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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A75884 A fannaticks letter sent out of the dungeon of the gate-house prison of VVestminster: to all his brethren in the three nations at liberty; and also in the several goales and dungeons therein, that are under all the principles of the doctrines of Christ, Heb. 6. I, 2. By Henry Adis, a baptized believer, undergoing the name of a free-willer; and also most ignomineously by the tongue of infamy, called a fannatick, or a mad man. Adis, Henry. 1660 (1660) Wing A579; Thomason E1084_6; ESTC R208012 21,559 25

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Lord and Master John 13. 13. the Captain of our Salvation Heb. 2. 10. our Elder Brother Heb. 2. 11. Let us cry out and say Father forgive them they know not what they do Luk. 23. 34. And thus being furnished with the Armour of Righteousnesse on the right Hand and on the left 2 Cor. 6. 7. Let us behave our selves manfully fighting the Lords Battel even to the resisting unto Blood striving against sin Heb. 12. 4. striving together for the Faith of the Gospel Phil. 1. 27. not for the Wealth Pomp Pleasure Pastimes Preferment Power nor Dominions of the Earth neither in the behalf of our selves nor others no not in the behalf of our Lord and Master King Jesus to set Him up as King For though I do really believe that Jesus Christ shall Personally Reign yet his Kingdom is not to be set up as some would have it For the seventh Angel Sounded and there were great Voices in Heaven saying The Kingdoms of this World are become the Kingdoms of the Lord and of his Christ and He shall reign for ever and ever Rev. 11. 15. For the stone that was cut out of the Mountain without hands that smote the Image on the Feet became a great Mountain and filled the whole earth Dan. 2. 35. And this was the confidence of that Holy Man Job 19. 25. For saith he I believe that my Redeemer liveth and that he shall stand at the last day upon the earth So also saith the Prophet Zech. 14. 4. For his Feet shall stand in that day upon the Mount of Olives which is before Jerusalem on the East and verse 9. And the Lord shall be King over all the earth in that day there shall be one Lord and his Name one and his Dominion shall be from Sea to Sea and from the River even to the ends of the earth for he must reign till he hath put all enemies under his Feet the last enemie that shall be destroyed is Death 1 Cor. 15. 25 26. Yet this Kingdom shall not be set up by force of Arms neither shall his Servants prepare it for him but he for them for so saith he himself John 14. 2. In my Fathers House are many Mansions And I go to prepare a place for you And I will come to you again and receive you to my self that where I am there ye may be also And therefore he spake unto them a Parable because he was nigh to Jerusalem and because they thought that the Kingdom of God should immediately appear And a certain Noble-man went into a far Countrey to receive for himself a Kingdom and to return Luke 19. 11 12. So that he shall give the Kingdom to them if we may believe himself for saith he Fear not little Flock for it is your Fathers good pleasure to give you the Kingdom Luke 12. 32. And I appoint unto you a Kingdom as my Father hath appointed unto me that ye may eat and drink at my Table in my Kingdom and sit on Thrones Judging the twelve Tribes of Israel Luke 22. 29. But we are yet in the Kingdom of Christs Patience and not in the Kingdom of his Power for if we may believe himself he telleth us John 18. That his Kingdom is not of this World for this is Esaus Kingdom And so saith the Lord to Esdras For when Jacob and Esau were born unto Isaac Jacobs hand held fast the Heel of Esau for Esau is the End of this World and Jacob is the Beginning of that which is to come 2 Esdras 6. 8 9. And indeed this is Esau or the evil ones Kingdom for Satan is the god of this World And so saith our Apostle 2 Cor. 4. 3 4. If our Gospel be hid it is hid to them that are lost in whom the god of this World hath blinded the Minds of them that believe not lest the Glorious Light of the Gospel of Jesus Christ should shine unto them and so saith the Devil to Christ Mat. 4 8 9. when he set him upon an high Mountain and shewed him all the Glory of the World and said unto him All this will I give thee if thou wilt fall down and worship me And the Lord Christ is so far from reproving the falshood of it as that he saith John 14. 13. The Prince of this World cometh but he ha●h no part in me and John 16. 11. The Prince of this World is Judged And to evidence that Antipathy that there is between these two Kings Kingdoms and the Subjects thereof the Apostle queries with those that had engaged for that King and Kingdom when they were fighting and quarrelling for the things of a Temporal Kingdom From whence saith he comes Wars and Fightings among you come they not hence even of your Lusts that War in your Members Ye Lust and have not ye kill and desire to have and cannot obtain ye Fight and War yet ye have not because ye ask not ye ask and receive not because ye ask amiss ye Adulterers and Adulteresses know ye not that the Friendship of the World is emnity with God Whosoever therefore will be a friend to the World is an enemy to God James 4. 