareth with our Leeche Apollo's heire this Ilands Aesculape He to his sicke doth golden Angels reeche Out of his hand and makes them to escape Which makes our Leeche the Lord of Leeches all For health and wealth both from his fingers fall 5 Queene Maulde which was great English Beauclerkes heire Polydorus Virgilius R. Holinsbed I. Pox. I. Stow in Henrico 1. And eke the Niece of Scots Malcolme our King Who for a time the stile of Empresse bare