1. c. And because ye are chosen out of the World therefore the World will hate you yet that hatred is not to be requited with hatred again but with Love and good Works according to Mat. 5. 44. So that no Acts of Violence or Hostility is to be found in the hands of Canaans Subjects but they are patiently to wait for the coming of Christ For so perswadeth our Apostle Be patient brethren unto the coming of the Lord Behold the husband-man waiteth for the precious fruits of the earth and hath long patience for it until he receive the early and latter rain be you also patient stablish your Hearts for the coming of the Lord draweth nigh Jam. 5. 7. And although we are redeem'd with the Blood of the Lamb and are made Kings and Priests to God and to Christ and shall Live and Reign with Christ a thousand Years Rev. 20. 4. 6. Rev. 5. 10. yet we ought to have no Acts of violence found in our hands to procure or set it up but this is the mistake between those that are so eager to set up Christs Kingdom by Violence and undermining of States and Governments and us that expect it and yet can act no Acts of violence They expect him to Reign Spiritually in his People and we according to the Scriptures do look for him to come and Reign Personally with his They look to have Dominion Power and earthly Authority by him and to have their Judges restored as at the first and that on this side the Grave whilest we wait for a Manifestation of Christ from Heaven at which appearance we do expect and that upon a Scripture account that those that fall asleep in the Faith of Jesus shall then appear with Jesus and that them that are then found in the Actual Faith of
Jesus shall live together with them with Jesus 1 Thes. 4. 14. When that same Jesus which was taken up into Heaven shall so come in like manner as he went into Heaven Acts 1. 11. For behold he cometh with Clouds and every eye shall see him and they also which piersed him Rev. 1. 7. In which patient waiting of ours we must expect according to the saying of our Apostle That we must through many tribulations enter into the Kingdom of Heaven Acts 14. 22. Our Lord and Master was pleased to strip himself of Glory and became obedient to that ignomineous death of the Cross for our sakes to bring us to Glory and shall we then grudg for his sake to go by the Cross to inherit that Glory O my Brethren in Gods Fear consider what ye do turn not your backs upon Jesus Christ but as ye have set your hand to the Plow so look not back for if any man draw back my Soul shall have no pleasure in him Heb. 10. 38. And whosoever will deny me before men him will I also deny before my Father which is in Heaven they were his own Words Mat. 10. 33. in whose Mouth there was sound no guile who also telleth us That the time will come that if they kill us they will think they shall do God good service John 16. 2. And seeing we do at this day both see and feel so much in order to the fulfilling of this Scripture in this juncture of time wherein iniquity doth so much abound and that the love of many do wax cold Let us consider in Gods Fear what our work is in this our Day that so we may be sound doing Gods Work in Gods Way although it be to the losse of our Liberty Goods yea and Life and all rather than lose all to eternity And therefore for my part I shall resolve God assisting me according to the ability received to make use of that Sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God to the hewing down of all Iniquity Transgression and Sin both Root and Branch as near as I can in all and to speak Scripture Language from him that sitteth on the Throne to him that grindeth at the Mill and draweth Water And to endeavour such a Reformation in all as that God may build up the Nation and make our Land as it is now abounding in all excesse of ryot to be as one day it shall be said of Jerusalem even a Praise of the whole Earth And if in this I am looked upon to be vile I shall by Divine assistance resolve to be yet more vile and shall first begin this work at Home and now I speak of Home I shall begin to look Home and as the Husband-man and the Merchant take the time of their best leasure to make up their Inventory So shall I for being haled from my lawful employments having little else to do in my Dark Dolesome Drowsie Damp Dungeon I shall see what I am worth that so I may set my House in order whilest I have time for Age tells me I cannot live long and almost every day an Alarm for death is sounding in mine ears Tear me and Ram me Sink me and Dam me telling me some to my Face and others behind my back That I am not long liv'd and that I must suddenly prepare for Death because of my Judgement notwithstanding the Kings Word passed to us from Breda and since For a peaceable enjoying our Meeting upon our good behaviour the which I shall bid defiance to any man that can say it was ever tainted I have therefore set Pen to Paper and have added this my Inventory the which haply may seem impertinent in this place yet I judge the conclusion may be very comfortable and as the Husband-man and Merchant so shall I the Husband-man making his Inventory which we will suppose thus Imprimis Hay Barns empty and Hay-stack-Roomes railed round with Corn Barns and Graineries empty swept and garnished in which there is nothing of l. s. d. any considerable value But that which will make a mends for all is Item in the Harvest Crop abundance of Hay to the raising of Stacks and filling the Hay Barn and Lofts and of Wheat Rie Barlie Oats Beans and Pease to the filling the Barns and Graineries having increased some thirty some sixty and some an hundred fould with the multiplicity both of Summer and Winter Fruits both of the Orchards and Cherry Grounds with the abundance of Wall Fruits and Fragrant-Flowers sweet Herbs of all kinds appearing like the Hour of Plenty together with the sweet encrease of that little yet profitable Creature the Bee the which being added to the fore part of the Inventory being as aforesaid not of l. s. d. any considerable value Doth in the whole amount to l. s. d. a good considerable sum And the Merchant when he maketh his Inventory he doth it at his best leasure when the Venture is out-bound the which we will suppose this Imprimis Two or three large vast Warehouses empty and neatly cleansed onely in one Corner two or three empty Casks with some odd Pack-cloaths and Cording And all l. s. d. not worth setting down But Item the return of the Venture a gallant lusty stout tall Ship of a vast burthen deeply laden and well man'd in-bound at the Havens Mouth ready the next Tide being a spring and a fresh smart gale of Wind filling the Fore Sale the Top Sale the Sprit Sale and the Mizen running before the Wind like the Post that sides for his Life the Antient flying and the Pilat for the safe convey of the Vessel carefully instructing the Steers-man at the Helm as occasion serves with a Star-bord Lar-bord Port Steady Loof Non-neer and the Master Gunner and his Mate fiering to the rejoycing the Heart of the Owner 13. 17. 19. or 21. great Guns the Sea-men and Marriners with all speed striking and furling their Sails coming to Anchor and making to Shore to liver the Ship being Richly Laden with the best and choisest Indian Trade and being home bound coasting from one Countrey to another Port being enriched with the choisest and best Commodities of those Countries and Havens by which means though the Inventory as to the former part of it amounts to l. s. d. no great matter Yet the return of the Venture so supposed as aforesaid doth raise the total sum to l. s. d. hundreds thousands ten thousands Thus we see the Husband-mans Harvest and the Merchants Return after their patient waiting makes a mends for all Therefore by the way a Word to my Brethren that are already in Prison with my self and those that do every hour expect the same measure to be met to them and that not upon the account of any real mis-actings found or known either by them or us as by Plotting Contriving or Undermining the present Government but onely and alone because we desire and endeavour to keep the Testimony of a good Conscience
deny us 2 Tim. 2. 12. And therefore let us take up a Resolution to follow him in this our Day in singlenesse of Soul and in our Innocency That we may be Blameless and Harmless the Sons of God without Rebuke in the midest of a Crooked and Perverse Generation among whom shine ye as Lights in the World Phil. 2. 15. giving no Offence in any thing that the Ministry be not blamed But in all things Approving our selves as the Ministers of God in much Patience in Affliction in Necessities in Distresses in Stripes in Imprisonments in Tumults in Labours in Watchings in Fasting by Pureness by Knowledge by Long-suffering by Kindness by the Holy Ghost by Love Unfeigned by the Word of Truth by the Power of God by the Armour of Righteousness on the Right hand and on the Left by Honour and Dishonour by evil Report and good Report as Deceivers and yet True as unknown and yet well known as Dying and behold we Live as Chastened and not Killed as Sorrowful yet alwayes Rejoycing as Poor yet making many Rich as having Nothing yet possessing all Things 2 Cor. 3. For ye see your Calling Brethren how that not many wise men after the Flesh not many Mighty not many Noble are called but God hath Chosen the Foolish things of the World to Confound the Wise And God hath Chosen the Weak Things of the World to Confound the Things that are Mighty and Base Things of the World and Things that are Despised hath God Chosen yea and Things which are not to bring to nought the things that are that no Flesh should glory in his presence And seeing it is so my Brethren I shall Earnestly Desire you in the words of our Apostle That you also who are Troubled rest patiently with us when the Lord Jesus shall be Revealed from Heaven with his Mighty Angels in flaming Fire taking Uengeance on them that know not God and that Obey not the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ who shall be punished with everlasting Destruction from the presence of the Lord and from the Glory of his Power when he shall come to be Glorified in his Saints and to be Admired in all them that Beléeve because our Testimony among you was Beléeded So that as you have Cause to Joy in us so we have great Cause of rejoycing in you that we yet stand fast in one Faith And the Churches of God have Cause to Glory in you for your Patience and Faith in all your Persecutions and Tribulations that ye endure which is a manifest token of the Righteous Judgment of God that ye may be counted worthy of the Kingdom of God for which we also suffer 2 Thess. 2. And thus if any of us suffer as Christians let us not be ashamed but let us glorifie God on this behalf As for you my Brethren that are of Kent and other Places who have all your Livelihoods and some of you all that you could be Trusted for as you are Servers in of Stores and Officers in Ships and Seamen and Labourers in the several Yards appertaining to Shipping my trouble is great for you to hear of your deplorable and sad Condition in that Officers make such use of your Tenderness of Conscience in that you cannot Swear so barbarously to use you Refusing to let you have Supplies for the Relieving your poor Families yet be of good Comfort and Roul your selves upon the All-sufficient God For mine own part I cannot but be a fellow Feeler of your sad Conditions for the Case is mine own with one that is too Great for me to deal withal and for more then I am worth but wait we upon God and in his due time he will Relieve us And therefore let us Comfort our selves in the Lord and here what the Apostle speaks James 5. 1. who saith Go to now ye Rich men wéep and howl for your Miseries that shall come upon you your Riches are Corrupted and your Garments Moth-eaten your Gold and Silver is corrupted and the Rust of them shall be a Witness against you and shal eat your flesh as it were Fire Ye have heaped Treasure together for the last Dayes Behold the Hire of the Labourers which have reaped down your fields which is of you kept back by fraud Cryeth and the Cry of them which have reaped are entered into the Ears of the Lord of the Sabbath Ye have lived in Pleasures on the Earth and been Wanton ye have nourished your Hearts as in the Day of slaughter ye have Condemned and Killed the Just and he doth not resist you Be Patient therefore Brethren unto the Coming of the Lord And Consider that there is one in Power in Heaven above them and one in Earth that is his Vicegerent intrusted under him and set up by him to be a Terrour to evil-Workers and a Praise to them that do well who in due time may be made acquainted of it and give a Remedy in it In the mean time my Beloved Brethren be ye steadfast unmoveable alwayes abounding in the Work of the Lord for as much as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord To Conclude I shall impart unto you my Resolution freely and shall let you know as to my present Condition though I am in a Dungeon yet I had rather be there as through Mercy I can say I am with a clear Conscience then be in the Kings Palace with a clogged Conscience For mine own part I with others have had Tenders of Liberty upon Engaging as others did the which we dare not do least we ensnare our selves for now we are as to our Meetings in this Condition we have yet the Word of a King for the quiet Enjoyment of our Meetings the which we had from Breda and since Confirmed to some of our Friends by verbal Expressions as well as in the Act of Oblivion and in his Declaration for Ecclesiastical Affairs and that upon Condition which Condition is not yet nor God assisting never shall on our part be broken For as we have Publickly Declared our selves in former times under the other Powers to be a Peaceable People and utterly against both Swearing and Fighting as by my Declaration annexed at the End of my Fannaticks Mite is apparent the which through Mercy I shall Resolve rather to Die then in the least to violate And here some men are ready to say as once the Brethren of David did to him who Queried the Reason of Davids forwardness in the Work of God Whose Answer was Is there not a Cause 1 Sam. 17. 29. So must I say at this Day Is there not a Cause Is not the Israel of God now Defied by the Great Goliahs of our Times Therefore I must say as once Jeptha did in another Case Judg. 1 1. 35. I have opened my mouth to the Lord and I cannot go back And when I am Solicited and Perswaded to betray the Cause of Christ and break his lawes by Complying with Engagements